Leadership Skills

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Valentini Kalargyrou, University of New Hampshire

Anthony T. Pescosolido, University of New Hampshire
Emmanuel A. Kalargiros, New Mexico State University


Leaders in management education face diverse challenges in today’s competitive and

changing environment. However, educational administrators are often faculty members with
little direct leadership experience, formal preparation, or skill development. Since leadership
skills are abilities that can be developed, formal training should take place before these
individuals enter leadership roles.
This study examines the required skills that lead to effective leadership in hospitality
management higher education from the perspective of faculty and academic administrators using
Mumford, Campion and Morgeson’s (2007) strataplex model of leader behaviors as a
framework. Both faculty and administrators ranked business skills as the most important skills
for leadership; this was followed by cognitive skills, interpersonal skills, personal values, and
strategic skills. Specifically, they unanimously ranked communication as the most important
individual leadership skill and indicated that the method of communication depends on the
audience and the content of the message. Ethics and fairness were prevalent personal values, as
well as recognition that leadership should be able to understand faculty’s interpretation of


Leaders in management education face diverse challenges in today’s competitive and

changing environment. Evolving demands from superiors, financial challenges, faculty, and
students create a turbulent environment in which administrators must thrive. One of the keys to
being an effective leader in this situation is the application of the necessary leadership skills.
However, leaders in educational institutions are generally faculty members that do not have
formal leadership experience; as such, their formal preparation and skill development are
practically non-existent, and consist mainly of on-the-job training. Since leadership skills are
abilities that can be developed, formal training should be in place before the entrusting of
administrative duties. The purpose of this study is to examine the required skills that make
effective leaders in managerial higher education.
Leadership has often been thought of as based upon inborn personality traits, abilities, or
gifts (e.g., Kenny & Zaccaro, 1983; Lord, Devader, & Alliger, 1986; Weber, 1947). However, in
the middle part of the twentieth century leadership scholars began conceiving of leadership as

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being bound to the particular social context in which it occurs, thus leading to theories of
leadership as being based in individual behavior (e.g., Blake & Mouton, 1978; Fleishman, 1953).
From the idea of leadership as a set of behaviors performed by the individual, it was only a small
step to begin thinking of leadership as a definable set of skills that can be learned and developed
(Connelly, Gilbert, Zaccaro, Threlfall, Marks, & Mumford, 2000; Katz, 1974; Mumford,
Zaccaro, Harding, Jacobs, & Fleishman, 2000).Therefore, in this study, we examine leadership in
an educational setting using Mumford, Campion, & Morgeson’s (2007) taxonomy which
describes leadership skills using four distinct categories of cognitive, interpersonal, business, &
strategic skills.
This paper examines the expectations of leadership constituents in a hospitality
management education setting: the faculty (the followers of these leaders), and the administrators
within the larger university setting. We draw upon email surveys that are analyzed as a whole
sample as well as within and between the two different sub-samples (faculty and administrators).
Our findings show that there is a perceived hierarchy of skills for leaders within the context of
management education, which suggests implications for both leadership theory and for the
practice of leadership development.

Leadership skills in an education setting

Historically leadership research has utilized a variety of guiding frameworks, balancing

between enduring, person-specific traits on the one hand and context-specific behaviors or skills
on the other hand. This variety of approaches has been largely complementary (Bass, 1990).
However, some have argued that a greater emphasis should be placed on leadership skills
(Kanungo and Misra, 1992). These arguments tend to be based upon the ideas that 1) skills are
behaviors that can be learned and developed, as opposed to personality traits or intellectual
abilities; and 2) focusing on skills ensures that we are examining leadership within a specific
context, with the explicit understanding that a required leadership skill in one context may be
less relevant in a different context (Mumford, Campion, & Morgeson, 2007).

Leadership skills framework

Since Katz’s classic (1955) work detailing the skills of an effective manager as being
technical, conceptual, and interpersonal, there have been multiple attempts to categorize the
skills or behaviors needed to be an effective manager, administrator, or leader (Boyatzis, 1982;
Mintzberg, 1973; Peterson & Van Fleet, 2004). According to Katz, “skill implies an ability
which can be developed, not necessarily inborn, and which is manifested in performance, not
merely in potential.” The important point is that skillfulness is demonstrated by effective action
under various circumstances (Katz, 1955, p. 33). Much of the interest in skill-based
conceptualizations of leadership appears to be based on the notion that while trait-based theories
and measures of leadership describe who leaders are, skill- or behavior-based theories and
measures of leadership describe what leaders actually do (Northouse, 2007), and as such may
have more pragmatic value to both theorists and practitioners alike.

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However, while most organizations appear to operate under the assumption that technical
skills are the fundamental need for leaders (Hill, 2003; Rosen et al., 1976; Stumpf &London,
1981), academics studying high performing leaders and managers tend to focus primarily on
either the interpersonal skills (Boyatzis, 1982; Sy, Cote, & Saavedra, 2005) or upon the leader’s
problem-solving or decision-making skills (Connelly, et al., 2000; Mumford, et al., 2000).
The skills-based model of leader performance proposed by Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding,
Jacobs, and Fleishman (2000) does not diminish the importance of traits. Within this model,
skills are in interaction with traits and experience; however the developed capabilities, referred to
as knowledge and skills, have a more direct and immediate impact on leader performance than
do traits. Broadly speaking, the model proposes that leader performance is based on three key
types of capabilities: (1) creative problem-solving skills, (2) social judgment skills, and (3)
knowledge (Mumford, Zaccaro, Connelly, et al., 2000; Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding, et al.,
2000). Creative problem solving is important, especially in upper level leadership positions,
because leaders are asked to solve novel and ill-defined problems due to the constantly changing
organizational environment (Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding, et al., 2000). Leaders must be able to
understand and motivate subordinates, influence and persuade their peers, and communicate the
vision of the organization. Therefore, it is important to have social judgment skills that can be
distinguished in four key social skills, such as perspective taking, social perceptiveness,
behavioral flexibility, and social performance (Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding, et al., 2000;
Northouse, 2007). Knowledge, the third competency suggested by this model, is defined as both
accumulating information and also effectively structuring that information to facilitate effective
problem solving and performance. To solve complex, ill-defined problems leaders must be able
to quickly use information about the tasks at hand, the organization, and the people they work
with (Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding, et al., 2000).
Some of the criticisms of Mumford et al.’s (2000) model are that it has low predictive
value, and that it is not a pure skills approach to leadership because it includes traits.
Additionally, some have criticized this model as it was constructed based solely upon
observations of military personnel, and as such may have limited generalizability (Northouse,
More recently Mumford, Campion, & Morgeson (2007) identified a stratified approach to
identifying leadership skills, which holds the assumption that part of the context of effective
leadership is one’s level within the organization and therefore that leaders will need to emphasize
different sets of skills as they rise through an organization’s hierarchy. Their strataplex model
(Mumford et al., 2007) further elaborates on earlier typologies by examining leadership in terms
of cognitive, interpersonal, business and strategic skills. In their model, “cognitive skills” refer to
thinking, conceptual, and communication skills such as gathering and processing information,
speaking and listening skills, and adaptability to new environments, information, technologies,
etc. The category of “interpersonal skills” is centered on interacting with and influencing people
through social awareness and interpersonal understanding. The category of “business skills” is
related to specific functional skills for an individual’s position, and includes the management of
personnel, material, and financial resources in order to successfully accomplish critical business
goals. Finally, the category of “strategic skills” is described as high level conceptual skills
focused on managing complexity, ambiguity, and change within the organization. Strategic skills

