The Chemistry and Applications of Antimicrobial Polymers: A State-of-the-Art Review
The Chemistry and Applications of Antimicrobial Polymers: A State-of-the-Art Review
The Chemistry and Applications of Antimicrobial Polymers: A State-of-the-Art Review
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The Chemistry and Applications of Antimicrobial Polymers: A
State-of-the-Art Review
El-Refaie Kenawy,*,† S. D. Worley,‡ and Roy Broughton§
Department of Chemistry, Polymer Research Group, Faculty of Science, University of Tanta, Tanta 31527,
Egypt, and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Department of Polymer and Fiber Engineering,
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849
Received December 4, 2006; Revised Manuscript Received February 20, 2007
Microbial infection remains one of the most serious complications in several areas, particularly in medical devices,
drugs, health care and hygienic applications, water purification systems, hospital and dental surgery equipment,
textiles, food packaging, and food storage. Antimicrobials gain interest from both academic research and industry
due to their potential to provide quality and safety benefits to many materials. However, low molecular weight
antimicrobial agents suffer from many disadvantages, such as toxicity to the environment and short-term
antimicrobial ability. To overcome problems associated with the low molecular weight antimicrobial agents,
antimicrobial functional groups can be introduced into polymer molecules. The use of antimicrobial polymers
offers promise for enhancing the efficacy of some existing antimicrobial agents and minimizing the environmental
problems accompanying conventional antimicrobial agents by reducing the residual toxicity of the agents, increasing
their efficiency and selectivity, and prolonging the lifetime of the antimicrobial agents. Research concerning the
development of antimicrobial polymers represents a great a challenge for both the academic world and industry.
This article reviews the state of the art of antimicrobial polymers primarily since the last comprehensive review
by one of the authors in 1996. In particular, it discusses the requirements of antimicrobial polymers, factors
affecting the antimicrobial activities, methods of synthesizing antimicrobial polymers, major fields of applications,
and future and perspectives in the field of antimicrobial polymers.
Scheme 3
Scheme 2. Synthesis of METR-NIPAAm Copolymer
Scheme 5
Figure 10.
is the content of the HQ, the higher is the release rate, and the
higher are the antimicrobial activities. In these kinds of
antimicrobial polymers, the antimicrobial activities should
increase with time due to the release of more active agent; Figure 13. Structure of MDPB.
however, after a certain time, they may become inactive because
of releasing the entire active ingredient. In a subsequent
publication, the same group reported the synthesis of other
copolymers based on the monomer AQ.24 They reported the
synthesis of copolymers of monomer AQ with acrylamide
P(AM-co-AQ) and N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone P(VP-co-AQ). The
antimicrobial activities of the monomer AQ, the homopolymer
PAQ, and the prepared copolymers P(VP-co-AQ), P(AM-co-
AQ), and P(AA-co-AQ) were tested against S. aureus and S.
tiphimurium. In general, the antimicrobial activities of the tested
materials increased in the order: P(VP-AQ) < P(AM-co-AQ)
< P(AA-co-AQ). Increasing the acrylic acid content of the
copolymer P(AA-co-AQ) to 95% caused an increase in the Figure 14. Homo-polymer of MDPB, and copolymer of MDPB with
antibacterial activity of the copolymer to be almost similar to acrylamide.
that of the monomer AQ.
Endo and co-workers reported the synthesis and the antibac-
terial activity of polymeric sulfonium salts to explore the effect
of R-heteroatoms on the antibacterial activity of polymeric
onium salts.25 The polymeric sulfonium salt was obtained by
polymerization of p-vinylbenzyltetramethylenesulfonium tet-
rafluoroborate (Figure 12) at 60-80 °C in acetonitrile with Figure 15. Methacrylate monomers containing pendent quaternary
AIBN as an initiator. ammonium moieties based on 1,4-diazabicyclo-[2.2.2]-octane (DAB-
Polymeric sulfonium salts exhibited a high antibacterial CO).
