Topic 6 Relevant Notes Part 3 - Example HIRAC Report PDF
Topic 6 Relevant Notes Part 3 - Example HIRAC Report PDF
Topic 6 Relevant Notes Part 3 - Example HIRAC Report PDF
Statistic has shown that the number of fatality and permanent disablement cases due to
accident at the Malaysia construction sites is one of the highest as compared to the other
sector. Hence, there is an urgent need to mitigate this problem. There are three basic steps that
should be taken namely identifying the hazard, assessing the risk and controlling the risk to
ensure a safe and conducive working condition. Implementation of effective hazards control
methods may require different approaches due to changing of working environment at the
construction sites. Therefore, this paper is intended to identify and highlights the hazards that
are most commonly found at the selected construction sites of North South Expressway Third
Lane Widening Project From Rawang To Bukit Beruntung. The study determine twelve (12)
safety hazards and six (6) health hazards with regards to working at pavement construction
sites such as working with materials, machinery, working near live traffic and in open area.
From the risk assessment made, mishandling of diesel and other combustible materials is
identified as the most serious safety hazards at site while hazards from long exposure to
sunlight is identified as the most severe health hazards. This is due to the nature and the work
process of pavement construction that exposed the workers to these hazards. Engineering
control, administrative control and the use of personal protective equipment is the best control
measure to minimise the impact of the safety hazard while administrative control and the use
of personal protective equipment is the best alternatives to minimise the impact of health
The Third Lane Widening Project of the North-South Expressway comprises the design and
construction of the pavement widening project for 21 km from Rawang to Bukit Beruntung.
Works involves, the third lane pavement widening and resurfacing the existing pavement. The
Figure 2.1: Location Plan – Third Lane Widening Project from Rawang to Bukit Beruntung.
The Third Lane Widening Project of the North-South Expressway is being carried out by
UEM Construction Sdn. Bhd. (UEMC) for United Engineers Malaysia Bhd. (UEM). The
client is Projek Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan Bhd (PLUS). Contract information and scope of
work of the Third Lane Widening Project from Rawang to Bukit Beruntung is shown in Table
Table 2.1: Contract Information of Third Lane Widening Project from Rawang to Bukit
Contract Information
Government Representative Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (LLM)
Client Projek Lebuhraya Utara Selatan Bhd (PLUS)
Main Contractor United Engineers Malaysia Bhd.
Type of Contract: Design And Build
Cost RM136.4 million
Letter of Award (LOA) 11 August 2006
Site Possession 8 September 2006
Date of Completion 8 September 2008 (Duration 24 month @ 2 years)
Defect Liability Period (DLP) 1 years
Table 2.2: Scope of Work of Third Lane Widening Project from Rawang to Bukit Beruntung.
Scope of Work
Pavement length: 21.0 km
Volume of cut 430,000 m3
Volume of fill 506,000 m3
Piled embankment (RC pile) 2,800 m
Stone column 35,000 m
Removal & replacement 130,000 m3
Bridges widened 4 nos
Culverts to extend 60 nos (Including CMP = 17 nos)
New culverts ( Pipe Jacking) 9 nos
VBC 9 nos
Retaining Wall 2869 lin.m
Utilities relocations Fibre Optic, Water Supply, Street Lightings,
Road furniture and Signboard Emergency Telephones, Guardrails, Kilometer posts,
Billboards, Traffic signs, Hectometre poles, High
The project team headed by Project Manager and supported by Project Engineer, QAQC
Coordinator, Safety Officer, Planner, Quantity Surveyor, Land Surveyor, Supervisors and
administration staffs. The site organization chart of the proposed project is shown in Figure
Figure 2.2: Project site organization chart.
Construction for Third Lane Pavement Widening Project is of the Multi-layer Construction,
where works will take place in a sequence from bottom to top. It begins with utilities, ground
treatment, drainage culverts, earthworks, bridgeworks, pavement works, road furniture and
signage works. Figure 2.3 shows the typical detail of pavement design.
Figure 2.3: Typical detail of pavement design.
