AAB Proceedings - Issue #33

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10 June, 1996 Issue 34

The newsletter of the History of the Imperium Working Group (HIWG).
Produced and distributed by Clayton R. Bush.

Open Letter
There was a "flame war" on the HIWG mailing list. Harold posted the
enclosed chairsophont letter. Leroy Guatney attacked it and him, for
posting negative comments on T4 as a representative of HIWG. Harold
did not back down .
. Leroy called for a recall election. The discussion went on. At one point
leroy threatened to disconnect the HIWG list, and Harold wanted to expel
Leroy. Leroy decided to start a group called TERRA. Summaries inside.

Contents ISSUES
Chairsophont Letter: The letter has expressed opinions in the past. I
Chairsophont Letter . . . . 2 recall reading there that TNE might be TRAVELLER's final chance, and
that GDW was in trouble. I don't think Harold crossed any lines, but, yes,
Leroy's Rebuttal • . . . . . 2
he was rather negative.
TERRA • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 My Voles: Harold didn't do anything wrong. We don't expel people.
Anyone can quit, but we've never expelled anyone.
IG Products Improving'? .. 5
Both motions continue to lack a second.
Dinosaur Continent . . . . 6 Issues: The T4 rulebook needs to be reprinted with corrections. It needs
a reprinting more than MT and TNE did.
Phoenix Foundation. • • • 8
But I played with the black books, which leave a lot of gaps and holes to
Stargate • • . . • • • . 10 fill in. I never expeCt a rulebook to run a campaign. (I once ran 2300AD
Miniatures & Traveller. 11 with TNE rules, creating weapon stats that seemed reasonable before the
Babylon 5 Task System .. "12 A consistent background matters to me, but I've always been prepared
to ignore or interpret the history differently. And at a GenCon seminar
Marc was clear about not confining himself to someone else's idea of
Milieu 0 gets back to mindset I want: adventuring. I've run con events
under every system but T4 so far, and I'll run a T4 event at GenCon.
Before T4 I saw enough variety to run all kinds of events someplace at
some time. T4 hasn't diminished this flexibility.

To Do
Leaving? Anyone wishing to end his membership need only apply for
payment of unused dues. That's always been the rule. So far only one
person has ever written me to do that, but anyone can.
HIWG: We're discussing writing a charter to specify what HIWG is for.
Communication with HIWGers who are not on the Internet remains an
unsolved problem. HIWG-UK was successful in exchanging Atari ST
disks. There doesn't seem to be a common media the whole group can
standardize on.
Once again Traveller finds itself in a time of crisis. with T4. For another, IG Traveller products have
Whether or not you personally like Marc Miller's strayed so far from the established storyline canon, if
Traveller (aka T4), arrata has become a major issue, they had been produced 10 years ago they would
in much the same way that it was back in 1987 with have been declared "unofficial» by GDW and
the initial release of MegaTraveiler. Unlike the flaws disavowed.
in MegaTraveller, however, the flaws in T4 are. While it is the perogative of the copyright holder to
serious enough that Imperium Games plans to reissue publish whatever they see fit to slap the Traveller
some of the books they released, including the basic name on, we as consumers also have the right not to
manual, which will also include a revised task buy it. I would urge all HIWG members to critically
resolution system. examine IG products before purchasing them, and
Those of us who kept our investments in T 4 to a then make up your own mind as to whether you think
minimum while the system matured are glad we they are worth it.
hedged our bets. Those of you who invested heavily in I am continuing to put together new material for
Imperium Games products are probably feeling a bit Children of Earth, the Solomani Rim in the New Era
burned now, and you have a right to go so. Imperium setting I created, and I have collaborated with the I
Games will undoubtedly want additional amounts of members of the TNE-RCES mailing list on some
your money for the "fixed" versions of the books you projects recently. I would like to see all HIWG
now own. members actively engaged in projects for your favorite
I'd like to say that now that IG is finally getting its act version/setting of Traveller. One day it may be left up
together, its time for those who have been withholding to us and us alone to produce new Traveller material.
their financial support from new Traveller products to Peace and prosperity to one and all.
break out their wallet. I really would like to be able to Regards,
say that-but I can't. For one, I do not have any Harold
confidence (yet) that IG will actually fix what's wrong

Leroy's RebuttaVChairsophont Letter

- Bryan Borich & Leroy Guatney know that there has been some sourcebooks to date. Not all of this
CRB:~anghost-wnXea disharmony from folks on the is their fault, at least part of their
response to Harold's chairsophont Internet, complaining to IG. problems were caused by listening
letter reflecting Leroy's views. Brian Borich: Since Imperium to the desires of old Traveller
Leroy liked it, but expanded on it.' Games has taken over publication players who wanted certain things.
it has been on rocky road. They are So we, as Traveller players, have
DearHIWG, a group of people trying to follow in to accept some of the responsibility
Leroy: We are hot into the some very big footsteps and quite for their problems.
release of the newest edition of the obviously they've missed a few. They have tried to the best of
game. Opportunities abound! Now First off, it's obvious they are and their ability and within their fiscal
is the time for us to move. T4 has or were a group that had very little means to please us, which
shown the promise that a capable experience in the publishing admittedly isn't always easy since
efficient group of (did I say business, let alone publishing we a/l have different wants.
competent too?) Individuals, whose Traveller projects. And obviously Imperium Games has turned
personality profiles fit us, can rise they didn't ask for advice that they around lately and is producing
to a position of influence and should have. better products, especially the
develop Traveller background (as Secondly, they set a series of material written by the CORE
Roger Myhre to his credit) has said deadlines that were highly group, hopefully and perhaps with
on our internet forum. unrealistic and they tried sticking to our help this trend will continue.
"Illis is a time for all of us to get them. Also obviously there was I'm not saying that IG shouldn't
out acts together and support the poor communications between be aitized, or that we should buy
game that we know and love. I some of the authors of the a/l their products good and bad.

