Potato Tuber Crops

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6. Potato and Tuber Crops 2 (1+1)
Origin, area, production, economic importance and export potential of potato and
tropical, sub-tropical and temperate tuber crops; description of varieties and hybrids.
Climate and soil requirement, season; seed rate; preparation of field; planting
practices; spacing; water, nutrient and weed management; nutrient deficiencies. Use
of chemicals and growth regulators; cropping systems. Harvesting practices, yield;
seed production, economics of cultivation. Post-harvest handling and storage, field
and seed standards, marketing. Crops to be covered – potato, tapioca, sweet potato,
arrow root, cassava, colocasia, xanthosoma, amorphophallus, dioscorea, Jerusalem
artichoke, horse radish and other under exploited tuber crops.
Practical: Identification and description of potato and tropical, sub-tropical
and temperate tuber crops; planting systems and practices; field preparation
and sowing/planting. Top dressing of fertilizers and interculture and use of
herbicides and growth regulators; identification of nutrient deficiencies,
physiological disorders; harvest indices and maturity standards, post-harvest
handling and storage, marketing. Seed collection, working out cost of
cultivation, project preparation of commercial cultivation.

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1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 1-2



1.1 Introduction

1.2 Origin and History

1.3 Area and distribution

1.4 Nutritive value and Uses

1.5 Botany

1.6 Climate

1.7 Soil

1.8 Season

1.9 Planting Time

1.1 Introduction

Solanum tuberosum L. (2n = 4x = 48 Tetraploid)

(Hindi : Aalu) Family: Solanaceae

Potato is the fourth major food crop after rice, wheat and maize in the world. It
produces high dry matter, balanced protein and high calories/ unit area / unit time. Potato
tubers contain vitamin-C (17 mg/100 g) and vitamin-B . It provides carbohydrates, minerals
and fibre. The protein is as comparable to that of milk and egg. The crop is of short duration
and fits well in intensive cropping system

1.2 Origin and History:

 The probable centre of origin of potato is the central Andean (peru in perticular)
region of South America.

 Evidence indicates that potatoes were cultivated for centuries by South American
Indians and the tubers were used as common food.

 The Spanish people brought potato from Peru to Spain in 1565.

 Sir Francis Drake probably brought it to England around 1586.

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

 Following its introduction into European agriculture, potato became an important

food crop

 Potato was introduced to India from Europe in the beginning of the seventeenth
century, probably by the Portuguese, who were the first to open trade routes to the

1.3 Area and Distribution

 China ranks first in area and production followed by Russian Federation, Ukraine,
Poland and India. India ranks fifth in area and production.

 Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal are the major potato producer states in the country.

 Potato production increased from 1.54 million tonnes from an area of 0.234 million ha
during 1949-50 to 23.73 million tonnes/ year during 2002 from an area of 1.26 million


The major potato producing zones are as follow:

1. Uttar Pradesh

2. West Bengal

3. Bihar

4. Gujrat

5. Punjab

6. Madhya Pradesh

7. Assam

3 Potato and Tuber Crops

1.4 Nutritive value and Uses

 It is used mainly as vegetable but it also finds use in for making of chips, halwa,hour
gulab jamun , kheer, etc.

 According to Aykroyd (1941), it contains 74.7 per cent water, 22.9 per cent sugar, 0.6
per cent protein, 0.1 per cent fat, 0.6 per cent mineral matters, 0.01 per cent calcium,
0.03 per cent phosphorus and 0.0007 per cent iron.

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

 According to Macgillivray (1953), food value per 100g of edible portion is 85 calories
of energy, 2 g protein, 13 mg calcium , 40 IU vitamin A, 12 mg ascorbic acid, 0.11
mg thiamine, 0.06 mg riboflavin and 1.18 mg niacin.

 According to Chatfield (1949) 100 g of raw potato contains: 3 mg Na, 410 mg K, 14

mg Ca, 27 mg Mg, 0.8 mg Fe, 0.16 mg Cu, 56mg P, 29 mg S and 35 mg Cl.

 The potato tuber may contain an alkaloid (Solanine), if it is exposed to light. It is a

poisonous compound but 70 per cent of it is removed when potatoes are peeled. This
alkaloid may cause sickness to live stock and human beings.

 Nadkarni (1927) reported the following medicinal uses of potatoes:

1. It is anti-scorbutic.

2. Persons with neurotic and liver dyspepsia digest it well.

3. It is also used as an aperient, diuretic and galactagogue, nervous sedative and

stimulant in gout.

4. Leaf extract is used as an antispasmodic in chronic cough.

5. Potatoes are ground into a paste is applied as plaster to fire burns.

1.5 Botany

The widely cultivated potato is a tetraploid with 2n=48. Basic chromosome number
(x) is 12. Right from diploids to hexaploid species are available in potato. More than 75% of
the species are diploids and are followed by tetraploids (15%). Under diploids, the cultivated
species Solanum stenostomum and S. phureja are sexually fertile while S. ajanhuiri is less
fertile. The two cultivated triploids, S. chaucha and S. juzepezukkii are more or less sterile.
The cultivated tetraploid species S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum and S. tubrosuni ssp. andigena
are self fertile. Nearly all the tetraploid species are self compatible while diploids are self
incompatible. The underground stem called stolons have nodes and internodes and grow
horizontally outwards. And the end of stolons, tuberisation takes place.

Under cultivation, the crop is treated as an annual with a duration of 85-90 days and
tubers are harvested after yellowing and drying up of aerial stem. Flowers are hermaphrodite
and self pollinated. S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum produces tubers under long days or short
days in the tropics or lower altitudes of 500-2000 m above MSL. This is distinguished from
S. tuberosum ssp. andigena by less lobes leaves with wider leaflets, generally arched and set
at wider angles to stem. Pedicel is thickened above.

S. tuberosurm ssp. andigena produces tubers at high altitude only (above 2000 m)
under short day conditions. It is distinguished by narrower and more leaflets which are
generally petiolate. Leaves are set at an acute angle to stem and are generally lobed Pedicel is
not thickened at apex. Vegetative shoot is a sympodium and each portion terminates in an
inflorescence. Vegetative growth is continued by bud in last true leaf. Inflorescence is of

5 Potato and Tuber Crops

cymose type. Flowers are actinomorphic and hypogynous with 5 calyx, 5 corolla and 5
stamens. Pollen sheds through pores at tips of anthers. Mature fruit is a berry. Potato tuber is
a modified stem with shortened axis and poorly developed leaves. ‘Eye’ of tuber is a leaf-scar
with a subtended lateral bud having undeveloped internodes. Tubers develop from sub-apical
region of stolon which arises from basal nodes of stem below soil level.

1.6 Climate

Though a temperate crop, it is adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions. Most

varieties perform well when days are sunny and nights are cool. About 20 °C temperature is
good for tuber formation and it reduces as the temperature increases. Tuberization is badly
affected at about 300C temperature.

At higher temperature, the respiration rate increases and the carbohydrates produced
by photosynthesis are consumed rather than stored in tuber. High temperatures at any part of
growing period affect the size of leaflets, thereby reducing the tuber formation. It grows best
under long day conditions. Sunshine along with cooler nights are essential for reducing the
spread of diseases.

In India, potato crop is raised in regions where day and night temperatures are below
35°C and 20°C respectively. Potato is grown at elevations from mean sea level (MSL) to
2743 m above MSL.A temperature of 22-24°C is the best while for tuberisation, a lower
temperature of 18-20°C and short days are ideal. Most varieties . For sprouting and initial
growth of plants will not tuberise if night temperature is above 23°C. Growth of the plants is
accelerated during long days and high temperature. For flowering, potato is a long day
plant,and it takes place under cool climate and long day conditions of more than 15 hours
light. Such conditions are available during summer months in the hills.

1.7 Soil

Potato can be produced on a wide range of soils, ranging from sandy loam, silt loam,
loam and clay soil. Soil for potato should be friable, well aerated, fairly deep and well
supplied with organic matter. Well- drained sandy loam and medium loam soils are most
ideal for potato cultivation. Light soil is preferred, because they tend to promote more
uniform soil temperatures and make harvesting of the crop easier. Alkaline or saline soil is
not suitable for potato cultivation. They are well suited to acidic soils (pH 5.0 to 6.5) as acidic
conditions tend to limit scab diseases. Deep well drained alluvial soils with almost neutral
reaction are the best for potato cultivation. This is followed by hill, black and red soils. Soil
should be loose, firm and without compacted layer which hinders root penetration.
Compacted layers also restrict drainage. Soil should be free from stones and clods for
avoiding deformation of tubers.

1.8 Season

It has a wide range of seasonal adaptability. In general, it is a summer crop in hills

and a winter crop in plains. In Gangetic plains, sowing season is extended from mid
September to mid January for about four months. In Punjab and Western UP, two crops in

6 Potato and Tuber Crops

succession are taken in same land, first in September- October and second in December —
January. In Nilgiri hills, when winter temperatures are not too low, three crops are raised in
succession by planting in April, August and January.

1.9 Planting Time

In Plains:

Early Crop: Third week of September to first week of October.

Main crop: First week of October to third week of October.

Late Crop: Third week of October to first week of November

In Hills: Potatoes are planted in hills from the third week of February to second week of

In the plateau regions of Maharashtra,Karnataka Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, potato is raised
in rainy(June-July) and winter seasons(Sept-oct).

1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 3-4



Most of the improved potato varieties are developed at the Central Potato Research
Institute (CPRI), Kufri, Shimla. Majority of early varieties are clonal selections derived from
foreign varieties or from popular acclimatized varieties that survived after introduction.
Varieties are distinguished based on their habit, pigmentation of stem, leaf, flower and shape,
size, colour and depth of eyes and flesh colour of tubers. A large number of earlier varieties
either developed at CPRI, Shimla or evolved as famous selections from improved varieties
were replaced by new improved varieties.

Satha, Gola, Up-to-date, Phulva, Great Scot, President, Kufri Kuber, Kufri Kisan, Kufri
Neela, Kufri Khasi-Garo, Kufri Naveen, Kufri Chamatkar, Kufri Neelmani, Kufri Sheetman,
Kufri Alankar, Kufri Jeevan, Kufri Moti, Kufri Lavkar and Kufri Dewa are a few of the
earlier varieties.

Of the Indian potato varieties,

• 8 are early- (70-80 days),

• 21 medium-(90-100 days) and

• 16 late-(100-110 days) maturing.

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

• About 40 varieties possess white or yellow skin, whereas five possess red tuber skin.

• Most of these varieties possess resistance/tolerance to major pests and diseases.


 This is an early-maturing (80-90 days) variety and suitable for cultivation in Bihar,
Gujarat, Haryana, parts of Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

 It produces around 20-25 tons/ha tubers.

 The tubers are large, white, oval, slightly flattened with fleet eyes and dull white

 This variety possesses medium tuber dormancy and is tastiest as vegetable.

 It is suitable for preparations of flakes, flour, chips, French fries and dehydrated
products, when grown under warmer areas of central plains.


• An early-maturing variety (80-90 days).

• It is ideal for cultivation in Haryana, Punjab, plateau region of Gujarat, Karnataka and
Madhya Pradesh.

• It can produce 25-30 tonnes/ha tubers.

• The tubers are medium, white, round- oval with fleet eyes and pale-yellow flesh.


• An early-maturing variety (70-80 days), suited for cultivation in Bihar, Haryana,

Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

• It produces around 20-25 tonnes/ha tubers.

• Tubers are medium-large, white, oval with medium-deep eyes and white flesh.

• Though the variety is susceptible to late blight but escapes late blight due to early

3 Potato and Tuber Crops


• This is early-maturing variety (70-80 days) for cultivation in North Indian plains.

• It can produce 25-30 tonnes/ha tubers.

• The tubers are medium, white, round- oval with medium eyes and white flesh.


• An early-maturing variety (70-80 days) suitable for north-western plains during both
rabi and kharif seasons.

• It can produce about 20-25 tonnes/ha tubers.

• The tubers are medium to large, white, oblong with shallow eyes and pale-yellow

• This is a heat tolerant variety and can be grown in areas having night temperature
above 20°C and is field resistant to hoppers.

• Due to large oblong tubers and high dry-matter content it can be used for preparation
of French fries.

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

Kufri Surya


• This is early-maturing (75-80 days) variety and suitable for cultivation in Plateau
region of Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

• It can be grown in kharif and rabi seasons.

5 Potato and Tuber Crops

• It produces 25-30 tonnes/ha tubers. It is able for rapid bulking under warmer

• Tubers are large to medium, white, round with fleet eyes having prominent eyebrows
and white flesh.

• This is suitable for preparation of flakes, flour, chips and dehydrated products when
grown in warmer areas of central plains.


• It is a medium-maturing variety (90-100 days) for cultivation in North and South

Indian hills.

• It produces around 25-30 tonnes/ha tuber yield.

• The tubers are medium, white, oval with fleet eyes and white flesh.

• The variety is moderately resistant to early blight.

• It is immune to wart and has slow rate of degeneration.

• It is suitable for preparation of flakes, flour, chips and dehydrated products when
grown in warmer areas of central plains.

6 Potato and Tuber Crops


• This is medium-maturing variety (90-100 days) for cultivation in parts of Haryana,

Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh.

• Now this is the prominent variety of Uttar Pradesh, producing 30-35 tonnes/ha tubers.

• It can also be grown in early planting season.

• The tubers are large, white, oval with medium deep eyes and white flesh.


• It is a medium-maturing variety (90-100 days) for cultivation in Bihar and Uttar


• It is popular in north-eastern plains having preference of red-skinned tubers.

• The variety is capable of producing 30-35 tonnes/ha tubers.

• The tubers are medium large, red, round with medium deep eyes and white flesh.

• The variety is moderately resistant to early blight and resistant to PVY.

7 Potato and Tuber Crops


• It is a medium-maturing (90-100 days) variety for cultivation in Bihar, Haryana,

Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.

• It produces around 35-40 tonnes/ha tubers.

• Tubers are attractive, large, white, oval with fleet eyes and white flesh.

• The variety is moderately resistant to late blight.



• This is medium-maturing (90-100 days) variety for cultivation in plains of Uttar

Pradesh and neighbouring states.

8 Potato and Tuber Crops

• It is high-yielding variety and can produce 35-40 tonnes/ha tubers.

• Tubers are large, white, oval-oblong flattened with fleet eyes and white flesh.

• The variety is resistant to late blight, tolerant to frost and can be used for preparation
for French fries.


• It is a medium-maturing (90-100 days) variety for cultivation in North Indian plains.

• The variety can produce 35-40 tonnes/ha tubers, possessing about 20% dry matter.

• The tubers are medium, red, oval with shallow-medium eyes and creamy flesh.

• The variety is field resistant to late blight and tolerant to frost.

9 Potato and Tuber Crops


 This is is early bulking/ medium maturing (80-90 days) variety for cultivation in
Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka,
Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

 It can produce 3 5-40 tons/ha tubers.

 Tubers are large, white, oval, slightly tapered with fleet eyes and yellow flesh.

 The variety is resistant to early blight and moderately resistant to late blight.


 This is a medium-maturing (90-100 days) variety for cultivation in Uttar Pradesh.

10 Potato and Tuber Crops

 It can be grown in adjoining states as well and is capable of yielding 35-40 tonnes/ha

 The tubers are medium to large, white, oval-oblong with shallow eyes and white flesh.

 The variety possesses field resistance to late blight and tolerance to frost.

 Due to large oblong tubers and high dry matter, it can be used for preparation of
French fries.