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are inherently based upon a systems perspective (Zaccaro, 2001), and involve understanding
what is required to move the organization through a complex and dynamic environment towards
specific goals (Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding, Jacobs, & Fleishman, 2000).
In addition to this four-part determination of leadership skill, Mumford et. al. (2007) also
built upon previous work (Jacques, 1978; Mumford, Marks, Connelly, Zaccaro & Reiter-Roni,
2000; Schriesheim, Hunt, Hosking & Stewart, 1984; Zaccaro, 2001) establishing that the skill
requirements of leadership interact with level. For example, at junior levels leaders need much
higher levels of cognitive skills than strategic skills in order to be effective, whereas at the senior
levels the need for strategic and cognitive skills was nearly equal (Mumford et al., 2007).

Leadership in an academic setting

There is a scarcity of research on leadership in higher education. Most leadership

research has been conducted in business organizations with a secondary emphasis on the military
and on government agencies (Vroom, 1984). This is perhaps partially because university leaders
have not been as receptive to studies about what they do (Vroom, 1984) and partially because
there are many more non-educational organizations in which to study leadership. Many of the
studies that have been conducted on leadership in an educational setting have focused either on
classroom teachers as leaders of their students, or have focused on primary school principals as
leaders within their school. Relatively few studies have looked at the leaders of institutions of
higher education.
Academic leadership is traditionally conceptualized in one of two ways. Some
researchers define academic leadership as a series of tasks and functions performed by
individuals, such as vice chancellors, deans, and department chairs, within universities (Gmelch
& Miskin, 1993; Hecht, Higgerson, Gmelch, & Tucker, 1999; Leaming, 1998). Alternatively, the
term “academic leadership” is used to describe the characteristics or qualities of particular
individuals who are recognized by others as being academic leaders (e.g., Fisher & Koch, 1996;
Ramsden, 1998). Consequently, leadership in the academic setting is routinely described as
either the function of a particular office, completely independent of the individual holding that
office, or it is described as an individual trait and not something that can be emulated, learned, or
Leaders in academic institutions may have a particularly unique set of skills required for
effectiveness, as opposed to those in business, military, or government settings. This is partly due
to the fact that colleges and universities have unique purposes in society, and any definition of
academic leadership should also be deeply concerned with what Duignan and Macpherson
(1993) term "value-based leadership [which] ... should be primarily concerned with the
generation of knowledge and the promotion of effective teaching and learning” ( p. 10). As such,
this type of values-based leadership is focused on goals which may be less tangible than the
goals of the more traditionally studied business organization.
Additionally, there is some conflict within the academic community itself about the goals
and behaviors on which academic leaders should focus. Murry and Stauffacher (2001) surveyed
faculty and administrators from different disciplines within the physical sciences, social sciences,

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arts, and humanities, and their findings demonstrated that depending on the discipline, different
skills and behaviors are deemed important for department chairs. Faculty within the physical and
social sciences, for example, tended to believe that effective department chairs needed to focus
on promoting research and scholarly activity in the department. Whereas faculty in the arts and
humanities wanted their department chairs to foster open communication, respect, and mutual
trust among faculty and staff (Murry & Stauffacher, 2001). Interestingly enough, neither of these
groups associated administrative tasks (e.g., preparing budgets, scheduling teaching assignments,
handling faculty evaluations, managing office personnel, etc.) with effective academic
leadership. This finding is supportive of the now widely accepted general notion that leadership
skills will vary by context, even as slight-seeming a change in context as moving from one
academic department to another.
In contrast to these perceptions of what behaviors academic leaders should be focused
upon, a 1999 study by Wolverton, Gmelch, Wolverton & Sarros found that academic leaders are
required to balance a multitude of diverse tasks, including: 1) resource management (preparing
budgets and schedules, managing non-academic staff, etc.), 2) faculty leadership (encouraging
research and professional development, maintaining a positive work environment), 3) personal
scholarship (continuing one’s own publication stream), 4) resource development (training and
supervision of graduate students and junior faculty), and 5) faculty development (including
recruiting faculty, measuring and monitoring faculty performance, etc.) (Wolverton, et al., 1999).
This suggests that the lived experience of academic leaders is quite complex and demanding.
This is bolstered by Bowman’s (2002) comment that academic leaders require “a diverse set of
leadership capabilities: well-honored communication skills [such as listening deeply to
colleagues and students with empathy and curiosity], problem-solving skills, conflict-resolution
skills, cultural-management skills, coaching skills, and transition-management skills” (p. 161).
Bryman (2007) further elaborated on this “diverse set of leadership capabilities” required
by leaders within academic institutions through a comprehensive meta-analysis of the academic
leadership literature. This meta-analysis revealed 13 different forms of leadership behavior
associated with academic unit effectiveness, ranging from strategic skills such as creating a
vision, making reputation-enhancing appointments, and advancing the unit’s academic standing,
to interpersonal skills such as consideration, trust, and treating staff fairly.
Additionally, academic leadership is complicated by the structure and nature of academic
institutions. Individuals often rise to leadership positions within academic institutions without the
advantage of leadership training, and often without a clear understanding of the new demands of
the role compared to their previous role (Gmelch & Seedorf, 1989). These leaders are often
asked to lead both their peers and their seniors within the institution. Additionally, academic
leaders are often unable to exercise the traditional transactional (“carrot and stick”) approaches
to influencing others, as academic reward systems follow their own circuitous processes and the
tenure system greatly reduces the ability of academic leaders to use coercive power.
Consequently, this study describes an effort to better understand the required skills that
lead to effective leadership in management higher education from the perspective of hospitality
management faculty and administrators.