The anticipated and intended sequence of pavement works is detailed by stages as indicated
below. At all stages, requests for inspection will be set in place to allow inspection and
approval by the consultants prior to the subsequent stage of the works commencing.
a) Construct both the new slow lane and the new emergency lane and flush to match to the
edge level of the existing CRCP. Plan the regulating and overlaying works (say 1000m
b) Prepare TMS such as traffic barriers, cones, temporary post, blinkers, etc. and divert the
traffics into the new slow and emergency lane. (Refer to Figure 2.4).
c) Preparation work - Set up sensor wire, joint dipping, and demarcation of regulating area.
d) Spray PMB and lay reinforcement membrane along groove line of exiting CRCP.
e) Regulate on the fast lane up to the planned length beside the edge of the reinforcement
f) Regulate on the middle lane up to the planned length to the edge of the reinforcement
membrane at middle lane and to match to the edge at the slow lane.
g) Regulate for subsequent layers if any, on the fast lane, with a staggered edge along the
longitudinal joints. Regulate for subsequent layers if any, on the middle lane, with a
Overlay SMA on the fast lane 4.45m width up to the planned length. (Refer to Figure 2.6).
h) Taper the start of overlaying works for the purpose of opening to through traffic.
i) Overlay SMA on the middle lane 2.65m width up to the planned length.
j) Taper the start and end of overlaying works for the purpose of opening to through traffic.
k) Carry out all the necessary coring test on the fast and middle lanes.Carry out rolling
straight edge test and the 3-m transverse straight edge test for the final layer only.
l) Carry out permanent line marking works on the completed fast and middle lanes for the
n) Prepare and plan to start regulating and overlaying works on the widened area.
The material requires for resurfacing work are as follows (Table 2.3):
No Type Supplier/Manufacturer
1 Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) 14. PATI Quarry Matang Pagar, Sg.
2 Reinforcement fabric membrane - Polyfelt Geosynthetics.
Polyfelt PGM-G100/100
(high tensile strength – 100Kn/m
3 Tack coat i) ACP-DMT Sdn. Bhd.
i) Elastor Modified Bitumen ii) Petronas Dagangan Bhd. /
Emulsion Tack coat (Neomad). Kemaman. Bitumen Company
ii) Polymer Modified Binder(PMB) – Sdn. Bhd.
4 Regulating material ACWC14,ACBC i) Black Top Industries Sdn. Bhd.,
28,DBM 25&40 Rawang
ii) Quang Rock Products Sdn. Bhd.,
Sg. Buloh
i) Sq Long Industries Sdn. Bhd.,
The construction of pavement work requires a set of equipment as follows (Table 2.4):
No of
No Type Description
2 Steel wheeled Rollers used to compact the hot mix on site after laying by
tandem Roller the paver. The steel wheeled tandem roller shall be self
: Dynapac propelled and capable of reversed without backlash. The
(6 tone – 1 no rollers shall be equipped with water tanks, sprinkler system 2 no
& 10 tone 1 no and scrapper blades to keep drum roller wetted and clean
) during operation. The speed of the rollers should be control
to max 5km/h since too fast speed will not get the
compaction and too slow create dragging.
3 Power Broom Power Broom used to sweep and clean the surface on which 1 no
material to be laid. The clean surface shall be free from dust
and loose material.
Accidents do not simply result from “bad luck”. They are generally caused by the existence of
unsafe conditions or by unsafe work practices. Most accidents can be prevented by forward
planning of safe work procedures to minimise risks and to control the identified hazards.
Generally the potential hazards of resurfacing of pavement works are as follows (Table 2.5):
Item Potential Hazard Category
Task I Task II
1 Unloading of - Unloading premix - Physical: Hit by moving object. - Safety.
materials material from truck to - Mechanical: Punching. - Safety.
paver machine - Physical: Hit by falling object. - Safety.
2 Working with - Manual handling of -Health: Fumes of tar and bitumen. - Health.
material premix material. -Physical: Heat injury to body - Safety
exposed to materials.
-Health: Dehydration due to over - Health.
heating of materials.
-Health: Mineral dust. - Health.
