Strategic Marketing Business English Third Semester Communication Case Pamela Berenice Rodríguez Ocadiz September 10, 2021
Strategic Marketing Business English Third Semester Communication Case Pamela Berenice Rodríguez Ocadiz September 10, 2021
Strategic Marketing Business English Third Semester Communication Case Pamela Berenice Rodríguez Ocadiz September 10, 2021
Business English
Third Semester
Communication Case
At Yale, Nooyi experienced a mayor turning point in her life. That education, she says,
gave her the skills lacking in a newly arrived immigrant. She learned how to speak, how to
communicate, and how to adapt to the environment. Recalling her program at Yale, she said
that all first-year students were required to take –and pass- a course in effective
communication. She confessed that this course was invaluable, especially for someone who
came from a culture in which communication wasn’t considered the most important aspect
of business.
Gaining expertise as a business consultant and strategist. Nooyi joined a struggling PepsiCo
and became its chief strategist. Over the next decade and a half, she helped PepsiCo
become a $43 billion food and beverage giant with 193,000
employees in nearly 200 countries. The giant conglomerate was recognized throughout the
world for its Pepsi soft drink, Frito-Lay snack foods, and fast-food outlets including Taco
Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC. However, Nooyi’s ambitious strategy for PepsiCo involved
selling off its fast-food brands and moving into beverages and packaged food with a focus
on nutrition. She engineered the acquisition of Tropicana, maker of orange juice products,
and of Quaker Oats, maker of Gatorade.
Nooyi has pledged that by 2010 half of PepsiCo’s U.S. revenue will come from healthful
foods such as low-calorie Gatorade and whole-grain cereals. But observers wonder whether
she can produce dependable profits as well as wholesome foods.
Many companies –even before the recent financial crisis and economic plunge- strove to
improve their image by emphasizing ethics and social responsibility. In promoting baked
whole-grain snacks and vitamin-enhanced beverages, PepsiCo could point the way to better
nutrition for the entire industry. Nooyi is convinced that this initiative will benefit investors
as well as consumers.
When Indra Nooyi joined PepsiCo as chief strategist, she convinced management to sell off
its fast-food holdings in Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC. She was intent on moving the
company “from snack food to health food, from caffeine colas to fruit juices, and from
shareholder value to sustainable enterprise”. Her goal was to do good for business as well
as doing good for people and the planet. PepsiCo, under her leadership, would favor wind
and solar power, avoid fossil fuels, fight against obesity, and promote diversity.
Indra Nooyi credited
How could an
a college course in
What skills do you emphasis on ethics
communication as
think and social
an important step in
businesspeople responsibility
her career. How do
need to succeed in improve profits and
you think you could
today’s workplace? benefit a business?
from such a course?
I think that in a great Time In a way that creates
way taking management a better relationship
advantage of having skills with partners of the
a better Leadership company and its
communication Emotional clients, reflecting an
process, learning intelligence integrated image that
how to express Team-building strengthens a lot and
oneself with contact skills generates profits and
with other people, as Analytical grow.
well as their
experience and skills
knowledge as well as Negotiation
the opportunity to skills
generate new Problem-
contacts and ideas. solving skills
Sales and
In communicating
the changes in
In the midst of
philosophy and
organizational What kind of
practice within
changes at PepsiCo, barriers block the
PepsiCo, should
what kinds of flow of
Indra Nooyi and her
messages do you communication in
management team
think will be traveling any organization
use formal or
downward, upward, undergoing
informal channels of
and horizontally? change?
examples of each.
They should use formal Speaking of the Failure to adequately
channels since it is sustainability of explain the idea of
something that talent, he focuses on the change you want
characterizes the
company and is
the development of to make, as well as
recognized. the company's the loss of control,
Formal: Through employees through especially over the
serious and formal a diverse and processes that have
language through the inclusive culture accumulated over
official company sites. should be messages time, surprise
Informal: It could that travel changes with little or
appear on the
company's social
horizontally, no space for mental
networks with a more regarding human preparation causing
colloquial language and sustainability in their major errors, lack of
even through visual products that send strategy direction
content such as images, messages downward and consistency and
videos, advertisements and environmental even cultural barriers
that demonstrate the sustainability.