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Ascend Pipeline ISDN Modem Manual/Guide

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Pipeline Reference Guide

Ascend Communications, Inc.

For software version 6.0
January 30, 1998
Pipeline, MAX, and Bandwidth-on-Demand are trademarks, and Ascend and the
Ascend logo are registered trademarks of Ascend Communications, Inc. Other
trademarks and trade names mentioned in this publication belong to their
respective owners.

Copyright © 1998, Ascend Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This document contains information that is the property of Ascend

Communications, Inc. This document may not be copied, reproduced, reduced to
any electronic medium or machine readable form, or otherwise duplicated, and
the information herein may not be used, disseminated or otherwise disclosed,
except with the prior written consent of Ascend Communications, Inc.
Contacting Ascend Customer Service

Contacting Ascend Customer Service

You can request assistance or additional information by telephone, email, fax, or
modem, or over the Internet.

Obtaining Technical Assistance

If you need technical assistance, first gather the information that Ascend
Customer Service will need for diagnosing your problem. Then select the most
convenient method of contacting Ascend Customer Service.

Information you will need

Before contacting Ascend Customer Service, gather the following information:
• Product name and model
• Software and hardware options
• Software version
• Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs) associated with your product
• Your local telephone company’s switch type and operating mode, such as
AT&T 5ESS Custom or Northern Telecom National ISDN-1
• Whether you are routing or bridging with your Ascend product
• Type of computer you are using
• Description of the problem

How to contact Ascend Customer Service

After you gather the necessary information, contact Ascend in one of the
following ways:

Telephone in the United States 800-ASCEND-4 (800-272-3634)

Telephone outside the United States 510-769-8027 (800-697-4772)
Austria/Germany/Switzerland (+33) 492 96 5672
Benelux (+33) 492 96 5674

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 iii

Contacting Ascend Customer Service

France (+33) 492 96 5673

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Scandinavia (+33) 492 96 5677
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Email [email protected]
Email (outside US) [email protected]
Facsimile (FAX) 510-814-2312
Customer Support BBS by modem 510-814-2302

You can also contact the Ascend main office by dialing 510-769-6001, or you can
write to Ascend at the following address:

Ascend Communications
1701 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

Need information about new features and products?

Ascend is committed to constant product improvement. You can find out about
new features and other improvements as follows:
• For the latest information about the Ascend product line, visit our site on the
World Wide Web:
• For software upgrades, release notes, and addenda to this manual, visit our
FTP site:

ivJanuary 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide


Contacting Ascend Customer Service ........................................................... iii

About This Guide ...................................................... ix

How to use this guide ..................................................................................... ix
What you should know ................................................................................... ix
Documentation conventions ............................................................................ x
Manual set ....................................................................................................... x

DO Command Reference ........................................ 1-1

Using DO commands .................................................................................. 1-1
DO command reference in alphabetic order ................................................ 1-3

Terminal Server Commands .................................... 2-1

Parameter Reference .............................................. 3-1

Status Window Reference ....................................... 4-1

ISDN Cause Codes ................................................. 5-1

Pipeline Specifications ........................................... A-1

Index ................................................................ Index-1

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 v


Table 1-1 DO commands.............................................................................. 1-2

Table 2-1 REMOTE error messages ............................................................ 2-9
Table 2-2 ARP cache table columns .......................................................... 2-12
Table 2-3 Show Frame Relay DLCI output columns................................. 2-17
Table 2-4 Show Frame Relay output columns ........................................... 2-18
Table 2-5 Interface statistics table columns ............................................... 2-20
Table 2-6 Packet count statistics table columns ......................................... 2-21
Table 2-7 IP address output columns ......................................................... 2-24
Table 2-8 IP routes output columns............................................................ 2-25
Table 2-9 Show Netware networks output columns................................... 2-29
Table 2-10 Show Netware servers output columns.................................... 2-30
Table 2-11 TCP connection output columns .............................................. 2-31
Table 2-12 UDP listen output columns ...................................................... 2-33
Table 2-13 TCP error messages ................................................................. 2-35
Table 2-14 Telnet session failure reasons .................................................. 2-38
Table 2-15 Test error messages.................................................................. 2-40
Table 3-1 Data Svc settings........................................................................ 3-34
Table 3-2 Protocols................................................................................... 3-128
Table 3-3 Configure menu switch types................................................... 3-172
Table 4-1 Link quality values....................................................................... 4-2
Table 4-2 Line status abbreviations.............................................................. 4-5
Table 4-3 Line status characters ................................................................... 4-6
Table 4-4 Session status characters .............................................................. 4-7
Table 4-5 System Events .............................................................................. 4-9
Table 4-6 Sys Options information ............................................................ 4-12
Table 5-1 ISDN cause codes ........................................................................ 5-2
Table 5-2 1TR6 ISDN cause codes .............................................................. 5-7
Table A-1 Hardware specifications A-1
Table A-2 Software specifications A-3

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 vii


Table A-3 Terminal port and cabling pinouts A-3

Table A-4 ISDN S interface pinouts A-4
Table A-5 ISDN U interface pinouts A-5

viiiJanuary 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

About This Guide

How to use this guide

This manual is part of a set that describes all the standard features of a Pipeline
running software version 6.0. Some features might not be available with older
versions or specialty loads of the software. Features that are available only with
specialty loads are documented in separate publications.

Use this manual in conjunction with the Start Here manual and the User’s Guide
to configure the Pipeline and monitor the status menus.
• DO commands give you a way to manually dial or hang up calls, plus gives
you access to the diagnostic tools included in the Pipeline.
• The alphabetical parameter listing can help you quickly access the
information you need to configure the Pipeline.
• The status menu reference gives you information about every field on the
status screens seen in the on-board software.

What you should know

This guide is for the person who configures and maintains the Pipeline. To
configure the Pipeline, you need to understand the following:
• Internet or telecommuting concepts
• Wide area network (WAN) concepts
• Local area network (LAN) concepts

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 ix

About This Guide
Documentation conventions

Documentation conventions
This section explains all the special characters and typographical conventions in
this manual.

Convention Meaning
Monospace text Represents text that appears on your computer’s screen, or that could
appear on your computer’s screen.
> Points to the next level in the path to a parameter. The parameter that
follows the angle bracket is one of the options that appears when you
select the parameter that precedes the angle bracket.
Press Enter Means press the Enter, or Return, key or its equivalent on your computer.
Note: Introduces important additional information.
Warns that a failure to follow the recommended procedure could result in
! loss of data or damage to equipment.
Warns that a failure to take appropriate safety precautions could result in
physical injury.


Manual set
This manual is part of a set which includes the following publications:
• Pipeline Start Here
The Start Here manual explains how to install the Pipeline and describes
how to use the on-board software.
• Pipeline User’s Guide
The User’s Guide explains how to configure the Pipeline as a router or
bridge, and how to manage the inbound and outbound traffic over the unit.
• Pipeline Reference Guide
The Reference Guide contains an alphabetical listing of all the parameters,
fields in the status menus, and how to use the DO commands.

xJanuary 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

DO Command Reference
This chapter includes the following topics:

Using DO commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

DO command reference in alphabetic order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

Using DO commands
The DO menu is a context-sensitive list of commands that appears when you
press Ctrl-D if you are connected to the Pipeline in VT100 terminal emulation
mode. If your connection to the Pipeline is via Ethernet, Telnet into the unit to
use the DO commands. Otherwise, connect a serial cable from your computer to
the serial connector on the back of the unit and connect to the Pipeline using the
VT100 terminal emulator in your communications software.

The commands in the DO menu vary depending on your security privileges and
the context in which you invoke it. For example, if you press Ctrl-D in a
Connection profile, the DO menu looks similar to this:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 1-1

DO Command Reference
Using DO commands

To type a DO command, for example, press 1 to invoke the DO 1 (Dial)

command. The PF1 function key on a VT100 monitor is equivalent to the DO key
or Ctrl-D.

Table 1-1 lists the DO commands. Different commands are available in the DO
menu depending on your location in the VT100 menus and your permission level.

Table 1-1. DO commands

Command Description

Close TELNET (DO C) Close the current Telnet session.

Diagnostics (DO D) Access the diagnostic interface.

Dial (DO 1) Dial the selected or current profile.

ESC (DO 0) Abort and exit the DO menu.

Hang Up (DO 2) Hang up from a call in progress.

Save (DO S) Save parameter values into the specified profile.

Password (DO P) 9 Log into or out of the Pipeline.

Termserv (DO E) Access the terminal server interface.

To manually place a call, the Connection profile for that call must be open or
selected in the list of profiles. To clear a call, you can either open the Connection
profile for the active connection, or tab over to the status window in which that
connection is listed. For example:
1 Open the Connection profile for the destination you want to call.
2 Press Ctrl-D to invoke the DO menu.

1-2January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

DO Command Reference
DO command reference in alphabetic order

3 Press 1 (or select 1=Dial) to invoke the Dial command.
4 Watch the information in Sessions status window. You should see the
number being called followed by a message that the network session is up.

To manually clear a call:

1 Open the Connection profile or tab over to the status window that displays
information about the active session you want to clear.
2 Press Ctrl-D to open the DO menu.
When you open the DO menu for an active session, it looks similar to this:
10-200 1234567890
2=Hang Up

3 Press 2 (or select 2=Hang Up) to invoke the Hang Up command.

The status window will indicate when the call has been terminated.

DO command reference in alphabetic order

This section describes the DO commands in detail. The commands are listed in
alphabetic order.


Description: Closes the current Telnet session. You must be running a Telnet
session from the Pipeline unit’s terminal server interface.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 1-3

DO Command Reference
Diagnostics (DO D)

Diagnostics (DO D)
Invokes diagnostics mode. You must have sufficient privileges in the active
Security profile.

In diagnostics mode, the VT100 interface displays a command-line prompt:


Use the Help Ascend command to display a list of diagnostic commands.

> help ascend

To exit diagnostics mode and return to the VT100 interface, type quit.
> quit

Dial (DO 1)
The DO Dial command establishes a session defined in the selected Connection
profile. Before you can establish a session, the selector (>) must be in one of the
following positions:
• In front of a Connection profile in the Connections menu.
• At any parameter within a Connection profile.

Dial automatically performs a DO Load of the selected profile, overwriting the

current Connection profile, including any Connection profile parameters you
might have edited. However, edited parameters are not overwritten if the current
Connection profile is protected by Security profiles.

Keep this additional information in mind:

• Dial is not available when the link is busy.
• The DO Dial command does not appear if you are not logged in with
operational privileges.
• You cannot dial if you have not selected the correct profile or if no IP address
is set for the profile when IP routing is enabled.

For related information, see the Operations parameter in Chapter 3, “Parameter


1-4January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

DO Command Reference
Esc (DO 0)

Esc (DO 0)

Exits the DO menu.

Hang Up (DO 2)

Ends an online call. Either the caller or the receiver can terminate at any time.

Keep this additional information in mind:

• The DO Hangup command works only from the caller end of an Nailed/MPP
connection (when Call Type=Nailed/MPP).
• The DO Hangup command does not appear if you are not logged in with
operational privileges.

Password (DO P)

Enables you to log into the Pipeline.

During login, you select and activate a Security profile. The Security profile
remains active until you log out or replace it by activating a different Security
profile, or until the Pipeline automatically logs you out. The Pipeline can have
several simultaneous user sessions and, therefore, several simultaneous Security
profiles. The following sections explain the login and logout procedures.

To log into the Pipeline, use the command DO P. You can log into or log out from
any menu. Whenever you select the DO P command, a list of Security profiles
appears. Select the desired profile with the Enter or Right Arrow key and enter its
corresponding password when prompted. If you enter the correct password for
the profile, the security of the Pipeline is reset to the Security profile you have

If you select the first Security profile, Default, simply press Enter or Return when
prompted for a password. The password for this profile is always null.

If you are operating the Pipeline locally and you want to secure the Pipeline for
the next user, use the DO P command and select the first profile, Default.
Typically, the default Security profile has been edited to disable all operations
you wish to secure.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 1-5

DO Command Reference
Save (DO S)

The Pipeline logs you out to the default Security profile if any one of these
situations occurs:
• You end a console session.
• You exceed the time set by the Idle Logout parameter in the System profile.
• You are connected to a Palmtop control port and you disconnect your
• Auto Logout=Yes in the System profile and you are connected to the VT100
control port.

A single Security profile can be used simultaneously by any number of users. If

both you and another user enter the same password, you both get the same
Security profile and can perform the same operations. If you log in using
different passwords, each of you gets a separate Security profile with separate
lists of privileges.

If you edit a Security profile, the changes do not affect anyone logged in using
that profile. However, the next time someone logs in using that profile, security
for the user will be limited according to the changes you have made.

Save (DO S)

Saves the current parameter values into a specified profile.

Keep this additional information in mind:

• If a profile is protected by a Security profile, you might not be able to
overwrite it.
• Save does not appear if you are not logged in with operational privileges.

Termserv (DO E)

Invokes the terminal-server command-line interface. The user must have

sufficient privileges in the active Security profile.

In terminal server mode, the VT100 interface displays a command-line prompt,

by default the prompt is:

1-6January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

DO Command Reference
Termserv (DO E)

Use the Help command to display a list of terminal-server commands.

ascend% help

For examples that use terminal-server commands, see the User’s Guide. To exit
terminal server mode and return to the VT100 interface, use the Quit command:
ascend% quit

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 1-7

Terminal Server Commands
This chapter lists the commands available at the ascend% prompt in the terminal
interface of the on-board software.

To invoke the terminal server command-line interface, you must have

administrative privileges, as described in the “Pipeline System Administration”
chapter of the User’s Guide.

To open the terminal server command-line interface:

1 Open the Sys Diag > Term Serv menu and press Enter or, from the DO
Command menu, select E=Termsrv.
The command-line prompt is displayed at the bottom of the VT100 window:
2 To close the terminal server command-line interface, use the Quit command
at the prompt.
For example:
ascend% quit

The terminal server command-line interface closes and the cursor is returned to
the VT100 menus.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-1

Terminal Server Commands

Alphabetical listing of commands

Displays help information.

Dnstab Edit
Starts editor for local DNS table. See the Show Dnstab Edit command for
information about the output of this command.

Dnstab Entry
Displays local DNS table entry. See Dnstab Entry command for information
about the output of this command.

Dnstab Show
Displays local DNS table. See Dnstab Show command for information about the
output of this command.

Closes the connection. Same as quit.

Help on any named command. Use the syntax “help command name”.
Alternatively, you can enter “command name ?” for information about a

Iproute Add
To add a static route to the Pipeline unit’s routing table, enter the Iproute Add
command in this format:

2-2January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Iproute Add

iproute add <destination/size><gateway>[pref]


iproute add command arguments

The arguments to the Iproute Add command are as follows:
• destination/size
The destination network address and the subnet mask in Ascend netmask
(slash) notation.
• gateway
The IP address of the router that can forward packets to that network.
• pref
The preference value for the route. When choosing which routes should be
put in the routing table, the router first compares the Preference value,
preferring the lower number. If the Preference values are equal, the router
then compares the Metric field, using the route with the lower Metric.
• metric
The virtual hop count to the destination network (default 7).
• proto
The protocol of the route.

For example, enter this command:

ascend% iproute add 1

to add a route to the network and all of its subnets through the IP router
located at The metric to the route is 1 (it is one hop away).

If you try to add a route to a destination that already exists in the routing table,
the Pipeline replaces the existing route, but only if the existing route has a higher
metric. If you get the message “Warning: a better route appears to exist”, the
Pipeline rejected your attempt to add a route because the routing table already
contained the same route with a lower metric. Note that RIP updates can change
the metric for the route.

Note: The Iproute Add command adds a static route that is lost whenever the
Pipeline is reset.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-3

Terminal Server Commands
Iproute Delete

Iproute Delete
To remove a route from the Pipeline unit’s routing table, enter the Iproute Delete
command in this format:
iproute delete <destination/size><gateway>[proto]

For example:
ascend% iproute delete

Note: RIP updates can add back any route you remove with Iproute Delete.
Also, the Pipeline restores all routes listed in the Static Route profile after a
system reset.

iproute delete command arguments

The arguments to the Iproute Delete command are as follows:
• destination/size
The destination network address.
• gateway
The IP address of the router that can forward packets to that network.
• proto
The protocol of the route.

Iproute Show
Displays IP routes. See Show IP Routes for information about the output of this

The IPXping command enables you to verify the transmission path to NetWare
stations at the network layer. It works on the same LAN as the Pipeline or across
a WAN connection that has IPX Routing enabled.

Enter the IPXping command in this format:

ipxping [-c count] [-i delay] [-s packetsize] <[servername] [net#:node#]>

2-4January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands

where <servername> is either the IPX address of the NetWare workstation or the
advertised name of a server.

The IPX address consists of the IPX network and node numbers for a station; for
ascend% ipxping CFFF1234:000000000001

If you are using IPXping to verify connectivity with an advertised NetWare

server, you can simply enter the symbolic name of the server; for example:
ascend% ipxping server-1

You can terminate the IPXping at any time by typing Ctrl-C.

During the IPXping exchange, the Pipeline calculates and reports this
PING server-1 (EE000001:000000000001): 12 data bytes
52 bytes from (EE000001:000000000001): ping_id=0 time=0ms
52 bytes from (EE000001:000000000001): ping_id=1 time=0ms
52 bytes from (EE000001:000000000001): ping_id=2 time=0ms
--- novl1 Ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/0 ms

These statistics include the following information:

• The IPX address of the source and destination nodes.
• The byte counts of the request and response packets.
• The Ping ID of the command. (The Ping Request # replied to by target host.)
• The number of milliseconds required to send the IPXping and receive a
• The number of packets transmitted and received.
• Duplicate or damaged packets, if applicable.
• Average round-trip times for the Ping request and reply.
In some cases, round-trip times cannot be calculated.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-5

Terminal Server Commands

IPXping command arguments

The arguments to the IPXping command are:

• servername
The advertised name of the IPX server.
• [-c count]
(Optional.) Stop the test after sending and receiving the number of packets
specified by count.
• [-i delay]
(Optional.) Wait the number of seconds specified by wait before sending the
next packet. The default is one second.
• [-s packet-size]
(Optional.) Send the number of data bytes specified by packet-size. The
default is 56 bytes. Packet-size does not include the 8-byte ICMP header.
• [net#:node#]
The IPX network and node number of an IPX host.
– The network number can be 0x00000000 (the local network) to
– The node number can be 0x0000000001 to 0xfffffffffe.


Puts the terminal server in local mode.When a dial-in user enters the Local
command, it begins a Telnet session to the Pipeline.


The Ping command sends an ICMP mandatory echo_request datagram, which

asks the remote station “Are you there?” If the echo_request reaches the remote
station, the station sends back an ICMP echo_response datagram, which tells the
sender “Yes, I am alive.” This exchange verifies that the transmission path is
open between the Pipeline and a remote station.

The Ping command uses this format:

2-6January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands

ping [-qv] [-c count] [-i delay] [-s packetsize]


For example:
ascend% ping -c 256

You can terminate the Ping exchange at any time by typing Ctrl-C. During the
Ping exchange, the Pipeline displays information about the packet exchange that
looks similar to this:
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=30 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=10 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0 ms
^ C
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0/1/30 ms

The output contains this information:

• The TTL (Time-To-Live) of each ICMP echo_response datagram.
The maximum TTL for ICMP Ping is 255 and the maximum TTL for TCP is
often 60 or lower, so you might be able to ping a host but not be able to run a
TCP application (such as Telnet or FTP) to that station.
If you Ping a host running a version of Berkeley UNIX before 4.3BSD-
Tahoe, the TTL report is 255 minus the number of routers in the round-trip
path. If you Ping a host running the current version of Berkeley UNIX, the
TTL report is 255 minus the number of routers in the path from the remote
system to the station performing the Ping.
• Duplicate or damaged echo_response packets.
• Round-trip and packet-loss statistics.
In some cases, round-trip times cannot be calculated.

Ping command arguments

The arguments to the Ping command are:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-7

Terminal Server Commands

• hostname
The IP address or name of the host.
• [-q]
(Optional.) Use quiet input. Do not display any informational messages,
except the summary lines at the beginning and end of the command.
• [-v]
(Optional.) Use verbose output. The Pipeline lists all ICMP packets received,
except echo_response packets.
• [-c count]
(Optional.) Stop the test after sending and receiving the number of packets
specified by count.
• [-i delay]
(Optional.) Wait the number of seconds specified by wait before sending the
next packet. The default is one second.
• [-s packet-size]
(Optional.) Send the number of data bytes specified by packet-size. The
default is 56 bytes. packet-size does not include the 8-byte ICMP header.


Closes the terminal server session.


After an MP+ connection has been established with a remote station (for
example, by using the DO Dial command), you can start a remote management
session with that station by entering the Remote command in this format:
remote <station>

For example:
ascend% remote lab17gw

During the remote management session, the user interface of the remote device
replaces your local user interface, as if you had opened a Telnet connection to the
device.You can enter Ctrl-\ at any time to terminate the Remote session. Note that

2-8January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands

either end of an MP+ link can terminate the session by hanging up all channels of
the connection.

The argument to the Remote command is the name of the remote station, which
must match the value of a Station parameter in a Connection profile that allows
outgoing MP+ calls.
Note: A remote management session can time out because the traffic it
generates does not reset the idle timer. Therefore, the Idle parameter in the
Connection profile at both the calling and answering ends of the connection
should be disabled during a remote management session, and restored just before
exiting. Remote management works best at higher terminal speeds.

Remote management privileges

At the beginning of a remote management session, you have privileges set by the
default Security profile at the remote end of the connection. To activate
administrative privileges on the remote station, activate the appropriate remote
Security profile by using the DO Password command.

Remote error messages

The Pipeline generates an error message for any condition that causes the test to
terminate before sending the full number of packets. These error messages may

Table 2-1. REMOTE error messages

not authorized Your current security privileges are insufficient for

beginning a remote management session. To assign yourself
the required privileges, log in with the DO Password
command to a Security profile whose Edit System
parameter is set to Yes.

can’t find profile for The Pipeline could not locate a local Connection profile
<station> containing a Station parameter whose value matched

profile for <station> The local Connection profile containing a Station value
doesn’t specify MPP equal to <station> did not contain Encaps=MPP.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-9

Terminal Server Commands

Table 2-1. REMOTE error messages (continued)

can’t establish The Pipeline located a local Connection profile containing

connection for <station> the proper Station and Encaps settings, but it could not
complete the connection to the remote station.

<station> didn’t The remote station did not negotiate an MP+ connection.
negotiate MPP This error occurs most often when the remote station does
not support MP+, but does support PPP.

far end doesn’t support The remote station is running a version of MP+ that does
remote management not support remote management.

management session A temporary condition, such as premature termination of

failed the connection, caused the management session to fail.

far end rejected session The remote station was configured to reject remote
management; its Remote Mgmt parameter was set to No in
the System profile.


Sets various items. Type 'set ?' for help. See the following Set commands.

Set All

The SET command can be used to specify a terminal type or to enable dynamic
password serving. The SET ALL command displays current settings, for
ascend% set all
term = VT100
dynamic password serving = disabled

Set ARP Clear

To clear ARP cache, type

set arp clear

2-10January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Set FR

This deletes all dynamic entries to the ARP table.

Set FR
Sets Frame Relay datalink control.

Set Password
The Set Password command puts the terminal server in password mode, where a
third-party ACE or SAFEWORD server at a secure site can display password
challenges dynamically in the terminal server interface. This command applies
only when using security card authentication. To enter password mode, type:
ascend% set password

It puts the terminal server in password mode, where it passively waits for
password challenges from a remote ACE or SAFEWORD server. To return to
normal terminal server operations and thereby disable password mode, press

Note: Note that each channel of a connection to a secure site requires a separate
password challenge, so for multichannel connections to a secure site, you must
leave the terminal server in password mode until all channels have been
established. The APP Server utility is an alternative way to allow users to respond
to dynamic password challenges obtained from hand-held security cards.

Set Sessid [val]

Sets and stores [val] or current ID.

Set Term
Sets the telnet/rlogin terminal type.

Show ARP
To display the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache that associates IP
addresses with physical network addresses, type:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-11

Terminal Server Commands

ascend% show arp

The output looks similar to this:

IP Address Hardware Address Type Interface RefCount 00:40:c7:5a:64:6c Static ie0 65 00:ab:77:cf:12:47 Dynamic wan0 39

The output contains these fields:

Table 2-2. A RP cache table columns

IP Address The IP address in an ARP request.

Hardware Address The MAC address in an ARP request.

Type Dynamic or static, indicating how the address was obtained.

Interface The interface on which the Pipeline received the ARP packet. ie0 is the
Ethernet interface, wan n represents an active WAN interface.

Ref Count The number of times the address was used.

To display the supported DHCP commands, enter the Show DHCP command
with a question mark:
ascend% show dhcp ?

Show DHCP Address

The Pipeline displays different output when you enter Show DHCP Address, on
the basis of how you have set the Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing >
Always Spoof parameter and the Ethernet > DHCP Spoofing > DHCP PNP
Enabled parameter.

2-12January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Show DHCP Address

Displaying addresses when Always Spoof is Yes

Following is sample output the Pipeline displays when you enter the Show DHCP
Address command, and you have set the Always Spoof parameter to Yes and the
DHCP PNP Enabled parameter to either Yes or No:
ascend% show dhcp address

DHCP PNP Enabled = Yes

Renewal Time = 1440 seconds
Become Def. Router = Yes
Dial if Link Down = No
Always Spoof = Yes
Validate IP = Yes
Maximum no reply wait = 10 seconds

IP Address Hardware Address Netmask In Use 00:80:C7:30:00:00 Y 00:80:C7:12:34:50 Y ????????????????? N ????????????????? N ????????????????? N ????????????????? N ????????????????? N ????????????????? N ????????????????? N 00:00:78:00:91:20 Y 00:80:C7:5B:11:11 N 00:80:C7:4C:11:11 Y

In the output:
• IP Address is the address supplied to the host by the Pipeline, via
• Hardware Address is the Ethernet (MAC) address of the client
configured with the DHCP-supplied address.
Because the Pipeline learns hardware addresses from either ARP entries or
DHCP messages, it is normal for you to see an entry with a hardware address
that currently does not have an address assigned to it.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-13

Terminal Server Commands
Show DHCP Address

If the Pipeline requests a hardware address and does not receive a response,
the Show DHCP Address command displays ????????????????? for
Hardware Address.
• Netmask indicates the configured subnet mask for the IP address.
• In use indicates whether or not the IP address is currently assigned to a

Displaying addresses when Always Spoof is No and DHCP PNP Enabled is


Following is sample output the Pipeline displays when you enter the Show DHCP
Address command, and you have set the Always Spoof parameter to No and the
DHCP PNP Enabled parameter to Yes:
ascend% show dhcp address
DHCP PNP Enabled = Yes
Renewal Time = 1440 seconds
Become Def. Router = Yes
Dial if Link Down = No
Always Spoof = No
Validate IP = Yes
Maximum no reply wait = 10 seconds

IP Address Hardware Address Netmask In Use ????????????????? N

In the output:
• IP Address is the address the Pipeline assigns to PNP clients.
In the example, is derived from the IP address of the Pipeline
unit’s Ethernet interface, The displayed IP address is always
one greater than that of the Pipeline.
• Hardware Address is the Ethernet (MAC) address of the client
configured with the DHCP-supplied address.
Because the Pipeline learns hardware addresses from either ARP entries or
DHCP messages, it is normal for you to see an entry with a hardware address
that currently does not have an address assigned to it.

2-14January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Show DHCP Address

If the Pipeline requests a hardware address and does not receive a response,
the Show DHCP Address command displays ?????????????????.
• Netmask indicates the configured subnet mask for the IP address.
• In use indicates whether or not the IP address is currently assigned to a

Displaying addresses when Always Spoof and DHCP PNP Enabled are No

Following is sample output the Pipeline displays when you enter the Show DHCP
Address command, and you have set the Always Spoof parameter to No and the
DHCP PNP Enabled parameter to No:
ascend% show dhcp address
DHCP PNP Enabled = No
Renewal Time = 1440 seconds
Become Def. Router = Yes
Dial if Link Down = No
Always Spoof = No
Validate IP = Yes
Maximum no reply wait = 10 seconds

IP Address Hardware Address Netmask In Use ????????????????? N

In the output:
• IP Address is address set in the Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoof
> IP Group 1 parameter.
• Hardware Address is the Ethernet (MAC) address of the client
configured with the DHCP-supplied address.
Because the Pipeline learns hardware addresses from either ARP entries or
DHCP messages, it is normal for you to see an entry with a hardware address
that currently does not have an address assigned to it.
If the Pipeline requests a hardware address and does not receive a response,
the Show DHCP Address command displays ?????????????????.
• Netmask indicates the configured subnet mask for the IP address.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-15

Terminal Server Commands
Show DHCP Lease

• In use indicates whether or not the IP address is currently assigned to a


Show DHCP Lease

To display the users currently assigned addresses via DHCP, enter the Show
DHCP Lease command. For example:
ascend% show dhcp lease
IP Address Hardware Address Netmask Renew in 0080C7300000 1130 0080C7123450 78 000078009120 12

In the output:
• IP Address is the address supplied to the client by the Pipeline, via
• Hardware Address is the Ethernet (MAC) address of the client
configured with the DHCP-supplied address.
• Netmask indicates the configured subnet mask for the IP address.
• Renew in indicates the number of seconds remaining until the DHCP lease
expires for the supplied address. When the lease expires, the client must
request another IP address.

Show Dnstab
Displays local DNS table.

Show Dnstab entry

Displays local DNS table entry when you specify the entry number.

Show FR DLCI [name]

To display the status of each DLCI (Data Link Connection Identifier) that uses a
frame relay interface, use the Show FR DLCI command using this format:

2-16January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands

show fr dlci <profile-name>

where <profile-name> specifies a Frame Relay profile. For example:
ascend% show fr dlci PacBell

This command prints the name of the Frame Relay profile followed by a list of all
Connection Profiles that use the specific DLCIs and statistics about those DLCIs.
For each Connection profile, DLCI information is reported using these fields:

Table 2-3. Show Frame Relay DLCI output columns

DLCI The DLCI number.

Status Active if the connection is up or Inactive if not.

input pkts The number of frames the interface has received.

output pkts The number of frames the interface has transmitted.

input octets The number of bytes the interface has received.

output octets The number of bytes the interface has transmitted.

in FECN pkts The number of packets received with the FECN (Forward Explicit Congestion
Notification) bit set. This field always contains a 0 (zero) because congestion
management is not currently supported.

in BECN pkts The number of packets received with the BECN (Backward Explicit
Congestion Notification) bit set. This field always contains a 0 (zero) because
congestion management is not currently supported.

in DE pkts The number of packets received with the DE (Discard Eligibility) indicator bit

last time The last time the DLCI state changed.

status changed


To display LMI (Link Management Information) for each link activated by a

Frame Relay profile, enter this command:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-17

Terminal Server Commands
Show FR Stats

ascend% show fr lmi

The output looks similar to this:

LMI for name:
Invalid Unnumbered info 0 Invalid Prot Disc 0
Invalid dummy call Ref 0 Invalid Msg Type 0
Invalid Status Message 0 Invalid Lock Shift 0
Invalid Information ID 0 Invalid Report Type 0
Num Status Enq. Sent 0 Num Status msgs Rcvd 0
Num Update Status Rcvd 0 Num Status Timeouts 0

This information is based on the ANSI T1.617 Annex D local in-channel

signaling protocol. (See Annex D for a full definition of each of the fields

Show FR Stats
To display the status of each frame relay interface, enter this command:
ascend% show fr stats

The output looks similar to this:

Name Status Speed MTU InFrame OutFrame
framerelay Down 56000 1532 0 0

The output contains these fields:

Table 2-4. Show Frame Relay output columns

Name The name of the Frame Relay profile associated with the interface.

Status The status of the interface. “Up” means the interface is functional, but is not
necessarily handling an active call. “Down” means the interface is not

Speed The data rate in bits per second.

MTU The maximum packet size allowed on the interface.

2-18January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands

Table 2-4. Show Frame Relay output columns (continued)

InFrame The number of frames the interface has received.

OutFrame The number of frames the interface has transmitted.


To view the number of ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets

received intact, received with errors, and transmitted, type:
ascend% show icmp

The output looks similar to this:

3857661 packet received.
20 packets received with errors.
Input histogram: 15070
2758129 packets transmitted.
0 packets transmitted due to lack of resources.
Output histogram: 15218

The Input and Output histograms show the number of ICMP packets received and
transmitted in each category.

Show If Stats

To display the status and packet count of each active WAN link as well as local
and loopback interfaces, type:
ascend% show if stats

The output looks similar to this:

Interface Name Status Type Speed MTU InPackets Outpacket
ie0 ethernet Up 6 10000000 1500 7385 85384
wan0 Down 1 0 1500 0 0
wan1 Down 1 0 1500 0 0
wan2 Down 1 0 1500 0 0
wanidle0 Up 6 10000000 1500 0 0

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-19

Terminal Server Commands
Show If Totals

lo0 loopback Up 24 10000000 1500 0 0

The output contains these fields:

Table 2-5. Interface statistics table columns

Interface ie0 is the Ethernet interface, lo0 is the loopback interface, “wan n” represents
each of the active WAN interfaces in the order in which they became active,
and wanidle0 is the inactive interface. The inactive interface is the special
interface where all routes point when their WAN connections are down.

Name The name of the profile associated with the interface, or a text name for the

Status The interface status.Up means the interface is functional, but is not necessarily
handling an active call. Down means the interface is not functional.

Type The type of application being used on the interface, as specified in RFC 1213
(MIB-2). For example, 23 indicates PPP and 28 indicates SLIP.

Speed The data rate in bits per second.

MTU The maximum packet size allowed on the interface. MTU stands for
Maximum Transmission Unit.

InPackets The number of packets the interface has received.

OutPackets The number of packets the interface has transmitted.

Show If Totals
To display the packet count at each interface broken down by type of packet,
enter this command:
ascend% show if totals

The output looks similar to this:

Name --Octets-- --Ucast---NonUcast-Discard -Error-Unknown-Same IF-
ie0 i: 7813606 85121 22383 0 0 0 0
o: 101529978 85306 149 0 0 0 0

2-20January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Show IGMP Clients

wan0 i: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
wan1 i: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
wan2 i: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
wanidle0 i: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lo0 i: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The output contains these fields:

Table 2-6. Packet count statistics table columns

Name The interface name (same as described immediately above).

Octets The total number of bytes processed by the interface.

Ucast Packets with a unicast destination address.

NonUcast Packets with a multicast address or a broadcast address.

Discard The number of packets that the interface could not process.

Error The number of packets with CRC errors, header errors, or collisions.

Unknown The number of packets the Pipeline forwarded across all bridged interfaces
because of unknown or unlearned destinations.

Same IF The number of bridged packets whose destination is the same as the source.

Show IGMP Clients

Displays IGMP clients.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-21

Terminal Server Commands
Show IGMP Groups

Show IGMP Groups

To display all the active multicast group addresses and the clients(interfaces)
registered for that group, type:
ascend% show igmp groups

The output is similar to this:

IGMP Group address Routing Table Up Time: 0::0:22:17
Hash Group Address Members Expire time Counts
2 0:3:24 3211 :: 0 S5
1 0:3:21 145 :: 0 S5
0(Mbone) .... 31901 :: 0 S5

• Hash is an index to a hash table (displayed for diagnostics purposes only).
• Group address is the IP multicast address used in this packet.
• Members is the interface ID on which the membership resides. 0 represents
the Ethernet interface. Other numbers represent WAN interfaces, numbered
according to when they became active. The interface labeled Mbone is the
interface on which the multicast router resides.
• Expire time indicates when this membership expires. The Pipeline sends out
IGMP queries every 60 seconds, so the expiration time is usually renewed. If
the expiration time is reached, the entry is removed from the table. When this
field contains periods, it means that this membership never expires.
• Counts shows the number of packets forwarded to the client, the number of
packets dropped due to lack of resources, and the state of the membership
(the state is displayed for diagnostics purposes).

To list all IGMP multicast clients, enter:

ascend% show igmp clients

2-22January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Show IGMP Stats

The output is similar to this:

IGMP Clients

Client Version RecvCount CLU ALU

0(Mbone) 1 0 0 0
2 1 39 68 67
1 1 33310 65 65

• Client indicates the interface ID on which the client resides. 0 represents the
Ethernet interface. Other numbers represent WAN interfaces, numbered
according to when they became active. The interface labeled Mbone is the
interface on which the multicast router resides.
• Version is the version of IGMP being used.
• RecvCount is the number of IGMP messages received on that interface.
• CLU (current line utilization) and ALU (average line utilization) show the
percentage of bandwidth utilized across this interface. If bandwidth utiliza-
tion is high, some IGMP packet types will not be forwarded.

Show IGMP Stats

To display IGMP activity statistics, type:

ascend% show igmp stats

The output shows the number of IGMP packet types sent and received, in the
format below:
46 packets received.
0 bad checksum packets received.
0 bad version packets received.
0 query packets received.
46 response packets received.
0 leave packets received.
51 packets transmitted.
47 query packets sent.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-23

Terminal Server Commands
Show IP Address

4 response packets sent.

0 leave packets sent.

Show IP Address
To view the source and destination IP addresses for active IP routing connections,
enter this command:
ascend% show ip address

The output looks similar to this:

Interface IP Address Dest IP Address Netmask MTU Status
ie0 N/A 1500 Up
wan0 N/A 1500 Down
wan1 N/A 1500 Down
wan2 N/A 1500 Down
wanidle0 N/A 1500 Up
lo0 N/A 1500 Up

The output contains these fields:

Table 2-7. IP address output columns

Interface ie0 is the Ethernet interface, lo0 for the loopback interface, “wan n” represents
each of the active WAN interfaces in the order in which they became active,
and wanidle0 is the inactive interface (the special interface where all routes
point when their WAN connections are down).

IP Address The IP address of the interface.

Dest IP The IP address of the remote router. (This field applies only to an interface
Address with an active link that is routing IP.)

Netmask The netmask in use on the interface.

MTU The maximum packet size allowed on the interface.

Status The status of the interface. Up means the interface is functional, but is not
necessarily handling an active call. Down means the interface is

2-24January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Show IP Routes

Show IP Routes
To display the Pipeline unit’s entire IP routing table, enter this command:
ascend% show ip routes

Or, to view the route to a specific address, you can enter the command using this
show ip routes <hostname>

where <hostname> is a hostname or IP address.

The output looks similar to this:

Destination Gateway IF Flg Pref Met Use Age wan0 SG 1 1 0 20887 wanidle0 SG 100 7 0 20887 wanidle0 S 100 7 2 20887 wanidle0 SG 100 8 0 20887 - lo0 CP 0 0 0 20887 wan0 SG 100 1 21387 20887 wan0 S 100 1 153 20887 - ie0 C 0 0 19775 20887 - lo0 CP 0 0 389 20887 - ie0 CP 0 0 0 20887

The output contains these fields:

Table 2-8. IP routes output columns

Destination The target address of a route. To send a packet to this address, the Pipeline will
use this route. Note that the router will use the most specific route (having the
largest netmask) that matches a given destination.

Gateway The address of the next hop router that can forward packets to the given
destination. Direct routes (without a gateway) do not show a gateway address
in the gateway column.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-25

Terminal Server Commands
Show IP Routes

Table 2-8. IP routes output columns (continued)

IF ie0 is the Ethernet interface, lo0 is the loopback interface, “wan n” specifies
each of the active WAN interfaces, and wanidle0 is the inactive interface (the
special interface where all routes point when their WAN connections are

Flg One of the following characters:

• C=Connected (A directly connected route, for example, the Ethernet.)
• I=ICMP (ICMP Redirect dynamic route.)
• N=NetMgt (Placed in the table via SNMP MIB II.)
• R (A RIP dynamic route.)
• S=Static (A local IP Route profile or Connection profile route.)
• ?=Unknown (A route of unknown error, which indicates an error.)
• G=Gateway (A gateway is required in order to reach this route.)
• P=Private (This route will not be advertised via RIP.)
• T=Temporary (This route will be destroyed when its interface goes down.
• *=Hidden (A hidden route means that there is a better route in the table,
so this route is hidden “behind” the better route. If the better route should
go away, then this route may be used.)

Pref The preference value of the route. Note that all routes that come from RIP will
have a preference value of 100, while the preference value of each individual
static route may be set independently.

Met The RIP-style metric for the route, with a valid range of 0-16.

Use This is a count of the number of times the route was referenced since it was
created. (Many of these references are internal, so this is not a count of the
number of packets sent using this route.)

Age This is the age of the route in seconds. It is used for troubleshooting, to
determine when routes are changing rapidly or flapping.

2-26January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Show IP Stats

Show IP Stats
To display statistics on IP activity, including the number of IP packets the
Pipeline has received and transmitted, enter this command:
ascend% show ip stats

The output looks similar to this:

107408 packets received.
0 packets received with header errors.
0 packets received with address errors.
0 packets forwarded.
0 packets received with unknown protocols.
0 inbound packets discarded.
107408 packets delivered to upper layers.
85421 transmit requests.
0 discarded transmit packets.
1 outbound packets with no route.
0 reassembly timeouts.
0 reassemblies required.
0 reassemblies that went OK.
0 reassemblies that Failed.
0 packets fragmented OK.
0 fragmentations that failed.
0 fragment packets created.
0 route discards due to lack of memory.
64 default ttl.

The Show ISDN command enables the Pipeline to display the last 20 events that
have occurred on the specified ISDN line. Enter the command in this format:
show isdn <line-number>

where <line-number> is the number of the ISDN line. For example, to display
information about the leftmost built-in WAN port, type:
ascend% show isdn 0

The Pipeline responds with one or more of these messages:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-27

Terminal Server Commands
Show Netw Networks

DL: TEI ASSIGNED (BRI interfaces only)
DL: TEI REMOVED (BRI interfaces only)

In some cases, the message can include a phone number (prefixed by #), a data
service (suffixed by K for kbps), a channel number, TEI assignment, and cause
code. For example, this information might display:

See Chapter 5, “ISDN Cause Codes.” Also refer to ITU-T Q.931 or other ISDN

Show Netw Networks

To display the IPX routing table, enter this command:
ascend% show netware networks

The output looks similar to this:

2-28January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Show Netw Pings

network next router hops ticks origin

CFFF0001 00000000000 0 1 Ethernet S

The output contains these fields:

Table 2-9. Show Netware networks output columns

network The IPX network number.

next router The address of the next router, or 0 (zero) for a direct or WAN connection.

hops The hop count to the network.

ticks The tick count to the network.

origin The name of the profile used to reach the network.

Note: An S or an H flag can appear next to the origin. S indicates a static route.
H indicates a hidden static route. Hidden static routes occur when the router
learns of a better route.

Show Netw Pings

To display statistics related to the IPXping command, type:
ascend% show netware pings

The output looks similar to this:

InPing Requests/OutPing Replies OutPing Requests/
InPing Replies
10 10 18 18

The output shows how many NetWare stations have pinged the Pipeline (InPing
requests and replies) and how many times the IPXping command has been
executed in the Pipeline.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-29

Terminal Server Commands
Show Netw Servers

Show Netw Servers

To display the IPX service table, enter this command:
ascend% show netware servers

The output looks similar to this:

IPX address type server name
ee000001:000000000001:0040 0451 server-1

The output contains these fields:

Table 2-10.Show Netware servers output columns

IPX address The IPX address of the server. The address uses this format:
<network number>:<node number>:<socket number>

type The type of service available (in hexadecimal format). For example, 0451
designates a file server.

server name The first 35 characters of the server name.