activity against Gram-positive bacteria. It was found that the
activity of the polymeric sulfonium salts was much higher than with K2CO3. The salt was reacted with ECMA (ethyl R-chlo-
that of the model compound, p-ethylbenzyl tetramethylene romethyl acrylate) to yield the methacrylate monomer with two
sulfonium tetrafluoroborate. However, the use of the sulfonium quaternary ammonium groups (Figure 15). The monomer was
salts as disinfectants may be rather limited because of their low polymerized by free radical polymerization. The antimicrobial
thermal stability. activities of the prepared polymers were screened against S.
Imazato et al.57,58 prepared a new monomer, methacryloy- aureus and E. coli as test organisms. The results showed that
loxydodecyl pyrimidinium bromide (MDPB) (Figure 13). A the monomers were not active against the test organisms, while
water-soluble homopolymer of MDPB and copolymer of MDPB the polymers showed moderate activities against the test
with acrylamide were prepared (Figure 14). The bactericidal organisms in polymer concentrations ranging from 1 mg/mL
activity against oral Streptococci was investigated. However, to 3.9 µg/mL. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
cured resin incorporating MDPB, which is a water-insoluble value for the polymer with the butyl group was 250 µg/mL,
form, had little bactericidal activity. Higher concentrations of while this value was reduced to 62.5 µg/mL with increasing
the MDPB were more effective; for example, a concentration the alkyl chain length to 6 carbons as in the case of the hexyl
of 500 µg mL-1 killed 99.999% within 1 min, while at 100 µg group. The lethal actions of these biocides are believed to follow
mL-1, even after 480 min, the killing was slow. The mechanism the mode of action of cationic biocides, as they target the
of action for these quaternary compounds is believed to be due cytoplasmic membranes. It is believed that the incorporation
to the direct cationic binding to cell wall components, which of the DABCO group into the polymer might enhance its
leads to disruption of the cell wall membrane, and subsequently diffusion into the cell wall due to similarities of the polymer
leads to leakage of critical cell contents and cell death. pendent group and the lipid layer. As a result, there is a
Mathias et al.35 synthesized new methacrylate monomers combination of both ionic and van der Waals interactions, which
containing pendent bi-quaternary ammonium moieties based on should increase the binding of the polymers to the cytoplasmic
(DABCO) [1,4-diazabicyclo-[2.2.2]-octane] (Figure 15).35 The membrane of the bacteria.
monomer was prepared by reacting DABCO with bromoalkanes Singh et al.59 described the synthesis of iodine containing
such as with butyl and hexyl chains to be attached to one quaternary amine methacrylate copolymers. The monomers were
nitrogen of DABCO. The other nitrogen of DABCO was treated synthesized via a two-step reaction: the first step was the
with 11-bromoundecanoic acid. The carboxylic group of the reaction of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) with
produced product was transferred to sodium salt by reacting it piperazine in methanol at 35 °C for 6 h. The second step was
1366 Biomacromolecules, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2007 Kenawy et al.
Figure 16.
Figure 17.
Scheme 8. Synthesis of
Poly(2,4-dichlorophenylmethacrylate-co-vinyl Acetate)
The antimicrobial activities of the homopolymer and copoly-
mers were evaluated against bacterial strains (B. subtilis, E. coli,
and S. citreus), fungi (A. niger, S. pulVerulrmtum, and T.
lignorum), and yeasts (C. utilis, S. cereVisiae, and P. stipitis).
The results showed that the antibacterial activity of the
homopolymer corresponded to the lowest growth (20%), and
the other copolymers exhibited 20-38% growth. The antifungal
and the anti-yeast activities of the homopolymer showed 18-
38% growth. The authors did not report antimicrobial activity
for the monomer.
