Visual: Business Communication
Visual: Business Communication
Visual: Business Communication
pArT openers
The six sections of the book begin with part openers featuring
quotes from distinguished business leaders in such well-known
companies as Facebook and Berkshire hathaway. These opening
comments attest to the importance of business communication
skills in the real world.
fundamenTalS of
BuSIneSS WrITIng 2 inTRoduCTion 1
3 Adapting Your Words to Your Readers 1 Understanding Workplace Communication
4 Constructing Clear Sentences and Paragraphs 2 Communicating Across Cultures
5 Writing for a Positive Effect
Warren E. Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Stuart Crabb, Head of Learning & Development for Facebook
Making Your Case with Persuasive Messages and Proposals 287 Getting to the Point in Good-News and Neutral Messages 171
Subject: Offer from a Student As you read the first example, note that it is marked by a “ ” icon in the side panel. We use this
Hello, icon throughout the book wherever we show bad examples. The good examples will be indicated by a “
” icon.
My name is Zach Miller, and I’m a business student here at North Rapids
university. I’ve been learning about business not only in the classroom but The Indirect Message. The less effective message begins slowly and gives obvious information. Even if
on the job, by running my own house-painting operation. the writer thinks that this information needs to be communicated, it does not deserve the emphasis of
This me-focused
message is short If you’d like to have your house painted this summer, I can do it for the opening sentence. The writer gets to the point of the message in the second paragraph. There are no
on appealing reader considerably less than what you’d pay a professional service. I would questions here—just hints for information. The items of information the writer wants do not stand out
benefits. carefully prepare your house for painting, and I use good-quality paint. My but are listed in rapid succession in one sentence. The close is selfish and stiff.
two friends and I will also guarantee to complete the job within three days
(weather permitting).
Please email me if you’d like an estimate.
Sincerely, Dear Mr. Piper:
We saw the advertisement for 3,200 square feet of Riverdale office
Zach Miller
space that you posted a couple of weeks ago on craigslist. As we are
interested, we would like additional information.
Skillful Use of Character and Rational Appeals. The better message follows the advice presented in the Specifically, we would like to know the interior layout, annual cost,
preceding pages. The subject line contains concrete reader benefits and states right away that the job will be This message’s indirect availability of transportation, length of lease agreement, escalation
professionally done. The opening sentence is an engaging question and is again focused on key benefits. The and vague beginning provisions, and any other information you think pertinent.
second paragraph builds confidence in the writer and his co-workers, and it ends by allaying any worries that slows reading. If the information you give us is favorable, we will inspect the property.
the homeowner will be held liable if one of the students is injured. The third paragraph provides convincing Please send your reply as soon as possible.
logical details about the job. In the final paragraph, the writer uses a Web link to make it easy for readers to Sincerely,
submit an estimate request, and he directs them to an attachment that contains further information and one
last reader benefit.
The Direct and Effective Message. The second example begins directly by asking for information.
Subject: A Professional-Quality Paint Job for Less The explanation is brief but complete. The questions are made to stand out; thus, they help make answer-
Would you like a great deal on having your house painted this summer ing easy. The message closes with a courteous and appropriate request for quick action.
while supporting NKu students?
My name is Zach Miller, and I’m a junior business major here at NKu,
in the Honors Plus program. I’m a graduate of St. Xavier High School
and have been running my own house-painting business for three years. Dear Mr. Piper:
The you-viewpoint I employ two other NKu students, Jeff Barnes and Alex Wilson, who are
and better details also business students. We are all fully licensed and insured. Will you please answer the following questions about the 3,200-square-
give this message foot Riverdale office suite advertised May 24 on craigslist? This space
strong appeal.
We use only 100% acrylic paints from top manufacturers like Benjamin may be suitable for the new regional headquarters we are opening in
Moore, Porter, and Sherwin Williams. Our specialty is careful preparation. your city in August.
We will scrape or power wash all surfaces of your house and do any
needed minor repairs before we paint. The work comes with a two-year • Is the layout of these offices suitable for a work force of two
guarantee and, combined with our low rates, is an excellent value. administrators, a receptionist, and seven office employees? (If
possible, please send us a diagram of the space.)
If you’d like a free estimate, just fill out the online estimate request form. • What are the dimensions of the corner offices on the first and second This direct and
The attached flyer tells more about me and also includes a coupon for floors? orderly message is
10% off if you schedule your paint job the day you receive your estimate. better.
• What is the annual rental charge?
Zach Miller
[email protected]
cellular: (431) 445-5560
inTRoduCToRy Challenge
Demonstrating Your Value on a High-Profile Team
You were thrilled to be hired a few months ago as a customer service representative for, a
company that sells management software specially designed for professional associations. The software
enables organizations like the American Marketing Association and the Association for Business Communi- each box presents a realistic
cation to manage their finances, keep track of their members, schedule events, and much more.
The company is doing well. In 12 years, it has grown from a five-person business into one that employs business scenario and provides
120 people. There are now six regional sales teams located across the u.S., and there’s even a develop-
ment team in Malaysia. But this growth has created a problem: The extensive face-to-face communication
that helped make a thriving business has, in many cases, become difficult or impossible. As
students with a context for the
a result, the sense of teamwork in the organization is weakening. And it is clear that phone calls, emails,
and instant messaging are not sufficient to keep employees engaged and well informed.
topics discussed in the chapter.
86 Business Communication
TechnoloGy In BrIef
Readability Statistics Help Writers Evaluate Document Length and Difficulty
Technology in BrieF
BC_01.indd 2
Grammar and style checkers give writers the option of view-
1/7/2015 3:39:05 PM
These boxes reflect how current
ing readability statistics. These statistics report the number
of words, characters, paragraphs, and sentences in a docu- technologies affect business
ment along with averages of characters per word, words per
sentence, and sentences per paragraph. communication, covering such
The report you see here was generated for a scholarly
manuscript. It reports an average of 18.5 words per sen-
tence, a bit high for a business document but probably at
topics as the top 10 email
an acceptable level for a scholarly document’s readers.
The Flesch-Kincaid score confirms that the reading grade
mistakes, courteous use of
level is 9.4, too high for business documents but likely
appropriate for a scholarly audience. However, the Flesch mobile devices, and tools and
Reading Ease score should give the writer cause to review
the document for accessibility, even for its targeted audi- technologies that students will
ence. The 59.3 score is slightly below the 60–70 range that
Microsoft recommends. encounter in the workplace.
4 Business Communication
Some authorities in human resources object Some authorities in human resources object to
to expanding normal salary ranges to include expanding the normal salary range to include
a trainee rate because they fear that through
oversight m aTTeRs
or prejudice probationers may be kept
at the minimum rate longer than is warranted
a trainee rate, for two reasons. First, they fear
that through oversight or prejudice probationers
may be kept at the minimum rate longer than
and because they fear that it would encourage
Peter Drucker on the Importance of Communication in Business
the spread from the minimum to maximum rate
is warranted. Second, they fear that expansion
would increase the spread between the minimum
and the maximum rate range.
Peter Drucker, recipient
or the
affiliation, all Medal of Freedom
of theirand one orof union
the most respected management
Communication Matters
Regardless of their Regardless seniority affiliation,
employees who
consultants, hope to be speakers,
educators, promoted areand expected all our
writers of employees who hope
time, made to be
these promoted areabout communication:
to continue their education either by enrolling in expected to continue their education in either
teach the
special courses
bother to learn
to be thingbythat
to beit.given
the is perhaps most
basic skill is the
of two ways. for
ability to
courses to be
the future
(1) They
given byand
may enroll
to know. But very few stu-
in special
in writing and speaking.
(2) They
boxes contain authoritative
hoursAs soon asnext
beginning youWednesday,
move oneor step from the bottom,
by taking yourapproved
may take effectiveness
onlinedepends on your ability to reach others
courses selected
through online coursesorselected
the spoken fromword.
the written a list, which from theaway
And the further list on the job
your company
is fromportal.
manual work, the larger the organi- and anecdotal commentary
can be found
zation on the
of which company
you are an portal.
employee, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts in
writing or speaking.
The long In the
sentences onvery
thelarge organization . . .
left require much more this ability
efforttotoexpress oneselfthan
understand is perhaps the most
the shorter important
sentences on to emphasize communication
of all
the the skills a person can possess.
