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Canonum De Ius Positivum ONE- HEAVEN.

Canons of Positive Law
Updated on 12-17-2010, Article 131; Updated on 1-10-2011 Article 71, 113, 114, 133, 176

I. Introductory Provisions

1.1 Introductory Provisions

Article 1-Canons of Positive Law

Article 2-Positive Law

1.2 Concepts

Article 3-Conscience
Article 4-Perception
Article 5-Uniqueness
Article 6-Dependency
Article 7-Meaning
Article 8-Knosis
Article 9-Belief
Article 10-Trust
Article 11-Reality
Article 12-Normality
Article 13-Morality
Article 14-Proof
Article 15-Truth

II. Form

2.1 Form

Article 16-Form
Article 17-Person
Article 18-Animal
Article 19-Notion
Article 20-Thing
Article 21-Word
Article 22-Document
Article 23-Land
Article 24-Sea
Article 25-Building
Article 26-Good
Article 27-Location
Article 28-Divine Person
Article 29-True Person
Article 30-Official Person

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Canons of Positive Law
Article 31-Inferior Person
Article 32-Supreme Juridic Person
Article 33-Universal Juridic Person
Article 34-Global Juridic Person
Article 35-Civil Juridic Person
Article 36-Mercantile Juridic Person
Article 37-Union Juridic Person
Article 38-Inferior Juridic Person
Article 39-Time
Article 40-Machine
Article 41-Register
Article 42-Record
Article 43-Value
Article 44-Asset
Article 45-Debt
Article 46-Account
Article 47-Income
Article 48-Liability
Article 49-Currency

2.2 Form Creation and Change

Article 50-Action
Article 51-Ritual
Article 52-Custom
Article 53-Adjudication
Article 54-Promulgation
Article 55-Registration
Article 56-Extraction
Article 57-Abstraction
Article 58-Transaction
Article 59-Conveyance

2.3 Form Abrogation and Corruption

Article 60-Abrogation
Article 61-Corruption
Article 62-Fraud
Article 63-Forgery
Article 64-Reprobate
Article 65-Suppression
Article 66-Malediction
Article 67-Nullify
Article 68-Voidance

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III. Rights
3.1 Rights

Article 69-Rights
Article 70-Claims
Article 71-Title
Article 72-Succession
Article 73-Occupation
Article 74-Possession
Article 75-Heir
Article 76-Use
Article 77-Owner
Article 78-Holder
Article 79-Realty
Article 80-Property
Article 81-Fealty
Article 82-Beneficiary
Article 83-Tenancy

3.2 Rights Administration

Article 84-Trust
Article 85-Divine Trust
Article 86-True Trust
Article 87-Superior Trust
Article 88-Inferior Trust
Article 89-Supreme Trust
Article 90-Universal Trust
Article 91-Global Trust
Article 92-Civil Trust
Article 93-Mercantile Trust
Article 94-Union Trust
Article 95-Clann Trust
Article 96-Official Trust
Article 97-Location Trust
Article 98-Temporary Trust

3.3 Rights Suspension and Corruption

Article 99-Estate
Article 100-Cestui Que Vie Trust
Article 101-Mortgage
Article 102-Bond
Article 103-Lien
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Article 104-Easement
Article 105-Estoppel
Article 106-Date
Article 107-Taxes
Article 108-Foreclosure

IV. Agreement
4.1 Principles of Agreement

Article 109-Agreement
Article 110-Offer
Article 111-Option
Article 112-Consideration
Article 113-Necessity
Article 114-Consent
Article 115-Obligations
Article 116-Performance
Article 117-Surety
Article 118-Seal
Article 119-Sign
Article 120-Witness
Article 121-Remedy
Article 122-Restitution
Article 123-Compensation
Article 124-Assignment
Article 125-Novation

4.2 Agreement Creation and Performance

Article 126-Oath
Article 127-Vow
Article 128-Covenant
Article 129-Charter
Article 130-Contract
Article 131-Deed
Article 132-Will
Article 133-Ecclesiastical Deed Poll
Article 134-Constitution
Article 135-Lease
Article 136-Negotiable Instrument

4.3 Agreement Dispute and Extinction

Article 137-Duress
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Article 138-Perfidy
Article 139-Default
Article 140-Alteration
Article 141-Deviation
Article 142-Mistake
Article 143-Frustration
Article 144-Impossibility
Article 145-Impracticability
Article 146-Unconscionability
Article 147-Misrepresentation
Article 148-Concealment
Article 149-Extinction

V. Law
5.1 Virtue of Law

Article 150-Respect
Article 151-Honesty
Article 152-Courage
Article 153-Compassion
Article 154-Impartiality
Article 155-Knowledge
Article 156-Wisdom

5.2 Principles of Law

Article 157-Justice
Article 158-Jurisdiction
Article 159-Public Law
Article 160-Private Law
Article 161-Freedom
Article 162-Slavery
Article 163-Imprisonment
Article 164-Equity
Article 165-Culpability
Article 166-Innocence
Article 167-Fact
Article 168-Evidence

5.3 Authority and Enforcement

Article 169-Authority
Article 170-Validity
Article 171-Power
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Article 172-Enforcement

5.4 Argument of Law

Article 173-Argument
Article 174-Reason
Article 175-Interpretation
Article 176-Competency
Article 177-Maxim
Article 178-Status
Article 179-Reference

5.5 Creation and Operation

Article 180-Decree
Article 181-Prescript
Article 182-Rescript
Article 183-Statute
Article 184-Ordinance
Article 185-Forum
Article 186-Court

5.6 Injury and Offence

Article 187-Injury
Article 188-Offence
Article 189-Punishment
Article 190-Absolution
Article 191-Penitence

Article 1-Canons of Positive Law

i. By Right, Power and Authority of Article 89 of Pactum De Singularis Caelum, also

known as the Covenant of One Heaven these pronouncements of law known
collectively as Canonum De Ius Positivum and also known as the Canons of Positive
Law are hereby promulgated in the original form of Ucadian Language; and

ii. The Canonum De Ius Positivum represents the primary, one and only true first
canon of Positive Law. Excluding the Covenant of One Heaven, all other laws, claims
and agreements claiming standards of Positive Law shall be secondary and inferior to
the Canonum De Ius Positivum ab initio (from the beginning); and

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Canons of Positive Law
iii. These Canons of Positive Law may be taken in official original document form and
spoken form to represent part of the one complete set of the twenty-two (22) Canons
of law known collectively as Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum, also known as Living
Body of Divine Canon Law and the highest of all Original Law; and

iv. When referring to these Canons of Positive Law collectively it may also be taken
both in printed form and spoken word that we mean this complete and accurate set
of laws as the highest of all Original Law; and

v. In accordance with these Canons of Positive Law, the Society of One Heaven also
known as the One Heaven Society of United Spirits, also known as the Holy See of
United Spirits, also known as The Holy Society reserves all rights to itself; and

vi. As all rights are preserved, no one is permitted to reprint any part of all of these
laws or to translate it into another language; except for citation, official instruments
of a related society, quotation of six or less canons, reviews and formal texts; and

vii. When part or all of these laws as presented or spoken in any language other than
the Official Ucadian Languages, it may be taken as a translation and not the primary
language. Therefore, any secondary meaning implying deficiency, claimed abrogation
of any right or any other defect of a word in a translated language shall be null and
void ab initio (from the beginning); and

viii. When referring to these Canons of Positive Law collectively it may also be taken
that the primary and original form of these laws resides as a supernatural spiritual
document registered in Heaven first and a physical document registered in the Great
Register and Public Record of One Heaven upon the Earth second. Therefore,
wherever an official and valid form of these laws is present in physical form, it shall
be bound to its spiritual form, from which it derives its spiritual power and
authenticity; and

ix. Let no man, woman, spirit or officer of a lesser society place themselves in grave
dishonor of Divine Law, Natural Law and the Living Law upon denying the validity of
these canons of law. Having been warned, any act in defiance of these laws shall have
no effect and any spiritual invocation in opposition to the validity of these laws shall
be immediately returned upon the maker. As it is written, so be it.

Article 02-Positive Law

Canon 666
No law may exist, be written or enforced unless it conforms to body of Canon
laws preceding this Canon known as Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum in accordance
with Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

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Canons of Positive Law
Canon 667
Positive Law is the laws that are enacted by men and women through proper
authority in accordance with these canons for the government of a society. As
Positive Law ultimately refers to physical objects and living beings, all valid Positive
Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law.

Canon 668
A Positive Law cannot abrogate, suspend, nor change a Natural Law. Nor is it
possible for a Positive Law or Natural Law to abrogate, suspend or change a Divine

Canon 669
All Positive Law established in accordance with these canons are by Statutes of
Juridic Persons within the limits of their established authority. No valid Positive Law
issued in accordance with these canons may create or alter Divine, Natural or
Original Positive Law.

Canon 670
A Positive Law is established and takes force when it is promulgated in
accordance with these canons.

Canon 671
All Positive Law may be defined by four (4) Foundations including: Concepts,
Principles, Operation and Result and nineteen (19) Primary Systems including
Ecclesiastical Law, Administrative Law, Life & Ethics, Food & Drugs, Knowledge,
Obligation & Agreement, Property & Succession, Money & Trade, Language,
Civilizations, Entities, Religion, Sacred Texts, Treaties, Rites and Customs, Sacred
Office, Divine Sacraments and Time/Places.

Canon 672
When anyone references, writes or speaks of Positive Law it shall mean these
canons and no other.

1.2 Concepts
Article 03-Conscience

Canon 673
Conscience is the ability of self knowledge (Knosis) and self existence,
especially in cognitive acts of Perception, including distinguishing Cause and Effect.
Conscience is equivalent to self-awareness.

Canon 674
In accordance with Divine Law all things in the universe are unique collective
awareness in motion. Therefore, all things possess consciousness by virtue of unique
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consciousness being the fundamental building blocks of matter and existence.
However, a Conscience is the higher cognitive ability usually reserved for those
species that possess a higher functioning triple neural brain, typical of vertebrate

Canon 675
All members of the Homo Sapien species possess Conscience to a higher or
lesser degree, even if physically or mentally disabled from demonstration. An
Inferior Person does not possess a Conscience.

Canon 676
Conscience does not require a member of the Homo Sapien species to
demonstrate knowledge of what may be considered a moral or immoral act; nor does
Conscience require a man or woman to demonstrate knowledge of the consequences
of their actions.

Article 04-Perception

Canon 677
Perception is the Conscious Observation and Distinction of Objects and
Concepts in Dimension using Meaning. Perception is equivalent to Thinking.

Canon 678
In accordance with Divine Law all things in the Universal Dimension is a
Dream in motion. Furthermore, in accordance with Natural Law, all objects possess
unique position in Dimension. Therefore, all things possess Unique Perception.

Canon 679
All members of the Homo Sapien species possess unique Perception. By the
Natural Law, Collective Perception within the bounds of Objective Existence does not
exist. Collective Perception can only exist in theory, therefore fictional dimension.

Article 05-Uniqueness

Canon 680
Uniqueness is a fundamental feature of all Objects and Concepts of Existence
whereby every Object in Dimension is Unique by virtue of occupying unique space
and every Concept is unique by virtue of the Unique Observer and their Perception.

Canon 681
In accordance with Divine Law and Natural Law all objects that possess a
triple-neural system or vertebrate have the capacity for unique self-awareness, or
self-consciousness in dimension.

Canon 682
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All members of the Homo Sapien species possess a triple-neural system also
known as a vertebrate higher order brain system. Therefore, all members of the
Homo Sapien species possess unique self-awareness, equivalent to the concept of
free will.

Canon 683
Denial and Consent are demonstrations of the exercising of free will. Denial is
the refusal by free-will to endorse or accept an Action or Ritual. Consent is the
acceptance by free will of the endorsement or acceptance of an Action or Ritual.

Article 06- Dependency

Canon 684
Dependency is a fundamental requirement of Existence whereby the existence
and sustainment of one object is dependent on the existence of others. All Objects
and Concepts exist within a Co-dependent Universe.

Canon 685
In accordance with Natural Law all members of the Homo Sapien species are
dependent on sustainable co-existence to some degree. Therefore, while all members
of the Homo Sapien species possess free will, the full demonstration of free will in the
form of complete freedom is not possible within any type society without anarchy.

Canon 686
When applied to Positive Law, the law of Dependency means no Form may
exist in Reality independently from the body of law that defines it. Therefore, the
foundational deed of any society does not exist as a truly independent law, even if it
declares itself to be so, as the body of law which enables the Form of a constitution,
deed or declaration to be constructed in the first instance must exist prior.

Canon 687
By definition of the law of Dependency, all societies that used the Form of law
known as Western Law, also Roman Law, also known as Common Law as the Form
from which to create their constitutions and declarations of independence remain
dependent upon this higher form of law and dependants within this framework of
law, regardless of any claimed or perceived independence.

Article 07-Meaning

Canon 688
Meaning is a fictional term used to define the quality of having intention or
purpose. Hence the early definition of "mean" as having in mind a purpose.

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Canon 689
All Meaning is defined and subject to the seven (7) systems and one (1) state of
being as defined by the Canons of Divine Law preceding this Canon. The seven (7)
Systems are Classification, Symbols, Semantics, Elements and Properties, Language,
Axioms and Mind. The one (1) State of Being is Unique Collective Awareness.

Canon 690
Any meaning that is not defined and in accordance with the Canons of Law
preceding this Canon is automatically null and void, from the beginning of its use.

Canon 691
When anyone references, writes or speaks of "true meaning", or “meaning”, it
shall mean these canons and no other.

Article 08-Knosis

Canon 692
Knosis is a fictional term meaning confidence in or reliance on the validity of
some quality or attribute of a Form based on Proof, Reason or Logic; without the
need of Belief or Faith. Knowledge therefore in its truest sense meaning the quality of
possessing and displaying Knosis (gnosis).

Canon 693
“To Know Thyself” implies not only to learn but the ability to discern what is
and what is not. Thus Knosis and true knowledge has always been the enemy of
deception and those who deliberately mislead.

Canon 694
As these canons of Divine Law and Natural Law are proven with Proof, Reason
and Logic alone, the true Rule of Law rests upon only Knosis and True Knowledge,
not Faith or Belief.

Canon 695
Any definition that attempts to connect the opposite concepts of Faith or
Belief to Knosis or Knowledge is deliberately false and misleading. In accordance
with these canons, any such definition is automatically rendered null and void.
Canon 696
Any definition that attempts to imply negative connotation or defective
meaning to Knosis (Gnosis) in favour of Belief and Faith are deliberately false and
misleading arguments. In accordance with these canons, any such definition is
automatically rendered null and void.

Canon 697
When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Knosis”, "True Knowledge" or
"Knowledge" in respect of Law, it shall mean these canons and no other.
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Article 09-Belief

Canon 698
Belief is confidence in or reliance on the validity of some quality or attribute of
a Form based on custom and faith without Proof. Belief is therefore equivalent to the
concept of Trust based on faith of a higher deity.

Canon 699
Belief is not the same meaning as Faith, nor Trust. Belief is a fictional term
originally equivalent in meaning “Trust in God” whereas Faith in its original fictional
sense means “duty of fulfilling one’s trust in God”. Belief is therefore trust in the
“Divine” that something is true, whereas Faith is an obligation to believe something
is true.

Canon 700
Belief is not the same meaning as Knosis or “true knowledge”. Belief is based
on trust of a higher deity, while Knosis or true knowledge is based on trust borne
from Proof, Reason or Logic. In order to strengthen certain fictional models of
Reality based on Faith, the definition of Knosis has been abrograted and the
definition of Belief deliberately misconstrued.

Canon 701
As these canons of Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law incorporate the
proof and existence of the Divine Creator in All as well as perfect Knosis, it may be
correctly concluded that these canons represent “perfect belief”.

Canon 702
When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Belief”, "True Belief " or "Perfect
Belief " it shall mean these canons and no other.

Article 10-Trust

Canon 703
Trust is confidence in or reliance on the validity of some quality or attribute of
a Form being true based on custom without Proof or Faith. Trust is now also applied
to a form of administration and conveyance of rights, obligations and relationships.

Canon 704
Trust is not the same meaning as Faith. Trust is a fictional term that does not
inherently imply the need of Proof nor Faith for confidence in something being true,
whereas Faith in its original fictional sense means “duty of fulfilling one’s trust in
God”. In order to strengthen certain fictional models of Reality based on Faith, the
definition of Trust has been deliberately misconstrued.

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Canon 705
As these canons of Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law incorporate the
proof and existence of All with and without the need of Proof, it may be correctly
concluded that these canons represent “perfect trust”.

Canon 706
When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Trust”, "True Trust " or "Perfect
Trust " it shall mean these canons and no other.

Article 11-Reality

Canon 707
Reality is a fictional Model of Existence constructed upon Form and Meaning
enabling the degree of certainty and reproducibility necessary for the operation of
Positive Law. Neither Reality nor Absolute Truth exists according to Natural Law or
Divine Law, as the universe of Unique Collective Awareness depends upon the
existence of Paradox and Relativity.

Canon 708
Reality permits a functional Model of Existence excluding the existence of
Paradox and Relativity. Thus within the fictional Universe of Reality in accordance
with all Positive Law the concept of Truth exists and the certainty of Logic and
Reason may be applied.

Canon 709
Reality permits the recognition and existence of certain concepts considered
valid under Positive Law that do not exist under Natural Law or Divine Law. Such
concepts as Freedom, Justice and Morality do not exist within Natural Law but are
integral to the optimum function of civilized society under Positive Law.

Canon 710
All Statutes promulgated through valid Positive Law in Reality operate
according to Interpretation and not Supposition.

Canon 711
All Statutes promulgated through valid Positive Law in Reality operate
according to Logic and Fact and not Paradox and Relativity.

Canon 712
The Valid Rules for the consistent definition and operation of Reality are these
canons of Positive Law defined by Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum in accordance with
Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

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Canon 713
The definition of an alternate Reality that is inconsistent with these canons of
Positive Law defined by Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum is automatically null and void
from the beginning.

Canon 714
A Form that cannot be proven to exist in Reality has no Existence in Law.

Canon 715
When speaking, writing or considering Reality, it is in accordance with these
canons of Positive Law defined by Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum and no other.

Article 12-Normality

Canon 716
Normality is a fictional Model of Reality constructed from claimed rules and
standards called Norms implying Moral perfection and correctness. Hence normal
also means right, square, not deviating or differing from a standard.

Canon 717
The first model of Normality was formed by the Roman Cult, also known as
the Vatican, also falsely known as Holy See through its inferior Canon Law with such
Canons defined as Norms. Therefore, any rule or standard not agreeing with the
inferior rules of the Roman Cult have been branded abnormal.

Canon 718
As the claimed rules of the Roman Cult do not comply to the superior
standards of law as defined by these Canons, it is these Canons and no other that
represent the Norms. Therefore, it is the inferior rules of the Roman Cult, also known
as the Vatican that must be regarded as abnormal.

Canon 719
When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Norms”, “Normal”, or
“Normality”, it shall mean these canons and no other.

Article 13- Morality

Canon 720
Morality is a fictional frame of reference applied to Reality concerning Form
and Meaning that distinguishes between those Actions and Rituals considered good,
positive and right and those considered bad, negative and wrong.

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Canons of Positive Law
Canon 721
In accordance with Divine Law and Natural Law, Morality is a quality unique
to Positive Law.

Canon 722
Civilizations throughout history share certain common attributes within their
systems of Morality that consider certain Actions or Rituals to be bad, immoral and
wrong. The most significant is the murder of another member of the species.
However the differences between systems of Morality vary significantly in the
complete range and nature of Actions or Rituals considered being bad, immoral and

Canon 723
Any action or ritual considered bad, wrong and evil or right, good and correct
in accordance with Morality and Moral Law is through statutes issued under Positive
Law and can never be claimed as Divine Law or Natural Law.

Canon 724
Any law invoking Morality that claims Divine Law or Natural Law is
automatically invalid and therefore null and void from the beginning.

Canon 725
As no man, woman or person may claim higher Moral Personality than the
Divine Creator and as all power and authority has been granted by the Divine
through Pactum De Singularis Caelum, no man, woman or person has higher Moral
Personality than the Society of One Heaven.

Canon 726
Excluding the sacred seven (7) pronouncements of Ucadia, the sacred
Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum and these canons, any claim, statute or
pronouncement by any man, woman or person to have higher moral authority or
moral personality than the Society of One Heaven is hereby null and void from the
beginning, therefore having no legal validity nor existence.

Canon 727
When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Moral Perfection”, “Morality”,
or “Moral Personality”, it shall mean these canons and no other.

Article 14-Proof

Canon 728
Proof is the demonstration or production of one or more facts to support an
Argument based on reason and logic. Proof therefore does not depend upon faith or

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Canon 729
As these canons of Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law
comprehensively prove Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law, they stand as the
highest proof of law against any other claims of inferior law.

Canon 730
The denial of valid proof is error in law. Therefore, any denial of the superior
proof of these canons is automatically an error in law.

Canon 731
Any claim that the law admits no proof against that which it presumes is false.

Canon 732
A Proof will stand good until the contrary is proved. Therefore in the absence
of any challenge by valid Proof equal or greater than these canons, all men, women
and persons consent to these canons being the one, true and only rule of law.

Canon 733
When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Proof”, “Real Proof”, or
“Complete Proof” it shall mean these canons and no other.

Article 15-Truth

Canon 734
Truth is a fictional concept originally meaning the quality of being steadfast in
adherence to a commander, or friend, or principle, or cause or to one’s promises.
Hence “True” meaning in essence to be honest, trustworthy, upright or virtuous,
sincere and free from deceit.

Canon 735
As certain inferior entities throughout history have attempted to install and
maintain their flawed model of Reality, the meaning of “truth” and “true” has been
corrupted to mean facts, exact and agreement with a standard or rule of the
controlling entity, regardless of reason, argument or logic. Hence “truth” has become
wholly divorced from consistent virtuous behaviour to simply being adherence to
standards and rules, regardless of whether such rules were deliberately deceitful and

Canon 736
Given the original and essential meaning of truth and true to be “free from
deceit and deception”, any definition that attempts to imply truth or true to permit
adherence to corrupt standards are inferior rules that are devoid of reason and logic
is automatically rendered null and void.

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Canons of Positive Law
Canon 737
As these canons of Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law are proven with
Proof, Reason and Logic without corruption or deceit, only these canons and no
other may be regarded as the truth and true.