 The late-maturing (100-110 days) variety Kufri Sindhuri is ideal for cultivation in
Bihar, Gujarat, Karnatalca,Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra, Punjab and Uttar

 It yields 35-40 tonnes/ha tubers.

 Tubers are medium, red, round with medium deep eyes and dull white flesh.

 It is moderately resistant to early blight, tolerant to PLRV and has slow rate of
degeneration and possesses long tuber dormancy.

 It is also tolerant to temperature and water stress to some extent.

 It is suitable for dehydrated instant flakes and canning.

11 Potato and Tuber Crops


 It matures in 100-110 days. It is suited for cultivation in parts of Gujarat, Haryana,

Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.

 It is capable of producing 35-40 tonnes/ha tubers.

 The tubers are large, white and oval with fleet eyes and dull white flesh.

 The variety possesses moderate resistance to late blight, early blight and potato virus


 It is suitable for making chips, French fries and flakes.

 This variety can be grown in North Indian plains in main autumn season, with an
average yield potential of 30-35 t/ha

12 Potato and Tuber Crops

 Its tubers have average dry- matter content of 20-23% and reducing sugars of 10-
100mg/100 g of fresh weight depending upon the location and cultural practices.

 The tubers yield acceptable chip colour from 90 days maturity onwards.

 The 110 days grown crop keeps well at 10-12°C for 4-5 months with respect to
chipping quality.

 The variety has excellent keeping quality.


 Kufri Chipsona 2 has round tubers with shallow eyes and creamy flesh.

 The variety is well adapted in North Indian plains. It can be grown in main autumn
season and to some extent in spring season.

 Its tubers have average dry-matter content of 21-24% and reducing sugar of 30- 100
mg/ 100 g of fresh weight depending upon location and cultural practices.

 The variety achieves maturity in 110-120 days. This is a very good variety for chips
and flakes making.

 Both Kufri Chipsona 1 and Kufri Chipsona 2 have low phenolic content and thus
poses less problem of enzymatic browning.

 The keeping quality of Kufri Chipsona 2 is inferior to Kufri Chipsona 1.

 The chemically mature tubers yield acceptable coloured chips for 4-5 months during
storage at 10-12°C.

13 Potato and Tuber Crops


 Its tubers are of ovoid shape with medium deep eyes and creamy flesh.

 The total and processing grade tuber yield is higher than Kufri Chipsona 1 and Kufri
Chipsona 2.

 This variety is resistant to late blight with an average yield potential of 300-350 q/ha.

 The chemical maturity of variety reaches in 110 days and tubers yield acceptable chip
colour for 4-6 months during storage at 10-


 Kufri Chipsona 3 has good processing quality with more than 20 % dry-matter
content and very low reducing sugars (< 0.05 %) in plains.

1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 5



 Potato is propagated through tubers which have a dormancy of 8-10 weeks.

 Eyes on surface of tubers have axillary buds. Sprouted tubers when used for planting
put up fast and vigorous growth.

 To increase sprouting, tubers are taken out from cold storage 10-15 days before
planting and kept in pre-cooling chamber for 24 hours.

 It is then spread in cool and shady places to sprout.

 30 main stems/m2 is optimum for maximum yield in potato.

 This is achieved by adjusting size of tubers and spacing.

 Planting of tubers of 40 g size at 60 x 20 cm spacing results in optimum stem number.

 If higher size is increased or decreased, intra-row spacing is adjusted accordingly.

 Seed accounts for nearly 40% cost of potato cultivation. Use of large tubers is more
expensive and hence, tubers are cut into pieces, each containing at least one eye.

 Use of cut tubers is not recommended as it enhances chance of transmitting viral and
bacterial diseases.

 When cut tubers are used, it is kept at 10-15°C and 85-90% RH for 4-6 days to allow
tuberisation and wound periderm formation before planting.

True potato seeds

Nearly 40% of total production of potato cultivation is for seed tubers. Bulky nature of
tubers is a problem for transportation and it increases seed cost considerably. Transmission of
viral diseases through tubers is another disadvantage. To avoid above bottle-necks, the
concept of true potato seed (TPS) was evolved. Inadequate supply of seed tubers at an
affordable cost to distant places is overcome by using TPS as planting material.

 TPS is required only in a small quantity, 100-150 g/ha compared to 1000-1500 kg /ha
by tubers.

 TPS is free from viral diseases and by using TPS, storage loss of seed tubers can be

 For production of TPS, parental lines are planted as summer crop in North Indian

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

 In plains, extra light for 4-5 hours in the end of the day during December-January by
150 W sodium lamp is provided for flowering.

 Male parent should flower profusely and should be highly fertile with abundant pollen

 Female lines should be male sterile.

 Both male and female parents are planted side by side in the ratio of 1:4 in same block
and are artificially pollinated.

 For both parents, tubers of 30 g weight are planted.

 After germination, only a single stem plant is retained in female block.

 Female flowers are pollinated in morning followed by re-pollination next day by

applying pollen grains on stigma using a brush.

 Well developed berries are collected 40-50 days after pollination and allowed to ripe
at room temperature for 2-3 weeks.

 Seeds after extraction are treated with 10% hydrochloric acid with continuous stirring
for 20 minutes. Seeds are then washed thoroughly and dried in shade.

 To break dormancy of freshly extracted seeds, TPS is soaked in GA-3 (2000 ppm)
solution for 48 hours.

 Seeds are later dried in shade and sown in the nursery bed.

 Seedlings are transplanted to main field at 4-5 leaf stage.

 Small tubers (40 g size) produced in the seedlings of TPS are also used for planting.

 In spite of great expectations, the TPS has not become popular due to heterogeneous
nature of progenies and practical difficulties in crop raising.

 This is currently employed for development and exchange of varieties among research

Land preparation

During April-May, field is ploughed to a depth of 20-25 cm by one or two deep

ploughing followed by turning and land is left for some time. Before planting, farmyard
manure is incorporated in soil and field is levelled and in sloppy land and flat beds on
levelled land. Ridge planting is more common. Ridges and furrows are made either manually
or mechanically. In mechanical method, furrows are made with help of 2-4 row maker-cum-
fertilizer drill for applying fertilizers also in one sequence. This is followed by planting of
tubers with help of 2-4 row planter-cum-ridger.

3 Potato and Tuber Crops

After application of fertilizers, ridges are also made with tractor drawn ridger and
tubers are dibbled 5-7 cm deep on ridges. When bullock drawn implements are used, field is
marked with rope or marker and fertilizers and tubers are placed on line and ridges are made.
In all methods, utmost care is taken to avoid direct contact of tubers with fertilizer.

Seed Rate, Methods of Sowing and Spacing: The seed requirements for a hectare on the
basis of seed size are given below:

Large size- 25-30 q/ha; Medium size- 15-20 q/ha; Small size- 10-15 q/ha; cut tubers- 8-12
q/ha:-' Potato is planted mainly by two methods:

1) Ridge and Furrow Method:

In this method, the ridges are prepared. The length of the ridges depends on slope of
the plot. Too long ridges and furrows arc not supplied with irrigation water conveniently. The
potato tubers are planted on is let into furrows.

2) Flat Bed Method:

In this method, the whole plot is divided into beds of convenient length and width.
The shallow furrows are opened and potato tubers are planted at recommended distance. The
tubers are covered with the original soil of furrows. When the germination is completed and
plants become 10 to 12 cm height, earthing should be done. Suitable plant spacing in relation
to potato seed grades are given below:

Diameter of tuber from longer axis Planting distance (row x seed)

2.5-3.5 cm 50 x 20 cm or 60 x 15 cm
3.5-5.0 cm 60 x 25 cm

5.0-6.0 cm 60 x 40 cm

Manures and fertilizers

Potato is a heavy feeder and plants respond well to application of manures and
fertilizers. Fertilizer requirement varies with soil and previous crop raised. The requirements
of major nutrients depending on soil are given below:

Half of N, full P and K are to be applied as basal dose before planting tubers.
Remaining N is applied at the time of earthing up. Nitrogen is a limiting factor in all types of
soils and it is required for growth of roots, foliage and tuber. Calcium ammonium nitrate and
ammonium sulphate are better sources of N than urea.

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

Phosphorus increases number of medium sized tubers while potassium enhances size
of individual tubers. Potassium sulphate is better than Murate of potash. Application of
farmyard manures @ 30 t/ha meets the entire requirement of phosphorus and potassium and
micro-nutrients for potato and succeeding cereal crop.

Soils poor in organic matter content should be supplied with 25 to 50 t/ha of farmyard
manure or compost during land preparation, preferably a fortnight before planting. Potato
plant is a heavy feeder.

When it is grown in medium type of soils, it needs 100 to 150 kg nitrogen, 80 to 100
kg phosphorous and 80 to 100 kg potassium per hectare. Two - third to three fourth quantity
of nitrogen along with whole quantity of phosphorus and potassium is applied at the time of
planting. Remaining one fourth to one third nitrogen is applied 30 to 35 days after planting
i.e. at the time of first earthing up or when plants become 25 to 30 cm in height either in the
form of top dressing or as a foliar feeding. Spraying of essential micronutrients such as
boron, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum etc. is done when crop is showing
deficiency symptoms.

1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 6-7


Potato: Intercultural Operations:

Mulching ridges is advantageous in many ways and is usually done by use of paddy
straw, wheat husk, jowar stalk, etc. In potato crop, both types of weeds are found i.e. broad-
leaved weeds as well as narrow leaved weeds. Weed growth can be controlled during initial
stages and is managed by hoeing and weeding up to one month after planting followed by
fertilizer application and earthing up.

Application of fluchloralin and pendemethalin and pre-emergence application of

alachlor, nitrofen, oxyflorfen are effective in potato cultivation. Among post-emergence
herbicides, Paraquat at 5% emergence and Propanil at 2-3 leaf stage are very effective for
weed control. The use of herbicides in potato crop in general is not essential because earthing
up operation destroy almost all weeds, if somehow, weed plants are growing on ridges, they
may be pulled out by hands.

Pre- emergence application of nitrofen @ 1.0 kg a.i./ha or alachlor @.2.0 kg a.i./ha or

post emergence application of propanil @ 1.0 kg a.i./ha may be used in solution form (800-
1000 litre/ha). Care should be taken while spraying of post- emergence herbicides that they
should not come in the contact to potato plants. Proper development of tubers depends upon
aeration, moisture availability and proper soil temperature. Therefore, proper earthing up is

Earthing should be done when the plants are 15 to 22 cm hill height. Generally
earthing is done at the time of top dressing of nitrogenous fertilizers. The ridges should be
high enough to cover up tubers. If necessary, a second earthing may be done after two -week
of the first one. A mould board plough or a ridger may be used for earthing up in large area.

Use of Plant Growth Regulators:

Soaking of potato seed tuber in CCC at 500 mg/l or foliar sprays with ethephon at 400
mg/l (Murti and Banerjee, 1978, Sekhon and Singh, 1985), CCC at 25 mg/l or garlic acid at
10-100 mg/l(Kumar and Agarwal, 1978) increased tuber yield. Sidda Reddy (1988) also
obtained higher tuber yield with foliar sprays of mixtallol at 1 or 2 mg/l.

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

Water Management:

Before planting operation it should be kept in mind that sufficient soil moisture is
available for satisfactory sprouting. If not then light pre-irrigation or just after planting may
be given. The rate of water use is low till 30-35 days after planting; it means that the first
irrigation is essentially done within 30-35 days after planting. However, when soil moisture
seems insufficient for sprouting, intervals of first irrigation should be reduced. Further,
irrigation is done as and when crop needs. As regards method of irrigation in potato, the
furrow method is commonly followed. Irrigation water and fertilizer nutrients occupy
dominant position in potato production.

In present day context, due to continuous cropping and raising of high water requiring
crops, overdraft of groundwater at rates higher than recharge had led to decline in water table
in many areas of north-western and central plains of India.

Very high dose of fertilizers coupled with excessive water through traditional method
resulting in leaching of nutrients, reduction in water- and fertilizer-use efficiency and
groundwater pollution. The leaching of nitrates could be a major threat to environment in
different agricultural situations. The use of drip and sprinkler methods of irrigation in potato
helps increase production, saving vital resource for future generations.


Micro irrigation improves efficiency of irrigation water and fertilizer nutrients. Under
drip irrigation, moisture availability is always equal to field capacity in surface soils
throughout the period of crop growth. The water losses are minimum under drip (4-5%) and
sprinkler irrigation (15-20%) as against 40 -500% under furrow irrigation. The irrigation
water should efficiently be managed to sustain potato production, because, availability of
water for irrigation purpose has been continuously diminishing.

Even if we harness the total potential of natural water resources, we would be able to
irrigate only 50% of cultivable land. With increasing water scarcity and recurring droughts in
many parts of the country, use of drip and sprinkler irrigation has become extremely

Farmers in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala,

Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana are taking steps for using these approaches for potato

Drip Irrigation/Fertigation

The method involves slow application of water in plant‘s root zone. Under fertigation
technique, fertilizers are applied directly into plant's root zone through drip irrigation at
alternate day up to 45-50 days crop. It also enhances potato yield and productivity.

Besides, drip provides several advantages to potato growers, including no tail water
run off from potato field, precise application of irrigation water, ability to apply fertilizer

3 Potato and Tuber Crops

nutrients to root zone, minimum leaching losses of chemicals/plant nutrients, with reduced
canopy moisture and risk of fungal / foliar diseases.

Sprinkler Irrigation / Fertigation

The sprinkler system, gives uniform distribution of water without compacting soil
surface, reducing water losses in terms of deep percolation. It could be used in special
situations, viz., undulating topography. Extremely sandy soils with very high water intake
rate or fine-textured soils with very low intake rate and costly and scare water supply but
assured returns.

The fertilizer nutrients applied directly to potato plants as foliar spray twice a week
up to 45-50 days crop through sprinkler-fertigation, helps in better plant and root growth and
tuber development.

Irrigation Schedule

The proper scheduling of irrigation to potato is most important. Pre-planting irrigation

is usually applied for land preparation and one pre-emergence light irrigation is also given to
ensure quick and uniform plant emergence in field.

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

Thereafter, irrigation should be applied through drip irrigation method at alternate day
on the basis of 125-150% CPE water level (cumulative pan evaporation) and for sprinkler
irrigation twice a week at 150 CPE water level. However, these modern methods require high
initial investment and technical know-how to operate.

The time of application can be worked out by using following formula:

Discharge of water (liters/hour)

Application rate =---------------------------------------------------------- (mm/hour)

Spacing between × Spacing between

dippers (m) rows of system (m)

The drip irrigation/fertigation produces 25-30% higher tuber yield in potato, saving
25% NPK fertilizers along with 40-50% water compared to conventional furrow irrigation.
The sprinkler irrigation also gives 15-20% higher yield, saving 40% irrigation. However,
sprinkler-fertigation economizes 25% nitrogen by producing equal yield of potato.

The net return with higher benefit: cost ratio, and water-use efficiency improve under
drip and sprinkler methods of irrigation compared to furrow irrigation. The wide bed
double/triple rows potato planting are advantageous for seed potato production under micro
irrigation methods. The paired/double row bed potato planting at 90 cm spacing with
1,11,111 plants/ha at 20 cm x 20-22 cm inter- and intra-row spacing gives maximum total
and net tuber yields compared to traditional potato planting at 60 cm × 20 cm spacing under
furrow as well as sprinkler irrigation.

