Lot 4 AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter: Director, Operational Test and Evaluation

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Director, Operational Test and Evaluation

Lot 4 AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter

Follow-on Operational Test and Evaluation Report

December 2014

This report on the Lot 4 AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter fulfills the provisions of Title 10,
United States Code, Sections 2399 and 2366. It assesses the adequacy of testing and the
operational effectiveness, operational suitability, and survivability of the Lot 4 AH-64E Apache
Attack Helicopter.

J. Michael Gilmore
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Report Documentation Page OMB No. 0704-0188

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15 DEC 2014 N/A -
Lot 4 AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter Follow-on Operational Test and 5b. GRANT NUMBER
Evaluation (FOT&E) Report





Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) 1700 Defense
Pentagon Room 3E1088 Washington, DC 20301




Approved for public release, distribution unlimited



SAR 43
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Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18
Lot 4 AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter
Executive Summary
This document reports on the evaluation of test adequacy, operational effectiveness,
operational suitability, and survivability of the Lot 4 AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter. The
evaluation is based on data from the Follow-on Test and Evaluation I (FOT&E I) that was
conducted by the Army Test and Evaluation Command from August 4  15, 2014, at Eglin Air
Force Base, Florida, in accordance with a Director, Operational Test and Evaluation
(DOT&E)-approved test plan. Following two years of developmental testing of new aircraft
components, joint interoperability, cooperative cybersecurity, and live fire testing, FOT&E I
included training, force-on-force missions in an operational Link 16 network, and adversarial
cybersecurity testing.
As demonstrated in FOT&E I, Link 16 enhances the operational effectiveness of Lot 4
AH-64E units. Air Weapons Teams consisting of two aircrews equipped with two Lot 4
AH-64E aircraft found small target formations more quickly using Link 16 target tracks than
when using their onboard sensors. AH-64E Air Weapons Teams equipped with Link 16
enhanced joint interoperability by providing battlefield information to the joint tactical air
picture. With up to two hours on-station time, AH-64E Air Weapons Teams employ onboard
sensors and their proximity to the battlefield to locate, identify, disrupt, and report enemy
activity to joint forces. In scenarios with low target density, testing indicated Link 16 enabled
aircrews to find an initial target more quickly than when using their onboard sensors; this effect
was not observed in scenarios with high target density. (Ten targets or more was considered
high density, less than 10 targets was low density.) The effect of Link 16 on the time to find
initial targets in low battlefield densities may be optimistic because the target locations were
generated in the lab from the actual coordinates of the target vehicles provided by the test
instrumentation. In general, these target locations were significantly more accurate than an
airborne sensor could provide. In addition, test results indicated overall mission success was not
affected by the presence or absence of Link 16 targeting data or battlefield density of targets.
Nonetheless, survey data indicate clearly aircrews viewed the ability to use Link 16 data
The Lot 4 AH-64E remains operationally suitable. It demonstrated sustained reliability
with improvements in availability and maintainability compared to Lot 1 AH-64E operational
test results. Transfer of in-flight maintenance data to the ground-based maintenance section was
successful. The Systems-Level Embedded Diagnostics aided in aircraft recovery after mission
The Lot 4 AH-64E remains as survivable as the Lot 1 AH-64E against ballistic threats.
Survivability against infrared threats is degraded compared to the Lot 1 AH-64E. Infrared threat
acquisition ranges are unchanged or increased and flare effectiveness is unchanged or decreased,
depending on the threat and flight profile. Radar- and laser-warning systems degrade pilot
situational awareness. Analyses based on material qualification ballistic testing confirm that the
Lot 4 AH-64E meets requirements for ballistic survivability and force protection. Cybersecurity

testing found that a previously identified vulnerability had been corrected, but revealed new
vulnerabilities for the Lot 4 AH-64E and its interfacing systems.

Mission Description and Concept of Employment

AH-64E-equipped units provide the Joint Force Commander and Ground Maneuver
Commander the ability to defeat the enemy at a specified place and time. The Attack
Reconnaissance Battalions assigned to the Combat Aviation Brigade employ the AH-64E to
conduct attack, screen, reconnaissance, and security missions in land and maritime
AH-64E helicopters are employed in Air Weapons Teams of two or more aircraft to
conduct reconnaissance to locate and report enemy ground forces and limit or prevent enemy
activity. AH-64E units conduct security operations by employing weapons to further locate and
restrict enemy action, thereby providing reaction time, maneuver space, and protection for air or
ground maneuver forces. AH-64E units employ their weapons in coordination with friendly
ground forces to attack and destroy enemy forces.

System Description
The AH-64E, formerly known as the AH-64D Block III (AB3), is a modernized version
of the AH-64D Attack Helicopter that will sustain the Apache fleet through the year 2040.
AH-64E enhancements are planned in three major capability increments. The first capability
increment (Lot 1) completed Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) in 2012. DOT&E
reported the results of IOT&E testing in August, 2012 and assessed the system as operationally
effective, operationally suitable, and survivable.
A second capability increment (Lot 4) completed operational and live fire testing in 2014,
and the full capability (Lot 6) aircraft is scheduled for operational testing in March 2017. The
major Lot 1 AH-64E capabilities included:
 Control of the payload and flight path of an Unmanned Aircraft System
 Improved aircraft performance with 701D engines, composite main rotor blades, and
an improved rotor drive system
 Enhanced communication capability, including satellite communication and an
integrated communication suite to meet global air traffic management requirements
Lot 4 AH-64E incorporates the Lot 1 capabilities and adds hardware and software for
Link 16 network participation. Other Lot 4 AH-64E enhancements are described in the body of
this report. The Army acquisition objective is to procure 690 AH-64E aircraft: 634
remanufactured and 56 new-build aircraft.

Operational Effectiveness
FOT&E I demonstrated that Link 16 enhances the operational effectiveness of Lot 4 AH-
64E units. Air Weapons Teams found small target formations more quickly using Link 16 target

tracks than when using their onboard sensors. Large target formations with five or more vehicles
were found just as quickly by onboard sensors as when using Link 16 targeting data.
Air Weapons Teams equipped with Link 16 enhanced joint interoperability. With up to
two hours on-station time, Link 16-equipped AH-64E Air Weapons Teams used onboard sensors
and their proximity to the battlefield to provide accurate and continuous updates on Link 16
target tracks. Lot 4 AH-64E Air Weapons Teams used their onboard sensors to locate and
identify new targets on the battlefield and report those targets and their own locations on Link 16
to other joint network participants.
Lot 4 AH-64E aircrews used the Small Tactical Terminal Radio to participate in a joint
Link 16 network with live and simulated Air Force fighters and command and control aircraft.
The Small Tactical Terminal Radio experienced no critical or operational mission failures. All
AH-64E sorties achieved Link 16 fine synchronization on every mission, maintained fine
synchronization with the network 94 percent of the time, and demonstrated a 95 percent message
completion rate.1
Lot 4 AH-64E enhancements and design changes add an average of 717 pounds as
compared to the Lot 1 AH-64E. At this weight, nominally qualified engines with an engine
torque factor of 1.0 do not produce enough torque to meet the out of ground hover Key
Performance Parameter requirement. New engines for the AH-64E fleet are routinely fielded
with an engine torque factor of 1.0 to 1.13. If permitted to use all available engine power,
AH-64E has demonstrated in testing and in a recent unit in Afghanistan that the aircraft meets
the hover Key Performance Parameter and has the ability to achieve operational performance
requirements at 6,000 feet pressure altitude at 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Operational Suitability
The Lot 4 AH-64E remains suitable. It demonstrated sustained reliability with
improvements in availability and maintainability compared to Lot 1 AH-64E operational test
results. Transfer of in-flight maintenance data to a ground-based maintenance section while the
aircraft is on a mission was successful. The Systems-Level Embedded Diagnostics aided in
aircraft recovery after mission completion.

The Lot 4 AH-64E remains survivable. However, survivability against infrared threats is
degraded compared to the Lot 1 AH-64E. Infrared threat acquisition ranges are unchanged or
have increased, and flare effectiveness is unchanged or has decreased, depending on the threat
and flight profile.
Radar- and laser-warning systems degrade pilot situational awareness. Threat-warning
systems performed poorly and are poorly integrated. Pilots receive frequent and obvious false
In a Link 16 network, each participating terminal must be in fine synchronization with the network time
reference to within 7.8125 milliseconds to send and receive Link 16 messages. Terminals that fail to achieve
fine synchronization are not allowed to transmit Link 16 messages on the network.

alarms, have no selective control of the warning systems, grow complacent even about accurate
threat warnings, and have cluttered and conflicting threat displays.
The adversarial cybersecurity assessment found that a vulnerability of the Apache
electronics architecture identified during the IOT&E in 2012 had been corrected, but identified
new cybersecurity vulnerabilities on the Lot 4 AH-64E and its interfacing systems. Based on
previous test results on different airframes, vulnerabilities in ground support equipment have
created significant risk to aircraft embedded systems, including avionics, when they are
connected to the airframe to transfer mission planning or logistics information. We do not know
how significant these risks are for the AH-64E without further testing that allows a full
assessment of embedded systems.
External fuel tanks meet ballistic material qualification self-sealing requirements and
supported all FOT&E I missions. The external fuel tanks revealed no threat of sustained fire or
catastrophic structural failures. The updated system-level vulnerability and force protection
assessments for the Lot 4 AH-64E showed sustained ballistic protection of the aircraft and crew.