Show Netw Stats

To display IPX packet statistics, enter this command:
ascend% show netware stats

The output looks similar to this:

27162 packets received.
25392 packets forwarded.
0 packets dropped exceeding maximum hop count.
0 outbound packets with no route.

The Pipeline drops packets that exceed the maximum hop count (that have
already passed through too many routers).

2-30January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Show Revisions

Show Revisions
The show revision command displays system type and version information
for the system currently running on the Pipeline, including:
• system name
• build name
• release number of the loaded software

For example, typing

show revision

at the command line prompt would display information similar to:

Pipeline system revision: b2.p75 5.1A

Show Sessid
Displays current and base session ID.

Show TCP Connection

To display the current TCP sessions connected to or connecting to the Pipeline,
enter this command:
ascend% show tcp connection

The output looks similar to this:

Socket Local Remote State
0 *.23 *.* LISTEN

The output contains these fields:

Table 2-11.TCP connection output columns

Socket The socket associated with the port.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-31

Terminal Server Commands
Show TCP Stats

Table 2-11.TCP connection output columns (continued)

Local The local IP address and port associated with the connection. For example, if
the Pipeline has a connection on port 23 and to a local host at, the
Local field would contain

Remote The IP address and port from which the connection originated. For example, if
the connection originated at on port 18929, the Remote field
would contain

State LISTEN if the Pipeline is listening for a connection, or ESTABLISHED if it

has already established one.

Show TCP Stats

To display the number of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) packets received

and transmitted, enter this command:
ascend% show tcp stats

The output looks similar to this:

0 active opens.
11 passive opens.
1 connect attempts failed.
1 connections were reset.
3 connections currently established.
85262 segments received.
85598 segments transmitted.
559 segments re-transmitted.

An active open is an open TCP session that the Pipeline initiated. A passive open
is an open TCP session that the Pipeline did not initiate.

Show UDP Listen

To view information about the socket number, UDP port number and the number
of packets queued for each UDP port on which the Pipeline is currently listening,
enter this command:

2-32January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands
Show UDP Stats

ascend% show udp listen

Socket Local Port InQLen InQMax InQDrops Total Rx
0 1023 0 1 0 0
1 520 0 50 0 532
2 7 0 32 0 0
3 123 0 32 0 0
4 1022 0 128 0 0
5 161 0 64 0 0
The output contains these fields:

Table 2-12.UDP listen output columns

Socket The socket number associated with the port.

Local Port The UDP port on which the Pipeline is listening.

InQLen The input queue length for the port.

InQMax The maximum number of queued UDP packets on the socket. (These are set
by Queue Depth and Rip Queue Depth parameters.)

InQDrops The number of packets discarded so that InQLen would not exceed InQMax

Total Rx The total number of packets received on the socket, including the InQDrops

Show UDP Stats

To display the number of UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packets received and
transmitted, enter this command:
ascend% show udp stats

The output looks similar to this:

22386 packets received.
0 packets received with no ports.
0 packets received with errors.
0 packets dropped

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-33

Terminal Server Commands
Show Uptime

9 packets transmitted.

Show Uptime

To see how long the Pipeline has been running, type:

ascend% show uptime

The output looks similar to this:

system uptime: up 2 days, 4 hours, 38 minutes, 43

If the Pipeline stays up 1000 consecutive days with no power cycles, the number
of days displayed “turns over” to 0 and begins to increment again.


The TCP command initiates a login session to a remote host. It uses this format:
tcp <hostname> <port-number>

There are a number of settings in the Ethernet profile that affect how a TCP
connection works. For example, if DNS is configured in the Pipeline Ethernet
profile, you can specify a hostname such as:
ascend% tcp myhost

TCP command arguments

The arguments to the TCP command are as follows:

• <hostname>
If DNS is configured in the Pipeline Ethernet profile, you can specify the
remote system’s hostname. Otherwise, hostname must be the IP address of
the remote station.
• [<port-number>]
(Optional.) You can specifies the port to use for the session. The port number
typically indicates a custom application that runs on top of the TCP session.

2-34January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands

For example, port number 23 starts a Telnet session. However, terminating

the Telnet session does not terminate the raw TCP session.

When the raw TCP session starts running, the Pipeline displays the word
“connected.” You can now use the TCP session to transport data by running an
application on top of TCP.

You can hang up the device at either end to terminate the raw TCP session. If you
are using a remote terminal server session, ending the connection also terminates
raw TCP.

TCP error messages

If a raw TCP connection fails, the Pipeline returns one of the following error

Table 2-13.TCP error messages

Can’t open session: <hostname> You entered an invalid or unknown value for
<port-number> <hostname>, you entered an invalid value for
<port-number>, or you failed to enter a port

no connection: host reset The destination host reset the connection.

no connection: host unreachable The destination host is unreachable.

no connection: net unreachable The destination network is unreachable.


The Telnet command initiates a login session to a remote host. It uses this format:
telnet [-a|-b] <hostname> [<port-number>]

There are a number of settings in the Ethernet profile that affect how Telnet
works. For example, if DNS is configured, you can specify a hostname such as:
ascend% telnet myhost

If DNS has not been configured, you must specify the host’s IP address instead.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-35

Terminal Server Commands

Another way to open a session is to invoke Telnet first, followed by the OPEN
command at the Telnet prompt, for example:
ascend% telnet
telnet> open myhost

In the example commands in this section, the Telnet prompt is the word telnet
followed by a greater-than sign (telnet>). When you see that prompt, you can
enter any of the Telnet commands.

Note: During an open Telnet connection, type Ctrl-] to display the telnet>
prompt and the Telnet command-line interface. Any valid Telnet command
returns you to the open session. Note that Ctrl-] does not function in binary mode
Telnet. If you log into the Pipeline by Telnet, you might want to change its escape
sequence from Ctrl-] to a different setting.

You can quit the Telnet session at any time by typing quit at the Telnet prompt:
telnet> quit

Telnet command arguments

The arguments to the Telnet command are as follows:

• <hostname>
If DNS is configured, you can specify the remote system’s hostname.
Otherwise, hostname must be the IP address of the remote station.
• [–a]
(Optional.) This flag specifies standard 7-bit mode, in which bit 8 is set to 0
(zero). 7-bit Telnet is also known as NVT (Network Virtual Terminal)
ASCII. If you do not enter –a or –b, the Binary Mode setting applies.
• [–b]
(Optional.) This flag specifies the Telnet 8-bit binary option. X-Modem and
other 8-bit file transfer protocols require this mode. If you do not enter –a or
–b, the Binary Mode setting applies.

Note: Note that the Telnet escape sequence does not operate in 8-bit binary
mode. The Telnet session can close only if one end of the connection quits
the session. Therefore, a local user not connected through a dial-up

2-36January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands

connection cannot quit the session; he or she must wait for the remote user to
close the session.
• [<port-number>]
(Optional.) You can specify the port to use for the session. The default is 23,
the well-known port for Telnet.

Telnet session commands

The commands in this section can be typed at the Telnet prompt during an open
session. To display the Telnet prompt during an active login to the specified host,
press Ctrl-] (hold down the Control key and type a right-bracket).

To display information about Telnet session commands, use the Help or ?

command. For example:
telnet> ?

telnet> help

To open a Telnet connection after invoking Telnet, use the OPEN command. The
arguments you specify are exactly the same as those for opening a connection
from the Telnet command-line, except for that the OPEN command does not
support the -a and -b options. For example:
telnet> open myhost

To send standard Telnet commands such as “Are You There” or “Suspend

Process,” use the Send command. For example:
telnet> send susp

For a list of Send commands and their syntax, type:

telnet> send ?

To set special characters for use during the Telnet session, use the Set command.
For example:
telnet> set eof ^D

To display current settings, type:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-37

Terminal Server Commands

telnet> set all

To see a list of Set commands, type:

telnet> set ?

To quit the Telnet session and close the connection, use the Close or Quit
command. For example:
telnet> close

telnet> quit

Telnet error messages

The Pipeline generates an error message for any condition that causes the Telnet
session to fail or terminate abnormally. These error messages may appear:

Table 2-14.Telnet session failure reasons

no connection: host reset The destination host reset the connection.

no connection: host unreachable The destination host is unreachable.

no connection: net unreachable The destination network is unreachable.

Unit busy. Try again later. The maximum number of concurrent Telnet
sessions has been reached.


To run a self-test in which the Pipeline calls itself, the Pipeline must have two
open channels: one for the placing the call, and the other for receiving it. The
TEST command has this format:
test <phonenumber> [<frame-count>] [<optional

The number you enter depends on how your line is provisioned:

2-38January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands

• Enter the value for My Num A (in the Configure profile) if your ISDN line is
provisioned for only one phone number
• Enter the value for My Num B (in the Configure profile) if your ISDN line is
provisioned for two phone numbers

For example:
ascend% test 555-1212

You can enter Ctrl-C at any time to terminate the test. While the test is running,
the Pipeline displays the status, for example:
200 packets sent, 200 packets received

Test command arguments

The arguments to the TEST command are as follows:
• <phonenumber>
The phone number of the channel receiving the test call. Your specification
can include the numbers 0 through 9 and the characters ()[]-, but
cannot include spaces. If you have two phone numbers associated with
your ISDN line, you must specify the second number; otherwise, you can
specify the single phone number for the line. The test calls out on channel 1
and calls back in on channel 2.
• [<frame-count>]
(Optional.) The number of frames to send during the test. You can specify a
number from 1 to 65535. The default is 100.
• [data-svc=<data-svc>]
For data-svc, enter a data service identical to any of the values available for
the Data Svc parameter of the Connection profile. For a list of valid values,
see the Reference Guide. If you do not specify a value, the default value is
the one specified for the Data Svc parameter.

Test error messages

The Pipeline generates an error message for any condition that causes the test to
terminate before sending the full number of packets. These error messages may

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-39

Terminal Server Commands

Table 2-15.Test error messages

bad digits in phone The phone number you specified contained a character other
number than the numbers 0 through 9 and the characters ()[]-.

call failed The Pipeline did not answer the outgoing call. This error
can indicate a wrong phone number or a busy phone
number. Use the Show ISDN command to determine the
nature of the failure.

call terminated <N1> This message indicates the number of packets sent (<N1>)
packets sent <N2> and received (<N2>).
packets received

can’t handshake The Pipeline answered the outgoing call, but the two sides
did not properly identify themselves. This error can indicate
that the call was routed to the wrong Pipeline module, or
that the phone number was incorrect.

frame-count must be in The number of frames requested exceeded 65535.

the range 1-65535

no phone number You did not specify a phone number on the command-line.

test aborted The test was terminated (Ctrl-C).

unit busy You attempted to start another self-test when one was
already in progress. You can run only a single self-test at a

unknown items on The command-line contained unknown items. Inserting one

command-line or more spaces in the telephone number can generate this

unknown option The command-line contained the option specified by

<option> <option>, which is invalid.

unknown value <value> The command-line contained the value specified by

<value>, which is invalid.

2-40January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands

Table 2-15.Test error messages (continued)

wrong phone number A device other than the Pipeline answered the call;
therefore, the phone number you specified was incorrect.

Use Traceroute to diagnose IP routing and network performance. It is useful to
locate slow routers and to find IP routing problems.

The Internet is a large and complex aggregation of network hardware, connected

together by gateways. Tracking the route packets follow or finding the gateway
that is discarding your packets can be difficult. The Traceroute command utilizes
the IP protocol “time to live” field and attempts to elicit an ICMP Time Exceeded
response from each gateway along the path to some host.

The Traceroute command syntax is:

traceroute host [-n] [-v] [-m max_ttl] [-p port] [-q
nqueries] [-w waittime] [datasize]

The supported Traceroute options are:

host This mandatory parameter specifies the destination host by

name or IP address.
-n Prints hop addresses numerically rather than symbolically
and numerically (this eliminates a nameserver address-to-
name lookup for each gateway found on the path).
-v Verbose output. Received ICMP packets other than Time
Exceeded and ICMP Port Unreachable are listed.
-m max_ttl This sets the maximum time-to-live (maximum number of
hops) used in outgoing probe packets.
The default is 30 hops.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-41

Terminal Server Commands

-p port Sets the base UDP port number used in probes. Traceroute
hopes that nothing is listening on any of the UDP ports from
the source to the destination host (so an ICMP Port
Unreachable message will be returned to terminate the route
tracing). If something is listening on a port in the default
range, this option can be used to pick an unused port range.
The default is 33434.
-q nqueries Sets the maximum number of queries for each hop.
The default is 3.
-w waittime Sets the time to wait for a response to a query.
The default is 3 seconds.
datasize Sets the size of the data field of the UDP probe datagram
sent by Traceroute.
The default is 0. This results in a datagram size of 38 bytes
(a UDP packet carrying no data).

Note: The -r and -s options (present in the UNIX version of Traceroute) are not

The Traceroute command attempts to trace the route an IP packet would follow to
some Internet host by launching UDP probe packets with a small TTL (time to
live) and then listening for an ICMP “time exceeded” reply from a gateway.
Probes start with a TTL of one and increase by one until an ICMP “port
unreachable” message is received, meaning the host could not be reached, or the
packet expired.

Three probes are sent at each TTL setting and a line is printed showing the TTL,
address of the gateway and round trip time of each probe. If the probe answers
come from different gateways, the address of each responding system is printed.
If there is no response within a 3 second timeout interval, a asterisk (*) is printed
for that probe.

Possible annotations after the time field are as follows:

!H Host reached.

2-42January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Terminal Server Commands

!N Network unreachable.

!P Protocol unreachable.

!S Source route failed. This should not occur and may indicate
that there is a problem with the associated device.

!F Fragmentation needed. This should not occur and may

indicate that there is a problem with the associated device.

!h Communication with the host is prohibited by filtering.

!n Communication with the network is prohibited by filtering.

!c Communication is otherwise prohibited by filtering.

!? Indicates an ICMP sub-code. This should not occur.

!?? Reply received with inappropriate type. This should not


Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 2-43

Parameter Reference
This chapter lists the Pipeline parameters in alphabetical order. Each listing
provides information in the following format:

Parameter Name
Description: Explains what the parameter is intended to do, or why you need it.

Usage: Explains when and how to use the parameter.

Example: Shows you an example entry or setting.

Dependencies: Tells you what other information you need to know or other
parameters you need to set in order to configure and use the current parameter.

Location: Shows you where to find the parameter in the LCD interface (seen in
a VT100 terminal emulation window). The location is described as a sequence of
menu (or profile) selections.

The greater than symbol (>) means continue to the next menu, and press Enter.
For example, Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options means open the Ethernet
menu, then open the Mod Config menu, then open the Ether Options menu.

If a parameter occurs in more than one location, all locations are listed, separated
by a semicolon (;).

See Also: Lists related parameters.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-1

Parameter Reference
2nd Adrs

Alphabetical parameter listing

2nd Adrs
Description: Gives the Pipeline an IP address on a remote subnet. When you set
the 2nd Adrs parameter, the Pipeline has a second IP address in addition to the IP
Adrs value on its local Ethernet interface. Both IP addresses are treated equally,
except that IP Adrs is the only one used for authentication over the WAN. Setting
a second address doubles the number of entries in the Pipeline routing table. The
Pipeline advertises a route from 2nd Adrs to IP Adrs and a route from IP Adrs to
2nd Adrs.

One use of 2nd Adrs is to advertise routes that would not otherwise be advertised.
For example, suppose both the Pipeline and Router2 have a route to the network Both are on the same subnet. The device with the lower hop count to
the destination network sends all the traffic destined for that network.

Now, suppose the Pipeline has 2nd Adrs= and Router2 has 2nd
Adrs= on the same subnet. The Pipeline assumes that all subnets in
the network have the same subnet mask (/28). In addition, the Pipeline
has an address for a router at and Router2 has an address for a
router at Because the Pipeline and Router2 assume that /28 is the
subnet mask, the Pipeline routes traffic only to the subnet and
Router2 routes traffic only to the subnet. The traffic to the network is thereby shared.

Using the 2nd Adrs parameter also provides an easy way to change the IP address
of the Pipeline. When all routers know the Pipeline by both its IP Adrs value and
its 2nd Adrs value, you can safely turn off 2nd Adrs and put the new address in IP

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of the Pipeline
on the remote subnet.

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
Use a slash to separate the optional netmask from the address. The IP address
must be a valid address on the remote subnet.

The default value is

3-2January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Press Enter to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• If you do not know the right IP address to enter, you must obtain it from the
network administrator.
Do not attempt to configure an IP address by guesswork!
• Do not use 2nd Adrs to force interface-based routing; it is not designed as a
second WAN address.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

See Also: IP Adrs

Description: This parameter selects the signals at the serial WAN port that
indicate that the Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) is ready to connect.

Flow control is always handled by the Clear To Send (CTS) signal.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Static specifies that the Pipeline does not use flow control signals because
the DCE is always connected.
• DPR (Call Digit or Tone) specifies that the DCE raises the DPR signal when
it is ready.
• CRQ (Call Request) specifies that the DCE raises the CRQ signal when it is
• RTS (Request to Send) specifies that the DCE raises the RTS signal when it
is ready.
• CRQ+RTS specifies that the DCE raises the CRQ and RTS signals when it is
• DPR+CRQ+RTS specifies that the DCE raises the DPR, CRQ and RTS
signals when it is ready.
• Disabled specifies that the V.35 serial WAN port is disabled. This setting will
terminate an active session and prevent further attempts to establish a
• Serial WAN profile: Serial WAN/Mod Config

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-3

Parameter Reference

Location: V.35 > Serial WAN > Mod Config

Description: Appears in a Connection profile, a Frame Relay profile, and a
Static Rtes profile. Its functionality differs depending on the profile:
• In a Connection profile or a Frame Relay profile, the Active parameter
activates or deactivates the profile.
If you activate a profile, it is available for use. If you deactivate a profile, it is
not available for use.
• In a Static Rtes profile, the Active parameter determines whether the route
defined in the profile appears in the Pipeline static routing table.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes activates the profile or specifies that the route can appear in the static
routing table.
• No deactivates the profile, keeps the route from appearing in the static
routing table, or removes the route if it is already in the table.
A dash appears before each deactivated profile or route.
No is the default.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile; Ethernet > Frame Relay >
any profile; Ethernet > Static Rtes > any profile

Add Pers
Description: Specifies the number of seconds that average line utilization
(ALU) for transmitted data must exceed the threshold indicated by the Target Util
parameter before the Pipeline begins adding bandwidth to a session. The Pipeline
determines the ALU for a session by using the algorithm specified by the Dyn
Alg parameter.

When utilization exceeds the threshold for a period of time greater than the value
of the Add Pers parameter, the Pipeline attempts to add a channel. Using the Add
Pers and Sub Pers parameters prevents the system from continually adding and
subtracting bandwidth, and can slow down the process of allocating or removing

3-4January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Adv Dialout Routes

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 1 and 300.
Press Enter again to close the text field.

When the Pipeline is using MP+ (Encaps=MPP), the default value is 5.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• Additional channels must be available, and the number of channels added
cannot exceed the amount specified by the Max Ch Count parameter.
• Add Pers in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
Add Pers parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Add Pers does not apply (Add
Pers=N/A) in the Answer profile.
• Add Pers and Sub Pers have little or no effect on a system with a high Sec
History value.
If the value of Sec History is low, the Add Pers and Sub Pers parameters
provide an alternative way to ensure that spikes must persist for a certain
period of time before the system responds.

Location: Ethernet > Answer profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connections
> any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Dyn Alg, Max Ch Count, Base Ch Count, Sec History, Sub Pers, Tar-
get Util

Adv Dialout Routes

Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline should continue to advertise dialout
routes for which it is currently unable to establish a WAN connection. The
default behavior of the Pipeline is to advertise routes regardless of the condition
of its lines.

Note: This parameter is intended for use when two or more Ascend units on the
same network are configured with redundant profiles and routes. It is not
necessary to use this feature if you have a single Pipeline unit.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between the choices.

• Always

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-5

Parameter Reference

This setting causes the Pipeline to always advertise its IP routes. Use this
setting unless you have redundant Ascend units or don’t use dialout routes.
Always is the default.
• Trunks Up
This setting causes the Pipeline to stop advertising (“poison”) its IP dialout
routes if it temporarily loses the ability to dial out.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline sends a traps-PDU (Protocol Data
Unit) to the SNMP manager when an alarm event occurs.

A trap is a mechanism in SNMP for reporting system change in real time. To

report system change, the Pipeline sends a traps-PDU across the Ethernet
interface to the SNMP manager.

Alarm events are defined in RFC 1215 and include the following:
• coldStart
This event indicates that the Pipeline started up from a power-off condition.
• warmStart
This event indicates that the Pipeline started up from a power-on condition,
typically by a system reset.
• linkDown
This event indicates that a WAN link or Ethernet interface has gone offline.
• linkUp
This event indicates that a WAN link or Ethernet interface has come online.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline traps alarm events.
• Yes is the default.
• No specifies that the Pipeline does not trap alarm events.

Location: Ethernet > SNMP Traps

3-6January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Allow as Client DNS

Allow as Client DNS

Description: Specifies whether the local DNS servers should be made
accessible to PPP connections if the client DNS servers are unavailable.

Client DNS configurations define DNS server addresses that will be presented to
WAN connections during IPCP negotiation. They provide a way to protect your
local DNS information from WAN users. Client DNS has two levels: a global
configuration that applies to all PPP connections, and a connection-specific
configuration that applies to that connection only. The global client addresses are
used only if none are specified in the Connection profile.

This parameter acts as a flag to enable the Pipeline to present the local DNS
servers to the WAN connection when all client DNS servers are not defined or

Usage: Specify Yes or No. No is the default.

• Yes allows clients to use the local DNS servers.
• No prevents clients from using the local DNS servers.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS

See Also: Client Assign DNS, Client Pri DNS, Client Sec DNS


Always Spoof
Description: Determines how the Pipeline responds to DHCP requests:
• It can be a DHCP server for up to 43 hosts and assign addresses from its own
address pools.
• It can perform DHCP spoofing for a single host by providing a temporary IP
address just long enough for a DHCP server on the remote network to
provide an official address.

When a Pipeline performs DHCP spoofing, it responds to DHCP requests from

only one host. It ignores requests from any host other than the first one to send a

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-7

Parameter Reference
Ans Voice Call

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices:

• Yes causes the Pipeline to be a DHCP server.
• No enables DHCP spoofing. No is the default.

Dependencies: If DHCP Spoofing is No, this parameter is N/A.

Note: If DHCP server functionality is enabled (when Always Spoof is Yes),

BOOTP relay cannot function at the same time.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: DHCP Spoofing

Ans Voice Call

Description: Enables or disables incoming voice calls to a Pipeline with ISDN.

Usage: Enter Yes to enable or No to disable incoming voice calls. Yes is the
• For the Pipeline units without POTS, set the Ans Voice Call parameter to Yes
to specify that a unit answer voice calls. Incoming calls are treated as Data
Over Voice (DOV) calls.
• For the Pipeline units with POTS, if you set Ans Voice Call to Yes, the unit
functions as usual, directing incoming voice calls to the POTS ports.
• For any model, if you set Ans Voice Call to No, incoming voice calls are
rejected. You can list the phone numbers of rejected calls by entering the
Show ISDN command at the terminal server prompt. For example:
ascend% show isdn
The phone number listed, 5551010, originated a call that was not answered
by the Pipeline.

Dependencies: None.

Location: Configure

See Also: Phone 1 Usage, Phone 2 Usage, Data Usage

3-8January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline can initiate calls, receive them, or
both. The setting you choose affects calls to or from the destination specified by
the Station and LAN Adrs parameters in the Connection profile.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Both specifies that the Pipeline can initiate calls to the destination specified
in the Connection profile, and that it can receive calls from that destination
as well.
Both is the default.
• Call Only specifies that the Pipeline can dial out to the destination specified
in the Connection profile, but cannot answer calls from that destination.
• Ans Only specifies that the Pipeline can receive calls from the destination
specified in the Connection profile, but cannot initiate calls to that

Dependencies: The AnsOrig parameter does not apply (AnsOrig=N/A) when

all channels of the link are nailed up (Call Type=Nailed).

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Telco Options

See Also: LAN Adrs, Station

APP Host
Description: Specifies the IP address of the host that runs the Ascend Password
Protocol (APP) Server Utility. Enigma Logic SafeWord AS and Security
Dynamics ACE, and Axent Softkey are examples of APP servers.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of the
authentication server.

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
Separate the optional netmask from the address using a slash. The default value is The default setting specifies that no APP server is available.

Press Enter again to close the text field.


Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-9

Parameter Reference
APP Port

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• APP Host applies only to outgoing calls using security card authentication.
• You must set Send Auth=PAP-Token and APP Server=Yes for the APP Host
parameter to have any effect.
• The APP Server utility must be running on a UNIX or Windows workstation
on the local network.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Auth

See Also: APP Server, Send Auth

APP Port
Description: Specifies the UDP port number monitored by the APP server
identified in the APP Host parameter.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a UDP port number. Valid
port numbers range from 0 to 65535. The default value is 0, which indicates that
no UDP port is being monitored by the APP server. Press Enter again to close the
text field.

Example: 35

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The APP Port parameter applies only to outgoing calls using security card
• You must set Send Auth=PAP-Token and APP Server=Yes for the APP Port
parameter to have any effect.
• The APP Server utility must be running on a UNIX or Windows workstation
on the local network.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Auth

See Also: APP Server, Send Auth

3-10January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
APP Server

APP Server
Description: Lets you enable responses to security card password challenges by
using the APP Server utility on a UNIX or Windows workstation.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes enables the Pipeline to respond to password challenges by using the APP
Server utility.
• No disables responses from the APP Server utility.
Select No to authenticate calls through the terminal server. No is the default.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• You must set Send Auth=PAP-Token for the APP Server parameter to have
any effect.
• The APP Server utility must be running on a UNIX or Windows workstation
on the local network.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Auth

See Also: Send Auth

Auto Logout
Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline automatically logs out when a
device disconnects from its control port or when the Pipeline loses power. The
disconnected device can be a terminal, a VT-100, a terminal emulator, or a

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes enables automatic logout.
• No disables automatic logout.
No is the default.

Location: System > Sys Config

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-11

Parameter Reference
Aux Send PW

Aux Send PW
Description: Specifies the password that the Pipeline sends when it adds
channels to a security-card MP+ call that uses PAP-TOKEN-CHAP
authentication. The Pipeline obtains authentication of the first channel of this
MP+ call from the hand-held security card.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a password. This password
must match the one set up for your Pipeline in the RADIUS users file on the NAS
(Network Access Server). Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Aux Send PW applies only to outgoing MP+ calls in which


Location: Configure; Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Send Auth

Description: Specifies the profile name of a backup connection.

If the primary connection is unavailable, the Pipeline automatically diverts traffic

to the backup connection. A connection can fail if, for example, a frame relay
connection loses a Permanent Virtual Circuit, the physical link fails. When the
primary connection is restored, traffic again uses the primary connection.

When you use the backup connection, the Pipeline does not move routes to the
backup profile. Therefore, the IP routes shown in the terminal server display may
be incorrect, although statistical counts reflect the change.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the name of the profile that
you want to act as the backup. The name you specify must match the value of the
Name parameter in a local Connection profile. The backup connection can be
switched or nailed up.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• Do not create nested backup connections.
• The Backup parameter applies only to nailed-up connections (for which Call
Type=Nailed or Nailed/MPP); otherwise, Backup=N/A.

3-12January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

• Parameters that you define in the primary Connection profile do not

automatically apply to the backup Connection profile.
For example, if you set the primary Connection profile to filter Telnet
packets, you must set the backup profile to filter Telnet packets as well.
Outgoing Frame Relay packets are the only packets that follow the primary
Connection profile definitions. All other packets follow the backup
Connection profile definitions.
• Backup is intended for situations in which the remote device (such as a data
center) goes out of service; the backup call is made to a backup data center.
Backup is not intended to provide alternative lines for getting to a single
• Do not confuse the Backup parameter with the Secondary parameter. A
Backup Connection profile is used to re-establish an existing connection that
has terminated; a Secondary Connection profile is used to establish a new
connection if the primary Connection profile cannot. That is, the Secondary
Connection provides an alternative line for a single destination, which the
Backup Connection profile does not.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Session Options

See Also: Name, Secondary

Description: Used to send or receive data using the Bandwidth Allocation
Control Protocol.

Usage: Select the parameter and use the up or down arrow to cycle through the
choices of Yes or No. Press Enter to make a selection.
• In the Ethernet > Answer > PPP Options menu, set BACP to Yes to use
BACP when receiving calls.
No is the default.
• To use BACP when sending data, in Ethernet > Connections > any profile,
set Encaps to MP. In the Encaps option submenu, set BACP to Yes.
No is the default.

Note: The Idle Percent parameter does not appear in the Encaps Options
menu when Encaps is set to MP, as it does not apply to MP or BACP.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-13

Parameter Reference
Base Ch Count

Location: Ethernet > Answer > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connections > any
profile > Encaps Options

Base Ch Count
Description: Specifies the initial number of channels the Pipeline sets up when
originating calls for a PPP, MP+, or MP multichannel link.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number.

The maximum value of the Base Ch Count parameter depends on the

encapsulation method that both ends of the link use.
– For an PPP link (where Encaps=PPP), the Base Ch Count is always 1.
– For an MP+ or MP link (where Encaps=MPP), the amount you specify
is limited by the number of channels available, but the device at the
remote end of the link must also support MP+ or MP.

No matter what type of link you use, the amount you specify cannot exceed the
maximum channel count set by the Max Ch Count parameter.

Press Enter to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• You can determine the base bandwidth of a call by multiplying the value of
the Base Ch Count parameter by the value of the Data Svc parameter.
• The Base Ch Count parameter does not apply (Base Ch Count=N/A) when
all channels of the link are nailed up (Call Type=Nailed).
• For optimum MP+ performance, both sides of a connection must set these
parameters to the same values:
– Base Ch Count (in the Connection profile)
– Min Ch Count (in the Answer profile)
– Max Ch Count (in the Answer profile and the Connection profile)

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Data Svc, Max Ch Count, Min Ch Count

3-14January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Become Default Router

Become Default Router

Description: Determines whether the Pipeline should advertise itself as the

default router in DHCP responses.D

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between choices.

• Yes indicates that the Pipeline performing DHCP responses is the default
• No does not advertise the Pipeline as the default. No is the default.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: BOOTP Relay Enable

Bill #
Description: Specifies a billing number for charges incurred on the line. If you
do not enter a billing number, the telephone company bills charges to the
telephone number assigned to the line.

Your carrier determines the billing number, and uses it to sort your bill. If you
have several departments, and each department has its own Bill #, your carrier
can separate and tally each department’s usage.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a telephone number. You can
specify up to ten characters, and you must limit those characters to the following:
1234567890()[]!z-*# |

The Pipeline uses the Bill # parameter differently depending on the type of line
you use:
• Bill # for outgoing calls on an ISDN BRI line applies only to installations in

Press Enter to close the text field.

Example: These specifications are valid for Bill #:


Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-15

Parameter Reference
Block calls after

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Telco Options

See Also: Calling #, Id Auth

Block calls after

Description: Specifies how many unsuccessful attempts the Pipeline will make
before beginning to block calls (discard packets).

Usage: Enter the number of connection attempts permitted before the Pipeline
blocks calls (discards packets) for the connection. The maximum number you
can enter is 65535 (65535 attempts). The default is 0.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Session Options

See Also: Blocked duration

Blocked duration
Description: Specifies the number of seconds the Pipeline will block calls
(discard packets).

Usage: Enter the number of seconds for the Pipeline to block all calls made to
the connection. When this period has elapsed, the unit will again allows calls to
this connection.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Session Options

See Also: Block calls after

BOOTP Relay Enable

Description: Controls whether Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) requests are
relayed to other networks.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Yes specifies that BOOTP requests are relayed.
• No specifies that BOOTP requests are not relayed.
No is the default.

3-16January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Dependencies: You must use the Server parameter to specify the address of at
least one BOOTP server. The BOOTP Relay menu also includes a second Server
parameter for specifying a second BOOTP server. If you specify two BOOTP
servers, the Pipeline that relays the BOOTP request determines when each server
is used. The order of the BOOTP servers in the BOOTP Relay menu does not
necessarily determine which server is tried first.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > BOOTP Relay

See Also: Server, DHCP Spoofing

Description: Enables or disables protocol-independent bridging for a call. If
you disable bridging, you must enable routing by setting Route IP=Yes or Route
IPX=Yes in the Connection profile.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Yes enables bridging.
• No disables bridging.
No is the default.

Dependencies: The effect of the Bridge parameter depends upon how you set
the Route IP and Route IPX parameters.

Bridge and Route IP

• If Bridge=Yes and Route IP=Yes, the Pipeline routes IP packets, and bridges
all other packets.
• If Bridge=Yes and Route IP=No, the Pipeline bridges all packets.
• If Bridge=No and Route IP=Yes, the Pipeline routes only IP packets.
• If Bridge=No and Route IP=No, an error occurs and you cannot save the
You must enable bridging or routing, or both.

Bridge and Route IPX

• If Bridge=Yes and Route IPX=Yes, the Pipeline routes IPX packets, and
bridges all other packets.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-17

Parameter Reference

• If Bridge=Yes and Route IPX=No, the Pipeline bridges all packets.

• If Bridge=No and Route IPX=Yes, the Pipeline routes only IPX packets.
• If Bridge=No and Route IPX=No, an error occurs and you cannot save the
You must enable bridging or routing, or both.

Additional Dependencies
• Bridging must be enabled on both the dialing and answering sides of the
The Connection profile on the dialing side and the Answer profile on the
answering side must both set the Bridge parameter to Yes. Otherwise, the
Pipeline does not bridge the packets.
• The Bridge parameter does not apply (Bridge=N/A) if you turn off bridging
in the Ethernet profile (Bridging=No).
• Bridge in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
Bridge parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Bridge does not apply
(Bridge=N/A) in the Answer profile.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, you must set Bridge=Yes in the
answering Connection profile.
• Do not confuse the Bridge parameter with the Bridging parameter.

– The Bridge parameter in the Answer profile applies only to connections

that the Pipeline answers.
– The Bridge parameter in the Connection profile applies only to a
specific connection.

– The Bridging parameter globally enables or disables bridging.

Location: Configure; Ethernet > Connections > any profile; Ethernet > Answer
profile > PPP Options

See Also: Bridging, Encaps, Route IP, Route IPX

3-18January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Description: Allows you to globally enable or disable bridging for all
connections that the Pipeline answers or dials.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes globally enables bridging.
When you choose this setting, the Pipeline operates in promiscuous mode.
The Ethernet controller in the Pipeline accepts all packets and passes them
up the protocol stack for a higher-level decision on whether to route, bridge,
or reject them. This mode is appropriate if you are using the Pipeline as a
• No globally disables bridging.
When you choose this setting, the Ethernet controller filters out all packets
except broadcast packets and those explicitly addressed to the Pipeline. The
Bridge parameter in the Connection and Answer profiles, and all parameters
exclusively associated with bridging, are set to N/A.
This mode significantly reduces processor and memory overhead when the
Pipeline is routing, and can result in much better performance, especially in
moderate to heavily loaded networks.
No is the default.

Dependencies: Do not confuse the Bridge parameter in the Answer and Con-
nection profiles with the Bridging parameter in the Ethernet profile.
• The Bridge parameter in the Answer profile applies only to connections that
the Pipeline answers.
• The Bridge parameter in the Connection profile applies only to a specific
• The Bridging parameter in the Ethernet profile globally enables or disables

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

See Also: Bridge

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-19

Parameter Reference
Call Filter

Call Filter
Description: Enables you to specify a call filter to plug into an Answer profile
or a Connection profile.

By default, any packet destined for the WAN causes the Pipeline to place a call.
In addition, by default, every packet resets the idle timer, the indicator that the
Pipeline uses to know when to clear a call. When you set up a call filter, only
those packets that the call filter forwards can initiate a call or reset the Preempt or
Idle parameters.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and 16.
The number corresponds to a call filter you created in the Filters menu. Press
Enter again to close the text field.

When you set Call Filter to 0 (zero), the Pipeline forwards all packets. Zero is the

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• If all channels of a link are nailed up (Call Type=Nailed in the Connection
profile), the Call Filter parameter does not apply (Call Filter=N/A) in both
the Answer and Connection profiles.
• The Pipeline applies a call filter after applying a data filter; only those
packets that the data filter forwards can reach the call filter.
• If IPX client bridging is in use (Handle IPX=Client), set the Call Filter
parameter to 0 (zero).
• Call Filter in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
Call Filter parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Call Filter does not apply (Call
Filter=N/A) in the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Session Options

See Also: Call Type, Data Filter, Forward, More, Profile Reqd

3-20January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Call Type

Call Type
Description: Appears in a Connection profile and a Frame Relay profile. Its
functionality differs depending on the profile:
• In a Connection profile, specifies a type of link.
• In a Frame Relay profile, specifies the type of connection to a frame relay
Frame Relay is an HDLC-based packet protocol that enables you to send
data to a destination using one or more frame relay switches within a private
network or a public carrier’s network. HDLC stands for High Level Data
Link Control.
From the viewpoint of the Pipeline, a frame relay switch is an endpoint for
all DLCIs (Data Link Connection Indicators) connecting to it. A DLCI
identifies a Connection profile as a logical link; because more than one
Connection profile can connect to a frame relay switch, a physical circuit can
carry more than one logical link. The DLCI parameter enables the frame
relay switch to identify each Connection profile.
The frame relay switch connects the endpoints of the DLCIs to each other to
make a virtual permanent circuit to which users can connect. The circuit acts
like a wire between two endpoints with a fixed maximum bandwidth.

Usage: The settings you can choose for the Call Type parameter differ
depending on the profile. In a Connection profile or a Frame Relay profile, you
can specify Nailed, Switched, Nailed/MPP, Perm/Switched. Each selection is
discussed below:

This setting specifies a link that consists entirely of nailed-up channels.
• In a Connection profile, you must use the Group parameter to specify which
channels are in the connection.
• In a Frame Relay profile, you must use the Nailed Grp parameter to specify
which channels are in the connection.
The Nailed setting is the default in a Frame Relay profile.

This setting specifies a link that consists entirely of switched channels.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-21

Parameter Reference
Call Type

• In a Connection profile, the Telco Options parameters specify the bandwidth

of the connection, as well as other features of the switched link.
The maximum number of channels on the link is the number set by Max Ch
The Switched setting is the default in a Connection profile.
• In a Frame Relay profile, you must specify the Switched setting if the
Pipeline always initiates the connection to the frame relay switch; if a device
at the remote end of the link initiates bridging or routing sessions, do not
choose Switched.
If you choose Switched, you must specify the bandwidth of the switched
connection in the Data Svc parameter of the Frame Relay profile.

Nailed/MPP (Connection profile only)

This setting specifies a link that consists of both nailed-up and switched
channels. The Pipeline establishes this connection whenever any of its nailed-up
or switched channels are connected end-to-end. If a Nailed/MPP link is down and
the nailed-up channels are down, the link cannot re-establish itself until the
Pipeline brings up one or more of the nailed-up channels, or dials one or more
switched channels.

Typically, the switched channels are dialed when the Pipeline receives a packet
whose destination is the unit at the remote end of the Nailed/MPP connection.
The packet initiating the switched call must come from the caller side of the

If a channel in a call fails for any reason, and the total number of channels in the
Nailed/MPP connection falls below the value of the Min Ch Count parameter, the
Pipeline tries to add a switched channel to bring the connection back up to the

If a failed channel is in the group specified by the Group parameter, that channel
is replaced with a switched channel, even if the call is online with more than the
minimum number of channels. Failed nailed-up channels are replaced by
switched channels, regardless of the Min Ch Count setting.

Perm/Switched (Connection profile only)

This setting specifies a permanent switched connection.

3-22January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Call Type

A permanent switched connection is an outbound call that attempts to remain up

at all times. If the unit or central switch resets, or if the link is terminated, the
permanent switched connection attempts to restore the link at ten-second

Use this setting if your telephone company charges for each incoming and
outgoing connection attempt, but does not charge for connection time on local
calls. Ascend’s regular bandwidth-on-demand feature conserves connection time
but causes many connection attempts. A permanent switched connection
performs the opposite function—it conserves connection attempts but causes a
long connection time.

For the answering device at the remote end of the permanent switched
connection, we recommend that the Connection profile be configured to answer
calls but not originate them. If the remote device initiates a call, the Pipeline
simply does not answer it. This situation could result in repeated charges for calls
that have no purpose. To keep the remote device from originating calls, set
AnsOrig=Ans Only for that device.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Pipeline determines the minimum number of channels by the value of
the Min Ch Count parameter or the number of nailed-up channels in the
group, whichever is greater.
The Pipeline does not count a nailed-up channel that is unused.
• The Pipeline determines the maximum number of channels by the value of
the Max Ch Count parameter or the number of nailed-up channels in the
group, whichever is greater.
The Pipeline does not count a nailed-up channel that is unused.
• The Pipeline adds or subtracts switched channels on a Nailed/MPP
connection as required by the parameters on either side of the connection.
Each side makes its calculations based on the traffic received at that side. If
the two sides of the connection disagree on the number of channels needed,
the side requesting the greater number prevails.
• The DO Hangup parameter works only from the caller side of the connection
when you choose Nailed/MPP.
• The Idle parameter works for both sides of the connection when you choose

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-23

Parameter Reference

However, if the answering side of the connection brings the link down
because of an Idle timeout, the calling side can bring it back up.

Dependencies: Keep this information in mind concerning the Call Type param-
eter in a Connection profile or a Frame Relay profile:
• If the link consists entirely of nailed channels (Call Type=Nailed), the
Callback feature does not apply (Callback=N/A).
• If the link consists entirely of switched channels (Call Type=Switched), the
Group parameter does not apply (Group=N/A).
• In a Connection profile, the encapsulation must be MPP (Encaps=MPP) in
order to select Call Type=Nailed/MPP.
• When you set Call Type=Perm/Switched in a Connection profile, the
following parameters do not apply and are set to N/A:
– AnsOrig=N/A because permanent switched connections are always
– Callback=N/A because the device will not answer calls for a permanent
switched connection.
– Idle=N/A because a permanent switched connection is up permanently.
– Backup=N/A because permanent switched connections do not support
backup calls.
• The Idle and Backup parameters in the Session Options submenu are also set
to N/A when Call Type=Perm/Switched.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Telco Options; Ethernet >
Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: Callback, Data Svc, DLCI, Group (Connection), Idle, Max Ch Count,
Min Ch Count, Nailed Grp parameters, and DO Hangup in Chapter 1, “DO Com-
mand Reference.”

Description: Enables or disables the callback feature. When you enable the
callback feature, the Pipeline hangs up after receiving an incoming call that
matches the one specified in the Connection profile. The Pipeline then calls back

3-24January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Called #

the device at the remote end of the link using the Dial # specified in the
Connection profile.

