Sy3000v Omm0002
Sy3000v Omm0002
Sy3000v Omm0002
Solenoid Valve
SY3000/5000/7000 Series
Plug-in Type
MODEL/ Series
Mounting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Piping -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Wiring -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Lubrication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8
Safety Instructions
These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.
These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”
They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards
(ISO/IEC)*1) , and other safety regulations.
*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.
ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.
IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines .(Part 1: General requirements)
ISO 10218: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety.
Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result
Caution in minor or moderate injury.
Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could
Warning result in death or serious injury.
Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result
Danger in death or serious injury.
1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs the equipment or
decides its specifications.
Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific
equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on
necessary analysis and test results.
The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who
has determined its compatibility with the product.
This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog
information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the
2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment.
The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.
The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be
performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.
3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed.
1.The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures to
prevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.
2.When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above are implemented
and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions
of all relevant products carefully.
3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.
4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the product is to
be used in any of the following conditions.
1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed to
direct sunlight.
2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping,
vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and
beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or
other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.
3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety
4.Use in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using a
mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.
Safety Instructions
1. The product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.
The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.
If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange
specifications or a contract if necessary.
If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.
Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance Requirements
The product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance
Read and accept them before using the product.
Compliance Requirements
1. The use of SMC products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons of mass
destruction(WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.
2. The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are governed by the
relevant security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the
shipment of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules governing that export
are known and followed.
SMC products are not intended for use as instruments for legal metrology.
Measurement instruments that SMC manufactures or sells have not been qualified by type approval tests
relevant to the metrology (measurement) laws of each country.
Therefore, SMC products cannot be used for business or certification ordained by the metrology
(measurement) laws of each country.
SY Series
Precautions for 5 Port Solenoid Valve 1
Be sure to read before handling.
Design / Selection
8. Operation in a vacuum condition
Warning When a valve is used for switching a vacuum, take
1. Confirm the specifications measures to install a suction filter or similar to
Products represented in this instruction manual are prevent external dust or other foreign matter from
designed only for use in compressed air systems entering inside the valve. In addition, at the time of
( including vacuum). Do not operate at pressures vacuum adsorption, be sure to supply a constant
or temperatures, etc., beyond the range of supply of vacuum. Failure to do so may result in
specifications, as this can cause damage or foreign matter sticking to the adsorption pad or air
malfunction. (Refer to the specifications.) Please leakage, causing the workpiece to drop.
contact SMC when using a fluid other than 9. Regarding a vacuum switch valve
compressed air (including vacuum). We do not For maintenance purposes install a system for
guarantee against any damage if the product is releasing residual pressure.
used outside of the specification range. 10. Double solenoid type
2. Actuator drive When using the double solenoid type for the first
When an actuator, such as a cylinder, is to be driven time, actuators may travel in an unexpected
using a valve, take appropriate measures (cover direction depending on the switching position of the
installation or approach prohibition) to prevent valve. Implement measures to prevent any danger
potential danger caused by actuator operation. from occurring when operating the actuator.
3. Intermediate stops 11. Ventilation
For 3-position closed center or double check valve Provide ventilation when using a valve in a confined
type, it is difficult to make a piston stop at the area, such as in a closed control panel. For example,
required position accurately due to the install a ventilation opening, etc. in order to prevent
compressibility of air. pressure from increasing inside of the confined area
Furthermore, since valves and cylinders are not and to release the heat generated by the valve.
guaranteed for zero air leakage, it may not be 12. Extended periods of continuous
possible to hold a stopped position for an energization.
extended period of time. Please contact SMC if it is If a valve will be continuously energized for
necessary to hold a stopped position for an an extended period of time, the temperature
extended period of time. of the valve will increase due to the heat
4. Effect of back pressure when using a manifold. generated by the coil. This will likely
Use caution when valves are used on a manifold, adversely affect the performance of the
because an actuator may malfunction due to solenoid valve and any nearby peripheral
back-pressure. For 3-position exhaust center valve equipment. Therefore, when it is
or single acting cylinder, take appropriate measures continuously energized or the energized
to prevent malfunction by using it with an individual period per day is longer than the
EXH spacer assembly or a back pressure check de-energized period use either: DC
valve. specification, power-saving type. Also,
5. Holding pressure (including vacuum). please contact SMC because depending on
Since the valve are subject to air leakage, they the application, there may be additional
cannot be used for applications such as holding valves not mentioned above that may be
pressure (including vacuum) in a pressure vessel. used. In addition, it is possible to shorten the
6. Not suitable for use as an emergency shut-off energized time by making a valve with an
valve, etc. N.O. (normally open) specification.