The Army should consider the following recommendations:
 Improve infrared countermeasure performance, upgrade radar- and laser-warning
systems, and improve integration of aircraft survivability equipment on Lot 4
AH-64E aircraft.
 Address demonstrated cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Plan and conduct unconstrained
exploitation of cybersecurity vulnerabilities of AH-64E and its ground support
equipment during adversarial cybersecurity testing.
 Modify AH-64E performance charts and aircraft software to allow flight planning
using actual engine performance ratings.
 Develop the capability to establish and maintain Link 16 networks for training of
Lot 4 AH-64E units at fielding locations and at the National Training Centers.
 Continue development of Link 16 capabilities and conduct follow-on testing during

J. Michael Gilmore

System Overview .................................................................................................................1
Test Adequacy .....................................................................................................................7
Operational Effectiveness ..................................................................................................11
Operational Suitability .......................................................................................................23
Survivability .......................................................................................................................31
Recommendations ..............................................................................................................35
Classified Annex ........................................................................................... Separate Cover

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Section One
System Overview
The AH-64E, formerly known as the AH-64D Block III (AB3), is a modernized version
of the AH-64D Attack Helicopter that will sustain the Apache fleet through the year 2040.
AH-64E enhancements are planned in three major capability increments. This report addresses
the second major capability increment, the Lot 4 AH-64E. Apache helicopters are employed in
Air Weapons Teams of two or more aircraft to conduct attack and reconnaissance missions to
locate, report, and destroy enemy forces.

Mission Description and Concept of Employment

Attack Reconnaissance Battalions are equipped with AH-64E helicopters and conduct
reconnaissance, security, and attack missions in support of ground combat forces. AH-64E units
conduct security operations by employing weapons to locate and restrict enemy action, to
provide reaction time, maneuvering space, and protection for air or ground maneuver forces.
AH-64E units employ their own weapons in coordination with friendly ground forces to attack
and destroy enemy ground forces.
AH-64E units conduct attack missions in close proximity to friendly ground forces,
attack enemy forces at distant locations, support helicopter assaults, and provide reconnaissance
and security support day and night, over any terrain, and in adverse weather. AH-64E is
designed to gain and employ situational awareness, move rapidly to positions of advantage,
assimilate critical information, and deliver precision fires. To mitigate collateral damage and
achieve optimal combat effectiveness, AH-64E units employ their own weapons or coordinate
joint or artillery fires. AH-64E units establish and maintain connectivity with joint and ground
forces through the use of airborne line of sight and satellite digital communications.
AH-64E crews employ onboard sensors to locate and engage targets. A nose-mounted
sensor provides infrared and electro-optical video images to the pilot and co-pilot. This targeting
and display system is integrated with lasers for ranging, locating, and designating targets for
engagement. The optional mast-mounted Fire Control Radar employs millimeter radar to detect
and classify moving and stationary vehicular and aircraft targets. Aircraft survivability
equipment detects threat weapon signatures and provides cues to orient onboard sensors for
targeting the threat.
AH-64E crews can be teamed with the Gray Eagle unmanned aircraft system to locate
and engage enemy targets. By establishing a high-speed datalink with the unmanned aircraft
system, AH-64E crews can receive video, locate and store target information using the infrared
or electro-optical sensor aboard the unmanned system, employ the unmanned aircraft laser to
designate targets for engagement, and reposition the unmanned aircraft.
Attack Reconnaissance Battalions can operate from established airfields and unimproved
field sites. The battalion headquarters provides command and control, logistics, ammunition and
fuel resupply, ground transportation, tents, and maintenance support necessary for sustained
combat operations in any theater in the world.

System Description
The AH-64E is a modernized version of the AH-64D Attack Helicopter manufactured by
Boeing. The legacy AH-64D Longbow Apache is a four-bladed, twin-engine attack helicopter
with a tandem cockpit. The Longbow Apache entered production in 1995 and features a nose-
mounted sensor suite for day and night target acquisition and an optional mast-mounted Fire
Control Radar for target acquisition in dust, fog, and smoke. The AH-64D is armed with a 30
mm chain gun and carries a mixture of Hellfire missiles and 2.75-inch rockets. Legacy AH-64D
Apache aircraft have double- and triple-redundant aircraft systems and armor shielding to
provide survivability for the aircraft and crew.
AH-64E enhancements are planned in three major capability increments. The first
capability increment (Lot 1) completed Initial Operational Test and Evaluation in 2012. A
second capability increment (Lot 4) completed operational testing in 2014, and the full capability
(Lot 6) aircraft is scheduled for operational testing in 2016. AH-64E will modernize the entire
Apache fleet of 690 aircraft with the new capabilities listed in Figure 1-1.2 Important features of
the new Lot 4 capabilities are explained in more detail below.

Figure 1-1. AH-64E Lot 1 through Lot 6 Capabilities

Link 16
Link 16 is a tactical data network that assists the AH-64E aircrew with targeting and
navigation, and enables communications and coordination with joint elements. The Lot 4 AH-
64E Apache exchanges Link 16 data as a producer and consumer. The AH-64E produces Link
16 data automatically and uploads it to the network as it maneuvers, identifies, and engages
enemy targets. Consumed information is displayed on the pilots’ cockpit display and is updated
Most (634) aircraft will be remanufactured: inducted from the current Apache fleet, disassembled, refurbished,
modified, and reassembled with the redesigned AH-64E components. A small number (56) AH-64E aircraft
will be built new to replace attrition aircraft and to create a new Apache battalion.

in real time as network participants, such as an E-8 Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar
System (J-STARS) or another AH-64E, gain new information. Link 16 data are exchanged using
“J-messages” that follow a military standard format. The J-messages incorporated on the Lot 4
aircraft are tailored to its mission, and are shown in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2. Examples of Link 16 Messages Available to Lot 4 AH-64E

Boeing selected the ViaSat Harris Small Tactical Terminal Radio to implement Link 16
on AH-64E. It is “small” because of its size (9.5 pounds) compared to the Link 16 radio
(42.5 pounds) that is used on larger fixed-wing aircraft. The Small Tactical Terminal is a
dedicated radio for Link 16 that enables the AH-64E to join or independently establish a Link 16
network. The Army intends to replace the Small Tactical Terminal Radio interim materiel
solution in Lot 6.

Air-to-Air-to-Ground (AAG) allows the AH-64E crew to exchange video from the
nose-mounted sensor with a wingman or ground station. Video can be transferred in real time, or
recorded and sent at a later time in flight. Real-time, inter-Apache video sharing provides
awareness of a wingman’s view, assists with target cueing, and, in a cluttered environment with
complex targets, provides an additional perspective on a single target. Video transfer with a
ground station can be used to share intelligence with Soldiers, or to receive positive
identification of an enemy target and clearance to fire.
Reduced-size Crashworthy External Fuel System
The Reduced-size Crashworthy External Fuel System (RCEFS) is designed to extend the
operational range of the AH-64E and to make refueling easier. Up to two 125-gallon external
fuel tanks as shown in Figure 1-3 can be mounted on the inboard pylons and are crashworthy,
self-sealing, and meet ballistic tolerance requirements. RCEFS installation includes new fuel
lines, valves, controls, and a suction pump to enable automatic fuel transfer and defueling of
selected internal and external fuel tanks.

ASPI – Aircraft Survivability Product Improvements; M-TADS – Modernized Target Acquisition Display Sight
Figure 1-3. Key New Features of the Lot 4 AH-64E

Sight Sensor Upgrades

The primary targeting sensor, the Modernized Target Acquisition Display Sight
(M-TADS), is mounted on the nose of the aircraft and provides infrared and electro-optical video
to the crew’s cockpit displays. M-TADS software version 8 updates the automatic tracking
modes. The new scene track mode keeps the sensor pointed at a fixed spot on the ground while
point track mode fixes the sensor on a moving target. The auto-tracking modes are designed to
reduce pilot workload.
The Image Intensifier Television (IITV) of the Pilot Night Vision System (PNVS)
improves the pilot’s ability to see light sources and avoid obstacles at night. The nighttime
piloting sensor, the PNVS, transmits Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) images to the pilot’s

helmet-mounted display. The Apache helmet tracking system orients the PNVS sensor with the
pilot’s line of sight to provide hands-free vision at night. The new IITV mode can be merged
with the PNVS image to add visible light sources such as city lights, tracer rounds, and vehicle
headlights to the PNVS image. Visible light sources provide important cues that enhance pilot
situational awareness.
System-Level Embedded Diagnostics (SLED)
The System-Level Embedded Diagnostics (SLED) enables in-flight transfer of
maintenance data to a ground terminal. Previously, maintainers had to wait until the aircraft
landed to download maintenance data from the aircraft. SLED data include fault indications,
diagnostics, and aircraft status and is transmitted to the ground using Blue Force Tracker. SLED
is intended to facilitate maintenance planning and fleet management. The Apache program
manager provided a Blue Force Tracker receiver, laptop, and display to the AH-64E maintenance
unit for FOT&E I because Apache units do not have the equipment to view SLED data.
Aircraft Survivability Product Improvements
Aircraft Survivability Product Improvements (ASPI) consist of multiple modifications
designed to decrease the infrared signature of the aircraft. The upturned exhaust and shroud,
shown in Figure 1-3, redirects the engine exhaust plume upwards, while other modifications
block the line of sight between threat systems on the ground and hot spots on the aircraft.