You can use this parameter to tighten security, as it ensures that the Pipeline
always makes a connection with a known destination.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes enables the callback feature.
• No disables the callback feature.
No is the default.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Callback parameter does not apply (Callback=N/A) if all channels of the
link are nailed up (Call Type=Nailed).
• If you set Callback=Yes, you must also set AnsOrig=Both, because the
Connection profile must both answer the call and call back the device
requesting access.
By the same token, any device calling into a Connection profile set for
callback must be configured to both dial calls and answer them.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Telco Options

See Also: AnsOrig, Call Type, Dial #, Exp Callback

Called #
Description: Adds authentication by Called Number using the number (ID) of
the unit being called instead of the number of the calling unit. Called # is the
same as Dial #, but without the trunk group or dialing prefix prepended.

Usage: Select the parameter and cycle through the possible choices.
• Ignore. Ignore calling number or called number.
• Prefer. Use Calling number ID authentication, but if it’s not available, use
name/password authentication.
• Require. Use Calling number ID authentication.
• Fallback does not apply to the Pipeline.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-25

Parameter Reference
Caller ID

• Called Require. Same as Require, except uses the called number rather than
the calling number ID.
• Called Prefer. Same as Prefer, except use the called number rather than the
calling number ID.

Dependencies: You should also supply all the information to use PAP or CHAP
authentication in case the called number is blocked (using Caller ID blocking
from the phone company). Both types of authentication are not performed for the
same connection.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile

See Also: Id Auth

Caller ID
Description: Specifies if the ISDN phone number data associated with the
POTS port should be included in, or blocked from, the ISDN BRI data stream
when outgoing analog calls are placed. The parameter setting applies to both
ports. You cannot set each port separately.

Usage: Select the parameter and cycle through the possible values of Yes or No
by pressing Enter. Yes is the default.

Example: Caller ID = Yes

Location: Configure menu

Calling #
Description: Specifies the calling party’s phone number (also called CLID or
ID). If authentication by CLID is enabled by the Id Auth parameter, the Pipeline
compares the CLID of incoming calls to the value of the Calling # parameter.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, enter the calling party’s phone
number. You can enter up to 20 characters. Press Enter again to close the text

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile

3-26January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Chan Usage

See Also: Id Auth

Chan Usage
Description: Specifies how the B channels are used on an ISDN line. Typically,
both channels are switched. The first setting in each pair represents B1 channel
usage, and the second represents the B2 channel usage.

Switched means that the channel uses dial-in switched service at either 64 kbps
(the default) or 56 kbps per B channel. The B channels can be used singly or
together for one or more simultaneous dial-ups on the same line, depending on
active sessions and bandwidth demands.

Unused means that the channel is not used for dial-in connections. The Pipeline
will have access only to the other channel, which limits the bandwidth to 64 kbps.

Leased means that the channel is leased (dedicated to a permanent “nailed”

connection to one remote network).

Super Dig 128 supports ISDN connections in Japan. It concatenates the two B
channels into a single 128 kbps pipe on a nailed-up connection, delivering
unrestricted 128 kbps bandwidth. Super Digital 128 uses a single group number
with both nailed lines connected to a single PPP/MPP interface. Only one dial-up
phone number is assigned, and only one call can be supported at one time. The
switch type must be set to JAPAN.

Alternatively, you can specify Leased/Leased to configure two separate B

channels, with separate group numbers to be nailed to the same or different
destinations. This method works inter-lata, similarly to any switched service.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Switch/Switch (default)
• Unused/Switch
• Switch/Unused
• Super Dig 128
• Leased/Unused
• Unused/Leased
• Switch/Leased

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-27

Parameter Reference
Client Assign DNS

• Leased/Switch
• Leased/Leased

Location: Configure

Client Assign DNS

Description: Specifies whether client DNS server addresses will be presented
while this connection is being negotiated.

Usage: Specify Yes (to use client DNS servers) or No. No is the default.

Example: Client Assign DNS = No

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > IP Options

See Also: Client Pri DNS, Client Sec DNS

Client Gateway
Description: Specifies the default route for IP packets coming from the user on
this connection.

Usage: Specify the IP address of the next hop router in dotted decimal notation.
The default value is; if you accept this value, the Pipeline routes packets
as specified in the routing table, using the system-wide default route if it cannot
find a more specific route.

The Pipeline must have a direct route to the address you specify. The direct route
can take place via a profile or an Ethernet connection. If the Pipeline does not
have a direct route, it drops the packets on the connection. When you diagnose
routing problems with a profile using this feature, an error in a per-user gateway
address is not apparent from inspection of the global routing table.

Example: If you specify Client Gateway= in a profile, IP packets from

the user with destinations through the default route will be routed through the
gateway at

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile >IP Options

3-28January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Client Pri DNS

Client Pri DNS

Description: Specifies a primary DNS server address to be sent to any client
connecting to the Pipeline. Client DNS has two levels: a global configuration that
applies to all PPP connections, and a connection-specific configuration that
applies to that connection only. The global client addresses are used only if none
are specified in the Connection profile. You can also choose to present your local
DNS servers if no client servers are defined or available.

Usage: Specify the IP address of a DNS server to be used for all connections
that do not have a DNS server defined. The default value is

Example: Client Pri DNS=

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS; Ethernet > Connections > any profile
> IP Options

Client Sec DNS

Description: Specifies a secondary DNS server address to be sent to any client
connecting to the Pipeline. Client DNS has two levels: a global configuration that
applies to all PPP connections, and a connection-specific configuration that
applies to that connection only. The global client addresses are used only if none
are specified in the Connection profile. You can also choose to present your local
DNS servers if no client servers are defined or available.

Usage: Specify the IP address of a secondary DNS server to be used for all
connections that do not have a DNS server defined. The default value is

Example: Client Sec DNS=

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS; Ethernet > Connections > any profile
> IP Options

Description: Specifies an SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
community name. The string you specify becomes a password that the Pipeline
sends to the SNMP manager when an SNMP trap event occurs. The password
authenticates the sender identified by the IP address in the IP Adrs parameter.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-29

Parameter Reference

SNMP provides a way for computers to share networking information. In SNMP,

two types of communicating devices exist: agents and managers. An agent (such
as the Pipeline) provides networking information to a manager application
running on another computer. The agents and managers share a database of
information, called the Management Information Base (MIB).

A trap is a mechanism in SNMP for reporting system change in real time. To

report system change, the Pipeline, sends a traps-PDU across the Ethernet
interface to the SNMP manager. A complete list specifying the events that cause
the Pipeline to send a traps-PDU appears in the Ascend Enterprise Traps MIB.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the community name. You
can enter an alphanumeric string containing up to 31 characters. The default is
[ ]. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: To turn off SNMP traps, leave the Comm parameter blank and
set Dest=

Location: Ethernet > SNMP Traps

See Also: Dest

Description: Specifies how a packet's contents are compared to the value
specified in the filter.

After applying the Offset, Mask, and Length values to reach the appropriate
location in a packet, the Pipeline compares the packet’s contents to the Value
parameter. If Compare is set to Equals (the default), the Pipeline applies the filter
if the packet data is identical to the setting of the Value parameter. If Compare is
set to NotEquals, the Pipeline applies the filter if the packet data is not identical
to the setting of the Value parameter.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Equals indicates that a match occurs when data in the packet equals the
conditions specified in the filter.
Equals is the default
• NotEquals indicates that a match occurs when data in the packet does not
equal the conditions specified in the filter.

3-30January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Connection #

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• Compare=N/A if the filter is not Valid or if the filter type is IP.

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type > any filter > Generic

See Also: Length (Filter), Mask, Offset, Value

Connection #
Description: Appears in a Bridging profile or an IPX Route profile. Its
functionality differs depending on the profile:
• In a Bridging profile, specifies the number of a Connection profile through
which you can reach the node specified by the Enet Adrs parameter of the
Bridging profile.
The IP address contained in the Connection profile’s LAN Adrs parameter
corresponds to the MAC address contained in the Bridging profile’s Enet
Adrs parameter. The Pipeline dials the Connection profile when a node on its
LAN sends a packet whose destination matches the Enet Adrs value in the
• In an IPX Route profile, identifies the number of the Connection profile
through which you can reach the NetWare server connected by the static
route and is required.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Your usage depends on the profile.

Bridging profile
Type the last two digits of the menu number of a Connection profile in which
Bridging=Yes. You can type a number from 1 to 31. Zero (0) is the default; this
setting disables the profile.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

IPX Route profile

Type the last two digits of the menu number of a Connection profile. You can
type a number from 1 to 31. Zero (0) is the default; this setting specifies that no
Connection profile can reach the destination.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-31

Parameter Reference

You must enter a value in this parameter, because you should only advertise static
routes that you can reach.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind for each type of pro-

Bridging profile

You must set Dial Brdcast=No if you want the Pipeline to use a static bridge
entry. Any Connection profile that dials on broadcast does not need a Bridging

IPX Route profile

In an IPX Route profile, you must carry out these tasks if you want static IPX
routes to appear in the route table:
• Enable IPX routing in the Connection profile by setting Route IPX=Yes.
• Configure IPX on the local Ethernet network by specifying a setting for one
or more of these parameters: Active, Connection #, Hop Count, IPX Alias,
IPX Frame, IPX Net#, Network, Node, Server Name, Server Type, Socket,
and Tick Count.

Location: Ethernet > Bridge Adrs > any profile; Ethernet > IPX Route > any

See Also: Active, Hop Count, IPX Alias, IPX Frame, IPX Net#, Network,
Node, Route IPX, Server Name, Server Type, Socket, Tick Count

Description: Specifies the type of control interface established at the VT-100
port labeled Control on the back panel of the Pipeline.

Usage: Standard enables you to use the standard set of menus. Standard is the
default and cannot be changed on the Pipeline.

3-32January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

The Control Monitor is a menu-based user interface for configuring, managing,

and monitoring the Pipeline. It consists of nine windows—eight status windows
and a single edit window.

Location: System > Sys Config

Description: Specifies the person or department to contact if you experience
problems using the Pipeline.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the name of the contact
person or department. You can enter up to 60 characters. An SNMP management
application can read this field, but the value you enter does not affect the
operation of the Pipeline.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Location: System > Sys Config

See Also: Location

Data Filter
Description: Specifies a data filter to plug into an Answer profile or a
Connection profile. This data filter examines each incoming or outgoing packet
on a WAN, and either forwards or discards it.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and 16.
The number corresponds to a data filter you created in the Filters menu. Press
Enter again to close the text field.

When you set Data Filter to 0 (zero), the Pipeline forwards all data packets. Zero
is the default.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Pipeline applies a call filter after applying a data filter; only those
packets that the data filter forwards can reach the call filter.
• If IPX client bridging is in use (Handle IPX=Client), set the Data Filter
parameter to 0 (zero).

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-33

Parameter Reference
Data Svc

• Do not confuse the Filter parameter with the Data Filter parameter.
The Filter parameter filters data packets on the Pipeline unit’s local LAN
interface; the Data Filter parameter filters data packets on the Pipeline unit’s
WAN interface. The WAN interface is the port on the Pipeline that is
connected to a WAN line.
• Data Filter in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
Data Filter parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Data Filter does not apply
(Data Filter=N/A) in the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > Session Options; Ethernet > Con-
nections > any profile > Session Options

See Also: Call Filter, Call Type, Forward, More, Profile Reqd

Data Svc
Description: Specifies the type of data service the link uses for outgoing calls.

A data service is provided over a WAN line and is characterized by the unit
measure of its bandwidth. A data service can transmit either data or digitized

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices. You can specify one of the
settings listed in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. Data Svc settings

Setting Description

56K The call contains any type of data and connects to the Switched-56 data
The only services available to lines using inband signaling (such as
Switched-56 lines) are 56K and 56KR.

3-34January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Data Svc

Table 3-1. Data Svc settings (continued)

Setting Description

56KR The call connects to the Switched-56 data service.

The only services available to lines using inband signaling (such as
Switched-56 lines) are 56K and 56KR.

64K The call contains any type of data and connects to the Switched-64 data

Voice This value applies only to calls made over an ISDN BRI line.
The voice setting enables the Pipeline to instruct the network to place an
end-to-end digital voice call for transporting data when a switched data
service is not available.
If you choose this setting, the data might become corrupted or unusable
unless you meet these technical requirements:
• Use only digital end-to-end connectivity; no analog signals should
be present anywhere in the link.
• Make sure that the phone company is not using any intervening loss
plans to economize on voice calls.
• Do not use echo cancellation; analog lines can echo, and the
technology to take out the echoes can also scramble data in the link.
• Do not make any modifications that can change the data in the link.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Voice setting only applies to switched channels.
• You can determine the base bandwidth of a call by multiplying the value of
the Base Ch Count parameter by the value of the Data Svc parameter.
• Either party can request a data service that is unavailable; in this case, the
Pipeline cannot connect the call.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Telco Options; Ethernet >
Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: Call Type

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-35

Parameter Reference
Data Usage

Data Usage
Description: Specifies which of your ISDN telephone numbers to use for
incoming data calls. If your ISDN service allows data calls on only one telephone
number, use this parameter to specify the telephone number to use.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• A allows incoming data calls to the telephone number specified by the My
Num A parameter.
• B allows incoming data calls to the telephone number specified by the My
Num B parameter.
• A + B allows incoming data calls to the telephone number specified by the
My Num A parameter or the telephone number specified by the My Num B

Dependencies: The parameter can be used only when the value of the Switch
Type parameter is any switch used in North America (except AT&T/P-T-P), and
switch types named France, U.K., NET 3, Japan, Belgium, Australia, Swiss, Ger-
man, and MP German.

Note: For AT&T/P-T-P, the Data Usage parameter is N/A because there is only
one telephone number supplied, and it is used for all calls.

Location: Configure menu

See Also: My Num A, My Num B, Phone 1 Usage, Phone 2 Usage, Switch


DBA Monitor
Description: Specifies how the Pipeline monitors the traffic over a Multilink
Protocol Plus (MPP) call.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices:

• Transmit
This specifies that the Ascend unit will add or subtract bandwidth based on
the amount of data it transmits.
• Transmit-Recv

3-36January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
DCE N392

This specifies that the Ascend unit will add or subtract bandwidth based on
the amount of data it transmits or receives.
• None
This specifies that the Ascend unit will not monitor traffic over the link and
will not use DBA.

Dependencies: DBA-Monitor is only supported on MPP calls (Encaps=MPP).

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Encaps, Dyn Alg, Target Util, Idle Pct

DCE N392
Description: Specifies the maximum number of error events that can occur in
the sliding window defined by DCE N393. The error events can include link
reliability errors, protocol errors, and sequence number errors. If the Pipeline
exceeds the threshold defined by N392, the Frame Relay switch declares the
Pipeline inactive.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 1 and 10.
The default is 3. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The DCE N392 parameter applies only if Link Mgmt=T1.617D and the FR
Type is DCE.
• If you turn off the Pipeline, disconnect its WAN connection, or set
Active=No in the Frame Relay profile, the setting of N392 multiplied by the
setting of N391 indicates the time it takes the frame relay switch to declare
an inactive state.

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: Link Mgmt, N391, DTE N393, FR Type

DCE N393
Description: Specifies the width of the sliding window used by the DCE N392
parameter. For example, if DCE N393=5, the sliding window begins five

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-37

Parameter Reference
Def Server

monitored events ago and extends to the present. A monitored event occurs when
the Pipeline makes a Status Enquiry.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 1 and 10.
The default is 4. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: The DCE N393 parameter applies only if Link Mgmt=T1.617D

and the FR Type is DCE.

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: Link Mgmt, DTE N392, FR Type

Def Server
Description: Defines the server to which the Pipeline routes incoming packets
when their destination port number does not match an entry in Static Mappings
nor does it match a port number dynamically assigned when a local host initiates
a TCP / UDP session. The default server is used only when the Pipeline is
running network address translation (NAT) in single-address mode.

Note: If you change the value of this parameter, the change does not take effect
until the next time a connection is made to the remote network specified in the
NAT profile. To make the change immediately, you must terminate the
connection to the remote network and then reopen it.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then type the IP address.

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
Enter to disable routing of packets to a default server.

The default value is

Press Enter again to close the text field, press Esc to exit the menu, and then
confirm the change when prompted.

Note: The change does not take effect until the next time the link is brought up.
To make the change immediately, bring the link down and back up.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

3-38January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

• For routing of packets from a remote network to occur, the Routing

parameter in the NAT menu must be set to Yes and the Lan parameter in the
NAT menu must be set to Single IP Addr. Parameters in Static Mapping nn
menus (where nn is a number between 01 and 10) control whether the
Pipeline routes packets from a remote network for up to 10 different TCP or
UDP ports to specific servers and ports on the local network.
– The Dst Port# and Loc Port# parameters must be set to values other than
– The address cannot be 0.
• If your local network has only one server that handles all incoming packets,
you can specify the server by
– setting this parameter to the address of the server.
– setting the Valid parameter in each of the Static Mapping nn menus to
No, which disables routing of incoming packets by their destination
• If the Routing parameter in the NAT menu is set to No or the Lan parameter
in the NAT menu is set to Multi IP Addr, this parameter is N/A.

Location: Ethernet > NAT > NAT

See Also: Dst Port # (Static Mapping), Loc Adrs, Loc Port#, Lan, Routing, Pro-
tocol (Static Mapping), Validate IP

See Also:

Description: Appears in a Static Rtes profile and in an SNMP Traps profile. Its
functionality differs depending on the profile:
• In a Static Rtes profile, specifies the IP address of the route’s destination.
• In an SNMP Traps profile, specifies the IP address of the SNMP manager to
which the Pipeline sends traps-PDUs (Protocol Data Units).

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of the

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-39

Parameter Reference
DHCP PNP Enabled

An IP address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.

If a netmask is in use, you must specify it. Separate a netmask from the IP
address with a slash.

The Pipeline ignores any digits in the IP address hidden by a netmask. For
example, the address becomes To specify a route
to a specific host, use a mask of 32.

The default value is This value has a different meaning depending on
the profile:
• In a Static Rtes profile, the first route is the default route, and the Dest
parameter is set to; this default specifies all destinations for which
no other route exists.
• In an SNMP Traps profile, you turn off traps by setting Dest= and
deleting the value for the Comm parameter.

Press Enter to close the text field.


Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• If you do not know the right IP address to enter, you must obtain it from the
network administrator.
• Do not attempt to configure an IP address by guesswork!
• The Dest parameter does not apply (Dest=N/A) if the Pipeline does not
support IP (Route IP=No).

Location: Ethernet > Static Rtes > any profile; Ethernet > SNMP Traps > any

See Also: Comm, Encaps, Route IP

DHCP PNP Enabled

Description: Determines whether the Pipeline enables Plug and Play when
running in DHCP server mode. In Plug and Play, the Pipeline assigns an IP
address, and returns it along with the Default Gateway and Domain Name Server
IP addresses to the requesting device on a remote network. The default is Yes.

3-40January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
DHCP Spoofing

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes (the default) and No.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See also: BOOTP Relay Enable

DHCP Spoofing
Description: Enables or disables all of the DHCP features.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Yes enables all DHCP features.
• No disables all DHCP features.
Yes is the default.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: Always Spoof

Dial #
Description: Appears in the Configure menu, a Connection profile, and a Frame
Relay profile. Its functionality differs depending on the profile:
• In the Configure or Connection profile, specifies the phone number the
Pipeline dials to reach the bridge, router, or node at the remote end of the
• In a Frame Relay profile, specifies the phone number that the Pipeline dials
to reach a frame relay switch.
Frame Relay is an HDLC-based packet protocol that enables you to send
data to a destination using one or more frame relay switches within a private
network or a public carrier’s network. HDLC stands for High Level Data
Link Control.
From the viewpoint of the Pipeline, a frame relay switch is an endpoint for
all DLCIs (Data Link Connection Indicators) connecting to it. A DLCI
identifies a Connection profile as a logical link. The frame relay switch
connects the endpoints of the DLCIs to each other to make a virtual
permanent circuit to which users can connect. The circuit acts like a wire
between two endpoints with a fixed maximum bandwidth.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-41

Parameter Reference
Dial Brdcast

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a telephone number. You can
enter up to 37 characters, and you must limit those characters to the following:

The Pipeline sends only the numerical characters to place a call.

The default value is null.

Press Enter to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• Dial # does not apply (Dial #=N/A) when all channels are nailed up (Call
Type=Nailed) or if you are using frame relay encapsulation (Encaps=FR).
• If Sub-Adr=Termsel (in the System, Sys Config menu) include the ISDN
subaddress in the Dial #, separating it from the phone number with a comma.
The characters before the comma comprise the phone number; the one or
two numeric characters after the comma comprise the subaddress. Consider
this example:
The Pipeline dials the phone number 555-1212, and conveys the subaddress
23 to the answering party.

Location: Configure; Ethernet > Connections > any profile; Ethernet > Frame
Relay > any profile

See Also: Call Type, Encaps, Group (Connection), Sub-Adr

Dial Brdcast
Description: Specifies whether broadcast packets initiate dialing.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline dials a link if (a) the link is not online and (b)
the Pipeline receives a frame whose MAC address is set to broadcast.
When a device on the local Ethernet interface sends out broadcast packets
that the Pipeline must bridge to another network, the Pipeline starts up a
session for each Connection profile in which Dial Brdcast=Yes. Gradually, it
builds an internal bridge table based on experience; this table helps to limit

3-42January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Dial If Link Down

the number of calls by recording the appropriate destination network for

various addresses.
• No specifies that broadcast packets do not initiate dialing.
If you choose this setting, the Pipeline relies on its Bridging Profiles, which
contain remote physical addresses you have manually entered.
The IP address contained in the Connection profile’s LAN Adrs parameter
corresponds to the MAC address contained in the Bridging profile’s Enet
Adrs parameter. The Pipeline dials the Connection profile when a node on its
LAN sends a packet whose destination matches the Enet Adrs value.
No is the default.

Dependencies: The Dial Brdcast parameter applies only if the Connection pro-
file enables bridging (Bridge=Yes) and allows outgoing calls (AnsOrig=Call
Only or AnsOrig=Both).

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile

See Also: Connection #

Dial If Link Down

Description: Dial If Link Down applies when both DHCP spoofing and BOOTP
relay are enabled. If no wide area network links are active, the Pipeline performs
DHCP spoofing. When set to Yes, as soon as the dialed link is established, the
Pipeline stops DHCP spoofing and acts as a BOOTP relay agent.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between choices.

• Yes forces the Pipeline to dial the first Connection profile whenever a it
responds to a DHCP client request. Be sure the first Connection profile
accesses the DHCP server for which the Pipeline is spoofing.
• No lets the Pipeline connect according to settings already in place in the
environment, such as according to the current TCP/IP settings, or settings for
any other network management software in use.
No is the default.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: BOOTP Relay Enable

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-43

Parameter Reference
Dial Query

Dial Query
Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline places a call to the location
indicated in the Connection profile when a workstation on the local IPX network
looks for the nearest IPX server. More than one Connection profile can have this
parameter set to Yes. As a a result, several connections can occur at the same

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline places a call to the location specified in the
Connection profile when a workstation looks for the nearest server.
Note that a workstation is likely to stop attempting to find a server before the
Pipeline establishes any connections with the Dial Query mechanism.
• No specifies that the Pipeline does not place a call to the location specified in
the Connection profile when a workstation looks for the nearest server.
No is the default.

Dependencies: If there is an entry in the Pipeline unit’s routing table for the
location specified by the Connection profile, Dial Query has no effect.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > IPX Options

Disc on Auth Timeout

Description: Enables you to specify whether the Pipeline gracefully shuts down
the PPP connection after an authentication timeout.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline does not shut down cleanly, but simply hangs
up a PPP connection on an authentication timeout.
• No specifies that the Pipeline shuts down a call gracefully on a
authentication timeout.
No is the default.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > PPP Options

3-44January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Description: Specifies the Data Link Connection Indicator that identifies the
Connection profile to the frame relay switch as a logical link on a physical

Frame Relay is an HDLC-based packet protocol that enables you to send data to a
destination using one or more frame relay switches within a private network or a
public carrier’s network. HDLC stands for High Level Data Link Control.

From the viewpoint of the Pipeline, a Frame Relay switch is an endpoint for all
DLCIs (Data Link Connection Indicators) connecting to it. A DLCI identifies a
Connection profile as a logical link. The frame relay switch connects the
endpoints of the DLCIs to each other to make a virtual permanent circuit to
which users can connect. The circuit acts like a wire between two endpoints with
a fixed maximum bandwidth.

Each Frame Relay profile can include more than one Connection profile, all
sharing the total bandwidth of the Frame Relay link.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, enter a number between 16 and
991. The default is 16. Ask your Frame Relay network administrator for the value
you should enter. Press Enter to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• DLCI only appears in a Connection profile when Encaps=FR
• Each Connection profile that contains the setting Encaps=FR represents a
separate logical link; you must assign it a unique setting for DLCI.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Encaps, FR Prof

Domain Name
Description: Specifies the name of domain the Pipeline is located in. This name
is used by the Domain Name System (DNS) to associate IP addresses with
symbolic names.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-45

Parameter Reference
Dst Adrs

DNS is a TCP/IP service that enables you to specify a symbolic name instead of
an IP address. A symbolic name consists of a username and a domain name in the
format username@domain name. The username corresponds to the host number
in the IP address. The domain name corresponds to the network number in the IP
address. A symbolic name might be [email protected] or [email protected].

DNS maintains a database of network numbers and corresponding domain names

on a domain name server. When you use a symbolic name, DNS translates the
domain name into an IP address, and sends it over the network. When the Internet
service provider receives the message, it uses its own database to look up the
username corresponding to the host number.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the domain name of the
Pipeline. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS

See Also: Pri DNS, Sec DNS

Dst Adrs
Description: In a filter of type IP, specifies the destination address to which the
Pipeline compares a packet’s destination address.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the destination address the
Pipeline should use for comparison when filtering a packet. The address consists
of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.

The null address is the default. If you accept the default, the Pipeline does
not use the destination address as a filtering criterion.

Press Enter to close the text field.


Dependencies: Dst Adrs does not apply (Dst Adrs=N/A) if you are using a
generic filter (Type=Generic) or if you have not activated the IP filter

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > any input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Ip Options

3-46January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Dst Mask

See Also: Dst Mask

Dst Mask
Description: In a filter of type IP, specifies the bits that the Pipeline should
mask when comparing a packet’s destination address to the value of the Dst Adrs
parameter. The masked part of an address is hidden; the Pipeline does not use it
for comparison with Dst Adrs. A mask hides the part of a number that appears
behind each binary 0 (zero) in the mask; the Pipeline uses only the part of a
number that appears behind each binary 1 for comparison.

The Pipeline applies the mask to the address using a logical AND after the mask
and address are both translated into binary format.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP mask in dotted decimal
format. The value 0 (zero) hides all bits, because the decimal value 0 is the binary
value 00000000; the value 255 does not mask any bits, because the decimal value
255 is the binary value 11111111.

The null address is the default; this setting indicates that the Pipeline
masks all bits. To specify a single destination address, set Dst
Mask= and set Dst Adrs to the IP address that the Pipeline uses
for comparison.

Press Enter to close the text field.

Example: Suppose a packet has the destination address If Dst

Adrs= and Dst Mask=, the Pipeline masks the last digit
and uses only 10.2.1, which matches the packet.

Dependencies: Dst Mask does not apply (Dst Mask=N/A) if you are using a
generic filter (Type=Generic) or if you have not activated the IP filter

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > any input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Ip Options

See Also: Dst Adrs

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-47

Parameter Reference
Dst Port # (Filters)

Dst Port # (Filters)

Description: In a filter of type IP, specifies the destination port number to which
the Pipeline compares the packet’s destination port number. The destination port
number specifies the port on the remote device that must be “listening” for

The Dst Port Cmp criterion determines how the Pipeline carries out the

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the number of the destination
port the Pipeline should use for comparison when filtering packets. You can enter
a number between 0 and 65535.

The default setting is 0 (zero). If you accept the default, the Pipeline does not use
the destination port number as a filtering criterion. Press Enter to close the text

Note that Port 25 is reserved for SMTP; that socket is dedicated to receiving mail
messages. Port 20 is reserved for FTP data messages, Port 21 for FTP control
sessions, and Port 23 for Telnet sessions.

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > any input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Ip Options

See Also: Dst Port # (Static Mapping), Src Port Cmp, Src Port #

Dst Port # (Static Mapping)

Description: The number of a TCP or UDP port to which users outside the local
private network can send packets to access servers and services on the local LAN.
When the Pipeline is configured for single-address NAT, each Dst Port #
corresponds to a service (Loc Port # parameter) provided by a server (Loc Adrs
parameter) on the local network; however the actual port number of the service is
given by the Loc Port # parameter for which Dst Port # is an alias.

Note: If you change the value of this parameter or of any of the other
parameters in a Static Mapping nn menu, the change does not take effect until the
next time a connection is made to the remote network specified in the NAT
profile. To make the change immediately, you must terminate the connection to
the remote network and then reopen it.

3-48January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Dst Port Cmp

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then type the port number.

Enter a port number between 1 and 65535.

Press Enter again to close the text field, press Esc to exit the menu, and then
confirm the change when prompted.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• For routing of incoming packets for a particular port to occur, the Routing
parameter in the NAT menu must be set to Yes, the Lan parameter in the
NAT menu must be set to Single IP Addr, the Valid parameter in the same
Static Mapping nn menu must be set to Yes, and other parameters in the
same Static Mapping nn menu must be set to non-null values:
– The Loc Port# parameter must be set to a value other than 0.
– The Loc Adrs parameter must be set to an address other than
If you enter 0 as the value of this parameter, you receive the message Invalid
Input: Zero input is not Valid.
• The Protocol parameter in the same Static Mapping nn menu determines
whether the port you specify is a TCP or UDP port.
• If the Routing parameter in the NAT menu is set to No or the Lan parameter
in the NAT menu is set to Multi IP Addr, this parameter is N/A.

Location: Ethernet > NAT > Static Mapping > Static Mapping nn (where nn is a
number between 01 and 10)

See Also: Def Server, Loc Adrs, Loc Port#, Lan, Routing, Protocol (Filter),
Valid (Static Mapping)

Dst Port Cmp

Description: In a filter of type IP, specifies the type of comparison the Pipeline
makes when using the Dst Port # parameter.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• None specifies that the Pipeline does not compare the packet’s destination
port to the value specified by Dst Port #.
None is the default.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-49

Parameter Reference
DTE N392

• Less specifies that port numbers with a value less than the value specified by
Dst Port # match the filter.
• Eql specifies that port numbers equal to the value specified by Dst Port #
match the filter.
• Gtr specifies that port numbers with a value greater than the value specified
by Dst Port # match the filter.
• Neq specifies that port numbers not equal to the value specified by Dst Port #
match the filter.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• This parameter works only for TCP and UDP packets.
You must set Dst Port Cmp=None if the Protocol parameter is not set to 6
(TCP) or 17 (UDP).
• Dst Port Cmp does not apply (Dst Port Cmp=N/A) if you are using a generic
filter (Type=Generic) or if you have not activated the IP filter (Valid=No).

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > any input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Ip Options

See Also: Dst Port # (Filters)

DTE N392
Description: Specifies the maximum number of error events that can occur in
the sliding window defined by DTE N393. The error events can include link
reliability errors, protocol errors, and sequence number errors. If the Pipeline
exceeds the threshold defined by DTE N392, the frame relay switch declares the
Pipeline inactive.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 1 and 10.
The default is 3. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The DTE N392 parameter applies only if Link Mgmt=T1.617D and the FR
Type is DTE.
• If you turn off the Pipeline, disconnect its WAN connection, or set
Active=No in the Frame Relay profile, the setting of N392 multiplied by the

3-50January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
DTE N393

setting of N391 indicates the time it takes the frame relay switch to declare
an inactive state.

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: Link Mgmt, N391, DCE N393, FR Type

DTE N393
Description: Specifies the width of the sliding window used by the DTE N392
parameter. For example, if DTE N393=5, the sliding window begins five
monitored events ago and extends to the present. A monitored event occurs when
the Pipeline makes a Status Enquiry.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 1 and 10.
The default is 4. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: The DTE N393 parameter applies only if Link Mgmt=T1.617D

and the FR Type is DTE.

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

Link Mgmt, DCE N392, FR Type

Dyn Alg
Description: Specifies which Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithm
to use for calculating average line utilization (ALU) of transmitted data. DBA
enables you to specify that the Pipeline uses ALU as the basis for automatically
adding or subtracting bandwidth from a switched connection without terminating
the link.

The Pipeline uses the historical time period specified by the Sec History
parameter as the basis for calculating ALU. It then compares ALU to the amount
specified in the Target Util parameter. When ALU exceeds the threshold defined
by Target Util for a period of time greater than the value of the Add Pers
parameter, the Pipeline attempts to add a channel. When ALU falls below the
threshold defined by Target Util for a period of time greater than the value of the
Sub Pers parameter, the Pipeline attempts to remove a channel.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-51

Parameter Reference
Dyn Alg

MP+ supports Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices. This graph illustrates the
algorithms you can choose:


1 constant

0 1800 sec.

• Linear gives more weight to recent samples of bandwidth usage than to older
samples taken during the historical period specified by the Sec History
parameter; the weighting grows at a linear rate.
• Quadratic gives more weight to recent samples of bandwidth usage than to
older samples taken during the historical period specified by the Sec History
parameter; the weighting grows at a quadratic rate.
Quadratic is the default for MP+ calls (Encaps=MPP).
• Constant gives equal weight to all samples taken during the historical time
period specified by the Sec History parameter.
When you select this option, older historical samples have as much impact
on the decision to change bandwidth allocation as do more recent samples.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• To dynamically allocate bandwidth by tracking line usage, you must specify
the Add Pers, Dyn Alg, Max Ch Count, Sec History, Sub Pers, and Target
Util parameters.
• Dyn Alg in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
Dyn Alg parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Dyn Alg does not apply (Dyn
Alg=N/A) in the Answer profile.

3-52January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Edit Security

Location: Ethernet > Answer > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connections > any
profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Add Pers, DBA Monitor, Dyn Alg, Max Ch Count, Sec History, Sub
Pers, Target Util

Edit Security
Description: Grants or restricts privileges to edit Security Profiles.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes grants privileges.
Yes is the default. When you choose Yes, a user is permitted to edit Security
Profiles, and can access all other operations by enabling them in his or her
active Security profile.
• No restricts privileges.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Edit Security parameter does not apply (Edit Security=N/A) if
• Do not set the Edit Security parameter to No on all nine Security Profiles; if
you do, you will be unable to edit any of them.

Location: System > Security > any profile

Edit System
Description: Grants or restricts privileges to edit the System profile and the
Ethernet profile.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes grants privileges to edit the System profile, and to edit the Read Comm
and R/W Comm parameters in the Ethernet profile.
Yes is the default.
• No restricts privileges.

Dependencies: The Edit System parameter does not apply (Edit System=N/A)
if Operations=No.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-53

Parameter Reference
Enable Local DNS Table

Location: System > Security > any profile

Enable Local DNS Table

Description: Enables the use of a local DNS table that can provide a list of IP
addresses for a specific host when the remote DNS server fails to resolve the host
name successfully. The Local DNS table will provide the list of IP addresses only
if the host name for the attempted connection matches a host name in the local
DNS table.

Usage: Select Enable Local DNS Table=Yes to enable the local DNS table. No
disables the feature.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS

See Also: Loc.DNS Tab Auto Update

Description: Enables you to choose the encapsulation method to use when
exchanging data with a remote network.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices. You can choose one of the
settings listed below.

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) provides a standard means of encapsulating data
packets over a single-channel WAN link that a Connection profile sets up. It
ensures basic compatibility with non-Ascend devices.
For this setting to work, both the dialing side and the answering side of the link
must support PPP.

MP supports multi-channel links, but not dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA).
The base-channel count is used to determine the number of calls to place, and the
number of channels used for that connection does not change. In addition, MP
requires that all channels in the connection share the same phone number (that is,
the channels on the answering side of the connection must be in a hunt group).

3-54January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Specifies MP+ (Multilink Protocol Plus), which extends the capabilities of MP
(Multilink PPP) to support inverse multiplexing, session management, and
bandwidth management. MP is an extension of PPP that supports the ordering of
data packets across multiple channels.

MP+ consists of two components: a low-level channel identification, error

monitoring, and error recovery mechanism, and a session management level for
supporting bandwidth modifications and diagnostics. MP+ enables the Pipeline
to perform Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA)—that is, MP+ enables the
Pipeline to add or remove channels without disconnecting a link as the need for
bandwidth increases or decreases.

Both the dialing side and the answering side of the link must support MP+. If
only one side supports MP+, the connection then tries to use MP. If that fails, the
connection uses standard single-channel PPP. Note that neither MP nor PPP
support DBA.

MPP drops the most recently connected channel first.

FR stands for Frame Relay.

Frame Relay is an HDLC-based packet protocol that enables you to send data to a
destination using one or more frame relay switches within a private network or a
public carrier’s network. HDLC stands for High Level Data Link Control.

From the viewpoint of the Pipeline, a frame relay switch is an endpoint for all
DLCIs (Data Link Connection Indicators) connecting to it. A DLCI identifies a
Connection profile as a logical link. The frame relay switch connects the
endpoints of the DLCIs to each other to make a virtual permanent circuit to
which users can connect. The circuit acts like a wire between two endpoints with
a fixed maximum bandwidth.

If you set Encaps=FR, the Connection profile provides a bridge or route across
the WAN over frame relay circuits. You must configure the FR Prof parameter in
the Encaps submenu to send this connection to the frame relay switch. The FR
Prof name must exist in a Frame Relay profile before you can save the
Connection profile.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-55

Parameter Reference
Enet Adrs

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• When you select an encapsulation method, the Encaps Options submenu
displays a group of parameters relevant to your selection; you must set the
appropriate Encaps Options parameters.
• The Encaps parameter does not apply (Encaps=N/A) when the Pipeline
answers a call, or if the link consists of only nailed-up channels (Call
• If Call Type=Nailed/MPP then Encaps must be set to MPP. In this case, or
whenever Encaps=MPP, the Pipeline adds or subtracts switched channels on
the connection as required by the DBA parameters on either side of the
DBA, or Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation, enables the Pipeline to use
average line utilization (ALU) of transmitted data as the basis for adding or
subtracting bandwidth from a switched connection without terminating the
link. MP+ and AIM support Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation. Each side
makes its calculations based on the traffic received at that side. If the two
sides of the connection disagree on the number of channels needed, the side
requesting the greater number prevails.
• If Encaps=MPP and Call Type=Nailed/MPP, the minimum number of
channels in the link is the number set by Min Ch Count or the number of
nailed-up channels in the group, whichever is greater.
• If Encaps=MPP and Call Type=Nailed/MPP, the maximum number of
channels in the link is the number set by Max Ch Count or the number of
nailed-up channels in the group, whichever is greater.
The Pipeline does not count a nailed-up channel that is not online.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile

Enet Adrs
Description: In a Bridging profile, specifies the physical Ethernet address
(MAC address) of a device at the remote end of the link.

The Pipeline uses the Bridging profile to build a bridge table with corresponding
MAC and IP addresses. The Enet Adrs parameter specifies the MAC address of
each remote device; the Net Adrs parameter specifies the IP address of each
remote device.

3-56January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Exp Callback

These parameters enable the Pipeline to respond to local ARP (Address

Resolution Protocol) requests on behalf of a device at the remote end of the link.
Whenever the Pipeline receives an ARP request for a MAC address
corresponding to a specified IP address, it checks to see whether the IP address
matches one in its bridge table. If it does, the Pipeline returns the MAC address
corresponding to the IP address.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the physical address of the
device on the remote network. An Ethernet address is a 12-digit hexadecimal

The default setting is 000000000000.

Press Enter to close the text field.

Example: 0180C2000000

Location: Ethernet > Bridge Adrs > any profile

See Also: Net Adrs

Exp Callback
Description: Used with Callback security, puts the number of any far end that
does not connect (for any reason) on a list that disallows calls to that destination
for 90 seconds. This gives the far end an opportunity to complete a callback.

Usage: Set Expect Callback to Yes by doing the following:

1 Open Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Telco Options.
2 Set Exp Callback to Yes.

Dependencies: Expect Callback should only be set to Yes in dialout profiles.

Location: Ethernet > Connection > any profile > Telco Options

Field Service
Description: Grants or restricts privileges to perform Ascend-provided field
service operations, such as uploading new system software.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-57

Parameter Reference

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes grants privileges.
Yes is the default.
• No restricts privileges.
Selecting No does not disable access to any Pipeline operations. Field
service operations are special diagnostic routines not available through
Pipeline menus.

Dependencies: The Field Service parameter does not apply (Field Service=N/
A) if Operations=No.

Location: System > Security > any profile

Description: Specifies the number of a data filter that plugs into the Ethernet
profile. The data filter manages data flow on the Ethernet interface. The filter
examines each incoming or outgoing packet, and uses the Forward parameter to
determine whether to forward or discard it.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and 16.
The number corresponds to a data filter you created in the Filters menu. When
you set Filter to 0 (zero), the Pipeline forwards all packets.

Zero is the default.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Do not confuse the Filter parameter with the Data Filter parame-
ter or the Call Filter parameter.
• The Filter parameter filters data packets on the Pipeline’s local LAN
• The Data Filter parameter filters data packets on the Pipeline’s WAN
The WAN interface is the port on the Pipeline that is connected to a WAN
• The Call Filter parameter determines which packets can initiate a call or
reset the idle timer.

3-58January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Filter Persistence

By default, any packet destined for the WAN causes the Pipeline to place a
call. In addition, by default, every packet resets the idle timer, the indicator
that the Pipeline uses to know when to clear a call. The Call Filter parameter
limits the packets that can cause these events.
The Pipeline applies the call filter specified by Call Filter only after applying
the data filter specified by Filter or Data Filter. Only those packets that a data
filter forwards reach a call filter.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

See Also: Forward, More

Filter Persistence
Description: Specifies whether the filter or firewall assigned to a Connection
profile should persist after the call has been disconnected.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices:

• Yes specifies that the filter or firewall assigned to this Connection profile
will persist after the connection has been torn down.

Note: Typically a firewall will persist for about an hour after its associated
connection has been torn down.
• No specifies that the filter or firewall assigned to this Connection profile will
not persist after the connection has been torn down.
No is the default.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > profile > Session Options

See Also: Call Filter, Data Filter, Name, Version, Length (Filter)

Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline uses only the 56-kbps portion of a
channel, even when all 64 kbps appear to be available.

Use this feature when you place calls to European or Pacific Rim countries and
the complete path cannot distinguish between the Switched-56 and Switched-64

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-59

Parameter Reference

data services. This feature is not required if you are placing calls only within
North America.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline uses only 56 kbps.
• No specifies that the Pipeline can use 64 kbps, if available.
No is the default.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Telco Options

Description: In a data filter or a call filter, specifies whether the Pipeline
forwards or discards packets that match the filter. When you use Forward in a call
filter, any forwarded data packet resets the idle timer and can initiate a call.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline forwards all packets matching the filter.
If you have not specified any filters, Yes is the default.
• No specifies that the Pipeline does not forward packets matching the filter.
If you have specified one or more filters, No is the default.

Example: If Forward=No in several filters, you must specify Forward=Yes in

the last filter to allow data to pass. Consider this example:
In filter 01...Valid=Yes
In filter 01...Type=Generic
In filter 01...Generic...Forward=No
In filter 02...Valid=Yes
In filter 02...Type=Generic
In filter 02...Generic...Forward=No
In filter 03...Valid=Yes
In filter 03...Type=Generic
In filter 03...Generic...Forward=Yes

Location: Ethernet > Filters > Call or Data filter > input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Generic

3-60January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Forward Disconnect

See Also: Call Filter, Data Filter.

Forward Disconnect
Description: Specifies if an off-hook click should be initiated when the far end
hangs up, which helps tear down a call when the Pipeline is behind a PBX.

Usage: The available values are Yes or No. Select the parameter, and press enter
to cycle through the available choices. No is the default.

Example: Forward Disconnect = No

Location: Configure menu

FR address
Description: The IP address which enables NAT for frame relay connections.
Connections using Frame Relay encapsulation can translate local addresses into
the single, official address set by this parameter for networking over the wide
area network and accessing the Internet.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then type the official IP address.

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
You must enter a valid IP address for the feature to work.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• In your connection profile, you must set Encaps=FR.
• The Routing parameter in the NAT menu must be set to Yes.

Location: Ethernet > NAT > NAT

See Also: Encaps, Routing, Profile, and Def Server.

FR Prof
Description: Specifies the name of the Frame Relay profile whose parameters
the Pipeline should use in building the connection.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-61

Parameter Reference
FR Type

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the profile name. You can
enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters. The default is null. Make sure that you
enter the name exactly as it appears in the Name parameter of the Frame Relay
profile. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Name

FR Type
Description: The type of interface between the Pipeline and a frame relay
switch on the frame relay network.

Note: For DTE connections, the Pipeline is able to query the device at the other
end of the link about the status of the DLCIs in the connection. If any of the
DLCIs become unusable and the DLCIs Connection profile has a specified
Backup connection, the Pipeline dials the Connection profile specified in the
Backup parameter in the Session Options submenu.

Usage: Specify one of the following values:

• DCE (data communications equipment)
In a DCE connection, the Pipeline operates as a frame relay router
communicating with a DTE device (customer premises equipment). To the
DTE devices, it appears as a frame relay network end point.
• DTE (data terminal equipment)
In a DTE connection, the Pipeline is configured as a DTE communicating
with a frame relay switch. It acts as a frame relay “feeder” and performs the
DTE functions specified for link management.

Example: FR Type=DTE

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > profile

See Also: Link Mgmt, LinkUp, DCE N392, DCE N393, DTE N392, DTE N393

3-62January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
FT1 Caller

FT1 Caller
Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline initiates a dial-up to add channels to
an existing nailed-up or serial WAN connection. Whenever you have a mixture of
nailed-up and switched channels in a connection, you need the FT1 Caller
parameter. On purely switched calls, when the Pipeline needs to send packets
across the WAN to a destination which is not online, it dials to bring up the
connection to that destination. If additional channels are needed, the original
caller dials, never the original answering side.

However, if the connection is already online over nailed-up channels, which end
should dial to add switched channels? The only way to determine who calls (and
therefore who is billed for the call) is by using this parameter.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline initiates the call.
If you choose this setting, the Pipeline dials to bring online any switched
circuits that are part of the call.
• No specifies that the Pipeline waits for the remote end to initiate the call.
No is the default.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• If the remote end has FT1 Caller=No, set FT1 Caller=Yes on the local
Pipeline; by the same token, if the remote end has FT1 Caller=Yes, set FT1
Caller=No on the local Pipeline.
• The FT1 Caller parameter applies only when Call Type=Nailed/MPP.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Telco Options

See Also: Call Type

Description: Specifies the IP address of the router that a packet must go through
to reach the destination station of the route.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of the router.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-63

Parameter Reference
Group 1 Count

An IP address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.

The default value is

You must configure the network address of the destination station with the LAN
Adrs parameter in the Connection profile; otherwise, the Pipeline assumes that
the router is on the same Ethernet interface.

Press Enter to close the text field.


Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• If you do not know the right IP address to enter, you must obtain it from the
network administrator.
Do not attempt to configure an IP address by guesswork!
• The Gateway parameter does not apply (Gateway=N/A) if the Pipeline does
not support IP (Route IP=No).

Location: Ethernet > Static Rtes > any profile

See Also: Encaps, LAN Adrs, Route IP

Group 1 Count
Description: If the Pipeline is configured to be a DHCP server, this parameter
determines the number of contiguous IP addresses in the first address pool.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and enter number between 0 and 20.

Enter 0 if the IP Group 1 parameter is (which disables address

assignment from the pool) or if the IP Group 1 parameter specifies a DHCP spoof
address. Press Enter to close the text field.

The default is 1.

Dependencies: If the DHCP Spoofing and Always Spoof parameters are not
both Yes, this parameter is N/A. The IP Group 1 parameter specifies the first
address in the pool. All the addresses in the pool must be on the same subnet, and
the subnet must be on the local network. If you are specifying a pool, the value
cannot be 0.

3-64January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Group 2 Count

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: DHCP Spoofing, Always Spoof, IP Group 1

Group 2 Count
Description: If the Pipeline is configured to be a DHCP server, this parameter
determines the number of contiguous IP addresses in the second address pool.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then type a number between 0 and
• If the value is 0, the pool is unavailable.
• The default is 0.

Press Enter to close the text field.

Dependencies: If the DHCP Spoofing and Always Spoof parameters are not
both Yes, this parameter is N/A. The IP Group 2 parameter specifies the first
address in the pool. All the addresses in the pool must be on the same subnet, and
the subnet must be on the local network.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: DHCP Spoofing, Always Spoof, IP Group 1

Group (Connection)
Description: Points to the nailed-up channels used by the WAN link.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Enter a number between 1 and 3.

Example: If Call Type=Nailed/MPP in a Connection profile, the setting

Group=3 assigns one nailed-up group to the profile.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Group parameter does not apply (Group=N/A) if the link consists
entirely of switched channels (Call Type=Switched).

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-65

Parameter Reference
Group (Serial WAN)

• If you add channels to the Group parameter and save your changes, the
Pipeline adds the additional channels to any online connection that uses the
• Do not assign more than one active Connection profile to a group.
• Do not assign a Connection profile to a group that a Frame Relay profile
• If you are using an ISDN BRI line the Pipeline assigns the B channels to the
following groups:
1 represents the B1 channel
2 represents the B2 channel

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Telco Options

See Also: Call Type, Nailed Grp

Group (Serial WAN)

Description: Assigns a group number to the serial WAN nailed channels. When
the Group parameter of a Connection profile or the Nailed Grp parameter of a
Frame Relay profile have the same value as the Group parameter in the Serial
WAN profile, the Connection or Frame Relay profile uses the serial WAN port.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Enter a number between 1 and 60. The
default is 3.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• If you add channels to the Group parameter and save your changes, the
Pipeline adds the additional channels to any online connection that uses the
• Do not assign more than one active Connection profile to a group.
• Do not assign a Connection profile to a group that a Frame Relay profile

Location: V.35 > Serial WAN > Mod Config

See Also: Group (Connection), Nailed Grp

3-66January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Handle IPX

Handle IPX
Description: Enables you to configure a connection that bridges IPX.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• None specifies that special IPX behavior does not take place.
Choose this setting when the LAN on each side of the bridge has one or
more IPX servers.
None is the default.
• Client specifies that the Pipeline discards RIP (Routing Information
Protocol) and SAP (Service Advertising Protocol) periodic broadcasts at its
WAN interface, but forwards RIP and SAP queries.
The WAN interface is the port on the Pipeline that is connected to a WAN
line. RIP and SAP queries enable a client workstation to locate a NetWare
server across the network. Choose this setting when both these conditions
are true:
– The local LAN has IPX clients but no servers.
– The Pipeline is acting as a bridge to another LAN containing only IPX
servers or a combination of IPX servers and clients.
• Server specifies that the Pipeline discards all RIP (Routing Information
Protocol) and SAP (Service Advertising Protocol) periodic broadcasts and
queries at its WAN interface.
Server mode allows the Pipeline to bring down calls during idle periods
without breaking client-server or peer-to-peer connections.
Ordinarily, when a NetWare server does not receive a reply to the watchdog
session keepalive packets it sends to a client, it closes the connection. When
you select Server mode, however, the Pipeline replies to NCP watchdog
requests on behalf of clients on the other side of the bridge; in other words,
the Pipeline tricks the server watchdog process into believing that the link is
still active. This process is called watchdog spoofing.
Choose this setting when both these conditions are true:
– The Pipeline is acting as a bridge to a remote LAN with IPX clients, but
no servers.
– The local LAN contains only IPX servers, or a combination of IPX
clients and servers.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-67

Parameter Reference
Handle IPX Type20

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• If you select the Server setting, you must also specify a value for the
NetWare t/o parameter, indicating the maximum length of idle time during
which the Pipeline performs watchdog spoofing for NetWare connections.
• If the connection does not bridge (Bridge=No), the Handle IPX parameter
does not apply (Handle IPX= N/A).
• If the encapsulation for the connection is Frame Relay (Encaps=FR), the
Handle IPX parameter does not apply (Handle IPX= N/A).
• If you have not specified an IPX frame type (IPX Frame=None), the Handle
IPX parameter does not apply (Handle IPX=N/A).
• We highly recommend that you set Dial Brdcast=Yes when Handle
IPX=Client, and Dial Brdcast=No when Handle IPX=Server.
When a client on the local Ethernet interface sends out broadcast packets to
locate a server, and the Pipeline must bridge these packets to another
network, the Pipeline starts up a session for each Connection profile in
which Dial Brdcast=Yes. The server need not broadcast and then dial, so set
Dial Brdcast=No to keep broadcast packets from causing the Pipeline to dial
• If the Pipeline on one LAN sets Handle IPX=Server and the LAN on the
other side of the connection has only NetWare clients, the Pipeline on the
client-only LAN should set Handle IPX=Client.
If both LANs contain servers, both sides of the connection should set Handle
• Although Handle IPX=N/A if Bridge=No or IPX Frame=None, the Pipeline
automatically performs watchdog spoofing just as though you had set
Handle IPX=Server; however, the Pipeline does not filter as though you had
set Handle IPX=Server.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > IPX Options

See Also: Dial Brdcast, NetWare t/o

Handle IPX Type20

Description: Enables or prevents IPX Type 20 packet propagation.

Usage: Cycle through the choices:

3-68January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Hop Count

• Select Yes to allow IPX Type 20 packet propagation.

• Select No to prevent IPX Type 20 packet propagation.

Dependencies: You must have IPX routing and IPX SAP Filter enabled.

Location: Configure > Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options > IPX SAP Fil-

Hop Count
Description: Specifies the distance to the destination IPX network in hops.
From the Pipeline, the local IPX network is one hop away. The IPX network at
the remote end of the route is two hops away—one hop across the WAN and one
hop to the local IPX network.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a valid hop count from 1 to
15. A hop count of 16 is considered unreachable and is not valid for static routes.
Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: For the Hop Count parameter to apply, you must enable IPX
routing in the Connection profile by setting Route IPX=Yes.

Location: Ethernet > IPX Route > any profile

See Also: Route IPX

Host n IP
Description: If the Pipeline is configured to be a DHCP server, this parameter
reserves an IP address for the host whose MAC (Ethernet) address is specified by
the respective Host n Enet parameter. When the host sends a DHCP message
requesting an IP address, the Pipeline always assigns this address.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then type the IP address and subnet
mask for the host.

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
Separate the subnet mask from the address with a slash. To assign an address, the
IP address must be a valid IP address on the local Ethernet network. To disable
address assignment, enter

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-69

Parameter Reference
Host n Enet

The default value is

Press Enter to close the text field.


Dependencies: If the DHCP Spoofing and Always Spoof parameters are not
both Yes, this parameter is N/A. If you enter a value other than for
this parameter, you must enter a valid MAC address for the respective Host n
Enet parameter. If you disable address assignment by entering for
this parameter, you must set the respective Host n Enet parameter to

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: DHCP Spoofing, Always Spoof

Host n Enet
Description: If the Pipeline is configured to be a DHCP server, this parameter
specifies a host on the local network for which an IP address is reserved. The
reserved address is specified by the respective Host n IP parameter. When the
host sends a DHCP message requesting an IP address, it always receives this

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field.

To specify a host to be assigned an IP address, type the MAC address of the

host’s Ethernet interface. To disable address assignment, enter 000000000000.

The default value is 000000000000.

Press Enter to close the text field.

Example: 00d07b5e16e3

Dependencies: If the DHCP Spoofing and Always Spoof parameters are not
both Yes, this parameter is N/A. If you enter a value other than 000000000000
for this parameter, you must enter a valid IP address for the respective Host n IP
parameter. If you disable address assignment by entering 000000000000 for
this parameter, you must set the respective Host n IP parameter to

3-70January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
ICMP Redirects

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: DHCP Spoofing, Always Spoof

ICMP Redirects
Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline accepts or ignores Internet ICMP
Redirect messages.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Accept specifies that the Pipeline processes incoming ICMP Redirect
Accept is the default.
• Ignore specifies that the Pipeline drops all incoming ICMP Redirect

Dependencies: Set ICMP Redirects=Ignore whenever the Pipeline maintains a

routing table, because counterfeit ICMP Redirects pose a potential security
threat. You should accept ICMP Redirects only when the Pipeline has a single
default route to another device.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

Id Auth
Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline uses the calling party’s phone
number to authenticate incoming calls. ID is the calling party’s Caller ID (CLID).

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Ignore indicates that calling party information is not required for
• Prefer specifies that whenever CLID is available, the calling party’s phone
number must match the Calling # parameter before the Pipeline answers the
If CLID is not available or if the Pipeline cannot find a match to a calling
number, the Pipeline applies authentication using the Recv Auth or Password
Reqd parameters.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-71

Parameter Reference
ID Fail Busy

• Required indicates that the calling party’s phone number must match the
value of the Calling # parameter before the Pipeline can answer the call.
If CLID is not available, the Pipeline does not answer the call

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• In some installations, the WAN provider might not be able deliver CLIDs, or
individual callers might choose to keep their CLIDs private; in addition,
CLID is not available without end-to-end ISDN service on the call and ANI
(Automatic Number Identification) from your WAN provider.
Ask your WAN provider whether the calling party number is conveyed by
the network to the receiving party. In some cases, the network does not
deliver the calling party number, such as when the Pipeline is behind some
• You cannot use a Connection profile in which AnsOrig=Call Only to
authenticate incoming calls.
• If a call is CLID Authenticated (using the Id Auth parameter), name-
password authentication might also be required, but the parameters of the
call are established only by the CLID authentication.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile

See Also: AnsOrig, Calling #, Id Auth

ID Fail Busy
Description: Indicates the Disconnect cause when Called ID authentication fails
due to a timeout.
• No sets the Disconnect cause code to ‘Normal call clearing’ and is the
• Yes sets the Disconnect cause code to ‘User Busy’.

Usage: Select the parameter and press Enter to cycle through the available
settings. Press Esc to exit the parameter.

Dependencies: CLID authentication must be enabled in order to set this param-

eter. Set it in Ethernet > Answer > Id Auth.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Auth.

3-72January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

See Also: Id Auth

Description: Specifies the number of seconds the Pipeline waits before clearing
a call when a session is inactive.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field; then, type a number between 0 and
65535. If you specify 0 (zero), Pipeline does not enforce a limit; an idle
connection stays open indefinitely.

The default setting is 120 seconds.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• In an Answer profile or Connection profile, Idle does not apply to nailed-up
links; that is, Idle=N/A when Call Type=Nailed.
• If MP+ encapsulation is in use and the bandwidth utilization on both sides of
the connection drops below the value entered in the Idle Pct field, the
Pipeline clears the call, regardless of the value you enter for the Idle
• Idle in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no Connection
profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its Idle parameter
takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Idle does not apply (Idle=N/A) in
the Answer profile.
• Because the Idle Pct is parameter is dependent on traffic levels on both sides
of the connection, we recommend that you use the Idle parameter in
preference to it.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > Session Options; Ethernet > Con-
nections > any profile > Session Options

See Also: Call Type, Profile Reqd

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-73

Parameter Reference
Idle Logout

Idle Logout
Description: Specifies the number of minutes the Control Monitor or Telnet
session can remain inactive before the Pipeline logs out and hangs up.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and 60.
The default setting is 0; this setting disables automatic logout. Press Enter again
to close the text field.

Location: System > Sys Config

Idle Pct
Description: Specifies a percentage of bandwidth utilization below which the
Pipeline clears a single-channel MP+ call. Bandwidth utilization must fall below
this percentage on both sides of the connection before the Pipeline clears the call.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and 99.
The default value is 0; this setting causes the Pipeline to ignore bandwidth
utilization when determining whether to clear a call. Press Enter again to close
the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• MP+ must be the selected encapsulation method (Encaps=MPP) in a
Connection profile.
• If the device at the remote end of the link enters an Idle Pct setting lower
than the value you specify, the Pipeline does not clear the call until
bandwidth utilization falls below the lower percentage.
• If either end of a connection sets the Idle Pct parameter to 0 (zero), the
Pipeline ignores bandwidth utilization when determining when to clear a
• If the time set by the Idle parameter expires, the call disconnects whether or
not bandwidth utilization falls below the Idle Pct setting.
• When bandwidth utilization falls below the Idle Pct setting, the call
disconnects regardless of whether the time specified by the Idle parameter
has expired.

3-74January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
IF Adrs

• Because the Idle Pct parameter is dependent on traffic levels on both sides of
the connection, we recommend that you use the Idle parameter in preference
to it.
• Idle Pct in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its Idle
Pct parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Idle Pct does not apply (Idle=N/
A) in the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Call Filter, Encaps, Idle

IF Adrs
Description: Specifies the IP address of the interface at the near end of a link.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of the
numbered interface.

An IP address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.

If a netmask is in use on the network, you must specify it. Separate the netmask
from the IP address with a slash. The default is

Press Enter again to close the text field.


Dependencies: The IF Adrs parameter does not apply if the Pipeline does not
support IP (Route IP=No).

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > IP Options

See Also: WAN Alias, Route IP

Ignore Def Rt
Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline ignores RIP (Routing Information
Protocol) updates to the default route ( in its IP routing table.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-75

Parameter Reference
IP Adrs

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline ignores updates to the default route.
• No specifies the Pipeline allows updates to the default route.
No is the default.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

IP Adrs
Description: Specifies the IP address of the Pipeline on the local Ethernet
network, and its subnet.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of the Pipeline
on the local Ethernet network.

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
Separate the optional netmask from the address with a slash. The IP address must
be a valid IP address on the local Ethernet network.

The default value is

Press Enter to close the text field.


In this example, is the Pipeline’s IP address. The number 24 represents

the number of bits in the Pipeline’s netmask. Masking 24 bits in the Pipeline’s
address provides a subnet of

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The value of the IP Adrs parameter on the local Pipeline must match the
LAN Adrs parameter of the unit at the remote end of the link.
• The IP Adrs parameter does not apply (IP Adrs=N/A) if the Pipeline does
not support IP (Route IP=No).
• If you do not know the right IP address to enter, you must obtain it from the
network administrator.
Do not attempt to configure an IP address by guesswork!

3-76January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
IP Group 1

• The IP Adrs parameter is the same as the My Addr parameter in the

Configure menu.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

See Also: Encaps, Route IP

IP Group 1
Description: The meaning of this parameter depends on whether the Pipeline is
configured to be a DHCP server (when both DHCP Spoofing and Always Spoof
are Yes) or is configured to perform DHCP spoofing (when DHCP Spoofing is
Yes and Always Spoof is No):
• If the Pipeline is configured to be a DHCP server, this is the address and
subnet mask for the first IP address in a pool of addresses used for dynamic
address assignment.
• If the Pipeline performs DHCP spoofing, this parameter specifies a spoof
address: a temporary address that is provided to the host while the actual IP
address is obtained from a DHCP server on the remote network.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and enter the IP address and subnet mask.

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
Separate the subnet mask from the address with a slash. To specify the first
address in the pool, the IP address must be a valid IP address on the local
Ethernet network. To disable address assignment from this pool, enter

The default value is

Press Enter to close the text field.


In this example, is the IP address. The number 24 represents the

number of bits in the subnet mask. Masking 24 bits provides a subnet of

Dependencies: If DHCP Spoofing is No, this parameter is N/A. The Group 1

Count parameter specifies the number of addresses in the pool. All the addresses

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-77

Parameter Reference
IP Group 2

in the pool must be on the same subnet, and the subnet must be on the local net-
work. If this parameter is, which disables address assignment from
this pool, the Group 1 Count parameter must be 0.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: DHCP Spoofing, Always Spoof, Group 1 Count, IP Group 2

IP Group 2
Description: If the Pipeline is configured to be a DHCP server, this is the
address and subnet mask for the first IP address in the second pool of addresses
used for dynamic address assignment. A second pool is optional; you need it only
if you need to assign more than 20 IP addresses or if you need up to 20 but not
enough contiguous addresses are available. Addresses in the second pool are used
only if there are no addresses available in the first pool.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then type the IP address and subnet

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
Separate the subnet mask from the address with a slash. To specify the first
address in the pool, the IP address must be a valid IP address on the local
Ethernet network. To disable address assignment from this pool, enter

The default value is

Press Enter to close the text field.


In this example, is the IP address. The number 24 represents the

number of bits in the subnet mask. Masking 24 bits provides a subnet of

Dependencies: If DHCP Spoofing is No, this parameter is N/A. The Group 2

Count parameter specifies the number of addresses in the pool. All the addresses
in the pool must be on the same subnet, and the subnet must be on the local net-
work. If this parameter is, which disables address assignment from
this pool, the Group 2 Count parameter must be 0.

3-78January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
IPX Alias

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: DHCP Spoofing, Always Spoof, IP Group 1, Group 2 Count


IPX Alias
Description: Specifies the network number assigned to a point-to-point link.

Generally, you need to enter a value in this parameter only if the Pipeline
operates with a non-Ascend router that uses a numbered interface. It does not
apply if you are routing from one Pipeline to another, or to a router that does not
use a numbered interface.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, enter an appropriate network
number. The default value is 00000000. FFFFFFFF is invalid. Press Enter again
to close the text field.

Dependencies: For the IPX Alias parameter to apply, you must enable IPX rout-
ing in the Connection profile by setting Route IPX=Yes.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile

See Also: Route IPX

IPX Enet#
Description: Specifies a unique IPX network number for the Ethernet interface.

The Pipeline assigns an address to a workstation when it connects to the Pipeline;

it derives the address from the network number.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type an IPX network number
using an 8-digit (4-byte) hexadecimal value. The default is 00000000. The
number you specify must be unique within your wide-area IPX network, and
must match the configuration of other routers on the local Ethernet network.

When you accept the default setting of 00000000, the Pipeline learns its IPX
network number from other routers on the Ethernet network. If you enter a value

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-79

Parameter Reference
IPX Frame

other than zero, the Pipeline becomes the “seeding” router and sets its IPX
network number for the other routers on the Ethernet network

Example: DE040600

Dependencies: The IPX Enet# parameter does not apply (IPX Enet#=N/A) if
the Pipeline is not set up for IPX routing (Route IPX=No).

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

IPX Frame
Description: Specifies the Ethernet frame type to use for IPX on the Ethernet
interface. If you do not specify an Ethernet frame type, the Pipeline cannot route
IPX or perform watchdog spoofing for its IPX clients.

IPX packets can appear in more than one Ethernet frame type on an Ethernet
segment. If your Pipeline routes IPX, it can recognize only a single IPX frame
type. The Pipeline does not route other IPX frame types, and may attempt to
bridge them. In addition, the Pipeline can only route and perform watchdog
spoofing for the IPX frame type specified by IPX Frame.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• 802.3 specifies the 802.3 frame type.
This setting indicates that IPX clients and servers on the local Ethernet cable
follow the IEEE 802.3 protocol for the MAC header, also called Raw 802.3.
The frame does not contain the LLC (Logical Link Control) header in
addition to the MAC (Media Access Control) header.
For NetWare 3.11 or earlier, select 802.3.
• 802.2 specifies the 802.2 frame type.
This setting indicates that the IPX clients and servers on the local Ethernet
cable follow the IEEE 802.2 protocol for the MAC header. The framer
contains the LLC (Logical Link Control) header in addition to the MAC
(Media Access Control) header.
For NetWare 3.12 or later, select 802.2.
802.2 is the default.
• SNAP specifies the SNAP frame type.

3-80January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
IPX Net#

This setting indicates that the IPX clients and servers on the local Ethernet
network follow the SNAP (SubNetwork Access Protocol) for the MAC
header. This specification includes the IEEE 802.3 protocol format plus
additional information in the MAC header.
• Enet II specifies the Ethernet II frame type.
This setting indicates that IPX clients and servers on the local Ethernet
network follow the Ethernet II protocol for the MAC header.
• None disables IPX routing and other IPX-specific features.
If you choose this setting, the Pipeline can bridge IPX, but without watchdog
spoofing or the automatic RIP (Routing Information Protocol) and SAP
(Service Advertising Protocol) data filters described in Handle IPX.

Dependencies: To determine the IPX frame type in use, enter the Config com-
mand on a NetWare server, or look at the NET.CFG file on an IPX client. Choose
a setting based on this information:
• Select 802.3 if Frame=Ethernet_802.3.
• Select 802.2 if Frame=Ethernet_802.2.
• Select SNAP if Frame=Ethernet_SNAP.
• Select Enet II if Frame=Ethernet_II.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

IPX Net#
Description: Lets you create a static route to another Ethernet network through
the Connection profile.

The value of IPX Net# specifies the network number of the router at the remote
end of the connection.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type an Ethernet network number
using an 8-digit (4-byte) hexadecimal value. The default is 00000000.

Specify the network number of the router at the remote end of the connection
only if the router requires that the Pipeline know its network number before
connecting. You almost never need to set this parameter in a Connection profile.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-81

Parameter Reference
IPX Pool#

If you accept the default of 00000000, the Connection profile is still valid, but the
Pipeline does not advertise the route until it makes a connection to the Ethernet

Example: DE040600

Dependencies: The IPX Net# parameter does not apply (IPX Net#=N/A) if the
Pipeline is not set up for IPX routing (Route IPX=No).

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile

See Also: Route IPX

IPX Pool#
Description: Specifies a unique IPX network number for all NetWare clients
that are running PPP encapsulation and dialing in directly. The Pipeline assigns
network addresses to dial-in NetWare clients when they connect to the Pipeline;
these addresses are derived from this network number.

When you enter a value for IPX Pool#, the Pipeline advertises a route to this

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type an Ethernet network number
using an 8-digit (4-byte) hexadecimal value. The default is 00000000.

The number you specify must be unique within your wide area IPX network, and
must match the configuration of other routers on the local Ethernet network.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The dial-in Netware client must accept the network number set by IPX
Pool#, although it can provide its own node number or accept a node number
provided by the Pipeline.
• If IPX Frame=None or IPX Routing=No, IPX Pool#=N/A.

Example: FF0000037

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

3-82January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Description: Controls how IPX RIP will be handled on this WAN link. When a
Pipeline is used to connect NetWare clients to a very large IPX network, the IPX
routing table created by the Pipeline may become very large and unmanageable,
and can cause the Pipeline to run out of memory. As an alternative to maintaining
these large routing tables locally, the Pipeline may have a static IPX route to the
corporate network and disable IPX RIP. Either end of the WAN link may disable
or fine-tune IPX RIP behavior.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Both indicates that the device will both send and receive RIP updates on this
WAN link.
Both is the default.
• Send means the device will send RIP updates but will not receive them.
• Recv means the device will receive RIP updates but will not send them.
• Off means the device will neither send nor receive IPX RIP updates on this
WAN link.

Dependencies: This parameter is N/A if Peer=Dialin. If it is Off, a static IPX

route is required to the remote network. A static route is defined in an IPX Routes

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > IPX Options

See Also: IPX SAP, Peer

IPX Routing
Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline can perform these functions:
• Establish IPX routing
• Forward IPX packets
• Generate RIP and SAP packets
• Interpret incoming RIP and SAP packets

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes enables the Pipeline to perform IPX routing functions.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-83

Parameter Reference

Yes is the default.

• No disables the Pipeline from performing IPX routing functions.
You may want to choose No if your network uses a protocol other than IPX,
or if your IPX network maintains such large RIP and SAP tables that the
Pipeline is spending too much time maintaining them.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The setting of the IPX Routing parameter does not affect watchdog spoofing
in IPX bridging.
• If you set IPX Routing=No while a WAN connection routing IPX exists, the
Pipeline does not tear down the connection, but no further IPX traffic can
take place on the connection.
• If IPX Routing=No, these parameters do not apply and are set to N/A:
– Route IPX
– Dial Query
– IPX Enet#
– IPX Alias
You can still configure IPX routes using the Active, Connection #, Hop
Count, Network, Node, Server Name, Server Type, Socket, and Tick Count
parameters. However, the routes have no effect until IPX Routing=Yes.
• The show netware command on the terminal server still operates when IPX

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

See Also: Active, Connection #, Dial Query, Hop Count, IPX Alias, IPX Enet#,
Network, Node, Route IPX, Server Name, Server Type, Socket, Tick Count

Description: Controls how IPX SAP will be handled on this WAN link. When a
Pipeline is used to connect NetWare clients to a very large IPX network, the IPX
service table created by the Pipeline may become very large and unmanageable,
and can cause the Pipeline to run out of memory. As an alternative to maintaining
these large service tables locally, the Pipeline may create static service table

3-84January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
IPX SAP Filter

entries and turn off IPX SAP. Either end of the WAN link may disable or fine-
tune IPX SAP behavior.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Both indicates that the device will both send and receive SAP updates on this
WAN link.
Both is the default.
• Send means the device will send SAP updates but will not receive them.
• Recv means the device will receive SAP updates but will not send them.
• Off means the device will neither send nor receive IPX SAP updates on this
WAN link.

Dependencies: This parameter is N/A if Peer=Dialin. If this parameter is set to

Off, a static IPX service table entry is required to the remote network. A static
service entry is configured in an IPX Routes profile.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > IPX Options

See Also: IPX RIP, Peer

IPX SAP Filter

Description: Specifies the number of an IPX SAP Filter profile to be applied to
a WAN session or to the Ethernet interface. Depending on how the IPX SAP
Filter profile has been defined, this parameter has one or both of the following
• IPX SAP Input filters apply to all SAP packets that the Ascend unit receives.
Input filters screen advertised services and exclude them from its service
table as specified in the filters.
• IPX SAP Output filters apply to SAP response packets that the Ascend unit
If the Ascend unit receives a SAP request packet, it applies Output filters
before transmitting the SAP response, and excludes services from the
response packet as specified in the filters.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-85

Parameter Reference

• Type a number between 1 and 8. The number corresponds to an IPX SAP

Filter profile in the IPX SAP Filters menu.
• Setting IPX SAP Filter to 0 (zero) includes all SAP data in the service table.
Zero is the default.
• Press Enter to close the text field.

Dependencies: For the Pipeline to run in proxy mode, you must supply the
remote IPX network number and configure a static IPX route to that network.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options; Ethernet > Answer > any
profile > Session Options; Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Session

See Also: IPX SAP Proxy Net#n, IPX Enet#, IPX Frame, IPX Routing, Server
Name, Server Type, Type, Valid (Filter)


Description: Enables or disables IPX SAP proxy mode in the Pipeline. When a
Pipeline is used to connect NetWare clients to a very large IPX network, the SAP
table created by the Pipeline can become very large and unmanageable. As an
alternative, the Pipeline operating in proxy mode discards all SAP broadcasts
seen on the network and resolves SAP queries from NetWare clients as it receives
them, by forwarding the queries over the WAN link.

SAP proxy mode is recommended when only NetWare clients (not servers) are
on the Ethernet side of Pipeline.

Note: If the Pipeline running in SAP proxy mode has NetWare servers on its
Ethernet, it stores the relevant SAP entries for those servers and advertises them
across the WAN interface as a normal SAP broadcast.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes enables proxy mode.
• No disables proxy mode.
No is the default.

Dependencies: For the Pipeline to run in proxy mode, you must supply the
remote IPX network number and configure a static IPX route to that network.

3-86January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
IPX SAP Proxy Net#n

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

See Also: IPX SAP Proxy Net#n

IPX SAP Proxy Net#n

Description: Specifies a default IPX SAP proxy server (from 1 to 3).

Usage: For each parameter, specify the IPX network number of the server
providing the SAP proxy. The default value is 0 (zero).

The Pipeline first attempts to use the server specified by IPX SAP Proxy Net#1.
If that server is unavailable, the Pipeline then attempts to use the server specified
by IPX SAP Proxy Net#2. If that server is also unavailable, the Pipeline attempts
to use the server specified by IPX SAP Proxy Net#3.

Dependencies: If IPX SAP Proxy=No, the IPX SAP Proxy Net#n parameter
does not apply.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options.

Description: Selects whether the Pipeline is running single-address or multiple-
address NAT.

Note: The LAN parameter in the System profile has a different function from
the Lan parameter in the NAT profile.

A Pipeline can perform single-address NAT in these ways:

• For more than one host on the local network without borrowing IP addresses
from a DHCP server on the remote network.
• When the remote network initiates the connection to the Pipeline.
• By routing packets it receives from the remote network for up to 10 different
TCP or UDP ports to specific hosts and ports on the local network.

Usage: Select either of the following:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-87

Parameter Reference

• Single IP addr
With single-address NAT, the only host on the local network that is visible to
the remote network is the Pipeline.
For outgoing calls, the Pipeline performs NAT on the local network after
getting a single IP address from the remote network during PPP negotiation.
The Pipeline does not limit the number of hosts on the local network that can
make simultaneous connections to hosts on the remote network. The
translations between the local network and the Internet or remote network
are dynamic and not preconfigured.
For incoming calls, the Pipeline can perform NAT for multiple hosts on the
local network using its own IP address. The Pipeline routes incoming
packets for up to 10 different TCP or UDP ports to specific servers on the
local network. See the Static mappings...
• Multiple IP addr
Multiple-address NAT translates addresses for more than one host on the
local network. To do this, the Pipeline borrows an official IP address for each
host from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server on the
remote network or accessible from the remote network.
When multiple-address NAT is enabled, the Pipeline attempts to perform IP
address translation on all packets received. (It cannot distinguish between
official and private addresses.)
The Pipeline acts as a DHCP client on behalf of all hosts on the LAN and
relies on a DHCP server to provide addresses suitable for the remote network
from its IP address pool. On the local network, the Pipeline and the hosts all
have “local” addresses on the same network that are only used for local
communication between the hosts and the Pipeline over the Ethernet.
When the first host on the LAN requests access to the remote network, the
Pipeline gets this address through PPP negotiation. When subsequent hosts
request access to the remote network, the Pipeline asks for an IP address
from the DHCP server using a DHCP request packet. The server then sends
an address to the Pipeline from its IP address pool. The Pipeline uses the
dynamic addresses it receives from the server to translate IP addresses on
behalf of local hosts. While waiting for an IP address to be offered by the
server, corresponding source packets are dropped.
Similarly, for packets received from the WAN, the Pipeline checks the
destination address against its table of translated addresses. If the destination

3-88January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
LAN Adrs

address exists and is active, the Pipeline forwards the packet. If the
destination address does not exit, or is not active, the packet is dropped.
In some installations, the DHCP server could be handling both NAT DHCP
requests and ordinary DHCP requests. In this situation, if the ordinary
DHCP clients are connecting to the server over a non-bridged connection,
you must have a separate DHCP server to handle the ordinary DHCP
requests; the NAT DHCP server will only handle NAT DHCP requests.

Dependencies: The Routing parameter must be set to Yes.

Location: Ethernet > NAT

See Also: Routing

LAN Adrs
Description: Specifies the IP address of a station or router at the remote end of
the link specified by the Connection profile.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of a remote
station or router; you can also specify a netmask.

An IP address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.

If a netmask is in use on the network, you must specify it. Separate a netmask
from the IP address with a slash.

The default setting is; an answering Connection profile with this setting
matches all incoming IP addresses.

If you do not enter a netmask, the Pipeline assumes the default for your network
• Class A: to /8
• Class B: to /16
• Class C: to /24

The netmask should not mask any network bits. For example, is
not valid because it is a Class B address whose netmask cannot be smaller than

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-89

Parameter Reference
Length (Filter)

If you enter a 32-bit mask, you are specifying a connection to a specific host,
rather than to a group of hosts on a subnet.

After you make your specifications, press Enter to close the text field.


Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The LAN Adrs parameter in the first Connection profile is the same as the
Rem Addr parameter in the Configure menu.
• The value of the LAN Adrs parameter on the local Pipeline must match the
IP Adrs parameter of the Ascend unit at the remote end of the link.
• No two calling Connection Profiles should have the same LAN Adrs.
• Setting LAN Adrs to and clearing the Station parameter resets all
parameters in the Connection profile to their defaults.
• The LAN Adrs parameter does not apply (LAN Adrs=N/A) if the Pipeline
does not support IP (Route IP=No).
• If you do not know the right IP address to enter, you must obtain it from the
network administrator.
Do not attempt to configure an IP address by guesswork!

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile

See Also: Encaps, IP Adrs, Route IP, Station

Length (Filter)
Description: Indicates the number of bytes in a packet that the Pipeline
compares to the setting of the Value parameter.

The Offset parameter specifies the starting position; the Pipeline ignores the
portion of the packet that exceeds the Length specification. In other words, the
Offset parameter hides the left-most bytes of data, while the Length parameter
hides the right-most bytes of data.

The Pipeline applies the value of the Mask parameter before comparing the bytes
to the setting of the Value parameter. The Mask value consists of the same
number of bytes as the Length parameter. A mask hides the part of a number that

3-90January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Length (Filter)

appears behind the binary zeroes in the mask; for example, if Mask=ffff0000 in
hexadecimal format, the Pipeline uses only the first 16 binary digits in the
comparison, since f=1111 in binary format.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the number of bytes to use for
comparison. You can enter a number between 0 and 8.

The default value is 0. When you accept the default, Pipeline uses no bytes for
comparison; all packets match the filter.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Example: Suppose you have a filter that drops packets and has these specifica-

When the 10-byte packet xycd123456 passes through the filter, the Pipeline
removes the leading four bytes, because Offset=4. The data 123456 remains.
Next, the Pipeline removes the trailing three bytes, because Length=3; only the
value 123 remains. The Mask is ffffff, which contains all ones (1s) when
converted to binary numbers; therefore, the Mask value does not hide any binary
digits and passes 123 through. When the Pipeline compares 123 to the setting of
the Value parameter, a match occurs and the Pipeline does not forward the packet.

Dependencies: In a Filter profile, Length does not apply (Length=N/A) for an

IP filter (Type=IP).

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > any input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Generic

See Also: Offset, Mask, Value

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-91

Parameter Reference
Length (Firewall)

Length (Firewall)
Description: Specifies the length of the firewall uploaded to the Pipeline from
Secure Access Manager (SAM).

Usage: This parameter cannot be edited.

Location: Ethernet > Firewalls > any firewall

Link Comp
Description: Turns data compression on or off for a PPP link.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Stac or Stac-9 turns on data compression.
The Pipeline applies the Stacker LZS compression/decompression
algorithm. Stac is the default.
• MS-Stac turns on Microsoft LZS Coherency Compression for Windows95, a
proprietary compression scheme for Windows 95 only (not for Windows
Both sides of the link must set Link Comp to a value other than None, and
the value must be the same on both sides of the connection.
• None turns off data compression.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• Stacker LZS Compression (as defined in the Internet Draft of November
1995) and Microsoft LZS Coherency Compression for Windows 95 both use
the same PPP option to indicate that their compression scheme is in use.
Therefore, a router can have difficulty determining exactly which
compression method a caller is requesting. Ascend units handle this
ambiguity in the call by always using the compression scheme specified in
the Connection profile; if there is no Connection profile, the Ascend unit
uses the compression scheme specified in the Answer profile.
If the caller requests MS-Stac and the profile does not specify MS-Stac
compression, the connection seems to come up correctly, but no data is
routed. If the profile is configured with MS-Stac and the caller does not
acknowledge that compression scheme, the Pipeline attempts to use standard

3-92January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Link Mgmt

Stac compression. If it cannot use standard Stac compression, it uses no

compression at all.
• The Link Comp parameter applies only if the link uses PPP encapsulation
(Encaps=PPP or Encaps=MPP).
When you choose Encaps=MPP, both the dialing side and the answering side
of the link must support MP+. If only one side supports MP+, the connection
uses MP or standard single-channel PPP. When you choose Encaps=PPP, the
connection uses only PPP.
• Link Comp in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
Link Comp parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Link Comp does not apply (Link
Comp=N/A) in the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: VJ Comp

Link Mgmt
Description: Specifies the link management protocol used between the Pipeline
and the frame relay switch.

From the viewpoint of the Pipeline, a frame relay switch is an endpoint for all
DLCIs (Data Link Connection Indicators) connecting to it. A DLCI identifies a
Connection profile as a logical link; because more than one Connection profile
can connect to a frame relay switch, a physical circuit can carry more than one
logical link. The DLCI parameter enables the frame relay switch to identify each
Connection profile.

The frame relay switch connects the endpoints of the DLCIs to each other to
make a virtual permanent circuit to which users can connect. The circuit acts like
a wire between two endpoints with a fixed maximum bandwidth.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• None specifies no link management.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-93

Parameter Reference

The Pipeline assumes that the physical link is up and that all logical links (as
defined by the DLCI parameter) are active on the physical link.
None is the default.
• T1.617D specifies the link management protocol defined in ANSI T1.617
Annex D.
Ask your service provider whether you should specify T1.617D.
• Q.933A the link management protocol defined Q.933 Annex A.

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: DLCI

Description: Specifies whether the Frame Relay link comes up automatically
and stays up even when the last DLCI has been removed or does not come up
unless a Connection profile (DLCI) brings it up, and it shuts down after the last
DLCI has been removed.
• Specify Yes or No. No is the default.
• Yes causes the Pipeline bring the link up and keep it up even if there are no
active DLCIs.
• No means the link does not come up unless a Connection profile (DLCI)
brings it up, and it shuts down after the last DLCI has been removed.

Dependencies: You can start and drop frame relay datalink connections by
using the DO Dial and DO Hangup commands. If LinkUp is set to Yes, DO Dial
brings the link down, but it will be automatically restarted. A restart will also
occur if there is a Connection or Frame Relay profile invoking the datalink.

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: FR Prof, DLCI

List Attempt
Description: Enables or disables the DNS (Domain Name System) List Attempt

3-94January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
List Size

DNS can return multiple addresses for a hostname in response to a DNS query.
Unfortunately, DNS has no information about the availability of those hosts.
Users typically attempt to access the first address in the list. If that host is
unavailable, the connection fails and the user must initiate a new DNS query or
Telnet attempt. If the login attempt occurs automatically as part of Immediate
Telnet, the Pipeline tears down the physical connection when the initial
connection attempt fails.

The DNS List Attempt feature helps the Pipeline avoid tearing down physical
links by enabling the user to try one entry in the DNS list of hosts when logging
in through Telnet from the terminal server; if that connection fails, the user can
try each succeeding entry.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline enables a user to try the next host in the DNS
list if the first Telnet login attempt fails.
• No turns off the List Attempt feature.
No is the default.