The valves listed in this instruction manual are not For applications such as mounting a valve on
designed for safety applications such as an a control panel, incorporate measure to limit
emergency shutoff valve. If the valves are used for the heat radiation so that it is within the
the mentioned applications, additional safety operation temperature range.
measures should be adopted. 13. Do not disassemble the product of make
7. Release of residual pressure any modifications, including additional
For maintenance purposes install a system for machining.
releasing residual pressure. Especially in the case It may cause human injury and/or an accident.
of 3-position closed center valve or double check
valve type, ensure that the residual pressure
between the valve and the cylinder is released.
SY Series
Precautions for 5 Port Solenoid Valve 2
Be sure to read before handling.
Design / Selection
4. Operation in a low temperature condition
Caution It is possible to operate a valve in extreme
temperature, as low as -10 oC. Take appropriate
1. Momentary energization
measures to avoid freezing of drainage, moisture
If a double solenoid valve is operated with
etc. in low temperature.
momentary energization, it should be energized for
5. Operation for air blowing
at least 0.1 second. However, depending on the
When using a solenoid valve for air blowing, use an
piping conditions, cylinder may malfunction even
external pilot type. Use caution because the
when the double solenoid valve is energized for 0.1
pressure drop caused by the air blowing can have
second or longer. In this case, energize the double
an affect on the internal pilot type valve when the
solenoid valve until the cylinder is exhausted
internal pilot type valves and external pilot type
valves are used on the same manifold. Additionally,
2. Leakage voltage
when compressed air within the pressure range of
Take note that the leakage voltage will increase
the established specifications is supplied to the
when a resistor is used in parallel with switching
external pilot type valve’s port, and a double
element or a C-R circuit (surge voltage suppressor)
solenoid valve is used for air blowing, the solenoids
is used for protecting a switching device because of
should normally be energized when air is being
the passing leakage voltage through the C-R
circuit. The suppressor residual leakage voltage
6. Mounting orientation
should be 3% or less of the rated voltage.
Rubber seal: Mounting orientation is free.
Metal seal: Mounting orientation of a single solenoid
is universal.
When installing a double solenoid or a 3-position
configuration, mount the valve so that spool valve is
SY Series
Precautions for 5 Port Solenoid Valve 3
Be sure to read before handling.
1. Refer to the Fittings and Tubing (2) Rc type
precautions for handling one-touch Tighten with the proper torque shown below.
Tightening Torque for Piping Applicable
2. Preparation before piping Connection Proper tightening torque
Before piping is connected, it should be thoroughly thread (N・m)
blown out with air (flushing) or washed to remove Rc1/8 3 to 5
chips, cutting oil and other debris from inside the Rc1/4 8 to 12
pipe. Rc3/8 14 to 16
3. Wrapping of pipe tape
When screwing piping or fittings into ports, ensure 6. Piping to products
that chips from the pipe threads or sealing material When piping to a product, avoid mistakes regarding
do not enter the piping. Also, if pipe tape is used, the supply port, etc.
leave 1 thread ridges exposed at the end of the
1. Polarity
When connecting power to a solenoid valve with a
DC specification and equipped with a light or surge
voltage suppressor, check for polarity. If there is
polarity, take note of the following.
5. Connection of fittings
When screwing fittings into valves, tighten as With diode to protect polarity.
follows. If polarity connection is wrong, the valve does not
(1) Follow the procedures below when installing an
SMC fitting, etc. 2. Applied voltage
・ M5 types When electric power is connected to a solenoid
After tightening the fitting by hand, use a wrench valve, be careful to apply the proper voltage.
to tighten the fitting an additional approximately Improper voltage may cause malfunction or coil
1/6 to 1/4 turn. As a reference value, tightening damage.
torque is 1 to 1.5 N・m.
Note) If tightened excessively, the thread of the 3. Check the connections.
product may break or the gasket may deform. If Check if the connections are correct after
tightened insufficiently, the thread of the product completing all wiring.
may become loose. In either case, air leakage
can occur.
・ Follow the procedure of the manufacture
when fittings other than SMC is used.
SY Series
Precautions for 5 Port Solenoid Valve 4
Be sure to read before handling.
Warning 4. Use clean air
Do not use compressed air that contains chemicals,
Lubrication synthetic oils including organic solvents, salt or
[Rubber seal] corrosive gasses, etc., as it can cause damage or
1) The valve has been lubricated for life by the malfunction.
factory and does not require any further.
