Art Williams - The A L Williams Way PDF
Art Williams - The A L Williams Way PDF
Art Williams - The A L Williams Way PDF
by Art Williams
Table of Contents
Opening Thoughts
Our Uniqueness
How To Win
How to Win 36
1 Keys to Making A Winning Presentation 76 - 78
The A.L. Williams Image
37 - 38
39 - 41
8 Referrals
79 - 84
85 - 87
Other Ways to Prospect 88 - 90
A Company Within a Company
Prestige vs. Opportunity
43 1 Base Shop Guidelines 91
Base Shop "Standard of Excellence" 150-Mile
RVP Responsibility 44 - 46 92
Time is the Key 47 - 49 9 Rule
Prospecting the A.L. Williams Way 50 - 51 Opening an Office
Fundamental s of Prospecting 52 - 53 2 Clustering
Super Clustering
97 –
Recruit's Natural Market 54 - 56 98-100
Our Recruiting Concept
57 - 58 0 "Ideal" RVP Office Setting
Al. Williams Meetings
59 103-105
Be Careful Recruiting Salespeople 60 - 61 Fast Start Schools
Example of a Super Fast Start School Manager 106-108
Personal Profile 62 - 63 109
(Full-Timers) Meeting Training Sessions
The Sales Process 64 110-111
No "Gotchas"
Keys to Selling the A.L. Williams Way 65 - 66 112
Field Training 67 - 71
A Winning Presentation 72 - 75
Build People, Not Sales
Build People, Not Sales 115 Don’t Lead By Initimidation 133
The Two “Laws” of Building People 116 Recognize Your People 134-135
Beware of Traditional Management 117 Pass Negatives Up, Postives Down 136-137
Treat People Good 118 Local Success 138
The One Thing People Want Most 119 Don’t Loan Money 139
Pushing Up People 120-121 Recognition: the Secret to Winning 140
Give to Your People 122 Steps to a Winning Recognition Program 141
Accept People for Who and What They Are 123-124 Praise Your People 142
Never Stop Believing in People 125-126 Tips for Praising People 143
You Do It First 127 Use the Phone for Recognition 144
Commitment is a Two-Way Street 128-129 Written Recognition 145
What You Do Today Pays Off in Two or Leaders Bulletin 146
Three Years 130 Recognizing with Awards 147-148
Your reputation is Everything 131 Conventions 149-150
Work for Your People 132
It's Not What, But When 159 Bringing Part-Timers Full-Time 185
A Company Where Salespeople Are King 168 Desire Is the Key 195
169 196
Prestige vs. Opportunity Most People Almost Do Enough to Win
The Free Enterprise System 170 You Must Become a Dreamer Again 197
Responsibilities ______________________________
Freedom with 227 Saving Money 241
ALW Freedoms 228 Your "Team" Responsibility 242
ALW Responsibilities 229 Sale Requirements 243
Build Crusaders 230 - 231 Controlled Growth 244
Capacity to Win 232 - 233 Successful Recruiting -
Provide Positive 234 - 235 Protected Client and Protected 249
Leadership Recruits 248
Leadership is Everything 236 - 237 The "Worst Hurt" 250
Build Personal -
238 How to Always Stay Motivated 252-255
Manage Activity, Not Sales 239 - 240
The Partners In
A.L. Williams
M a rr ied R V P s 2
and M a n age r s The 6
The Partners in A.L. Williams Single RVP/Manager 5
Priorities of Partners
Partner Leaders Strive -
Keys to Building to Provide
Characteristics of the Partner Leader Keys to Building for 2
Dangers to Avoid: The Spouse 6
Parntners 6
Dangers to Avoid: The Licensed Person Male Partners 2
Business Principles 7
Business Principles 275 - 276 H us b and and W ife R V P T ea m s 6
Intent Is What Counts 277 Protect the A.L. Williams Sales Force 8
Our Product Philosophy 278 - 279 Do It Right — Securities Sales 293-294
Code of Ethics 295 2
How We Develop Our Products 280 - 281
Invest the Difference in An IRA 282 - 283 The A.L. Williams "Promise" to You 6
Leadership vs. Management 284 - 285 9
The 'Greatest Part-Time
Opportunity in America 286 -
5 2
Opening Thoughts
It is important that the people of A.L. Williams NEVER FORGET the PRINCIPLES and
TRADITIONS that our company was founded upon. I believe we are unique in American
business because it is not only important THAT we win, it is important HOW we win. We
are unique because of our commitment to DOING WHAT'S RIGHT for the consumer and
Always remember:
The difference in a $100,000 a year salesperson and a $5,000 a year salesperson is one thing —
It always amazed me that two people could join A.L. Williams, attend the same training
classes, sell the same products, have the same position, give the same presentation — yet
one would fail and one would be excited and successful. I finally realized that the
I believe that, if you're only excited about the money you can make, you will surely fail. If
you recruit and sell the financial opportunity only, you will surely fail. The reason is that
when you have disappointments (and everyone will have someone tell them no, etc.) you
will get discouraged because the money always comes later, AFTER you pick up polices,
AFTER you make a sale, AFTER you get your promotion and AFTER you recruit someone
that gets licensed, learns the business and makes a sale.
You must feel good about The A.L. Williams Way. Those feelings are THE FIRST STEP TO
My primary purpose in writing The A.L. Williams Way is to have you understand our
wonderful company and the way we do business. I believe there are "only two things”
you must have to see your "dreams come true" at A.L. Williams.
No. 1 — You must feel good about A.L. Williams and the
things we stand for; and
No. 2 — You must be able to get others (clients and recruits) to
feel the same way.
If you can achieve those two things, there will be no stopping you. You will have success
professionally, financially, and personally beyond your wildest imagination.
• Our Uniqueness
• Built for a Different Kind of People
• A Definite Philosophy
• A Sales Company
• A New Concept for Sales
• The Replacement Concept
• A Positive "Can Do" Attitude
• The Human Factor
• A Chance to Do Something Special
• A Better Way to Build a Company
• Involving Spouses in Business Life
• A Controversial Company
• Scoreboard
• 1985 National Champs
• Fastest Growing Company
• We Represent the Tiffany Mutual Funds
• We Are Different From Our Competition
• The War Is On
• Be Part of a Winner
• Our System Saves Money for the Consumer
• Can All These be Wrong9
Our Uniqueness
"In 1977, we didn't know "nothing about nothing" when
i t ca m e t o b u i ld i n g a c o mp a n y i n t h e t ra d it i o na l s e n s e of
the word. But we believed that you had to be right. You
ha d t o do w h at wa s ri g ht f or c o n s um e rs a nd f o r t h e
salespeople. And, we knew that people were tired of the
wa y things had b een d one in the trad itiona l ind ustry. We
wa nt ed t o f ee l go od a b o ut ou r c omp a ny a nd o ur
p rod ucts — it wa s our friends, our communities a nd our
families that we would serve.
Al. Williams believes that every red-blooded American, man or woman, wants to be
somebody. We were built to give these people — the people who have been "locked
out" of corporate America or locked out of the opportunity to go into business for
themselves — a chance to stand on their own two feet, a chance to go into business
for themselves and do something special with their lives.
We are able to attract a different kind of person to the business community, a person
who wants to be somebody, who still knows how to dream, who can still hope, who
is willing to fight for what he or she believes is right — the kind of person who is the
heart and soul of America.
A.L. Williams people are not "corporate executive" types — and we're proud of it!
11 1
A Definite
"At A.L. Williams, we stand for something, and we won't
Art Williams
Most people today have a feeling that corporate America doesn't care about quality or
about doing what's right — that they're only interested in making a profit.
Before we ever made our first sale, A.L. Williams looked at what was available to the
consumer. We found that cash value life insurance was NOT the best way to provide
protection for families. We discovered that the best way was a simple little
We made "buy term and invest the difference" the cornerstone of our philosophy.
We were going to sell the consumer what was best; we were going to sell him what
we believed in owning on our own lives. And we were going to do that 100% of the
time. You can't fool the consumer forever. If you don't do what's right, you might get
by for one day, one week, one month or one year — but sooner or later, he'll smell
you out.
Most companies sell dozens of different products; if you don't like one, they'll offer you
One thing I've learned in business is that the American consumer hates a
"mealymouth" or a "fencesitter" — an individual or company that doesn't have a
firm, committed belief in certain values.
At A.L. Williams, we don't change our mind or change our products depending
on which way the winds blow in the insurance industry. The only changes we make are
those that make our products better first for the consumer, second for the field force
and third for the company — in that order.
A Sales Company
"A .L . Wi lliams is a company built by salespeople, for
Art Williams
In 1977, when we founded A.L. Williams, we adopted the motto: "A.L. Williams is a
company where salespeople are `KING.' "Most businesses in America are run by lawyers,
accountants, actuaries or business school graduates.
When this company was formed, we made the decision that unless you've carried a
briefcase in the field, unless you know what it's like out there in the real world, unless
you've experienced "first hand" what this company is all about, you're not going to have
any say-so in affecting the lives of the salespeople.
In any sales company, it is the salespeople who take the biggest chance. 'they are out
there "bustin' it" EVERY DAY: they're fighting the competition on the front lines and
In a great company, you put the concerns of the people before the concerns of
profitability Because if you take care of your people, the profits will come. At A.L.
Williams, our salespeople are the most important asset we have. We've built our company
around that belief. We believe that's one of the KEYS to our incredible success.
A New Concept
For Sales
"A.L. Williams' system of 'sales management' takes the
gotchas' out of living on commission income."
Art Williams
The good thing about sales is that you can control your own income. If you want to
work twice as hard, sell twice as much, you can make twice as much money.
The bad thing about sales is that it is a terribly insecure profession. Salespeople are
unemployed every day! If you don't go out and beat the bushes for prospects every day,
you don't eat.
We believe that you go into business for yourself to build not only a good income, but a
secure income. But real security is missing from traditional sales jobs.
We took the best thing from sales, which is commissions, where you can control your
own income, and we added to it a management concept called "sales management,"
where you can build an organization and override large numbers of people. Through sales
management, you have the ability to build not only a big income, but a secure income, as
With sales management, you can get sick and not have it destroy your business. You can
take a vacation without going broke. Sales management is the key to peace of mind and
security for salespeople.
The Replacement
"Our replacement concept frees people to hire the best
people they can find, without the traditional 'corporate'
fear of being left standing on the corporate ladder."
Art Williams
In most corporations, you live in fear of ever recruiting or hiring someone who's as good
or better than you are. There are usually just a few positions at the top, and if you
participate in that race up the corporate ladder, you live in fear that somebody's going to
pass you up. You're safer to hire people who are not so good or try to hold back good
people, but that, in turn, hurts your business.
A.L. Williams came up with a replacement concept that eliminates that fear. In A.L.
Williams, there are an unlimited number of top level positions. And by hiring and
developing good people, anyone can earn promotions. In a sense, a person in A.L.
Williams improves his chances for success when he develops a person "to take his place”
at each management level. It's to the advantage of the person who hires you to make
sure you do well or better than he does.
Finally, in our business world, we've created an environment where a person is
encouraged to hire the best people he can find, without fear. And, in turn, he can succeed
as much as his talents allow without fearing that he will be held back.
The replacement concept in sales 'management is a totally new concept in the corporate
world. AND IT WORKS!
15 1
A Positive,
"Can Do" Attitude
"From day one, we never had any doubt that we'd be
greatest success story in American business. We know
how to make things happen — and we're doing it!"
Art Williams
Corporate America, over the last 10 years, has struggled like never before. Companies
have complained about foreign competition, about the economy, about the oil crisis, and
A.L. Williams is positive and excited about the future of this country and the future of A.L.
Williams. We think our leaders are going to "do it bigger" and make more money than
ever before. We won't be intimidated by competition. Those things are a part of the free
enterprise system and we're confident that we can succeed in that system. WE EXPECT
A.L. Williams is the kind of company that people want to join. Nobody wants to join a
company that has given up, that feels like its best days are over.
At A.L. Williams, we’ve accomplished incredible things, and we know that we’re going to
get better and better and more successful in the future.
We’re not planning to go backward, and we won’t — because we know we can MAKE
16 16
The Human Factor
“A.L. Williams will always consider 'the human factor' in
every business decision."
Art Williams
Many corporations spend more time and money keeping their computers and typewriters
working and their offices clean than meeting the needs of the consumer or the needs of
their people.
We believe that people ARE the company and how you treat those people will determine
your success or failure as a company. And, we believe that a company's first commitment
is to the people it serves — the consumer. It is the consumer who will buy — or not buy
— your product. How a company feels about the consumer will determine whether or
not it will be successful.
The insurance industry has made a particularly bad impression with the consumer. Most
folks will cross the street to avoid talking to an insurance salesman. WE DON'T WANT
THAT IMAGE IN OUR COMPANY: we don't want to be like "insurance salespeople" or
"traditional salespeople."
A.L. Williams believes in "treating people good" in building a sales force. We don’t
believe in using threats and intimidation tactics in dealing with our people. Most business
schools teach their people that you shouldn't get close to your people; that you must let
everyone know who his "boss" is at all times. In A.L. Williams, we don't believe you can
lead people unless you get to know them and care about them. You have to get
emotionally involved with them. A leader's job is to help people achieve their goals. A.L.
Williams is a team where EVERYONE CARES ABOUT EVERYBODY.
17 1
A Chance to Do
Something Special
"At A. L. Williams, we recruit from Middle America,
average' people who have the heart of a champion."
Art Williams
At A.L. Williams, we give average, ordinary people a chance to build a business they are
proud of and to gain financial independence for themselves and their families.
We take people who have "heart" and "drive," who want to do something great with their
lives, and we give them the opportunity to dream again, set goals and be what they are
capable of being.
If you come to work for us, we don't care what you look like, what your education and
background are. We're going to give you a chance to become financially independent, to
have the kind of life most people only dream about, and to accomplish something great in
the free enterprise system.
At A.L. Williams, you can work full-time and "go for it" all the way, or you can work part-
time and earn that extra income that can make the difference for your family between
just getting by and living a comfortable life.
No other company in America offers the business opportunity that we offer to Middle
American people. We believe that the only qualifications for success are a "burning
desire" to succeed and a "will to win."
A Better Way to
Build a Company
"The key to success in the free enterprise system is
gett i ng a qua li ty produ ct to t he cons u mer at a cheaper
cost. We've done that at A.L. Williams."
Art Williams
A.L. Williams has two unique competitive advantages:
Corporate America frowns on getting the spouse involved in the business. They are "left
out" of meetings and conventions or other company events. They are outsiders in their
partner's business life.
At A.L. Williams, we never have a convention, sales meeting, management meeting, or
anything else, without encouraging the spouse to attend. We want the spouses of our
salespeople to KNOW our concepts and beliefs: we want them to know what this
company is all about. And, most important, we want them to know that this is THEIR
business, as well as their spouse's.
We recognize that an involved, supportive spouse is the strongest asset that any individual
could have. If the spouse understands and supports the business goals of his or her
partner, the individual has a more positive attitude, a stronger commitment and higher
confidence and self-esteem. Spouse involvement creates a powerful bond of
communication and motivation that can provide many riches to the business life of any
We believe that a "team spirit" in the home is the foundation of great business success.
Growth together as a couple involves growing together in all areas of one's life.
A Controversial
"A ny c omp a n y t ha t tr ies to d o somet h in g ne w, so met h in g
unique in the American business community is going to
be ' shot at' l ike you c an' t b el ieve. That' s OK with us --
we're controversial and proud of it!"
Art Williams
Most companies are scared to "stick their heads up" and do something big. They're afraid
to do anything that might be a little controversial.
We know that to do something great, you've got to take a stand, and you can't be afraid of
the results of taking a position. At this company, we want to do something great. We
want to be a trendsetter, we want to revolutionize the largest, most powerful industry in
the world. We want to change the direction of the life insurance industry because we
know that we have a better way. We want to be one of the most successful and dynamic
companies in all of American business.
We also want our people to be among the most outstanding and the most successful
business leaders in their communities.
If you're going to do anything big, you're going to be controversial — and we ARE
THE ALTERNATIVE to being controversial is to be average and ordinary.
"Talk is cheap. You have to look at the scoreboard to get
the facts."
Art Williams
Every company in our industry' "talks a good game." All companies make BIG PROMISES
easy to talk a good game, anyone can talk. But you have to look at the Scoreboard to see if
what is being said is FACT or JUST see if they did deliver …if they did do what’s
right…if they did win.
But the thing that really stands out as our legacy: we won, we won big, and we won
with class (by doing what’s right).
1984-85 National
Superior MILICO products and the people-oriented A.L. Williams sales force are an
unbeatable combination. It only makes sense that you would feel more comfortable with
your future in the hands of the industry leader.
*Mutual funds figures show approximate per cent change in net assets per share
with capital gains and income dividends reinvested (total return).
We Are Different
From Our
We found a better way to build a company. We hire better
quality people.
When you're dealing with A.L. Williams, there are no high-pressure sales tactics. There are
no gimmicks. We're in the people business, and our first concern is the consumer.
That's what separates us from the competition!
That's why the American public puts insurance salesmen in the same class with used car
"The War Is On."
First it was the cola wars.
Then it was the burger wars.
Competition is what makes the free enterprise system go. At A.L. Williams we
welcome competition. We became No. 1 because we were not afraid to compete and
because we delivered for the American consumer.
We accept the challenge of any company that wants to see if they are good
enough to knock us off the top.
We're confident that everything is in place for us to dominate our industry for the next
20 to 25 years.
Bring 'em on!
Buy term and invest the difference in an IRA is the best concept available today for
Middle America.
Who's the No. 1 producer of term insurance?
We are.
Who's committed to selling term insurance 100% of the time?
We are.
Who's the leading spokesman of buy term and invest the difference?
We are.
Who's the company doing the job for the consumer?
We are.
Only pansies are scared to compete. The war is on, and we
take no prisoners.
