With the rapid development of China’s economic and tourism, competition in the hotel industry has become intense. Only by
improving the means and methods of their management and improve their level of service constantly, can they receive adequate and
healthy development. Therefore, the hotel operation computer management has become a priority task. These articles give a brief
introduction to hotel management system design, in accordance with means of software engineering to do feasibility analysis,
requirements analysis and design. The whole system divided into modules separately and introduce the function, while gives a set of
criteria and the logical structure of the database of database management. These analyses and the guidelines basically meet the design
requirements of hotel management system based on information technology, so as to improve the service quality and efficiency of
the management of the hotel.
Keywords: hotel management, feasibility analysis, requirements analysis, database, logical structure
Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]
Operation Research and Decision Making
COMPUTER MODELLING & NEW TECHNOLOGIES 2014 18(10) 296-301 Guo Guirong, Lu Yan
only used by some of the star hotel management, and 3.2 REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS
each hotel has different needs, but most of the existing
management system’s definition of a project cannot be Requirements analysis is the analysis definition process
applied to general hotel management, so identifying these of requirements, is the start of the planning and
specific needs is the content should be made clear first development period of the project. Needs analysis task is
before build a management information system. to thoroughly describe the function and performance of
Hotel management information system using the software, identify limits of software design and
feasibility analysis mainly focused on the operator’s software interface details with other elements of the
actual situation and environmental aspects. Operation system, defining the effectiveness of software
situation analysis focuses on the hotel specific section’s requirements. Requirements analysis includes business
attitudes and awareness toward management information requirements, functional requirements and development
system specific functions, such as its system or part of requirements [4].
systems capabilities considered not needed or are not
willing to use, system construction and use will appear a 3.2.1 Business requirements analysis
series of problems. Therefore, when carrying out
feasibility analysis, first focused on specific sectors, (1) Room booking capability can handle customer
particularly mission critical jobs such as hotel General bookings by various means, such as phone book, online
Manager, Department head’s awareness and orientation bookings, and reservations at the front desk.
on the system. In addition, when system is using (2) Rooms of the hotel have different grades, and
feasibility analysis, it should consider the environmental require the system to be able to categorize the room
conditions, particularly special circumstances in business management, and according to book different types of
activities, such as quickly to make the guest registration rooms to offer available prices, booking discount timing
and organization when receive group guest. function settings such as lowest price, easy to fit
(2)Technical feasibility individual traveller and group reservations.
Management information system for technical (3) Check function
feasibility involves information processing technology (4) Keep abreast of the current state of all whether it
(such as information processing, input / output, and is available, such as clean the room, which was checked
response time), reliability, scalability, security, out, to track whether the guest stay. Based on client
maintainability, and environmental adaptability and so on occupancy information, you need to provide a guest
many aspects, mainly analysis whether technical information management function, in order to achieve
conditions can smoothly carry out development work, can unified management to the guests of the hotel
meet the needs of developers of software and hardware, information, such as ID number for customer inquiries,
and so on. queries according to the checking dates, change the guest
B/s mode may be used for development of this contact information and so on.
system, combining hItem Intranet technologies, in line (5) A hotel management system should have
with the trend of technology development. Database recognition module in order to distinguish each business
server using MySQL database, it is able to handle large (accommodation, registration, cashier, hospitality, and
amounts of data, while maintaining the integrity of the other services) to which staff action is, that means the
data and provides many advanced management system should set login module.
capabilities. Its flexibility, security, and easy of use
provides good conditions for database programming. 3.2.2 Functional requirements analysis
Therefore, systems’ software platforms are already
mature and feasible, it is technically feasible. Hotel management system consists of both background
(3)Economic feasibility and foreground parts, front office is responsible for
Economic feasibility analysis mainly analysis and booking, reception and cashier services, the background
assessment the construction project of the funding needs used for administrators to manage systems, such as
and capital efficiency, including budget estimates, the setting room type, room settings, operator settings,
input-output ratio, payback period of investment, financial management and warehouse management.
