Ladeveze 1990
Ladeveze 1990
Ladeveze 1990
The fIrst concept is damage. The idea is due to Kachanov and Rabomov [8], [19] :
the deterioration of a material can be described by its effects on the elastic characteristics.
The classical theory of isotropic damage, more particularly developed by Lemaitre and al.
[14] for metallic materials and in [9] [16] for concrete, is not sufficient to study
composite materials. There are not a single one but several damage mechanisms. The
mechanisms are high! y anisotropic and present a strong unilateral feature depending on
whether the micro-defects are closed or open. These different aspects are included in the
general approach we proposed in [10] : Applications to composites are given in [5] [6]
In addition to the damage theory, the homogenization plays a prominent part as a basic
tool. For example in the case of laminates, on the single-layer level it allows to transfer
information on the nature of the damage, obtained from a more local level. On the
stIucturallevel it allows to construct the laminate behavior, knowing the layer behavior.
Before deriving a damage modelling, it is essential to specify the chosen scale. For
composite materials, berween the macro and micro scales, there exists an intermediate and
Moreover, one has obviously to take into account the specificities of the studied material.
What is common, is the method with its experimental methodology and its general tools.
This approach is detailed for rwo different materials, the three-dimensional composites
modelling is given for 3D materials and a meso-modelling for laminate composites. The
last part deals with the numerical simulation of such a model, i.e. the computation of
adds a new internal variable in the thermodynamics sense to describe the damage state.
damage level. For anisotropic materials, and then for composites, we have developed
this idea in [10]. The main features of the theory are presented hereafter. Let us consider
a damaged material whose initial characteristics are denoted by '0' (No damage). The
effective volume which is studied, is submitted to a stress perturbation 0', in the space
direction rt which does not lead to additional anelastic strains. The strain perturbations
each other. In order to simplify what follows, we assume identical traction and
where ECrt) is Young's modulus in the rt direction and y(it) is a less classical
modulus, still in the rt direction. For an isotropic undamaged material, we have:
are independent and define entirely the Hooke's tensor of the material. It is to notice that
they are not arbitrary functions: E depends on fifteen scalar coefficients and yon six.
The d and Ii functions may be represented in the three-dimensional space by two surfaces
the origin as a center of symmetry; their interest is to allow the visualization of the
damage state of the material. The central problem is, of course, to describe the damage
state of the material with the minimum number of variables. If, for example, the damage
surfaces may be approximated by means of two spheres, one obtains, for the damage, a
two variables description which constitutes the real isotropic damage theory. More
generally, the d and Ii functions may be expanded in Fourier series. Thus, one obtains,
Let us consider a damage kinematics defined by the set of scalar damage variables:
d ; 0
The free energy P'I'is a function of :
P'I'(E e , d, 0, X)
where X denotes the hardening variables or any other. The conjugate quantities to dl, 0,
i.e the quantities which govern the damage evolution and then the rupture are :
Yd=·Pod (f,X: cst
Yo=-p (1) (f,X: cst
Where i:t denotes the chosen effective stress. For many cases, one has also:
Yd = ad (J: cst (ED : strain energy)
Yo= as
(J: cst
The micro-defects lead to sliding with friction and then to anelastic strains. A way to
idea which seems to work quite well is to build the modelling upon quantities which are
called "effective" :
- effective stress a
- effective anelastic strain rate Ip
which verify: Tr [(J £p] = Tr [a lp]
A particular choice is
a =KQK-l (J Ip = K·l Ko I (K: Hooke tensor)
Remark 1 : In order to measure the damages, it is strictly necessary to use loading and
Remark 2 : The micro-voids and micro-cracks may open or shut depending on the case.
Various possible modelling are given in [11] [12] [13]. The idea is to express this
electronic microscopic levels, and the structure macroscopic level, at least there exists an
intermediate level that we call the meso-level. For 2-D' s, each layer is schematized as
Homogenization techniques have become classical, that is why we shall not emphasize
- fibre-yarns
- matrix-blocks
- interfaces
remaining constant Moreover, one introduces only one scalar damage variable such that:
012 = (1 - d) G~2
023 = (1 - g) G~3
G31 = (1 - g) 0 3°1
This expression agrees with the experimental observations. It can be also derived by
oCit) =0 =
(X2 ~2jG
+ ~2 y2jG
+ y2 (X2jG
+ 1°Cit)
1 - dCit) (X2 ~2jGP2 + ~2 y2jG~3 + y2 (X2jG~1 + 1°Cit)
with :
The Young moduli are much larger than the shear moduli. So :
_--'-__ # (X2 ~2jG 12 + ~2 y2jG 23 + y2 (X2jG 31 1
I - d(rt) (X2 ~2jGI02 + ~2 y2jG~3 + y2 (X2jG~1 1 - d.
where Et is the shear energy. The quantity Y is similar to the energy release rate in
Fracture Mechanics; it governs the damage evolution and then the rupture. For 3D
h, g are functions depending on the material. Figure 4 presents experimental results for
three tests: compression test at 45° (plane 1-2), tension test at 45° (plane 1-2), torsion test
(axis 3).
M Po
One uses a plasticity model with isotropic hardening. The elasticity domain is :
( cr 121012
2I 0
+ cf 23
2/ 0
023 +
cf 2/ 0) 1{l
31 031 - R (p):S; 0
where p --t R (p) is the hardening function which is identified from a tension test at 45°
(orthotropic plane).
To be complete. one has to add rupture criteria in the fibers directions: - Ec:S; Eii :s; lOt
- an interface which is a surface entity connecting two adjacent layers and which
These entities being modelled and identified, the mechanical behavior reconstituting
of any laminate is then a relatively easy task. It is to be noticed that we limit ourselves to
single layers with only one reinforced direction. The single layer is also analyzed at a
smaller level, the level of its constituents: fibers, matrix, interfaces. Some more or less
homogenization process.
The transverse rigidity in compression being supposed equal to ~, one obtains the
1 a" 2 ° + .........°)a
__ (-'..L -(--'-*
a +
<-a 22>+
<a 22 >+
a l2
-0-2 EO EO EO 11 22 EO (1 _ d')E O (1 _ d)G O
I I 2 Z Z IZ
where d and d' are two scalar damage variables which are constant within the thickness.
Y -
a [EOJm 1 [a~zJm
- - ---,---""------:-
d - ad I a:cst - 2 G IOZ(! - d)2
Y -
a [EOJm 1 [< a Z2 >!Jm
- - --;,---==-'---;;-
d' - ad I a:cst - 2 E 10Z(1 - d,)2
Where [Jm denotes the mean value through the thickness. From experimental results
Models with delay effects are also used [13]. They differ from the previous one if the
To describe the anelastic phenomena due to damage one uses a plasticity model. Details
can be founded in [11] [12] [13]. The identification of the material parameters has been
done for severallarninates. Results for T300 - 914 and IM6 - 914 are given in [13] [6].
~ : Near the edges it is necessary to take out-plane stresses into account In order
to simplify Young's modulus E3 and the shear modulus G13 and G 23 are taken constant
and thus damage effects of out-plane stresses are assumed to affect interface behavior
For the interface which is a mechanical surface entity similar modelling is used [13] [1]
The rupture phenomenon happens after two phases. In a first step, the micro-voids and
micro-cracks growth is nearly uniform: it is the initiation stage. From the critical point
(or from a point just beside) the strain and also the damages become more and more
localized; a macro-crack appears and growths until becoming unstable. If the ftrSt stage
is well described thanks to this damage approach, the full simulation of the rupture leads
For laminate composites, and more generally for meso-modelling these difficulties
partially vanish. To avoid them completely, one can use delay damage modelling. For
This Damage mechanics Approach seems to be a powerful tool for the prediction of
Other further researches are of course necessary to solve completely the computational
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