Be Part of a
State of the Company 1986
Excellent Good Average Poor
Products •
Commissions •
Cash-Flow Potential •
RVP Deferred Renewal Plan •
MILICO Administration •
ALW Home Office Support
Financial Support
Quality of Business •
National Image •
Regulatory Environment •
Management Experience •
Leader's Mental Toughness •
Marketing Tools •
American Can/ALW •
Relationship Sales Force •
Attitudes •
Home Office Attitudes •
Fundamentals (Sales Force)
Prospecting System (Referrals)
Big League Success •
A.L. Williams Corporation •
Motivation From — Contests •
$100,000 Club •
State Leader's Bulletin •
Intangibles •
Recruiting •
Sales •
Our Competition ••
The Future 28
Our System Saves
1948 "Insurance and Your Security" E. Albert Gilbert
1952 "Personal Estate Planning in A Changing World" Rene Wormser
"Personal Finance and Investment" Wilford J. Eitman
1955 "Insurance
1969 "The Without
Life Book Exploitation"
of Family Finance" Edwin C. Guillet
Time-Life Books
"Your Insurance and How to Profit By It" Michael
"Stop Wasting Your Insurance Dollars" Dave Goodwin H. Levy
“Life Insurance From the Buyer’s Point of View” 1955-68 Bureau of
Econ. Research
1958 “The Grim Truth About Life Insurance” Ralph Hendershot
“Your Pocketbook Is Leaking” K.P. Chartier
1960 “Common Cents in Investments and Insurance” Gerald Fitzgerald
“Vice President in Charge of Revolution" Murray Lincoln
1961 “Behind the Fine Print” Gayle E. Richardson
“Money You Can Keep” David Gilbert
1962 “Life Insurance, A Study in Delusion” Dennis L. Anderson
“Use and Abuse of Statistics” W.J. Reichmann
1963 "A View of Life Insurance" Wayne C. Knigge
"What's Wrong with Your Life Insurance" Norman F. Dacey
1964 "Life Insurance - Benefit or Fraud?" JJ. Brown
1965 "Life Insurance" Graduate School of Business, Indiana Univ.
1966 "The Great Misconceptions" Natl. Analytical Service, Inc.
“The Retail Price Structure in American Life Ins.” Joseph M. Beth
“This is Where Your Money Goes” Robert F. Kahroff
"Pay Now, Die Later" James Gollen
1967 "Why Waste Your Money on Life Insurance" J.E. Stowers
"The Consumer Union Report on Life Insurance"
"A Report on Life Insurance"
"A Study of Mutual Life Insurance Dividends" Frank McIntosh
1968 "Houston Law Review" Randal A. Hendricks
“How to Avoid Being Overcharged by Your Life Insurance Salesman” Pawlick
“The Mortality Merchants” G. Scott Reynolds
1969 “The Life Book of Family Finance” Time-Life Books
“Stop Wasting Your Insurance Dollars” Dave Goodwin
1970 "Consumers Guide to Insurance Buying" Vladamir P. Chernik - Changing Times
1971 “Getting All
971 "Getting All the
the Life
Life Insurance
Insurance You're
You’re Paying
Paying For?"
For?” Thomas
Thoman McSwain,
McSwain, M.D.
"How to Pay Lots Less for Life Insurance" Max Fogiel - Moneysworth
1974 "Consumer Report" Jan., Feb., March
“Term or Straight – Which Is Best for You?” Everybody’s Money, Spring
“Let’s Understand Life Insurance” Consumers Digest July/Aug.
“The Bottom Line – A little Straight Talk About Life Insurance” Dirks/Grass-
Playboy, May ‘74
1975 Congressional Record - July 8, 1975, Senator Phillip Hart
"The Consumer's Guide to Life Insurance" J. Tracy Oehlbeck
"How to Save Money on Your Life Insurance" Natl. Assn. for Truth In Life In
1976 "The Search For the Hidden Treasure" Mitchell Educational Services, Inc.
1977 “Where Women Should Invest Money” Venita Van Caspel
“What’s Happening to Life Insurance Dividends?” Consumer Report, March ’77
“The Consumers Union Report on Life Insurance” 1977 Edition
"Dreams of immortality" Max Apple - Mother Jones Magazine
1978 "Life Insurance: Myths and Facts" Consumer Digest Nov./Dec.
"False Advertising" Howard j. Ruff, The Ruff Times, Oct. 15
“Must Replacement Be A Dirty Dirty Word?” The Natl. Underwriter, Oct. 7
“Dollars and Sense” C. & . Associates
"The New Money Dynamics" Venita Van Caspel
"The 250 Billion Dollar Consumer Problem?" (Cash Value Life Ins.) J.V. Pruitt
"If You Need Help in Planning Your Finances" U.S. News and World Report
1979 “Insurance Industry Feels the Federal Lash” U.S. News & World Report, April
1981 “How Your Life Insurance Policies Rob You” Arthur Milton
1982 "How Life Insurance Companies Rob You" Walter S. Kenton, Jr.
1983 "Common Sense," by Art Williams, Parklake Publishers
“Tell Yesterday Goodbye: Time to Free 150 Million Americans From Their Life
Insurance Trap” Arthur Milton
"Insurance: Costly Enigma" Washington Post
"Whole Life Is A Losing Game" Seattle Post Intelligence
1984 “The Disadvantages of Whole Life Insurance Policies” William Doyle,
Atlanta Constitution
"Inflation Keeps Cutting Value of Life Insurance Coverage" The Arizona Republic
"Universal Life: After 5 Years, Critics Say Confusion Persists" The Atlanta Journal
“The Peril in Financial Services” Business Week
“Straight Talk:” Princeton Information Corp.
“Power Phrases: Fact or Fantasy?”
“Variable Life: Just How New Is It?”
“Run-Down On Those ‘New’ Products: Traditional Whole Life,
Universal Life, Variable Life and Variable Universal Life”
“Universal Life – Coming Or Going”
1985 "Universal Life, It’s Not the Answer” Art Williams
“Whole Life Insurance” Bill Doyle, Newark Star-Ledger
“IRA Warning: Stay Away From Whole Life Policies” SELF Magazine, February 1985
“Only Survivor of Tax Reforms: Term Insurance?” Richard Gilman, The
National Underwriter
“Buy Policies for Life Insurance, Not for Investments” Bill Doyle, The
Detroit News
“Tax Plan No Threat to Term Life Policy” William Doyle, The Atlanta Journal &
The Atlanta Constitution
“Straight Talk:” “Treasury Tackles Life Insurance”
“Universal Life Up-Date”
“How Much Commission Is Enough?
• How to Win
• The A.L. Williams Image
• Reputation
• A Company Within a Company
• Prestige vs. Opportunity
• RVP Responsibility
• Time is the Key
• Prospecting the A.L. Williams Way
• Fundamentals of Prospecting
• Recruit's Natural Market
• Recruiting
• Our Recruiting Concept
• Be Careful Recruiting Salespeople
• Personal Profile
• The Sales Process
• Keys to Selling the A.L. Williams Way
• Field Training
• A Winning Presentation
• Keys to Making A Winning Presentation
• Referrals
How to Win
"If you are ever faced with making management
decisions based on how they effect you, you will never
be a great leader!"
Art Williams
Over and over I see PANIC MANAGEMENT destroy more careers than almost
anything I know of There are three WEAKNESSES that cause a leader to panic.
The A. L. Williams
'A leader must look like a winner, talk like a winner, act
like a winner and be a winner."
Art Williams
No. 5 — Live within your means.
Have a good "financial" image:
• Make money.
• Save money.
• Pay your bills.
• Be a good citizen in your community.
"Everything you do builds your reputation, either in a
positive way or a negative way. You must work to build
a positive reputation in your community."
Art Williams
In business, YOUR REPUTATION IS EVERYTHING. You can't fool people for very
long. If you don't do what's right, you might get by for one day or one week, or even
one year, but sooner or later they are going to smell you out.
We decided in 1977 that we would close our doors before we would prostitute our
philosophy of "doing what's right" for the consumer and for our people.
We wanted to go out there and build a reputation of being good people, honest
people, sincere people and that's what we've done.
Everyone who is part of the A.L. Williams team has a responsibility to build the kind
of reputation that is a credit to our company.
A.L. Williams leaders want to share the opportunity for security and financial
independence with their friends, but they never "use" or "trick" their friends in
any way.
No. 6 - Good people in communities generally don't read a
in newspapers.
A.L. Williams leaders recruit from their new recruit’s warm market. They don’t need
the “impersonal” approach of running ads in the newspaper.
A.L. Williams people don’t have to “play games” to attract others to the opportunity.
If you’re committed and sincere, you can sell the opportunity without fancy
A.L. Williams leaders never sell on a first visit to a client. They always practice the
“three-step sales process.”
A.L. Williams leaders sell 100% term insurance, all the time.
A.L. Williams leaders sell what they believe in owning on their own lives.
At A.L. Williams, we’re going to be real people. We’re not going to change.
We’re not going to pretend to be something we’re not. We’re going to be real,
sincere, honest and “aboveboard.”
A Company Within
a Company
"When A.L. Williams was formed in 1977, I said that an
RVP is supposed to build a company within a company.
But every company must have great leadership. As an
RVP, you are responsible for everything that happens in
your company.”
Art Williams
The only exceptions are in the areas of compliance and quality of business. All
RVPs are expected to operate as a team and a family. We want a spirit of
cooperation and respect.
Art Williams
RVP Responsibility
"You can never have true freedom unless you have
Art Williams
The RVP is TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for EVERYTHING that happens in his region. An
RVP CANNOT blame anyone else for any mistake or failure. If the RVP is a REAL
LEADER, his people will succeed and he will succeed.
RVPs must…
No. 4 — RVPs must have a system.
The A.L. Williams system is THE BEST SYSTEM and THE ONLY SYSTEM.
• You must have a reason for everything you do
• You must be consistent
• Your system must be based on 2 principles:
The Golden Rule — “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Common sense
(It is almost impossible for “smart people” to win.)
• Build a big base shop.
• Make money and save money.
• Be the hardest worker.
• Be the greatest crusader.
• Be the most excited.
Time is the Key
"You can solve half of the problems of this business just
by spending time with your people.
Art Williams
Spending time with your people is THE SINGLE GREATEST INVESTMENT you will
ever make. NOTHING you can ever do will mean more to the long-range success of
your business.
The BIGGEST PROBLEM in this business is TIME — taking time to “do things right,”
managing time and making time work for you in your business.
There are TWO REASONS that people don’t buy from you, come to work for you, or
make it at A.L. Williams.
Both SELLING and RECRUITING depend on time; I believe that if you spent enough
time, there’s no one in the world you couldn’t sell or recruit.
No. 2 — First interview
• The first interview should last a minimum of 30-60 minutes. This interview is "all
important." -
• You don't get a second chance to make a first impression; your first impression is
• The first visit with a client is for education — we don't sell at the first interview — but
the client makes up his mind about YOU at the first interview. He will buy (or
not buy) based on his first impression of you.
Most people FAIL because they don’t give themselves enough time to really build a
strong business. Owning your own business isn’t a two-month proposition — IT’S A
Other areas where time is critical
No. 1 — Recognition
You can never give TOO MUCH recognition.
No. 2 — Training
You must build crusaders. The more you learn, the greater crusader you become.
Prospecting the
A.L. Williams Way
"In A.L. Williams, you don't have to be an "expert"
salesperson. We take people who have never been in
sales be fore a nd t rain t he m to w in ."
Art Williams
A.L. Williams was built for GREENIES — people who are scared to prospect, scared to sell,
and scared to live on commissions, but people who WANT TO BE SOMEBODY.
If you don't have those characteristics...
• You get the low-status, low-paying jobs
• You get “cut out” of business opportunities
• That there has never been a test, and there never will be a test, that can, measure
THE HEART of a man or woman.
I believe...
• That everybody wants to be somebody
• That desire and will to win are more important than college degrees and family
• That “inside” qualities like determination and perseverance are more important
than “outside” qualities.
A.L. Williams builds with people, whoever they are, who want
to be somebody and do something special with their lives.
• Everbody starts at the same place (on the bottom) and is promoted based on their
own ability and activity.
• There’s no discrimination of any kind – male, female, black, white, etc.— you
advance based on performance.
We do want…
•Average, ordinary, good people on the outside, but who have
“the heart of a champion.”
Fundamentals of
“There are no shortcuts to building something good and
Art Williams
1 Recruit = 16-25 Recruits =
25 Referrals (natural market) = 400-626 Referrals =
10-12 Policy Pick-ups = 160-250 Policy Pick-ups =
8-10 Sales = 128-200 Sales =
4-5 Referrals = 64-100 Recruits =
100 to 125 Referrals (new recruits’ 1600-2500 =
natural markets) = 640-1000 =
40-60 Policy Pick-ups = 512-800 =
32 to 50 Sales =
No. 4 — Best prospects
• Always — REFERRALS. It is impossible to win long-range unless you learn how to get
and use referrals.
• Always cross the kitchen table with husband and wife present
• Minimum of 5 to 10 HOURS
• Meet referrals face to face across the kitchen table with a new recruit present.
• Pick up policies with a commitment.
• Close the referral’s personal sale
• Recruit the referral
• Get the new recruit out field training FAST
• Get the new recruit and spouse to the next Fast Start School
Natural Market
"The best way to help your new recruit build a business
thro ug h his nat ura l marke t."
Art Williams
• The credibility of the new recruit with his or her referrals makes the warmest and
most positive atmosphere you can create in the sales business
"I can sum this business up in three words: recruit,
recruit, recruit."
Art Williams
Recruiting is the LIFEBLOOD of our business. If you stop recruiting, you die.
• The best prospects are a recruit's natural market. If you are recruiting in the
right market, your new recruits should have a MINIMUM of 10-25 qualified
prospects in their natural markets.
• Our best salesperson must sell and our best recruiter must recruit. The RVP
and top leaders must not become administrators, office trainers or motivators and
let the new leaders and newly licensed recruits do the recruiting and selling. (THE
MOST IMPORTANT FUNCTION in A.L. Williams is what takes place across the
kitchen table.)
• A.L. Williams believes in a team concept. You should rarely recruit or sell
alone. Take a new recruit or rep with you.
• Invite your new recruits and their spouses to your next Fast Start School.
You recruit “one on one” and you use Fast Start Schools to show the “bigness” of
A.L. Williams, and to reinforce the concept….
•Get off to a fast start. Have a new recruit out field training within 72 hours. The
quicker you get your recruit field training, the greater the odds of the recruit staying
with you and getting licensed and becoming successful.
•Recruit A.L. Williams-type people. Age 25 and up, married, children, employed
with income of $15,000 and own a home.
Our Recruiting
'To build financial independence, you must recruit
wide' and 'deep.'
Art Williams
No. 1 — Recruit 7 to 10 wide and 4 deep
• Wide
New recruits: Recruit 7 to 10 wide
Get wider with every promotion
Example: New district, recruit 3 to 5 wider
• Deep
Go deep until you find 1 great recruit
If you go 4 deep, you should find 1 great recruit
One great recruit deep solidifies leg
No.2 — 90 + % of recruiting is being excited!
• Direct — A personal recruit or a 1st generation recruit
• Leg — A group that produces 5 to 7 sales a month consistently
• Goals:
People involved in multi-level marketing
People involved in any other kind of direct sales that would create an obvious
temptation to get A.L. Williams representatives or clients involved
Personal Profile
"The A.L. Williams 'Personal Profile' is a great tool to tell
if your people are in the right market."
Art Williams
0 points for checks in either of first 2 columns
Personal Profile
The Sales Process
"At AL. Williams, we do not believe in high pressure
sales. We take a low key, educational approach. We do
not allow people to sell on a first interview."
Art Williams
Important note: Never let the client cancel his current policies until his
MILICO policy is issued and accepted.
Keys to Selling the
A.L. Williams Way
"We sell only what the consumer needs — not what
makes the most money for our company."
Art Williams
No. 1 — Keep it simple
All the confusion and complexity in our industry were designed to confuse the
consumer so agents could sell the consumer high-cost, low-value products.
YOUR JOB is to help the consumer understand our concept and our product.
No. 2 — Always put your client first
Sell only to the client's need. Example: Young, single people with no family
responsibilities don't need insurance; don't sell them life insurance, start a good
investment program.
No. 3 — No separate policy on wife or children (one policy per
The average policy fee is $25 to $50. If a family has five policies, they could buy one policy
and take the administrative cost ($25 x 4 = $100) and buy $100,000 of term at age 30.
No. 6 - You don't have to buy our product to come to work for
A.L. Williams
Nevertheless, you should "practice what you preach" by making sure your family is
protected. A new person should only buy our product if he/she needs it and qualifies
for it. But don't be a phoney like so many in our industry who own one thing but sell
Field Training
"Field training is the single most important area of
activity in your business."
Art Williams
You CANNOT SUCCEED unless you become an EXPERT in field training new
• “Deep:”
If you work 4 deep, you will recruit one outstanding prospect
One great recruit deep will solidify the leg
No. 4 — When is a sales leader prepared to field train?
•To qualify to become a sales leader, you must have: 2 direct
6 personal sales
• Do 2 recruits and 6 sales automatically qualify a sales leader to field train?
No way!
No. 5 — What must a sales leader be able to do before field
training a new recruit?
•Give a fantastic Asset Management presentation (only presentation to use)
•Destroy the competition
•Analyze policies and understand completely our ADS comparisons and proposals
•Be a good enough recruiter to get the prospect to the Client Night...
•Know how to get referrals — 3 ways
New recruit's referrals
Referrals from clients
FORM — turning strangers into friends
• Be capable of making a positive impression with the recruit and the prospect
• It is a PRIVELEGE to wear our uniform. You must be “double-tough” to be a leader
on our team!
• RVP “PERSONALLY INSPECT” each new sales leader before allowing him to field
In private interview,
In training classes
Mandatory — observe Asset Management presentation
Don’t give up on your people. Believe in them and help them overcome the tough
• Let them know that it's OK to be scared.
We don't want "professional" salespeople.
Remembe r...
