4.NIKEN-crowding Destinaion PDF
4.NIKEN-crowding Destinaion PDF
4.NIKEN-crowding Destinaion PDF
Background: Emergency Department (ED) crowding has been studied for the last 20 years, yet many questions
remain about its impact on patient care. In this study, we aimed to determine if ED crowding influenced patient
triage destination and intensity of investigation, as well as rates of unscheduled returns to the ED. We focused on
patients presenting with chest pain or shortness of breath, triaged as high acuity, and who were subsequently
discharged home.
Methods: This pilot study was a health records review of 500 patients presenting to two urban tertiary care EDs
with chest pain or shortness of breath, triaged as high acuity and subsequently discharged home. Data extracted
included triage time, date, treatment area, time to physician initial assessment, investigations ordered, disposition,
and return ED visits within 14 days. We defined ED crowding as ED occupancy greater than 1.5. Data were analyzed
using descriptive statistics and the χ2 and Fisher exact tests.
Results: Over half of the patients, 260/500 (52.0%) presented during conditions of ED crowding. More patients
were triaged to the non-monitored area of the ED during ED crowding (65/260 (25.0%) vs. 39/240 (16.3%) when
not crowded, P = 0.02). During ED crowding, mean time to physician initial assessment was 132.0 minutes in the
non-monitored area vs. 99.1 minutes in the monitored area, P <0.0001. When the ED was not crowded, mean time
to physician initial assessment was 122.3 minutes in the non-monitored area vs. 67 minutes in the monitored area,
P = 0.0003. Patients did not return to the ED more often when triaged during ED crowding: 24/260 (9.3%) vs. 29/240
(12.1%) when ED was not crowded (P = 0.31). Overall, when triaged to the non-monitored area of the ED, 44/396
(11.1%) patients returned, whereas in the monitored area 9/104 (8.7%) patients returned, P = 0.46.
Conclusions: ED crowding conditions appeared to influence triage destination in our ED leading to longer wait times
for high acuity patients. This did not appear to lead to higher rates of return ED visits amongst discharged patients in
this cohort. Further research is needed to determine whether these delays lead to adverse patient outcomes.
Keywords: Emergency Department crowding; Emergency Department occupancy; High acuity; Overcrowding; Triage
© 2014 O’Connor et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.
O’Connor et al. International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2014, 7:16 Page 2 of 7
has also been related to poor management of pain and based on CTAS score, but there is allowance for triage
decrease in patient satisfaction [11-13]. nurse discretion in assignment of patient destination. A
We present a pilot study of patients presenting with CTAS score of 2 (Emergent) is assigned to conditions
chest pain or shortness of breath, triaged as high acuity, that are a potential threat to life limb or function and it
and who were discharged home on the index visit. Our is recommended that patients be seen by a physician
objectives were to determine whether: 1) patients were within 15 minutes 95% of the time [14,16]. We excluded
triaged to non-monitored areas of the ED more fre- patients if they were admitted to the hospital on the
quently during ED crowding; 2) patients were assessed index visit. Patients were not excluded if they presented
by a physician more quickly in non-monitored rather more than once. We divided the patients into cohorts
than monitored areas during crowded conditions; 3) pa- by geographic destination in our department. Non-
tients triaged to the non-monitored area received the monitored patients were those who were assigned to the
same laboratory and imaging tests as those triaged to least acute area of our department. Monitored patients
monitored areas; 4) patients triaged during ED crowding were those triaged to the most acute areas of our de-
received the same laboratory and imaging tests as those partment and were placed on continuous cardiac and
triaged during non-crowded conditions; 5) the propor- respiratory monitoring.
tion of return ED visits was higher for patients triaged A single reviewer (EO) who was not blinded to the study
during ED crowding; and 6) the proportion of return ED hypothesis abstracted data onto a standardized Microsoft
visits was higher for patients triaged to the non-monitored Excel spreadsheet. Data were obtained from the electronic
area during crowded conditions. health record, which contained scanned handwritten nurs-
ing triage notes and physician notes as well as computer-
ized laboratory and imaging results. We recorded the
Methods following variables: triage time and date, triage score, tri-
Study design and setting age destination, time of initial physician assessment, inves-
We conducted a health records review of patients pre- tigations ordered, and referrals made. We also recorded
senting to two ED campuses of a large urban tertiary whether a patient’s destination changed during the ED
care Canadian academic teaching hospital, each with ap- visit. Up-triage was defined as a patient moved from the
proximately 75,000 patient visits per year. We used non-monitored area to the monitored area. Down-triage
International Classification of Diseases 10 codes to iden- was defined as moving from the monitored area to the
tify patient visits corresponding with chief complaints of non-monitored area. Change in triage destination was
chest pain or shortness of breath for the period between made at the discretion of the bedside nurse or treating
January 1st and December 31st 2010. A total number of physician and could occur at any time during the patient’s
4,234 patient visits were identified. Using an Internet-based stay in the ED. We do not have protocols in our ED for
random number generator (http://www.randomizer.org), up-triage based on time to initial physician assessment.
we selected a sample of health records, with an overall
goal of 500 eligible visits. The Ottawa Hospital Research
Study outcome measures
Ethics Board approved this study.
