Eect of Electrode Thickness On Bottom-Contact Pentacene Thin-Film Transistors
Eect of Electrode Thickness On Bottom-Contact Pentacene Thin-Film Transistors
Eect of Electrode Thickness On Bottom-Contact Pentacene Thin-Film Transistors
The usual way of fabricating bottom-contact pentacene eld eect transistors (FETs) is to
vacuum-evaporate pentacene molecules onto a substrate with patterned electrodes. We observed
that the heights of the source and the drain electrodes aected the drain current of a pentacene
FET made in this way. Atomic force microscopy measurements of the patterned substrate coated
with pentacene revealed a region in the channel where pentacene did not adsorb along the electrodes
edge. This pentacene-denuded zone was caused by the sticking coecient of pentacene molecules
to the side wall of the metal electrode being higher than that of pentacene molecules to other nu-
cleation sites on the Si-oxide channel. The denuded zone was eventually lled with pentacene by
prolonged deposition, but when and how it was lled depended on the height of the electrode. Our
study suggests that dierent heights of the electrodes aect the drain current via the formation of
a pentacene-denuded zone.
PACS numbers: 85.30.Tv, 68.37.Ps, 68.55.-a, 81.10.Bk
Keywords: Pentacene, Organic FET, Electrode thickness, Denuded zone
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