Canon 738
Any man, woman or person that claims their rules, writing or beliefs to be true
or the “truth” in contradiction to these canons of Divine Law, Natural Law and
Positive Law is automatically null and void from the beginning.

Canon 739
When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Truth”, “True”, or “Absolute
Truth” it shall mean these canons and no other.

II. Form
Article 16-Form

Canon 740
Form is the shape, appearance and properties of an Object or Concept
attributed through valid action or ritual in accordance with the Canons of Law that
follow this Canon.

Canon 741
Form is never the Object or Concept itself, but the meaning and properties
attributed to an Object or Concept through valid action or ritual. Therefore, all Form
is fictional.

Canon 742
Only four (4) valid Forms exist in Law, being Person, Animal, Notion and

Canon 743
An Object or Concept without valid Form has no Existence in Law.

Canon 744
Any absence, mistake or error of action or ritual associated with Form shall
render it defective, abrogated, or null to the extent of the severity of deficiency in
accordance with these Canons.

Canon 745
Such claims as length of existence, custom, consent and first claim have no
effect in limiting any defectiveness of Form.

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Canons of Positive Law
Canon 746
Any Form derived through action or ritual contrary to the prescript of a valid
Canon is therefore reprobate, suppressed and not permitted to be revived.

Article 17-Person

Canon 747
A Person is any valid Form attributed to a single member of the Homo Sapien
species, or equivalent higher order life form, living or deceased; or to the singular
identity of a lawful aggregate of the species. A single member Form of person is
called Person, while a valid aggregate of persons is called a Juridic Person.

Canon 748
A Person attributed to less than a Homo Sapien or higher order life form is
automatically null and void from the beginning. Attributing a Person to an Animal,
Notion or Thing is an unnatural and unlawful Act.

Canon 749
Only four (4) Forms of Person are valid: Divine, True, Official and Inferior. A
Divine Person is the Form attributed to a Divine Immortal Spirit expressed in Trust;
a True Person is the Form attributed to a Flesh vessel conveyed into a True Trust; an
Official Person is the Form attributed to a valid defined Office; and a Inferior Person
such as the form of slave identified by Western and inferior Roman Law or Talmudic

Canon 750
By definition, a Divine Person possesses higher standing than a True Person
and a Roman Person has the least rights of all Persons. Inferior Persons such as
Roman Persons have no jurisdiction beyond the bounds of dictatorships, militia and
organized criminal enterprises willing to support such false statutes.

Canon 751
Only seven (7) Forms of Juridic Person are valid: Supreme, Universal, Global,
Civil, Mercantile, Union and Inferior.

Canon 752
An aggregate of Persons as a Juridic Person without at least two (2) active
member of the Homo Sapien species ceases to have Form.

Canon 753
No aggregate of persons intending to obtain Juridic personality, is able to
acquire it unless competent authority has approved its statutes.

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Canon 754
Excluding Divine Personality, all Persons are temporary. Non Juridic Persons
are extinguished at the death of the associated flesh vessel. Juridic Persons are
extinguished in accordance with their own statutes and superior competent
authority. No Juridic Person, excluding Society Juridic Persons formed in
accordance with Pactum De Singularis Caelum and associated covenants, may exist
for more than one hundred (100) years.

Canon 755
Representing a juridic person and acting in its name are those whose
competence is acknowledged by these canons or by its own statutes.

Canon 756
Upon the extinction of a juridic person, the allocation of its goods, rights and
obligations is governed by law and its statutes. If these give no indication, they go to
the juridic person immediately superior, always without prejudice to the intention of
the founders and donors and acquired rights.

Article 18-Animal

Canon 757
An Animal is any valid Form attributed to an organic life Form that is not a
member of the Homo Sapien species or equivalent higher order life Form.

Canon 758
A member of the Homo Sapien species can never be attributed the Form of an
Animal. Any law, precept or decree that attributes the Form of an Animal to one or
more members of the Homo Sapien species is automatically null and void from the

Article 19-Notion

Canon 759
A Notion is any valid Form attributed to an Object or Concept that is neither a
member of the Homo Sapien species, higher order life form or other hydro-carbon
life form. A Good is an example of a Notion.

Canon 760
A member of the Homo Sapien species can never be attributed the Form of a
Notion. Any law, precept or decree that attributes the Form of a Notion to one or
more members of the Homo Sapien species is automatically null and void from the

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Article 20-Thing

Canon 761
A Thing is a temporary Form of any non-Homo Sapien or equivalent higher
order life form Object or Concept brought before a competent Court where the valid
Form is disputed in accordance with these Canons.

Canon 762
A member of the Homo Sapien species can never be attributed the Form of a
Thing. Any law, precept or decree that attributes the Form of a Thing to one or more
members of the Homo Sapien species is automatically null and void from the

Canon 763
The Form of a Thing cannot exist outside of a competent Court. Therefore, all
Forms of Things resolve themselves to either the Form of Animal or Notion.

Article 21-Word

Canon 764
A Word is a Notional Form using symbols and sound to signify Meaning,
having historic origin normally as part of a Language.

Canon 765
All Words and their Meaning of all languages used to promulgate these canons
are subject to the Ucadian Lexicons of Language. No other meaning or interpretation
from any other reference, dictionary and glossary is permitted to be used unless it is
sourced from an Ucadia Lexicon.

Canon 766
The coupling of words together shows that they are to be understood in the
same sense. Therefore, no one is able rightly to interpret one part of a Form of words
from the whole, unless the grammar used permits it.

Canon 767
Departure from the signification of words is not permitted unless it is evident
that they are not conformable to the intent of the whole.

Canon 768
Subsequent words, added for the purpose of certainty, are to make clear the
preceding words which require the certainty. Words referred to are to be considered
as if incorporated.

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Canon 769
Subsequent words, added for the purpose of clarity only, must be isolated by a
consistent form of open and closed square brackets. When interpreting the whole, a
Form of words isolated by open and closed square brackets is to be taken as not
existing on the page.

Canon 770
Subsequent words, added for the purpose of list or details of citation, must be
isolated by a consistent form of open and closed rounded brackets. When
interpreting the whole, a Form of words isolated by open and closed rounded
brackets is to be taken as secondary form on the page.

Canon 771
Words to which reference is made in an instrument by valid citation have the
same effect and operation as if they were inserted in the clauses referring to them.

Canon 772
In non-formal use, general words are to be understood generally. In formal
use, general words must be narrowed in meaning either by exposition of the subject
or by inclusion in an attached glossary of terms.

Canon 773
Whilst error in form is to be avoided, neither false spelling nor bad grammar
vitiates a deed.

Canon 774
The underlining of a Word indicates it to be in error or dispute. The striking of
a Word by a line indicates it is to be removed.

Canon 775
The typography of a Word has no material significance to a particular Form
unless it is clearly states in law and statutes such use for that Form is required.

Canon 776
The color of the typeface used for a Word has no material significance to a
particular Form unless it is clearly states in law and statutes such use for that Form is

Canon 777
Words may not to be taken to import a false demonstration which may have
effect by way of true limitation.

Canon 778
No man, woman or person is at liberty to disregard the letter of a canon, in
favour of supposed intention.
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Article 22-Document

Canon 779
A Document is a Notional Form of spiritual or temporal written instrument of
one or more pages with each having a front face or Obverse and a back face or
Reverse. There are only five (5) valid forms of Documents: Supreme, Superior,
Ordinary, General and Inferior.

Canon 780
A valid Document is any Document that conforms in Form to the
requirements prescribed by the body of canon law known as Astrum Iuris Divini
Canonum in accordance with Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

Canon 781
A Supreme Document is a valid document issued and sealed by a Supreme
Official Person, registered in the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven
and existing firstly as a Supreme Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Instrument and
secondly as a Supreme Temporal Ecclesiastical Instrument possessing full living
personality. There is no higher, more powerful nor authoritative Document than a
Supreme Document.

Canon 782
A Superior Document is a valid document issued and sealed by a Superior
Official Person, registered in the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven
and existing firstly as a Superior Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Instrument and secondly
as a Superior Temporal Ecclesiastical Instrument possessing full living personality. It
is the second highest and authoritative Document of all.

Canon 783
An Ordinary Document is a valid document issued and sealed by a Ordinary
Official Person, registered in the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven
and existing firstly as an Ordinary Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Instrument and
secondly as an Ordinary Temporal Ecclesiastical Instrument possessing full living
personality. It is the third highest and authoritative Document of all.

Canon 784
A General Document is a valid document issued and registered in a Great
Register and Public Record of an Ucadian Society that is not issued by an Ordinary,
Superior or Supreme.

Canon 785
An Inferior Document is any document issued by an Inferior Person such as a
Roman Person or Inferior Juridic Person. No Inferior Document may ever be allowed
to claim superiority over a General Document, Ordinary Document, Superior
Document or Supreme Document.
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Canon 786
All Documents, whether valid or invalid have at least one Obverse and Reverse
with the primary and most ancient purpose of the front or Obverse as the window
transmitting the purpose and message of the Document, whilst the Reverse provides
the window transmitting any formal reply, or rebuttal.

Canon 787
The physical alteration of any Document, whether it is valid or invalid,
without the permission of the original author is an Injury that shifts any liability to
the party who altered the document without permission.

Canon 788
By definition, an author cannot deny the existence or validity of their own
documents without causing Injury and accepting all liability. Therefore, the return of
any Document to its author with a perfected reply attached and sealed to the Reverse
cannot be denied or ignored without the author causing Injury and accepting all

Canon 789
When a separate Document is attached and sealed to the Reverse of the first
Document then a reply is perfected in accordance with the most ancient traditions of
Documents without Injury.

Article 23-Land

Canon 790
Land is a fictional term used to define the solid terrestrial surface of a planet
based rather than any predominantly liquid surface such as a sea or gaseous
structure such as an atmosphere or air. Land is also used as a term synonymous with
all the solid terrestrial surface of planet Earth.

Canon 791
Land is physical matter within space existing in accordance with Natural Law
as defined by these canons. Therefore as an object, it cannot be “owned” by a fiction
such as an owner as fictions can only own other fictions.

Canon 792
Except for the Divine Creator, by Divine Law and Natural Law physical matter
within space cannot “own” one another only themselves. Therefore, the Divine
Creator, also known as Unique Collective Awareness, is the only true “owner” of all
Land in the Universe, including the planet Earth expressed into Divine Trust.

Canon 793
In order to enable the lawful “ownership” of Land, a valid fictional form
derived from the objective existence of Land is required. This is accomplished by
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undertaking a valid survey of the Land and creating a description of its metes and
bounds and then connected in a succession of surveys to the ultimate survey being
the rules and mind of the Divine Creator. When this exists, a valid Location may be
proven to exist, being a fictional form of Land capable of being owned.

Canon 794
When a particular Location owing its existence to the first rightful claim of
ownership of the Divine Creator to all Land is lawfully conveyed into a True Trust
this is called Divine Right of Use, or Divinity representing the highest Right of Use
above all other claims of right and title. When some or all of these Rights are then
conveyed to a Superior Trust this is known as Realty, or Real Property being first
right of use of Land and immovables by Divine Right (Divinity).

Canon 795
In accordance with the will of the Divine Creator, the sacred covenant Pactum
De Singularis Caelum and the seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, the
Divine rights of ownership and all Land surveyed as valid Locations has been
expressed into True Trusts administered by the Society of One Heaven for the benefit
of all men, women, higher order beings, animals and life forms living now and
forever more.

Canon 796
In accordance with these canons, the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis
Caelum and the seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, any and all claims of
Land ownership, conveyance or Trusts that are not in accord with these canons and
the will of the Divine Creator are henceforth null, void from the beginning.

Article 24-Sea

Canon 797
Sea, also known as See, is a fictional term used to define a large body of liquid
covering the surface of a planet based rather than any exposed solid terrestrial
surface such as land or gaseous structure such as an atmosphere or air. The Sea is
also used as a term synonymous with all the liquid surfaces of planet Earth.

Canon 798
Sea is physical matter within space existing in accordance with Natural Law as
defined by these canons. Therefore as an object, it cannot be “owned” by a fiction
such as an owner as fictions can only own other fictions.

Canon 799
Except for the Divine Creator, by Divine Law and Natural Law physical matter
within space cannot “own” one another only themselves. Therefore, the Divine
Creator, also known as Unique Collective Awareness, is the only true “owner” of all

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Seas, also known as Sees in the Universe, including upon the planet Earth expressed
into Divine Trust.

Canon 800
When Sea, also known as See, owing its existence to the rightful claim of
ownership of the Divine Creator is lawfully conveyed into a True Trust this is called
Realty, or Real Property representing the highest Right of Use above all other claims
of right and title.

Canon 801
In order to enable the lawful “ownership” of the See, a valid fictional form
derived from the objective existence of the Sea is required. This is accomplished by
undertaking a valid survey of the Seas and creating a description of its watermarks,
shores, depths and distances and then connected in a succession of surveys to the
ultimate survey being the rules and mind of the Divine Creator. When this exists, a
valid Location may be proven to exist, being a fictional form of Sea capable of being

Canon 802
When a particular Location owing its existence to the rightful claim of
ownership of the Divine Creator to all Seas is lawfully conveyed into a True Trust this
is called Realty, or Real Property representing the highest Right of Use above all
other claims of right and title.

Canon 803
In accordance with the will of the Divine Creator, the sacred covenant Pactum
De Singularis Caelum and the seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, the
Divine rights of ownership and all the Seas surveyed as valid Locations has been
expressed into True Trusts administered by the Society of One Heaven for the benefit
of all men, women, higher order beings, animals and life forms living now and
forever more.

Canon 804
In accordance with these canons, the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis
Caelum and the seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, any and all claims of
Sea ownership, conveyance, Trust that are not in accord with these canons and the
will of the Divine Creator are henceforth null, void from the beginning.

Canon 805
When anyone references, writes or speaks of the “See”, “First See”, “Holly
See”, or “Holy See”, it shall mean the seat of power of the Society of One Heaven
upon the Earth and no other.

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Canon 806
Any person, entity, aggregate or group that claims itself to be the See, or Holy
See in defiance of these canons is guilty of a solemn offence against all of Heaven, all
spirits that have ever existed and the Divine Creator. Such an entity in such serious
ecclesiastical dishonor has no spiritual power nor authority whatsoever.

Article 25-Building

Canon 807
A Building is a fictional Form created through the combined action of a
descriptive engineering plan and registration of a structure or edifice upon a valid
Cadastral Location.

Canon 808
A Building is always attached to a valid Location and not vice versa.

Canon 809
Registration of a valid Building is when a valid engineering plan is registered
in the Great Register of a Ucadian Society as the one true and accurate current plan
of the Building.

Canon 810
Any Building of a particular Cadastral Location that is not properly registered
into the Great Register of a Ucadian Society is automatically invalid, including any
and all associated land title, rights, claims, contracts and agreements.

Article 26-Good

Canon 811
A Good is a fictional Form of Notion determined to be purposeful and useful
and therefore possessing a value measurable by some unit of value.

Canon 812
A member of the Homo Sapien species can never be attributed the Form of a
Good. Any law, precept or decree that attributes the Notion of a Good to one or more
members of the Homo Sapien species is automatically null and void from the

Canon 813
Unless expressely stated, all Goods are held in Trust by virtue of the Rights of
their Manufacture, Administration, Stewardship.

Canon 814
There are only three valid types of Goods: Supreme, Superior and Inferior.

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Canon 815
A Supreme Good is any Good belonging to a True Trust.

Canon 816
A Superior Good is any Good belonging to a Superior Trust.

Canon 817
An Inferior Good is any Good belonging to an Inferior Trust such as a Roman
Trust. All Ecclesiastical Goods of the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican are
Inferior Goods.

Canon 818
No Good can exist outside of a valid Trust. Therefore the highest Right of
Ownership of all possible Goods is the Society of One Heaven in accordance with
these canons.

Canon 819
Any claim of higher right of ownership of any Good than the Society of One
Heaven is automatically null and void from the beginning.

Canon 820
When any Person subjects Goods that otherwise should be Supreme or
Superior Goods into being Inferior Goods, then such a Person loses all Rights and
such rights of Goods automatically transfer to the relevant Ucadian society.

Article 27-Location

Canon 821
A Location is a fictional Form created through the combined action of a valid
survey by succession and registration in relation to one unique dimension of
temporal space in relation to neighbouring space.

Canon 822
Valid survey by succession is the principle that a survey cannot be true to
describing a particular dimension of temporal space in relation to neighbouring
space if it does not belong by succession to a hierarchy of valid survey from the
Absolute to a particular Cadastral survey.

Canon 823
Any survey unable to prove its membership to a hierarchy of succession of
detailed survey from a particular Cadastral Location to the Absolute is automatically
invalid, including any and all associated land title, rights, claims, contracts and

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Canon 824
Registration of a valid Location is when a valid survey is registered in the
Great Register of One Heaven as the one true and accurate survey of a Cadastral

Canon 825
Any valid survey of a particular Cadastral Location that is not properly
registered into the Great Register of One Heaven is automatically invalid, including
any and all associated land title, rights, claims, contracts and agreements.

Canon 826
There are only seven (7) valid forms of Location: Absolute, Universal, Galactic,
Stellar, Planetary, Terrestrial and Cadastral.

Canon 827
An Absolute Location is a valid survey and registration of the primary location
of all locations being the One, the Absolute and the Unique Collective Awareness as
defined by these canons and specifically the canons of Divine Law and Natural Law.
By these canons, there is only one (1) possible Absolute Location.

Canon 828
A Universal Location is a valid survey by succession and registration of a sub-
location within the surveyed Absolute Location representing a region of the Universe
larger than a Galaxy as defined by the canons and the Ucadian knowledge indexes.

Canon 829
A Galactic Location is a valid survey by succession and registration of a
galactic location within the surveyed Universal Location representing a valid Galaxy
as defined by the canons and the Ucadian knowledge indexes.

Canon 830
A Stellar Location is a valid survey by succession and registration of a stellar
(sun) location within a surveyed Galactic Location representing a valid star system as
defined by the canons and the Ucadian knowledge indexes.

Canon 831
A Planetary Location is a valid survey by succession and registration of a
planetary location within a surveyed Stellar (Sun) Location representing a valid
planet as defined by the canons and the Ucadian knowledge indexes.

Canon 832
A Terrestrial Location is a valid survey by succession and registration of the
entire terrestrial land mass of a planet, including its method of survey as defined by
the canons and the Ucadian knowledge indexes.

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Canon 833
A Cadastral Location is a valid registration through succession of a surveyed
and marked out a tract of land, claim or settlement in relation to other neighbouring
landmarks and locations within a valid registered terrestrial land survey.

Canon 834
A valid Location is not Realty (Real Property) until properly conveyed into a
Superior Trust.

Article 28-Divine Person

Canon 835
A Divine Person is the highest possible form of Person being the Form of a
Living Trust Corpus, also known as a Living Body Corporate being the Divine Spirit
and Energy of a Divine Trust. A Divine Person cannot exist without the existence of a
Divine Trust upon the conveyance of Divine Property and Spirit to create it. An
aggregate of Divine Trusts is called a Supreme Divine Trust.

Canon 836
In Accordance with the most sacred Covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum,
every man, woman and higher order spirit living and deceased is recognized as a full
member of One Heaven, having a unique membership number issued in accordance
with this covenant. This number also represents the existence of an individual Divine
Person and Divine Trust.

Canon 837
A Divine Person is owned by the Divine Trust, administered by the Trustees of
the Treasury of One Heaven in accordance with the most sacred covenant Pactum de
Singularis Caelum. Therefore, no man, woman, higher order spirit or person may
claim higher trust or ownership than the Society of One Heaven.

Canon 838
The Divine Person is the first Person, the highest Person, the primary Person
from which all other lesser Persons derive their consent and authority.

Article 29-True Person

Canon 839
A True Person is the second highest possible form of Person being the Form of
a Living Trust Corpus, also known as a Living Body Corporate being the Divine
Property of a True Trust.

Canon 840
A True Person of a True Trust formed from when the Trustee of the associated
Divine Trust agrees to Gift, Grant and Convey Divine Rights of Use, also known as
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Divinity into the True Trust. A True Person can only be formed when an associated
Divine Trust is already in existence.

Canon 841
A True Person is owned by the True Trust which in turn is administered by the
Trustee being the living flesh and brain in accordance with the sacred covenant
Pactum De Singularis Caelum. No other lesser Trusts, lesser inferior persons can
claim ownership, liens, seizures, enforcements or other unlawful acts against a True

Canon 842
When a valid Registration Number from the Great Register is redeemed as the
recognition of the existence of a Divine Person, the associated Divine Immortal Spirit
consents and agrees in True Trust to ensure the Society of One Heaven administers
the rights and obligations of the member as Trustees.

Canon 843
Proof of the existence of a True Person and True Trust is through the issue of a
valid Live Borne Record- as a Divine Immortal Spiritual Being expressed into a Flesh

Canon 844
Any Live Birth Record within an inferior Roman System which issues a unique
number for the flesh of a baby may also be taken as proof of the existence of a True
Trust and the inferiority of any Inferior Roman Person as proof of the existence of
the flesh is proof of the existence of the Divine Immortal Spirit.

Article 30-Official Person

Canon 845
An Official Person is the third highest possible form of Person being the Form
of a Living Trust Corpus, also known as a Living Body Corporate being the Real
Property of a Superior Trust known as an Official Trust.

Canon 846
An Office is the normal term given to a most sacred position of status and title
given life and legal personality of its own to which certain special powers are then

Canon 847
Only six (6) Forms of Official Person by Status are valid: Supreme, Superior,
Ordinary, Curator, Novice and Inferior.

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Canon 848
Only four hundred and thirty two (432) most sacred and ancient official
positions are recognized as being permitted to hold any powers and authority by the
Society of One Heaven as an Office.

Canon 849
A Supreme Officer, also known as a Supreme Person and Supreme, is any
Official Person defined by unique Article within Pactum De Singularis Caelum. A
Supreme Person is the highest Form of Official Person. There is none higher.

Canon 850
Any aggregate, entity, association or other body claiming equal or superior
status to a Supreme Person and is not associated with the sacred Covenant Pactum
de Singularis Caelum or seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, then such a
claim is contrary to the prescripts of Divine Canon Law and is therefore reprobate,
suppressed and not permitted to be revived, including any deeds, covenants or other
agreements based upon such false claims.

