Space Engineering: Two-Phase Heat Transport Equipment

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ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.

15 March 2017

Space engineering
Two-phase heat transport equipment

ECSS Secretariat
Requirements & Standards Division
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

This Standard is one of the series of ECSS Standards intended to be applied together for the
management, engineering and product assurance in space projects and applications. ECSS is a
cooperative effort of the European Space Agency, national space agencies and European industry
associations for the purpose of developing and maintaining common standards. Requirements in this
Standard are defined in terms of what shall be accomplished, rather than in terms of how to organize
and perform the necessary work. This allows existing organizational structures and methods to be
applied where they are effective, and for the structures and methods to evolve as necessary without
rewriting the standards.
This Standard has been prepared by the ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Working Group, reviewed by the ECSS
Executive Secretariat and approved by the ECSS Technical Authority.

ECSS does not provide any warranty whatsoever, whether expressed, implied, or statutory, including,
but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranty
that the contents of the item are error-free. In no respect shall ECSS incur any liability for any damages,
including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages arising out of, resulting
from, or in any way connected to the use of this Standard, whether or not based upon warranty,
business agreement, tort, or otherwise; whether or not injury was sustained by persons or property or
otherwise; and whether or not loss was sustained from, or arose out of, the results of, the item, or any
services that may be provided by ECSS.

Published by: ESA Requirements and Standards Division

ESTEC, P.O. Box 299,
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Copyright: 2017 by the European Space Agency for the members of ECSS

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

Change log

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C First issue

12 December 2012
ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1 First issue, Revision 1
15 March 2017 Changes with respect to version C (12 December 2012) are identified with
revision tracking.
Main changes are:
• Implementation of Change Requests
• Clause 3 Terms, definition and abbreviated terms" updated and
Nomenclature added
• Titles of clauses 4, 5, 5.1, 5.5.1; updated
• Clause 4 updated to include TPHTE acceptance requirements in
new clause 4.5 "TPHTE acceptance principles"
• Merge of former clauses 4.4 and 4.5 to new clause 4.4 "TPHTE
qualification principles"
• DRDs in Annex A to H deleted. Requirements calling the DRDs
updated to the DRD in the dedicated ECSS Standard

Detailed changes:
Added requirements
• 5.1.2j;; (modified and moved to;
Clause 6 requirements.
Modified requirement
• 5.1.1a-b; 5.1.2c, g-h; 5.1.3a-h, j and n; 5.3.2 e; 5.4 Table 5-1; 5.5.2a;
5.5.2b Note;;, b and d; and e;;; (interleaved Note moved to end of
requirement); (text in brackets moved into new Note);;; 5.6.4a; 5.6.5b; 5.6.7e Note; and g;;;; Note; Note added;
Table 5-1 (Caption updated and "MHz" changed to "Hz" in Table
header); 5.6.12b Note; 5.6.13a and c;; 5.9.2b, c and e; Table
Deleted requirements
• 5.1.2d-f; 5.1.3i and k-m; 5.5.1a; 5.5.1b Note2 added; all
requirements of Annex A to Annex H (as the DRDs were deleted
in this document).

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15 March 2017

Table of contents

Change log ................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction................................................................................................................ 7

1 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 8

2 Normative references ............................................................................................. 9

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms.......................................................... 10

3.1 Terms defined in other standards ........................................................................... 10
3.2 Terms specific to the present standard ................................................................... 11
3.3 Abbreviated terms...................................................................................................14
3.4 Nomenclature .........................................................................................................15

4 TPHTE verification principles .............................................................................. 16

4.1 TPHTE categorization .............................................................................................16
4.2 Involved organizations ............................................................................................16
4.3 Generic requirements in this standard .................................................................... 17
4.4 TPHTE qualification principles ................................................................................18
4.4.1 Processes, number of qualification units ................................................... 18
4.4.2 Thermal and mechanical qualification ....................................................... 18
4.5 TPHTE acceptance principles .................................................................................21

5 Requirements for qualification activity............................................................... 23

5.1 Technical specification (TS) ....................................................................................23
5.1.1 General .....................................................................................................23
5.1.2 Requirements to the TS ............................................................................ 23
5.1.3 Requirements for formulating technical requirements................................ 24
5.2 Materials, parts and processes ...............................................................................24
5.3 General qualification requirements ......................................................................... 25
5.3.1 Qualification process .................................................................................25
5.3.2 Supporting infrastructure – Tools and test equipment ............................... 25
5.4 Qualification process selection ...............................................................................25
5.5 Qualification stage ..................................................................................................27

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5.5.1 Qualification requirements......................................................................... 27
5.5.2 Quality audits ............................................................................................28
5.5.3 Qualification methods................................................................................28
5.5.4 Full and delta qualification programme ...................................................... 30
5.5.5 Performance requirements ........................................................................ 30
5.6 Qualification test programme ..................................................................................32
5.6.1 Number of qualification units ..................................................................... 32
5.6.2 Test sequence ..........................................................................................32
5.6.3 Test requirements ......................................................................................35
5.6.4 Physical properties measurement ............................................................. 38
5.6.5 Proof pressure test ....................................................................................39
5.6.6 Pressure cycle test ....................................................................................39
5.6.7 Burst pressure test ....................................................................................39
5.6.8 Leak test ...................................................................................................40
5.6.9 Thermal performance test ......................................................................... 40
5.6.10 Mechanical tests .......................................................................................43
5.6.11 Thermal cycle test .....................................................................................45
5.6.12 Aging and life tests ....................................................................................45
5.6.13 Gas plug test .............................................................................................46
5.6.14 Reduced thermal performance test ............................................................. 46
5.7 Operating procedures .............................................................................................47
5.8 Storage ...................................................................................................................47
5.9 Documentation .......................................................................................................47
5.9.1 Documentation summary .......................................................................... 47
5.9.2 Specific documentation requirements........................................................ 47

6 Requirements for acceptance activity ................................................................ 50

6.1 General...................................................................................................................50
6.2 Acceptance process ...............................................................................................50
6.2.1 Materials, parts and processes.................................................................. 50
6.2.2 General acceptance requirements ............................................................ 50
6.2.3 Supporting infrastructure – Tools and test equipment ............................... 50
6.2.4 Acceptance test programme ..................................................................... 51
6.2.5 Operating procedures ...............................................................................51
6.2.6 Storage .....................................................................................................51
6.2.7 Documentation ..........................................................................................51

Bibliography............................................................................................................. 53

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Figure 3-1: Tilt definition for HP ............................................................................................13
Figure 3-2: Tilt definition for LHP ..........................................................................................13
Figure 4-1: Categories of TPHTE (two-phase heat transport equipment) ............................. 17
Figure 4-2: Figure-of-merit (G) for some TPHTE fluids ......................................................... 19
Figure 4-3: Definition of temperature and performance ranges for a HP ............................... 20
Figure 5-1: Selection of qualification process ....................................................................... 27
Figure 5-2: Qualification test sequence for HP ..................................................................... 33
Figure 5-3: Qualification test sequence for CDL ................................................................... 34

Table 4-1: Examples of allowed design modifications for acceptance hardware ................... 22
Table 5-1: Categories of two-phase heat transport equipment according to heritage
(adapted from ECSS-E-ST-10-02C, Table 5-1) .................................................. 26
Table 5-2: Allowable tolerances............................................................................................36
Table 5-3: Measurement accuracy .......................................................................................38
Table 5-4: Equipment resonance search test levels ............................................................. 44
Table 5-5: Sinusoidal vibration qualification test levels ......................................................... 44
Table 5-6: Random vibration qualification test levels ............................................................ 45
Table 5-7: TPHTE documentation ........................................................................................49

