Concept of Supply
Concept of Supply
Concept of Supply
CA Srinath N G
Old Laws GST Laws
Manufacture of
Goods Supply of Goods
( Excise Duty) or
Sale of Goods Supply of Services
( VAT/CST) or
Rendering of Service Both
( Service Tax)
*Supply includes the following
All forms of supply of goods or services or both made
or agreed to be made for a consideration by a person
in the course or furtherance of business.
Ex: Sale, Exchange, Barter, Transfer, Rental, License,
Importation of services for consideration whether or
not in course or furtherance of business
Activities mentioned in Schedule I made or agreed to
be made without consideration
Activities to be treated as Supply of goods or
Services as mentioned in Schedule II
*Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub Section 1,
the following will neither be treated as Supply of
Goods nor Supply of Services: Sec7(2)
Activities or transactions specified in Schedule III
Such activities undertaken by Central or State
Government or Local Authorities in which they are
engaged as Public Authorities as may be notified by Govt
Points to be noted
The invoice must be issued by the agent in his own
name to the buyer else there is no Pr - Ag relationship.
This activity covers only supply of goods but not
Art works sent by artists to galleries for exhibition is
not a supply {Circular no 22/22/2017}
Import of Services
With Without
Consideration Consideration
In the course or a Related or Distinct
furtherance of b persons & in course
business or not l or furtherance of
e business
Activities to be treated as Supply of goods or
supply of services:
Transaction Nature of Supply
Transfer of Title in Goods Supply of Goods
Transfer of Right in goods Supply of Services
or undivided share in
goods without transfer of