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Population and Sample

This study is a part of a larger study that examined leadership in hospitality management
education and was interested in a purposive sample (Kalargyrou & Woods, 2011; Kalargyrou
and Woods, 2012). Therefore, intentional sampling of a specific group of individuals was used in
order to best inform the researchers about the research problem under examination (Creswell,
2007). In this study, the sample consisted of both administrators and faculty of hospitality
management education programs, since they are the stakeholders and evaluators of leadership
effectiveness (Gay, Mills, & Airasian, 2006). The researchers were interested in identifying the
required skills in academic leadership positions.
Purposive criterion maximum variation sampling was used where even a small sample of
great diversity yields significant findings (Merriam, 1998). The selected cases were based on two
criteria, the position of the participants, i.e., active faculty and administrators in hospitality
management higher education, and the place of their employment, i.e., working for higher
educational institutions located in the United States (Merriam, 1998; Miles & Huberman, 1994).
In an effort to select representative cases that showed different perspectives of the problem and
captured the diversity of educators, the initial sample consisted of all 236 individuals registered
as educators in baccalaureate and/or graduate degree programs within the International Council
on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (I-CHRIE).
After the data from the email questionnaire were analyzed, the researchers conducted a
focus group to validate the findings. The population of the focus group included participants
from the initial study because of their familiarity with the study and its purpose.


A pilot study was conducted with eight experts—four faculty and four administrators—
from a four-year hotel administration baccalaureate program in a university located in a major
metropolitan area. The final questionnaire included structured demographic questions, as well as
semi-structured, open-ended questions about required skills that leaders such as deans and
department chairs, in hospitality management education must have in order to be effective.

Data Analysis

Email questionnaire

The decision was made to distribute the initial survey using email rather than a more
anonymous method, for example Survey Monkey or some other survey tool. This decision was
reached for two reasons. First is that the usual reason for adopting an anonymous survey
technique is the assumption that anonymity will lead to increased honesty or authenticity on the
part of the respondent. In this case, while respondents were identifiable to the primary
researcher, the content of the survey itself (beliefs regarding what leads to leadership

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effectiveness in an academic setting) and the fact that the primary researcher did not have a
relationship with respondents (other than the brief email exchange introducing the survey) led us
to believe that respondents would not engage in self-censorship in their responses to the survey.
The second and perhaps more important reason for administering the survey via email as
opposed to a more traditional survey tool is that in this study, the open ended survey simply
served as the initial round of data collection, and consequently was a background to the focus
group interviews which followed. Consequently, it was of critical importance that the primary
researcher had the ability to go back to the survey respondents in order to ask for clarification of
their initial responses and to minimize the likelihood of misunderstanding the content of the
questionnaire. This would not have been possible if using a more anonymous method of
distributing the initial survey.
The examination of the email responses included the analysis of the demographic profile
of the participants and a multiple case study that incorporated the within-case analysis (analysis
on the individual level), and the cross-case analysis (analysis comparing the two main groups,
faculty and administrators). The within-case study involved the analysis of data within the case,
providing a description of each case and themes within it (Creswell, 2007). It was imperative to
understand the differences of opinions between those two groups in order to evaluate their points
of antithesis and agreement.
ATLAS.ti, a qualitative analysis software package, was used to assist the researchers with
coding and comparison of segments of information, and the organization of codes hierarchically,
so that smaller codes/categories were placed under larger units, such as themes. Both quantitative
and qualitative content analyses were performed. Qualitative content analysis, analyzed text with
text (e.g., themes/codes) and quantitative reported the frequencies with which a given concept
appeared in the text, suggesting the magnitude of a specific concept (Berg, 2001).

Taxonomy Development

The study applied a combination of a priori and emergent coding. The a priori codes were
based on the taxonomy of the leadership skills strataplex (Mumford, Campion, & Morgeson,
2007). Emergent codes that appeared during the analysis of data were also employed in an
attempt to not limit the analysis to pre-figured codes (Creswell, 2007).
This approach was abductive—a combination of deductive and inductive analysis.
Specifically, the abductive research started deductively with an existing categorical scheme: the
leadership skills strataplex. Since the data did not entirely fit these categories the researchers
developed categories inductively, such as personal values and general/leadership skills, which
were grounded in the data, in an attempt to best fit the data (Berg, 2001). The objective was the
development of existing theory, rather than its confirmation (Dubois & Gadde, 2002).
According to the leadership skills strataplex taxonomy, the first category, cognitive
skills, referred to skills relating to basic thinking, conceptual, and communication capabilities
such as collecting, processing, or disseminating information. These included both oral and
written communication skills (e.g., speaking, active listening, and writing comprehension), as
well as other cognitive skills such as the ability to learn and adapt (Mumford et al., 2007).