The monomer 3-triethoxysilylpropyl-5,5-dimethylhydantoin
has been described and polymerized by the Worley group.61
the quaternization of the synthesized monomer with 1-iodooc- It was polymerized on the surfaces of sand particles to
tane (Scheme 7). The quaternized monomer was copolymerized produce an adhered film that, upon chlorination with dilute
with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) by free radical sodium hypochlorite bleach, became biocidal (Figure 16). The
polymerization using ammonium persulfate and N,N,N′,N′- biocidal efficacy of this coated sand has been demonstrated in
tetramethyl ethylenediamine as a redox initiator. Copolymers a cartridge filter experiment against the bacterial pathogens
with various ratios of the quaternized monomers (QAMA) were Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Complete inactiva-
synthesized. The antimicrobial activities of the QAMA contain- tion was observed within 1 min of contact for the former
ing copolymers were evaluated against E. coli and S. aureus. bacterium and in the interval of 1-5 min for the latter. Upon a
The results showed that all of the bacteria were killed by the loss of biocidal activity due to the depletion of bound chlorine,
next day after the incubation. In case of 40% content of QAMA the coated sand particles could be recharged by further exposure
in the copolymer, only a contact time of 10 min was required to dilute bleach. Potential uses of biocidal sand include
to show 100% kill. It was observed that increasing the QAMA disinfection and odor control in water treatment facilities and
content in the copolymer reduced the contact time required for recirculating baths.
killing E. coli. 4.2. Immobilized Antimicrobial Agent on Synthetic Pre-
Endo and co-workers described the synthesis and polymer- formed Polymers. The synthesis of cross-linked copolymers
ization of trialkyl-3-[(and 4-)vinylbenzyl]phosphonium chloride based on copolymerization of vinylbenzyl chloride (VBC) either
(Figure 2) by reaction of 3- (and 4-) chloromethylstyrene with with 2-chloroethyl vinyl ether (CEVE) or with methylmethacry-
trialkylphosphine. The polymerization was carried out in toluene late (MMA), using divinylbenzene (DVB) as a cross-linker, was
at room temperature under an atmosphere of nitrogen.33,60 Low reported.62 The cross-linked copolymers were further modified
molecular weight model compounds of similar structure were by quaternization with triphenylphosphine (Figure 17) and
synthesized (Figure 2). The results of the antibacterial activity triethylamine.
study showed that the polymers, in general, were more active The antimicrobial activities of the modified copolymers were
than the corresponding model compounds. evaluated against various microorganisms (Staphylococcus
Patel and co-workers synthesized homo- and copolymers from aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Aspergillus flaVus,
2,4-dichlorophenyl acrylate (2,4-DMA).1 The monomer 2,4- Fusarium oxysporum, and Candida albicans). The antimicrobial
DMA was prepared by reacting methacryloyl chloride and 2,4- activities of the modified copolymers were also evaluated against
dichlorophenol. Homo- and copolymers of 2,4-DMA and vinyl C. albicans SC5314, A. flaVus, and F. oxysporum as fungal
acetate (VAC) were prepared in DMF using 2,2′-azobisisobu- organisms. It was found that the diameter of the inhibition zone
tyronitrile (AIBN) as an initiator (Scheme 8). varied according to the active group in the copolymer and also
The Chemistry of Antimicrobial Polymers Biomacromolecules, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2007 1367
Figure 19.
Figure 18.
Scheme 11. Reaction Pathway Outlining the Preparation of the Figure 20.
Target Sulfopropylbetaine Copolymers
Figure 21.
phosphonium chloride (MET-R) (Scheme 2) and N-isopropy-
lacrylamide (NIPAAm).41 The copolymer [METO-NIPAAm],
with octyl substituents in phosphonium groups (R ) C8H17
[METO]), was found to have a high antibacterial activity against
E. coli. However, there is no report about the antimicrobial
properties of the monomer itself to compare with the copoly-
Lowe et al.66 prepared a series of statistical copolymers
derived from 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate with four
different hydrophobic monomers (ethyl, butyl, cyclohexyl, and
octyl methacrylates) via free radical copolymerization under bulk
conditions using AIBN as an initiator at 60 °C. The synthesized
copolymers were modified with 1,3-propanesultone (Scheme
11) to yield polysulfopropylbetaine derivatives. The antimicro-
bial activities of the sulfopropylbetaine copolymers were tested
against S. aureus and E. coli using the broth dilution method.