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Section Two
Test Adequacy
Operational and live fire testing were adequate to assess the operational effectiveness,
operational suitability, and survivability of the Lot 4 AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter. The
Army Test and Evaluation Command conducted Follow-on-Test and Evaluation I (FOT&E I)
from August 4  15, 2014 in accordance with a DOT&E-approved test plan. The test included
training, force-on-force missions in an operational Link 16 network, and adversarial
cybersecurity testing. It was preceded by two years of developmental testing that included
component qualification, joint interoperability, cybersecurity, and live fire testing.

Operational Testing
The Army Test and Evaluation Command conducted pre-test training and tactics
development from July 21 through August 1, 2014, and FOT&E I from August 4  15, 2014, at
Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. The test was conducted in accordance with the FOT&E I test plan
approved by DOT&E on June 25, 2014.
The Army chose Eglin Air Force Base as the test location because it has an established
Link 16 network. The Air Force manages the Link 16 network from the 46th Test Squadron
Laboratory. The Gulf Common Network range extends 200 miles in all directions and operates
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The network hosts F-15 and F-16 fighters, F-35 Joint Strike
Fighters, Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar Systems (J-STARS), and Airborne Early
Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft. In addition to interacting with live aircraft, the
46th Test Squadron Laboratory simulates F-15 and F-16 fighter and J-STARS aircraft within the
Link 16 network using representative flight hardware in the lab. The Gulf Common Network is
a real-world operational network and provided an adequate environment in which to test the
Link 16 capability of the Lot 4 AH-64E.
Eglin Air Force Base is on the Gulf Coast near the western end of Florida’s panhandle.
Temperatures ranged from 71 to 92 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity varied from 31 to
87 percent during the test. The terrain has scattered vegetation, and numerous inlets and rivers at
sea level. The subtropical weather produced isolated, short-duration thunderstorms that
postponed the execution of two FOT&E I missions.
The Army Test and Evaluation Command established a headquarters element at the Eglin
Airfield to exercise control of the training and testing. The headquarters element provided
mission orders to the Apache company commander who planned and conducted operations with
the AH-64E crews and maintainers. The test headquarters established secure communications
and a Blue Force Tracker network. All AH-64E missions began and ended at the main airfield at
Eglin Air Force Base.
All Apache aircraft, ground vehicles, and crew-served weapons (machine guns, mortars,
and man-portable air defense weapons) were instrumented for real-time casualty assessment
during all missions. The instrumentation used laser or geometric pairing to adjudicate force-on-
force engagements. The results of these adjudications were transmitted in near-real time to the

mission participants and test headquarters to provide awareness of mission progress. When a
threat vehicle was killed, the real-time casualty assessment instrumentation notified the operator
of a kill and automatically deployed smoke to provide a visual indication of a kill. Apache pilots
received audible reports of near misses and kills against the aircraft.
The 46th Test Squadron at Eglin Air Force Base facilitated connectivity to a real-world
Link 16 network with live and simulated aircraft. Simulated J-STARS ground tracks were based
on a live feed from the real-time casualty assessment instrumentation for the threat systems. In
addition to generating Link 16 ground tracks for the true location of the threat systems, the 46th
Test Squadron generated and provided false tracks to the Apache crews to avoid giving them
unrealistic perfect information. In post-mission reviews, Apache crews often reported the
confusion and wasted time caused by the false targets.
The operational test was supported by a unit from the Army’s 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry
Division who acted as the opposing threat force. On land, the opposing force was equipped with
Soviet ground vehicles, including light and heavy armor, troop transports, surface-to-air
batteries, and mobile rocket artillery. In maritime missions, the opposing force employed small,
fast attack craft and a 40-foot mine laying boat. Man-portable infrared missile simulators,
capable of stimulating the AH-64E Common Missile Warning System, were employed by the
opposing force in 18 of the 22 missions. In five missions, actual threat radar systems were
employed with simulated radar-guided missile launches against detected Apache aircraft. The
threat forces used camouflage and deception to avoid detection and employed their weapons to
engage and kill the Apaches whenever possible. On two occasions during the test, an AH-64E
was adjudicated as killed by man-portable air defense systems.
During the conduct of each mission, the data collectors recorded significant events and
weather conditions. Upon completion of each mission, aircrews, commanders, and soldier
maintainers completed post-mission, after-action reviews and questionnaires. The Army
recorded cockpit video and audio, selected aircraft state data, Link 16 messages, and real-time
casualty assessment data. Throughout training and testing, data collectors recorded all AH-64E
reliability failures and maintenance actions. All textual and quantitative data were consolidated
into digital files and reviewed by the Army evaluators, program manager representatives, Army
user representatives, and DOT&E representatives for accuracy. Video files were recorded and
reviewed to provide better understanding of what took place during each mission. At the end of
the test, the Army evaluator met with representatives from the Program Office, Training and
Doctrine Command, and DOT&E to review each mission and record mission success scores.
The 12 pilots from the 1st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, 25th Infantry Division had
experience that was representative of a typical unit. On average, each pilot had 675 combat
flight hours and 1,154 non-combat flight hours of experience. The least experienced pilot had
80 total flight hours and no combat experience, and the most senior pilot had 1,750 combat and
3,635 non-combat flight hours. Before onsite FOT&E I flight training, the AH-64E crews
completed classroom and simulator training at Boeing’s plant in Mesa, Arizona.
Over the 4-week period of training and testing, 3 AH-64E aircraft flew 120.4 flight hours.
The aircraft were configured with Fire Control Radars, aircraft survivability equipment, and

external fuel tanks. During FOT&E I, the 3 AH-64E aircraft conducted 22 missions under the
conditions shown in Table 2-1. The conditions were selected using Design of Experiments
methodology using the four factors in Table 2-2.

Table 2-1. Description of Factors and Levels

Factor Levels Description
Link 16 Yes Yes if a command and control aircraft or simulator provides Link 16 radar
Targeting Data No tracks to the AH-64E Air Weapons Team

Low Up to 10 enemy targets in the objective area

High More than 10 enemy targets in the objective area

Light Light level for the duration of the mission

The mission configurations were executed as planned and provided adequate power to
test for the main effects and interactions on the response variable (time to find the initial target),
as shown in Table 2-2.3 To facilitate efficient test execution and flight safety, all night missions
were conducted after the day missions had been completed.

Table 2-2. FOT&E I Mission Configurations as Executed – Planned Values are in

Low High
Density (A) Factor Power
Light (B) Day Night Day Night A 0.78 (0.76)
No 3 (3) 1 (1) 2 (3) 2 (4) B 0.78 (0.76)
Link 16 (C)
Yes 6 (4) 2 (1) 3 (3) 3 (3) C 0.80 (0.81)
A - Battlefield Density (low or high) AxB 0.80 (0.80)
B - Time (day or night) AxC 0.80 (0.76)
C - Link 16 Targeting Data (yes or no) BxC 0.78 (0.78)

Additional Testing and Analyses

In addition to FOT&E I, the Army conducted test activities to augment the Lot 4 AH-64E
 The ballistic testing of the Lot 4 AH-64E Reduced-size Crashworthy External Fuel
System (RCEFS) was conducted by Robertson Fuel Systems and the Army Aviation
Applied Technology Directorate at Fort Eustis, Virginia, from March to May 2013 in
accordance with military specification MIL-DTL-27422D, “Detail Specification for
the Tank, Fuel, Crash-resistant, Ballistic-tolerant Aircraft.” This specification covers

The power calculations assumed a signal-to-noise ratio of 1.0, an 80 percent confidence level, and that the time
to find the initial target was continuous and normally distributed.

the requirements and verification testing for crash-resistant, ballistic-tolerant fuel
cells for use in rotorcraft and tilt rotorcraft.
 The 46th Test Squadron conducted waveform conformance testing of the Small
Tactical Terminal Radio, version 2.9.2 at Eglin Air Force Base in February 2014.
 The Joint Interoperability Test Command completed joint interoperability testing of
the Small Tactical Terminal Radio version 3.1.2 at Mesa, Arizona, in May 2014. The
AH-64E exchanged the required Lot 4 Link 16 messages with joint participants.
 The Army conducted a cooperative cybersecurity assessment of the Lot 4 AH-64E
configuration from June 24  26, 2014, at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.
 The Army Threat Systems Management Officer conducted an adversarial
cybersecurity assessment from August 11  15, 2014. Concurrent with FOT&E I, the
cybersecurity test team investigated deficiencies identified during the 2012 Initial
Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) and conducted passive scans of the AH-
64E and associated networks.
 The Army Research Laboratory Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate
(ARL/SLAD) completed system-level ballistic vulnerability and personnel protection
analyses of the Lot 4 AH-64E with RCEFS and the latest armor configuration and
provided a draft report in August 2014.
 The Army conducted infrared survivability testing in September 2014 at Redstone
Arsenal, Alabama. The test compared threat seeker performance against the Lot 4
AH-64E equipped with ASPI to seeker performance against the Lot 4 AH-64E
without ASPI.

Section Three
Operational Effectiveness
As demonstrated in FOT&E I, Link 16 enhances the operational effectiveness of Lot 4
AH-64E units. The AH-64E Air Weapons Teams equipped with Link 16 enhanced joint
interoperability by providing battlefield information to the joint tactical air picture. The Air
Weapons Teams found small target formations more quickly using Link 16 tracks than when
using their onboard sensors. Air-to-Air-to-Ground (AAG) video transfer enhanced the Lot 4
AH-64E Air Weapons Team’s situational awareness. The Image Intensifier Television (IITV)
mode of the Pilot Night Vision System (PNVS) enhanced performance and improved the pilot’s
ability to detect light sources and avoid obstacles at night.
Lot 4 AH-64E enhancements and design changes add an average of 717 pounds as
compared to the Lot 1 AH-64E. At this weight, nominally qualified engines with an engine
torque factor of 1.0 do not produce enough torque to meet the hover Key Performance Parameter
(KPP) requirement. The AH-64E fleet does not operate with nominal engines, but routinely
operates with engines having engine torque factor ratings of 1.0 to 1.13. If permitted to use all
available engine power, AH-64E has demonstrated in testing and in a unit’s recent Afghanistan
deployment that the aircraft has the ability to achieve operational performance requirements at
6,000 feet pressure altitude, 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mission Effectiveness
Mission Success
Lot 4 AH-64E Air Weapons Teams achieved complete or partial success scores on 16 of
22 FOT&E missions (73 percent). Mission success scores were assigned to the 22 missions by
the scoring participants including the Army evaluator and representatives from the user, program
manager, and DOT&E using the criteria in Table 3-1. These scores were assigned at the end of
the test after reviewing recorded data of real-time casualty assessments, cockpit video,
engagement and target acquisition video, post-mission debriefings, and mission logs. The
scoring committee assigned mission success scores using the criteria in Table 3-1 that most
closely described the mission events and mission outcomes.
As in the Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) of Lot 1 AH-64E, the mission
success scores were not statistically responsive to the factors of interest in this test. By design,
the mission success scores reflect the degree to which the mission outcomes achieved the
commander’s intent, in spite of the many uncontrolled factors, such as enemy actions, pilot
decisions, and random events that influenced the mission outcomes.
Each mission followed one of four scenarios: Land Attack, Land Reconnaissance and
Security, Maritime Reconnaissance and Security, and Screen for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
(UAS). Prior to each mission, AH-64E crews were briefed on mission objectives, including the
composition and last known location of enemy forces and high value targets. Aircrews generally
attempted to engage targets outside the range of man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS)
or small arms threats to ensure their own safety and survivability. When pilots strayed within

enemy engagement range during the FOT&E, the real-time engagement instrumentation allowed
threat systems to engage and “kill” the Apache on two occasions when realistic threat
engagement procedures were employed. The observed median engagement ranges against all
threat systems during the FOT&E are shown in Figure 3-1. The Classified Annex to this report
contains information on the measured threat MANPADS acquisition ranges and estimated
vulnerability of the AH-64E to these threats at the engagement ranges observed during the
In the Land Attack Scenario, the AH-64E crew was tasked with neutralizing an enemy
stronghold with a priority of eliminating high value targets. Opposing forces consisted of 17
enemy combatants, 5 tanks, 7 light armor vehicles, 3 MANPADS, 4 multiple launch rocket
systems (high value target), and 2 radio frequency surface-to-air batteries (high value target).
The enemy formation was tactically deployed within a 15-square kilometer opening that was
surrounded by trees. Enemy target assets positioned themselves in the tree line or in the open to
facilitate their mission task. Friendly forces consisted of the AH-64E Air Weapons Team and a
simulated F-15 aircraft.

Table 3-1. Mission Scoring Criteria

Mission Score Outcome General Criteria

The Apache team quickly located and neutralized most or all of the
5 Complete Success threat systems, including all high value targets. Neither aircraft
was destroyed. The team employed appropriate tactics.

The Apache team located and neutralized all high value targets.
4 Partial Success Neither aircraft was destroyed. The team accomplished most, but
not all assigned mission tasks and employed appropriate tactics.

The Apache team located and neutralized some high value

targets. Aircraft were engaged, and possibly destroyed. The team
3 Neutral Outcome
accomplished some assigned mission tasks and employed
inappropriate tactics at times.

The Apache team located and attempted to engage some threat

2 Partial Failure systems. One aircraft was destroyed. The team accomplished
some assigned mission tasks and used inappropriate tactics.

The Apache team was destroyed without locating or neutralizing

1 Complete Failure any threats or high value targets. The team accomplished no
assigned mission tasks and used inappropriate tactics.

The Air Weapons Team achieved complete success on all five Land Attack missions.
The Air Weapons Team neutralized all high value targets and killed the majority of residual
enemy forces. Using terrain masking, standoff, and nap-of-the-earth flight maneuvers, the Air
Weapons Team avoided detection from surface-to-air threat systems and systematically located
and neutralized enemy targets. The median engagement range against the ZSU-23-4, SA-6, and
SA-8 surface-to-air systems, as shown in Figure 3-1, was greater than 5 kilometers. Link 16
radar tracks confirmed real-time threat locations as the aircrew maneuvered to and from battle

positions. The large target formation in this scenario facilitated finding the initial target,
regardless of whether Link 16 targeting data were provided. After finding the first target, crews
used onboard sensors to find additional targets. The Fire Control Radar and Radio Frequency
Interferometer were used to locate hostile armor and surface-to-air vehicles.
In the Land Reconnaissance and Security Scenario, the Air Weapons Team escorted a
convoy of three High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicles towards an enemy compound
with the objective of neutralizing the compound and eliminating the high value combatant.
Enemy forces included nine soldiers equipped with MANPADS, two mortars, four rocket-
propelled grenade launchers, and four light vehicles. Link 16 was helpful in this scenario to
locate initial targets and to maintain track of dispersing vehicles.

Figure 3-1. Summary of Apache Engagements during FOT&E I

AH-64E crews had an average mission success score of 3.7 on the six Land-Based
Reconnaissance and Security missions. Without Link 16 targeting data to find the small
dispersed target array, aircrews had difficulty finding the initial target. To the detriment of the
crew’s success, the enemy concealed themselves and their vehicles among non-combatants. In
one successful mission, the aircrew followed an unmarked truck for more than 10 kilometers
before the suspected high value combatant dismounted and began to setup a mortar tube. The
aircrew shared AAG video of the suspected target with the tactical operations center, received
permission to engage, and neutralized the target with the aircraft’s 30 mm gun.

In the Maritime Scenarios, the Air Weapons Team mission was to secure a shipping lane
by defending against a swarm of small attack boats or attacking hostile mine laying boats. The
enemy boats were equipped with heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, and
The AH-64E crews performed well in the maritime scenarios with an average mission
success score of 4.3 across eight missions. Link 16 helped with de-confliction of enemy target
assignments as the fast attack boats swarmed toward a friendly transport vessel. AH-64E crews
used Link 16 to broadcast the location of enemy mines to Link 16 participants. The Air
Weapons Teams engaged threat boats at long range by manually tracking stationary and moving
enemy boats with the laser designator for Hellfire missiles, or if at short range, with the 30 mm
In the Screen for UAS scenario, the Air Weapons Team mission was to find an enemy
UAS and either engage or provide targeting data to Link 16 for engagement by other aircraft. No
ground forces participated in this scenario. Friendly forces consisted of the Air Weapons Team
and a simulated F-15 aircraft. Enemy forces included the unarmed UAS.
The Air Weapons Team received two perfect mission success scores and one score of 2.5
in the UAS scenario. In the two successful missions, the aircrews used Link 16 to quickly locate
the UAS in less than 2 minutes and hand over the target for a simulated F-15 engagement. In the
unsuccessful mission, without Link 16 targeting data, the aircrew struggled to find the UAS
despite receiving updated coordinates of its location from the tactical operations center. After 16
minutes, the aircrew eventually found the UAS, but a reliability failure in an aircraft mission
processor forced the crew to abort the mission before reporting or engaging the unmanned
In all missions, Hellfire and 30 mm gun kills were adjudicated by real-time casualty
assessment instrumentation and verified by post-mission review of the cockpit video.
The analysis of all 22 missions indicates an average success rate of 4.16, with an 80
percent confidence interval of 3.86 to 4.46. Further analysis showed that mission success was
not affected by Link 16 targeting data, battlefield density, light, or interactions between factors.
The average mission scores and 80 percent confidence intervals are plotted in Figure 3-2 for each
of the three test design factors. A p-value, the probability that the difference between levels is
caused by chance alone, is shown for each factor and interaction.

Figure 3-2. Data and Results for Mission Success

Link 16
AH-64E crews found initial targets more quickly using Link 16 target tracks than when
using their onboard sensors. Army data collectors recorded the time to find the initial target for
each of the 22 missions. The time to find the initial target was measured as the elapsed time
between the reference starting point and the instant when the Apache crew put sensors on the
first suspected target in the objective area. Reference starting points varied from mission to
mission, but were consistent across test design factors to ensure unbiased comparisons of the
time to find initial targets. Using data and video recorded during each mission, the Army
evaluator, Army user representative, program manager representative, and DOT&E
representative verified the starting point and the time the initial target was found for each
mission. Battlefield density is included as a factor in the analysis below; 10 targets or more was
considered high density, less than 10 targets was low density. However, the battlefield density
numbers only include targets that had position location instrumentation, it did not include any of
the live target tracks provided by the Gulf Coast network or the false/ghost tracks inserted by the
test team.
Figure 3-3 indicates Link 16 targeting data helped AH-64E crews to find initial targets
more quickly than when using their onboard sensors. On average across the 22 missions, large
target formations were found more quickly than smaller target formations, regardless of whether
Link 16 targeting information was available. The interaction between Link 16 targeting data and
battlefield density was also significant and illustrates that : (1) Link 16 targeting data enabled the
AH-64E crew to find small target formations more quickly than when using their onboard
sensors (18 minutes faster); and (2) Link 16 targeting data had no effect on the crew’s ability to
find large target formations. Large target formations were easy to detect, whether Link 16 was
available or not. The effect of Link 16 on the time to find initial targets in low battlefield
densities may be optimistic because the target locations were generated in the lab from the actual
coordinates of the target vehicles provided by the test instrumentation. In general, these target
locations were significantly more accurate than an airborne sensor could provide.

Figure 3-3. Data and Results for Time to Find Initial Target

Air Weapons Teams equipped with Link 16 enhanced joint interoperability. With up to
two hours of on-station time, Link 16-equipped AH-64Es used onboard sensors and their
proximity to the battlefield to provide accurate and continuous updates on Link 16 target tracks

to the joint tactical air picture. Lot 4 AH-64E Air Weapons Teams used their onboard sensors to
locate and identify new targets on the battlefield and report those targets on Link 16 to other joint
network participants.
Link 16-equipped AH-64E Apaches can be tracked by tactical air controllers more
accurately using real-time Link 16 messages and as a result may be allowed to operate with
fewer tactical airspace restrictions. Improved control could lead to reduced size and duration of
restricted operating zones which allow aircraft to fly more direct routes to their objectives,
reduce fuel burned, and increase on-station time for AH-64E aircraft.
Link 16-equipped AH-64E aircraft automatically share their location and activity with
other members of the Air Weapons Team. As illustrated in Figure 1-2, Link 16 provides an icon
for each AH-64E in the formation and provides activity indicators as to the ongoing actions of
each aircraft. In this way, an Air Weapons Team can efficiently distribute targets for
engagement among the members of the team and know in real time what each team member is
Lot 4 AH-64E aircrews used the Small Tactical Terminal Radio to participate in a joint
Link 16 network with live and simulated Air Force fighters and command and control aircraft.
The Small Tactical Terminal Radio experienced no failures, achieved fine synchronization on
every mission, maintained fine synchronization with a Link 16 network 94 percent of the time,
and demonstrated a 95 percent message completion rate. Fine synchronization is necessary for
AH-64E to be a full participant in the Link 16 network. The Mission 5 aircrews were required to
form their own Link 16 network after entering the Air Force Link 16 network. The aircrew in
aircraft 002 accomplished this successfully, but the aircrew in aircraft 009 was not able to
accomplish the procedures for network formation, acquisition of the Network Time Reference,
and subsequent reentry into the Air Force Link 16 network. Aircraft 015 did not participate in
Mission 5. Figure 3-4 shows the duration of connectivity status during each FOT&E I mission.

Figure 3-4. Summary of Link 16 Connectivity during FOT&E I

The FOT&E demonstrated that for AH-64E crews to develop and maintain proficiency in
the effective use of Link 16, the Army will need to establish the capability to create or participate
in Link 16 networks wherever AH-64E units are stationed or in training. While coordinating

with Eglin Air Force Base, Army testers were unable to find Army agencies responsible for
Link 16 frequency and cryptographic management. Execution of the FOT&E was possible
because the Air Force provided the infrastructure for a stable, active Link 16 network to support
Apache participation. Consequently, as Lot 4 AH-64E aircraft are fielded, the Army will need to
establish and maintain new Link 16 networks or tie in with existing Link 16 networks. The
priority for this capability should be at the fielding locations of the Lot 4 AH-64E aircraft and at
the Army’s training centers (Fort Irwin, California, and Fort Polk, Louisiana).
Air-to-Air-to-Ground (AAG) video transfer enhanced the Lot 4 AH-64E Air Weapons
Team’s situational awareness. The aircrews transmitted video between aircraft in flight and to
the maneuver operations center on the ground. Aircrews gave favorable feedback on the video
quality and utility.
AAG was used extensively during FOT&E I to provide real-time Modernized Target
Acquisition Display Sight (M-TADS) video streaming to a One System Remote Video Terminal
(OSRVT) located at the headquarters element on the ground. The waveform and bit rate were
configured to provide maximum range performance with the OSRVT. The maximum effective
range was approximately 15 kilometers between the aircraft and the headquarters element when
the OSRVT was equipped with an omni-directional antenna. The maximum effective range was
approximately 50 kilometers when the OSRVT was equipped with a directional antenna capable
of tracking the aircraft’s location. AAG video was not received when the aircraft was out of
range of the antennas or operating at low altitudes below the antenna line of sight.
Developmental testing indicated that the maximum range at which the AAG is able to
transmit between two airborne AH-64Es using the Motion Picture Editor’s Guild (MPEG)-2 file
format is 17 kilometers and MPEG-4 is 35 kilometers4. This air-to-air range is sufficient for
transmitting video and meta-data between two AH-64Es in an Air Weapons Team.
During FOT&E I, AH-64E gunners relied on AAG as an acquisition source to cue the
M-TADS sensor. Figure 3-5 shows acquisition sources available to the gunner and frequency of
use during the test. Preplanned targets were most commonly used, which included waypoints
from mission planning as well as Link 16 radar tracks. AAG was the fifth most commonly
selected acquisition source, representing 8 percent of the acquisition sources selected during the
test. Pilots commented that the AAG acquisition source was the fastest way to see what their
wingman was viewing.

MPG-2 is intended to encode higher quality video and has file sizes (and therefore real-time transfer rates)
several times as large as MPEG-4, which is intended to encode lower-quality video and loses more information
in its compression algorithm.

Figure 3-5. AAG use as an Acquisition Source and a Pilot Survey

Sensor Performance
Image Intensifier Television
The Electronic Image Intensifier Television (IITV) mode of the Pilot Night Vision
System (PNVS) enhanced performance and improved the pilot’s ability to see light sources and
avoid obstacles at night. Figure 3-6 illustrates in the IITV image on the right that automobile and
city lights are visible, features that are not visible in the Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) image
of the same scene on the left. By having IITV images that are tracking the pilot’s helmet and
line of sight, pilots do not need to wear bulky night vision goggles that employ the same image
intensifying technology.

Figure 3-6. Comparison of FLIR and IITV Mode

PNVS was used during all night missions for a total of 21 hours. Out of the three PNVS
modes available to the pilot, Figure 3-7 shows that the combined FLIR and IITV mode was most
commonly used. For all FOT&E I night missions, FLIR mode, IITV mode, and combined mode
were used 7, 6, and 87 percent of the time, respectively. Pilots reported that the new PNVS
system was an improvement compared to the Lot 1 PNVS.

Figure 3-7. PNVS Usage and Pilot Survey Results

Modernized Tactical Acquisition Display Sight Software Version 8

At the urging of FOT&E test officers, pilots attempted to use the new version 8
auto-tracking features on 19 separate occasions. Each time, the tracker failed to track the target
accurately enough to support a weapon engagement, whether using point or scene track mode.
Instead, pilots used manual tracking for prosecution of all 30 mm gun and Hellfire engagements.
M-TADS auto-tracking performance had no impact, good or bad, on engagement procedures or
outcomes. Pilots reported that auto-tracker performance was no better or worse than legacy
auto-track performance.
Results from developmental testing at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, between
August 13 and September 26, 2013, reveal that M-TADS version 8 auto-tracking performs as
well as or better than version 6.5 In more than 60 Apache flight hours, auto-track was used in
622 instances against a variety of conditions. Results in Figure 3-8 indicate that version 8 had a
higher probably of infrared sensor track for targets that were fully obscured (p-value = 0.12) or
with the daytime sensor for targets obscured by natural surroundings (p-value = 0.01), while no
statistically significant performance difference was noticed for other target conditions.

Modernized Target Acquisition Designation Sight / Modernized Pilot Night Vision Sensor Software Version 8.5
on the AH-64D Apache Helicopter, U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground, January 27, 2014.

