All India Services
All India Services
All India Services
The All India Services comprises Civil Services of In- 1.1 Nature of Work
dia, namely the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), the
Indian Forest Service (IFoS) and the Indian Police Ser- Responsibilities vary with the seniority of the civil ser-
vice (IPS).[1] A common unique feature of the All In- vant. Junior officers begin with probation and move up in
dia Services is that the members of these services are the hierarchy. At the district level the responsibilities are
recruited by the Center(Union government in federal concerned with district matters as well as all developmen-
polity), but their services are placed under various State tal affairs while at the divisional level the responsibilities
cadres, and they have the liability to serve both under the focus on law and order also. Policy framing is carried on
State and under the Centre.[1] Due to the federal polity of at the State and Central levels.
the country, this is considered one of the tools that makes
union government stronger than state governments. Offi-
cers of these three services comply to the All India Ser-
vices Rules relating to pay, conduct, leave, various al- 2 Allocation, division and cadres
lowances etc.[2]
The officers of All India Services are organized into
The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pen-
cadres, derived from the states they are allotted to work
sions is the cadre controlling authority for the IAS, for
in for as long as they continue to be a member of the
IPS, the Ministry Of Home Affairs while the Ministry of
respective Service. Twenty-four states have their own
Environment, Forests and Climate Change is the cadre
cadre, but there are also three joint cadres: Assam-
controlling authority for IFoS.
Meghalaya, Manipur-Tripura, and Arunachal Pradesh-
Examination for recruitment of IAS and IPS is conducted Goa-Mizoram-Union Territories (AGMUT).
by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on the
There are State Cadres and the Officers of All India Ser-
basis of the annual Civil Services Examination, a com-
vices (AIS) - Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian
petitive civil service examination, and for IFoS on the
Police Service (IPS), Indian Forest Service (IFoS) - are
basis of the IFoS Examination. Since 2012 onwards, the
divided into State cadres. When on probation the All In-
preliminary (first tier) of the two examinations are com-
dia Service (AIS) Officers are allocated to their States.
bined. These officers are recruited and trained by the
Officers of AIS working with the Union Government are
Central Government, and then allotted to different State
posted on deputation for some years. The AIS officers in
a State cadre may be original residents of that State but
almost 2/3 of all officers are from outside the state. The
AIS officer cannot demand his home State cadre but may
put in request for being considered for the home cadre.
Once allotted to a State cadre, an officer generally con-
tinues with that State cadre during his/her whole service
. All India Services are controlled by the Union Gov-
1 Power, purpose and responsibili- ernment of India. Selected candidates are appointed to
ties different state cadres and as and when required they also
move to Union Government jobs on deputation.
retary stands at the top of the government machinery in- At the divisional level, the Divisional Commissioner is in
volved in policy making followed by Secretary/Additional charge of his division. His role is to oversee law and or-
Secretary, Joint Secretary, Director, Under Secretary and der and general administration and developmental work.
Junior Scale Officers in that order. These appointments Appeals against the Divisional Commissioner are heard
are filled by civil servants according to seniority in the by the Chairman of the Board of Revenue.
Civil Services. In the process of decision making, a num-
ber of officers give their views to the Minister who weighs
the matter and makes a decision considering the issue in-
2.2 Indian Forest Service (IFS)
The implementation process involves supervision and Main article: Indian Forest Service
touring. The allocation of enormous funds to and by the
field officers calls for supervision and the officials con-
cerned have to reply to queries made in the Parliament India was one of the first countries in the world to intro-
for which they must remain well informed. duce scientific forest management. In 1864, the British
Raj established the Imperial Forest Department. In 1866
The Civil servant has also to represent the Government in Dr. Dietrich Brandis, a German forest officer, was
another country or in International forums. At the level appointed Inspector General of Forests. The Imperial
of Deputy Secretary, he is even authorized to sign agree- Forestry Service was organized in 1867.
ments on behalf of the Government.
Officers appointed from 1867 to 1885 were trained in
A civil servant begins his career in the state with 2 years in Germany and France, and from 1885 to 1905 at Cooper’s
probation. This period is spent at training schools, Sec- Hill, London, which was a noted professional college of
retariat, field offices or in a District Magistrate's office. forestry. From 1905 to 1926, the University of Oxford,
He is given the position of Sub-Magistrate and has to University of Cambridge, and University of Edinburgh
look after the law, order and general administration in- undertook the task of training Imperial Forestry Service
cluding developmental work in the area under his charge. officers.
