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Important processes in the nitrogen cycle include fixation, ammonification, Sustainability is the capacity to endure. For human society, “sustainable
nitrification, and denitrification. Although 78% of the air is nitrogen, atmospheric development is development that meets the needs of the present without
nitrogen (N2) must be processed or “fixed” into ammonia N2 (NH3) to be used by compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. It
plants. Some fixation occurs in lightning strikes, but most fixation is done by free requires the reconciliation of environmental, social equity and economic demands
living or symbiotic bacteria. When a plant or animal dies, or an animal expels - the “three pillars” of sustainability or (the 3 E’s) as shown in Figure 3.1. The
waste, the initial form of nitrogen is organic. Bacteria (or fungi in some cases) three pillars are the “triple bottom line” served as a common ground for numerous
convert the organic nitrogen within the remains back into ammonium (NH4+), a sustainability standards and certification systems in recent years. Sustainability
process called ammonification or mineralisation. Nitrification is a two-step measurement is the metrics used as the quantitative basis for the informed
process with the biological oxidation of ammonia (with oxygen) into nitrite management of sustainability. Measurement of sustainability is very diverse and
followed by the oxidation of these nitrites into nitrates (by two types of organisms still evolving, including resource use like life cycle assessment, consumption like
that exist in most environment). Nitrification is important in agricultural systems, the ecological footprint and quality of environmental governance like the
where fertiliser is often applied as ammonia. Denitrification is the reduction of Environmental Performance Index.
nitrates back into the largely inert nitrogen gas (N2), completing the nitrogen
cycle. Nitrification (together denitrification) also plays an important role in the A life-cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life-cycle analysis) is a technique to
removal of nitrogen from municipal wastewater. assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product’s life
from-cradle-to-grave (i.e., from raw material extraction through materials
The phosphorus cycle describes the movement of phosphorus through the processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or
lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Unlike many other biogeochemical recycling). LCA can help avoid a narrow outlook on environmental concerns by
cycles, the atmosphere does not play a significance role in the movement of compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental
phosphorus, because phosphorus does not enter the atmosphere and remains releases, evaluating the potential impacts associated with identified inputs and
mostly as solid salts on land (in rock and soil minerals). Weathering of rocks releases and interpreting the results to help more informed decision makings.
carries these phosphates to terrestrial habitats. Plants absorb phosphates from the
soil and then are consumed by herbivores that in turn may be consumed by The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth’s
carnivores. After death, the animal or plant decays to return phosphates to the soil. ecosystems. Ecological footprint analysis compares human demand on the nature
with the biosphere’s ability to regenerate resources and provide services. It does
this by assessing the biologically productive land and marine area required to transformed in energy conversion processes to more convenient forms of energy
produce the resources a population consumes and absorb the corresponding waste, (that can directly be used by society), such as electrical energy, refined fuels, or
using prevailing technology. The tool can inform policy by examining to what synthetic fuels such as hydrogen fuel. In the field of energetics, these forms are
extent a nation uses more (or less) than is available within its territory. The called energy carriers and correspond to the concept of “secondary energy” in
footprint can also be a useful tool to educate people about carrying capacity and energy statistics. Electricity is one of the most common energy carriers, being
over-consumption, with the aim of altering personal behaviour. The transformed from various primary energy sources such as coal, oil, natural gas,
Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is a method of quantifying and and wind.
numerically benchmarking the environmental performance of a country’s policies.
For engineers, sustainable engineering is the design of man-made systems to
The current global population of 7 billion (2012) is expected to reach 9 billion by ensure the current uses of natural resources do not lead to diminished quality of
2050 (Figure 3.3). The population growth is one of the grand challenges for life of future generations. For engineers, ‘design’ is the key word’ here. Green
sustainable development since an increasing population places additional strain on engineering is to design, discover and implement engineering solutions with an
natural resources. Currently, most population growth occurs in the developing awareness of potential benefits and problems in terms of environment, economy
world and population is more or less stagnant in the industrialised world. The and society (three pillars of sustainability) throughout the design lifetime. The
economic development is linked with the quality of life. As the pattern of goal is to minimise adverse impacts (e.g., water use inefficiency, depletion of
population growth shows, the rate of population growth has a negative correlation finite materials and energy resources, urban congestion, water and air pollution,
to the economic development. Therefore, population growth could be stabilised by degradation of environment) while simultaneously maximising benefits to the
improving quality of life. However, improvement in quality of life and economic economy, society and environment.
development has closely linked with enhanced consumption and associated
depletion and environmental degradation. >RENEWABLE ENERGY
>URBANISATION Climate change concerns, coupled with high oil prices, peak oil, and increasing
government support, are driving increasing renewable energy legislation,
Urbanisation is the physical growth of urban areas as a result of rural migration. incentives and commercialisation. The incentive to use 100% renewable energy is
Currently, there are more people living in urban areas than in rural areas. The trend gaining momentum among many countries. The first country to propose 100%
of urbanisation will continue in the foreseeable future. renewable energy was Iceland, in 1998. Proposals have been made for Japan in
2003, and for Australia in 2011.