5 Potato and Tuber Crops

Inter cropping:

Potato productivity can be improved synergistically by using precision farming like

laser leveler, rotavator and modern micro-irrigation systems for optimal water usage. Further,
mechanization of sowing and harvesting operations of an intercropping system may reduce
the hitch of farmers in their faster adoption. An innovation has been achieved by way of
mechanization of potato + sugarcane intercropping.

Potato planting with the help of planter followed by cane set planting in furrows and
covering them with soil by using newly developed two row hand tool has made this venture
practically labour-cost feasible. Not only this, manual harvesting of potatoes is a
cumbersome process as it is difficult to dig out potatoes without damaging standing
sugarcane. Offset type single row potato digger has also been developed. Thus production
technology supported by system specific mechanization can help in adopting intercropping
systems with higher production potential


Potato + Maize

This system is most popular in north-eastern region, particularly in Bihar where cold
is not severe during December and January.

In Patna, additional yield of maize (30-35 g/ha) can be obtained without affecting
potato productivity. Potato+ maize can also be grown in central, eastern Uttar Pradesh and
Madhya Pradesh. In this system, planting of maize crop is done along with planting of
potato. Suitable cultivars for winter maize like Laxmi, Protina, Deccan and Navjot are
recommended for intercropping with potato. One row of maize is altered after one row of

6 Potato and Tuber Crops

potato with a row-to-row distance of 50 - 60cm. While plant-to-plant is kept as in normal


In maize crop half dose of recommended N and full of P and K must be applied at the
time of planting and remaining half dose of N should be applied after harvesting of potato;
while for potato recommended full dose of N, P and K must be applied at the time of planting
as earthing-up is not done.

Potato + Wheat

This system is mainly suitable for plains, where potato crop is grown with
recommended package of practices and wheat crop is sown after first irrigation and earthing-
up operations.

Suitable wheat cultivars (PBW 343, WH 542 and HD 2733) are sown at optimum
moisture in furrows with application of half dose of N and full of P and K while remaining
dose of N is applied after 20-25 days. Potato is harvested during February-March at maturity
and wheat is harvested by the end of April.

7 Potato and Tuber Crops

Potato + Legumes

Gram, pea, lentil, methi and faba bean provide an additional yield without additional
inputs or affecting potato productivity adversely. With bed system it is followed in Gujarat.

Legumes improve soil fertility through nitrogen fixation and recycling of nutrients
from subsoil layers, thus the system can be beneficial in terms of productivity and sustenance
of soils.

Potato + Mustard

Mustard (RH 30, Luxmi and Varuna) and Gobhi Sarson (GSL 1 and Hyola 40 l) can be
grown successfully with potato and the system has good yield potential. Potato is raised as
per recommendations, mustard is grown between ridges after 4 rows, Gobhi Sarson after 3
rows. Basal application of total nutrients is done before sowing.

Potato + Linseed

This system is popular in central and eastern plain zone where linseed is grown in a
3:1 ratio along with potato raised with recommended package of practices. The seeds are
dibbled at 7-10 cm distance at a depth of 4-5 cm with hand hoe just after potato planting. The
crop is harvested at maturity in April.

Potato + Sugarcane

This system has high yield potential in Indo-Gangetic plains and sugarcane growing
regions of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh; however it is popular only in few

8 Potato and Tuber Crops

The main advantage is that one can achieve normal productivity of short duration
potato crop which fits well as complementary crop in early period of slow growing sugarcane
and 10-15 % improvement in cane yields due to efficient resource utilization in later phase of
active growth. The planting of both crops is done simultaneously in a 1:1 ratio.

The recommended practices for potato is followed and after its harvest normal
sugarcane agro- technologies is adopted. This system saves 50% of fertilizer doses in deep
rooted sugarcane as it utilizes residuals of component crop better. Mechanization of planting
and harvesting of potatoes have made this system practically viable.

Potato + Cucurbits

Intercropping of cucurbits can be done successfully.

Harvesting and Yield

Harvesting of potato is done before temperature rises above 300C. It is completed by

end of January in eastern plains and by middle of February in western plains to avoid rotting
of tubers due to high temperature. Harvesting is done manually with help of a spade or
bullock-driven single row plough or mechanically with help of potato digger. Under good
crop management, 350-450 quintals of marketable potatoes of good quality can be produced
from one hectare land. Average yield of early maturing varieties is 20 t/ha while that of late
maturing varieties is 30 t/ha.

Post harvest handling and storage

Great care should be taken in handling of potatoes especially for seed purpose. Nearly
1/5 of potato production in the country is utilised for planting in next season. Harvested
potatoes are heaped under shade for a couple of days, so that their skin becomes hard and soil
adhering with them is also separated out. After harvesting, tubers are kept in heaps in a cool
place for 10-15 days for drying and curing of skin. Heaps of 3-4 m long and wide at base and
1 m central height is the best. In hills tubers are spread in well ventilated rooms.

The sorting operation is the most important, in that all cut tubers, bruised, injured by
insects-pest and disease are removed. Sorted healthy tubers are graded in to different grades
based on diameter of the tubers other wise attract reduced prices in the market. Therefore,
such tubers should be sorted and marked separately. Over sized tubers are great in demand
for chips making. Very small sized tubers are also not remain unsold. These tubers are
purchased by poor people for making vegetable by partially Crushing them before cooking.
However, both the over sized and under sized are quite unsuitable for seed purposes.

Four sizes used for grading potatoes are small (below 25 g), medium (25-50 g), large
(50-75 g) and extra large (above 75 g).

Potatoes for seed purpose are treated with 3% boric acid solution for 30 minutes for
protection against soil borne diseases like black scurf, common scab etc before storing in

9 Potato and Tuber Crops

In plains, cured tubers after grading are stored in cold storage at 2-4°C and 75-80%
RH. Potatoes stored at less than 0°C suffer from internal break down known as “Black heart”.
Low temperature prevents sprouting and rotting. High relative humidity reduces weight loss
in tubers.

Big cold stores for potato are established in main producing states by APEDA and
other agencies and 361 cold storages with a total capacity of 360,305 tonnes were established
in 1961 itself. At present, total cold storage capacity is adequate to store 35-40% of total
potato production in the country.

In indigenous method, seed tubers are stored in a single layer on sand. Frequent examination
is necessary to discard tubers showing symptoms of rotting.

Tubers are also stored in pit method. Here, pits of 60-75 cm depth 240 cm length and 90 cm
width are made in cool shady places. Water is sprinkled inside the pit to cool it. After two
days, pits are lined from inside with neem leaves, dry grass or sugarcane trash. Bamboo
chimneys of 1.2 to 1.5 m length placed inside the pit at 1.2 to 1.5 m apart for escaping
moisture due to evaporation. Pits are then filled with tubers up to 15 cm from top followed by
a 30 cm layer of trash. A thatch is also provided over the pit as a protection from rain and
sun. Sprouting is a serious problem in storage.

A pre-harvest spray of maleic hydrazide (500-2500 ppm) checks sprouting of tubers in the

1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 8

• Seed rate: Medium sized seed tubers at the rate of 15-20 q/ha
• Isolation: 5 meters between potato seed plot and other potato plot.
• Seed tubers: Medium sized, varietal purity, disease free, healthy sprouts.
• Shade dry tubers after taking out from cold storage unit
• Treat the tubers with 1 ppm GA for 5 to 10 minutes and dry in shade and fill in small
gunny bags (30-40 Kg) and keep the bags in vertical position for 10 to 12 days for
sprout initiation in dark ventilated place (10 to 12 0 C fav. Temp)
• Rouging: 3 inspections minimum
o 1st: 25 days after planting: all viruses affected and plants differing in leaf
characters removed.
o 2nd: 50 to 60 days after planting: Tubers formed. Virus affected and plants
differing in foliage and tuber characters removed.
o 3rd Just before cutting the foliage: Virus affected and off types plants removed.
• Cutting haulms (foliage) and drying the foliage by withholding water is very essential
when tubers are completely developed.
Table: Field standards (Tunwar and Singh, 1988)

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

Field standards continued

Factor stage

Off types Just before haulm cutting

Mild mosaic About 45 days after sowing

Sever mosaic and leaf roll Just before haulm cutting

Root Knot Nematode Just before haulm cutting

Brown rot Just before haulm cutting

Scab Just before haulm cutting

Wart Just before haulm cutting

Fig: Underground parts of potato plant: a) main stem, b) stolon, C) tuber, d) stolon emerging
out of ground, forming a shoot, e) mother tuber, f) root.
3 Potato and Tuber Crops

Haulm Cutting

• Haulms (foliage) of the seed crop should be cut close from the ground at fixed date for
a region in the month of January or when aphid levels reach 3-5 aphids per 100
compound leaves.
• Delaying the haulm cutting by spraying the crop with insecticides to control aphids has
been found to adversely affect the quality of seed (Vashisth et al., 1990),
• However, Kumar et al., 2001 reported that delay in dehaulming resulted in increase in
tuber numbers of all grades.
• The crop with dehaulming done 80 days after planting increased the potato yield of all
the grades (Table). This higher yield might be attributed to the continuous translocation
of photosynthates from tops to the tubers over a longer period of time, which increased
the size as well as number of tubers.
• This led to the suggestion that removal of haulms could be delayed advantageously to
maintain yield and health standards of seed crop.
• Chanbey and Singh (2001) adopted three methods of dehaulming viz., haulm cutting,
haulm pulling and paraquat spray and found that haulm pulling method was effective in
reducing the virus incidence without affecting the yield whereas haulm cutting method
provided reasonable chance to mechanically infect the healthy plants and also through
vector upon re growth .

• Harvesting should begin 10-15 days after haulm cutting, when the skin of the tuber
becomes firm to reduce skin damage.
• Lifting of the crop early in the season by the end of February to middle of March before
temperature rise above 30 °C is a practical method for minimizing losses due to
charcoal rot, provided the tubers are stored in a cool place (Paharia, 1960).
• Harvesting damage due to skinning, cutting, bruising and cracks with manual
harvesting decreased with delayed harvesting from 20.8 per cent at 85 days to 8.0 per
cent at 105 days after planting.
• Harvesting damage in sandy clays was 15.3 per cent compared to 13.8 per cent in sandy
loam soils (Sharma and Kachru, 1985).

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

Post Harvest Handling:

• Freshly harvested tubers are kept in a cool place under shade or in heaps at 1.5 meters
height and 3.5 meters broad for 10 days to further cure the skin of tubers.
• Heaps are covered with paddy or wheat straw to protect from direct sunlight.
• If it rains, the heaps should be provided with tarpaulins. More time for curing may be
required in heavy treatment soil as compared to sandy loam.

Seed size tubers should be graded with the help of mechanical graders for ease and
efficiency (Shyam and Singh, 1979). Cut and crack tubers should be sorted out.

Seed treatment
• Treatment of seed tuber with 0.25 organomercurial compound (OMC) against surface-
borne diseases by soaking for 20 minutes has been recommended.
• For successful treatment, they are first washed in water to remove the adherent soil and
then dipped in OMC solution for 20 minutes.
• Boric acid (3 per cent) has also been found effective for control of surface borne diseases
(Jagpal Singh, 1993).
• After treatment, tubers are dried well before storage.

• Storage temperature and exposure of tubers to light strongly influence sprout growth and
the resulting vigour of seed tubers.
• Sprouts occur on tubers stored at temperatures higher than about 4 °C.
• Excessive sprout growth causes dehydration of the tubers and reduces the vigour of the
crop grown from them.
• Light retards sprout growth, and potatoes that are stored in light develop green sprouts
that are much shorter and sturdier than sprouts on tubers stored in the dark.
• Consequently, storing seed tubers in light can compensate for some of the negative
effects of high storage temperatures.

5 Potato and Tuber Crops

• The storage life of potatoes held without refrigeration can be prolonged by exposing
them to light.
• Light storage cannot, however, be used for consumer potatoes, since greening makes
them taste bitter.

Parts of tubers

6 Potato and Tuber Crops

Seed Tuber Production

• Unlike sexually propagated crops, potato crop is raised mainly with the use of stem i.e.
tuber as the initial planting material.
• Thus apart from varietal purity, the planting material (designated as seed potato) should be
free from various infections for getting maximum yield.
• Infected tubers are used for further multiplication, the seed stock would undoubtedly
degenerate rapidly and thereby the yielding ability would also deteriorate progressively.
• Consequently, use of healthy seed material is a pre-requisite for disease free seed potato

Seed Production System in the Country

• The breeders’ seed produced by the CPRI is distributed by the National Seed
Distribution Committee of the Government of India.
• The breeders seed monitoring team comprising a nominee from CPRI, State seed
certification Agency and NSC visits the growing crop (breeders seed crop at CPRI) and
issues certificate of its being satisfactory.
• The next three stages (Foundation I, II and certified seed) are certified by the respective
state seed certification agencies.
• The seed production is taken by any of these agencies only in the technically suitable


1. Single Plant Selection
• Only healthy plants are singled out and only those single plants having good yield,
true to type (in shape) and with uniform sized tubers, are selected.
• Approximately 75-80 single plants are selected to feed one hectare of breeders seed
plot in I-IV stages multiplication system.

2. Tuber Indexing
• From an individual plant produce, usually four large sized tubers are selected for

7 Potato and Tuber Crops

• One single eye from each of such numbered tubers from crown end is excised with the
help of a scooper.
• If these are dormant, then the eyes are treated with GA3/ thiourea and planted in a
glass house.
• These plantlets are tested for PVX, S, Y, A and leaf roll, either by ELISA or
conventional serological/biological/histochemical tests.
• On the basis of the result of this indexing, the tubers are declared healthy or

3. Multiplication of Healthy Indexed Tubers

Stage I

• All the healthy indexed tubers are multiplied in field at a wider spacing of 1 x 1 m in
hills or 1.2 x 1 m in plains.
• The growing crop in addition to three visual inspections for rouging is also tested cent
per cent either by ELISA or by simple sap agglutination test on the slides.
• All cultural and plant protection operations are followed well in time.
• Finally, the diseased-free hills are harvested and stored as individual clones/hills.

Stage —II
• The produce of each clone is planted in separate rows at wider inter row spacing of 1
or 1.2 m and intra-row spacing of 20 to 40 cm as per the size of tubers.
• Besides visual roguings, all clones are 100 percent tested serologically in groups of 4-
5 plants each.
• All the cultural practices are followed as in stage I.
• The healthy clones are bulk harvested

Stage III
• The bulk produce of stage II is multiplied in next season at normal spacing of 60 x 20
• Three visual inspections for rouging and 300 plants/ha are check tested for PVS and X
serologically to assess the health standard of the crop.
• All precautions and cultural practices are strictly followed to raise a healthy crop.

8 Potato and Tuber Crops

Stage 1V
• Large scale multiplication of stage III produce is carried next year for production of
breeders seed.
• The serological check testing is of 100 plants/ha to assess the health standard.
• Finally, the breeders’ seed crop is monitored by the monitoring team and the breeders
seed inspection certificate is accorded on satisfaction of the crop being of desired
health standard (Tunwar and Singh, 1988).


With the aim of reducing field multiplication stages from four in conventional system
to 2 or 3 a number of rapid multiplication techniques have been developed for quick potato
multiplication (Naik, 1985; Naik and Singh, 1988).
1. Using sprouts, single node cutting,
2. stem cutting,
3. minituber production
4. micropropagation.