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017


This Standard replaces ESA PSS-49, Issue 2 “Heat pipe qualification

requirements”, written in 1983, when the need for heat pipes in several ESA
projects had been identified. At that time a number of European development
activities were initiated to provide qualified heat pipes for these programmes,
which culminated in a first heat pipe application on a European spacecraft in
1981 (MARECS, BR-200, ESA Achievements - More Than Thirty Years of
Pioneering Space Activity, ESA November 30, 2001), followed by a first major
application on a European communication satellite in 1987 (TV-SAT 1, German
Communication Satellites).
ESA PSS-49 was published at a time, when knowledge of heat pipe technology
started to evolve from work of a few laboratories in Europe (IKE, University
Stuttgart, EURATOM Research Centre, Ispra). Several wick designs, material
combinations and heat carrier fluids were investigated and many process related
issues remained to be solved. From today’s view point the qualification
requirements of ESA PSS-49 appear therefore very detailed, exhaustive and in
some cases disproportionate in an effort to cover any not yet fully understood
phenomena. As examples the specified number of qualification units (14), the
number of required thermal cycles (800) and the extensive mechanical testing (50
g constant acceleration, high level sine and random vibration) can be cited.
The present Standard takes advantage of valid requirements of ESA PSS-49, but
reflects at the same time today’s advanced knowledge of two-phase cooling
technology, which can be found with European manufacturers. This includes
experience to select proven material combinations, reliable wick and container
designs, to apply well-established manufacturing and testing processes, and
develop reliable analysis tools to predict in-orbit performance of flight hardware.
The experience is also based on numerous successful two-phase cooling system
applications in European spacecraft over the last 20 years.
Besides streamlining the ESA PSS-49, to arrive at today’s accepted set of heat pipe
qualification requirements, the following features have also been taken into
• Extension of PSS-49 heat pipe qualification requirements to include heat
pipe acceptance requirements;
• Inclusion of qualification and acceptance requirements for two-phase loops
• Reference to applicable requirements in other ECSS documents;
• Formatting to recent ECSS template in order to produce a document,
which can be used in business agreements between customer and supplier.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017


This standard defines qualification and acceptance requirements for two-phase

heat transportation equipment (TPHTE), for use in spacecraft thermal control.
This standard is applicable to qualification and acceptance activities of new
However, acceptance requirements of this Standard can be used for existing
hardware, which has been qualified previously to other requirements than listed
Requirements for mechanical pump driven loops (MPDL) are not included in the
present version of this Standard.
This standard also includes definitions and part of the requirements of ECSS-E-
ST-32-02 applicable to TPHTE qualification and acceptance.
This standard may be tailored for the specific characteristics and constraints of a
space project in conformance with ECSS-S-ST-00.

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15 March 2017

Normative references

The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference

in this text, constitute provisions of this ECSS Standard. For dated references,
subsequent amendments to, or revision of any of these publications do not apply.
However, parties to agreements based on this ECSS Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the more recent editions of the normative
documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies.

ECSS-S-ST-00-01 ECSS system - Glossary of terms

ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Space engineering - Verification
ECSS-E-ST-10-03 Space engineering - Testing
ECSS-E-ST-10-06 Space engineering - Technical requirements
ECSS-E-ST-31 Space engineering - Thermal control general
ECSS-E-ST-32 Space engineering - Structural general requirements
ECSS-E-ST-32-01 Space engineering- Fracture control
ECSS-E-ST-32-02 Space engineering - Structural design and verification
of pressurized hardware
ECSS-Q-ST-70 Space product assurance - Materials, mechanical parts
and processes
EN 9100:2009 Aerospace series - Quality management systems -
Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense

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15 March 2017

Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms

3.1 Terms defined in other standards

a. For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions from ECSS-E-
ST-00-01 apply, and in particular the following:
1. acceptance
2. certification
3. component
4. customer
5. equipment
6. product assurance
7. qualification
8. supplier
b. For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions from
ECSS-E-ST-10-02 apply:
1. acceptance stage
2. analysis
3. inspection
4. qualification stage
5. review-of-design (ROD)
6. test
c. For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions from
ECSS-E-ST-32-02 apply:
1. burst pressure
2. internal pressure
3. leak-before-burst (LBB)
4. pressure vessel (PV)
5. pressurized hardware (PH)
6. proof test

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3.2 Terms specific to the present standard

3.2.1 capillary driven loop (CDL)
TPL in which fluid circulation is accomplished by capillary action
NOTE See TPL definition in 3.2.21.

3.2.2 capillary pumped loop (CPL)

CDL with the fluid reservoir separated from the evaporator and without a
capillary link to the evaporator
NOTE See CDL definition in 3.2.1.

3.2.3 constant conductance heat pipe (CCHP)

heat pipe with a fixed thermal conductance between evaporator and condenser at
a given saturation temperature
NOTE See heat pipe definition in 3.2.7.

3.2.4 dry-out
depletion of liquid in the evaporator section at high heat input when the capillary
pressure gain becomes lower than the pressure drop in the circulating fluid

3.2.5 effective length

heat pipe length between middle of evaporator and middle of condenser for
configurations with one evaporator and one condenser only
NOTE Used to determine the heat pipe transport
capability (see 3.2.10).

3.2.6 exposure temperature range

maximum temperature range to which a TPHTE is exposed during its product
life cycle and which is relevant for thermo-mechanical qualification
NOTE 1 The internal pressure at the maximum
temperature of this range defines the MDP for
the pressure vessel qualification of a TPHTE.
NOTE 2 The extreme temperatures of this range can be
below freezing or above critical temperatures of
the working fluid.
NOTE 3 In other technical domains, this temperature
range is typically called non-operating
temperature range (see clause 4 for additional

3.2.7 heat pipe (HP)

TPHTE consisting of a single container with liquid and vapour passages arranged
in such a way that the two fluid phases move in counter flow
NOTE 1 See TPHTE definition in 3.2.20.
NOTE 2 The capillary structure in a heat pipe extends
over the entire container length.

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3.2.8 heat pipe diode (HPD)
heat pipe which transports heat based on evaporation and condensation only in
one direction
NOTE See heat pipe definition in 3.2.7.

3.2.9 loop heat pipe (LHP)

CDL with the fluid reservoir as integral part of the evaporator
NOTE 1 See CDL definition in 3.2.1.
NOTE 2 The reservoir can be separated, but has a
capillary link to the evaporator.

3.2.10 heat transport capability

maximum amount of heat, which can be transported in a TPHTE from the
evaporator to the condenser
NOTE For heat pipes it is the maximum heat load
expressed in [Wm] (transported heat times
effective length).

3.2.11 maximum design pressure (MDP)

maximum allowed pressure inside a TPHTE during product life cycle

3.2.12 mechanical pump driven loop (MPDL)

TPL in which fluid circulation is accomplished by a mechanical pump
NOTE See TPL definitions in 3.2.21.

3.2.13 product life cycle

product life starting from the delivery of the TPHTE hardware until end of
service live
NOTE The product life cycle starts after acceptance of
the product for flight.

3.2.14 reflux mode

operational mode where the liquid is returned from the condenser to the
evaporator by gravitational forces and not by capillary forces

3.2.15 start-up
operational phase starting with initial supply of heat to the evaporator until
nominal operating conditions of the device are established

3.2.16 sub-cooling
temperature difference between average CDL reservoir temperature and the
temperature of the liquid line at the inlet to the reservoir
NOTE The average CDL reservoir temperature
represents the saturation temperature inside the

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3.2.17 thermal performance temperature range
temperature range for which a TPHTE is thermally qualified
NOTE In the thermal performance temperature range a
thermal performance map exists.

3.2.18 tilt for HP

height of the evaporator above the condenser during ground testing
NOTE 1 This definition is valid for a configuration with
one evaporator and one condenser (see Figure
NOTE 2 The tilt is measured from the highest point to the
lowest point in Figure 3-1.


Figure 3-1: Tilt definition for HP

3.2.19 tilt for LHP

height of the evaporator above the reservoir during ground testing
NOTE 1 See Figure 3-2.
NOTE 2 The tilt is measured from the highest point of the
evaporator to the lowest point of the condenser
in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2: Tilt definition for LHP

3.2.20 two-phase heat transport equipment (TPHTE)

hermetically closed system filled with a working fluid and transporting thermal
energy by a continuous evaporation and condensation process using the latent
heat of the fluid
NOTE 1 A fluid evaporates in the heat input zone
(evaporator) and condenses in the heat output
zone (condenser).
NOTE 2 This is in contrast to a single-phase loop where
the sensible heat of a liquid is transported (a

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liquid heats up in the heat input zone and cools
down in the heat output zone).

3.2.21 two-phase loop (TPL)

TPHTE with physically separated vapour and liquid transport lines forming a
closed loop
NOTE See TPHTE definition in 3.2.20.

3.2.22 variable conductance heat pipe (VCHP)

heat pipe with an additional non-condensable gas reservoir allowing a variable
thermal conductance between evaporator and condenser
NOTE 1 See heat pipe definition in 3.2.7.
NOTE 2 The variation in thermal conductance is generally
accomplished by regulating the volume of a non-
condensable gas plug reaching into the
condenser zone, which in turn varies the effective
condenser length.
NOTE 3 The variation of the gas volume can be
performed by active or passive means.

