Earthship Global Plan Option BookWuiat Is AN EartHSHIP?
‘An Earthsip ia radically sustainable home made of recycled materi
+ Electricity rom te sun with solar panels and wind with wind modules.
= Waters caught on the roof from rain and saow melt.
* Sewage strated on stein bath interior sn exterior botanial planters
“Heating and Cooling is from the sun and the earth
Food is grown inside and outside.
artshis are constructed with eeycled materials and perform a ex
pected in any part of the wold, in any climate and stil provide you with
‘what you need to survive.
Earthship Biotectur is a global company based on 40 years of esearch
saddles Mish! Reals pil eit of Earp
‘Most versatile and economical building design in tbe weed, Available
in stadio to thre bedroom and larger. This is the mos ecient, easy to
‘build construction method on the planet.
Callus ot 575-751-0462 o sen an email to [email protected]
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antship provide security in economically insecure times,
Eartshis cost about the same asa conventional non sustainable home,
but conventional home stresses the planet, not as strong and ses
‘materials that equ a lo of fossil fuels to manufacture and tansper 10
your building st
Eartship can provide you with carbon credits, ax incentives and a
higher resale vale.BuILpING FEATURES
Construction Materials
‘Typically built wih rammed-cath tes, but designs are also available for
straw bale, concrete, or adobe at extra os
‘Thermal Wrap
Rigi insulation around the building o isolate 6x 6 block of mas from
outer cath to stabilize comfor of iter space
Sola electricity with capabilities of wind, generator or conventional
tly backup,
‘Water Heating
Gas on demand hot water with capability of solar hot water aditon.
Water Supply
Roof catchment water system ows into water storage citer with,
capably of well or community water back up.
‘Waste Water Treatment
CContined gray water apd black water eatment and disbuton system
‘with capability of conventional septic or community sewage conection.
Heating Cooting/Ventation
Solt/Thermal beating and cooling with option of gs rHreplace back
{Gas cooking puso solar elec, or DC refrigerators.