Brosura Anticki Risan Web PDF
Brosura Anticki Risan Web PDF
Brosura Anticki Risan Web PDF
Novac 20 Coins 20
Teatar 20 Theatre 20
Kult 23 Cult 23
Ipresium 50 Impressium 50
Fotografije 51 Photography 51
Legenda 52 Legend 52
arheolog-savjetnik, autror teksta ANTIČKI
archaeologist advisor, author of the text
1 Pseudo-Skilaks, Periplus, cap. 24, pod imenom Rhizinium. 1 Pseudo- Scylax, Periplus, cap. 24, entitled “Rhizinium”.
2 Strabon, Geografija, VII, 5, 7. 2 Strabo, Geography, VII, 5, 7.
3 Polibije, Istorija, II, 16. 3 Polybius, The Histories II, 16.
Fotografija 1 – Risan
Photography 1 – Risan
4 J. A. Evans, Antiquarian researches in Illiricum, Westminster, 1883. g. 4 J.A.Evans, Antiquarian researches in Illiricum, Westminster, 1883.
5 H. Richly, Archaeologische Funde aus dem Bocce di Cattaro, Mitt. der. Centr. 5 H.Richly, Archaeologische Funde aus dem Bocce di Cattaro, Mitt.der.Centr.
Comm. fur Erforschung u. Erhaltung der Kunst und historischen Denkmale, N. F. XXIV, Comm.fur Erforschung u. Erhaltung der Kunst und historischen Denkmale, N.F.XXIV,
Wien, 1898. Wien,1898.
Poslije Drugog svjetskog rata, 1950. g., iskopavanja After World War II, in 1950, the excavations at “Carine”
na Carinama izvodili su učenici Umjetničke škole site were being carried out by the students of Herceg Novi
iz Herceg Novog. Tom prilikom su nađeni ostaci Art School. On that occasion the remains were found of
veće sakralne građevine ‒ hrama, veliki mermerni a larger sacral edifice – a temple, great marble blocks and
blokovi i djelovi arhitektonske plastike sa građevina, pieces of architectural decorations that once belonged to
sada izloženi na prostoru vile sa mozaicima. various edifices. These have been put on display in the
area of the villa with mosaics.
Godine 1968. ekipa Republičkog zavoda za zaštitu
spomenika kulture iz Cetinja vršila je iskopavanje In 1968, a team from the National Cultural Heritage
na sjevernom sektoru Carina. Tada su otkriveni Protection Institute from Cetinje did the excavations in
ostaci velikih neidentifikovanih građevina, ostaci the northern section of the “Carine” site. On that occasion
jednog bunara-izvora, fragmenti mermernih statua, the remains were discovered of large unidentified edifices,
kao i mnoštvo ulomaka keramike. the remains of a fresh water well, fragments of marble
statues, as well as a multitude of ceramic fragments.
Poslije katastrofalnog zemljotresa 1979. g., nakon
obnove nastradalog područja, našlo se mnogo After the disastrous earthquake in 1979 and the
indikativnog materijala pilikom zemljanih radova. reconstruction of the earthquake hit area, lots of indicative
Naročito su vrijedni nalazi sepulkralnog karaktera: material was found during the earthworks. Particularly
kupasti cipusi, rimske urne sa natpisima i bogatim valuable are the findings of sepulchral character: conical
prilozima u vidu staklenih flašica ‒ balzamarija i cippi, Roman urns with inscriptions and numerous
lakrimarija. Gotovo sve je zadržano u privatnom embalming fluid bottles and lacrymatories. All of these
vlasništvu. were mostly kept as private property.
Regionalni zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Regional Cultural Heritage Protection Institute from
iz Kotora vršio je zaštitna arheološka iskopavanja Kotor carried out protective archaeological excavations
na lokalitetu Carine u dvije kampanje: 1988. i at the “Carine” site in two campaigns: in 1988 and in
1989. godine.6 Lokacija je prilagođena zahtjevima 1989.6 The site is adjusted to the requirements for the
za izgradnju sportskih terena. Tom prilikom su construction of sport grounds. On that occasion the
otkriveni ostaci stambene arhitekture većeg objekta remains were uncovered of the residential architecture
sa izuzetnom koncentracijom keramičkih ulomaka belonging to a larger edifice with exceptional
raznih posuda, uglavnom južnoitalskog tipa concentration of ceramic fragments of various vessels
„Gnatija“ keramike. Pronađeni su ostaci velikih mostly of the South-Italic type of Gnathia ceramics.