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The next category, interpersonal and social skills, related to influencing and interacting
with others. This category focused on social perceptiveness, which is awareness of others’
reactions and understanding of the reasons they react the way they do. Interpersonal skills were
used interchangeably with social skills, people skills, and human skills (Mumford et al., 2007).
The third category, business skills, were skills related to particular functional areas that
create the context in which mainly leaders work. Business skills included: (1) management of
personnel resources where leaders identify, motivate, promote, and develop individuals in their
work; (2) management of material resources where leaders manage equipment, facilities and
materials needed to do certain work (e.g., technology), and develop the promotion and sales of
the educational product of their institutions; (3) management of financial resources, where
leaders determine how money will be spent to get the work done, such as budgeting, accounting,
and fundraising (Mumford et al., 2007).
Strategic skills, the fourth skill category from Mumford and colleagues (2007) are highly
conceptual skills needed by leaders to deal with change, to understand the complexity of their
organization and environment, and to influence their business. They include financial planning,
visioning, and systems perceptions that determine when essential changes in the system occurred
or were likely to occur (Mumford et al., 2007).
During the analysis of data a fifth category, personal values, was added to the four
categories described in the leadership skills strataplex model (Mumford et al., 2007). Values
have been defined as abstract beliefs about behaviors or end-states of existence that transcend
specific situations and guide the selection or evaluation of behavior and events (Schwartz &
Bilsky, 1987, p. 551). Rokeach (1973) argued that values can be learned, and once they are
learned they are hierarchically ordered into a system based on the individual’s perceived
importance. For example, several studies support the notion that individuals can be educated to
be ethical and moral (Maldonado, Lacey, Candace, & Thompson, 2007).
According to Bass (1990), personal values can include ethical conduct, achievement
orientation, desire to excel, competitiveness, objectivity, independence, acceptance of
responsibility, tough mindedness, persistence against obstacles, initiative, determination,
confidence, inner-direction, preference for risk, and responsibility in the pursuit of objectives.
Several of these concepts were discussed by the participants.


Demographics of Email Questionnaire

Tables 1 and 2 provide details of the participants’ demographic breakdown and

experience levels. Of particular note are that 68% of study participants had at least some
experience with leadership positions within academia, and a full 90% of participants had
experienced a leadership position within the hospitality industry (outside of academia). Thus, the
participants have direct knowledge of what makes effective leaders both through their own lived
experience, as well as through their observations of others.

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Table 1: Summary Profile of Sample Frame: Aggregate Personal Information (N=50)

Demographics N %
Gender Male 31 62
Female 19 38
Age 26-35 2 4
36-45 19 38
46-55 13 26
56-65 14 28
>66 2 4
Ethnicity White 40 80
Asian Am./Pacif.Isl. 6 12
African American 1 2
Other 3 6
Position Lecturer 1 2
Assist. Professor 11 22
Associate Professor 12 24
Professor 5 10
Assist. Prof/Assoc. Director 1 2
Instructor/Director 1 2
Senior Lecturer/Director 1 2
Assist. Prof/Director 5 8
Assoc. Prof/Director 2 4
Professor/Director 1 2
Assist. Prof/Chair 1 2
Associate Prof/Chair 3 6
Professor/Chair 3 6
Teaching Experience <5 years 6 12
6-11 10 20
12-17 18 36
18-23 8 16
>24 8 16
Leadership experience in academia <5 years 18 36
6-11 11 22
12-17 2 4
18-23 2 4
>24 1 2
N/A 16 32
Leadership experience outside academia <5 years 11 22
6-11 16 32
12-17 8 16
18-23 6 12
>24 4 8
N/A 5 10

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Table 2: Summary Profile of Sample Frame: Administrators Personal Information (N=21)/Faculty Personal
Information (N=29)
Demographics Adminsitrators Faculty
N % N %
Gender Male 10 48 21 72
Female 11 52 8 28
Age 26-35 1 5 1 3
36-45 7 32 12 41
46-55 6 29 7 24
56-65 6 29 8 28
>66 1 5 1 4
Ethnicity White 18 85 22 76
Asian Am./Pacif.Isl. 2 10 4 14
African American N/A N/A 1 3
Other 1 5 2 7
Leadership experience outside academia <5 years 5 24 N/A N/A
6-11 7 33 N/A N/A
12-17 3 14 N/A N/A
18-23 3 14 N/A N/A
>24 2 10 N/A N/A
N/A 1 5 N/A N/A

Aggregate Opinions of Faculty and Administrators

Business Skills

Business skills were ranked first according to frequency among the five main categories
(see Table 3). They were analyzed in four sub-categories: personnel management skills, general
management skills, financial management skills, and material management skills.

Table 3: First Level of Analysis: Aggregate Ranked Frequencies of Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills N
Business Skills 134
Cognitive Skills 74
Interpersonal Skills 71
Personal Values 59
Strategic Skills 41
Uncategorized 12
Total Count of Quotations 391

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Table 4: Second Level of Analysis: Aggregate Ranked Frequencies of Top 10 Leadership Skills
Leadership Skills N
Business Skills: Management of Personnel Resources 62
Business Skills: General Management Skills 43
Cognitive Skills: Ability to Learn & Adapt 41
Interpersonal Skills: AV: Public Relations 36
Strategic Skills: Planning 31
Cognitive Skills: Communication 29
Business Skills: Management of Financial Resources 20
Interpersonal Skills: NAV: Interpersonal Qualities 18
Interpersonal Skills: General 17
Business Skills: Management of Material Resources 9
Total Count of Quotations 306
Note. Personal Values don’t have a second level of analysis.

Personnel Management Skills.

Personnel management skills had the highest frequency among all leadership skills, with
62 quotations (see Table 4). According to study participants, effective leaders build teams by
“understanding and encouraging teams,” and by forming teams so that the strengths of some
team members compensate for the weaknesses of the others (6 counts). Effective leaders also
build consensus by using democratic procedures and embracing diversity (4 counts for each
category). Finally, participants noted as important skills: (1) creating an environment of trust,
especially “for those [faculty] who want to keep growing,” (2) empowering faculty by “giving
authority,” (3) setting and enforcing high standards, (4) recruiting skills, (5) resolving disputes,
and (6) conducting performance appraisals by “follow[ing] up regularly with individuals
performing activities.”
For leaders to effectively manage their faculty, they must “offer [their] faculty
professional development opportunities in the university and in the discipline,” and develop the
staff, students, and culture of their organization. Administrators should be motivators (5 counts).
A leader must be “a cheerleader,” and must have “the ability to motivate faculty members to
work as a team ....” Furthermore, leaders must be mentors and delegators (5 counts). Leadership
needs “to understand the educational, administrative, and financial management piece, and be
able to successfully delegate these duties to properly trained individuals.”

