Singapore National Annexure To Eurocode 8 PDF
Singapore National Annexure To Eurocode 8 PDF
Singapore National Annexure To Eurocode 8 PDF
NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
(ICS 91.120.25)
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
(ICS 91.120.25)
Singapore National Annex to Eurocode 8 : Design
of structures for earthquake resistance
– Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
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ISBN 978-981-4353-54-0
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
This Singapore Standard was approved by the Building and Construction Standards Committee on
behalf of the Singapore Standards Council on 8 February 2013.
The Building and Construction Standards Committee appointed by the Standards Council consists of
the following members:
Name Capacity
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
The Technical Committee on Building Structure and Sub-structure appointed by the Building and
Construction Standards Committee and responsible for the preparation of this standard consists of
representatives from the following organisations:
Name Capacity
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
National Foreword 6
NA.1 Scope 7
NA.2 Nationally determined parameters 7
NA.3 Decisions on the status of informative annexes 16
NA.4 References to non-contradictory complementary information 16
Bibliography 18
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
National Foreword
This National Annex was prepared by the Technical Committee on Building Structure and Sub-
structure under the purview of the Building and Construction Standards Committee.
This standard is based on the UK National Annex (NA to BS EN 1998-1:2004) to ‘Eurocode 8 : Design
of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1 : General rules, seismic actions and rules for
buildings’ and is implemented with the permission of the British Standards Publishing Ltd.
Acknowledgement is made to BSI for the use of information from the above publication.
This Singapore NA contains information on those parameters which are left open in SS EN 1998-1 for
national choice, known as nationally determined parameters. The Singapore NA is to be read in
conjunction with the SS EN 1998-1 : 2004 – to ‘Eurocode 8 : Design of structures for earthquake
resistance – Part 1 : General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings’. Reference can be made
to other parts of BS EN 1998 where applicable.
At the time of publication, this standard is expected to be used as a reference in the Building and
Construction Authority’s ‘Approved Document – Acceptable Solutions’.
Acknowledgement is made to the contributions of the Experts Prof Pan Tso-Chien, Prof T Balendra,
Dr Jack Pappin, Dr Juneid Qureshi, Mr K Thanabal, Mr Lung Hian Hao and Mr Ng Man Hon who have
contributed in one way or another to the Singapore NA.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Singapore Standard may be the
subject of patent rights. SPRING Singapore shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all of
such patent rights.
1. Singapore Standards are subject to periodic review to keep abreast of technological changes and new
technical developments. The changes in Singapore Standards are documented through the issue of either
amendments or revisions.
2. Compliance with a Singapore Standard does not exempt users from legal obligations.
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
a) the Singapore decisions for the Nationally Determined Parameters described in the following
subclauses of SS EN 1998-1 : 2013:
b) the Singapore decisions on the status of SS EN 1998-1 : 2013 informative annexes; and
NA.2.1 General
Singapore decisions for the nationally determined parameters described in SS EN 1998-1 : 2013 are
given in Table NA.1.
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Table NA.1 – Singapore values for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
3.1.2 (1) Ground classification scheme accounting for None Refer to Annex NA.ZA
deep geology, including values of parameters
S, TB, TC and TD defining horizontal and
vertical elastic response spectra in accordance
with SS EN 1998-1, and
3.2.1(1), Seismic zone maps and reference ground None The whole of Singapore is under one seismic zone and
(2), (3) accelerations therein. the reference ground acceleration to be used is
agR = 0.175 m/s (for a return period TNCR = 475 years).
ag ≤ 0.78 m/s or agS ≤ 0.98 m/s agS ≤ 0.98 m/s (for a return period of TNCR = 475 years).
2 2 2
3.2.1(4) Governing parameter (identification and value)
for threshold of low seismicity.
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
In the absence of deep geology effects, and for Type 2 spectra • ‘ordinary’ buildings on ground types D or S1 and
(where earthquakes that contribute most to the seismic hazard • ‘special’ buildings on ground types C, D or S1
defined for the site for the purpose of probabilistic hazard
assessment have a surface-wave magnitude, Ms, less than Refer to 4.2.5(5)P for definitions of ‘ordinary’ and
5.5): ‘special’ buildings. Lower bound factor β on design spectral 0.2 Use the recommended value.
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013 Overstrength factor γRd for diaphragms. For brittle failure modes, such as shear, γRd =1.3. Use the recommended values.
For ductile failure modes, γRd =1.1.
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5.2.1(5) Geographical limitations on use of ductility None There are no geographical limitations.
classes for concrete buildings. qo-value for concrete buildings subjected to Adjustment to qo-value is a factor in the range 1 to 1.2, with no No adjustment is permitted on q0-value.
special Quality System Plan. recommended value within this range.
5.2.4(1), Material partial factors for concrete buildings in Use the γc and γs values for the persistent and transient design Use the recommended values.
(3) the seismic design situation. situations. Minimum web reinforcement of large lightly The minimum value for walls given in Use the recommended values.
(1) reinforced concrete walls. SS EN 1992-1-1 and its National Annex.
5.8.2(3) Minimum cross-sectional width bw, min and Buildings up to 3 storeys: Use recommended values.
depth hw, min of concrete foundation beams bw, min = 0.25 m
hw, min = 0.4 m
5.8.2(5) Minimum reinforcement ratio ρb, min of concrete ρb, min= 0.4 % ρb,min = 0.2 % in top face and 0.2 % in bottom face.
foundation beams Ductility class of precast wall panel systems. DCM Use the recommended value with appropriate q-factor for
(3) DCM design. Factor kp on q-factors of precast systems. kp = 1.0 for structures with connections conforming to SS EN Use the recommended values.
1998-1,,, or
kp = 0.5 for structures with other types of connection Ratio Ap of transient seismic action assumed Ap = 0.3 unless otherwise specified by special studies Use the recommended value.
during erection of precast structures to design
seismic action defined in SS EN 1998-1,
Section 3.
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
6.1.3(1) Material partial factors for steel buildings in the Use the γs values for the persistent and transient design Use the recommended values.
seismic design situation. situations.
6.2(3) Overstrength factor for capacity design of steel γov = 1.25 Use the recommended value.
6.2(7) Information as to how SS EN 1993-1-10 – None The fracture toughness and through thickness properties
selection of steel for fracture toughness and of the steel should be selected on a project-specific basis.
through thickness properties – may be used in Further guidance is given in PD 6698.
the seismic design situation.
6.5.5(7) Reference to complementary rules on None Complementary rules for connection design may be
acceptable connection design developed on a project-specific basis. Further guidance
is given in PD 6698.
6.7.4(2) Residual post-buckling resistance of γpb = 0.3 γpb = γpb* Nb,Rd (λbar) / Npl,Rd
compression diagonals in steel frames with V-
γ times design buckling resistance over plastic
( pb*
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
7.1.3(4) Overstrength factor for capacity design of γov = 1.25 Use the recommended value.
composite steel-concrete buildings.
7.7.2(4) Stiffness reduction factor for concrete part of a r = 0.5 In the absence of special studies, use the recommended
composite steel-concrete column section. value.
8.3(1) Geographical limits on ductility class for timber None N.A*
9.2.1(1) Type of masonry units with sufficient None N.A*
9.2.2(1) Minimum strength of masonry units. fb,min = 5 N/mm (normal to bedface) N.A*
fbh,min = 2 N/mm (parallel to bedface)
9.2.3(1) Minimum strength of mortar in masonry fm,min = 5 N/mm (unreinforced or confined masonry) N.A*
buildings. fm,min = 10 N/mm (reinforced masonry)
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9.6(3) Material partial factors in masonry buildings in γm = 2/3 of value specified in National Annex to BS EN 1996-1, N.A
the seismic design situation. but not less than 1.5.
γs = 1.0
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9.7.2(2)b) Minimum aspect ratio in plan λmin of “simple λmin = 0.25 N.A*
masonry buildings”.
9.7.2(2)c) Maximum floor area of recesses in plan for pmax = 15 % N.A*
“simple masonry buildings”, expressed as a
percentage pmax of the total floor plan area
above the level considered.
9.7.2(5) Maximum difference in mass Δm, max and wall Δm, max = 20 % N.A*
area ΔA, max between adjacent storeys of ΔA, max = 20 %
“simple masonry buildings”.
10.3(2)P Magnification factor γx on seismic γx = 1.2 for buildings N.A*
displacements for isolation devices.
NOTE – * It is not planned to issue recommendations for these parameters because it is considered that little use will be made to these clauses of SS EN 1998-1.
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SS EN 1998-1:2013 informative Annex A should not be used. Further guidance is given in PD 6698.
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
Annex NA.ZA
Ground types
Description of stratigraphic profile
Vs, 30 (m/s) NSPT (blown/30cm) Cu (kPa)
D Deposits of loose-to-medium
cohesionless soil (with or without some
soft cohesive layers), or of < 180 < 15 < 70
predominantly soft-to-firm cohesive
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
SS EN 1993-1-10:2010, Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures – Part 1-10: Material toughness and
through-thickness properties
BS EN 1996-1-1:2005, Eurocode 6 – Design of masonry structures – Part 1-1: General rules for
reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures
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NA to SS EN 1998-1 : 2013
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