kratera, pitosa, amfora sa poklopcima koji nose There are the remains of large craters, pithoi, amphorae
oznake proizvođača, zatim i malih posuda s tankim with lids bearing the manufacturers’ markings, as well
oslikanim zidovima, tanjira tipa „terra sigilata“, kao as small vessels with thin painted walls, plates of “terra
i veliki broj numizmatičkog materijala, uglavnom sigillata“ type, as well as a large number of numismatic
novca ilirskog kralja Balajosa. material, mostly of the Illyrian King Ballaios’s coins.
6 The works were managed by the archaeologist V. Kovačević and the results were
6 Radovima je rukovodila arheolog V. Kovačević; rezultati objavljeni: Rezultati published under the title “Rezultati istraživanja arheološkog lokaliteta Carine u Risnu” (Results
istraživanja arheološkog lokaliteta Carine u Risnu, Glasnik SDA 14, Beograd 1998. g. of the exploration of the archaeological site of ‘Carine’ in Risan), Glasnik SDA 14, Beograd 1998g.
U podnožju Gradine, gdje je bilo antičko pristanište, At the foot of the “Gradina”, where there had been an
uz samu rječicu Spilu krenulo je formiranje podgrađe ancient pier, along the Spila River itself, a settlement
koje je počelo da poprima izgled utvrđenog grada. started being formed resembling a fortified town.
Sljedeća etapa je prelazna i naziva se protourbana The next stage is transitory and it is called the proto-
faza. U tom razdoblju naselje je steklo neke osobine urban stage. During that stage the settlement acquired
naselja-centra i druge osnovne preduslove za certain elements – centre and other basic preconditions
izrastanje u pravu urbanu formaciju. Ovoj fazi for its development into a proper urban formation. This
bi u Risnu odgovarao helenistički izgled grada, stage gave Risan a Hellenistic appearance which was
koji je uslovljen direktno helenističkim uticajem. a direct consequence of the Hellenistic influence. The
Dispozicija Gradine postaje „akropolj“, na kome je, layout of the “Gradina” becomes “Acropolis”, where
according to some assumptions there could have been
prema nekim pretpostavkama, mogao biti i hram the temple dedicated to Medaurus, an Illyrian god.9
posvećen ilirskom božanstvu Medauru.9 Na ravnom Commercial part of the polis is developed on the flat
terenu uz morsku obalu i rječicu Spilu nastaje ground along the seashore and the Spila River, with all
trgovački dio polisa, sa svim karakterističnim its facilities. During the archaeological campaign in 2006
sadržajima. Tokom arheološke kampanje 2006. g. the Southern Town Gate was uncovered, which would be
otkrivena je i južna gradska kapija, u koju se ulazilo entered from the side of the river, as well as the inner face
s rječice, kao i unutrašnje lice bedema. Na ta gradska of the rampart. The Town would be accessed via a wide,
vrata ulazilo se kroz široku, kamenom popločanu stone-paved street passing through this gate. On the
ulicu. Sa zapadne strane odvajao se jedan krak western side, a side street branched off with the buildings
pobočne ulice, koja je s obje strane imala objekte positioned along both sides probably belonging to the
‒ vjerovatno dio trgovačkog kvarta grada, jer se commercial part of the Town, as it was in the vicinity of
nalazio u blizini mogućeg pristaništa brodova u the possible Spila River vessel mooring area. Numerous
koritu Spile. Brojni nalazi keramičkih poklopaca za ceramic amphora lids decorated in different symbols and
amfore, dekorisanih raznim simbolima i imenima names of wine and oil producers and merchants support
proizvođača i trgovaca vina i ulja, govore u prilog this assertion.
ovoj konstataciji. The third development stage is the period of a developed
Treća faza razvoja jeste period kad pred sobom town with all its functions: administrative-political,
već imamo grad razvijen u svim funkcijama: organizational, economic and social, which is all reflected
upravno-političkim, organizacijskim, ekonomskim in the new quality of the material realization and
organization of the settlement. This stage is called the
i socijalnim, što se sve odražava u novom kvalitetu urban stage10 and by its appearance it would correspond
materijalne realizacije i organizacije naselja. Ova to the period of the Roman rule and domination.