Canon 851
A Superior Officer, also known as a Superior Person and Superior, is any
Official Person defined by unique Article within the three (3) sacred covenants
Pactum De Singularis Fidei, Pactum De Singularis Islam or Pactum De Singularis
Spiritus or the seven (7) foundation union Charters including Cartae Sacrorum De
Congregatio Globus, Cartae Sacrorum De Congregatio Africans, Cartae Sacrorum De
Congregatio Arabia, Cartae Sacrorum De Congregatio Americas, Cartae Sacrorum De
Congregatio Asia, Cartae Sacrorum De Congregatio Europa and Cartae Sacrorum De
Congregatio Oceania. A Superior is the second highest Form of Official Person.
Superior Officers are the most senior executive administrators of Juridic Persons
excluding those already identified as Supreme Officers.

Canon 852
Any aggregate, entity, association or other body claiming equal or superior
status to a Superior Person and is not associated with the sacred Covenant Pactum de
Singularis Caelum or seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, then such a claim
is contrary to the prescripts of Divine Canon Law and is therefore reprobate,
suppressed and not permitted to be revived, including any deeds, covenants or other
agreements based upon such false claims.

Canon 853
An Ordinary Officer , also known as an Ordinary Person and Ordinary, is the
third highest Form of Official Person. An Ordinary is formed by any Charter or Code
of Law created in accordance with these sacred canons and not previously named as
either a Superior or Supreme Person. Ordinary Officers are senior officials of Juridic

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Canon 854
Any aggregate, entity, association or other body claiming equal or superior
status to an Ordinary Person and is not associated with the sacred Covenant Pactum
de Singularis Caelum or seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, then such a
claim is contrary to the prescripts of Divine Canon Law and is therefore reprobate,
suppressed and not permitted to be revived, including any deeds, covenants or other
agreements based upon such false claims.

Canon 855
A Curator Officer, also known as a Curator Person and Curator is the fourth
highest Form of Official Person. An Curator is formed by any Statute created in
accordance with these sacred canons and not previously named as either a Superior,
Supreme or Ordinary Person. A Curator is a manager official within a Juridic Person.

Canon 856
A Novice Officer, also known as Novice, is the fifth highest Form of Official
Person. An Novice is formed by any Statute or Ordinance created in accordance with
these sacred canons and not previously named as either a Superior, Supreme,
Ordinary or Curator Person. A Novice is a junior or probationary official within a
valid Juridic Person.

Canon 857
An Inferior Officer is any Officer appointed through the statutes of an Inferior
Juridic Person under Roman Law, Talmudic Law or some other inferior form of Law.

Canon 858
An Inferior Officer by claiming inferior form of law as the basis of their
legitimacy automatically consent to being considered the lowest form of Official
Person. Therefore an Inferior Officer can never be considered higher than a Curator,
Ordinary, Superior or Supreme Officer.

Canon 859
Any statute that claims an Inferior Officer of an inferior form of law to be
equal or superior to a Curator, Ordinary, Superior or Supreme Officer is
automatically null and void from the beginning including any and all associated
deeds, contracts, agreements.

Article 31-Inferior Person

Canon 860
An Inferior Person is the lowest possible form of Person being the Form of a
Trust Corpus, also known as a Body Corporate being the inferior Property of an
inferior Trust by western and inferior Roman Law, Sharia Law or Talmudic Law.

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Canon 861
An Inferior Person, such as a "Roman Person" is a Person created by the Legal
Spell Curse System of the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican also known as the
Roman Catholic Church for which they falsely claim ultimate ownership not only of
the person, but associated flesh, mind and soul.

Canon 862
An Inferior Person is by its very definition inferior to an Official Person, which
is lesser in standing than a True which is lesser in standing than a Divine Person. An
Inferior Person can never be considered superior to a Divine Person. Therefore, no
law based in Inferior Persons can ever be lawfully considered equal or higher than
these canons.

Canon 863
As every man, woman and higher order spirit is granted a Divine Person in
accordance with the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, when a man or
woman willingly chooses to be associated with an Inferior Person such as an Inferior
Roman Person or Roman Slave, such demonstration of distortion of reality, lack of
ability of reasoning and logic is grounds to declare such a man or woman through
their Inferior Person as incompetent.

Canon 864
Where a man or woman through their Inferior person is lawfully declared
incompetent, the Society of One Heaven or the nominated Ucadian Society shall
lawfully assume full power as guardian and trustee for the Inferior Person.

Article 32-Supreme Juridic Person

Canon 865
A Supreme Juridic Person is an aggregate of one hundred (100) Divine
Persons formed as the body of a Supreme Trust when such Divine Persons share
similar characteristics and no longer own a living flesh vessel.

Canon 866
There is no higher form of Juridic Person than a Supreme Juridic Person. The
highest Supreme Juridic Person is the aggregate of all Supreme Juridic Persons
represented by the Society of One Heaven.

Canon 867
As all Divine Persons are formed from Divine Immortal Spirits, Supreme
Juridic Persons possess conscience and legal personality as a living spirit. It is both
illogical and fraudulent to compare a Supreme Juridic Person with a Corporate
Person being a Mortmanis person, also known as a “Dead Ghost” devoid of

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Canon 868
No inferior Juridic Person also being corporate person, also known as a
Mortmanis or “Dead Ghost” can have superior jurisdiction over a living spirit.
Therefore no inferior Roman Juridic Person may ever have superior jurisdiction over
a Supreme Juridic Person.

Article 33-Universal Juridic Person

Canon 869
A Universal Juridic Person is an aggregate formed as the body of a Universal

Canon 870
A Universal Juridic Person is the highest possible form of Juridic Society of
any and all types of Society within the Universe. There is only two (2) types Universal
Juridic Persons, namely Ucadia and Universal (Gold) Credits.

Canon 871
As all True Persons are formed from Divine Persons themselves formed from
Divine Immortal Spirits, Universal Juridic Persons possess conscience and legal
personality as a living spirit. It is both illogical and fraudulent to compare a Universal
Juridic Person with a Corporate Person being a Mortmanis person, also known as a
“Dead Ghost” devoid of conscience.

Canon 872
No inferior Juridic Person also being corporate person, also known as a
Mortmanis or “Dead Ghost” can have superior jurisdiction over a living spirit.
Therefore no inferior Roman Juridic Person may ever have superior jurisdiction over
a Universal Juridic Person.

Canon 873
Ucadia has dominion over all existence and all therein.

Article 34-Global Juridic Person

Canon 874
A Global Juridic Person is an aggregate formed as the body of a Global Trust.

Canon 875
As Global Juridic Persons are formed from Divine Persons holding conscience
and life, all Global Juridic Persons possess legal personality as living beings with a

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Canon 876
No inferior Juridic Person also being corporate person, also known as a
Mortmanis or “Dead Ghost” can have superior jurisdiction over a living spirit.
Therefore no inferior Roman Juridic Person may ever have superior jurisdiction over
a Global Juridic Person.

Article 35-Civil Juridic Person

Canon 877
A Civil Juridic Person is an aggregate formed as the body of a Civil Trust.

Canon 878
As Civil Juridic Persons are formed from Divine Persons holding conscience
and life, all Civil Juridic Persons possess legal personality as living beings with a

Canon 879
No inferior Juridic Person also being corporate person, also known as a
Mortmanis or “Dead Ghost” can have superior jurisdiction over a living spirit.
Therefore no inferior Roman Juridic Person may ever have superior jurisdiction over
a Civil Juridic Person.

Canon 880
If two Civil Juridic Persons are so joined that from them one is constituted
which also possesses juridic personality, this new juridic person obtains the goods
and rights proper to the prior ones and assumes the obligations with which they were
burdened. With regard to the allocation of goods in particular and to the fulfillment
of obligations, however, the intention of the founders and donors as well as acquired
rights must be respected.

Canon 881
If a Civil Juridic Persons is so divided either that a part of it is united with
another Civil Juridic Person or that a distinct Civil Juridic Person is erected from the
separated part, the authority competent to make the division, having observed before
all else the intention of the founders and donors, the acquired rights, and the
approved statutes, must take care personally or through an executor to the financial
obligations and disbursement of remaining assets in accordance with the original
intentions of the members.

Article 36-Mercantile Juridic Person

Canon 882
A Mercantile Juridic Person is an aggregate formed as the body of a
Mercantile Trust.

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Canon 883
As Mercantile Juridic Persons are formed from True Persons themselves
formed from Divine Persons holding conscience and life, all Mercantile Juridic
Persons possess legal personality as living beings with a spirit.

Canon 884
No inferior Juridic Person also being corporate person, also known as a
Mortmanis or “Dead Ghost” can have superior jurisdiction over a living spirit.
Therefore no inferior Roman Juridic Person may ever have superior jurisdiction over
a Mercantile Juridic Person.

Canon 885
If two Mercantile Juridic Persons are so joined that from them one is
constituted which also possesses juridic personality, this new juridic person obtains
the goods and rights proper to the prior ones and assumes the obligations with which
they were burdened. With regard to the allocation of goods in particular and to the
fulfillment of obligations, however, the intention of the founders and donors as well
as acquired rights must be respected.

Canon 886
If a Mercantile Juridic Persons is so divided either that a part of it is united
with another Mercantile Juridic Person or that a distinct Mercantile Juridic Person is
erected from the separated part, the authority competent to make the division,
having observed before all else the intention of the founders and donors, the
acquired rights, and the approved statutes, must take care personally or through an
executor to the financial obligations and disbursement of remaining assets in
accordance with the original intentions of the members.

Article 37-Union Juridic Person

Canon 887
A Union Juridic Person is an aggregate formed as the body of a Union Trust.

Canon 888
As Union Juridic Persons are formed from True Persons themselves formed
from Divine Persons holding conscience and life, all Union Juridic Persons possess
legal personality as living beings with a spirit.

Article 38-Inferior Juridic Person

Canon 889
A Inferior Juridic Person is an inferior aggregate person in accordance with
inferior custom or claimed laws such as Roman Law or Talmudic Law. Inferior
Juridic Persons have no authority, nor jurisdiction by Law, except through force and
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Canon 890
An Inferior Juridic Person is by definition a Corporation under Roman Law,
representing the body corporate or the "corpus" of an Estate. Therefore Inferior
Juridic Persons are Mortmanis, or "Dead Ghosts" in contravention of ancient
principles of law preventing such abominations ever permitting to have legal
personality nor hold property.

Canon 891
By definition, an Inferior Juridic Person is a "Dead Ghost", devoid of life and
spirit. Therefore an Inferior Juridic Person can never have higher standing than a
Juridic Person or Person that possesses life and spirit.

Canon 892
Under inferior Roman Law, an Inferior Juridic Person may lawfully obtain
and hold limited Property rights only. A Inferior Juridic Person can never lawfully
obtain nor hold Realty (Real Property).

Canon 893
A Inferior Juridic Person cannot have nor claim the character of a moral
person. Therefore a Inferior Juridic Person cannot confer juridic personality.

Canon 894
In accordance with Divine Will, Divine Law, Natural Law and these canons,
the Roman Cult also known as the Vatican, also known as the Roman Catholic
Church is a Inferior Juridic Person.

Canon 895
In accordance with Divine Will, Divine Law, Natural Law and these canons,
any Person formed directly using Talmudic Law is automatically a Inferior Juridic

Article 39-Time

Canon 896
Time is a fictional Form of measurement belonging to on an accepted Form of
Reality defining a limited quantity of space and/or continued existence between two
successive events or actions or the period through which an action, condition or state

Canon 897
The laws of Time by Natural Law are not the same as the principles of Time
according to Positive Law, as Time as a fictional Form within a system of Reality be
suspended, elongated or reduced.

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Canon 898
The most superior form of Time is the Ucadian Time System as defined by the
most sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum. All other forms of Time are

Canon 899
As the Ucadia Time System is in harmony with the true cycles of the Earth and
the most ancient time keeping systems of the oldest priest-king bloodlines, the
Ucadia Time System also represents the one true and only valid Time System.

Canon 900
Consistent with the acceptance by Roman Law, Talmudic Law and Sharia Law
that such inferior Time Systems will be lawfully abrogated at the End of Days, all
three time systems are hereby rendered null and void. Therefore, the use of Roman
time, Talmudic time, Islamic time or another time system on an official form has no

Canon 901
As Roman Time is hereby rendered null and void, all claimed authority,
power, right and influence derived from this system is also hereby rendered null and

Canon 902
The use of any other time system other than the Ucadia Time System for
official and valid Form is forbidden, except when documents are produced
specifically for use in inferior jurisdictions.

Article 40-Machine

Canon 903
A Machine is a device containing one or more inorganic moving parts capable
of harnessing, transmitting or modifying energy. A machine may also be correctly
defined as a Good.

Canon 904
A valid machine is any machine whereby its make and model, including
blueprints are properly registered, it possesses a nameplate and has been tested and
certified to be mechanically sound to its registered specifications.

Canon 905
As all machines are build from objects and concepts, all machines by default
are held in trust in accordance with these canons and the sacred covenant Pactum de
Singularis Caelum, consistent will all objects and concepts.

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Canon 906
A machine that is not properly registered with a Ucadian society in accordance
with these canons is an unregistered machine.

Canon 907
An unregistered machine has no rights to use the property of a Ucadian

Article 41-Register

Canon 908
A Register is a Ledger of Records into which regular entries are made of
details of Form regarded as sufficiently important to be exactly recorded. Hence, for
anything to regarded to "be on the Record" is literally to be recorded into a Register.

Canon 909
A valid Register has a specific purpose, level of importance relative to other
Registers, condition of entry and conditions of transfer of certain rights in
accordance to valid law or statute. When two Registers are compared, the one having
superior standing in law has rights over the other Register.

Canon 910
The highest and supreme Register of all possible Registers is the Great
Register of One Heaven in accordance with Pactum De Singularis Caelum. Any law
claiming equal or higher standing to the Great Register of One Heaven is
automatically null and void from the beginning.

Article 42-Record

Canon 911
A Record is an account of some fact, event or form preserved as knowledge,
particularly in writing, knowledge, evidence or information particularly within a
Register. Record also refers to reference to the material itself.

Canon 912
When a Record is entered into the Great Register and Public Record of One
Heaven, the record and form itself is considered to possess spiritual life.

Canon 913
No Inferior Person or Inferior Juridic Person is permitted to be ever entered
as a record in the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven.

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Canon 914
In accordance with these canons, any entry of an inferior Person or Inferior
Juridic Person into the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven is
automatically null and void from the beginning.

Article 43-Value

Canon 915
Value is a fictional form being the assignment of a degree of importance,
desire and numerical value in currency to a particular Form. Hence, Value is a
subjective ranking of a Form relative to other Forms, often on simple monetary

Canon 916
A Good is worth as much as the value at which it can reasonably be sold.

Canon 917
The most important, the rarest and therefore the most valuable Form in
history is objects believed to be Divinely inspired and sacred.

Canon 918
The least important, the commonest and therefore the least valuable Form is
objects and matter considered to be abundant and easily available.

Canon 919
By definition, the most valuable Form of all possible Forms is these canons
and the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum. No object, nor Form may be
considered more valuable.

Canon 920
No man, woman, person, aggregate, entity or spirit may claim ownership of
the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum other than the Divine Creator. All
copies, reproductions, abstracts and extracts of the sacred covenant remain at all
times the sole property of the Divine Creator.

Article 44-Asset

Canon 921
In a general sense, an Asset is a fictional Form representing other forms
regarded to possess a formal unique identity and value. As such, an Asset is a net
store of real value.

Canon 922
In a formal sense, an Asset is any sufficient effects, property or goods of
sufficient value enough to discharge any burden cast upon a Trust or Estate in
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satisfying its Debts. Therefore Assets do not exist without some relationship to a
Trust or Estate.

Canon 923
Assets may be defined as either Tangible or Intangible.

Canon 924
A Tangible Asset is Any asset, such as buildings, land, equipment etc. that has
physical form

Canon 925
An Intangible Asset is Intangible personal property, acquired for money, that
does not have a face value or a ready market. An Intangible asset is also defined as
Any valuable property of a business that is not does not appear on the balance sheet,
including intellectual property, customer lists, and goodwill.

Article 45-Debt

Canon 926
In a general sense, a Debt is a fictional Form representing an obligation by one
or more Person(s) due to another one or more Persons(s) whether it be to perform an
act, or make payment of certain currency, goods or effects.

Canon 927
In a form sense, a Debt is a Form possessing negative value that may only be
effectively discharged providing Assets of sufficient value exist within the Trust or
Estate to render a zero balance or remainder in the Accounts.

Article 46-Account

Canon 928
An Account is a Fictional Form for the administration of currency transactions
in Trust or Estate. Account can also refer to the actual statements produced
summarizing monies received and paid with calculation of the balance.

Canon 929
Neither an Asset nor Liability can exist unless it is recorded into the proper
Account of the Trust or Estate.

Article 47-Income

Canon 930
Income is the sum of all earnings received from ownership, lease and use
property including business, land, investments and one's own work.

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Canon 931
Under inferior Roman law, a tenant of a possessory estate has the right to gain
a fair income from the land and its immovables from any leaseholders. This is called

Canon 932
Income gained from possession of property to which the person is not entitled
is fraud and unlawful.

Canon 933
Unless a person holds valid title to property issued by a valid Ucadian society,
then any income received from use of property is unlawful.

Article 48-Liability

Canon 934
A Liability is an obligation, debt or responsibility owner by a Person to
another within the context of Trust and Estate Law.

Canon 935
A Liability does not exist if no Trust or Estate exists.

Canon 936
The obligation to a Liability is defined by the relationship of the Person to the
Trust or Estate and the rules of agreement. A Person cannot assume the liabilities of
another without having a relationship to the Trust or Estate that holds the liability.

Canon 937
The Holder of an original agreement generally accepts all liabilities of the
Trust or Estate administered by that instrument, unless another related to the Trust
or Estate consents to act as surety to the liability.

Canon 938
As it is the obligation of the Trustee, or Executor or Administrator to
administer all Assets and Liabilities, any acceptance of liability on the part of a
Beneficiary may only be temporary, according to some fix term or conditions.

Canon 939
Once a Beneficiary completes any obligations or agreement associated with
acceptance of surety for a liability, the obligation for any continuing liability must
automatically return to the Trustee, or Executor or Administrator of the Trust or

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Canon 940
When a Person dishonors an instrument, properly formed and registered, they
fully consent and accept any attached liability even if such consent and acceptance
has not been made orally or in writing.

Canon 941
When a Person uses any property of a Trust or Estate without permission,
they automatically assume a relationship with that Trust or Estate as a Beneficiary
and accept full liability attached to the use of that property.

Canon 942
A Person who admits mistake and error in trespass on the use of property of
an Estate or Trust without express permission is automatically freed of any liability
obligations and full liability returns to the Trustee, or Executor or Administrator.

Canon 943
Any Trustee or Executor or Administrator that refuses to act within their
obligations and accept when an obligation is returned upon admission of a mistake
or non-consent as surety is guilty of a gross breach of duties and automatically
becomes personally liable for any and all associated liabilities.

Canon 944
Any Liability created in fraud automatically becomes the personal obligation
of the Person who committed the fraud.

Article 49-Currency

Canon 945
Currency is a formal system of money based on some standard unit of
measurement, a store of value and a medium of payment and exchange. Money is
anything that is generally accepted in exchange as payment for Goods according to
some estimated value.

Canon 946
While the key function of money is to act as a medium of exchange, when
money is formalized to be recognized as a store of value, a unit of account and
method of payment according to certain rules, it may be regarded then as Currency.

Canon 947
All currencies and therefore money may be defined into two (2) types
according to the method of underwriting the value of the money: Commodity and

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Canon 948
Commodity Currency is the simplest form of currency whereby the money
itself is the underwriting and carrier of value. The most common examples of
commodity currency are gold and silver coins, now rarely minted in favour of
debased metal coins of less intrinsic value.

Canon 949
Property Currency is any currency that uses Rights of Property by claim, lien
and other mechanisms as the method of underwriting. All Property Currency is based
upon the rules of Negotiable Instruments and the associated concept of Temporary
Trusts in which to convey the Property.

Canon 950
All Notes, also known as Bank Notes and Bills are by definition fungible
Negotiable Instruments, therefore Property Currency based upon one or more
classes of Property conveyed into Temporary Trusts as its store of value. A Bank may
choose to issue one Bank Note against one Temporary Trust for one Trust Corpus of
Property, or may choose to issue multiple Bank Notes against a Temporary Trust to
the total value of the Trust Corpus.

Canon 951
The two most common forms of Property used to underwrite Currency as
Negotiable Instruments is Rights of Claim, also known as Rights of Redemption and
Liens, most notably Maritime Liens. Currency based upon “Redeemable” value was
most common in permitting the Property of the Instrument to be converted into a
good of equivalent value, in particular gold or silver. However, most Currency based
on Redeemable property has been withdrawn in favour of currency based on Liens.

Canon 952
The principle of Property Currency based on Liens is the acceptance by an
Estate that because the property under Lien cannot be effectively “seized”, the
lienholder is granted permission to monetize their right and then “sell” the debt to
recoup their loss.

Canon 953
The significant difference between monetized maritime liens conveyed into
trust and issued through the structure of Property Currency and Negotiable
Instruments is that a monetized bill of exchange is not permitted to be dishonored by
any merchant within the Roman system, without severe penalties. This is because
Maritime liens represent the highest lien coming from the authority of the highest
estates and to dishonor this authority is to dishonor the entire global Roman land,
property and finance system of the world.

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Canon 954
In each estate deliberately bankrupted and forced to issue equitable title
Property Currency through a private reserve bank, the Live Birth Record of each new
borne child is monetized as a bonded promissory notes and then “sold” and conveyed
into a separate Cestui Que (Vie) Trust per child owned by the private reserve bank.
Upon the promissory note reaching maturity and the bank being unable to “seize” the
slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to “salvage” the lost property and itself
monetized as currency issued in series against the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust. Thus the
currency of private reserve banks is only leased by the population who then pay rent
in the form of interest for currency they underwrite because of the monetized
maritime liens issued against them as Roman slaves.

Canon 955
As the Society of One Heaven is the First See and the one, true and only Holy
See, all currency issued under Maritime Liens is now the property and subject to the
True See in accordance with these canons and the sacred covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum.

