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Για το μακεδονικό
Για το μακεδονικό
SS, $$, or @SS is sendspace, m3g4 is mega, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com, etc.
There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one.
Remember, links are cAsE sEnSeTiVe
Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying.
“Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps.
When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE
stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat
But honestly if the PDF consists pages that are just images, you should extract them in Photoshop, and reduce the
resolution to 150dpi with the bicubic sharper option (Does a better job of downsampling than Acrobat), save to PNG, and
recreate the PDF, then OCR @ 150dpi.
A Hard To Find Game
www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b
REVOLVING COLLECTIONS! Get 'Em While They're Hot!! (47 hours 59 minutes - or less!)
Castlemorn PDFs
SS /filegroup/zoyULMoCrbEkuAZ8vs16qKEdk0D9aDpi
SS /filegroup/T0FOIHsWnQNktrInWYASd4zh%2B%2FHj89ct
MF /folder/ko18jptnza760
SS /filegroup/8Luo3l%2BK%2B0KPs%2BPhQEOtPA
Paragon: HDL
SS /filegroup/XqRjFhzWi10zLMVL0FyYNSLVjEbok9MHcefaarqHSd3QpjqkZj0bCw
Beating the Story: How to Map, Understand, and Elevate Any Narrative Perfect
SS /filegroup/SoaZSucjl8I%2BOP%2BO%2Bs0Jiw
No. 64253712
Sellswords and Spellslingers
SS /file/va5xo9
Castle Shadowcrag
@n0nfil3s /sbo6Ffrfb9/Castle_Shadowcrag_7z
u$er$cl0ud /v6xz0gxvebf0
SS /file/ldx4wz
No. 64215452
SS /file/8b86d7
SnarfQuest (pdf)
u$er$cl0ud /syy5mfr0b95l
SnarfQuest (cbr)
u$er$cl0ud /wttme2xf13a2
SS /file/yfp9wh
Manifest Destiny Book 1: Domains & Devotions
Manifest Destiny Book 2: Cults & Clergy
Path of the Mystic
SS /filegroup/Y%2FwurjTrHmm60J0cpePfNSqYqN6Vi1uu
D20 Trove
MF /folder/ays916q7aql9p/d20_Trove
classic spycraft
SS /filegroup/R0JzAMCaSXj7%2FUQarsO5T6DIz%2BCBL2vRlIVFLX%2BinyhVd5LeZt
Greyhawk area map (The hexes are ever so slightly different, maybe a millimeter off here or there.
Individual maps, both left and right, and two versions of the full map, one at 300 dpi. and one at 600)
$nip /GreyhawkMaps
Shatterzone: Crosshairs
$nip /Shatter
Shadowrun - No Future
uf!l3<d0t>io /i3awj
No. 64158967
Changeling 2e
SS /file/o5noac
Palladium Books including Dark Designs and Bizantium, some netbooks, and rifters up to and including 79
m3g4 /#F!GmAUWaID!SzYMD9WN5elZ6kFdO_d34w
PDFs that are clear guides for new players on how to improve their D&D-playing skills
SS /filegroup/gBISsYZzKNO1Dsiedi6T9GkMgfgVKH3e
No. 64095808
Star Trek Adventures - Operations Division
u$er$cl0ud /ietwt0l5ax2w
Spiralis - A Lovecraftian Roleplaying Game, Witch Scouts, Stjernheim: The Siege of Deepknell Hold,
Uncanny Echo Issues 8,9 and Codex 2.09 - Glamour (Jun 2018)
SS /filegroup/0v72OQTD3nsj0UksKwE2WzoOFAP4y2iI7yG9DU9yH7A
Shadowrun 3E - Magic in the Shadows
Shadowrun 4D - Arsenal 2070 (Auflage 2)
Shadowrun 5D - Bodyshop
Shadowrun 5D - Buch der Verlorenen
Shadowrun 5D - Datapuls Hamburg - Karte Hamburg
Shadowrun 5D - Datapuls Hamburg - Karte Wild Ost
Shadowrun 5D - Datapuls Hamburg
Shadowrun 5D - Grundregelwerk (Auflage 6)
Shadowrun 5D - Hamburg-Zusatzpack - Charakter Karteikarten
Shadowrun 5D - Hamburg-Zusatzpack - Karten Karteikarten
Shadowrun 5D - Strassengrimoire (Auflage 3n)
SS /filegroup/CKb6SMFy856DJ5nbh0RG%2F4mTtv
SS /file/rrw84v
Stealing Cthulhu
SS /file/n79p9y
PF - Arcforge: Psibertech
SS /file/qjy2l3
SS /file/u6yx1f
SS /filegroup/38NBFCourXCRM0dxqj6JhymL5ZD36ARaalPyvfm1WZ4UATJbC14Clw
SS /filegroup/6vG4YtqXtIHvu48i9CK%2BqoIi%2BsE3f%2B2c
Little Wizards
SS /file/90xxh6
5e Warlord
SS /file/mjjaa6
No. 64039627
Império de Jade
uf!l3<d0t>io /s0s3u
Everywhen corebook
SS /file/mv3sk7
SS /file/rhgiet
No. 63993887
How to Dungeon/City/World-ographer
p@st3b!n /p9Srkj00
pages 54 & 55 for Dragon 288
SS /file/rwuzzk
Here is page 52
SS /file/y5fb6q
Mutant: Mechatron
SS /file/s76c8q
Quake Alley Mayhem, Death is the New Pink, The Dungeon Dozen,
Misty Isles of The Eld, and What Ho, Frog Demons
SS /filegroup/fQ3LCSGCk4AYWHf4J%2Bys7fyt4Vwk4hNLGcK21KM6UhY
Compendium 3 - Die, Meat-Eater, Die!