10 June, 1996 Page 2 AAB Proceedings 3~

Harold: In my past letters, I have tried to concentrate on rallying the
troops. This time, I felt it neccessary to go beyond that. It is not something
I plan on making a habit of each time out The things I expressed are
being thought or have been said by far more people than some would like
to believe.
Re: "And if Harold was taking us anywhere, we'd all be publishing... "
I have done everything but place keyboards in your laps-if you aren't
publishing on the Internet, in your own little fanzine, or in one of the
official publications right now, it isn't my fault.

What I am saying is that when they best to keep politics out of my

do something wrong, they should $~rvice to you. I will say that it has
be told so point by point, and what all been said before, and we still
they should have done instead got T4. Oon't listen to that
(how it could have been improved). discordant minority out there. Do
We most also remember to live in what you know is fun. The era of
reality in that not everybody will get T4 is a completely new one
what they want (for example, the compared to that of the old T1. If
design system, however it would you don't believe me, pull out your
be reasonable to expect the design first Book 1 and compare it to the
system to tie together and fit with latest Book 1. Do you really think
the combat system). there is any comparison? I'll save
Leroy: Unfortunately, anyone you the trouble and say no. In fact,
with hindsight can see that they the long history of publications for
were only backing the company this fine game has only compli-
into a comer. They are a company cated the publisher's task.
afterall-we are fans. My experi- I think it is time for us to all rally
ence in another fan field has shown around this new edition, and drop
that the fan all too often looses any petty hanging on to the past.
sight of this arrangement. Yes, even I was (before I was yoyr
I posted before, at the first signs . Dew ChajrSofa) (eRB: A unilateral
of grumblings about JTAS #25, that claim by Leroy) rather vocal about
a magazine like JTAS generally the problems of TNE when they
bears the look and feel of its started showing up. I gave it a long
supporters. I am sure that everyone chance, and history has borne me
posted an article to the magazine, out. GDW and TNE along with it
but only Clay has openly said he have folded. "ve said before that
was going to do that, and he we can't very well expect a new
did-JTAS #26 bears him out. A company, putting their startup
classic example of a HIWGer money into it, to continue with what
publishing on something he is an was a marketing failure. Afterall,
authority on. GDW did fold.
If any of you have received I look forward to a day when we
rejection letters, I urge you to keep will see HIWG (or some other
trying. acronym if we should change it) as
People have said this is our last, the new "CORE" behind IG.
best hope for Traveller. I do my - Leroy Guatney

AAB Proceedings 3f Page 3 10 June, 1996

-leroy Guatney (If this goes as I expect, the REQUIREMENTS
I have reconsidered my last post. HIWG list will need a new home in Requirement of leaving HIWG list:
You can have your list for now. a month or so. If it goes really well, It is my way of determining if
If any of you are discouraged HIWG will not matter.) someone is capablelwilling to give
and want to contribute to up their old habits, for new, better
TRAVELLER (without the bitching), QUESTIONS ones. :}
unsubscribe from HIWG's list, I've had a number of questions Exclusion: I have an exclusion for
resign your membership in the about TERRA. I hope this helps. my previous statement about
O~~andJOIN TERRA is not for everybody: I requirements to join the TERRA
'don't know if we could do it with too list. Marc Miller is a guest member
TERRA stands for fun, truth, and large a group. of HIWG, and as such does not
the pursuit of happiness in TERRA is starting with the Solo- require membership in HIWG, nor
Traveller. mani Rim sector and its neighbors reSignation from the HIWG list.
TERRA stands for Travel/er and "doing it right:
Enthusiasts Rimward Rebellion TERRA is what diehards like me DISINTEREST
Association and is an Internet joined HIWG for in the first place. I am not going anywhere. I a~
organization for fans of Traveller, Sector Development with the aim of just pulling in my perks (hosting the
who want to development work in publication. This time, the kid list) for my own personal use.
the Traveller Universe. gloves are off: no hands tied Until my first TERRA post, I had
To join, send an ·unsubsaibe behind your backs, but at the same cared about members staying in
hiwg" message to majordomo@f- time, what gets done is not a set or the HIWG. Now, thanks to your
we. com, send a resignation e-mail rogue operations with everyone illustrious leader, I no longer do,
(or otherwise) to ClayRBush@aol- going their own way. This is the but then, I did provide an option for
.com, and then send a "subscribe best idea for a Meta-campaign some fellow true-believers, so it
manipulator" message to Traveller setting that has ever been can't be all bad.
[email protected]. ambitiously attempted.
Membership is open to most TERRA is not hand-wringing REASONS
people. (I approve sub requests.) about what the publisher of Guatney: [CORE] reminds me of
A cautionary note. This Traveller is going to do next, how I could have influenced things
organization won't be like the waiting anxiously for word of what early, before it came out the way it
former History of the Imperium is official canon and what is not. did. Not this time, if I can do
Working Group. There will be TERRA is development for something about it-and I think I
standards and rules adhered to. several milieus of Traveller at the can.
Quality will be the goal, fun will be same time and will provide a I was asked to kibitz on Pocket
the outcome. Work dedicated to correlated history to supplement Empires. But CORE did not
TERRA will be under my the development. It is more than conduct an open forum, for aI/ to
supervision, and eventually a just throwing a bunch of rules into comment on while in the works.
committee by consensus. the Computer and seeing what falls There is just too much sour grapes
A promise. If you don't get out, it is the true art of creation. here, and the way HIWG seems to
published out of this, you will get a TERRA is not for lurkers, posting be going (unless I did open some
place that you can be proud of once a year or so. It is for people eyes), I don't want to have any
belonging to. who are willing to be part of a fuzzy lines to distinguish. Those
I am very pleased that people like coordinated effort with a mind. It is who work on TERRA are going to
CORE are contributing to the T4 what some of us want9!1 HIWG to have to be cogs on the team, and
universe, and hope that TERRA be in the first place. Thanks for all there will be a solid focus.
can be as successful. This comes of your interest. Actions are
from an idea that I and former needed. If you have any doubt
HIWG members have discussed. about whether you qualify to join or
leroy Guatney not, write me.
TERRA Supreme Commander