- Physical: Heat injury to body due - Safety
to inappropriate insulation of hand
tools. - - Safety
-Physical: Burnt injury due to
mishandling of diesel or other
combustible materials. - Safety
-Physical: Struck of hit by moving
object (hand tools or machinery).
3 Working - Working at open -Electrical:Lighning during rainy or -
environment area. stormy weather
(cont’d) -Physical: Material lifting
interrupted by windy condition.
-Working beside or -Physical: Traffic collision with - - Safety
near live traffic public vehicle.
-Physical: Material falls onto public
- - Safety
-Physical: Material falls onto live - - Safety
-Environment: Space constraint. - - Safety
-Economy: Damage or loss -to - Safety
-Physical: Communications- - Safety
interrupted by noisy condition.
The figures shown in Appendix A will give further information and a closer look on the
The purpose of this report is to identify safety and health hazards, risk assessment and risk
control measure at selected workplace. The study area of selected workplace is the
Project from Rawang to Bukit Beruntung. The objectives of the report are as follows:
a. To identify safety and health hazards for construction of pavement works and evaluate
risk based on the current methods of working, resources, facilities and work environment.
b. To conduct risk assessment and risk analysis of the identified critical hazards.
d. To further enhance the level of awareness towards safety to the employees and enhance
Hazard identification involves the identification and documentation of all the hazards that
may impact on the project during its life cycle that can be realistically predicted at the time.
Methods used to identify hazards at the work place are described as follows:
This method place emphasis on inspection and observations made on work procedure
activities in the workplace and identify hazard in any part of the work process. Inspection and
observation can be done periodically, formal or informal to check for any unsafe act or unsafe
equipments meet the legal requirements for example the use of cranes and hoist. All
observations made were recorded in the checklist and inspection worksheet for
documentation. The inspection activity usually involves the workplace supervisors, managers
and employees. The outcome of inspection includes the actions to be taken and the timeframe
allowed for the action. A follow up on the action are taken to ensure its effectiveness.
ii) Review of documents
The employee injury and illness record and workers compensation data must be reviewed to
check any incidence and mechanism of injury and the cost to the organization. The statistics
can be analyzed to alert the organization to the presence of hazards. Document review must
also be done on reports of accidents, accident investigation and audits since it provides
information on the type of hazards at workplace. References are made to OSHA Act, Standard
Operating Procedure, Code of Practice, Standards and Data. For example, an unknown
chemical cannot be identified as hazardous unless reference has been made to the Chemical
iii) Measurement
workers to measure and monitor the level of noise, heat, radiation, air contaminants and
chemicals have reached a hazardous level. There are two types of monitoring, the area and
personal monitoring. In personal monitoring, the worker themselves at the workplace do the
monitoring, for example an X-Ray operator wears a badge to detect levels of exposure for
three days. Noise monitoring can be done to identify areas or equipments in the workplace
that are noisy and to identify workers with exposures above the action level or Permissible
Risk assessment may be undertaken to vary degrees of detail depending on the risk, the
purpose of the analysis and the information data and resources available. Assessment may be
This method is suitable for risk assessment on safety hazards. Risk matrix with hazard
identification is a semi quantitative methodology that is very useful for prioritizing risk
issues and a rating is being assigned to give some quantitative value. The Risk Matrix is
based on:
a) Likelihood of an occurrence
This value is based on the likelihood of an event occurring, worker experience, analysis
and measurement. Likelihood levels range from almost certain to rare as described in
b) Severity of hazard
Probability is the relative likelihood that a particular outcome or event will occur. The
c) Risk Assessment
decisions on risk control. After the analysis that uses likelihood and severity in qualitative
method, risk matrix will be present throughout a plant and area in workplace.
Relative Risk = L x S ,
Equation 1
The combination of Table 4.1 and Table 4.2: results in Table 4.3: Risk Matrix Develop
Using Severity and Likelihood Parameters and Table 4.4: Risk Ranking Categories.
