International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: Hao Ma, Wenchen Xu, Bo Cheng Jin, Debin Shan, Steven R. Nutt

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International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111

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Damage evaluation in tube spinnability test with ductile

fracture criteria
Hao Ma a, Wenchen Xu a,1, Bo Cheng Jin b, Debin Shan a,n,1, Steven R. Nutt b
School of Materials Science and Engineering & National Key Laboratory for Precision Hot Processing of Metals, Harbin Institute of Technology,
Harbin 150001, PR China
M.C. Gill Composites Center, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California, LA, USA

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Spinnability, the maximum thickness reduction ratio a material can undergo without fracture, has
Received 9 December 2014 important effects on product quality and production efficiency in tube spinning. However, predicting the
Received in revised form rupture limit and spinnability poses challenges due to the complexity of tube spinning process. This
9 May 2015
study aims to select appropriate ductile fracture criteria (DFCs) in terms of the damage limits, which
Accepted 5 June 2015
were obtained by mechanical tests, to accurately predict the forming limit and damage evolution in the
Available online 12 June 2015
tube spinnability test. The periodic stress triaxiality and periodic Lode parameter were firstly introduced
Keywords: by considering the periodical changes of the stress and strain components in the spinning process. Based
Ductile fracture criteria on the evolution of the two parameters, the out layer of TA2 titanium tube exhibited a higher damage
potential, which was consistent with the experiment results. Nine ductile fracture criteria were
incorporated into the finite element software (ABAQUS) to simulate the damage evolution in tube
Damage limit
spinnability tests. The results show that, except for the Freudenthal, R–T and Ayada models, all of the
other ductile fracture criteria are suitable for predicting the damage distribution on TA2 titanium tubes
in spinnability tests. The variation of stress triaxiality under different cut-off values in tensile test were
much closer to that in spinnability test relative to upsetting test throughout the entire forming process,
which led to higher prediction accuracy of the spinnability by the tensile test. For all of the DFCs
considered, the C–L criterion provides the most accurate predictions on the spinnability of TA2
titanium tubes.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction a model to test tube spinnability. For multi-pass spinning process,

material spinnability can be used as the basis for predicting the
Tube spinning is a successively and locally plastic deformation number of spinning passes and the thickness reduction rate of each
process widely used in industry due to its special advantages, such as pass, thus increasing production efficiency and improving product
simple tooling, reduced loading, higher quality and cost savings. In quality. However, the experimental methods for measuring spinn-
particular, it is an effective way to manufacture large-diameter thin- ability are complicated by difficulties in determining damage evolu-
walled tubular workpieces [1–4]. In tube spinning, there are two tion in the forming process.
primary failure modes restricting the spinning process and influen- Ductile fracture criteria (DFCs) have been proposed and applied
cing the forming quality of as-spun tubular workpieces, which are to the analysis of ductile fractures. For example, the coupling of
plastic flow instability (such as pileup, waviness or bulges [5]) and DFCs with finite element (FE) simulation was used to predict crack
ductile fracture. Over the years, FE simulation and process experi- initiation, propagation, and final rupture during metal forming.
ments have been conducted to reveal the mechanism of flow Compared with the forming limit diagram (FLD), which is based on
instability or establish a balance of process variables to achieve necking models [10–15], damage models based on DFC/FE have
suitable flow in tube spinning [6–8], whereas the research works on distinct advantages in predicting rupture during the spinning
ductile fracture are limited and most of them are experimental. Early process. On the one hand, the three-dimensional body element
work in this area was performed by Kalpakcioglu [9], who proposed has been widely used in modeling spinning process, while the FLD
method can only be applied to finite elements with plane stress
states. On the other hand, the strain path during the spinning
Corresponding author.
process usually deviates from linearity due to complex geome-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (W. Xu), [email protected] (D. Shan). trical, material and boundary conditions. In this case, only DFCs
Tel./fax: þ 86 451 86418732. can take into account the nonlinear stress and strain histories in
0020-7403/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
100 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111

plastic deformation. However, the applications of DFCs to metal these uncoupled models have been widely used in industry due to
spinning are limited, mainly confined to splitting and shear the inherent simplicity and the limited number of parameters to
spinning processes up to now [16], while simulation and damage be evaluated experimentally. The energy criterion was firstly
analysis of the tube spinnability test has not been reported. proposed by Freudenthal [26], who postulated that ductile fracture
In this study, nine ductile fracture criteria were coupled into was dominated by a critical value of the total plastic work per unit
FEA software (ABAQUS) to simulate the process of crack initiation, volume. Based on the observation that ductile fracture tends to
propagation and rupture during tube spinning of TA2 titanium, initiate in the region of maximum principal tensile stress, Cock-
and the spinnability of TA2 titanium tube was predicted using croft and Latham [27] developed an empirical energetic damage
these damage models with tensile and upsetting tests. The criterion. Oh et al. [28] modified the Cockcroft–Latham criterion by
applicability of these criteria was evaluated in terms of the ductile normalizing the first principal tensile stress with the equivalent
fracture location at fracture moment in different samples. In the stress. Brozzo et al. [29] empirically modified the C–L criterion to
spinnability test, two important parameters, the periodic stress explicitly consider the effect of the mean stress on the equivalent
triaxiality and periodic Lode parameter were introduced firstly to plastic strain. McClintock [30] proposed a ductile fracture criterion
reveal the causes of the failure occurring on TA2 titanium tube. based on analytical formulation of growth of cylindrical and
Furthermore, the deformation characteristics (modes) in the spherical voids under the remotely applied plain strain fields. Rice
tensile, upsetting and tube spinnability tests were analyzed and and Tracey [31] introduced a function to describe the void growth
compared, and the accuracy of selected damage models was in various stress states by analyzing the growth of a single
verified by spinning experiments. spherical void in an infinite solid. They concluded that void growth
was mainly controlled by the stress triaxiality, defined as the ratio
of hydrostatic pressure to the Von Mises equivalent stress. Ayada
[32] also used this parameter for ductile fracture, while Bao and
2. Ductile fracture criteria (DFCs)
Wierzbicki [33] reported that fracture never occurred when stress
triaxiality was below the critical value of  1/3. In our research, we
In view of the relationship between theoretical models and
coupled the critical value of  1/3 into the Adaya model to
material responses, the ductile fracture criteria can be classified
evaluate the applicability for tube spinnability testing. LeRoy
into two groups. The first group, commonly known as coupled
et al. [34] proposed a ductile fracture model by considering
ductile fracture criterion, incorporates damage accumulation into
nucleation, shape change and coalescence of voids in the Rice
the constitutive equations. By considering the cumulative pro-
and Tracey model. In our work, we primarily considered
cesses of nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids, a coupled
uncoupled DFCs in the tube spinnability test, as shown in Table 1.
ductile fracture model was proposed by Gurson [17], and further
modified by Tvergaard and Needleman [18], now known as the
GTN model. Thereafter, some Gurson-type fracture models ([19],
[20], [21]) have been developed, which can be used to predict 3. Experiment results
fracture behavior under shear loading. However, these ductile
fracture models do not work well for uniaxial compression, plane 3.1. Tensile and upsetting test
strain compression and tube spinning [22,23]. In the field of
continuum damage mechanics (CDM), another type of coupled Tensile and upsetting tests were performed using an INSTRON
ductile fracture model was put forward by Lemaitre [24]. Note that 1186 testing machine with a 100 kN load cell. The gauge length
plastic deformation localization is usually neglected in this case, is 12.5 mm for the tensile test, and the dimension is Φ5 mm 
and the CDM model does not accurately predict damage evolution 7.5 mm for the upsetting test, as shown in Fig. 1. In the tensile test,
under certain loading conditions, such as uniaxial tension [25]. the sudden drop in the load magnitude during loading was
The second group, usually referred to as uncoupled ductile identified as the moment of fracture. As the deformation pro-
fracture criteria, neglects the influence of damage on the yield gressed, localization (necking or instability) initiated in the neck-
surface. In the uncoupled DFC group, damage accumulation is ing zone and further developed to ductile fracture. In the upsetting
formulated empirically or on the basis of microscopic mechanisms test, the same dimensional specimens were compressed to differ-
and various hypotheses. Compared to the complex coupled DFCs, ent stages in order to capture the fracture initiation more accu-
rately. Because of friction between specimens and flat indenter, a
Table 1 barreling effect occurred near the equator of the specimen, leading
Brief summary of selected typical uncoupled DFCs. to the development of circumferential tensile stresses and there-
fore initiation of crack failure.
Criterion Formula

Freudenthal R ε pf 3.2. Experiment of spinnability test

0 σ dε p ¼ c1
Cockcroft and Latham (C–L) R ε pf
0 σ 1 dε p ¼ c2
Oh et al. (Oh) R ε pf Kalpakcioglu proposed a method for testing the spinnability of
0 σ dε ¼ c3
materials in tube spinning [9]. In this method, the rollers move
Brozzo et al. (Brozzo) R ε pf 2σ 1
0 3ðσ 1 σ m Þdε ¼ c4
along the trajectory at a small angle φ to the generatrix of the
McClintock R ε pf h pffiffi3 n pffiffi
3 σ1 þ σ2
o i
0 2ð1  nÞ sinh 2ð1  nÞ σ þ 34 σ 1 
dε p ¼ c5
Rice and Tracey (R–T) R ε pf  m p
0 exp 3σ
2σ dε ¼ c6
Ayada R ε pf σm
0 σ dε
¼ c7

LeRoy et al. (LeRoy) R ε pf

0 ðσ 1  σ m Þ dε p ¼ c9

where ε pf is the fracture plastic strain, ε p is the equivalent plastic strain, σ 1 is the
first principal tensile stress, σ 2 is the second principal tensile stress, σ is the Von
Mises equivalent stress, σ m is the mean (hydrostatic) stress, n is the hardening
exponent, c1 –c9 are the damage limits. Fig. 1. The sample size for the tensile and upsetting tests.
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111 101

Fig. 2. Tube spinnability test: (a) schematic diagram; (b) deformed shape of simulation results.

mandrel, so the thickness can be reduced continuously from t0 to Table 2

Die and process parameters of tube spinnability
tf, as shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3 shows the photographs of TA2 titanium as-spun tubes in
the spinnability test. The spinning experiments were conducted in Parameters Value
linear trajectories with wedge angles of 21, 31 and 41, respectively.
Diameter of mandrel d (mm) 65
The die and process parameters of the spinnability test are shown
Forming angle αρ (1) 20
in Table 2. When the thinning rate increased to 64.6% using a Fillet radius of roller rρ (mm) 6
trajectory with 41 wedge angle, no macroscopic crack was Initial thickness of tube t0 (mm) 5
observed in the as-spun tube, as shown in Fig. 3a. Failure was Feed radio ƒ (mm/r) 0.7
initiated at the outer surface as the thinning rate reached 66.1%, Wedge Angle φ (1) 2, 3, 4

and developed with a macroscopic circumferential fracture with

the thinning rate of 66.9%, as shown in Fig. 3b and Fig. 7c. Similar
circumferential fractures were observed in as-spun tubes using Table 3
other wedge angles, as shown in Fig. 3d and e. The spinnability Spinnability obtained by the experiment of tube spinnability test.
obtained by such tests is summarized in Table 3.
Wedge angle φ(1) 21 31 41

Spinnability 71.2% 69.5% 66.1%

4. Damage prediction

4.1. FE simulation model

FE models were established in the ABAQUS/Explicit platform to tests, the maximum damage appeared in the center of the speci-
simulate the spinning process. The material of the deformable men (critical material point), as shown in Fig. 4. All of the ductile
body was assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic. An isotropic fracture criteria yielded accurate predictions of fracture initializa-
power hardening law was used to model the plastic behavior of tion and location due to necking deformation. In particular,
TA2 titanium, expressed as σ ¼ 869:2022ð0:09208 þεÞ0:12 . The tube localized deformation enabled the damage models to accurately
blank was modeled with 3D 8-node brick elements with reduced capture failure initiation.
integration (C3D8R). The penalty contact method was adopted to The fracture initialization and location predicted using the
simulate the contact between the material and tools, and Cou- selected criteria in the upsetting test are shown in Fig. 5. In the
lomb's friction law was selected to model the sliding behavior upsetting test, failure was initiated at the sample equator and
between them. developed with an inclined fracture surface. This kind of shear
fracture was attributed to the distribution of closest packed slip
4.2. Evaluation of the DFCs planes of the material, an explanation first proposed by Bao [35],
unlike the damage accumulation induced by nucleation, growth,
In the uncoupled DFC category, damage accumulation is gen- and coalescence of voids. Recently, this mechanism was quoted by
erally formulated with the general function in Eq. (2). As the Khan and Liu [25]. Images of the fracture surface of the TA2
forming process proceeds into the fracture stage, the damage titanium upsetting specimen exhibited similar features, as shown
accumulation reaches the damage limit at the critical location in Fig. 6. In addition, the DFCs based on micro-void analysis (e.g.,
where failure is initiated models of McClintock, R–T, and LeRoy), did not accurately predict
Z εp the location of the maximum damage in compression, nor did the
ðσ; ε p Þdε p ¼ c ð1Þ Freudenthal model. Similarly, Bao [35] stated that the models of
McClintock, R–T, and LeRoy were not suitable for predicting the
In the present study, the critical material point was located in fracture behavior in compression test. Li et al. [23] reported that
the center region of the necking zone for tensile tests, while it was the R–T model yielded inaccurate damage prediction for upsetting
located in the central equatorial region for upsetting tests, as tests. Generally, the damage increased with increasing plastic
discussed in Section 3.1. For tube spinnability tests, the outer deformation, but the Ayada model yielded unrealistic damage
surface with the greatest thickness reduction was the critical values (less than zero) in the deformed billet, indicating it was
location, as observed in Section 3.2. not suitable for upsetting test. Only the C–L, Oh, Brozzo, and
The applicability of DFCs is evaluated in this section in terms of modified Ayada (Ayada-m) models yielded accurate predictions of
the location of ductile fracture at the moment of fracture. In tensile the damage location in upsetting billets in the present evaluation.
102 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111

Fig. 3. Photographs of TA2 titanium as-spun tubes in spinnability test: (a) uncracked tube under 41 wedge angle; (b) tube with crack initiation under 41 wedge angle;
(c) circumferential cracked tube under 41 wedge angle; (d) circumferential cracked tube under 31 wedge angle; (e) circumferential cracked tube under 21 wedge angle;
(f) tubes with different thinning rates and wedge angles.

Fig. 4. Distributions of the damage values in the tensile test with different criteria at fracture moment: (a) Freudenthal model; (b) C–L model; (c) Oh model; (d) Brozzo
model; (e) McClintock model; (f) R–T model; (g) Ayada model; (h) Ayada-m model; (i) LeRoy model.

4.3. Damage distribution and evaluation of tube spinnability test discussed in Section 3.2. In summary, the Ayada and Freudenthal
models did not predict the circumferential crack on outer surface
The initialization and location of fracture predicted by the of TA2 titanium tubes in spinnability tests. Thus, we henceforth
selected criteria in the spinnability test are shown in Fig. 7. Except limit our discussion to the remaining ductile fracture criteria.
for the Ayada model, all of the ductile fracture criteria yielded To further investigate damage evolution in the spinnability test,
predictions of the circumferential crack in TA2 tubes. In addition, five paths were established along the axial direction from the
with the exception of the Freudenthal model, the maximum starting point to the free end. Path1–path5 represent 5 node sets
damage appeared in the outer layer at the fracture location, as from the outer layer to the inner layer, respectively. Except for the
shown in Fig. 8. Both simulation results and experimental obser- R–T model, the damage evaluation predicted by other DFCs were
vations indicated that the crack initiated in the outer layer and similar to the C–L model. Thus, only C–L and R–T models are
developed a circumferential crack with increasing thinning rate, as discussed in this section, as shown in Figs. 9 and 10.
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111 103

Fig. 5. Distributions of the damage values in the upsetting test with different criteria at fracture moment: (a) Freudenthal model; (b) C–L model; (c) Oh model; (d) Brozzo
model; (e) McClintock model; (f) R–T model; (g) Ayada model; (h) Ayada-m model; (i) LeRoy model.

Fig. 6. Fractograph showing flat fracture surface in the TA2 titanium upsetting specimen.

Fig. 7. Distributions of the damage values in the spinnability test with different criteria at fracture moment: (a) Freudenthal model; (b) C–L model; (c) Oh model; (d) Brozzo
model; (e) McClintock model; (f) R–T model; (g) Ayada model; (h) Ayada-m model; (i) LeRoy model.

