Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesions: Nine Cases and A Review of The Literature
Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesions: Nine Cases and A Review of The Literature
Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesions: Nine Cases and A Review of The Literature
DOI 10.1007/s10143-009-0185-5
Received: 18 April 2008 / Revised: 8 November 2008 / Accepted: 6 December 2008 / Published online: 27 January 2009
# Springer-Verlag 2009
Abstract Tumefactive demyelinating lesions (TDLs) are well to steroid therapy and no relapse was found during
misdiagnosed frequently. To investigate the characteristics following up. Thus, intensive analysis of both clinical and
of TDLs, clinical and radiological data from nine cases with radiological data may provide some clues for diagnosis. For
TDLs were analyzed after admission. All cases underwent suspected cases, it is advisable to take steroid therapy or
surgery and pathological examination; some received undergo advanced radiological examinations, such as serial
postoperative steroid therapy. Onsets were mostly within magnetic resonance spectroscopy. However, in difficult
3 weeks and main presentation included intracranial cases, pathological evidence is beneficial to a final diagnosis.
hypertension, extremity weakness, epilepsy, and visual
disturbance. Symptoms in children were acute and severe, Keywords Tumefactive demyelinating lesions .
frequently including headache, vomiting, and visual distur- Demyelinating pseudotumor . Demyelinating diseases .
bance. Most intracephalic lesions were in cerebral hemi- Brain neoplasms
spheres. All intraspinal lesions were in cervical segments.
Radiological features included mass effect, perifocal edema
and enhancement (of which open-ring enhancement was Introduction
diagnostic), and decreased relative cerebral blood volume.
Intraoperative frozen section did not confirm the diagnosis, The primary demyelinating diseases of the central nervous
while postoperative paraffin section did confirm it (by system (CNS) encompass a series of entities, such as acute
evidence of macrophage infiltration). The patients responded disseminated encephalomyelitis, acute hemorrhagic leu-
koencephalopathy, and various types of multiple sclerosis
(MS). The latter entity includes chronic type (Charcot type),
L. Xia : Z.-c. Wang : L. Xu : S.-y. Hao : C.-c. Gao
acute type (Marburg type), myelinoclastic diffuse sclerosis
Beijing Neurosurgical Institute, Capital Medical University,
Beijing 100050, China (Schilder type), concentric sclerosis, and optic neuromye-
litis (Devic type), of which Charcot type (classical MS) is
S. Lin the most common and best known. But a rare demyelinat-
Neurosurgical Department, Beijing Tiantan Hospital,
ing disease presenting as a large (>2 cm) focal area of
Capital Medical University,
Beijing 100050, China demyelination associated with mass effect can mimic brain
neoplasm or abscess. This disease have been called
S.-w. Li : J. Wu “demyelinating pseudotumors,” “tumor-like demyelinating
Image Center of Neuroscience, Beijing Tiantan Hospital,
lesions (TDLs),” “tumefactive demyelinating lesions,” and
Capital Medical University,
Beijing 100050, China “tumefactive multiple sclerosis lesions” in literature. Be-
cause of the tendency to mimic tumor or abscess clinically,
S. Lin (*) radiologically, and even pathologically and because of
Beijing Neurosurgical Institute, Beijing Tiantan Hospital,
important differences in treatment, it is critical to differen-
Tiantan Xi li No. 6,
Beijing 100050, China tiate among them in diagnosis. In this study, nine cases
e-mail: [email protected] pathologically diagnosed as having TDLs are presented. By
172 Neurosurg Rev (2009) 32:171–179
reviewing related reports, clinical, radiological, and patho- Location and number of lesions (by CT/MRI scan)
logical characteristics of a TDL diagnosis are summarized.
Of the six intracephalic lesions, four were in cerebral
hemisphere; one was in pons and one was in the basal
ganglia. All three intraspinal lesions were found in the
Materials and methods
cervical cord and involved multiple segments. Two addi-
tional intracephalic lesions were found in two cases on MRI
The criteria for patient enrollment included clinical
scans: one was a left frontoparietal mass (accompanying
presentation mimicking neoplasm and biopsy confirming
lesions in left frontal lobe, corpus callosum, and cerebellar
the TDLs. After excluding one case of astrocytoblastoma
hemisphere); the other was a left brachium pontis mass
at repeat pathological investigation, nine patients were
accompanying a lesion in left frontal lobe.
included at Tiantan hospital (Beijing, China) from Jan.
2005 to Mar. 2007 (Table 1). Routine admission examina- Lesion appearance on imaging
tions, including physical examination, laboratory investiga- All lesions appeared as hypodensities on CT, hypointen-
tion, electrocardiogram, and X-ray, were performed in all sities on T1-weighted MRI, and hyperintensities on T2-
cases. Preoperative scans (computed tomography (CT) or weighted MRI. The lesions all occurred together with
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) were examined. All perifocal edema. The edema was remarkable in the
patients underwent operations to biopsy or remove the lesions. cases that had shorter histories (less than 3 weeks).