Dependencies: The List Attempt parameter does not apply (List Attempt=N/A)
if Telnet and Immediate Telnet are both disabled.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS

List Size
Description: Specifies a number of DNS addresses that will be made accessible
to terminal server users in response to a DNS query. The maximum is 35.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field, and then specify a number between 0
and 35. The default value is 6.

Dependencies: This parameter is N/A if the List Attempt feature is disabled.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS

See Also: List Attempt

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-95

Parameter Reference
Loc Adrs

Loc Adrs
Description: When the Pipeline is configured to perform single-address
network address translation (NAT) and to provide services for users outside the
private local LAN, this parameter specifies the IP address of one of the servers on
the local LAN. The Pipeline routes packets whose destination port match a
setting for Dst Port # to the corresponding Loc Adrs and Loc Port # parameters in
the Static Mappings menu.

Usage: Enter the IP address of the local server in dotted decimal format. The
default value is

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
Enter to disable routing of packets.

The default value is

Press Enter again to close the text field, press Esc to exit the menu, and then
confirm the change when prompted.

Note: After you enter a value for this parameter, it does not take effect until the
next time the link specified by the Profile parameter is brought up. To make the
change immediately, bring the link down and back up.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• For routing of incoming packets for a particular port to occur, the Routing
parameter in the NAT menu must be set to Yes, the Lan parameter in the
NAT menu must be set to Single IP Addr, the Valid parameter in the same
Static Mapping nn menu must be set to Yes, and other parameters in the
same Static Mapping nn menu must be set to non-null values:
– Dst Port# and Loc Port# parameters must be set to values other than 0.
– If you enter 0 as the value of this parameter, you receive the message
Invalid Input: Zero input is not Valid.
• If the Routing parameter in the NAT menu is set to No or the Lan parameter
in the NAT menu is set to Multi IP Addr, this parameter is N/A.

Location: Ethernet > NAT > Static Mapping > Static Mapping nn (where nn is a
number between 01 and 10)

3-96January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Loc.DNS Tab Auto Update

See Also: Def Server, Dst Port # (Filters), Loc Port#, Lan, Routing, Protocol
(Filter), Valid (Static Mapping)

Loc.DNS Tab Auto Update

Description: Enables or disables automatic updating of the local DNS table.
When automatic updating is enabled, the list of IP addresses for each entry is
replaced with a list from the remote DNS server when the remote DNS
successfully resolves a connection to a host named on the table.

Usage: Set Loc.DNS Tab Auto Update to Yes to enable automatic updating of
the IP addresses in the local DNS table. No disables automatic updating.

Dependencies: The Enable Local DNS Table parameter must be set to Yes. To
display the list of IP addresses for a DNS table entry, the List Attempt parameter
must also be set to Yes, and a value of 1-35 specified for the List Size parameter.
If you set List Attempt=No, the Dnstab Entry command displays only the first IP
address on the list.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS

See Also: Enable Local DNS Table

Loc Port#
Description: When the Pipeline is configured to perform single-address
network address translation (NAT) and to provide services for users outside the
private local LAN, this parameter specifies the TCP or UDP port of one of the
services on the local LAN. The Pipeline routes packets whose destination port
match a setting for Dst Port # to the corresponding Loc Adrs and Loc Port #
parameters in the Static Mappings menu.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then type the port number.

Enter a port number between 1 and 65535, or enter 0 to disable routing of

packets. 0 is the default.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-97

Parameter Reference

Press Enter again to close the text field, press Esc to exit the menu, and then
confirm the change when prompted.

Note: After you enter a value for this parameter, it does not take effect until the
next time the link specified by the Profile parameter is brought up. To make the
change immediately, bring the link down and back up.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• For routing of incoming packets for a particular port to occur, the Routing
parameter in the NAT menu must be set to Yes, the Lan parameter in the
NAT menu must be set to Single IP Addr, the Valid parameter in the same
Static Mapping nn menu must be set to Yes, and other parameters in the
same Static Mapping nn menu must be set to non-null values:
– The Dst Port# parameter must be set to a value other than 0.
– The Loc Adrs parameter must be set to an address other than
If you enter as the value of this parameter, you receive the message
Invalid Input: Zero input is not Valid.
• The Protocol parameter in the same Static Mapping nn menu determines
whether the port you specify is a TCP or UDP port.
• If the Routing parameter in the NAT menu is set to No or the Lan parameter
in the NAT menu is set to Multi IP Addr, this parameter is N/A.
• You cannot specify the same server and port in more than one Static
Mapping nn menu.

Location: Ethernet > NAT > Static Mapping > Static Mapping nn (where nn is a
number between 01 and 10)

See Also: Def Server, Dst Port # (Static Mapping), Loc Adrs, Lan, Routing,
Protocol (Static Mapping), Valid (Static Mapping)

Description: Specifies the location of the Pipeline.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a description of the Pipeline’s
location. You can enter up to 80 characters. An SNMP management application
can read this field, but the value you enter does not affect the operation of the

3-98January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Log Facility

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Location: System > Sys Config

See Also: Contact

Log Facility
Description: Specifies how the Syslog host sorts system logs. The Syslog host
is the station to which the Pipeline sends system logs.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices. You can select one of these
• Local0
Local0 is the default.
• Local1
• Local2
• Local3
• Local4
• Local5
• Local6
• Local7

All system logs using the same setting are grouped together in the host’s file
system. That is, all system logs using the Local0 facility are grouped together, all
system logs using the Local1 facility are grouped together, and so on.

Dependencies: The Log Facility parameter applies only when you have enabled
the Syslog host by setting Syslog=Yes.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Log

See Also: Log Host, Syslog

Log Host
Description: Specifies the IP address of the Syslog host—the station to which
the Pipeline sends system logs.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-99

Parameter Reference
Log Port

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of Syslog host.

An IP address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.

The default value is

Press Enter to close the text field.


Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Syslog host must be running UNIX.
• The Log Host parameter applies only if you enable the Syslog host by setting

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Log

See Also: Log Facility, Syslog

Log Port
Description: Specifies the destination port on a syslog host where the unit’s
syslog messages will be received. Syslog messages include warning, notice, and
Call Data Reporting (CDR) records from the unit’s local system logs. Each
Ascend unit can specify a different port, enabling the host to manage a number of

Usage: Select the Log Port parameter and enter a port number. The Log Port is
the port on the Syslog host where the messages are received. The default is 514.

Dependencies: The Syslog parameter must be set to Yes. The Log Host parame-
ter must contain the IP address of the station that will receive the syslog mes-

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Log

See Also: Syslog, Log Host

3-100January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline requests Link Quality Monitoring
(LQM) when answering a PPP call.

LQM is a feature that enables the Pipeline to monitor the quality of a link. LQM
counts the number of packets sent across the link and periodically asks the
remote end how many packets it has received. Discrepancies are evidence of
packet loss and indicate link quality problems.

LQM causes the generation of periodic link quality reports. Both ends of the link
exchange these reports.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline requests LQM.
• No specifies that the Pipeline does not request LQM.
No is the default.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• Both sides of the link negotiate the interval between periodic link quality
reports; however, the interval must fall between the minimum interval (as set
by LQM Min) and the maximum interval (as set by LQM Max).
• If LQM is turned off (LQM=No), the LQM Max and LQM Min parameters
do not apply (LQM Max=N/A and LQM Min=N/A).
• LQM applies only if Encaps=PPP.
• LQM in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
LQM parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, LQM does not apply
(LQM=N/A) in the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Encaps, LQM Max, LQM Min

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-101

Parameter Reference

Description: Specifies the maximum duration between link quality reports,
measured in tenths of a second.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and 600.
The default is 600. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• If LQM=No, the LQM Max parameter does not apply (LQM Max=N/A).
• LQM Max in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
LQM Max parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, LQM Max does not apply (LQM
Max=N/A) in the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: LQM, LQM Min

Description: Specifies the minimum duration between link quality reports,
measured in tenths of a second.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and 600.
The default is 600. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• If LQM=No, the LQM Min parameter does not apply (LQM Min=N/A).
• LQM Min in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
LQM Min parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, LQM Min does not apply (LQM
Min=N/A) in the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps Options

3-102January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

See Also: LQM, LQM Max

Description: In a filter of type Generic, specifies a 16-bit hexadecimal bitmask
that the Pipeline applies to the data contained in the specified bytes in a packet. A
mask hides the part of a number that appears behind the binary zeroes in the
mask; for example, if Mask=ffff0000, the Pipeline uses only the first 16 binary
digits in the comparison, since f=1111 in binary format.

The Pipeline applies the Mask parameter starting at the position specified by the
Offset parameter. The setting you specify for Mask must contain the same
number of bytes as the Length parameter. The Pipeline then compares the
unmasked portion of the packet with the value specified by the Value parameter.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a hexadecimal number. You
can enter a number between 00 and ffffffffffffffff.

The default is 00. When you accept the default, the Pipeline uses the data in the
packet as is for comparison purposes.

Press Enter to close the text field.

Example: This example specifies that the Pipeline masks all but the first 24 bits
of the data:

Dependencies: Mask does not apply (Mask=N/A) for an IP filter (Type=IP).

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > any input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Generic

See Also: Length (Filter), Offset, Type, Value

Max Ch Count
Description: Specifies the maximum number of channels allowed on an MP+

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-103

Parameter Reference
Maximum No Reply Wait

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 1 and the
maximum number of channels your system supports. For ISDN service on the
Pipeline, this number cannot exceed 2. The default setting is 1.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Max Ch Count parameter applies only to dynamic MP+ calls
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Max Ch Count does not apply
(Max Ch Count=N/A) in the Answer profile.
• For optimum MP+ performance, both sides of a connection must set these
parameters to the same values:
– Base Ch Count (in the Connection profile)
– Min Ch Count (in the Answer profile)
– Max Ch Count (in the Answer profile and the Connection profile)
• Max Ch Count in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
Max Ch Count parameter takes precedence.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Add Pers, Base Ch Count, Encaps

Maximum No Reply Wait

Description: When a Pipeline handles a DHCP message that requests an IP
address and the value of the Validate IP parameter is Yes, it sends an ICMP echo
(ping) message to check if the address is already in use. This parameter specifies
a maximum duration, in seconds, for two actions related to this check:
• It specifies the length of time during which the Pipeline waits for a response
to the ICMP echo message. If the Pipeline does not receive a response during
this interval, it assumes that the address is not being used and reserves the
address for the host requesting it.

Note: During the time the Pipeline is validating the address, it ignores the
original DHCP request and any subsequent requests from the same host. The

3-104January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

host continues to send DHCP requests, however, as specified in the DHCP

• Once the Pipeline has determined that the address is available, it assigns the
host the address if it receives another DHCP request from the host within the
number of seconds specified by this parameter. If the Pipeline does not
receive the DHCP request during this interval, the Pipeline stops reserving
the address.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and enter a number between 5 and 300.

10 is the default.

Press Enter to close the text field.

Dependencies: If the DHCP Spoofing and Always Spoof parameters are not
both Yes, this parameter is N/A. If Validate IP is No, the Pipeline does not vali-
date the addresses it assigns, regardless of the value of this parameter.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: DHCP Spoofing, Always Spoof, Validate IP

Description: Appears in a Connection profile and a Static Rtes profile. Its
functionality differs depending on the profile:
• In a Connection profile, determines the virtual hop count of the link.
• In a Static Rtes profile, determines the virtual hop count of the route.

If there are two routes available to a single destination network, you can ensure
that the Pipeline uses any available nailed-up channel before using a switched
channel by setting the Metric parameter to a value higher than the metric of any
nailed-up route. The higher the value entered, the less likely that the Pipeline will
bring the link or route online. The Pipeline uses the lowest metric.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field, Then, type a number between 1 and 15.
This value is the virtual hop count. The default setting is 7. Press Enter again to
close the text field.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-105

Parameter Reference
Min Ch Count

Example: If a route to a station takes three hops over nailed-up lines, and Met-
ric=4 in a Connection profile that reaches the same station, the Pipeline does not
bring the Connection profile’s link online.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Metric parameter in a Connection profile does not apply to bridged
• If you enable RIP (Routing Information Protocol) across the WAN in a
Connection profile or an Answer profile (RIP=Recv or RIP=Both), the hop
count for the route can differ from the value of the Metric parameter in the
Route profile because the Pipeline always uses the lower hop count.
• The hop count includes the metric of each switched link in the route.
• The Metric only applies to IP connections.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > IP Options; Ethernet > Static
Rtes > any profile

See Also: Private, RIP

Min Ch Count
Description: Specifies the minimum number of channels an MP+ call

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 1 and 2 for
ISDN. The default setting is 1. Press Enter again to close the text field. You
cannot save a value greater than the capacity of your service’s total bandwidth.

Dependencies: The Min Ch Count parameter applies only to MP+ calls

(Encaps=MPP). For optimum MP+ performance, both sides of a connection must
set these parameters to the same values:
• Base Ch Count (in the Connection profile)
• Min Ch Count (in the Answer profile)
• Max Ch Count (in the Answer profile and the Connection profile)

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Encaps Options; Ethernet >
Answer > any profile > PPP Options

3-106January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Module Enabled

See Also: Max Ch Count

See Also:

Module Enabled
Description: Enables the Pipeline V.35 Serial WAN port.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices:

• Yes enables the Serial WAN port.
Yes is the default.
• No disables the Serial WAN port.

Location: V.35 > Serial WAN > Mod Config

Description: In a filter of type Generic, specifies whether the Pipeline passes
the packet to the next filter specification in the profile.

Use this parameter when you need a generic filter wider than the 8-byte limit of
the Length parameter. For example, suppose a packet is 16 bytes long (128 bits).
You can compare only 8 bytes in a filter because the maximum value of the
Length parameter is 8. To compare all 16 bytes, you specify two 8-byte filters
linked by the More parameter.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline applies the next filter in the profile before
deciding whether to forward the packet.
If you set More=Yes, the filter can examine multiple noncontiguous bytes
within a packet by “marrying” the current filter to the one that immediately
follows it.
• No specifies that the Pipeline does not apply the next filter in the profile
before deciding whether to forward the packet.
No is the default.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-107

Parameter Reference

Example: Input filter 01 and input filter 02 examine different bytes of the same
packet and apply a logical AND to the results in order to determine whether the
packet matches the specification:
In filter 01...Valid=Yes
In filter 01...Type=Generic
In filter 01...Generic...Forward=No
In filter 01...Generic...Offset=04
In filter 01...Generic...Length=8
In filter 01...Generic...Value=abc
In filter 01...Generic...More=Yes

In filter 02...Valid=Yes
In filter 02...Type=Generic
In filter 02...Generic...Forward=No
In filter 02...Generic...Offset=2
In filter 02...Generic...Length=8
In filter 02...Generic...Value=123
In filter 02...Generic...More=No

In this example, the Pipeline compares 16 bytes of each data packet. The match
occurs only if all the noncontiguous bytes contain the specified values.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The More parameter does not apply (More=N/A) if you are using an IP filter
• The next filter must be a Generic filter (Type=Generic) and must be activated
(Valid=Yes); otherwise, the Pipeline ignores the filter.

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > any input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Generic

See Also: Forward, Length (Filter), Offset, Type, Value, Valid (Filter)

Description: Specifies the maximum number of bytes the Pipeline can receive
in a single packet on a PPP link. MRU stands for Maximum Receive Unit.

3-108January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Multicast Forwarding

Usage: The default setting is 1524; you should accept this default unless the
device at the remote end of the link cannot support it.

If the administrator of the remote network specifies that you must change this
value, press Enter to open a text field. For an Answer profile or a Connection
profile, type a number between 1 and 1524. For a Frame Relay profile, type a
value between 128 and 1600.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The MRU parameter applies to any link using PPP encapsulation
(Encaps=MPP or Encaps=PPP).
When you choose Encaps=MPP, both the dialing side and the answering side
of the link must support MP+. If only one side supports MP+, the connection
uses MP or standard single-channel PPP. When you choose Encaps=PPP, the
connection uses only PPP.
• MRU in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
MRU parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, MRU does not apply (MRU=N/
A) in the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps Options; Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: Encaps

Multicast Forwarding
Description: Enables multicast forwarding on the Pipeline. By default, it is set
to No.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes enables multicast forwarding.
When set to Yes, the Pipeline appears to a Multicast router as a multicast
client, which receives Internet Group Membership Protocol (IGMP) queries
from the router and responds to them using IGMP. To dial-in clients, it

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-109

Parameter Reference
Multicast profile

appears as a multicast router, which sends IGMP queries and forwards

multicast traffic.
• No, the default, turns off multicast forwarding.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

See Also: Multicast profile

Multicast profile
Description: Specifies the name of a Connection profile for a WAN link to a
multicast router. If no profile name is specified and Multicast Forwarding is
turned on, the Pipeline assumes that its Ethernet is the Multicast interface.

The specified Connection profile must be resident.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the name of the Connection
profile to the multicast interface. If no name is specified, the Pipeline assumes the
presence of a multicast router on its Ethernet interface. Press Enter again to close
the text field.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

Dependencies: Available only in the IP-only release for the Pipeline. It is not
available if Multicast Forwarding is set to No.

See Also: Multicast Forwarding

My Addr
See “IP Adrs” on page 3-76.

My Name
See “Name” on page 3-113.

3-110January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
My Num A

My Num A
Description: Specifies the phone number assigned to the line. If two phone
numbers are assigned to the line, specify one here and one in My Num B.

When the Pipeline receives a multichannel MP+ call, it reports the primary phone
number (My Num A) and the secondary phone number (My Num B) to the
calling party. The calling Pipeline can then add more channels. If you do not
specify a phone number and the calling Pipeline needs to add more channels, it
redials the phone number it used to make the first connection.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then type a telephone number. The
character set is limited to the following characters:


You can include a hyphen in the phone number but no spaces.

Example: 5105551972

Location: Configure

Dependencies: You must get this number from the telephone company provid-
ing your service.

See Also: My Num B

My Num B
Description: Specifies the phone number assigned to the line. If two phone
numbers are assigned to the line, specify one here and one in My Num A.

When the Pipeline receives a multichannel MP+ call, it reports the primary phone
number (My Num A) and the secondary phone number (My Num B) to the
calling party. The calling Pipeline can then add more channels. If you do not
specify a phone number and the calling Pipeline needs to add more channels, it
redials the phone number it used to make the first connection.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then type a telephone number. The
character set is limited to the following characters:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-111

Parameter Reference


You can include a hyphen in the phone number but no spaces.

Example: 5105551972

Location: Configure

Dependencies: You must get this number from the telephone company provid-
ing your service.

See Also: My Num A

Description: Specifies how many polling cycles the Pipeline waits before
requesting a full status report.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the number of polling cycles
that you want the Pipeline to wait. You can specify a number from 1 to 255. If
you specify 1, the Pipeline requests a full status report every polling cycle. The
default is 6. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: The N391 parameter applies only if Link Mgmt=T1.617D.

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: Link Mgmt

Nailed Grp
Description: Associates a nailed-up Frame Relay group with the profile.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Type a number from 1 to the maximum
number of nailed-up channels that your Pipeline allows. The default is 1. Press
Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Nailed Grp parameter does not apply (Nailed Grp=N/A) if the link
consists entirely of switched channels (Call Type=Switched).

3-112January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

• Do not associate a group with more than one active Frame Relay profile.

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: Activation, Call Type, Group (Connection)

Description: Appears in each of these profiles:
• Filter profile
• IPX SAP Filters profile
• Security profile
• SNMP Traps profile
• Static Rtes profile
• System profile
• Firewalls

The functionality of the Name parameter differs depending on the profile:

• In a Filter profile, System profile, or IPX SAP Filters profile, specifies the
name of the profile.
The Pipeline sends the System profile name to the remote device whenever it
establishes a PPP link. The System profile name appears in the top line of the
Edit display of the Control Monitor. Always enter a system name to identify
the Pipeline.
When the Pipeline receives a PPP or MP+ call from an Ascend unit, it tries
to match the caller's Name to the value of the Station parameter in some
Connection profile. If the Pipeline finds a match and authentication is turned
on, the Pipeline then tries to match the caller's Send PW value to the Recv
PW value in that same Connection profile.
The Control Monitor is the menu-based user interface for configuring,
managing, and monitoring the Pipeline. It consists of nine windows—eight
status windows and a single edit window.

Note: The Name parameter in the System profile is the same as the My
Name parameter in the Configure menu.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-113

Parameter Reference

• In a Static Rtes profile, specifies the name of the route’s destination.

Note: You cannot change the name of the first route; its value is always
• In an SNMP Traps profile, specifies the SNMP manager to which the
Pipeline sends traps-PDUs (Protocol Data Units).
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) provides a way for
computers to share networking information. In SNMP, two types of
communicating devices exist: agents and managers. An agent provides
networking information to a manager application running on another
computer. The agents and managers share a database of information, called
the Management Information Base (MIB).
A trap is a mechanism in SNMP for reporting system change in real time. To
report system change, the Pipeline sends a traps-PDU across the Ethernet
interface to the SNMP manager. A complete list specifying the events that
cause the Pipeline to send a traps-PDU appears in the Ascend Enterprise
Traps MIB.
• In a Firewall profile, specifies the name of the firewall. This name is
originally created using the Secure Access Manager (SAM) graphical user

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a name. You can enter up to
15 characters for the Name parameter in all profiles except the Static Rtes profile
and the SNMP Traps profile. In these profiles, you can enter up to 31 characters
for the Name parameter.

Because the Pipeline uses the Name parameter in the System profile for
authentication, you must type it exactly as the remote network expects it. In this
case, Name is case sensitive.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Location: The Name parameter appears in these locations:

Ethernet > Filters > any type > any input or output filter > any numbered filter;
Ethernet > Firewalls > any profile
Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options > IPX SAP Filter > any profile;
Ethernet > SNMP Traps > any profile;
Ethernet > Static Rtes > any profile;

3-114January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

System > Security > any profile;

System > Sys Config

Description: The NAT Lan parameter has the same functionality as the Lan
parameter in the NAT profile. This parameter exists for backward compatibility.

Usage: Select either of the following:

• Single IP addr
• Multiple IP addr

Dependencies: The NAT Routing parameter must be set to Yes.

Location: Ethernet > NAT

See Also: Lan

NAT Profile
Description: The NAT Profile parameter has the same functionality as the
Profile parameter in the NAT profile. This parameter exists for backward

Usage: Enter a string matching the Name parameter of the one Connection
profile that runs NAT.

Dependencies: The NAT Routing parameter in the NAT profile must be set to
Yes. Route IP in the Connection profile must be set to Yes.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

See Also: Profile

NAT Routing
Description: The NAT Routing parameter has the same functionality as the
Routing parameter in the NAT profile. This parameter exists for backward

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-115

Parameter Reference
Net Adrs

compatibility. Do not enable NAT using both NAT Routing and Routing. Only
one should be enabled.

Note: NAT has fewer features when enabled from the Mod Config menu. Static
mappings and a default server cannot be specified.

Usage: Select either of the following:

• Yes - Enables NAT
• No - Disables NAT

Dependencies: Route IP must be set to Yes. NAT automatically turns RIP off, so
the address of the Pipeline is not propagated to the Internet or remote networks.

Dependencies: The Route IP in the Ethernet (Mod Config) profile must be set
to Yes.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

See Also: Routing

Net Adrs
Description: In a Bridging profile, specifies the IP address of a device at the
remote end of the link.

The Pipeline uses the Bridging profile to build a bridge table of matching MAC
and IP addresses. The Net Adrs parameter corresponds to the IP address of each
remote device; the Enet Adrs parameter corresponds to the MAC address of each
remote device.

These parameters enable the Pipeline to perform proxy ARP (Address Resolution
Protocol). Whenever the Pipeline receives an ARP request from a specified IP
address, it checks to see whether the IP address matches one in its bridge table. If
it does, the Pipeline returns its own MAC address.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of the device
on the remote network.

An IP address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.

If a netmask is in use on the network, you must specify it. Separate a netmask
from the IP address with a slash.

3-116January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
NetWare t/o

The default value is

Press Enter to close the text field.


Location: Ethernet > Bridge Adrs > any profile

See Also: Enet Adrs

NetWare t/o
Description: Specifies the length of time, in minutes, that the Pipeline performs
watchdog spoofing for NetWare connections. Here is an explanation of watchdog

Ordinarily, when a NetWare server does not receive a reply to the watchdog
session keepalive packets it sends to a client, it closes the connection. When you
select Server mode for the Handle IPX parameter, however, the Pipeline replies
to NCP watchdog requests on behalf of clients on the other side of the bridge; in
other words, the Pipeline tricks the server watchdog process into believing that
the link is still active.

The time period for watchdog spoofing specified by the NetWare t/o parameter
begins when the WAN session goes offline. If the WAN session reconnects, the
Pipeline cancels the timeout.

NetWare t/o applies when the Pipeline is on a LAN containing a NetWare server.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the timeout value in minutes.
You can enter any value from 0 to 65535. The default value is 0 (zero); when you
accept the default, the Pipeline responds to server watchdog requests indefinitely.
Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: The NetWare t/o parameter does not apply (NetWare t/o=N/A) if
Handle IPX=None.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > IPX Options

See Also: Handle IPX

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-117

Parameter Reference

Description: Specifies the unique internal network number assigned to the
NetWare server.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the unique 4-byte
hexadecimal number provided by your network administrator. The values
00000000 and ffffffff are not valid. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Example: A00100001

Dependencies: For the Network parameter to apply, you must enable IPX rout-
ing in the Connection profile by setting Route IPX=Yes.

Location: Ethernet > IPX Route > any profile

See Also: Route IPX

Description: Specifies the node number of the NetWare server.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the node number of the
server. Typically, a server running NetWare 3.11 or later has a node number of
0000000000001. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: For the Node parameter to apply, you must enable IPX routing
in the Connection profile by setting Route IPX=Yes.

Location: Ethernet > IPX Route > any profile

See Also: Route IPX

Description: In a filter of type Generic, specifies the number of bytes masked
from the start of the packet. The byte position specified by the Offset parameter is
called the byte-offset.

Starting at the position specified by the Offset parameter, the Pipeline applies the
value of the Mask parameter. A mask hides the part of a number that appears

3-118January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

behind the binary zeroes in the mask; for example, if Mask=ffff0000 in

hexadecimal format, the Pipeline uses only the first 16 binary digits in the
comparison, since f=1111 in binary format. The Pipeline then compares the
unmasked portion of the packet specified by the Length parameter with the value
specified by the Value parameter.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the number of starting bytes
in a packet that the Pipeline ignores for comparison and masking purposes.

The default is 0. When you accept the default, the Pipeline starts comparing and
masking data at byte 1.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Example: Suppose you have a filter that drops packets and has these specifica-

When the 10-byte packet xycd123456 passes through the filter, the Pipeline
removes the leading four bytes, because Offset=4. The data 123456 remains.
Next, the Pipeline removes the trailing three bytes, because Length=3; only the
value 123 remains. The Mask is ffffff, which contains all ones (1s) when
converted to binary numbers; therefore, the Mask value does not hide any binary
digits and passes 123 through. When the Pipeline compares 123 to the setting of
the Value parameter, a match occurs and the it does not forward the packet.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Offset parameter does not apply (Offset=N/A) for an IP filter (Type=IP).
• If a previous filter set More=Yes, Offset starts at the endpoint of the previous

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type > input or output > any numbered filter

See Also: Length (Firewall), Mask, More

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-119

Parameter Reference

Description: Enables or disables read-only security.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes enables users to view Pipeline profiles and change the value of any
Yes is the default.
• No permits users to view Pipeline profiles, but not to change the value of any
If you specify No, users cannot access most DO commands. Only DO Esc,
DO Close Telnet, and DO password are available.

Location: System > Security > any profile

Description: Specifies the password that activates a Security profile. The first
Security profile, Default, has no password.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type up to 20 characters. Press
Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• Passwd is case sensitive.
The user must enter the password exactly as you specify it here.
• If the value of the Passwd parameter in the Security profile is *SECURE*,
you cannot edit Security Profiles.
If you want to edit Security Profiles, you must log into a Security profile
whose Edit Security parameter is set to Yes.

Location: System > Security > any profile

See Also: Edit Security

3-120January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Description: Lets you select between two classes of peers to connect via the
Pipeline—IPX routers and stand alone workstations. It is best to allow two
classes of peers to connect through an Ascend unit; other IPX routers, and stand
alone workstations. Typically, stand alone workstations are mobile stations that
connect via modem. By specifying a peer class for each Connection profile, you
can improve network security.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Router specifies that the caller is an IPX router.
Router is the default.
• Dialin specifies that the caller is a dial-in NetWare client that incorporates
PPP software and dial-out hardware, but does not have an Ethernet interface.
This setting causes the Pipeline to assign the caller an IPX address derived
from the value of IPX Pool#.

Dependencies: If IPX Routing=No or Route IPX=No, the Peer parameter does

not apply (Peer=N/A).

Location: Ethernet > Answer > IPX Options; Ethernet > Connections > any
profile > IPX Options

See Also: IPX Pool#, IPX Routing, Route IPX

Phone 1 Usage
Description: Determines how to direct incoming voice calls. This parameter is
only valid if Service profile Identifiers (SPIDs) are associated with your ISDN
directory numbers (phone numbers).

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Choose A to route incoming voice calls for the directory number
corresponding to SPID A (normally My Num A) to Phone 1 port.
• Choose B to route incoming voice calls for the directory number
corresponding to SPID B (normally My Num B) to Phone 1 port.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-121

Parameter Reference
Phone 2 Usage

• Choose None to prevent analog calls from being routed to the Phone 1 port.
In this case, the calls are considered data calls, and are answered by the
Pipeline as data over voice.

Dependencies: If your ISDN service does not use SPIDs, this parameter is not

Location: Configure

See Also: Ans Voice Call, Phone 2 Usage, Data Usage

Phone 2 Usage
Description: Determines how to direct incoming voice calls. This parameter is
only valid if Service profile Identifiers (SPIDs) are associated with your ISDN
directory numbers (phone numbers).

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Choose A to route incoming voice calls for the directory number
corresponding to SPID A (normally My Num A) to Phone 2 port.
• Choose B to route incoming voice calls for the directory number
corresponding to SPID B (normally My Num B) to Phone 2 port.
• Choose None to prevent analog calls from being routed to the Phone 2 port.
In this case, the calls are considered data calls, and are answered by the
Pipeline as data over voice.

Dependencies: If your ISDN service does not use SPIDs, this parameter is not

Location: Configure

See Also: Ans Voice Call, Phone 1 Usage, Data Usage

Phone Num Binding

Description: Forces an outgoing call to use the directory number for the port to
which the device is connected. It is N/A unless the value of the Switch Type
parameter is NTI (Northern Telecom Custom) or NI-1 (National ISDN-1).

3-122January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

When ISDN service is provided by a Northern Telecom DMS-100 switch, each B

channel is associated with a particular directory number (telephone number).
Because of this, when a B channel is in use, its directory number is not available.
If Phone Number Binding is set to No, an outgoing call that would normally be
made on a particular directory number can be made on the other directory
number if the B channel for the first directory number is already in use and the B
channel for the second directory number is free.

If outgoing calls must come from a particular telephone number to be identified

by Caller ID, setting Phone Number Binding to Yes ensures that the call is made
using the directory number for the port to which the device is connected. If the B
channel for this directory number is already in use, the call cannot be made.

When Phone Number Binding is N/A, any call originated at the Pipeline is
associated with the phone number set in the Data/Phone Usage parameters. If the
outgoing call is a data call and Data Usage is set to A+B, the data call will be
placed from the first available phone number.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes means that an outgoing call is always made on the directory number for
the port to which the device is connected. If the B channel for this directory
number is already in use, the call cannot be made. Set this parameter to Yes
only if calls must be made on a particular directory number to be identified
by Caller ID.
• No means an outgoing call that would normally be made on a particular
directory number can be made on the other directory number if the B
channel for the first directory number is already in use and the B channel for
the second directory number is free.

Dependencies: This parameter is N/A unless your ISDN switch type is NTI or

Location: Configure

See Also: Data Usage

Description: Specifies the number of idle seconds the Pipeline waits before
using one of the channels of an idle link for a new call.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-123

Parameter Reference

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and
65535. The Pipeline sets no time limit if you enter 0 (zero). The default setting is
60. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• If all channels of a link are nailed up (Call Type=Nailed), the Preempt
parameter does not apply (Preempt=N/A) in either the Answer or
Connection profile.
• Preempt in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
Preempt parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Preempt does not apply
(Preempt=N/A) in the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > Session Options; Ethernet > Con-
nections > any profile > Session Options

See Also: Call Type

Description: Specifies the preference value for a specific statically configured
IP route, which may be defined in an IP Route profile or Connection profile.
When selecting which routes to put in the routing table, the router first compares
the Preference value, selecting the lower number. If the Preference values are
equal, then the router compares the Metric field, selecting the route with the
lower Metric.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Type a number between 0 and 255. The
default value is 100. Zero is the default for connected routes (such as the
Ethernet). The value of 255 means “Don't use this route,” which is meaningful
only for Connection profiles.

These are the default values for other types of routes:

• Routes learned from ICMP Redirects=30
• Routes learned from RIP=100
• Static routes (configured in an IP Route profile or Connection profile)=100

3-124January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

This set of preference values gives static routes and RIP routes an equal value,
with ICMP Redirects taking precedence over both.

Location: Connections > any profile > IP Options; Ethernet > Static Rtes > any

Description: Specifies the IP address of the primary domain name server.

Domain Name System (DNS) is a TCP/IP service that enables you to specify a
symbolic name instead of an IP address. A symbolic name consists of a username
and a domain name in the format username@domain name. The username
corresponds to the host number in the IP address. The domain name corresponds
to the network number in the IP address. A symbolic name might be
[email protected] or [email protected].

DNS maintains a database of network numbers and corresponding domain names

on a domain name server. When you use a symbolic name, DNS translates the
domain name into an IP address, and sends it over the network. When the Internet
service provider receives the message, it uses its own database to look up the
username corresponding to the host number.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of the primary
domain name server.

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
The default value is Accept this default if you do not have a domain name

Press Enter again to close the text field.


Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS

See Also: Domain Name, Sec DNS

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-125

Parameter Reference

Description: Appears in a Connection profile and a Static Rtes profile. Its
functionality differs depending on the profile:
• In a Connection profile, specifies whether the Pipeline discloses the IP
address indicated by LAN Adrs when queried by RIP (Routing Information
Protocol) or another routing protocol.
• In a Static Rtes profile, specifies whether the Pipeline discloses the existence
of the IP address indicated in the route when queried by RIP or another
routing protocol.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes disables advertising.
The Pipeline does not advertise the IP address in RIP updates that it sends.
• No enables advertising.
The Pipeline advertises the IP address in RIP updates that it sends.
No is the default.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Private parameter does not apply (Private=N/A) if the Pipeline does not
support IP (Route IP=No).

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > IP Options; Ethernet > Static
Rtes > any profile

See Also: LAN Adrs, Metric, RIP, Route IP

Description: Specifies the name of a Connection profile used to connect a
remote network to the Pipeline. If the Pipeline is configured to perform network
address translation (NAT), the Pipeline automatically performs NAT whenever a
connection is made with this profile. The profile can be configured for incoming
connections, outgoing connections, or both. If the profile is used for an outgoing
connection, the remote server must be configured provide valid IP addresses for
NAT, either through PPP negotiation for a single address or DHCP for the
multiple addresses needed for NAT for LAN.

3-126January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Profile Reqd

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then enter the name of a Connection

Press Enter again to close the text field, press Esc to exit the menu, and then
confirm the change when prompted.

Note: The change does not take effect until the next time the link is brought up.
To make the change immediately, bring the link down and back up.

Dependencies: The Routing parameter in the NAT profile must be set to Yes.
Route IP in the Connection profile must be set to Yes.

Location: Ethernet > NAT > NAT

See Also: Routing

Profile Reqd
Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline rejects incoming calls for which it
could find no Connection profile and no entry on a remote authentication server.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline rejects incoming calls for which it can find no
Connection profile and no entry on a remote authentication server.
• No specifies that the Pipeline does not require a Connection profile or a
remote authentication entry.
No is the default.

You can satisfy the Profile Reqd parameter in one of these ways:
• The source IP address of the caller matches the LAN Adrs parameter in a
local Connection profile.
In this case, Encaps=MPP or Encaps=PPP.
• The source name of the caller matches the Station parameter in a local
Connection profile.
In this case, Encaps=PPP or Encaps=MPP, and Recv Auth=PAP or Recv
• The source MAC address of the caller matches the Station parameter in a
local Connection profile.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-127

Parameter Reference
Protocol (Filter)

Dependencies: If you get incoming PPP bridging calls (Route IP=No) and Pro-
file Reqd=Yes, you must also specify that the Pipeline authenticate incoming
calls using PAP or CHAP (Recv Auth=PAP or Recv Auth=CHAP). A Connec-
tion profile cannot match a PPP bridging call except through the name of the
caller that PAP or CHAP authentication provides.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile

See Also: Encaps, Recv Auth, Route IP

Protocol (Filter)
Description: In a filter of type IP, Protocol specifies the protocol number to
which the Pipeline compares a packet’s protocol number.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the number of the protocol.
You can enter a number between 0 and 255. The default setting is 0 (zero). When
you accept the default, the Pipeline disregards the Protocol parameter when
applying the filter.

Protocols and their associated numbers appear in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2. Protocols

Number Name

1 ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)

2 IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)

3 GGP (Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol)

4 IP (Internet Protocol)

5 ST (Stream)

6 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)


8 EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)

3-128January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Protocol (Filter)

Table 3-2. Protocols (continued)

Number Name

9 Any private interior gateway protocol

10 BBN-RCC-MON (BBN RCC Monitoring)

11 NVP-II (Network Voice Protocol II)

12 PUP



15 XNET (Cross-Net Debugger)


17 UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

18 MUX (Multiplexing)

19 DCN-MEAS (DCN Measurement Subsystems)

20 HMP (Host Monitoring Protocol)

21 PRM (Packet Radio Measurement)

22 XNS IDP (Xerox Networking System Internetwork

Datagram Protocol)

23 TRUNK-1

24 TRUNK-2

25 LEAF-1

26 LEAF-2

27 RDP (Reliable Data Protocol)

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-129

Parameter Reference
Protocol (Filter)

Table 3-2. Protocols (continued)

Number Name

28 IRTP (Internet Reliable Transport Protocol)

29 ISO-TP4 (International Standards Organization Transport

Protocol Class 4)

30 NETBLT (Bulk Data Transfer Protocol)

31 MFE-NSP (MFE Network Services Protocol)

32 MERIT-INP (MERIT Internodal Protocol)

33 SEP (Sequential Exchange Protocol)

34 3PC (Third Party Connect Protocol)

35 IDPR (Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol)

36 XTP

37 DDP (Datagram Delivery Protocol)

38 IDPR-CMTP (IDPR Control Message Transport Protocol)

39 TP++ (TP++ Transport Protocol)

40 IL (IL Transport Protocol)

41 SIP (Simple Internet Protocol)

42 SDRP (Source Demand Routing Protocol)

43 SIP-SR (SIP Source Route)

44 SIP-FRAG (SIP Fragment)

45 IDRP (Inter-Domain Routing Protocol)

46 RSVP (Reservation Protocol)

3-130January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Protocol (Filter)

Table 3-2. Protocols (continued)

Number Name

47 GRE (General Routing Encapsulation)

48 MHRP (Mobile Host Routing Protocol)

49 BNA

50 SIPP-ESP (SIPP Encap Security Payload)

51 SIPP-AH (SIPP Authentication Header)

52 I-NLSP (Integrated Net Layer Security Protocol)

53 SWIPE (IP with Encryption)

54 NHRP (Next Hop Resolution Protocol)

55-60 Unassigned

61 Any Host Internet Protocol


63 Any local network

64 SAT-EXPAK (SATNET and Backroom EXPAK)


66 RVD (MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol)

67 IPPC (Internet Pluribus Packet Core)

68 Any distributed file system

69 SAT-MON (SATNET Monitoring)

70 VISA (VISA Protocol)

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-131

Parameter Reference
Protocol (Filter)

Table 3-2. Protocols (continued)

Number Name

71 IPCU (Internet Packet Core Utility)

72 CPNX (Computer Protocol Network Executive)

73 CPHB (Computer Protocol Heart Beat)

74 WSN (Wang Span Network)

75 PVP (Packet Video Protocol)

76 BR-SAT-MON (Backroom SATNET Monitoring)

77 SUN-ND PROTOCOL-Temporary

78 WB-MON (WIDEBAND Monitoring)


80 ISO-IP (International Standards Organization Internet





84 TTP

85 NSFNET-IGP (National Science Foundation Network

Interior Gateway Protocol)

86 DGP (Dissimilar Gateway Protocol)

87 TCF


3-132January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Protocol (Filter)

Table 3-2. Protocols (continued)

Number Name

89 OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)

90 Sprite-RPC

91 LARP (Locus Address Resolution Protocol)

92 MTP (Multicast Transport Protocol)

93 AX.25 (AX.25 Frames)

94 IPIP (IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol)

95 MICP (Mobile Internetworking Control Protocol)

96 SCC-IP (Semaphore Communications Security Protocol)

97 ETHERIP (Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation)

98 ENCAP (Encapsulation Header)

99 Any private encryption scheme

100 GMTP

101-254 Unassigned

255 Reserved

Dependencies: The Protocol parameter applies only if the filter is of type IP

(Type=IP) and is activated (Valid=Yes).

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type > any input or output filter > any num-
bered filter > Ip

See Also: Type, Valid (Filter)

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-133

Parameter Reference
Protocol (Static Mapping)

Protocol (Static Mapping)

Description: When the Pipeline is configured to perform single-address
network address translation (NAT) and to provide services for users outside the
private local LAN, this parameter specifies whether the Dst Port# and Loc Port#
parameters in the same Static Mapping nn menu (where nn is a number between
01 and 10) specify TCP or UDP ports.

Usage: Enter TCP or UDP.

• TCP specifies that the Dst Port# and Loc Port# parameters in the same Static
Mapping nn menu are TCP port numbers. TCP is the default.
• UDP specifies that the Dst Port# and Loc Port# parameters in the same Static
Mapping nn menu are UDP port numbers.

Note: After you enter a value for this parameter, it does not take effect until the
next time the link specified by the Profile parameter is brought up. To make the
change immediately, bring the link down and back up.

Dependencies: The Routing parameter in the NAT profile must be set to Yes.
The Lan parameter in the NAT profile must be set to Single IP addr. Valid in
Static Mappings must be set to Yes.

Location: Ethernet > NAT > Static Mappings....> Static Mapping nn (where nn
is a number between 01 and 10)

See Also: Routing, Lan, Dst Port # (Static Mapping), Loc Adrs, Loc Port#,
Valid (Static Mapping)

Proxy Mode
Description: Specifies under what conditions the Pipeline performs a proxy
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol). The Pipeline performs a proxy ARP when it
recognizes the IP address of a remote device in an ARP request, and then
responds to the ARP request by sending its own MAC address.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Always specifies that the Pipeline responds to an ARP request regardless of
whether a connection to the remote site is up.