10 June, 1996 Page 4 AAB Proceedings 3'1

Are Imperium Games improving?
Bryan Bortch: Imperium Games spreadsheet. I don't think it con- T4PRODUCTS
has turned around lately and is tains a combat system however, -Bryan Borich
producing better products. but neither did TCS. That's the First, I think the products are
especially the material written by word so-far. overpriced, especially given the
the CORE group. hopefully and JTAS #26 is vastly improved from quality to date. Secondly. the
perhaps with our help this trend will #25, still not outstanding, but at quality of the products so far has
continue. least maybe as good as some of mostly disappointed me, even
FS and ese were the last the old JTAS material. though I was expecting problems
product before the change. For that Hopefully they'll get a graphics given their production schedule.
matter MO and EA were inbetween. artist soon and this might solve The main rulebook needs a major
Pocket Empires is probably the first some of their layout problems rewrite (not errata like MT and
product entirely under the new (though I expect not all, as not TNE, but major rule fixes). The only
management. everyone will ever be satisfied). reason I can see to buy the new
Christopher Griffen: Can you tell <but certain things lead me to version is for the shipbuilding rules,
me which products and how they've believe their objectivity is in . unless I hear from IG what's being
improved? I'd be interested to know question.> I'm trying to remain done to it.
your opinion. I bought the first objective on IG, but I'm not yet Starships: I heard enough on the
hardcover (a disgrace) and M:O going out of my way to endorse TML to avoid this product. I did
(marginal background material with their products. I'd follow Harold's consider buying it if only for the
some really bad lapses, the worst advice on that, look, read, review, shipbuilding rules, but those were
of which was fusion plus). and than wait, and than wait some broken too.
I've heard a few people saying more and than buy if it still looks esc: haven't read it completely
good things about Emperor's good. myself, but it at least appeared to
Arsenal and Pocket Empires, but From what I've gathered here and suffer from -layout problems.
certain things lead me to believe there, especially on the TML and Alien Archive: Okay, but I felt it
their objectivity is in question. from the CORE group. IG obviously could have been better. I definitely
BorIch: Actually I thought MO hasn't done any sort of publishing got tired of all those meteor
was pretty good. it had a few before (or even run this sort of impacts; obviously the parties
mistakes, and was badly pre- business or anything like it before, involved got the TML rock throwing
sented, but most of these problems this is somewhat obvious from their in their heads too much.
actually related to IG and only _ early mistakes). IG is still on a Milieu 0: The only real decent
some to the authors. As for Fusion steep learning curve, but they do product so far (that I've seen), still
plus, well it's another plot device try and listen (albiet it needs a had some problems, but 90% was
like Virus, but without most of the heavy hammer sometimes), their caused by IG. and maybe 10% by
complaints that that caused. products should continue the production schedule (this
I've heard (but can't verify improving, but I expect it'll be at comes from a discussion with the
personally) that Emperor's Arsenal least another several months authors).
is excellent It has a couple of before all the major bugs are First Survey: wish I had waited
problems, one was layout. The worked out (I'm a pessimist here). longer till the bugs were noticed, at
second was giving the ROM access One of their major needs is a least glad I got it relatively cheap
to TL 15 instead of 12. blame Marc graphics artist and supposedly they ($15) from Kevin.
for that (though supposedly on are getting one. Another thing is to EA: I'll probably buy it, but I
TL 15 in certain highly experimental learn to delay products if necessary expect I won't quite use it as is.
areas). for further overhaul, and they seem EA, csc, Starships: A set of
Pocket Empires is a system for to be dOing this to some extent, but construction systems that don't
TCS like campaigns, at least probably not enough yet. match with rules that don't work.
insofar as economics are I'd be kind enough to give them Not all this is the fault of IG, but it's
concerned. It suffers once again an A for effort, but it's probably still something they could have
from a layout problem. but nothing around a C or 0 for results so far. kept from happening if they settled
to serious I guess and begs for a for some delays for more overview.