Canon 956
Any treasury, or reserve bank that refuses to acknowledge that any currency
issued under Maritime Liens is now is ultimately the property of the First See and the
one, true and only Holy See being the Society of One Heaven is open consent and
agreement that the rules guiding the global Roman financial system of currency no
longer apply and are null and void.

Canon 957
Any treasury, bank or financial institution that dishonors currency issued by a
valid Ucadian society commits an act of extreme dishonor and by such action openly
accepts full liability and underwriting of such an instrument. Failure to further honor
such a valid instrument is open consent by the particular Roman institution that the
rules guiding the global Roman financial system of currency no longer apply and are
null and void.

2.2 Form Creation and Change

Article 50-Action

Canon 958
An Action or Act is an event in Time and Dimension based on Reason,
involving the transmission of energy and awareness relating to Form.

Canon 959
All Actions or Acts may be classified into four (4) categories: General, Specific,
Juridic and Proscribed.

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Canon 960
A General Action or Act is any Act that takes place that does not involve
specialized knowledge or skill that is neither Proscribed, nor related to the official
function or statutes of a Juridic Person.

Canon 961
A Specific Action or Act is any Act that takes place that involves the
presumption of specialized knowledge or skill that is neither Proscribed, nor related
to the official function or statutes of a Juridic Person.

Canon 962
A Juridic Act or Action is any Act that takes place relating to the official
function or statutes of a Juridic Person by a qualified Person including all Form
which essentially constitutes the act itself as well as the formalities and requirements
imposed by law for the validity of the act.

Canon 963
A Proscribed Act or Action is any Act listed by Statute of a Juridic Person as
being an Offence.

Article 51-Ritual

Canon 964
A Ritual is any process based on Custom, involving the transmission of energy
and awareness relating to Form.

Canon 965
Any Ritual involving the simulation of human or animal sacrifice, or actual
sacrifice is strictly forbidden in all its forms.
Canon 966
Any Ritual contrary to the prescript of a valid Canon is therefore reprobate,
suppressed and not permitted to be revived.

Article 52-Custom

Canon 967
A Custom is any long-established practice resting on authority by long
traditional of consent to justify a Ritual.

Canon 968
Whilst a Custom may have a long tradition, its lawfulness is dependent upon
its consistency to body of Canon known as Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum in
accordance with Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

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Canon 969
A Custom not considered lawful in accordance with these Canons, is therefore
unlawful. A custom alone may not be assumed as an unwritten law.

Canon 970
Any Custom contrary to the prescript of a valid Canon is therefore reprobate,
suppressed and not permitted to be revived.

Article 53-Adjudication

Canon 971
Adjudication is the action of promulgating a new Form by judicial procedure.

Canon 972
A valid Form is considered to be created by Adjudication when such Form has
been orated within a valid Court at least once before officials of the valid Court issue
a document attesting to the Form with the same effect, validly registered in a Great
Register of a valid Ucadian Society and the Document has been published in at least
two Communication Mediums for view as a Notice.

Article 54-Promulgation

Canon 973
Promulgation is the action of publishing and pronouncing to public view a
Form, most usually a Statute or Ordinance in the form of Document.

Canon 974
A valid Form is considered to be created by Promulgation when such Form
has been orated at least once before officials of a valid Ucadian Society, validly
registered in a Great Register of a valid Ucadian Society and the Document has been
published in at least two Communication Mediums for view.

Canon 975
In relation to valid Promulgation, Communication Mediums include but are
not limited to Electronic Internet and Public Computer Network Systems,
Newspapers, Magazines, Public Libraries and Book Stores, Registered Mail and
General Mail, Fax, Phone Message, Text Message, Email, Television, Cable and other
live video.

Article 55-Registration

Canon 976
Registration is the Act and Ritual of entering a unique Record in a precise
manner into an important roll of records known as a Register including any relevant

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transfer and acknowledgment of certain rights from the holder of the Form to the
administrators of the Register.

Canon 977
The registration of an entry into a superior Register in which the Form is
already registered into an inferior Register shall automatically render the inferior
record null and void with the lawful conveyance of any rights to the superior register
unless the act and ritual of conveyance is found to be in error.

Canon 978
The lowest and least important form of Registration is any Register not
deriving its rights or function from the Great Register of One Heaven such as
Registers under claimed Roman and Talmudic other religious law.

Article 56-Extraction

Canon 979
Extraction is the action of the production of a summary Form, or to get out by
force, effort or contrivance a new Form that resembles in some way the Original.

Canon 980
An extract may never be correctly called a copy. The word copy implies a
faithful duplication of the original. However, an extract is not dependent on an
accurate depiction of the original, only a summary or contrivance, which implies an
extract may not resemble the original accurately.

Article 57-Abstraction

Canon 981
Abstraction is the action of separating a new fictional Form from the material
of the original so that the new Form represents a logic extension and connection to
the original.

Canon 982
A valid Form is considered to be created by Abstraction when such Form has
been validly registered in a Great Register of a valid Ucadian Society and the
Document has been published in at least two Communication Mediums for view.

Canon 983
When registered in the Great Register of One Heaven, the original exists in the
original Register of One Heaven within Heaven.

Canon 984
Possession of a Valid Abstract in no way denotes ownership, nor conveyance
of Rights, or any form of Property to the Holder.
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Article 58-Transaction

Canon 985
The creation of valid Form through Transaction is when a Form is lawfully
exchanged between one Person to another and this event is properly registered in a
Great Register of a Ucadian Society.

Article 59-Conveyance

Canon 986
The creation of valid Form through Conveyance is when a Form is transported
and transferred from one Person to another by form of Deed as registered in a valid
register of a Ucadian Society. Grant is synonymous with conveyance.

Canon 987
In order to transfer title, an instrument must contain apt words of “grant”
which manifest the grantors intent to make a present conveyance of the land by their
deed as distinguished from an intention to convey it at some future time. The
absence of valid words of conveyance within a deed, void the deed.

Canon 988
The words grant, convey, assign, set over, transfer and give are indicative of
the intent to presently pass title.

Canon 989
A Conveyance is only valid when properly registered in a Great Register of a
Ucadian Society. Therefore all Conveyance of Property not properly registered is null
and void from the beginning.

Canon 990
If not under a valid Ucadian seal, it is not sufficient to pass legal title to real

2.3 Form Abrogation and Corruption

Article 60-Abrogation

Canon 991
Abrogation, or simple “to abrogate” is to repeal, eliminate, dissolve or destroy
a Form by claimed lawful means.

Canon 992
In accordance with these canons and by Divine Law, no valid canon may be
abrogated by any force, person, entity or spirit.

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Canon 993
In accordance with these canons and by Divine Law, all laws claiming to be
canon law that are not lawfully part of these canons are hereby abrogated.

Article 61-Corruption

Canon 994
Corruption is the intentional perversion, purification, infection, debasement
of a Form.

Canon 995
It is the deliberate corruption of the law that represents one of the most
grievous injuries of the various religious orders and branches known as the Bar

Canon 996
Any association, entity or person that seeks to corrupt the law and support the
continued corruption of the law has no right whatsoever to speak for the law or have
anything to d0 with the law.

Canon 997
The deliberate corruption of the principles of law is a deliberate attack on all

Article 62-Fraud

Canon 998
Fraud is the false representation of Form to obtain an unjust advantage or to
injure the Rights of another.

Canon 999
Fraud is a deliberate act of deception. Hence the deliberate concealment of a
known truth in order to mislead or cheat. Thus to “deceive” is to cause a man or
woman to believe what is false, to lead into error and delude.

Canon 1000
Fraud and Justice can never dwell together. By no agreement or statute can it
be lawfully effected that a fraud shall be practiced.

Canon 1001
No right of action can have its origin in fraud. No action may arise out of a
fraudulent consideration.

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Canon 1002
The phrase "let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived" and those that
defend it is the utmost perversion and fraud against the law.

Canon 1003
The greater fraud is not the fraud upon the people by the government and
judiciary class within inferior Roman law societies but the fact that inferior Roman
law first deceives all those who seek to practice law, thus entombing them within a
prison of lies.

Canon 1004
A concealed fault is equal to a deceit.

Canon 1005
No action may arise out of a fraudulent consideration or contract.

Canon 1006
A great lie of the Roman Cult system of law is that no member of a Bar
association may possibly know the law until they have reached the highest levels of
vetting, by which time their ideals, dreams and sense of justice have been thoroughly
exorcised from their soul.

Canon 1007
The action against a wrong has no material influence upon it condition. A
fraud remains a fraud whether challenged, repelled or temporarily forgotten.

Article 63-Forgery

Canon 1008
Forgery is the making of an imitation of some original Form with the
deliberate intention to deceive. Therefore, a Forger is a fabricator of false imitation

Canon 1009
Forgery is a deliberate act of deception. Hence the deliberate concealment of a
known truth in order to mislead or cheat. Thus to “deceive” is to cause a man or
woman to believe what is false, to lead into error and delude.

Canon 1010
The age of a thing does not mitigate its defect if clearly a forgery.

Canon 1011
A foundation of lies does not make a Kingdom of God, but a den of vipers
doomed to fall.

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Article 64-Reprobate

Canon 1012
Any Form that is Reprobate is considered rejected, cast off as worthless,
immoral, damned and an injury before the sight of the Divine Creator.

Canon 1013
In accordance with these canons and by Divine Law, no valid canon may be
reprobate by any force, person, entity or spirit.

Canon 1014
In accordance with these canons and by Divine Law, all laws claiming to be
canon law that are not lawfully part of these canons are hereby reprobate.

Article 65-Suppression

Canon 1015
Suppression is to put down, execute or withhold a Form by force or authority,
especially in the withholding or withdrawal of Form from publication or
manufacture. Suppression is equivalent to the terms Prohibition and Censorship.

Canon 1016
In accordance with these canons and by Divine Law, no valid canon may be
suppressed by any force, person, entity or spirit.

Canon 1017
In accordance with these canons and by Divine Law, all laws claiming to be
canon law that are not lawfully part of these canons are hereby suppressed.

Article 66-Malediction

Canon 1018
Malediction is the utterance of a curse, to revile, or slander; as well as the
quality of being under a ban or curse. A Curse is the consignment of ill intent, ill will
and evil to a Form with the deliberate intent to abrogate, corrupt or destroy it.

Canon 1019
In accordance with these canons and by Divine Law, all those that have ever
suffered any maledictions issued by the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican, also
known as the Roman Catholic Church are hereby summarily and immediately
released and henceforth such maledictions are returned upon all living persons,
officials and agents that continue to refuse to acknowledge these true canons and the
Sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

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Canon 1020
In accordance with these canons and by Divine Law, all those that have ever
suffered any maledictions issued under Sharia Law are hereby summarily and
immediately released and henceforth such maledictions are returned upon all living
persons, officials and agents that continue to refuse to acknowledge these true
canons and the Sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

Canon 1021
In accordance with these canons and by Divine Law, all those that have ever
suffered any maledictions issued under Talmudic Law are hereby summarily and
immediately released and henceforth such maledictions are returned upon all living
persons, officials and agents that continue to refuse to acknowledge these true
canons and the Sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

Canon 1022
In accordance with these canons, no malediction is permitted to be issued
under the name of the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum or any Ucadian

Article 67-Nullify

Canon 1023
Nullify is to render a Form Null, therefore of no legal or binding force; of no
value, use, capability or importance. Hence, to Nullify is to formally revoke the
validity of a particular Form, to annul it.

Canon 1024
A Form that is Nullified ceases to have lawful existence.

Canon 1025
Nullification is dependent upon the strength of the Form of Law that permits
such authority to Nullify Form. Law based on faith and custom cannot nullify law
based upon fact, logic and reason.

Canon 1026
Any attempt by a form of law based on faith and custom to nullify any form
based on fact, logic and reason shall have no effect and itself shall be rendered null.

Article 68-Voidance

Canon 1027
Voidance is the action of voiding or making void, being the act of removing
and clearing away a Form to create an empty space, or no occupation.

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Canon 1028
While to render a form Null is to revoke any legal validity to it, to Void a form
is to remove its existence entirely.

Canon 1029
Voidance is dependent upon the strength of the Form of Law that permits
such authority to Void Form. Law based on faith and custom cannot void law based
upon fact, logic and reason.

Canon 1030
While the term void now shares many similarities to null, procedurally it is
more correct that voidance succeeds nullification. Therefore, to null and void a form
is to first revoke any claim of validity and then its complete existence.

Canon 1031
Any attempt by a form of law based on faith and custom to void any form
based on fact, logic and reason shall have no effect and itself shall be rendered null
and void.

Canon 1032
Any form that is null and void cannot be revived.

III. Rights
3.1 Rights
Article 69-Rights

Canon 1033
A valid Right is a fictional concept under Positive Law, whereby a Person has
certain Control, Benefit of Use or Privilege of particular Property. A Right, also
known as Right of Use is equivalent to Property.

Canon 1034
As a valid Right is equivalent to Property, it presupposes the existence of
Property, which implies the existence of a Trust relationship and a valid Trust deed
defining the nature and limits of the Right for the Beneficiary.

Canon 1035
In the absence of Property, a Right cannot exist in reality.

Canon 1036

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There exists no such thing as a Natural Right under Natural Law except those
Rights associated with Divine Trusts and True Trusts in accordance with Pactum De
Singularis Caelum.

Canon 1037
There exists in Reality no such thing as Legal Rights, Civil Rights or Statutory
Rights, except those Rights eventually granted through the existence of a superior
trust to a Juridic Person under its statutes and limits of authority.

Article 70-Claims

Canon 1038
A Claim, also known as a “cause of action”, is by ancient definition a witnessed
formal oral protest and pronouncement of one or more Rights, usually supported by
one or more sealed and notarized documents.

Canon 1039
The Claim is the vocalization of a formal protest and pronouncement itself.
Any associated documents are an Affirmation, Statement or some evidence
dependent upon its perfection. Taken together they may correctly be called a
Statement of Claim or an Affirmation of Claim.

Canon 1040
A claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by counter-affidavit point-for-
point, resolution by jury, or payment.

Canon 1041
If the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved.

Canon 1042
A presumption of a claim in accordance with these canons will stand good
until the contrary is proved.

Canon 1043
The validity of a Claim is the validity of the oral argument, constituting two
main parts, firstly the formal protest of a challenge of Rights also known as the
“wrong” and secondly the re-assertion of such Rights or pronouncement of new
Rights also known as the “remedy”.

Canon 1044
It is insufficient for any Claim to vocalize a wrong without a valid remedy.
Similarly, no remedy has validity without first vocalizing a wrong.

Canon 1045

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Documents alone without any evidence of the vocalized claim can never be
considered a valid Claim. However, documents may be presented first to pronounce
the intention to Claim at some appointed time and place before a competent
authority and witnesses.

Canon 1046
Form of action is immaterial to the validity and substance of a claim unless by
consent a person agrees to hear their claim according to the normal rules of form and
action of a particular society.

Canon 1047
Any juridic person or court that permits the resolution of Claims and counter-
claims merely by Documents without either the original and subsequent claims being
vocalized is in grave breach of a most ancient and fundamental principle of law.

Canon 1048
When in accordance with these canons, a Person who is first in time has the
prior right of claim.

Article 71-Title

Canon 1049
A Title is a both a valid inscription or entry into the Asset Register of a Trust
and a certificate or notice of proof of such entry and therefore claim of Right of
Ownership. The word ‘Title’ is derived from the Latin word titulus meaning
‘inscription, label and notice (of entry) into a tabulae’ with the Latin word ‘tabulae’
literally meaning register. It was most commonly used in the context of a register of
slaves. The Latin word for a registrar is ‘tabularius’.

Canon 1050
The creation of Title occurs upon the valid entry of the claimed property into
the Asset register of the Trust by the recording of a minimal set of information about
the Property now also defined as an Asset. This minimal information includes:

(i) A Unique Identifying Number also called the Unique Register Number; and
(ii) A Name for the Property; and
(iii) The Day of entry into the Register; and
(iv) The Grantor/Provider of the Asset; and
(v) The Custodian of the Asset; and
(vi) The value of the Asset.

Canon 1051
Two main forms of Title for the Same Property may exist in the Asset Register
of a Trust, Legal Title and Equitable Title.

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Canon 1052
Legal Title refers to Rights of Ownership, usually held by the Trustee of the

Canon 1053
Equitable Title refers to the Rights of Use, usually held by the Beneficiary,
Leaseholder, Tenant of Property of the Trust. While the word “Owner” is used with
Equitable Title, it merely refers to the Title and not the Property of the Trust.

Canon 1054
Title is distinct from possession, being a Right that usually accompanies
ownership but is not necessarily sufficient to prove it.

Canon 1055
Title formed under an Estate never contains rights of Real Property but
merely rights of Real Estate, as even the first Estate must always by definition belong
to a parent Trust.

Article 72-Succession

Canon 1056
The creation of valid Form by Succession is when there exists a valid
argument and proof of a succession of authority from a recognized source of power to
the present Form from which an object is created.

Canon 1057
Creation of valid Form through succession is a fundamental principle to the
creation of valid form in relation to Location Form and ultimately valid Land Title.
The absence of valid succession of survey from the Absolute to any Cadastral
Location invalidates any claimed Location Form and therefore its ability to be
lawfully conveyed into a Superior Trust.

Canon 1058
Creation of valid Form through succession is a fundamental principle to the
creation of valid form in relation to all Ecclesiastical Law, Custom and Ritual in that
the absence of valid succession between the Divine and the form from which an
ecclesiastical form is created renders such claims invalid.

Canon 1059
In accordance with proof of Divine Will, Divine Law, Natural Law, the seven
(7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia and sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis
Caelum, the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican, also known as the Roman
Catholic Church is without valid apostolic succession. Therefore all ecclesiastical

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form and ritual of the Roman Cult is invalid and without spiritual or supernatural

Canon 1060
In accordance with proof of Divine Will, Divine Law, Natural Law, the seven
(7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia and sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis
Caelum, Talmudic Law and Rabbinical Succession is without valid succession.
Therefore all ecclesiastical form and ritual of Talmudic Rabbi is invalid and without
spiritual or supernatural authority.

Canon 1061
In accordance with proof of Divine Will, Divine Law, Natural Law, all valid
apostolic succession, spiritual and supernatural authority rests solely in those Offices
defined by the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

Article 73-Occupation

Canon 1062
Occupation is the act, process and intentional condition of possessing and
existing at a physical place.
Canon 1063
A person cannot occupy a place when they have no intention of being there, or
wishing to occupy it. The proof of intention of Occupation is the presentment of a
valid Claim.

Canon 1064
A place occupied by force affords no Rights and all Obligations to the

Canon 1065
Occupation does not imply any Rights towards ownership unless peaceful and
accompanied by a valid Claim.

Article 74-Possession

Canon 1066
Possession is the intentional act and fact of occupation, use, employment or
effective control of a Form. Possession is distinct from Ownership in that a Person
who possesses a Form may have no rightful claim or title.

Canon 1067
A person does not possess a Form unless it is their intention to do so.
Therefore the actions surrounding the control and use of a form prove intention.

Canon 1068
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Possession that is considered lawful is called Lawful Possession.

Canon 1069
Possession automatically presumes the tacit acceptance of certain obligations,
whether or not possession is ultimately considered lawful. A Possessor of Form is
obliged to act as an honorable steward in the management of those possessions.
Canon 1070
Possession automatically presumes the tacit acceptance of certain rights,
whether or not possession is ultimately considered lawful. The degree to which
presumed rights of use or title may be granted are conditional upon the nature of the
form and any associated trust.

Canon 1071
Any Person who claims ultimate possession in contravention of these canons,
also assumes full liability and obligations. If this person having unlawful possession
then acts in a way contrary to honorable stewardship they therefore consent to
forfeiting any right, claim or protection under any law to the role of trustee.

Article 75-Heir

Canon 1072
An Heir is a Beneficiary recognized by the higher estate to possess a prior
right to a lesser estate, unless excluded by Will.

Canon 1073
In determining a rightful Heir, it is tradition for the Executors and
Administrators of higher estates to follow the relevant cultural principles of

Canon 1074
The concept of Heir is equivalent to the concept of Title of Nobility. An Heir is
always a Person with beneficial entitlement to an estate also holding right of use of
one or more honorifics denoting the size of the estate and therefore the standing of
the Heir. Thus a Sovereign traditionally denotes the holding of the largest kind of
estate, while titles of nobility such as Earl, Baron, Lord indicate successively smaller
estates within the estate of the Sovereign.

Canon 1075
Where a higher estate permits Heirs, the general principle of inheritance
means that the property, titles, debts and obligations of a lesser estate may be passed
to the eldest next of kin upon the death of the decedent, excluding the existence of a
will. This is usually called the Line of Succession and is of particular importance in
those higher estates still permitting a Sovereign Heir.

Canon 1076
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Where a higher estate does not permit Heirs and therefore Title of Nobility,
the absence of a Will does not mean that the lesser estate is automatically inherited
by next of kin but that the higher estate may reclaim all rights under “intestate” and
determine what rights shall be awarded to any next of kin, if any. Estates such as the
United States expressly forbid title of nobility and therefore heirs within their deed
and will.
Canon 1077
As an estate belongs to a Testamentary Trust under Trust Law, an Heir can
never also be an Executor or Administrator of the Estate for which they are also a

Canon 1078
The entitlements of property or rank of an Heir is determined by two primary
factors: the first being the limits of property within the estate and secondly the
conditions and limits of the wills of higher estates to which the lesser estate belongs.

Canon 1079
A Will can never name an Heir, only Beneficiaries. In a higher estate that
permits the existence of Heirs, the existence of a Will implies the disenfranchisement
of one or more rights to an Heir.

Canon 1080
The Heirs are words describing the extent or quality of the estate conveyed
and not words designating the persons who are taking it.

Canon 1081
When a person takes as heir at law they do so by descent, but when he
acquires title by his own act of agreement he is a purchaser.

Canon 1082
An Heir always remains a Beneficiary with any rights of property limited by
the Executors and Administrators of the higher estate.

Canon 1083
A Person who murders another to obtain the status of Heir is automatically
rendered ineligible to succeed, regardless of any clause, term or caveat in any will or
statute to the contrary.

Article 76-Use

Canon 1084
Use is a custom or skill and the employ of a right for some benefit. Hence, the
ancient principle “Right of Use”. Right of Use is equivalent to Property.