People who want to be comfortable, who want to have it easy, can work at
McDonalds. But they will never build FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE and TOTAL
SECURITY for their families by taking it easy.
A Winning
"People buy you, as much as they buy a company or
Art Williams
What is the difference between a $5,000 a year salesperson and a $100,000 a year
salesperson? I believe it is THE WAY YOU FEEL ABOUT WHAT YOU DO!
It is amazing how two people can get the same training, sell the same products, use
the same presentation, have the same ability, and one person will be ultra-successful
and the other will be average and ordinary!
Nowhere else in your business is "BEING A CRUSADER" more important than in
giving a presentation — it determines success or failure.
As a leader in A.L. Williams, it is critical that you make sure your people can give a
winning presentation.
Explanation of "No. 2." — the eye opener....
This can be given to interest prospects in an interview It's a quick way to "open their
eyes" to the problems with cash value insurance and the difference in amount of
protection between cash value insurance and term insurance.
Be sure to let clients know that you will explain the entire concept fully in your complete
Asset Management presentation.
Age 25
$50/mo. $50/mo.
Cash Value Insur. Buy Term & Invest Dill.
Protection Cash Protection Saving
Value 25 $53,000 $ 0
25 $53,000 or $ 0 65 53,000 + 64,000
65 53,000 30,000
3) Lose if Die
Age 65
$ 5 0 / m o .
Old New
Die $53,000 $117,000
Savings 30,000 64,000
• First, show the client what his $50 might buy in a typical cash value life insurance
policy (Chart #1).
• Emphasize the generally poor rate of return on the cash value element of c.v. policies,
(according to the FTC report) AND the fact that you pay for both protection and cash
values but you only get one.
• Now, compare what your someone might-have by spending $50 on a term life
insurance policy and separate accumulation program (Chart # 2). Emphasize the
same protection with more than TWICE the savings (non guaranteed). And, that you
get BOTH.
• Last explain the Age 65 example (Chart #3). Show the client the difference in term
and cash value insurance at age 65 — $34,000 MORE savings (non guaranteed) and
$64,000 MORE protection with “BUY TERM AND INVEST THE DIFFERENCE!”
• Once you've gotten your client's attention (and the "eye opener" is a sure way to do
it!), make an immediate appointment to sit clown with them and show them the
complete Assest Management presentation.
Keys to Making
A Winning
"First impressions are everything. Remember, people
don't buy the company. They buy you."
Art Williams
No. 1 — Be yourself
• We are plain talking, conservative, positive, excited, tough-minded people...don't
pretend to be something you aren't
No. 2 — Dress like the people you are talking to expect you
• Field trainers — Coat and tie if the prospect doesn't know you. (If prospect doesn’t
have on tie, loosen tie)
• New recruits — If you are visiting a friend, don't look like a sales person. Dress
You don't need to know anything but this: what we do is "RIGHT FOR
We teach you and work with you — You're NEVER ALONE
How could you use extra income each month?
• Get the recruits to the next Fast Start School. The purpose of the Fast Start School is
to reinforce the concept and to show the bigness of A.L. Williams
• Have "good third party material" to leave with prospects while you analyze their
Common Sense, Saturday Evening Post, reprint, FTC Report, and so on.
“You can't win in A.L. Williams or in the sales business
unless you master the art of getting and working
Art Williams
A.L. Williams has 3 basic referral systems:
No. 1 — New recruit's natural market
By FAR the BEST. 90% of your sales and recruits should come from this system.
Step 1. Sell the opportunity.
Everyone needs extra income
Greatest extra income opportunity in America
Step 2. Recruit the natural market.
New recruit's personal sale is the least important thing.
Don't let the new unlicensed recruit talk to his natural market.
If you become an expert in working referrals, you will never have to prospect,
cold call or talk to a stranger
Step 3. Referral letters signed by recruits.
Qualify each referral into 2 groups
Best friends
4 and 5 pointers
(DO NOT mail letters – keep in file to use f you are unable to contact referral in
Step 4. 2 ways to contact the natural market
Best friends — New recruit calls his best friend and sets up an appointment
4 and 5 pointers — New recruit and leader use "go by system" to introduce
leader to his natural market and set up appointments for later date....
If you don't have a scheduled appointment later, and if the prospect has time
— go ahead and have a full first interview....
Step 5. Remember — Field train "7 to 1,0 wide" and "4 deep"
The more policy pick-ups and recruits you get, the more you LOCK IN the new
How do you contact the referral?
Step 1. Mail the referral letters
Step 2. Call the prospect on the phone
Things to say to the referral on the phone
Name, this is ________________ of A.L. Williams. I recently sent you a
letter, did you receive it?
The purpose of my call is to schedule an appointment to see if you, like
(name), have need of our services.
In fact, you might want to call _______________________
I will be in your area next __________________, would 7 or 9 be better?
Use this letter “as is” for best results…
Dear _______
No. 3 — Prospecting with the "form" method.
Objectives: Warm up a cold market by turning strangers into friends.
Step 1. How it works:
It's simple. When you meet someone new, talk to him or her about the FOUR
• • Family
• • Occupation
• • Recreation
• Money
Step 2. 2 advantages to the form method:
• It's great for "breaking the ice" and getting to know people AND
• It's great for "qualifying" people while you talk to them.
For example:
Recruiter: "Do you have a family, Joe?"
Prospect: "Yes, I have two boys and one girl?"
THAT TELLS YOU: The prospect fits into the qualifying category, because he's married
with a family and obviously older than 25.
Recruiter: "Do you have a family, Joe?"
Prospect: "No, I'm not married."
THAT TELLS YOU: To be cautious. This person has few responsibilities and may not be
interested in extra income or a part-time opportunity.
Recruit where you do business
At the supermarket
At the clothing store
At the dry cleaners
With service people (plumbers, etc.)
• GET TO KNOW PEPOLE AS INDIVIDUALS. (NSD Larry Weidel says, “If you’ve
made a friend in the last five years, or in the last year, or if you’ve EVER made a
• REALLY BE INTERESTED IN PEOPLE. You'll make more friends in an afternoon
by being interested in other people than you'll make in a year trying to get
people interested in you.
The secret::
Eye contact
Shake hands
Talk one-on-one
Be sincere
The method:
Introduce yourself to someone you meet in the grocery store, hardware store,
etc. (“By the way , my name’s John Smith.”)
Whenever you’re in the neighborhood, stop by and say hello. Talk about what
he’s interested in and just get to know him.
Build your relationship as a friend. (Whether the person is ever interested in our
company or not, you can’t have too many friends.)
Once you get to know the person on a FIRST NAME BASIS, talk to him
about your business. (Very likely, he'll ask you about what you do for a
living FIRST. Then you can take that opportunity to explain the company to
Example: You see a department store manager handle a difficult situation well. You
think he'd make a good recruit. Go over and introduce yourself and tell him so. ("You
certainly handled that .situation well. You seem to have a real touch with people. By
the way, my name's John Smith." — You've started to build a new friend!
Other Ways to
No. 1 — Hand out Common Sense
•Many A.L. Williams representatives have found that Common Sense is a great way to
introduce a potential recruit to a "common sense" financial philosophy.
• It's simple to show people with Common Sense.
•Here's how:
Step 1 — Work in teams (two people).
Step 2 — Each week hand out 10 copies of Common Sense (five each person).
Step 3 — Commit to this plan for one month.
Step 4 — Follow up one week later and talk about the book and the opportunity,
• Call the recruit or old-timer and tell him yo9u’re treating him to lunch on a specific
day that week.
• Ask him to bring one or two people with him who might be interested in the
• You take charge and talk to the prospect(s); you sell the dream and the opportunity.
• You pay for the lunch – makes you more serious and makes you see the time as
“more valuable.”
• Follow up a few days later with the prospect by phone. ("John, I sure enjoyed
meeting you at lunch Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you at our Opportunity
Meeting next week.")
Note: Some managers go to lunch TWICE A DAY, at 11:00 and 1:00. This
amounts to 2-4 recruiting interviews a day.
YOUR PARTNER. (One of the most overlooked areas. Your partner meets
people every day!)
• Everywhere you go — shopping, to a ballgame, to play golf, to a meeting, etc. —
look for a prospect and get names and phone numbers!
• Take business cards and/or names with phone numbers to your RVP or leader.
• RVP or leader calls the prospect for you and sets up an appointment during the
day for breakfast, lunch, after work, etc.
• Face-to-face or phone contact — "You don't know me by name, but one of our
reps was in your store a few days ago and told me that you were a super
salesperson (or whatever). [NAME] said you would be great in our business. We
have a fabulous part-time opportunity and also great management positions. I'm just
calling to see if you have a few minutes sometime during the day when we could
Base Shop
"It is impossible for an RVP to build successful RVPs and
not maintain a strong base shop."
Art Williams
The base shop is "the key" to an RVP being successful in A.L. Williams. There
is no other area as critical to your long-range success.
No. 4 — It is the "best place" to build "personal relationships."
• It is the only way you can get to know your people and let them get to know you.
Living with your people is the only way you can build the tremendous LOYALTY and
the SPECIAL PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS that will cause your people to believe in
you and trust you as a leader.
• When do you "reduce" or "close down" your base shop?
Certainly not before you have 7 to 10 first generation lifetime RVPs
(remember an RVP should be earning a minimum of $50,000 a year and be
R'VP for three to four years before you consider him a lifetime RVP....
• Another rule of thumb would be — when you think you can no longer
handle base shop and do everything else you are supposed to do — wait
two years…
• How many "legs" should you have in your base shop "direct" to you?
(Remember: a leg is 5 to 7 sales per month.)
To make a "good" living...5 legs
To make a "great" living... 10 legs
To go "big-big time"... 20 legs
Base Shop
"Standard of
Excellence" Sales* Average Face Amount
150-Mile Rule
"Building leaders at home, helping them grow to be
strong and successful, and then sending them out to
'conquer the world' is the A.L. Williams Way to build a
successful business."
Art Williams
It is absolutely critical that you understand your responsibility is "to deliver for your
people." You CANNOT recruit people at a GREAT DISTANCE and manage them
But, they must always remember that any A.L. Williams office is a reflection of the
company as a whole. Just like any franchise business or business "chain" must set certain
"STANDARDS" for their managers, our company must also ask that our leaders keep
certain guidelines in mind when they open a new office.
We must always be sure that A.L. Williams offices present an image of STABILITY and
DECENCY to the community in which they're located.
No. 1 — RVPs must have an office OUTSIDE THEIR HOME and a
secretary or answering service.
No. 2 — RVPs only can open an A.L. Williams office and must
have the approval of their NSD.
Guidelines for opening an office
No. 1 — NSDs must approve new offices opened by RVPs (review
lease, examine facility to approve design and budget).
No. 2 — Remember image and reputation.
• When an RVP opens an office and puts the A.L. Williams name on the door, he/she
has a responsibility to maintain the image of A.L. Williams.
Office should be in a good neighborhood
Office should look professional — not "fancy," but clean and well-kept
Office should be a reasonable size and arranged to fit the functions of an A.L.
Williams office.
Office should be "stable".— don't want offices opening and closing all the time
Note: No person below the RVP level can open an A.L. Williams office.
No. 3 — Only financially successful and financially strong
RVPs may open an office.
• The NSD must approve the opening of a new RVP office.
• You must have a CASH FLOW of a MINIMUM of $5,000 - $6,000 a month for
three consecutive months.
• You must have an EMERGENCY FUND with a MINIMUM of $10,000.
• You must have produced 1-2 RVPs.
No. 6 - If you don't wish to cluster with your upline RVP, you
may cluster with someone outside your hierarchy,
with the special permission of your NSD.
No. 7 — RVPs should have a goal of paying a maximum of 15%
of their cash flow to total business expenses.
• Every RVP who is financially ready should have an office and a secretary.
• Offices should be clean, attractive and functional – NOT bit, showy and expensive.
(Remember: You make money in the field, not in the office!)
• Expenses such as rent, telephone, equipment, etc. should be under the name of the
RVP and NOT under the name of A.L. Williams
"Clustering is TEMPORARY, only until new RVPs get "on their
feet" and are making enough money to have an office of their
Art Williams
Important "clustering" guidelines:
NO. 1.
When a leasing RVP agrees to allow new R'VPs to "cluster," he/she must write
This agreement should be signed by both the clustering RVP and the leasing RVP.
The letter should list total office expenses, number of clustering RVPs, how much
the leasing RVP will pay, and how much the clustering RVP will pay. (See the sample
letter, on page 00.)
The office should be in the name of the leasing R'VP (lease, utilities, etc.).
NO. 2.
In an A.L. Williams office, the leasing RVP ONLY should have a private office.
One private conference office should be provided for use by the clustering RVPs,
Regional Managers and leaders to give recruiting interviews or conduct training
meetings when necessary, but they SHOULD NOT HAVE PRIVATE OFFICES.
The only private office a clustering RVP can have is AT HOME.
NO. 3.
The only phone with a LONG DISTANCE LINE should be the phone in the
leasing RVP's office.
Phones at secretary's desk and "bullpen" should be for LOCAL CALLS ONLY.
NO. 4.
Each office should have a "War Room" for client night.
Folding tables and chairs should be provided so the room can be used as a daytime
work area.
NO. 5.
Each clustering RVP will be assigned the use of the War Room for meetings.
NO. 6.
Clustering RVPs pay their FAIR SHARE of office expenses.
What is a “fair share” will be established between the leasing RVP and clustering
RVP and stated in the letter sent to the NSD for approval.
RVP should never be put in the position of “bill collector.”
If a clustering RVP does not pay the "fair share" for ANY CONSECUTIVE THREE MONTH
PERIOD, the promoting RVP should report this in writing to his NSD.
(EXAMPLE: If the clustering RVP has agreed to pay $300 a month in January, and
does not pay it in January or February, he is $600 behind. If he does not pay the full
$900 in March, he may be demoted to Regional Manager by the NSD.)
If a clustering RVP is demoted to Regional Manager for lack of paying bills, he/she
NO. 7.
RVPs should not cluster with MORE THAN 4 OR 5 NEW RVPs. This gives each
RVP one night for necessary meetings.
NO. 8.
An RVP cannot force another RVP to cluster.
Super Clustering
Two or three strong RVPs who qualify to have their own offices may house together
(with their clustering RVPs) in a large office space.
• In the “super clustering” situation, BOTH RVPs should sign the lease; BOTH
• They should conduct their business as two separate offices with TWO WAR
As you increase the number of "clustering" RVPs, you might need to ADD SECRET ERIAL
HELP. This is much CHEAPER than adding more space.
Goal: Keep clustering RVPs' expenses to a minimum so they can save money. (Goal for
clustering RVP expenses: $300.00)
As the leasing RVP's income GOES UP, and as he promotes more clustering RVPs,
HELP DECREASE BUSINESS EXPENSES toward the goal of 15% for total business
Office Plan
For secretary, waiting area for appointments, general "processing" area. If large
enough, can be used for extra meeting area, if necessary.
Only "private" office
Remember: Long-distance phone line in RVP office ONLY; secretarial and "bullpen”
Phones should be LOCAL CALLS ONLY.
For holding meetings. Folding tables and chairs should be available for daytime use
as a workroom.
Private office for recruiting interviews and training classes. Folding tables and chairs
should be available.
1. Most office parks provide "outside" bathrooms, so that is not a consideration.
2. Many office parks have conference rooms you can use for additional meeting
space, if needed.
A.L. Williams
"Make your meetings count for something."
Art Williams
Too many meetings are a complete waste of time. Always remember that you make
money "in the field — across the kitchen table."
Don't have a meeting just to have a meeting. Have a definite purpose for a meeting.
You be prepared to make the meeting worthwhile for your people.
A great meeting can motivate your people like nothing else. A great meeting can
create FANTASTIC momentum.
I believe an RVP must master and perfect 6 kinds of meetings:
No. 4 — Training sessions
Use these sessions for building crusaders and "GETTING A MAD ON" at the
No. 5 — Conventions and retreats
The "ULTIMATE" way to sell "THE DREAM."
RVPs or above are responsible for the format and conduct of all meetings held in
their region. They work with other RVPs in inter-regional meetings.
Different meetings have different purposes, but all meetings should comply with
certain guidelines.
Meetings should always be conducted by A.L. Williams people. No outside
speakers should be used.
Conduct the meeting in a professional manner — in conduct, dress and speech.
Use the meeting as a way to recognize your leading producers and prospective
Allow the leaders to share their positive experiences with the group — never
allow the meeting to become a complaint session.
Never sell any materials other than A.L. Williams material. Even then, A.L.
Williams material should be sold only as a convenience and at the price listed by the
A. L. Williams Distribution Center.
Charge a fee for a meeting only if it is necessary to cover expenses, but keep
expenses to a minimum. Profit should never be made from meetings.
Speakers should never charge a fee to speak and should be able to recoup only
actual expenses.
Use only approved sales, promotional and training materials.
Present only the facts — never exaggerations. The A.L. Williams Opportunity is
real and doesn't need exaggerations.
Always end the meeting on a positive note.
Fast Start Schools
• To build crusaders
• To sell the Dream
• To train your people
• To put our GREAT LEADERS in an area in front of our people
• To help develop LEADERS into GREAT motivators and GREAT speakers
• • To cross-pollinate organizations so the new recruits can learn from other teams
• A GREAT place for promotions. Very special recognition for those getting promoted
and proves to everyone the Opportunity is for real.
Husband and wife to the Fast Start School. (This is a career-changing event.)
Lifetime commitments (part-time and full-time) are made.
The Fast Start School is a place where old-timers (part and full-time) can come
together every six weeks to get remotivated, recommitted, and to be together
as a team (like a family reunion or class reunion).
How often:
• Every six weeks
How long
The perfect length — Friday, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, 8:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, 8:00 - 12:00 p.m.
Who (speakers) — Your best leaders...
•First, by income
•Second, by production
•Third, by recruiting
•You want only those who "DO IT" to speak to your people!
The atmosphere should be electrifying. Everything positive, fast, GO-GO-GO...