AAB Proceedings 3~ Page 5 10 June, 1996

Dinosaur Continent
-Clay Bush modem era? American lions and cheetahs, the
I am developing Carl's World in 2. Vilani animals: The world has sabretooth, -Irish elk" (a giant
Diaspora. This is the place where a other theme areas. I am looking at deer), the aurochs, cave bears, not
Jurassic Park type rea-eation of developing encounter tables for to mention the Vargr fave, dire
dinosaurs occurred. I am interested Vilani and Terran animals. These .wolves. Of course, these all have
in input in several areas. would be as hooks for further to survive another 300,000 years of
Note: As the dinosaurs were on a adventures, and would certainly be evolution on Urunishu, but many
small continent, referees could exportable to other campaigns. might survive.
easily move that continent onto a Question: Any favorite beasties So, assuming that you could get
world in their campaign area. out there? Suitable for a habitable samples of these beasties from
1. Dinosaurs. I sent out my TNE world, of courSe. Carl's World is Urunishu (which may be hard - ifs
stats for the dinosaurs listed in size 9 and atmosphere 6. a good candidate to be the first
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. I am 3. 1110: One encounter is with a Imperial Reserve created), you
going to develop stats for others group from a warlike minor race cOuld have a -Dawn of Man land.·
named in Jurassic Park. who were touring when everything Or, this being Carl's World, you
Question: Has anyone else fell apparent. They've decided to could also have a spot where
worked with dinosaurs? Would you stay outSide, and await the PC Pleistocene fauna and dinosaurs
like to share a-edit for whichever group at a bridge on a jungle trail. live side-by-side, straight from thE("
denizens you carried forward to the Problem: My write-ups have been comic books.
uninteresting. I need an iIIo to Harold D. Hale: I'm wondering
make these guys believable to me what the gravity is like on Urunishu
and readers. Anyone interested? - assuming it is greater, won't that
Improving? (con.) tend to make the land mammals
Urunishu evolve into stout but smaller .
from happening if they settled for Steven Bonneville: Another versions?
some delays for more overview. consideration is the existence of I. don't see why the government
PbcketEmpire~Seems Urunishu. For those who may have wouldn't allow some researchers
interesting. Overall I think I'm forgotten, Urunishu is a the world from a megacorporation to go in
happy with the CORE team, they investigated by haut-Devroe and and collect genetiC samples. (In
remind me of what HIWG-UK used revealed to be something like an exchange for sharing the data
to be like and maybe HIWG itself, Ancient zoological preserve, collected, the megacorporation
so I expect I might buy it (as I possessing fauna which is of gets to keep the genetiC material.)
expect I might buy most of their Terran descent ranging in size from Given Tl 15, making new copies of
stuff, but not immediately). "rodents to baleen whales. • the animals from the genetiC
JTAS 25: So broken as to be a The twist is, Urunishu was material collected shouldn't be a
waste of paper. A set of adventures seeded three hundred thousand problem.
that need major fixes/rewrites (and years ago, during Earth's Middle
overpriced even at the sub rate). Pleistocene age. Early Vilani Construction
And definitely not up to the old This means that a lot of I'm running this past everyone for
JTAS standards. interesting megafauna that is comments and improvements.
JTAS 26: Just got it and haven't extinct on Earth might not be in For my Dinosaur Continent
had time to read it, I expect I'll like Traveller. For instance, if they project, I'm going to develop the
it better than 25. (At least there's rea-eated part of the North coastal settlement as imitating a
more Traveller players writing this American ecosystem, the primary low tech civilization where large
time). herbivores would be bison, carnivores were present. Since
Speaking of which, Harold you antelope, North American horses, Vi/ani & Vargr showed a human
might have wanted to state in your and mammoths - the last two riding a two-Iegged beastie, why
letter something about CORE. They extinct. There's a lot of other not say the style comes from early
are a group of T 4 writers who interesting animals... a beaver the Viand? And it would interest
deserve some praise. size of a bear, a giant ground sloth, tourists.