In building designs, windows, walls, and floors are made to collect, store, and
Virtually all of these human uses require fresh water. 97% of the water on the distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the
Earth is salt water and only three percent is fresh water. Slightly over two thirds of summer. This is called passive solar design or climatic design because, unlike
fresh water is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. The remaining unfrozen fresh active solar heating systems, it doesn’t involve the use of mechanical and
water is found mainly as groundwater, with only a small fraction present above electrical devices. The key to designing a passive solar building is to best take
ground or in the air. The term “water footprint” is often used to refer to the amount advantage of the local climate. Elements to be considered include window
of water used by an individual, community, business, or nation. It is defined as the placement and glazing type, thermal insulation, thermal mass, and shading.
total volume of freshwater used to produce the goods and services consumed by Passive solar design techniques can be applied most easily to new buildings, but
the individual or community or produced by the business. Water use is measured existing buildings can be adapted or “retrofitted”.
in water volume consumed (evaporated) and/or polluted per unit of time.
A zero-energy building (also known as a zero net energy (ZNE) building, Net-
Zero Energy Building (NZEB), or Net Zero Building) is a popular term to describe
a building with zero net energy consumption and zero carbon emissions annually.
A water footprint consists of three components: blue, green, and grey. The blue Zero energy buildings can be independent from the energy grid supply. Energy can
water footprint is the volume of fresh water that evaporated from the global blue be harvested on-site—usually through a combination of energy producing
water resources (surface water and ground water) to produce the goods and technologies like Solar and Wind—while reducing the overall use of energy with
services consumed by the individual or community. The green water footprint is extremely efficie HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and Lighting
the volume of water evaporated from the global green water resources (rainwater technologies. The zero-energy design principle is becoming more practical to
stored in the soil as soil moisture). The grey water footprint is the volume of adopt due to the increasing costs of traditional fossil fuels and their negative
polluted water that associates with the production of all goods and services for the impact on the planet’s climate and ecological balance. A building approaching
individual or community. The latter can be estimated as the volume of water that is zero net energy use may be called a “near-zero energy building” or “ultra-low
required to dilute pollutants to such an extent that the quality of the water remains energy house”. Buildings that produce a surplus of energy during a portion of the
at or above agreed water quality standards. year may be known as “energy-plus buildings”.
However, the water footprint does not provide information on how the embedded The built environment (buildings, roads, bridges and other infrastructures)
water negatively or positively affects local water resources, ecosystems and requires a tremendous amount of energy, as well as water and other natural
livelihoods. Virtual water (also known as embedded water, embodied water, or resources. Embodied Energy is the sum of all the energy required to produce
hidden water) refers, in the context of trade, to the water used in the production of goods or services, considered as if that energy is incorporated or ‘embodied’ in the
a good or service. Water scarcity is a situation where there is insufficient water to product itself. The concept can be useful in determining the effectiveness of
satisfy normal human requirements, which are defined by the World Health energy-producing or energy-saving devices. The embedded energy in concrete has
Organisation as a water source with 20L/person/day within 1km distance. A a significant impact on construction energy flows. The transport of aggregates and
country is defined as experiencing water stress when its annual water supplies cement to construction site accounts for more than 10 percent of the total
drop below 1700m3/person. If the annual water supplies drop below 1000 m3/ embedded energy. In addition, production of 1 kg of Portland cement generates 1
person, the country is defined as water scarce. Water is expected to be a source of kg of CO2.
both tension and cooperation in the future.
Sustainability implies that rather than competing for endless growth on a finite
Primary energy is an energy form found in nature that has not been subjected to planet, development should improve quality of human life without necessarily
any conversion or transformation process. It is energy contained in raw fuels, and having to consume more resources. Environmental resources management aims to
other forms of energy received as input to a system. Primary energy can be non- ensure that ecosystem services are protected and maintained for equitable use by
renewable or renewable. Examples of sources include nonrenewables (fossil fuels future human generations, and ecosystem integrity should be maintained as an end
such as oil, coal, natural gas, and mineral fuels such as natural uranium) and in itself by considering ethical, economic, and scientific (ecological) variables.
renewable (solar, wind, water, biomass, geothermal). Primary energy sources are Environmental resource management should identify the conflicting factors that
may rise between meeting the needs and protecting the resources. Environmental and green spaces), improved public transport and increase in pedestrianisation to
resource management involves the management of all components of the make driving more difficult to reduce car emissions, integration of business,
biophysical environment, both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic). The industrial, and residential zones to shorten travel distances (people to live closer to
essential aspects of environmental resource management are ethical, economical, the workspace), green roofs, zero-emission transport, zero-energy building,
social and technological which provide for formulation of principles in making sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), energy conservation systems/devices,
decisions. Xeriscaping (garden and landscape design for water conservation).