Table 4.3: Risk Matrix Develop Using Severity and Likelihood Parameters
1 2 3 4 5
5 5 10 15 20 25
4 4 8 12 16 20
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5
Table 4.4: Risk Ranking Categories
This method is suitable for risk assessment on health hazards. Qualitative risk analysis is
made based on the existing current information that has been recorded by the risk
assessor. This information can be obtained from accident statistics. Due to its qualitative
nature, the analysis done is qualitative. The parameters being used are very subjective to
the level of risk produced. It is possible that if two different people conduct qualitative
risk analysis on a same work activity, their assessment of the risk levels will be different.
a) Likelihood of an occurrence
This value is based on the likelihood of an event occurring, worker experience, analysis
and measurements. Likelihood levels range from rare, unlikely, possible, likely and
b) Severity of hazard
environment, or to property. Severity levels range from severe, major injuries, moderate,
minor and significant injuries as described in Table 4.6 (Edwards and Bowen, 2005). The
result of combination of Table 4.5 and Table 4.6 is Table 4.7: Risk Matrix Develop Using
Table 4.6: Ranking of Severity Levels of an Occurrence
Moderate (Mo) Medical alert and light injuries, normally reversible injury or damage
to health requiring days off work
Table 4.7: Risk Matrix Develop Using Severity and Likelihood Parameters
Table 4.8: Risk Ranking Categories
Source of hazard has a likelihood of causing an event which depending on the context will
Construction has four leading causes of death. These are often referred to as the four high-
hazard areas such as fall, struck by, caught in and electrical hazards. According to OSHA,
one in every five workplace fatalities occurs in the construction industry. Accident and
incidents are caused by a variety of factors, most of which fall into one of two categories:
unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. Unsafe acts and conditions can cause damage, injury and
death. Unsafe acts can mainly be prevented through behaviour change such as using defective
dangerously etc. Unsafe conditions are sometimes outside of your control such as noise,
Hazard identification is the crucial first step of risk assessment. Only significant hazards,
which could result in serious harm to people, should be identified. Thus, from the hazards
identified at the project’s site, these hazards will be put accordingly to the hazard register of
safety and health hazards as shown in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2 respectively.
S1 Falling of the machinery when climbing on Cause injury for example broken body
or off. parts, disability and fatality.
S2 Contact with the moving parts of the Heat through contact with hot parts,
engine electric shock and causing burnt
injuries or amputations.
S3 Traffic collision/Accident with public Cause injury for example broken body
vehicle during unloading parts, disability and fatality.
S5 Struck by lightning during rainy or stormy May cause death, a varying degree of
weather damage and cause of fires, damages to
equipments and materials.
S6 Materials falls onto public vehicles Damages to property and people being
struck by objects falling.
S7 Insufficient lighting to work at night Slips, trips and falls on the same level
or falls from height.
S9 Inappropriate insulation of hand tools Electrocution or burns using
incorrect/damaged tools for electrical
S10 Mishandling of diesel or other combustible Fire and explosion risk with diesel and
materials cause of burnt injuries and fatality.
S11 Struck or hit by moving objects (hand tools Can cause of head injuries (hammer
or machinery) head), amputations and damaged eyes.
S12 Contact with hot parts of tarmac/bitumen Fires and explosions from the use of
in hopper fire if highly flammable liquids flammable and explosive substances.
used as fuel
H1 Health hazards from long exposure to sunlight Heat stress which will cause heat
stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps.
H2 Noise hazards from the action of a compactor Exposure to harmful noise levels.
roller/pneumatic roller
H6 Possible health hazards from lubricants or Long-term health and can cause
fuels in the engine serious health problems.