1. Multiplication Using Sprouts

• This is a simple rapid multiplication technique and can yield between 40 and 100
plants from a single tuber in a period of 2-4 months if sprouts are repeatedly
harvested from mother tuber.
• The multiplication potential can further be increased if the harvested sprouts are cut
into pieces, each having one or two nodes.
• Indexed tuber is ideal for multiplication through sprouts because scooping of a apical
eye during indexing breaks apical dominance, and can support (nutritionally) growth
of number of sprouts emerging from well spaced eyes.
• Using this method, an average of 10 sprouts can be obtained from single indexed
tuber (Sarjeet Singh and Naik, 1993).
• Average establishments of about 89 per cent for sprouts in polythene bags and 69 per
cent for sprouting in the field can be obtained with the above technology.

9 Potato and Tuber Crops

• .


• The basic information on build up of aphid population in various regions made it
possible to develop Seed Plot Technique for growing healthy seed potato in sub tropical
plains of India under low aphid periods (Pushkarnath, 1967).
• Seed plot technique in brief can be described as raising the crop during a period, when
aphid population is very low after taking pre-cautions such as use of insecticides
against aphids, periodical rouging of mosaic (virus) affected plants and finally
dehaulming the crop before aphids population attained the critical level of 20 aphids per
100 compound leaves.

Salient Features of Seed Plot Technique

• Potato seed crop is planted in first week of October in western Indo-Gangetic plains and a
week to fortnight later in the central and eastern Indo-Gangetic plains using indexed (virus
free) seed tubes. This provides enough time for growth and bulking (75-85 days) before
critical aphid levels are reached in respective regions.
• Closely spaced seed tubers in moderately rich soil and use of optimum dose of NPK ensure
high percentage of medium size tubers in the produce.
• The growing seed crop is inspected at least twice in early growth and again before haulm
cutting to rogue out unhealthy and off type plants.
• Irrigation is restricted after mid December (12-15 days before haulm cutting) to check re
growth after haulm cutting.
• The haulms are pulled, cut or destroyed by chemical sprays before aphid population reaches
critical level (20 aphids per 100 leaves).
• This prevents spread of viral diseases in the seed stocks.
• The crop is harvested and heaped in cool place for further curing of the tuber skin.
• After grading and packing, the produce is shifted to cold store in March.
• The period of about 6 weeks between harvest and cold storing helps in overcoming apical
dominance and ensures multiple sprouts in seed during next planting.
Advantage of Plains Produced Over Hill Seed
 The seed produced in the plains under seed plot technique has the following
advantages over the hill seed:

10 Potato and Tuber Crops

 It is usually free from most of the soil and tuber borne diseases common in hills, as
the pathogens do not survive in the hot tropical summer climate of plains.
 Seed of locally adopted varieties can be produced on the larger areas.
 Seed tubers are not dormant due to long cold storage period between harvest and next
years planting.
 Transport is also no problem as the seed is available locally.
Seed Production Technology
Field Requirements
 For seed potatoes, a field with soil texture varying from loamy sand to loam is
 Light texture offers ease in mechanical operations, water management and harvesting.
 Clay soil is difficult to manage and invariably soil sticks on the surface of tubers
reducing its lustre and appearance (Saini and Singh, 1993).
 Potato crop does well in a soil pH of 4.8 to 5.4.
 Seed crop of potato in a field, where the crop has been grown for a number of years,
maybe avoided to minimize infestation by various soil borne diseases.
 Continuous cropping with potato in a sick plot for two years increased the intensity of
common scab by 65.5 per cent in the second year (Singh and Jeswami, 1987).
 Wilting of potato plant due to Pseudomonas solanacearum was the most common
disease in plots where the crop was grown for more than three years (Misra, 1989).
 Bacterial wilt of potatoes is serious in heavy clay soil in West Bengal with crops like
chilli, tobacco, jute and banana serving as host for the causal organisms (Khatna and
Mukherjee, 1987).
 Ploughing the fields and keeping the land open during summer months in plains and
during winters in hills reduces incidence of soil borne diseases.
 The practice was effective in controlling bacterial wilt and brown rot by 50 to 100 per
cent (Shekhawat et al., 1990).

Climatic Requirement
• Potato requires a cool season and mild temperature (15-18 °C) for growth period.
• High temperature affects the yield adversely especially during the time of tuber
• High temperature at any part of the growing period affects size of the leaflets, thereby
reducing the tuber formation.

11 Potato and Tuber Crops

• High sunshine during daytime along with cooler nights reduces the spread of diseases.
• High soil temperature affects the sprouting and growth of the plants.
• Similarly very low temperature and frost will also affect the growth particularly
during early vegetative phase.


• Traditionally, seed tubers have been used to plant potato crop. This practice,
especially for developing countries is a major limiting factor because seed tuber
represents 40-70% of a crop production cost.
• Two tonnes of costly, perishable seed tubers are needed to plant one hectare,
• The seed producing areas are located in the north of the country where seed tuber
production is taken up during low aphid incidence.
• Hence, the seeds from north are to be transported over long distances to other potato
growing areas leading to escalation cost.
• In some areas adequate cold storage facilities are also lacking.
• These problems have led the development of an alternate technology, which envisages
the use of botanical seed or the true potato seed (TPS).
• This technology has gained significance because of its several advantages, (Gaur and
Pandey, 1993).

Advantages of TPS
1. By using TPS, the entire tuber harvest would become available for table purpose
2. Cost of seed would be cheaper as very small quantity will be needed to plant unit
3. Transport of TPS is inexpensive and simple.
4. 100 grams of TPS can replace 2 tonnes of seed tubers required for planting one
5. TPS may introduce potato cultivation into new areas where good quality seed tubers
are difficult to produce or store economically.
6. TPS can be stored for relatively longer period of time and does not require expensive
and specialized storage structures as required for seed tubers.
7. Disease transmission by TPS is less than by seed tubers. Hence, the crop raised
through TPS in almost disease free.

12 Potato and Tuber Crops

8. The heterogeneity of the population derived from TPS is expected to offer wide
genetic diversity and greater resistance to pathogens.
9. TPS Production Technology

Selection of Parents
• In the production of hybrid TPS, Solanum tuberosum spp. tuberosum should be used
as female parent, and the Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena as male parent (Upadhya,
• Parents with the following characters are selected
 High yield potential
 Resistance to major diseases
 Ability to bloom under short day conditions
 Set berries containing high number of bold seeds.
 Progenies with high germination capacity and high yielding potential.

Planting of Hybridization Block

• Plant male and female parental lines in two separate but adjacent blocks.
• The area required for planting male block is generally kept at about 1/4 to 1/6 of the
female block.
• Plant the male block about a week before planting female block during the main
season in the plains at the spacing of 60 x 20 cm.
• In the female block, prepare beds of three rows each, draw 3 rows at 50 cm inter row
distance (in hills) and 45 cm inter row spacing (in plains) leaving 80 cm walking
space between two adjacent beds.
• Plant tubers at 15 cm intra-row distances.
• Use about 30 g size seed tubers or the seed pieces for planting female block.
• After planting, trim the plants in the female block to retain single stem/plant.

 The flowering in potato depends on species, cultivar and environmental conditions.
 In general, Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena flowers more frequently under short
photoperiodic conditions than Solanum tuberosum.
 It is known that photoperiods of 18-19 hours are optimal for maximizing flowering
and berry set.

13 Potato and Tuber Crops

 Subramanyam et al. (1972) reported that hybridization between the genotypes

flowenng under short day conditions is possible in the plains.
 However, most of the genotypes do not flower under short photoperiodic conditions.
 This constitutes the major limiting factor in the success of TPS production in the
 Therefore, efforts are to be made to overcome this limitation by inducing flowering in
the genotypes, which normally do not flower under short photoperiod.
 Induction of Flowering
 Pushkarnath and Chauhan (1964, 1967) overcome this difficulty by using hormones.
 The application of gibberllic acid (GA3, 50 ppm) on young leaves, when floral initials
had just formed, resulted in flower induction in the shy flowering varieties.
 They observed that in these varieties a long photoperiod alone was not enough to
bring about the synthesis of flowering hormones to a sufficient level to enable it to
activate floral primordial.
 Gopal and Rana (1988), and Singh and Singh (1990) used 4-5 hours of additional
illumination of about 200 lux from incandescent bulbs in continuation of natural day
 The genotypes showed differential response to various treatments.
 The growth regulators and prolonged day length alone were only partially successful
in inducing flowering.
 The combined use of growth regulators and extra illumination was the most effective
treatment. Such induced flowers could be successfully used in hybridization (Singh
and Singh, 1090).
 Khan et al., 1993 reported that extra illumination provided for 16-18 hours by a 250 w
high pressure sodium vapour loam and a single spray of GA3 (50 ppm)+IBA (10
ppm) + kinetin (2 ppm) at bud initiation stage induced full inflorescence elongation,
bud enlargement and finally bud opening.
 GA3 sprayed @ 75 ppm at 40 days after planting was also effective in flower
induction (Lallan Singh, 1993).

Pollination: Genetic tools used for hybrid TPS production are; 1. Hand emasculation
and pollination (Pollination without emasculation) and 2. Use of chemical hybridizing
agents. However, the widely followed method for TPS production is pollination
without emasculation.

14 Potato and Tuber Crops

Berry Set and Harvest

 A berry contains about 200 seeds. Upadhya et al. (1982) reported genotypic variations
for seeds /berry.

 Berries are ready for harvest after about 6-7 weeks of pollination. Harvest well
developed and fulls reped berres.

Fig. : Variation in berry shape: a) round, b) oval, C) conical

15 Potato and Tuber Crops

Fig. : Fruit: a) mature berry, b) cross-section showing arrangement of seeds.

Seed Extraction
As per the method developed by Thakur and Upadhya (1990), seed extraction involves the
following steps:

Seed Drying
 Spread the seeds in a thin layer on muslin cloth stretched over a wooden frame with 4 pegs
two inches high above the ground to facilitate free circulation of air.
 Keep the frames at room temperature in good ventilated areas for drying.
 The shade-dried seeds are then exposed to warm sun for 1/2 an hour and dried to moisture
content of 8%.
Grading : Seeds are graded using sieves of sizes 1/14”, 1/16”, 1/18”, 1/20” round perforated
Seed Yield 100 kg/ha

16 Potato and Tuber Crops


1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 9



Ipomoea batatas L.(2n = 90)

(Hindi: Shakarkand, Mitha alu) Family: Convolvulaceae

• Sweet potato is cultivated for its sweet root tubers.

• It is mainly used for human food after boiling or steaming, baking or frying and also as
animal feed. Since roots contain 16% starch and 4% sugar, it is used for production of
starch, syrup and industrial alcohol.
• Sweet potato is an important starchy food crop grown in tropical and sub tropical
• In southern part of United States, it is commonly called as Potato and the potato is known
as white potato or Irish potato.
• It is spread from tropical America, India, Malaya Archipelago, Pacific Islands, Oceania,
South and Latin America to temperate countries like Japan, China, Korea and North

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

Source: NHB data base

Source: NHB Data base

3 Potato and Tuber Crops

Source: NHB data base

Source: NHB Data base

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

Origin and distribution

Sweet potato is a native of tropical America specifically South America or central America or
North west of south America.

It is an important tuber crop in tropical and sub-tropical countries like Africa, China and
India. In India, it is grown mainly in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Tamil Nadu and Orissa.

Composition :

• Rich in starch
• Quality depends on sugar content which vary from 3 to 6%.
• Mostly sucrose and few reducing sugars are present.
• Maltose, Mannose, galactose and pentose occur in traces.
• During storage and cooking sugar percentage increases.
• Rich in carotene. Some cultivars have 5.4 to 20 mg/100g.
• Yellow and orange fleshed cultivars are rich in carotene.
• Average composition of tuber is moisture (70%), Carbohydrates (27%), Protein (1.5
to 2.0%), Fat (0.2%), Fibre (1.0%), Minerals and vitamins (mg/100g): Ca (46), P
(49), Fe (0.8), Mg (24), K (373), Na (13), Cl (85), S (26), Thiamine (0.08),
Riboflavn (0.04), Niacin (0.70), Vit C (24), Carotene (0-18)


• Eaten after boiling, baking and frying

• It can be candied with syrup or used as puree
• Tubers are canned, dehydrated and floured and are important sources of starch,
glucose, pectin, Sugar syrup and industrial alcohol.
• Sweet potato is the cheapest source of calories.
• Fruity food products.
• Calories production per unit time and per unit area is highest in sweet potato among
tuber and root crops.
• It is utilized in feeding live stock.
• Tender tops and leaves used as vegetable in Africa, Indonesia and Philippines.
• Vines used as fodder for live stock.
• ‘Weikang’ a product from leaves is effective in raising immune function and
controlling hypercholesterolemic symptoms.

Area and Production:

• World area 8.86 million ha in 1998.

• China is the biggest producer (6.6 million ha. area i.e. 70% world area) and produces
100 million tons i.e. 84.4% of world),• Highest productivity is in Japan (24.3 t/ha.)
followed by Korea and China (18.59 t/ha)• India produces 1.13 million tones from

5 Potato and Tuber Crops

0.14 million hectares with a productivity of 8 t/ha. Leading states are Orissa, Uttar
Pradesh and Bihar, Maharastra, Karnataka and Madyapradesh
Botany and taxonomy

Sweet potato is a hexaploid species with 90 somatic chromosomes. It is a perennial herb with
trailing vines and with a cluster of few medium sized tubers. For cultivation purpose, it is
treated as an annual with duration of 90 to 120 days. Though plants produce viable seeds,
highly heterozygous nature of the crop results in a heterogeneous population. Hence stem
cuttings are used for propagation purpose.

Sweet potato has an extensive fibrous root system both at stem cuttings and at nodes touching
soil. Some roots act as storage organs for storing reserve food. Storage roots may be fusiform,
spindle or globular in shape and surface is smooth. Skin has white, red or light copper colour.
Flesh may be white or creamy with different combinations of orange and red. Leaves are
simple, alternate and exstipulate. They vary in size and shape occasionally in same plant.
Shape varies from ovate to cordate, hastate or. deeply lobed and may change on ageing. Leaf
shape is an important character for identifying clones.

All clones do not flower and in flowering ones, duration and initiation of flowering vary.
Flowers are axillary and borne solitary or in simple cymes. Flowers are bisexual. Corolla is
attractive and funnel shaped formed by fusion of five petals. Anthesis starts before dawn and
closes by 9-11 a.m. Pollination is entomophilous. Fruit is a capsule with false septa. Seed
coat is hard and impervious to water. Hence, scarification is required for promoting

Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir

Family : Convolvulaceae

• It is hexaploid with 2n=90.

• Ipomoea trifida is progenitor of sweet potato
• It is herbaceous perennial but cultivated as annual
• Branching stem with milky juice.
• Leaves are more or less heart shaped with green to purple colour.
• Tubers vary in size, shape and colour.
• Inflorescence is a cyme,
• Corolla is funnel shaped with 5 lobes.
• Fruit is capsule with up to 4 seeds but usually 1 or 2 develop.
• Angular seeds black in colour with hard seed coat.
• Delayed germination needs scarification.

Growth and development :

• Better growth with low night temperatures

• High temperature and high soil moisture leads to excessive growth during starch
accumulation period at the cost of root development.
6 Potato and Tuber Crops

• 20 to 300C is better for tuber formation

• Long days (16 hr.) stimulate vine length
• Short days (9 hr) promote tuberisation

• It is a short day plant

• Long nights and high temperature favour flowering
• 11 hrs day is ideal for flowering.
• It is a self incompatible plant.
Growth Substances

• CCC at 250 to 1000 ppm increased yield

• GA inhibited tuberization
• kinetin enhanced tuberization
Sweet potato

Ipomoea batatasL

7 Potato and Tuber Crops

sweet potato


• Sweet potato requires well drained fertile soil rich in humus.