General Management Skills.

General management skills were second in ranking after personnel management skills (43
counts). Organizing was heavily emphasized among general management skills (11 counts). “A
leader should be an organized, competent administrator,” and “be able to prioritize and have
excellent time management skills.” Six participants highlighted negotiating skills for acquiring
resources and resolving conflicts.

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Participants noted transparency as being significant in managing people (4 counts).

“Transparency [is] a big issue now, everybody should know what is going on, e.g., financially,
how much money do we have as a school, where are they going? If there is transparency, even if
the faculty doesn’t agree with his [administrator] decision, they will respect it.”

Management of Financial Resources.

Financial acumen is increasingly seen as an important skill for leaders in an academic

setting. The management of financial resources included fundraising (8 counts), budgeting (7
counts), general management of financial resources (4 counts), and accounting (1 count).
Leaders should “generate support for their program primarily from funding and subsequently
from gifts,” and therefore be effective in forming relationships with funding sources such as the
government or industry. Finally, budgeting skills were imperative “to help leaders know how to
position their department, school, or whatever they are leading.”

Management of Material Resources.

The management of material resources included the promotion and sales of the
educational program/college to the industry, the public, and the administration (4 counts),
technology (3 counts), and other diverse material resources such as “visit[ing] classes, ask[ing]
for syllabi each semester, monitor[ing] the textbooks and peripheral materials being used,” and
“manag[ing] the curriculum” (2 counts).

Cognitive Skill.

According to frequency count, cognitive skills ranked second among the five main
categories (see Table 3). Cognitive skills include collecting, processing, and disseminating
information, learning, and critical thinking (Mumford et al., 2007). For the purpose of this
analysis the categories described below were oral and written communication (29 counts), the
ability to adapt (41 counts), and problem solving (4 counts).
Communication skills, such as written and verbal communication skills were the most
frequently reported necessary skills for effective leadership (29 counts). “Leaders in academia
most importantly must be strong communicators who are not afraid of controversy.”
The ability to adapt refers specifically to the ability to navigate the trends of higher
education (18 counts), the institutional environment (11 counts), and the hospitality industry (8
counts). At the level of higher education, an effective administrator should have knowledge and
understanding of the following: (1) trends in higher education; (2) a wide variety of hospitality
topic areas; (3) educational administration and financial management; (4) research and grant
writing; (5) faculty responsibilities; (6) changing pedagogies and technology; (7) academic
administration policies and practices; and (8) the specific needs of students and faculty.
Specifically, one participant stressed the importance of having a dean from the hospitality
discipline. In her college the previous dean came from the Business College and he was unable
to understand the needs of the faculty and students. The food and beverage department of the

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college was operating a restaurant and the dean was entirely focused on the return on investment
(ROI) of the restaurant, disregarding the fact that the main purpose of the restaurant’s operation
was the training and practical experience of students.
Administrators need to have “extensive teaching experience in hospitality management,
and practical working experience, e.g., in hotels/resorts, for providing guidance, encouragement,
and problem solutions to faculty in teaching, curricular planning and development, research and
grant seeking.” Administrators must “keep up with the fast changes of the environment, [be]
eager to understand and learn new things, e.g., foreign culture, language, [and] technology,” by
being “perennial students and always learning from others,” and by “being open minded with the
ability to compromise.”

Interpersonal Skills.

Interpersonal skills relate to interacting and influencing others. The prevalent sub-
category of interpersonal skills was engaging in public relations with groups of people such as
the industry, faculty, staff, students, and the community (public relations, 36 counts), and the
second sub-category included personal characteristics of how a leader should conduct him- or
herself when interacting with others on a personal, one-on-one basis, i.e., leaders should be
caring, empathetic, forgiving, hospitable, patient, respectful, and trustworthy (interpersonal
qualities, 18 counts, see Table 4).
The distinction between interpersonal skills and business management of personnel
resources was that interpersonal skills included interacting with people in general (18 counts),
although management of personnel, as the definition dictates, was limited to interacting with the
personnel, such as faculty and staff.
Primarily, effective administrators must be able to engage in public relations with the
industry (12 counts), with the students and faculty/staff (6 counts for each group), and finally
with the community (5 counts) and other administrators (4 counts). The most important ability
for a leader was to develop strong support from the industry for the achievement of the school’s
mission. Personal contacts in industry as well as strong and active relationships with alumni were
specifically mentioned as being critical for leadership success.
Other interpersonal skills referred to personal characteristics of how a leader should
interact with others. Patience had the highest frequency among those characteristics (4 counts).
One faculty-participant noted that administrators must be patient when dealing with higher
administration and faculty.
Leaders should be empathetic and have an understanding of the needs and wants of
faculty, students, and students’ parents. Administrators should recognize that even amid different
departments the needs of faculty and students are different because of the different focuses. For
example, the food and beverage department needs more instructors that teach in laboratories
versus the marketing department that teaches mainly theory in classrooms.
Leadership should also demonstrate concern to the faculty, staff, and students. Leaders
should be compassionate, caring, forgiving, and hospitable (for frequencies see Table 5).
Administrators must be respected and respectful, meaning that they should cultivate a mutual
respect between themselves and the people they lead.

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Personal Values.

Ethics were considered the most important attributes to successful leadership from a
personal values perspective (18 counts). Leaders must have strong ethical standards and a sense
of fairness; they “must not play favorites.” Ethical leadership was also related to integrity,
honesty, and transparency. Transparency was also discussed at the general management skills
section. Therefore, administrators should manage their faculty and staff with transparency.
Fairness and objectivity were the second most frequent sub-category among personal
values (12 counts). A faculty member noted that administrators must “be consistent regarding the
level of rigor that [they] require from others, by imposing the same rigor upon themselves.” An
administrator-participant suggested that “the administrator needs to treat faculty not fairly but
equitably.” There is a thin line between equity and fairness that leaders must walk.
Administrators must be committed to excellence and “must set high standards and
enforce those high standards” to their faculty, staff, and students. Rewarding excellence can be a
good motivation for achieving it. Additionally, leadership must embrace risk and be daring when
making decisions and planning for the future, while “dream[ing] big dreams and seeking any
Effective administrators must value success and before they assume administrative
positions they should demonstrate a successful academic career. Other important personal values
were humor, humility, persistence, and “boldness; [that] means [for administrators] to stand their
ground, and not change with the wind.”