Technically, mathematical optimisation is a powerful tool for environmental >SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE SYSTEM
engineers to manage resources problems. In mathematics, an optimisation problem
is a search for the best solution from all feasible options. An objective function Conventional drainage systems are designed to collect and convey storm water
(either a cost function for minimisation or a utility function for maximisation) is quickly which tend to cause downstream flooding and environmental pollution
set up to be optimised. There are many optimisation methods available for (e.g., combined sewage overflow). Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are
different optimisation problems. They include linear programming, integer designed to reduce the potential impact of new and existing developments with
programming, nonlinear programming, evolution algorithms, etc. For complex respect to surface water drainage discharges. They are intended to replicate natural
problems, multi-objective optimisation (also known as multi-criteria or multi- systems with low environmental impact to drain away dirty and surface water run-
attribute optimisation) may be used to simultaneously optimise two or more off through collection, storage, and cleaning before allowing it to be released
conflicting objectives subject to certain constraints. slowly back into the environment (e.g., water courses).
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment with Hazards
adverse changes (air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, etc). Pollutants can
be either foreign substances or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution control A hazard is a threat to life, health, property, or ecosystems, i.e., it involves
means the control of emissions and effluents into air, water or soil. In the something that could potentially be harmful. Therefore, when a dormant hazard
hierarchy of controls, pollution prevention and waste minimisation are more comes to fruition, it will cause physical damage or destruction, loss of life, or
desirable than other mitigating measures. In the field of land development, low drastic change to the environment, and result in an incident, accident, emergency
impact development is a similar technique for the prevention of urban runoff. event, or disaster. Hazards may be broadly classified into two groups: Man-made
Pollution control activities include recycling, reusing, reducing, mitigating, hazards (also called anthropogenic hazards): created by humans due to human
preventing, compost, etc. Further details on pollutions are described in various intent, negligence, or error, such as crime, terrorism, war (sociological hazards),
chapters of this book. industrial hazards, power outage, hazardous materials (technological hazards), etc.
Natural hazards: caused by a natural process with a negative effect on people or
>SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE the environment, such as volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, etc. Many natural and
man-made hazards are interrelated (e.g. earthquakes may cause tsunamis which in
Sustainable agriculture is an integrated system of plant and animal production turn damage nuclear power plants to release radioactive waste).
practices that will last over the long term. It is based on the study of relationships
between organisms and their environment using principles of ecology. The Environmental Hazards
benefits in sustainable agriculture include meeting human food and fibr needs,
enhancing environmental quality and the natural resource base, making the most Environmental hazards include hazardous material pollution and natural hazards.
efficient use of non-renewable resources and on-farm resources, integrating
Natural Hazards
natural biological cycles and controls, sustaining the economic viability of farm
operations, and enhancing the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole. Natural hazards can be further divided into geological hazards and
hydrometeorological hazards.
For irrigation systems to be sustainable they require proper management (to avoid
salinisation) and must not use more water from its source than is naturally Geological hazard examples include earthquake, avalanche, volcanic eruption
replenished. Useful measures include:1) modern irrigation systems such as drip
irrigation with high water use efficiency; 2) improving water conservation and Hydrometeorological hazards examples include
storage measures; 3) drought-tolerant crop species, 4) deficit irrigation; and 5)
managing crops to reduce water loss. 1. flood: an overflow of water that submerges the land that is normally dry. There
are various types of floods such as urban flood, fluvial flood, pluvial floods, flash
>POPULATION CONTROL floods, coastal flood and groundwater flood, etc. Floods tend to cause damages to
buildings and threaten human lives;
In the 20th century, population control proponents have drawn from the insights of
Thomas Malthus who argued that “Population, when unchecked, increases in a 2. drought: an extended period of months or years with consistently below average
geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetical ratio.” Malthus precipitation resulting in a deficiency in a region’s water supply. A severe drought
advocated for the education of the lower class about the use of “moral restraint,” can have significant environmental, agricultural, health, economic and social
or voluntary abstinence, which he believed would slow the growth rate. Paul consequences;
Ehrlich, a US biologist and environmentalist, published ‘The Population Bomb’ in
1968, advocating stringent population control policies. 3. hurricane: it is also called cyclonic storm, tropical cyclone, and typhoon.
Hurricanes forms over the oceans caused by evaporated water from the ocean and
>SUSTAINABLE CITY (ECO-CITY) becomes a storm. The Coriolis Effect causes the storms to spin, and a hurricane is
declared when this spinning mass of storms attains a wind speed greater than 74
Urbanisation can be planned and the engineering community should collaborate mph (119 km/h). While tropical cyclones can produce extremely powerful winds
with other professions to design more eco friendly urban environment, such as and torrential rain, they are also able to produce high waves and damaging storm
eco-cities. A sustainable city (or eco-city) is a city designed with minimum surge as well as spawning tornadoes;
environmental impact. A sustainable city should be able to feed itself with the food
produced on the surrounding countryside, minimise the imported food from 4. heat wave: a prolonged period of excessively hot weather, which may be
further afield, power itself with renewable sources of energy, create the smallest accompanied by high humidity. Severe heat waves have caused catastrophic crop
possible ecological footprint, produce the lowest quantity of pollution possible, failures, thousands of deaths from hyperthermia, and widespread power outages
use land efficiently, compost used materials, recycle waste or convert waste-to- due to increased use of air conditioning.
