ST Germans Newsletter - 3 February 2019

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St German’s Church
3 February 2019 - Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Today we remember when Mary and Joseph This week:

obey the law of Moses and presented the child
Jesus to the priests in the temple. Throughout Sun 3
this scene, the parents seem to be in the process 8am Said Mass (St G)
of presenting/offering their son as was 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
customarily done with sacrifices and the 11am Sung Mass (St G)
Levites, while through the persons of Simeon Mon 4:
and Anna it seems rather God who offers/ 6pm Mass (St G)
presents the son for the salvation of us, God’s Tues 5:
people. He would be the light that shines in the 10am Mass (St S)
darkness and so our blessing of candles St Agatha
symbolises this light, and our gratitude for Wed 6:
Christ, the light that will illumine the nations. 10am Mass (St G)
Sts Paul Miki and
Parish Notes: Companions
Thur 7:
Social Events and Fundraising Team - met last Sunday and we hope to 5:45pm Mass (St S)
finalise the events for the rest of 2019 after the PCC and will publish these Fri 8:
accordingly. Most months have one or two social events. 6pm mass (St S)
Nightshelter Appeal - This year, we are looking specifically for coats (male Sat 9:
11am Mass (St S)
and female) that are in a very good condition (new or nearly new). We are
Sun 10:
also in need of gloves. Please continue to pray for our guests and helpers St Saviour’s:
each Saturday and Sunday morning. 9:30 Sung Mass
Croeso - Please take a copy of the latest edition of our diocesan magazine St German’s:
home. Available at the back of the church. 8am Said Mass
First Aid - There are still places available for the first aid training to help us 11am Sung Mass
become more safe as a church. See Fr Phelim (Tues 12 Feb 10-4pm).
Treorchy Male Voice Choir -concert at St German’s Church commencing at Parish Priest:
7pm (doors open at 6pm) on Sat, 23 March 2019. You are strongly advised to Fr Phelim O’Hare,
02922 411229,
book tickets (£15 from Angela Parry) as soon as possible. [email protected]
Unique Website Visitors - After a recent analysis we are delighted to share (Day off - Friday)
that on average 2,000 people visit our main website each month (The St Churchwardens:
German’s specific web site also had 900 unique visitors in the last month).
PCC Meeting - the Parish Council next meets on Mon 4 Feb 2019 at 6pm for Peter Lovitt
mass with the business items at 6.45 pm. 02920 763754
Richard Hill
Recently Departed: Ron Judd, Arthur Hopkins, Peggy Davies, Rob Evans RIP
07519 352840


Malachi 3:1-4 Isa 6:1-2a, 3-8 Who is the King of
Ps 138:1-2a, 2b-3, 4-5, glory? He, the Lord,
Ps 24:7-10
Hebrews 2:14-18 he is the King of
1 Cor 15:3-8, 11
Luke 2:22-40
Luke 5:1-11 Glory. (4vv)


Today’s Hymns: 32 And can it be; 658 There is a Redeemer; 68 Be still my soul; 716 We
have a gospel to proclaim; Setting: A New People’s Mass, Murray (Kyrie, Black Mountain)

COLLECT:  the Lord, the valiant in war. Now there was a man in Jerusalem
whose name was Simeon; this man was
Almighty and everliving God, righteous and devout, looking forward
O gates, lift high your heads;
clothed in majesty, whose beloved to the consolation of Israel, and the Holy
 grow higher, ancient doors. Spirit rested on him. It had been
Son was this day presented in the  Let him enter, the king of glory! revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that
Temple, in substance of our flesh: he would not see death before he had
grant that we may be presented to seen the Lord’s Messiah. Guided by the
Who is he, the king of glory?
you with pure and clean hearts, by Spirit, Simeon came into the temple;
 He, the Lord of armies,
your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who and when the parents brought in the
is alive and reigns with you, in the  he is the king of glory. child Jesus, to do for him what was
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, Psalm 19 customary under the law, Simeon took
now and for ever. Amen him in his arms and praised God, saying,
SECOND READING ‘Master, now you are dismissing your
servant in peace, according to your
FIRST READING A reading from the first letter to the word; for my eyes have seen your
Hebrews. salvation, which you have prepared in
The First reading is from the book of
the presence of all peoples, a light for
Since all the children share the same revelation to the Gentiles and for glory
blood and flesh, Christ too shared to your people Israel.’ And the child’s
The Lord God says this: Look, I am father and mother were amazed at what
equally in it, so that by his death he
going to send my messenger to was being said about him. Then Simeon
could take away all the power of the
prepare a way before me. And the blessed them and said to his mother
devil, who had power over death,
Lord you are seeking will suddenly Mary, ‘This child is destined for the
and set free all those who had been falling and the rising of many in Israel,
enter his Temple; and the angel of
held in slavery all their lives by the and to be a sign that will be opposed so
the covenant whom you are longing
fear of death. For it was not the that the inner thoughts of many will be
for, yes, he is coming, says the Lord
angels that he took to himself; he revealed - and a sword will pierce your
of Hosts. Who will be able to resist
took to himself descent from own soul too.’
the day of his coming? Who will
Abraham. It was essential that he There was also a prophet, Anna the
remain standing when he appears?
should in this way become daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of
For he is like the refiner’s fire and Asher. She was of a great age, having
completely like his brothers so that
the fullers’ alkali. He will take his lived with her husband for seven years
he could be a compassionate and
seat as refiner and purifier; he will after her marriage, then as a widow to
trustworthy high priest of God’s
purify the sons of Levi and refine the age of eighty-four. She never left the
religion, able to atone for human
them like gold and silver, and then temple but worshipped there with
sins. That is, because he has himself fasting and prayer night and day. At that
they will make the offering to the
been through temptation he is able moment she came, and began to praise
Lord as it should be made. The
to help others who are tempted. God and to speak about the child to all
offering of Judah and Jerusalem will
then be welcomed by the Lord as in who were looking for the redemption of
This is the word of the Lord. Jerusalem.
former days, as in the years of old.
Heb 2 When they had finished everything
required by the law of the Lord, they
This is the word of the Lord. returned to Galilee, to their own town of
Malachi 3 GOSPEL Nazareth. The child grew and became
A reading from the Holy Gospel strong, filled with wisdom; and the
RESPONSORIAL PSALM according to St Luke. favour of God was upon him.

Who is the king of glory? This is the Gospel of the Lord.

When the time came for their
Luke 4
He, the Lord, he is the king of glory. purification according to the law of
Moses, they brought him up to
O gates, lift high your heads; Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as
it is written in the law of the Lord, ‘Every
 grow higher, ancient doors.
firstborn male shall be designated as
 Let him enter, the king of glory! holy to the Lord’), and they offered a
sacrifice according to what is stated in
Who is the king of glory? the law of the Lord, ‘a pair of turtle-
 The Lord, the mighty, the valiant, doves or two young pigeons.’

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