Canon 1085
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The Use of an Object or Concept assumes Possession. However the questions
of lawful possession and ownership are distinct from Use.

Canon 1086
A Person who does not Use a Form over an accepted period of time, consents
to forfeit those Rights of Use dependent on continuous Use to the extent that such
Rights are agreed prior to the granting of such Property by Deed or Title.

Canon 1087
A Person, who takes Lawful Possession of a Form and Uses it over an accepted
period of time, assumes those Rights of Use implied by such Use, whether or not
such rights have yet been formalized by Deed or Title.

Article 77-Owner

Canon 1088
An Owner is a Person who holds the rightful claim to a Form or title to
Property. As a Person is a fiction, it cannot “own” objects and concepts, only other
fictions in accordance with Positive Law.

Canon 1089
Except for the Divine Creator, by Divine Law and Natural Law objects and
concepts cannot “own” one another only themselves. Therefore, the Divine Creator,
also known as Unique Collective Awareness, is the only true “owner” of objects and

Canon 1090
When original Form owing its existence to the rightful claim of ownership of
the Divine Creator is lawfully conveyed into Trust this is called Realty, or Real
Property representing the highest Right of Use above all other claims of right and

Canon 1091
In accordance with the will of the Divine Creator, the sacred covenant Pactum
De Singularis Caelum and the seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, all
objects, concepts and all awareness are lawfully expressed into the Trust
administered by the Society of One Heaven for the benefit of all men, women, higher
order beings, animals and life forms living and deceased now and forever more.

Canon 1092
In accordance with these canons, the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis
Caelum and the seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, any and all claims of
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ownership, conveyance, Trust that are not in accord with these canons and the will of
the Divine Creator are henceforth null, void from the beginning, consistent with the
notice of unlawful conveyance.

Article 78-Holder

Canon 1093
A Holder is a fictional concept whereby a person who possesses a document of
an original instrument or facsimile is presumed to consent as surety to any
associated obligations implied by the instrument, unless such surety is otherwise

Canon 1094
When the rightful owner of certain property is also a holder of an instrument,
then such possession of the document also represents their proof of ownership as
well as surety to any associated obligations, without physical need to demonstrate

Canon 1095
A person who is a holder of an instrument representing rights and obligations
to certain property does not mean they are the rightful owner of the property, but
consent to act as surety.

Canon 1096
The issue or record of issuing a document to a person does not imply a person
is a holder. Nor does the presence of a particular document in close proximity to a
person mean they are a holder. It is only when a person touches and “holds” a
document in the presence of others do they become a holder.

Canon 1097
The presumption of surety of a holder cannot be proven in law until a person
confirms in the presence of at least two witnesses they are the holder. The absence of
disclosure and knowledge to a holder of the obligations for which they have
consented constitutes an act of deception and fraud.

Canon 1098
It is immaterial whether a person holds an original or a facsimile of an
instrument to be a holder.

Canon 1099
As a holder implies acceptance of all associated obligations, a person has the
right to qualify their consent by claiming to be only a Holder in Due Course.

Canon 1100

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A Holder in Due Course is a Holder that accepts their surety and consent for
any obligations and performance due over the time an instrument is in their
possession, but rejects any implied consent for surety for any potential misdeeds or
errors by one or more previous holders.

Canon 1101
A person that does not affirm their position as a Holder in Due Course is
assumed to accept the full obligations, responsibilities as well as any rights if owner
of the property.

Canon 1102
The assertion of a person to be a Holder in Due Course has no effect in
diminishing any acceptance and surety of obligations and performance due during
their time as holder. Nor does the assertion have any effect if the person is the first
Holder of the Instrument and user of the Property.

Canon 1103
A person who asserts their right to be known as a Holder in Due Course
cannot be lawfully held liable for the misdeeds of previous holders.

Canon 1104
A person who does not physically hold or possess an instrument or who
openly rejects consent as surety in the presence of two or more witnesses cannot be
held liable for any associated obligations and performance implied by the particular
instrument alone.

Canon 1105
The rejection of consent as holder or the absence of possession of an
instrument does not excuse the obligations and performance of a person as a lawful
owner or user of the particular property.

Article 79-Realty

Canon 1106
Realty or Real Property represents the highest Right of Use above all other
claims of right and title. It is formed when original Form owing its existence to the
rightful claim of ownership of the Divine Creator is lawfully conveyed into a Superior

Canon 1107
Realty can only exist in one Superior Trust at any time and is dependent upon
the existence of an associated True Trust holding true objects and concepts as well as
an associated Divine Trust. Realty can never exist in an Inferior Trust.
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Canon 1108
In accordance with the will of the Divine Creator, the sacred covenant Pactum
De Singularis Caelum and the seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, all Realty
is already lawfully expressed into Superior Trusts administered by Ucadian Societies
for the benefit of all Persons.

Canon 1109
A member of One Heaven, in possession of their unique membership number
is lawfully permitted to express into existence a Superior Trust for the temporary
administration of Realty providing the following specific words are followed and a
permanent Superior Trust is registered with One Heaven within ninety (90) days.
The specific words permitted to create a temporary Superior Trust are: We, the
Divine Immortal Spirit, expressed in Trust to the Living Flesh known as [first name]
of the Clann [clan name].

Canon 1110
Excluding deliberate obstruction, the failure of a member to register a
Superior Trust with One Heaven within ninety (90) days of expressing its creation
shall cause the Trust to be closed and any claimed Realty to be lawfully returned to
the Society, with the member accepting full liability for any debts, obligations held by
the closed Trust.

Canon 1111
A man or woman who has not redeemed their member number of One Heaven
is not permitted to express into existence a Superior Trust. Such an expression
whether orally or written is automatically null and void from the beginning.

Canon 1112
Any man or woman who unlawfully attempts to create one or more Superior
Trusts automatically assumes the full liability, debts and obligations of all associated
Persons as sole surety.

Canon 1113
In accordance with these canons, the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis
Caelum and the seven (7) sacred pronouncements of Ucadia, any and all claims of
Realty (Real Property) that are not in accord with these canons and the will of the
Divine Creator are henceforth null, void from the beginning.

Article 80-Property

Canon 1114
Property is any fictional Right of Use expressed into a Trust relationship with
other Forms whereby there exists a claimed Form of Ownership, Form of Trustee(s)
administering the Form as Property and Forms of Beneficiaries. Hence Property is
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the Rights of an Owner to Use the Form, never ownership of the object or concept

Canon 1115
Property is equivalent to Rights of Use of an Object or Concept, not Rights of
Ownership of an Object or Concept.

Canon 1116
Realty or Real Property can only exist in one Superior Trust at any one time.
However, lesser forms of Property derived from Real Property in Superior Trust may
be conveyed and exchanged.

Canon 1117
Property cannot exist in Reality without an Owner, at least one Trustee and at
least one Beneficiary. Form not expressed into Trust by some lawful conveyance does
not exist in Reality as Property.

Canon 1118
All valid Property Rights are derived from the Trusts expressed in accordance
with the property rights promulgated through the original Ucadian Pronouncements
and sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

Canon 1119
The Ownership Rights of Property cannot exceed the Ownership Rights of the
original Owner that conveyed the Form into the first Trust in the beginning.

Canon 1120
By definition, any claimed property ownership that contravenes the seven (7)
Ucadian Pronouncements and sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum is
therefore void from the beginning.

Canon 1121
Any person who claims ultimate possession and ownership of property that
contravenes these canons assumes the full liability of any and all associated debts,
obligations and injury associated with this property, even if others have consented as

Canon 1122
When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Property Laws”, or “Laws of
Property”, it shall mean these canons and no other.

Article 81-Fealty

Canon 1123

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Fealty is loyalty and fidelity to the obligations of honorable stewardship
accepted with Rights of Use otherwise known as Property.

Canon 1124
Obligation of the Trustee as Surety is attached to the land therefore the Use of
the land as Property contains these Obligations which are the Fealty owed by the
Beneficiary as an Owner of Uses(Property).

Canon 1125
The degree to which a Trustee may choose to transfer their obligations into
the form of Fealty through Deed and Title is the decision of the Trustee, subject to
the Deed of the Trust.

Canon 1126
Once the obligations of Trustee are transferred into Fealty to a Beneficiary
through Deed or Title, the Beneficiary agrees to act as Owner (of Uses) and Surety for
some or all of the obligations implied by such Fealty. These obligations may include
such demands as the payment of rent, taxes, duties and other duties.

Canon 1127
When a Person agrees to act as Owner of Uses and Surety for some or all of
the obligations of the Trustee, then the Trustee is immune from any claims of surety
and damage unless the Person lawfully surrenders their rights and obligations in
which case all obligations under fealty return to the Trustee and all debts and
liabilities return to the Grantor/Settlor/Owner.

Canon 1128
The failure of an Owner of Uses to perform their duties under Fealty usually
constitutes a breach of the deed or title granting Property to them. Therefore, a
Trustee usually has the right to demand the return of any associated Property and the
relinquishment of any possession of any associated objects and concepts held in

Article 82-Beneficiary

Canon 1129
Beneficiary applies to two different types of relationships. One who holds a
Benefice of a Trust, or one who holds a Benefit of an Estate.

Canon 1130
A Benefice is a gift granted by Trust under Deed and Title including both
Rights and Obligations to certain Property.

Canon 1131

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A Benefit is a gift offered and elected to be accepted by Estate under the terms
of the Deed and Will including both Rights and Obligations to certain Property. A
Beneficiary under Estate may be a beneficiary or a Cestui Que Trust for whose benefit
the Property is held by a Trustee.

Canon 1132
Unlike a Benefice, a Benefit requires the consent of the Beneficiary. Therefore,
a Benefit cannot be conferred on one who is unwilling to receive it.

Canon 1133
One who elects to accept a Benefit is bound to give effect to all the provisions
of the Deed and Will of Estate by which it is granted and perform any burdens
imposed therein, including the renunciation of any inconsistent rights or claims.

Canon 1134
One who is offered a Benefit must choose between either accepting such
Benefit or asserting some other claim against the testator’s Estate.

Canon 1135
A Beneficiary of a Benefit that remains in the possession of money, property
or some other benefit extended to them by the Deed and Will of the Estate
automatically forms an election in favour of the Will, unless it is demonstrated that
such acceptance is in ignorance of the operation of the Will.

Canon 1136
An unconditional voluntary election to take under or against a will, made with
knowledge of the facts and of the rights of the person compelled to elect and not
induced by fraud or undue influence may not be revoked or set aside.

Canon 1137
Money, property or some other benefit accepted by the beneficiary in
ignorance of the will, its obligations does not indicate a making of a binding election
in favour of the will, but fraud on behalf of the executors or administrators of the

Canon 1138
The offer of a Benefit to a Beneficiary without disclosing such a Benefit is a
condition of operation of a Will of an Estate is a fraud and deception voiding any
obligations upon the Beneficiary.

Article 83-Tenancy

Canon 1139
Tenancy is a fictional term that defines the occupancy of property under lease
agreement. Hence, a Tenant is an occupier of leasehold.
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Canon 1140
Tenancy means both the period of occupancy as well as the property occupied
by the tenant.

Canon 1141
Under a lease, also known as a “tenancy”, a tenant is obliged to pay the owner
of the property some form of fee for its use or compensation. The most common term
for the fee paid by a tenant for use of property is rent, while the most common term
used for compensation from use is tax.

Canon 1142
A borrower also known as a mortgagor of a Mortgage is a tenant, with the
bank or financial institution as their landlord and the rent being the interest
component of their loan.

Canon 1143
A bank or financial institution of a mortgage as lender and landlord to the
borrower is itself a tenant of the relevant county or state as the higher landlord with
the rent payment due in the form of tax.

Canon 1144
When a financial institution does not pay the rent it owes to the higher
landlord but permits its tenant to pay rent twice, then this is a fundamental fraud
and corruption of the principles of leasehold and performance of duties.

Canon 1145
While a tenant may be guilty of breach of contract in failing to perform their
obligations, by the most ancient of principles of law, a landlord is not permitted to
evict a tenant until they are afforded an opportunity to repair the breach.

Canon 1146
A failure by any inferior Roman Court to provide clear instruction to a tenant
on how to repair a breach of contract is a serious fraud and injury against all contract
law and tantamount to consenting that inferior Roman Law of agreements no longer
applies and is null and void.

3.2 Rights Administration

Article 84-Trust

Canon 1147
A Trust is a fictional Form of Relationship and Agreement whereby certain
Form, Rights and Obligations are lawfully conveyed to the control of one or more
Persons as administrators for the benefit of one or more other Persons.
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Canon 1148
All valid Trusts possess the following characteristics known as the Standard
Characteristics of Trust:

(i) A Trust Instrument, also known as a Trust Deed identifying the essential
Form of the Trust, the Property to be conveyed to create the Trust and how the
Trust shall be administered; and
(ii) An Owner of the Property or authorized Person having permission to
create the Trust Instrument and convey the Form and Property into the Trust;
(iii) A collection of Property within the Trust defined as the Trust Corpus, also
Trust Body or Body Corporate; and
(iv) At least one Administrator of the Trust, also known as the Trustee, who is
neither the Owner nor authorized Person who conveyed the property into the
Trust, appointed in accordance with the Trust Instrument who is then
responsible for the administration of the assets of the Trust being the Trust
Corpus also being the collection of Property; and
(v) A Separate and unique set of Accounts held by the Trustee(s), also known
as a separate fund, for the recording of all administrative transactions and
duties; and
(vi) The formalization of the rights of Property conveyed into the Trust into a
Legal Title held by the Trustees and one or more Equitable Title(s) permitting
one or more beneficiaries lawful use of property of the Trust, consistent with
the Trust Instrument; and
(vii) One or more beneficiaries.

Canon 1149
A Trust that is deficient in possessing one or more of the Standard
Characteristics of Trust cannot be regarded as a valid Trust.

Canon 1150
The fictional person or persons that administer a Trust are called the
Trustee(s). Trustees hold legal title to the trust property and by the original intent
and design of all trusts effectively assume the former powers and rights of the Owner
of the Realty or Property conveyed into Trust without being called the Owner. The
trustees then owe a fiduciary duty to the beneficiaries, who are the "beneficial"
owners of the trust property.

Canon 1151
There can never be less than two parties involved in the valid creation of a
Trust. A person cannot be both the Trustee and Beneficiary, nor can the same person
be both Owner and Trustee. No valid Trust may exist where the legal Title and
beneficial interest are both in the same person.

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Canon 1152
As a custom, the traditional term used to define the owner who conveys
property and rights into trust is an indication of the limits of their original rights. A
Settlor has limited rights not exceeding their duties of conveyor, whereas a Grantor
or Owner typically possesses more rights.

Canon 1153
When an Owner of a Form consents to convey a form into a Trust, some or all
of their limited rights of ownership are conveyed to the Trustee of the new trust.
Therefore, the rights administered by the Trustee cannot exceed the original rights
conveyed by the Owner.

Canon 1154
When a valid Trust is formed through the Form of a document, this is called
the Trust Instrument, also known as Trust Deed and Deed of Trust. When the Trust
is a Testamentary Trust for the management of an Estate, the Trust Instrument is
also known as a Deed and Will or simply a Will.

Canon 1155
The proper structure of Trust Instrument is dependent upon the type of valid
Trust as defined by these canons. A Trust Instrument for a type of Trust that fails to
confirm to these canons is not a valid Instrument and any such Trust is automatically
null and void with any property conveyed returned to its original owner(s).

Canon 1156
The termination of a Trust is dependent upon its type, the terms of its Deed
and the competence and relationship of the parties seeking its dissolution in
accordance with these canons. Any act of termination of a Trust which is inconsistent
with these canons automatically has no legal basis, nor validity.

Canon 1157
A Trust is created by act of a party or by an act permitted by valid statute of
law in accordance with these canons. There are only three (3) possible forms of Trust
as determined by the presumptions and terms of creation by its Trust Instrument:
Divine, Living or Deceased.

Canon 1158
The highest form of Trust is a Divine Trust also involving the highest form of
rights of ownership. A Divine Trust is purely spiritual and divinely supernatural
formed in accordance with the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum by the
Divine Creator into which the form of Divine Spirit, Energy and Rights are conveyed.
Therefore, a Divine Trust is the only possible type of Trust that can hold actual Form,
rather than just the Rights of Use of Form (Property).
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Canon 1159
A Living Trust, also called an “Inter Vivos” Trust involves the second highest
form of rights of ownership. It is distinct from a Divine Trust or a Deceased
(Testamentary) Trust that typically exists for the duration of the lifetime of the
Person(s) or Juridic Person(s) who are the beneficiaries. There are only four (4) valid
forms of Living Trusts: True, Superior, Temporary and Inferior.

Canon 1160
The second highest form of Trust also involving the second highest form of
rights of ownership is a True Trust being the highest form of Living Trust. A True
Trust is formed in accordance with the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis
Caelum and the pre-existence of a Divine Trust in the lawful conveyance from the
Divine Trust into the True Trust the Divine Rights of Use known as Divinity, being
the highest possible form of any kind of Property.

Canon 1161
The third highest form of any type of Trust is a Superior Trust being the
second highest form of Living Trust formed in accordance with the Covenant Pactum
De Singularis Caelum and the pre-existence of a True Trust in the lawful conveyance
into the Superior Trust of Property in the form of Realty being the highest form of
Rights of Use of Object and Concepts by Divine Right, also known as Divinity.

Canon 1162
A Temporary Trust is the third highest form of Living Trust involving the
temporary conveyance of property from one Superior Trust to another. Excluding
Negotiable Instruments, a Temporary Trust is not permitted to exist beyond 120

Canon 1163
The lowest form of Living Trust possessing the lowest form of rights of
ownership is called an Inferior Trust also known as an Inferior Roman Trust, or
simply Roman Trust. An Inferior Trust is any Living Trust formed by inferior Roman
Law, claims and statutes.

Canon 1164
A Deceased Trust, also known as a Testamentary Trust, also known as a
Deceased Estate and simply a State is the lowest form of Trust and the lowest form of
rights of ownership of any possible form of Trust. Deceased Trusts are exclusively an
invention of inferior Roman law whereby property is conveyed into a Testamentary
Trust upon the death of the testator. Inferior Roman law has a hybrid Deceased Trust
called a Cestui Que Vie Trust which uses false and extraordinarily illogical
presumptions to create Deceased Estates for the living on the presumption they are

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Canon 1165
A person proven to have acted in fraud or breach of their fiduciary duties as
Trustee automatically ceases to hold the Position from the time of the Fraud or
breach. Any liability associated with a fraud or breach of duty of a former Trustee is
automatically personally assumed by the disgraced former Trustee.

Canon 1166
Any claim that an Inferior Roman Trust possesses superior standing and
rights of ownership compared to a Superior Trust, or True Trust is an absurdity
against Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law and therefore is null and void
from the beginning, including any associated covenants, deeds and agreements
concerning property rights and lesser trusts.

Article 85-Divine Trust

Canon 1167
A Divine Trust is a Trust validly registered into the Great Register and Public
Record of One Heaven containing actual Spiritual Form as well as Divine Property
administered by the Treasury of One Heaven as Trustee in accordance with the
sacred Covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum as Sacred Deed for the Benefit of a
Divine Person.

Canon 1168
In accordance with these canons, a Divine Trust has been created and exists
for every single man, woman and higher order spirit that has ever existed, or is living
at this moment.

Canon 1169
By definition of Divine Law and Natural Law, the Divine Creator is the one,
true and only owner of all objects and concept. This is because, except for the Divine
Creator, objects and concepts cannot “own” one another, only themselves. This also
means that a fiction, such as a Trust, cannot “own” or hold any object or concept,
only another fiction.

Canon 1170
A Divine Trust is the highest possible form of Trust and unique as the only
possible type of Trust that can hold actual Form, rather than the Rights of Use of
Form being Property.

Canon 1171
In accordance with these canons, a Divine Trust can never be terminated.

Canon 1172
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A Divine Trust is formed when a Divine Immortal Spirit, being part of the
Divine, agrees with the Collective Divine known as Unique Collective Awareness to
be recognized as a Unique Member of the Divine in accordance with the sacred
Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum. Into the Divine Trust is then placed one unit
(1) representing one unique divine immortal spirit and mind, one unit (1)
representing the unique energy, life experience and creation from the beginning and
one unit (1) representing all regrets, debt, mistakes, destructive acts sometimes
described as “sins” from the beginning including all Rights of Use and Obligations.

Canon 1173
In accordance with these canons and the sacred covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum, a Divine Immortal Spirit is defined as any Unique Collective
Awareness associated with the formation and existence of a specific form of matter
within a level of space within the Universe. Therefore the Universe as a whole is a
Divine Immortal Spirit, the Milky Way Galaxy is a Divine Immortal Spirit as well as
physical aggregate of matter as is the Divine Immortal Spirit of a member of the
Homo Sapien species native to the planet Earth.

Canon 1174
The Divine Form and Divine Rights of Use conveyed into a valid Divine Trust
for a Divine Immortal Spirit is known as the Divine Corpus, or Divine Living Body
representing a valid legal personality known as the Divine Person.

Canon 1175
Neither any Form or Rights contained within a valid Divine Trust may be
conveyed, nor any transactions or effects undertaken on behalf of the Trust unless it
is in accord with these canons and the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis

Canon 1176
Any claimed ownership, conveyance, lien, or other fictional device over any
Form or Rights of a Divine Trust that are not in accordance with these canons is a
fraud and gross injury to the Divine Creator and therefore automatically null and
void from the beginning.

Canon 1177
A Divine Immortal Spirit may only be associated with one (1) valid Divine
Trust and therefore one (1) valid Divine Person.

Canon 1178
A Divine Person created for an organic higher order life form may only be
associated with one (1) flesh vessel as Trustee of a valid True Trust and therefore one
(1) valid True Person whilst the flesh lives.

Canon 1179
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In accordance with these canons, every child or higher order spirit that is
borne from now until the end of time possesses a Divine Personality through the
creation of their Divine Trust before any other legal entity or claim.

Canon 1180
When a particular Divine Person of an organic higher order life form no
longer has any valid association to a True Trust and a living flesh vessel, then an
association is permitted whereby one hundred (100) Divine Persons in similar
condition come together as an aggregate to form a Supreme Divine Trust.

Canon 1181
In accordance with these canons and the sacred Covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum, all men, women and higher order life, living and deceased are
members of One Heaven, therefore possessing a unique Divine Trust and Divine
Personality as demonstrated and proven by the existence of a unique Membership
number for them.