• Best soil is sandy loam with clay subsoil and it can also be grown on loamy to clay
loam soils.
• Heavy clay soils which become hard after drying are not suited.
• Highly sandy soils cause development of long, cylindrical and thin tubers.
• In compact soils, tuber yield is low due to poor aeration.
• Ideal soil pH is 5.8 to 6.7. If pH is below 5.2, liming is necessary.
• Acidic and saline soils reduce growth of stem and roots.
• Neutral and high pH may cause pox and scarf diseases.
• Sweet potatoes are relatively sensitive to saline and alkaline soil conditions.


• Moderately warm climate is ideal (21 to 26.7oC)

• Temperature less than 20oC effects tuber formation.
• For tuber formation 25 to 300C is ideal.
• Even slight frost kills the foliage.
• It requires plenty of sun shine and moderate rain fall.
• A well distributed annual rainfall between 75 and 150 cm is favourable.
• High rain fall and long photo period (16 hr) promote vine growth and reduces tuber
• Tuber yield, number of tubers and total biological yield were promoted by 9 hr light.
It can be grown from 400N to 320S and on equator up to an altitude of 2200 meters.

8 Potato and Tuber Crops

• Sweet potato is a drought tolerant crop and gives good yield without irrigation in
semi-arid regions. However, yield is more when rain is received during early part of
growing season.


• It is often propagated vegetatively and rarely through seeds.

• Propagated by vine cuttings.
• Freshly harvested matured vines should be used.
• Vines of one crop are used for planting the next crop.
• For seed propagation scarification is required due to hard seed coat.
• Plant from seeds are poorly grown with low tuber yield.

1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 10


There are many varieties, which are differentiated mainly by the shape, size, colour of
tuber, flower colour and leaves. However, there are two important groups of varieties from
the market point of view, based on outer colour (rind) of tuber. They are usually grouped
either as white or red type. White type is supposed to be less sweet and more fibrous whereas
red types are shorter in duration and has a better quality flesh. Sweet potato varieties differ in
shape, size and colour of leaves, tubers and nature of tuber flesh. A number of local cultivars
like Badrakali chuvala, Chakkaravalli, Anakomban and Kottaram chuvala are grown in
Kerala. The Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram
developed quite a good number of varieties and a brief description of them are given below:

Varsha: A semi-spreading hybrid with reddish purple skin, light yellow flesh and excellent
cooking quality; yield 18-22 t/ha in 120-125 days.

Sree Nandini: A spreading variety with light cream skin, white flesh and good cooking
quality; yield 20-25 t/ha in 100-105 days.

Sree Vardhini: A semi-spreading variety with purple skin, light orange flesh and high
carotene content (1200 I.U.); yield 20-25 t/ha in 100-105 days. Tolerant to Feathery mottle

Sree Ratna: A spreading variety with purple skin, orange flesh and excellent cooking
quality; yield 20-26 t/ha in 90-105 days.

Sree Bhadra: A semi-spreading variety with light pink skin and cream flesh; resistant to root
knot nematode; yield 20-27 t/ha in 90-95 days.

Sree Arun: A spreading variety with pink skin, cream flesh and good cooking quality; yield
20-28 t/ha in 90-100 days.

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

Sree Varun: A spreading variety with cream skin, cream flesh and good cooking quality;
yield 20-28 t/ha in 90-100 days.

The Kerala Agricultural University developed an improved variety, Kanjangad, yielding 12.
39 t/ ha. Purple coloured and spindle shaped tubers have yellow soft flesh. It is tolerant to
shade and weevil incidence.

V-8 (FB-4004): Crop duration is of 4 months. The vines are long and trailing, with a purple
shade at the internodes. The stem is round smooth and hairy. Tubers are small in size, spindle
shaped and white skinned. The flesh has a creamy colour. It is non fibrous and agreeable to

V-12 (TST white or Tie Shen Tun): Three and a half to four months duration. The vine has
a semi erect habit. The tubers are big sized and elongated and have white skin. The flesh is
white, it is sweet to taste and is non fibrous.

Pusa Safed (IARI): This is a selection of a white variety originally introduced from
Taiwan. A high yielding, table variety with wide adaptability. More popular in Delhi,
Punjab, Rajasthan, UP, Bihar, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. The tubers are somewhat
elongate, white skinned and white fleshed. The boiled flesh is creamy white, moist, sweet and
very palatable, duration of 105 days, less affected by weevil, 26-30 t/ha.

Pusa Sunehri (IARI): It is a selection from material obtained from the USA. The tubers are
elongate, light brown skinned and yellow fleshed. The boiled flesh is attractive orange
yellow, moist and sweet. The tubers contain 24.8 ppm of carotene.

Pusa Lal (IARI): This is a selection from a Japanese variety (Norin). A purplish red skinned
and white fleshed variety which produces a high proportion of marketable tubers. Popular in
Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, UP, Maharashtra.

CO-1 (TNAU): A selection from indigenous collection made at TNAU, released in 1976. It
has a duration of 120 days and yields 18-22 t/ha. Skin colour is light pink with white flesh.
Tolerant to sweet potato weevil.

3 Potato and Tuber Crops

CO-2 (TNAU): A seedling selection from open pollinated progeny released in 1980, duration
of 125 days. Yield of 20-25 t/ha.

CO-3 (TNAU): Similar to CO-2, duration of 110-120 days. Skin colour is light red with dark
orange coloured flesh indicating high carotene content.

V-2 (PAU): Broad leaves which are dark green in colour. The stem is long, thick and hairy.
The tubers are large in size, white in colour and non fibrous. Average tuber yield is 15 t/ha.

V-6 (PAU): Base of the leaves have purple colour. The tuber is large, thick red in colour and
non fibrous, tuber yield is 10 t/ha.

V-8 (PAU): Broad, entire and dark green leaves with purple tinge. Base of leaves have
purple stain. The stem is thick, long and purple in colour. Tubers are long, thick, white in
colour with red hue. Slightly fibrous in cooking. Tuber yield is 6-11.8 t/ha.

Cross 4 (RAU, Bihar): Released in mid sixties (1965). Matures in 105 days and yields 20-30
t/ha. Highly susceptible to weevil infestation resulting in 30-40% reduction in yield.

Rejendra Sakarkand-5 (RAU, Bihar): A hybrid developed from cross 4 x M-5. The tubers
are cylindrical producing 4-6 tubers per plant, weighing around 500-600 g/tuber and maturing
in 105-120 days. Tuber yield is 20-25 t/ha. The colour of tuber and flesh is white. The tubers
cook well with accepted taste. It is suitable for September (autumn) planting under North
Bihar conditions. Resistant to Fusarium wilt and Cercospora leaf spot diseases and tolerant to
sweet potato weevil.

Kalmegh (RAU, Bihar): A new selection with extra early bulking. Duration is 90 days with
a tuber yield of 26 - 32 t/ha and could be easily fitted in 4 crops in a year rotation that is
maize, sweet potato, wheat and moong (Green gram).

Samrat (APAU): Selection from the open pollinated seedling progeny. Tubers are fusiform
with light pink skin and white flesh. Early maturing with a tuber yield of 18-24 t/ha.
Moderately resistant to sweet potato weevil.

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

VL Sakarkand-6 (APAU): This is an exotic accession named B-219 from the USA released
for general cultivation in the hilly regions of UP. Tubers are elongated with purple skin and
light yellow flesh. Tuber length is 15-18 cm with 12-14 cm girth. Tuber yield is 18-22 t/ha.
The tubers cook well and are tasty.

H-41 (CTCRI): Hybrid between a Japanese variety Norin x Local variety Bhadrakalichola.
tuber size is 16-20 cm in length and 4-5.5 cm in diameter. Duration of 120 days, tubers
fusiform and has white skin and flesh. Tuber yield of 20-37 t/ha. Tuber boils easily and has
sweet taste with less fibre. Highly tolerant to sweet potato weevil.

H-42 (CTCRI): Cross between an indigenous variety, Vella Damph x American variety
Triumph. 14-20 cm long and 4.6 mm diameter. Tubers are fusiform, duration 120 days. Tuber
skin is pink with yellowish white flesh. The cooked tubers are sweet in taste and free from
fibre. Tuber yield of 20-37 t/ha. Highly tolerant to sweet potato weevil.

CI 853-4 (Vikram): It is a selection made at UAS, Dharwad from an introduced material of

AVRDC, Taiwan. Tubers are pink skinned, flesh is creamy, matures in 85-95 days (short
duration) escapes sweet potato weevil, yielding 35 t/ha. Tolerant to water stress condition.

H-268: Double hybrid ACC No..39, 3 (Hybrid-74), ACC No. 1871, 1130 (Hybrid 42).
Duration of 120 days, tubers fusiform, long, red coloured with pink red and light yellow
flesh. Tuber yield of 25-28 t/ha, highly tolerant to weevil and popular in Maharashtra.

S-30:duration 90-110 days, round, light brown, Tuber yield of 22-30 t/ha, susceptible to

V-35 (APAD):Duration of 105-120 days, round, light brown, less affected by weevil. Tuber
yield of 26.5-30 t/ha.
8-635: Duration of 120-140 days, long, red, less affected by weevil. Tuber yield of 20-25

H-620:Duration of 120-135 days, long, red, less affected by weevil. Tuber yield of 22-25

5 Potato and Tuber Crops

R-S-5: Duration of 105-120 days. Tubers are fusiform and white. Tuber yield of 27.5-32.5

Apart from the released cultivars, the following cultivars are giving good performance in
different parts of India
OP-1, H-260, V-35, Kerala Local Kanhangad.
Varieties suitable for South India
V-2 (FA-17- White), V-6 (FA-17-Red), V-8 (FB-4004) introduced from USA.
V-12 (TST-White) or Tie Shen Tun is a Chinese variety.
V8 and V -12 are the most popular varieties of the South.

In the USA, sweet potatoes are classified as food types and feed types. Usually the
feed type produces higher tuber yield and high starch. Food types are classified into two types
based on the characteristics of cooked sweet potato.
Firm fleshed and soft fleshed (greater commercial importance than the firm-fleshed type).
a) Firm fleshed cultivars: Big stem Jersey, Yellow Jersey - Old cultivars, whereas Maryland
Golden, Orlis, Jersey Orange and Rod- New cultivars.
b) Soft fleshed cultivars:
Puerto Rico- Unit-I and Cleitt Buneh Puerto Rico, Nancy Hall, Ranger, Early Port,
Goldrush, Heart-a-Gold, All gold

Australia- Canner and Triumph

Hawaii - Cona B, Iliula Onolena, Waimanalo Red, HSPA-3, Miyashiro and Kaneohe Red

Cuban - Yarde, Engorda Muchacho, Picadita, Santa Barbara or Amrillo de Cuba

Puerto Rico - Miguela, Gem, Trompo Negro, Wart, Sunny, Bomara, Papota and ninety nine.
Japan – Koganesengan and Minamiyataka.

6 Potato and Tuber Crops

Cultivars Duration Yield Colour Salient feature

(Days) (t/ha) Skin- Flesh
Bhuban sankar 110-120 15-20 red-white, Good cooking quality
CO-1 120-135 20-25 Light pink-white
CO-2 110-115 20-25 Flesh white, Cooks well
CO-3 105-115 20-28 red –orange, rich in carotene
Gouri 110-120 18-25 red- orange rich in carotene
H41 120-130 20-30 red- white
H42 120-130 20-25 Pink tubers
Kiran 110-120 20-25 red-orange Rich in carotene
Rajendra 105-120 24-30 white-white Tolerant to weevil
Rajendra 105-120 25-30 Brown –white
Rajendra 110-120 20-23 Brown-white Mod. Res. to cercos.
Sakarkand-43 leaf spot, Tolerant to

Duration Yield Colour

Cultivars Salient feature
(Days) (t/ha) Skin- Flesh
Rajendra Moderately resistant to Cereosporal
120-130 25-32 Red-white
Sakarkand-47 leaf spot, tolerant to weevil
Samrat 90-100 18-25 Brown Tubers shallow bulking
Tolerant to weevil good cooking
Sree Nandini 105-120 20-25 white-white
Sree Vardhini 110-120 20-25 Rich in carotene
Good cooking quality tubers are
Varsha 120-130 18-22 Red-white
Purple –light
VL Sakarkand 6 120-135 20 -

1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 11




• Medium sized healthy tubers free from disease, pests and bruises are planted in
nursery (Primary) at 5 to 10 cm depth with 60x25 cm spacing.
• Sprouts are cut after 40-45 days and planted in secondary nursery.
• Cuttings of 20-30 cm length planted at 60x 25 cm in main field. Sufficiently grown
vines are used to make cuttings for main field preparation.
• A mature tuber produces 5-7 sprouts and 100kg tubers produces 7000 shoots. For one
hectare 250 kg tubers, 100 m2 primary nursery, and 500 m2 secondary nursery area are
• Micro propagation also being followed.

Raising nursery

Sweet potato is mainly propagated by vine cuttings of 25-30 cm length. Cuttings for
planting are multiplied in two nurseries - primary and secondary. Tubers in primary nursery
are planted three months ahead of planting. A nursery area of 100 m2 is required to raise
vines for planting one hectare. Ridges are prepared at 60 cm apart and tubers of 125-150 g
weight are planted at 25 cm spacing. 1.5 kg urea is applied at 15 days after planting and
irrigate as and when required. Clip off vines to a length of 20-30 cm at 40-45 days after
sowing tubers for planting in secondary nursery.

A 500 m2 secondary nursery is required to plant cuttings obtained from 100 m2. Plant
the cuttings at 25 cm apart in ridges taken at a spacing of 60 cm. 5 kg urea may be applied at
15-30 days after planting in nursery. Clip off cuffings in 20-30 cm length after 45 days from
middle and top portion of vines. Cut vines are stored with intact leaves in shade for two days
prior to planting in main field.


Preparation of main field and planting

Vines are planted during June-July for a rainfed crop. Under irrigated conditions, plant during
October-November in upland and during January- February in low lands for summer crop.
Main field is prepared by making ridges of 25-30 cm height at 60 cm apart after thorough
ploughing. 20-30 cm long vines are buried horizontally with 2-3 nodes below soil, leaving the
remaining portion above soil.

Manures and fertilizers

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

Apply 5 tonnes of farmyard manure/ha at the time of preparation of 50% of N, full P and K to
be applied as basal dose. Remaining 50% of N is applied one month after along with weeding
and earthing up.


During rabi and hot seasons, 12-14 irrigations are required at an interval of 10 days for heavy

UAS,Dharwad Package

Season: 1) June-July

2) September -October or
October-December (Irrigated area)

3-4 node cuttings: 50,000/ha

FYM 10t/ha NPK: 75:50:75 kg/ha

50%N after 5-6 weeks of planting

Spacing: 60x30 cm.


North India: 1) February-March

2) September –October

TN: 1) September Kerala: 1) September – December

2) May

* Excess N2 leads excessive vegetative growth at the cost of tuber development.

* Potassium: Promotes tuber growth through accelerated translocation of photosynthates

Potassium also can be applied in split doses.

* Biofertilizers like Azatobacter and Azospirillum can be applied to reduce the N2 fertilizer

* Azospirillum 2kg/ha vine dipping + 10 kg/ha soil application reduced application of

nitrogen up to 2/3rd of RD(Recommended dose).

* Liming (200kg CaO/ha) helped in neutralizing soil acidity and increased yield and quality.

* Supplementary irrigation when IW/CPE =1, there was 75% increase in tuber yield over

un irrigated plants.