3-134January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Queue Depth

• Inactive specifies that the Pipeline responds to an ARP request only for a
remote IP address specified in a Connection profile, and only if there is no
connection to the remote site.
• Active specifies that the Pipeline responds to an ARP request only if a
connection to the remote site is up, regardless of whether a Connection
profile exists for the link.
• Off disables proxy mode.
Off is the default.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Proxy Mode parameter does not apply (Proxy Mode=N/A) if the v does
not support IP (Route IP=No).
• Enabling Proxy Mode may prevent the Pipeline from placing calls simply for
address lookups.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

See Also: Net Adrs, Route IP

Queue Depth
Description: The maximum number of SNMP requests stored for processing. If
SNMP requests arrive at a rate that is faster than they can be processed, they are
sent to the queue. This parameter sets the maximum depth of the queue. After the
queue fills up, packets destined for it are discarded.

Usage: Enter a value from 0 to 1024. A setting of 0 stores SNMP requests until
the Pipeline runs out of memory. Zero is the default.

Note: Setting Queue Depth to zero is not recommended. An unlimited queue

depth can result in an out-of-memory condition if a flood of packets are received
on the SNMP port.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > SNMP Options

See Also: Rip Queue Depth

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-135

Parameter Reference
R/W Comm

R/W Comm
Description: Specifies a read/write SNMP community name. If an SNMP
manager sends this community name, it can access the Get, Get-Next, and Set
SNMP agents.

SNMP security is implemented with the community name sent with each request.
Ascend supports two community names: one with read-only access to the MIB
(the Read Comm parameter), and the other with read/write access to the MIB (the
R/W Comm parameter).

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the community name that the
Pipeline will use for authenticating the SNMP management station. You can
enter letters and numbers, up to a limit of 32 characters. The default is Write.

The community name can contain a secret key, that is specified in the R/W string
after a vertical bar (|). When the secret key is present in the community string, the
Pipeline requires SNMP SET REQUEST packets to be authenticated using the
password as well as the shared (but not transmitted) secret.

Example: R/W Comm=password|secret

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > SNMP Options

See Also: Read Comm

R/W Comm Enable

Description: Enables and disables the use of SNMP set commands.

Usage: Press Enter to select Yes or No.

• Yes enables the use of SNMP set commands. To use a set command, you
must know the SNMP read-write community string specified in the R/W
Comm parameter.
• No disables the use of set commands.
No is the default.

Location: Ethernet > SNMP Options > Mod Config

3-136January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Read Comm

Read Comm
Description: Specifies a read-only SNMP community name. If an SNMP
manager sends this community name, it can access the Get and Get-Next SNMP

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) provides a way for computers to

share networking information. In SNMP, two types of communicating devices
exist: agents and managers. An agent provides networking information to a
manager application running on another computer. The agents and managers
share a database of information, called the Management Information Base (MIB).

SNMP security is implemented with the community name sent with each request.
Ascend supports two community names: one with read-only access to the MIB
(the Read Comm parameter), and the other with read/write access to the MIB (the
R/W Comm parameter).

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the community name that the
Pipeline uses for authenticating the SNMP management station. You can enter up
to 16 alphanumeric characters. The default is Public.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > SNMP Options

See Also: R/W Comm

Recv Auth
Description: Specifies the authentication protocol that the Pipeline uses when
receiving and verifying a password for an incoming PPP call.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• None specifies that the Pipeline does not use an authentication protocol to
validate incoming calls.
None is the default.
• PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) is a PPP authentication protocol.
PAP provides a simple method for a host to establish its identity in a two-
way handshake. Authentication takes place only upon initial link
establishment, and does not use encryption.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-137

Parameter Reference
Recv PW

If you choose PAP, the Pipeline uses this protocol for authentication. The
remote device must support PAP.
• CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) is a PPP
authentication protocol.
CHAP is more secure than PAP. CHAP provides a way to periodically verify
the identity of a host using a three-way handshake and encryption.
Authentication takes place upon initial link establishment; the Pipeline can
repeat the authentication process any time after the connection is made.
If you choose CHAP, the Pipeline uses this protocol for authentication. The
remote device must support CHAP.
• MS-CHAP (Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) is a
PPP protocol.
Similar to CHAP, MS-CHAP allows authentication only if the remote peer
uses MS-CHAP for authentication. It is supported in Windows NT
environments only.
• Either specifies that the Pipeline can use any authentication if the remote
peer can authenticate the designated scheme.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The link must use PPP or MPP encapsulation (Encaps=PPP or
• If you choose PAP or CHAP, you must also specify a password using Recv
PW in a Connection profile.
• When you set Recv Auth=PAP, CHAP, or Either, the Pipeline can determine
the IP address of a caller, even if the caller does not specify an address; the
Pipeline derives the IP address from the Connection profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options

See Also: Recv PW, Send Auth, Send PW

Recv PW
Description: Specifies the password that the remote end of the link must send; if
the password specified by Recv PW does not match the remote end’s value for
Send PW, the Pipeline disconnects the link.

3-138January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Rem Addr

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a password. You can enter up
to 20 characters; the password is case sensitive. The default is null. Press Enter
again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind concerning the Recv

PW parameter in the Connection profile:
• If Recv Auth=None, the Recv PW parameter does not apply (Recv PW=N/
• You must specify a value for Recv PW when the link uses PPP encapsulation
(Encaps=PPP or Encaps=MPP) and the Pipeline uses either PAP or CHAP
authentication (Recv Auth=PAP or Recv Auth=CHAP).
When you choose Encaps=MPP, both the dialing side and the answering side
of the link must support MP+. If only one side supports MP+, the connection
uses MP or standard single-channel PPP. When you choose Encaps=PPP, the
connection uses only PPP.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Encaps, Recv Auth, Send Auth, Send PW

Rem Addr

See “LAN Adrs” on page 3-89.

Rem Name

See “Station” on page 3-169.

Remote Mgmt
Description: Specifies whether the device at the remote end of a call can operate
the Pipeline remotely.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the remote device can remotely operate the Pipeline.
Yes is the default.
• No specifies that the remote device cannot remotely operate the Pipeline.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-139

Parameter Reference
Renewal Time

If the remote device tries to do so, the error message Remote Management
Denied appears.

Dependencies: The Call Type parameter must be set to MPP or Nailed/MPP.

Location: System > Sys Config

See Also: Call Type

Renewal Time
Description: Specifies the lease time for a dynamically assigned IP address.
This is the time in which the host is assigned the IP address, as defined by the
DHCP protocol. If the host renews the address before its lease period expires, the
DHCP service reassigns the same address.

Usage: Enter a length of time in seconds. The default is 10.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

Restore Cfg
Description: Restores profiles saved using the Save Cfg parameter, or transfers
the profiles to another Pipeline. Because the Save Cfg command does not save
passwords, the Restore Cfg command does not restore them.

Usage: Follow these instructions to restore your configuration from backup:

1 Enable the Upload parameter in the Security profile (Upload=Yes).
2 Verify that your terminal emulation program has a disk capture feature; this
feature enables your emulator to capture to disk the ASCII characters it
receives at its serial host port.
3 Verify that your terminal emulation program has an autotype feature; this
feature enables your emulator to transmit over its serial host port the contents
of a file it has built through disk capture.
4 Connect the backup device to the Pipeline Control port.
5 Set the data rate of your terminal emulation program to 9600 baud or lower.
6 Set the Term Rate parameter in the System profile to 9600.

3-140January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Reuse addr timeout

7 Make certain that you have the Edit Security privilege; if you restore without
having the Edit Security privilege, you can be locked out of some or all
8 Select Restore Cfg from the Sys Diag menu.
9 When the Waiting for upload data prompt appears, turn on the
autotype function on your emulator and supply the filename of the saved
Pipeline data.
10 Verify that the configuration data is going to your terminal emulation screen
and is being restored to the target Pipeline.
The restore process is complete when the message Upload complete--
type any key to return to menu appears on your emulator’s

Location: System > Sys Diag

See Also: Save Cfg

Reuse addr timeout

Description: Specifies the time the Pipeline uses a dynamically assigned IP
address when running in single-address NAT mode. See Reuse last addr
parameter for details.

Usage: Enter a numeric value from 0 to 1440. The value 0 means the Pipeline
reuses the IP address without a time limit. The maximum setting is 1440 seconds.

Dependencies: The Routing parameter in the NAT profile must be set to Yes.
The Lan parameter in the NAT profile must be set to Single IP addr. Reuse last
addr parameter must be set to Yes.

Location: Ethernet > NAT

See Also: Routing, Lan, Reuse last addr

Reuse last addr

Description: Specifies that the last IP address given by the remote unit during
PPP negotiations should be reused in subsequent PPP negotiations (for the

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-141

Parameter Reference

duration specified in the Reuse addr timeout parameter). Reuse last addr applies
only to single-address NAT.

Usage: The possible values are Yes or No. The default is No.
• Yes - After an IP address is obtained by PPP negotiations, the MAX uses that
IP address in all other PPP negotiations as long as the limit set by the Reuse
addr timeout parameter has not been exceeded.
Set this parameter to Yes when you need to use the same IP address for TCP
applications that might need to reestablish a connection during the session,
such as Telnet. For example, suppose a Telnet session is idle for a long
period of time and as a result, disconnects, but the Telnet session remains
alive. If Reuse last addr = No, when the connection reestablishes, a new IP
address is assigned by the PPP negotiations, which creates a problem for
Telnet which expected to be using the original IP address.
If the Pipeline attempts to reuse the IP address and the remote unit rejects the
address, it will accept an IP address offered by the remote unit in PPP
• No - Each PPP session renegotiates the IP address.

Dependencies: The Routing parameter in the NAT profile must be set to Yes.
The Lan parameter in the NAT profile must be set to Single IP addr.

Location: Ethernet > NAT

See Also: Routing, Lan, Reuse addr timeout

Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline send and/or receives RIP-v1
(version 1) or RIP-v2 (version 2) packets on the selected interface.

The RIP parameter appears in the Answer profile, Connection Profiles, and the
Ethernet profile. Its functionality differs depending on the profile:
• In the Answer profile or a Connection profile, the RIP parameter controls
RIP updates between the Pipeline and a remote router.
• In the Ethernet profile, the RIP parameter controls RIP updates between the
Pipeline and other IP routers on the local Ethernet network.

3-142January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

The most significant difference between RIP (Routing Information Protocol)

versions 1 and 2 is that RIP-v2 allows neighboring hosts to communicate
netmasks to each other. RIP-v1 forces routers to guess the netmask.

If the Pipeline is communicating with other RIP-v2 routers and hosts, all routing
tables contain the same addresses and routes. However, if the Pipeline is
communicating with a RIP-v1 router, that router ignores the netmask field in the
RIP-v2 packet, making use only of the IP address without the netmask. For this
reason, we do not recommend that you run RIP-v1 and RIP-v2 on the same
network in such a way that both RIP-v1 and RIP-v2 hosts hear each other's

Note: Ascend recommends that all routers and hosts run RIP-v2 instead of RIP-
v1. The IETF has voted to move RIP version 1 into the “historic” category and its
use is no longer recommended.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Off specifies that the Pipeline does not transmit or receive RIP updates.
Off is the default.
• Recv-v1
This setting specifies that the Pipeline receives RIP-v1 updates, but does not
transmit RIP updates on this interface (WAN or Ethernet).
• Send-v1
This setting specifies that the Pipeline transmits RIP-v1 updates, but does
not receive RIP updates on this interface (WAN or Ethernet).
• Both-v1
This setting means that the Pipeline transmits and receives RIP-v1 updates
on this interface (WAN or Ethernet).
• Send-v2
This setting specifies that the Pipeline transmits RIP-v2 updates, but does
not receive RIP updates on this interface (WAN or Ethernet).
• Recv-v2
This setting specifies that the Pipeline receives RIP-v2 updates, but does not
transmit RIP updates on this interface (WAN or Ethernet).
• Both-v2
This setting means that the Pipeline transmits and receives RIP-v2 updates
on this interface (WAN or Ethernet).

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-143

Parameter Reference
RIP Policy

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The RIP parameter does not apply if the Pipeline does not support IP (Route
• RIP in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no Connection
profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its RIP parameter
takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, RIP does not apply (RIP=N/A) in
the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > Session Options; Ethernet > Con-
nections > any profile > IP Options; Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

See Also: Route IP

RIP Policy
Description: Determines whether the Pipeline uses split horizon or poison
reverse to handle RIP broadcasts over an interface that includes routes received
from that interface. In either case, the Pipeline keeps track of where it received
RIP updates

Note: RIP Policy only applies to RIP version 1.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Split Hrzn specifies the split horizon policy.
The Pipeline does not propagate routes back to the subnet from which they
were received.
• Poison Rvrs selects the poison reverse policy.
The Pipeline propagates routes back to the subnet from which they were
received, but with a metric of 16.
Poison Rvrs is the default.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

Rip Preference
Description: Specifies the preference value for routes learned from the RIP
protocol. When selecting which routes to put in the routing table, the router first

3-144January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Rip Queue Depth

compares the Preference value, selecting the lower number. If the Preference
values are equal, then the router compares the Metric field, selecting the route
with the lower Metric.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and 255.
The default value is 100. Zero is the default for connected routes (such as the
Ethernet). The value of 255 means “Don't use this route.”

These are the default values for other types of routes:

• Routes learned from ICMP Redirects=30
• Static routes from IP address pools and the Terminal Server IPROUTE ADD
• Static routes in an IP Route profile or Connection profile=100

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Route Pref

Rip Queue Depth

Description: The maximum number of RIP requests stored for processing. If
RIP requests arrive at a rate that is faster than they can be processed, they are sent
to the queue. This parameter sets the maximum depth of the queue. After the
queue fills up, packets destined for it are discarded. The value of this parameter
applies to every RIP socket.

Usage: Enter a value from 0 to 1024. A setting of 0 stores RIP requests until the
Pipeline runs out of memory. 50 is the default.

Note: Setting Queue Depth to 0 is not recommended. An unlimited queue depth

can result in an out-of-memory condition if a flood of packets are received on a
RIP port.

Dependencies: This parameter does not apply if the Pipeline does not listen to
RIP updates.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Route Pref

See Also: Queue Depth, RIP

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-145

Parameter Reference
RIP Summary

RIP Summary
Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline summarizes subnet information
when advertising routes.

Note: RIP Summary only applies to RIP version 1.

Summarizing means that when the Pipeline has a route to a subnet, it advertises a
route to all the subnets in a network of the same class. For example, if the
Pipeline has a routing table entry to, it advertises a route to, because is part of a class C network. When the Pipeline
does not summarize information, it advertises each route in its routing table “as-
is;” in our example, the Pipeline advertises a route only to

RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is defined without consideration for

subnetting; entries in a RIP packet do not include a subnet mask. Therefore, the
recipient of such updates must know or assume information about subnet masks.
To work around this standard RIP behavior, the Pipeline includes the RIP
Summary parameter. You can set this parameter to specify that the Pipeline
modify RIP to advertise implied subnet information.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline summarizes subnet information when
advertising routes outside its own network, but does not summarize subnet
information when advertising routes inside its own network.
For example, suppose the Pipeline has an IP address of and
advertises across the WAN to a router that has the address
Even though the Pipeline and the recipient are on different subnets, they are
on the same network; therefore, no summarization takes place. The routes
are sent “as-is.”
Yes is the default.
• No specifies that the Pipeline never summarizes subnet information.
When you select No, the recipient must know the subnet mask to apply to
each route.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The RIP Summary parameter applies only to RIP version 1 and has no affect
on RIP version 2 advertisements.
• RIP Summary does not affect host routes.

3-146January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
RIP2 Use Multicast

Suppose the Pipeline has a routing table entry to Regardless

of whether routes are summarized, this route is advertised as

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

RIP2 Use Multicast

Description: Specifies that Multicast IP is to be used for RIP 2 packets.

Usage: The possible values are Yes or No.

• No sends out RIP 2 packets using the settings of the Ethernet > Mod Config
> Ether Options > RIP parameter.
No is the default.
• Yes sends RIP 2 packets with the IP Multicast address of and the
Multicast MAC address, and receives packets with a Multicast MAC

Dependencies: The RIP2 Use Multicast parameter does not apply if the Pipeline
does not support IP (Route IP=No).

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

See Also: RIP

Description: Specifies what type of routing (if any) applies to the first
Connection profile as well as to the Answer profile.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• None sets your Pipeline as a bridge (default).
• IP sets your Pipeline as an IP router.
• IPX sets your Pipeline as an IPX router.
• IP + IPX sets your Pipeline as a router for both IP and IPX.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-147

Parameter Reference
Route IP

• The Route setting in the Configure menu determines the value of the Route
IP and Route IPX parameters in the first Connection profile and in the
Answer profile.
• If IP routing is enabled, you must set appropriate options in the IP Options
submenu. Both sides of the connection must have IP routing enabled, so each
side can be managed as a separate IP network or subnetwork.
• If IPX routing is enabled, you must set the IPX Frame type its associated
parameters in the IPX Options submenu. Both sides of the connection must
have IPX routing enabled, so each side can be managed as a separate IPX
• If routing is disabled, bridging must be enabled.

Location: Configure

See Also: Route IP, Route IPX

Route IP
Description: Enables or disables the routing of IP data packets over the link
specified in the profile.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes enables IP routing
Yes is the default.
• No disables IP routing.

Dependencies: The effect of the Route IP parameter depends upon how you set
the Bridge parameter:
• If Bridge=Yes and Route IP=Yes, the Pipeline routes IP packets, and bridges
all other packets.
• If Bridge=Yes and Route IP=No, the Pipeline bridges all packets.
• If Bridge=No and Route IP=Yes, the Pipeline routes only IP packets.
• If Bridge=No and Route IP=No, an error occurs and you cannot save the
You must enable bridging or routing, or both.

These additional dependencies apply:

3-148January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Route IPX

• The Route parameter in the Configure menu affects the Route IP value in the
first Connection profile. For example, if you set Route=IPX in the Configure
menu (that is, route only IPX), Route IP=No in the first Connection profile.
• IP routing must be enabled on both the dialing and answering sides of the
The Connection profile on the dialing side and the Answer profile on the
answering side must both set the Route IP parameter to Yes. Otherwise, the
Pipeline does not route IP packets.
• Route IP in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its
Route IP parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Route IP does not apply (Route
IP=N/A) in the Answer profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile

See Also: Bridge, Encaps, Profile Reqd, Route, Route IPX

Route IPX
Description: Specifies whether or not the Pipeline requests IPX routing for the

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline requests IPX routing.
• No specifies that the Pipeline does not route IPX.
No is the default.

Dependencies: If the link supports PPP or MP+ (Encaps=PPP or

Encaps=MPP), both sides of the connection must set Route IPX=Yes for IPX
routing to take place.

In addition, the effect of the Route IPX parameter depends upon how you set the
Bridge parameter:
• If Bridge=Yes and Route IPX=Yes, the Pipeline routes IPX packets, and
bridges all other packets.
• If Bridge=Yes and Route IPX=No, the Pipeline bridges all packets.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-149

Parameter Reference

• If Bridge=No and Route IPX=Yes, the Pipeline routes only IPX packets.
• If Bridge=No and Route IPX=No, an error occurs and you cannot save the
You must enable bridging or routing, or both.

This additional dependency applies:

• The Route parameter in the Configure menu affects the Route IPX value in
the first Connection profile. For example, if you set Route=IP in the
Configure menu (that is, route only IP), Route IPX=No in the first
Connection profile.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile

See Also: Bridge, Route, Route IP

Description: Enables or disables network address translation (NAT).

NAT is a service provided to one or more hosts on the local network that do not
have official IP addresses for a remote network. It works as follows:
• When the local host sends packets to the remote network, the Pipeline
automatically translates the host’s private address on the local network to an
official address on the remote network.
• When the local host receives packets from the remote network, the Pipeline
automatically translates the official address on the remote network to the
host’s private address on the local network.

NAT can be implemented to use a single address or multiple addresses. Using

multiple IP addresses requires that the Pipeline can access a DHCP server
through the remote network.

Note: The Pipeline itself does not have an address on the remote network. This
means that the Pipeline can only be accessed from the local network, not from the
WAN. For example, you can Telnet to the MAX from the local network, but not
from a remote network.

3-150January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No, press Esc to exit the menu,
and then confirm the change when prompted.
• Yes enables NAT.
• No disables NAT.
No is the default.

Note: The change does not take effect until the next time the link is brought
up. To make the change immediately, bring the link down and back up.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• To use NAT, IP routing must be enabled on the Pipeline.
• The IP addresses of hosts on the local network that use NAT and the Pipeline
must be on the same subnet. These addresses are only used for local
communication between the host and the Pipeline over the Ethernet.
• You should restrict IP addresses used on the local LAN so that hosts on the
network connecting to the Pipeline have each octet of their IP addresses
greater than 99 (this only applies to FTP sessions). For example, is a recommended address, but is not.
• When the Pipeline connects to a remote network, the remote device must be
configured to assign dynamic IP addresses through PPP negotiations (when
the Pipeline uses a single IP address for NAT) or through DHCP (when the
Pipeline requires multiple IP addresses when performing NAT for a LAN).
• Once a connection is terminated, there is no guarantee that the same IP
address will be used for subsequent connections. You can set the Idle timer
(in the Sessions Options submenu of the Connection profile) to 0 to prevent
the Pipeline from terminating an idle connection. But note that the device on
the remote network may have the Idle timer configured to a lower value,
which overrides any settings you have set.
• Once NAT has been configured and the Pipeline is translating addresses
from clients on the local LAN, the Pipeline can only be accessed from the
local LAN or through the serial port; it cannot be directly accessed from the
WAN side.
• Note that the Pipeline itself can be a NAT client. That is, the Pipeline can
translate an address for itself as long as it is not translating addresses for
other clients on the local LAN.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-151

Parameter Reference
Save Cfg

• Make sure to set Ignore Def Rt=Yes. When NAT is active, it routes using its
own default route. Configuring the Pipeline to ignore default routes avoids
the possibility that a default route from the ISP will overwrite the NAT route.

Location: Ethernet > NAT > NAT

See Also: Def Server, Dst Port # (Static Mapping), Loc Adrs, Loc Port#, Lan,
Routing, Protocol (Static Mapping)

Save Cfg
Description: Enables you to save all Pipeline profiles (except Security Profiles)
to disk.

The process does not save passwords; that is, the Save Cfg command does not
save the Send PW and Recv PW parameters in a Connection profile, or the
Passwd parameter in a Security profile or an Ethernet profile.

Usage: Follow these instructions to save your configuration:

1 Enable the Download parameter in the Security profile (Download=Yes).
2 Verify that your terminal emulation program has a disk capture feature; this
feature enables your emulator to capture to disk the ASCII characters it
receives at its serial host port.
3 Verify that your terminal emulation program has an autotype feature; this
feature enables your emulator to transmit over its serial host port the contents
of a file it has built through disk capture.
4 Connect the backup device to the Pipeline Control port.
5 Set the data rate of your terminal emulation program to 9600 baud or lower.
6 Set the Term Rate parameter in the System profile to 9600.
7 Select Save Cfg from the Sys Diag menu.
8 Turn on the autotype function on your emulator, and start the save process by
typing any key on the emulator.
9 Verify that configuration data is being echoed to the terminal emulation
screen and that the captured data is being written to a file on your disk.
The save process is complete when the message Download complete--
type any key to return to menu appears on your emulator’s
display. The backup file is an ASCII file.

3-152January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

10 Turn off the autotype feature.

Location: System > Sys Diag

See Also: Restore Cfg

Description: Specifies the IP address of the secondary domain name server.

Domain Name System (DNS) is a TCP/IP service that enables you to specify a
symbolic name instead of an IP address. A symbolic name consists of a username
and a domain name in the format username@domain name. The username
corresponds to the host number in the IP address. The domain name corresponds
to the network number in the IP address. A symbolic name might be
[email protected] or [email protected].

DNS maintains a database of network numbers and corresponding domain names

on a domain name server. When you use a symbolic name, DNS translates the
domain name into an IP address, and sends it over the network. When the Internet
service provider receives the message, it uses its own database to look up the
username corresponding to the host number.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of the
secondary domain name server.

The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.
The default value is Accept this default if you do not have a secondary
domain name server.

Press Enter again to close the text field.


Dependencies: The Sec DNS parameter applies only to Telnet connections run-
ning under the Pipeline terminal server interface.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS

See Also: Domain Name, Pri DNS

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-153

Parameter Reference
Sec Domain Name

Sec Domain Name

Description: Specifies a secondary domain name that the Pipeline can search
using DNS. The Pipeline performs DNS lookups in the domain configured in
Domain Name first, and then in the domain configured in Sec Domain Name.

Usage: Specify a secondary domain name. You can enter up to 63 characters.

Example: Sec Domain Name=xyz.com

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DNS

Sec History
Description: Specifies the number of seconds the Pipeline uses as a sample for
calculating average line utilization (ALU) of transmitted data; the Pipeline
arrives at this average using the algorithm specified by the Dyn Alg parameter.

When ALU exceeds the Target Util threshold for a period of time greater than the
value of the Add Pers parameter, the Pipeline attempts to add a channel.When
ALU falls below the Target Util threshold for a period of time greater than the
value of the Sub Pers parameter, the Pipeline attempts to remove a channel.

The number of seconds you choose for the Sec History parameter depends on
your device’s traffic patterns. For example, if you want to average spikes with
normal traffic flow, you may want the Pipeline to establish a longer historical
time period. If, on the other hand, traffic patterns consist of many spikes that are
short in duration, you may want to specify a shorter period of time; doing so
assigns less weight to the short spikes.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 1 and 300.
The default value for MP+ calls is 15 seconds; the default value for dynamic AIM
calls is 30 seconds. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Sec History parameter applies only to dynamic MP+ calls
• If you specify a small value for the Sec History parameter, and increase the
values of the Add Pers parameter and the Sub Pers parameter relative to the
value of Sec History, the system becomes less responsive to quick spikes.

3-154January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

• The easiest way to determine the proper values for Sec History, Add Pers,
and Sub Pers is to observe usage patterns; if the system is not responsive
enough, the value of Sec History is too high.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Add Pers, Dyn Alg, Encaps, Sub Pers, Target Util

Description: Specifies a secondary Connection profile to be dialed in the event
that a session using the primary Connection profile cannot be established.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the name of the secondary
Connection profile. The name you specify must match the value of the Name
parameter in a local Connection profile.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• Secondary Profiles cannot be chained. That is, secondary Connection
Profiles cannot also have Secondary Connection profiles.
• Do not confuse the Secondary parameter with the Backup parameter. A
BackUp Connection profile is used to re-establish an existing connection
that has terminated; a Secondary Connection profile is used to establish a
new connection if the primary Connection profile cannot.
• Parameters that you define in the primary Connection profile do not
automatically apply to the secondary Connection profile.
For example, if you set the primary Connection profile to filter Telnet
packets, you must set the secondary profile to filter Telnet packets as well.
• Outgoing Frame Relay packets are the only packets that follow the primary
Connection profile definitions. All other packets follow the backup
Connection profile definitions.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Session Options

See Also: Backup

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-155

Parameter Reference

Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline enables trapping of particular
system events.

Usage: The Security parameter in this profile enables you to specify whether the
Pipeline traps these events:
• authenticationFailure
This event occurs when authentication has failed. See RFC-1215 for a full
explanation of this event.
• consoleStateChange
This event occurs when a VT100 or Telnet port changes its state.

Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Pipeline traps the events.
• No specifies that the Pipeline does not trap the events.
No is the default.

Location: Ethernet > SNMP Traps > any profile

See Also: Comm, Dest

Send Auth
Description: Specifies the authentication protocol that the Pipeline requests
when initiating a connection using PPP or MP+ encapsulation. The answering
side of the connection determines which authentication protocol, if any, the
connection uses.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• None specifies that the Pipeline does not request an authentication protocol
for outgoing calls.
None is the default.
• PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) is a PPP authentication protocol.
PAP provides a simple method for the Pipeline to establish its identity in a
two-way handshake. Authentication takes place only upon initial link
establishment, and does not use encryption.

3-156January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Send Auth

If you choose PAP, the Pipeline requests this protocol for authentication. The
remote device must support PAP.
Note that if you choose this setting, the Pipeline requests PAP authentication
but will use CHAP authentication if the called unit requires CHAP. Choose
this setting for non-token card authentication if you would allow sending
your password unencrypted.
• CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) is a PPP
authentication protocol. If you choose CHAP, the Pipeline requests this
protocol for authentication. The remote device must support CHAP.
CHAP is more secure than PAP. CHAP provides a way for the remote device
to periodically verify the identity of the Pipeline using a three-way
handshake and encryption. Authentication takes place upon initial link
establishment; a device can repeat the authentication process any time after
the connection is made.
Note that if you choose this setting, the Pipeline will not bring up the
connection using PAP. Choose this setting for non-token card authentication
if you do not wish to send your password unencrypted; that is, if you do not
wish to be authenticated through PAP.
• PAP-TOKEN is an extension of PAP authentication. This requires the

– the Network Access Server (NAS) must be running the Ascend

RADIUS daemon

– there is a RADIUS profile that matches the caller’s name

– the RADIUS profile accesses an ACE or SAFEWORD authentication

In PAP-TOKEN, the user making outgoing calls from the Pipeline
authenticates his or her identity by entering a password derived from a
hardware device, such as a hand-held security card. The Pipeline prompts the
user for this password, possibly along with a challenge key. The NAS
obtains the challenge key from a security server that it accesses through
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) is a protocol by
which users can have access to secure networks through a centrally managed
server. You can store virtually all Connection profile information on the
RADIUS server in a flat ASCII database.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-157

Parameter Reference
Send Auth

• PAP-TOKEN-CHAP is nearly identical to PAP-TOKEN. This requires the

– the NAS be running the Ascend RADIUS daemon
– there is a RADIUS profile that matches the caller’s name
– the RADIUS profile accesses an ACE or SAFEWORD authentication
– the user profile must specify an auxiliary password (Ascend-Receive-
Secret) that matches the Aux Send PW parameter in the Connection
Note that if Aux Send PW and Ascend-Receive-Secret do not match, it
does not prevent the initial connection from succeeding, but the Pipeline
cannot extend an MP+ call beyond a single channel.
In all authentication protocols, including PAP-TOKEN and PAP-TOKEN-
CHAP, the Pipeline individually authenticates all channels of an MP+ call. If
the answering unit requires security card authentication, PAP-TOKEN and
PAP-TOKEN-CHAP begin identically when authenticating the first channel
of an MP+ call. However, when the Pipeline adds additional channels to the
MP+ call, PAP-TOKEN requires security-card authentication for each new
channel, while PAP-TOKEN-CHAP uses CHAP authentication for all new
channels. CHAP authentication works automatically, without the use of a
hand-held security card.
• CACHE-TOKEN begins authentication using a hand-held security card, and
fills a token cache set up for you on the RADIUS server at the remote site.
This requires the following:
– the NAS must be running the Ascend RADIUS daemon
– there is a RADIUS user profile that matches the caller’s name
– the RADIUS user profile accesses an ACE or SAFEWORD
authentication server
– the RADIUS user profile must specify an auxiliary password (Ascend-
Receive-Secret) which matches the Send PW parameter in the
Connection profile and defines Ascend-Token-Expiry in its first line.
Note that if Send PW and Ascend-Receive-Secret do not match, it does
not prevent the initial connection from succeeding, but subsequent

3-158January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Send PW

connections (specifically, disconnecting/reconnecting or adding

channels) fail until the cached token expires.
CHAP authenticates your subsequent calls without using your hand-held
security card. After a period of time configured in your entry in the RADIUS
users file, the token cache expires and the next call you place must again be
authenticated using your hand-held security card.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The link must use PPP or MP+ encapsulation (Encaps=PPP or
• If you request PAP or CHAP, you must also specify a password using Send
PW in a Connection profile.
• On a nailed-up link (Call Type=Nailed), you must set Recv Auth and Send
Auth to the same value at both ends of the connection; that is, Recv Auth at
the local and remote ends, and Send Auth at the local and remote ends, must
all contain the same value.
• For information on prompting the user for his or her password at the Pipeline
terminal server, see the description of the set password command in the
User’s Guide.
• For information on prompting for a password at a host, see the APP Server,
APP Host, and APP Port parameters.
• Dial Brdcast must be enabled when a PC on the same Ethernet as the
Pipeline runs APPSRVR1 or APPSRVR2 to open a connection protected by
security-card authentication.

Location: Configure; Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: APP Host, APP Port, APP Server, Call Type, Dial Brdcast, Encaps,
Recv Auth, Recv PW, Send PW

Send PW
Description: Specifies the password that the Pipeline sends to the remote end of
a connection on outgoing calls. If the password specified by Send PW does not
match the remote end’s value for Recv PW, the remote end disconnects the link.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the password that the remote
end requires the Pipeline to send.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-159

Parameter Reference

You can enter up to 20 characters; the password is case sensitive. Leave the field
blank if the remote end does not require a password.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• You must specify a value for Send PW when the link uses PPP encapsulation
(Encaps=PPP or Encaps=MPP) and the Pipeline uses PAP, CHAP, or
CACHE-TOKEN authentication (Send Auth=PAP, Send Auth=CHAP, or
When you choose Encaps=MPP, both the dialing side and the answering side
of the link must support MP+. If only one side supports MP+, the connection
uses MP or standard single-channel PPP. When you choose Encaps=PPP, the
connection uses only PPP.

Location: Configure; Ethernet > Connections > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Encaps, Recv Auth, Recv PW, Send Auth

Description: Specifies a Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server for handling
BOOTP requests. If a server is on the same local-area network as the Pipeline,
BOOTP requests from other networks are relayed to the server. If a server is on
another network, BOOTP requests from clients on the same local-area network as
the Pipeline are relayed to the remote server.

Note: This parameter appears twice. Each copy can be used to specify a
different BOOTP server.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field and then type the IP address of the
BOOTP server. When you’re done, press Enter to close the text field.

Dependencies: If you specify two BOOTP servers, the Pipeline that relays the
BOOTP request determines when each server is used. The order of the BOOTP
servers in the BOOTP Relay menu does not necessarily determine which server is
tried first.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > BOOTP Relay

See Also: BOOTP Relay Enable

3-160January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Server Name

Server Name
Description: Appears in an IPX Routes profile and an IPX SAP Filter profile.
Its functionality differs depending on the profile.
• In an IPX Routes profile, specifies the name of an IPX server.
• In an IPX SAP Filters profile, specifies the name of a NetWare server to be
excluded from or included in the Ascend unit’s service table.

Usage: You usage differs depending on the profile.

IPX Routes profile

Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the name of an IPX server. You can
enter up to 48 characters, and you must limit your specification to uppercase
letters, numbers, and the underscore symbol. Press Enter again to close the text

Note: You can specify a route to a destination IPX network without defining an
IPX server name. To do so, enter the network number (for example,
Network=00123456) without specifying the Server Name and Server Type.

IPX SAP Filter profile

Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the server’s name. You can specify
letters, digits, and the underscore, up to a maximum of 20 characters. The
wildcard characters “*” and “?” may be used for partial name matches. Press
Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: For the Server Name parameter to apply in an IPX Route pro-
file, you must enable IPX routing in the Connection profile by setting Route

Location: Ethernet > IPX Routes > any profile; Ethernet > IPX SAP Filter >
any profile

See Also: Route IPX, Server Type

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-161

Parameter Reference
Server Type

Server Type
Description: Appears in an IPX Route profile and an IPX SAP Filter profile. Its
functionality differs depending on the profile:
• In an IPX Route profile, specifies the SAP (Service Advertising Protocol)
service type for the server.
• In an IPX SAP Filters profile, specifies the SAP Service Type that will be
excluded from or included in the service table.

Usage: Your usage differs depending on the profile.

IPX Route profile

Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a valid SAP service type for the
server. The SAP service type for a NetWare server is type 4. Press Enter again to
close the text field.

For information on SAP service types, refer to your Novell NetWare


IPX SAP Filter profile

Press Enter to open a text field. Then type a hexadecimal number. You can enter a
number from 1 to FFFE. The default value is 0. Press Enter again to close the text

Location: Ethernet > IPX Routes > any profile; Ethernet > IPX SAP Filter >
any profile

See Also: Server Name, Type, Valid (Filter)

See Also:

Shared Prof
Description: Enables multiple incoming calls to share a local Connection

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

3-162January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

• Yes specifies that multiple incoming calls can share a local Connection
The Pipeline must first authenticate the caller by using the Name and Recv
PW parameters in the profile. If an incoming call has an IP address that
conflicts with an existing caller IP address the Pipeline rejects the call.
• No specifies that multiple incoming calls cannot share a local Connection
No is the default.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

See Also: Encaps, Name, Recv PW

Description: Specifies the socket number of the NetWare server.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the socket number for the
server. You should advertise only those NetWare servers that have well-known
socket numbers. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Example: DE040600

Dependencies: For the Socket parameter to apply, you must enable IPX routing
in the Connection profile by setting Route IPX=Yes.

Location: Ethernet > IPX Routes > any profile

See Also: Route IPX

See Also:

Description: Specifies the ISDN BRI Service Profile Identifier (SPID)
associated with My Num A. An SPID is a number assigned to a domestic ISDN
BRI line for service identification at the ISDN service provider’s central office. It
is typically formed by adding a code to the phone number assigned to the line.
Your carrier provides you with one or more SPIDs.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-163

Parameter Reference

All U.S. domestic switch types, except AT&T Point-To-Point, can have two
phone numbers. The primary phone number (My Num A) requires a matching
primary SPID (SPID 1). The secondary phone number (My Num B) requires a
matching secondary SPID (SPID 2).

When you use AT&T Point-to-Point service, only one phone number is assigned
to the ISDN BRI line, and no SPIDs are used.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type up to 16 characters; you must
limit those characters to numbers, hyphens, and parentheses. The default value is
0 (zero). Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• You must enter a value for SPID 1 unless you are using AT&T Point-To-
Point (Link Type=P-T-P) or you are operating outside of the U.S.
• If the Pipeline uses only one channel of a multipoint ISDN BRI line and
another device uses the other channel, you can choose to operate in single-
terminal mode.
Set one channel to unused (Chan Usage=Unused/Switch or Chan
Usage=Switch/Unused), and enter only one SPID. The device sharing the
line must enter the other assigned SPID.
• The Pipeline appends the value of SPID 1 with a TID if you are connected to
a Northern Telecom switch running NI-1 (Switch Type=NI-1).

Location: Configure

See Also: Chan Usage, My Num A, My Num B, SPID 2, Switch Type

Description: Specifies the ISDN BRI Service Profile Identifier (SPID)
associated with My Num B. An SPID is a number assigned to a domestic ISDN
BRI line for service identification at the central office (CO). It is typically formed
by adding a code to the phone number assigned to the line. Your carrier provides
you with one or more SPIDs.

All U.S. domestic switch types, except AT&T Point-To-Point, can have two
phone numbers. The primary phone number (My Num A) requires a matching

3-164January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Split Code.User

primary SPID (SPID 1). The secondary phone number (My Num B) requires a
matching secondary SPID (SPID 2).

When you use AT&T Point-to-Point service, only one phone number is assigned
to the ISDN BRI line, and no SPIDs are in use.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type up to 16 characters; you must
limit those characters to numbers, hyphens, and parentheses. The default value is
0 (zero). Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• You must enter a value for SPID 1 unless you are using AT&T Point-To-
Point (Link Type=P-T-P) or you are operating outside of the U.S.
• If the Pipeline uses only one channel of a multipoint ISDN BRI line and
another device uses the other channel, you can choose to operate in single-
terminal mode.
Set one channel to unused (Chan Usage=Unused/Switch or Chan
Usage=Switch/Unused), and enter only one SPID. The device sharing the
line must enter the other assigned SPID.
• The Pipeline appends the value of SPID 1 with a TID if you are connected to
a Northern Telecom switch running NI-1 (Switch Type=NI-1).

Location: Configure

See Also: Chan Usage, My Num A, My Num B, SPID 1, Switch Type

Split Code.User
Description: Enables the name of the Pipeline to change to the name of the user
who is attempting to authenticate with an Ascend RADIUS server using
CACHE-TOKEN using CHAP to a token-based security system. Used when
multiple users on a LAN need to authenticate.

Usage: When using Split Code.User, the user enters his or her passcode and
name at the authentication prompt two times (at two prompts). The first time the
name of the Pipeline changes to the user’s name. The second time, the user’s
passcode and name are interpreted by the authentication server.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-165

Parameter Reference
Src Adrs

Dependencies: Only use this parameter with CACHE-TOKEN and CHAP

authentication in conjunction with an Ascend RADIUS server and a token card

Location: Ethernet > Connections > profile > Encaps.

Src Adrs
Description: In a filter of type IP, specifies the source address to which the
Pipeline compares a packet’s source address.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the source address the
Pipeline should use for comparison when filtering a packet. The address consists
of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.

The null address is the default; this setting matches all packets.

Press Enter to close the text field.


Dependencies: Src Adrs does not apply (Src Adrs=N/A) if you are using a
generic filter (Type=Generic) or if you have not activated the IP filter

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Ip

See Also: Src Mask

Src Mask
Description: In a filter of type IP, specifies the bits that the Pipeline should
mask when comparing a packet’s source address to the value of the Src Adrs
parameter. The masked part of an address is hidden; the Pipeline does not use it
for comparisons with Src Adrs. A mask hides the part of a number that appears
behind each binary 0 (zero) in the mask; the Pipeline uses only the part of a
number that appears behind each binary 1 for comparison.

The Pipeline applies the mask to the address using a logical AND after the mask
and address are both translated into binary format.

3-166January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Src Port #

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP mask in dotted decimal
format. The value 0 (zero) hides all bits, because the decimal value 0 is the binary
value 00000000; the value 255 does not mask any bits, because the decimal value
255 is the binary value 11111111.

The null address is the default; this setting indicates that the Pipeline
masks all bits. To specify a single source address, set Src Mask=
and set Src Adrs to the IP address that the Pipeline uses for comparison.

Press Enter to close the text field.

Example: Suppose a packet has the source address If Src

Adrs= and Dst Mask=, the Pipeline masks the last digit
and uses only 10.2.1, which matches the packet.

Dependencies: Src Mask does not apply (Src Mask=N/A) if you are using a
generic filter (Type=Generic) or if you have not activated the IP filter

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Ip

See Also: Src Adrs

Src Port #
Description: In a filter of type IP, specifies the source port number to which the
Pipeline compares the packet’s source port number.

The Src Port Cmp criterion determines how the Pipeline carries out the

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the number of the source port
the Pipeline should use for comparison when filtering packets. You can enter a
number between 0 and 65535.

The default setting is 0 (zero); this setting means that the Pipeline forwards all

Press Enter to close the text field.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-167

Parameter Reference
Src Port Cmp

Example: 25

Port 25 is reserved for SMTP, so that socket is dedicated to receiving mail

messages. Port 20 is reserved for FTP data messages, Port 21 for FTP control
sessions, and Port 23 for Telnet sessions.