Figure 3-8. M-TADS Developmental Test Results

Aircraft Performance
By meeting the Key Performance Parameter (KPP) for hover out of ground effect,
AH-64E aircraft can operate safely in mountains, such as in Afghanistan or Korea, with an
operational load of ammunition and fuel. With new engines having an engine torque factor of
1.09 or higher, the Lot 4 aircraft meets the hover payload requirement of 3,320 pounds with a
3,366-pound payload at 6,000 feet pressure altitude and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Figure 3-9
shows the hover payload of the Lot 4 aircraft.
Before new engines are installed on AH-64E, each engine is tested to determine its
Engine Torque Factor (ETF) rating.6 To meet contract specifications, a new engine must have an
ETF of 1.0. The published AH-64E operator’s manual estimates performance based on engines
with an ETF of 1.0, and pilots normally plan missions anticipating the 717-pound shortfall in
hover performance at KPP conditions. The Apache Program Manager reports that new engines
are delivered with an average ETF of 1.09. This additional power is available for use in flight,
but aircrew performance planning charts do not allow flight planning beyond an ETF of 1.0.
While supporting Operation Enduring Freedom in 2014 in Afghanistan, the 1-229th Attack
Reconnaissance Battalion reported that the engines on their ASPI equipped Lot 1 AH-64E
aircraft had 8 to 10 percent additional power beyond predicted aircraft performance. The Army
should consider revising the operator’s performance planning charts to account for the actual
engine torque factor (ETF) ratio, a rating that pilots confirm before and during flight. These
updates will allow pilots to accurately calculate and plan for maximum fuel, ammunition, and
single engine capability, and take advantage of all available engine power.
Engine torque factor is defined as the ratio of individual torque available as compared to a specification engine
at a reference temperature. A 1.0 value means the engine(s) will perform to or exceed a specified performance

Threshold Objective
(3,320 lbs) (4,020 lbs)

2,603 lbs 3,366 lbs

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400
Hover Payload (pounds)
Lot 4: Engine Torque Factor  = 1.00 Lot 4: Engine Torque Factor = 1.09
Figure 3-19. AH-64E Lot 4 Hover Payload Performance

Figure 3-10 illustrates the Lot 4 endurance, range, and dash speed performance at 6,000
feet pressure altitude, 95 degrees Fahrenheit. In each case, the Lot 4 aircraft meets the Key
System Attribute requirements. The figure compares the Lot 4 aircraft to the Lot 1 aircraft
performance. The Lot 1 aircraft meets the range and endurance requirements using the main fuel
tanks, while the Lot 4 aircraft requires the auxiliary fuel tanks to meet the performance
requirements. The degradation in aircraft performance is caused by the added weight of the Lot
4 upgrades, added weight of other Lot 4 design changes, and a reduction in engine power caused
by engine backpressure with Aircraft Survivability Product Improvements (ASPI) installed.
Threshold Objective

159 min

142 min 162 min

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Endurance (minutes)

253 nm

225 nm 251 nm
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 320
Range(nautical miles)

129 KTAS

125 KTAS 139 KTAS

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170

Symbols for Speed Symbols for Range and Endurance

Lot 4 using Intermediate Rated Power (30 minutes) Lot 4: main fuel tanks + auxiliary tanks
Lot 4 using Maximum Rated Power (10 min) Lot 4: main fuel tanks only
Lot 1using Intermediate Rated Power Lot 1: main fuel tanks

KTAS – Knots True Airspeed

Figure 3-10. Key System Attribute Performance Requirements

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Section Four
Operational Suitability
The Lot 4 AH-64E remains operationally suitable. It demonstrated improvements in
availability and maintainability compared to the Lot 1 AH-64E operational test results. Transfer
of in-flight maintenance data to a ground-based maintenance section while the aircraft is on a
mission was successful. The Systems-Level Embedded Diagnostics aided in aircraft recovery
after mission completion.
The Lot 4 AH-64E demonstrated mission reliability similar to fielded Lot 1 AH-64E
aircraft and the mission reliability requirement. The Lot 4 aircraft did not meet the Key
Performance Parameter for aborts with statistical confidence during FOT&E I. A mission failure
that results in early termination or the inability to start a mission is a mission abort. The
observed Key Performance Parameter for aborts, the Mean Time Between Mission Failure
(MTBF(M)), is shown in Table 4-1 along with the 80 percent confidence interval and compared
to results from Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) and for fielded Lot 1 AH-64E
aircraft. Lot 4 FOT&E estimates for MTBF(M) are similar to earlier test and fielding estimates.
Two FOT&E pre-flight aborts were induced by pilots who failed to wait 80 seconds before
powering down the Auxiliary Power Unit as they were trained and as instructed by the operator’s
manual. Discounting these two pilot-induced failures, MTBM(F) during FOT&E I was 24.1
(13.0, 49.5) flights hours. None of the seven aborts that occurred during the 120.4-flight hour
FOT&E suggest that the new Lot 4 components degrade mission reliability below that observed
in fielded Lot 1 aircraft. The observed MTBF(M) point estimate of 17.2 hours supports a
mission reliability estimate of 82 percent for a 3.5-hour mission reliability requirement of 80

Table 4-1. AH-64E Lot 4 Reliability at FOT&E Ia

(80% Confidence Intervals)
Lot 4
Lot 1 IOT&E Fielded LOT 1 Lot 4 FOT&E I
Mean Time Between Mission
36.7 17.9 17.2
Failure (MTBF(M)) ≥17.0b
(23.8, 59.0) (15.9, 20.0) (10.2, 30.9)
Mean Time Between Essential
4.9 2.3 3.9
Mission Action (MTBEMA) ≥ 2.9c
(4.2, 5.7) (2.3, 2.4) (3.1, 5.0)
Mission 0.91 0.82 0.82
≥ 0.80
Reliability (0.86, 0.94) (0.80, 0.84) (0.71, 0.89)
Based on 120.4 flight hours, 7 mission aborts, and 31 EMAs.
Based on the Longbow Block I/II reliability requirement of 80 percent for a 3.5-hour mission.
Based on a 20 percent improvement in the reliability of the Longbow Block I/II aircraft.
Mission reliability is the probability of completing a 3.5-hour mission without a single abort, assuming mission
aborts are exponentially distributed with a mean of 17.2 hours.

As indicated in Table 4-1, the Lot 4 AH-64E performed better in FOT&E I than the
required Key System Attribute threshold for Mean Time Between Essential Maintenance Actions
(MTBEMA). An Essential Maintenance Action (EMA) is required following any incident or
malfunction that results in the loss of one or more mission-essential functions. Once discovered,
EMAs must be corrected before flight can resume. EMAs provide important insight about the
reliability of mission-critical aircraft systems and components. During FOT&E I, half (15 of 31:
48 percent) of EMAs were caused by the avionics system. The drive system, electrical system,
hydraulics, and landing gear accounted for an additional 35 percent of EMAs. The dominant
failure modes observed in FOT&E I were similar to those observed in the fielded Lot 1 aircraft.
Engine and transmission leaks continue in the AH-64E aircraft, with 3 of the 31 FOT&E EMAs
(10 percent) caused by engine and transmission leaks. Field data indicate that about 4.5 percent
of all EMAs are caused by engine and transmission leaks. While deployed, the 1-229th Attack
Reconnaissance Battalion reported that the main transmission input seals, drive seals, and
generator seals failed more often than legacy transmission seals.
Three EMAs affected Lot 4 upgrade components; two of those were pilot induced.
During pilot training, one pilot was not able to load the Link 16 crypto keys. This failure did not
re-occur during FOT&E I. One pilot reported that the Air-to-Air-to-Ground (AAG) was
inoperative during pre-flight checks, but after mission completion, the AAG checked fine. On a
different mission, pilots reported poor AAG video, resulting in the replacement of the AAG
transmitter on one aircraft.
The Lot 4 aircraft did not impose an unusual maintenance burden on the FOT&E I unit
and the Systems-Level Embedded Diagnostics (SLED) enhancement promises to reduce that
burden in the future. To assess maintainability, two metrics estimate the effort required to keep
the aircraft available for operations: unscheduled maintenance manhours per flight hour
(MMH/FH) and mean time to repair (MTTR). Unscheduled maintenance manhours are those
that result from correction of reliability failures. The aircraft met the unscheduled maintenance
manhour threshold with confidence as shown in Table 4-2. The MTTR estimates the number of
clock hours to return an aircraft to combat operations once a failure occurs. During FOT&E I,
the Lot 4 AH-64E did not meet the MTTR requirement when calculated as a defined average.
Since the average can be skewed substantially by a small number of outliers, a median time
provides a better estimate than MTTR of the typical repair time. During FOT&E I, the median
time to repair was 30 minutes
Table 4-2. AH-64E Maintainability at FOT&E I
(80% confidence intervals)
Lot 4: Requirement Lot 1: IOT&E LOT 1: Fielded Lot 4: FOT&E I
0.5 hours
MMH/FHUNSCH ≤3.4 1.1 hours 1.3 hours
(0.4, 0.7)
1.5 hours
MTTR ≤1.5 4.3 hours 1.6 hours
(0.8, 2.7)
Median Time 0.5 hours
N.A. 1.8 hours N.A.
to Repair (0.4, 0.8)

Figure 4-1 shows the accumulation of unscheduled maintenance manhours during
FOT&E I. There were four repair periods that account for 63 percent of unscheduled
maintenance manhours. Each of these repair periods as described in Figure 4-1 required multiple
diagnostic efforts to identify and eliminate the fault. The short times of the other repair periods
illustrate that most repairs were accomplished quickly with one or two maintainers.
Aircraft Deployed to Pilot Training at
Eglin AFB FOT at Eglin AFB
Eglin AFB
Cummulative Unscheduled

50 Dual mission processor 4

Maintenance Manhours

failure which could not be

duplicated; Replaced failed Overheating avionics bay required
40 engine fire sensor replacement of refrigerant and quench
3 valve assembly; Replaced dirty hydraulic