•Keep track of time. Give speakers a time (usually 20 minutes) and stay on
schedule..have a large number of short parts, 2 and 5 minute ideas.
•Have good handouts. (Only those approved by A.L. Williams.)
•If you have enough room, use tables and chairs.. .if not, spread out chairs as much as
possible. Make it comfortable.
•Make sure the platform is high so that everyone can see.
•Check the sound and air conditioning in advance.
•No smoking, no alcohol, and no profanity.
•Never, EVER use any outside speakers.
•Never talk about anything but A.L. Williams.
•Make sure speakers cover their topics. Don't have everyone give his personal story
and testimony.
•Try not to charge a fee, but if you must, keep it low...$1, $2, etc., and never more than
you need to cover costs.
•Never sell anything to the A.L. Williams people at any meeting or school.
•Never have drawings or give-aways.
A.L. Williams "First" Fast Start School
Friday — 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.*
p.m. 3:00 Informal Buffet Meeting SVP'S am (Ballroom)
SVP Partners 11 30
Guest Speakers RVP Metting With .
Coliseum Arena arfY Weide(
Ice Breaker .
2 Minute ideas
(War M em orial AulO )
Greensboro Coliseum
LUNCH. • Renee Weide!
(Grand Ballrooln) • . Debbie Young
a.m. _
84350 Ft / e i
Sales oscy:-dcuacatioh ge . Renee VVeidel
n Process . . . . . . . . Erne CorbitSVP Partners
Debbie Young
9:00 One Steme . . . . . . . . . . • Dann arles
89..2-155 The p at a Ti C Your Life . . . • Steve Satterfield
10:75 How rm Building My Company
/ 02 5 BUdding In a Small Town .. Ta . Glenn Witcher
_to Get to the Kitchen ble ..
/035 The Importance of Getting Deep • •Mark . Jim Sargent
1045 A Winning Schedule . • .- .
• • • • • -
• -
• AmyRrice •
106 h
(Southern Crescent Ballroom)
: 1 5 Welcome ....
Basics The Missingar:lIngredient
for Getting .
Closing Remarks .... d g e r Jr
Ji rn G u
H a rr is r r y er ,
8:50 Types of urance Ins St
8:45 Make it Really Happen .......................... Bob Marcarelli 10:05 Universal Lite BREAK
9:00 Building it Right ..................................... Borden Powers Cap Pfeiffer
10:30 Corporate orld vs A.L.W.
David Burrell
9:15 Recruiting Quality not Quantity ............... Gary Brown • .
9:30 How to Become a Superstar in ALW . Bruce Hauman 1050 Pillow F und ... . •
Tom dger &Gu
11-30 LUNCH
An nside of A. L. Williams ...
L, 2:40 Larry
Super Region Silv er Cup Larry vv
1 10 PARTNERS, RVP s & DIVISION & DISTRICT LEADERS Super Region Partner aReeirduneel
The Europe Team Award Weide'
ulco M. V Es
all Top Ten
tate # nes O
Renee Weidel
5:00 y VVeldel
************ ********
Use manager meetings to: CHECK ACTIVITY...presentations, policy pick-ups
and recruits. Also hold manager meetings to TRAIN and MOTIVATE.
No. 1 — Sell the Dream.
No. 2 — The "Top Priority" of this meeting is to "check
activity" (especially field training activity).
No. 3 — Review goals and set plan of action for upcoming week.
No. 4 — Discuss "Good News" in ALW.
No. 5 — Recognize your people...ask a leader who is "doing it"
to stand up and speak.
No. 6 — Have role-playing sessions to help your people in
their "weak" areas.
No. 7 — Keep this meeting short. This is a "business-type"
Training Sessions
Training sessions are for: BUILDING CRUSADERS and GETTING MAD at the
• Conditional receipt
• Theory of decreasing responsibility
• Dividends
• Why one policy per family
• Why no child policies
• Three things wrong with cash value insurance
• What is waiver of premium
• Why not load up policy with options (like accidental death)
• Field underwriting
• Magic of compound interest
No. 4 - A.L. Williams philosophy:
• ALW Way book
• Pushing up People
• Common Sense book
• Positive attitude
• Recognition
• Treat people right
• No pressure
• No sale on first interview
• Always do what's best for client
• Do it first
No "Gotchas"
"At A.L. Williams, we want every person who has any
relationship with the company to have a good feeling
about it."
Art Williams
Remember, your reputation is everything. Every person you touch will go away with
either a POSITIVE or a NEGATIVE image of A.L. Williams.
Our sales and recruiting philosophies assure that everyone who associates with A.L.
Williams will have a positive feeling about our company.
You should make sure YOUR ORGANIZATION maintains that image.
• Pr ais e Yo ur Peo pl e
• Ti ps For Prai si ng Peo p le
• Use the Phone for Recognition
• W ritte n Re co gnitio n
• Le ad ers Bu lleti ns
• Rec og ni zi ng wit h A wa r ds
• Co nv entio ns
Build People, Not
"It's important for a leader to understand what's unique about
the sales management business."
Art Williams
A great leader also knows that the key to success is not:
Building sales or
Building income
The Two "Laws" of
Building People
No. 1 — The "Golden Rule"
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Be the kind of leader you would like to have.
Don't Ask:
How many sales did you make?
How much premium did you do this week?
Do Ask:
How do you feel about the business?
How bad do you want to be somebody?
What can I do to help you?
Beware of
What universities and management schools teach:
1) Always put the "bottom line" first
2) Keep a "professional distance" from people.
3) Don't let emotion be a part of business.
Treat People
"You can't gain people's respect by treating them like
numbers on a sales chart. If you want respect, you've got to
show them that you care about them as people."
Art Williams
The One Thing
People Want
"Make me feel special."
"Make me feel important."
"I want to be somebody."
It's notability.
It's not education.
It's not family background.
...To be somebody
...To do something special with your life
…To make your family proud
Pushing Up People
"At A.L . Williams, you succeed by helping other people
succeed. The mor e people you help, the mor e success you
ha ve. P us hi n g up pe op le is a way o f l ife at A . L .
W il l iams . "
Art Williams
No. 1 — You cannot succeed alone.
• The more people you HELP MAKE MONEY, the more money YOU make.
No. 2 — You cannot earn promotions alone. The more people
you help earn promotions, the more promotions you
No. 3 — A leader always works for his people. Your people
never "work for you."
Rules in our "Pushing Up People" concept:
No. 1 — Put yourself "last"...
Don't talk about what "I" want
No. 2 — Never ask your people to work hard so you can win a
promotion, contest, etc...
Example... Never have a contest so you can get a promotion, win a trip, etc.... Always
have an attitude of helping your people get their promotion and then their success
will help you get YOUR promotion!
No. 4 — Never make a management decision based on how it
affects your income....
Give to Your
"If you learn the 'giving principle,' I don't believe you
will ever reach a level of success where you can no
longer grow."
Art Williams
The giving principle is the key to moving forward in your business career and in your
life. Some people reach a certain level of success, then just stop. Usually, that's
because they've stopped "giving" to others and withdrawn into themselves.
No. 3 — Realize that everyone is different.
• Different people have different strengths and weaknesses.
• Some people need more encouragement than others.
• Nobody’s perfect.
Allow for mistakes and help people to learn and grow from them.
Concentrate on building personal relationships ALL THE TIME.
Never Stop
Believing in
"The only sure way for your people to lose is if they give up.
Your lack of encouragement should never be the reason a
person quits. A leader must always keep believing in people, no
matter what."
Art Williams
No. 4 - Don't give up on people when they make mistakes.
• Live with them through the tough times, as well as the easy times.
• Care about each person as an individual.
• Allow people to learn from their mistakes. Never criticize.
You Do It First
"A true leader always sets the standard for his people by
doing it first. He never asks his people to do anything
that he has n 't a lready don e first ."
Art Williams
The greatest thing you can ever do for your people is prove:
• That they can win because you did
• That the nasty price is worth it because the rewards are so great
•That you (the leader) are the hardest worker, and HARD WORK OVERCOMES
mistakes and "lack of talent," etc.
Remember: You always do first what you want your people to do
• If you recruit, your people will recruit
• If you make money, your people will make money
• If you are positive, your people will be positive
Commitment is a
Two-Way Street
"Commitment must work both ways in order to achieve a
successful relationship. You must make a total
commitment first. Then, and only then, do you have a
right to expect a commitment from your people."
Art Williams
Most companies DEMAND a commitment from their people and FIRE or FORGET
those same people when something goes wrong — they have problems, poor sales
or recruiting or whatever.
A Leader's Commitment
If you want to be a leader in A.L. Williams, you must do the following:
No. 3 — Always be an example for your people to follow
• Be- more positive than anybody else.
• Love your job and "the crusade" more than anyone else.
• Make more money than anyone else.
• Be a better example in your personal life than anyone else.
• Be more ethical and honest than anyone else.
What You Do
Today Pays Off in
Two or Three
• The people you recruit today will take two or three years to develop.
• The sales you make one at a time, day by day, will make you “A Ton” two or three years
from now.
• The people you build today will become champions two or three years from now.
• The mistakes you make today will show up two or three years from now.
Your Reputation
is Everything
“A good reputation is better than gold. If people don't trust a
believe in you, they'll never follow you."
Art Williams
A leader works for his people — his people DON'T work for him. You succeed in
• The more money your people make, the more money you earn.
• The more promotions your people get, the more promotions you earn.
success will push you up AUTOMATICALLY.
“Pushing Up People" is a way of life in A.L. Williams.
Don't Lead By
" M a n a g e m e n t b y q u o t a s , th r e a ts a n d i n t i m i da t i o n w il l
g i ve y o u o n l y ' s ho r t -r a n g e ' r es u lt s . "
Art Williams
Suppose you call a salesperson in who has had a bad month in sales and say, "If you
don't double your sales this month, you're fired!"
He might go out and make the sales, but you have destroyed your
relationship. People can't perform at their best under that kind of pressure.
Suppose you called that same person in and let him (or her) know that you BELIEVE in
him. You sell the dream one more time. You make him FEEL GOOD about himself
and his future. He will do 10 TIMES MORE business in that case than he would in a
threatening environment like the one above.
Remember: You raise good leaders like you raise good children... with praise,
recognition and commitment.
Recognize Your
"Before you can be a great leader, you must master the
art of recognition."
Art Williams
No. 2 — Don't spend a lot of money.
Use t-shirt awards, certificates, etc.
Write letters of praise
Make phone calls to people who are doing well
Do a special leaders sheet for your organization
Pass Negatives Up
Positives Down
"A leader's responsibility is to help eliminate people's
problems and make them feel good."
Art Williams
People WILL follow a person who is always POSITIVE, always “UP”, always “CHARGING.”
No. 2 — You can't always tell people what you really think
about them.
Sometimes people will complain to you about what seem like minor problems.
Sometimes you can see that the reason they're not doing well is that they're just not
making the effort. A leader can get tired of listening to a lot of "petty" problems or
trying to solve disagreements between two people in the office.
BUT…You can’t ever “lose your cool.” You can’t give in to the urge to tell people
what you think their faults are.
Remember: Your job is to always "push people up."
• Take every problem seriously. No problem is really “minor” if it is causing a
person to be upset and non-productive.
• Don’t criticize or be negative. Remember: You can say 99 positive things and
one negative thing and the person will only remember the one negative.
• Every person has some good qualities. Everybody has done something right. Talk
about the things the person does right and encourage activity in the poor areas.
Let the person know you still believe in him or her.
Local Success
"It is not good enough for company leaders only to be
successful. You must have local success before your
people will believe."
Art Williams
You must have someone in your organization succeed (make money, save money,
earn promotions, be at the top of the Leaders Bulletin, win contests), before your
people will believe the opportunity is real.
That someone should be you!
Don't Loan Money
“I believe that, when you loan money, you only help
people ‘put off’ solving their problems."
Art Williams
I have loaned well over $100,000 to people in my career, but I have never loaned anyone
any money that did not have to borrow MORE money later on.
I believe that loaning people money ONLY DELAYS A PROBLEM.
No. 2 — I won't quit with you. A.L. Williams is it for me, and I
won't help you "give up."
Recognition: The
Secret To Winning
"Motivating people is the secret to being a great leader."
Art Williams
Recognition is one of the most powerful forms of motivation. If you can learn how to recognize
people, reward them, and make them feel like they are “somebody,” then you will have found
the secret to winning in A.L. Williams.
• If your upline leader recognizes you in front of 1000 people as best field trainer,
you tend to work that much harder at field training.
Steps To A
"You have a responsibility to set up a recognition program for
your people."
Art Williams
There are already forms of recognition in A.L. Williams. There are awards, conventions,
Leaders Bulletins, On Targets, etc. But that is not enough.
Tips For Praising
No. 1 — At Opportunity Meetings.
• Circulate through the crowd and introduce yourself If you meet a "sharp" guest, find
the person who brought him and say, "That person is SHARP! You did a great job
getting him here. Keep bringing people like that!"
• Ask a person to stand up and recognize him for his great attitude.
Using the phone is one of the easiest ways to recognize people. Do you call your
downline people on a regular basis?
The greatest leaders in A.L. Williams take time out every day to write a personal letter to
at least one person.
• Sit down right now and write five short notes to people who really deserve it.
No matter what happens, don't let the little things get you down. Just hang in there.
A.L. Williams is going to deliver. Joe, I'm proud to have you on our team.
• Write personal, handwritten letters as much as possible.
• Send form letters with a handwritten note at the bottom.
• Ask a leader to write a letter to his or her spouse, thanking that spouse for
understanding and support. Then read the letter to the whole group at a meeting.
Don't mention who it's to or from until the end.
• Write to Art or an NSD and say how great one of your people is doing. At the bottom
of the page write: cc: Joe Stud. Then send the letter to the upline leader and a copy to
the downline manager.
• When you hear someone speak highly of another person, tell that other person what
you heard.
Leaders Bulletins
"A.L. Williams people love to compete."
Art Williams
Ranking your people is an important part of recognition. The Leaders Bulletin from the
home office is not enough.
Purpose: To encourage healthy competition and make sure everyone knows about
• Always have a leaders bulletin for your organization.
• Start out with a 1-page, typewritten bulletin.
• Highlight "heroes" on the bulletin.
• Make headlines from fancy print in magazines and newspapers.
• Set up a bulletin board or a grease board in your office area. Rank your leaders on
these boards and update daily.
Leaders sheets, bulletins and poster boards are simple to do and are always successful.
If you are a sales leader or district with a small organization, consider clustering your
rankings with someone else.
Recognizing With
"It's not what you give, but how you give it."
Art Williams
Plan to recognize 20-25% of the people in attendance; more, of the group is small.
•The “best” award. Grown men who make $75,000 a year have gone back home and
cried because they didn’t get a t-shirt.
•Use t-shirts to create unity; special colors separate “RVPs” from “District Leaders,
“Sales Leaders,” etc.
•“I ain’t average,” “I am somebody,” I want Pru BAD,” “RVP or Bust”, etc.
•2-3" in diameter
•Use to recognize recruiting or activity
•Give out at Fast Start Schools
•Write name and award in calligraphy
•Frame in inexpensive frame
• Print title on bill of hat
"Fun Awards:"
• A "big banana" for the top producer
• A "bunch of grapes" for the top recruiter
"Prestige" Awards:
• Watches
• Special blazers
• Jeweled pins
• Leader bars
Unsigned Check Award:
• Mail an unsigned check to a spouse in your organization with a letter explaining that
the spouse can spend the check any way he or she likes once the check is signed.
Explain that you will sign the check when the licensed spouse picks up five sets of
policies in the next four weeks.
• Have a "rotating" award that is passed from top producer each month. Have last
month's winner present the award to this month's winner. Inscribe new winner's name
on the rotating plaque and keep plaque in the reception area.
• Give plaques for: RVP of the month, Most PPUs, Top Recruiter, Top in Submitted
• Always explain the award and why you are giving it
• Plan to recognize 20-25% of the people in attendance
• Always include spouse's name on plaque
• Display plaques in a prominent place in the office
Teasing Recognition: Recognition should be fun, but never a "put down." If you give a
"turkey of the month" or a "torn sweater," be sure you are recognizing a true superstar
who can do better, usually a person who has already won positive recognition.
"The ult i mate way to sell the dream ."
Art Williams
No. 1 — Don't spend beyond your means!
No. 2 — Hold contest to qualify for conventions
No. 3 — Include part-timers! (First A.L. Williams conventions
were for part-timers as well as managers.)
No. 4 — Recognize at least 25% of your people.
No. 5 — Never plan a "trip for two." Convention should be for
as many of your people as possible.
No. 6 — Base contest on 1) submitted premium and 2) income
4 ways to finance conventions:
• RVP is responsible for getting a place that is "impressive" but "very inexpensive."
Price should not keep anyone from attending
No one should worry about the cost after they have attended
• It RVP pays all costs (more or less) based on production. Top people
attend free-of-charge
• RVP pays all costs for top people, next levels pay certain amounts
• RVP pays for awards, handouts, and maybe one awards banquet. Everyone pays for air
travel and other costs.
No. 8 — Negotiate with hotel for prices.
No. 9 — Include spouses in planning and in your recognition.
No. 10 — Plan "retreats" at "out-of-the-way" resorts...1 ½ to 3
days maximum.
No. 11 — Always allow "free time" for fellowship.
• Charge!
• Expect to Win
• You Must Pay a Price
• Think Big — Don't Major in Minor Things
• Surge
• The Magic of "90 Days"
• Hang Tough
• The Magic of "Working Hard"
• Don't Let Fear Stop You!
• Impatient for Success
• A Little Bit More
• Always Play Scared
• Work Two or More Levels Below You
• Excuses Don't Count
• Fight
• Always Be Willing to Start Over
• All You Can Do Is All You Can Do
Three Kinds
of Leaders
No. 1 — Winners
are people who are frustrated and scared every day. They want to quit every day.
They hurt, cry and worry every day — just like everybody else.
