ST Saviours Newsletter - 4 November 2018

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St Saviour’s Church
4 November 2018 - Kingdom Season 1 (OT 31)

Remembering the Saints of

This week:
God’s Kingdom. This week we
celebrate the feasts of All Saints Sun 4 Kingdom 1
of Ireland and Wales. We 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
honour the presence of God 11am Sung Mass (St G)
who worked through them to 1:30 Baptism (St S)
build up the Kingdom in both Mon 5:
lands. Their work is passed on 6pm Mass (St G)
to us: to continue to nurture St Cybi
God’s Kingdom in our local Tues 6:
areas and proclaim the Good 10am Mass (St S)
News of Christ to the poor. All Saints of Ireland/
St Illtud
Parish Notes: Wed 7:
Act of Remembrance - next Sunday at 11am with Geraint. Also, during November 10am Mass (St G)
Christians remember the departed and offer lists of departed loved ones to be Thur 8:
prayed for at each mass. If you’d like to join us please give your list to Fr Phelim. 5:45pm Mass (St S)
All Saints of Wales
Sanctuary Lamps - A reminder that sanctuary lamps can be sponsored with
Fri 9:
personal intentions either for the Blessed Sacrament Lamp or for Our Lady for £4.
6pm mass (St S)
Please see the folders on the table at the back of church to record your name and
Dedication of Lateran
intention. All monies to be paid to John.
Help Needed - We’re still looking for some additional volunteers to help with our Sat 10:
ministry of cleaning and hospitality (tea making on a Sunday!) Anyone who can 11am Mass (St S)
spare a little time to help, please speak to either of the wardens or Liz. Sun 11: Kingdom 2
Nightshelter - Very soon our focus will return to helping those who are homeless in ‘Remembrance'
our city. Our hope is to build on last year’s nightshelter nights and host it again on a St Saviour’s:
Saturday evening/Sunday morning from December to March. We will have an 9:30 Sung Mass
information and training evening on Monday 10 December at 7pm. If you would St German’s:
like to help out in any way please contact Fr Phelim. 11:00 am Sung Mass
Cardiff Foodbank - so far this year St Saviour’s has donated 763.6kg of food to
Cardiff. Many thanks to everyone who so generously donate to this local charity. Parish Priest:
This week they need...UHT milk,Long life fruit juice, Sponge Puddings and Coffee Fr Phelim O’Hare,
Benediction with Music from Taize - Sun 18th at 6pm in St German’s. 02922 411229,
Foodbank. Recently Departed: Michael McKeown, Colin Symonds, Jane Colman [email protected]

RIP (Day off - Friday)


Bill Eastwood
07800 946949
Deut 6:2-6 1 Kgs 17:10-16
I love you, Lord, my
Ps 18:2-3a, 3b-4, 47+51 Ps 146:6c-7, 8-9a, 9b-10
Heb 7:23-28 Heb 9:24-28 Matt 5:3 strength. (2vv) www.saintgermanwith
Mark 12:28b-34 Mark 12:38-44


COLLECT: In earth and heaven

in Jesus’ name
Almighty and eternal God,
you have kindled the flame of
OFFERTORY: And in Jesus’ name I come to you
To share His power
love in the hearts of the saints: Gifts of bread and wine, as He told me to.
grant to us the same faith and gifts we’ve offered,

power of love, that, as we rejoice fruits of labour, fruits of love:
 God gives us life in Jesus’ name,
in their triumphs, we may be taken, offered, sanctified,
 He lives in us in Jesus’ name,
sustained by their example and blessed and broken; And in Jesus’ name I come to you
fellowship; through Jesus Christ words of one who died:
 To share his peace
your Son our Lord, grant this for as he told me to.
the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, ‘Take my body,
to whom with you and the Holy take my saving blood.’
Spirit, be the kingdom, the Gifts of bread and wine:
power and the glory, for ever and Christ our Lord. FINAL HYMN:
ever.   Brother, sister, let me serve you;
Christ our Saviour, let me be as Christ to you;

living presence here,
 pray that I may have the grace to

GATHERING: as He promised while on earth:
 let you be my servant too.