Environmental Risks
The approaches for sustainable cities include: urban agricultural systems by either
small scale farming plots or larger scale agriculture (e.g. farmscrapers), renewable ‘Hazard’ and ‘Risk’ are different terms. In environmental engineering, risk is
energy sources (wind turbines, solar panels, or bio-gas created from sewage), defined as the expected outcome of an environmental hazard (human injury,
various methods to reduce the need for air conditioning (planting trees and disease, death, economic losses or ecosystem damages). Generally, the risk is a
lightening surface colours, natural ventilation systems, increase in water features, function of hazard and its exposure
Risk=f (Hazard, Exposure) (5.1) extrapolating results from experimental animals to humans. In addition, the
differences between individuals due to genetics or other factors mean that the
The meaning and unit of the formula vary depending on the specific hazards. Risk hazard may be higher for particular groups, called susceptible populations; 3)
can be reduced by lowering either hazard or exposure, or both. The risk to the exposure quantification: to determine the amount of a contaminant (dose) that
health of human due to harmful carcinogenic chemicals is expressed as. individuals and populations will receive. This is done by examining the exposure.
As different locations, lifestyles and other factors likely influence the amount of
Risk=Risk per unit dose ×Exposed dose (5.2) contaminant received, particular care is taken to determine the exposure of the
susceptible population(s). Finally, the results of the three steps above are then
where risk is the probability of a person suffers from the adverse effect of the
combined to produce an estimate of risk.
hazards (e.g., to develop cancer due to exposure to carcinogens), risk per unit dose
is the harm caused by a unit exposure of a hazardous material (i.e., how strong the For natural hazards, risk assessment involves 1) hazard identification: to identify
chemical is harmful), exposed dose is the contact of a human and the chemical the potential hazards in the investigation site. Some hazards are conjoint or causal
(expressed as dosage and duration). In humans, there are three major exposure (e.g., an earthquake may trigger landslides); 2) hazard probability: to derive the
pathways: ingestion (eating/drinking), inhalation (breathing) and dermal (skin) probabilities of the hazard magnitudes based on instrumental records, historical
contact. The default exposure duration is 70 years and if a person’s exposure is records or palaeo records. If insufficient information is available on site,
shorter than 70 year, the risk calculated should be scaled by the ratio of the actual regionalization techniques could be used to extrapolate information from other
duration to 70 year. For carcinogens, there is no threshold for chemicals to take sites; 3) consequence analysis: to work out expected losses from the realisation of
effects (i.e., linear dose-response relationship). If the risk is higher than the the hazards. There are significant uncertainties with both the probabilities and
specified probability, it is considered not acceptable (e.g., greater than 10-6). For potential losses.
noncarcinogens, a threshold is needed for them to have effects and a dose below
the limit is assumed safe. This threshold is called reference dose. The risk is Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritisation of risks
expressed as a ratio between the exposed dose to reference dose. followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimise,
monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to
Exposed dose maximise the realisation of opportunities.
Risk (called Hazard quotient)= (5.3)
Reference dose Avoidance: this includes not performing an activity that could carry risk (e.g., to
avoid development in hazard prone areas such as flood plains or contaminated
The risk is considered as safe if it is equal or less than 1. For the risk linked with
land). Avoidance may seem the answer to all risks, but avoiding risks also means
natural hazards (e.g., floods), it is defined as
losing out on the potential gain that accepting (retaining) the risk may have
Risk=Probability ×Expected adverse consequences (5.4) allowed (e.g., to build more homes).
where risk is the expected losses from the hazard event (note, it is not a probability Reduction: this involves reducing (or eliminating) the severity of the loss or the
anymore), probability is the likelihood of the hazard event, expected adverse likelihood of the loss from occurring. There are two main measures on risk
consequences are the result of the event (in economic loss or deaths). For reduction: soft engineering measures (forecasting, land planning, policies) and
example, a 50% chance of flood causing £1000 worth of damage has the same risk hard engineering measures (e.g., structures). In engineering, the concept of return
as a 0.1% chance of flood causing losses of £0.5M (both have the expected risk period is usually used to represent hazard probability. Return period is the average
values of £500). In reality, natural hazards tend to occur with a range of time interval between occurrences of a hazardous event of a given or greater
magnitudes at varied probabilities (e.g., a larger flood occurs less frequently than a magnitude, usually expressed in years. The optimum design return period for risk
smaller flood). The total risk for a hazard should be the sum (or the definite reduction can be determined by economic analysis if the probabilistic nature of a
integral for continuous variables) of the risks from different magnitudes with their loading event (e.g., flood level) and the damage that will result if it occurs are both
corresponding probabilities. known over the feasible range of the loading event. As the design return period
increases, the cost of the event mitigation measure increases, but the expected
Risk Perception damage decreases because of the better protection provided.
Risk perception is a subjective judgment that people make about the Risk communication is a complex cross-disciplinary academic field. Problems for
characteristics and severity of a risk. It has been found that people use a number of risk communicators involve how to reach the intended audience, to make the risk
heuristics to evaluate information which usually leads to inaccurate judgments in comprehensible and relatable to other risks, how to pay appropriate respect to the
some situations (cognitive biases). There are several factors that influence audience’s values related to the risk, how to predict the audience’s response to the
human’s risk perception. One important factor is the familiarity to a hazard (if communication, etc. A main goal of risk communication is to improve collective
people are often exposed to a hazard and know a lot more on it, there is a tendency and individual decision making.
to underestimate the risk). A second factor is whether or not the risk is voluntary.