BUT, winners are OBSESSED. They are MADMEN. In spite of their frustrations and
fears, they go out every day and win....
No. 2 — Potential winners...
These are people who have a chance to be a winner. They wake up every day
frustrated, scared and worried just like the winner. But they don't go out and
compete, primarily because they don't know what to do.
These peo ple have a chanc e if they learn the A. L. William s W ay.
No. 3 - Losers...
These people wake up every day with the same doubts, fears and worries of the
winner and potential winners. They are humans just like everyone else.
But they won't work or compete. They don't even really care. They take advantage
of their people and their company. They can't believe in anything or anybody
(especially themselves). These people want something for nothing.
They don't have a chance.
We Believe in
Doing What's Right
We've got a philosophy — and it's not just "talk." We live by it...
• We believe in "buy term and invest the difference."
• We believe in the "theory of decreasing responsibility."
• We believe that inexpensive, permanent term life insurance gives consumers the
most value for their insurance dollar.
• We believe in selling term life insurance 100% of the time.
• We believe in selling "in person," one-on-one across the kitchen table.
• We believe in the 3-step sales process — we never sell on a first interview.
• We believe in selling the consumer what we believe in owning on our own lives.1
• We believe that IRAs and Keoghs are the best investments available in America t day.
• We believe in giving the consumer a chance to compare life insurance products and
make the best decision for his family.
Building Trust
"To be a great leader, you must believe in the goodness
of people."
Art Williams
Trust in people is a quality that all true leaders possess. It's not always easy. There
will always be some "LOSERS" who will hurt you and your team, abuse your trust
and turn against you.
The challenge to a leader is to not let the losers, the negative people, the
unethical people and the dishonest people make you lose faith in people.
If you lose your ability to trust, you've lost your effectiveness as a leader.
•99% of the people are good, decent, honest and caring.
•You can't let the 1% change you and make you negative.
•You must always look for the "good things" in people.
Give Your People
Credit for the
Team's Success
" A tr ue lea der g i ves t o h is peo p le . W h e n he fa i ls he
blames himself. And whe n he wi ns, he gives the cr edit to
Art Williams
The head coach must always operate by the following two rules:
No. 1 — Always give your team, your leaders and/or your RVPs
"credit" for your success and the team's success.
Partner Power
"A husband and wife committed to a joint goal can
accomplish a ton more than any one person."
Art Williams
Don't forget to include the Partner in every area of your business. The Partner
can make a difference in "success or failure."
Areas of importa nce:
No. 1 — Make sure the spouse is at the kitchen table when
you present the concept and close the sale...
No. 2 — Get the spouse to the Client Night, Orientation
Meeting. Fast Start School and Partner's meeting.
No 3 — Recognize and reward the spouse and the Partner's
Remembe r: A person 's spouse has mo re influen ce than anyone e lse in his
It's Not What, But
"It's not good enough just to know what to do, it's
when you do it that really counts."
Art Williams
I believe that TIMING is the key to building a successful business.
Building a team and working with people is very complex. Every individual is
Building a team
different. You anddevelop
must working with people
GREAT is veryand
INSTINCTS complex. EveryYou
FEELINGS. individual is different.
must know JUST
You must develop GREAT INSTINCTS and FEELINGS. You must know JUST THE
RIGHT TIME to make a move.
For Example:
No. 1 — You can be a master at making people feel special, but
if one of your people is having a personal crisis and
you're not there with the right word at just the right
time — you've failed!
No. 2 — You can be a great recruiter, but if one of your key
recruits quits and you don't immediately go out and
recruit two or three more to replace him — you've
No. 3 — You can be great at making a huge income, but if you
don't save money and prepare for an emergency —
you've failed!
Always Be Good
"In order to be a good leader, you must be a good
Art Williams
The tendency for many people when they achieve a certain level of success is for
them to become a different person.
They reach a "comfort zone" and then decide that they don't have to get their
hands "dirty." They believe they don't have to keep doing the "tough" things like
building personal relationships with new people and personally recruiting and field
You should never let success change you and make you an arrogant person. If you
do, you will no longer be an effective leader.
No. 1 — Remember where you came from
You didn't get to the top without the help of a lot of other people who may still1 be
No. 2 — Always be a good, caring person
People won't buy you as a leader unless they know you care
"A leader has a responsibility to wake up everyday and
do something to help his people win and help his
business get better." Art Williams
There are "3 Classic Mistakes" many leaders make in their thinking:
No. 1 — If you think your people owe you for what you did for
them, your career is "already headed downhill."
No. 2 — If you think the company owes you for what you did
in the past, you are already being "a has been."
No. 3 — If you get up every morning and think it's "good
enough" to just "not do anything illegal," to not make
any mistakes, you are "already a loser."
"Winners concentrate on winning, and losers concentrate on getting by...."
Art Williams
"In A.L. Williams, a person's success is based entirely
on performance, regardless of his sex, race or
Art Williams
There is no place for prejudice in A.L. Williams. For example, we have many women
leaders who have built incredible careers and incomes through high production and
outstanding leadership qualities. They are judged, just like everyone else in the
company, by a standard of excellence instead of standards like male and female,
black and white and so forth.
In A.L. Williams, that is THE ONLY STANDARD for promotions and recognition.
Remember: Our computer can't discriminate. It 'Pays" you for good business
and you receive "cbargebacks" for bad business.
Remember the
Human Touch
"The more personal contact you have with people, the
more successful you will become." Art Williams
The “human touch” is more effective than any other means of management. It shows
people you CARE.
"Great leaders must learn to be flexible. They must
understand the contradictions of the business world
and develop the ability to accept contradictions and
still work effectively.”
Art Williams
When you’re working with people and building a big organization, you will see many
things CONTRADICT what you thought were ABSOLUTES.
I believe that it is your ability to deal with these contradictions and NOT LOST
FAITH in your philosophies and beliefs that will DETERMINE THE SUCCESS
YOU WILL HAVE in A.L. Williams.
No. 1 — Freedom
A.L. Williams gives you unbelievable freedom to build "a company within a
company" when you become an RVP. But, you can't put yourself above the team
That freedom carries with it an equal amount of responsibility. In order to "live
to your responsibilities, you must sacrifice some freedom to never do anything t
destroy or hurt our company and its people.
Remem ber: Don’t even give u p on the prin cipl es an d t radit ion s of A.L. Will iams.
Your "Position"
as a Leader
“Many leaders think their Position' makes them
something special. Positions don't count — people do."
Art Williams
Leadership Key: A position doesn't make a person, a person
makes a position.
As a leader...
• You can't DEMAND respect
• You can't DEMAND loyalty
• You can't DEMAND trust
•You can't DEMAND love
As a leader...
•You can't FAKE honesty
•You can't FAKE integrity
•You can't FAKE belief
As a leader, it's not good enough just to be right, your people must BELIEVE you're
right before you can gain their trust and respect.
"Do It"
"The winners do it and do it and keep on doing it until
they win."
Art Williams
Almost is a way of life to almost everybody.
• ALMOST everybody ALMOST works hard enough.
• ALMOST everybody is ALMOST committed enough.
• ALMOST everybody ALMOST sacrifices enough.
• ALMOST everybody ALMOST recruits enough.
• ALMOST everybody ALMOST saves enough.
The winners "do it!"
What do they do?
They “do it” and “do it” and “do it” and “do it” and “do it” UNTIL
You Must “Love”
A.L. Williams
No. 1 — You can't like "buy term and invest the difference"
and win.
No. 2 — You can't like "the theory of decreasing
responsibility" and win.
No. 3 — You can't like doing what's right for families and win.
No. 4 — You can't like your people and win.
No. 5 — You can't like "the A.L. Williams Way" and win.
No. 6 - You must "love" A.L. Williams and the things we stand
A Company Where
Salespeople Are
"A.L. Williams was built by salespeople, for salespeople."
Art Williams
A.L. WILLIAMS is COMMITTED to giving the people in sales – the ones who FIGHT
Prestige vs.
"At Al. Williams, we offer a for real opportunity.”
Art Williams
A.L. Williams was built to give a different kind of man and woman a chance to be
No true leader in A.L. Williams ever over-promotes our opportunity. It is NOT EASY
to earn $100,000 a year. It is NOT EASY to build a successful business. We don't
believe in "something for nothing" or "get rich quick."
You win at A.L. Williams by paying an "ugly price."
I don't want A.L. Williams to be like many companies in America and give their
people a fancy title, nice office, a country club membership, but no opportunity.
We aren't interested in PRESTIGE. You get prestige after you WIN.
A CORNERSTONE of A.L. Williams:
A position doesn't make a person, but a person makes a position.
All a company can and should do for you is give you a “For Real"
Opportunity. But we won't and can't do it for you.
You can make your opportunity what it is — special or very average.
The Free
" T he fr ee e n ter pr i se s yste m is t he gr ea test s ystem i n t h e
w or ld . I t's t he c or n er st on e of "t he A.L . Wi l liam s wa y . "
Art Williams
Many companies in the United States are SOCIALISTIC in their thinking. They believe
that you should LIMIT THE OPPORTUNITY of the most capable people and keep
everyone at the same income level. They don't allow the individual the opportunity
to do something really great.
Many companies believe in TAKING FROM THE STUDS and GIVING TO THE DUDS,
the people who haven't "done it."
A.L. Williams believes in giving EVERYONE great opportunity. We believe in
REWARDING THE STUDS that "do it" in a special way. We give EVERYONE an equal
opportunity to PAY THE PRICE and WIN.
I believe that a company achieves GREATER GROWTH and provides a BETTER
OPPORTUNITY if you put NO LIMITS on those special people who "do it big." If
those top leaders keep getting better, keep breaking records and keep earning more,
That's how it is in the FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM, the best system in the world
We Reward the
Right Kind of
"Br ains don't win in A.L . Williams. Har d wor k,
excitement and 'want to' do."
Art Williams
You ought to be PROUD to be in A.L. Williams. You should never feel like you have to beg
people to buy a policy or beg people to come to work for us.
We have the GREATEST OPPORTUNITY in the world. We don't just sell policies; we
save people's financial futures. We save them money. If people don't realize that,
then it is THEIR LOSS, not YOURS.
"30% of the people reserve the right to remain stupid forever."
To be successful, you must be proud of what you do and be confident.
Top Priority
"A leader must never forget the two things that make A.L.
W i l l i a m s s p e c i a l t h a t w e ' r e c r u s a d e r s a n d t h a t w e 'r e
Art Williams
' E ver y t hi n g y o u d o i n y o ur b us i n ess cr ea tes a n
impr ession — either good o r bad. At A.L . Wi lliams, we
don't deal in 'tr icks and gimmicks.' We deal with people
one-on-one, face-to-face."
Art Williams
• They don't like being invited to meetings with no explanation of why they're going.
We don't need that in A.L. Williams.
• People respect people who LOOK, TALK and ACT like average, ordinary, good
people. That's what we are, and that's how we want people to see our company.
This is a "face-to-face" business!
• You've got to prospect FACE-TO-FACE...
• You've got to recruit FACE-TO-FACE...
• You've got to get referrals FACE-TO-FACE...
Or y ou c an 't win "lon g-r an ge" in this bu sin ess.
No Pressure
"The life insurance industry has a particularly bad
reputation of fast-talking, hard-closing, high-pressure
sales. When we started A.L. Williams, we made a
commitment that we were going to treat people like we
wanted to be treated ourselves."
Art Williams
"A.L. Williams was built by recruiting greenies."
Art Williams
We believe in building A.L. Williams with greenies.
We don't want:
• "Fancy" people
• "Prima donnas"
• Slick sales types
The best markets for recruiting "greenies:"
• Age 25 and up
• Married
• Children
• Own home
• Minimum income of $15,000
No Risk
“We found a better way to build a company.”
Art Williams
The insurance industry has a bad reputation of high pressure, fast talking and hard
closing sales.
It is also known for a high turnover of agents (1/3 of its agents drop out the first year,
2/3 by the end of the second year and 85% by the fourth year).
Because of this, most Americans can never see themselves selling life insurance.
A.L. Williams found a BETTER WAY to attract a BETTER QUALITY PERSON in
our industry.
Almost everyone in the middle America needs EXTRA INCOME A.L. Williams created
the greatest part-time opportunity in America.
No. 1 — Professional — must have a license
•Not like selling soap, shoe polish, vitamins, etc.
No. 2 — Save people money
• Don't sell policies
Unlimited Number
of RVP Positions
"Most companies have three or four 'top' positions. At
A . L . W i l l i a m s , w e ha v e a n u n li m i t e d n u m b e r o f
p o s i t i o n s a t the top."
Art Williams
One of the most difficult decisions of a head football coach is picking the 11 BEST
STARTERS. Many times you have 20-30 players who are dedicated, work hard, and
are better than some players on the teams you compete against. But they are just at
the wrong place at the wrong time.
That can NEVER, NEVER, NEVER happen at A.L. Williams. We don't have just 11 first
string positions, we have an UNLIMITED NUMBER of positions at the top — it all depends
on YOUR efforts.
1. Williams judges all people ON THEIR OWN MERIT; people compete ONLY
AGAINST THEMSELVES. They are promoted when they meet the requirements. A.L.
Williams makes a commitment to each person that he or she will NEVER BE HELD
No "Junior" RVPs
"The RVP position is the "backbone" of the A.L.
Williams promotion system. It is at the RVP position
that people are able to truly begin building their own
Art Williams
Can't Wear Two
"One person can only make so many sales. With our
'sales management concept,' we offer people the chance
to make unlimited income."
Art Williams
No. 2 — You can build not only a large income, but also a
secure income.
Salespeople are unemployed every day. If you don't wake up and prospect, you don't
This Is a Numbers
"The only way to hire quality is to hire quantity."
Art Williams
Be Slow to
" A l w a y s g i v e p e o p l e a s e c on d , t h i r d , f o u r t h a n d f i f t h
Art Williams
Most big companies are quick to terminate people who make a mistake or don't do
everything right in their job.
I believe that EXPERIENCE is the greatest teacher. As a leader, you've got to allow
your people to "screw up" sometimes, make mistakes and learn from them.
When that happens, the leader can't just TERMINATE them.
When Do You
"No one is bigger than the team"
No. 1 — Illegal activity
You can’t allow anyone on your team to jeopardize the reputation and future of
A.L. Williams.
Full- Time
"There's a right time for everything, including coming
full-time at A.L. Williams."
Art Williams
Our goal at A.L. Williams is to improve a person's life. If A.L. Williams can help a
person live a better lifestyle, that's all we want. People should come full-time ONLY
when it's right for them and their families.
• Never force a person to come full-time
It has to be right for THEM. Full-time requires a TOTAL COMMITMENT. YOU, as a
leader, can't make that commitment for someone else.
• Never make that decision for anyone
It's a READY-MADE excuse for failure if a leader can "blame you" for "forcing"
him to come full-time. There are a million excuses people give for quitting. If there
is someone else to "blame," it's easy to quit.
Buying a
"New A.L . Williams recruits should buy a MIL ICO policy
i t f i t s t he i r f a m i l y ' s n e e d s a n d t h e y q u a l i f y f o r i t . "
Art Williams
New recruits should "practice what they preach" to their clients about insurance.
If they don't believe in "buy term and invest the difference," they won't be
able to sell it to others convincingly and honestly.
We don't want "phoneys" in A.L. Williams. If new recruits own or buy whole life
insurance, and believe in it, they may not be suited to come to work for A.L.
"Nothing excites an office like ‘new blood.'”
Art Williams
When you are "in the pits," everything is going wrong and
your world seems to be falling apart — recruit!
Always remember:
A new recruit solves every problem in our business!
Field Training
" 9 0 % o f y o u r t i me s h o u l d b e s pe n t f i e l d t r a i n i n g . "
Art Williams
Average Size
"It is absolutely critical that we maintain an average size
p o l i c y o f $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 p l u s ! Th i s i s i mp o r t a n t t o M IL I CO
profits, but even more importantly — that's what our
c l i e n t s n ee d a n d d es er v e . "
Art Williams
Steps to Winning
No. 1 — Identify your long-term goal
• 10 years — $50,000 income for life from your investments
• 1 year — RIT
Always Be
" T he s i ng le mos t imp or ta n t t hi n g y o u c an de vel op in
your l i f e t i me i s a p o s i t i ve a t t i t u de . "
Art Williams
No. 1 — 90+% of
winning is always being excited. The key to
staying excited: Always lead by example!
Personally recruit
• Personally field train
• Make money and save money
Work hard in the field
Be the kind of person your people would like to become
Get Your
Priorities Straight
"You can't separate other areas of your life from your
business life. A lousy family life, a lousy personal life, a
lousy spiritual life will guarantee you a lousy business
Art Williams
Great leaders know the importance of living a balanced life. At A.L. Williams, we
believe that success in business is only a part of success in living. To be a happy,
successful person, you must have all areas of your life in order.
Three Stages
of Commitment
"Success at anything requires total commitment. You
can't just 'sort of' commit; you can't commit three days a
week. You must commit 110% to have a chance at
Art Williams
The first step to greatness is TOTAL COMMITMENT. Everyone goes through three
stages before he has made "THE" TOTAL COMMITMENT.
Most People
Almost Do Enough
to Win
“Most people can't stay motivated long enough to win.”
Art Williams
I have seen many people in A.L. Williams do "almost enough" to win. They fail to stay
motivated long enough to do what it takes. People who cannot stay motivated long
enough usually have one or more of these four problems:
No. 1 — Don't really believe the dream can happen...
You must think every day about how "great it will be to be financially
independent. ..(see yourself winning — dream every day.)
No. 2 — Don't have No. 1 priority of "helping people"...
"Material things" and "money" alone won't give you the endurance, motivation n
spirit necessary to "keep doing it."
No. 3 — Are not "crusaders"...
Only by being a crusader will you have that "little extra amount of courage"
necessary to win.
No. 4 — Fail to keep building or getting better...
You can't wait for your people or your company to Do It for you. You must" always
"Do It " first. You "must" become "a better person."
