Masculine by Design

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The key takeaways are about embracing one's innate masculinity and living according to principles that allow a man to fulfill his potential.

The four principles of masculinity discussed are personal responsibility, self-discipline, irrational confidence, and physical strength/health.

The author says the principles should be viewed as general rules rather than promises, as there may be exceptions but following the principles will generally lead to predictable outcomes.


of Contents




Masculinity Principle #2: The Principle of
Self-Discipline 14





Masculine By Design
4 Forgotten Principles For Men To Unleash Their
Repressed Masculinity & Achieve Their Full Potential

If you’re reading this, it’s likely because the content on resonated with you. Or you may have been
intrigued by a book title that promised to show you how to use your
masculinity to your advantage and improve your life.

You can certainly expect this to happen if you embrace and apply the
concepts that will be shared within this book. But I want you to know
that this isn’t about using your masculine nature to manipulate or take
advantage of others to get ahead.

It’s about aligning yourself with the masculine nature inside of you so
you can be who you were made to be in this world. When you do this
the world around you will take notice and opportunities will arise that
would never have been possible otherwise.

These opportunities will arise because your intentional actions

will make them possible.

In other words, it’s not an accident. It is by design.

Much like the proverbs of Solomon, the information given in this book
and the intended results shouldn’t be viewed as promises. They
should be viewed as principles.

Unlike promises that guarantee a desired result, principles are only

true as a general rule. They will usually lead to a predictable and
logical outcome, but there are exceptions.


Consider Proverbs 10:27 as an example of this, where Solomon

says: the fear of the Lord makes life longer, but the years of the sinful
will be cut off.

There has been no shortage of exceptions to this in human history.

Indeed, one can surmise that there have been countless examples of
the God-fearing having their lives tragically cut short or the sinful
living to a ripe old age.

While this seems to contradict what Solomon has recorded in

Proverbs 10:27, it must be understood that Solomon wasn’t intending
to communicate that circumstances divergent from his statement can
never occur, because Solomon isn’t communicating a promise here.

He’s communicating a principle.

As a general rule - or as a principle - those who fear the Lord and do

their best to avoid sinful living are going to live longer lives of greater
quality than those that engage in fast and sinful living.

So it is with the wisdom contained within this book. The principles are
sound, even if they may not lead to the desired outcome one hundred
percent of the time.

Nevertheless, I want to be clear about one thing of the utmost

importance from the outset.

As a man, you have been designed for masculinity. Put bluntly, your
physiological, psychological and biological being is innately


This is reality. Despite a modern day culture of feminized men

repressing this truth due to societal indoctrination attempting to
convince us otherwise.

Because of the feminist forces permeating western society today’s

man has become increasingly separated from his masculine reality.
While counterintuitive, this is actually great news for men who are
ready to take the necessary steps to reconnect with their masculinity.

The more the modern man abandons his true nature, the more men
who embrace their masculinity in the ways described in the following
pages stand to set themselves apart that much more - and benefit
from it as a result.

The consequences bludgeoning men from every direction can’t be

overstated. Men today are woefully unsatisfied, trudging through life
without an overarching sense of meaning and purpose.

We labor in our collective existence, living the lives others expect us

to live, living the lives we think we are stuck with, or living lives that
provide us with a certain level of comfort and security at the expense
of suppressing our innate desire for something more.

We must realize that no amount of comfort, security, or success can

compensate for the detrimental consequences of living with an
unsettled conscience. The void will weigh us down, make us impotent
and strip us of the masculine drive and ambition that is uniquely ours
as men.

It can be difficult to identify this taking place and often builds slowly to
a crescendo over time. I have recently gone through such a period in
my own life; having little motivation to get out of bed in the morning;


feeling like I’m simply going through the motions of life; not having the
impact I’d like to have on the world around me.

This is not the life man was created for. It’s a result of our masculine
reality being perverted, wreaking havoc on our ability to achieve our
potential and add value to the world around us.

We were created to build, create, innovate, solve problems, live

virtuously, lead others, and pursue the ideal in all

Whenever a void in these areas begins to take shape, as it does with

nearly every man at some point in life, it’s time to take stock of our
lives. It’s time to redesign our lives around a set of standards that will
reinvigorate us so we can battle against the forces holding us back
and attack life with renewed masculine energy.

If we are to be all that we were created to be as men, we must align

ourselves with the masculine nature each of us has been designed
with by our Creator.

Ignoring our masculinity inevitably leads to a life of dissatisfaction and

struggle, marked by constantly working to live up to the expectations
of others, which only leads to disappointment and feelings of failure.

This is the plight of too many men today.

I’ve written this book to share the good news that there is a solution:
to design your life around the masculinity you’ve been designed to
possess, so you can use it for your own benefit - and the benefit of
those around you – as you unleash your innate masculinity to achieve
your full potential as a man.


To do this we must design our lives around a set of principles that act
as guide rails on the trail of life to ensure that we stay on track living
in accordance with the reality of our innate masculinity.

The 4 Basic Principles of True Masculinity

Masculinity as a concept takes on a number of different forms, which

is why it’s necessary at this point for me to clearly define what I mean
when I talk about designing your life around your masculine nature.

Being masculine isn’t about being the alpha male in every situation
(though certain situations may call for it). It’s also not described as
being stoic, emotionless and invulnerable in all situations.


I believe the best way to properly define what it means to be

masculine is to do so through the use of principles corresponding to
the traits that are unique to us as men.

The 4 principles of masculinity that follow are statements that

specifically describe what we ought and ought not engage ourselves
in if we are to stay true to our masculine nature as men.

Using these principles will allow us to consider what actions need to

be taken within our day-to-day lives in order to consistently live in a
way that is congruent with our masculine reality.

It should be logically recognized that by aligning our lives around our

indwelling biological, physiological and psychological masculine
reality, we should expect to receive certain benefits as a result.

To be clear, the following principles are not to be viewed as mere

guidelines to be applied only when it’s comfortable, convenient, or
pragmatic to do so. They are to serve as our personal constitution,
placing definitive limits on detrimental conduct and a moral imperative
on conduct identified as being profitable for us as men.

While I don’t intend to exhaustively argue for the validity of each of

these principles, I will lay out the case as to why each is necessary
for us to realize our God-given potential as men, empowering us to
optimize our impact within our individual families and society as a

It must also be understood that the following principles are in no way

comprehensive of all the potential principles that could have been


As such, I encourage you to use the principles contained in this book

as a springboard to prime your mind on what it means to be
masculine and what additional steps need to be taken to make your
life congruent with that reality. From there I implore you to examine
other principles that should be added to those presented in this book
and applied in your daily life.

If you’d like to share and discuss any potential principles of

masculinity that are not presented in this book, the best place to
connect with me is on Twitter or Facebook:

Masculine By Design On Twitter:

Masculine By Design on Facebook:

Let’s examine the principles of masculinity required to design our

lives around the masculinity we’ve been engineered to possess as

Remember, our capacity to live lives of fulfillment, achieve our full

potential, and maximize our ability to impact the world depends on


Masculinity Principle #1: The Principle of

Personal Responsibility

“The masculine man takes responsibility for his actions and inactions,
owns the consequences, and recognizes complacency as the enemy
of progress.”

The concept of personal responsibility is largely lost on modern man.

Today’s western culture has bred a version of man that believes it to
be the responsibility of others to provide for their individual needs, the
needs of their families, or to be there to subsidize the consequences
of their mistakes.

It’s not possible for a man to realize his potential without living in the
reality that the responsibility is his alone to provide for his own
personal needs, the needs of his family, and deal with the
consequences of his action or inaction.