The process of hazard recognition, evaluation and control is the foundation of an effective
safety programme. When hazards are identified and assessed, they can be addressed quickly,
reducing the hazard potential. Health and safety go hand in hand when it comes to the
construction industry. Staying healthy involves staying safe. Accidents and unsafe work
The next step is to analyze the hazard and then to put these hazards into ranking according to
their risk value. As explained in the methodology, this hazard assessment are based on two
key factors :
i) the likely severity of any injury or illness from the hazard and
ii) the probability that the injury or illness will actually occur
S4 Possible hazards of crushing or 3 3 9 3
manual handling when loading a
machine onto a transporter/low
loader truck
S5 Struck by lightning during rainy or 2 4 8 4
stormy weather
Table 5.3 : Risk value on Safety hazards in semi qualitative risk matrix
1 2 3 4 5
4 S9,S12 S10
3 S4,S7 S2
2 S1,S6,S8 S3 S5,S11
The most critical safety hazard for this project is (S10) mishandling of diesel or other
combustible materials as shown in Table 5.2: Safety Hazards Analysis and Rating and Table
Next, health hazards will be assessed using the qualitative method as explained in
Table 5.5 : Risk value on Health hazards in qualitative risk matrix
Likely (L) H2
Possible (P) H3
Rare (R)
The most critical health hazard for this project is (H1) Health hazards from long exposure
to sunlight as shown in Table 5.3: Health Hazards Analysis and Rating and Table 5.4 : Risk
explosion risk with diesel and cause of burnt injuries and fatality. The financial costs
associated with serious fires are very high including, in many cases the failure to start
up business again (Hughes & Ferret, 2005). The small fire in a waste bin, if not dealt
with can quickly spread through a project became raging infernos, resulting in many
deaths and serious injuries. Some construction site fires have caused many Ringgit
Malaysia in losses.
If it will burn it can be fuel for a fire. The things which will burn easily are the most
likely to be the initial fuel, which then burns quickly and spreads the fire to other
fuels. The most common things that will burn in a typical workplace is diesel. Most
flammable liquids give off vapours which are heavier than air so they will fall to the
lowest levels. A flash flame or an explosion can occur if the vapour catches fire in the
Fire transmits heat in several ways by convection, conduction, radiation and direct
burning. Hot air becomes less dense and rises drawing in cold new air to fuel the fire
with more oxygen. The heat is transmitted upwards at sufficient intensity to ignite
combustible materials in the path of the very hot products of combustion and flames.
melt or destroy the material and ignite combustible materials which come into contact
Radiation is the direct transmission of heat through the emission of heat waves from a
surface can be so intense that adjacent materials are heated sufficiently to ignite. And
the direct burning is the effect of combustible materials catching fire through direct
contact with flames which causes fire to spread, in the same way that lighting an open
fire, with a range of readily combustible fuels is spread within a grate. The main
a. death
b. building damage
e. transport disruption
f. environmental damage
The impact of health hazards from long exposure to sunlight is heat stress which occurs
when abnormally hot air and/or high humidity or extremely heavy exertion prevents your
body from cooling itself fast enough (Contren Safety Learning Series, 2004). When this
happens, we may suffer a heat stroke, heat exhaustion or heat cramps. Heat cramps are
muscular pains and spasms caused by heavy exertion. Any muscles can be affected, but
most often it is the muscles have been using most. Loss of water and electrolytes from
heavy sweating causes these cramps. Heat exhaustion typically occurs when people
exercise heavily or work in warm, humid place where body fluids are lost through heavy
sweating. When it’s humid, sweat does not evaporate fast enough to cool the body
The human body is very sensitive to relatively small changes in external temperatures.
Food not only provides energy and the build-up of fat reserves but also generates heat
which needs to be dissipated to the surrounding environment. The body also receives
heat from its surroundings. The body temperature is normally around 37° and will
surroundings. Therefore, if the surrounding are hot, sweating will allow heat loss to
take place by evaporation caused by air movement over the skin. On the other hand, if
the surroundings are cold, shivering causes internal muscular activity, which generates
body heat. .