You Must Become
a Dreamer Again
"If you want to be 'a winner,' you've got to become a
'dreamer' again."
Art Williams
Most people in America have stopped dreaming. They grow up with everyone telling
them how special they are. They are really "turned on" about life and about
becoming somebody they'll be proud of. ..then they are thrown out in the "big, bad
world," and companies and people start taking advantage of them.
One of the things I love about the United States and the free enterprise system is that
you can become what you dream about. You can change! You can make it better for
you and your family if you want to badly enough!
"As a leader, you set the tone and the mood for your
people. In all your words and actions, remember that
your people are looking to you to be an example."
Art Williams
No. 1 — I can't
You cannot even consider the idea of failure. Instead, you must
maintain an “EXPECTATION OF SUCCESS” for you and your people.
No. 2 — My
It should always be “you,” “we” and “our.” A selfish attitude will
destroy even the most motivated team. Put “the team” before yourself.
"T ime is t he gr eatest si ng le in vestment y ou can make i n
your business."
Art Williams
I believe that you CAN’T FAIL in A.L. Williams if you’re willing to SPEND
TIME on your business.
No. 1 — Spend time learning the business
No. 2 — Spend time prospecting
No. 3 — Spend time recruiting
No. 4 — Spend time field training
No. 5 — Spend time getting referrals
No. 6 — Spend time building personal relationships
Remember: Winning doesn't take brilliance, a college
education or a privileged background.
Winning just takes time.
The "Little" Things
Make "the
"Most leaders are always trying to hit a 'home run' -
make the big sale, recruit the giant, wrong again! The
key to winning in A.L. Williams is doing the ‘little
Art Williams
Most leaders worry the most about the "big decisions" they must make in their
careers. I've always found that the big decisions are often the easiest, and usually
have an obvious solution.
In business, it’s the “little, day-to-day” decisions that are tough. Ultimately, it’s your
day-to-day actions that will determine whether you succeed or fail.
Learn how to do the “little things” right, and the big things will take care of themselves.
Some tips...
No. 1 — The toughest management decisions are the eve
These are also the most important.
• When it's time for work, deciding whether to get up and go or stay in bed
• When you lose a sale, deciding to go out and pick up another set of policies
• When your best person quits, deciding to go out and immediately recruit
someone to take his place
No. 2 — Leaders learn to follow their instincts.
You can't always call your upline or call the home office whenever you have a
problem. You must trust yourself and your ability to make decisions.
Always Be Excited
"90+ % of wi nni ng is always being excited ...especially
w h e n y o u d o n ' t fe e l l ik e be i n g ex c it ed . "
Art Williams
Don’t Feel Guilty
"The greatest thing you can do for your people is for you
t o w i n a n d p ro v e t ha t pa y i n g t ha t na s t y p r i c e ' wa s
worth it."
Art Williams
Remember: You can’t “do it” for y our peopl e; everyon e must pay his price,
but you can prove to them that it’ s wort h it.
Avoid Panic
"If you are ever forced to make a management decision
based on how it affects you, you will never be a great
Art Williams
"A good leader keeps moving, regardless of whether
times are good or bad."
Art Williams
I believe the answer is to "keep charging" forward.
The sales business
CHARGE! is a business
— when of "momentum."
things A leader's job is to keep that
are going great
momentum going. As any great leader — or any football coach — will tell you, once
CHARGE! — when you don't feel like it
you lose momentum, it's three times harder to get it back again.
CHARGE!— when you feel good
1.You receive a
c h a r g e b awhen
c k .you
. . don’t
CHARGEfeel like
— itgo
out and make another single
sale. day, regardless of the circumstances – and keep
charging until you win!
2 . Y o u r b e s t r e c r u i t
q u i t s . . . CHARGE — go out and recruit
three new people.
How to "keep charging":
No. 1 — Keep activity up.
• Everyone in your organization should be doing something all the time (meeting a
prospect for lunch, visiting a client's home, selling, recruiting, etc.). Respond to
problems by "picking up" activity even more.
1. You receive a chargeback…
CHARGE – go out and make another sale.
2. Your best recruit quits…
CHARGE – go out and recruit three new people.
3. Your prospect doesn't buy...
CHARGE — go out and pick up another policy.
No. 2 — Get mad.
•Get mad about some "wrong" or "injustice" and go fight it. It's hard to "charge " if
you don't much care about what you're doing.
•Don't be discouraged. See problems as opportunities for growth.
Expect to Win
"If you think you can or if you think you can't, you're
Art Williams
Most people have been so hurt, so taken advantage of, so put down, that they
don't like themselves anymore.
Life will eventually turn out for you the way you see it turning
• You must see good things happening.
• You must like yourself again.
• You must be excited about life again.
You Must Pay
A Price
"Nothing worth having comes easy. People must
recognize the fact that big dreams have big prices, and
determine the price they've willing to pay for success.
Art Williams
No. 1 — The harder you work, the luckier you get
Isn’t it funny how the “lucky people” are always the hardest workers? There’s no
substitute for hard work.
No. 2 — Sacrifice
Learn to do without things if doing so will get you closer to your goal. Practice self-
No. 3 — The greater the reward, the greater the price
If your goal is to make extra income for your family, then you will
not have much trouble reaching it. If your goal is NSD, be prepared
to pay a great price.
Think Big—
Don’t Major in
Minor Things
"Always remember that you only make money when you
make a sale. The most important thing that happens in
A.L. Williams takes place across the kitchen table with the
husband and wife."
Art Williams
Various kinds of meetings and other activities are important. But remember...
You do make money:
Across the kitchen table with a husband and wife talking about recruiting, the evils
of cash value insurance, the theory of decreasing responsibility, and how to save
clients money.
"When activity levels off, it's up to the leader to 'make
things happen'."
Art Williams
One of the most frustrating things about building an organization is that sales and
income don't go up consistently every single month. Remember: this is a
business of MOMENTUM.
No. 2 –
When you lose momentum, Blitz.
• Policy pick-up contest
• Recruiting contest
• Double and triple activity
The Magic of
"90 Days"
"You can do anything for 90 days."
Art Williams
Setting short-term goals, like 09-day goals, gives you a “sense of urgency” and day-to-
day motivation to keep moving toward your big goals.
I built my entire career on a series of 90-day commitments. I believe you can
CHANGE YOUR LIFE in 90 days. Most people stay at something ALMOST LONG
ENOUGH, but they STOP LONG ENOUGH to LOSE all their MOMENTUM. If you
work like mad for 90 days, you will reach a NEW HIGH in your business life. This
new high will give you the CONFIDENCE and COURAGE to "Go For It" again and
again until you WIN!
Work like "mad" for 90 days.
Don't get "too high" or "too low."
Things are "never" as good or as bad as they seem at the moment.
Don't "stop" for any reason.
"Review" your results only after 90 days. (You can't look at management on a
day-by-day basis. Management results come after weeks of paying the price. You
grow out of periods of plateaus.)
At the end of 90 days, "recommit" for another 90 days with new and greater
goals or "get out" of this business.
Reward and Punish
In order to reach your goals, you need to reward yourself when you do good
and punish yourself when you do badly.
A Personal Example
The program of goal setting I used when I was coaching football is an example
of the process above.
Long-term goal: Becoming state champions
Short-term goal: Improving with every game until the team became state
If we WON and had a GREAT game...
Great offensively — win by more than 21 points...
Great defensively — win and defense held opponent to no points...
We REWARDED ourselves with a short practice with no pads on Monday.
Won, but not by 21 points OR
Won, but other team scored
We PUNISHED ourselves with a long practice with pads on Monday.
If we GOT BEAT...
We ADDED A DAY and had frill practice on SATURDAY.
Hang Tough
"The challenge of any leader is to not let the losers, the
disappointments, the pressure, the competition and the
rejection change you and make you negative and bitter.”
Art Williams
You must stay excited and enthusiastic. Negative people make others feel bad.
People can't stand to be around these kind of people. You must show excitement —
especially when you don't feel like being excited.
No. 1 — You must develop a mental toughness.
Just like you can't quit when a prospect says no, you can't quit being excited,
positive and happy when someone or something disappoints you.
No. 2 — Live for your good people.
Don't take things personally. Always remember that 99% of your people are goo
honest and appreciate you in A.L. Williams. Don't let that 1% make you a bad
leader for the other 99%.
No. 3 — Play a game.
The bigger you get, the more pressure, problems, rejection and challenges you will
have. Play a game with yourself. See how much you can take and still be positive.
The Magic of
Working Hard
"Wor k eve ry day as if you r career depended o n it . I t
Art Williams
Many geniuses die broke. Many talented people never accomplish anything.
many average, ordinary people BEAT all the rest.
Because they're willing to WORK HARDER than anyone else.
•You can beat 50% of the people JUST BY WORKING HARD. (Most people
won't work hard enough or long enough to win.)
•You can beat another 40% by LIVING RIGHT.
•The top 10% is a DOGFIGHT in the free enterprise system.
Don't Let Fear
Stop You!
"99% of the things you fear never happen. Don't waste
time worrying about what might go wrong."
Art Williams
Some people let fear totally destroy them in business. Fear holds more people back
than lack of opportunity or talent. It's important to remember that winning big
means taking chances — and not letting fear get hold of your life.
Impatient for
"One characteristic that I've observed about every great
leader I've known is that they're never satisfied. They
always want to do more, accomplish more, become
more. They're always impatient for success."
Art Williams
The real winners in business — and in life — are the people who always want more.
For them, things never happen fast enough. There just aren't enough hours in the day
for them to do all the things they want to do.
Winners are never patient. They know what they want to do, and they can't rest 'til
they "do it."
Characteristics of winners
• They're maniacs!
They have a dream, and they "live, sleep and eat" their dream until they win.
• They're nuts!
They'll do whatever it takes to win — work 20 hours a day, seven days a week, have
three "lunch" appointments a day with prospects — anything that gets them further
toward their goal.
• They're emotional!
They get EXCITED about their job, they get MAD at the competition, they get
TOTALLY INVOLVED with their people.
• They won't be denied!
They never let the negatives, the frustrations and the disappointments get them
down. They don't worry, hurt or cry for very long. They refuse to accept anything
but success.
They're impatient to win.., and they always do!
A Little Bit More
“To win, you must do everything you are supposed to, and ‘a
little bit more.’”
Art Williams
A.L. Williams had two RVPs in Dallas, Texas in 1984. One RVP was paid over $500,000 and the other
was paid $50,000.
What was the difference?
• On the surface, everything seemed THE SAME —
same age
same sex
same position
same products
same city
same training
same company
same state
same benefits
•Also, both did everything you should do to win
worked hard
loyal to A.L. Williams
treated people `good"
good recruiting
good training
good administration
good in every area 218
But why did one earn $500,000 and the other earn $50,000?
The $500,000 RVP did everything you are supposed to do, and
"a little bit more."
sacrificed and a little bit more
worked hard and a little bit more
was loyal to A.L. Williams and a little bit more
treated people "good" and a little bit more
was a good recruiter and a little bit more
made money and a little bit more
saved money and a little bit more
Always Play
"Every great person wakes up every day scared his
business will fail. Fear of failure is one of the key
motivators for outstanding business success."
Art Williams
• Be cautious. Be prepared for the worst so that if it happens, you'll be ready and it
won't cause you to fail or give up.
Basic guidelines:
• Don't ever expand your business until 90 days after you feel a need. Make sure your
momentum is for real.
• Don't change your personal standard of living for two years after you've reached a
new plateau of success.
• Prepare for the worst, the unexpected and you'll not be overcome by it.
Work Two or More
Levels Below You
"Y o u m a k e m o n e y i n t h e f i e l d , n o t i n t h e o f f i c e . "
Art Williams
It is critically important that you understand that 90+% of your time should be
spent field training.
In our business, you "continue to grow or you begin to die." You continue to grow
by always recruiting and always making promotions (Remember: Keep 'em
coming and going).
You MUST also understand "SPREAD." You MUST work 2 or more levels below you
for two reasons:
Excuses Don't
"Excuses are the 'easy way out." "
Art Williams
"Life will give you whatever you're willing to fight for."
Art Williams
I used to tell my football players that if they thought those guys in the “wrong-colored”
jerseys were going to “roll over and play dead” and give them the game, they were dead
The other team was going to try to knock their heads off!
If you want to win, you'd better PUT YOUR UNIFORM ON and be ready to FIGHT!
I believe that life will give you what you will fight for. It's not
enough to just want to win.
• If you will "take" being average and ordinary, life will give you that.
• If you will accept being poor, life will make you poor.
• If you will accept being unhappy, life will make you unhappy.
Always Be Willing
to Start Over
" Y o u ne v er l os e u n l ess yo u st op tr y i n g . "
Art Williams
All You Can Do Is
All You Can Do
"Don't worry about things you can't control. If you fail,
pick yourself up and try it ‘one more time.’ "
Art Williams
In a football game, of say, 120 plays, only one or two plays go a LONG way for a
TOUCHDOWN. 95% of the plays DON'T WORK like you had planned.
Freedom with
"The ‘freedom with responsibility’ concept is the essence
of the free enterprise system and one of the most
cherished principles in A.L. Williams."
Art Williams
There is a serious disease going around the United States called "The 'GIMME'
ILLNESS!" It seems that far too many Americans think only about, "WHAT
These people never think about their responsibility.
Remember: There can never be freedom without responsibility.
ALW Freedoms
A.L. Williams believes in giving its people TREMENDOUS FREEDOM... the freedom
A.L. Williams believes that every person has a RESPONSIBILITY to PROTECT our
company and to GIVE SOMETHING BACK to our have a responsibility
• Never jeopardize the future of our company and our people...protect and support the
• Never take advantage of your people
• Always do what's best for the consumer
• Don't violate Al. Williams' principles and traditions
• Provide positive leadership.. .be a winning example
• Keep working...RVPs, SVPs and NSDs can't "retire on the job"
• Recruit and sell in the right market
• Wake up every day and do something to HELP your people and your company GET
Build Crusaders
"The first step to building a winning team is building
Art Williams
How tobuild crusaders
No. 1 — Sell the A.L. Williams concept first.
No. 2 — Show the "wrong" done by the traditional industry
and the cash value concept.
No. 3 — Show people the good they can do in A.L. Williams.
• Help people save money
• Help people get more value for the money they spend
• Provide death protection for families in case of the loss of the breadwinner
• Provide opportunity for financial security
• Offer the greatest business opportunity in America
Why you should build crusaders
Two reasons...
No. 1 — Crusaders are the glue that holds your team together.
No. 2 — A crusading spirit gives people the courage they
need to win.
Crusading spirit inspires activity:
Crusaders "die hard"
Crusading spirit gives motivation and courage to keep going when times get tough
Everyone wants to commit to something "bigger" than just his business. (Nobody
wants to just make a living.)
Be an example of the crusading spirit.
Give people an example of commitment to "doing what's right"
Show people your own devotion and belief
Show people that A.L. Williams isn't just another job
Create involvement in the crusade
Provide inspiration and leadership
Capacity to Win
"In order to become truly successful, you must develop
the capacity to always get better."
Art Williams
At one time in my career, I believed in "the Peter Principle," that people will
eventually rise to their level of incompetence. I saw a number of people reach a
certain level of success and then "level off' or even go backwards. I saw others who
continued to get better. Now, I believe I know why.
As A LEADER, I believe you must develop the capacity to GET BETTER in EIGHT MAJOR
No. 1 — The capacity to be happy
• Do what's necessary to "feel good" about yourself
Stay in good physical shape (keep your weight down, take care of yourself). Maintain
good appearance. Always look neat, clean and professional. You'll feel good about
yourself, and that good feeling will affect those around you.
•Take a look at the GOOD THINGS in your life.
It's amazing how most people seem to dwell on the things in their life that aren't
perfect. Look at the good things you have going for you — your family, a growing
business, your health.
No. 4 — The capacity to "compete"
•You can't just go out there and stand on the playing field. You must COMPETE in
order to win.
•You must "pay the price" for success. Life is a balance sheet — for everything you
get you have to make sacrifices.
•Every winner wants to quit and go home every day — but he doesn't!
•People who work the hardest accomplish the most.
•Remember: The harder you work, the "luckier" you get.
We believe that our system of management puts the human touch back into the
business world and helps people achieve their maximum potential in business and in
ALW Leaders...
Care about people
• They build strong personal relationships
• They stand by their people through good times and bad
• They treat people with respect
ALW Leaders...
Motivate and lead
• They deal with people "one-on-one"
• They are accessible — never too busy for their people
• They motivate, but never intimidate
• They look for people's strengths and ignore weakness
• They always have a positive attitude
• They always "do it" first
• They stay excited and enthusiastic about the business
• They push up their people
ALW Leaders...
Do what's right
• They are honest, sincere and loyal
• They live by their word
• They put the good of the team above self
• They are an example of a "balanced life"
• They are crusaders
• They have beliefs and stand for something
• They don't run from problems
• They have a total commitment to their people and their business
• They dream big and expect to succeed
• They never ask their people to do anything they haven't done
ALW Leaders
Leadership Is
"It is no accident that your people make money, your
quality of business is excellent, and you build a
business that will give your family financial
independence. Leaders make things happen."
Art Williams
This business takes hard work, planning, and leadership.
To be successful, you must do the right things on the front end.
You must:
Build Personal
" Pe ople d on ' t car e ho w m uc h y o u k n o w, u nt il t he y kn o w
how much you care."
Art Williams
You must get to know your people and let them know you care about them and
their families.
No. 1 — Get to know your people on a first-name basis,
including their spouses and families.
No. 2 — Invite your people to your house, a picnic, ballgame
or other special event.
No. 3 — Remember: you work for your people — your people
don't work for you.
No. 4 — Show your people that you care about them and their
No. 5 — Make an "unconditional commitment" to your
people — live with them through good times and
bad times.
No. 6 — Look for people's good qualities and praise them.
No. 7 — Make each person in your organization feel special:
• Master the art of recognition
• Stay in constant contact with your people
No. 8 — Be slow to criticize.