* Paddy straw mulching increased tuber yield by 23% under rainfed cultivation.

3 Potato and Tuber Crops

* Earthing up at 15 or 30 days after planting can increase yield

* In AP Sweet Potato- Maize - Vegetables (Common crop rotation in practices)


• Depends on variety and its maturity period 120 to 180 days

• Harvested when leaves turn yellow and begin to shed.
• Maturity can be ascertained by cutting tubers and latex from mature tuber dries up
without turning black.
• Irrigate 4-6 days prior to harvesting when soil is compact
• Before harvesting, vines are cut and tubers are dug up by using spade or fork. Avoid
mechanical injuries while digging.
• Bulking rate is a reliable parameter for fixing the maturity period and it vary with
cultivar i.e. H-633 (75th days), H-268 (120 days), etc.


Harvesting is done by digging out tuber with pick-axe when leaves turn yellow in colour.
Tubers are cleaned and packed in gunny bags for marketing. Yield: 6-9 t/ ha for rainfed crop
& 12-15 t/ ha under average management.

Yield: 35-40 t/ha irrigated condition

8-10 t/ha rainfed

Indian average: 6 to 7 t/ha

UAS,Dharwad Package: 25 to 30 t/ha

Storage: Before storage curing is must

Curing: 29-320C, 85-90% RH, for 4 to 7 days heap tubers, curing heals wounds.

Store at: 10-120C at 85-90%RH for months together

At 12- 150C at RH > 70% can be stored for 4 to 12 weeks. Red skinned varieties
store better than white skinned varieties. Tubers are stored better at 15°C and 85% RH.
Tubers can also be stored for 2-3 months in a pit covered with straw.

Pests and diseases

Sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius): is the most important pest causing severe damage
to the crop. Adult weevil makes puncturing on vines and tubers. Grubs bore and feed by
making tunnels. Even slightly damaged tubers are unsuitable for consumption due to
bitterness. Yield loss is up to 100% in severe cases. On an average, 20-55% tuber loss occurs.
Integrated pest management practices recommended for control include dipping vine cuttings

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

in Fenthion or Fenitrothion or Monocrotophos (0.05%) solution for 10 minutes before

planting. Reridging the crop two months after planting, installing synthetic sex pheromone
traps @ 1 trap/100 m2 area to collect and kill the male weevils and destroying crop residues
after harvest by burning are recommended control measures.

Post harvest management

After harvest, tubers are spread in partial shade for 5-6 days, for healing and
curing. They should be stored in semi-dark condition in a well ventilated room. This type of
storage invites infestation of pest and diseases. In some parts of the country, tubers are stored
in a layer of dry sand/soil after curing under ambient conditions. For storing, graded tubers
free from sweet potato weevil and bruises should be selected. Farmers store the graded tubers
by keeping in a pit shade and covering the pit with paddy straw. Finally, the heap is plastered
with mud or cow dung slurry.

1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 12-13


Cassava: (Syn: Tapioca) Manihot esculenta (Crantz)

(2n = 2x = 36) - (Hindi : Mandshif) Family-Euphorbiaceae

1. Cassava is the most important starchy root crop grown in the tropics and is mainly
cultivated in southern peninsular India.
2. Introduced during seventeenth century by Portuguese, the crop played a significant role to
overcome food shortage among the low income group of people in Kerala.
3. Underground tuber is rich in starch and mainly consumed after cooking.
4. Processed products like chips, sago and vermicelli made of tapioca are also popular in the
5. Being easily digestible, it forms an important ingredient in poultry and cattle-feeds.
6. It is also widely used for production of industrial alcohol, starch and glucose.

Cassava plant

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

Cassava Roots

Cassava storage root and product sabudana

Among the different tropical root and tuber crops grown in India, cassava is of
significance as it can produce more calories per unit area. Its importance in tropical
agriculture is due to its drought tolerance/drought avoidance, wide flexibility to adverse soil,
nutrient and management conditions including time of harvest. The drought tolerance is
mainly due to its inbuilt mechanism to shed/drop the leaves under adverse soil moisture
conditions to facilitate slow down of all the vital activities of the plant.
When the rain comes it draws on its root reserves to form a new leaf canopy and later
fills its roots. Hence cassava can readily be grown in areas of rather uncertain rains that
prevent the successful cultivation of other crops. As cassava has no determined harvest time
after which it spoils, farmers can have a staggered harvest rather than a set date. This adds to
the advantage in cassava based cropping system. It is based on the concept that once the bud
sprouts, the roots developed would start drawing nutrients from the soil and no more from the

3 Potato and Tuber Crops

mother planting material and therefore the size of planting material actually does not
matter as far as sprouting is concerned.

Origin and distribution

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) popularly known as tapioca, is a native of Brazil in
Latin America and was introduced to India (Kerala) by the Portuguese in the 17th century.
Portuguese distributed the crop from Brazil to countries like Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia
and India.
Nigeria is the major growing country in world accounting for 50% of area and
production. In India, crop is cultivated in southern peninsular region, particularly Kerala,
Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh contributing 93% of area and 98% of production in the
country. Kerala accounts for nearly 50% of total area under cassava in India and is mainly
grown as rainfed crop.

Cassava belongs to family Euphorbiaceae and is diploid (2n=36). Polyploids with
2n=54 and 72 are also available. It is a perennial shrub producing 5-10 cylindrical tubers per
plant. Being a member of family Euphorbiaceae, it produces latex.
The stem is woody and variously branched. Two distinct types are present – one
without branching at the top and the other with spreading nature.
Leaves are palmately lobed with 5-9 lobes. Cassava is monoecious in nature and
Female flowers are a few in numbers and are borne in the base of inflorescence and
male flowers are borne above. Female flowers open about 10 days before male flower
anthesis. Stigma is receptive from 6.30 a.m. and continues up to 2.30 p.m. Plants when raised
from seeds produce typical tap root system. Since crop is mainly propagated by vegetative
means by stem cuttings, numerous adventitious roots develop, of which a few develop into
Tubers are composed of a thin periderm, white or purple cortex known as rind and
central massive flesh rich in starch (25-40%). Bitterness often encountered in a few varieties
and at certain stage is due to a bitter principle cyanogenic glucoside (HCN).The HCN
contents can reduce by sorting , fermentation, drying and fragmentation.

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

Varieties differ in colour of rind and flesh, size of tubers, colour of stem, leaf and
petiole, branching pattern, duration of crop and resistance to mosaic disease. High amount of
cross-pollination results in heterozygous nature. Most of the crop improvement works on
cassava are done at the Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI),

Important varieties developed at CTCRI are listed here:

H-97 : Erect branching hybrid, developed by crossing Manjavella Local with a Brazilian
Local, is characterized by the light sepia colour of emerging leaf with brown tubers; yield 25-
35 t/ha in 10 months.

H-165 : This is a non-branching hybrid with mature leaves showing drooping nature; tubers
are relatively short with cream coloured rind; yield 33-38 t/ha in 8-9 months.

H-226 : This semi-branching hybrid having characteristic green coloured leaves; tuber rind is
light purple and skin is cream with purple patches; susceptible to cassava mosaic disease
(CMD); yield 30-35 t/ha in 10 months.

Sree Sahya : This is a multiple hybrid involving five parents. It is non-branching with dark
brown petiole and spiny prominent stipular mark; tubers are long and rind is cream coloured;
yield 35-40t/ha in 10-11 months.

Sree Vaisakham : This is a semi-branching hybrid with slightly yellow fleshed tubers which
remains yellow even after cooking; carotene content is 466 IU / 100 g; tuber rind is cream
and skin is brown coloured; yield is 35-38 t/ha in 10 months.

Sree Prakash : This is a short, non-branching, early maturing (7-8 months) variety
developed by clonal selection; highly tolerant to Cercospora leaf spot; yield 35-40 t/ha in 7-8

Sree Harsha : This is a triploid clone developed by crossing a diploid with an induced
tetraploid clone of ‘Sree Sahya’; plants are stout, erect and non-branching with tubers of good
cooking quality and high starch content (38-41%); yield 35-40 t/ha in 7-8 months.

5 Potato and Tuber Crops

Sree Jaya : This is a short-duration (6 months) clonal selection suitable for low land
cultivation as a rotation crop in paddy-based inter-cropping system; tubers are with brown
skin and purple rind and have good cooking quality; yield 26-30 t/ha; susceptible to CMD.

Sree Vijaya : This is also a short-duration (6-7 months) clonal selection suitable for low land
cultivated as a rotation crop in a paddy-based inter-cropping system; tubers are with cream
coloured rind and light yellow flesh due to high carotene; susceptible to mite and scale insect;
yield 25-28 t/ha in 7 months.

M-4 : This is a non-branching variety with excellent cooking quality; susceptible to mites;
yield 18-23 t/ha in 10 months.

Sree Rekha : Erect branching variety with excellent cooking quality; susceptible to mites;
yield 18-23 t/ha in 10 months.

Sree Prabha : Semi-spreading variety with good taste and quality; yield 35-40 t/ha in 10
Three varieties viz., Nidhi, Kalpaka and Vellayani Hraswa were developed by Kerala
Agricultural University.

Nidhi : Yield (25.1 t/ha), tolerant to mosaic, short duration (5-6 months) grayish white stem,
petiole white with red shade, skin light pink.

Kalpaka (KMC-1): Yield (28.4 t/ha), short duration (6 months), non branching stem, pink
tuber rind.

Vellayani Hraswa : High yield (44.01 t/ha), short duration (5-6 months), pink tuber rind,
excellent cooking quality.

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University also developed three varieties viz., CO-1, CO-2 and CO-

6 Potato and Tuber Crops

CO-1 : A clonal selection with tubers having whitish brown skin, creamy rind and 35%
starch; yield 30 t/ha in 8-9 months.

CO-2 : A branching variety with tubers having brown skin, creamy white rind and 34.6%
starch; yield 35 t/ha in 8-9 months; suitable for consumption and industry.

CO-3 : A branching variety having tubers with brown skin and 35.6% starch; yield 42.6 t/ha
in 8 months.

Co(Tp)4: Selection from Me501,Yield 50 t/h,Starch 40 %,Field tolerant to Red spider mite
and scales

CTCRI CO(Tp)5: Seedling selection from MNga, Released during 2007. Yield potential 30
t/ha, Starch content 26%, Resistant to CMD, suitable to irrigated conditions.

Cassava is a tropical crop tolerant to drought and cannot withstand frost. It is grown in
altitudes up to 2000 m, but performance is better in lower altitudes. Though crop can be
grown even in semi-arid conditions, growth and productivity are better in warm humid
climate with well distributed rainfall.

Cassava grows on all types of soils, but saline, alkaline and ill-drained soils are not
suitable. Crop is mainly grown in lateritic soils to loan in Kerala and black and red soils in
Tamil Nadu.

7 Potato and Tuber Crops

Season of planting and preparation of sets

As an irrigated crop, cassava can be planted during any part of year, but December-
January planting is better. As a rainfed crop, planting is done during April-May before onset
of South-West Monsoon and during September-October coinciding with North East
Stem cuttings, usually called as sets, for planting are taken from disease free stakes of
8-10 months maturity having a thickness of 2-3 cm diameter. Discard woody basal portion
and tender top portion of stem. Prepare sets of 15-20 cm length with a smooth circular cut at

8 Potato and Tuber Crops

the base and slanting cut at top for easy identification of base and top. The circular cut at base
ensures uniform callus formation and root initiation. Sets prepared from stem stored for 15
days with leaves give better sprouting.

Transplanting minisetts to main field

 The minisetts will be ready for transplanting in about three to four weeks time.
 Two to three fully opened leaves’ stage is the optimum time for transplanting.
 Uprooting minisetts from nursery beds could be done with the help of a khurpi, taking
maximum possible care not to break roots.
 Prior to uprooting, the main field should be properly prepared. It should be thoroughly
ploughed and brought to a fine tilth.
 About 12.5 t/ha of dry FYM is spread in the field.
 Ridges of 30 cm height are taken with a spacing of 45cm between the ridges.
 Uprooted minisetts are then carefully planted on ridges at a spacing of 45 cm.
 If the variety is branching type, then ridges may be made 60 cm apart.
 On an average, about 50,000 minisetts could be transplanted in 1 ha of land.
 It is very essential that the transplanting of minisetts must coincide with rainfall, if the
crop is to be raised as a rainfed crop.
 If it is a dry period, unless irrigation is given the minisetts may not establish and would
eventually dry off.
 Availability of moisture in the field must be ensured till the transplanted minisetts are

Management of transplanted minisetts

 The transplanted minisetts usually get established in a week’s time.
 After establishment, 50:50:50 kg/ha of N, P and K may be applied as basal and one
month later, the second dose of fertilizers, 50:50 kg/ha N and K may be applied as top
 Weeding and intercultural operations could be done at the application of second dose of
fertilizers. Thereafter, if need be, one more weeding may be given.
 Due to the closer spacing and intensive growth, weeds would be few and also
intercultural operations would be rendered difficult.

9 Potato and Tuber Crops

 The plants would mature in about 7 – 9 months time depending upon the varietal

Harvest of planting material

On harvest from a hectare, about 60,000 cassava stems and 75 to 80 tons tuber could be
obtained by adopting minisett technique, whereas, in the traditional production system, about
24,000 stems and 30 t/ha of tubers could be obtained. If minisett technique is adopted for
further multiplication, then minisetts for planting 50 - 60 ha could be obtained in the next
generation. Multiplication ratio in cassava planting material by this process is enhanced to
1:70 from the traditional 1:10.

Storage of planting materials

Stems produced through minisett technique should be stored in a well ventilated store
house facilitating diffused light inside the shed. Harvested stems should be kept erect and
never horizontal on the floor.
Land preparation
Land is ploughed or dug properly for loosening soil to a depth of 20-25 cm. Depending
on texture of soil and slope of land, mounds or ridges or raised beds are prepared. Mounds of
25-30 cm height are prepared in poorly drained soils. Ridges of 25-30 cm length are made in
sloppy land for a rainfed crop and in leveled for irrigated crop. Ridges are taken across the
slope. Flat raised beds are taken in level lands having good drainage. Since cassava mosaic
disease is a serious problem, care should be taken to select disease-free stakes for preparation
of sets. Raising sets initially in raised beds by planting very close (400 sets / m2), rouging out
diseased plants and uprooting disease-free sets for planting at 3 weeks age ensure disease-free

Sets 25 – 30 cm length are planted vertically in beds, mounds or ridges to a depth of 5
cm. Care should be taken to avoid planting of sets inverted. Spacing depends on branching
pattern of varieties. Normally erect and non-branching varieties are planted at 75 x 75 cm
and branching or semi-branching varieties at 90 x 90 cm. In case, sets are dried after planting,

10 Potato and Tuber Crops

5% of stakes may be planted as reserve in field, separately at a closer spacing of 4 x 4 cm for

gap filling after 20-25 days.

Manures and fertilizers

Cassava is a heavy feeder and crop is to be adequately manured for getting high yield.
Apply 125 tonnes of farmyard manure / ha as basal dose. For high yielding varieties, a
fertilizer dose of 50 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 50 kg K2O / ha is recommended at the time of land
preparation. If planting of sets is done during hot condition, basal dose of fertilizers and
manures may be postponed to one month after planting. This will avoid attack of termites
and drying up of sets. Apply second dose of fertilizer i.e., 50 kg N and 50 kg K2O, 45-50
days after planting along with weeding and earthing up. In short duration varieties, fertilizer
dose can be reduced to 75:50:75 kg NPK/ha.