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Ip

See Also: Dst Port # (Filters), Src Port Cmp

Src Port Cmp

Description: In a filter of type IP, specifies the type of comparison the Pipeline
makes when filtering for source port numbers using the Src Port # parameter.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• None specifies that the Pipeline does not compare the packet’s source port
number to the value specified by Src Port #.
None is the default.
• Less specifies that port numbers with a value less than the value specified by
Src Port # match the filter.
• Eql specifies that port numbers equal to the value specified by Src Port #
match the filter.
• Gtr specifies that port numbers with a value greater than the value specified
by Src Port # match the filter.
• Neq specifies that port numbers not equal to the value specified by Src Port #
match the filter.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• This parameter works only for TCP and UDP packets.
You must set Src Port Cmp=None if the Protocol parameter is not set to 6
(TCP) or 17 (UDP).
• Src Port Cmp does not apply (Src Port Cmp=N/A) if you are using a generic
filter (Type=Generic) or if you have not activated the IP filter (Valid=No).

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Ip

3-168January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Static Preference

See Also: Src Port #

Static Preference
Description: Specifies the preference value for statically configured routes
created from IP address pools and the Terminal Server IPROUTE ADD
command. When selecting which routes to put in the routing table, the router first
compares the Preference value, selecting the lower number. If the Preference
values are equal, then the router compares the Metric field, selecting the route
with the lower Metric.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and 255.
The default value is 100. Zero is the default for connected routes (such as the
Ethernet). The value of 255 means “Don't use this route.”

These are the default values for other types of routes:

• Routes learned from ICMP Redirects=30
• Routes learned from RIP=100
• Static routes in an IP Route profile or Connection profile=100

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Route Pref

Description: Specifies the name of the remote device to which the Pipeline
makes a connection.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the name or MAC address of
the remote device.
You can enter up to 31 characters.
The value you specify is case sensitive, and must exactly match the name of
the remote device. If you are not sure about the exact name, contact the
administrator of the remote network.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-169

Parameter Reference

• The Station parameter for the first Connection profile is the same as Rem
Name parameter in the Configure menu.
• The Station parameter setting appears in the list of Connection Profiles in the
Connection menu; however, if you leave the parameter blank, the LAN Adrs
setting appears instead.
• The remote device that the Station parameter specifies is the device actually
placing or answering the call; it is not necessarily the same as the source or
destination of packets using the link.
• The Pipeline does not currently use the Domain Name System (DNS) to
determine the IP address of the device specified by the Station parameter.
• When the Pipeline receives a PPP or MP+ call from an Ascend unit, it tries
to match the caller's Name to the value of the Station parameter in some
Connection profile.
If the Pipeline finds a match and authentication is turned on, the Pipeline
then tries to match the caller's Send PW value to the Recv PW value in that
same Connection profile.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile

Description: Determines how the Pipeline treats incoming calls based on
whether they convey an ISDN subaddress.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the options.

• Termsel specifies that the Pipeline must use an ISDN subaddress to
determine whether a call is answered.
The called-party number must have a subaddress. Otherwise, the Pipeline
ignores the call. If the Pipeline accepts the call, the subaddress becomes part
of the incoming phone number.
• None specifies that the Pipeline does not use subaddressing.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• Sub-Adr applies only to ISDN lines.
• Sub-Adr=TermSel is intended for a scenario in which equipment is
connected to a multidrop ISDN BRI line.

3-170January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Sub Pers

Location: System > Sys Config

See Also: Dial #

Sub Pers
Description: Specifies the number of seconds average line utilization (ALU) of
transmitted data must fall below the threshold indicated by the Target Util
parameter before the Pipeline begins removing bandwidth from a session. The
Pipeline determines the ALU for a session using the algorithm specified by the
Dyn Alg parameter.

When utilization falls below the threshold for a period of time greater than the
value of the Sub Pers parameter, the Pipeline attempts to remove a channel.
Using the Add Pers and Sub Pers parameters prevents the system from
continually adding and subtracting bandwidth, and can slow down the process of
allocating or removing bandwidth.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Type a number between 1 and 300. Press
Enter again to close the text field.

When the Pipeline is using MP+ (Encaps=MPP), the default value is 10.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• One channel must be up at all times.
• Removing bandwidth cannot (a) cause the ALU to exceed the threshold
specified by the Target Util parameter or (b) cause the number of channels to
fall below the amount specified by the Min Ch Count parameter.
• Sub Pers in the Answer profile applies to incoming calls for which no
Connection profile exists; if a Connection profile exists, the setting of its Sub
Pers parameter takes precedence.
• If Profile Reqd=Yes in the Answer profile, Sub Pers does not apply (Sub
Pers=N/A) in the Answer profile.
• Add Pers and Sub Pers have little or no effect on a system with a high Sec
History value.
However, if the value of Sec History is low, the Add Pers and Sub Pers
parameters provide an alternative way to ensure that spikes persist for a
certain period of time before the system responds.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-171

Parameter Reference
Switch Type

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps option

See Also: Add Pers, Dyn Alg, Min Ch Count, Sec History, Target Util

Switch Type
Description: Specifies the network switch type that provides ISDN BRI service
to the Pipeline.

A network switch is the central office switch or PBX that terminates the ISDN
BRI line at the Pipeline and connects the Pipeline to the circuit-switched WAN.
The connection is a switched circuit consisting of one or more channels.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices. Your choices differ depending
on the profile and enabled options. You can select one of the switch types listed
in the following table:.

Table 3-3. Configure menu switch types

Switch type Explanation

AT&T/Multi-P AT&T Multipoint.

AT&T/P-T-P AT&T Point-to-Point is the default.

AUSTRALIA Australia and New Zealand

AUTO SPID Automatically detects the switch and the SPIDs

associated with the ISDN numbers. The line 1 and line
2 numbers must be entered. Then the unit connects to
the switch, resets the switch parameter to the
appropriate value, and then finds the SPIDs. (Only
available in North America.)

BELGIUM Belgium: Pre-Euro ISDN Belgacom Aline

DUTCH Netherlands 1TR6 version: PTT Netherlands BRI

FRANCE France: FT Numeris

3-172January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Switch Type

Table 3-3. Configure menu switch types (continued)

Switch type Explanation

GERMAN Germany 1TR6 version: DBP Telecom

IDSL Identical to AT&T Point-to-Point, but has support for

Q.931 en-bloc dialing.


MP GERMAN Germany: 1TR6 multipoint

NET 3 In the UK, use this switch with integrated voice service.
(Please refer to www.ascend.com for the latest
information about configuring your unit when using
British Telecom ISDN-2 service. Search for “British
Telecom” or “ISDN-2”.)

NI-1 National ISDN 1.

NI-2 National ISDN-2

NTI Northern Telecommunications, Inc. Use this setting if

your switch is DMS-100 Custom.

SWISS Switzerland: Swiss Net 2

U.K. United Kingdom: ISDN-2 (also see NET 3)

Hong Kong: HKT Switchline BRI
Singapore: ST BRI
Euro ISDN countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Germany, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain,
and Sweden.
Identical to NET 3.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Switch Type parameter does not apply to a link using inband signaling
(Call Type=56K or 56KR) or consisting entirely of nailed-up channels (Call

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-173

Parameter Reference
Switch Usage

For inband signaling, a line uses 8 kbps of each 64-kbps channel for WAN
synchronization and signaling. The remaining 56 kbps handle the
transmission of user data.
Switched-56 lines use inband signaling.
• All international switch types except German operate in Point-to-Point

Location: Configure

Switch Usage
Description: Enables or disables the serial WAN feature in the Pipeline. If serial
WAN is disabled or if the sliding switch on the back panel of the unit is in the Off
position, the Control port of the Pipeline is used only for configuration purposes.
If the switch is in the On position (away from the terminal port if the switch is
horizontal or down if the switch is vertical) and serial WAN is enabled, all
Connection Profiles are sampled once every 10 seconds. If a Connection profile
is configured for leased line operation and the Nailed Group parameter in that
profile is set to 3, then the Control port is programmed for synchronous HDLC
mode and an attempt is made to bring up the connection on that port.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Unused (default) means that the sliding switch on the back panel of the unit
has no effect.
• Serial WAN means that the terminal port of the Pipeline will be used as the
serial WAN port when the sliding switch on the back panel is in the On

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The sliding switch on the back panel of the unit must be set to the On
position for this parameter to take effect.

Location: System > Sys Config

See Also: Activation, Group (Serial WAN)

3-174January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Sys Reset

Sys Reset
Description: Restarts the Pipeline and clears all calls without disconnecting the
device from its power source. The Pipeline logs off all users, and returns user
security to its default state. In addition, the Pipeline performs power-on self tests
(POSTs) when it restarts. These POSTs are diagnostic tests.

Usage: To perform a system reset, follow these steps:

1 Select Sys Reset and press Enter.
The Pipeline prompts you to confirm that you want to perform the reset.
2 Confirm the reset.
The Pipeline displays the message System reset in progress. In
addition to clearing calls, the Pipeline performs a series of POSTs. The
POST display appears.
If you do not see the POST display, press Ctrl-L.
While the yellow CON LED on the front panel remains solidly lit, the
Pipeline checks system memory, configuration, and line connections. If the
Pipeline fails any of these tests, the CON LED remains lit or blinks.
When the tests are complete, this message appears:
Power-On Self Test PASSED
3 Press any key to display the Main Edit menu.

Location: System > Sys Diag

Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline sends warning, notice, and CDR
(Call Detail Reporting) records from the system logs to the Syslog host.

CDR is a feature that provides a database of information about each call,

including date, time, duration, called number, calling number, call direction,
service type, and associated inverse multiplexing session and port. Because the
network carrier bills for bandwidth on an as-used basis, and bills each connection
in an inverse multiplexed call independently, you can use CDR to understand and
manage bandwidth usage and the cost of each inverse multiplexed session.

The Syslog host is the station to which the Pipeline sends system logs.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-175

Parameter Reference

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes enables the Pipeline to send warning, notice, and CDR records to the
Syslog host.
• No disables the Syslog host, or specifies that a Syslog host is not available.
No is the default.

Dependencies: If Syslog=Yes, you must enter the IP address of the Syslog host
in the Log Host field.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

See Also: Log Facility, Log Host

Description: Specifies the number of seconds between Status Enquiry

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 5 and 30.
The default is 10. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: The T391 parameter applies only if Link Mgmt=T1.617D and

T392 is set to a nonzero value.

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: Link Mgmt

Description: Specifies the number of seconds that the Pipeline waits for a Status
Enquiry message before recording an error.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type 0 (zero), or a number
between 5 and 30. The default is 15.

If you specify 0 (zero), the Pipeline does not process WAN-side Status Enquiry
messages. If you specify a nonzero value, the Pipeline uses T1.617D (a link
management protocol defined in ANSI T1.617 Annex D) to monitor another
Ascend unit over a nailed-up connection.

3-176January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Target Util

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: The T392 parameter applies only if Link Mgmt=T1.617D.

Location: Ethernet > Frame Relay > any profile

See Also: Link Mgmt

Target Util
Description: Specifies the percent of bandwidth utilization at which the Pipeline
adds or subtracts bandwidth dynamically, or specifies the target percentage of
bandwidth utilization for an MP+ call (Encaps=MPP).

The Pipeline uses the historical time period specified by the Sec History
parameter as the basis for calculating average line utilization (ALU) of
transmitted data. It then compares ALU to the amount specified in the Target Util

When ALU exceeds the threshold defined by Target Util for a period of time
greater than the value of the Add Pers parameter, the Pipeline attempts to add a
channel. When ALU falls below the threshold defined by Target Util for a period
of time greater than the value of the Sub Pers parameter, the Pipeline attempts to
remove a channel.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a number between 0 and 100.
Press Enter again to close the text field.

The default is 70. When the value is 70%, the device adds bandwidth when it
exceeds a 70 percent utilization rate, and subtracts bandwidth when it falls below
that number.

Dependencies: When selecting a target utilization value, keep these guidelines

in mind:
• Monitor how the application behaves when using different bandwidths.
For example, an application might be able to use 88% of a 64-kbps link, but
only 70% of a 256-kbps link.
• Monitor the application at different loads.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-177

Parameter Reference
TCP Estab

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps Options

See Also: Add Pers, Call Type, Dyn Alg, Sec History, Sub Pers

TCP Estab
Description: In a filter of type IP, specifies whether the filter should match only
established TCP connections.

An established TCP connection is one in which the TCP session has already sent
its first packet. A not established TCP connection is one in which the TCP
sessions has not sent its first packet. Specifically, the first packet is the
“connection request” packet which has SYN bit set to 1, while both the ACK and
RST bits are set to 0.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that you want the filter to match only those TCP connections
that are established.
Yes causes the filter to accept TCP connection request packets, then begin
filtering on the rest of the incoming packets.
• No specifies that you want the filter to match both initial and established
TCP connections.
No is the default.

Dependencies: The TCP Estab parameter does not apply (TCP Estab=N/A) if
the Protocol field is set to any value other than 6 (TCP).

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type > any input or output filter > any num-
bered filter > Ip

Telnet PW
Description: Specifies the password that you must enter before you can access
the Pipeline user interface through Telnet.

Telnet is a protocol used to link two computers in order to provide a terminal with
a connection to the remote machine. The remote machine is known as the Telnet
host. When you start a Telnet session, you connect to the Telnet host and log in.

3-178January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
TCP Timeout

The connection enables you to work with the remote machine as though you were
at a terminal connected to it.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a password containing up to
20 alphanumeric characters. The default is [].

If you leave Telnet PW blank, the Pipeline does not prompt you for a password. If
you specify a password for Telnet PW, you have three tries of 60 seconds each to
enter the correct password.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether Options

TCP Timeout
Description: Specifies the maximum time a Pipeline will wait to connect to an
address in a list provided by a DNS server.

Applies to all TCP connections initiated from the Pipeline, including Telnet,
Rlogin, TCP-Clear, and the TCP portion of DNS queries.

Usage: To set the timeout value, select TCP Timeout and enter the number of
seconds the Pipeline should wait to connect to an IP address on the DNS list.
• The range of values for TCP timeout is 0 to 200 seconds. This specifies the
number of seconds after which the Pipeline will stop attempting to connect
to an IP address and will proceed to the next address on the list. Since the
first host on the list may not be available, the timeout should be short enough
to allow the Pipeline to go on to the next address on the list before the client
software times out.
The default for TCP Timeout is 0.

Note: There is a built-in maximum number of connect messages the

Pipeline will send to attempt to connect to a remote host. When the Pipeline
has sent the maximum number of messages to an address on the DNS list it
will stop attempting to make a connection to that address, even if the
maximum time set in TCP Timeout has not yet elapsed.
• If TCP timeout=0, the Pipeline will retry the connection to the address at
increasingly larger intervals until it sends the maximum number of start-
connection messages. This takes approximately 170 seconds, but can take
longer if the Pipeline is running a large number of other tasks. If the client

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-179

Parameter Reference

software times out before the Pipeline makes a connection or proceeds to the
next address on the DNS list, the physical connection is dropped.

Dependencies: The List Attempt parameter must be enabled (set it in Ethernet >
Mod Config > DNS). List Attempt permits the Pipeline to attempt a series of IP
addresses. Note that the List Attempt parameter does not apply if Telnet and
Immediate Telnet are both disabled.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

Description: Specifies whether the Pipeline stops advertising the route to the
address in this Connection profile when the session terminates, and whether the
Pipeline removes this route and all routes dynamically learned on this connection
from the routing table.

Usage: You can specify one of these settings:

• Yes removes a route from the routing table to a connection when the link is
off-line, including all routes dynamically learned on this connection, and
discontinues advertising the route.
The routes are advertised and appear in the routing table only when you re-
establish the connection.
• No continues to advertise the route to the connection found in the LAN Adrs
and WAN Alias parameters, even when the connection is off-line.
The route appears in the Pipeline’s routing table, along with all other routes
dynamically learned on this connection. All routes age normally. The default
value is No.

Example: Pipeline1 has a nailed connection with an address of

Pipeline1 advertises this route when the connection is up. Pipeline1 also learns
through RIP that the remote side is advertising If the connection
goes down and Temporary=Yes, the Pipeline removes and from its routing table and no longer advertises them. If the connec-
tion goes down and Temporary=No, the Pipeline maintains in the
routing table (pointing to the idle interface—wanidle), and allows
to age normally.

3-180January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Term Rate

Dependencies: A frame relay link is a nailed-up connection defined in a Con-

nection profile. A frame relay link can also have a designated backup Connection
profile; if the link goes down, the Pipeline uses the backup profile for the connec-
tion. To specify the backup profile, you use the Backup parameter. For frame
relay links, the effect of the Temporary parameter varies depending upon whether
the link has an associated backup profile:
• If a frame relay connection goes down and the frame relay link has a backup
Connection profile, the Pipeline ignores a setting of Temporary=Yes.
The Pipeline does not remove routes from the routing table when the frame
relay connection goes down.
• If a frame relay connection goes down and the Frame Relay profile does not
have a backup Connection profile, the Pipeline follows a setting of
The Pipeline removes routes from the routing table when the frame relay
connection goes down.

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile > IP Options > Temporary

Term Rate
Description: Specifies the data rate for the Control Monitor port in bits per

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• 57600
• 38400
• 19200
• 9600
9600 is the default.
• 4800
• 2400
• 1200
• 300

Dependencies: Whenever you modify the Term Rate parameter, you must set
the data rate of your terminal accordingly.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-181

Parameter Reference
Term Serv

• When you operate the Pipeline from a local terminal, the most common data
rate is 9600 bps.
• If you are managing an Ascend unit remotely, you may want to increase the
baud rate on the local terminal to a higher speed for improved performance.

Location: System > Sys Config

Term Serv
Description: Starts a local terminal server session.

The Pipeline supports local terminal server sessions only. A local terminal server
session takes place when a terminal (or a computer emulating a terminal) is
connected to the Pipeline Terminal port, or when you open a Telnet connection to
the Pipeline from a local IP host.

Select the Term Serv command from the Sys Diag menu and press Ctrl-D and
select E-Terminal Server from the DO menu.

The Pipeline supports all the common capabilities of standard terminal servers,
including Telnet, Domain Name Services (DNS), login and password control,
call detail reporting, and authentication services.

Usage: Highlight Term Serv and press Enter to begin the local terminal server

Do not use the Term Serv parameter to return to the terminal server command-
line interface from a local Telnet session; use Ctrl-D-C instead.

Location: System > Sys Diag

See Also: Telnet PW, Chapter 1, “DO Command Reference”

Tick Count
Description: Identifies the distance to the destination network in IBM PC clock
ticks (18 Hz). This value is for round-trip timer calculation and for determining
the nearest server of a given type.

3-182January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference

Usage: In most cases, the default value (12) is appropriate. If you need to
change this value, press Enter to open a text field. Then, type an appropriate
value. Press Enter again to close the text field.

Dependencies: For the Tick Count parameter to apply, you must enable IPX
routing in the Connection profile by setting Route IPX=Yes.

Location: Ethernet > IPX Routes > any profile

See Also: Route IPX

Description: Appears in a Filter profile or an IPX SAP Filter profile. Its
functionality differs depending on the profile:
• In a Filter profile, specifies how the Pipeline applies a filter to a packet.
• In an IPX SAP profile, specifies whether the filter excludes the service from
the service table.

Usage: Your usage differs depending on the profile.

Filter profile

Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Generic specifies that the filter examines byte and offset values within a
packet, regardless of which protocol is in use.
• Ip specifies that the filter examines the protocol ID number, address, and port
specifications in an IP packet.

IPX SAP Filter profile

Press Enter to cycle through the choices.

• Exclude specifies that the filter excludes the service from the service table.
Exclude is the default.
• Include specifies that the filter includes the service in the service table.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-183

Parameter Reference
UDP Cksum

• In a Filter profile for a filter of type Generic, the Pipeline uses these
parameters to specify how the filter operates:
– Length
– Mask
– More
– Offset
– Value
• In a Filter profile for a filter of type IP, the Pipeline uses these parameters to
specify how the filter operates:
– Dst Adrs
– Dst Mask
– Dst Port #
– Dst Port Cmp
– Protocol
– Src Adrs
– Src Mask
– Src Port #
– Src Port Cmp
– TCP Estab

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > input or output filter > any
numbered filter; Ethernet > IPX SAP Filters > any profile

See Also: Server Name, Server Type, Station, Validate IP

UDP Cksum
Description: Specifies that the Pipeline generates a UDP checksum whenever it
sends out a UDP packet.

Currently the Pipeline uses UDP when generating queries and responses for the
following protocols:

3-184January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Valid (Filter)


Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes specifies that the Ascend unit generates a UDP checksum when
transmitting a UDP packet.
Specify this setting if data integrity is of the highest concern for your
environment, and having redundant checks is important; this setting is also
appropriate if your UDP-based servers are located on the remote side of a
WAN link that is prone to errors.
• No specifies that the Ascend unit does not generate a UDP checksum when
transmitting a UDP packet.
No is the default. Accept this setting if you plan to use the data integrity
guarantee of the Ethernet or PPP checksum only.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config

Valid (Filter)
Description: Activates or deactivates a filter. Its functionality differs depending
on the profile:
• In a Filter profile, the Valid parameter activates or deactivates a call filter or a
data filter.
• In an IPX SAP Filter profile, the Valid parameter activates or deactivates the
Input filter or the Output filter.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes activates the filter.
• No deactivates the filter.
No is the default.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-185

Parameter Reference
Valid (Static Mapping)

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• When Valid=No, N/A appears in all fields of the filter specification;
therefore, you cannot define a filter specification unless Valid=Yes.
• If you are using more than one filter, set Valid=Yes and Forward=Yes in at
least one filter; otherwise, the Pipeline drops all packets.
• To forward all packets, set all filters to Valid=No.

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > input or output filter > any
numbered filter; Ethernet > IPX SAP Filters > any profile

See Also: Server Name, Server Type, Type

Valid (Static Mapping)

Description: This parameter enables or disables the routing of incoming packets
for a particular TCP or UDP port to a specific server and port on the local
network. This routing, which occurs only in conjunction with network address
translation (NAT), is controlled by the parameters in the same Static Mapping nn
menu (where nn is a number between 01 and 10).

Note: If you change the value of this parameter or of any of the other
parameters in a Static Mapping nn menu, the change does not take effect until the
next time a connection is made to the remote network specified in the NAT
profile. To make the change immediately, you must terminate the connection to
the remote network and then reopen it.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No, press Esc to exit the menu,
and then confirm the change when prompted.
• Yes enables the routing of incoming packets specified by the other
parameters in the same Static Mapping nn menu.
• No disables the routing of incoming packets specified by the other
parameters in the same Static Mapping nn menu.
No is the default.

Note: The change does not take effect until the next time the link is brought
up. To make the change immediately, bring the link down and back up.

Dependencies: For routing of incoming packets for a particular port to occur,

the Routing parameter in the NAT menu must be set to Yes, the Lan parameter in

3-186January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
Validate IP

the NAT menu must be set to Single IP Addr, and other parameters in the same
Static Mapping nn menu must be set to non-null values:
• The Dst Port# and Loc Port# parameters must be set to values other than 0.
• The Loc Adrs parameter must be set to an address other than

Location: Ethernet > NAT > Static Mapping > Static Mapping nn (where nn is a
number between 01 and 10)

See Also: Def Server, Dst Port # (Static Mapping), Loc Adrs, Loc Port#, Lan,
Routing, Protocol (Static Mapping)

Validate IP
Description: When a Pipeline receives a DHCP message requesting an IP
address, this parameter determines whether the Pipeline checks to see if the
address is already in use. If it is, the Pipeline assigns another address.

Usage: Press Enter to cycle through the choices:

• Yes enables validation of IP addresses.
• No disables validation of IP addresses.
No is the default.

Dependencies: If DHCP Spoofing and Always Spoof are not both Yes, this
parameter is N/A.

Location: Ethernet > Mod Config > DHCP Spoofing

See Also: DHCP Spoofing, Always Spoof

Description: In a filter of type Generic, specifies a 16-bit hexadecimal value to
compare against the data contained within the specified bytes in a packet. You
specify the bytes using the Length, Offset, and Mask parameters.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type a hexadecimal number. You
can enter a number from 00 to ffffffffffffffff.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-187

Parameter Reference

The default is 00. When you accept the default, the bytes must contain nothing to
match the filter.

Press Enter again to close the text field.

Example: e0e0030000000000

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The Pipeline compares only the unmasked portion of a packet to the Value
• The length of the Value parameter must contain the number of bytes
specified by the Length parameter.

Location: Ethernet > Filters > any type of filter > input or output filter > any
numbered filter > Generic

See Also: Length (Filter), Mask, Offset

Description: Each firewall contains a version number to ensure that any firewall
that is uploaded to the router will be compatible with the firewall software on the
router. Secure Access Manager (SAM) checks the version number before
uploading a firewall. In the event that a router with a stored firewall profile
receives a code update that make the existing firewall incompatible, a default
firewall is enabled, permitting only Telnet access to the Pipeline.

Usage: This parameter cannot be edited.

Location: Ethernet > Firewalls > any firewall

VJ Comp
Description: Turns TCP/IP header compression on or off. VJ Comp stands for
Van Jacobson Compression.

Usage: Press Enter to toggle between Yes and No.

• Yes turns on TCP/IP header compression for both ends of the link.

3-188January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Parameter Reference
WAN Alias

Yes is the default. The Ascend unit must include the optional compression
• No turns off TCP/IP header compression.

Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• VJ Comp applies only to packets in TCP applications, such as Telnet.
Telnet is a protocol used to link two computers in order to provide a terminal
with a connection to the remote machine. The remote machine is known as
the Telnet host. When you start a Telnet session, you connect to the Telnet
host and log in. The connection enables you to work with the remote
machine as though you were at a terminal connected to it.
• Turning on header compression is most effective in reducing overhead when
the data portion of the packet is small.

Location: Ethernet > Answer > any profile > PPP Options; Ethernet > Connec-
tions > any profile > Encaps Options

WAN Alias
Description: Specifies the IP address of the link’s remote interface to the WAN.

The WAN Alias parameter applies only if the remote end of a link uses an
implementation of PPP that requires that both ends of a WAN connection be on
the same subnet.

If a router requires an IP number for each interface over which it sends or

receives packets, that router is said to use numbered interfaces. The WAN Alias
parameter assigns a single IP number to all WAN lines connected to the Pipeline.
Furthermore, the Pipeline assumes that all devices using numbered interfaces
have agreed on the network number of the WAN; that is, if is the
Pipeline interface to the WAN, then the WAN has a network number and
all other devices using numbered interfaces agree to have a 10.0.2.x address.

Usage: Press Enter to open a text field. Then, type the IP address of the remote

An IP address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.

If a netmask is in use on the network, you must specify it. Separate the netmask
from the IP address with a slash.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 3-189

Parameter Reference
WAN Alias

The default is

Press Enter again to close the text field.


Dependencies: The WAN Alias parameter does not apply if the Pipeline does
not support IP (Route IP=No).

Location: Ethernet > Connections > any profile

See Also: Route IP, Route

3-190January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Status Window Reference
This chapter lists the Pipeline status windows. Each listing provides information
in this format:

Window Name
Description: The Description text explains the menu.

Usage: The Usage text explains how to interpret the menu display.

Dependencies: The Dependencies text tells you what other information you
need to interpret status menu information.

See Also: The See Also text points you to related information.

Status window listing

Dyn Stat
Description: The Dyn Stat menu shows the name, quality, bandwidth, and
bandwidth utilization of each online connection.

Usage: This screen shows an example Dyn Stat display:

20-500 Dyn Stat
Qual Good 00:02:03
56K 1 channels
CLU 12% ALU 23%

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 4-1

Status Window Reference
Dyn Stat

You can press the Down Arrow key to see other connections; more than one
connection can be online at once.

Each line of the menu is described in the following paragraphs.

Line 1
The first line of the Dyn Stat menu shows its menu number and the name of the
current Connection Profile. If no connection is currently active, the menu name
appears instead.

Line 2
The second line lists the quality of the link and the amount of time the link has
been active. When a link is online more than 96 hours, the Pipeline reports the
duration in number of days. The link quality can have one of the values listed in
Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Link quality values

Value Description

Good The current rate of CRC errors is less than 1%.

Fair The current rate of CRC errors is between 1% and 5%.

Marg The current rate of CRC errors is between 5% and 10%.

Poor The current rate of CRC errors is more than 10%.

N/A The link is not online.

Line 3
The third line of the Dyn Stat menu shows the current data rate in kbps, and how
many channels this data rate represents.

4-2January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Status Window Reference
Ether Stat

Line 4

The last line displays these values:

CLU specifies the current line utilization—the percentage of bandwidth
currently being used by the call, divided by the total amount of bandwidth
ALU specifies the average line utilization—the average amount of available
bandwidth used by the call during the current history period as specified by
the Sec History and Dyn Alg parameters.

Dependencies: The Dyn Stat menu applies only to links whose Encaps parame-
ter in the Connection Profile has the value MPP.

See Also: Dyn Alg, Encaps, and Sec History in Chapter 3, “Parameter Refer-

Ether Stat
Description: The Ether Stat menu displays the number of Ethernet frames
received and transmitted and the number of collisions at the Ethernet interface.

Usage: This screen shows an example Ether Stat display:

50-400 Ether Stat
>Rx Pkt: 106
Tx Pkt: 118
Col: 0

The screen contains the following fields:

• Rx Pkt
Displays the number of Ethernet frames received from the Ethernet interface.
• Col
Indicates the number of collisions detected at the Ethernet interface.
• Tx Pkt

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 4-3

Status Window Reference
HW Config

Specifies the number of Ethernet frames transmitted over the Ethernet


Dependencies: Keep this additional information in mind:

• The counts return to zero when the Pipeline is switched off or reset;
otherwise, the counts continuously increase up to the maximum allowed by
the display.

HW Config
Description: The HW Config menu displays the hardware installed on the

Usage: This screen shows an example HW Config display:

00-400 HW Config
>BRI Interface
Adrs: 00c07b547960
Enet I/F: AUI

This screen contains the following fields:

• BRI interface
The type of interface used.
• Adr
MAC address of the Pipeline
• Enet I/F
The Ethernet interface you are using on the Pipeline (UTP or AUI).

Line Status
Description: The Line Status menu shows the dynamic status of each WAN
line, the condition of its electrical link to the carrier, and the status of each line’s
individual channels. The Link Status menu appears only if an ISDN line is

Usage: This screen shows an example Line Status menu:

4-4January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Status Window Reference
Line Status

10-100 1
Link P
B1 ***.....
B2 ***.....

Each line of the menu is described in the following paragraphs.

Line 1
The first line of the Line Status menu contains the menu number of lines

Line 2
The second line of the Line Status menu uses one-character abbreviations to
characterize the overall state of the line. Table 4-2 lists the abbreviations.

Table 4-2. Line status abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

A Line status is up.

P The line is in a point-to-point active state and is physically connected.

D The line is in a multipoint active state, initialized in dual-terminal mode, and is

physically connected.

M The line is in a multipoint active state, initialized in single-terminal mode, and

is physically connected.

. The line is not active at this time, but it is physically connected.

X The line is not physically connected and cannot pass data. In some countries
outside the U.S., the character X might appear even though the line is
physically connected.

- The line is disabled. The Chan Usage parameter in the Configure Profile is set
to disable one of the B channels.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 4-5

Status Window Reference

Line 3 and Line 4

The third and fourth lines describe the state of the B1 and B2 channels,
respectively. The state is represented by a single character. Table 4-3 lists each
line status character.

Table 4-3. Line status characters

Character Description

. The channel is not available because the line is disabled, has no physical link,
or does not exist, or because the Chan Usage parameter in the Configure
Profile is set to disable one of the B channels.

* The channel is connected in a current call

- The channel is currently idle (but in service).

d The Pipeline is dialing from this channel for an outgoing call.

r The channel is ringing for an incoming call.

n The channel is marked Leased in the Configure Profile.

See Also: Chan Usage in Chapter 3, “Parameter Reference.”

Description: The Sessions status menu indicates the number of active bridging/
routing links. An online link, as configured in the Connection Profile, constitutes
a single active session. A session can be PPP encapsulated. The Pipeline treats
each multichannel MP+ or MP link as a single session.

Usage: This screen shows the Sessions display when the Ethernet module is
installed in expansion slot #5:
20-100 Sessions
>5 Active
O Headquarters

4-6January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Status Window Reference

Each line of the menu is described in the following paragraphs.

Line 1
The first line specifies the menu number and name of the menu.

Line 2
The second line indicates the number of active sessions.

Line 3 and succeeding lines

The third and all remaining lines indicate the state of each active session, and the
name, address, or CLID of the remote end. Each line uses the format y zzzzz,
where y is a session status character and zzzzz indicates the name, address, or
CLID of the remote device.

Table 4-4 lists the session status characters that can appear.

Table 4-4. Session status characters

Character Description

Blank No calls exist and no other Pipeline operations are being performed

R R indicates Ringing; an incoming call is ringing on the line, ready to be


A A indicates Answering; the Pipeline is answering an incoming call.

C C indicates Calling; the Pipeline is dialing an outgoing call.

O O indicates Online; a call is up on the line.

H H indicates Hanging up; the Pipeline is clearing the call.

Description: Syslog is not a Pipeline status display, but an IP protocol that sends
system status messages to a host computer, known as the syslog host. This host is

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 4-7

Status Window Reference
System Events

specified by the Log Host parameter in the Ethernet Profile. The log host saves
the system status messages in a syslog file. These messages are derived from two
sources—the Message Log data and the CDR data.

Message Log Data CDR Data

Syslog File

Note: See the UNIX man pages on logger(1), syslog(3), syslog.conf(5), and
syslogd(8) for details on the syslog daemon.

System Events
Description: The System Events Status window provides a log of up to 32 of the
most recent system events the Pipeline has recorded.

This example shows a System Event record generated by an incoming call not yet
assigned to a channel:
00-200 11:23:55
>M31 Line 1 Ch 07
Incoming Call
MBID 022

The message logs update dynamically. Press the Up Arrow key to display the
previous entry. Press the Down Arrow key to display the next entry. To clear all
messages from the Message Log while using the Palmtop Controller, enter the
SHFT-> command (delete). When you are using the Control Monitor, the Delete
key clears all the messages in the log.

The Message Log displays the information described in the following


Line 1
The first line of the menu shows the status menu number and the time the event

4-8January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Status Window Reference
System Events

Line 2
The second line identifies the log entry number (M00-M31) and, if applicable,
the line and channel on which the event occurred.

Lines are numbered starting with the base system ISDN lines—lines 1 and 2.

Line 3
The third line contains the text of the message. The message can contain either
basic information or a warning. Table Table 4-5 on page 4-9 lists the possible
system event messages.

Table 4-5. System Events

Event Message Meaning

Busy Number at other end is busy.

Call Disconnected The call ended unexpectedly.

Call Refused An incoming call could not be connected to the specified

serial host port because it was busy or otherwise

Call Terminated An active call was disconnected normally, although not

necessarily by operator command.

Ethernet Up Appears after the ethernet interface has been initialized and
is running.

Far End Hung Up The far end terminated the call normally.

Incoming Call The Pipeline has answered an incoming call at the network
interface, but has not yet routed the call.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 4-9

Status Window Reference
System Events

Table 4-5. System Events (continued)

Event Message Meaning

Incoming Glare The Pipeline could not place a call because it saw an
incoming “glare” signal from the switch. Glare occurs when
you attempt to place an outgoing call and answer an
incoming call simultaneously. If you receive this error
message, you have probably selected incorrect Configure
Profile parameters.

Internal Error Call setup failed because of a lack of system resources, such
as insufficient memory. If this type of error occurs, notify
the Ascend Technical Assistance Center.

LAN Security Error An MPP, PPP, or terminal server session is terminated

because of a security violation; for example, you entered an
incorrect password.

LAN Session Down Appears before call terminated if a PPP or an MPP session
is terminated.

LAN Session Up Appears after incoming call if a PPP or an MPP session is


Network Problem Call could not be completed because of a network problem.

No Chan Other End No channel was available on the far end to establish the call.

No Channel Avail No channel was available for the call.

No Connection The far end did not answer when the call was dialed.

No Phone Number There is no phone number entered in the Connection profile

from which you tried to place a call.

No Trunk Available All lines are out of service.

4-10January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Status Window Reference
Sys Option

Table 4-5. System Events (continued)

Event Message Meaning

Not Enough Chans A request to dial multiple channels or to increase bandwidth

could not be completed because there were not enough
channels available at that time.

Outgoing Call The Pipeline has dialed a call.

Remote Mgmt Denied A request to run the remote Pipeline by remote management
was rejected.

Removed Bandwidth Bandwidth has been subtracted from an active call.

Request Ignored The request to manually change bandwidth during a call

was denied.

Trunk Down One or more lines are out of service.

Trunk Up One or more lines were out of service, but have now
returned to service.

Wrong Sys Version The software at the far end is incompatible with the Pipeline
system software.

Sys Option
Description: The Sys Option menu provides a read-only list that identifies your
Pipeline and names each of the features with which it has been equipped.

Usage: This screen shows the Sys Options menu:

00-100 Sys Options
>Security Prof:1 ^
Software +1.0+

The Sys Options menu can contain the information listed in Table 4-6.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 4-11

Status Window Reference
WAN Stat

Table 4-6. Sys Options information

Option Description

Security Prof: # Indicates the Security Profile in use.

Software Indicates the version of the on-board software.

S/N Displays the serial number of the unit.

Up Indicates length of time since the unit was reset.

Access Router Indicates the name of the product family.

Load Indicates the name of the binary installed on the unit.

Switched (Installed or Not Installed) Indicates if calls can be placed over switched circuits.

POTS (Installed or Not Installed) Indicates if the phone ports are enabled.

FR Rel (Installed or Not Installed) Indicates if the Frame Relay option is installed

Dyn Bnd (Installed or Not Installed) Indicates if DBA is available.

Sec Acc (Installed or Note Installed) Indicates if the Secure Access product is installed.

ISDN Sig (Installed or Not Installed) Indicates if ISDN signaling is available.

Net Mgmt (Installed or Not Installed) Indicates if network management is available.

AdvAgent (Installed or Not Installed) Indicates if Navis Access support is available.

WAN Stat
Description: The WAN Stat menu displays the current count of received frames,
transmitted frames, and frames with errors for each active WAN link. It indicates
the overall count for all data packets received or transmitted across the WAN.

Usage: This screen shows WAN statistics:

50-300 WAN Stat
>Rx Pkt: 387112

4-12January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Status Window Reference
WAN Stat

Tx Pkt: 22092
CRC: 0

Each line of the menu is described in the following paragraphs.

Line 1
The first line displays the menu number and name of the menu. You can press the
Down Arrow key to get per-link statistics. The first line of a per-link display
indicates the name, IP address, or MAC address of the remote device. The per-
link count is updated every 30 seconds; the overall count is updated at the end of
every active link.

Line 2
The second line specifies the number of received frames.

Line 3
The third line displays the number of transmitted frames.

Line 4
The fourth line indicates the number of corrupt frames. CRC checking is
performed on PPP and MP+ links. A corrupt CRC frame contains at least one
data error.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 4-13

ISDN Cause Codes
This appendix includes the following topics:

Checking the status windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

List of cause codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

1TR6 ISDN cause codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6

Checking the status windows

ISDN cause codes help you diagnose problems with calls. They appear in the
System Events status window:

Refer to the User’s Guide for administrative information about displaying ISDN
line status in the Terminal server.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 5-1

ISDN Cause Codes

List of cause codes

The cause codes listed on this table are not valid for German 1TR6 networks.
Refer to “1TR6 ISDN cause codes” on page 5-7 for German 1TR6 cause codes.

Note: Cause code implementations can be different depending on how your

switch is configured. Consult your ISDN service provider if you have any
questions about the cause codes supported for your switch type.

Table 5-1. ISDN cause codes

Code Cause

0 Valid cause code not yet received

1 Unallocated (unassigned) number.

2 No route to specified transit network (WAN).

3 No route to destination

4 send special information tone

5 misdialed trunk prefix

6 Channel unacceptable.

7 Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel

8 Prefix 0 dialed but not allowed

9 Prefix 1 dialed but not allowed

10 Prefix 1 dialed but not required

11 More digits received than allowed, call is proceeding

16 Normal clearing.

17 User busy.

5-2January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

ISDN Cause Codes

Table 5-1. ISDN cause codes (continued)

Code Cause

18 No user responding.

19 No answer from user (user alerted)

21 Call rejected.

22 Number changed.

23 Reverse charging rejected

24 Call suspended

25 Call resumed

26 Non-selected user clearing

27 Destination out of order

28 Invalid number format (incomplete number).

29 Facility rejected.

30 Response to STATUS ENQUIRY.

31 Normal, unspecified.

33 Circuit out of order

34 No circuit/channel available.

35 Destination unattainable

37 Degraded service

38 Network (WAN) out of order.

39 Transit delay range cannot be achieved

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 5-3

ISDN Cause Codes

Table 5-1. ISDN cause codes (continued)

Code Cause

40 Throughput range cannot be achieved

41 Temporary failure.

42 Switching equipment congested.

43 Access information discarded.

44 Requested circuit channel not available.

45 Pre-emptied.

46 Precedence call blocked

47 Resource unavailable, unspecified

49 Quality of service unavailable

50 Requested facility not subscribed.

51 Reverse charging not allowed

52 Outgoing calls barred.

53 Outgoing calls barred within CUG

54 Incoming calls barred.

55 Incoming calls barred within CUG

56 Call waiting not subscribed

57 Bearer capability not authorized

58 Bearer capability not presently available.

63 Service or option not available, unspecified.

5-4January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

ISDN Cause Codes

Table 5-1. ISDN cause codes (continued)

Code Cause

65 Bearer service not implemented.

66 Channel type not implemented.

67 Transit network selection not implemented

68 Message not implemented

69 Requested facility not implemented.

70 Only restricted digital information bearer capability is


79 Service or option not implemented, unspecified

81 Invalid call reference value.

82 Identified channel does not exist.

83 A suspended call exists, but this call identity does not

84 Call identity in use

85 No call suspended

86 Call having the requested call identity has been cleared

87 Called user not member of CUG

88 Incompatible destination.

89 Non-existent abbreviated address entry

90 Destination address missing, and direct call not subscribed

91 Invalid transit network selection (national use)

92 Invalid facility parameter

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 5-5

ISDN Cause Codes

Table 5-1. ISDN cause codes (continued)

Code Cause

93 Mandatory information element is missing

95 Invalid message, unspecified

96 Mandatory information element is missing.

97 Message type non-existent or not implemented.

98 Message not compatible with call state or message type

non-existent or not implemented.

99 information element nonexistent or not implemented

100 Invalid information element contents.

101 Message not compatible with call state

102 Recovery on timer expired.

103 Parameter non-existent or not implemented, passed on

111 Protocol error, unspecified

127 Internetworking, unspecified.

1TR6 ISDN cause codes

All products that support BRI can optionally support 1TR6 switch types. The
ISDN cause codes for 1TR6 are different from AT&T, NI-1, NTI switch types
and other switch types. Table 5-2 lists the ISDN cause codes for 1TR6 switch

5-6January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

ISDN Cause Codes

Table 5-2. 1TR6 ISDN cause codes

Code Cause Explanation

1 Invalid call reference value Invalid CR value

3 Bearer service not implemented Service not available in the A-exchange or at

another position in the network, or no application
has been made for the specified service.

7 Call identity does not exist Unknown call identity

8 Call identity in use Call identity has already been assigned to a

suspended link.

10 No channel available No useful channel available on the subscriber

access line (only local significance).

16 Requested facility not The specified FAC code is unknown in the A-

implemented exchange or at another point in the network.

17 Request facility no subscribed Request facility rejected because the initiating or

remote user does not have appropriate

32 Outgoing calls barred Outgoing call not possible due to access restriction
which has been installed.

33 User access busy If the total made up of the number of free B-

channels and the number of calling procedures
without any defined B-channel is equal to four,
then any new incoming calls will be cleared down
from within the network. The calling party receives
a DISC with cause “user access busy” (= 1st busy
instance) and engaged tone.

34 Negative CUG comparison Link not possible due to negative CUG


35 Non existent CUG This CUG does not exist.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 5-7

ISDN Cause Codes

Table 5-2. 1TR6 ISDN cause codes (continued)

Code Cause Explanation

37 Communication as semi- Link not possible, e.g. because RFNR check is

permanent link not permitted negative.

48 - Not used

53 Destination not obtainable Link cannot be established in the network due to

incorrect destination address, services or facilities

56 Number changed Number of B-subscriber has changed.

57 Out of order Remote TE not ready

58 No user responding No TE has responded to the incoming SETUP or

call has been interrupted, absence assumed (expiry
of call timeout T3AA).

59 User busy B-subscriber busy

61 Incoming calls barred B-subscriber has installed restricted access against

incoming link or the service which has been
requested is not supported by the B-subscriber

62 Call rejected To A-subscriber: Link request actively rejected by

B-subscriber (by sending a DISC in response to an
incoming SETUP.)
To a TE during the phase in which an incoming
call is being established: The call has already been
accepted by another TE on the bus.

89 Network congestion Bottleneck situation in the network; e.g. all-trunks-

busy, no conference set free

90 Remote user initiated Rejected or cleared down by remote user or


5-8January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

ISDN Cause Codes

Table 5-2. 1TR6 ISDN cause codes (continued)

Code Cause Explanation

112 Local procedure error In REL: Call cleared due to local errors (invalid
messages or parameters, expiry of timeout, etc.)
In SUS REJ: The link must not be suspended
because another facility is already active.
In RES REJ: No suspended call available.
In FAC REJ: No further facility can be requested
because one facility is already being processed, or
the specified facility may not be requested in the
present call status.

113 Remote procedure error Call cleared down due to error at remote end.

114 Remote user suspended The call has been placed on hold or suspended at
the remote end.

115 Remote user resumed Call at remote end is no longer on hold, suspended
or in the conference status.

127 User Info discarded locally The USER INFO message is rejected locally. This
cause is specified in the CON message.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 5-9

Pipeline Specifications
Hardware specifications
Table A -1.Hardware specifications

Dimensions 8.63 in x 6.19 in x 1.25 in

22 cm x 15.7 cm x 3.2 cm

Weight 2.25 lbs

1.13 kg

LAN Interface 10 mbps Ethernet (AUI, 10Base-T)

See “Ethernet interface” on page A-5 for a discussion of
related equipment required.

WAN Interfaces BRI U Interface (model: P50-1UBRI)

BRI S/T Interface (model: P50-1SBRI)

Software Upgrade Via built-in flash RAM

Power Requirements 90-130VAC

0.4A 22-24VAC
0.2A 47-63Hz
The Pipeline configuration profiles are stored in battery-
protected memory. When the Pipeline is turned off, the
profiles are not lost.

Note: Use a protected AC power source, or add surge

protection between the power source and the Pipeline.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 A-1

Pipeline Specifications

Table A -1.Hardware specifications (continued)

Environment requirements For best results, you should house the Pipeline in a room
with constant temperature and humidity. In general, cooler
environments are better.
Operating temperature: 32-104°F or 0-40°C
Storage temperatures of -40° to 176° Fahrenheit (-71.4° to
80° Celsius) are acceptable.
Altitude: 0-14,800 feet or 0-4,500 meters
Relative Humidity: 5-90% (noncondensing)
Humidity should be high enough to prevent accumulation of
static electricity, but low enough to prevent condensation.
An operating relative humidity of up to 90% (non
condensing) is acceptable.

Safety Certifications FCC Class B, CSA, UL

EMI/RF FCC Part 68, FCC Part 15

A-2January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Pipeline Specifications

Software Specifications
Table A -2.Software specifications

Protocols Supported TCP/IP, IPX routing, BCP standard bridging of all protocols

WAN Protocols Supported PPP, Multilink PPP (MP), Multilink Protocol Plus (MP+)

Bandwidth Management Multilink PPP (MP), Multilink Protocol Plus (MP+), TCP
header compression, STAC data compression

Security PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP, Callback, Telnet, password, token-

based security, CLID, packet filtering, optional Secure

Firewall Firewall Integrated dynamic firewall (optional)

Management SNMP, Telnet, SYSLOG, Ascend’s remote management

protocol, direct serial cable connection (DB-9)

Terminal port and cabling pinouts

The Terminal port uses a standard DE-9 female connector that conforms to the
EIA RS-232 standard for serial interfaces.

All Pipeline models use the RS-232 pinouts listed in Table A-3.

Table A -3.Terminal port and cabling pinouts

DE-9 pin number RS-232 signal name Function I/O

1 DCD Data Carrier Detect O

2 RD Serial Receive Data O

3 SD Serial Transmit Data I

4 DTR Data Terminal Ready I

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 A-3

Pipeline Specifications

Table A -3.Terminal port and cabling pinouts (continued)

DE-9 pin number RS-232 signal name Function I/O

5 GND Signal Ground

6 DSR Data Set Ready O

7 RTS Request to Send I

8 CTS Clear to Send O

*9 *RI *Ring Indicator *O

*Pin 9 is not active (Ring Indication signal not supplied).

Basic Rate interface pinouts

The Pipeline BRI interface is a Western Electric-type RJ-45 port. Connection
between this port and the WAN is via a (non-integral) interconnecting cable/
connector set.

Table A -4.ISDN S interface pinouts

BRI Logical Interface RJ-45 TE (Terminal Equipment)

Transmit (output) + Pin 3

Transmit (output) - Pin 6

Receive (input) + Pin 4

Receive (input) - Pin 5

The S interface cable can be up to 1000m in length.

The pin-outs for the Pipeline U interface BRI port are shown in Table A-5.

A-4January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

Pipeline Specifications

Table A -5.ISDN U interface pinouts

BRI Logical Interface RJ-45 TE (Terminal Equipment)

Transmit (output) + Pin 3

Transmit (output) - Pin 6

Transmit/Receive (output) + Pin 4

Transmit/Receive (output) - Pin 5

The U interface cables can be up to 18000 ft (5486m) in length.

Ethernet interface
A Pipeline supports the physical specifications of IEEE l802.3 with Ethernet 2
(Ethernet/DIX) framing. It provides a single Ethernet interface and can support
any one of the following Ethernet types:
• Coax (Coaxial): Thin Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 (10Base-2) with a BNC
connector. (Note that the Pipeline is not equipped with a Coax Ethernet
• 10Base-T (Unshielded Twisted Pair): Twisted pair Ethernet and IEEE 802.3
(10Base-T) with an RJ-45 connector.
• AUI (Attachment Unit Interface): Standard Ethernet and IEEE (10Base-5)
with a 15-pin AUI connector.

Required equipment
To install the Ethernet interface, you must have the equipment described in the
sections below.

You need a BNC T-connector. If your connection is at the end of a cable segment,
you need a 50 Ohm terminator as well. To install, attach a LAN BNC T-connector
to the BNC port on the back of the Pipeline. Use a standard 10Base-250 Ohm
cable, such as RG-58 A/U or RG58 C/U.

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 A-5

Pipeline Specifications

! Caution: Breaking the LAN’s continuity by inserting a cable segment or

removing either of the 50 Ohm terminations disrupts and disables the Ethernet.

You need an Ethernet adapter installed in your PC. Use the supplied 10Base-T
crossover cable to connect the adapter to the Pipeline.

You need an transceiver unit installed in your PC and a transceiver cable.

A-6January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide


Symbols Adr (MAC address) 4-4

Adv Dialout Routes parameter 3-5
? terminal server command 2-2 advertise routes 3-5
Alarm parameter 3-6
Allow as Client DNS parameter 3-7
ALU (average line utilization) 4-3
calculating 3-51
1TR6 ISDN cause codes 5-7
specifying number of seconds 3-171
2nd Adrs parameter 3-2
ALU (average line utilization) in routing table
56K data service 3-34 2-23
64K service 3-35 Always Spoof parameter 3-7
AnsOrig parameter 3-9
APP Host parameter 3-9
APP Port parameter 3-10
ACE security 2-10 APP Server parameter 3-11
Activation parameter 3-3, 3-4 ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 3-57,
Active parameter 3-4 3-134
Add Pers parameter 3-4 ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache dis-
played 2-11
adding a static route to the IP routing table 2-2
Ascend Enterprise Traps MIB 3-30
adding bandwidth 3-4
Ascend Password Protocol 3-9
adding channels to a nailed serial WAN con-
nection 3-63 authentication
address pool of IP addresses 3-64 for initiating connection 3-156
specifying protocol for password 3-137
addresses timeout behavior 3-44
applying mask to 3-47 use or Name parameter for 3-113
comparing packet’s destination 3-47
on remote subnet 3-2 auto log out, specifying 3-11
specifying physical Ethernet 3-56 Auto Logout parameter 3-11
specifying source 3-166 automatic updating of the local DNS table 3-97

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 Index-1


automatically adding or subtracting bandwidth globally enable/disable 3-19

3-51 IPX connection 3-67
Aux Send PW parameter 3-12 protocol-independent 3-17
Axent Softkey 3-9 Bridging parameter 3-19
broadcast frames, dialing initiated from 3-42
busy, system event message 4-9
B byte-offset, described 3-118

B channel services defined 3-27

backup Connection profile 3-155 C
Backup parameter 3-12
backup restored 3-140 Call Disconnected system event message 4-9
BACP parameter 3-13 call filter applied after data filter 3-20
Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol 3-13 Call Filter parameter 3-20
bandwidth utilization Call Refused system event message 4-9
adding/subtracting 3-177 Call Terminated system event message 4-9
specified for a single-channel MP+ call 3-74 Call Type parameter 3-21
base bandwidth 3-14, 3-35 Callback parameter 3-24
Base Ch Count parameter 3-14 Callback security 3-57
Become Default Router parameter 3-15 callback security 3-24
Bill # parameter 3-15 Called # parameter 3-25
billing number for outgoing calls 3-15 Called Number authentication 3-25
binding a phone number to a physical port Caller ID parameter 3-26
3-123 Calling # parameter 3-26
bits calling line ID authentication (CLID) 3-26
compared (masked) when filtering 3-47
filtered on in a source address specified bandwidth utilization for MPP 3-74
clearing all 3-175
Block calls after parameter 3-16 disallowed for 90 seconds to assist callback
Blocked duration parameter 3-16 3-57
blocking incoming calls 3-9 filtering 3-20
BOOTP Relay Enable parameter 3-16 initiating/receiving 3-9
manually placing/clearing 1-2
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server specified
origination of outbound 3-122
phone number binding on outgoing 3-122
BRI interface 4-4 problem diagnoses 5-1
Bridge parameter 3-17 specifying billing number for 3-15
bridging using channels of idle link for 3-123
global settings vs per-connection settings verifying password for PPP 3-137
3-19 See also MP calls, MPP calls, phone num-

Index-2January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide


bers connecting to a remote unit 2-8

cause 5-2 Connection # parameter 3-31
CDR (Call Detail Reporting), described 3-175 Connection profile
CDR display, system status messages from 4-7 establishing session with 1-4
Chan Usage parameter 3-27 Console parameter 3-32
channel usage defined 3-27 Constant calculation for bandwidth allocation
channels 3-52
specifying maximum number of 3-103 Contact parameter 3-33
specifying minimum number of 3-106 Control Monitor
using 56 kbps portion of 3-59 seconds to idle timeout 3-74
using idle link 3-123 counts in routing table 2-22
channels allocated at start of all calls 3-14 CRQ signal 3-3
classes of peers used to connect with IPX
Clear To Send 3-3 D
clearing ARP cache 2-10
CLID Auth (See Id Auth) data calls assigned to a B channel 3-36
CLID authentication using Calling # 3-26 Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment 3-3
Client Assign DNS parameter 3-28 data exchange, encapsulation method used for
Client Gateway parameter 3-28 3-54
client in routing table 2-23 Data Filter parameter 3-33
Client Pri DNS parameter 3-29 data over voice (DOV) 3-8
Client Sec DNS parameter 3-29 data rate
specified for Control Monitor port 3-181
CLU (current line utilization) 4-3
Data Svc parameter 3-34
CLU (current line utilization) in routing table
2-23 Data Svc settings 3-34
Col (collisions detected) 4-3 Data Usage parameter 3-36
coldStart alarm event 3-6 DBA (Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation), speci-
fying 3-51
Comm parameter 3-29
DBA Monitor parameter 3-36
community name 3-29
deactivate a profile 3-4
Compare parameter 3-30
Def Server parameter 3-38
parameter for header 3-188 default route updated 3-76
parameter for link 3-92 default server for NAT 3-38
TCP/IP header 3-189 Dest parameter 3-39
configuration destination address to filter 3-46
saving 3-152 destination network, identifying distance to
configuration restored from backup 3-140 3-182
configuring IPX routing 3-84 destination port number, specifying 3-48

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 Index-3


devices, specifying auto logout for 3-11 secondary domain Name 3-154
DHCP client 3-88 specifying connection-specific servers 3-29
DHCP dial number 3-43 DNS table, invoking the editor 2-2
DHCP PNP Enabled parameter 3-40 DNS table, viewing the entries 2-2
DHCP responsibility advertised 3-15 Dnstab Edit terminal server command 2-2
DHCP server 3-150 Dnstab Entry, terminal server command 2-2
DHCP server configuration 3-77 Dnstab Show, terminal server command 2-2
DHCP server enabled 3-7 DO Close TELNET (DO C) 1-3
DHCP spoofing configuration 3-77 DO commands described 1-2
DHCP Spoofing parameter 3-41 DO Dial (DO 1) 1-4
diagnostic interface 1-4 DO ESC (DO 0) 1-5
Dial # digits, listed 3-41 DO Hang Up (DO 2) 1-5
Dial # parameter 3-41 DO menu, exiting 1-5
Dial Brdcast parameter 3-42 DO Password (DO P) 1-5
Dial If Link Down parameter 3-43 DO Save (DO S) 1-6
Dial Query parameter 3-44 Domain Name parameter 3-45
dial-in user accessing the VT100 menus 2-6 domain name server 3-125
dialing secondary address supplied 3-153
manually 1-2 double login for security card users 3-165
dialing a remote network manually 1-4 DOV (data over voice) 3-8
dialing turned off or on for broadcast packets DPR signal 3-3
3-42 Dst Adrs parameter 3-46
digital voice call 3-35 Dst Mask parameter 3-47
Disc on Auth Timeout parameter 3-44
Dst Port # parameter 3-48
discarding packets that match a filter 3-33,
Dst Port Cmp parameter 3-48
DTE N392 parameter 3-50
Disconnect cause when authentication fails due
to a timeout 3-72 DTE N393 parameter 3-51
disconnecting a call 1-5 Dyn Alg parameter 3-51
DLCI (Data Link Connection Identifier) usage Dyn Stat status window described 4-1
displayed 2-16 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
DLCI parameter 3-45 3-88
DLCI removed 3-94 dynamic password challenges 2-10
addresses listed when doing DNS query 3-95
Allow as Client DNS 3-7 E
Client Assign DNS 3-28
Client Pri DNS 3-29 echo cancellation unsuitable for voice service
Client Sec DNS 3-29 calls 3-35

Index-4January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide


Edit Security parameter 3-53 firewalls turned off after call disconnects 3-59
Edit System parameter 3-53 flow control signals 3-3
Enable Local DNS Table parameter 3-54 Force56 parameter 3-59
Encaps parameter 3-54 Forward Disconnect parameter 3-61
ending a call 1-5 Forward parameter 3-60
Enet Adrs parameter 3-56 forwarding packets that match a filter 3-60
Enet I/F (Ethernet interface) 4-4 FR address parameter 3-61
Enigma Logic SafeWord 3-9 FR Prof parameter 3-61
Ent Adrs parameter 3-56 FR setting 3-55
establishing a connection to a remote station FR Type parameter 3-62
2-8 Frame Relay
Ether Stat, described 4-3, 4-4 call type choices 3-22
Ethernet network described 3-21
creating static route to another 3-81 error tolerance 3-37
IP address on local unit 3-76 identifying switch in Connection profile
specifying frame type for 3-80 3-45
specifying IPX network number for 3-81 IP address for NAT 3-61
specifying physical address of 3-56 Link Up 3-94
Ethernet Up system event message 4-9 specifying if link stays up after DLCI is re-
examining packets on incoming calls 3-34 moved 3-94
Exp Callback parameter 3-57 switch described 3-21
Expect 3-57 Frame Relay interface statistics displayed 2-18
expire time in routing table 2-22 Frame Relay profile
extending the length of compared packets for linking nailed-up channels to 3-112
filters 3-107 specifying name of 3-61
frame type, specifying IPX Ethernet frame type
F FT1 Caller parameter 3-63
full status report, specifying timing of 3-112
Far End Hung Up system event message 4-9
Field Service parameter 3-57
field service privileges 3-57 G
Filter parameter 3-58
gateway address specified 3-28
Filter Persistence parameter 3-59
Gateway parameter 3-63
filtering incoming calls 3-20
filters Group address of routing table 2-22
activating/deactivating 3-185 Group n Count parameter 3-64, 3-65
applied to packets 3-183 Group number of connection 3-66
filters kept alive after a call disconnects 3-59 Group parameter 3-65

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 Index-5


H vice 3-121
initiating calls 3-9
Handle IPX parameter 3-67 Internal Error system event message 4-10
Handle IPX Type20 parameter 3-68 internal network number, assigning 3-118
hanging up a call 1-5 IP address
Hangup, terminal server command 2-2 disclosing existence of 3-126
hash index of routing table 2-22 of primary domain name server 3-125
of remote interface to WAN 3-189
Help, terminal server command 2-2
of route’s destination 3-39
hexadecimal value, specifying 3-187 of SNMP manager to which PDU traps are
Hop Count parameter 3-69 sent 3-39
hop count to IPX destinations 3-69 of Syslog host 3-99
Host n Enet parameter 3-70 of the interface at the near end of a link 3-75
of unit on local Ethernet network 3-76
Host n IP parameter 3-69
secondary domain name server 3-153
HW Config Status window 4-4 specified for remote end station/router 3-89
specifying router 3-63
using symbolic name instead of 3-45
I IP Adrs parameter 3-76
IP Group parameter 3-77, 3-78
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) sta-
IP route added with a terminal server command
tistics displayed 2-19
ICMP echo (ping) expiration time for reply
IP routing information displayed 2-25
IPCP negotiation
ICMP Redirects 3-145 DNS services 3-7
ICMP Redirects parameter 3-71 Iproute Add, terminal server command 2-2
Id Auth parameter 3-71 Iproute Delete, terminal server command 2-4
ID Fail Busy parameter 3-72 Iproute Show, terminal server command 2-4
Idle Logout parameter 3-74 IPX Alias parameter 3-79
Idle parameter 3-73 IPX Enet# parameter 3-79
Idle parameter hierarchy 3-73 IPX Frame parameter 3-80
Idle Pct parameter 3-74 IPX Net# parameter 3-81
IF Adrs parameter 3-75 IPX network, specifying distance to destination
IGMP multicast clients 2-22 3-69
IGMP packet types 2-23 IPX packet statistics displayed 2-30
Ignore Def Rt parameter 3-75 IPX Pool# parameter 3-82
in-band signaling service 3-35 IPX Routing parameter 3-83
incoming call password assignment 3-138 IPX routing table displayed 2-28
incoming data calls used on which line 3-36 IPX routing, requesting 3-149
incoming voice calls directed to a particular de- IPX SAP behavior 3-85

Index-6January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide


IPX SAP Filter parameter 3-85 link quality reports, specifying duration be-
IPX SAP parameter 3-84 tween 3-102
IPX SAP Proxy Net#n parameter 3-87 link reliability errors allowed 3-50
IPX server, specifying name of 3-161 link’s IP address at the near end 3-75
IPX service table limits 3-84 linkDown alarm event 3-6
IPX Type 20 packet propagation enabled or links, specifying virtual hop count 3-105
disabled 3-68 linkUp alarm event 3-6
IPXping, terminal server command 2-4 LinkUp parameter 3-94
ISDN BRI line List Attempt parameter 3-94
specifying SPID for 3-164 List Size parameter 3-95
ISDN cause codes 5-1 listing rejected voice calls 3-8
ISDN connections LMI (Link Management Information) dis-
specifying phone number 3-111 played 2-17
specifying SPID for 3-163 Loc Adrs parameter 3-96
Loc Port# parameter 3-97
Loc.DNS Tab Auto Update parameter 3-97
L local terminal server session
starting 3-182
LAN Adrs parameter 3-89
Local, terminal server command 2-6
Lan parameter of NAT 3-87
locating slow routers 2-41
LAN Security Error system event message
4-10 Location of unit 3-98
LAN Session Down system event message Location parameter 3-98
4-10 Log Facility parameter 3-99
LAN Session Up system event message 4-10 Log Host parameter 3-99
lease time for a dynamically assigned IP ad- Log Port parameter 3-100
dress 3-140 logging out 1-5
Length parameter 3-90, 3-92 loopback interface statistics displayed 2-19
Line Status LQM (Link Quality Monitoring) 3-101
described 4-4 LQM Max parameter 3-102
Net/BRI menu described 4-4 LQM Min parameter 3-102
window described 4-4
LQM parameter 3-101
line utilization, number of seconds for 3-4
LQM requests 3-101
Linear calculation for bandwidth allocation
Link Comp parameter 3-92 M
link management protocol 3-93
Link Mgmt parameter 3-93 Mask parameter 3-103
Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) 3-101 Max Ch Count parameter 3-103

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 Index-7


Maximum No Reply Wait parameter 3-104 N393 parameter 3-37

Mbone statistics displayed 2-22 nailed calls defined 3-21
Members ID in routing table 2-22 nailed calls, configuring 3-21
Message Log display, system status messages Nailed Grp parameter 3-112
from 4-7 Nailed setting 3-21
Metric parameter 3-105 nailed/MPP calls defined 3-22
MIB 3-30 nailed-up channel
Min Ch Count parameter 3-106 linking Frame Relay profile to 3-112
Module Enabled parameter 3-107 name of the unit 3-169
monitoring Frame Relay events 3-51 Name parameter 3-113
monitoring line usage to add or subtract band- names
width 3-52 specified for profiles 3-113
More parameter 3-107 specifying IPX server 3-161
MP+ (Multilink Protocol Plus) specifying read/write SNMP community
negotiations described 3-55 3-136
MPP calls specifying remote device 3-169
authentication with security cards 3-158 used for authentication 3-114
minimum number of channels on 3-106 used instead of IP address 3-45
MPP setting 3-55 NAT 3-150
MRU (Maximum Receive Unit) 3-108 NAT DHCP requests 3-89
MRU parameter 3-108 NAT Lan parameter 3-115
multicast client information displayed 2-22 NAT Profile parameter 3-115
Multicast Forwarding parameter 3-109 NAT Routing parameter 3-115
multicast group addresses displayed 2-22 nearest IPX server, methods to reach 3-44
multicast interface specified 3-110 Net Adrs parameter 3-116
Multicast IP used for RIP2 packets 3-147 NetWare server
multiple security card users on a network internal network number assigned 3-118
3-165 socket number of 3-163
multiple-address NAT 3-88 specifying node number of 3-118
My Addr parameter 3-110 NetWare server name specified 3-161
My Name parameter 3-110 NetWare stations’ path verified 2-4
My Num A parameter 3-111 NetWare t/o parameter 3-117
My Num B parameter 3-111 Network parameter 3-118
Network Problem, system event message 4-10
network testing 2-41
N No
Edit System value 3-58
N391 parameter 3-112 No Chan Other End system event message
N392 parameter 3-37 4-10

Index-8January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide


No Channel Avail system event message 4-10 Add Pers 3-4

No Connection system event message 4-10 Adv Dialout Routes 3-5
No Phone Number system event message 4-10 Alarm 3-6
Allow as Client DNS 3-7
No Trunk Available system event message Always Spoof 3-7
4-10 Ans Voice Call 3-8
Node parameter 3-118 AnsOrig 3-9
Normal call clearing disconnect message 3-72 APP Host 3-10
Not Enough Chans system event message 4-11 APP Port 3-10
APP Server 3-11
Auth Send PW 3-12
Auto Logout 3-11
O Aux Send PW 3-12
Backup 3-13
Offset parameter 3-118
BACP 3-13
Operations parameter 3-120 Base Ch Count 3-14
originating calls 3-9 Become Default Router 3-15
Outgoing Call system event message 4-11 Bill # 3-15
Block calls after 3-16
Blocked duration 3-16
P BOOTP Relay Enable 3-16
Bridge 3-17
Bridging 3-19
packet count of each interface displayed 2-20
Call Filter 3-20
packet inspection 3-58 Call Type 3-21
packet’s source address specified for filters Callback 3-24
3-166 Called # 3-25
packets Caller ID 3-26
applying filter to 3-183 Calling # 3-26
enabling/disabling routing of 3-148 Chan Usage 3-27
handling sending/receiving of 3-142 Client Assign DNS 3-28
masked bytes from start of 3-118 Client Gateway 3-28
passed to next filter specification 3-107 Client Pri DNS 3-29
specification for filter matching 3-60 Client Sec DNS 3-29
specifying the number of bytes in 3-108 Comm 3-29
PAP-Token 3-10, 3-11 Compare 3-30
Connection # 3-31
Console 3-32
parameter Contact 3-33
Multicast Forwarding 3-109 Data Filter 3-33
parameters Data Svc 3-34
2nd Adrs 3-2 Data Usage 3-36
Activation 3-3 DBA Monitor 3-36
Active 3-4 DCE N392 3-37

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 Index-9


DCE N393 3-37 Id Auth

Def Server 3-38 ID Fail Busy 3-72
Dest 3-39 Idle 3-73
DHCP PNP Enabled 3-40 Idle Logout 3-74
DHCP Spoofing 3-41 Idle Pct 3-74
Dial # 3-41 IF Adrs 3-75
Dial Brdcast 3-42 Ignore Def Rt 3-75
Dial If Link Down 3-43 IP Adrs 3-76
Dial Query 3-44 IP Group 3-77
Disc on Auth Timeout 3-44 IPX Alias 3-79
DLCI 3-45 IPX Enet# 3-79, 3-80
Domain Name 3-45 IPX Frame 3-80
Dst Adrs 3-46 IPX Net# 3-81
Dst Mask 3-47 IPX Pool# 3-82
Dst Port # 3-48 IPX RIP 3-83
Dst Port Cmp 3-49 IPX Routing 3-83
DTE N392 3-50 IPX SAP 3-84
DTE N393 3-51 IPX SAP Filter 3-85
Dyn Alg 3-51 IPX SAP Proxy 3-86
Edit Security 3-53 IPX SAP Proxy Net# 3-87
Edit System 3-53 Lan 3-87
Enable Local DNS Table 3-54 LAN Adrs 3-89
Encaps 3-54 Length 3-90
Ent Adrs 3-56 Link Comp 3-92
Exp Callback 3-57 Link Mgmt 3-93
Field Service 3-57 LinkUp 3-94
Filter 3-58 List Attempt 3-94
Filter Persistence 3-59 List Size 3-95
Force56 3-59 Loc Adrs 3-96
Forward 3-60 Loc Port# 3-97
Forward Disconnect 3-61 Loc.DNS Tab Auto Update 3-97
FR address 3-61 Location 3-98
FR Prof 3-61 Log Facility 3-99
FR Type 3-62 Log Host 3-99
FT1 Caller 3-63 Log Port 3-100
Gateway 3-63 LQM 3-101
Group 3-65, 3-66 LQM Max 3-102
Group Count 3-64, 3-65 LQM Min 3-102
Handle IPX 3-67 Mask 3-103
Handle IPX Type20 3-68 Max Ch Count 3-103
Hop Count 3-69 Maximum No Reply Wait 3-104
Host n Enet 3-70 Metric 3-105
Host n IP 3-69 Min Ch Count 3-106
ICMP Redirects 3-71 Module Enabled 3-107

Index-10January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide


More 3-107 RIP 3-142

MRU 3-108 RIP Policy 3-144
My Addr 3-110 Rip Preference 3-144
My Name 3-110 Rip Queue Depth 3-145
My Num A 3-111 RIP Summary 3-146
My Num B 3-111 RIP2 Use Multicast 3-147
N391 3-112 Route 3-147
Nailed Grp 3-112 Route IP 3-148
Name 3-113 Route IPX 3-149
NAT Lan 3-115 Routing 3-150
NAT Profile 3-115 Save Cfg 3-152
NAT Routing 3-115 Sec DNS 3-153
Net Adrs 3-116 Sec Domain Name 3-154
NetWare t/o 3-117 Sec History 3-154
Network 3-118 Secondary 3-155
Node 3-118 Security 3-156
Offset 3-118 Send Auth 3-156
Operations 3-120 Send PW 3-159
Passwd 3-120 Server 3-160
Peer 3-121 Server Name 3-161
Phone 1 Usage 3-121, 3-122 Server Type 3-162
Phone 2 Usage 3-122 Shared Prof 3-162
Phone Num Binding 3-122 Socket 3-163
Preempt 3-123 SPID 1 3-163
Preference 3-124 SPID 2 3-164
Pri DNS 3-125 Split Code.User 3-165
Private 3-126 Src Adrs 3-166
Profile 3-126 Src Mask 3-166
Profile Reqd 3-127 Src Port # 3-167
Protocol (Filter) 3-128 Src Port Cmp 3-168
Proxy Mode 3-134 Static Preference 3-169
Queue Depth 3-135 Station 3-169
R/W Comm 3-136 Sub Pers 3-171
R/W Comm Enable 3-136 Sub-Adr 3-171
Read Comm 3-137 Switch Type 3-172
Recv Auth 3-137 Switch Usage 3-174
Recv PW 3-138 Sys Reset 3-175
REM Addr 3-139 Syslog 3-175
Rem Name 3-139 T391 3-176
Remote Mgmt 3-139 T392 3-176
Renewal Time 3-140 Target Util 3-177
Restore Cfg 3-140 TCP Estab 3-178
Reuse addr timeout 3-141 TCP Timeout 3-179
Reuse last addr 3-141 Telnet PW 3-178

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 Index-11


Temporary 3-180 point-to-point link

Term Rate 3-181 network number assigned to 3-79
Term Serv 3-182 poison reverse RIP broadcasts 3-144
Tick Count 3-182 poison routes 3-6
Type 3-183
polling cycles, specifying status report 3-112
UDP Cksum 3-184
Valid 3-185 port comparison algorithm used to filter data
Validate IP 3-187 3-49
Value 3-187 port numbers filtered 3-48
Version 3-188 ports to which packets are sent 3-48
VJ Comp 3-188 POSTs (power-on self tests) 3-175
WAN alias 3-189 PPP authentication protocol 3-156
Passwd parameter 3-120
PPP call, verifying password for incoming
password mode 3-137
enabled 2-11 PPP negotiation 3-88
set in terminal server 2-10
PPP setting 3-54
enabling dynamic password challenges 2-10 precedence of Idle parameter 3-73
for remote end of link 3-138 Preempt parameter 3-123
protocol for authentication of 3-137 Preference parameter 3-124
sent to remote connection 3-159 preference value for routes learned from the
specifying SNMP community 3-29 RIP protocol 3-144
to access configuration interface via Telnet preference value of a static route 3-124
preventing calls to unavailable destinations
PDU trap destination 3-39 3-16
Peer parameter 3-121 Pri DNS parameter 3-125
Perm/Switched setting 3-22 primary domain name server, IP address of
permanent switched connection defined 3-22 3-125
Phone 1 Usage parameter 3-121, 3-122 Private parameter 3-126
Phone Num Binding parameter 3-122 Profile parameter 3-126
phone number to dial to reach the remote end Profile Reqd parameter 3-127
3-41 profiles
phone number used by a device connected to a activating 3-4
port 3-122 restoring saved 3-140
phone numbers specifying 3-113
specifying 3-41, 3-111 Protocol (static mapping) parameter 3-134
phone port not available after a call 3-123 protocol errors allowed 3-50
phone port, time not used after a call 3-123 Protocol parameter 3-128
Ping, terminal server command 2-6 Protocol used between frame relay switch and
pinging an IPX server 2-6 unit 3-93
Plug and Play enabling 3-40 protocol-independent bridging 3-17

Index-12January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide


protocols remote management

for verifying password 3-137 how to connect 2-8
listed 3-128 starting a session 2-8
PPP authentication 3-156 remote management of the unit enabled 3-139
Syslog 4-7 Remote Mgmt Denied system event message
Proxy ARP 4-11
performed by unit 3-134 Remote Mgmt parameter 3-139
proxy ARP 3-134 remote session error messages 2-9
enabled 3-116
Remote, terminal server command 2-8
proxy mode enabled for IPX routing 3-86
Removed Bandwidth system event message
Proxy Mode parameter 3-134 4-11
removing an IP route manually 2-4
Renewal Time parameter 3-140
Q Request Ignored system event message 4-11
Quadratic calculation for bandwidth allocation resetting the Idle parameters 3-20
3-52 resetting the Preempt timer 3-20
Queue Depth 3-145 resetting the unit 3-175
Queue Depth parameter 3-135 restarting unit 3-175
Quit, terminal server command 2-8 Restore Cfg parameter 3-140
restoring backup 3-140
resuming calls to previously unreachable desti-
R nations 3-16
Reuse addr timeout parameter 3-141
R/W Comm Enable parameter 3-136 reuse phone port after a call 3-123
R/W Comm parameter 3-136 RIP (Routing Information Protocol) updates ig-
Read Comm parameter 3-137 nored 3-75
read-only security, enabling/disabling 3-120 RIP parameter 3-142
receiving calls 3-9 RIP Policy parameter 3-144
Recv Auth parameter 3-137 Rip Preference parameter 3-144
Recv PW parameter 3-138 Rip Queue Depth parameter 3-145
RecvCount in routing table 2-23 RIP requests, maximum to store 3-145
redundant profiles 3-5 RIP Summary parameter 3-146
rejected voice calls 3-8 RIP2 Use Multicast parameter 3-147
Rem Addr parameter 3-139 Route IP parameter 3-148
Rem Name parameter 3-139 Route IPX parameter 3-149
remote device, specifying name of 3-169 Route parameter 3-147
remote host, TCP login session established routes
2-34 enabling/disabling packet 3-148

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 Index-13


specifying of 3-114 Server parameter 3-160

specifying virtual hop count 3-105 Server Type parameter 3-162
turning on IP 3-147 Session status characters, listed 4-7
turning on IPX 3-147
Session status window described 4-6
routing protocol determined 3-147
RTS signal 3-3 manually establishing 1-4
Rx Pkt (packets received) 4-3 remote management 2-8
Sessions status menu, described 4-6
Sessions, described 4-6
S Set All, terminal server command 2-10
Set ARP Clear, terminal server command 2-10
SAFEWORD security 2-10
Set FR, terminal server command 2-11
SAP (Service Advertising Protocol)
selecting 3-162 Set Password, terminal server command 2-11
specified for server 3-162 Set Sessid, terminal server command 2-11
Save Cfg parameter 3-152 Set Term, terminal server command 2-11
saving configurations 3-152 Set, terminal server command 2-10
Sec DNS parameter 3-153 Shared Prof parameter 3-162
Sec Domain Name parameter 3-154 Show ARP, terminal server command 2-11
Sec History parameter 3-154 Show DHCP Address, terminal server com-
second address pool of IP addresses 3-65 mand 2-12
Show DHCP Lease, terminal server command
second IP address on the unit 3-2
secondary domain name server, IP address of
Show DHCP, terminal server command 2-12
Show Dnstab entry, terminal server command
Secondary parameter 3-155
Show Dnstab, terminal server command 2-16
enabling/disabling read-only 3-120
Show FR DLCI, terminal server command
security card
described 3-157
Show FR LMI, terminal server command 2-17
security card authentication support 3-165
Show FR Stats, terminal server command 2-18
security card password challenges 3-11
Show ICMP, terminal server command 2-19
security card password mode enabled 2-11
Show If Stats, terminal server command 2-19
Security Dynamics ACE 3-9
Show If Totals, terminal server command 2-20
Security parameter 3-156
Show IGMP Clients, terminal server command
security-card MP+ call 3-12 2-21
Send Auth parameter 3-156 Show IGMP Groups, terminal server command
Send PW parameter 3-159 2-22
sequence number errors allowed 3-50 Show IGMP Stats, terminal server command
Server Name parameter 3-161 2-23

Index-14January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide


Show IP Address, terminal server command socket number of a NetWare server specified
2-24 3-163
Show IP Routes, terminal server command socket number of UDP packets displayed 2-32
2-25 Socket parameter 3-163
Show IP Stats, terminal server command 2-27 software version displayed 2-31
Show ISDN, terminal server command 2-27 source address, specifying 3-166
Show Netw Networks, terminal server com- source port numbers
mand 2-28 filtering for 3-168
Show Netw Pings, terminal server command specifying for filters 3-167
2-29 SPID (Service Profile Identifier)
Show Netw Servers, terminal server command specified for ISDN BRI line 3-163, 3-164
2-30 SPID 1 parameter 3-163
Show Netw Stats, terminal server command SPID 2 parameter 3-164
Split Code.User parameter 3-165
Show Revisions, terminal server command
2-31 split horizon RIP broadcasts 3-144
Show Sessid, terminal server command 2-31 Src Adrs parameter 3-166
Show TCP Connection, terminal server com- Src Mask parameter 3-166
mand 2-31 Src Port # parameter 3-167
Show TCP Stats, terminal server command Src Port Cmp parameter 3-168
2-32 starting, local terminal server session 3-182
Show UDP Listen, terminal server command static bridge entry defined 3-32
2-32 Static Preference parameter 3-169
Show UDP Stats, terminal server command static route added to the IP routing table 2-2
Station parameter 3-169
Show Uptime, terminal server command 2-34
Status Enquiry messages, timing between
slow routers, how to locate 2-41 3-176
SNMP 3-135 Sub Pers parameter 3-171
access passwords 3-29
application data for location 3-98 subaddress of ISDN used 3-170
community Sub-Adr parameter 3-170
specifying 3-29 subnet information summarized when adver-
community name string 3-137 tised with routes 3-146
described 3-114 suppressing unwanted dialing from broadcast
sending traps-PDUs to manager 3-6 packets 3-42
set commands enabled 3-136 switched calls defined 3-21
specifying IP address of manager 3-39
specifying read/write community string Switched setting 3-21
3-136 Switched-56 line service 3-34
traps-PDUs sent to specific manager 3-114 Switched-64 service 3-35
socket 3-145 symbolic, specifying 3-46

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 Index-15


Sys Option hang ups during inactive 3-74

information listed 4-12 Telnet, terminal server command 2-35
Sys Options Term Rate parameter 3-181
menu described 4-11 Term Serv parameter 3-182
Sys Reset parameter 3-175 terminal server command
Syslog ? 2-2
described 4-7 Dnstab Edit 2-2
host for sorting system logs 3-99 Dnstab Entry 2-2
IP address of host 3-99 Dnstab Show 2-2
message destination 3-100 Hangup 2-2
Syslog parameter 3-175 Help 2-2
Syslog status capture process 4-7 Iproute Add 2-2
Iproute Delete 2-4
System Events status window described 4-8
Iproute Show 2-4
system log management 3-99 IPXping 2-4
System Reset parameter 3-175 Local 2-6
Ping 2-6
Quit 2-8
T Remote 2-8
Set 2-10
T391 parameter 3-176 Set All 2-10
Set ARP Clear 2-10
T392 parameter 3-176
Set FR 2-11
Target Util parameter 3-177 Set Password 2-11
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) packet Set Sessid 2-11
statistics displayed 2-32 Set Term 2-11
TCP connections, matching filter to 3-178 Show ARP 2-11
TCP Estab parameter 3-178 Show DHCP 2-12
TCP login session established 2-34 Show DHCP Address 2-12
Show DHCP Lease 2-16
TCP or UDP port Show Dnstab 2-16
packets are routed to 3-97 Show Dnstab entry 2-16
to route packets to 3-96 Show FR DLCI 2-16
to which packets are sent 3-48 Show FR LMI 2-17
TCP ports 3-87 Show FR Stats 2-18
TCP, terminal server command 2-34 Show ICMP 2-19
TCP/IP header compression, turning on/off Show If Stats 2-19
3-188 Show If Totals 2-20
Telnet error messages 2-38 Show IGMP Clients 2-21
Show IGMP Groups 2-22
Telnet idle session time limit 3-74 Show IGMP Stats 2-23
Telnet PW parameter 3-178 Show IP Address 2-24
Telnet session Show IP Routes 2-25

Index-16January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide


Show IP Stats 2-27 UDP Cksum parameter 3-184

Show ISDN 2-27 UDP port number monitored by the APP server
Show Netw Networks 2-28 3-10
Show Netw Pings 2-29 UDP ports 3-87
Show Netw Servers 2-30
Show Netw Stats 2-30 UDP probe packets 2-42
Show Revisions 2-31 unavailable phone port 3-123
Show Sessid 2-31 updating of the local DNS table enabled or dis-
Show TCP Connection 2-31 abled 3-97
Show TCP Stats 2-32 User Busy disconnect message 3-72
Show UDP Listen 2-32
Show UDP Stats 2-33
Show Uptime 2-34
TCP 2-34
Telnet 2-35
Test 2-38 V.35 serial WAN port
Traceroute 2-41 disabled 3-3
terminal server command-line interface, how to Valid parameter 3-186, 3-187
open 2-1 Valid parameter (used with filters) 3-185
terminal type set for telnet or rlogin 2-11 Validate IP parameter 3-187
terminal, described 3-11 Value parameter 3-187
Test error messages 2-39 Version in routing table 2-23
Test, terminal server command 2-38 virtual hop count, specifying 3-105
testing your ISDN line 2-38 VJ Comp parameter 3-188
Tick Count parameter 3-182 voice calls enabled/disabled 3-8
Traceroute, terminal server command 2-41 Voice service 3-35
trap, described 3-6 VT-100 port, specifying control interface at
trapping of system events enabled 3-156 3-32
traps sent 3-6
Trunk Down system event message 4-11
Trunk Up system event message 4-11 W
Trunks Up option of Adv Dialout Routes pa-
WAN Alias parameter 3-189
rameter 3-6
WAN line status displayed 4-4
Tx Pkt (transmitted packets) 4-3
WAN link statistics displayed 2-19
Type parameter 3-183
WAN Stat
menu described 4-12
status window described 4-12
warmStart alarm event 3-6
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packet statis- Warnings/notice/CDR records from unit 3-175
tics displayed 2-33 watchdog spoofing 3-117

Pipeline Reference Guide January 30, 1998 Index-17


specifying length of time for 3-117

Wrong Sys Version system event message 4-11

Index-18January 30, 1998 Pipeline Reference Guide

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