etapa se naziva urbana faza.10 Njoj bi pripadao izgled
Risna u vrijeme rimske vladavine i dominacije. The Town retains its inherited location, which is
expanded towards the sea in particular. In that part of
Grad zadržava svoju naslijeđenu lokaciju, koju the “Carine” site, during the excavations undertaken in
proširuje naročito prema moru. U tom dijelu 1968, the foundations were discovered of large buildings
lokaliteta Carine u iskopavanjima 1968. g.
9 A. Jovanović, Risan u antičkom periodu, Blago antičke Boke, Katalog sa izložbe
9 A. Jovanović, Risan u antičkom periodu, Blago antičke Boke, Katalog sa izložbe, (Risan in ancient times. Treasures of the Ancient Boka. Exhibition Catalogue), Tivat-Kotor 2007.
Tivat ‒Kotor 2007. g. 10 M. Suić, Antički grad na istočnom Jadranu (Ancient town in the East Adriatic
10 M. Suić, Antički grad na istočnom Jadranu, Golden Marketing, Zagreb 2003. g. area), Golden Marketing, Zagreb, 2003.
otkriveni su temelji velikih građevina, koje su that had belonged to the centre of the Roman town-
pripadale centru rimskog grada ‒ forumu. Jedna Forum. One of these buildings had a niche with the floor
od tih građevina imala je nišu popločanu podnim paved in mosaic. In its interior, a place was discovered
mozaikom. U njoj je pronađeno i mjesto nekog for a pedestal on which there had been a statue of one
postamenta na kom je bila statua jednog od rimskih of the Roman deities. In the excavation in front of this
božanstava. U iskopu ispred objekta otkriveni su building, big columns were discovered which had been
veliki stubovi, koji su nosili stilobat na ulazu u tu supporting the stylobate at the entrance to this edifice.
građevinu. Na tom sektoru lokaliteta pronađeni su In this section of the site the foundations of some large
i temelji nekih velikih građevina, što govori da se edifices were discovered, which tells us that the Roman
tu nalazio rimski centar grada, sa trgom i javnim centre of the Town had been located there with a square
and public buildings.
građevinama na njemu.
As regards public infrastructure, alongside the main
Od javne infrastrukture pronađeni su tragovi Town street the traces of the water supply system were
vodovoda uz glavnu gradsku ulicu. Moguće je discovered. It is likely that the entire Town had been
da se cijeli grad snabdijevao vodom sistemom supplied with water by the aqueduct system moving
akvadukta, sprovedenim prirodnim padom sa water through gravity from the Spila River source.
izvora Spile.
The Town had its commercial and artisan centre, possibly
Grad je imao i trgovački i zanatski centar, moguće even in several locations. Big concentration of ceramic
i na više lokacija. Velika koncentracija keramičkog material in different locations testifies to intensive
materijala na raznim lokacijama govori o intenzivnoj trading activities and distribution of products to the
trgovini i distribuciji proizvoda u zaleđe. Ovdje hinterland. Amphorae were being filled there most often
su se punile amfore, najčešće vinom i maslinovim with wine and olive oil. A large quantity of numismatic
uljem. Velika količina numizmatičkog materijala, material, King Balaios and Roman emperors’ coins in
naročito novca kralja Balajosa i rimskih imperatora, particular supports such assertion.
govori u prilog gorepomenutoj tezi. Larger residential edifices were discovered in the
U gradu su pronađeni i veći stambeni objekti, Town, too. They had had the usual scheme of a Roman
građeni po uobičajenoj šemi rimske gradske kuće: urban house, i.e. rooms concentrated around the inner
prostorije koncentrisane oko unutrašnjeg dvorišta. courtyard. These edifices had bathrooms installed in
Ti objekti su imali i kupatila ugrađena u odaje. the chambers, too. During the excavations, fragmented
Pri iskopavanjima su pronađene fragmentovane ceramic children’s bathtubs were found, as well as a
smaller pool for adults to bathe in.
keramičke kadice za kupanje djece, kao i jedan
manji bazen za kupanje odraslih. With the consolidation of power and the growing
prosperity, the settlement spreads outside the fortified
S učvršćivanjem vlasti i prosperitetom, naselje se širi town. Thus, the famous villa urbana with floor mosaics
van utvrđenog grada. Tako poznata „vila urbana“ belongs to the residential neighbourhood, inhabited by
sa podnim mozaicima pripada rezidencijalnom the wealthiest class.
kvartu, u kojem je živio najbogatiji sloj stanovništva.
