Art Wafer Clean Room Activity Guide: Important Steps Key Points Reasons Hexamethaldisilazane (HMDS) Deposition - Oven

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Art Wafer Clean Room Activity Guide

Operation: _ Manufacturing an Art Wafer_________________ ______________

Tools & Materials: 4” or 6” Silicon wafer with 0.5-1um silicon dioxide________________


Hexamethaldisilazane (HMDS) Deposition - Oven

Provides a chemical
HMDS should not be inhaled,
“priming” and vapor
HMDS Coat therefore this process should be
evaporation. Creates a
done in an HMDS Oven.
hydrophobic surface.
Prepare HMDS oven for wafer. Already pre-programmed. The program First wafer should have to
should be set to bake and coat the wafer wait for bake plate to reach
Make sure the oven is ready for wafer. at 100⁰C for 20 sec. 100⁰C.
Load wafer in HMDS oven.

Place wafer in the HMDS oven with wafer ***CAUTION***

tongs. Once wafer is placed, make sure Beware of pinch point, keep fingers and
your hands are free from the wafer area. tools out of the bake plate area once “F2”
(start process) is selected.
Page Up twice using the “up” arrow, then
press “F2” to begin process.
Remove and place wafer on table to

When process is complete, HMDS oven Cools wafer down prior to

*** Caution ***
will open. Use wafer tongs to remove placing in the boat. Hot
Wafer will be hot
wafer. wafers will melt the boat.

Place wafer on table to cool for 10


SCME-Art Wafer Job Instruction Rev 9 – October, 2017

Photoresist Application – CEE 100 Coater and Bake Station
Prepare for Soft Bake

Set hot plate to 110⁰C and ensure it

reaches this temperature.

Pre-set timer for 90 seconds

Prepare photoresist AZ 1518 is a solvent and should be
acquired by the instructor from the solvent
Obtain a small bottle of AZ 1518 cabinet. Please follow procedures for
photoresist and a pipette. using a solvent.

Prepare coater for resist coat

Press Prog button

Press 0
Enter through parameters on the right to
make sure parameters are correct, you
may have to adjust the program Program Parameters
parameters. 500 rpm – Slow spin to distribute resist
2500 rpm – Ramp spin to 2500 rpm
Ensure the appropriate chuck is on the 5 sec – Allow 5 seconds for ramp
spinner (Either 4” or 6”). 2500 rpm – Casting speed
2500 rpm – r/s
You may have to screw the chuck on the 30 sec – Spin for 30 seconds at casting
spinner if it is not on. speed

Set program Parameters

Press “Run”
Select program 0
Press “Enter”
Ensure the polished (shiny) side is up.

Try to center the wafer as best as

possible as you place it on the spin
Most processing is done on
Load the wafer on spin chuck chuck.
the polished side of the
wafer. The unpolished side
Use wafer tongs to place the wafer on the You may choose to use the centering tool
of the wafer is considered
spin chuck. to help you center the wafer. If so, hold
the back of the wafer.
the appropriate sized tool so it is flush
with the chuck, then place the wafer on
the chuck as it is held flush to the
centering tool.
Center wafer on the wafer chuck.
The first time you hit “Start”, the spin
chuck will test how centered the wafer is.
Press “Start”
Notice if the wafer seems to wobble as it
The wafer will rotate several times to test A centered wafer ensures
spins. You will use your eye to center the
centering of wafer. even distribution of resist. If
wafer on the chuck or use the
the wafer is not centered; it
appropriately sized centering tool.
Nudge the wafer with tweezers to center it will come off the chuck
or use the appropriately sized centering during the high speed
tool. portion of the program and
If you inadvertently select run/start before
the wafer is centered and after the initial
Press “0” to re-test the centering.
centering attempt, select the STOP button
Continue this process until the wafer is
immediately – know where this is located
well centered and you see minimal
before starting.

SCME-Art Wafer Job Instruction Rev 9 – October, 2017

Apply photoresist on wafer One application (squirt) vertically above
wafer directly in the center. Keep pipette
Fill disposable pipette with at least 2 ml of vertical at all times to avoid bubbles in the
AZ 1518 photo resist. You will need this pipette.
volume to cover the entire wafer.
Please follow procedures for using a
Hold pipette vertically above center of solvent.
wafer and squeeze once to dispense
directly in the center of the wafer.
Make sure it is closed to avoid spray and
to ensure proper air flow over wafer
Close the cover during spin which results in better resist

The wafer will spin slowly (500rpm) to

initially spread the photo resist. It will
Thicker (more viscous) resist
Press “Start” to continue the coat then ramp up to the casting speed (2500
requires higher spin speeds.
program. rpm) over 5 seconds. It will spin at 2500
rpm for 30 seconds.
Beeping sound indicates completion.
Remove wafer from chuck/Begin Soft
Bake The coater will continue
beeping until the wafer is
Use wafer tweezers to grab wafer and Open lid and remove the wafer from the removed.
place on the pre-heated hot plate at spin chuck. Soft Bake sets resist. Most
100⁰C for soft bake. of the solvent is evaporated
from the resist.
Start timer for 90 seconds.
Place the wafer on the table to cool
Cools wafer down prior to
placing in the boat. Hot
Use wafer tongs to place wafer on table
wafers will melt the boat.
for 5 seconds.
Move wafer to boat.

Use wafer tongs to place wafer with front This is a MTTC standard
side (coated side) oriented away from the procedure.
H-bar of boat.

SCME-Art Wafer Job Instruction Rev 9 – October, 2017

Make sure you place your mask with the
Load Mask For the art wafer, students
correct side facing down in the holder.
will make masks on
(Chrome side facing down)
Verify Vacuum is on transparencies to fit the
Pull out mask holder wafer, either 100mm (4in) or
If vacuum is not on, mask will not stay in
Place mask face down on mask holder. 150mm (6in).
mask holder and it will fall out and break.
Protect mask with hand as you flip mask The transparency is cut to
holder to load into machine. 7x7in to fit on the glass plate
Make sure to protect the back of the mask
(clear mask).
as you flip mask holder into its slot.
Set Exposure Parameters
Note: to change to Hard Contact, select
Select PGM PGM, until hard contact comes up.
Verify “Hard Contact’ is selected
Exposure time is set to 30 seconds. Edit Parameters with the arrow keys (up
Gap is typically 10-40µm. and down to adjust exposure). Select edit
parameters to back out.
Load Wafer To ensure pattern is placed
on correct side of wafer and
Slide wafer holder out Make sure wafer is centered with resist to ensure patterning
Place wafer on the wafer chuck coated side up and the flat side is aligned alignment/orientation.
with the two small holes on bottom of
chuck. The vacuum holds wafer in
Press “Enter” then move the wafer chuck place during expose.
slider into the aligner. This applies vacuum to the chuck to hold
the wafer while sliding into Align/Expose
Press Enter to Confirm slider is in position.
position. Follow instructions on exposure
Begin Exposure Process Since the exposure unit is
Press “Exposure” on a vibration isolation table,
Do not touch table during this time.
this could pick up the user’s
Exposure time is 30 seconds.
When process is complete, confirm with motion and result in a
“Enter” blurred, out of focus image.
Move wafer to boat.
Use wafer tongs to place wafer with front This is a MTTC standard
side (patterned side) oriented away from procedure.
the H-bar of boat.

SCME-Art Wafer Job Instruction Rev 9 – October, 2017

Post Exposure Bake - Optional
Turn on bake plate and set Pre heat the bake plate(s)
temperature to 110C
Bake the exposed wafer for 60 Set timer for 60 seconds Post exposure bake is used to
seconds Open lid and place the wafer on the reduce standing wave patterns, in
pre-heated bake plate.
allows the PAC (photo active
compound) to diffuse after
exposure and before develop.
Remove the wafer from bake Place wafer on table to cool for at Stops the diffusion process.
plate and cool least 5 seconds.


Put on Personal Protective Equipment According to Safety Orientation To prevent injury due to
(PPE) standards. chemical splashes.

Prepare Develop Solution

Measure 50ml 1:4, 400K AZ developer in

Follow safety protocol
a graduated cylinder. Always pour away
Always pour away from you
from you.
Try to achieve a smooth pour, no gurgling
Pour 50 ml developer into single wafer
pyrex dish.
Begin Develop process
Make sure a partner presets timer for 120
Develop for 120 seconds This develop process
removes photo resist from
Use wafer tongs to place wafer in
Appropriate concentration and time are exposed areas. The areas
important to achieve correct develop. exposed to light becomes
soluble to developer
Have partner start timer.
solution. This is a positive
photoresist. Image begins to
While wafer is developing, place wafer
form immediately.
boat in the Quick Dump Rinse (QDR)

Fill QDR with water just above the boat

Remove wafer
After wafer has been in developer solution
for 120 seconds, use wafer tongs to lift
wafer from developer at a 45 degree 45 degree angle minimizes
angle. drag while transferring to
Quick/Dump/Rinse (QDR). –
Place wafer in wafer boat in the QDR with
front side oriented away from the H-bar of
Rinse developer from wafer The water stops the develop
Dump water from QDR process and rinses off the
Refill tank with water/Dump develop solution.
Repeat 4 times The QDR should be repeated a total of
five times. You can continue adding
Once the QDR cycle is completed 5 other developed wafers
times. Make sure and close the empty before proceeding with the
tub. QDR 5 dump/fill cycle.