3.3 Abbreviated terms

The following abbreviations are defined and used within this standard:
Abbreviation Meaning
CCHP constant conductance heat pipe

CDL capillary driven loop

CPL capillary pumped loop

CTE coefficient of thermal expansion

DRD document requirements definition

HP heat pipe

HPD heat pipe diode

LBB leak before burst

LHP loop heat pipe

MDP maximum design pressure

MPDL mechanical pump driven loop

MSPE metallic special pressurized equipment

NDI non-destructive inspection

PH pressurized hardware

ROD review-of-design

Qmax maximum heat transport capability

SPE special pressurized equipment

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15 March 2017

Abbreviation Meaning
TCS thermal control (sub)system

TPHTE two-phase heat transport equipment

TPL two-phase loop

TS technical requirement specification

VCHP variable conductance heat pipe

VP verification plan

3.4 Nomenclature
The following nomenclature applies throughout this document:
a. The word “shall” is used in this Standard to express requirements. All the
requirements are expressed with the word “shall”.
b. The word “should” is used in this Standard to express recommendations.
All the recommendations are expressed with the word “should”.
NOTE It is expected that, during tailoring,
recommendations in this document are either
converted into requirements or tailored out.
c. The words “may” and “need not” are used in this Standard to express
positive and negative permissions, respectively. All the positive
permissions are expressed with the word “may”. All the negative
permissions are expressed with the words “need not”.
d. The word “can” is used in this Standard to express capabilities or
possibilities, and therefore, if not accompanied by one of the previous
words, it implies descriptive text.
NOTE In ECSS “may” and “can” have completely
different meanings: “may” is normative
(permission), and “can” is descriptive.
e. The present and past tenses are used in this Standard to express statements
of fact, and therefore they imply descriptive text.

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15 March 2017

TPHTE verification principles

4.1 TPHTE categorization

TPHTE as defined in 3.2.20 of this Standard are considered ‘special pressurized
equipment’ (SPE), as per definition of ECSS-E-ST-32-02. Requirements of ECSS-E-
ST-32-02 are included in this Standard for this reason.
The TPHTE are categorized in Figure 4-1 according to their design and functional
HP’s, LHP’s and CPL’s are categorized as MSPE (Metallic Special Pressurized
Equipment) as described in section 4.1.2 ECSS‐E‐ST‐32‐02
Heat pipes consist of a single container with a capillary structure extending over
the entire container length. Liquid and vapour passages are arranged in such a
way that the two fluid phases move in counter flow.
Capillary driven loops (CDL) have separate evaporator and condenser sections,
which are connected by dedicated vapour and liquid tubing. At least one
capillary structure is located in the evaporator section, which serves as capillary
pump to circulate the fluid in a true loop configuration.
The mechanically pumped two-phase loop (MPDL) has a configuration, which is
similar to the CDL, except that the circulation of the fluid is accomplished by a
mechanical pump.
NOTE Requirements for MPDL are not included in the
present version of this Standard.

4.2 Involved organizations

The verification process of TPHTE is generally carried out by a specialized
equipment manufacturer (called in this document “supplier”) and controlled by
the verification authority (called in this document the “customer”).
The verification activity is embedded in the supplier’s product assurance and
quality organization and in most cases the supplier's quality assurance plan has
been established and approved for space activities independently from the
TPHTE verification process specified in this document. It is the task of the
supplier’s PA authority to introduce and approve adequate product assurance
provisions at his subcontractor(s). The existence of an approved PA Plan is
precondition for commencing verification activities.

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Figure 4-1: Categories of TPHTE (two-phase heat transport equipment)

4.3 Generic requirements in this standard

The present document provides generic, i.e. not project specific requirements for
formal verification of TPHTE. It is therefore important to select overall and
enveloping verification requirements in order to support a maximum of
spacecraft application without the need for delta verification.

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15 March 2017

4.4 TPHTE qualification principles

4.4.1 Processes, number of qualification units

The qualification of TPHTE is based on validated manufacturing processes (e.g.
cleaning, surface treatment, welding and leak testing) and covers in general the
following areas:
• Performance over long operation time (compatibility between fluid and
wall material, space radiation, leak tightness)
• Mechanical performance (strength, pressurized hardware)
• Thermal performance (e.g. heat transport capability, start-up behaviour,
heat transfer coefficients)
In this context the number of TPHTE units to be produced for the qualification
program are evaluated and selected by the supplier. There are no general
applicable sources, which specify the minimum of units to be used to undergo
identical qualification testing in order to achieve a successful qualified product.
The question to be answered for each TPHTE configuration is: how many
identical units need to be built and tested in order to validate the production
The following are possible selection criteria:
• Experience of the manufacturer in production of similar products,
• Simplicity of the configuration,
• TPHTE design features, which have inherent capability for good
repeatability of the production processes (e.g. simple axial grooved heat
This Standard specifies the number of needed identical pieces of equipment (i.e.
coming from the same batch) submitted to the qualification process.
Compared to full qualification of a new product the number of units can be
reduced for delta qualification of an existing but modified product. (see Table 5-1
for details).

4.4.2 Thermal and mechanical qualification Temperature range

In contrast to most of electronic equipment, the performance of a TPHTE varies
with its operating temperature, because properties of the used heat carrier are
temperature dependent. For heat pipes as an example, important fluid properties
can be grouped into a figure-of-merit (G), which is the product of surface tension,
heat of vaporization and liquid density divided by the liquid viscosity (for more
information see references in Bibliography). G is plotted for some fluids over the
temperature in Figure 4-2. The heat transport capability of a capillary pumped
loop is proportional to these curves.

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Figure 4-2: Figure-of-merit (G) for some TPHTE fluids

Generally, the applicable temperature range of a TPHTE is subdivided into a

thermally and a mechanically relevant regime.
The thermal performance temperature range, which is used for thermal
qualification, is defined within the theoretical operating temperature range,
confined by the freezing and the critical temperature of the used fluid. Lower and
upper temperature limits of the qualification range are selected in such a way
that a useful map of thermal performance data can be established. Within this
range the maximum transport capability for qualification is determined. For a
specific space application the operating temperature range (within the thermal
performance temperature range) and the maximum required heat transport
capability are specified.
For thermo-mechanical qualification the temperature range, to which the device
is exposed to during the life cycle, is relevant. In most cases this exposure
temperature range is wider than the mentioned thermal performance
temperature range. The minimum temperature of this range can be below the
freezing temperature of the used heat carrier and it is important to take into
account possible damage caused by the freezing or thawing effects. The upper
exposure temperature can be even above the critical temperature of the heat
carrier. This temperature determines in general the maximum internal pressure
for design and qualification of the device.

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The mentioned temperature ranges and associated heat transport capabilities are
illustrated in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3: Definition of temperature and performance ranges for a HP Mechanical qualification

TPHTE are classified as Metallic Special Pressurized Equipment (MSPE) and
relevant mechanical requirements are specified in ECSS-ST-E-32-02 and are
applied in the present Standard for all TPHTE types.
For qualification of a TPHTE as pressurized component, the main characteristic is
the internal pressure, which varies in relation to the exposure temperature of the
unit (temperature dependent saturation pressure of the heat carrier liquid).
ECSS-ST-E-32-02 specifies qualification requirements for heat pipes (see figure
4.12 and Table 4-8 of ECSS-E-ST-32-02). The present Standard selects qualification
requirements for TPHTE, which have seen proof pressure tests ≥ 1,5 MDP.
Testing is the preferred method rather than qualification by fracture control

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15 March 2017
For qualifying a TPHTE with respect to external mechanical environment the
following mechanical tests are considered:
• Constant or static acceleration
• Sine vibration
• Random vibration
For these tests the qualification unit needs to be rigidly mounted to the test
equipment (vibration table). However, such mounting provisions can have only
reduced similarity to real applications in spacecraft and the meaningfulness of
such tests is, therefore, very often reason for discussion under experts. For heat
pipes it is common understanding not to perform these tests on long heat pipe
profiles for the following reasons:
• The length of the test heat pipe is adapted to the test equipment and is
therefore shorter as in many realistic spacecraft applications.
• The application of heat pipe is often for embedding them in sandwich
structures. Mechanical loads for these applications are quite different as
can be simulated with a rigidly fixed single heat pipe profile.
• Several capillary structures, in particular axial groove heat pipes, are quite
insensitive to mechanical loads and tests as suggested in existing
procedures can be unnecessary.
For many TPHTE applications (in particular for devices with simple capillary
structures, e.g. axial grooves) the formal mechanical qualification can be therefore
performed with the first structural model on satellite level. In case the risk for
such a late qualification is high, pre-qualification can be performed on unit or
part level in particular for the following cases:
• The TPHTE, in particular a heat pipe, has a capillary structure, which is
sensitive towards mechanical loads, e.g. arterial wick. In such a case a short
piece of the heat pipe profile is selected for mechanical qualification testing
(sine, random vibration).
• An evaporator of a LHP or CPL can be separately tested (sine, random
vibration) to verify that mechanical requirements are met.
• Equally this can be true for a two-phase loop condenser, in particular for
configurations where the condenser tubing is embedded into a structural
Therefore the Standard does not specify at which model level vibration testing is
performed. The supplier and customer are asked to agree on a logical
qualification plan, which can include testing at higher than equipment level.