investment benefit analysis, and so on. The development Cash register function requirements. An integrated
and maintenance of this hotel management information cash register system should have the following functional
system requires hotel put into expense, but as an requirements: cash register charge of project settings,
important aid to the hotel management, after it put into various payment methods (cash, accounting and business
use, it can dramatically improve the department summary report).
efficiency, its business volume, improved quality of Room settings requirements: Room is the hotel's main
service will far outweigh the upfront investment. product; room management plays an important role in the
Therefore, hotel’s selection of management information hotel business. The most important tasks in room
systems has high investment returns and strong economic management is to modify the status of rooms, provided
feasibility. the information whether room is free, for rent, clean
Operation Research and Decision Making
COMPUTER MODELLING & NEW TECHNOLOGIES 2014 18(10) 296-301 Guo Guirong, Lu Yan
rooms, dirty rooms and other information, so that bring 4 Hotel management system design
convenience to receptionist assigned room reservation.
Room management demands specific functions, including 4.1 PRINCIPLE OF SYSTEM DESIGN
modified status of rooms, room management, post
management, room supplies supplements article Hotel management functional requirements determine the
management, room history search, to check availability hotel management system, designed to not only take into
with the front desk, room maintenance, housekeeping, the account of conforming to the theoretical system of
internal administration of print-related housekeeping management information systems, but also consider the
report. hotel industry’s high level specificity required for
Financial management requirements: Finance is the reliability, real time management, health and safety and
core of hotel Admin, it has the following functional so on [6]. Management information system of hotel
requirements: set up account, initial processing, consists of front office systems and back-office system,
bookkeeping, certificate, voucher budget, other systems are designed to do nothing but follow the general
management review post, enter detailed ledger, inquire principles of design of management information system,
function, processing capabilities, a variety of reports and and according to the particularity of the hotel
books of output. management should also follow certain design principles.
Warehouse management requirements: Warehouse
management functions including construction 4.1.1 Front office system design principle
management, changes in the new warehouse, adjusting
prices, to deal the daily account, including records and (1) Concurrency considerations. In front Office system
statistics code, name, unit price, price and so on of application, multiple users simultaneous access to a
inbound and outbound items every day or every period. library that is very frequent thing, if not handled well, can
Report processing, includes articles, of inbound and cause a system deadlock, data loss, recovery difficult,
outbound inventory processing, goods schedules, seriously, it will cause incalculable consequences for the
statements processing and so on. hotel business. Therefore, during system design, set a
Operator set up module: this module is used to process accessing shared data or critical section, using PV
manage the hotel operator information, add new operator, operation to control the process, simultaneously in order
edit existing operator information, and delete operator to reduce the share of conflict, enhancing system security,
information functions. and will often require exclusive use of the database into
Overall System multiple, such as log file system is divided into 10: log 0~
log 9.
(2) A good user interfaces and eases of operation.
Login authentication module Front office module Background office module
Computer user request the system to complete a function
through the user interface, also respond to user requests
Reserve Check--in
or reports through the user interface implementation.
Cashier Business Depot
services statistics Room Operator management Therefore, the user interface is the embodiment of system
Reception seeting
functions in front of the user, which is to provide users
management Room
type with the means to use the system. Friendly interface will
have: an attractive format, compatible with the screen
FIGURE 1 Systems function diagram user operation, the operation is simple and easy to learn ,
users can get help at any time, it mainly express through
3.2.3 Development requirements analysis the window, menu design, screen design and so on.
(3) Safety, reliable design. With the development of
Regardless of hotel scale, its future direction will be to networks, and in recent years many companies has
network and information development, its main business exposed to disclose customer information, this also
needs mainly show in the network business process became problems to be faced by the hotel management
requirements and hotel information process requirements information system. In order to ensure the safety and
[5]. It mainly reflects in: remote query processing reliability of the data correct and effective, the system
capabilities with the business requirements, cooperation must provide a set of data protection subsystem,
with other relevant units of demand, as with other including security, reliability, integrity, and concurrency
businesses such as hotels, travel agencies, the Ministry of control and so on.