Fig. 9 shows that the maximum damage value predicted by the and inner layers was minimal when the thinning rate reached 19%,
C–L criterion was always located on the outer layer during the as shown in Fig. 9b. After that, with increasing thinning rates, the
entire spinning process, while the difference between the outer damage values in the second outer layer increased rapidly, and
104 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111

Fig. 8. Distributions of the damage values along thickness direction in the spinnability test with different criteria at fracture moment: (a) Freudenthal model; (b) C–L model;
(c) Oh model; (d) Brozzo model; (e) McClintock model; (f) R-T model; (g) Ayada model; (h) Ayada-m model; (i) LeRoy model.

Fig. 9. Damage evaluation in the spinnability test predicted by C–L model: (a) thinning rate¼ 10%; (b) thinning rate ¼20%; (c) thinning rate¼ 50%; (d) thinning rate ¼80%.

gradually exceeded the values of the inner layers, as shown in Fig. 10 shows the damage evaluation predicted by the R–T
Fig. 8c and d, indicating that the maximum damage zone gradually model. The damage values decreased progressively along the
moved to outer layers. thickness direction from the outer layer to the inner layer of the
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111 105

Fig. 10. Damage evaluation in the spinnability test predicted by R–T model: (a) thinning rate ¼10%; (b) thinning rate ¼ 60%.

as-spun tube, as shown in Fig. 10a and b. The results predicted by

R–T model showed greater damage values in the middle layer than
in the inner layer at various thinning rates, indicating that the
crack could not occur in the inner layer. However, cracks often
occurred on the inner or outer surface of as-spun tubular work-
pieces in spinning practice. In an experimental study on tube
spinning of Ti-15-3 titanium alloy, Shan et al. [36] found that
smaller thinning rates induced cracking on the inner surface, while
larger thinning rates caused cracking on the outer surface. This
phenomenon was also observed in tube spinning of LF6 (5A06)
aluminum alloy by Wang [37]. For the C–L model, the middle layer
always exhibited the minimum damage value, indicating that no
crack could initiate in this layer. Moreover, at lower thinning rates,
the damage value accumulated on the inner surface was very
closer to that on the outer surface, probably causing crack initia-
tion on the inner surface for materials with lower plasticity and
damage limits. To summarize, the predictions obtained with the Fig. 11. Definition of one spinning period.
C–L model were more consistent with practical observations.

5. Discussion

The causes for the fracture mode are mainly known to be the
diverse stress states in the forming process, which have important
influence on the ductility of the material. To reveal how the
aforementioned surface crack initiated in tube spinnability test,
the average stress triaxiality introduced by Bao et al. [38] were
calculated, which is defined as:
σ  Z ε pf
m 1 σm p
¼ dε ð2Þ
σ av ε pf 0 σ

Similar to the average stress triaxiality, the average Lode

parameter is defined as:
Z ε pf  
1 2σ 2  σ 1  σ 3 Fig. 12. Changes of thickness for material at fracture location.
ðLÞav ¼ dε p ð3Þ
ε pf 0 σ1  σ3
Z ε pperiodic  
1 2σ 2 σ 1  σ 3
ðLÞperiodic ¼ dε p ð5Þ
However, the changes of the stress components in the spinning ε pperiodic 0 σ1  σ3
process followed a cyclical pattern. To better visualize the change
of stress state in the spinnability test, the periodic stress triaxiality where ε pperiodic is the accumulation of equivalent plastic strain
and periodic Lode parameter were introduced, defined by during one feeding cycle of the roller, as shown in Fig. 11. When
σ  Z ε pperiodic the material point rotated close to the roller (at T0 moment), the
m 1 σm p
¼ dε ð4Þ equivalent plastic strain started to increase rapidly until the
σ periodic ε pperiodic 0 σ
material point passed over the roller beyond a certain distance
106 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111

Fig. 13. Changes of periodic stress triaxiality and periodic Lode parameter with spinning process for elements at fracture location: (a) element in the outer layer; (b) element
in the second outer layer; (c) element in the second inner layer; (d) element in the inner layer.

(at T1 moment). Afterwards, no accumulation of the equivalent The stress states in the forms of the periodic Lode parameter
plastic strain proceeded until it moved approaching the next roller and periodic stress triaxiality collected from the fracture location
(at T2 moment). Therefore, half a rational cycle (T0–T2) was defined of the tube are shown in Fig. 14. In view of stress distribution in
as a spinning period due to the two-roller spinning mode in the radial, circumferential and axial directions, the deformation char-
present study. acteristics (modes) in the tube spinnability test were analyzed,
At fracture location, four elements along the thickness direction which ideally leads to a prediction of potential damage in the
were selected to analyze their changes in stress states. Since tube formed work pieces.
spinning was a continuously local forming process and plastic At the uplift deformation stage, the metal built up in front of
deformation produced primarily in the local zone touched by the the roller, producing tensile radial, tensile tangential and com-
roller, the elements at fracture location underwent plastic defor- pressive axial stresses on the outer layer. Meanwhile, the stress
mation only when the roller advanced to a certain distance from state with one tensile and two compressive stresses dominated
them. The thickness of the selected elements experienced remark- the uplift deformation stage for other layers.
able changes in the certain spinning period, as shown in Fig. 12. In When the deformation proceeded into the thinning stage,
the uplift deformation stage, as the roller moved close to the triaxial compressive stresses were generated immediately on the
elements, the metal piled up in front of the roller, leading to outer and second outer layers. While for the inner and the second
increasing of thickness of the elements. In the thinning deforma- inner layers, the material experienced a transition stage (as shown
tion stage, as the roller compressed on the elements, the thickness in Fig. 14c and d) before entering the triaxial compression zone. In
decreased almost linearly until the failure initiated. the middle and final thinning stage, the outer layer exhibited a
Fig. 13 shows the evolution of the periodic stress triaxiality and stress state with one tensile and two compressive stresses, while
periodic Lode parameter for those elements. There were various the other layers yet experienced triaxial compression.
peaks in the periodic stress triaxiality for outer layer, wherein It is worthy to note that the outer layer was located at the
three most obvious peaks appeared on the end of the uplift highest position in the space of the Lode parameter and stress
deformation stage, the middle of thinning deformation stage, triaxiality at fracture moment, followed by the inner layer, and the
and fracture moment respectively (as shown in Fig. 11, the middle layers, lowest. Likewise, in the view of the average stress
moment of II, III and IV represented). Meanwhile, the periodic triaxiality, the outer layer also stayed at the highest position in the
Lode parameter took on contrary changes during the spinning aforementioned space. Therefore, the middle layers possessed
process. Fig. 13b, c and d shows that the periodic stress triaxiality higher plasticity due to higher hydrostatic pressure [39,40], while
of other layers decreased gradually in the early stage and then the outer layer was prone to fracture firstly.
varied within a lower range. It is worthy to note that the periodic For all the layers, the triaxial compressive stress state domi-
stress triaxiality for middle layers was always negative, while the nated the thinning deformation; however, there was great diff-
periodic Lode parameter was always positive throughout the erence among them. Thus, a typical period in the thinning
entire spinning deformation process, indicating compression deformation stage was selected to show the discrepancy. Fig. 15a
deformation mainly occurred on the middle layers. shows the changes of the equivalent plastic strain and the stress
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111 107

Fig. 14. The ðσ m =σ Þperiod ; ðLÞperiod space for elements at fracture location: (a) element in the outer layer; (b) element in the second outer layer; (c) element in the second
inner layer; (d) element in the inner layer.