AN/APR-39 failure 2 Operator induced Mission Signal

20 that required multiple
diagnostic attempts to Processing Unit failure
resolve 1

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Cummulative Flight Hours
Figure 4-1. Cumulative Unscheduled Maintenance Manhours

As shown in Figure 4-2, 70 percent of the times to repair fell below 1.5 hours, and 50
percent fell below 30 minutes, making the median time to repair well below the requirement.
The mean value of 1.5 was driven by two events that took longer than 6.0 hours to repair. These
events were the faulty AN/APR-39 and the overheating avionics bay described in Figure 4-1.
Time to Repair
Mean Time to Repair
10 80% Confidence Interval

Median Time to Repair

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
Time to Repair
Figure 4-2. Distribution of Time to Repair during FOT&E I

During the follow-on operational test, the Lot 4 aircraft were available 87 percent of the
time as shown in Table 4-3. The AH-64E aircraft does not have an availability threshold
requirement. Aircraft availability measures the total time the aircraft is at least partially mission

capable, and is defined as the total uptime of the aircraft divided by the sum of the uptime and
At 4.8 hours, the average time of a downing event during the operational test was less
than half a day, with three downtimes lasting 12 hours or more. Fifty-nine percent of all
downtimes occurred on a single aircraft. This aircraft had an aircraft availability rate of 78
percent, while the other two aircraft had aircraft availability rates of 88 percent or more. The
chart on the left of Figure 4-4 shows the downing periods for each aircraft, and highlights the
downing events lasting more than 12 hours. Approximately 44 percent of the downtime was
caused by logistic delay, 26 percent was caused by maintenance in progress, and 30 percent was
caused by deferred maintenance for reasons other than logistics delays.

Table 4-3. Aircraft Availability

(80% Confidence Intervals)
Lot 4: Requirement Lot 1: IOT&E Lot 4: FOT&E
Availability N/A 0.76
(0.83, 0.92)

Broken fin on the air 18

data system Engine Leak Downtime 16

Ordered Downing Events

9015 14
Aicraft Number


3009 10

Overheating avionic bay 8

2 Logistics
Aug-04 Aug-06 Aug-08 Aug-10 Aug-12 Aug-14 Aug-16 0 10 20 30
Length of Downtime (hours)
Figure 4-4. AH-64E Downtime during FOT&E I

Even though 44 percent of the downtime was caused by logistics delays, the unit did not
have a systemic repair parts supply problem. The chart on the right in Figure 4-4 illustrates with
green color that two downing events were responsible for all the logistic delay. In the first
downing event, the FOT&E unit had to order a special tool to repair the fin and replace the
sensor head on the helicopter air data system. The second event was associated with the
overheating avionics bay, for which the unit had to order a quench valve and a refrigerant
container. The third downtime, lasting more than 20 hours, was caused by an engine leak that
required both a sump valve and engine seal replacement. After replacing the sump valve, the
maintainers discovered the engine leak had returned after a few hours. The leak was finally
patched by replacing an engine seal.

Operational Readiness
The Army’s logistics readiness and sustainability guidelines cite a full mission capable
goal of 75 percent for aircraft.8 Two of the three FOT&E aircraft met this goal with 80 percent
confidence. One aircraft did not meet this goal because of a faulty Radar Frequency
Interferometer (RFI), which rendered the aircraft partially mission capable throughout the
operational test. The RFI failure occurred at the start of the operational test. As the RFI was not
essential to all missions for this aircraft, maintenance was deferred until after the operational test.
While supporting Operation Enduring Freedom in 2014 in Afghanistan, the 1-229th
Attack Reconnaissance Battalion reported a full mission capable rate with Lot 1 AH-64E aircraft
of 88 percent based on 11,000 flight hours.
System-Level Embedded Diagnostics
The Lot 4 follow-on test provided an early operational assessment of the SLED.
Maintainers monitored the SLED during all missions, and acted upon SLED information in 6 of
10 inflight failures. Figure 4-5 shows that four of the six inflight failures were critical failures.
Critical failures are those which negatively affect mission execution. Using the early detection
capabilities of SLED, the maintainers were able to prepare the necessary tools and assemble
personnel before the aircraft returned to base, as shown in Figure 4-5. The potential for early
preparation was demonstrated in one mission in which a dual mission processor failure led to an
abort. The maintenance crew received the SLED report and was waiting with tools in hand when
the Lot 4 aircraft landed.

Detecting Problems
Assembling Personnel
Searching IETM

Preparing Tools Severity of SLED Total

Failures Used Failures
Obtaining Parts Non-Critical 2 4
Critical 4 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
IETM – Interactive Electronic Technical Manual  
Figure 4-5. SLED Usage

Mission Workload
Mission workload was evaluated using the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) Task Load Index (TLX). The NASA TLX estimates the perceived
workload of system operators performing system or mission tasks. Lot 4 pilots were asked to
Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability, Army Regulation 700-138, Department of the Army, Washington,
DC, February 26, 2004.

describe their workload in terms of the six dimensions described in Table 4-4. Operators’ scores
for each source were aggregated into an overall NASA TLX Index.9 Figure 4-6 shows the
NASA TLX scores for each pilot for each mission.

Table 4-4. Sources of Workload for NASA TLX

Temporal Demand Mental Demand Effort
How much mental and How hard did the pilot have to
How much time pressure
perceptual activity was work to accomplish his level of
did the pilot feel?
required? performance?
Performance Frustration Physical Demand
How successful did the pilot How insecure, discouraged, How much physical activity was
think he was in irritated, and stressed did the required?
accomplishing the task? pilot feel during the task?

Box length is range of ratings. Middle bar is mean rating. Blue dots are individual pilot scores.

Pilot Test Day Missions Night Missions


60 High Workload
Above Average Workload
40 Normal Workload


P01 P02 P03 M01/02 M03/04 M05 M06 M07 M08 M09 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16/19 M17 M20 M21
Mission ID

Figure 4-6. NASA TLX Scores for Each Mission

Overall, pilots indicated that workload was within a normal range for all missions except
those in the pilot test. Higher workloads are to be expected in the pilot test because pilots are
learning how to operate the new aircraft systems and incorporate them into the operational
environment using new tactics and procedures. The influence of four factors, Link 16 targeting
data (yes or no), battlefield density (low or high), light level (day or night), and pilot position
(back seat or front seat), on mission workload was evaluated using a main effects and two factor
interaction model. These results are shown in Figure 4-7.
Day missions had a statistically higher workload than night missions. To facilitate
efficient test execution and flight safety, all night missions were conducted after the day missions
had been completed. It is not clear whether the reduction in workload was caused by the change
in light level or by pilot learning.
The presence of Link16 targeting data mattered for the front seat pilot. The back seat
pilot flew the aircraft while the front seat pilot operated Link16. In high battlefield density
environments, the front seat pilot had to decipher multiple targeting tracks, which increased

For a detailed description of the NASA TLX, see http://humansystems.arc.nasa.gov/groups/TLX/.

workload. In low battlefield density environments, pilots had few tracks to decipher, which
allowed them to quickly identify threats.
Pilots reported two primary sources of workload across all conditions. Time pressure and
the pilots’ critical assessment of their own task performance were the dominant sources of
workload. Slightly higher levels of frustration were reported when using Link16.
Frontseat Pilot Backseat Pilot * 80 % confidence intervals shown
During Day During Day * 10% significance level used
Terms p-value
Link 16 Targeting Data 0.22
30 Battlefield Density 0.76

Light Level 0.001

Pilot Seat Location 0.16
20 Targeting Data*Battlefield Density 0.02
Targeting Info*Light Level 0.73
Targeting Data*Pilot Location 0.10
10 Battlefield Density*Light Level 0.64
High Battlefield Density High Battlefield Density Battlefield Density*Pilot Location 0.39
Low Battlefield Density Low Battlefield Density Light Level*Pilot Location 0.33
Yes No Yes No
Link 16 Targeting Data Link 16 Targeting Data

Frontseat Pilot Backseat Pilot

During Night During Night Sources of Workload
High Battlefield Density High Battlefield Density
Low Battlefield Density Low Battlefield Density Performance



10 Effort
Targeting Data
No Targeting Data
Yes No Yes No 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Link 16 Targeting Data Link 16 Targeting Data Percentage of Times Source Ranked Higher

Figure 4-7. Mission Workload as Indicated by Pilots

The Army measured workload using the Bedford Workload Scale in addition to the
NASA TLX. Pilots described their workload as low to moderate using the Bedford Scale.
Unlike the NASA TLX, which showed a noticeable downward trend in workload as the
operational test proceeded, the Bedford Scale showed no noticeable downward trend in workload
level, as shown in Figure 4-8.

Box length is range of ratings. Middle bar is mean rating. Blue dots are individual pilot scores.

