Bio-Informatics, Its Application S& Ncbi: Submitted By: Sidhant Oberoi (BTF/09/4038)
Bio-Informatics, Its Application S& Ncbi: Submitted By: Sidhant Oberoi (BTF/09/4038)
Bio-Informatics, Its Application S& Ncbi: Submitted By: Sidhant Oberoi (BTF/09/4038)
Submitted by:
, its Sidhant Oberoi
application (BTF/09/4038)
The assignment contains a brief introduction about
bioinformatics and its applications. It also focuses on
National Centre for Biotechnology Information, its origin,
working and objectives.
Introduction to Bio Informatics
The term bioinformatics was coined by Paulin Hogeweg in 1979 for the study
of informatics process in biotic systems. Recent development in technologies
and instrumentation, which allow large scale as well as nano scale probing of
biological samples, are generating an unprecedented amount of digital data.
This sea of data is too much for the human brain to process and thus there is an
increasing need to use computational methods to process and contextualise
these data.
Applications of Bioinformatics:
One of the most difficult challenges faced in the field of bioinformatics is how
to store, in an easily accessible manner, the overwhelming abundance of new
information, including the sequences of all genomes, the ongoing discoveries of
new genes and gene products, and the determination of their functions and
structures. The major aim of NCBI is to create automated systems for
knowledge about the diverse branches of biology like molecular biology,
biochemistry, microbiology, genetics etc. It aims at helping the researchers to
perform research into advanced methods of analysing and interpreting
biological data. It simply acts as the best central library for all the biotechnology
researchers, professionals or students. It is the major centre for the basic
research and training in computational biology.
NCBI also provides Entrez databases. Entrez is the integrated, text based search
and retrival system used at NCBI for the major databases, including PubMed,
Nucleotide and Protien sequences,
protein Structures, Complete
Genomes, Taxonomy, and others. The
complete list of Entrez databasesis
shown as follows:
NCBI is today considered the best source of knowledge for the field of
biotechnology. It also allows the user for the retrieval of data in various formats
as per the requirement of the user, like GenPept, FASTA, FASTA text etc.
NCBI also has a FTP site with the URL: ( The major resources
under the FTP site are BLAST, CDD data, CD-Tree, Cn3D, dbGap, Genebank
etc. NCBI makes its users available with various research papers in different
topics. Most of them are available free of cost while some are available after the
payment of the membership fee. The database of NCBI is updated every week,
on Tuesday evening and the latest update is available to the user on Wednesday.
Let us take an example, if a user wants to retrieve some information about any
particular protein, say ‘human insulin’. Then the user will need to enter the
name of the protein in the search column, human insulin in this case and should
select the proper database. ‘Protein’ will be an appropriate database in this case.
After selecting all these columns, clicking on the search option will provide
with the list of all the available results. When this example was checked, it
provided me 4938 results. Then it also gives the option of the format required,
for example GenPept, FASTA etc. Finally the user can obtain the desired result
in the desired format.