4.5 TPHTE acceptance principles

The acceptance process demonstrates that the already qualified product is free of
workmanship errors and is ready for subsequent operational use.
Verification is performed by inspection and testing and includes:
• Material conformity (for example inspection of certificates, proof pressure,
leak check)

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• Inspection of dimensions and flatness
• Thermal performance check
The design of hardware submitted to the acceptance procedure has been
previously qualified. However, some application driven design modifications can
be accepted as long as the following qualification relevant design features are not
• Material selection and compatibility
• Pressurized component
• Thermal performance
Some examples are given in Table 4-1.
It is good practice to perform a similarity analysis to determine that the
hardware, submitted to the acceptance process, is of qualified design.

Table 4-1: Examples of allowed design modifications for acceptance hardware

Qualification relevant Mandatory design feature for Allowed design modification
design feature acceptance hardware for acceptance hardware
Material selection and Wall material and fluid No exception
compatibility combination;
Operating temperatures
Pressurized component Minimum wall thickness and Attachment design (configuration
inner diameter of evaporator, of external flanges);
fluid lines, condenser; For HP: Length, bend radius larger
Operating temperatures than qualified one;
For CPL: Length of evaporator and
Thermal performance Capillary structure Length, number and distribution of
evaporator and condenser zones in
Length of fluid and condenser lines
in TPL

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

Requirements for qualification activity

5.1 Technical specification (TS)

5.1.1 General
a. The qualification process shall be based on a technical specification,
approved by the customer.
NOTE Usually the technical specification evolves from
the functional requirements of the customer and
defines the technical performances for the
proposed solution as part of a business agreement.
b. The technical specification specified in 5.1.1a shall be written in accordance
with DRD in ECSS-E-ST-10-06 Annex A.

5.1.2 Requirements to the TS

a. The specification shall be identifiable, referable and related to a TPHTE
b. The following entity shall be responsible for the TS:
1. the supplier for a generic TPHTE specification, which is not related
to a specific application;
2. the customer for a specific TPHTE specification, which is related to a
specific application.
NOTE A delta qualification can be necessary, if the
generic specification does not completely meet
the requirements for a specific application.
c. For technical requirements organization, requirements 7.2.3b to 7.2.3e of
ECSS-E-ST-10-06 shall apply.
d. <<deleted>>
e. <<deleted>>
f. <<deleted>>
g. For technical reference, requirement 7.2.4a of ECSS-E-ST-10-06 shall apply.
h. For configuration management, requirement 7.2.5a of ECSS-E-ST-10-06
shall apply.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017
i. Quantity of units required for the qualification process shall be specified in
the TS.
j. For restriction to requirement specification, requirement 7.2.8a of ECSS-E-
ST-10-06 shall apply.

5.1.3 Requirements for formulating technical

a. For performance specification, requirement 8.2.1a of ECSS-E-ST-10-06 shall
b. To avoid ambiguity in a specification, requirement 8.2.4a of ECSS-E-ST-10-
06 shall apply.
c. To ensure the uniqueness of a specification, requirement 8.2.5a of ECSS-E-
ST-10-06 shall apply.
d. To ensure the identification of a specification, requirement 8.2.6b of ECSS-
E-ST-10-06 shall apply.
e. To ensure the singularity of a specification, requirement 8.2.7a of ECSS-E-
ST-10-06 shall apply
f. To ensure that a specification is verifiable, requirement 5.1.3f of ECSS-E-
ST-10-06 shall apply.
g. To ensure that a specification includes the tolerance, requirement 5.1.3g of
ECSS-E-ST-10-06 shall apply.
h. For general formatting of requirements in a specification, clause 8.3.1 of
ECSS-E-ST-10-06 shall apply.
i. <<deleted>>
j. The verbal form for the wording of specification requirements shall be
compliant with requirements 8.3.2a to 8.3.2d of ECSS-E-ST-10-06.
k. <<deleted>>
l. <<deleted>>
m. <<deleted>>
n. The restrictions on the format of specification requirements shall be
compliant with clause 8.3.3 of ECSS-E-ST-10-06.

5.2 Materials, parts and processes

a. Materials, parts and processes for TPHTE to be qualified shall be
documented in the following lists (see Table 5-7):
1. Declared materials list
2. Declared mechanical parts list
3. Declared processes list

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

5.3 General qualification requirements

5.3.1 Qualification process

a. The qualification stage shall be completed before launch.

5.3.2 Supporting infrastructure – Tools and test

a. Tools to be used to support the qualification process shall be validated for
their intended use.
b. The validation shall be performed under expected environmental
conditions and operational constraints.
c. Compatibility of tools and test equipment interfaces with flight
qualification hardware shall be verified by test.
d. Calibration of laboratory equipment shall be verified prior to their use.
e. Tools and test equipment that is modified and used in a new application
shall be re-verified according to requirements 5.3.2a to 5.3.2d.
f. Test facilities, tools and instrumentation shall be designed to avoid adverse
effects on the qualification objectives.
NOTE Examples of these are: Thermocouples, strain
gauges, heater mounting, cooling devices,
support structures.

5.4 Qualification process selection

a. The scope of the qualification process shall be adapted to the qualification
heritage of the product.
b. For categorization of the heritage the product categories of Table 5-1 shall
be used.
c. The qualification process shall be structured according to Figure 5-1.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

Table 5-1: Categories of two-phase heat transport equipment according to heritage

(adapted from ECSS-E-ST-10-02C, Table 5-1)
Description Qualification programme Remarks related to the present


A Off-the-shelf product without None

modifications and
• The product is qualified against
requirements at least as severe
as those imposed by the actual
technical specification
• The product is produced by the
same manufacturer and using
identical tools and
manufacturing processes
B Off-the-shelf product without Delta qualification This category relates for example
modifications. programme, decided on a to TPHTE hardware, which is
However: case-by-case basis in identical to already qualified
• The product is qualified against agreement between the hardware but has been qualified to
requirements less severe or customer and the supplier lower mechanical loads or
different to those imposed by narrower operating temperature
the actual technical specification ranges as required by an actual
• The product is produced by a The category relates also to
different manufacturer or using situations, where TPHTE
different tools and manufacturing technology is
manufacturing processes transferred from a qualified
supplier to a new manufacturer.
• The product has substitution *) Any substitution parts and
parts and materials with materials fulfilling the same
equivalent reliability *) procurement specification does
not require delta-qualification.
C Off-the-shelf product with design Delta or full qualification Examples for category C are:
modifications programme, decided on a Heat pipes with identical capillary
case-by-case basis structure but different diameters,
depending on the impact smaller bent radius,
of the modification in
CDL with different fluid line
agreement between the
configurations or dimensions or
customer and the supplier
different condenser configurations
(radiator lay out).
D New designed and developed Full qualification Applicable for any new developed
product. programme. TPHTE, including existing
systems with new capillary
structures or material

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

TPHTE to be


Category A Yes No qualification

equipment programme required


Similarity analysis Delta qualification

Category B Yes programme
equipment (Clause

Delta qualification
Yes Similarity analysis programme
Category C (Clause
equipment or Full qualification

Category D

Full qualification

Figure 5-1: Selection of qualification process

5.5 Qualification stage

5.5.1 Qualification requirements

a. <<deleted>>
b. When a requirement is verified by qualification at lower level, the
traceability to the lower level verification evidence shall be provided.
NOTE 1 This concerns manufacturing processes as well as
parts, materials and sub-units of a TPHTE.
NOTE 2 Qualification is aimed at demonstrating that the
design of the TPHTE meets the requirements of

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017
the technical specification. The qualification can
be supported by in-orbit demonstration to verify
requirements, which are affected by zero-g
c. Formal close-out of qualification at lower level shall be performed prior to
close-out at higher level.

5.5.2 Quality audits

a. The supplier shall allow quality audits in support to the qualification
process in accordance with EN 9100-2009.
b. Quality audits shall be conducted such that the supplier’s know-how and
proprietary data are protected.
NOTE As a general rule, audits are performed by
quality assurance personnel of the customer and
not by experts in the field.

5.5.3 Qualification methods Overview
a. A verification plan (VP) shall be prepared in conformance with the DRD in
ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Annex A and agreed with the customer.
b. The qualification of TPHTE shall be accomplished by one or more of the
following verification methods:
1. Test as specified in
2. Analysis, as specified in
3. Review-of-design, as specified in
4. Inspection, as specified in
NOTE Test includes demonstration. Analysis includes
c. The verification plan shall define the qualification methods. Test
a. Verification by test shall be compliant with requirement of ECSS-E-
b. For the verification of safety critical functions clause 8.4.1 of ECSS-Q-ST-40
shall apply.
c. Qualification shall be carried out on hardware representative of the end
item in terms of design, materials, tooling and methods.
d. TPHTE subject to qualification test shall be manufactured applying
validated processes.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017 Analysis General
a. Verification by analysis shall be in accordance with of ECSS-E-ST-
b. Analysis shall be performed to predict specified performance parameter of
the TPHTE.
c. Analytical prediction results shall be correlated with qualification test
NOTE Result correlations lead to software tool
validation, which can reduce follow-on
qualification processes.
d. Discrepancies between analytical prediction and test results shall be
analysed in order to demonstrate that the objective of the qualification is
not compromised.
e. Mechanical performance analysis and test prediction shall be documented in
conformance with Annex J and Annex Q of ECSS-E-ST-32.
NOTE Analysis and test prediction can be split in two
f. Thermal performance analysis and test prediction shall be documented in
conformance with Annex C of ECSS-E-ST-31.
NOTE Analysis and test prediction can be split in two
documents. Similarity
a. <<deleted and moved into requirement>>
b. <<deleted and moved into requirement>> Review-of-design (ROD)

a. Verification by ROD shall be in accordance with of ECSS-E-ST-10-02.
b. Verification by ROD shall be documented in a Review-of-Design report in
conformance with the DRD in ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Annex D. Inspection
a. Verification by Inspection shall be in accordance with of ECSS-E-ST-
b. Verification by inspection shall be documented in an Inspection Report in
conformance with the DRD in ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Annex E.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

5.5.4 Full and delta qualification programme Full qualification programme
a. Equipment for which a full qualification programme is required as per
Table 5-1 shall be qualified by test according to clause and 5.6 and
by analysis according to clause Delta qualification programme

a. Equipment for which a delta qualification programme is required as per
Table 5-1 shall undergo a delta qualification programme, which is a subset
of the full qualification programme of clause
b. The delta qualification programme shall be selected on a case-by-case basis
and based on the modifications to existing qualified hardware.
c. The delta qualification programme shall be agreed with the customer.

5.5.5 Performance requirements Generic requirements
a. The following generic performance characteristics of a TPHTE shall be
determined and verified against specified data:
1. Ability to sustain the combination of the predicted worst mechanical
(a) External mechanical loads.
(b) Internal loads due to the saturation pressure of the heat
carrier fluid within the TPHTE exposure temperature range.
(c) Thermo-mechanical loads due to temperature cycling and
CTE mismatch within the TPHTE exposure temperature
(d) Loads imposed by volume change due to freezing/thawing of
the heat carrier within the TPHTE exposure temperature
2. Safe life item and fatigue-life demonstration
(a) Safe life item demonstration, performed by analysis or test or
both in conformance with ECSS-E-ST-32-01 for TPHTE not
submitted to a proof pressure or for which the proof factor
used in the proof pressure test is less than 1,5.
(b) Fatigue-life demonstration, performed by analysis or test or
both in conformance with ECSS-E-ST-32 for TPHTE for which
the proof factor used in the proof pressure test is equal or
larger than 1,5.
3. Thermal parameters:
(a) Minimum and maximum heat transport capability over the
TPHTE thermal performance temperature range.
(b) Evaporator heat flux over the TPHTE thermal performance
temperature range.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017
(c) Heat transfer coefficient in the evaporator and condenser.
(d) Overall thermal resistance of the device.
4. Operational characteristics
(a) Maximum heat load applied in one step at discrete
temperatures over the specified range.
(b) Start-up behaviour from frozen conditions, if the exposure
temperature range includes freezing of the working fluid.
(c) For cryogenic TPHTE, start-up from the super-critical state of
the working fluid.
5. Leak-before-burst.
6. Lifetime performance:
(a) Long-term compatibility between fluid and wetted materials
(materials in contact with the fluid).
(b) Space radiation effects in order to demonstrate that fluid de-
composition does not adversely affect specified TPHTE
performance during the product life cycle.
NOTE To item 3.(a): For heat pipes only the maximum
heat transport capability is of interest. Specific requirements

a. For CCHP the following specific performance characteristics shall be
determined and verified against specified data:
1. Reduction of transport capability due to heat pipe bending at the
minimum specified radius.
2. Reduction of transport capability due to tilt (see Figure 3-1).
NOTE To item 1: The minimum bending radius is
defined by the supplier.
b. For VCHP, the following specific performance characteristics shall be
determined and verified against specified data:
1. The characteristics specified in,
2. Maximum transport capability in fully-on conditions,
3. Heat leak from condenser to evaporator in off-mode,
4. Thermal resistance between condenser and reservoir,
5. Ability to regulate the evaporator temperature with passive and
active methods.
NOTE Passive methods include devices with non-
heated gas reservoirs, active methods include
devices with heated/cooled gas reservoirs.
c. For HP Diode, the following specific performance characteristics shall be
determined and verified against specified data.
1. The characteristics specified in,
2. Maximum heat transport capability in forward mode,
3. Time and energy to move from forward to reverse mode,

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017
4. Time and energy to move from reverse to forward mode,
5. Heat leak from condenser to evaporator in reverse mode.
d. For CDL, the following specific performance characteristics shall be
determined and verified against specified data
1. Minimum heat load applied under which start-up is possible over
the specified temperature range,
2. Sensitivity of the minimum heat load in relation to the thermal mass
attached to the evaporator,
3. Minimum heat load applied under which nominal operation is
possible over the specified temperature range,
4. Sub-cooling conditions to guarantee specified performance,
5. Impact on performance due to tilt and adverse elevation,
6. Heat leak from condenser to evaporator in off-mode,
7. Ability to regulate the evaporator temperature with passive and
active methods.
NOTE 1 Passive methods include devices with passive
regulation (by-pass) valves in TPL. Active
methods include devices with heated/cooled
liquid reservoirs, heated regulation valves and
TPLs with thermo-electric cooler (TEC) on the
liquid reservoir.
NOTE 2 For, a tilt is depicted in Figure 3-2:
adverse elevation means that the evaporator is
above the condenser.

5.6 Qualification test programme

5.6.1 Number of qualification units

a. The number of TPHTE units submitted to the qualification programme test
units shall be in accordance with Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3.

5.6.2 Test sequence

a. Equipment for which a full qualification programme is required as per
Table 5-1 shall be verified by qualification testing according to the test
sequence as defined in Figure 5-2 for HP and Figure 5-3 for CDL.
b. For an equipment where a delta qualification programme is required as
per Table 5-1, the supplier shall derive from the test sequence of Figure 5-2
for HP and Figure 5-3 for CDL a reduced test sequence for delta
c. The delta qualification sequence shall be agreed with the customer.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017
Selection of test item
Heat Pipe:
configuration and quantity
5 functional units
(5.6.1) •
3est item preparation
3 units straight configuration
• 2 units bent configuration
Manufacturing of qualification
2 units for material compatibility testing
2 pressure samples
according to documented processes

Reduced acceptance test of hardware

for qualification:
• Physical property measurement (5.6.4)
• Proof pressure test (5.6.5)
• Leak test (5.6.8)
• Gas plug test (5.6.13)
• Reduced thermal performance test
( to

3est plan and Qualification

Leak test 3est Readiness Review
(5.6.8) (

Functional tests Material compatibility tests Pressure tests

(3 straight, 2 bent) (2 units) (2 HP) (2 samples)

Full thermal performance test Reduced thermal Pressure cycle test

( to performance test (5.6.6)
( to

Mechanical test Leak test

(5.6.10) (5.6.8)
Life test incl. Gas plug test
Qualification test programme

(5.6.12 & 5.6.13)

3hermal cycle test Burst pressure test
(5.6.11) (5.6.7)

