Thesis Proposal OGR

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Luis Filipe Pereira

‘Critical Perspectives - Thesis Proposal

How do American Represent African Race in animation
20th century.
Thesis Synopsis

For my dissertation,
I wanted to discuss how does America and Disney represent Afri-
can man as ' caricuture' and some of the major methods used in
the 20th century Animation.
I will also explain how can animation be associated to propagan-
da aiming to discuss offensive content , stereotyped as Racist
or resistant.
This will allow me to understand what was the purpose of the
satire and parody methods as well. I will attempt to analyse ,
main Ideas and meaning namining big companies that got their
own work censored. I will break down these problems in parts
beggining by analysing cartoons such as Jungle Jitters, Pop-
Pie a la Mode, Buddy of the Apes, Tokio Jokio and Scrub Me
Mama with a Boogie Beat.
The goal will be write about how powerful can this ideas be, how
deep can these subjects reach. To write conclusions about how
Walt Disney caricutures of black people in several works from
Disney 20's and 30's.
Chapter Synopsis

Chapter 1: I want to explain How visual arts (Painting,

Illustrations, Lyrics) are associated to propaganda
and its definitions in terms of persuasion (The idea
of passing information through communication) The
power of the rumor in art.

Chapter 2: I want to explain how

animation does can be associated to
propaganda reaching a deep knowledge left in art
such as music, flyers, comics, films and animations.
Using old methods such as
caricature and parody in this case in
different ways the common acceptable propaganda
and the satire, Also I want to
explore Racism and Resistance as
stereotypes used in
Chapter Synopsis

Chapter 3: In my final chapter I will look at the stere-

otyped cartoons of Disney I want to take this further
and explore how Americans represent African race in
animation in the 20th Century.

So firstly, I want to discuss why is it made this way

continuing analysing techniques and debating out-
looks of these cartoon characters, what are they doing
in these shows.

Secondly the reason why they were censored and why

is that so important in historical terms.

Thirdly I want aim my targets to the specific cartoon

Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat in the most critic

Foucault, M., Rabinow, P. and Faubion, J. (1997). ´The essential

works of Michel Foucault, 1954-1984´. New York: New Press, p.474.
Confronting Governments Human Rights - Chapter 34
474 –
This book shows analysis of anthology of foucalt´s ethics of self-
care and sexuality related to abuse of power by culture government
and its citizens.

Culler, J (2002). ‘Barthes’. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.32 34

Critic - Chapter 4
Why is it important
This specific chapter in this book argues that countries defend dif-
ferent ways of viewing the same subject due culture and interests
32 – Jonathan writes about Barthes ideological implications de-
scribing that humans were designed to be teached , in a wide varie-
ty of ways, this ways will obviously change their vision due culture
as well.
34 – “The most higly wrought cultural artifacts are traced back to el-
ementary, pre/reflective sensation, which serves as a natural origin.”
35 - “This would make criticism the art of filling” He claims that
Barth as a writer interpret meaning defending that the real world will
never be finished or even perfect arguing that there are contexts
that are being edited everyday by different people.

Perebinossoff, P. (2017). ´Real-world media ethics´. 2nd ed. New

York: Routledge, pp.51, 52.
Ethics and the Role of Producers, Writers, Actors and Directors Or
How to Get Started in the Entertainment Business
Why is it important
This book provides a wide showcase of real ethical issues faced
by professionals in the media field. Numerous case studies allow
readers to explore multiple perspectives while using realistic ethical
This chapter in this book talks about how important is to find good
sources and material for a good story

Cohen, K. (1997). Forbidden Animation. London: McFarland & Company,

pp.1, 49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59
Preface –
Censorship of Theatrical Animation 9. –

Why is it important
This book analyses case of studies of animation that was banned.
Walter Lantz Productions,
‘Walter Lantz, whose cartoons were distributed by Universal, occasionally
included caricatures of African Americans in his cartoons. In the 1930s they
appeared in a few of his Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoons.’
‘The NAACP requested the film be withdrawn from distribution and that Uni-
versal use better judgment in the future. Universal’s representative tried to
brush off the NAACP with a letter (October 29) noting that none of Univer-
sal’s theatre managers had received complaints from the public. The NAACP
responded by sending a representative to New York to talk with somebody at
the Universal office.’
‘Jones told him the NAACP was trying to “educate people away from an ap-
preciation of this form of so called humor ” McEvoy said the NAACP could
contact the West Coast office of Universal, “but warned that if we do this
‘niggers’ would be prevented from getting much work in the industry be-
cause of our organisation taking such action.’

Wasko, J. (2001). Understanding Disney. Cambridge: Polity Press, pp.7,108.

Chaper 2 Disney History

Chapter 5 Analyzing the world according to Disney

Why is it important
This book analysis the progress of Disney that during years captivated au-
diences around the world designing loads of characters, images and stories
understanding dynamics of media corporations by focusing on individual
Smoodin, E. (1994). Disney Discourse. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis, pp.148, 149.
Chapter 10 Pato Donal´s Gender Ducking by José Piedra
Why is it important
This Book examines the pervasive cultural influence of Walt Disney and his im-
aginary empire. Drawing both on the humanities and social sciences, the con-
tributors read through Disney´s domestic cultural production “innocent” nation-
al icons, as well as theme parks, cartoons and television to analyse the global
impact of American popular culture, the politics of Disney, and the complex re-
ception of Disney productions around the world
This chapter analyses how was invented the animation Donald Duck related
to capitalism subject and exposing America during the wave of Nazism in the

Cartoon Crazys Banned ‎& Censored. (n.d.). [DVD] Directed by T. Reich. North
Hampten Partners LTD.: Audio Galaxy.
Chapter 1 - Be Human – Betty Boop /
This Chapter in the DVD shows Betty Boop scared of the farmer that is a big
man with bad behaviour with the animal in this farm being to aggressive.
Chapter 2 – Little Black Sambo /
This chapter shows a lot more related to aggressive clips with a tiger following
a kid on his way to school, this show was banned in America between 30s and

Jowett, G. (2015). Propaganda and Persuasion:Grath S. Jowett and Victoria

O’Donnell, pp.179, 149.
Chapter 4 and 6
Why is it important
This Book examines the history of propaganda and offer insightful definition and
methods to analyse it, Propaganda and Persuasion, Sixth Edition provides fas-
cination examples, from ancient times to present day, to facilitate a solid under-
standing of propaganda. The authors include the latest research in propaganda
and persuasion and cover the use of propaganda in psychological warfare.
This chapters will help me understanding main ideas of propaganda methods.

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