The results showed that all of the copolymers showed bacte-
riostatic activity against the test organisms. However, the
activities were mainly dependent on the copolymer composition
and the test organism. The MIC values for S. aureus and E.
coli were in the range of 1125-2000 µg/mL, which is about 2
orders of magnitude higher than those of the antibiotics
exhibited bacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus. The ampicillin and erythromycin.
reduction in the number of the cells of E. coli was 95.3%, while Polymeric phosphonium salts with different side-chain lengths
it was 99.9% for S. aureus. The relatively lower activity of between the main chain and the reactive group, poly[4-(2-
SMA-AP toward E. coli as compared to S. aureus is due to tributylphosphonioethyl) styrene chloride-co-4-(2-chloroethyl)-
the outer membrane barrier in E. coli. No free AP was detected styrene], Figure 20, and poly[4-(3-tributylphosphoniopropyl)-
from the polymer incubated under similar conditions. Therefore, styrene chloride-co-4-(3-chloropropyl)styrene], Figure 21, were
it was concluded that SMA-AP may be bactericidal by itself, prepared by Kanazawa and Endo.26
and its bactericidal activity may last for a fairly long period of The polymeric phosphonium salts were prepared by reacting
time under neutral conditions. However, there was no bacteri- tributylphosphine with the copolymers in toluene at room
cidal mechanism suggested for SMA-AP, but it is possible that temperature under nitrogen atmosphere for 20 h. The antimi-
it was due to the phenolic hydroxyl group, which may attack crobial activity of the polymer phosphonium salts was tested
the cell membrane, which leads to cell death. One advantage against S. aureus and E. coli, and the results showed high
of this kind of antimicrobial system is that there is no release activity of the synthesized polymers.
of active agent into the environment; it has bactericidal activity They found that the antibacterial activity decreased as the
itself. side-chain length increased. However, in the two examples
Probably the class of the antimicrobial polymers that has studied, there is only a difference of one carbon between the
received the most attention over the years has been that of the lengths of the two chains. Therefore, this difference in activity
polymeric quaternary “onium” salts. is probably due to other factors.
Nonaka and co-workers synthesized water-soluble polymers Nonaka and co-workers prepared copolymer beads bearing
having a phosphonium group from methacryloyloxyethyl trialkyl quaternary ammonium groups (Figure 22).67
The Chemistry of Antimicrobial Polymers Biomacromolecules, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2007 1369
Figure 23.
Figure 24.
Figure 28.
Figure 31.
Figure 32.
Scheme 20. Oxygen Plasma Treatment of PET and Graft Scheme 23. Preparation of Grafted Chitosan Copolymers
Polymerization of Acrylic Acid (AA) on PET
Scheme 21. Formation of Chitosan-Grafted PET (PET-A-C) Scheme 24. Reaction Scheme for the Synthesis of HTCC
Scheme 27. Schiff Base Formation between Chitosan (CTS) and Figure 36. Polyketones.
Different Aldehydes
Ion exchange fibers LE and LE-TTA had high adsorption
ability for silver ions. Fibers LE and LE-TTA were stirred with
AgNO3 solution to produce silver ions adsorbed on both fibers
(LE-Ag and LE-TTA-Ag). The antibacterial activity of the fibers
was tested against E. coli and S. aureus. LE-TTA-Ag exhibited
high antibacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus, but LE-
Ag did not. On the other hand, L-g-METAC and L-g-TRVB
also exhibited high antibacterial activity against E. coli and S.
aureus. However, the best results in this work were shown by
the fiber L-g-TBVB, which has a tributylphosphonium group
in the side chain. The fiber L-g-TBVB showed the highest
activity against S. aureus, with a total kill after less than 2 h.