Outside the town walls a necropolis was being formed
Izvan zidina grada formirala se i nekropola, koja je which undoubtedly inherited the ritual ground from the
svakako naslijedila kultno mjesto iz starijeg perioda. previous period.
U Risnu je već uočeno i hipotetično mjesto antičkog The hypothetical site of the ancient theatre has already
teatra, koji je lociran neposredno uz same gradske been noticed in Risan, adjacent to the Town walls. This
zidove. Riječ je o terasastom terenu sa polukružnim is a terraced terrain with the semi-circular upper part
gornjim dijelom, na kojem se nalaze sjedišta za with the seats for the spectators and the stage at the
gledaoce, i scenom u donjem dijelu. bottom section.
Ceramics of various types and provenance dominates
in the moveable archaeological material from Risan,
U pokretnom arheološkom materijalu iz Risna followed by coins, while glass artefacts are rare.
dominira keramika raznih tipova i provenijencije;
slijede nalazi novca, dok su nalazi stakla rijetki. There are two basic types of ceramic:
Razlikuju se dva osnovna tipa nalaza keramike: a. luxury imported ceramics
b. utilitarian ceramics, somewhat coarser, produced
a. Luksuzna uvezena keramika, locally.
b. Upotrebna keramika, nešto grublja,
lokalne proizvodnje.
The abundance of ceramic material made it possible for
Obilje keramičkog materijala omogućilo je da se iz numerous amphorae for wine and oil of Greek or South-
cjeline izdvoje najprije brojne amfore za vino i ulje, Italic provenance to be sorted out. The amphora lids bear
grčke ili južnoitalske provenijencije. Poklopci ovih the seals or names of their manufacturers or owners.
amfora nose žigove odnosno imena proizvođača ili This ceramic material testifies best to the long-lasting
vlasnika. Ovaj keramički materijal najbolje svjedoči and continuous trading activity. The timespan and dates
o dugoj i kontinuiranoj trgovini. Vremenski raspon range from the Hellenist times, from the 4th to the 1st
i datacija kreću se od helenističkog doba (od IV do I century BC, to the Early Imperial Era, from the 1st and
v. p. n. e.) do ranog carskog doba, te od I i II v. n. e. 2nd century AD, up to the period of the Late Empire.
do perioda kasnog carstva.
Luxury ceramics has its origin mostly from the
Luksuzna keramika potiče uglavnom iz radionica workshops in Southern Italy (Magna Graecia), namely
u Južnoj Italiji (Magna Graecia), i to uglavnom iz from the City of Gnathia after which it got its name.
grada Gnatija (Gnathia), po kojem je i dobila ime. These vessels have very thin walls and they were made
To su posude vrlo tankih zidova, pravljene od of well refined fired clay. The walls are painted in black
dobro pročišćene pečene gline. Zidovi su firnisani or red varnish, sometimes with plastic decorations
crnom ili crvenom bojom, ponekad s apliciranim applied. Their principal decorations are “cannelure”,
plastičnim ukrasima. Glavni njihovi ukrasi su mostly distributed below the rim and on the body
kanelure, koje su uglavnom raspoređene ispod friezes and metopes. There is a great quantity of these
oboda i na trbuhu, u frizovima i metopama. vessels: craters with two horizontal handles, then
Evidentna je raznovrsnost ovih posuda: krateri oinochoai, skyphos and pelikes, kantharoi and arrybalos.
sa dvije horizontalne drške, zatim kupe ili skifosi, Hese vessels are often painted in floral and vegetal motifs.
aribalosi, kantarosi, ojnohoi. Nerijetko su oslikani On larger vessels during the period of the Late Hellenism
floralnim i vegetabilnim motivima. Na većim mythological scenes were being presented, too. These
posudama u kasnom helenizmu prikazivane su were being quite popular in this period and frequently
i mitološke scene, često korišćene za pozorišne used for theatrical performances.
predstave, veoma popularne u ovom periodu.