Study outcomes included: triage destination during ED
crowding conditions, time to physician assessment (the
Subjects and data collection
time from patient arrival to assessment by a physician,
We included patients older than 18, who presented with
in minutes), investigations ordered, and unscheduled return
a chief complaint of either chest pain or shortness of
to our institution within 14 days of the index visit.
breath, were assigned a Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale
(CTAS) score of 2, and were discharged home on the
index visit [14]. CTAS is a five-category triage system de- ED crowding measure
signed to allow Canadian EDs to prioritize patients based ED crowding was measured using ED occupancy at the
on their presenting complaint and the severity of their time of patient triage, which was defined as the ratio of
signs and symptoms. Triage nurses who have received total number of patients in the ED (admitted and not
training assign CTAS scores based on a published set of admitted) to the number of beds in the ED [17]. For our
guidelines [14]. CTAS scores are determined by present- department, we included numbers of beds in all areas of
ing complaint, with severity modifiers based on vital signs, the ED, monitored and non-monitored. ED occupancy is
past medical history, and brief history of the complaint an accepted measure of ED crowding, but there is no
[15]. Included in the CTAS score assignment system is universally accepted threshold that defines ED crowding
nursing discretion, allowing for a higher CTAS score to [18,19]. We determined, based on local expert consensus,
be assigned based on the judgment of the triage nurse. that an ED occupancy score of greater than 1.5 would
In our hospital there are guidelines for destination indicate that our ED was crowded.
O’Connor et al. International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2014, 7:16 Page 3 of 7
Sample size and statistical analysis the included patients were triaged during crowded condi-
A rate of return to our ED in this cohort of patients was tions. Most of the patients were triaged to the monitored
assumed to be 20% (based on previous studies in our de- area (Table 1).
partment) [20]. A difference in return rates of 10% was
deemed significant, resulting in a sample size of 588. In Triage decision making and time to initial physician
this pilot study, the sample size of 500 charts was chosen assessment
for convenience. Descriptive statistics were used to report We found that patients who presented with a chief com-
patient and system characteristics. Univariate analysis was plaint of chest pain or shortness of breath and were
performed with the χ2 test for all dichotomous variables. assigned a CTAS score of 2 were triaged to the non-
The Fisher exact test was used to analyze nominal vari- monitored area of the ED significantly more often when
ables and continuous variables were analyzed with the the ED was crowded (25.0% vs. 16.3%, P = 0.02) (Figure 2).
Wilcoxon two-sample test. The mean time to physician initial assessment was sig-
nificantly longer for those patients triaged when the ED
Results was crowded (107.3 minutes vs. 76.0 minutes, P <0.0001)
Study flow (Figure 3a). The mean time to physician initial assessment
We found 568 eligible health records during the study was significantly longer in the non-monitored area of the
period; 7 visits were excluded for a CTAS score other ED than in the monitored area (Figure 3b). This was
than 2 and 61 charts were excluded based on chief com- found to be true both when the ED was crowded (132.0
plaint. Finally, we included a total of 500 health records minutes vs. 99.1 minutes, P <0.0001) and when it was
in our study (Figure 1). non-crowded (122.3 minutes vs. 67.0 minutes, P = 0.0003).
Patients were not up-triaged more often from the
Patient and system characteristics non-monitored area to a more acute area of the depart-
Over half of the patients were male. Chest pain was the ment when the ED was crowded than when the ED was
most common chief complaint. Approximately half of non-crowded (3.1% (n = 8) vs. 1.3% (n = 3), P = 0.42).
t = 107.3
p<0.0001 often when they presented during crowded conditions.