Strategic Skills.

Strategic skills are highly conceptual skills and in this study they rated fifth among the
main leadership skills categories (see Table 3). Administrators should have “an understanding of
strategy development and execution.” The most important strategic skill according to study
participants was the strategic planning of the vision (18 counts).
Leaders must “create and follow a vision” with the intent to “provide direction to the
educational program/college.” They must “see things others can’t see” and must be able to
picture the future. An administrator noted “I like to picture what is important to me, how things
look, or the curriculum. I visualize the curriculum in my head; I visualize what graduation is
going to look like in my head ….”
Another participant (an administrator) described that leaders “MUST have a vision,
communicate that vision as a missionary, sleep NOT until [they] achieve it, and be flexible
through the process.” When leaders define the vision/mission of the unit they lead, e.g., college
department, this vision/mission must fit into the broader institutional vision. Furthermore,
administrators should be able to properly place the strengths and weaknesses of the team within
the vision; they must know how to use the strengths of some team members and compensate for
the weaknesses of others.
Strategic skills included recognizing opportunities and the appropriate strategies to deal
with them (Mumford, et al., 2007). Thus, leaders must be able to bring and manage change (5
counts). Therefore, they should be “change agents” that can “keep up with the fast changes of the

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environment, [be] eager to understand and learn new things.” They must promote the free
exchange of ideas and “stimulate creative ideas by challenging the status quo.”

Table 5: Final Level of Analysis: Aggregate Ranked Frequencies of Leadership Skills

Ranking Leadership Skills N
1st Communication 29
2nd Ability to Learn & Adapt in Higher Education 18
Ethics 18
Planning of Vision 18
3rd General Interpersonal Skills 17
4th Strategic Planning 12
Fairness 12
Engage in Public Relations with the Industry 12
Leading 12
5th Organizing 11
General Ability to Learn and Adapt 11
6th General Management 10
Personnel Development 10
7th Fundraising 8
Ability to Learn & Adapt with the Industry 8
8th Time Management 7
Budgeting 7
9th Negotiating 6
Build Teams 6
Engage in Public Relations with Students 6
Creativity 6
Engage in Public Relations with Faculty & Staff 6
10th Bring & Manage Strategic Change 5
General Strategic Skills 5
Delegator 5
Mentor 5
Motivator 5
Engage in Public Relations with Community 5
11th Supporter 4
Team Player 4
Directing 4
Transparency 4
General Management of Financial Resources 4
Marketing & Sales 4
Build Consensus 4
Embrace Diversity 4
Patient 4
Passion 4
Responsibility 4

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Table 5: Final Level of Analysis: Aggregate Ranked Frequencies of Leadership Skills

Ranking Leadership Skills N
Politics 4
Problem Solving 4
Engage in Public Relations with Other Administrators 4

Similarities and Differences between Faculty and Administrators

Faculty represented 58% of the sample and administrators 42%, which approximated an
equal representation of both populations, thus enabling comparisons between faculty’s and
administrators’ opinions. The ranking below was based on the frequency count of faculty’s and
administrators’ quotations.

First Level of Analysis

With some exceptions, there was a general difference of opinions between faculty and
administrators in ranking the leadership skills that were deemed important to leading effectively.
Primarily, faculty and administrators agreed that business skills are an essential requisite for
effective leadership in a higher education institution. Business skills include organizing,
negotiating, and managing personnel, financial, and material resources. Both faculty and
administrators put business skills in the highest ranking of leadership skills (see Table 6).
Faculty ranked cognitive skills second (21% of quotations), including communication
skills, the ability to adapt to change, and problem solving. In contrast, administrators ranked
interpersonal skills in second place (21% of quotations). Interpersonal skills emphasize
interacting and influencing others, and mainly include engaging with the industry, faculty, and
staff, students, and other administrators.
Faculty ranked personal values in the third position. These include ethics, fairness,
creativity, responsibility, risk taking, and passion (17% of quotations). Administrators ranked
cognitive skills in the third position (17% of quotations). In the fourth position faculty ranked
interpersonal skills (16% of quotations) and administrators ranked strategic skills (13% of
quotations). Finally, near the bottom of the taxonomy, administrators considered that personal
values (12% of quotations) such as ethics and fairness were important for leadership
effectiveness, while faculty placed strategic skills (8% of quotations) at a similar level of
importance. Both groups ranked general leading skills, the ability for administrators to guide
their team by example, last.

Second Level of Analysis

At the second level of analysis, Table 7 depicted the differences and similarities between
the opinion of faculty and administrators. For both groups, management of personnel, including
building teams by consensus, creating an environment of trust, and empowering faculty and staff,
was the most important leadership skill (17% of quotations).

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Table 6: Comparison of Leadership Skills between Faculty and Administrators

First Level of Analysis
Ranking Faculty Administrators
1st (highest frequency) Business Business
2nd Cognitive Interpersonal
3rd Personal Values Cognitive
4 Interpersonal Strategic
5th Strategic Personal Values
6th (lowest frequency) General General
Note. The ranking is based on the frequency count of quotations.

Administrators ranked second engaging in public relations with the industry, the
personnel, the students, and the community (12% of quotations). In contrast, faculty rated fifth
engaging in public relations. Faculty ranked general management skills, including directing,
negotiating, organizing, time management skills, and transparency, as the second most important
group of skills (12% of quotations).

Table 7: Comparison of Leadership Skills between Faculty and Administrators

Second Level of Analysis
Ranking Faculty Administrators
1st(highest) Mgmt of Personnel Mgmt of Personnel
2nd General Management* Public Relations
3 Ability to Adapt General Management
Strategic Planning
4th Interpersonal Qualities** Ability to Adapt
5th Communication Communication
Public Relations
6th Strategic Planning Interpersonal Qualities
7th Mgmt of Financial Resources Mgmt of Material Resources
8th General Interpersonal Skills*** General Interpersonal Skills
Mgmt of Financial Resources
9th(lowest) Mgmt of Material Resources
Notes: The ranking is based on the frequency count of quotations.
* General Management refers to directing, negotiating, organizing, time management skills, and transparency.
**Interpersonal Qualities refer to how leaders conduct themselves in relations with other people, i.e., caring,
empathetic, forgiving, hospitable, patient, respectful, and trustworthy.
***General Interpersonal Skills refer to generic terms used by the participants such as “social
skills,” “interpersonal skills,” and “people skills.”