10 June, 1996 Page 6 AAB Proceedings 3~

1. Settlement wall: 5-10 feet walls, although panelslblinds could food, records, and make tools.
thick, so it can't be pushed down. be lowered in bad weather. [So, should 5 & 6 be centralized
10 or 15 feet high, so it can't be The lower level would be for or dispersed?l
jumped or crawled over. (Is this dependents and guests. Acx::ess to Bryan Borich: I'd want to put
high enough?) the upper level would be by side these together in the center.
The wall would not be crenelated stairs or ladders. Quick departure [AJ Outlying watch towers: I
or have towers, because it wasn't from the roof could also be made suggest these would be ziggurats,
intended for fighting human armies .byropes. with the upper level reached by
but thwarting beasts. This could set up a Vii ani ladders. A wooden structure would
Bryan Barich: I'd go for the 10 proverb: -The front door doesn't be too easily demolished by an
feet thick,. and 20 high with a small lead anywhere. - Think about irritated T -rex. A solid hill is hard to
ditch running around, about 4-5 looking for side doors to modem demolish.
feet wide. Another possibility would buildings... Ha~ing a few of these scattered
be large tree trunks used, Arrows would be unlikely to strike on -OOrders-, it would provide a
sharpened and faced outward to a fatal blow against a dinosaur. If refuge for a travelling party. It could
prevent the larger critters from the arrow were dipped in waste be a useful adventure nugget.
approaching and damaging the wall products from the shigulii's food Bryan Borich: Actually I'd
2. Main entrance: This would be processing, the extracted toxins probably plant the community on
a Simple "trap-: the outer door would be irritating or occasionally top of hills, easier to protect, harder
leads to a walled box with an inner fatal. to get at, and hopefully on firm
door. That's sufficient to catch an Bryan Barich: Use large arrows, bedrock.
animal. siege machine type. Clay: A hilltop location was
3. Wall: 10 meter open space 5. Shigulii Area: The food prep favored for early castles, but later
inside wall. area would be near the main examples chose flat ground
4. NoblelWarrior Houses: . entrance. Thus, in Vilani society, because they could more
Spaced equally around the wall. the shigulii quarter would be by the dispersed. I prefer to place the
From the rooftops, warriors would main entrance. Vi/ani ~ on flat ground, with one
fire arrows at beasts investigating Or would different families/clans surrounding defense system and
the wall. I'm inclined to put the be in different parts of the few intemal fortifications. This
warriors' living quarters on the roof, settlement? would be consistent with Vilani
with a second roof to keep flying 6. Temple center: An inner focusing on a cohesive society.
beasties (pterodactyls, etc.) from circle/redoubt? Or would these be The Vilani want the flat ground for
harassing the warriors. The upper scattered throughout the settle- farming, and plenty of interior
level would not have permanent ment? This/these would also store space for gardens.

Every now and then, go away,

ake a little relaxation, because
en you come back to your work,
our judgement will be surer.
To remain constantly at work will
use you to lose power of
Go some distance away,
use then the work appears
aller and more of it can be
aken in at a glance, and a lack of
armony or proportion is more
ily seen.
-Leonardo da Vinci

AAB Proceedings 3~ Page 7 10 June, 1996

Phoenix Foundation Project
-John Kovalic development of the Jump Drive, the Using their psionic powers, the
I had a book idea accepted a , Phoenix, a massive STl generation people of the Phoenix took over
while back by Gold Rush Games ship financed by ec- centric two Vilani warships that attempted
that was to be a supplement for T4.industrialist leon Rasmussen, left boarding actions. The Phoenix was
Since I'm waiting for the new Earth orbit for what is now known now Jump capable, and protected
edition, I put the project on hold.as Dingir, where habitable planets by the Pegasus, the re-named
Then (following some of the recent,were believed to exist, to create a Vilani cruiser V/ashi/aa. (The other
unfortunate threads) I got an idea.utopian society. 1,000 families Vilani ship, the Ka'Kresh, was left
Instead of making this a John were chosen from across the Earth behind with both Vilani crews).
Kovalic book, why not make it a to build Rasmussen's ·Perfect Simon Daedalus died at the age
HIWGbook? WorId.- of 103 soon after the first jump took
I'd be glad to invite any members Onboard was Simon Daedalus, a the Phoenix League further in a
to help with any aspects of the 10-year old genius with massive, week than it had taken them 93
project. The pay won't be much at undiscovered psionic powers. As years to reach by that point.
all, but I'll certainly share what little
he grew, slowly, painfully Throughout the Long Night, as
there is. discovering his gift, he vowed to the nomadic Pheonix Foundation
This would at least be a way for unleash the hidden potentials of grew, and more ships were added
us to share resources as an psionics and to elevate it to its to its small flotilla. But the families
organization. Also, since the book proper position: first amongst the ("clans») of the group were not only
will be background-heavy, even Human Sciences. Gradually powerful philosopher/psionicists.
those unfamiliar with T4 would be gaining importance aboard the Some developed esoteric branches
able to help. Phoenix, he subtly turned some of of technological research. Others
Here's the (very) brief synopsis I
the ship's schools and laboratories ---threw themselves into the hard
sent Gold Rush. Various dates and to the fields of PSionic Research. sciences. Some ships of the flotilla
locations have to be changed, Over the decades, new generations left for other vistas, while others
since I hadn't even started of psionicists grew and developed were lost in battles with local
researching this at the time. Heck,under the watchful eye of a society dictators who would shoot first, and
even the name will probably that no longer feared them. ask questions later.
change, since, as I re-read this, Yet Daedalus's brilliant mind not The Phoenix Foundation is VERY
there's too much of an Asimovian only foresaw the development of small, far too small to worry the
"Foundation" flavor to it. But it can
the Jump Drive on Terra, and new Imperium, which dismisses
really go wherever we want to take guessed that Terran teams would rumors of its existence - but its
it, and could certainly concentrateprobably be waiting to greet the reach is far.
on ·core- HIWG strengths, like Phoenix at Dingir, but realized the From the Solomani Rim to the
background development, et al. persecution the new Psionic Imperial Core, agents have made
Gold Rush sent along a contract,Masters of the Phoenix would their mark on regional conflicts and
so everything's a go. I'm sure Markundergo. Now commander of the dictators. Rumors follow their visits
(the head honcho at GWG) mission, he changed the Phoenix's to systems, and local children sing
wouldn't mind if we made this a course coreward. songs of magicians and mages
group effort, and I, for one, would By the time the Phoenix reached who pass in the night.
love to work with some of you guys,Nusku, the jump drive was not only Some sightings over the years
whose opinions and knowledge I've in Solomani hands, but the first war have caused a curious few to
grown to respect over the last two with the Vilani empire was well deduce the Phoenix Foundation's
years: underway. Disgusted by the existence. Some intellectuals have
violence FTl technology now made formed a group to counter the
PROPOSAL: available to all races, the people of shadowy pSionicist's activities,
THE PHOENIX FOUNDATION the Phoenix Foundation vowed fearing what may be its ultimate,
A Sourcebook with Adventures for never to be a part of any SOCiety unknown goals.
Traveller: 4th edition this destructive, this wasteful of life The Pheonix itself has disap-
Synopsis: Before the Solomani and sentient potential. peared. Though smaller ships of its