Day Missions Night Missions
8 High Workload
Bedford Workload

Moderate Workload

Normal Workload
M01/02 M03/04 M05 M06 M07 M08 M09 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16/19 M17 M20 M21
Mission ID
Figure 4-8. Bedford Workload Scores for Each Mission

The important factors and interactions identified by the NASA TLX and the Bedford
workload scale were similar. These results are presented in Table 4-5. Both workload measures
identified the light level and the interaction of targeting data and pilot location as statistically
significant. The Bedford scale identified targeting data as statistically significant and the NASA
TLX rating identified the interaction of targeting data and battlefield density as statistically
significant. The Bedford Scale does not provide insight into the dominant sources of pilot

Table 4-5. Comparison of NASA TLX Rating and Bedford Workload Scale
TLX Bedford
p-value p-value
Link 16 Targeting Data 0.22 0.05
Battlefield Density 0.76 0.80
Light Level 0.001 0.08
Pilot Location 0.16 0.18
Targeting Data* Battlefield Density 0.02 0.33
Targeting Data*Light Level 0.73 0.45
Targeting Data*Pilot Location 0.10 0.05
Battlefield Density*Light Level 0.64 0.58
Battlefield Density*Pilot Location 0.39 0.32
Light Level*Pilot Location 0.33 0.71
* Indicates a 2-factor interaction.

Section Five
The Lot 4 AH-64E remains as survivable as the Lot 1 AH-64E against ballistic threats.
Survivability against infrared threats is degraded compared to the Lot 1 AH-64E. Infrared threat
acquisition ranges are largely unchanged or have increased by the addition of the Aircraft
Survivability Product Improvements (ASPI), and flare effectiveness is largely unchanged or has
decreased, depending on the threat and flight profile.
Radar- and laser-warning systems degrade pilot situational awareness. Threat-warning
systems performed poorly and are poorly integrated. Pilots receive frequent and obvious false
alarms, have no selective control of the warning systems, grow complacent even about accurate
threat warnings, and have cluttered and conflicting threat displays.
The new, smaller external fuel tanks meet the specified requirements for self-sealing after
ballistic damage and supported all FOT&E I missions. The Reduced-size Crashworthy External
Fuel System (RCEFS) revealed no susceptibility to sustained fire or catastrophic structural
failure. The updated system-level vulnerability and force protection assessments for the Lot 4
AH-64E showed sustained ballistic protection of the aircraft and crew.
Table 5-1 compares DOT&E’s 2012 assessment of the survivability and force protection
Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) for the Lot 1 AH-64E with the results for the Lot 4
AH-64E. Additional details about AH-64E survivability results are in the classified annex.
The adversarial cybersecurity assessment found that a vulnerability of the Apache
electronics architecture identified during the Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) in
2012 has been corrected, but identified new cybersecurity vulnerabilities on the Lot 4 AH-64E
and its interfacing systems.

Table 5-1. Survivability and Force Protection KPPs

KPP Measures Model Assessment
System-level vulnerable area slightly better than legacy
Lot 1
Survivability System-level vulnerable area of Lot 4 is unchanged from
that of Lot 1 AH-64E aircraft
KPP 4: Lot 4
Ballistic testing demonstrated the required self-sealing
Survivability capability of external fuel tanks
Meets KPP for most Man-Portable Air Defense Systems
Lot 1
Infrared (MANPADS) threats
Survivability Meets KPP for most MANPADS threats, but infrared
Lot 4 survivability is degraded compared to Lot 1
KPP 5: Crew armor Lot 1 Exceeds or meets KPP: AH-664E crew armor protection
Force protection, exceeds KPP threshold. Transparent armor barrier in
Protection transparent armor Lot 4 the cockpit meets the KPP threshold.

Countermeasure and Warning Systems
The Army conducted a comparison test between the AH-64E with ASPI and the AH-64E
without ASPI installed to determine the net effects of the system on AH-64E against infrared-
guided threats. In the first phase of this test, the Army measured threat seeker lock-on
performance using 22 threat seekers representing 9 distinct threat capabilities against both
aircraft configurations in a hover, level flight, and in a turn. In the second phase, the seekers
attempted to continue tracking the aircraft following flare dispense, with the aircraft in a hover,
level flight, and in a turn. In the third phase, the Army used a digital camera to record the long-
and mid-wave infrared signature of aircraft in a hover and in level flight.
During FOT&E I, the opposing ground force employed threat-representative infrared
man-portable air-defense systems and radar systems during mission execution. When Apache
aircraft came within engagement range, the opposing ground force attempted to engage them.
While the real-time casualty assessment instrumentation adjudicated the engagement, the threat
weapons produced threat-representative infrared, ultraviolet, or radar signatures to stimulate the
threat-warning systems on the AH-64E aircraft. Aboard the AH-64E, the AN/AAR-57 Common
Missile Warning System generated audible warnings and a threat location icon when detecting
simulated missile launches. The AN/APR-39 Radar Warning Receiver generated audible
warnings and threat icons when detecting radar signals. The AN/APR-48 Interferometer
generated threat icons on the Apache map, but generated no audible warnings. The AN/AVR-2B
laser-warning receiver was integrated with the real-time casualty assessment instrumentation to
assist with adjudication of engagements and was enabled to detect and generate aural and map-
based icon warnings from actual laser designators and laser range-finders.
Infrared Susceptibility
Survivability of the Lot 4 AH-64E against infrared threats is degraded compared to the
Lot 1 AH-64E. The installation of ASPI on the Lot 4 AH-64E had little positive effect on
infrared threat seeker performance in most cases. For some infrared threats and flight profiles,
threat acquisition range is increased (the Apache is less survivable), and flare effectiveness is
decreased (again, the Apache is less survivable). Across the operational envelope, the net effect
of installation of ASPI on the Lot 4 AH-64E is to reduce survivability against infrared-guided
threat systems. The classified annex contains test results from the infrared testing.
Threat-Warning Systems
Radar- and laser-warning systems degrade pilot situational awareness. Threat-warning
systems performed poorly and are poorly integrated. Pilots receive frequent and obvious false
alarms, have no selective control of the warning systems, grow complacent even about accurate
threat warnings, and have cluttered and conflicting threat displays. The classified annex contains
test results from FOT&E I.

Ballistic Testing of Reduced-size Crashworthy External Fuel System (RCEFS)

The RCEFS fuel tanks meet the specified requirements for self-sealing after ballistic
damage. Specifically, the entrance wound of the fuel bladders had a slow leak and achieved

damp seal in 2 minutes (less than 2 ounces of fuel leakage in 2 minutes) when shot with a
tumbled .50 caliber Armor Piercing (AP) projectile. A single, higher caliber AP Incendiary
(API) projectile test resulted in a damp seal. A single, high explosive incendiary (HEI) projectile
test demonstrated tank structural integrity. The results of these tests were similar to those
observed for the larger 200-gallon tanks tested during the UH-60M live fire test and evaluation.
Overall, the RCEFS revealed no susceptibility to sustained fire or catastrophic structural failures,
even when shot with the higher caliber projectiles.
Following the initial 13 tests performed in March, 2013 that revealed higher leakage rates
(for some tests) than those specified, the original RCEFS tank design was modified to improve
self-sealing performance by adding a backing board panel between the outer structural shell and
the fuel bladder. The backing board helps maintain the flat surface of the structural wall, which
improves damaged fuel cell self-sealing performance. A supplemental series of four tests
performed on May 14, 2013, confirmed that the new design performed better.

Aircraft System-Level Vulnerability and Force Protection

The Army Research Laboratory Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate
(ARL/SLAD) performed system-level ballistic vulnerability and personnel force protection
analyses of the AH-64E Apache with RCEFS and latest armor using the well-known, widely
used Army developed vulnerability assessment model. The analyses compared the Apache’s Lot
4 configuration to the previous FY12 Apache Block III design. A draft analysis report was
released for review in August 2014.
The system-level vulnerability analysis evaluated a variety of API and HEI projectiles, 51
grain fragments (from the AHEAD projectile), and rocket-propelled grenades10 The analysis also
estimated the aircraft vulnerability for low/slow (less than 100 feet/less than 40 knots) and
high/fast (greater than 100 feet/80-120 knots) flight conditions. The differences in the analyses
of the two aircraft configurations were minimal. Analyses confirmed that the addition of the
RCEFS tanks and associated plumbing does not increase the AH-64E Apache’s system-level
ballistic vulnerability.
The personnel force protection analysis also indicated that the new level of protection for
the single specified projectile threat did not reduce the ballistic protection to the pilot and co-
pilot. A more detailed discussion of the results of the two analyses is presented in the classified

The adversarial cybersecurity assessment found that a vulnerability of the Apache
electronics architecture identified during the IOT&E in 2012 has been corrected, but identified
new cybersecurity vulnerabilities on the Lot 4 AH-64E and its interfacing systems. The
classified annex contains detailed cybersecurity findings and recommendations.

AHEAD: Advanced Hit-Efficiency and Destruction Round, a 35 mm projectile with 150 discs of 51-grain

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Section Six
The Army should consider the following recommendations:
 Improve infrared countermeasure performance, upgrade radar- and laser-warning
systems, and improve integration of aircraft survivability equipment on Lot 4
AH-64E aircraft.
 Address demonstrated cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Plan and conduct unconstrained
exploitation of cybersecurity vulnerabilities of AH-64E Apache and its ground
support equipment during adversarial cybersecurity testing.
 Modify AH-64E performance charts and aircraft software to allow mission planning
using actual engine performance ratings.
 Develop the capability to establish and maintain Link 16 networks for training of
Lot 4 AH-64E units at fielding locations and at the National Training Centers.
 Continue development of Link 16 capabilities and conduct follow-on testing during


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