’I am with you for all time,

Give me joy in my heart, I am with you
keep me praising. We are pilgrims on a journey,

in this bread and wine.’ and companions on the road;

Give me joy in my heart, I pray.  
Give me joy in my heart, we are here to help each other

Through the Father, walk the mile and bear the load.

keep me praising. with the Spirit,

Keep me praising 

one in union with the Son,
 I will hold the Christ light for you

till the break of day. for God’s people, in the nighttime of your fear;

joined in prayer,
 I will hold my hand out to you,

Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, faith is strengthened
sing hosanna to the speak the peace you long to hear.

by the food we share. 

King of kings!
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, I will weep when
sing hosanna to the King! you are weeping;

COMMUNION: when you laugh
2 Give me peace in my heart, I'll laugh with you;

God forgave my sin I will share your joy and sorrow,

keep me resting.
in Jesus’ name till we've seen
Give me peace in my heart,
I’ve been born again this journey through.

I pray.
in Jesus’ name 

Give me peace in my heart,
And in Jesus’ name I come to you When we sing to God in heaven,

keep me resting.
To share His love we shall find such harmony,

Keep me resting
as He told me to born of all we've known together

till the break of day. [Refrain]
of Christ's love and agony.

He said: ‘Freely, freely, 

3 Give me love in my heart,
you have received
 Brother, sister, let me serve you;

keep me serving.
Freely, freely give
 let me be as Christ to you;

Give me love in my heart,
Go in My name, pray thatl may have the grace to

I pray.
and because you believe
 let you be my servant too.
Give me love in my heart,
Others will know that I live.’
keep me serving.
Keep me serving
All power is given in Jesus’ name
till the break of day. [Refrain]

FIRST READING since he is living for ever to Mark 12
intercede for all who come to God
The First reading is from the book of through him.
Deuteronomy.   To suit us, the ideal high priest
would have to be holy, innocent and
Moses said to the people: ‘If you fear uncontaminated, beyond the
the Lord your God all the days of influence of sinners, and raised up
your life and if you keep all his laws above the heavens; one who would
and commandments which I lay on not need to offer sacrifices every
you, you will have a long life, you day, as the other high priests do for
and your son and your grandson. their own sins and then for those of
Listen then, Israel, keep and observe the people, because he has done this
what will make you prosper and give once and for all by offering himself.
you great increase, as the Lord the The Law appoints high priests who
God of your fathers has promised are men subject to weakness; but
you, giving you a land where milk the promise on oath, which came
and honey flow. after the Law, appointed the Son
  ‘Listen, Israel: the Lord our God is who is made perfect for ever.
the one Lord. You shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart, with This is the word of the Lord.
all your soul, with all your strength. Heb 7
Let these words I urge on you today
be written on your heart.’

This is the word of the Lord.

Deut 6
A reading from the Holy Gospel
RESPONSORIAL PSALM according to St Matthew.

I love you, Lord, my strength. One of the scribes came near and
heard them disputing with one
I love you, Lord, my strength, another, and seeing that he
my rock, my fortress, my saviour. answered them well, he asked him,
My God is the rock where I take ‘Which commandment is the first of
refuge; all?’ Jesus answered, ‘The first is,
 my shield, my mighty help, my “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God,
stronghold. the Lord is one; you shall love the
The Lord is worthy of all praise, Lord your God with all your heart,
when I call I am saved from my foes. and with all your soul, and with all
R/ your mind, and with all your
strength.” The second is this, “You
Long life to the Lord, my rock! shall love your neighbour as
Praised be the God who saves me, yourself.” There is no other
He has given great victories to his commandment greater than these.’
king Then the scribe said to him, ‘You are
 and shown his love for his right, Teacher; you have truly said
anointed. R/ that “he is one, and besides him
Psalm 18 there is no other”; and “to love him
with all the heart, and with all the
SECOND READING understanding, and with all the
strength”, and “to love one’s
A reading from the letter to the neighbour as oneself”,- this is much
Hebrews more important than all whole
burnt-offerings and sacrifices.’ When
There used to be a great number of Jesus saw that he answered wisely,
priests under the former covenant, he said to him, ‘You are not far from
because death put an end to each the kingdom of God.’ After that no
one of them; but this one, because one dared to ask him any question.
he remains for ever, can never lose
his priesthood. It follows, then, that
his power to save is utterly certain, This is the Gospel of the Lord.

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