The reliance of today’s men on the ability of their wives, parents and
government to assume the role of provider emasculates them. It
strips them of the drive to pursue self-improvement and incentive to
increase the value they provide to the world.

A man finds his fulfillment in learning, innovating, challenging himself,

creating with his hands and mind, and devising solutions for the
problems around him.

Men lacking motivation to rise early in the morning and attack the day
are missing these key ingredients, all of which are inextricably tied to
the concept of personal responsibility.

It’s pathetically common for men to waste valuable energy

complaining about their situations in life.

“My employer doesn’t pay me enough.”

“I don’t have enough time to lift weights and eat healthy.”

“My wife doesn’t want sex with me as often as I want it with her.”

You’re a man. Your life and the trajectory it takes from this point
forward is within your control if you’re willing to own it.

Most men today refuse to take ownership over their lives. Instead of
focusing on owning all that is under their control, emasculated men
live unnecessarily subservient to the hopelessness that inevitably
accompanies a primary focus on forces that exist outside of one’s
ability to control.


Owning your life is invigorating, but it first requires taking

personal responsibility.

Complaints and excuses have no place in the life of a masculine

man. The masculine man replaces complaining with seeking out
opportunities for improvement; he replaces excuse making with
taking whatever steps are required to align his actions with the vision
he has for his life.

Whatever situation you find yourself in life is a direct result of the

cascade of decisions you’ve made up to this point. You must come to
terms with the fact that the time to change those decisions has

Dwelling on past mistakes no longer within your ability to control - and

complaining of the consequences - does nothing but sap your life of
time and energy that could be used to improve your circumstances.

Your past should be used for reflection and the present used to press
forward toward becoming the man you desire to be.

Want to make more money? Get a degree, learn a new skill,

volunteer to take on special projects at work, ask your boss for more
challenging work or greater responsibility, maintain a positive attitude
at all times, and be willing to accept and respond to constructive

Your career advancement and increasing your earnings potential is in

your control if you are willing to take personal responsibility for it.


Need more time to exercise and prepare healthy meals? Take a hard
look at all the time you’re wasting on less important and deleterious
activities that provide little or no value to your life.

The most busy and successful individuals on earth find time to eat
well and exercise their bodies almost every day. They’re able to do
this because they understand the importance of getting and
maintaining a healthy body and prioritize their daily schedules

Stop making excuses and do the same.

Your health and physical appearance is in your control if you are

willing to take personal responsibility for them.

Want your wife to desire sex with you more often?

Stop complaining, be positive, show her you’re trying to improve

yourself, read books so you’ll have something interesting to talk about
with her, start being the masculine leader in the family that she
desires you to be, add muscle mass, lose body fat, dress better, flirt
with her, go to bed naked, keep the hair on your head and face well

Would it be attractive to you for her to take no pride in her physical

appearance, have an insufferable attitude, have no ambition, and not
show any interest in you? These traits aren’t attractive to her either.

The desire your wife has for you is in your control.

Take responsibility, assess the situation, and change course

wherever you’ve gotten off track. This is what masculine men do.


Be a man and take personal responsibility for your future and the
futures of those that depend on you.

Masculinity Principle #2: The Principle of

Self Discipline

”The masculine man exhibits self discipline because he understands

that achieving worthwhile progress requires time, consistency, and

The ability to hold yourself accountable and consistently act in ways

that align with your masculine nature is a prerequisite for living as a
principled, masculine man. This is only possible through the
application of self-discipline.

Self-discipline is the force that is intentionally exerted and

oriented in such a way that when consistently applied it
empowers an individual to achieve a beneficial end result.

Understand that it is up to you, and only you, to build the life you
desire for yourself. And it must be done on the back of self-discipline.


Even if you’re fortunate enough to find yourself in the company of

other masculine-minded men to hold you accountable in living a
principled life, there are going to be times when you’re alone and
faced with a temptation to stray from your principles. There’s nobody
to rely on but our selves in these moments.