triaxiality in the selected period for the outer layer. In a time exhibited a greater positive value, which cannot be appropriately
interval between T0 and T1 from Point a to e (as shown in Fig. 10), treated as a pure shear stress state [41]. Tensile and upsetting tests
drastic changes appeared in the stress triaxiality, and the equiva- thus were used as benchmark tests for the tube spinnability test,
lent strain increased remarkably. Therefore, we focused our dis- because the similar deformation history between the mechanical
cussion on this time interval in the selected period, the test and the applied forming process yielded greater predictive
discrepancy of different layers is shown in Fig. 15b. At the accuracy [42].
midpoint (Point c), all of the layers were subjected to triaxial This situation not only occurred in this selected period, but also
compressive stresses. While for other points, great differences continued in the entire thinning deforming stage. The axial and
existed in these layers, especially for the outer and the second tangential stresses collected from Point b and e for different layers
outer layers. are shown in Fig. 16. It is noted that, in the middle of thinning
When the material point rotated close to the roller, higher deformation stage and fracture moment (as shown in Fig. 12, the
tensile axial stress started to develop in outer layer, and achieved moment of III and IV represented), both the axial and tangential
maximum value before the midpoint, while the tensile tangential stresses reached a higher value for the outer layer, leading to peak
stress decreased to the minimum value at midpoint, as shown in values of the stress triaxiality as shown in Fig. 13a, thus exhibiting
Fig. 15c and d. As the material point passed the midpoint, the a stress state with one tensile and two compressive stresses, as
triaxial compression finally transformed into the stress state at shown in Fig. 14a. In addition, no matter for inner or outer layers,
Point e, shown as tensile axial, tensile tangential and compressive higher tensile axial stresses produced at the material point when it
radial stresses. The same situation also occurred in other layers for rotated close to the roller (at Point b). In case of microcrack
the tensile axial stress before the midpoint, but when the material initiated at the material point, a circumferential crack was prone to
point passed the midpoint, both compressive axial and tangential develop from there due to higher tensile axial stress occurring
stresses were generated. Moreover, the second outer layer was periodically in the thinning deformation stage.
always subjected to the triaxial compressive stresses after the To be able to realize proper failure prediction, the DFCs should
midpoint in the selected period. thus capture the fracture mechanism by considering the governing
In addition, the deformation characteristics for outer-layer rules of the vital factors such as the equivalent plastic strain, the
element were analyzed since this is a critical location for crack first tensile principal stress, or the stress triaxiality in their
initiation in the spinning process. At the middle point (Point c), the formulations either explicitly or implicitly.
stress state of the outer layer was much closer to that of upsetting In view of the stress/strain-driven ductile damage evolution
deformation. For other points (especially for Point b and d at which mechanisms under large deformation, the equivalent plastic strain
the equivalent strain increased remarkably), the stress state of the was considered to be associated with the deformation level and
outer layer was similar to that of tensile deformation. At Point e, void nucleation [17]. All of the ductile fracture criteria selected in
although the Lode parameter was nearly zero, the stress triaxiality this research (other than the Ayada model) showed that the
108 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111

Fig. 15. (a) changes of the stress triaxiality and equivalent plastic strain in the selected period for element on outer layer at fracture location; (b) the σ m =σ ; L space of time
points in the selected period for elements at fracture location; (c) changes of tangential stress in the selected period for elements at fracture location; (d) changes of axial
stress in the selected period for elements at fracture location.

damage values at the outer layer increased monotonically with experienced triaxial compression, the microvoids were not able
equivalent plastic strain. This behavior was consistent with the to grow continuously. As reported in [43,44], the first principal
observation that the likelihood of ductile fracture increased with tensile stress was taken as the cut-off value of ðL  3Þ=ð3 L2 þ3Þ
increasing plastic deformation, as shown in Fig. 17. The failure of for the stress triaxiality by Cockcroft and Latham [27], Oh et al.
Ayada model can be explained by the variation of stress triaxiality [28], Brozzo et al. [29], and LeRoy et al. [34]. Similarly, the second
in the selected period, as shown in Fig. 15. At the midpoint, the principal tensile stress was also regarded as a threshold value for
stress triaxiality reached the minimum negative value due to the the stress triaxiality in the McClintock model. For the Ayada-m
compression action of the rollers. Simultaneously, the equivalent model, a cut-off value of  1/3 for the stress triaxiality was
plastic strain increased sharply, causing the damage value to coupled into the formulation. Therefore, the changes of stress
decrease with increasing plastic deformation. triaxiality with different cut-off values were discussed in the
After comparing damage values from the tube spinnability test tensile, upsetting and tube spinnability test, as shown in Fig. 19.
with the damage limits obtained by the tensile and upsetting tests, Compared with the upsetting test, the variation of stress triaxiality
the spinnability predicted by the selected criteria are shown in in the tensile test was much closer to that in the spinnability test
Fig. 18. For all of the DFCs considered, the C–L criterion based on throughout the entire forming process with both cut-off values.
the damage limit obtained by the tensile test provided a satisfac- Moreover, the stress triaxiality in Ayada-m model with the
tory prediction on the spinnability of TA2 titanium tube, which cut-off value of  1/3 exhibited almost no intersection between
was only 9% less than the measured experimental value, as shown the spinnability and upsetting tests, resulting in a much
in Fig. 18a. lower prediction of the spinnability performed by the upsetting
In addition, only four criteria, i.e. the C–L, Oh, Brozzo and test.
Ayada-m models could predict the spinnability based on both Assuming that the damage limit obtained by the spinnability
tensile and upsetting tests. However, it is clear that the spinn- test equals one, the damage evolution with normalized displace-
ability for TA2 titanium obtained by the tensile and upsetting tests ment for the tensile, upsetting, and spinnability tests are shown in
differed evidently for those criteria and the maximum difference Fig. 20. For these models, the spinnability test exhibited the
in the spinnability obtained by the selected tests was 35% for the maximum damage limit, while the tensile test was second, and
Ayada-m criterion. This discrepancy may depend on how the DFCs the upsetting test, third. In the uniform deformation stage of
captured the fracture mechanism by considering the governing tensile test, the damage value predicted by these models showed
rules of the vital factors in their formulations. little difference with that in the upsetting test. When necking
In the stress/strain-driven ductile damage evolution mechan- deformation took place, the damage value in the tensile test
isms under large deformation, the growth of microvoids was increased remarkablely, finally reached a higher damage limit
driven only by the first principal tensile stress [23,30]. When the than the upsetting test, which more approached the damage limit
first principal stress was negative and therefore the material in the spinnability test.
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111 109