Based on the analysis on safety and health hazards, the result showed that mishandling of
diesel or other combustible materials is the top safety hazard. Health hazards from long
In identifying the proposed control measures (preventive and corrective) for each critical
health and safety hazards as mentioned above, the risk control hierarchy will be used to rank
risk control measures in decreasing order of effectiveness. Risk control measures should
6.1 Proposed Control Measures (preventive and corrective) for Safety Hazards
The Risk Control Hierarchy for mitigation of safety hazards due to mishandling of diesel or
Table 6.2 : The Risk Control Hierarchy for Mitigation of Safety Hazards
The safety hazard due to mishandling of diesel or other combustible material is impossible to
eliminate, substitute or isolate the hazard since the nature and work process of pavement
construction needs to utilise diesel and other combustible materials such as tarmac and
asphalt. Thus, an engineering control is the next preferred measure, by means including the
d) Installation of static lines and anchor points for fall arrest system
For the administrative control, includes the introduction of reduced risk work practices are
c) Implementing and documenting safe working procedures for all hazardous tasks
Personal protective equipment is the last effective management control because it needs
almost constant supervision and enforcement. The advice of a specialist may be required
when selecting personal protective equipment. Personal protective equipment should only be
considered when other control measures are not practicable or to increase the protection given
a) Safety helmets
b) Safety boots
c) Gloves
d) Goggles
e) Respirators
6.2 Proposed Control Measures (preventive and corrective) for Health Hazards
The Risk Control Hierarchy for mitigation of health hazards from long exposure to sunlight
Table 6.3 : The Risk Control Hierarchy for Mitigation of Health Hazards
For this risk of health hazard of long exposure to sunlight, the elimination, substitution and
the engineering control are not possible for mitigation measure. The nature and the work
process is pavement work is once against become the limitations to implement elimination,
substitution and engineering control. For that reason, the best control measure is the
Other than limiting the amount of time a person is exposed to a particular hazard, the
management or administrative have to make sure the workers take the following precautions:
a) Drink plenty of water
e) Do not overexert
f) When possible, perform the most strenuous work during cooler parts of the day
Personal protective equipment is responsible to protect the workers from personal injury even
though PPE is the last line of defence against injury (Hislop, 1999). The health hazard for
long exposure to sunlight can be minimised by using the PPE which includes:
a) Safety helmets
No single section or department of an organization can develop a positive health and safety
culture on its own (Hughes & Ferret, 2005). There needs to be commitment by the
management, the promotion of health and safety standards, effective communication within
the organization, cooperation from and with the workforce and an effective and developing
training programme.
As mentioned earlier, there needs to be a commitment from the very top of the organization
and this commitment will, in return, produce higher levels of motivation and commitment
throughout the organization. Probably the best indication of this concern for health and safety
is shown by the status given to health and safety and the amount of resources (money, time
The PDCA technique should be used in implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of the
3. Check the solution : Check the workers to make sure the work done is produced in
4. Act on the result : The project completed with zero accident or if accidents happened,
Figure 6.1 : PDCA cycle
The followings give some suggestions to managers on the improvements that may be made to
health and safety issues at site which will be seen by the workforce as a clear indication of
a) review the status of the health and safety committees and health and safety
b) ensure that senior managers receive regular reports on health and safety
c) ensure that any appropriate health and safety actions are taken quickly and are seen
It can be concluded that this construction site of North South Expressway Third Lane
Widening Project From Rawang To Bukit Beruntung had a common hazards as follows (as
the top ranked in the risk assessment according to its likelihood and severity of the impact):
It was observed that most of the project site workers within the case study had a low level of
awareness toward using the personal protective equipment and other safety and health
procedure. Even for the employer, the supply for this equipment is seen to be quite inadequate
compare to the quantity of workers at sites. This situation still required an enormous
improvement to catch up to the acceptable level of safety and health practice at site. The
employer or the management played a crucial role to implement good health and safety
management systems in place. The principles of good and effective management provide a
sound basis for the improvement of health and safety performance. Increase awareness of
management and that of the site personnel towards safety and health in the industry, via
systematic safety and health awareness courses, would be useful in further reducing the
In conclusion, safety and health plan in the construction industries should be a prime concern
of all parties especially the planner, architect, engineers, builders and regulatory bodies. With
proper design, proper selections of materials, strict compliance with the specification and
Carl L. Pritchard, Risk Management : Concepts and Guidance. ESI International, 2005.
Contren Safety Learning Series, Safety Orientation Participant Guide. Pearson Education
Publishers. 2004
Malaysia (1994). Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. Act 514.
Peter J. Edwards and Paul A. Bowen, Risk Management in Project Organisations. Elsevier
Phil Hughes & Ed Ferrett, Introduction to Health and Safety In Construction. Elsevier
Richard D. Hislop, Construction Site Safety : A Guide for Managing Contractors. Lewis
Publishers. 1999.