public security, hotel information needs, such as (4) Suitability. The system should develop toward the
electronic door locks, program-controlled exchange application and the future, therefore be able to adapt to
equipment, magnetic card consumer and other business different hotels in different management models, different
process requirements. settings, different product types, but also must be able to
adapt to related equipment and system. To meet these
requirements, you should open parameters as much as
possible in the design of system, and when connect with
Operation Research and Decision Making
COMPUTER MODELLING & NEW TECHNOLOGIES 2014 18(10) 296-301 Guo Guirong, Lu Yan
other associated equipment, facilities and services, stay better organize your data and designed to meet the actual
well in advance as far as possible, and be able to adapt to needs of the database, the system in the design mainly
the new trends in technological development, easy follow the following principles of database design:
version of hardware replacement and software upgrades. (1) Data consistency and integrity guidelines
In order to ensure the consistency and integrity of the
4.1.2 Back Office Design Principle database, reduce data redundancy. Associations between
tables is a coercive measure, once established, to the
Hotel back office system design follow the general parent table and the child table’s insert, update, and delete
principles of software design, whose design is based on operations are take up overhead, so generally we do not
financial transaction, involves accounting (financial identify the properties in the database design field as the
transaction, fixed assets, payroll, material warehouses, primary key connect with the child table.
cash bank, procurement, etc.), cost analysis (financial (2) Regulatory guidelines
analysis, cost analysis, profitability analysis, and so on), When design and operation and maintenance the
decision support, and so on. database, to ensure that data distributed properly across
(1) Principle based on financial accounting. Financial the tables in your database. Using the correct data
accounting managed by financial transactional, during the structure and corresponding access to the database is not
design process, it follows the following several points: only easy to operate, and can greatly simplify the other
1. Uniformity and standardization. Bookkeeping contents of the application (queries, forms, reports, code,
voucher should use unified fill specification, for easy and so on), the correct table designs means that
entry and processing, such as receipt, voucher payments implement database normalization.
and transfers in unified format. Accounting summary
written to be standardized as far as possible, best use 4.3 THE LOGICAL DATABASE STRUCTURE
fixed lines. DESIGN
2. The report generation function is the key to success
of the software package. Considering the concepts required building the hotel
3. Financial management system should have management system, and does logical structure design for
mandatory control functions. it [8].
(2) Principle to regard support decision-making, Customer (name, card type, ID card number, gender,
financial planning forecast as the guiding. A financial telephone number, contact address, customer registration,
plan forecasts subsystem consists of the following record-keepers, notes).
functional modules: Levels of rooms (number, room level, housing prices,
1. Financial planning forecasting module function as basic settings).
financial forecasting and preparation of the medium-term Room (room number, room level, room status, room
funding programs. size, position).
2. Cost planning module can achieve its cost estimates Reservation form (expected order number, customer
and other functions. ID, customer name, room level, room reservation,
3. Project budgeting module. According to the booking status, check-in method, an extra bed, extra bed
existing standards and prices, calculate the costs of price, deposit, expected arrival time, the expected
projects and preparation of the project budget. departure time, recording time, record-keepers, note).
4. Investment projects feasibility analysis module is Stay list (check number, customer ID, customer name,
applied for feasibility analysis for investment, joint room level, number of rooms, occupancy status, check-in
venture projects. methods, extra bed, extra bed price, deposit, arrive time,
expected departure time, whether breakfast, whether
4.2 PRINCIPLE OF DATABASE DESIGN wake up, whether staying secret, recording time, record-
keepers, note).