Faculty agreed that the ability to learn and adapt to the changes in higher education, and
the industry was the third most important skill in the ranking of leadership skills (11% of
quotations). Administrators ranked third general business skills, along with strategic planning
(10% of quotations). Faculty ranked strategic planning sixth, lower than administrators. Other
similarities between the two groups were that both administrators and faculty ranked fifth the
skill of oral and written communication (9% of quotations for both groups). Management of

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financial and material resources and general interpersonal skills ranked towards the bottom of
importance for both groups.

Final Level of Analysis

The last level of analysis gave detailed information about specific skills that were
significant to the success of higher education administrators. Both groups, faculty and
administrators, agreed that communication was the most important leadership skill (8% of
Ethics (such as integrity and honesty) and the ability to learn and adapt in higher
education (where administrators should know the operations and environment of their
department and/or school) ranked second among faculty members and third among
administrators. Administrators ranked the planning of vision second in importance, whereas
faculty ranked this sixth. Furthermore, administrators allocated more significance in public
relations with the industry (third ranking) and with the students (sixth ranking) than did faculty.
Fairness and strategic planning ranked the same for both groups (fifth ranking). Finally,
administrators valued the development and motivation of personnel more than faculty did (see
Table 8).

Table 8: Comparison of Leadership Skills between Faculty and Administrators –

Final Level of Analysis
Ranking Faculty Administrators
1st Communication Communication
2nd Ability to Adapt to Higher Ed Planning of Vision
3rd General Interpersonal Skills* Ethics
Leading skills Ability to Adapt to Higher Ed
Engage in PR with Industry
General Interpersonal Skills
4th General Management** Organizing
5th Fairness Fairness
Strategic Planning Strategic Planning
General Ability to Adapt Personnel Development
6th Planning of Vision Personnel Motivation
Fundraising General Ability to Adapt
Engage in PR with Students
Notes: * General Interpersonal Skills refer to generic terms used by the participants such as
“social skills,” “interpersonal skills,” and “people skills.”
** General Management refers to quotations that did not define specific skills, but used
generic terms such as “management skills” and “administrative skills.”

Six faculty members (21% of faculty participants) and only two administrators (10% of
administrators) noted fundraising as an important skill to leadership effectiveness. Faculty did

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not make any reference to the importance of technological skills and the management of teaching
material, and only a small number of administrators did.
Only three administrators (14%) noted that it was important to create an environment of
trust, but both groups equally agreed on the necessity of diversity, building consensus, and
empowering faculty and staff. Only faculty members emphasized the importance of recruiting
skills, dispute resolution, and empathy; administrators did not note these issues at all. On the
other hand, only administrators noted the concept of respect, both being respected and
demonstrating respect for others. Finally, faculty looked for humor, persistence, and risk taking
in their leaders, characteristics that administrators did not note.

Focus Group Results

Demographics of Focus Group

According to Table 9, the sample of the focus group was diverse in gender, age, and
position (57% faculty and 43% administrators). A plurality of participants were white (85%) just
like the sample of the e-mail survey. The administrators had more teaching experience, and
leadership experience inside and outside academia than faculty, probably because they were
older than faculty participants.

Communication Channels

Communication skills ranked first among both administrators and faculty in the e-mail
questionnaire. Participants in the focus group agreed with the findings and also discussed
effective ways of leaders communicating with their constituents. The participants discussed the
need to use multiple methods of communication, and to be sensitive to both the content and the
intended audience. They cited the challenges of adapting to technology and social media in order
to reach particular constituent groups, as well as the added impact of taking the time to deliver a
message personally and in a face-to-face setting, as opposed to using technology. Additionally,
they stressed the importance of listening, particularly active listening through which the
individual perceives both the factual content of the message as well as expressed emotional sub-

Equity and Fairness

The e-mail questionnaire findings included fairness and equal treatment of faculty as
important required skills for effective leadership. Many of the focus group participants noted that
there was a high potential for “fair” and “equal” to be very different, and that this would often
depend upon perception. For example they noted that an “equal” treatment of faculty might
include requiring all faculty to teach the same number of courses, even though some faculty may
engage in other critical work activities such as research, university/school/department level
service, and outreach to key constituent groups such as students, alumni, or industry. While
giving all faculty the same course load may be “equal” in this circumstance it would not be

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“fair.” Hence the distribution of duties and expectations should be “fair” but not necessarily

Table 9: Summary Profile of Focus Group Sample: Personal Information (N=7)

Demographics N %
Gender Male 3 43
Female 4 57
Age 26-35 - 0
36-45 2 29
46-55 2 29
56-65 2 29
>66 1 14
Ethnicity White 6 85
Asian American/Pacif.Island .- -
African American - -
Other 1 15
Position Assist. Professor 3 43
Professor 1 14
Professor/Chair 2 29
Assiociate Dean 1 14
Teaching Experience <5 years - -
6-11 2 29
12-17 1 14
18-23 2 29
>24 2 29
N/A - -
Leadership experience in academia <5 years 3 43
6-11 2 29
12-17 - -
18-23 - 14
>24 - -
N/A 1 14
Leadership experience outside academia <5 years 3 43
6-11 3 43
12-17 1 14
18-23 - -
>24 - -
N/A - -

It was also noted that fairness is not necessarily only about how the leader/administrator
views the situation, but more important is the ability to know the faculty’s interpretation of
fairness. For example, different faculty members value different activities; one may value or
prefer teaching, whereas another may be more invested in research, and so to give these two the
same expectations would not necessarily be seen as “fair” by the individual faculty.