In some cases, intraoperative frozen sections were investigat- Also, there were marked mass effects in the acute cases.
ed. TDLs were confirmed by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or In all cases with intraspinal lesions, spinal cord
immunohistochemical staining with glial fibrillary acidic swellings were found on MRI. The intracephalic lesions
protein, neurofilament, synaptophysin, myelin basic protein, displayed patchy enhancement in the children, ring
N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein, Vimtin, CD68, enhancement in three adults, and nodular enhancement
and CD34 in all cases. Some patients also received medical in one adult (Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4). The intraspinal lesions
treatment and postoperative follow-up scans. were all irregularly enhanced (Figs. 5 and 6). Decreased
relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) and prolonged
mean transit time (MTT) were seen in one intracephalic
Results lesion (Fig. 4).
Sex Of the nine total lesions, five appeared grayish red; three
were grayish yellow in three patients and one was
Four of the patients were female. Of the six patients with yellowish green (with a 1.5-cm cyst and yellowish-green
intracephalic lesions, three were females. Of the three fluid). Eight of the lesions were soft and one was tough.
patients with intraspinal lesions, two were male. Eight of the lesions had obscure boundaries, while one had
Duration from onset to admission a distinct boundary. Six lesions appeared to be moderately
vascularized; two were well vascularized and one had
The duration from onset of symptoms to admission to minimal vascularity. Intracephalic lesions were completely
hospital ranged from 1 week to about 1 year; it was less resected in one patient, almost completely resected in
than 10 days for both children and was about 1 to 2 months another, mostly resected in three patients, and biopsied
in five of the adults. only in the case of one patient with a pontile lesion.
Chief symptoms and signs Intraspinal lesions were partly resected in two patients and
biopsied in one patient.
Headache and vomiting occurred only in the two children.
Results of intraoperative frozen sectioning and postoperative
Six of the patients presented with weakness in the extremities,
paraffin sectioning
and two patients had epilepsy. General numbness/loss of
sensation was only found in the three patients with intraspinal Five lesions underwent intraoperative frozen sectioning.
lesions. One patient complained of decreased visual acuity. Two of these lesions were gliosis; one was an astrocytoma;
Table 1 Summary of patients
Patient Age Sex Onset of clinical Neuroimaging features Intraoperative findings Intraoperative Postoperative Medical treatment and follow-up
symptoms and signs frozen events
1 4 Male Headache and Well-defined right frontotemporal mass, Gray red, soft, fish-like, well Astrocytoma Fever for Receiving steroid and transported to pediatric
vomiting for hypodensity and hypointense T1 vascularity, obscure 8 days, department, doing well after steroids, the
1 week, hemiparesis hyperintense T2, vasogenic edema, marked boundary, largely resection hemiparesis lesion disappeared on MRI 22 months later
in left lower mass effect, patchy enhancement resolved
extremity for 2 days
2 11 Female Headache and Poorly defined left frontoparietal mass, Yellow green, soft, obscure Gliosis Visual acuity Transported to pediatric department and
Neurosurg Rev (2009) 32:171–179
vomiting for hypodensity, vasogenic edema, marked mass boundary, moderate progressively receiving steroid, doing well and visual acuity
10 days, visual effect, patching enhancement; left frontal, vascularity, with a 1.5-cm decreasing and decreasing resolved after steroids, remnant
acuity decreasing at corpus callosum and cerebellar hemisphere cyst with yellow green diagnosed as lesion shrunk on MRI 12 months later
the fifth day after abnormal enhancement fluid; largely resection optic neuritis
3 27 Female Dizzy and ataxia, Poorly defined left brachium pontis lesion, Gray, soft, obscure Cerebellar Fever for Facial palsy maintained as usual
aphagia left facial hypointense T1 hyperintense T2, vasogenic boundary, moderate tissue 10 days
palsy for 5 years edema, minimal mass effect, irregular ring vascularity, biopsy
enhancement; left frontal lesion
4 32 Female Right lower extremity Well-defined left parieto-occipital round Part gray red and part light Tumor tissue Fever for 6 days Doing well, lesion disappeared on MRI
weakness for lesion, hypointense T1 hyperintense T2, yellow, soft, obscure and 8 months later
20 days and seizure vasogenic edema, marked mass effect, ring boundary, moderate hemorrhagic
once enhancement vascularity, near total necrosis
5 45 Male General seizure once Poorly defined right frontoparietal lesion, mix Dark yellow, soft, obscure The left upper Transport to neurological department to receive
2 weeks ago, left intense, marked vasogenic edema, marked boundary, well vascularity, extremity steroids for l month; the muscle strength
extremities mass effect, irregular nodular enhancement, total resection paralyzed, the recovered to grade 5, the lesion disappeared
weakness rCBV decreasing muscle on MRI 14 months later
strength was
grade 1
6 42 Female Left hemianesthesia Poorly defined C3–4 lesion, hypointense T1 Gray yellow, soft, distinct Gliosis General seizure Discharging and receiving antiepileptic
and right upper hyperintense T2, spinal swelling, moderate boundary, moderate one time treatment, no neurological deficit and the
extremity weakness patching enhancement vascularity, partly resection lesion disappeared on MRI 12 months later
for 20 days
7 44 Male Upper extremity Poorly defined C2–6 lesion, hypointense T1 Gray red, soft, obscure Fever for 7 days Receiving steroid and vitamin B1, B12, and
anesthesia for hyperintense T2, spinal swelling, moderate boundary, moderate transported to neurological department for
2 months and lower mixed strip-like enhancement vascularity, partly resection steroid treatment, anesthesia persists, no other
extremity for neurological deficit, the lesion disappear on
20 days MRI 32 months later
8 65 Male Lower extremity Poorly defined C1–7 lesion, hypointense T1 Gray, firm, minimal Smooth Receiving steroid and vitamin B1, B12; the
paraplegia and hyperintense T2, spinal swelling, irregular vascularity, obscure patient aggravated to quadriplegia for 2 years,
anesthesia for strip-like enhancement boundary, biopsy and the relatives gave up positive treatment
12 months
9 35 Male Right extremities Poorly defined left basal ganglia lesion, Gray red, soft, moderate Smooth Transported to neurological department and
weakness for hypointense T1 hyperintense T2, irregular vascularity, obscure doing well after steroids, died from
1 month open-ring enhancement boundary, largely resection pneumonia 1 year later
174 Neurosurg Rev (2009) 32:171–179
another was cerebellar tissue and the last one was tumor Follow-up
tissue with hemorrhagic necrosis.
Eight patients underwent follow-up examination up to
Postoperative paraffin pathological findings showed the
32 months following the surgical procedure (mean =
diffuse presence of infiltrating macrophages with finely
17 months). The lesion disappeared on MRI later in five
vacuolated cytoplasms. A final diagnosis of TDLs was
cases and shrank in one case. Overall, Six cases received
rendered in all cases (Fig. 7).
postoperative steroid therapy. Five patients responded well
to steroids and one progressed to quadriplegia.
Postoperative course
Fig. 3 MRI showed that the lesion was in the left brachium pontis and hypointense in T1 (a), hyperintense in T2 (b), with irregular ring
enhancement (c)
lesions. It has been suggested that TDLs may represent either the involvement of an autoimmune mechanism [26]. The
a variant of MS [38] or a unique form of isolated clinical, radiological, and pathological presentations of TDLs
demyelinating disease [26]. Some patients were found to have resemble brain tumors, leading to unnecessary biopsy, surgery,
developmentally immature myelin basic protein, pointing to a or even radiotherapy which usually causes aggravation.
genetic predisposition to more severe demyelination [46]. TDLs have no specific clinical presentation and lesions
Others have antecedent vaccination or infection, suggesting can occur at any age (a range of 2 to 71 years has been
Fig. 5 MRI showed that the lesion was in the cervical cord and hypointense in T1 (a), hyperintense in T2 (b), with irregular enhancement (c)
reported [26, 34, 48]). A history of relapsing–remitting MS or pons. In cases with spinal lesions, multiple cervical
symptoms or preceding vaccination or viral infection may segments appear to be most often involved [5, 6, 18, 29].
provide the diagnostic clue of demyelinating diseases. Indeed, in this study, the lesions of all three intraspinal
TDLs have a relatively acute onset (mostly less than cases were confined in cervical segments. This observation
3 weeks in the present study) with a progressive aggrava- is helpful in diagnosis. The presence of other demyelinating
tion in symptoms. Onset time for children is typically changes in the CNS, especially in periventricular areas or
within 1 week [34, 48]. In children, symptoms are acute spinal cord, may be indicative of further demyelinating
and severe and usually include headache and vomiting lesions [12, 34]. In two cases in this study, multiple lesions
resulting from intracranial hypertension [34, 48]. Moreover, were found in the frontal lobe, corpus callosum, and
it is notable that pediatric cases frequently present with cerebellum on MRI. An additional characteristic of TDLs
symptoms of optic neuritis, such as visual acuity and field is their relative lack of mass effect and less substantial
changes [2, 34]. In this study, one child developed perifocal edema compared to brain neoplasm [12]. The
decreased visual acuity 1 week after admission. Having pattern of enhancement in the lesions is an important
gone unnoticed, the child’s visual acuity decreased abruptly identifying feature. It consists of “open-ring” enhancement,
thereafter, resulting in an examination of the optic fundi and as compared to the complete ring of enhancement seen in
a diagnosis of optic neuritis. abscesses and tumors. The open-ring sign was present in
There are several important radiological hallmarks that 70% of cases with demyelinating disease [33]. In some
favor the detection of demyelination. TDLs are mainly cases, the open portion of the partial ring abuts the cortical
localized in the subcortical hemispheric white matter [12, gray matter or basal ganglia and the area of enhancement
26] and may also be found in the corpus callosum [25, 39] sweeps through the white matter [32]. The area of
Fig. 6 MRI showed another intraspinal lesion which involved multiple cervical segments and caused spinal swelling
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