Compendium 4 - Eternal War
Compendium 5 - Hotel Imperator
Denizens of the Sinkhole
Starter Booklet
SS /filegroup/%2BI6uaodo5unBUhrIbZk0mA3l14ueU6usnQZ1Ec5XF1Y
mtg novels
SS /file/eex3km
16<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/UtBxGwQo/file.html
No. 63935949
Bolt Action - Campaign - Battle of France By Warlord Games Conv
86<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/brhb6diV/file.htm
T&T - Solo 12 Arena of Khazan with Bonus Pack #1 (mini-dungeon, some character sheets, some charts, and included
Pocket Adventure #2 Abyss (not the text only version))
SS /filegroup/1H7vese3gfL6k6bm2cXGanebjA2AZgir
No. 63891220
Mistborn Adventure Game
SS /filegroup/ML1h5BcOuUkweUgjKPlzDtAIYf0Pp5sE6U1L%2B81yDYcCpoK0MnOIvo%2FoKszriclr
No. 63851536
The Quiet Year
SS /filegroup/4sGeRDMCsRMkriDkd5Es8Dc17Nc017IK
Advanced Labyrinth Lord (Orcus)
u$er$cl0ud /cumgzlqdyu1h
No. 63810024
The revised and expanded archive of apocalyptic enemies
SS /file/qgczly
Yaquinto album games
SS /file/7fk3hx
SS /file/1heetj
No. 63774505
The Agency
SS /filegroup/g%2FYeCmnn%2F3uHN%2BMJuH%2BgjQ
Battlecruiser Alamo
SS /file/7e0qu8
No. 63736075
Tunnels and Trolls - Solo 11 Sword for Hire, as well as a reprint of T&T 1st Ed ruleset
$nip /EAM
STA Core
u$er$cl0ud /jutwxjlykyfa
Dark Stars
SS /filegroup/ge039TWwHFdbVhFSebHw8g
Caverns of Archaia
SS /filegroup/sXp%2FGUjBJXVEu5zZfHdIXM5WZ7p6T3AICA8%2B1G5gPuU
Paizo Map Pack: Secret Rooms
SS /file/yoejos
PZO30091 Carnival
PZO30095 Bigger Sewer
SS /filegroup/hVM7Vr16I32s6oiDXu%2BUIQ
Fringeworthy stuff
torrentz2<dot>eu /7222f93226da3c4bf51748b4506ab4414b2f0e8b
Within the Ring of Fire; Hero Kids; many more recent fills
$nip /Oz8J
No. 63678727
SS /filegroup/3cyz%2Bh9lWiptnVQMO1rjDp0FzlRXkxYr6XB6YDy3PbpKLDzxEbJjA1Q5HA60Pp0J%2FtG6XQaRor
SS /file/270d7f
The Class Hack Second Edition and The Race Hack Second Edition
SS /filegroup/6hWeRCAJzFItLySYWx436A
Misspent Youth
SS /filegroup/ksnUNnxB%2BaS3QAJm30P86tI1GK8WqoCBFh3tmw5Cdp49feq9pvjEaQ
No. 63648143
Heavy Metal and related magazine scans
m3g4 /#F!aspACQIK!eohDFHHKZ6lR7UfNE9v8hA
SS /filegroup/siquLHGJUd2wO4%2BVSbE14t%2FP%2BlzsbBX9W7NV88deRlN8ZNlfjDhM4xjbFrbfxSpU
Vampire 5e
m3g4 /#!ibIUwYbB!0XgND-bLYIic5GULztsmH6J2XXHByiU7CHtwbqeBOiU
m3g4 /#!PB8DRQDZ!i_XQgP6BeOdDlYnLMzrqmmkJDYxif0IAetuYI2Hofrk
Warhammer Instructions
No. 63614323
Houses of the Blooded: Coronets But Never Crowns
SS /file/9o9au7
Wield + Companion
SS /filegroup/wvxcxBYoAxuR9Nr7WrSgcw
Cults of Law & Chaos: Secrets of the Gods & Their Sacred Orders (Dragon Lords of Melnibone)
millreno<dot>tk/ cults-of-law-chaos-secrets-of-the-gods-their-sacred-orders-dragon-lords-of-melnibone<dot>php
Season 10-10 The Shattered Shield
Season 10-11 The Hao Jin Heirophant
Season 01-28 It Rests Beneath
Season 01-29 Honor Bound Emissaries