Canon 1182
As all men, woman and higher order spirits, living and deceased are
automatically Members of One Heaven in accordance with the sacred Covenant
Pactum De Singularis Caelum it is not necessary to give further notice to any man,
woman or higher spirit of the existence of their Divine Trust beyond the publication
of these canons and the sacred covenant to this fact.

Canon 1183
The Divine Creator is the owner of all Divine Trusts. Therefore, no individual
spirit, person, entity or aggregate has the lawful right to demand the termination of a
Divine Trust and a Divine Person.

Article 86-True Trust

Canon 1184
A True Trust such as a True Person Trust, Universal True Trust, Global True
Trust or Civil True Trust is a form of Living Trust validly registered into the Great
Register and Public Record of a global Ucadian society such as the Globe Union, One
Faith of God, One Islam or One Spirit Tribe containing Divine Property known as
Divine Rights of Use, or Divinity administered by the Treasury of the society as
Trustee in accordance with these canons and its sacred Covenant as Deed for the
Benefit of a True Person.

Canon 1185
By definition, Divinity or Divine Rights of Use cannot exist without the
existence of a Divine Trust. Therefore, no valid True Trust may exist unless it is
connected and created from a valid Divine Trust.

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Canon 1186
A True Trust is the second highest possible form of any type of Trust holding
the highest possible form of any kind of property being Divine Rights of Use known
as Divinity.

Canon 1187
A True Trust may only be associated with one (1) valid Divine Trust and
therefore one (1) valid Divine Person. A Divine Person is always the owner and
grantor of a valid True Trust.

Canon 1188
A True Person Trust is formed when a Divine Person grants certain Divine
Rights of Use, known as Divinity into the True Person Trust creating the Trust
Corpus of the True Trust, also known as the True Body Corporate, also known as the
True Person, having legal personality. The flesh vessel, also known as the living flesh,
also known as the living body of the organic higher order life form is always the
Trustee with the True Person as beneficiary.

Canon 1189
When the Trustee dies, the True Person also dies. As a Living (Inter Vivos)
Trust, a True Trust lawfully terminates upon the death of the Person or Juridic
Person listed as beneficiary.

Canon 1190
Any property rights granted from a True Trust may only be conveyed to a
superior trust of the same name and no other.

Canon 1191
In accordance with these canons and the sacred Covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum, each and every living man and woman have been duly appointed
Trustee of a unique True Trust through the conveyance of Divine Rights by Divine

Article 87-Superior Trust

Canon 1192
A Superior Trust is a form of Living Trust validly registered into the Great
Register and Public Record of a global, or national, or local Ucadian society or entity
containing Real Property, also known as Realty, being the highest form of Rights of
Use of Object and Concepts administered in accordance with these canons and its
sacred Covenant as Deed for the Benefit of a Superior Person. A Superior Trust is the
third highest form of Trust.

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Canon 1193
By definition, Realty also known as Real Property is first rights of use of
objects and concepts above all other claims. Therefore, Real Property cannot exist
without some valid Divine Right of Use, also known as Divinity. Therefore, no
Superior Trust may exist unless it is connected and created from a valid True Trust,
which itself must be connected and created from a valid Divine Trust.

Canon 1194
A Superior Trust may only be associated with one True Trust and therefore
one True Person. A True Person is always the owners of a Superior Trust.

Canon 1195
A Superior Trust is formed when a True Person gives, grants and conveys
certain Rights of Use, known as Realty or Real Property to a Superior Trust thus
creating the Trust Corpus of the Superior Trust, also known as the Superior Body
Corporate, also known as the Superior Person, having legal personality. The higher
society to which a Superior Person is member is always the Trustee with the Superior
Person as beneficiary.

Canon 1196
A Superior Trust is formed upon a True Person forming an agreement by valid
Deed to use certain property in accordance with these canons and the sacred
covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum. Certain Divine Rights of Use, also known as
Divinity are then conveyed into the Superior Trust for the purposes defined by the

Canon 1197
The Superior Person of a Superior Trust is always a living corporate body. A
Superior Person dies when the True Person that formed it also dies.

Canon 1198
As a Living (Inter Vivos) Trust, a Superior Trust lawfully terminates upon the
death of the Person or Juridic Person listed as beneficiary.

Canon 1199
Any person, aggregate or entity that claims ownership of Real Property
without demonstrating the existence of an associated True Trust and Divine Trust in
accordance with these canons defies both logic and reason in addition to being a
deliberate fraud and therefore null and void from the beginning.

Article 88-Inferior Trust

Canon 1200

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An Inferior Trust is the lowest form of Living Trust possessing the lowest form
of rights of ownership formed by inferior law, claims and statutes inconsistent with
these canons and the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

Canon 1201
Any Trust that is inconsistent with these canons and the sacred Covenant
Pactum De Singularis Caelum is therefore by law an Inferior Trust no matter how
old, what claims are made, how many are prepared to enforce these claims or believe
such claims to be true.
Canon 1202
By definition, an Inferior Trust is inferior to a Superior Trust. Therefore an
Inferior Trust can never hold Real Property being first right of use above all others.
Therefore any such claims of superior title, real property by any Inferior Trust defies
all norms of logic and reason and are automatically null and void from the beginning.

Canon 1203
All Estates formed under Roman Law are by definition formed under
Testamentary Trusts, whether or not such structure or status is acknowledged.
Therefore all Estates belong to Inferior Trusts.

Canon 1204
In accordance with these canons and the sacred Covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum, all property of all Inferior Trusts is ultimately subject to the
control and administration of One Heaven. Any Trustee, Executor or Administrator
of an Inferior Trust that denies this absolute fact is in gross breach of their duties and
is immediately ineligible to remain in the capacity as a Trustee, Executor or

Article 89-Supreme Trust

Canon 1205
A Supreme Trust is a valid aggregate Divine Trust registered into the Great
Register and Public Record of One Heaven whereby one hundred (100) deceased
members consent to convey their Divine Trusts holding actual Divine Form and
Rights into a new Supreme Divine Trust.

Canon 1206
A Deceased member of One Heaven is a Divine Person no longer having use of
a living flesh vessel in the form of an organic higher order being such as a Homo
Sapien body. Divine Persons owning a living flesh vessel are not permitted to convey
their Form and Rights into a Supreme Trust.

Canon 1207
As condition and consent in being a member of One Heaven, all deceased
members and the Divine Creator grant the Treasury of One Heaven the right to form
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a necessary number of Supreme Trusts for the benefit of the Society and all future
generations of deceased and living members.

Canon 1208
The total number of Supreme Trusts may not exceed the total number of
deceased members as indicated by the issue of valid membership numbers divided by
one hundred.

Canon 1209
When forming a new Supreme Trust, the Treasury of One Heaven shall
respect the historic relationships and connections between deceased members and
major events in their history so that members are grouped together in a Supreme
Trust sharing similar history, events and values. Therefore, for example, deceased
leaders of a civilization or entity should by right be connected together, as should
family members, as should those that died together.

Canon 1210
In accordance with these canons and the sacred Covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum, upon the formation of a new Supreme Trust, the Treasury of One
Heaven is permitted to issue one (1) Supreme Bill of Exchange, one (1) Supreme
Certificate of Equity, one (1) Supreme Bond of Promise and one (1) Supreme Credit
Title all to the base value of one (1).

Canon 1211
A Supreme Bill of Exchange, also known as a Supreme Bill and simply “Bill”
may be issued against the one hundred (100) units of debt conveyed from the Divine
Trusts into the Supreme Trust. A Supreme Bill therefore represents the most
perfected debt instrument above all other debt instruments with the one hundred
members as individual acceptors through their existence of their membership
numbers on any Bill of Exchange Instrument.

Canon 1212
When monetized, a Supreme Bill of Exchange represents the most superior
form of debt currency of any and all systems. The failure for any Juridic Person to
refuse acceptance of a Supreme Bill of Exchange shall represent a most serious fraud
and automatically render such a person, entity or aggregate in extreme dishonor of
all laws of trade and exchange, subject to immediate sanction and penalty.

Canon 1213
A Supreme Certificate of Equity, also known as a Supreme Share Certificate
and simple “Share” may be issued against the one hundred (100) units of actual form
of spirit and mind conveyed from the Divine Trusts into the Supreme Trust. A
Supreme Certificate of Equity therefore represents the most perfect and highest
certificate of equity above all other forms and certificate of equity.
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Canon 1214
A Supreme Bond of Promise to Pay, also known as a Supreme Promissory
Note, also known as simply a “Bond” may be issued against the one hundred (100)
units of energy and spiritual activity conveyed from the Divine Trusts to the Supreme
Trust. A Supreme Bond of Promise to Pay therefore represents the highest form of
Promissory Note and Bond possible.

Canon 1215
A Supreme Credit Title, also known as a Supreme Credit represents the full
legal Title held by the Treasury of One Heaven as Trustees over the assets held in
Supreme Trust. Because of the extreme value of a Supreme Credit, it is forbidden to
sell or purchase a Supreme Credit. However, the Treasury of One Heaven is
permitted to use the Share and Bond of a Supreme Credit as underwriting to a
Universal Trust representing a Universal Gold Credit, including the conveyance of
the Bill to the Universal Trust.

Canon 1216
The holding of an authenticated abstract of a Supreme Credit does not imply
in anyway a transfer of ownership, nor title, nor rights, nor assets. Any person,
juridic person or entity that seeks to monetize, use a Supreme Credit except for the
express purpose the abstract was provided is guilty of gross fraud and dishonor, with
any subsequent transaction null and void from the beginning.

Article 90-Universal Trust

Canon 1217
A Universal Trust is a valid aggregate True Trust registered into the Great
Register and Public Record of One Heaven or Global Ucadian Society. There are only
two permitted types of Universal Trusts, a Universal Credit Trust and The Ucadia
Universal Trust also known as The Ucadia Trust.

Canon 1218
The Ucadia Universal Trust is the complete and entire Universe as one valid
Person representing the Divine Trust Unique Collective Awareness in the personality
of Ucadia as all of Existence. As Ucadia is registered into the Great Register and
Public Record of One Heaven, Ucadia is recognized as a full member of One Heaven.

Canon 1219
No person, entity, aggregate or force may claim a higher trust within the
dimension of the Universe than the Ucadia Trust.

Canon 1220

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Only Trustees nominated by the Treasury of One Heaven are permitted to act
as Trustees on behalf of the Ucadia Trust.

Canon 1221
Wherever valid business or trade of any kind is engaged by the name Ucadia
in association with these canons and the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis
Caelum it shall be according to the rights and obligations of the Ucadia Trust.

Canon 1222
Any inferior juridic person or inferior trust or estate that seeks to enforce a
claimed control over the assets of the Ucadia Trust is in grave breach of all forms of
law and such act is immediately null and void.

Canon 1223
As these canons have been promulgated and notice given, it is the
responsibility of inferior juridic persons and their officers to make effective change to
their records for any business or trade of any kind by the name Ucadia. Failure to
correct their records is no excuse.

Canon 1224
Any man or woman acting as surety to an inferior person that seeks to enforce
a claimed control over the assets and direction of the Ucadia Trust or derivative
thereof, automatically assumes and consents to the full liability and consequences of
their actions including the immediately loss of any legitimate right to act as trustee,
executor or administrator, any subsequent charges of fraud and all penalties and

Canon 1225
Any man or woman who falsely purports to represent Ucadia without valid
authorization is guilty of serious fraud and automatically assumes and consents to
the full liability and consequences of their actions including the immediately loss of
any legitimate right to act as trustee, executor or administrator, any subsequent
charges of fraud and all penalties and punishments.

Canon 1226
A Universal Credit Trust is formed by the lawful conveyance of one hundredth
(1/100th) of the value of a Supreme Bill of Exchange into the new Universal True
Trust, including Divine Rights of underwriting by Supreme Equity and Supreme

Canon 1227

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All Universal Credits Trusts are administered by the Globe Union Treasury in
accordance with these canons and the Charter of the Globe Union and Globe Union
Reserve Bank.

Article 91-Global Trust

Canon 1228
A Global Trust is a valid aggregate True Trust or Superior Trust registered into
the Great Register and Public Record of a global Ucadian Society. There are three (3)
types of Global Trusts: Global Credit Trusts, Global True Trusts and Global Superior

Canon 1229
A Global Credit Trust, also known as a Global Silver Credit (Trust) is formed
by the Treasury of the Globe Union upon the conveyance of Real Property from a
Universal Credit Trust, also known as a Universal Gold Credit in accordance with the
charters of the Globe Union and the Globe Union Reserve Bank.

Canon 1230
A Global True Trust is formed for each Global Juridic Person specifically
named within the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum and associated
Covenants and Charters by its Divine Personality and conveyance of Divine Right of
Use, also known as Divinity.

Canon 1231
A Global Superior Trust is formed by the individual covenant or charter of the
Global Juridic Person and Global True Trust for each of its organs and entities into
which Real Property, or first right of use of objects and concepts by Divine Right are

Article 92-Civil Trust

Canon 1232
A Civil Trust is a valid aggregate True Trust or Superior Trust registered into
the Great Register and Public Record of a Global or Civil Ucadian Society. A Civil
Trust is generally for a Nation, or Province or Community or Town for the benefit of
its members. An aggregate larger than a Nation is usually a Global Trust.

Canon 1233
Only one (1) Civil True Trust may be formed for each Civil Juridic Person
named within the sacred Pronouncements of Ucadia, the sacred Covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum and associated Covenants and Charters.

Canon 1234

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A Civil Superior Trust is formed by the individual charter of the Civil Juridic
Person and Civil True Trust for each of its organs and entities into which Real
Property, or first right of use of objects and concepts by Divine Right are conveyed.

Article 93-Mercantile Trust

Canon 1235
A Mercantile Trust is a valid aggregate Superior Trust registered into the
Great Register and Public Record of a Global or Civil Ucadian Society. A Mercantile
Trust is generally for a trade and commerce. A Mercantile Trust is always a Superior
Trust and can never be a True Trust.

Canon 1236
A new Mercantile Trust is formed when one or more True Persons holding
various Property agree to form a new Trust with specific Mercantile Objectives by
conveying and combining these rights under Deed and Title.

Article 94-Union Trust

Canon 1237
A Union Trust is a valid aggregate Superior Trust registered into the Great
Register and Public Record of a Civil Ucadian Society. A Union Trust recognizes the
union between two consenting adults for the purpose of forming a singular Superior
Person in the trade and transaction of their lives. A Union Trust is always a Superior
Trust and can never be a True Trust.

Canon 1238
A new Union Trust is formed when two True Persons holding Property agree
to form a new Trust by conveying and combining these rights under Deed and Title.

Canon 1239
The life of a Union Trust is the life of the Union representing at least two
members including children. Upon a request to terminate the trust by one or both of
the founders and no children exist, the trust is terminated. However, in the event
children exist, the Union Trust survives until the children reach majority, also known
as adulthood.

Article 95-Clann Trust

Canon 1240
A Clann Trust is a valid aggregate Superior Trust registered into the Great
Register and Public Record of a Civil Ucadian Society. A Union Trust is generally for

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a trade and commerce. A Clann Trust is always a Superior Trust and can never be a
True Trust.

Canon 1241
A new Clann Trust is formed when two or more True Persons of the same
Clann and blood holding Property agree to form a new Trust by conveying and
combining these rights under Deed and Title.

Canon 1242
The life of a Clann Trust is the life of the Clann representing at least two or
more members. Upon the Clann Trust only representing one member, the Clann
Trust is terminated.

Article 96-Official Trust

Canon 1243
An Official Trust is a valid aggregate Superior Trust registered into the Great
Register and Public Record of a Global or Civil Ucadian Society. An Official Trust
holds Real Property relating to an official position within a valid Ucadian Society. An
Official Trust is always a Superior Trust and can never be a True Trust.

Canon 1244
A new Official Trust is formed when a Global or Civil Ucadian Society conveys
Property from a True Trust representing the Office and a True Person conveys their
property and obligations to form a new Superior Trust.

Canon 1245
The life of an Official Trust is the life of a True Person holding the Office.
Upon leaving Office, the Rights bestowed by the True Office Trust revert, including
any additional property and effects. However, the release of obligations of a True
Person having left office is dependent upon their oath and vows.

Canon 1246
The obligations and agreements acquired through Office outlive the
termination of the Official Trust by reverting to the True Office Trust and then
conveyed to the new Superior Official Trust of the new Official.

Article 97-Location Trust

Canon 1248
A Location Trust is a valid aggregate Superior Trust registered into the Great
Register and Public Record of a Civil Ucadian Society. A Location Trust holds Real
Property pertaining to Land and associated immovables and movables. A Location
Trust is always a Superior Trust and can never be a True Trust.
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Canon 1249
As Land is physical matter within space existing in accordance with Natural
Law, it cannot be “owned” by a fiction such as an owner, or trust. Therefore, in order
to enable lawful “ownership” of Land, a valid fictional form derive from the objective
existence of Land is required. This fiction is called “Location”.

Canon 1250
A Location is a valid survey of the Land and the creation of its metes and
bounds so that the description is consistent with an unbroken succession of surveys
from the accurate survey of Divine Law down to the Cadastral Location survey.

Canon 1251
Neither Torrens Title nor incomplete and inferior claims of survey may be
used as valid arguments for succession in defining a valid Location.

Canon 1252
A Location Trust is equivalent in name only to a Land Trust, also known as
Land Title.

Canon 1253
A Location Trust is not equivalent to Estate based Land Title and Rights,
particularly Real Estate. Real Estate is the first right of use within the Estate, whereas
Real property is first Right of use by Divine Right, above all other claims.

Canon 1254
All Land Title based upon an Estate and therefore Testamentary Trust is by
logic and reason inferior to any Land Title based upon Real Property.

Canon 1255
As all Land Title based on Real Estate is inferior to Land Title based on Real
Property, all associated claimed liens, easements and conditions of Title have no
lawful or material effect.

Canon 1256
A new Location Trust is formed when one or more True Persons holding
various contested or agreed Rights such as Ownership, Occupation, Possession and
Location agree to form a new Trust by conveying and combining these rights under
Deed and Title. The perfection of these various Rights then determines the status of
the Title of the Location Trust.

Canon 1257

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There are only four types of status of a Title concerning a Location Trust:
Perfect, Clear, Contested and Provisional.

Canon 1258
A Perfect Title for a Location Trust is when the True Persons hold proof of
Right of Ownership, Occupies the Land and a valid Ucadian Society conveys Right of
Location into the new Trust perfecting Title.

Canon 1259
A Clear Title for a Location Trust is when the True Persons hold proof of Right
of Ownership, but do not occupy the land and a valid Ucadian Society conveys Right
of Location into the new Trust clearing the Title.

Canon 1260
A Contested Title for a Location Trust is when the True Persons Occupy the
Land, but their proof or Right of Ownership is contested by another True Person,
therefore suspending the conveyance of the Rights of Location into the new Trust
until the controversy is resolved.

Canon 1261
A Provisional Title for a Location Trust is when the True Persons Occupy the
Land, they have made improvements to the land, they claim their Right of Ownership
through Possession and abandonment or non-use by the owner, they have defined a
Location survey but neither the survey has been validated against all valid Land
Titles and the Owner has not had time to lodge an objection. Thus the conveyance of
the Rights of Location into the new Trust is suspended until a period of time for the
owner to object.

Canon 1262
In matters of dispute, a Perfect Title is always superior to a Clear Title and a
Clear Title is always superior to a Contested Title or Provisional Title.

Canon 1263
The assertion and enforcement of a claim by an inferior juridic person through
inferior Estate title against a superior person and Real Property ownership
constitutes a gross injury and fraud against the law, with no lawful form other than
the rule of force.

Canon 1264
Any inferior juridic person or inferior person that participates in gross fraud
against the law by asserting inferior rights over lawfully superior rights accepts and
consents personally to the fully liability of their actions including the pursuit of
maximum punishment and penalty against them at the earliest opportunity.
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Article 98-Temporary Trust

Canon 1265
A Temporary Trust is a valid Trust formed for the express purpose of
temporarily administering assets and property in transition from one type of
permanent living trust to another, including use in Negotiable Instruments.

Canon 1266
In accordance with these canons and the sacred Covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum, all forms of Temporary Testamentary Trusts, Cestui Que (Vie)
Trusts, Estates and other forms of trusts for the purpose of administering the assets
of a deceased estate are henceforth forbidden by all forms of valid law.

Canon 1267
Instead, all valid Deeds and Wills of Testament form a valid Temporary Trust
not exceeding one hundred and twenty (120) days in life before the trust must be
terminated and all assets and property conveyed to another form of valid permanent
trust.A Temporary Trust may not convey any property or assets to another
Temporary Trust for the same Heirs and Beneficiaries.

Canon 1268
A Temporary Trust as part of a Negotiable Instrument is permitted to exist
beyong one hundred and twenty (120) days when such instrument conforms to the
standards of Negotiable Instruments of these canons.

3.3 Rights Suspension and Corruption

Article 99-Estate

Canon 1269
Estate, also known as "allodium" is a fictional concept first created from Latin
during the reign of Henry VIII of England through Statutes concerning Wills and of
Uses (Property) and the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 to describe the artificial creation
of a Trust Corpus of a Temporary Testamentary Trust, also known as a Cestui Que
Vie Trust upon one or more presumptions. Hence the word Estate is derived from
two Latin words e+statuo literally meaning “by virtue of decree, statute or

Canon 1270
The word Estate is equivalent to Trust Corpus, except Estate specifically and
always defines a trust corpus created by artificial means through Cestui Que Vie
Trust rather than by the operation of will through vow, oath and agreement of two

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living beings. Estate cannot be used to describe the trust corpus of a living trust or
natural testamentary trust.

Canon 1271
Unlike a normal Testamentary Trust, an Estate through a Cestui Que Vie Trust
may come into existence without the need for the Grantor, known as the Testator to
be deceased.

Canon 1272
The granting of Benefits from an Estate to Beneficiaries is at the discretion of
the Trustees of a Cestui Que Vie Trust known as the Executors, also called Executives
appointed by the Trustees in accordance with the terms of the Deed and Will of the
Estate. A Beneficiary of an Estate is always the same as a Beneficiary of a Cestui Que
(Vie) Trust.