2) If a lubricant is used in the system, use class 1
turbine oil (no additive), ISO VG32. For details Caution
about lubricant manufacturers’ brands, refer to the
SMC website. Once lubricant is utilized within the 1. When extremely dry air is used as the fluid,
system, since the original lubricant applied within degradation of the lubrication properties in
the product during manufacturing will be washed side the equipment may occur, resulting in
away, please continue to supply lubrication to the reduced reliability (or reduced service life)
system. If turbine oil is used, refer to the Material of the equipment. Please consult with
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of the oil. SMC.
[Metal seal]
1) These valves can be used without lubrication. 2. Install an air filter.
2) If a lubricant is used in the system, use class 1 Install an air filter upstream near the valve. Select
turbine oil (no additives), ISO VG32. For details an air filter with a filtration size of 5 μm or smaller.
about lubricant manufacturers’ brands, refer to the
SMC website. 3. Take measures to ensure air quality,
Note)If a lubricant is used in the system, use such as by installing an aftercooler, air
class 1 turbine oil (no additives), ISO VG32. For dryer, or water separator.
details about lubricant manufacturers’ brands, Compressed air that contains a large amount of
refer to the SMC website. Additionally, please drainage can cause malfunction of pneumatic
contact SMC for details about class 2 turbine oil equipment such as valves. Therefore, take
(with additives) ISO VG32. appropriate measures to ensure air quality, such as
by providing an aftercooler, air dryer, or water
Lubrication amount
If the lubrication amount is excessive, the oil may
accumulate inside the pilot valve, causing
malfunction or response delay. So, do not apply a 4. If excessive carbon powder is seen,
large amount of oil. When a large amount of oil
install a mist separator on the upstream
needs to be applied, use an external pilot type to put side of the valve.
the supply air on the pilot valve side in the non-lube If excessive carbon dust is generated by the
compressor, it may adhere to the inside of a valve
state. This prevents the accumulation of oil inside
the pilot valve. and cause it to malfunction For compressed air
quality, refer to SMC’s Best Pneumatics catalog.
Air Supply
1. Type of fluids
Please consult with SMC when using the product in
applications other than compressed air.
2. When there is a large amount of drainage.
Compressed air containing a large amount of
drainage can cause malfunction of pneumatic
equipment. An air dryer or water separator should
be installed upstream from filters.
3. Drain flushing
If condensation in the drain bowl is not emptied on a
regular basis, the bowl will overflow and allow the
condensation to enter the compressed air lines. It
causes malfunction of pneumatic equipment. If the
drain bowl is difficult to check and remove,
installation of a drain bowl with an auto drain option
is recommended. For compressed air quality, refer
to SMC’s Best Pneumatics catalog.
SY Series
Precautions for 5 Port Solenoid Valve 5
Be sure to read before handling.
Operating Environment
1. Do not use in an atmosphere having corrosive 1. Drain flushing
gases, chemicals, sea water, water, water steam, or Remove drainage from the air filters regularly.
where there is direct contact with any of these. 2. Lubrication
2. Products with IP65 and IP67 enclosures (based on In the case of rubber seals, once lubrication has
IEC60529) are protected against dust and water, been started, it must be continued.
however, these products cannot be used in water. Use class 1 turbine oil (with no additive), VG32
3. Products compliant to IP65 and IP67 satisfy the because if other lubricant oil is used, it may cause
specifications through mounting. Be sure to read the malfunction. Please contact SMC for suggested
Precautions for each product. class 2 turbine oil (with additive), VG32.
4. Do not use in an environment where flammable gas
or explosive gas exists. Usage may cause a fire or UL approved product
explosion. The products do not have an explosion
proof construction. Caution
5. Do not use in a place subject to heavy vibration
and/or shock. When conformity to UL is required, the SI unit
6. The valve should not be exposed to prolonged should be used with a UL 1310 Class 2 power
sunlight. Use a protective cover. supply. The SI unit is a UL approved product only if
7. Remove any sources of excessive heat. they have a mark on the body.
8. If it is used in an environment where there is
possible contact with oil, weld spatter, etc., exercise
preventive measures.
9. When the valve is mounted in a control panel or its
energized for a long time, make sure ambient
temperatures is within the specification of the valve.
1. Perform maintenance inspection
according to the procedures indicated in
the operation manual.
If handled improperly, malfunction and damage of
machinery or equipment may occur.
2. Removal of equipment and
supply/exhaust of compressed air
When components are removed, first confirm that
measures are in place to prevent workpieces from
dropping, run-away equipment, etc. Then, cut off the
supply pressure and electric power, and exhaust all
compressed air from the system using the residual
pressure release function.
For 3-position closed center type, exhaust the
residual pressure between the valve and the
cylinder. When the equipment is operated after
remounting or replacement, first confirm that
measures are in place to prevent lurching of
actuators, etc. Then, confirm that the equipment is
operating normally.