Oil lamps fall among luxury artefacts. Besides their
Luksuznim nalazima pripadaju i uljane lampe, ili everyday use they also had sepulchral character and were
žišci, koje su, pored toga što su se svakodnevno very often found in tombs.
upotrebljavale, imale i sepulkralni karakter, pa su
često pronalažene u grobovima.
U Risnu su pronađeni djelovi najmanje dvije Parts of at least two terracotta figurines called Tanagra
figurine od terakote, nazvane statuete iz Tanagre. statuettes were found in Risan. They got their names
Ime su dobile po beotskom gradiću Tanagri, gdje after the Boeotian town of Tanagra, where quite a number
je izvjestan broj pronađen u nekropolama. Riječ je of these were found in the necropoli. These are charming
o ljupkim malim figurama koje su, osim mladih little figures which besides young girls, depicted also
djevojaka, prikazivale i starice i obične ljude u elderly women and common people in a realistic style.11
realističkom stilu.11 Risanski primjerak prikazuje The Risan example shows the head of a young girl and
glavu mlade djevojke i djelove draperije sa parts of drapes with a pitcher-hydria at her flank.
krčagom-hidrijom na boku.
The find of a ceramic mould with the image of a maenad in
Nalaz keramičkog kalupa s otiskom menade u ecstatic dance, speaks sufficiently how much mythology
zanosnom plesu rječito govori o tome koliko je had been present in Risan.12 The Risan mould is a proof
antički mit bio prisutan u Risnu.12 Nalaz kalupa of greater distribution and demand for this product,
iz Risna svjedoči da su tu izrađivani otisci, što je especially of the degree of culture of the population.
dokaz veće potražnje i distribucije ovog proizvoda,
a naročito stepena kulture stanovništva. The find of a gemma in Risan made of pâte de verre with
the presentation of Gigantomachy speaks in itself about
O antičkom mitu i poimanju mita u Risnu govori the Classical myth and the understanding of the same.
i nalaz jedne geme (gemma) od staklene paste sa The gemma shows a scene of the battle between a Giant
predstavom gigantomahije. Na gemi je prikazana and a God. The Giant has feetless legs, in the form of
scena borbe jednog od giganata sa bogom. Gigant snakes (angulopedia). The battle between the Giants and
ima noge bez stopala, u obliku zmija (angulopedia). the Gods was a favourite fine arts theme starting from
Borba giganata sa bogovima omiljena je tema u the 5th century BC.13
likovnoj umjetnosti počevši od V vijeka p. n. e.13
Fotografija 7 – Cipus
Photography 7 – Cipus
Following the example of Greek-Hellenistic cities, it
Risan je, po ugledu na grčke helenističke gradove, is possible that Risan too had its own theatre. Such a
mogao imati i pozorište. Takva hipotetička lokacija hypothetical location has already been noticed in the
već je uočena u neposrednoj blizini antičkog immediate vicinity of the ancient settlement, outside the
naselja, van zidina. Prirodni polukružni terasasti town walls. Natural semi-circular terraced terrain to
teren, istočno od ulaza u grad sa strane rječice Spile, the east of one entrance to the town towards the Spila
bio je idealno mjesto za postavljanje antičkog teatra. River was an ideal location for a theatre. The area was
Prostor je bio dovoljan da se na padini napravi sufficient for the auditorium to be constructed on the
gledalište za stanovnike grada, kao i scena na sloping ground for the inhabitants of the Town and for
najnižoj platformi. the stage to be mounted on the lowest platform. The
find of a comedy mask, made of finely refined whitish
Nalaz komične maskice od fino pročišćene zemlje earth, testifies to the role of theatre and performances
bjeličaste boje svjedoči o ulozi pozorišta i predstava with different contents, comedy being dominant in
raznovrsnih sadržaja, sa komedijom kao vodećom the everyday life of the population. The mask depicting
vrstom, u svakodnevnom životu stanovnika. Prikaz a young man with smiling face and joyful expression
maskice sa likom mladog nasmijanog muškarca conjures up comedy and joyfulness. Such masks were also
veselog pogleda, dočarava komiku i razigranost. being used in Greece as tickets for theatrical performances.