Reduced thermal
Gas plug test performance test
(5.6.13) ( to

Reduced thermal performance

test ( to

ging test incl. Gas plug test

(5.6.12 & 5.6.13)

Full thermal performance test

( to

Post 3est Review


5erification Report
(3able 5-7)

Figure 5-2: Qualification test sequence for HP

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

Selection of test item configuration and CDL:

quantity 1 functional unit
Test item preparation

(5.6.1) 1 unit for material compatibility testing

1 unit as pressure sample
Manufacturing of qualification hardware
according to documented processes

Reduced acceptance test of hardware for

● Physical property measurement (5.6.4)
● Proof test (5.6.5)
● Leak test (5.6.8)
● Reduced thermal performance test (5.6.14)

Leak test
Test plan and Qualification
Test Readiness Review

Functional tests Material compatibility tests Pressure tests

(1 CDL) (1 CDL) (1 sample)

Full thermal performance test

( & Reduced thermal performance test Pressure cycle test
Qualification test programme

( & (5.6.6)

Mechanical test
(5.6.10) Life test Leak test
(5.6.12) (5.6.8)

Reduced thermal performance test

( & Burst pressure test

Thermal cycle test Reduced thermal performance test

(5.6.11) ( &

Full thermal performance test &

Post Test Review


5erification Report
(Table 5-7)

Figure 5-3: Qualification test sequence for CDL

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

5.6.3 Test requirements Test specification and reviews

a. Before starting the qualification test campaign the following preconditions
shall be met:
1. Establishing of a test specification in conformance with the DRD in
ECSS-E-ST-10-03 Annex B,
2. Establishing of test procedures in conformance with the DRD in
ECSS-E-ST-10-03 Annex C, and
3. Conductance of test readiness review.
b. At completion of the test sequence a post-test review shall be conducted.
c. Test documentation shall be agreed with the customer. Test conditions Test tolerances

a. The test tolerances specified in Table 5-2 shall be applied to the nominal
test values specified.
b. For the purpose of, test tolerances shall include test
instrumentation accuracy.
NOTE The tolerances specified in Table 5-2 are the
allowable ranges within which the test
parameters can vary. The values in the table are
inclusive of instrumentation accuracy.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

Table 5-2: Allowable tolerances

Test parameters Tolerances
1. Temperature Low High
+0 +4
above +100 °C Tmin − 4 Tmax −0
+0 +3
-73 °C < T ≤ +100 °C Tmin −3 Tmax −0
-100 K (-173 °C) < T ≤ 200 K (-73 °C) ± 2 K (2 °C)
40 K (-233 °C) < T ≤ 100 K (-173 °C) ± 1 K (1 °C)
10 K (-263 °C) ≤ T ≤ 40 K (-233 °C) < 0,5 K (0,5 °C)
T< 10 K (-263 °C) Tolerance to be defined case by case
2. Relative humidity ± 10 %

3. Pressure (in vacuum chamber)

> 1,3 hPa ± 15 %
1,3 10-3 hPa to 1,3 hPa ± 30 %
< 1,3 10-3 hPa ± 80 %
4. Acceleration -0 / +10 %

5. Static Load -0 / +10 %

6. Sinusoidal vibration
Frequency (20 Hz to 2000 Hz) ±2%
Amplitude ± 10 %
Sweep rate (Oct/min) ±5%
7. Random vibration
Frequency ± 5 % (or 1 Hz whichever is greater)
Amplitude (PSD)
20 Hz - 100 Hz (max control -1/ +3 dB
bandwidth 10 Hz)
100 Hz - 1000 Hz (10 % of midband -1/ +3 dB
1000 Hz - 2000 Hz (max control ± 3,0 dB
bandwidth 100 Hz)

Random overall g r.m.s. ± 10%

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

Test parameters Tolerances

8. Acoustic noise
Sound pressure level, Octave band centre Test tolerances (dB)
31,5 -2/+4
63 -1/+3
125 -1/+3
250 -1/+3
500 -1/+3
1000 -1/+3
2000 -1/+3
Overall -1/+3
9. Microvibration susceptibility
Quasi-static force or torque ± 5 % To be related to the external forces that are
applied to extrapolate the transfer functions
Dynamic forces ±10 % To be related to the external forces that are
applied to extrapolate the transfer functions
Sound-power (1/3 octave band centre
32,5 Hz - 160 Hz ±3 dB
160 Hz – 10000 Hz ±2 dB
10. Shock
Response spectrum amplitude (1/12 octave
centre frequency)
Shock level
≤ 3000 Hz - 3, + 6 dB
≥ 3000 Hz - 3, + 9 dB
Shock duration
≤ 20 ms 0/+ 20 %
> 20 ms 0/+ 10 %
11. Solar flux
in reference plane ± 4 % of the set value
In reference volume ± 6 % of the set value
12. Infrared flux
Mean value ± 3 % on reference plane(s)
13. Test time -0/+10 %

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017 Measurement accuracy
a. The accuracy of test instrumentation shall be verified in accordance with
approved calibration procedures.
b. All test instrumentation shall be within the normal calibration period at the
time of the test.

Table 5-3: Measurement accuracy

Test parameters Accuracy
1. Mass ± 0,1 %

2. Centre of gravity (CoG) Within a 1 mm radius sphere

3. Moment of inertia (MoI) ±3%

4. Leak rate ± 10-5 Pa m3 s-1 of Helium at 1013 hPa pressure

differential or at least a factor of two with respect
to the leak rate to be measured. Test results

a. Test results shall be monitored and compared across major test sequences
for trends or evidence of anomalous behaviour of the test set up.
b. Test reports shall be established for each test performed in conformance
with the DRD in ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Annex C. Test data management

a. Performance test, leak test and long duration test results shall be used to
perform trend analysis to detect long-term gradually increasing defects
and failures.

5.6.4 Physical properties measurement

a. The following properties of the test unit shall be measured, recorded and
compared to specification in relevant drawings:
1. Completeness of configuration,
2. Materials as specified,
3. Dimension of unit and interfaces,
4. Mass,
5. Flatness of heat input and heat output zones,
6. Fluid amount from manufacturing records,

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017
7. Centre of gravity,
8. Momentum of inertia.
NOTE The determination of centre of gravity and
moment of inertia can be performed by analysis.
b. For the physical properties measurement the test unit shall not include test
specific items.

5.6.5 Proof pressure test

a. Proof pressure test shall be performed applying 1,5 times MDP as specified
in ECSS-E-ST-32-02 for duration of 15 minutes.
NOTE During manufacturing processes (e.g. curing of
panels with embedded heat pipes) the pressure
can be higher than MDP, as long as the unit
material stays in the elastic domain.
b. Pressure shall be generated on the sealed unit by increasing the
temperature of the unit and thus the saturation pressure of the heat carrier
NOTE 1 This test is called hot proof pressure test.
NOTE 2 When the pressure target leads to a temperature
higher than the critical temperature then the cold
pressure test (before unit sealing) can be
considered to reach the proof pressure
requirement and a reduced proof factor can be
accepted for the hot pressure test on the sealed
c. In cases where proof pressure test is not feasible, margins against
mechanical failure shall be verified by analysis in accordance with ECSS-E-

5.6.6 Pressure cycle test

a. The pressure cycle test shall consist of 2000 cycles between 1 bar and MDP
at ambient temperature.
b. The supplier shall analyse the number of cycles above the 2000 cycles, to
which the TPHTE can be exposed before reaching the Woehler curve.

5.6.7 Burst pressure test

a. Burst pressure test shall be performed applying 2,5 times MDP for
duration of 15 minutes.
b. No rupture or leak shall occur during burst pressure test.
c. Burst pressure test shall be carried out with burst pressure samples
manufactured from the same material batch and according to processes,
which are identical to the ones used for the functional qualification unit.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017
d. Burst pressure samples shall include all features of the flight configuration.
NOTE For example representative bends, welds and
e. Burst pressure test shall be performed at the maximum exposure
temperature by increasing the internal pressure until the required burst
pressure is reached.
NOTE Burst pressure testing at lower temperatures can
be performed, when a factor corresponding to
differences in material properties between test
and maximum exposure temperature is taken
into account.
f. After the 15 minutes hold-time, the pressure shall be further increased
until rupture occurs and the pressure at rupture shall be recorded.
g. If burst pressure tests are performed at sub-unit level, the burst pressure
test processes shall include all parts of the product including all joints,
welds, end fittings.
NOTE For example, if it is performed at the level of the
evaporator or reservoir of a TPL.