CTCRI, Trivandrum recommendations:

A cassava crop producing a yield of 30 t/ha removes 187 kg nitrogen, 33 kg
phosphorus and 233 kg potassium per ha. In order to maintain the soil productivity the crop
has to be manured adequately. For high yielding varieties of cassava, a basal dose of 12.5
tonnes of FYM/compost along with a fertilizer dose of 50 kg nitrogen, 50 kg phosphorus and
50kg potassium is recommended at the time of land preparation.
When the crop attains 45-60 days after planting, a top dressing of 50 kg nitrogen and
50 kg potassium/ha has to be applied along with the first intercultural operation.
For short duration varieties of cassava and local types a fertilizer dose of 50:25:50
kg/ha N, P2O5 and K2O is recommended in splits of 25:25:25 kg/ha of N, P2O5 and K2O as
basal and 25:25 kg of N and K2O as top dressing.
Application of manures and fertilizers at the above rate can maintain a proper
balance of nutrients in the soil. Moreover, it can also maintain the availability of major,
secondary and micronutrients in the soil. Nowadays, farm yard manure is a scarce resource.
Experiments conducted at CTCRI revealed that green manuring in situ with cowpea
and incorporation of residue of the crop itself can be used as alternate sources of FYM.
In high P soils, P application can be skipped for the first four years, further P at the rate of
25kg P2O5 per ha is enough.
Soil application of lime at the rate of 1-2 t/ha was found beneficial in terms of yield
and quality of tubers in acid soils. Continuous cultivation of cassava leads to deficiency of
micronutrients, particularly zinc and in such cases, soil application of Zn at the rate of 1

11 Potato and Tuber Crops

g/plant (12.5 kg/ha) at the time of planting can maintain its level in the soil and improve tuber

Nutrient deficiency symptoms

Among the different nutrient deficiency symptoms lime induced iron chlorosis is
widespread in the alkaline soils of the cassava growing areas of Tamil Nadu. It is
characterised by chlorosis of the younger leaves. This can be controlled by foliar spray of
iron chelates or 1-2% ferrous sulphate solution.

In Kerala the crop is mostly grown under rain fed situation whereas in Tamil Nadu it
is grown under irrigated condition. For proper establishment of cassava stakes/settlings
(rooted cuttings) in the main field, sufficient moisture should be ensured in the field for the
first twenty days after planting.
A stress free condition always promotes higher tuber yield, as cassava has got a
continuous growing period. Under irrigated condition, scheduling of the irrigation at 25 per
cent available moisture depletion throughout the growing season could double the tube yield
as compared to control.
Supplementary irrigation at the rate of 20mm per week during the drought period
significantly increased tuber yield of cassava over rain fed. Cassava requires sufficient soil
moisture for sprouting of stakes and subsequent establishment. The bulk of the root volume is
confined to the upper 20cm soil and the lateral spread of the root extended up to 45 cm under
field conditions.
The stage of the crop most sensitive to moisture is tuberization. Up to tuberizaion the
crop needs irrigation at 10 days interval, and there after once in 20 days. Some of the studies
conducted showed that 5 to 6 irrigation at 24 days interval during the drought period was
optimum when water table is high.
Under shallow water table crop requires irrigation 0.36 IW/CPE only, which
approximately estimated to be of an interval of 37 days during the dry period. The response
of cassava to irrigation water based on cumulative pan evaporation studies revealed that there
is a linear response with level of irrigation from 0.3 to 0.9 IW/CPE. However, net profit
increased marginally up to 0.6 IW/CPE only. Response of cassava to moisture stress at
various stages of growth has been studied at sub-tropical climate and it has been observed

12 Potato and Tuber Crops

that tuberization phase was most sensitive to moisture stress, which caused a yield loss of 32
per cent.
Works carried out at CTCRI suggested that supplementary irrigation during dry
period on the basis of IW/CPE ratio has increased the yield with low HCN content. IW/CPE
ratio of 0.25 was on par with 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 for low yielding varieties and for high yielding
varieties IW/CPE ratio of 0.5 to 0.6 was optimum.
Cassava is grown mainly as a rainfed crop in Kerala and irrigated crop in Tamil Nadu.
Irrigating crop at 25% available moisture depletion level, could double tuber yield compared
to irrigated crop.

Pinching off excess sprouts emerging from sets is necessary in cassava cultivation.
This may be done 30-45 days after planting. As sprouts from top buds are more vigorous
than those emerging from lower nodes, retain only two sprouts from top portion, that too on
opposite sides of set.
Inter-culture operations are aimed at removing weeds in early stages of crop and to
improve physical condition of sets for proper tuber development. First inter-culture operation
may be done sufficiently deep at 45-60 days after planting and a shallow inter-culture by way
of weeding or earthing up may be given one month after the first.

As cassava is widely spaced, intercropping with short duration crops like ground nut,
French bean and bush cowpea will utilize light and water more effectively and give an
additional income of Rs.6000-8000/ha within 2½-3 months. It adds organic manure to soil
and controls weeds. Intercrops are to be adequately manured for avoiding competition with
main crop.

Harvesting and yield

The crop is ready for harvesting in 10-11 months after planting. Short duration
varieties can be harvested in 6-7 months. Delayed harvest results in deterioration of quality
of tubers. Harvesting is usually done by uprooting plants gently by holding stem and after
harvesting, stack stems vertically in well aerated place for use in subsequent planting.
Yield is 25-30 t/ha for short duration varieties and 30-40 t/ha for other varieties.

13 Potato and Tuber Crops

14 Potato and Tuber Crops


15 Potato and Tuber Crops

For cultivating one hectare of tapioca an amount of Rs 16274/- that is 63% Cost ‘A’ is
expended as hired human labour cost. Whereas machine labour cost is below 1.15% of total
Cost ‘A’. Expenditure towards farmyard manure and chemical fertilizers accounts to 20% of
cost’ A’. Seedling cost also showed are increasing trend.

The percentage of hired human labour hours engaged in tapioca cultivation to the total labour
hours is given below:

16 Potato and Tuber Crops

The proportion of hired human labour hours to total human labour is seen as
increasing with the increase is the size of holding.

Cost ‘B1’ and Cost ‘B’

In tapioca cultivation interest on fixed capital is seen as Rs. 1426/- during the year
under review, when compared to the previous yeas Cost ‘B’ increased from Rs 26811 to
27429. Where as cost ‘B’ is estimated as Rs 120871 during this year.

Cost ‘C’

Cost ‘C’ is estimated by adding the imputed value of house holding labour to cost ‘B’.

It is estimated as Rs. 123295 during 2001-02.

B. Value of Out put.

Value of out put of tapioca during 2001-02 is found to be Rs 31651/-

1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 14


Maranta arundinacea L. (Marantaceae), commonly referred to as arrowroot, is an

herbaceous, perennial plant that grows to a height of 0.9-1.5 m (Raymond and Squires, 1959).
Arrowroot is cultivated primarily as a source of food starch, which is found in cylindrical
rhizomes (Ciacco and D'Appolonia, 1976; Lii and Chang, 1978).

Historically, St. Vincent, West Indies, produced over 98% of the supply of arrowroot
starch for the United States, Canada, Britain and Europe (Bolt, 1962); however, production
has declined in the past 2 yr (J. W. Duellimore, pers. comm.).

The plant is also grown on other islands in the Caribbean, Southeast Asia (Motaldo,
1967), South America, Philippines (Kay, 1973) and India (Maury and Barooah, 1976).
Rhizome yields range from 12.5 to 31 tons/ha and rhizome starch yields at the factory are 8-
16% in St. Vincent (Kay, 1973).

Processing of arrowroot starch in St. Vincent is performed by a wet milling process.

Rhizomes are washed, mechanically crushed to release the starch, and screened to separate
coarse and fine fibrous residue from the starch. The starch, which settles by gravity, is
resuspended, washed, separated by gravity and air dried in naturally ventilated buildings
(Wurzburg, 1952; Lawton, 1956). Coarse and fine residues from the milling process and
wash and settling waters are presently unused and discharged directly from the processing
plant without treatment. Although the arrowroot plant is cultivated primarily as a food source,
an integrated approach to utilizing plant biomass and factory residues may enhance the
economical return from producing arrowroot starch.

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

These frost tender perennials are native to tropical America and are grown for their
beautiful foliage. They can be grown outside in frost-free climates only. Their leaves rise
straight out of the soil and vary in size and shape. They are often marked with streaks or
blotches of contrasting colors. M. leuconeura variety erythroneura (Herringbone Plant) has
oblong, velvety, black green leaves veined with red and having a lime-green midrib area.
This plant will produce erect spikes of small, white or violet flowers throughout the year. M.
leuconeura variety kerchoveana (Rabbit Tracks) has oblong grayish-green leaves marked
with dark brown blotches that fade with age. Its small, mauve or white flowers are also
produced throughout the year.


In cool climates, Marantas grow as a house or greenhouse plant in containers filled

with one part loam, two parts peat, and half a part of sand.

The atmosphere should be humid and the leaves sprayed with water several times a
day. They should be set in a draft-free area with medium to bright light, but not direct sun.
These plants are great for a terrarium. Repotting is done in February or March. Their pots
need adequate drainage because the plants need a lot of water during the summer and will not
do well if they're waterlogged.

When they are repotted, the loose soil should be removed and they are set in slightly
larger pots. The soil must not be packed too hard, firm gently with the fingers. Water
sparingly until the pots are filled with roots when it can be given freely until the end of the
summer. The soil is only watered when it becomes fairly dry in the winter. During the
summer months, well-rooted plants should be watered with weak liquid fertilizer.

3 Potato and Tuber Crops

As soon as new growth begins in the spring, remove the old, loose soil from their
roots and then repot in a mixture of peat moss, sand and loam. The pots need good drainage.
While they are growing vigorously in the summer an abundance of water is applied, but
throughout the winter, less water should be given. Established plants that have filled their
pots up with roots will benefit from regular applications of dilute liquid fertilizer. The
minimum winter temperature of the greenhouse should be 55 degrees; from spring through
fall (the time that they're actively growing), the minimum temperature that should be
maintained is 60 to 65 degrees


 The rhizomes can be divided at repotting time in the spring.

 Division is the principle method used to increase these plants in the spring or summer.

 Old plants are removed from their pots and the soil is washed away from the roots.

 The rhizomes are cut through with a sharp knife and the cut surfaces are dipped in

 Take care not to bruise them, because this could cause them to decay.

 Put the pieces in pots just large enough to hold the roots without crampling them.

 Stem cuttings may also be used in the summer.


• M. bicolor; M. leuconeura and its varieties are: kerchoveana, massangeana,

erythroneura; M. arundinacea.


(Syn: Dasheen) Colocasia esculenta (2n 28, 42)

(Hindi: Arvi, Ghuiyan)

Family: Araceae

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

• Diverse forms differing in colour, shape and size of leaves and tubers exist in India.

• Both wild and cultivated types exhibit wide variability.

• Edible part tuber is an underground stem.

• Due to acridity, tubers are used as vegetable after thorough cooking.

• It is also baked, roasted, fried in oil and eaten after boiling.

• The corm is generally high in starch (13-30%) and low in fat and protein.

• Tender petioles and leaves are rich source of vitamins and minerals

Arum Family (Araceae): Taro

 Corms of taro (Colocasia esculenta), a member of the Arum Family (Araceae).

 Corms are short, underground stems which lack the numerous eyes (buds) of potatoes.

 Like potatoes they are rich in starch grains (amyloplasts).

5 Potato and Tuber Crops

 Taro corms are rich in the soluble starch called amylose (soluble in hot water).

 The starch that is prevalent in most amyloplasts from other species is amylopectin
(insoluble starch).

 Since they contain about 3% sugar, they are more like a sweet potato (Ipomoea
batatas) than a true potato (Solanum tuberosum).

 Taro has a long list of common names throughout tropical countries of the world,
including cocoyam, kolocasi and ocumo.

 In the Caribbean region and elsewhere it is called dasheen.

 The corms are baked like potatoes, roasted, steamed, or crushed to make cakes.
Hawaiian poi is made by steaming the corm, followed by crushing and natural

A cultivated field
of taro
esculenta) on
the island of
Moorea, a
beautiful island
in French

A taro pond in the

Hanalei National
Wildlife Refuge on
the north side of
Kauai (Hawaiian
Islands). The pale
green layer on the
water surface is a
dense population of
the tropical
duckweed Lemna

Origin and classification

6 Potato and Tuber Crops

Colocasia and Xanthosoma together are known as coco yam. In Colocasia, leaves are
peltate and sterile appendage is at top of spadix. In Xanthosoma, leaves are sagitate and
sterile appendage is absent. Taro (Colocasia) originated in South East Asia including India
and Malaysia. Plucknett (1983) differentiated Colocasia esculenta into two types:

1. C. esculenta var. esculenta: Produces a large main corm with a few cormels. This includes
wild types and is grown under a wide range of moisture conditions from flooded to rainfed
upland conditions. This group has 28 chromosomes and are diploids. Leaves are generally
elongated. Sterile appendage of spadix is shorter than male part. Eddoe types With cormels
bigger than mother corm belong to this group. Naga Kaju of Nagaland, Khasi Bhunga of
Meghalaya, Kovur of Andhra Pradesh, local cultivars like Panch Mukhi, Koni Kachu and
White Gauriya belong to var. esculenta.

2. C.esculenta var. antiquorum: This includes both cultivated and wild forms. It has small or
medium sized main corm and a larger number of side cormels which are edible. It is raised as
an irrigated or rainfed upland crop. Plants have 42 chromosomes and are always triploids and
do not set seeds. Leaves are almost round. Sterile appendage is larger than male part.


Taro is an herbaceous plant consisting of a main corm from which cormels, roots and
shoots arise. Corm is botanically a stem and is covered with concentric rings of leaf scars and
scales. Cormels arise from lateral buds - present under each scale or leaf base.
Morphologically main corm is the stem and stolons and cormels are lateral branches of stem.
Inflorescence is produced on a stout peduncle shorter than petiole. It consists of 20-40 cm
long rolled spathe and 5-14 cm long cylindrical golden yellow coloured spadix inside. Spadix
has female flowers at the base followed by a compressed neck of neutral or aborted flowers.
A larger male section with a sterile appendage at the tip is attached to neck. Length of
appendage helps to differentiate or identify different types. Taro is cross-pollinated due to


Several cultivars differing in colour, shape, size and acridity of tubers and colour, size
and shape of lamina and petiole are found in India. The famous ‘Kannanchembu’ with small
tubers of excellent quality has characteristics of both esculenta and antiquorum.

7 Potato and Tuber Crops

Characters of improved varieties developed at CTCRI, Thiruvananthapura

Sree Rashmi: All plant parts are non-acrid. Corms are big and con are medium size. Yield is
15-20 t/ha in 7-8 months. Corms have excellent cooking quality and taste.

Sree Pallavi: Corms are relatively big. It yields 15-18 t/ha in 64 months.

Sree Kiran: This is a F1 hybrid with high yi1d and good cooking quality


Mother corm and cormels of 20g used as planting material. Planting is done after
receipt of south West monsoon during May-June.

Land preparation and planting

Depending on soil types and management practices, different methods of land

preparation and planting are followed. In sandy loam, pit method is better while in alluvial
soils raised mounds or beds or ridges are preferred. Ridges of 30 cm height are made and
tubers are planted at 45 cm apart. Mulching with green or dried leaves helps to hasten
sprouting, controls weed growth, regu1ates soil temperature and retains soil.