Bear in mind, though, that what constitutes a short, readable sentence is related to the reader’s abil- concepts from each chapter.
ity. Readability studies suggest
“poorthat writing intended to communicate with the middle-level
14to Solari
Business Communications,
Communication communication costs business millions of dollars day” in
the should
form ofaverage
to 18 words per sentence. For more advanced readers, the average may be 6higher. For
misunderstandings, eroded customer loyalty, and lost business. SIS Interna-
less advanced readers, it should be lower.
tional Research found that poor communication is a problem for small and mid-sized businesses, not
Moreover, preferring short sentences does not mean making all sentences equally short. The overuse
justof bigfcorporations.
forshort Rom india
sentences resultsItsindata indicated
a choppy, that in 2009 a business
elementary-sounding withshould
effect. You 100 employees spentlong
use moderately an average
downtime of 17 hours Theya week onyou
clarifying its communications, which translated into an annual cost of
noTes From indiA
tences 7occasionally. help de-emphasize less important content and increase interest by adding
Software of the Indian Mind: The Rise of BPO in India
The communication shortcomings of employees and the importance of communication in business
A glancewhy youfast
should work skyline
to improve your communication skills. Whatever position you
like in
at the
and lifestyle
will Mumbai
be judged
of the inhabitants
of Indian
basis evidence
enough of your ability
of the to communicate.infl
transformational Ifu-you Provide an astute perspective to
ence that Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) industry has had on the economic and socialyou
and communicate well, you are likely to be rewarded with advancement. And the higher
the more you will need your communication ability. The evidence is clear: Improving
86 of the country. Though the Information Technology (IT) entrepreneurs like Azim Premji of 11/30/2013
your11:34:08 AM
the communication in an indian
communication skillsofimproves your chances for success infrom
N r Narayana Murthy Infosys and thousands of engineers the various premier colleges and Indian
Institutes of Technology had already established India’s mettle during the 1980s but the country as a environment.
Why Business
whole was still notDepends
involved inupon Communication
this process of globalization.
It was
Every actuallyeven
business, with athe establishment
one-person of the is
business, Business
actuallyProcess Outsourcing
an economic (BPO)system.
and social industryToinproduce
the 1990sand
sell the dreams and aspirations
and services, of millions
any business mustofcoordinate
unemployed,theeducated, English-speaking,
activities of many groups oftechnology savvy
people: employees,
suppliers, customers, legal advisors, community representatives, and government agencies thatgrowth
graduate and postgraduate Indians were finally realized. Indian BPO industry is on a fast track might be
providing These
involved. services to nearly allare
connections theachieved
Fortune 500 companies
through and many others, covering every conceivable
sector that can
Consider, forbeexample,
outsourced. The major playersof
the communications being Genpact, WNSmanufacturer.
a pharmaceutical Global Services, Wipro BPO,
Throughout theHCL
BPO, employees
pany, ICICI OneSource,
send and IBMreceive
Infosys BPOaboutto name a few. of the company’s business:
all aspects
• Salespeople receive instructions and information from the home office and submit orders and
Th e business’s
regular reports relation
of theirtocontact
its environment also influences its communication practices. Businesses in
with customers.
a •comparatively
Executives use stable environment,
written such as textile
and oral messages manufacturing
to conduct business with or food processing,
customers will tend
and other to de-
on established types of formal communication
company operations, and perform strategic in aplanning.
set organizational hierarchy, whereas those in
a volatile environment, such as software development or online commerce, will tend to improvise more
• Production supervisors receive work orders, issue instructions, receive status reports, and submit
in terms of their communications and company structure.
production summaries.
Yet another factor is the geographic dispersion of the operations of a business. Obviously, internal
communication in a business with multiple locations differs from that of a one-location business. En-
Rich Maggiani, “The Costs of Poor Communication,” Solari, Solari Communication, 2012, Web, 22 Apr. 2012.
7 employees
SIS International to work
Research, “SMBfrom home, requiring
Communications Pain Studythem
White to travel,
Paper: or relying
Uncovering on outside
the Hidden contractors can
Cost of Communications also
Barriers and
BC_Prelims.indd 24 ” a
SIS company’s
International geographical
Research, reachResearch,
SIS International and thus affect
Market its communication.
Intelligence Journal, 10 Mar. 2009,Related to this
Web, 22 Apr. 2012. factor is how 1/19/2015 3:39:55 PM
culturally diverse the company is. The communication of a multicultural organization will require more
Making Your Case with Persuasive Messages and Proposals 273 Making Your Case with Persuasive Messages and Proposals 285
A well-known
spokesperson can add
character appeal.
J i 1
Join 2
Join 3
Join 4
Logical appeals are useful for selling products that help readers save money, do a better job, or get
better use from a product. Illustrating a rational appeal (saving money) are these words from a message reader to act, to emphasize the major appeal, to invite attention to other enclosures, or to suggest that the
selling magazine subscriptions: reader pass along the sales message. Postscripts effectively used by professionals include the following:
PS: Remember—if ever you think that Action is not for you, we’ll give you every cent of your money
PS: Our little magazine makes a distinctive and appreciated gift. Know someone who’s having a birthday
Character-based appeals can enhance any kind of sales message. They persuade by stating or implying
“I use this product, so you should, too” or “I am an authority, so you should do what I recommend.” Ads
that employ sports figures, film stars, or experts to sell their products are relying heavily on character- PS: Click now to order and you’ll automatically be entered into a contest for a 4G Android smartphone.
based appeals. Companies themselves often project an appealing “character” in their sales campaigns.
Note how the following excerpt from a sales letter for Consumer Reports magazine uses the company’s Visuals of contemporary people and
Offering Name Removal to Email Readers
identity to persuade: Until January 1, 2004, it was a courtesy to offer the recipients of commercial email the option of receiving
Consumer Reports is on your side. We’re a nonprofit consumer protection organization with no com- nocompanies help
further emails from the sender. Now,students relate
thanks to the so-called toAct,
CAN-SPAM the it is a legal requirement
mercial interests whatsoever. To put it bluntly, we don’t sell out to big companies and private interest
material and understand key points.
Making Your Case with Persuasive Messages and Proposals 295
An Internal, Unsolicited Proposal. This email proposal asks a company to sponsor an employee’s member-
ship in a professional organization. Starting with the subject line, the writer tries to avoid saying anything that
Annotated examples of real business
the reader—in this case, the head of a corporate communications department—would disagree with. When
enough background and benefits are given, the writer states the request and then describes the cost in the messages, reports, and other Conducting documents a Winning Job Campaign 377
most positive terms. Offering to try the membership for one year helps the proposal seem relatively modest. how
Criticize these tofromapply
sentences the
cover messages: LO5 concepts discussed in
Beginning Sentences
the chapters.
a. Please consider this my application for any position for which my training and experience qualify me.
b. Mr. Jerry Bono of your staff has told me about a vacancy in your loan department for which I would like to apply.
c. I am that accountant you described in your advertisement in today’s Times-Record.
[email protected] Describes
1 You have successfully prepared yourself for the career of your choice, but the recruiters visiting your school have
Food/incidentals (approximately $40 per day for three days) $120 the middle
Total: $1,080 of the
A comparison section
puts the cost When compared to those of other organizations, both the membership and conference registration fees are relatively minimal. For example,
not yet offered you a job. Now you must look on your own. So by searching newspapers, online job databases, and
in a favorable a membership in the International Association for Business Communication, the most comparable organization, would cost almost $300, Explains company website announcements, find the best job for which you believe you are qualified. Write two cover mes-
light and the conference registration alone for a member is $1,540. My membership in the ABC would also save on training costs. Many of the how the
ABC’s conference presentations are included in online proceedings (for members only), and the journal articles are easily accessible online proposal sages that you might use to present your qualifications for this job: one for print presentation and one for email. At-
Asks for a
as well. Rather than our paying $200 for a one-hour webinar on, say, politeness in Asian cultures or strategies for crisis communication, I
could simply consult the ABC’s resources and share this information with the rest of the department.
can save tach a copy of the job description to the messages. Write the résumé and reference sheet to accompany the message.
membership— If you will approve a one-year membership and a trip to this year’s convention, I will track the benefits of this resource over the coming year. Ends with 2 Project yourself three years past your graduation date. During those years, you have had good experience work-
a modest We can then decide whether to continue the membership or find other cost-effective ways to stay on top of trends and technologies in
business communication. But I think our participation in this well-regarded organization is definitely worth a try.
confidence ing for the company of your choice in the field of your choice. (Use your imagination to supply this information.)
request and
conviction Unfortunately, your progress hasn’t been what you had expected. You think that you must look around for a
better opportunity. Your search through the classified advertisements in your area newspapers, online, and in The
Wall Street Journal, and you turn up one promising possibility (you find it). Write a cover message that skillfully
presents your qualifications for this job. (You may make logical assumptions about your experience over the three-
year period.) For class purposes, attach the advertisement to your message. Write the résumé and reference sheet
to accompany the message.
3 Assume you are in your last term of school, and graduation is just around the corner. Your greatest interest is in
finding work that you like and that would enable you to support yourself now and to support a family as you win
BC_09.indd 295 12/26/2013 9:36:31 AM