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The members of the focus group noted that the results of the email questionnaire did not
evidence a high value placed upon fundraising (sixth among faculty and eighth among
administrators). They suggested that this is in part due to different terminology used to portray
the same skills. For example, some participants used the term “fundraising” and others
“engaging in public relations with the industry,” which was coded under the category
“interpersonal skills.” Members of the focus group who were serving as administrators noted that
this is a particular skill that is of critical importance in the recent educational and political
environment, stating that it was explicitly raised in their own hiring process and that it is an
essential skill to maintain a viable educational program.

Strategic Planning

The focus group participants deemed it important to elaborate on the concept of strategic
planning. According to them, strategic planning includes the long-term planning of the goals and
objectives of the educational unit, and the means, such as policies and tactics, that leadership
would use to achieve them. Depending on the internal and external environment of the
institution, the period of time of projected planning may vary from five to ten years.
In an educational setting, the most appropriate people to do the planning are not just the
administrators; everyone in the unit should participate, because they would all be involved in the
plan’s execution. Faculty needs to be involved in the formation of a feasible and achievable
strategic plan because they are the key team members that would support its implementation.


Overall, both faculty and administrators ranked business skills as the most important set
of leadership skills, followed by cognitive, interpersonal, and strategic. These findings were
different from the study conducted by Mumford, Campion, and Morgeson (2007) that concluded
that at the leadership level cognitive skills would be needed the most, followed by interpersonal,
business, and finally, strategic skills.
Business skills included general management skills, and management of personnel,
financial, and material resources. Management of personnel resources ranked as the most
important for faculty and administrators among business skills. Bryman (2007) found similar
results that included allowing personnel the opportunity to participate in key decisions, creating a
positive and collegial work atmosphere in the department, e.g., by creating a climate of trust and
mutual respect, and providing feedback on performance.
Administrators underlined more than faculty the need for leadership to have the necessary
skills to develop and motivate personnel. This is interesting, as it suggests faculty either feel that
this is not a required role for administrators, or that motivation of faculty is not needed. If the
latter, this begs the question of how one provides motivation and developmental opportunities for
someone who feels that they already have sufficient of motivation and professional development.
In this sense, academic leaders experience some of the same difficulties as their peers, as many

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leaders and managers struggle with the motivation and development of knowledge workers
(Amar, 2004; Tampoe, 1993).
Management of financial and material resources, including fundraising, budgeting,
accounting, technology, marketing, and sales and curriculum, ranked towards the bottom of
importance for both groups. Surprisingly, mostly faculty noted fundraising as an important
leadership skill. The explanation might be that some participants that noted good public relations
with the industry and the community as important skills did not explicitly refer to fundraising but
implied it as part of public relations. Technology as part of management of material resources
ranked low among participants, the assumption presumably being that since administrators do
not have to interact with students, they do not need to keep up with current technology.
Cognitive skills ranked second in aggregate frequency count and emphasized effective
communication and the ability to adapt to the changing environment of higher education. Faculty
and administrators unanimously ranked communication skills as the most important leadership
skills. This reinforces the research of multiple previous authors (e.g., Bowman, 2002; Bryman,
2007; Cichy, Cha, & Kim, 2004; Murry & Stauffacher, 2001) citing communication skills as
being among the important skills necessary in effective leadership.
Faculty participants emphasized more than administrators the necessity of having the
ability to learn and adapt in higher education. Administrators should have teaching experience,
research skills, and be able to understand research and grant writing (especially in research-
oriented institutions) in order to better comprehend faculty’s and students’ needs. Furthermore,
they need to have an understanding of the university’s system, such as policies and practices, and
be able to keep up with the changing pedagogies and trends in the hospitality discipline.
Interpersonal skills such as good public relations with internal and external constituents,
and interpersonal characteristics such as empathy, respect, hospitality, forgiveness,
trustworthiness, and caring, had the third aggregate frequency count after cognitive skills.
Bryman (2007) in his meta-analysis of peer-reviewed publications identified similar leadership
behaviors, such as being considerate, building relationships of trust, and being trustworthy, that
were associated with departmental effectiveness in the United States. Interpersonal skills were
more important for administrators than faculty respondents.
Future researchers could compare the administrators’ perceptions and their actual
behavior and see if their faculty is satisfied with their interpersonal skills. Specifically, the
findings of the study can be used in future quantitative research as an evaluation tool for
leadership skills of the administrators in hospitality management education. A questionnaire can
be produced, based on the skills that participants valued as important, that would assess the level
of faculty’s satisfaction with their administrators in hospitality management education.
Researchers may also test for significant differences based on gender and ethnic diversity of their
It is important to note that often administrators are faculty members that have assumed
administrative positions, and are used to working independently without having to develop
interpersonal skills. Therefore, academic development programs should heavily emphasize
training in interpersonal skills for future or current leaders. Future researchers might also study
the reasons that faculty undertake administrative positions in the hospitality management

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Administrators emphasized more than faculty the need to engage in good public relations
with the industry and students. Having an extended industry network would facilitate internships,
improve graduates’ employment placement, bring guest speakers and corporate training into the
college/school/department, assist with the formation of a valuable advising board, develop the
curriculum according to the needs of the industry, and provide financial support of the industry,
e.g., gifts and scholarships, resulting in the advancement of the program’s standing, profile, and
Administrators ranked personal values fifth and faculty ranked them third; ethics and
fairness were the prevalent personal values. That might suggest that faculty values the
importance of ethics and fairness higher than administrators do in leadership effectiveness. Some
might argue that personal values cannot be taught, yet practices showed that people can even
develop attributes that in the past were considered uniquely inborn characteristics; these practices
included business colleges offering MBA classes in ethics, and corporate training for the
development of ethical values and conduct. Therefore, academic development programs might
consider including in their curricula training in ethics and other personal values such as fairness,
creativity, and responsibility.
Bryman (2007) and Lucas (1994) also found in their studies that treating academic staff
fairly and equitably and displaying integrity and ethical behavior were skills and behaviors that
contributed to leadership effectiveness. Moreover, regarding personal values, faculty wanted
humor, persistence, and risk taking from their leaders, characteristics not mentioned by
administrators. Hence, administrators should find creative ways to be more fun, not give up
easily, and demonstrate more risk-taking when believing in the best interest of the people they


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Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, Volume 16, Number 4, 2012

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