When a person voluntarily takes on a risk, he or she also usually underestimates An environmental impact assessment is an assessment of the possible positive or
the risk (e.g., smoking, driving a fast car). People tend to feel it is more acceptable negative impact that a proposed project (e.g., reservoir, wastewater treatment
to choose a risk than to be put at risk by other people (e.g., contamination from plant, highway) may have on the environment considering the environmental,
factories). A third factor is people are more concerned with current risks (with social and economic aspects.
immediate effect on everyday life) than long term risks (e.g., climate change,
Environmental impact assessment is divided into four steps: acquisition of
population growth). Another factor is that risk events interact with individual
information, analysis of information, communication of conclusions and selection
psychological, social and other cultural factors in ways that either increase or
of appropriate actions. The report of environmental impact assessment should
decrease public perceptions of risk. These ripple effects caused by the
have a logical structure and avoid repetition. The content should include the
amplification of risk include enduring mental perceptions, impacts on business
following information:
sales, and change in residential property values, changes in training and education,
or social disorder. Project description: overview of the project, land use, emissions, etc.
Risk assessment is the determinationof risk related to a hazard. Methods for Identification of stakeholder: to identify who are likely interested in or affected by
assessment of risk may differ between sectors and whether it pertains to the project.
environmental or public health risk assessment.
Environment: to identify what components of the environment will be affected
In the context of public health, risk assessment is the process of quantifying the (human beings, flora fauna, soil, surface water, groundwater, air, climate, noise,
probability of a harmful effect to individuals or populations from hazard or vibration, landscape, cultural heritage). The information from similar projects in
exposed dosage above a specific threshold. It involves 1) hazard identification: to the past should be consulted.
determine the qualitative nature of the potential adverse consequences of the
contaminant and the strength of the evidence it can have that effect. This is done Impact prediction: prediction of impacts should be based on the collected data.
by drawing from the results of the sciences of toxicology and epidemiology; 2) Where possible, the prediction should be quantitative, albeit in many cases only
Dose-Response Analysis: to determine the relationship between dose and the qualitative predictions are possible.
probability or the incidence of effect (dose-response assessment). This is based on
Impact assessment: the significance of various impacts should be assessed. Ammonification:
Relevant environmental standards may be used to judge the impact significance • Production of ammonia by bacteria during decay of urea
(e.g., noise standard, air quality standard). Nitrification:
• Production of nitrate (NO3) from ammonia (NH3)
Mitigation: approaches should be identified to minimise or avoid adverse Denitrification:
environmental impacts as a result of the proposed project (e.g., monitoring, • Conversion of nitrate (NO3) to nitrogen gas (N2) by bacteria
landscaping, site management, alternative hours of operation). The remaining or Organic and Inorganic Compounds
residual impacts should be assessed and dealt with if possible. • Organic compounds:
Consist of covalently bonded carbon atoms and often include other elements,
Public participation plays an important role in environmental impact assessment, especially hydrogen
which has several benefits: 1) it provides a chance to collect questions and • Hydrocarbons: Organic compounds, such as petroleum, that contain only
concerns from the local people or organisations; 2) it allows the project team to hydrogen and carbon
• Inorganic compounds: Lack carbon-to-carbon bonds
explain the project details to the people concerned; and 3) it allows contentious
issues to be discussed in an open forum. • Large organic compounds that are essential to life
• Proteins: Serve many functions; include enzymes
• Nucleic Acids: Direct protein production; include DNA and RNA
‐ condensaon ‐ water vapor turning to liquid water (this forms clouds)
• Carbohydrates: Provide energy and structure; include sugars, starch, and
‐ evaporaon ‐ when liquid water is turned to water vapor
‐ transpiraon ‐ the loss of water through plant leaves
• Lipids: Not soluble in water; many functions; include fats, waxes, and hormones
‐ precipitaon ‐ water falling to earth's surface as rain, snow, sleet or hail
The Geosphere
‐ runoff ‐ water that travels over the surface into river, lakes or oceans
• Crust: Thin, cool, rocky outer “skin”
‐ ground water ‐ water that sinks below the surface through permeable rock
• Mantle: Very hot and mostly solid
‐ surface water ‐ water that collects above the ground
• Core: Outer core is molten metal, inner core is solid metal
The Oxygen Cycle describes the movement of oxygen within its three main
• Rocks and minerals on and below Earth’s surface:
reservoirs: the atmosphere (air), the total content of biological matter within the
Rock formation, Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, Utah
biosphere (the global sum of all ecosystems), and the lithosphere (Earth's crust).
• Crust and mantle are divided into:
The oxygen cycle has much in common with the carbon cycle
Lithosphere: Crust and uppermost mantle; divided into tectonic plates
o the sinks for carbon are the sources for oxygen, and vice versa.
