Lab 4 Does More Money Result in Better SAT Scores?: The Data
Lab 4 Does More Money Result in Better SAT Scores?: The Data
Lab 4 Does More Money Result in Better SAT Scores?: The Data
As you are probably well aware, SAT scores are one measure of a school’s
performance. Given a choice, most parents prefer their children go to a
school with high average SAT scores. A continuing debate in public policy
is whether more money should be spent on public schools or whether money
should be spent more efficiently. (Of course, you might argue that both
policies might be pursued at the same time, but for some reason this point
rarely comes up in public debate.) This dataset will not settle this question,
but it does provide an example of the types of data that public policy makers
consider when making decisions and crafting arguments.
The Data
The variables in this data set, all aggregated to the state level, were extracted
from the 1997 Digest of Education Statistics, an annual publication of the
U.S. Department of Education. This data set contains variables that address
the relationship between public school expenditures and academic perfor-
mance, as measured by the SAT. The variables are: name of state, current
expenditure per pupil (measured in thousands of dollars per average daily at-
tendance in public elementary and secondary schools), average pupil/teacher
ratio in public elementary and secondary schools during Fall 1994, estimated
average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools
during 1994-95 (in thousands of dollars), percentage of all eligible students
taking the SAT in 1994-95, average verbal SAT score in 1994-95, average
math SAT score in 1994-95, and average total score on the SAT in 1994-95.
Data are not always in Stata’s .dta form and sometimes more code is needed
to read in a data set. Often data are delimited by tabs or commas. When
this is the case, the insheet command is used. Try the insheet command with
today’s dataset and see what the results are with the browse command.
Question 1: How many variables are present in the data set? What went
wrong with the insheet command?
When you see something like this, it’s often because the columns of data are
separated by spaces rather than tabs or commas. To read in data like this,
we use the infile command. With this command, we can specify the names
of the variables and read in the data all at one time. The difficulty with
this command is that you must know how the dataset is structured. Clear
out what you have in Stata with the clear command and read in the data
. clear
. infile str15 state cost ratio salary percent verbal math
total using
The “str15” part of the command lets Stata know that the first variable
“state” is a string variable that takes up the first 15 positions.
Question 2: Now what do you see when you type the “browse” command?
It is good practice to annotate your dataset as much as possible. This is
helpful if you return to working with the data after a break. Using the
description of the dataset provided above, enter in descriptive labels for each
of the variables. For example:
After all the work you have done to import the data into Stata and label
the variables, it would be wise to save your changes as a new Stata dataset.
Click on File and select Save As. . . . Choose an appropriate name for your
Stata dataset.
As you should know by now, correlations measure the strength of the linear
relationship between two variables. The fact that there is a strong linear
relationship, however, says nothing about the causal relationship. That is, it
doesn’t mean that spending causes higher SAT scores.
Question 3: Take a guess: will the correlation between total SAT scores and
cost per pupil be positively or negatively correlated? What value do you think
the correlation will have?
Question 4: Were you right? Are you surprised? Why or why not?
Question 5: Interpret this correlation for someone who has read it in a news-
Question 6: What value would you get for the correlation if you typed the
variables in reverse order? That is, if you typed corr cost total?
Question 7: Which variable do you think will have the greatest correlation
(disregarding positive or negative signs) with total? Which do you think will
have a correlation closest to zero?
You can see all possible correlations at once by including more variables in
the corr command. This produces a correlation matrix.
This tells us, for example, that the correlation between the total SAT and
the verbal scores is .9915. The correlation between verbal and math scores is
.9703. The diagonal of this matrix will always have 1.0000 along it, because
every variable is perfectly correlated with itself.
Question 9: What is the correlation between ratio and cost? Explain why it
is negative.
A Picture Paints 1000 Words
You might have been surprised by the negative correlation between spend-
ing and SAT scores. But remember the correlation is a simple summary of
sometimes complex information. We can get a much better picture of what’s
going on by looking at a graph. In fact, a graph should always be our first
step. Calculating a correlation coefficient should occur only if we think the
relationship is linear.
You might have noticed that four states – Alaska, Connecticut, New Jersey
and New York – look different from the others.
Question 12: If we remove these four points, will the trend look more linear?
How do you think the correlation coefficient will change?
Removing points is a little tricky. Don’t worry too much about the inner
logic of these commands, but if you’re interested we’ll explain at the end of
this lab. For now, just type along.
. gen unusual = total if n==2 | n==7 | n==30 | n==32
. gen usethese = total if missing(unusual)==1
. scatter usethese cost, mlabel(state)
Question 13: What do you think the correlation between total SAT and cost
will be for these 46 states?
Let’s again consider the entire dataset. Compute the regression line, the line
that “best fits” the data, for total versus cost.
We have already noted that there are some outlier states. What effect do
they have on the regression equation?
Question 16: Redo the regression without the four outlier states. What is the
effect on the slope?
Aggregated Data
These data consisted of aggregated data. This means that rather than com-
pare the actual amount spent at each school with the average SAT at each
school, we instead considered all of the schools of the states aggregated to-
gether. In practice this can create pitfalls for interpretation in a regression
context. One big effect is that often regression relationships look stronger
than they actually are. Sometimes much stronger. The reason for this is that
the aggregation hides a lot of the variation in the data. Keep in mind that
each point on this graph might represent ten thousand schools, and that there
might be greater differences between schools within California than there are
between the average of all California schools and the average of all schools
from any other state.
Here’s a quick description of how these commands worked. Here are the
commands, one by one:
This creates a new variable named “unusual.” unusual will have the same
values as the variable total, but only in the 1st, 2nd, 30th, and 32nd posi-
tions. Everywhere else it will be coded with the value “missing.” unusual
has only four values and the rest are missing.
We next want to create a new variable that has the same values as total
but is blank (or missing) for the four outlier states. This command creates
a new variable named usethese and sets it equal to the values in total only
at the locations where the variable unusual is missing values. The function
missing(varname) returns a 1 when varname is missing a value and a 0
everywhere else.
To attract good teachers, schools need to offer high salaries. If you have
good teachers, students should have higher SAT scores. Therefore, states
with high teacher salaries should have high SAT scores. Further examine
the SAT data. Do the data refute this reasoning, or are the other factors at
play? Summarize your findings.