Fig. 16. Changes of stress components with thinning deformation for elements at fracture location: (a) tangential stress collected from point b; (b) axial stress collected from
point b; (c) tangential stress collected from point e; (d) axial stress collected from point e.

Fig. 17. Damage values against the equivalent plastic strain in the spinnability test with different criteria: (a) Predicted by Freudenthal, C–L and LeRoy models; (b) Predicted
by other models selected in our research.

6. Conclusions circumferential crack was prone to develop from there due to

high tensile axial stress occurring periodically in the thinning
1) The periodic stress triaxiality and periodic Lode parameter deformation stage.
were calculated for the elements on different layers at fracture 3) The constant cut-off value of stress triaxiality was incorporated
location. The results showed that the middle layers possessed into the Adaya model. The modified Ayada model provided
higher plasticity due to higher hydrostatic pressure in the reasonable predictions of ductile fracture in tube spinnability
spinnability test, while the outer layer was prone to fracture tests as well as tensile and upsetting tests.
firstly. 4) All of the selected ductile fracture criteria were able to predict
2) In each spinning period, high tensile axial stress generated fracture initialization and location correctly in tensile tests due
at the material point which rotated close to the roller, indicat- to the localized necking deformation, which made it easily to
ing that once microcrack initiated at the material point, a capture the failure for those criteria. For the upsetting test,
110 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111

Fig. 18. Spinnability predicted by tensile and upsetting tests with different criteria: (a) predicted spinnablity; (b) prediction accuracy.

Fig. 19. Changes of stress triaxiality with deformation process for tensile, upsetting and spinnability tests: (a) with cut-off value of ðL  3Þ=ð3 L2 þ 3Þ; (b) with cut-off value of

Fig. 20. Values for tensile, upsetting and spinnability tests: (a) normalized damage limits; (b) normalized damage values.

those DFCs based on micro-void analysis, such as McClintock, spinnability of TA2 titanium tube, which was only 9% less than
R–T and LeRoy models, could not predict the fracture behavior, the measured experimental value.
while only the C–L, Oh, Brozzo and the modified Ayada criteria 6) Compared with the upsetting test, the variation of stress
were able to predict the damage location. triaxiality in the tensile test was much closer to that in the
5) Except for the Freudenthal, R–T and Ayada models, the other six spinnability test for both cut-off values coupled into the C–L
ductile fracture criteria correctly predicted the damage distri- and Ayada-m models respectively, which led to higher predic-
bution on TA2 titanium tubes in spinnability tests, while the C– tion accuracy on the spinnability of TA2 titanium by the
L criterion provided the highest prediction accuracy on the tensile test.
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 99–111 111

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