The mechanism here is expected to be due to the quaternary
ion and its known mode of action. Also, the silver adsorbed on
Scheme 28. Schiff Base Formation between Chitosan (CTS) and
fiber (LE-TTA-Ag) showed antimicrobial activity against S.
Different Esters aureus. The clear mode of action for this system was not
clarified by the authors, but it could be due to the interaction
of Ag+ with cell enzymes after penetration of the cell wall,
which leads to the cell death.
Chitosan has an amino group at C-2, which is important
because amino groups are nucleophilic and readily react with
electrophilic reagents. Chitosan modified under mild conditions
often results in regioselectivity. In our laboratory, biologically
active moieties were introduced into the amino groups of
chitosan to yield antimicrobial chitosans. Specifically, vanillin,
p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, p-chlorobenzaldehyde, anisaldehyde
(Scheme 27), methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, methyl 2,4-dihydroxy-
benzoate, propyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate, and 2-hydroxym-
ethylbenzoate (Scheme 28) were attached.91
The anti-microbial activities of these modified chitosans were
explored against fungi such as Candida albicans SC5314,
Aspergillus flaVus, and Fusarium oxysporium. Also, they were
monomers. Methacryloyloxyethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride tested against bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli,
(METAC) was grafted on loofah fiber by reacting it in deionized and Staphylococcus aureus after 24 h contact time. These
water using ammonium cerium nitrate as an initiator to yield modified chitosans were found to be generally highly active
loofah-grafted METAC (L-g-METAC). A similar method was toward fungi species (more than bacterial species). However,
used to prepare TBVB and ETMA grafted on loofah fibers to for polymer CTS1 (Scheme 27), concentrations of 20 mg/mL
yield L-g-TBVB and L-g-ETMA (LE) (Figure 35). Further were able to kill 100% of Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli,
modification for the ETMA grafted on loofah fiber L-g-ETMA and Staphylococcus aureus. A lower concentration of 10 mg/
(LE) was carried out by reacting it with triethylenetetramine mL was able to kill 100% of Staphylococcus aureus. Also,
(TTA) to yield an ion exchange fiber LE-TTA (Figure 35). polymer CTS2 showed total kill of 100% for Aspergillus flaVu
1376 Biomacromolecules, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2007 Kenawy et al.
and Fusarium oxysporium at a concentration of 20 mg/mL; a The authors studied the hydrolysis rate of bithionol-containing
lower concentration of 10 mg/mL killed 98% of Staphylococcus polymers at 37 °C in buffer solution at pH 7.4. It releases
aureus at the same contact time. The mode of action could be bithionol at about 1% per day. There was no specific antimi-
due to the phenolic hydroxyl groups. crobial study for the prepared polymers reported.
4.4. Preparation of Hydrolyzable Antimicrobial Agents
as Part of the Polymer Main Chain. A number of chemical 5. Major Fields of Applications of Antimicrobial
reactions can be employed to incorporate antimicrobial agents Polymers
into polymeric backbones. Polymers with biologically active
groups in the main chain are considered desirable as they may 5.1. Water Treatment. Chlorine or water-soluble disinfec-
be hydrolyzed to active drugs and small innocuous molecules. tants are used for sterilizing water. However, soluble disinfec-
Prime candidates for polymer structures in these categories are tants have the problems of residual toxicity of the agents, even
polyamides, polyesters, and polyurethanes.92 Polyketones have if suitable amounts of the agents are used.63 With the use of
been prepared by reacting benzene, chloroacetyl chloride, 1,2- these disinfectants or antimicrobial agents, the problem of
dichloroethane, and dichloromethane using anhydrous aluminum residues cannot be avoided, bringing about more serious
chloride as a catalyst and nitrobenzene as a solvent (Figure 36).93 consequences. Their residues can become concentrated in the
All of the samples of the polyketones showed inhibitory food chain in the environment. In addition, because free chlorine
effects on the growth of Bacillus substilis and Pseudomonas and other related chemicals can react with organic substances
fluorescens. They also showed antifungal activity against in the water to yield trihalomethane analogues that are suspected
Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma Viride. of being carcinogenic, their use should be avoided. These
A model drug polymer was synthesized using 1,6-hexane drawbacks can be solved by the removal of microorganisms
diisocyanate (HDI), polycaprolactone diol (PCL), and a fluo- from water with insoluble substances.8,96 One approach is the
roquinolone antibiotic, ciprofloxacin (Scheme 29). The study use of insoluble contact disinfectants that can inactivate, kill,
showed that an antibiotic could be polymerized into the or remove target microorganisms by mere contact without
backbone of a polymer and that the polymer could be degraded releasing any reactive agents to the bulk phase to be disinfected.
by an inflammatory cell-derived enzyme cholesterol esterase.94 Polymeric disinfectants are ideal for applications in hand-
Analysis of the solutions showed that ciprofloxacin was released, held water filters, surface coatings, and fibrous disinfectants,
and it was able to inhibit the growth of P. aeruginosa. The because they can be fabricated by various techniques and can
degradation products containing ciprofloxacin bonded to frag- be made insoluble in water. Several workers in the past few
ments of PCL and HDI and did not display antimicrobial decades have attempted to produce insoluble polymeric disin-
activity. The mechanism of action is similar to quinolones, which fectants for use in water treatment. A water-insoluble matrix
inhibit the activity of the bacterial DNA gyrase, which leads to based on iodinated poly(methyl methacrylate-co-N-vinyl-2-
bacterial cell death. However, for these systems, the complete pyrrolidone) was synthesized by Tyagi et al.97 The copolymer
degradation of the polymer backbone is necessary to release was synthesized from methyl methacrylate (MMA) and N-vinyl-
the known active formula of the drug. 2-pyrrolidone with a 1:1 (w/w) ratio and using 0.5% AIBN (w/
Albertsson and co-workers described the incorporation of the w) as an initiator. The copolymer was sieved in particle size
known antimicrobial agent, bithionol[2,2′-thiobis(2,4-dichlo- range 250-500 µm and was treated with molecular resublimed
rophenol)], in the polymer main chain.95 Bithionol was found iodine at 37 °C for 24 h to yield the iodinated copolymer. This
to react with phosgene to give the bischloroformate, and the copolymer was used in the specially designed cartilage for
latter was used for the preparation of alternating copolycarbon- testing the antimicrobial activity of the iodinated copolymer
ates, polyurethanes, or copolycarbonate/polyurethane (Figure (Figure 38). As shown in Figure 38, the system was connected
37). to a water tap via a water flow regulator. A known concentration
The Chemistry of Antimicrobial Polymers Biomacromolecules, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2007 1377
Figure 37.
Figure 39.
Table 3. Functional Groups in Polymers Commonly Used for Food Packaging Material (Reference 114)
Antimicrobial sutures were prepared by the radiation grafting no reduction in mechanical properties occurred even after
of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate monomer (HEMA) on polypro- storage for a long period in a wet environment.58,112
pylene monofilament.109 The poly(HEMA) hydrogel grafted 5.3. Food Applications. Microbial contamination reduces the
sutures were used for the immobilization of 8-hydroxy quinoline shelf life of foods and increases the risk of food-born illness.
as an antimicrobial drug. It was found that the modified sutures The demand for minimally processed, easily prepared, and ready
exerted an antimicrobial activity against S. aureus. to eat “fresh” food products, as well as globalization of food
Recently, concerns have been raised regarding the therapeutic trade, and distribution from centralized processing, pose major
effects exhibited by dental restorative materials.110 Several challenges for food safety and quality.113 The interested reader
attempts at modification of the resin matrix phase or filler to is also referred to the review by Appendini and Hotchkiss, which
provide antimicrobial effects have been reported by Imazato represents a very interesting discussion of the need for antimi-
and co-workers.111 They reported the synthesis of an antibacterial crobial food packaging.113
monomer, 12-methacryloyloxydodecylpyridinium bromide The food-borne microbial outbreaks are driving a search for
(MDPB) (Figure 13). The monomer (MDPB) was synthesized innovative ways to inhibit microbial growth in the foods while
by combining quaternary ammonium dodecylpyridinium with maintaining quality, freshness, and safety. Traditional methods
a methacryloyl group, so that the bactericide was immobilized of preserving foods from the effect of microbial growth include
in the resin matrix by copolymerization of MDPB with other thermal processing, dry freezing, refrigeration, irradiation, and
monomers. The resin composites incorporating MDPB demon- adding antimicrobial agents or salts. Unfortunately, some of
strated inhibition of dental plaque formation on the surface, and these techniques cannot be applied to some food products, such
1380 Biomacromolecules, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2007 Kenawy et al.
as fresh meats and ready-to-eat products.114 Also, there is a Scheme 30. Preparation of the Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial
growing demand for foods without chemical preservatives.115 Fiber Based on PVA
Antimicrobial packing is a form of active packing in which the
package interacts with the product or the head space between
the package and food system to obtain a desired outcome.116
Antimicrobial substances incorporated into packaging materi-
als can control microbial contamination by reducing the growth
rate and maximum growth population and/or extending the lag-
phase of the target microorganisms or by inactivating the
microorganisms by contact.117 Antimicrobial polymers can be
used in several food-related applications including packaging.118
One of these applications is to extend the shelf life and promote
safety by reducing the rate of growth of specific microorganisms
by direct contact of the package with the surface of solid foods,
for example, meat, cheese, etc., or in the bulk of the liquid, for
example, milk or meat exudates. Second, antimicrobial packag-
ing materials greatly reduce the potential for recontamination
of processed products and simplify the treatment of materials
to eliminate product contamination. For example, self-sterilizing ing materials for increased fruit and vegetable shelf life.124
packaging might eliminate the need for peroxide treatment in Examples of ionic and covalent immobilization of antimicrobials
aseptic packaging. Third, at least in concept, this could result onto polymers or other materials have been reviewed in this
in self-sterilizing foods, especially liquids. This might be work. This type of immobilization requires the presence of
particularly useful for high acid products such as fruit juices. functional groups both on the antimicrobial agent as well as on
Antimicrobial polymers might also be used to cover surfaces the polymer. Examples114 of polymers used for food packaging
of food processing equipment so that they self-sanitize during that have functional groups are shown in Table 3. Application
use. Examples include filler gaskets, conveyers, gloves, gar- of antimicrobial polymers in food is gaining interest from
ments, and other personal hygiene equipment. The target researchers due to its potential to provide quality and safety
microorganism and the food composition must be considered benefits. Currently, development is limited due to the availability
in antimicrobial packaging. of antimicrobials, new polymeric materials, and testing methods.
With the advent of new materials and more information, this
As with any antimicrobial agent, those to be incorporated
may change.
into polymers have to be selected on the basis of their spectrum
Future work in this field will focus on the use of biologically
of activity, mode of action, chemical composition, and the rate
active derived antimicrobial compounds bound to polymers. The
of growth and physiological state of the targeted microorgan-
need for the new antimicrobials with a wide spectrum of activity
isms.119 Antimicrobial moieties attached to the polymer, how-
and low toxicity will increase. Also, antimicrobial dendrimers
ever, need to be active while attached to the polymer. This
may play an important role in this field of application. It is
activity is related to the mode of action. If, for example, the
possible that research and development of “intelligent” or smart
mode of action is on the cell membrane or wall of the
antimicrobial food packages will follow. These will be materials
microorganism, it is possible that the attached antimicrobial
that sense the presence of microorganisms in the food. It may
agent will act on the cells. This is likely not to be the case if it
be also interesting to use the idea of pro-drugs in the
needs to enter the cytoplasm.
antimicrobial polymeric food preservatives and packaging.