No. 9 — Always be positive and excited about their future.
No. 10 — Always "sell the dream."
BUILDING PRINCIPLE: You get paid to build successful people, not sales.
Manage Activity,
Not Sales
"Sales and income are the result of 'doing things right'
on the front end."
Art Williams
You win by doing "the right thing" on the front end. You must first pick up
policies, make the presentation, hire a new recruit, etc. before you worry
about anything else.
Those who see the most people make the most money.
•Remember: You make money IN THE FIELD, not in the office.
•The leader must “do it first.” If you want your people to recruit, YOU must recruit.
That’s true in every area of the business. Always LEAD BY EXAMPLE!
•When you get the momentum, GET ALL YOU CAN GET! (You can never recruit
too many good people.)
•Always do “a little bit more” – one more presentation, one more recruit, one more
policy pick-up, etc.
Monitor activity
Keep a list of the following on all full-timers and keep it posted in the office:
• Number of recruits
• Number of presentations (across the kitchen table)
• Number of policy pick-ups
Activity blitz
Have an activity blitz when your momentum begins to slow down…
Recruiting blitz
Policy pick-up blitz
ACTIVITY BLITZ motivates and excites people to do a “little bit more” – gives a new
MOMENTUM to your organization.
ACTIVITY PRINCIPLE: If you ever need one thing to work for you — one sale,
one recruit, one leader, etc. — you will always lose. You must have the Law of Large
Numbers" in your favor.
Saving Money
"Cash flows of our leaders are fantastic! One of
your major responsibilities to your family, your
people and your company is managing your cash
flow and saving money." Art Williams
A.L. Williams is here forever and will continue to be a growing success. Individual
RVPs must be prepared for the peaks and valleys their region will experience. The
first month you earn $10,000 will not likely be a continually repeated event for a
while. Be prepared financially for the set-backs, the interim lean times before your
big income becomes secure big income over a period of time.
You must SAVE BIG MONEY and prepare for two things:
Your "Team"
" As a leader or RV P i n A .L . W il l iams y o u ha ve a
responsibility to protect our company."
Art Williams
You "must" never take advantage of your position. You "must" never use people for your
personal gain... You "must" never do anything illegal or unethical that could endanger A.L.
Your team responsibility
• Team more important than any individual!
Never mishandle the money paid to you or your people!
• Manage and train in the legal way and the right way to sell!
Train to sell the right way 100% of the time!
Check and make sure it is done right!
Have meetings to remind your people of their responsibilities!
• Great quality of business is the difference in success and failure!
Not takens - Maximum of 20%!
Persistency - Minimum of 75%
• Control system to catch potential problems!
Do not run away from problems!
Turn negatives into positives.
"You have a responsibility as a leader in A.L. Williams to
make money. You have a responsibility to your people to
Art Williams
You must never let your people down. As an RVP or SVP, you are ALWAYS a leader.
It is IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE long range success without maintaining a strong base
Controlled Growth
"The key to long range success is controlled growth! It is
tough to manage explosive growth, but it can be done
very effectively."
Art Williams
"Recruiting must become a state of mind."
Art Williams
• Slow down in recruiting — Increase activity
• When you have momentum — Get all you can get
• Best way to recruit — Through your people (referrals)
• Be innovative — Try different methods of prospecting
• Have a plan for talented reps
• Consistency — Recruit 24 hours a day
• Best "organization" — A lot doing a little bit, but a few doing a lot.
• Best way to keep a "winning spirit" — Get all of your new recruits,
prospect and clients to a client night, investment seminar, or a Fast Start to see the
bigness of Williams.
• Best way to "fail" — Recruit only winners, be selective, or recruit small
• Best thing to tell your "RVP trainees" — Recruit 75 to 100 people to become
an RVP.
• Best "advice" for those who want to make it big — You can't recruit too
many of the right kind of people.
• Best way to make promotions — Try not to pick your winners too early, and
let production, not talk, be your guide.
• Best "asset" needed for new recruit to be great — Tremendous desire to
be somebody.
• Best way to "kill recruiting" — Let the negative people, non-producers and
losers change you and make you negative.
• Best way to "see income go down" — Have too many meetings — You
make money and learn this business in the field.
• Best "recruiting organizations" — Always make the most money.
• Best "reason" to recruit — Only way to build a secure income and an
unlimited income. Salespeople are unemployed every day.
• Best way to keep your people "motivated" — Always sell "The Dream."
• Best way to maintain "people's success" — Check their recruiting activity each
• Best recruiting "time frame" — 90 day commitment.
Protected Client
and Protected
"It is your responsibility to win, but not at the expense of
others. You have a responsibility to do what's right,
Art Williams
Mandatory rules:
No. 1 — Protected Client...
Once an A.L. Williams person has picked up a set of policies, that prospect is
protected for 30 days... If you contact this prospect, you should ENCOURAGE him to
buy from the A.L. Williams person who got there FIRST.
The "Worst Hurt"
"It is important that you build it right ‘the first time.’ "
Art Williams
No. 1 — Build with "greenies."
• DANGER in hiring OVER 150 MILES.
No. 5 — Don't let anyone use our sales force.
•Nobody EVER uses A.L. Williams sales force to sell anything
•Nobody EVER comes into A.L. Williams and OVERRIDES our sales force for their
leads, referrals, clients, gimmicks, nothing!
•NEVER a replacement or compensation of any kind from a referral including playing
games with reassignments.
No. 6 - Build it The A.L. Williams Way. Follow A.L. Williams
principles, traditions, guidelines, etc.
It is worth "PAYING THE PRICE" to "DO IT RIGHT" the first time. Don't lose your
opportunity by TAKING SHORT CUTS and doing dumb things!
Use your "common sense..."
How to Always
Stay Motivated
" Y o u m u st a l w a ys be a w i n n i n g ex am pl e . "
• Art Williams
No. 9 — Be tough.
• Want to quit — But can't
• Get tired — But can't rest
• Believe — when everyone doubts
No. 10 — Don't mess with your people's money.
• Don't sell anything to your people
• Don't charge your people rent, fees, etc.
No. 14 — Make your people feel good and special.
•Always give compliments
•Look for the good things in people
•Ask your people their opinions and input
•People want to feel loved and needed.
No. 22 — Don't overpromote or oversell. (Tell it like it is.)
No. 23 — Get to know the spouse. (Really care about your
No. 24 — Be a good person and be loyal (You can't fool your
people very long.)
No. 25 — Always sell "the Dream." (Everyone want to be
No. 26 — Don't worry about things that might happen...(99% of
the things you worry about never happen.)
No. 27 — Tough times don't last...but tough people do. (Don't
show hurt and don't show quit.)
• The Partners in A.L. Williams
• Priorities of Partners
• Keys to Building
• Characteristics of the Partner Leader
• Dangers to Avoid: The Spouse
• Dangers to Avoid: The Licensed Person
• Married RVPs and Managers
• The Single RVP/Manager
• Partner Leaders Strive to Provide
• Keys to Building for Partners
• Male Partners
The Partners
in A.L. Williams
"Most companies call them spouses, we call them
Partners and they are truly a part of the team. Their
efforts are recognized...whether directly or indirectly
involved in the business."
Art Williams
No. 2 — The second aspect of Partnership involves activity which
moves beyond helping the wife/husband exclusively.
Naturally, anything the Partner does to build and support the husband/wife
individually affects everyone in the organization. It involves activity which
helps people in the organization, particularly the Partners.
• Building a business in A.L. Williams involves working with and building people. This
means helping those people to achieve their goals.. .providing instruction, motivation,
communication, recognition and challenges for growth to that end.
• At first this effort to work with people in your group can be a one-on-one effort,
and a Partner’s effort can consist of two or three Partners who join together for a
common purpose.
• The overall plan and purpose for the partners Group must always center around the
philosophy of helping the individual from the standpoint of:
Helping spouses be more comfortable with A.L. Williams, the company and
the people
Helping spouses understand the company, its products and its philosophy
Helping spouses stay informed and up-to-date on company news
Helping spouses find answers to questions they might have
Helping spouses become committed to their Partner's goals
Helping spouses stay motivated and encouraged
Helping spouses understand the importance of their support now
Helping spouses recognize the contributions they can make in the future
Helping spouses develop leadership abilities and find their talents
Helping spouses grow with success as their Partner grows
Priorities of
The company has stated its philosophy of priorities of God
first, family second, and business third. The priority to the
family is husband/wife, then children. (Working in A.L.
Williams should never jeopardize the family needs or the
husband/wife relationship.)
• The first and primary priority to the family and to that Partnership in A.L. Williams
doing what your husband/wife needs and wants you to do.
• Priorities change with circumstances.
For a time, a major emphasis might be working a full-time job or being in the
A.L. Williams office. For others, it might be taking care of a family of growing
A priority list will have many items on it, and some items near the top today
will be at the bottom tomorrow and a year from now new ones will appear.
• In a Partner's list of priorities, every Partner needs to consider "responsibility to the
people they bring into this business."
Although the licensed Partner may be the one who actually did the hiring and
training, the unlicensed Partner's effort, even in small, seemingly insignificant
ways, can make a dramatic difference.
Working with the people in the organization (Partners in particular), is
something the Partner gradually grows to appreciate and will want to include
in her/his priorities.
• Managing everything on the Partner's list of priorities can be difficult and
challenging. It involves a maturity and realization of one's capacity for growth just as
your licensed Partner is more and more able to cope with the increased demands
of a growing business. One aspect of a Partners Organization is the tremendous
support and helpful ideas that are shared.
Keys to
Attitude and Commitment
No. 1 — You can't begin too soon!
•Sales Leaders, District Leaders, Division Leaders, Regional Managers and Partners
need to begin efforts toward building and reaching the Partners. This is not
something that should be postponed until the RVP level.
Both husband and wife should be present at all three stages of the sales process.
Both husband and wife should understand completely the "buy term and
invest the difference" concept.
•This effort begins at initial "recruiting," when the licensed person comes into
the business. The spouse needs to be reached then.
Both husband and wife should understand the opportunity. It doesn't matter
which one does the business, they both need to make that initial
commitment. And, they both need to evaluate and renew these
commitments on an ongoing basis.
• A proper orientation through meetings or lots of one-on-one time is needed for the
spouse as well as the licensed person.
Spouses are encouraged to be present at all A.L. Williams meetings. It will be
impossible to attend every single meeting, but they should want to be there.
There should be opportunities in every organization for the spouse to be a part
of a Partners Organization and attendance at Partners meetings should be
No. 2 — It's never too late.
• No matter what the circumstances have been for not developing an active Partners
group in the past, it can begin now.
• No matter what the size of your organization or the distance between your people,
or the seemingly insurmountable task you might face, it can be done.
• No matter what your attitudes have been in the past, it's not too late to change that.
No. 3 — It takes time and effort and it takes a leader.
• It could take a year just to get things moving. Once you make the commitment,
you don't quit.
• It takes time to build it right, just like building the business. People and
personal relationships aren't developed overnight.
• It takes effort. It won't happen by itself Continued effort must be put forth
to make things happen. Always remember the only way to never make a mistake
is to never do anything. Take action, do something, even if you do make
• It takes a leader. A Partners group just does not continue to grow and
develop without a leader at the top...someone or some group everyone can look
to and follow.
Characteristics of
the Partner Leader
The leader must have the right attitude.
• The leader( s) must have a primary motivation to reach out and help the spouses find
success in this business as it relates to them. The purpose is not to help you, but for
you to help them!
• The leaders of the Partners group are not in competition. They don't do what they
do to seek recognition, or to gain production, business-wise. They do what they do
for the purpose of helping other Partners. (If you do things for the right reasons,
good things in the way of recognition and more success in the business will
eventually come to you.)
• The leader(s) must have an attitude of love and caring for everyone. Every spouse
should be made to feel comfortable and important, and a part of the group. The
leader avoids and discourages cliques.
• The leader(s) must understand the responsibilities of leadership, by providing
example, encouragement and direction to those spouses in their organization.
• The leader(s) should learn not to take things personally (If you let one person
affect you or hurt you, it upsets all of the people.) Bearing up positively under
criticism or temporary troubles is part of the mantle of leadership.
• The leader shows enthusiasm for what she/he is doing. Being the leader is fun, not a
• The leader has patience in "delegating" and working with people. It is easier to do
the work of 10 people than to get 10 people working, but the benefits and
growth in the latter instance, are unlimited.
Dangers to Avoid:
The Spouse
Don't overwhelm the new spouse with too much.
•Some spouses need a period of time to learn and to deal with their concerns in a
friendly, supportive atmosphere. Just concentrate on being a friend initially.
•Don't try to "sell" the negative spouse. Let them meet and get to know you as a
person first. Let them ask questions. Be genuinely concerned about their families.
•Commitment to become involved usually comes with time. “Working in the office,”
“organizing meetings,” “doing things to help in the business,” can be intimidating
• Don't tell the spouse she/he must be licensed and must help recruit, etc. This is a
personal preference that a small percentage will want to do, but the percentage of
Partners directly involved in the sales side of the business is small.
• Help your Partners to determine their individual "comfort zones" in A.L. Williams.
Don't expect them to fit "a mold;" allow for individual differences.
Dangers to Avoid:
The Licensed
Don't say the following to the licensed person:
•"For you to succeed, your spouse has to be involved."
•"A.L. Williams expects..."
•“You can build your business twice as fast if you get your spouse working, too”
Instead, say:
Married RVPs
and Managers
No. 1 — It begins with you personally.
• The example you set in your personal life, as husband and wife, is critical.
• How you share and work this business together influences others.
• The encouragement and position you give your wife/husband sets a standard.
No. 2 — Your wife/husband needs to participate with you in
the business.*
• Tell them you need them.
Make a list of things you need and delegate something to them.
Find something for your wife/husband to do that she/he feels comfortable
• Compliment their efforts and give them credit.
• Expect some rejections and excuses, but don't give up. It takes time to develop a
cooperative, growing partnership.
• Expect frustrations, but work through them together!
Be prepared for input and evaluation from your spouse. Their interest and
concern are normal.
Realize that you both will be dealing with many of the same pressures and
No. 3 — Give your spouse specific directions that involve
working with others.
• Keep your request specific and simple. (Example: “Call Cindy and get to know her.”
OR "Get Joan, Mary and George to come over this week and all of you plan a family
*This does not mean being involved in recruiting or in sales. See: "Dangers to Avoid: The Spouse," page 263.
• Keep changing your requests. (Remember, you're the leader in this area as well s in
the business side.)
•Gradually, provide more demanding opportunities for personal growth and
leadership. (The greater the challenge, the greater the growth.)
•Encourage your wife/husband to implement the "Steps for Partners" in your
The Single
No. 1 — Study the last three sections for the married
RVP/Manager, which also apply to all single RVPs
and Managers (pages 262 - 263).
• Spend time with the Partners in your organization.
• RVP/Manager must be the person to encourage Partner participation.
RVP/Manager should be familiar with how a Partners Organization should function.
No. 2 — Select one spouse (or couple of spouses) to provide
special leadership for your Partners group. There
must be someone responsible.
• Tell them you need their help.
• Meet with the Partner leaders regularly to give them input and motivation.
• Give your Partner leader( s) specific directions that involve working with others.
(See 'Giving Your Spouse Specific Directions, page 262 - 263.)
• Have them report to you, for your approval, their plans for meetings and other
No. 3 — Rotate your spouse leader periodically.
• Have this understood in the beginning. Ask this Partner leader to help you for a
specific period of time (next six months or year) OR for a specific job (i.e.,
organizing a particular meeting or event.)
• Watch for their situation to change and for yours to change as well. (You have the
advantage of choosing your Partner leader.)
Partner Leaders
Strive to Provide:
No. 1 — Partner leaders provide good communication.
• Leaders don’t assume others have all the news and information they have. Leaders
share everything they know and they make it a point to say informed.
• Leaders feel a responsibility to stay in touch on a regular basis.
No. 2 — Partner leaders provide recognition.
• Leaders want to tell others when they are doing a good job, when they are
succeeding, or growing in any area.
• Leaders want everyone to feel special in their unique way, and will look for
opportunities to praise everyone, but will also hold up individuals as extraordinary
examples of success.
No. 3 — Partner leaders provide challenge for growth.
• Leaders believe that each person has special talents and abilities that are innate
but that the potential of the individual in many areas of personal development is
enormous, if not limitless.
• Leaders provide opportunities to give people experiences that will stretch them
to new heights of personal growth.
• Leaders help others overcome their fear of new and challenging experiences.
No. 4 — Partner leaders provide instruction.
• Leaders see that every aspect of A.L. Williams products, philosophy, the way of
doing business, and pertinent news and information is explained to Partners.
• This doesn’t mean that, as the leader, you have to know every detail. What it means
is that you see that instruction is provided and you have a basic understanding.
• Instruction doesn’t take place at one Orientation Meeting or one Fast Start School,
but is an ever-growing experience.
• Provide special reasons for them to come. (Examples: Come to hear special speaker,
help with the event, take a special part in the meeting, enjoy something special that's
been planned for Partners and families, etc.)
Announce your plans/goals.
Evaluate as you go.
Study and use the Partner materials that are available in the A.L. Williams
Distribution Center (Partner's Pack, Steps for Partners, MALE Support Team
Booklet; Best of the Best, etc.). These provide a wealth of "how-to's."
• Don’t Quit!
Remember that this takes time.
Your Partners group grows at the pace of your organization's growth. (The
commitment of the Partner grows with the commitment of the licensed
No. 7 — Show special appreciation to the spouses for their
efforts and positive attitude.
• Remember simple "thank you's."
• Implement regular recognition for your Partners along with the recognition given
the licensed spouse.
• Establish a traditional awards program for the spouses (Partner of the Year,
Rookie Partners, Up and Coming Partners, etc.)
• Characteristics of a successful Partners meeting:
Provide a friendly, enthusiastic atmosphere, one that encourages participation
for all and makes the most reluctant or newest person feel welcomed and
Share A.L. Williams personal stories of success.