5.6.8 Leak test

a. Leak test shall be performed at ambient temperature using a detection
method agreed with the customer.
b. The maximum leak rates versus pressure values shall be established
through a detailed analysis such that operation of the system is ensured
throughout the specified lifetime.
c. Leak rate of all TPHTE hardware shall conform to the level defined in
NOTE Pressurized hardware containing hazardous
fluids reach end of safe-life when leakage occurs.
d. During the leak test, the pressure level shall be maintained for 30 minutes
as a minimum.

5.6.9 Thermal performance test General
a. Thermal performance test results, obtained under 1-g conditions, shall be
correlated to predicted in-orbit performance.
b. For thermal performance tests at ambient conditions, it shall be
demonstrated that the conditions specified in do not have an
influence on in-orbit performance.
NOTE For a specific application the customer can
require a thermal performance test in vacuum.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017
c. During ground test the unit shall be insulated and the remaining heat
exchange with the environment shall be determined.
d. When establishing the maximum heat transport capability, the vapour
temperature shall be varied in increments within the specified operational
temperature range such that a performance over temperature curve is
e. For each temperature step, the temperatures along the length of the unit
shall be measured and recorded.
f. Maximum performance shall be declared, when temperature excursions in
the evaporator indicate the beginning of a non-nominal operational
NOTE Temperature excursions are generally caused by
dry-out conditions in the evaporator.
g. Temperature readings during performance testing in combination with the
applied heat load, corrected for heat exchange with the environment, shall
be used to determine heat transfer coefficients in the evaporator and the
h. Performance shall be measured as function of the orientation of evaporator
versus condenser in the gravitational field.
i. Test evaluation and data correlation shall be performed for each test and
documented in a TCS analysis report in conformance with the DRD in
Annex C of ECSS-E-ST-31. Specific tests for CCHP Maximum heat transport capability

a. Maximum heat transport capability shall be measured with
1. Straight HP.
2. Bent HP.
3. Uniform heat input and output.
4. One-sided heat input and one-sided heat output, as follows:
(a) combination of heat input on top of the HP and heat output
on bottom of the HP (with respect to gravity),
(b) combination of heat input on bottom of the HP and heat
output on top of the HP (with respect to gravity), and
(c) side heat input and opposite side heat output.
b. The supplier shall define performance degradation at the minimum
allowed bending radius. Performance under tilt

a. The maximum heat transport capability shall be measured for tilt heights
from zero to a value at which the heat transport capability falls to a value
<5 % of the maximum heat transport capability (at the test temperature).

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017
b. Measurement shall be performed at sufficient tilt intervals as to create a
smooth curve of performance over tilt height.
c. Test results at different tilt heights shall be extrapolated to zero tilt.
NOTE The graphical extrapolation of tilt performance to
zero tilt (horizontal position) is assumed to be the
zero-g (in-orbit) performance. Start-up test

a. A start-up test at the minimum thermal performance temperature by
applying 50 % of the maximum heat load specified at that temperature
shall be performed and the time until nominal operation shall be
determined. Start-up procedure

a. After a full depriming (emptying the capillary structure), a start-up
procedure shall be determined. Performance in reflux mode

a. The heat transfer coefficients in the evaporator and condenser areas shall
be derived as a function of power input and temperature.
b. Test shall be performed by applying power at to the bottom of the liquid
pool and measuring the temperature profile along the pipe. Specific tests for VCHP

a. For VCHP, the following tests shall be performed:
1. The tests specified in clause to
2. Aging tests before charging the device with the control gas.
3. Maximum heat transport capability with the gas front located
between condenser and reservoir.
4. Residual conductance with the gas front between condenser and
evaporator. Specific tests for HP Diode

a. For HP Diode, the following tests shall be performed:
1. The tests specified in clause to
2. A test to determine the time-to-shutdown of the HP Diode,
according to the following sequence:
(a) apply pre-defined heat loads to the nominal condenser;
(b) vary the vapour temperature in suitable increments within the
specified operational temperature range in order to generate a
smooth performance over temperature curve;
(c) ensure that the pre-defined heat loads are 10 %, 30 %, 50 %
and 80 % of the derived Qmax in nominal mode for the
specific heat pipe profile;

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017
(d) derive the energy needed for shutdown for each of the above
3. A test to determine the time to start-up the heat pipe diode,
according to the following sequence:
(a) apply pre-defined heat loads to the nominal evaporator;
(b) ensure that the pre-defined heat loads are 10 %, 30 %, 50 %
and 80 % of the derived Qmax in nominal mode for the
specific heat pipe profile. Specific tests for CDL

a. Start-up with low power shall be verified by testing with and without
thermal inertia on the evaporator heater system.
b. The specified performance of a CDL shall be verified under the following
test conditions:
1. Simulation of large heat load variations (increase and decrease of
heat load).
2. Simulation of large condenser temperature variations.
3. Different orientations with respect to gravity including tilt for LHP.
4. Different parasitic heat inputs in the liquid line and into the
NOTE For for the tilt definition see also Figure 3-2.

5.6.10 Mechanical tests General
a. Sinusoidal, random vibration and shock tests shall be performed on higher
than unit level, if the supplier in agreement with the customer
demonstrates that tests at unit level produce unrealistic results.
NOTE Tests are generally not meaningful for long heat
pipes which are later embedded in structural
panels and for CDL, for which the configuration
in the intended application cannot be represented
on unit level (for example: large distance
between evaporator and condenser).
b. Sinusoidal, random vibration and shock tests shall be performed on
component level in order to verify critical details of the device.
NOTE 1 Examples are: evaporator and condenser of a
LHP, reservoir.
NOTE 2 A deflection test to replace sinusoidal and
random testing can be agreed with the customer.
For example: TPHTE with capillary structures,
which have an inherent characteristic to be
damaged by mechanical loads.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
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c. Sinusoidal and random vibration tests shall be performed for the three
orthogonal axes of the device.
d. Sinusoidal and random vibration tests shall be performed at the maximum
internal pressure, which the device is exposed to during ascent.
e. A resonance search shall be performed before and after the sinusoidal and
random vibration test to determine resonance frequencies, as specified in
Table 5-4.
f. If meaningful and agreed with the customer constant acceleration and
acoustic tests shall be performed.

Table 5-4: Equipment resonance search test levels

Frequency (Hz) Level Sweep rate
5 to 2 000 0,5 g 2 octave per min Sinusoidal vibration

a. The test levels and duration for the sinusoidal vibration test, for generic
equipment qualification, independent of the launcher or space element,
shall be as specified in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5: Sinusoidal vibration qualification test levels

Frequency Level First frequency > 100 Hz First frequency ≤100 Hz
5 to 21 11 mm (0 to peak) No notching With notching
21 to 60 20 g (0 to peak) No notching With notching
60-100 6 g (0 to peak) No notching With notching Random vibration

a. The test levels and duration for the random vibration test, for generic
equipment qualification, independent of the launcher or space element,
shall be as specified in Table 5-6.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
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Table 5-6: Random vibration qualification test levels

Location Duration Levels
Equipment located Vertical b (20 - 100) Hz +3 dB/octave
on external panela or 2,5 min/axis (100 - 300) Hz PSD(M)c = 0,12 g2/Hz × (M+ 20 kg)/(M + 1 kg)
with unknown
location (300 - 2 000) Hz -5 dB/octave

Lateralb (20 - 100) Hz +3 dB/octave

2,5 min/axis (100 - 300) Hz PSD(M)c = 0,05 g2/Hz × (M+ 20 kg)/(M + 1 kg)
(300 - 2 000) Hz -5 dB/octave
Equipment not All axes (20 - 100) Hz +3 dB/octave
located on external 2,5 min/axis (100 - 300) Hz PSD(M)c = 0,05 g2/Hz × (M+ 20 kg)/(M + 1 kg)
(300 - 2 000) Hz -5 dB/octave
a Panel directly excited by payload acoustic environment.
b Equipment vertical axis = perpendicular to fixation plane.
Equipment lateral axis = parallel to fixation plane.
c M = equipment mass in kg, PSD = Power Spectral Density in g2/Hz.

5.6.11 Thermal cycle test

a. The thermal cycle test shall consist of 8 full cycles over the exposure
temperature range with a hold-time of 1 hour.
NOTE Cycle tests of TPHTE can be performed under
ambient conditions.