Examples of polymers with high antimicrobial activity in 5.4. Textile Products. Antimicrobial treatment is rapidly
growth media and low activity in foods include triclosan in becoming a standard finish for some categories of textile
plastics.120 Further considerations in antimicrobial packaging products such as for medical, institutional, and hygienic uses.
choice are the concentration of antimicrobials in the polymer Recently, it became popular in sportswear, women’s wear, and
film, the effect of film thickness on activity, and the physical aesthetic clothing to impart anti-odor or biostatic properties.125,126
and mechanical properties of the polymers after conversion to Textiles and fibrous materials are subjected to various
the final product. For example, antimicrobial activity of finishing techniques to afford (a) protection for the user of textile
compounds coated or immobilized on the surface of polymer materials against bacteria, yeast, dermatophytic fungi, and other
films may be independent of film thickness. However, if the related microorganisms for aesthetic, hygienic, or medical
antimicrobial is entrapped into the bulk of the material, the film purposes; (b) protection of the textile itself from biodeterioration
thickness will play a role in the diffusion and concentration at caused by mold, mildew, and rot-producing fungi; and (c)
the surface of the film.121 protection for textiles from insects and other pests.119,120
Some polymers are inherently antimicrobial and have been Basically, there are three mechanisms by which antimicrobial
used in films and coatings. Cationic polymers such as chitosan agents provide protection to textiles and the wearer. The majority
promote cell adhesion.122 Because charged amines interact with of antimicrobial protective finishes function by the controlled-
negative charges on the cell membrane, they can cause leakage release mechanism. An excellent example of a controlled-release
of intracellular constituents. Chitosan has been used as a coating mechanism is the fiber with broad-spectrum antimicrobial
and appears to protect fresh vegetables and fruits from fungal properties based on poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) (Scheme 30).
degradation. Although the antimicrobial effect is attributed to The fiber was prepared by reaction of 5-nitrofurylacrolein with
antifungal properties of chitosan, it may be possible that the poly(vinyl alcohol) in the presence of an acid catalyst.16 The
chitosan acts as a barrier between the nutrients contained in the antimicrobial activity was produced by slow release of the nitro
produce and microorganisms.123 compound in the presence of moisture.
Bacterial acrylic polymers made by copolymerizing acrylic Shin and co-workers investigated the effect of the molecular
protonated amine co-monomers have been proposed as packag- weight on antimicrobial activity of chitosan-treated cotton
The Chemistry of Antimicrobial Polymers Biomacromolecules, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2007 1381
Future work should focus on the development of new GTMAC ) glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride
polymeric antimicrobial materials to be used for soil sterilization METAC ) methacryloyloxyethyl trimethyl ammonium chlo-
to replace the toxic materials currently in use such as methyl ride
bromide. Many interesting ideas were formulated through TRVB ) tributyl-4-vinylbenzyl phosphonium chloride
writing this review. Of particular interest were the use of ETMA ) 2,3-epithiopropyl methacrylate
dendrimers as antimicrobial polymers and the use of N-halamine HDI ) 1,6-hexane diisocyanate
polymers as biocides. If one could combine both ideas by PCL ) polycaprolactone diol
preparation of the dendrimer on an insoluble support and then 4-VP ) 4-vinylpyridine
modification of it to form N-halamines, this could be a very PP ) polypropylene
promising development. HEMA ) 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate
Participation and collaboration of research institutes, industry, PVA ) poly(vinyl alcohol)
and government regulatory agencies will be the key for the ZOI ) zone of inhibition
success of antimicrobial polymeric materials. MIC ) minimum inhibitory concentration
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