Course Name ME 2materials Science Hande Öztürk Room 318: Hande - Ozturk@ozyegin -
Course Name ME 2materials Science Hande Öztürk Room 318: Hande - Ozturk@ozyegin -
Course Name ME 2materials Science Hande Öztürk Room 318: Hande - Ozturk@ozyegin -
Hande Öztürk
Instructor Room 318
Week Topic
Course Contents
Introductio, Atomic structure and bonding
Lab safety Lecture and Safety Exam
Required Reading Materials Science and Engineering 8E SI. Callister, William D. and Rethwisch, D. G.
Calculators You will need a calculator for your quizzes and exams. You will not be allowed to use
your cell phone or computer (MS excel) during the exams/quizzes unless it is specified
otherwise. You cannot exchange/share calculators.
Computers There will not be much need for computers during the classes.
Quizzes (10%)
Lab Reports/quizzes (20%)
Assessment Methods Midterm I (20%)
Midterm II (20%)
Final (30%)
Attendance Attendance is strongly recommended since there will be quizzes during the class hours
during every lecture.
Bonus Points There may be some bonus point activities that will be assigned during the class hours.
Practice problem sets Problem sets will be solved during the recitation sections.
In Class Exercises There may be multiple “in class” exercises during the class hours. Students will be allowed
to work in small groups. In Class Exercises may or may not be graded and assigned as
Homework Homework is reviewing the material from the last lecture unless announced otherwise.
There will be a quiz from the material discussed in the previous lecture.
General Policy for • All cell phones must be turned off and they cannot be used in place of a calculator.
Midterms/ Exams • You are responsible to know all the functions of your calculators. No asking around
during the exam!
• No graphing ability is allowed on your calculators. You won’t need to draw
complicated graphs during your exams.
• Show all your work, the answer is not sufficient by itself. Carefully read the
instructions on your exam booklets.
• Any suspicious activity and/or attitude outside the boundaries of academic integrity
during exam will result in marking of your exam paper to be evaluated accordingly.
There will not be exceptions to this rule.
• If you are late for the exam, you will not be given extra time. Make sure you are on
time! If there is an urgency or a special circumstance, communicate it to me
No behavior that can distract the other students in class will be allowed. If you are late
for a lecture, do come in but do not distract class participants.
Behavior in Class
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Principle “One’s freedom ends where the others freedom starts.”
Destructive behavior will result in your dismissal from the class.
Policy on Laptops, When/if you are asked to bring a laptop, a PDA, an IPod, an IPad, etc. to the class;
Handheld devices, make sure you are using it properly for our class purposes only.
Cell phones during
Lectures Playing games, chatting online, looking up the latest scores, facebooking, twittering,
working on homework assignment for another class are examples of improper use.
Remember to turn your cell phones off or silence them during classes.
“Because the value of an academic degree depends upon the absolute integrity of the
work done by a student for that degree, it is imperative for students to maintain a high
level of individual honor in his or her scholastic work.
Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts or omissions
Scholastic Honesty related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree, and/or the submission
as one's own work of material that is not one's own. As a general rule, scholastic
dishonesty involves one of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and/or
falsifying academic records.
Circumstances may arise during the course that prevents the instructor from fulfilling
Syllabus each and every component of this syllabus. Therefore, please keep checking this
document as it is subject to change as needed by the instructors.