10 June, 1996 Page 8 AAB Proceedings 3'

Survey of Usage
flotilla are encountered, the last Bryan Borich: What rules too many ship combat systems for
confirmed sighting of the grand, systems are people using for their me to trust I'll get convention
giant generation ship was Traveller games? players who like the one I use. My
twenty-two years ago. Does the Leroy William Lu Guatney: T4, recent ship gaming has been with
Foundation base itself from a as soon as I can figure out how to Starfile. I like the range of weapon
planet now? Is one of the local convert characters. I was fence- systems and their interaction with
dictatorships a cover for its sitting until a certain note in different defences.
operatives? Was the Phoenix late-May made me decide. :) Rob Prior: TNE and T4 (with
destroyed, or is it still out there, in Actually, all joking aside, I haven't MT/CTITNE replacements for rules
the darkness, waiting? changed mechanics for any era that are broken or that I don't like).
until now. When I realized what I am leaving the personal combat
BREAKDOWN was going on, I had to make a rules at MTITNE (I hate fixed range
SOURCEBOOK: The Phoenix change. As a friend of mine says, bands).
Foundation - its history, philosophy, "When I find out people are playing I use my extension to the CT
and ships. Player characters - their politics, I get involvedl : ) trade rules. I use WBHIWT for
career paths. What the Imperium Again, actually, as J.P. and some world generation (MTITNE).
knows of the Pheonix Foundation. online here have pointed out, I like Brilliant Lances for ship
What those seekng the Pheonix Traveller really is a background combat.
Foundation know of it. universe that people have never I am looking at Converting to
ADVENTURES: 1) "THE END (until now) griped about the Babylon Project rules, but have
JUSTIFIES THE MEANS": PCs as mechanics so much. Lately, I've held off a final decision until the
Phoenix Foundation agents, even heard people who never ship design/combat rules become
attempting to overthrow a world played CT gripe about CT. available.
dictator. 2) "FIRST CONTACT": (Huh???? Yes he wrote thatl) John Kovalic: GURPS: Space,
The non-Phoenix Foundation PCs Harold Hale: TNE, modified in waiting for T4 v1.1
encounter a Pheonix Foundation light of four years of experience.
ship. 3) "THE Roger Myhre: I plan to use a mix
The PCs attempt to track down a setting. I may use the character
lone Phoenix Foundation operative _ generation rules in the T4 Deluxe
on their home planet. ---- set when that is released. And of
Leroy William Lu Guatney: course there will be some
Since you're new to HIWG, I homebrew rules as well.
should tell you that the last thing Clay Bush: I am using TNE and
anyone here has ever wanted to do T4 at GenCon. Those are my next
was work that was likely to scheduled events. (I had to
published over. schedule my events in February,
Harold: The problem: why no one before I got most of the T4 books.
works on joint projects anymore. So the TNE may be a holdover, but
Everyone is so afraid of having I could get it ready easily in plenty
their stuff declared 'variant' of time. The T4 events should be
(non-canon) that they concentrate simple to flesh out.)
on much smaller projects that can A projectof mine is to work up
be easily accomplished by one some miniatures events tOr play at
person. conventions. I enjoy miniatures,
and had a good time running the
Mexicans at GDWs T:2000 v2.4
demo, 'The Wild Bunch."
I do not run ship combat
currently, because there have been