Ovakve maskice su u Grčkoj upotrebljavane i kao
ulaznice za pozorišne predstave.
O antičkom kultu u Risnu najbolje nam The Classical cult in Risan is best explained by
govore epigrafski nalazi, preko kojih se može the epigraphic finds through which it is possible to
rekonstruisati njegova suština i ikonografski reconstruct the essence of the Cult and iconographic
izraz. Dva votivna spomenika, sročena u stihove, expression. Two votive monuments, in the form of
a posvećena Medauru, pronađena u Lambezi ‒ verses, dedicated to Medaurus, found in Lambaesa, a big
velikom vojnom logoru u sjevernoj Africi ‒ daju military camp in the Northern Africa, give us written
nam pisani podatak o ovom ilirskom božanstvu. information about this Illyrian deity. The monuments
Spomenike datovane u period između 166. i 180. g. dated in the period between 166 and 180 AD were
n. e. zavičajnom božanstvu posvetio je vojni legat dedicated to the local deity by a military emissary and
i visoki dostojanstvenik (consul iam designatus) high dignitary (consul iam designatus) from Rhisinium,
iz Risinijuma, čije je ime Medaurus teomorfno, whose name was Medaurus, as a theomorphic, derived
izvedeno od imena boga Medaurusa. Početak prvog from the name of the God Medaurus. The beginning of
natpisa naglašava domicilni karakter božanstva i the first inscription emphasizes the domicile character of
njegovo pokroviteljstvo nad gradom: the deity and his patronage over the Town:
„Ti koji nastanjuješ eačke zidove Risinijuma, „Thee that dwell inside the Aeacian walls of
tvrđave u Dalmaciji, sveopšti Laru našega naroda, Rhisinium, a fortress in Dalmatia, Lar of all our people,
Ti koji si poštovan Kako u domovini i ovdje Thee, Medaurus that are revered Both in your homeland
Medaure.....“ and here...“14
Medaur je rodonačelnik, zajednički predak, ujedno Medaurus is the founder, joint ancestor and at the same
i genije tla oivičenog posvećenim bedemima, nad time the genie of the soil surrounded by the consecrated
kojim zaštitnički bdi. ramparts which were constantly under his watchful eye.
U drugom natpisu iz Lambeze dat je figurativno opis The second Lambaesa inscription gives a very figurative
božanstva, s pojedinostima koje živo predočavaju description of the deity with the particularities which
njegovu sliku: to je konjanik koji jednom rukom depict his image in a very vivid way: a horseman calming
primiruje propetog konja, a drugom, uzdignutom down his reared horse with his hand, the other raised
iznad glave, baca u daljinu smrt. above his head casting death into the distance.
Ilirski Medaur je zaštitnik grada Rizinijuma i čitave The Illyrian Medaurus, the protector of the
Dalmacije, kojem je u ilirskoj mitologiji pripisivana Town of Rhizinium, and of the entire Dalmatia, was
ista funkcija koju je u grčkoj mitologiji imao attributed the same function in the Illyrian mythology as
Asklepije, a u rimskoj Eskulap. the one Asclepius had in the Greek or Roman mythology.
Lokaciju Risna, kao sastavnog dijela Boke kotorske The location of Risan, as an integral part of Boka Kotorska
i jadranske obale, karakteriše bogato arheološko i Bay and the Adriatic coast, resulted in rich archaeological
kulturološko nasljeđe u svim epohama. and cultural heritage of all epochs.
Na primjeru ovog mjesta najbolje se mogu sagledati By the example of Risan one can best perceive the
prožimanja različitih miljea i kultura, kao i njihova permeation and communication among different milieus
komunikacija. and cultures.