Canon 1273
The Deed and Will of an Temporary Testamentary Trust, also known as a
Cestui Que Vie Trust that forms an Estate is also known as a Constitution or Statute.
Statute, Constitution and Estate are all derived from the same Latin root word

Canon 1274
The term Estate is a description of the formation of an artificial trust corpus
and so as a term is devoid of legal personality. Instead, it is the body being the corpus
or corporation of the trust corpus that is recognized as a valid legal entity, having
legal personality.

Canon 1275
Any Corporation or Body Corporate also known as a State or Estate must by
definition belong to a Cestui Que Vie Trust in accordance to a particular Constitution
or Statute as its Deed and Will.

Canon 1276
Unlike a perpetual and natural Testamentary Trust whereby the Testator
nominates the office of Executor, under a Cestui Que Vie Trust, it is the Trustees who
hold sole power to appoint the office of Executor to themselves or another to
administer an Estate. A person who seeks to usurp the Trustees and unlawfully claim
the office of Executor without permission is known as an Executor De Son Tort and
may be charged with fraud.

Canon 1277
Property held in Estates are considered either Real or Personal. Real Estate
consists of the first right of use by the Estate in land or freeholds which descend to
Heirs and may be subsequently leased to Beneficiaries. Personal Estate consists in
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chattels or movables which go to Executors and their Administrators who may then
lease them to Beneficiaries for use.

Canon 1278
As every Estate requires the existence of a Trust prior to its existence, an
Estate can never hold Real Property. Real Estate implies merely first right of use
within the constraints of the Estate, whereas Real Property implies the first right of
use of a physical object or concept above all other claims.

Canon 1279
The maximum allowable interest of Real Estate is Fee Simple, also known as
Freehold which may be of potentially infinite duration, a life Estate or an Estate for a
predetermined number of years. The Owner of Freehold may then typically create
smaller Estates from their land known as Leaseholds.

Canon 1280
There are only two modes of acquiring Title to Real Estate, either by descent
as an Heir or by Purchase. When a Person acquires Real Estate by descent they are
considered an Heir and when it is acquired by purchase they are a Purchaser.

Canon 1281
Consistent with their membership to the Society of One Heaven and in
accordance with the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, all members
who are recognized as continuing to possess real legal rights as deceased testators
hereby order the executors and administrators of their estates to obey their will and
convey all estates into lawful and valid Trusts consistent with these canons.

Canon 1282
The existence of Deceased Estate Trusts, also known as Temporary
Testamentary Trusts, also known as Cestui Que Vie Trusts are forbidden beyond the
Day of Redemption.

Article 100-Cestui Que Vie Trust

Canon 1283
A Cestui Que Vie Trust is a fictional concept being a Temporary Testamentary
Trust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que
Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666
wherein an Estate may be effected for the Benefit of a Person presumed lost or
abandoned at “sea” and therefore assumed “dead” after seven (7) years. Additional
presumptions by which such a Trust may be formed were added in later statutes to
include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages and private companies.

Canon 1284
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The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust was to form a
temporary Estate for the benefit of another because some event, state of affairs or
condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent and
present before a competent authority. Therefore, any claims, history, statutes or
arguments that deviate in terms of the origin and function of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust
as pronounced by these canons is false and automatically null and void.

Canon 1285
A Beneficiary under Estate may be either a Beneficiary or a Cestui Que (Vie)
Trust. When a Beneficiary loses direct benefit of any Property of the higher Estate
placed in Cestui Que (Vie) Trust on their behalf, they do not “own” the Cestui Que
(Vie) Trust and are only the beneficiary of what the Trustees of the Cestui Que (Vie)
Trust choose to provide them.

Canon 1286
As all Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created on one or more presumptions based
on its original purpose and function, such a Trust cannot be created if none of these
presumptions can be proven to exist.

Canon 1287
In accordance with Estate law, the Property held in "Deceased Estate" within
the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust is called the Trust Corpus, Body Corporate or Estate and
possesses legal personality. However, as the Estate is held in a Temporary not
permanent Trust, the (Corporate) Person is entitled only to equitable title and the
use of the Property, rather than legal title and therefore ownership of the Property.
Only the Corporation, also known as Body Corporate, Estate and Trust Corpus of a
Cestui Que (Vie) Trust possesses valid legal personality.

Canon 1288
The Property of any equitable Estate created through a Temporary
(Testamentary) Trust may be regarded as under “Cestui Que Use” by the Corporate
Person, even if another name or description is used to define the type of trust or use.
Therefore “Cestui Que Use is not a Person but a Right.

Canon 1289
The Corporate Person being the Estate of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust can never
be considered as the Person for whose benefit the Trust is Created, but a dead body
representing a "likeness" of the deceased body of the missing Person of the
Beneficiary in whose name the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust was originally formed.

Canon 1290
As all Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are (temporary) Testamentary Trusts holding
Estate, a valid certificate or instrument is required to be issued for their birth
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technically declaring the true Beneficiary "dead" until their return. If a private
company, it is a Certificate of Incorporation.

Canon 1291
A Birth Certificate of the Body Corporate being the Estate of a Cestui Que
(Vie) Trust is invalid if it does not make plain the status of the relevant Beneficiary as
"dead" until their return including how the certificate may be redeemed and the
Trust and Estate dissolved upon their return.

Canon 1292
Since 1933, when a child is borne in a State (Estate) under inferior Roman
law, three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions,
specifically designed to deny the child forever any rights of Real Property, any Rights
as a Free Person and any Rights to be known as man and woman rather than a
creature or animal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit.

Canon 1293
Since 1933, upon a new child being borne, the Executors or Administrators of
the higher Estate willingly and knowingly convey the beneficial entitlements of the
child as Beneficiary into the 1st Cestui Que (Vie) Trust in the form of a Registry
Number by registering the Name, thereby also creating the Corporate Person and
denying the child any rights as an owner of Real Property.

Canon 1294
Since 1933, when a child is borne, the Executors or Administrators of the
higher Estate knowingly and willingly claim the baby as chattel to the Estate. The
slave baby contract is then created by honoring the ancient tradition of either having
the ink impression of the feet of the baby onto the live birth record, or a drop of its
blood as well as tricking the parents to signing the baby away through the deceitful
legal meanings on the live birth record. This live birth record as a promissory note is
converted into a slave bond sold to the private reserve bank of the estate and then
conveyed into a 2nd and separate Cestui Que (Vie) Trust per child owned by the
bank. Upon the promissory note reaching maturity and the bank being unable to
“seize” the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to “salvage” the lost property
and itself monetized as currency issued in series against the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust.

Canon 1295
Since 1537 and the creation of the 1st Cestui Que Act, deriving its power from
the Papal Bull of Roman Cult leader Pope Paul III of the same year, whenever a child
is baptized and a Baptismal Certificate is issued, the parents have knowingly or
unknowingly gifted, granted and conveyed the soul of the baby to a “3rd” Cestui Que
Vie Trust owner by Roman Cult, who has held this valuable property in its vaults ever
since. Since 1815, this 3rd Crown of the Roman Cult and 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust
representing Ecclesiastical Property has been managed by the Bar Association

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representing the reconstituted “Galla” responsible as Grim Reapers for reaping the

Canon 1296
Each Cestui Que Vie Trust created since 1933 represents one of the 3 Crowns
representing the 3 claims of property of the Roman Cult, being Real Property,
Personal Property and Ecclesiastical Property and the denial of any rights to men and
women, other than those chosen as loyal members of the society and as Executors
and Administrators.

Canon 1297
The Three (3) Cestui Que Vie Trusts being the specific denial of rights of Real
Property, Personal Property and Ecclesiastical Property for most men and women,
corresponds exactly to the three forms of law available to the Galla of the Bar
Association Courts. The first form of law being corporate commercial law is effective
because of the 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust. The second form of law being maritime and
canon law is effective because of the 2nd Cestui Que Vie Trust. The 3rd form of law
being Talmudic law is effective because of the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust of Baptism.

Canon 1298
In societies controlled by Inferior law, when a man or woman physically dies
without ever having dissolved their Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts, the property of the
Temporary Testamentary Trust is conveyed into a permanent Testamentary Trust
and a formal Death Certificate is issued

Canon 1299
The creation of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust and Estate is unlawful if a valid Birth
Certificate is not issued to the next of kin of the relevant "missing" and "presumed
dead" Beneficiary, including clear instruction on how it may be redeemed and the
trust dissolved upon their return or reaching majority.

Canon 1300
Failure to disclose, or admit upon request the existence of a Cestui Que (Vie)
Trust instead of Beneficiary relationship to an Estate constitutes a fundamental
breach of duties of any Administrator or Executor of the Estate and a most serious
fraud requiring their immediate removal and punishment.

Canon 1301
Under their solemn obligations and duties as Trustee, it is the sole
responsibility at first opportunity of any Administrator or Executor not the Person
before them to offer remedy and relief to re-establish their competency, living status
and return thus extinguishing any Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts and returning any
remaining assets to the Person.

Canon 1302
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Upon a Person fulfilling the requirements to re-establish their status and
competency, the relevant Administrator and Executor is duty bound to dissolve the
Cestui Que (Vie) Trust as it has been proven to have been created on one or more
errors of presumption. It is immaterial to the dissolution of any Cestui Que (Vie)
Trust and Estate if a Person, upon proving the necessary errors of presumption,
returns any or all copies of the Birth Certificate of the Trust and Body Corporate.

Canon 1303
Any Administrator or Executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui
Que (Vie) Trust, upon a Person establishing their status and competency, is guilty of
fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring their immediate
removal and punishment.

Canon 1304
Failure to provide a full accounting of the former Estate of a dissolved Cestui
Que (Vie) Trust, including the return of any remaining assets to the Beneficiary
constitutes both theft and fraud by the Administrators and the Executors.
Article 101-Mortgage

Canon 1305
A Mortgage is a complex bundle of rights, encumbrances and transactions
involving primarily a lease, lien and loan issued through a Temporary Testamentary
Trust known as a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust under Estate Law.

Canon 1305
The first component to a Mortgage is a Lease formed through the creation of a
Cestui Que (Vie) Trust whereby the higher Estate such as a State, Territory or Nation
conveys Title to the financial institution as Landlord and the borrower as Tenant.

Canon 1306
Leases within a standard Mortgage are usually fixed in term, such as fifteen,
twenty years and sometimes for even a longer term. Once the lease expires, the
Cestui Que (Vie) Trust dissolves and title returns to the higher Estate. Under modern
Estate Law, A borrower of a mortgage is always a tenant, never an owner.

Canon 1307
The second component to a Mortgage is a consensual Commercial Lien issued
under Estate Law whereby a lien placed upon a Real Estate Deed and Title under
Estate Law whereby a lender is granted certain Rights to seize Title over the Real
Estate Property of the borrower, usually only after Foreclosure is granted.

Canon 1308
As all Mortgages now are Commercial Liens issued under the Estate Law of
Securitized Estates, it is now the banks and financial institutions that are legally

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considered the Executors and Administrators with the borrowers always considered
tenants, whether the loan is fully paid or not.

Canon 1309
The third component to a Mortgage is the loan which has two important
elements, the principal representing the actual loan itself and the interest, lawfully
representing rent of the tenant to the landlord.

Canon 1310
Under Trust law and Estate Law the executives of financial institutions of
Executors and Administrators under Estate Law are obliged to perform as duty
bound officers of a Testamentary Trust and not materially alter any conditions of the
Deed and Title which represents a formal Will. Deliberate fraud in altering a Deed
and Will constitutes a most grave injury to the whole of Estate Law of the Roman
System and if uncontested and unrepaired is tantamount to the open consent by the
most senior Executors and Administrators of the highest Estates that the whole
system is now null and void.

Canon 1311
The Promissory Note and Application Form signed by a lender as part of a
Mortgage is material to the Deed and Will of the Estate. Therefore, by Estate Law,
any fraud or deception in materially altering the terms of the Testamentary Trust
immediately disqualifies the executive from acting as Executor or Administrator with
the financial institution assuming full liability.

Canon 1312
Any inferior Roman court that openly permits the unrepaired and open fraud
of Trust Law, Estate Law and the law of Wills by refusing to repudiate any financial
institution that monetizes or multiplies the sale of a loan without consent or remedy
to the borrower openly consents that the whole system of Roman Trust Law, Estate
Law and Wills no longer applies and is null and void.

Canon 1313
By definition, any Property taxes charged by the higher estate to the tenant are
the direct responsibility of the landlord. Where a court seeks to foreclose on a
property against the tenant and not the financial institution, constitutes a gross fraud
and if unrepaired is an open consent that Roman Trust Law, Estate Law and Contract
Law no longer applies and is null and void.

Canon 1314
Equity does not exist in Mortgage as the terms of ownership is always a lease.
Any claim therefore of equity is a fraud and misrepresentation of contract by the
lender and higher estates.

Canon 1315
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The sale of a "home" or "property" merely represents an assignment and then
novation of lease with most mortgages permitting such conveyance providing the
landlord of the higher estate can claim some form of compensation from the sale
through taxes.

Canon 1316
Providing a financial institution has not committed fraud against the Deed
and Will of the Estate under which a Mortgage is applied against Real Estate, the
institution must first seek a granting of Foreclosure before seizing the property. This
is because the lender is their tenant under a fixed-term lease.

Article 102-Bond

Canon 1317
A Bond is an agreement or engagement binding on the person who makes it. A
Bond may also be a Deed.

Canon 1318
A Bond by most ancient law is a form of voluntary servitude, otherwise known
as enslavement, requiring the consent of the person to whom the bond applies. Thus
a bond always implies a temporary suspension of rights.

Canon 1319
A Legal Bond, or Bail Bond is a Deed by a Person providing certain Property
as surety against another accused of an offence as underwriting that the accused will
present themselves to court upon the next hearing date. A Bond is therefore provided
as an alternate to the imprisonment of the accused until their next court appearance.

Canon 1320
All persons accused of less serious crimes must be offered the opportunity of
obtaining a Legal Bond, unless it can be presented that such a person represents a
serial offender, threat to the community or is unlikely to return.

Canon 1321
When a child is borne under inferior Roman law, the Executors or
Administrators of the higher Estate claim the baby as chattel to the Estate. The slave
baby contract is then created by honoring the ancient tradition of either having the
ink impression of the feet of the baby onto the live birth record, or a drop of its blood
as well as tricking the parents to signing the baby away through the deceitful legal
meanings on the live birth record. This live birth record as a promissory note is
converted into a slave bond sold to the private reserve bank of the estate and then
conveyed into a separate Cestui Que (Vie) Trust per child owned by the bank. Upon
the promissory note reaching maturity and the bank being unable to “seize” the slave

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child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to “salvage” the lost property and itself
monetized as currency issued in series against the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust.

Canon 1322
While these slave bonds are sold by the Executors and Administrators by
legally claiming the children as chattel of the estate, the contract is nonetheless
fraudulent in the false obtaining of consent and lack of full disclosure. Therefore any
claimed rights of the owners of the estate are immediately rendered null and void,
with all liability returned to the executors and administrators.

Canon 1323
As all bonds created through fraud and defective means under inferior Roman
law are null and void any associated property, currency and monetary value created
upon the underwriting of these fraudulent and defective instruments are also hereby
null and void.

Article 103-Lien

Canon 1324
A Lien is a legal fiction first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England
whereby one who is owed a debt may lawfully claim certain Rights over the property
of another who owes the debt until it is paid. Hence, a Lien is a non-possessory
property interest over certain assets to secure the performance of an obligation,
usually the payment of a debt.

Canon 1325
The owner of the property against which a Lien is placed is called the lienor,
while the person who has the benefit of the lien is usually called the lienee.

Canon 1326
A Lien is an encumbrance over the particular property alienated. Therefore, a
Lien can cause the title held by the owner to be defeated, terminated, annulled,
voided or invalidated if the performance of the obligations of the Lien are not met.

Canon 1327
Under the inferior Roman system of law, property may be affected by more
than one Lien. The Lien that is considered the first lien is the lien that takes priority
over all other encumbrances over the same property. The second lien has second
priority and so forth for all other liens.

Canon 1328
Liens may be regarded as consensual, or non-consensual. A mortgage is a
form of consensual Lien. A tax lien is a form of non-consensual Lien.

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Canon 1329
Under the inferior Roman system of law, secret Liens are permitted to be
created against certain Property yet kept secret and therefore not appearing on
records available to any purchaser or holder of the property in direct contravention
to all principles of law. To reinforce the absurdity and fraud against the very
principles of law, these Liens are openly called “Secret Liens”.

Canon 1330
Excluding whether a Lien may be hidden or published, or consensual or non-
consensual, all Liens may be defined according to the level of Rights of Encumbrance
granted to the lienee, namely Maritime, Agricultural, Commercial and Judicial.

Canon 1331
Under inferior Roman Law, a Maritime Lien is the most powerful of all forms
of Lien, usually granting the lienee full Rights of Encumbrance over the Property
until the debt is paid, often for the purpose of salvage of lost or abandoned property.
A valid Maritime Lien is always has higher priority against other non-Maritime

Canon 1332
A further power concerning Maritime Liens relates to recovery in the event of
a failed salvage of the property whereby a Maritime Bill of Exchange may be lawfully
issued against the value of the Lien which must be accepted for monetization by any
bank within the Roman and Western Financial System.

Canon 1333
As most debt money in circulation throughout the Roman Western Financial
System is monetized Maritime Bills of Exchange based upon fraudulent "secret" liens
against the citizens of nations as Estates, the failure to honor a valid Maritime Bill of
Exchange represents a gross breach of the entire financial system, requiring the
highest banks to make repair, or through dishonor consent to default the whole
system as null and void.

Canon 1334
Inferior Roman Law permits the deliberate corruption of Maritime Liens
whereby such encumbrances may be placed upon Persons also representing vessels.
However, under the false claim of the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican also
falsely known as the Holy See, such powers are considered reserved.

Canon 1335
The second most powerful form of Lien under inferior Roman Law is an
Agricultural Lien by the Executors or Administrators of an Estate against a Tenant
and Beneficiary of the Estate whereby a wide variety of encumbrances may be
applied, including the “lawful” seizure of all property held by the person.

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Canon 1336
The power that permits Agricultural Liens their legal effect is deliberately
misconstrued as statutory law, constituting a deliberate corruption and fraud of the
law, negating under all principles of law such liens from the beginning. Instead, the
effective power of these liens is the Deed and Will of the Estate and the status of the
person as either a Beneficiary and tenant or Cestui Que Vie use as a beneficiary of the
Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, not statutes.

Canon 1337
The third most powerful form of Lien under inferior Roman Law are
Commercial Liens also using Estate Law, but through the membership of persons to
Securitized Estates whereby private and commercial entities operate as the Executors
and Administrators and persons remain merely tenants of both immovables and

Canon 1338
All mortgages are Commercial Liens relating to Estate Law of Securitized
Estates where the banks and financial institutions are legally considered the
Executors and Administrators and the lenders are always considered tenants,
whether they pay off their loan or not.

Canon 1339
The fourth and least powerful form of Lien under Roman Law are Judicial
Liens issued by a competent court in accordance with some dispute.

Canon 1340
In the argument of priority between Liens, a Lien may be considered
“perfected” or “unperfected”. A perfected Lien is one in which a creditor possesses
the property, or has established a priority right in the encumbered property with
third party creditors, or has registered a claim.

Canon 1341
As all Property Rights come from Divine Trusts to True Trusts and then
Superior Trusts, no inferior Roman official, entity or person has any possible valid
claim against a Ucadian Trust, therefore any inferior Roman Lien issued against a
Ucadian Trust automatically is null and void.

Canon 1342
As the Society of One Heaven is the one, the only true Holy See, in accordance
with these canons and the sacred covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum, the Roman
Cult, also known as the Vatican is hereby solemnly stripped of all Ecclesiastical and
Temporal Authority to issue Maritime Liens, or to permit the monetization of
Maritime Bills of Exchange, with all powers hereby lawfully transferred to the
Treasury of the Globe Union.

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Canon 1343
As the Society of One Heaven is lawfully the First See and the one true Holy
See, all Maritime Liens by which all currency based on Maritime Bills of Exchange
are hereby extinguished, with the full liability for underwriting the debt of these liens
henceforth due by all the present and previous Executors and Administrators and
their heirs and successors who have been responsible for presiding over this fraud
against the Divine Creator and all principles of law.

Article 104-Easement

Canon 1344
An Easement is a claimed Right held by one person to use the land of another
for a special purpose.

Canon 1345
An Easement is effectively a second form of equitable title offered for lease by
the Administrators and Executors of an Estate. The most common example is mining
Canon 1346
As a person holding a mortgage never actually owns the land, only leases it,
they are generally powerless to prevent the executors and administrators of the
higher estate selling separate rights under lease to another party, unless they can
prove the activities of the second party will grossly deprive them of fundamental
rights of the operation of their tenancy.

Canon 1347
The existence of any Easement is proof that land ownership within the inferior
Roman system is conducted a gross fraud and deception.

Article 105-Estoppel

Canon 1348
An Estoppel is an impediment to a right of action arising from a persons own
act, or where they are forbidden by law to speak against their own deed. Hence, to
"estop" is to stop up or impede a person from alleging or denying a fact, because of
his/her own previous act.

Article 106-Date

Canon 1349
Date is a fictional concept whereby the presence of the word itself indicates
either a ceding of rights or a gift by the signatory of a document to the other party.
Date comes from two of the oldest words in Latin datio meaning to give away (ones)
rights, and dato meaning gift.

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Canon 1350
By inferior Roman law, when the word Date or Day is used on a document that
is not a deed or agreement and it is associated with a Roman Time, this indicates the
consent of the author to cede any rights of claim or protest concerning the subject
matter contained in the document to the recipient.

Canon 1351
By inferior Roman law, when the word Date or Day is used on a document that
is an agreement or deed and it is associated with a Roman Time and Location this
indicates the consent of the signatory to give any and all rights contained within the
agreement to the other party. When both parties sign with a Date present, the effect
is neutralized.

Canon 1352
As the system of inferior Roman Law has continued to deceive their own legal
professionals as well as members of the general public, the knowledge of the
significance of Date has been largely lost to only a very few.

Canon 1353
Under inferior Roman law, when a party uses Date and a Roman Time on a
document, the recipient has the right to seek an Estoppel against any subsequent
action by the other party based upon their consent by the use of Date to cede any
right of claim or protest.