Asthenosphere: Soft middle mantle; heated by outer core
o In both cases, the main processes responsible for cycling through ecosystems are
Lower mantle: Solid rock
photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Total oxygen system also involves the
cycling of other nutrients, such as sulfur, phosphorus, and nitrogen • Biosphere: The part of Earth in which living and nonliving things interact
o to simplify the diagram below only shows the connection with carbon • Atmosphere: Contains the gases that organisms need, such as oxygen; keeps
Earth warm enough to support life
The Hydrosphere
The Carbon Cycle
• Consists of Earth’s water
• Most of Earth’s water (97.5%) is salt water.
• Carbon dioxide and oxygen move through ecosystems in a path called
• Only 0.5% of Earth’s water is unfrozen fresh water usable for drinking or
the carbon dioxide - oxygen cycle.
• Each time you breathe, you take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide.
• Earth’s available fresh water includes surface water and ground water.
These gases are present in the air.
• During photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide to make sugars.
Carbon Cycle
Oxygen is released.
* Carbon EXISTS in abiotic environment as:
• Much of the oxygen released by plants is used by animals and other organisms
1. Carbon dioxide [CO2 (gas)] in the atmosphere
during respiration.
� dissolves in H2O to form HCO3-
• During respiration, sugars and oxygen combine, which releases
2. Carbonate rocks (limestone & coral = CaCO3)
energy and forms carbon dioxide and other products.
3. Deposits of coal, petroleum, and natural gas
Other Carbon Sources
� derived from once living things
• combustion: burning of wood or fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) 4. Dead organic matter (humus in the soil)
• decomposers: release carbon dioxide as they break down the bodies of dead * Carbon ENTERS biotic environment through:
organisms 1. Photosynthesis: changes light energy to chemical energy
• erosion: when limestone erodes the carbon stored in the shells of dead organisms * Carbon RETURNS to atmosphere by:
is released 1. Respiration � CO2
Short Term Phosphorus Cycle 2. Decomposition / Decay
• Plants use phosphorus from the soil in their tissues while animals get phosphorus 3. Burning
by eating plants. * Carbon Cycle and Humans:
• The phosphorus is returned to the soil when animals die and decompose. 1. Removal of photosynthesizing plants
Short Term Phosphorus Cycle 2. Combustion of fossil fuels
• Plants use phosphorus from the soil in their tissues while animals get phosphorus
by eating plants. Nitrogen Cycle
• The phosphorus is returned to the soil when animals die and decompose. * ~79% of air is N2 gas
The Nitrogen Cycle * N is essential to plants and animals
• Nitrogen is one of the main elements found in amino acids (proteins). * Plants and animals can’t use N2 gas
• Nearly 78% of the air is nitrogen gas. However, most organisms cannot use this * Usable N: ammonia (NH3) or nitrate (NO3-)
form of nitrogen. * Conversion of atmospheric N2 to NH3 and NO3-:
• Certain bacteria in the soil can change nitrogen gas (N2) into ammonia (NH3) by � Nitrogen fixation
combing it with hydrogen gas (H2). This process is termed nitrogen fixation. 1. Aquatic ecosystems: blue-green algae
• Plants take in nitrogen compounds through their roots. They use the nitrogen 2. Terrestrial ecosystems: bacteria on root nodules of legumes (peas, beans,
compounds to make proteins. alfalfa, clover)
• When animals eat, they take in the proteins from plants or animals. They break 3. Lightening
down these proteins and rearrange the amino acids to make the proteins they
require to function. * Nitrogen RETURNS to soil by:
• When dead organisms and wastes are decomposed, simple nitrogen compounds 1. decomposition of once living things
are produced. Plants can take in these compounds. � ammonifying bacteria + fungi
• Some of these compounds are also changed by certain bacteria into nitrogen gas, 2. exists in soil as nitrate (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-), and ammonia (NH3)
which goes into the air. * Nitrogen returns to atmosphere by:
Nitrogen Cycle - 4 stages 1. denitrifying bacteria
Assimilation: Nitrogen Cycle and Humans:
• Absorption and incorporation of nitrogen into plant and animal compounds 1. Nitrogen required for genetic materials (DNA, RNA, amino acids)
the carbon is in animals. Both plants and animals respire. Their respiration returns
Phosphorus Cycle carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Decomposers break down dead plants and
* Major environmental reservoir: rocks animals as well as animal waste. This too returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
1. Leaching: water dissolves phosphates in rocks and carries to lake, stream, etc. or soil. Some organic matter does not decompose easily. Instead it builds up in the
2. Dissolved phosphate: used by plants and passed through food chain earth’s crust. Oil and coal were formed from the build-up of plant matter millions
3. Animals return phosphorus to environment by: of years ago.
* excretion At one time, the carbon cycle was almost a perfect cycle. That is, carbon was
* death and decay returned to the atmosphere as quickly as it was removed. Lately, however, the
Phosphorus Cycle and Humans: increased burning of fossil fuels has added carbon to the atmosphere faster than
1. Phosphates mined for fertilizers � returns P to soil producers can remove it. Also, deforestation reduces the amount of carbon dioxide
2. Erosion: P in soil and rocks washed away into water systems being used in photosynthesis. Further, the use of land for agriculture releases
carbon dioxide into the environment. Plants in water need carbon dioxide to
WATER CYCLE perform photosynthesis and release oxygen. Fish use the oxygen to breathe and
Water molecules are made of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Hydrogen and oxygen the plants for food.