Without a strong ethic of self-discipline we’re doomed to failure.

Every principle that preceded or succeeds this one will require self-
discipline to live out with consistency.

Taking responsibility for a poor decision instead of trying to cover it

up requires self-discipline. Maintaining a positive attitude requires

Developing an exemplary intellect requires self-discipline. Building a

strong and healthy body requires self-discipline. Having a vibrant
marriage, successful children and a healthy spiritual life must all be
done through the mechanism that is self-discipline.

The principle of self-discipline means knowing ahead of time the

actions that are consistent with your vision of who you desire to be,
and committing to taking them, regardless of the personal sacrifice

The men who have achieved the most in the whole of human history
are those that have embraced self-discipline to the highest degree.

Living without the application of self-discipline is the common

denominator of all men living stagnant lives of perpetual mediocrity.


Don’t be mediocre. Mediocrity isn’t acceptable. You have been

designed for greatness.

Greatness is only possible through a commitment to self-discipline.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of
power, love, and self-discipline. – The Apostle Paul


Masculinity Principle #3: The Principle of

Irrational Confidence

”The masculine man maintains a frame of irrational confidence and

positive attitude that imbues those around him with a supernatural
sense of security.”

Our feminized society would have us believe that our level of

confidence and the attitude we carry are dependent upon our

When things are going well our confidence will be high and attitude
positive. When life takes an unexpected turn for the worse our
confidence and attitude will be swept into the gutter. The truth that we
determine how we respond to our circumstances is disregarded.


Men, you must break yourself of the concept you’ve been

indoctrinated with that compels you to believe the way you carry
yourself is a direct result of circumstance.

Your confidence and attitude in life are mutually exclusive from

external circumstances. The frame you carry throughout your life
is a choice.

The decision to maintain a confident, positive presence is completely

up to you.

Allowing external circumstances to kill your confidence and poison

your attitude is toxic to your life and to those around you. It will have a
deleterious impact on your work, your marriage, your relationships,
your health and nearly every other aspect of your life.

You must remain diligent in maintaining a frame of positivity and


Where maintaining a toxic frame leads to destructive consequences,

maintaining a frame of positive confidence invigorates your life in
virtually every way.

Let’s look a few ways living out this principle will enhance your life.

It will benefit your career.

It’s obvious that people are drawn to positive, confident individuals,

because these are the characteristics we prefer of the people we
choose to surround ourselves with.


Be this person at work.

Your colleagues will enjoy working with you, and your bosses will, as

Embracing an almost irrational sense of masculine confidence mixed

with a positive attitude will set you apart from the emasculated men
(and women) around you that constantly complain, refuse to do any
more than the bare minimum, are a pain in the rectum to work with,
and never take any initiative to earn a promotion or the right to take
on added responsibility.

Choosing to stay positive while exuding exemplary confidence, even

when things go wrong, proves to your peers that you’re reliable and
able to lead when the going gets tough.

Masculine men understand that while we have no control over the

people and circumstances that surround us, we always have control
over how we react to them.

Being unwavering in your display of living out this reality will earn you
the respect and admiration of your colleagues and bosses alike, and
make others want to follow your lead.

A man’s confident frame sets the tone for his entire family.

As a man, your family looks to you to set the example. Your clan finds
security in the emotional and provisional security you demonstrate on
a daily basis.

Our wives, in particular, need us husbands to be the emotional

anchor of the family.


Women follow the lead of their men. Nothing will make a wife or
girlfriend less content in her romantic relationship than coming home
to a negative man lacking in self-confidence that complains to her
about everything in his life he wishes were different while taking zero
initiative to change any of it.

This is emotional cancer for a woman. It will sap her energy, self-
confidence, and respect for you.

Having a man that carries himself this way is a libido killer. No woman
wants to have sex with a man with no confidence in himself.

Instead of building her up and providing her with the emotional

security she needs from her man, the negative man lacking self-
confidence does nothing but tear her down emotionally. Her basic
emotional needs aren’t being met.

This is why most of today’s married men are having sex half as much
as they wish they were (or less). They’re not meeting their wives most
basic need for emotional security.

Maintaining an optimistic attitude and unwavering self-confidence will

improve your marriage by meeting your wife’s need for emotional
security from you as the leader of the family. As an added benefit,
this will open her up to meeting your sexual desires for her as her
emotional needs are being met.

While men need their physical needs met before opening up

emotionally, women need their emotional needs met before
opening up physically.


Whoever said God doesn’t have a sense of humor?

Remember, the goal is to maintain your positive, confident position

regardless of circumstance. Unfortunately, tragic events do happen in
life. And this can make it near impossible to perfectly uphold this
principle, at least without drawing upon a mature faith in God.

These events in life are fortunately few and far between for most of

Nevertheless, the better you’re able to preserve a mindset of self-

confidence and positivity, regardless of your circumstances, the
greater this principle of maintaining an frame of irrational confidence
will enhance your life.


Masculinity Principle #4: The Principle of

Physical Strength and Overall Health

”The masculine man strives to optimize the quality of his life through
the development of physical strength and building his life on a
foundation of overall health.”

Men in western society today are no longer the ultimate examples of

fitness, strength and athleticism they once were. CDC statistics show
that as of 2014 seventy-three percent of men over the age of twenty
in America have a body mass index (BMI) value that is 25 or greater,
which is defined as being obese.

Let that sink in.


Three out of four adult men in America are obese. Statistically

speaking, the majority of those reading this book will fit the
description of being obese. It’s pathetic and unacceptable.

Having excessive amounts of body fat directly destroys one’s

masculinity. It robs a man of several of the blessings he ought to hold
most dear in this life: his self-confidence, health, longevity, sexual
vitality and ability to lead in the workplace and at home.

And society encourages men along this path. Instead of those in

positions of influence being honest with those struggling with being
overweight or obese, they feed them a false sense of security by
leading them to believe that their condition is merely a function of
genetics and that they have nothing to be ashamed of.

I’m not that person. I don’t care if what I say offends you or hurts your

My purpose in life is to speak truth so that it can have a positive

impact in the lives of others. What kind of a man would I be if I held
back the truth out of fear that it may hurt someone’s feelings?

Truth often invokes emotion and this can include hurt feelings. This
isn't necessarily harmful, though. In fact, hurt feelings often act as a
necessary catalyst for change.

If you’re overweight or obese, it has nothing to do with your genetics.

If you’ve been deceived into believing this lie, you no longer have this
alibi to excuse your unhealthy condition.


Your body composition is a result of eating too many calories, not

burning enough calories through exercise, or both. It’s as simple as

This isn’t controversial. It’s scientifically sound and irrefutable.

If it offends you, I suggest you get over it and start paying attention to
the fact that you’re destroying your body, quality of life, and
negatively influencing those who look up to you in life.

Nobody can take control of your health and physical appearance for
you. It’s your body; it’s your responsibility. There’s nobody else to
blame, but there are plenty of others out there to support you if you
honestly wish to change, and are willing to seek them out.

This includes me. As a certified personal trainer and nutritionist, one

of my passions is motivating and educating men to empower them to
take over control of their health and maintain that control for as long
as they live.

Men are uniquely equipped with the hormones, skeletal structure and
tendons that are designed for speed, strength, agility, and muscular
aesthetics. These properties are just a few of the physical
manifestations of a man’s innate masculinity.

Being fat and out of shape - and doing nothing to change it - makes it
impossible to truly embrace who you are as a man. You’re putting on
display your lack of self-discipline and self-worth.

You’re living a lie and the people around you take notice. Your wife;
your kids; your boss; your friends. Everyone.


Men were created to lead and leaders lead by the examples they set.
Your ability to gain the trust from others that you will lead them well is
inevitably compromised when your physical appearance proves your
inability to manage that which is most important in life: the body you

Getting and maintaining a strong and healthy body will impact your
life in more ways than can ever be qualified or quantified.

Each man’s genetics will determine just how far his body can improve
with the proper cultivation of nutrition and physical training, but all
men have been gifted with the inner desire to be fit, strong and

Ignoring this creates a void, one that is inevitably filled with

distractions and destructive diversions. Embrace the refinement of
your body, inside and out. Few things will induce a more dramatic
change on your life.

“It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty
and strength for which his body is capable.” – Socrates


Final Word: Unleashing The Power of Your

Repressed Masculinity

In days gone by a son’s masculinity was naturally cultivated by his

father and other masculine men as the boy grew older and
transitioned from boyhood to manhood.

Today, masculinity is under direct assault. It’s viewed and taught as

being violent, destructive, toxic, and has been targeted by our
feminized culture for extermination.

As a result, many of today’s men have lost touch with the masculinity
their Creator has engineered them with. They’ve been indoctrinated
to defy reality and the consequences couldn’t be more devastating.


Men are unable to lead their wives and families. Wives yearn for men
that will take charge and assert themselves. Children are desperate
for fathers to guide them and teach them to live lives of principle and
virtue. Traditional families are being destroyed and society is
crumbling in the wake of men failing to lead at home.

Men are personally and professionally unfulfilled. Their ambition has

been cut out from under them. They live to satisfy every waking
desire of others, instead of taking charge of their own life.

Men are impotent, as it’s only after a man is able to control his own
circumstances that he will be able to help others to do the same.

Repressed masculinity is creating a vacuum in the lives of countless

men. They are wandering aimlessly, attempting to navigate life while
ignoring the compass within their souls pointing due north toward the
masculine destiny they have been engineered to unleash.

If you’re a man and it feels like something is missing from your life,
chances are that you fit this description.

Embracing your inner masculinity and designing your life around

principles that will allow you to consistently live it out will inject a
newfound energy, ambition, outlook and sense of purpose into every
aspect of your existence.

It may well up slowly at first. But before long it will burst forth like a
fountain of water from the earth that has finally been jettisoned after
years of being trapped underground yearning for a release from the
pressure crushing it from all sides.

The pressure and emptiness you feel inside isn’t your fault.


You’ve been conditioned from birth to suppress your inborn

masculinity you’ve been told is toxic and destructive. You’ve not been
given an opportunity to learn what it truly means to be masculine and
why it’s imperative that every boy and man must embrace it to be all
they were created to be.

Embrace your masculinity. Be the masculine man you were

engineered to be. Design your life so that it aligns with the reality of
the masculine nature intertwined into all aspects of your being.

Unleash your masculinity and realize your full potential as a man.

Or feel free to ignore all that you’ve read above. You’re certainly free
to continue trudging through life with an overlaying sense of
dissatisfaction and purposelessness. You can continue to struggle to
get out of bed every morning because every day is the same
uneventful charade that promises no personal progress, the same
toxic relationships, and little opportunity for adventure or excitement.

This is the fate of far too many men and I intend to go to war with it by
doing all that I can to bring as many as I can back from the clutches
of masculine defeat.

Despite my efforts, and the efforts of other masculine men, most guys
alive today will go through life diverging away from their natural
inclinations, subsisting in an unfulfilled existence primarily consisting
of trying to live up to the expectations that others have set for them.

Masculine men set their own expectations. They blaze their own trail
with the principles they choose to live by that serve as the lone plumb


line with which their successes or failures can and should be

measured by.

Don’t be like most guys. Don’t be normal. Don’t live a hapless


Unleash your masculinity and achieve as much of your full potential

as possible.

Be masculine. Be exceptional. Fulfill your potential to build, create,

lead, solve problems, and speak truth.

Leave your mark on the world.

- Craig James

P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter:


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