Deal with topics of frustration or concern that Partners have and share ideas
toward positive solutions
Provide Al. Williams information.
How to succeed
Company concepts and philosophy
Overview of company news and technical information
Ideas on spouse involvement
(The list goes on....)
It's very important to provide a time for questions and discussion. (Having a
meeting which involves good discussion and sharing personal stories of success
are the two most critical aspects of a successful meeting.)
Plan recognition of some kind at every meeting. (Small gifts, ribbons or
nametags, even the simplest forms of recognition count.)
• Evaluate your meetings according to the above guidelines and always strive to
make them more interesting.
Male Partners
No. 1 — Provide male Partners with company information.
• Make a special effort to get them to A.L. Williams meetings.
• Make all news, motivation and materials available to them.
• See that they have copies of the MaleGram, MALE Support Team booklet and tapes
(available from the A.L. Williams Distribution Center).
• Business Principles
• Intent Is What Counts
• Our Product Philosophy
• How We Develop Our Products
• Invest the Difference in An IRA
• Leadership vs. Management
• Husband and Wife RVP Teams
• Protect the A.L. Williams Sales Force
• Do It Right — Securities Sales
• Code of Ethics
• The A.L. Williams "Promise" to You
"I believe that A.L . Wil lia ms is a gr eat company because
i t ' s a g o od c om pa n y . W e w i l l n e v e r l os e o u r c om m i tm en t
to do what's right."
Art Williams
I made a COMMITMENT to every person on February 10, 1977 when Al. Williams
was born:
No. 1 — We will never hold anybody back.
No. 2 — We will never deny anyone an earned promotion.
No. 3 — You can pass up and earn more money than those
over you when you join A.L. Williams.
No. 4 — We will help you and be there when you need us (you
won't be alone — we are a team).
No. 5 — We will give you everything you need to win.
No. 6 — We will never ask you to slow down. You can always
earn more and build it bigger if you want to.
No. 7 — We will never embarrass you when it comes to dealing
with the consumer — we will always "do what's right"
for the consumer.
No. 8 — We won't wait for you.
No. 9 - We won't beg you.
No. 10 — We won't quit with you.
This has been “THE FOUNDATION” upon which the A.L Williams company
was built.
As I look to the future of A.L. Williams I see only two things that could really
Recruiting the wrong kind of people that would take advantage of our
freedoms and our opportunity
RVPs not building “the A.L. Williams Way,” not following our
I PROMISE the A.L. Williams company and all our A.L. Williams people :
I believe you can be ULTRA SUCCESSFUL in business and still do WHAT’S
RIGHT. A.L. Williams has proven that A.L. Williams is a company you can
believe in.
I hope we can always count on our people to STAND UP for the REAL A.L.
Williams in all their business activities.
Intent Is What
" W e exp ec t o ur p eo p le t o h ave a d ed ica t i o n t o a l wa ys
doi n g w ha t 's r ig h t . T her e's j us t n o o t her w ay t o b u ild a
great company."
Art Williams
We try to have very few rules and regulations, but we expect our people to
There are some "greedy' minds out there who can't think of anything but
themselves; we've built a "me" generation in America, made up of people who want
to win only for their own benefit.
These people will use the goodness of A.L. Williams to further their own profits.
If you are the kind of person who can't put the rights of others before your own,
can't succeed without stepping on other people or using other people — you are
not going to make it in A.L. Williams. You aren't good enough for this company.
We want to leave a LEGACY in this industry of being good, honest and sincere
Our Product
"We believe buy term and invest the difference is the
greatest concept available today for income protection
and savings potential for the average income family."
Art Williams
No. 7 — The ultimate goal is to become financially secure.
The ultimate goal for "buy term and invest the difference" is to
enable our families to control their own futures.
Provide the amount of death protection really needed to protect the income at
a time when needed the most.
An individual controls his savings.
Accumulate enough savings to eliminate the need for death protection.
No. 8 — Our product philosophy is based on "the theory of
decreasing responsibility."
The "theory of decreasing responsibility" shows the wisdom of the term
insurance choice. You need a lot of coverage in the early years, when your
responsibilities and expenses are high. You need less protection in later years, when
responsibilities and costs have decreased.
You buy low-cost term in the early years, then "invest the difference" in a promising
investment program. You have protection when you need it in the early years and
cash from accumulated savings in the later years when you need cash.
a "permanent" need each family has. The "theory of decreasing responsibility"
shows that life insurance is a way to protect your family by "buying time" until
your personal financial estate is in order. Once you've built a cash estate, your need
for insurance greatly diminishes.
How We Develop
Our Products
"At A.L . Will iams, we base our pr oducts on the needs of
the average American family."
Art Williams
When we develop our product, we always consider three things:
• Consumer
Didn't like level term with increasing premiums
Didn't like decreasing term with level premiums
Didn't like temporary term
Didn't like expensive term
Available in the marketplace ONLY if tied in with a whole life policy
• Life insurance people didn't like LOW COMMISSIONS!
• Life insurance company didn't like POOR PERSISTENCY or POOR PROFITS.
• Our term product solves those problems!
• Our product has:
Level term, level
Protection to age 85
Guaranteed rates
Guaranteed renewability
Highly competitive rates
Volume discounts
Good commissions
Good profits
How have we done this?
Developed a huge system of independent business men and women
Offered an UNLIMITED business opportunity
Built a mass distribution sales force utilizing the part-time agent concept
Eliminated company expenses for maintenance and training of sales force which
do not have to be passed on to the consumer
No advertising expenses which have to be passed on to the consumer
Reduced administrative cost
Average industry administrative cost is 7 employees per every $100 million
administered — MILICO's administrative cost is LESS THAN ONE employee per
$100 million administered.
Latest in computer technology — fully automated systems
Modernized underwriting requirements
Utilize the "Life Cycle 70" system which is the most efficient and modern
system in life insurance administration.
Simplified products
Streamlined management concept
Invest the
Difference in an
"The IRA is the perfect match to the term insurance
Art Williams
• The IRA is the most perfect investment vehicle available to Middle Americans
• Everyone who pays taxes should have an IRA. (The qualified IRA has complete
approval of the federal government.
• You should never invest in any kind of savings or investment program until you
• With mutual funds:
Leadership vs.
"The only way to lead is by example. The cardinal rule
of leaders should be to never ask anything of their
people that they haven't done themselves."
Art Williams
People are skeptical — and they should be — they've been tricked and hurt often
To succeed, you must be the kind of person people respect — honest, sincere,
genuine and caring.
No. 4 - Before you can become a leader, you've got to become
a great person.
Live by the principles you "TALK."
Live the kind of life you want people to follow. Take care of your family, take care of
your financial security (make money and save money), achieve your goal of financial
independence, sell by "personal example."
The Greatest Part-
Time Opportunity
in America
A few reasons to work part-time with A.L. Williams:
No. 1 — It's a challenging job.
•You must earn your license.
•Everyone can't qualify.
No. 2 — We don't just sell policies.
•We save people money.
No. 3 — You can help people.
•"Buy term and invest the difference" is the best concept available today.
No. 4 — You can begin to build your own business.
•You work for yourself — you're your own boss.
No. 5 — You learn something worthwhile.
• Learn the keys to making money work for you.
• improve your own family's financial planning.
No. 6 — You can earn more money than at other part-time jobs.
• One sale a month may give you an extra $100, $200 or more.
Husband and Wife
RVP Teams
"We never want to put a husband and wife in
competit ion with each other."
Art Williams
A.L. Williams permits both the husband and the wife, as individuals, to become reps or
RVPs, if that's what they want.
BUT, A.L. Williams STRONGLY recommends ONE RVP per "team." A.L. Williams
believes that partners should WORK TOGETHER to build a business.
Both partners come out better in the long run this way.
No. 1 — Easier To win Contests...
Many A.L. Williams trips, meetings, conventions and so forth are based on CASH FLOW
figures. If an R'VP had a spouse working in the business and was overriding that spouse at
LEVEL 1, that couple would have a better chance of "winning" or qualifying for the trip
than an RVP who had a spouse who was a "district" or a "division." Remember that the
And that couple would be MUCH better off than an RVP couple competing in the contest,
since there would be NO OVERRIDE situation between husband and wife (see policy # 3
No. 2 — Less Competitive...
Sometimes earning your RVP promotion is simply a matter of "pride." A.L. Williams
understands that. It IS a GREAT ACHIEVEMENT to make RVP. But A.L. Williams has also
learned, from experience, that there may be increased "COMPETITION" between
husband and wife if both are building regions.
If it is a matter of pride and self-esteem with a spouse to "MAKE IT" to RVP, then that
spouse should GO FOR IT and earn his or her RVP promotion. THEN both partners would
build separate regions and run separate businesses.
BUT….be aware that this couple would have a GREATER CHANCE in contest
competition if one of the spouses RETURNED to LEVEL 1.
Policy Regarding Spouse Licensed and Working in the
1. No reason for spouse to get licensed unless he or she plans to solicit for sales or
service clients. Then, MUST have license in insurance and/or securities. Rep's spouse
must report to the same RVP.
2. Below Regional Manager position, the spouse can NOT be counted as a management
"leg" toward promotion, and he or she can't be a "replacement" toward promotion.
3. At RVP level, RVP can't override a spouse who is an RVP.*
4. HOWEVER, working toward the RVP level, the licensed spouse production woul4
count toward $10,000 submitted production requirement for RVP promotion.
5. When the “2nd spouse” reaches RVP, the spouse will be coded RVP under the
same upline RVP and then the husband and wife will each build separate regions.
*Guidelines “2” and “3” are to PROTECT the A.L. Williams system from people who
might get their spouse licensed and then assign people to that spouse to increase
Circumstances to Avoid
•Competition…(“My” organization vs. “Yours”; who produces the “most,” who gets the
“most” recognition, etc.)
•Conflict in leadership...(Husband/wife disputes on how to run the business; people in
the organization not feeling one leader but two and constantly being confused on
whom to follow.)
•Conflicts in loyalties…(husband/wife loyalty and interest being to their people rather
than each other.)
Who is assigned an organization in the event of RVP death?
It depends. In most cases, the company automatically reassigns people to the upline RVP.
HOWEVER, when and if there is a licensed spouse who has proven capable in sales and
management, and could provide the kind of leadership the organization would need, then
A.L. Williams would consider assigning that organization to him or her.
A.L. Williams WOULD NOT reassign an organization to a spouse who has simply been a
"figurehead" RVP or leader, with no actual ability or practical experience in
the business.
A.L. Williams makes these decisions based on what is best for ALL concerned.
Protect the
A.L.Williams Sales
"As Al. Williams and its leaders become more successful
and well-known, there are many who will try to join A.4.
Williams 'to take advantage of us!' I consider it one of
your Top Priorities' to protect the A.L. Williams sales
Art Williams
• RVPs are EXPECTED to be “full-time,” “devote 100% of their business
lives” and “be a POSITIVE, WINNING example” for A.L. Williams.
An RVP (you must make a full-time commitment to be an RVP) may
never "go back part-time" and still continue to override his region as a
Regional Manager.
• Never loan your people money. Help them by giving them your support
and leadership. Loaning money does not solve the problem.
Grounds for termination, suspension, demotion or other
Violators can be terminated, suspended, demoted or subject to other discipline for the
Endorsing reps’ or managers’ checks and stealing their money; they earned
Stealing licensing money; NEVER have a separate "licensing account."
Selling promotions and/or people; our people earn their promotions honestly
– they don’t buy a contract.
Not paying bills; hurting A.L. Williams' reputation.
• Less than full-time effort by an RVP...or not actively supervising the total
RVPs can't relocate base shop without permission of NSD or Art Williams.
RVP can retire under Estate Plan only as fully qualified SVP.
RVP must be a leader in production and recruiting.
• Not complying with Al. Williams replacement policy
• Misusing Printed and Audio Visual Materials*
Do not duplicate, reproduce or change any company sales material without
written permission from the A.L. Williams Legal Department.
Only approved A.L. Williams sales, recruiting and training materials may be used for
clients and recruits.
Flyers, leaflets, pamphlets or mass handouts cannot be used in any way. (ie: no flyers
on car windshields, house-to-house leaflets, passing out cards on the
streets, etc.)
Only exceptions: Company-approved referral letters and "Common Sense" return
postcards, which may be inserted into copies of Common Sense.
Only newspaper ads approved by A.L. Williams Home Office may be published and
then only by an RVP.
No video or audio taping of any A.L. Williams meeting for distribution — only taping
for personal use is allowed.
• Terminations
Only A.L. Williams, Inc. can terminate an RVP.
NSDs, SVPs and RVPs recommend termination
• Contacting the media
No one should represent A.L. Williams to any news media, newspaper, radio
television or any form of mass communication without contact and approval from
the A.L. Williams Public Relations Office.
• Pressuring clients
A.L. Williams representatives never sell on the first visit.
• Misrepresenting A.L. Williams
• Help "POLICE" A.L. Williams sales force:
A.L. Williams is positioned to PAY OFF BIG for our leaders. I PROMISE you I won't let
"PRINCIPLES AND TRADITIONS" hurt our great company and our FABULOUS
In March, 1984 a person without a securities license was caught soliciting mutual
fund sales using prospectuses and sales literature. He was fined $25,000 and is
banned from association with any member of the association in any capacity.
No. 2 —
management who were giving prospectuses to clients. He was tined $5,000 and
suspended for six months and was required to requalify by examination.
At A.L. Williams, any non-securities licensed person carrying securities sales
literature, prospectuses or any non-securities licensed person in any way soliciting a
sale for mutual funds will be terminated, as well as that person's immediate manager.
Also, the RVP is subject to termination. Example: If a non-securities licensed sales
leader is giving out prospectuses, the sales leader and the district leader will be
terminated and possibly the RVP!
No. 3 —
In February, 1984 a person with a securities license, who was not present at the sale,
signed a mutual fund application that was written and sold by a non-securities
licensed person. The licensed person who signed the application was fined $36,000
and banned from association in any capacity. The immediate supervisor was fined
$20,000 and banned from association in any capacity. The non-securities licensed
person who solicited the sale was fined $25,000 and banned from association in any
At A.L. Williams any person who signs an application and is not present at the sale
will be terminated as well as the upline manager with the RVP also subject to
At A.L. Williams any non-securities licensed person taking an application for
securities will be terminated as well as the immediate manager and the RVP will also
be subject to termination.
It is important that we do it right at A.L. Williams. It is not worth your career to do
things the wrong way. If in doubt, don't do it!
Code of Ethics
A.L. Williams management believes that a business, in order to exist and prosper,
must always consider the human factor and place a high value on the individual. A.L.
Williams is built on strong personal relationships, based on true, honest friendship;
we believe that this type of organization will succeed far better than one based on
business relationships alone.
A.L. Williams management recognizes that an individual can only reach full
potential in a company environment that offers opportunity, encouragement and
recognition, and that fosters individual initiative. It must be an environment that
allows each person to be "the best he can be."
A.L. Williams believes in service to the consumer, including fair and proper analysis
of the client's financial needs, careful and honest presentation of our product, and
dedicated follow-up service and concern.
A.L. Williams selects its leaders based on their morals, character and ability to
deliver. This company will be led, through positive influence, by people doing what
is right and living up to their commitments.
The leaders of A.L. Williams will manage by example. They will be fair-minded and
objective in all their activities. Al. Williams people will never manage by
intimidation, excessive rules or threats. They will always strive to do what's right for
their own people and for the public that they serve.
A.L. Williams believes in considering the family unit in all of its internal business
practices. The company's commitment to family is total and unfailing. A.L. Williams
will always welcome the spouses of representatives and leaders into all business
functions and activities. A.L. Williams is a family business.
A.L. Williams believes that for a person to be his best, he must be a total person,
with life's priorities in the proper order. We believe that order should be spiritual
life, family life, and business life.
A.L. Williams management believes that in order for people to achieve the greatest
success in an organization, they must maintain a total commitment to its philosophy
and procedures, and must put their total working efforts into the business.
We believe that the company is obligated to match the commitment and dedication
of the individual with the company's total support and commitment. A.L. Williams
will always support its people.
The A. L. Williams
"Promise" to You
• We will give you THE “BEST” PRODUCTS in our industry to sell to your clients.
• We DON'T sell by using PRESSURE, TRICKS or GIMMICKS.
• We make our clients feel COMFORTABLE. We DON’T sell on the FIRST INTERVIEW
and we DON’T talk down to people and make them feel INFERIOR.
• We give you a COMPANY with a PHILOSOPY. We believe in “Buy Term and Invest the
Difference.” WE SELL what we believe in owing on our OWN LIFE.
• We sell TERM LIFE INSURANCE 100% of the time. American people are tired of people
who won’t take a stand – “fencesitters.”
American companies are worried, hurting and crying. A.L. WILLIAMS is SUCCESSFU1L,
• We will give you the BEST PART-TIME OPPORTUNITY in America. It is possible
to make a LOT OF MONEY doing a GREAT JOB for people.
• You will feel GOOD about the job you do for people.
• You will NEVER be REQUIRED to give up the security of your full-time job. You
can stay part-time FOREVER at A.L. Williams.
• We will give you HOPE and OPPORTUNITY again. Give you the chance to
DREAM again.
• We will give you a chance to OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS — The American
• We will NEVER DENY you a PROMOTION when you QUALIFY.
• We will always let you EARN MORE and BUILD IT BIGGER — if you want to.
• We will give you an opportunity to PASS UP and MAKE MORE than those ABOVE
YOU and those who have been HERE LONGER than you.
• We will give you a company that’s CONTROVERSIAL. Any NEW IDEA
meets resistance.
• We will give you a chance to be a member of a NATIONAL
CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM. We are at the top of our industry.
• We will give you a chance to FEEL GOOD about YOURSELF: to become
• We will give you a chance to become a REGINAL VICE PRESIDENT – to
be your OWN BOSS.
• We will give you a chance to IMPROVE YOUR LIFE FINANCIALLY A chance to
FINALLY — We will give you a chance TO TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE AGAIN.