are nutrients that organisms need. Clearly there is no problem obtaining these As the carbon cycle figure shows, some carbon lies deep in the earth in
nutrients in aquatic ecosystems. However, they are sometimes in short supply in fossil fuels. This is released into the atmosphere as CARBON-DI-OXIDE only
terrestrial ecosystems. The cycling of water in nature involves both aquatic and when these fuels are extracted and burnt. Another way in which sedimentary
terrestrial ecosystems and the air above them. Let’s see how this occurs: Water carbon enters the atmosphere is volcanic eruptions.
vapour enters the atmosphere through transpiration from vegetation. The oceans also play a major role in regulating the level of carbon-di-oxide in
Transpiration is the loss of water through pores in the leaves of plants. It also the atmosphere. Carbon-di-oxide is readily soluble in water. Some of the
enters the atmosphere through evaporation from bodies of water and the soil. In carbon-di-oxide is therefore dissolved in the oceans and seas. Part of this is
the cool upper atmosphere this vapour condenses, forming clouds. In time, again removed by the marine producers (small green plants called algae).
enough water collects in the clouds to cause precipitation. When this occurs, Also, in these ecosystems, some organisms use carbon-di-oxide or other
some of the water falling on the ground runs along the surface of the ground to a forms of carbon to build shells and skeletons. When these organisms die
stream, pond or other body of water. This is called surface runoff. Some of the and as their bodies settle down at the bottom of the oceans, the Carbon
water also soaks into the ground by a process called percolation. Some water contained in them gets stored in the ocean floor. In fact most of the earth’s
percolates down to the bedrock. Then it becomes ground water and gradually runs carbon is stored in the ocean floor sediments and on the continents. This
back to lakes and other bodies of water. carbon enters the cycle at a very slow pace as the sediments dissolve. This
Some of the water in the soil moves up to the roots of plants by capillarity. The carbon then becomes dissolved in the water and then enters the atmosphere.
roots absorb the water. This is how most plants get the hydrogen and oxygen they At this point it is important to understand that Carbon plays a key role in the
need. Animals can obtain water by eating plants or by eating other animals. Of temperature regulation mechanism of our earth (refer ‘Green House Effect’
course, they can also obtain water by drinking it directly from a body of water. Unit 1)—If too much carbon is removed, the earth will cool; if too much Carbon
When plants and animals die, they decompose. During the decomposition is generated, the earth will get hotter.
process, the water present in their tissues is released into the environment. NITROGEN CYCLE
Nitrogen is another important nutrient that all organisms need. All living things
CARBON CYCLE need nitrogen to make proteins. Let’s see how this nutrient is recycled in
The Carbon Cycle ecosystems.
The carbon cycle is the movement of carbon from an inorganic form (carbon in Almost 78% of the atmosphere is nitrogen. However, neither plants nor animals
ionic compounds) to an organic form (carbon in molecules made by living things), can use this form of nitrogen directly. Usually, the nitrogen must be in the form of
then back again organic carbon is found in living things or once living chemicals called nitrate. Then the plant roots can absorb it. Lightning forms some
(decomposing) things most organic carbon in living things is returned to the nitrate by causing oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere to join. Rhizobium
atmosphere as CO2 from body waste and decay. Some is delayed and forms fossil bacteria can do the same thing. This bacteria lives on the roots of plants called
fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) this carbon is returned when it is burned (combustion) legumes such as beans, peas and alfalfa). Many bacteria and blue-green algae also
Inorganic Carbon Reservoirs inorganic carbon is found in 3 mains reservoirs form nitrates. The changing of nitrogen to nitrates is called nitrogen fixation.
o atmosphere as CO2(g) Plants use the nitrates that they absorb to make plant proteins. Animals get the
o the oceans as dissolved CO2 nitrogen that they need to make proteins by eating plants or other animals.When
§ some of this forms CaCO3 which is used by organisms to make shells plants and animals die, bacteria change their nitrogen content to ammonia. The
o the earth's crust as limestone (this is the largest reservoir) nitrogen in the urine and fecal matter of animals is also changed to ammonia by
§ carbon is held here for millions of years bacteria. The pungent odour of outhouses, chicken pens, hog yards, cat litter boxes
§ limestone is made from the shells of living organisms and wet baby dipers is ample evidence of this fact. Ammonia, in turn, is converted
Organic Carbon Reservoirs to nitrites and then to nitrates by bacteria. This process is called nitrification and
Organic carbons is held in the bodies of living things when living things die, completes the main part of the cycle. Many plants are able to use ammonia
decomposers return the carbon to the air as CO2 some dead matter gets buried in directly. Therefore all of it does not have to be converted to nitrate before plants
places like bogs and covered in sediment over millions of years the organic carbon absorb it.