Manuring and interculture

Apply 12 tonnes of farmyard manure per hectare and mix it with prior to planting. Taro
requires a fertilizer dose of 80 kg N, 25 kg P205 an 100 kg of K20/ha in two or three split
doses. One-third dose of nitrogen, full dose of phosphorus and one-third potash are to be
applied at two weeks after sprouting. Remaining dose of nitrogen and potash may be applied
in equal split doses at monthly intervals after the first application of fertilizer. Weeding and
earthing up are to be done along with application of fertilizers. Small, unhealthy suckers from
mother plant have to be removed along with second weeding and earthing up operation.

1 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 15


Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott (2n = 26)

Family: Araceae

The genus Xanthosoma belongs to tribe Colocasia. Tannia is a tall herbaceous plant
growing to 1.5 to 2.7 m and has about 6 large outspreading hastate leaves in contrast to
peltate leaves in taro. In tannia, mother corm is more or less cylindrical and surrounded by
cormels which develop from lateral buds adjacent to leaf scars on the corm. Similar to taro,
mother corms and cormels are used for planting. Since plants grow vigorously, tannia is
widely spaced at 1 x I m.


(Syn : Elephant foot yam) Amorphophallus paeoniifolius

(Syn : A. campanulatus (Roxb.) Blume) (2n = 28)

(Hindi : Suran, Zamikand) Family : Araceae

Elephant foot yam is a remunerative and profitable stem tuber crop. The crop is
gaining popularity due to its shade tolerance, easiness in cultivation, high productivity, less
incidence of pests and diseases, steady demand and reasonably good price. Tubers are
mainly used as vegetable after thorough cooking. Chips are made of starch-rich tubers.
Tender stem and leaves are also used for vegetable purpose. Tubers contain 18.0% starch, 1-
5% protein and upto 2% fat. Leaves contain 2-3% protein, 3% carbohydrates and 4-7% crude
fibre. Tubers and leaves are quite acrid due to high content of oxalates. Acridity is usually
removed by boiling fairly for a long time. Cultivation of elephant foot yam is limited to
India, Philippines, Sri Lanka and South East Asia.

Unlike other tubers, Amorphophallus roots have many medicinal uses and are widely
prescribed by Ayurvedic physicians. Amorphophallus corm is a good source of phyto-

2 Potato and Tuber Crops

aestrogens and is effective alternative to conventional hormone replacement therapy for

symptoms associated with menopause and chronic degenerative diseases in women.


Cultivated species A. paeonifolius is a robust herbaceous plant 1.0 – 1.5 m tall. Large
dissected tripartite leaves constitute the luxuriant outspreading crown-like foliage, borne on a
fairly thick single upright “stem”. The aerial “pseudostem” which is round with characteristic
irregular blotches is botanically a leaf petiole. Though crop is perennial due to underground
stem, it is treated as an annual with a duration of 8-9 months. It is usually harvested when
shoot becomes yellow and withers (8-9 months after planting). It flowers once in 1-3 years.
Inflorescence consists of a bell-shaped spathe surrounding a central yellow spadix and is
borne on a very short stalk. It appears almost at ground level. Although wild species flower
and set seeds profusely, cultivated species fall to set seeds under normal condition due to
extreme protogyny coupled with delay in opening of spathe.

Climate and soil

Amorphophallus is a tropical / subtropical crop and hence thrives well under warm
humid climate with a mean annual temperature of 30-35oC and a well distributed rain of
1000-1500 mm spread over a period of 6-8 months. It grows well on a variety of soils. Well
drained sandy loam or sandy clay loam with near neutral soil reaction is ideal for the crop.
Soil should be rich in organic matter with adequate amount of available plant nutrients.


Sree Padma – Developed at CTCRI, Thiruvannthapuram; yield 42 t/ha

Gajendra – Developed at APAU, Hyderabad.


1. Amorphophallus is propagated through corm.

2. Corms harvested during November are stored in well ventilated rooms.

3. Before planting during February, the corm is cut into setts of 750-100 g. each bearing
a portion of central bud.

3 Potato and Tuber Crops

4. Cut corms are smeared with cow dung slurry or wood ash and allowed to dry in
partial shade.

5. Rapid seed corm production technique suggests use of cormels and mini sett
transplants of 100 g size for planting at a closer spacing of 45 x 30 cm.

Cultivation practices

1. After one or two ploughings, pits of size 60 x 60 x 45 cm are made at a spacing of 90

x 90 cm during February.

2. For harvesting small to medium sized tubers, distance between pits is reduced to 60 x
60 cm.

3. Pits are half filled with top soil and well dried farmyard manure @ 2.0-2.5 kg/pit and
wood ash.

4. Planting material is placed vertically in the pit.

5. After compacting the planted tubers, pits are covered with organic mulches like green
leaves or paddy straw.

6. Apply fertilizer @ 40 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 50 kg K2O / ha 45 days after plating

along with mulching and application of cow dung or compost after receipt of rains.

7. This is followed by digging interspaces and light earthing up.

8. Top dressing is done with 40 kg N, 50 kg K2O again one month after, along with
shallow intercultural operations like weeding, light digging and earthing up.

9. Apply fertilizer @ 40 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 50 kg K2O / ha 45 days after plating

along with mulching and application of cow dung or compost after receipt of rains.

10. This is followed by digging interspaces and light earthing up.

11. Top dressing is done with 40 kg N, 50 kg K2O again one month after, along with
shallow intercultural operations like weeding, light digging and earthing up.

4 Potato and Tuber Crops

12. Amorphophallus is mainly grown as a rainfed crop.

13. During periods of late receipt of monsoon, a light irrigation is given during early
stages of crop.

14. Crop is susceptible to water stagnation.

15. Mulching immediately after planting is the most important operation in


16. It not only conserves soil moisture and regulates soil temperature, but also suppresses
weed growth.

17. A plant usually produces a single “stem”.

18. Amorphophallus is mainly grown as a rainfed crop.

19. During periods of late receipt of monsoon, a light irrigation is given during early
stages of crop.

20. Crop is susceptible to water stagnation.

21. Mulching immediately after planting is the most important operation in


22. It not only conserves soil moisture and regulates soil temperature, but also suppresses
weed growth.

23. A plant usually produces a single “stem”.

24. In case of more numbers, it is advisable to remove it retaining only one healthy one.

Harvest and yield

Underground corms are harvested with pick axe or by digging when the shoot is
completely withered and fallen. Crop will be ready for harvest in 8-9 months after planting.
However on better market price, tubers can be harvested six month onwards. Average yield
is 30-40 t/ha.

5 Potato and Tuber Crops

Lecture 17



The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) belongs to the family Asteraceae

(Compositae) is a large, perennial sunflower native to the Great Plains of North America. It is
closely related to the common sunflower (H. annuus) that grows along roadsides and vacant
fields throughout the western United States. It has been cultivated by native Americans for
centuries, and was introduced into Europe in the early 1600s. Like true potatoes, it produces
edible tubers at the ends of underground stems called rhizomes. The tubers contain "eyes" or
buds and are technically modified stems rather than roots.

[The original name of "sunchoke" was applied to a hybrid between the Jerusalem artichoke
and the common sunflower.]

The common name may have been corrupted from the Italian name for the plant
"girasole articiocco". "Girasole" refers to the way the flowers turn to face the sun, and
"articiocco" refers to artichoke. Some people say the tubers taste like artichoke hearts if they
are steamed with the peel on. The peel imparts the artichoke flavor to this vegetable. The
tubers are eaten raw in salads, steamed, fried, baked and mashed. Raw tubers are very crisp
and sweet, with a taste more like water chestnuts than potatoes. Jerusalem artichokes provide
an abundant source of nutritious, tasty tubers in poor soils with very little care.


It is an herbaceous perennial plant growing to 1.5–3 m tall with opposite leaves on the
lower part of the stem becoming alternate higher up. The leaves have a rough, hairy texture
and the larger leaves on the lower stem are broad ovoid-acute and can be up to 30 cm long
and the higher leaves smaller and narrower. The flowers are yellow, produced in capitate
flower heads which are 5–10 cm diameter, with 10–20 ray florets. The tubers are elongated
and uneven, typically 7.5–10 cm long and 3–5 cm thick, and vaguely resembling ginger root,
with a crisp texture when raw. They vary in color from pale brown to white, red or purple.
Jerusalem artichoke
Helianthus tuberosus. L

The tubers of Jerusalem artichoke contain fewer calories than potatoes, and they are
especially high in vitamin A, the B-complex, potassium and phosphorus. They contain the
polysaccharide inulin instead of starch, which is a nutritious food for diabetics and
hypoglycemics. The hydrolysis of inulin yields fruit sugar (D-fructose), while true insoluble
starch (amylopectin) yields D-glucose.

[Starch (amylum) is actually composed of two polymers, soluble starch (amylose) and
insoluble amylopectin. Starch polymers are packed into membrane-bound starch grains or
amyloplasts within plant cells.]

Sugars from the digestion of insulin do not elicit rapid insulin production compared
with other starchy foods. Jerusalem artichokes have 650 mg potassium per 1 cup (150g)
serving. They are also high in iron, and contain 10-12% of the US RDA of fiber, niacin,
thiamine, phosphorus and copper.


Despite its name, the Jerusalem artichoke has no relation to Jerusalem, and it is not a
type of artichoke, even though both are members of the Daisy family. The origin of the name
is uncertain.

Italian settlers in the USA called the plant Girasole, the Italian word for sunflower
because of its resemblance to the garden sunflower. Over time the name Girasole may have
been corrupted to Jerusalem. To avoid confusion some people have recently started to refer to
it as sunchoke or sunroot. The artichoke part of the Jerusalem artichoke's name comes from
the taste of its edible tuber. Samuel de Champlain, the French explorer, sent the first samples
of the plant to France, noting that its taste was similar to an artichoke.

Jerusalem artichokes were first cultivated by the Native Americans long before the
arrival of the Europeans; this extensive cultivation obscures the exact native range of the
species. The French explorer Samuel de Champlain found domestically grown plants at Cape
Cod in 1605. The Jerusalem artichoke was titled 'best soup vegetable' in the 2002 Nice
festival for the heritage of the French cuisine

Cultivation and uses

Unlike most tubers, but in common with other members of the Asteraceae (including
the artichoke), the tubers store the carbohydrate inulin (not to be confused with insulin)
instead of starch. For this reason, Jerusalem artichoke tubers are an important source of
fructose for industry. The crop yields are high, typically 16–20 t/ha for tubers, and 18–28 t/ha
green weight for foliage.] Jerusalem artichoke also has a great deal of unused potential as a
producer of ethanol fuel, using inulin-adapted strains of yeast for fermentation. Jerusalem
artichokes are easy to cultivate, which tempts gardeners to simply leave them completely
alone to grow.

However the quality of the edible tubers degrades unless the plants are dug up and
replanted in fertile soil. This can be a chore, as even a small piece of tuber will grow if left in
the ground, making the hardy plant a potential weed. The tubers have a consistency much like
potatoes, and in their raw form have a similar taste to potatoes. The carbohydrates give the
tubers a tendency to become soft and mushy if boiled, but retain their texture better when
steamed. The inulin is not well digested by some people, leading in some cases to flatulence
and gastric pain.

Chinese Potato

(Syn: Coleus) (Soenostemon rotendifolius)

(Syn: Coleus parviflorus) (2n = 56,64)

Family: Labiatae

Coleus is a seasonal crop cultivated for its edible tubers in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Tubers which resemble miniature potato have a characteristic flavour and are used as
vegetable after cooking.

Plant is a bushy herbaceous annual with succulent stem and round ovate petiolate
leaves. Plant is completely sterile and produces a cluster of dark brown tubers with round to
oblong shape at the base of lower nodes of stem below soil. Coleus is originated in Africa and
is grown in India, Sri Lanka, South East Asia and parts of Africa.
Chinese potato farm

Climate and soil

Coleus comes up well in hot humid climate. It responds to photoperiods and requires
good rainfall for its growth. It cannot tolerate drought. Quantity, size and aroma of tubers
vary with soil. For excellent quality, laterite soil with good drainage is the best. Yield is more
when grown on fertile alluvial soil.


Being a vegetatively propagated crop, variability is limited. Two high yielding

varieties were developed in coleus.

Sree Dhara: This variety developed at CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram has a yield potential of
25 1/ha. Tubers are oval to oblong with 28.5% dry matter and 19.5% starch.

Nidhi: This is developed by Kerala Agricultural University. Under Kerala condition crop
comes up well during July to October and yield 27.9 t/ ha in 120-130 days. Individual tubers
are oblong shaped with an average length of 2.5 cm. Average tuber weight is 8.3 g.

Raising nursery

Raise a nursery, approximately one and half months prior to planting. An area of 500
m2 is required to produce vines for planting one hectare of land. Cattle manure or compost
may be applied @ lkg/m2 and ridges or mounds or beds may be prepared at a closer spacing
(45/60 cm). Healthy tubers that weigh about 15-20 g may be planted on ridges/mounds/beds
to accommodate 75-100 kg tubers in 500 m2 area. Top-dress with urea (5 kg/500 m2) at about
three weeks after planting to encourage good vine growth. Clip off terminal portion of vines
devoid of roots to a length of 10-15 cm at about 45 days after planting. To enable rapid
multiplication of planting material, single node cuttings can be planted directly in secondary
nursery. Such single node cuttings produce axillary shoots within one week.

Land preparation and planting

Plough or dig land to a depth of 15-20 cm and prepare ridges at a spacing of 45 cm.
Plant vines at a spacing of 30 cm on ridges either in vertical or horizontal position. Horizontal
planting of vines to a depth of 4-5 cm and exposing terminal bud ensures quick establishment
and promotes tuber yield. In loose soils, having good drainage, planting can also be done on
flat beds with provision for drainage.

Manuring and interculture

 Broadcast 10 tonnes of farmyard manure and NPK @ 30:60:50 kg/ha and incorporate
into soil at the time of land preparation.

 Top-dress with 30 kg N and 50 kg K20 at 45 days after planting. This is followed by

an inter- culturing and earthing up of soil at base of plant.

 In case, soil has eroded from base of plants, give one more earthing up at 30 days later
to promote tuber formation.


Harvest the crop when vines dry up at 4-5 months after planting. It is done by digging
and pulling out plants with tubers. Tubers are then separated, cleaned and marketed in gunny
bags/bamboo basket or plastic crates.
Yam Bean
(Pachyrrhizus erosus L.)

Family: Fabaceae

Yam bean is grown in parts of West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Asia for its tender
tubers which are used as vegetable. Young tubers are crisp, succulent and sweet and are
preferred for salad purpose. In Philippines, China, Indonesia, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar
tubers are processed, canned and Yam bean requires hot humid climate. It also needs long
days for vegetative growth and short days for better tuberisation. Well distributed rain during
growth period is required for optimum tuber yield. Rajendra Mishrikand is an improved
variety yielding 36-40 t/ ha and is being propagated through seeds. Seeds @3-5 per hill are
sown at a spacing of 0.75 -1.0 m during June-July. It flowers in 75 days after sowing. It is
desirable to remove flowers for encouraging tuber yield. Provide trellis or props for plants to
trail. It will be ready for harvest in 150 days. If harvesting is delayed, it results in cracking of
tubers. Harvested tubers can be stored for 2-3 days without any deterioration.

In addition, minor tuber crops like Giant taro (Alocasia indica Roxb.) Queensland
arrowroot (Canna inçlica L.), West Indian Arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae L.) are also
grown on a limited scale in different parts.

Yam bean plant

Yam bean tuber


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