3. Low frequency operation
Valves should be operated at least once every 30
days to prevent malfunction. (Use caution regarding
the air supply.)
4. Manual override operation
When the manual override is operated, connected
equipment will be actuated. Operate after safety is
SY series
Specific Product Precautions 1
Be sure to read this before handling
Operating Environment
SY series
Specific Product Precautions 2
Be sure to read this before handling
- 10 -
SY series
Specific Product Precautions 3
Be sure to read this before handling
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SY series
Specific Product Precautions 4
Be sure to read this before handling
Countermeasure for Surge Voltage Intrusion Light Indication
■ Sneak-in of surge voltage
With non-polar type valves, at times of sudden When equipped with indicator light
interruption of the loading power supply, such as and surge voltage suppressor,
emergency shutdown, surge voltage intrusion may the light window turns orange
be generated from loading equipment with a large when solenoid a is energized,
capacity (power consumption), and the valve in a and it turns green
de-energized state may switch over (see Figure 1). when solenoid b is energized.
When installing a breaker circuit for the loading
power supply, consider using a valve with
polarity (with polarity protection diode), or install
a surge absorption diode between the loading
equipment COM line and the output equipment
COM line (see Figure 2). Type 5□ (Metal Base) Changing Connector
Entry Direction
- 12 -
SY series
Specific Product Precautions 5
Be sure to read this before handling
Substrate Assemblies inside Manifolds Port Block Assembly and How to Change
Piping Types between Top and Side
- 13 -
SY series
Specific Product Precautions 6
Be sure to read this before handling
One-touch Fittings
- 14 -
SY series
Specific Product Precautions 7
Be sure to read this before handling
2) Tube detachment
1. Push in the release button sufficiently, pushing
its collar equally around the circumference.
2. Pull out the tube while holding down the
release button so that it does not come out. If
the release button is not pressed down
sufficiently, there will be increased bite on the
tube and it will become more difficult to pull it
3. When the removed tube is to be used again,
cut off the portion which has been chewed
before reusing it. If the chewed portion of the
tube is used as is, this can cause trouble such
as air leakage or difficulty in removing the tube.
- 15 -
SY series
Specific Product Precautions 8
Be sure to read this before handling
One-touch Fittings
When fittings are used, they may interfere with one another depending on their types and sizes. Therefore, the dimensions
of the fittings to be used should first be confirmed in their respective catalogs.
Fittings whose compliance with the SY series is already confirmed are stated below. If the fitting within the applicable
range is selected, there will not be any interference.
Applicable Fittings: Series KQ2H, KQ2S
Series KJH, KJS
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Valve Construction
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Should any trouble be found during operation, trace the source of the trouble in the following order and take corrective action.
Faulty operation Pilot valve is not operated Fall of power supply voltage. ①
Faulty wiring ②
Spool has not completely shifted
(In case of external pilot) Air Foreign matter caught in air seat of pilot valve
leaks through pilot exhaust ⑤
port of pilot valve Foreign matter caught in core of pilot valve
- 20 -
No. Remedy
① Regulate voltage, so that the voltage at the time of the operation becomes specifications range.
② Re-wire correctly.
③ Replace part.
⑤ Replace valve.
⑥ Regulate pressure so that pilot pressure will fall within operating pressure range furing operation.
・If wrong oil is used, completely air blow to remove oil, and replace valve. After valve is replaced,
use turbine oil class 1 (ISO VG32).
・When a large quantity of drain is given and cannot carry out drain omission surely, install either an
auto-drain or a dryer.The valve should be replaced.
⑨ Protect the valve so that water does not splash the coil. Replace valve (pilot valve).
In case of intrusion of foreign matter, to remove foreign matter by air blow of piping and then replace
⑪ Repair or replace actuators.
⑬ Reduce the amount of lubricant to the degree that no oil splashes out of the air exhaust (E) port.
If no improvement is achieved in spite of the above countermeasure, inside of the valve may have some
abnomality. In this case, stop using the valve immediately.
If any of followings are carried out, inside of the valve may have some failure. In this case, stop using
the valve immediately.
① Voltage out of rated voltage has been used.
⑥ Alien substance such as drain and particle got into. Drain or garbage invaded a valve.
⑦ Prohibited way of using the valve which is written at "Precautions" section in this operation manual
In addition, in the case of trouble, please send it back to the supplier for repair or replacement.
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Revision history
Safety instructions Po
NEW SY7000
Safety instructions
Tightening torque
Construction WQ
Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.
© 2017 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved