Saromm Form

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Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion Measure ID Number ___ ___ ___

(A Measure of Posture and Flexibility)

Child’s name: _________________ D.O.B.: ________________________

Therapist: ____________________ Date of Assessment: ______________

Score Summary:
After completing the SAROMM, record the value for each of the items below. Determine the
Spinal Alignment Score by summing items 1 through 4. Record the mean value for this section.
Determine the hip score by summing items 5 through 16, the knee score by summing 17 through
20, the ankle score by summing 21 through 24 and the upper extremity score by summing 25 and
26. Determine and record the mean value for each of these scores. Determine the Range of
Motion Score by summing the hip, knee, ankle and upper extremity scores. Determine the total
SAROMM score by summing the Spinal Alignment and the Range of Motion Scores. The mean
values can be plotted on the graph on the last page of this form for a visual representation of the

Spinal Alignment Subscale

1. Cervical Spine ____
2. Thoracic Spine ____
3. Lumbar Spine ____
4. Lateral Curve ____ Spinal Alignment Score ____

Mean Value
Range of Motion and Muscle Extensibility Subscale
Right Left
5/6. Hip Extension ____ ____
7/8. Hip Flexion ____ ____
9/10. Hip Abduction ____ ____
11/12. Hip Adduction ____ ____ Means
13/14. Hip ER ____ ____
15/16. Hip IR ____ ____ Hip Score ____
17/18. Knee Extension ____ ____
19/20. Hamstrings ____ ____ Knee Score ____
21/22. Ankle Dorsiflexion ____ ____
23/24. Ankle Plantarflexion ____ ____ Ankle Score ____
25/26. Upper Extremities ____ ____ UE Score ____

Range of Motion Score ____

Total SAROMM Score ____

Instructions: Please circle the number matching your response. Refer to the protocol for details
about administration and scoring.

Spinal Alignment Subscale

1. This individual is able to actively correct alignment in the cervical spine in the sagittal
plane (i.e. no excess of lordosis or capital extension; Figs 1-3).
____ NO 1 Flexible – passive
2 Fixed – mild
3 Fixed – moderate
4 Fixed – severe

2. This individual is able to actively correct alignment in the thoracic spine in the sagittal
plane (i.e. no excess of kyphosis; Figs 4-7).
____ NO 1 Flexible – passive
2 Fixed – mild
3 Fixed – moderate
4 Fixed – severe

3. This individual is able to actively correct alignment in the lumbar spine in the sagittal
plane (i.e. no excess of lordosis or posterior pelvic tilt; Figs 8-12).
____ NO 1 Flexible – passive
2 Fixed – mild
3 Fixed – moderate
4 Fixed – severe

4. This individual has no spinal alignment limitations in the frontal and transverse planes
with active correction (i.e. no functional or structural scoliosis; Figs 13-16).
____ NO 1 Flexible – passive (i.e. functional scoliosis)
2 Fixed – mild
3 Fixed – moderate
4 Fixed – severe
Range of Motion and Muscle Extensibility
Instructions: Please record the number of your response on the line below each item number for
both right and left sides. Refer to the protocol for details about administration and scoring.

5/6. This individual has no restriction of hip extension range of motion (i.e. does not assume
a posture of hip flexion or have a hip flexion contracture).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible – passive (neutral or greater extension)
2 Fixed – mild (neutral to 15o)
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate (15 to 30o)
4 Fixed – severe (> 30o)
7/8. This individual has no restriction of hip flexion range of motion (i.e. does not assume a
posture of hip extension and has greater than 135 degrees of flexion).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible – passive (> 135o)
2 Fixed – mild (110 to 135o)
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate (90 to 110o)
4 Fixed – severe (< 90o)
9/10. This individual has no restriction of hip abduction range of motion (i.e. does not assume
a posture of hip adduction and has greater than 60 degrees of abduction).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible – passive (> 60o)
2 Fixed – mild (40 to 60o)
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate (20 to 40o)
4 Fixed – severe (< 20o)
11/12. This individual has no restriction of hip adduction range of motion (i.e. does not assume
a posture of hip abduction and has greater than 30 degrees of hip adduction).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible – passive (> 30o)
2 Fixed – mild (10 to 30o)
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate (neutral to 10o)
4 Fixed – severe (< neutral)
13/14. This individual has no restriction of hip external rotation range of motion (i.e. does not
assume a posture of hip internal rotation and has greater than 45 degrees of ER).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible – passive (> 45o)
2 Fixed – mild (30 to 45o)
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate (15 to 30o)
4 Fixed – severe (< 15o)
15/16. This individual has no restriction of hip internal rotation range of motion (i.e. does not
assume a posture of hip external rotation and has greater than 45 degrees of IR).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible – passive (> 45o)
2 Fixed – mild (30 to 45o)
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate (15 to 30o)
4 Fixed – severe (< 15o)
17/18. This individual has no restriction of knee extension range of motion (i.e. does not have a
knee flexion contracture).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible – passive (to neutral or greater)
2 Fixed – mild (0 to -10o)
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate (-10 to -20o)
4 Fixed – severe (> -20o)

19/20. This individual has no restriction of hamstring extensibility (i.e. popliteal angle less than
20 degrees).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible –passive (< 20o)
2 Fixed – mild (20 to 45o)
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate (45 to 60o)
4 Fixed – severe (> 60o)

21/22. This individual has no restriction of ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (i.e. does not
assume an equinus posture and has greater than 15 degrees of ankle dorsiflexion).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible – passive (> 15o)
2 Fixed – mild (5 to 15o)
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate (-10 to +5o)
4 Fixed – severe (> -10o)

23/24. This individual has no restriction of ankle plantarflexion range of motion (i.e. does not
assume a calcaneus posture and has greater than 45 degrees of plantarflexion).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible – passive (> 45o)
2 Fixed – mild (45 to 20o)
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate (20o to neutral)
4 Fixed – severe (< neutral)

25/26. This individual has no restriction of upper extremity range of motion (i.e. does not
assume a posture such as shoulder adduction and internal rotation, elbow flexion, forearm
pronation and wrist and finger flexion or have upper extremity contractures; Figs 28-30).
Left Right NO 1 Flexible – passive
2 Fixed – mild
____ ____ 3 Fixed – moderate
4 Fixed – severe
Please note any other areas of joint malalignment or limitations in range of motion (e.g. knee
hyperextension or angular or torsional deformities).






Note variations to testing protocols or positions here:








Plot the mean values for each section to obtain a visual representation of the scores

Spine Hip Knee Ankle UE

djb: April 2004

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