Mengapa Didapatkan Keluhan Sakit Kepala Dan Panas Tinggi?: LBM 5 Demam Dan Kejang

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Demam dan Kejang

Step 7

1. Mengapa didapatkan keluhan sakit kepala dan panas tinggi?

Sumber : Color Atlas Pathophysiology Thieme

2. Bagaimana mekanisme infeksi pada SSP ?

3. Macam – macam infeksi pada SSP ?

4. Mengapa pasien tampak mengantuk terus dan pagi ini penderita tidak dapat di
Sumber : Color Atlas Pathophysiology Thieme

5. Mengapa di Igd pasien mengalami kejang kurang lebih 5 menit dan setelah kejang
penderita tetap tidak sadar? Patfis, etiologi kejang?
6. Apa hubungan penyakit penderita dengan keluhan penderita sering sakit telinga dan
keluar cairan sejak 1 thun terakhir?
Sumber : Netter’s Neurology

7. Mengapa didapatkan kesadaran koma, dan suhu tinggi, dan kaku kuduk positif?
8. Indikasi dan kontraindikasi di lakukan lumbal pungsi ?
9. Gejala klinis dari skenario?

Symptom Sign Mechanism

Chills, rigors Fever (T>38°) Endogenous cytokines (released during

the immune response to the invading
pathogens) affect the thermoregulatory
neurons of the hypothalamus, changing
the central regulation of body

Invading viruses or bacteria produce

exogenous substances (pyrogens) that
can also re-set the hypothalamic
thermal set point.
Nuchal Brudzinski sign and Flexion of the spine leads to stretching
rigidity(neck Kernig sign of the meninges.
In meningitis, traction on the inflamed
meninges is painful, resulting in limited
range of motion through the spine
(especially in the cervical spine).

Altered Decreased Glasgow ↑ ICP → brain herniation → damage to

mental status Coma Scale (GCS) the reticular formation (structure in the
brainstem that governs consciousness)

Focal Examples: cranial nerve Cytotoxic edema and ↑ ICP lead to

neurological palsies, hemiparesis, neuronal damage.
deficits, e.g. hypertonia, nystagmus
vision loss Signs or symptoms depend on the
affected area (cerebrum, cerebellum,
brainstem, etc.)

Seizures Inflammation in the brain alters

membrane permeability, lowering
the seizure threshold. Exact seizure
pathophysiology is unknown.

Headache Jolt accentuation of Bacterial exotoxins, cytokines, and ↑

headache: headache ICP stimulate nociceptors in the
worse when patient meninges (cerebral tissue itself lacks
vigorously shakes head nerve endings that generate pain

Photophobia Due to meningeal irritation.

Mechanisms unclear; pathways are
thought to involve the trigeminal nerve.

Nausea and ↑ ICP stimulates the area

vomiting postrema (vomiting centre), causing
nausea and vomiting.

Petechial rash Meningococcemia (due to N.


10. Pemeriksaan fisik dan penunjang ?

11. DD dan diagnosis ?
12. Patofisiologi, patogenesis, etiologi dan faktor resiko ?
13. Penatalaksanaan dari diagnosis?
14. Komplikasi dari diagnosis?

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