Here is the large [Star Frontiers] map that came in the boxed set, front and back in a quick pdf
(Thumbnail is reduced in size and is here just for post highlight)
SS /file/zgph09
Shadows over Sol, Orbital 2100 and Expansions, Hostile and Expansions, Seven Worlds
SS /filegroup/cyuRHBy8RfevaoNcbj%2FVG5g4PzDiZ1qX
m3g4 /#!g51TzaxL!i-bAQy9IarB69V-Pepwyi8zonvInBXg5q_OV_i_SV8o
No. 63575504
Skies of Axia for the Emberwind System, and the most updated version of the Hero Manual Beta (as well as all the free
DLC roundups)
m3g4 /#F!Et8GBY6C!UhRn3hfTiFEKSbqvQfyuCw
Chill 3e Extras
u$er$cl0ud /tvy3idyqnh4c
No. 63534839
De Horrore Cosmico
SS /file/kcmvot
SS /filegroup/ac0GVPLBN7zLgrP1z6BxYqzQj0CyJKjG
Shadows of Esteren
SS /filegroup/Ijdu%2BWp29vSuzyqIWz8Xsm%2Bt8tMnQy
PF - Legendary Samurai
SS /file/61donc
Fight! - Round 2
SS /filegroup/UAGtarHxkghZgOmPe6sSnD6KBa6r7287sBwBJxlNr8k
To the like three people who care about meikyuu kingdom, here's an early Christmas present.
Raws of Meikyuu Days which takes the premise to our modern world and has a bunch of other rules that can be used in
the other game
m3g4 /#!3upgzYJY!Bq4MiK1OIh9mbK689aWxxDYWRHu_ldFP1IKT4xCJ0a4
Wild Talents
SS /filegroup/xvzvg6qzFfXTYRq37%2BLmgOPqnV7tMvMIwX1aNclGLcvBiZQyrKx4H2drQuIuZS42LjRbTP1bobs
Covert Ops
SS /filegroup/eJWbec4WoynyWc6R0Ku%2BK5iFSHRCWnATQWOIR6%2F6pWk9qpasDLk003tp1RnaIhTXy
Atlas Animalia
$nip /hZGf
SS /file/lgpnab
SS /file/6cj8ks
No. 63486047
All 7th Sea 2e
u2mad <dot> com <slash> ebooks (big list of systems, look around)
SS /file/n80sqc
SS /file/pletzz
Necromunda collection
m3g4 /#F!q84BWKiL!CN6kasdx1Pyshfga_UzuEQ!HxYGnJIA
No. 63443039
KD:M 1.5 rulebook (missing page)
SS /file/gcd7jz
PF - Necropunk
SS /file/vvbjnr
Earthdawn 1E flyers
SS /filegroup/pL9xC0iWosjTaZmfjapkzQaX6BOkrY65
No. 63393340
Into the Borderlands (5e)
SS /file/zogcnk
FU - Star Wars
106<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/N8ZI1J8r/file.html
FU - Matrix
106<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/7Kwg9aVd/file.html
FU - Solo Tables
106<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/ZtkPaq3Y/file.html
No. 63347909
Belly of the Beast RPG
SS /file/90vudv
Modern AGE
SS /filegroup/EWow%2BvNwRTO3opGAFVUuQpy1yL9z4XtibuDZH3D6oHo
Fractured kingdom
Vow of honor
Witch: Fated souls
Praxis: The Black Monk, the Heron
Cairn RPG
Fragged Aeternum
SS /filegroup/AiV160eH8iEyi4lpRRREJ0COoLxrbGB%2Bzt%2BxW70SyTcBraj1g5r6oxRxlb9SzR5S
Kill Team
47<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/9yjaLq6F/file.html
You are not ready for this /tg/ the Warpspawn book of games 2363 pages of various wargames solo and traditional board
games. This is it. This is the holy grail:
SS /file/q23hq7
No. 63275501
Noblis: The game of Soverign Powers