This change in triage destination during crowded condi-
80 t = 76.0
tions may be based on an assumption by the triage nurs-
140 t = 132.0 p<0.000 tient is in the non-monitored area of the ED. A few of
1 t = 122.3 Monitored
t = 99.1
the differences were unexpected, in particular the fact
100 that fewer ECGs were ordered in the monitored area of
p=0.20 p=0.29 p=0.45
100 p=0.53
Proportion of Patients (%)
91.5 95.4 93.9 93.3
40 p=0.01
20 9.2%
Figure 4 Investigations ordered for high acuity ED patients triaged either to the non-monitored or monitored areas of the ED, presenting
with chest pain or with shortness of breath. (a) Blood-work ordered. (b) Imaging and ECGs ordered. [CBC, Complete Blood Count; BUN, Blood
Urea Nitrogen; CK, Creatinine Kinase; TnI, Troponin I; VBG, Venous Blood Gas; ABG, Arterial Blood Gas; CXR, Chest Radiograph; CT Chest, Chest
Computed Tomography; ECG, Electrocardiogram].
investigate pulmonary embolism with a D-dimer omitted of ED crowding. ED occupancy rate has been shown to
from the work-up. Overall, ED crowding led to more perform as well as the following markers of ED crowding:
high-acuity patients being triaged to the non-monitored EDWIN score, patients left without being seen and ambu-
area of our ED, with fewer investigations performed. lance diversion times [16]. ED occupancy has the advan-
We did not find that ED crowding conditions resulted tage of being calculable for the time of patient triage
in an increase in return visits to the ED within 14 days rather than as an average over the course of a day and
for patients presenting with chest pain or shortness of hence may offer increased precision. In this pilot study,
breath and assigned a CTAS score of 2. Given that we we attempted to specifically examine the effect of ED
experienced overall rates of return that were lower than crowding on triage destination; therefore, a crowding
anticipated, our study may be underpowered to detect a measure specific for the time of triage was felt to be the
true difference. This finding is consistent, however, with most useful. In future work in this area we would measure
previous research by Hu et al., which found no correl- crowding using the EDWIN score, ambulance diversion
ation between unscheduled return visits to the ED and rates, and rates of left without being seen as well as using
ED crowding [22]. We did show an increase in time to ED occupancy.
physician initial assessment for patients triaged during There are several limitations to this study. Firstly, it
crowding conditions. A previous study by Guttman et al. was restricted to a single institution that encompasses
showed a positive correlation between increased waiting two large tertiary care EDs and we were only able to de-
times and admission to hospital or death within 7 days tect return visits to our institution and not to other in-
for discharged patients [23]. stitutions in our area. Previous studies conducted at our
We used ED occupancy rate as our measure of ED center indicate that patients rarely return to other insti-
crowding because it is a parsimonious, valid measurement tutions after an index visit to our ED [20]. Our sample
O’Connor et al. International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2014, 7:16 Page 6 of 7
Proportion of Patients
16 p=0.31
14 12.1%
(%) 10 9.3%
Crowded Non-crowded
Proportion of Patients (%)
15 p=0.46
Monitored Non-monitored
Figure 5 Proportion of patients who return to the ED within 14 days of index visit. (a) Patients triaged during crowded or non-crowded
conditions. (b) Returns to the ED by initial triage destination.
size was relatively small, with only 500 health records in- same CTAS score have the same level of acuity and the-
cluded. Previous studies at our institution estimated a oretically then need the same amount of monitoring and
rate of return in this cohort of 20% [20]. However, in the investigation, which may not be true.
group of patients we studied our rate of return was This is the only study so far to examine the impact of
10.2%, meaning that our study was under-powered. We ED crowding on triage destination. A larger, multi-
set a cut-off for ED crowding at an occupancy level of center study would be necessary to determine whether
1.5 – this may be too low to capture the times when our changes in triage destination have a negative impact on
department was under the most stress. The cut-off was patient outcomes. As triage is the first point of contact
based on local expert consensus rather than literature- with ED staff, this interaction influences the patient’s en-
based, as there is no accepted threshold for ED crowding tire stay in the department and should be an important
using ED occupancy in the literature. It is possible that a area for future ED crowding research.
higher ED occupancy level would show a larger differ-
ence between the groups. Also, ED occupancy was cal-
culated at the time of triage, reflecting only occupancy Conclusions
at that one time. Change in occupancy level throughout In this pilot study, we found that during crowded condi-
the patients’ stay in the ED may also have affected the tions, high acuity patients presenting with chest pain or
investigations ordered and potentially the rate of return shortness of breath had a higher rate of triage to the
to the ED. Due to the retrospective nature of the study non-monitored area of the ED, longer times to physician
design, we were unable to determine if CTAS scores initial assessment, and an associated lower rate of inves-
were appropriately assigned for the patients in the study. tigations. Despite these findings, with our small sample
Previous literature suggests that assignment of CTAS size we could not detect a difference in rates of unsched-
score has a good inter-rater reliability [24,25]. However, uled returns to our institution. Future research should
it is possible that ED crowding influenced assignment of be directed at examining whether these changes in triage
CTAS score. This study was based on the assumption destination during crowded conditions lead to worse pa-
that patients with the same chief complaint and the tient outcomes.
O’Connor et al. International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2014, 7:16 Page 7 of 7