SCME-Art Wafer Job Instruction Rev 9 – October, 2017

Select the proper Spin Rinse
Dryer (SRD) – Either 4” or 6”
The MTTC has several
No need to change programs, use the default on the
Open door with foot pedal. SRDs’, they are set up for
either 4inch or 6 inch
Place wafer boat in drier - carriers. Ensure you use the
Auto programmed for 120 seconds/240 seconds at
Orient H-bar towards back. correct one
1600 rpm according to recipe.
Close door with foot pedal. Drier feature requires that if
Pedal is important so that any chemical that might be
door was opened with foot
on gloves does not get on buttons.
Press “Start”. pedal it must close with the
foot pedal.
Open door with foot pedal and
remove boat box.
Post Develop Inspection

If there is “scumming” you

Look at wafer under the
Make sure the resist is cleared from the open areas. may repeat the develop

Hard Bake
Prepare for Hard Bake
Set to Hot Plate to 120⁰C
Any solvent is baked off. Hardened to stand up to
Use wafer tongs to place the etch step.
wafer on hot plate for 2
minutes according to recipe.

This step cools the wafer before putting it in the

Place wafer on table to cool
wafer carrier. Avoids the possibility of the wafer
for 5-10 seconds.
melting the carrier slots.

Move wafer to boat.

Use wafer tongs to place
wafer with front side This is a MTTC standard procedure.
(patterned side) oriented
away from the H-bar of boat.

SCME-Art Wafer Job Instruction Rev 9 – October, 2017

Buffered Oxide Etch (BOE) Etch

BOE 20:1 Ammonium fluoride

and HF solution.
HF burns can result in death. Fluorine ions react
Put on Personal Protective HF (Hydrofluoric Acid) is used
with calcium in your bones; too many of these ions
Equipment (PPE) in this process. Safety is
can also stop your heart.
paramount. PPE is required.
According to Safety
Orientation standards.

Attach Handle to Teflon

Carrier containing wafers as

Bare silicon is hydrophobic. Silicon Dioxide is

Have partner preset timer for
8 minutes.
After 8 minutes, slowly lift up
to check for complete etch – When etching is complete, and the exposed SiO2
Place wafers in the BOE bath
underlying crystalline silicon has been removed, the silicon crystal is exposed.
in the Acid Sink.
surface is hydrophobic. These regions of no pattern then become
hydrophobic and look dry when the wafers are
Start timer.
raised from the HF solution.
Rinse Wafers

Place wafers in the QDR in This will automatically rinse

Removes acid from the wafers’ surface.
the Acid Sink. the wafers.

Select “Run”
Select the proper Spin Rinse
Dryer (SRD) – Either 4” or 6”
The MTTC has several
No need to change programs, use the default on the
Open door with foot pedal. SRDs’, they are set up for
either 4inch or 6 inch
Place wafer boat in drier - carriers. Ensure you use the
Auto programmed for 120 seconds/240 seconds at
Orient H-bar towards back. correct one
1600 rpm according to recipe.
Close door with foot pedal. Drier feature requires that if
Pedal is important so that any chemical that might be
door was opened with foot
on gloves does not get on buttons.
Press “Start”. pedal it must close with the
foot pedal.
Open door with foot pedal and
remove boat box.

SCME-Art Wafer Job Instruction Rev 9 – October, 2017

Resist Strip
Strip remaining resist with

Take the wafer (which is in the

wafer boat) to the solvent
bench. This stainless steel hood is
You will be using a solvent, Acetone – you need to do
metal due to the fact that
this in the solvent hood only.
Use wafer tongs to place solvents are often
wafer in acetone tray. flammable. It also contains
This step removes any remaining photoresist on the
the CO2 fire suppression
Dispense Acetone on the system.
wafer in the tray.

You may hold the wafer with

tongs at an angle and rinse
with acetone.

Rinse Acetone treated Displaces the Acetone, IPA

Hold the wafer at an angle with wafer tongs, rinse the
wafer with IPA on a wafer is acceptable
acetone off with Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)
for the QDR.

This rinses the wafer. It is

Rinsing the wafer undesirable that IPA dry on
Place boat in the QDR at the the wafer; this will result in
Once all the wafers have been placed in the boat, the
acid bench. water spots.
QDR can be started.
Place wafer in the boat.
Start the QDR Cycle This rinses the wafers five
times automatically.
Select the proper Spin Rinse
Dryer (SRD) – Either 4” or 6”
The MTTC has several
No need to change programs, use the default on the
Open door with foot pedal. SRDs’, they are set up for
either 4inch or 6 inch
Place wafer boat in drier - carriers. Ensure you use the
Auto programmed for 120 seconds/240 seconds at
Orient H-bar towards back. correct one
1600 rpm according to recipe.
Close door with foot pedal. Drier feature requires that if
Pedal is important so that any chemical that might be
door was opened with foot
on gloves does not get on buttons.
Press “Start”. pedal it must close with the
foot pedal.
Open door with foot pedal and
remove boat box.
Microscope Inspection
Make sure process is
Place a wafer on the complete. Typically, all
The instructor will teach you how to use this tool.
microscope stage and inspect. resist is removed and only
the oxide is left.

Adapted from Graupp, P. & Wrona, R. (2006) The TWI Workbook: Essential Skills for Supervisors.
New York, NY. Productivity Press.

SCME-Art Wafer Job Instruction Rev 9 – October, 2017

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