U antičkom periodu ovaj grad je bio jedan od In the Classical period Risan was one of the important
važnih centara ilirske države, pa je samim tim bio centres of the Illyrian state and consequently subject
podložan uticajima koji su dolazili iz razvijenog to the influences coming from the developed Hellenistic
helenističkog svijeta. Bogati arheološki nalazi world. Rich archaeological finds of Greek and Hellenistic
grčke i helenističke provenijencije potvrđuju da je provenance are the proof of the acceptance of more
prihvaćeno sve što je bilo naprednije, ali isto tako advanced things, but they also lead to conclusion that all
da je ostalo dugo u upotrebi i pamćenju nešto što those things related to the cult and tradition remained in
govori o kultu i lokalnoj tradiciji. To se najviše use and were kept in memory for a long time, which tells
očitovalo u sepulkralnom kultu i odnosu prema us something about the Cult and local tradition. This was
precima. Primjer štovanja ilirskog božanstva mostly reflected in the sepulchral cult and in the relation
Medaura to jasno govori. towards the ancestors, with the obvious example of the
reverence of the Illyrian deity - Medaurus.
Sva istorijska i civilizacijska događanja, reflektovana
kroz arheologiju i istoriju Risna, ovom gradu All historical and civilization events, reflected through
otvaraju neslućene mogućnosti u turizmu. Zbog archaeology and history of Risan, open unthinkable
toga bi turistički razvoj grada trebalo koncipirati opportunities for the tourism development of this town.
vodeći se smjernicama valorizovanja arheoloških Tourism development of the Town should therefore
lokaliteta i prezentovanja arheološkog nasljeđa: be designed by introducing guidelines related to the
kroz otvaranje arheoloških parkova, muzeja, kao i exploitation of archaeological sites and presentation
ljetnjih škola arheologije. of the archaeological heritage through the opening of
archaeological parks, museums and summer schools of
Fotografija 10 – Risan
Photography 10 – Risan
Amfora sa postoljem -
početak IV v.p.n.e.
Amfora je bila ispunjena grčkim i italskim vinom, o
mjestu proizvodnje amfora i vina svjedoče pečati sa
imenima proizvođača utisnuti na drškama, vratu i
Lokacija: Risanski zaliv
Poklopci amfora –
period od II do I v.p.n.e;
Njihova vanjska površina je bila često ukrašavana
i na njima se nalazio monogram ili ime
Lokacija: Carine, Risan
Amphora lids –
period from II to I c. B.C.
Their external surface was frequently decorated and
they had a monogram and a producer’s name
Location: Carine, Risan
Keramički poklopac
amfore s ukrasima ‒
sunčevim diskom i točkom,
simbolom protoka vremena
Ekseri – sa namještaja
sa kraja III v.p.n.e.
Otkriveni su u jednoj od prostorija
u domu Aglaosa.
Lokacija: Carine, Risan
Okrugli teg –
period IV – II v.p.n.e.
Lokacija: Carine, Risan
Round Weight –
period of IV-II c. B.C.
Location: Carine, Risan
Bronzana fibula,
kopča za odjeću sa
zvjezdastim ukrasom na luku;
III v. p.n.e.
Bronze fibula,
garment clasp, with star-like
ornament on the bow,
3rd century BC.
Dio kopče –
period IV – II v. p.n.e.
Lokacija: Carine, Risan
Buckle fragment –
period of IV-II c. B.C.
Location: Carine, Risan
Čašica “Gnatija”
(Gnathia) tipa;
III v. p.n.e.
Bronzana igla,
ukras za kosu sa
predstavom delfina;
III v.p.n.e.
Bronze dolphin
pin hair decoration,
3rd century B.C.
Keramički pitos
Služio je za skladištenje celeralija
(žito, pšenica) u sklopu rimskih kuća.
Rimski period I-III v.n.e.
Ceramic ‘‘pythos’’
Serve for storing cereals (corn, wheat)
within Roman houses.
Roman period 1st to 3rd century A.D.
Izdavač / Publisher:
U sklopu projekta: „Rimski mozaici-nasleđe koje obavezuje“ / Within the project: “Risan-heritage that binds“
Štampa / Printing:
Gondor produkcija, Podgorica
Tiraž / Circulation:
1000 komada / copies
ISBN 978-9940-9732-3-0
COBISS.CG-ID 34845968 Kotor, februar/ february 2018
Fotografija 1 – Risan 6
Photography 1 – Risan
Fotografija 7 – Cipus 19
Photography 7 – Cipus
Fotografija 10 – Risan 25
Photography 10 – Risan
Fotografija 11 – Arheološko nalazište Carine - Risan
Photography 11 – Archeological site Carine - Risan