in dead matter is converted to fossil fuels Each nutrient e.g. carbon, oxygen, When people use synthetic fertilizers they add nitrite or nitrate into the soil. This
phosphorous, magnesium and so on, follows a unique cycle. Some elements like skips most of the nitrogen cycle and thus the bacteria and microorganisms loose
oxygen and nitrogen, cycle quickly and so are readily available for use by their food source. Plants and algae in the water need nitrogen to grow. Some fish
organisms. Others, such as phosphorous, magnesium, etc., take time for cycling, species depend on these plants for food.
as they are released slowly. It is usually such slow cycling nutrients that become
the limiting factors for plant growth (for more details, refer the box on ‘Law of OXYGEN CYCLE
Minimum’ in Unit 2). It is for this reason that such nutrients are supplied to crop Oxygen is another nutrient which is important to all living things. Note that the
species through synthetic fertilizers. In this section, we will look at examples of carbon and oxygen cycles are independent but very closely related. Oxygen is
two significant nutrient cycles— Carbon and Nitrogen. present in our atmosphere in the form of ozone, water vapour, pure oxygen and
As you know, Carbon is the basic building block of carbohydrates, fats, proteins carbon dioxide. Plants and algae perform photosynthesis which removes carbon
and other organic elements necessary for life. The Carbon cycle is based on dioxide and adds oxygen to the atmosphere. Animals perform cellular respiration
carbondioxide gas which makes up (see Unit 1) about 0.03 percent of atmosphere which removes oxygen from the atmosphere and adds carbon dioxide. When
and is also dissolved in water (the hydrosphere). Producers (mainly, the green plants and animals die, decomposers uses oxygen to break down organic material
plants on land) absorb carbon-di-oxide from the atmosphere, and through the and release carbon dioxide. Also, water dissolves oxygen and the aquatic life use
process of photosynthesis, convert it into complex carbohydrates. Then the this oxygen for photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Fish need oxygen in the
process of respiration, breaks down the carbohydrates giving energy, and water to perform cellular respiration.
converting carbon back to carbon-di-oxide, releasing it back to atmosphere or in
the water for re-use by producers. This linkage between photosynthesis and GLOBAL WARMING
respiration (on land and in water) circulates carbon in the biosphere and is a major As you know, Troposphere, the
part of the Carbon cycle. lower-most layer in the atmosphere,
Carbon is another nutrient that all organisms need. In fact, it is the basic building traps heat by a natural process called
block of all living things. Like water, carbon moves through an ecosystem in a the ‘greenhouse effect’. The amount
cycle. Here is how the cycle works. Carbon is present in the atmosphere as carbon of heat trapped depends on the
dioxide. Water also contains carbon dioxide as it can dissolve it. Producers (plants concentrations of heat-trapping gases or ‘greenhouse’ gases. Carbon-di-oxide is
and algae) use it to perform photosynthesis and make food. Now the carbon is in one of them. Recent studies have shown a sharp increase in carbon dioxide
the producers. Herbivores eat the plants and carnivores eat the herbivores. Now concentrations in the atmosphere. This increase is due to disturbance in the carbon
cycle, mainly attributed to fossil fuel burning and fast-shrinking forest cover due
to rapid and rampant felling of trees and clearing of forest lands for other uses and
priorities. This has enhanced the greenhouse ability of the troposphere, resulting in
increased heat trapping and rise in global mean temperature of the earth. This
phenomenon is referred to as ‘Global Warming’. Some possible effects of global
warming are: impacts on agriculture and food production; severe impacts on
natural ecosystems like damage to their ability to regulate themselves; sea level
rise due to melting of polar ice caps—this may threaten about one third of world’s
population and a third of the world’s economic infrastructure concentrated in
coastal regions. Food and freshwater supplies to certain human communities may
also be affected, and disease patterns are also likely to be altered.
� Nutrient cycles are the link between abiotic and biotic components of
ecosystems. By the process of nutrient cycling, the nutrients from
their pool (mainly in the soil, in some cases the atmosphere), fuelled
by the energy from the sun, get converted into organic substances,
then enter into a chain of biotic elements through food chains (more on
food chains in the next unit). Again, as the biotic components finish
their life-cycles and die, the nutrients come back to their pool.
� Human activities have impacted these cycles leading to disbalance in
nature. For example, humans have intervened in earth’s phosphorous
cycle in three ways. 1. By mining large quantities of phosphate rock mainly for
use in inorganic fertilizers and detergents; 2) A lot of available
phosphate is removed by humans in the process of cutting large
numbers of trees in the rainforests (where once the trees are cut, the
soil nutrient gets washed away very rapidly in the rains, making the
forest land unproductive); 3) adding excess phosphate to aquatic
ecosystems in runoff of animal wastes (from livestock), runoff of fertilizers
from cropland, and also discharge of sewage (detergents have very
high level of phosphates). We have already looked at the impacts of
too much nutrients in (refer box ‘Too Much Nutrients’ in this unit) water
bodies. Scientists estimate that human activities have increased the
natural rate of phosphorous release into the environment by over 3
folds. This is just one example of human interference into the natural
cycling of nutrients. Such changes in turn have influenced both abiotic
as well as the biotic components of nature.