Hotel management information’s main task is to manage Stay list’s history (number, stay list number, customer
the needs of information obtained through large amounts ID, customer name, room level, number of rooms,
of data, which must store and manage large amounts of occupancy status, whether an extra bed, extra bed price,
data. Therefore, establish a good data structures and deposit, expected arrival time, the expected departure
databases can make the whole system be quickly, easily, time, recording time, record-keepers, note).
and accurately to manage the data you need is one of the Changes of business list (change order number,
main indicators to measure a hotel management change business customer ID, customer name, room
information system development work well or bad. A level, number of rooms, occupancy status, whether an
good data structure and database should fully reflect the extra bed, extra bed price, deposit, expected arrival time,
evolving situation, fully meet regulatory requirements at the expected departure time, recording time, record-
all levels of the Organization, should also make keepers, note).
subsequent systems development work convenient, fast,
overhead is small and ease of maintenance [7]. In order to
Operation Research and Decision Making
COMPUTER MODELLING & NEW TECHNOLOGIES 2014 18(10) 296-301 Guo Guirong, Lu Yan
Consumption list (AutoNumber, check-in list number, T JDBC API supports two-layer model (c/s) for
customer name, consumption content, spending time, database access, and also supports a three-tier model
amount, note). (B/S). In a two-layer model, the Java aPPlet or
Consumption list (AutoNumber, check-in list number, application will have a direct dialogue with the database.
customer name, consumption content, spending time, This will require a JDBC driver to communicate with
amount, note); specific database management system. Users’ SQL
Cashier’s check-list (check-out number, customer ID, statement is sent to the database, and the results will be
customer name, room level, price, number of rooms, sent back to the user. Databases can be located on a
occupancy status, stay methods, whether an extra bed, different computer, users connecting over the network to
extra bed price, deposits, accounts receivable, Actual the database. This is called a client/server configuration,
balance, departure time, recording time, record-keepers, in which users’ computers is clients, provides database’s
note). computer is a server. In a three-tier model, the command
is sent to the service’s “middle-tier”, and then it sends
4.4 DATABASE ACCESS TECHNOLOGY SQL statements to the database. Database process SQL
statements and the results are sent back to the middle tier,
This system can consolidate uses Java JDBC technology middle tier and then sent the results back to the user [10].
achieve connection of Java with MySQL. DBC (Java
DataBase Connectivity Java database connectivity) is a 5 Conclusion
Java API for executing SQL statements, and can provide
unified access to multiple relational databases, which At present, information management technology has been
consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in the pushed at frontier of time by global information tide, thus
Java language. JDBC provides a standard API for the information management system becomes hot issue
database developers, can build more advanced tools and that all the society concerned about. With the
interfaces according to it that enables database developers development of science and technology, computer
to use pure Java API to write database applications. science become matures; they play an increasingly
JDBC features include a connection to the database, important role in all areas of society. People can give a
send a statement of the operational database and process lot of tedious work to computer systems to process, thus
the results. Java has a sturdy, safe, easy to use, easy to improve work efficiency.
understand and can be automatically downloaded from Hotel management system in this paper is to analyse
the network properties, it is an outstanding language in and design on the basis of the current development of the
writing database applications. All you need is Java computer technology. Through analysis of the feasibility
application and the method of dialogue between different of the system, and a variety of needs analysis, modularize
databases and JDBC is a mechanism for this purpose. the system, analyse and give simple introduction on
JDBC extends the functionality of Java [9]. For example, function of every module, then given the logical structure
using Java and the JDBC API can publish a Web page of the database design of the management system,
containing the aPPlet, the aPPlet using information from provides a theoretical basis for the realization of the
remote databases. Enterprises can also use JDBC via management system. This management system overcome
hitranet linked all staff to one or more internal database shortcomings of modern operating system that
(even though these computers used by staff in a variety of computation are not strict and systematic, such as heavy
operating systems such as Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, workload, data transmission is not timely, error-prone
etc.). management statistics and so on; enhance the
competitiveness of the hotels.
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Operation Research and Decision Making
COMPUTER MODELLING & NEW TECHNOLOGIES 2014 18(10) 296-301 Guo Guirong, Lu Yan
Guirong Guo, born in 1982, Shandong Province of China
Operation Research and Decision Making