AAB Proceedings 3~ Page 9 10 June, 1996

Stargate Universe
-Clay Bush Personal combat was the only avenue of advance-
The movie STARGATE is easily expanded into a ment. They are therefore warriors, not soldiers.
role-playing universe. It develops alternate technology The beast armor is bullet-proof. It does not, however,
(stargates), but the setting and technology are cover more than the chest and head.
plausible. Unlike most SF movies, the monsters do not Blast rifles are single-shot weapon with variable
mature in an hour or otherwise violate physical laws. settings. The number of shots varies with the settings
The movie setting has been developed in several used, but is not specified in any published source.
(unexciting) novels and now a comic. All are copyright, The single-man fighters fire rockets. They are not
which bars use of their characters but not of ancient stealthy, since they did not need to be. They are
Egyptian motifs or modern technology. maneuverable, as they were used in duels. Since they
only maneuver against each other, they are equally
MISSION slow. They are armored against blast rifle fire, since
The party will travel through the Stargate to a new rebels might capture a few of those. (Pilots carry a
setting. A robot probe already determined the blast rifle for personal use after landing. A fixed mount
destination was habitable. To return to earth, they for it makes sense, but rockets were always used in
need the seventh symbol to add to the six already ground attacks.)
known. They are to diScover that symbol and return.
This may involve any amount of adventuring outside CHARACTERS and EQUIPMENT
their immediate arrival point. A mix of military types is justifiable, since personnel
will be selected for their ability to disappear from
ENEMY normal life on Terra. The movie team had a special
Ra was killed in the movie, with his palace forces colonel, a meteorologist lieutenant, several
attendants and guards. Resistance can take of two enlisted, and one civilian. None were recent recruits.
paths. A recurring character in role-playing events has been
Locales are now guarded only by the local populace a CIA agent with infiltration and language-learning
and scattered guards who·do not know Ra is dead. skills. With the Cold War over, he was surplus on
This assumes that only Ra had the ability to travel earth. If asked about why he was there, he steered the
between systems in his palace pyramid. It agrees with conversation to the legal requirement to not operate
there being guards at Nagida when the Terrans on U.S. soil-where the conversation generally ended!
arrived. Missions run so far have provided the party two
The sequel novels choose instead a host of minor HUMVs, one each with machine gun and anti-air
godlings who served Ra, and who have access to rocket launcher mounted. Two vehicles provide
some of Ra's technology. They may travel via redundancy, more cargo capacity, and permit the party
stargates and have a limited supply of ships. Each to split up.
godling has some warriors, leading to alliances and The wheeled robot explorer sent in advance could
jostling for power. only run a few atmosphere tests. If it had not come out
POPULACE: Ra denied servant people's any writing indoors, it could have run other devices productively. It
or weapons. They were also barred from the stargate also is useful for testing the stargate return link to
pyramids, which means a stargate will be unguarded. earth.
Any surveillance was also banned, so initial explora- A PC with a digital camera can be used to examine
tion should go undetected. the night sky, and identify some symbols on the local
Ra warned people to not accept strangers. (The stargate as constellations visible from that planet.
Nagida elders only accepted the Terrans because one An remote-piloted vehicle (RPV, or drone) can be
wore the symbol of Ra.) In the past, Ra stayed away towed behind one of the HUMVs. This permits the
from systems and sent in agents a year later who party to quickly determine the lay of the land, but
reported he was dead. Later he arrived and punished advertises their presence to locals.
those who acted as if he were dead (e.g. mortal). A motion-sensor attached to a machine gun has also
Consequently, cooperation can not be expected. been proposed. It would be placed to "cover" the
WARRIORS: Warriors would compete with each teleporter circle in the Stargate room.
other, with only the best getting in the palace guard.

10 June, 1996 Page 10 AAB Proceedings .3'

TERRAIN It is 20 meters square. A circular Clay Bush: I'm working on how to
Terrain on Nagida was arid area is the tenninus for a pitch a miniatures event at a con.
desert with sand dunes. The only teleportation device activated when TRAVELLER starship combat drew
important feature was a cliff wall a flying temple is atop the pyramid. no interest. No one has ever run
with an open mine and a city on it. A ramp leads to the second room. STRIKER locally. GDWemployees
(Efforts are underway to explore The second room is 20 meters by reported that in man-to-man
the rest of the World, through 40 meters. A ramp leads up to the miniatures events, most players
long-range drones and eventually third room. tended to stay (and die) in one mob
satellites from mobile launchers.) The third room is the surface (without flanking, etc.). Since they
Ra arranged some population level. This is 40 meters by 120 ran shipboard or station combat,
exchanges to avoid inbreeding. meters long. Two rows of columns I'm considering a planetary
From this source, the natives of run down the long walls. situation.
Abydos know there are mines on A straight passageway leads to John Kovalic: This is one of the
other desert worlds. It is unclear the outlying entry way pyramid. reasons I'm trying to get a playable
whether this is the only type of In the entry way pyramid the Traveller variant for Full Thrust.
world settled, or if population passageway expands into a 10 Most non-Traveler players don't
exchanges were only between meters by 20 meters room. Two enjoy Battle Rider (they handle
worlds with similar climates. rows of three 2 meter square pillars Brilliant Lances even worse). But I
It is unclear whether Ra divide up the room. The passage- think Full Thrust will make a very
exchanged food for the mineral, or way then continues to the outside. playable little Traveller game.
simply impose a quota. Food A 5 meter wide ledge surrounds Rob Prior: I've run the Shadows
production in deserts is low, so I the pyramid, with two cul-de-sacs adventure twice now (third time on
went with food exchange and caused in the back by the MOnday). I use printed-out floor
temperate zones being harvested passageway to the main pyramid. A plans (http://www.interlog.com/
or cultivated somewhere. descending ramp with a 5 degree -dmci1041GamingClublTraveller
One unused stargate in a novel decline runs straight out of the and follow links) segmented so that
was overgrown by encroaching pyramid. A stone wall 4' high and 2' I only put them on the table when
jungle. Variety in settings is thick edges the ledge and ramp. the players enter. Seems to work
catching. ROAD?: Interestingly, the exitway OK as a fast means of exploration
THE STARGATE: This is and ramp from the pyramid pOinted (no annoying pauses for drawing a
covered with symbols. By tying straight at the city of Abydos. map) provided that the entire
some to constellations and others· Investigation may reveal a road adventure is over in a single
to planets, it is possible to work out buried under the dunes at the session.
workable sequences that may Nagida site. Monday's game will be a varient
cause the stargate to connect to CITY: Abydos was surrounded by of the Shadows adventure set in
another stargate. The party should high walls. No one was allowed to the Star Wars universe. The
be able to limit the seventh symbol live elsewhere, and all had to be players (Grade 8 kids + teacher)
to 5-9 possibilities. inside the walls by nightfall. are a rebel team sent to find a
After three failed attempts to location for a new secret base.
establish a connection, the stargate World Explorers Atmosphere is noxious but not too
emits a waming hum. The populace Since Abydos has an oxygen deadly (breather masks OK). While
reports they were wamed that atmosphere, it should have they are in the complex an Imperial
playing with stargate may cause it temperate zones. There is a whole force will land and ambush them.
to explode ... evidently on the fourth world to explore, with a single, Clay Bush: Another adventure
error. small opening in a desert. with floor plans is Research Station
PYRAMID: The pyramid on Natural and animal encounters Gamma. Although Prison Planet
Abydos was identical to one on are dangerous to isolated explor- has floor plans, all the unanned
earth. Similar or identical layouts ation parties. The most interesting convicts would hard to track without
have been used since. interaction will be with oversight a lot of unnecessary painting.
The stargate room is the deepest. groups and competitors.

AAB Proceedings 3~ Page 11 10 June, 1996

A look at the new Babylon 5 RPG Task system
-James Lindsay The high number of defined be a success (and vice versa).
To: [email protected], difficulty ratings is necessary for Example: Suppose a character
[email protected] TBP's ranged combat rules (and attempts to pick a mechanical lock.
I picked up the Babylon 5 RPG possibly others that I haven't read A Benefit result ("box cars") could
and thought it might be interesting yet :) indicate the inadvertent discovery
to share the task system used in During contested skills between of a key Linder the doormat. A
"The Babylon Project" (or "TBP'l two individuals (such as an arm Setback ("snake eyes") could
There are similarities between the wrestling match) don't bother indicate a local security guard just
T4 and TBP task systems. Both assigning a Difficulty Rating. happens to arrive.
systems use six-sided dice (TBP Instead, simply have everyone
using only two dice), both use an . involved make a roll, with the one Success/Failure
"Attribute + Skill" method of rolling highest declared the winner. Subtract the assigned Difficulty
determining character ability; and TBP has rules for team work and Rating from final total of (Attribute
both use different difficulty levels. complex/time consuming tasks but I + Skill + Specialty + Random
Both systems determine critical won't get into those rules. Modifier).
successes or failures, with TBP Degree of SucesslFailure
offering multiple levels of success .Random Modifier ~ or more Critical Failure
or failure. TBP also offers two A character's "Abilift is modified -4 or -5 Significant Failure roll
additional task results that are not using what TBP calls a "Random -2 or -3 Normal Failure
directly linked to the attempted task Modifier- (ranging from -5 to +5). -1 Marginal Failure
at hand. Each player has two six-sided dice o or 1 Marginal Success
Like T4, TBP uses "Attribute + of different colours. One die is 2 or 3 Normal Success
Skill" to determine the general considered "Positive" (traditionally 4 or 5 Significant Success
competence of each skill posession green) while the other is "Negative" 6 or more Critical Success
by the character. Skills have (traditionally red). Both are rolled These degrees of success or
_____ recommended attributes with which together, and the die with the lower failure have rough guidelines for a
they are considered most face value becomes the "Random TBP referee, but one can use the
appropriately associated. TBP Modifier-. simple ·roll failed by 5" or "roll
attributes range from 1 to 9, and Example: a Positive "6" and a made by 5" to causing Critical
skills range from 0 to 5. (Charac- Negative "2" result in a Random Failures or Successes in Traveller.
ters can also have one or more skill Modifier of -2. A Positive "1" and a
"Specialties", which give a further Negative "2» result in a Random Conversion
bonus of +2 to that skill). Modifier of +1. Tthis system would need a bit of
Identical die results generate a adjustment to satisfy some of those
Difficulty Levels Random Modifier of 0, except that people that dislike the current T4
Instead of a variable number of "box cars» or "snake eyes· are task system (myself included).
dice, TBP uses two dice and fixed unique results - "Benefits· and Things like adopting a multiplier of
target numbers as follows: "Setbacks·, respectively. two or three to all Traveller skills so
Difficulty Target Rating Number attributes don't dominate the game
Triviil2 Unpredictable Events (TBP has over twice as many
Easy 3 The "box cars· and "snake-eyes· calculated and derived attributes as
Basic 5 results that I mentioned earlier are T4), or simplifying the two tables I
Average 7 used in TBP to represent have included above come to mind..
Tricky 9 unpredictable events, not directly
Difficult 11 related to the actual task test, that
Very Difficult 15 might "benefit» or "set back" the
Next to Impossible 17 character performing the task.
Miraculous 25 Since these two dice results are
This list can easily be toned down still treated as a Random Modifier
to six entries for T4 conversion. of ·0", a Setback result could still

10 June, 1996 Page 12 AAB Proceedings 3'1

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