SS /filegroup/pJK1vIpo1CA2V%2BcVKIXltyJrzHcxy85M
Exalted 3e fills
SS /filegroup/4wyL%2By6b1UKBk%2FPj%2FkrUW0Aau8HeMg2K
10-08 What Prestige is Worth
10-09 The Rasping Rebirth
01-26 Truth of the Seeker
01-27 King Xeros of Star Azlant
SS /filegroup/8vU%2Fg0dO9LAW1mOMNNvF9i1cPDOtJAly
MF /folder/ygtsefme742qr/
MegaDungeon 10
u$er$cl0ud /24gvfdksxoyl
MegaDungeon 20
u$er$cl0ud /n7vph70wc4ds
MegaDungeon 30
u$er$cl0ud /hfovljn5hbkw
No. 63241954
Cavaliers of Mars
SS /file/rkv8fd
Shadow World
m3g4 /#F!4mRljTBQ!VWfmhU1qYneo0JpTn6rUrA
SS /file/fc2os6
No. 63199460
Broken Worlds
SS /filegroup/QSUiu%2B6CUytjYqTifirlvg
Tunnels & Trolls Solo 20 The Amulet of the Salkti
Tunnels & Trolls Solo 24 When the Cat's Away (with 3 adventures)
SS /filegroup/99LALl07o16RPhS9UXFVU96ExAO39JSZPO5EviQDQEU
Aces High and Devil's Gulch for Basic Role Playing, and Down Darker Trails and Pulp Cthulhu for Call Of Cthulhu
SS /filegroup/9fobzOQV%2FBhCJs2wLPL5EeLxeCGKUkILwW7xxJHyxbg
Phoenix Dawn Command - Boxed Set with 460-page Handbook, Quick Reference Guide, Cards, Tokens, Box scans
SS /file/fw5k5l
SS /file/cg5uet
SS /file/rfd8fa
SS /file/uldyv3
No. 63169128
Happy Black Friday!
SS /filegroup/CImmAPU5PRSSEj%2BUoTa4xADTJ%2FL%2F9TkJF4G7IS2X5x9rkCvhSXJ4noev9xwER
Age of Steel
SS /filegroup/hBI19VsCwOOa0mSa%2BIXRmQ
Call Of Catthulhu
SS /filegroup/7VDYTGlos3KDLfzgnCd4oiaxEcdpLCvs
WEG45003 Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark Sourcebook
SS /file/870lof
Kingdom of Nothing
SS /file/9nhx6x
A Single Moment
$nip /1Iw
Endless Realms
$nip /zFF
No. 63137809
Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne
SS /file/lyizsk
m3g4 /#!vB91kYzB!Yx5BNctvP9VNCyudjyd6lrMHY8jwyjcoPpJO-LaSsZs
No. 63116105
Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage
SS /file/6zwhn9
No. 63071349
Cortex Classic
SS /file/k9jall
SS /filegroup/kY%2BtqrYqUKEV3diBKg0Ek8NpZA7DTtzl
Kids on Bikes
SS /filegroup/fb3padmzO2Pl9SbHEvy7whNPCuyrUAhb
Cypher GM emulator
SS /filegroup/Zj%2BFQvteqsULEy7jrDcgig
dr!v3<d0t>g00gl3 /folderview?id=0B9JsF5MnpHj2NDFOTDJOWU1fN2M
SS /filegroup/xuhShsiCvWvBriIACvr%2BI3ZB4sX92F4kQ3o3lN1kHfdTx45HLG6wQ595hfFhyDLbAHoq2EAzhjU
-- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -
https://www.thingiverse.com is loaded with free files. Search for miniatures or terrain or barstool, or whatever you are
looking for.
App for opening links from your clipboard (can also be found on github)
MF /file/9g981b7nb4h8ysx
"My odrive app is kind of ready to use. There are some issues left of course...
If you are afraid to run it, you can find project on github. 'Load all' can take a while because troves are huge, but after that
you can save trove structure in file."
MasterPDF Editor - the linux version is free, and it can save the image files directly from the PDF
Scribd autobot