After the probation and 2 years of services as a junior
scale officer, the officer is put in the senior scale. Then From 1927 to 1932, forest officers were trained at the Im-
he may function as District Magistrate, Managing Direc- perial Forest Research Institute (FRI) at Dehradun, which
tor of a Public Enterprise or Director of a Department. had been established in 1906. The Indian Forest College
Senior Scale comprises the Senior Time Scale (Joint Sec- (IFC) was established in the 1938 at Dehradun, and offi-
retary), Junior Administrative Grade (Additional Secre- cers recruited to the Superior Forest Service by the states
tary) and the Selection Grade (Special Secretary). Selec- and provinces were trained there. Forestry, which was
tion Grade is given on promotion after 13 years of regular managed by the federal government until then, was trans-
service. The next promotion within the State is that of a ferred to the “provincial list” by the Government of India
Commissioner-cum-Secretary after 16 years. This pro- Act 1935, and recruitment to the Imperial Forestry Ser-
motion also entitles them to the Super Time Scale. Then vice was subsequently discontinued.
after 24 years of regular service an IAS officer may be The modern Indian Forest Service was established in
promoted to Above super time scale who is designated as 1966, after independence, under the All India Services
Principal Secretaries/Financial Commissioners in some Act 1951, for protection, conservation, and regeneration
states of forest resources.
Each State has many Secretaries/Principal Secretaries India has an area of 635,400 km designated as forests,
and only one Chief Secretary. Some appointments of about 19.32 percent of the country. Forest is included in
Secretaries are considered more prestigious than others, the Concurrent List.
e.g., the Finance Secretary, Development Commission-
Ranks of the Indian Forest Service are as follows:
ers, Home Secretary and hence they enjoy the salary of
Assistant Conservator of Forests - Probationary Officer,
a Principal Secretary. the Chief Secretary in the State
Divisional Forest Officer (DFOs), Deputy Conservator of
is the top ranking civil servant and may be assisted by
Forests, Conservator of Forests (CFs), Chief Conservator
Additional Chief Secretaries. In some cadres/States e.g.
of Forests (CCFs) Additional Principal Chief Conserva-
New Delhi, Financial Commissioner and other high rank-
tor of Forests (Addl.PCCFs), Principal Chief Conserva-
ing secretaries such as Additional Chief Secretaries enjoy
tor of Forests (PCCF) & Principal Chief Conservator of
the pay of the Chief Secretary .
Forests (HoFF) - highest post in a State, Director General
In the District, the most senior person is the Collector of Forests (India) - highest post at Centre, selected from
or Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate. The amongst the senior-most PCCFs of states.
DM/Collector/DC handle the affairs of the District in-
The IFoS officers also work in various national organi-
cluding development functions. He necessarily tours all
zations related to management of forests, wildlife and
rural sectors inspecting specific projects, disputed sites
environment such as Forest Survey of India, Wildlife
and looks into the problems of people on the spot also.
Institute of India, Indian Council of Forestry Research
and Education (ICFRE), Indira Gandhi National For- capacities such as First Secretary, Consul, Consul Gen-
est Academy (IGNFA), Directorate of Forest Education, eral, Deputy High Commissioner, Minister, High Com-
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB), etc. besides missioner and an Ambassador.
getting entrusted with senior positions in the Central Sec- The Director General of Police and Commissioner
retariat, State Secretariats and various assignments under of Police is the head of the entire police force of
the Central Staffing Scheme. the State or Metropolitan City (e.g. Kolkata, Delhi,
Mumbai, Chennai etc.) and below him is the Additional
DGP/Special Police Commissioner. The Inspector Gen-
2.3 Indian Police Service (IPS) eral or Joint Commissioner of Police is at the head of
certain specialised police force like Criminal Investiga-
Main article: Indian Police Service tion Department, Special Branch, etc.
6 External links
• All India Services official website
• Union Public Service Commission official website
7.2 Images
• File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist: