Ground Water in Egypt
Ground Water in Egypt
Ground Water in Egypt
1 Introduction
2 Water Resources in Egypt
3 Groundwater Mapping
3.1 Concepts and Benefits of Groundwater Mapping
3.2 Elements of a Groundwater Map
1 Introduction
In one of their most recent reports, the United Nations Population Division stated
that the Egyptian population is expected to reach 108,939 million by the year 2025
and 151,111 million by 2050. Moreover, the population density (persons per square
km) is expected to reach 109.4 in 2025 and 151.8 in 2050 [1]. Most of the Egyptian
population (97%) lives in the Nile Valley and Nile Delta, which represent about 4%
of the territory [2].
Mapping of Groundwater in Egypt Using RS/GIS: Case Studies, Areas. . .
Egypt lies in the northeastern corner of the African Continent and has a total area of
about 1 million km2. The Egyptian terrain consists of a vast desert plateau dissected
by the Nile Valley and its Delta, which occupies about 4% of the total country area.
Since ancient times, the Nile has been the main source of freshwater to the country,
covering all water needs for Egypt’s population, including inhabitants of the Nile
Valley and the Delta. Human activities in the remaining 97% desert land remained
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Table 1 Water budget of Egypt (2010) and all sources and allocation/usage [8]
(billion m3/ Demand by Consumption Usage/allocation
Water supply year) sector (billion m3/year) (billion m3/year)
Conventional water Drinking 1.8 9
sources (fresh water
Nile (HAD) 55.5 Industry 1.4 2
Deep groundwater 2 Agriculture 40.4 67
Rainfall and flash 1.3 Drainage to 12.2
floods sea
Desalination 0.2 evaporation 3 3
Total supply 59 Env. balance 0.2 0.2
Unconventional Total 59
sources consumption
Shallow groundwa- 6.2
ter (delta)
Reuse of agricul- 16
tural drainage water
Total supply 22.2
Total water supply 81.2 Total water usage or allocation 81.2
confined to a few localities, where deep groundwater was available through springs
and seepage zones (valleys, oases, and depressions) [6]. Under the 1959 Nile
Waters Agreement between Egypt and Sudan, Egypt’s share of the Nile flow is
55.5 billion m3/year. Egypt is a water-scarce country, with less than 1,000 m3 of
available freshwater/year/capita. Egypt has passed that threshold already in the
1990s. As a threshold of absolute scarcity, 500 m3/ca/year is used; this will be
evident with population predictions for 2025 which will bring Egypt down to 500 m
/ca/year [7]. The rate of water usage in Egypt is approximately 190 L/person/day.
On the other hand, water needs for typical Middle Eastern-North African diet is
294 L/person/day. The annual average rainfall is 51 mm [8].
Table 1 shows the water budget of Egypt in 2010, as given in the 2050 water
strategy of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation [9].
From this water budget, it is clear that Egypt’s water demand for irrigation,
industry, and domestic consumption already exceeds the supply of the Nile. This is
substituted by recycling freshwater more than once, which implies that there is a
shortage in the freshwater resources, and also reflects the high efficiency of the
system as well as the sensitivity of the system to deterioration in water quality
problems that may arise [8].
Groundwater exists in the fringes of the Nile Valley, Nile Delta, Western Desert,
and Sinai Peninsula. Groundwater is the only available resource for interdisciplin-
ary development in the areas around the Nile Valley, because of insufficient
Mapping of Groundwater in Egypt Using RS/GIS: Case Studies, Areas. . .
rainfall. Groundwater in the Nile aquifer system and desert fringes is not a resource
in itself as it is replenished from the river Nile by seepage from canals and deep
percolation from irrigation application [10]. Groundwater in the Western Desert is
deep seated. Recent studies have indicated that this is not a renewable resource and
use of this fossil water depends on the cost of pumping and potential economic
return over a fixed time period [11].
On the other hand, in the coastal zones, groundwater reservoirs are recharged
from local rainfall [2]. The largest groundwater deposit is the giant Nubian sand-
stone aquifer underneath the eastern part of the African Sahara and is shared
between Egypt and four other countries [12]. The hydrogeological framework of
Egypt comprises six aquifer systems [2, 6, 10–11, 13–15], as shown in Fig. 1:
1. The Nile aquifer system, assigned to the Quaternary and late Tertiary, occupies
the Nile flood plain and desert fringes. The aquifer consists of a thick layer of
graded sand and gravel covered by a clay layer in its major part. The aquifer
thickness varies from 300 m (at Sohag) to only a few meters (at Cairo and
Aswan) North of Cairo. The aquifer system is renewable, and the main recharge
source is the infiltration from the excess water application for agriculture and
seepage from the irrigation water distribution system.
2. The Nubian Sandstone aquifer system, assigned to the Paleozoic-Mesozoic,
occupies a large area in the Western Desert and parts of the Eastern Desert and
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Sinai. Groundwater can be found at very shallow depths, where the water-
bearing horizon is exposed, or at very large depths (up to 1,500), where the
aquifer is semi-confined. The Nubian Sandstone aquifer system is the regional
system. It extends into Libya, Sudan, and Chad, and it is a nonrenewable aquifer
system [16].
3. The Moghra aquifer system, assigned to the Lower Miocene, occupies mainly
the western edge of the Delta up to the Qattara Depression. The Moghra outcrops
on the surface in Wadi el Natrun and Wadi el Farigh. Recharge is achieved
mainly though deep percolation from the Nile alluvium and groundwater flows
across the common boundary of the Moghra and the Nile alluvium [17].
4. The coastal aquifer systems, assigned to the Quaternary and Late Tertiary, are
found in the littoral zones along the Mediterranean and Red seacoasts in the form
of scattered pockets. Groundwater is generally under phreatic conditions in the
form of thin lenses floating over saline water. The aquifer is renewable, and it is
replenished from rainfall and exploited large numbers of shallow wells and
galleries [18].
5. The karstified carbonate aquifer system, assigned to the Eocene and to the
Upper Cretaceous, predominates essentially in the north and middle parts of the
Western Desert. The fissured and karstified carbonate aquifer complex is the
least explored and exploited in Egypt, although it occupies at least 50% of the
total area of the country. The water recharge to the aquifer depends essentially
on the upward leakage from the underlying Nubian Sandstone aquifer and
occasionally from local rainfall.
6. The fissured and weathered hard rock aquifer system, assigned to the
Precambrian, predominates in the Eastern Desert and Sinai. This aquifer is
influenced by several factors, namely, tectonic, morphotectonic, and lithologic.
The tectonic factors such as filled fractures, dykes, etc., may hinder the move-
ment of groundwater.
3 Groundwater Mapping
Groundwater (hydrogeological) mapping is one of the main tools for systematic and
controlled development and planning of groundwater resources. These maps are
used by engineers, planners, and decision makers in order to allocate, develop, and
manage groundwater within a national water policy [19]. Hydrogeological maps
present hydrogeological data in a map form. A hydrogeological map shows the
geographical distribution of aquifers and their topographical, geological,
hydrographical, hydrological, and hydrochemical features. Presentation of these
data in the form of maps permits the rapid evaluation of a certain area. Accordingly,
hydrogeological maps assist in determining areas needing special protection [19].
Mapping of Groundwater in Egypt Using RS/GIS: Case Studies, Areas. . .
In 1985, the Research Institute for Groundwater (RIGW), under the National
Water Research Center (NWRC) of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation,
published a series of hydrogeological maps of Egypt. These maps were comprised
of maps at different scales: detailed maps (1:100,000) for the Nile Valley, Nile
Delta, Oasis, and Coastal areas, semi-detailed maps (1:500,000), and a regional
map (1:2,000,000) for Egypt [14].
Table 2 shows the working procedure in the compilation of the 1:100,000 and
1:500,000 hydrogeological maps. The procedure involves data collection,
processing, interpretation, and printing. The map legend is based on the second
edition of the “international legend for hydrogeological maps” published by
UNESCO [20].
The hydrogeological map of Egypt (1:2,000,000) is mainly used for delineating
regional aquifers, selecting potential areas for regional groundwater development.
Promising areas selected are the Nubian Sandstone basin, large inland wadi catch-
ments (Wadi Qena and Wadi El-Assyuti and others), and the littoral zones. The
subregional maps (scale 1:500,000) are used to study the feasibility of these
groundwater resources for development. In addition, the wide distribution of the
1:2,000,000 map has led to a growing awareness among decision makers on the
importance of groundwater and the need for careful planning. The detailed maps
(1:100,000) are used in different applications: rising water table, influence of
groundwater table on monuments, and assessment of groundwater vulnerability to
pollution [21].
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The first hydrogeological maps of Egypt were produced based on the available field
data and reports and were hand drawn. The second-generation maps were produced
by digitizing available data, including topographic maps, land use maps, geological
maps, and surface water maps.
For example, for a hydrogeological map elements, the nine layers of the
1:500,000 scale hydrogeological map of the Egyptian South Western Desert are
as follows [21, 22].
1. Hydrogeological units map:
• Intergranular aquifers
• Rocks with limited groundwater resources
• Karstified and fissured aquifers
• Nonaquifers (aquiclude)
2. Lithological map
Data of the lithological map is extracted from geological maps, satellite images,
hydrogeological units, and the main tectonic features:
A. Quaternary
B. Tertiary
C. Mesozoic
D. Mesozoic-Paleozoic
3. Surface water map
Produced from topographic maps and/or satellite images. The main inputs for
the surface water map are:
– Perennial stream with direction of flow and average annual water level
relative to mean sea level (MSL)
– Intermittent stream (Wadi)
– Secondary surface water divide
– Waterlogged area
– Playa depression acting as a temporary accumulation area for surface runoff
– Drains and canals
4. Man-made features map:
A. Groundwater extraction: It represents average discharge in m3/day
B. Main irrigation canal
C. Barrage
D. Surface water pumping station
E. Pipeline for water supply from surface water
The sources of these data include database from the Research Institute of
Groundwater (RIGW), reports, and field measurements.
Mapping of Groundwater in Egypt Using RS/GIS: Case Studies, Areas. . .
5. Groundwater features:
– Wells and boreholes
– Observation well with identification number
– Production well with identification number
– Group of production wells
– Hand dug well with identification name
– Spring
– Vertical electrical sounding (VES) with identification number
The sources of these data include database from Research Institute of Ground-
water (RIGW), reports, and field measurements.
6. Topographic map
Produced from colored topographic maps published by the Egyptian Survey
and/or SRTM data. It includes the following information:
– Topographical contour line, elevation in meter relative to mean sea level
– Triangulation point
– Main town
– Main road
– Nile valley edge
– Boundary of new reclaimed area
– Boundary of old cultivated land
– Water divide
7. Base of aquifer map
Base of Quaternary aquifer relative to mean sea level:
– Base of Quaternary aquifer in m relative to mean sea level
– Base of Nubian Sandstone aquifer in m relative to mean sea level
– Base of carbonate aquifer
The sources of these data include database from the Research Institute of
Groundwater (RIGW), geological maps, and reports.
8. Isopiezometric map:
– Contour line of the average piezometric head of the Quaternary aquifer in m
relative to mean sea level
– Contour line of the average piezometric head of the Nubian sandstone aquifer
– Contour line of the piezometric head of fissured carbonate aquifer in m
relative to mean sea level
– Direction of groundwater flow
9. Isosalinity map:
– Isosalinity line of the Quaternary aquifer, dashed where uncertain
– Isosalinity line of the Nubian sandstone aquifer
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Groundwater specialists were late to use satellite data for an obvious reason –
groundwater lies in the subsurface. Moreover, the current air- and satellite-based
radar and radiometers can normally penetrate only few centimeters into the ground.
In spite of this apparent obstacle, RS holds tremendous potential for regional
groundwater flow studies [23]. Remotely sensed indicators of groundwater may
provide important data where classical alternatives are not available. Examples of
measured data include groundwater heads, changes in groundwater storage, heat
signatures, and subsidence data [23]. Ground-based RS (geophysics) is usually
more expensive than space and airborne RS but is still more accurate and cheaper
than invasive methods (boring drilling) [24]. These indicators include vegetation
surface water and water discharging to the surface carrying heat energy and runoff
[23]. Satellite technology is reviewed with respect to its ability to measure ground-
water potential, storage, and fluxes. Satellite data (Table 3) can be used if ancillary
analysis is used to infer groundwater behavior from surface expressions. Remotely
sensed data are most useful when they are combined with numerical modeling, GIS,
and ground-based information [23].
A key to the RS of groundwater is the recognition that shallow groundwater flow
is usually driven by surface forcing and parameterized by geologic properties that
can be inferred from surface data. A particularly successful application of RS to
groundwater has been the identification of lineaments that are thought to be related
to faults and fracturing in hard rock [23]. A straightforward way to couple RS with
groundwater flow predictions, therefore, is to use remotely sensed imagery to define
boundary conditions such as streams, lakes, wetlands, seepage areas, recharge
zones, or evapotranspiration zones.
Jasmin and Mallikarjuna [25] presented the application of RS and GIS in the
exploration and assessment of groundwater in consolidated and unconsolidated
formations in semiarid regions, particularly with reference to India. They also
highlighted the importance of GIS technology in providing an efficient handling
and management of large and complex databases for groundwater assessment
studies. The use of high-quality remotely sensed data; identification of pertinent
hydrological, geological, and geomorphological parameters; preparation of
corresponding thematic maps; assigning appropriate weights; and integration in a
sophisticated GIS environment ensure and enhance the prediction accuracy of
location of promising zones and their groundwater potential.
Knowledge of groundwater location is important for both water supply and
pollution control analysis. The identification of topographic and vegetation indi-
cators of groundwater and the determination of the groundwater location discharge
area (seeps and springs) can assist in the location of potential well sites. Ground-
water recharge zones could be identified in order to protect these areas (through
zoning restrictions) from activities that would pollute the groundwater supply.
Table 3 A selected list of active space-based sensors that report data of potential use for investigations of groundwater [23]
Launch Ground resolution Surface Soil Water Snow Land
Sensor year (m) Precipitation temperature moisture storage water cover Topography
AMSR-E 2002 5,400–56,000
ASTER 1999 15,30,90
AVHRR 1991–2003 about 1,100
GRACE 2002 300,000
ENVISAT- 2002 1,000
Landsat-7 1999 30,60
MODIS 1999 250,500,1000
Orbview-2 1997 1,100
Orbview-3 2003 1,4
RADARSAT- 1995 8-100
Mapping of Groundwater in Egypt Using RS/GIS: Case Studies, Areas. . .
Available image interpretation cannot be directly used to map the depth to water in
a groundwater system. However, natural vegetation types are used as indicators of
approximate depth to groundwater [26].
Visual image interpretation can be used in a different way to help in monitoring
the quality, quantity, and geographic distribution of water resources. In this con-
cern, vegetation types are successfully used as an indication of approximate depth
to groundwater [27].
Zevenbergen et al. [28] reported that integrated RS and GIS represent an
additional source of information for hydrogeological maps production (Fig. 2)
where the application of RS in the field of water resources management includes:
– Hydrogeological mapping
– Identification of areas affected by salinization
– Determination of biomass
– Land use and crop classification
– Environmental monitoring
Kwarteng [29] used aerial photographs, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images,
and digital elevation models (DEM) for mapping paleodrainage patterns, large
depressions, playas, and catchments areas. These parameters are used for accumu-
lating large amounts of water during flashfloods and recharging of freshwater
lenses. These datasets were analyzed using GIS to delineate the most favorable
areas for the formation of fresh groundwater lenses.
Jaiswal et al. [30] planned for groundwater exploitation by integrating a number
of thematic maps (Fig. 3) in a GIS environment for depicting village-wise ground-
water prospect zones in the Gorna subbasin of Madhya Pradesh (Central India).
Thematic layers of lithology, landforms, soils, land use/land cover, lineaments, and
surface water bodies were prepared using the Indian remote sensing (IRS) data,
whereas drainage density maps and slope classes were prepared from topographic
maps. The feature-based categorizations of different thematic maps and the exact
weight were assigned to each of the thematic features based on the relative merit
and demerit with respect to groundwater occurrence. The authors adopted the
following order of sequence to derive the final integrated layer.
Fig. 2 Procedure for production of satellite image maps and hydrogeological maps using RS and
GIS [28]
From the composite layer (S7), the delineation of groundwater prospect zones
was made by grouping the polygons into different prospect zones: excellent, good,
moderate, and poor.
Oh et al. [31] presented a probabilistic approach that used both satellite imagery
and GIS to estimate an area’s potential groundwater resources. The adopted
S.F. Elbeih
Fig. 3 Approach for delineating groundwater prospect zones. SOI Survey of India, FCC false-
color composite. Source: Jaiswal et al. [30]
procedure involves selecting the 15 most important variables that affect the ground-
water potential. The groundwater potential was then mapped using a frequency-
ratio model, which represents the relationship between hydrologic data, specific
capacity (derived from pumping tests), and the variables. In particular, 9 of the
15 factors showed a more positive influence than the remaining factors on ground-
water potential mapping. In an increasing order of positive influence, these nine
Mapping of Groundwater in Egypt Using RS/GIS: Case Studies, Areas. . .
Fig. 4 A schematic cartoon of the way in which GRACE measures the gravity field. Source:
Droogers et al. [32]
factors were soil texture, cumulative watershed area, distance from river, mean
ground slope within watershed area, lineament length density weighted by its
length, lineament length density, mean ground elevation within watershed area,
topographic wetness index (TWI), and hydrological units.
Droogers et al. [32] described the recent data from the Gravity Recovery and
Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite, available to assess changes in terrestrial
water over larger areas. GRACE is a twin-satellite mission used to identify mass
changes due to variations in water storage and assist in determination of ground-
water depletion, residual basin-scale estimates of evaporation, or validation of
hydrological models. GRACE consists of two polar orbiting satellites, developed
to fly at an altitude ranging from 300 to 500 km and separated by a distance of about
200 km along track. The Earth’s gravity field causes accelerations of the satellites
where they approach an area of relatively high mass concentration and decelera-
tions where they move away from them (Fig. 4). GRACE data are expressed in mm
equivalent to water but with no distinction between snow cover, soil moisture, and
deep groundwater storage.
Robinson et al. [33] used seven Radarsat-1 data scenes to delineate the drainage of
two wadi systems in Kufra Oasis, Libya. These wadis drain into the Kufra Oasis in
southeastern Libya from the south and southeast. Drainage features are digitized on
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the individual scenes and are mosaicked. The interpretation of the Radarsat-1
scenes allows the definition of passageways and intermediate holding areas of the
courses of former rivers. These results offer some explanation for the amount of
water that has been retrieved from the Kufra wells for over 4 decades.
According to Meijerink [24], microwave or radar images have several
hydrogeological applications: geological structures and lineaments, and dynamics
of large marshes (always connected to groundwater and can be analyzed using radar
images). Radar altimetry for detecting lake levels is important for the groundwater
heads and flow studies around lakes. Moreover, digital elevation models (DEMs)
and precise measurement of land subsidence are achieved via radar data. Phase
shifts of two or more radar images of the same area make it possible to determine,
with high precision, changes in land elevation. Land subsidence, often related to
pumping or recharge of aquifers, can also be mapped [24].
5.1 Introduction
With the advent of remote sensing and geographic information system techno-
logies, mapping of groundwater potential zones has become easy. Groundwater
conditions vary significantly depending upon the slope, depth of weathering,
presence of fractures, surface water bodies, canals, irrigated fields, etc. In general,
mapping is achieved by integrating slope, drainage, geology, geomorphology, and
lineament density maps through GIS techniques. Regarding the groundwater con-
ditions, the Nile Delta areas have different characteristics compared to each of the
Eastern and Western Deserts areas.
Mennouf, Zagazig, Ismailia, Wadi El-Natrun, etc., were published (1990). These
detailed maps are used in different applications, rising water table, influence of
groundwater table on monuments, and assessment of groundwater vulnerability to
pollution (RIGW/IWACO) [21].
Dawoud et al. [34] developed a GIS-based model to simulate the water resources
in the Western Nile Delta. This model has provided a useful tool to evaluate the
water resources status and to test the proposed management alternatives in the
Western Nile Delta region. The model consisted of multilayer aquifer system. GIS
was used to manage the spatially distributed input parameters such as the time-
invariant spatial data and outputs of the model. The model was calibrated against
the available average annual groundwater heads of about 60 observed wells during
the period from 1990 to 2002. The calibrated model has been used to test two
management alternatives.
Omran [35] performed an interpretation approach that integrates data obtained from
RS, geophysics, and other hydrogeologic phenomena through GIS, to characterize
groundwater resources for the identification of candidate well locations in Sohag
region. Groundwater potential zones have been demarcated by integration of
aquifer thickness derived from surface electrical resistivity survey and drilling
data with the different thematic layers, hydrogeomorphology, lineaments, slope,
drainage, and depth to aquifer, using a model developed through a GIS technique.
The weights for each parameter are shown in Table 4. The groundwater potential
zone map generated (Fig. 5) through this model was verified with the yield data to
ascertain the validity of the model developed. Total weights of final integrated grids
were derived as a sum of the weights assigned to the different layers based on
Abdalla [36] determined the most important contributing parameters that indi-
cate the groundwater potential in Wadi El Laqeita in the Central Eastern Desert and
its surroundings as one of the most promising areas for agricultural development in
Egypt. To delineate the location of the groundwater prospect zones, different
thematic maps were prepared from topographic and geological maps. These maps
were based on determining the most important contributing parameters that control
groundwater storage. These parameters include the following:
1. Slope, which controls the runoff of water or remains on the ground surface for
time long enough to infiltrate (Sl)
2. Stream network, which influences the distribution of runoff and groundwater
recharge (Dr)
3. Lineament, which enhances significantly the permeability by inducing second-
ary porosity and hence vertical water percolation to recharge the aquifers (Lin)
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4. Lithology or rock type, which determines the soil and exposed rocks infiltration
capabilities and governs the flow and storage of water (Geo)
5. Topographical map layers (top)
The thematic map of each parameter was produced using GIS and RS. These
input layers were combined using the Raster Calculate Module in a GIS model to
produce the final groundwater prospective zones of the investigated area (Fig. 6)
[34]. In this model, each thematic map has been given a weight value depending on
its strength of influence/contribution with respect to the groundwater storing
(Table 5).
The groundwater prospect map (Fig. 6) was mathematically calculated using
ARC GIS raster analysis as follows:
GWP ¼ Wi∗CVi
where the GWP ¼ groundwater potential, Wi ¼ map weight, and CVi ¼ capability
value (weight of intermap class).
Mapping of Groundwater in Egypt Using RS/GIS: Case Studies, Areas. . .
Fig. 5 Groundwater potentiality map, Quaternary aquifer, Sohag Governorate area [35]
GWP ¼ ðDr, Lin, Sl, Geo, topÞ
Table 5 Thematic map weight and capability value for groundwater prospective zones in the
Central Eastern Desert [36]
Thematic Map Map weight Capability
layer rank (Wi) Class ranges Degree Rank value
Slope 2 2/13 ¼ 0.15 0–5 High 3 0.6
5–10 Moderate 2 0.33
10–44.041798 Low 1 0.16
Stream 3 3/13 ¼ 0.23 0–0.30 Low 1 0.16
networks 0.30–0.50 Moderate 2 0.33
0.50–0.848 High 3 0.5
Lithology 2 2/13 ¼ 0.15 Basement Low 1 0.1
Sedimentary Moderate 2 0.2
Nubian High 3 0.3
Wadi deposit Very 4 0.4
Lineament 3 3/13 ¼ 0.23 0–20 Low 1 0.16
20–40 Moderate 2 0.33
40–0.62997 High 3 0.5
Topography 3 3/13 ¼ 0.23 67–270 High 3 0.5
270–450 Moderate 2 0.33
450–1,047 Low 1 0.16
Mapping of Groundwater in Egypt Using RS/GIS: Case Studies, Areas. . .
Robinson [39] used SIR-C and Radarsat radar data to map structural and fluvial
features in the southwest of Egypt to identify new groundwater resources in
fractured rock aquifer settings. The interpretation of one Radarsat image and five
high-resolution SIR-C radar scenes combined with Digital Elevation Models
(DEM) analysis showed that NE and ENE drainage directions prevail in southwest-
ern Egypt and culminate in the Kharga depression. Radar data are ideal for mapping
palaeochannels since some are sand covered (L-band has the ability to penetrate to
at least 2 m beneath the sand in arid areas). The regionally extensive faults (Fig. 7)
drain numerous wadis and extend for tens of kilometers in length, so may constitute
important water-carrying conduits.
Robinson [40] used C-band Radarsat-1 SAR images and topographic data
to understand groundwater distributions in the Nubian aquifer, which underlies
East Oweinat and Tushka regions. In this area, groundwater represents the best
locations for groundwater development in order to address the water and food
pressures that exist in these regions. Radar waves are uniquely able to penetrate
Fig. 7 Part of the Radarsat scene showing well-developed trellis-like channels with pronounced
structural control, superimposed on an older, structurally controlled flood feature [39]. N.B.: The
white arrows point to the edges of the structurally controlled fluvial features, while the black arrow
points to a parallel fault in the adjacent bedrock
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Fig. 8 A magnetic profile showing the graben-like structure along the LST anomalies in
El-Gallaba Plain. Source: Koch et al. [41]
From the previously mentioned studies related to the use of RS and GIS in
groundwater mapping, it could be concluded that groundwater mapping is one of
the main tools for efficient and controlled development of groundwater resources.
These maps are used by engineers, planners, and decision makers to allocate,
develop, and manage groundwater within a national water policy. Integrated RS
and GIS techniques prove to be rather satisfactory options for groundwater mapping
in different regions of Egypt.
From these studies, the following concluding remarks could be highlighted:
– Integrated RS data and GIS are useful in delineating favorable areas for well
establishment using various geo-informative thematic maps.
– A modeling approach is applied to integrate the physical and geologic
factors governing groundwater potentiality in a map form showing spatial data
for areas with different responses to groundwater potentiality in the Sinai
– Interpretation of Radarsat images and high-resolution SIR-C radar scenes com-
bined with DEM analysis shows that NE and ENE drainage directions prevail in
southwestern Egypt and culminate in the Kharga Depression. These results will
be helpful in strategic planning for groundwater exploration for drilling
– Information has been extracted on lithology, geological structures, landforms,
land use/land cover, soil characteristics, slope of the terrain, and studying all
these in an integrated way in a GIS environment in order to generate village-wise
groundwater prospect zones.
S.F. Elbeih
Acknowledgments Deep thanks are dedicated to the National Authority for Remote Sensing and
Space Sciences (NARSS) Egypt for all the funding and facilities provided. The author would also
like to thank the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), Egypt, for funding the
ongoing project “Production of an Atlas for Hydrogeological Maps of the Southwestern Desert
Egypt” under the initiative entitled: A call to all Egyptian Scientists.
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