What Is Politocal Islam FINAL

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What is Political Islam?

The term “political Islam” refers to movements and parties in the Muslim world that have the
following things in common:

• Their ultimate goal is to create a global Islamic cultural, political, and religious entity
known as Khalafa / Caliphate in which no other independent or sovereign state exists.
• The Khalafa should be governed and ruled by Islamic law; the Shari'ah (literally translated
“the path”).
• They believe that the Shari’ah, the moral and religious law, is the Master Plan given by
Allah (literally translated “the God”) to mankind. As such, it is the manifestation of Allah's
ultimate will, and therefore people should live their life only according to the
Shari'ah. Accordingly, the Shari'ah should be the only source of legislation and the
supreme governing authority, and should govern all areas of life – public and private.
• Any other political philosophy or political system (communism, democracy, socialism,
etc.) is unacceptable because it is man-made, therefore it is imperfect, unjust, and doomed
to fail. Furthermore, adopting these systems is in defiance of Allah's will.
• They completely reject political frameworks, ideologies, and values that are not Islamic.
• Though they reject democracy, it is legitimate in their view to use democratic elections and
democratic government systems, such as parliamentary, multi-party political systems, etc.
as a temporary and tactical tool to achieve their ultimate goal which is to create a global
• They are willing to participate in government as a temporary stage towards fulfilling their
ultimate goal - to create a global Khalafa.
• They oppose, and are in direct conflict, with Western values such as gender equity,
homosexuality, liberalism, pluralism and secularism. They are less tolerant of diversity,
freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, human rights,
individualism, liberty, open-mindedness, etc. because they view western values as an
imminent and existential threat to Islam.
• They create their support and cultivate their power base through creating economic,
educational, social, and welfare programs that benefit the broad public, especially people
on the lower end of the socio-economic scale.
• They create educational and religious programs and institutions to educate and embed the
values and ideology of political Islam in as many people as possible and they use these
frameworks as a platform to percolate and spread their ideology as far as possible.
• Absolute and uncompromising opposition to the existence of the State of Israel. The
animosity towards Israel is justified upon Islamist theology. According to the ideology of
political Islam Jews are not a nation. Judaism, as a religion was once a valid religion, but
the Jews betrayed the Divine Mission that they were given by Allah, - to spread Allah's
rule and justice upon the land – and therefore he punished them and dispersed them in the
world and sent Islam as the real religion to guide mankind. Therefore, in the eyes of
political Islam, the existence of Israel is not only unjustified because Jews are not a nation;
but the existence of Israel is a direct defiance of Allah's will.
The most prominent representative of political Islam is the Jamaat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin - the
Muslim Brotherhood, the biggest mass movement in the Muslim Sunni world. The Muslim
Brotherhood was founded in Egypt at the end of the 1920’s by Hassan al-Banna, an Egyptian
teacher and Iman (preacher) who was alarmed by what he perceived to be a western threat to Islam
and an attack on Islam’s codes, morality, and values - such as male-female social interaction,
movie theaters, music, western dress, women’s liberation, etc. He created the Muslim Brotherhood
as a revolutionary group to restore the Khalafa, through education, preaching, indoctrination and
proselytization of the masses - a term known as da'wa (literally translated "call" or "an invitation").

Another major group within Political Islam is the Salafi Movement. The word salaf means the past
of something, its origin, its roots, its primal source. The origins of Salafi thought are deep in the
sands of the Arabian Peninsula. Salfi thinkers and theologians believe that Islam will thrive and
flourish again once Islam adopts and applies the Islamic codes, law, norms and values as they were
in the time of the Prophet Muhammad and his first four successors, known as Al-Khulafa-ur-
Rashidun, The Rightly-Guided Caliphs. The term Khalifa / Caliph is part of a term Khalifat Rasul
Allah, “the Replacer of Allah’s messenger” – Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

We must also remember that the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis are marathon runners - the
Arabic term Sabr (patience) is one of their core values. This characteristic is manifested by another
core value of political Islam known as Tamkin. The term Tamkin means “to make possible.”
Meaning, focus today on creating the conditions and the laying of the foundations for a future—
undefined in time—in which it will be possible to actualize the vision of the global Khalafa based
on the full implementation of the Sharia’ah in all aspects of life. The realization of this goal justifies
temporarily political and ideological compromise and flexibility if it is necessary. In simple terms
– the end justifies the means. Tamkin is the central code that guides, and will continue to guide,
political Islam, the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood, and is also the core of the mainstream
Salafi thinking.

Avi Melamed
Middle East Strategic Intelligence Analyst -
A New Middle East Requires a New Understanding

Avi Melamed who serves as the Salisbury Fellow of Intelligence and Middle East Affairs for the Eisenhower
Institute with offices at Gettysburg College and in Washington, DC, is an expert on the Current Affairs in the Arab
and Muslim World Arab and their impact on Israel and the Middle East.

His expertise includes: The Arab Awakening and Regional Ramifications; Arab perspectives on Israel; Current
Affairs in the Arab World - and their Impact on Israel; Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in the Middle East;
Evolving Forces in the Region; the Gaza Strip; the Geostrategic Environment of the Middle East; the Israeli-
Palestinian Conflict; Jerusalem; Roots and Ideology of Radical Islam; Terrorism; the War in Syria; the West Bank;
and In Through the Chimney - A New Approach to Countering BDS.

Avi is a former Israeli Intelligence Official and Senior Official on Arab Affairs. In his decades of public service, Avi
- an Israeli Jew who is fluent in Arabic, English and Hebrew, with a unique understanding of Arab society and
culture - has held high-risk Government, Senior Advisory, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorist intelligence positions
in Arab cities and communities throughout the region – often in very sensitive times - on behalf of the Israeli
government agencies.

As an Author, Educator, Strategic Intelligence Analyst, Avi Melamed educates current and future leaders around
the world about Israel and the Middle East and trains them to be Media Literate Critical Thinkers who dialogue
with reality and don’t get sidetracked by concepts, narratives and theories.

He coauthored Separate and Unequal: Israel's Rule in East Jerusalem in 1999, and he wrote Ubrusi: The Novel in
2010. His newest book. Avi’s newest book, Inside the Middle East: Making Sense of the Most Dangerous and
Complicated Region on Earth, (also just released as an audio book) a GPS to help you navigate the dramatically
changing Middle East offers a unique insight into the Arab world, challenges widely-accepted perceptions,
provides a guide to make sense of the events unfolding in the region, and offers an out of the box idea that could
lead to a positive breakthrough in the Israeli- Palestinian conflict.

He is the Founder and Director of the Eisenhower Institute’s “Inside the Middle East – Intelligence Perspectives”
program designed to ensure that the next generation of policy makers and influencers will be knowledgeable
about Israel and the Middle East and will apply methods of critical thinking regarding Middle East Affairs.

Avi provides intelligence analysis, briefings and tours to diplomats, Israeli and foreign policy makers,
international media outlets and a wide variety of organizations and private clients on a range of Israel and Middle
East affairs.

In the private sector Avi facilitates relationships between Israeli and international firms and potential partners in
the Arab world.

He is also the founder and creator of Feenjan – Israel speaks Arabic, a non-profit initiative which presents
contemporary Israeli society and culture to the Arab world in Arabic, and serves as an online platform for Israelis
and Arabs to discover and discuss issues of common interest.

Avi has his finger on the pulse on the Arab world. With a proven record of foreseeing the evolution of events in
the Middle East and their impact on a local and regional level.

Through all of his efforts, as an analyst, educator, entrepreneur, and writer, Avi is a bridge builder. He dedicates
himself to enhancing the Arabic, English and Hebrew speaking audience’s comprehensive understanding of the
Middle East and of each other.

His website is www.avimelamed.com and he can be reached at [email protected].

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