5.6.12 Aging and life tests

a. TPHTE shall be operated in a long duration life test as specified in 5.6.12b
in order to confirm the specified performance over the product life cycle.
NOTE Heat pipes are typically operated in reflux mode.
b. For qualification purpose of the device the duration of the life test shall be
≥ 8000 hours.
NOTE It is advisable that the life test is extended
beyond the formal qualification programme.
c. Aging tests shall be performed in the functional test sequence as given in
Figure 5-2 with a duration of 300 hours.
d. Life and aging tests shall be performed at the maximum specified
operation temperature.
e. The amount of produced non-condensable gas shall be determined
according to 5.6.13 in periodic intervals agreed with the customer, with
shorter intervals especially at the beginning for the life test.
f. Trend analyse according to shall be performed in order to determine
the non-condensable gas content at the end of the product life cycle.

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g. The TPHTE supplier shall demonstrate that the non-condensable gas
content expected at end of product life cycle does not violate the specified

5.6.13 Gas plug test

a. The gas plug test shall be performed under the following conditions:
1. Heat pipe mounted in reflux mode.
2. Condenser is instrumented with temperature sensors in short axial
3. Periodic check of axial temperature profile of the condenser end at
lowest operating temperature.
NOTE For 5.6.13a.1, this means that the orientation is
vertical with evaporator at the lower end.
b. The non-condensable gas content shall be determined based on the
measured temperature profile.
c. It shall be verified that non-condensable gas generation over the lifetime
meets the specification for lifetime performance.

5.6.14 Reduced thermal performance test General
a. The reduced thermal performance test shall include the general tests
specified in Specific CCHP

a. CCHP shall be tested according to requirements,, and for one selected configuration [(a), (b) or (c)].
b. For CCHP, the maximum heat transport capability shall be measured for
one tilt between 2,5 mm and 4 mm at two temperatures to be agreed with
the customer. Specific VCHP

a. For VCHP, the following test shall be performed:
1. the test specified in and;
2. Thermal performance at fully on condition. Specific HP diode

a. For HP diode, tests shall be performed as specified in clause to at
one vapour temperature and with a heat load of 50 % of Qmax.
b. The test specified in should be performed at 20 °C.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017 Specific CDL
a. Start-up with low and maximum power shall be verified for one condenser
sink temperature and by simulation of flight-representative thermal inertia
on the evaporator heater system.

5.7 Operating procedures

a. Operating procedures shall be established for all TPHTE hardware.
b. The procedures specified in 5.7a shall be compatible with the safety
requirements and personnel control requirements at the facility where the
operations are conducted.
c. Step-by-step instructions shall be written with such a detail to
unambiguously describe the operation.

5.8 Storage
a. When TPHTE hardware is put into storage they shall be protected against:
1. exposure to adverse environments that can cause corrosion or
degrade the material;
2. mechanical damages.
b. When TPHTE hardware is put into storage, induced stresses due to storage
fixture constraints shall be avoided by storage fixture design.

5.9 Documentation

5.9.1 Documentation summary

Table 5-7 presents a summary of all documents required by the present standard.

5.9.2 Specific documentation requirements

a. The following documents shall be written and agreed with the customer
before starting the qualification process.
1. technical requirements specification (TS);
2. verification plan (VP).
b. Test procedures shall be produced for each test performed.
NOTE Several procedures can be grouped in one
c. Test reports shall be produced for each test performed.
NOTE Several reports can be grouped in one document.
d. The design and manufacturing file of the qualification hardware shall be
under configuration control and available for customer review.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
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e. The final outcome of the qualification process shall be documented in the
verification report (VRPT) in conformance with the DRD in ECSS-E-ST-10-
02 Annex F, and agreed with the customer.
NOTE A customer statement on the successful
completion of the qualification process is

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017

Table 5-7: TPHTE documentation

Title of DRD DRD reference Calling requirement in this standard
and remarks
Technical requirements ECSS-E-ST-10-06 Requirement 5.1.1b
specification Annex A NOTE: Requirement 5.1.1a requires that the
customer approval is needed before starting
the qualification process.
Verification plan ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Requirement
Annex A
Review-of-design report ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Requirement
Annex D
Inspection report ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Requirement
Annex E
Declared materials list ECSS-Q-ST-70, Requirement 5.2a.1
Annex B
Declared mechanical parts list ECSS-Q-ST-70, Requirement 5.2a.2
Annex C
Declared processes list ECSS-Q-ST-70, Requirement 5.2a.3
Annex D
Mechanical and thermal ECSS-E-ST-31, Requirement
performance analysis and test Annex C NOTE: The report can be split in two
prediction report documents.
Test specification ECSS-E-ST-10-03 Requirement
Annex B
Test procedure ECSS-E-ST-10-03 Requirement
Annex C NOTE: Requirement 5.9.2b requires one
procedure for each test. Several procedures
can be grouped in one document.
Test report ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Requirement
Annex C NOTE: Requirement 5.9.2c requires one test
report for each test. Several reports can be
grouped in one document.
Test evaluation and data ECSS-E-ST-31, Requirement
correlation report Annex C
Verification report ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Requirement 5.9.2e
Annex F NOTE: This requirement requires that the
Verification report is agreed with the

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
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Requirements for acceptance activity

6.1 General
a. Only the TPHTE whose design has been previously qualified according to
clause 5 shall be submitted to the acceptance.
b. A similarity analysis shall be performed to determine that design changes
of the acceptance hardware do not change the qualification status.
NOTE See clause 4.5 for further explanation.
c. It shall be confirmed by analysis that the performance requirements of the
intended application are covered by the previous qualification campaign.

6.2 Acceptance process

6.2.1 Materials, parts and processes

a. Materials, parts and processes for TPHTE to be accepted shall be
documented in the following lists:
1. Declared materials list
2. Declared mechanical parts list
3. Declared processes list
NOTE See also Table 5-7 listing the TPHTE

6.2.2 General acceptance requirements Acceptance process

a. The acceptance stage shall be completed before launch.

6.2.3 Supporting infrastructure – Tools and test

a. Tools to be used to support the acceptance process shall be validated for
their intended use.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
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b. The validation shall be performed under expected environmental
conditions and operational constraints.
c. Compatibility of tools and test equipment interfaces with flight hardware
shall be verified by test.
d. Calibration of laboratory equipment shall be verified prior to their use.
e. Tools and test equipment that is modified and used in a new application
shall be re-verified according to requirements 6.2.3a to 6.2.3d.
f. Test facilities, tools and instrumentation shall be designed to avoid adverse
effects on the acceptance objectives.
NOTE Examples of these are: thermocouples, strain
gauges, heater mounting, cooling devices,
support structures.

6.2.4 Acceptance test programme

a. Each heat pipe shall be submitted to the following acceptance test
1. Physical property measurement according to clause 5.6.4
2. Proof pressure according to clause 5.6.5
3. Leak test according to clause 5.6.8
4. Gas plug test according to clause 5.6.13
5. Reduced thermal performance test according to clauses to
b. Each CDL shall be submitted to the following acceptance test sequence:
1. Physical property measurement according to clause 5.6.4
2. Proof pressure according to clause 5.6.5
3. Leak test according to clause 5.6.8
4. Reduced thermal performance test according to clause and

6.2.5 Operating procedures

a. For acceptance operating procedure clause 5.7 shall apply.

6.2.6 Storage
a. For storage of accepted TPHTE hardware clause 5.8 shall apply.

6.2.7 Documentation
a. Declared Materials List, Declared, Process List and Declared Mechanical
Parts List, as established during the qualification process, shall be
confirmed to be applicable to the hardware submitted to the acceptance

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
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b. The confirmation can be performed during the similarity analysis of clause
4.5 and 6.1.Test procedures in conformance with ECSS-E-ST-10-03 Annex C
shall be established for each test performed.
NOTE Several test procedures can be grouped in one
c. Test reports in conformance with ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Annex C shall be
established for each test performed.
NOTE Several test reports can be grouped in one
d. The design and manufacturing file of the acceptance hardware shall be
under configuration control and available for customer review.
e. The final outcome of the acceptance process shall be documented in the
verification report (VRPT) in conformance with ECSS-E-ST-10-02 Annex F,
and agreed with the customer.

ECSS-E-ST-31-02C Rev.1
15 March 2017


ECSS-S-ST-00 ECSS system - Description, implementation and general

ECSS-E-ST-10 Space engineering - System engineering general requirements
Chi, S. W. Heat Pipe Theory and Practice, A Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1976
Faghri, A. Heat Pipe Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis, 1995
P. D. Dunn, P.D. and Heat Pipes, Fourth Edition, Pergamon, 1994
Reay D. A.
Peterson, G. P. An Introduction to Heat Pipes: Modelling, Testing, and
Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994


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