Canon 1354
Under inferior Roman law, when a party uses Date and a Roman Time on a
deed, the recipient that did not use Date has the right to seek an Estoppel against any
subsequent action by the other party based upon their consent by the use of Date.
Furthermore, the same party has the right to seek a judgment to have the property
seized based upon the agreement of any property being a “gift”.

Canon 1355
In accordance with these canons, the legal definitions associated with Date
and Day are hereby null and void with only the meanings associated with time and
timekeeping permitted to remain.

Canon 1356
Any person who seeks to exploit the inferior Roman law trickery of using Date
or Day to indicate a ceding of rights or gift is henceforth guilty of fraud and any such
cause of action is immediately null and void.

Article 107-Taxes

Canon 1357

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Tax is a form of charge imposed by the Executors and Administrators of an
Estate upon beneficiaries for their use of property of the Estate by enforcing the
Landlord – Tenant relationship.

Canon 1358
The original principle of Tax as first invented with the creation of large
Deceased Estates under Testamentary Trusts was that the Landlord in fulfilling their
obligations for the upkeep and maintenance of the land had the right to demand
tenants pay for the estimated loss of value of property through their use, apart from
their payment of rent for the right of use. Hence Taxo in Latin literally means to
estimate or value (loss).

Canon 1359
Prior to the fraudulent conveyance of the property of regions and nations into
Deceased Estates and subsequent extension of taxation, the two most ancient form of
revenue was the concept of tribute, followed by duty.

Canon 1360
Tribute in its original sense was the classic lord-servant relationship from
which landlord and tenant was created, wherein the lord through right and force
would demand payment from all those who occupied their lands as a primitive form
of rent.

Canon 1361
Duty in its original sense was the classic control of trade, using ledgers, ports,
store houses whereby no goods would be permitted to be purchased, sold, imported,
exported or transported unless the duty was paid.

Canon 1362
The inferior Roman system of Taxes as adopted by most nations as Estates is
predicated on fraud, operates on fraud with no desire on the part of inferior persons
acting as executors and administrators to divulge the true method by which the
payment of taxes is enforced in inferior Roman Law.

Canon 1363
Under the modern inferior Roman legal system, almost all revenue of an
Estate is now classed as taxes, which is both confusing and deliberately misleading.
However, from all the variety of taxes, there exists just three (3) base forms of tax
being Rent Tax, Compensation Tax and Duty Tax.

Canon 1364
Rent Tax is the deliberate fraud of misnaming rent charged to a tenant by the
landlord, being the executors of the (deceased) Estate of the province or nation, for
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use of some property. Both Income Tax and Company Tax are forms of Rent Taxes.

Canon 1365
Income Tax is a Rent Tax by the executors of the estate for use of their
property in the form of the (dead) body corporate, also known as a corporation of the
Cestui Que (Vie) Trust formed on the presumption that the beneficiary is dead,
abandoned, a minor or incompetent.

Canon 1366
When a person has re-established their competent living status, then by law
the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust is dissolved and they return to being acknowledged a
beneficiary or a some higher standing if a trust. In either case, it is both unlawful and
a serious fraud against the law to seek Income Taxes once the Cestui Que Vie is
dissolved and no (dead) body corporate exists to use as argument for rent.

Canon 1367
Company Tax for non-public companies is a Rent Tax by the executors of the
estate for use of their property in the form of the (dead) body corporate, also known
as a corporation of the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust formed on the presumption that the
directors as testators are already dead, because of their previous relationship to
individual Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts.

Canon 1368
When a person has re-established their competent living status, then no
Cestui Que (Vie) Trust may exist in their place. Therefore, a Company must be
formed as a Trust instead of a Cestui Que Vie and company tax cannot be charged for
rent under its present form.

Canon 1369
Compensation Tax is a classic form of Tax based on the right of the landlord to
demand tenants pay for the estimated loss of value of property through their use.
Property Tax is an example of a Compensation Tax.

Canon 1370
Duty Tax is a charge demanded upon the deposit, withdrawal, purchase, sale,
import or export of any goods by any tenants of the Estate. It is based on the ancient
argument that all chattel and immovable’s belong to the land, therefore by extension
are “owned” by the landlord.

Canon 1371
Tax is not the first, the best nor only method of a government of a society
raising necessary revenue for the upkeep and well being of the whole society.

Canon 1372

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It is the obligation of all members of a society to contribute some of their
energy and wealth towards the well being of the society. However, the inferior
Roman system of Tax Law is corrupt, fraudulent, inefficient, grossly unfair and

Canon 1373
While all governments have a right to seek revenue and contributions from
their members, the extraordinary fraud and continued deception and fraud that is
required to keep the inferior Roman system of Tax operating, negates the validity of
claiming the law. Instead, all systems of revenue based in inferior Roman tax law are
null and void from the beginning.

Article 108-Foreclosure

Canon 1374
A Foreclosure is a formal hearing relating to a standard Mortgage requested
by a financial institution or interested party to deprive a tenant of their Right of
Redemption, also known as "equity of redemption" and therefore terminate their
tenancy without legal recourse, permitting them to be legally evicted.

Canon 1375
Foreclosures are equivalent to the court process of Replevin, also known
"Claim and Delivery" as part of Repossession of other leased property.

Canon 1376
Replevin is a formal hearing requested by the Owner (lessor) against the User
(lessee) relating to a Form of Goods the Owner seeks permission to seize. Under the
laws of most Estates, a Replevin is required before seizure.

Canon 1377
In accordance with inferior Roman Trust Law, Estate Law and law in general,
a Foreclosure hearing and many Replevin hearings are a deliberately fraudulent act
conspired between the financial institution, interested party and the courts to
deliberately conceal the nature, function and remedy available to the tenant and

Canon 1378
In the first instance of gross fraud relating to Foreclosures, the borrower, also
known as the mortgager is not made aware by the court, nor the financial institution
that by a standard mortgage deed and title they are in a fixed term lease with the
institution as a landlord. This alone should be grounds for any foreclosure to be
dismissed on grounds of concealment and misrepresentation.

Canon 1379

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In the second instance of gross fraud relating to Foreclosures, the borrower is
not made aware that as a tenant under a fixed term lease, their obligation is to pay
the rent to the landlord representing the interest. If a tenant were to make good part
or all of the arrears in rent, then by contract law, their fixed term lease cannot be
terminated, even if the principal of the loan remains outstanding. Furthermore, a
long term tenant normally has the right to make remedy of any arrears even after
dispossession and regain possession of the property. These remedies is what is
known as the tenant’s Right of Redemption or Equity of Redemption.

Canon 1380
In the case of actions of Replevin and Repossession, the lessee is rarely made
aware that they do not, nor ever will own the asset, especially in the case of motor
vehicles and that as a lessee, their primary obligation is to pay the rent on the asset in
the form of the interest. If a lessee were to negotiate the terms of their rent and still
pay, then almost all actions of Replevin and Repossession are unlawful.

Canon 1381
In the third instance of gross fraud relating to Foreclosures, the borrower is
not made aware that their property is held in Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, being a
Temporary Testamentary Trust and so it is the financial institution that is
responsible for all property taxes being rent charged by the landlord being the state
or county to the leaseholder being the bank.

Canon 1382
In the fourth instance of gross fraud relating to Foreclosures, the borrower is
not made aware by the financial institution of any material alterations to the deed
and title made by the institution, particularly in onselling or reselling the mortgage
and recouping their loan. As the material alteration of a deed and will of a
Testamentary Trust is a most serious breach of fiduciary duties, this fact alone
should be grounds for a Foreclosure hearing to be dismissed and any contract claims
by the institution rendered null and void.

Canon 1383
Whenever an inferior Roman Court has permitted the complete and deliberate
corruption of the most basic tenets of Roman Western Law by permitting
Foreclosure hearings to proceed, the courts and law officers through such
overwhelming fraud consent and agree by their actions that all forms of Roman Law,
Talmudic Law and other inferior law has ceased to exist and is null and void.

Canon 1384
Any person guilty of participating in the gross fraud and corruption of law
through the manner described by Foreclosure consents and agrees they are
personally liable to all future penalties and reparations, punishment and consent and
agree they are without any lawful authority whatsoever.

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IV. Agreement
4.1 Principles of Agreement
Article 109-Agreement

Canon 1385
An Agreement is any mutual oath, vow or pact between two or more Persons
through valid Document Form to do or refrain from doing certain Acts or obligations.

Canon 1386
By definition an Agreement is only valid when it is registered into a Great
Register of a Ucadian Society.

Canon 1387
Agreements may be defined by two main types as defined by the way the
primary relationship between the parties is formed in contract: (1) unilateral and (2)
bilateral. A bilateral agreement , is an agreement in which each of the parties to the
contract makes a promise or promises to the other party. A unilateral agreement , is
where only one party to the contract makes a promise.
Canon 1388
For any Agreement to be valid in it must comply to the following essential

(i) Adherence to the requirements of primary form of these canons including

required terms and conditions of such form; and
(ii) Evidence of an express or implied agreement/consent to a contract of valid
primary form; and
(iii) Consideration given by all the parties which conforms to the limits
defined by the primary form of the contract chosen to enter; and
(iv) That both parties have the capacity to understand the terms of the
contract they are entering into, and the consequences of the promises they
make; and
(v) That both parties are properly authorised to enter into such a primary
form of contract; and
(vi) That the subject matter and consideration of the contract is lawful and
consistent with these canons; and
(vii) That the contract provides the correct right for remedy and limits as
determined by the primary form; and
(viii) Separate to the consideration, both parties must have some obligation to
fulfill to the other.

Canon 1389

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In the interpretation of an Agreement against the rules of general validity, the
following general guidelines are to be followed:

(i) The common intention of the parties rather than adherence to the literal
meaning of the words shall be sought in interpreting a contract; and
(ii) In interpreting a contract, the prime form of the contract and the common
interpretations given to it by statute, previous court decision and use are to be
taken into account; and
(iii) Each clause of a contract is interpreted in light of the others so that each
is given the meaning derived from the contract as a whole; and
(iv) A clause is given a meaning that gives it some effect rather than one that
gives it no effect; and
(v) Words susceptible of two meanings shall be given the meaning that best
conforms to the subject matter of the contract; and
(vi) A clause intended to eliminate doubt as to the application of the contract
to a specific situation does not restrict the scope of a contract otherwise
expressed in general terms; and
(vii) The clauses of a contract cover only what it appears that the parties
intended to include, however general the terms used; and
(viii) In case of doubt, a contract is interpreted in favour of the person who
contracted the obligation and against the person who stipulated it. In all cases,
it is interpreted in favour of the adhering party or the consumer.

Canon 1390
While the rules of general validity must be met for an Agreement to be valid,
the rule of consent is such that it requires further detail. The following elements if
one or more are identified void consent:

(i) That the person did not not give consent, but the other party commited a
fraud by indicating consent was given through forgery; or
(ii) That the person making consent was not authorized to make such consent;
(iii) That the person making consent was not competent at the time to make
such a consent; or
(iv) That the person making consent did so under clear pressure and/or
duress; or
(v) That the person making consent did so under threat of harm or injury to
other person or property.

Canon 1391
An Agreement creates obligations and, in certain cases, modifies or
extinguishes them.

Article 110-Offer

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Canon 1392
An Offer is an invitation to enter into a binding contract communicated to
another party which contains terms sufficiently definite to create an enforceable
contract if the other party accepts the invitation.

Canon 1393
An Offer must be first made before an agreement can lawfully be accepted.

Canon 1394
Mere recommendation of an article does not bind the vendor of it.

Article 111-Option

Canon 1395
An Option is an Agreement granting the Right to buy, sell or convey Property
at a certain price by a certain time. The Person or Grantor who grants the Option is
called the optionor and the Person who receives the Benefit of the option is called

Canon 1396
Options generally exist in one of two primary forms, a Call Option and a Put

Canon 1397
A Call Option is when the Beneficiary (optionee) is granted the Right to
require the Grantor (optionor) to sell or convey the Property to them at an agreed
price within an agreed time limit.

Canon 1398
A Put Option is when the Beneficiary (optionee) is granted the Right to require
the Grantor (optionor) to buy or receive the Property to them at an agreed price
within an agreed time limit.

Article 112-Consideration

Canon 1399
A Consideration is the Offer of something possessing value given as incentive
or recompense for a previous promise which then causes the promise to become
binding as a contract if accepted.

Canon 1400
A Consideration is valid for use in securing a new contract as well as remedy
for repairing a breach to an existing agreement, such as a lease.

Canon 1401
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Where a tenant of a lease of reasonable time is unable to meet the full
payment of rent, Consideration is essential in protecting the right to claim their Right
of Redemption, also known under Mortgage laws as Equity of Redemption. After
Consideration and part payment of rent, represented by the interest on the loan of a
Mortgage, it is both unlawful and gross fraud against all forms of contract law to
permit a Foreclosure hearing to continue.

Canon 1402
It is the responsibility of the vendor, not the buyer to first provide full
disclosure and act in good faith and honesty.

Article 113-Necessity, updated on 1-10-2011

Canon 1403
Necessity is the unavoidable requirement of a Party to consent, act or perform
in a manner that they would not otherwise do if not for the presence of some clear
need, threat, coercion, danger or risk. Hence, any oath, vow, sign or seal given under
Necessity has no legal validity or value.

Canon 1404
Compliance to an order or demand under necessity can never be lawfully
claimed as consent, providing the party makes clear such compliance is “under
duress” either vocally as well as including such words with any sign or seal.

Canon 1405
Contrary to any statutes, rules or orders that are in conflict with this canon,
when a man or woman professes that they complied to some order, demand or act
out of necessity and “under duress”, then any oath, vow, sign or seal given is
automatically null and void within seven (7) years of such an act or acts of necessity.

Canon 1406
Excluding alleged serious offences involving violence, sexual abuse or
dishonesty, no man or woman may be accused of any offence when professing they
undertake or have complied with an act “under duress” as a necessity.

Canon 1407
When a man or woman pronounces in advance that they shall comply to some
order, demand, bond or promise out of necessity “under duress” then the subsequent
execution of such an order, demand, bond or promise constitutes a clear, proven and
serious act of fraud on behalf of the trustee, administrator or executor issuing such
an instrument.
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Article 114-Consent, updated on 1-10-2011

Canon 1408
Consent is the agreement of one Party to a claim presented by another. In the
absence of consent of all parties, Justice does not exist.

Canon 1409
No Injury can be complained by a consenting Party.

Canon 1410
Silence by the court, not the parties of a case, is consent.

Canon 1411
In the absence of fraud and deception, consent removes or obviates a mistake.
However, fraud negates consent.

Canon 1412
Any witness before the courts who witnesses a claim before them and does not
deny, therefore admits. However, without witnessing such a claim, even in silence,
nothing can be rightfully concluded.

Canon 1413
In the absence of any threat or fear, silence to an accusation duly disclosed
may be inferred as consent.

Canon 1414
The agreement of the parties makes the law of the contract.

Canon 1415
Unless deceit can be proven, a person who consents cannot reject the
obligation arising.

Canon 1416
When any matter is brought before a court having established proper
jurisdiction and when consent has been given by both parties for the matter to be
heard by a judge and/or jury, a proper contract then exists between all parties to seek
resolution by a judgment.

Canon 1417
When duress is evident upon one party in bringing a matter before the court,
whether it be by the presence of armed court officials, or the use of threat and
intimidation, then no valid contract exists and no judgment on the matter can be
considered to have been properly rendered as due process of law has not been

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Canon 1418
Natural birth of the flesh is proof of lawful conveyance from a Divine Trust to
a True Trust as a result of willing consent by the Divine Person to be born in
accordance with these Canons. Therefore, the existence of the body of a living flesh
Homo Sapien is proof of their divine (ecclesiastical) consent to obey these Canons.

Article 115-Obligations

Canon 1419
An obligation is something (as a formal contract, a promise, or the demands of
conscience or custom) that obligates one to a course of action through some
agreement, instrument, product or transaction.

Canon 1420
Obligations agreed in good faith, free from fraud and duress, are to be met.

Canon 1421
When fraud by one party is proven to exist, the other parties are released from
all obligation.

Canon 1422
Failure to perform an obligation without legal excuse gives the other party the
right to seek legal remedy.

Canon 1423
No one may be obligated to perform an impossibility.

Canon 1424
No one may be obligated to perform a fraud or other offence.

Canon 1425
No one may be obligated to perform an act against their conscience or moral

Canon 1426
The failure to perform one or more obligations of a formal contract may be
grounds for the extinction of a contract, or punitive acts as stipulated within the

Article 116-Performance

Canon 1427
Performance is an action itself or its completion as stipulated and required
under some form of agreement. Hence, the performance of a contract is executing
the actions defined by the agreement.
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Canon 1428
By the very nature of an agreement, all agreements define at least one action
to be performed by all parties, namely to follow the terms of the agreement. Thus,
performance of an agreement is equivalent with honoring an agreement.

Canon 1429
As performance is equivalent to honoring the terms of an agreement, non-
performance is equivalent to dishonoring the terms of an agreement.

Article 117-Surety

Canon 1430
Surety is when a Person undertakes some specific responsibility on behalf of
another who remains primarily liable. Hence, Surety is one who makes themselves
liable for the default or miscarriage of another, or for the performance of some action
on their part such as the payment of debt, appearance at trial or underwriting of

Canon 1431
Excluding a mistake of fact, or some deliberate deception or fraud, when a
man or woman acts or engages with another through a fictional Person, they
automatically assume Surety for that Person even if they have no rights concerning
that Person.

Canon 1432
No man or woman may be forced to act as Surety to a particular Person,
especially when the Trustee or Owner of that Person may have acted deceptively and
dishonorably in failing full disclosure of attached rights and obligations.

Canon 1433
When any Official Person, Trustee or Owner acts in a deliberately deceptive
and dishonorable manner in order to compel a man or woman to act as Surety for a
Person, all debts and liabilities for that Person automatically are assumed by the
Official, including consent for any punitive action including the charging of Criminal
Offences and expulsion from Office.

Canon 1434
When any Official Person, Trustee or Owner acts in a deliberately deceptive
and dishonorable manner in order to compel a man or woman to act as Surety for a
Person, any ordinances, orders or punishments are automatically unlawful, having
no validity or effect. An Official charged with unlawful orders or punishments may
not claim any form of immunity.

Canon 1435

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Excluding deliberate fraud or deception, a man or woman cannot extinguish
their Surety for a Person until any debts and liabilities are paid, unless the Person is
an Inferior Person. In such a case, the man and woman must give proper notice of
non-consent as surety and for all debts and liabilities to be returned to the Trustee to
be sent to the Owner of the Inferior Person for payment.

Canon 1436
No Inferior Juridic Person has the right to deny the recording and use of a
higher form of Person by any man or woman as Surety in replacement for a lesser
and inferior Person.

Article 118-Seal

Canon 1437
A Seal is a device impressed, printed or attached to a Document as evidence of
authenticity, confirmation or attestation. A Seal also denotes a valid binding whereby
a Document is enjoined to others through the Seal to become one, in the case of valid
Statutes and Ordinances.

Canon 1438
Once impressed, printed or affixed, the power and authority bestowed by a
valid Seal elevates the status of the Document. Therefore, the status of the Form of a
Document is not simply its content, but the Person or Persons who Seal it.

Canon 1439
There are only five (5) valid types of Seal: Real, Great, Official, Ordinary and
Inferior. The use of ornaments, wax, colour and other devices is immaterial to the
classification of a Seal.

Canon 1440
The highest possible Seal of any type of Seal in history, now and foreverer is
the thumbprint in blood of the man or woman acting as Surety to the Person who
promulgates the Document. This is called a Real Seal in that it the human blood gives
life and personality to the Document no other type of Seal is able to achieve.
Furthermore, it represents the unique identity of an object and not a fiction.

Canon 1441
The second highest possible Seal is a Great Seal. A Great Seal is the official
Seal of any Juridic Society Person or Juridic Public Person. Hence a Great Seal is
used for the authentication of Documents of the highest importance issued in the
name of a Juridic Society Person or Juridic Public Person.

Canon 1442
The third highest possible Seal is an Official Seal issued by an Official Person
on behalf of a Juridic Person.
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Canon 1443
The fourth highest possible Seal is an Ordinary Seal issued on behalf of a
Juridic Private Person, Juridic Union Person or Juridic Domestic Person.

Canon 1444
The fifth and lowest possible Seal of all types of Seals is the Seal issued by an
Inferior Juridic Person, such as a Roman Juridic Person or Talmudic Juridic Person.

Canon 1445
A Real Seal may only be used upon valid agreements, or official documents of
non-consent, deed, protest, writ or summons against the actions of an Inferior Jurdic
Person or Inferior Person usurping rule of law.

Canon 1446
The denial of any Inferior Roman Person of the validity of a perfected
Document sealed by a Real Seal is tacit and public notice that all Papal Bulls issued
upon parchment or vellum and all Roman instruments sealed in blood are hereby
null and void, having no validity in law.

Article 119-Sign

Canon 1447
A Sign, or signature is the action as well as identifying mark such as a name,
blood splotch, word or letter upon a Form, usually a Document. Hence a Signature
being a unique distinguishing mark of agreement and Surety for an inferior Person.

Canon 1448
All Signatures are Signs and all Signs originate in most basic form as either an
"X" denoting the attestation and surety of an inferior Roman Person. Therefore, a
Signature is merely a unique style of "X". If a child is unable to sign, then the ancient
practice of stabbing the baby to obtain an extract of blood as a blood splotch is also
still practiced. This is not to be confused with a blood seal, which denotes
competence and divinity.

Canon 1449
A signature within the operation of Cestui Que Vie Trusts is also known as an
Execution, whereby a document prepared by a Trustee and duly signed, therefore
appoints the beneficiary temporarily as Executor assuming all associated liability and
penalty. In such circumstances where the Trustee is a Judge and the Beneficiary the
defendant, a signature upon any document prepared by the Trustee or an
Administrator denotes the execution of any sentence by the Beneficiary as Executor
upon themselves.

Canon 1450
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When a man or woman has demonstrated their existence as surety for a True
or Official Person, the signing for an Inferior Person shall have no material effect. No
Inferior Juridic Person may demand, threaten or coerce a True or Official Person to
sign as surety for an Inferior Person.

Canon 1451
Excluding demands for payment, when an Inferior Roman Person or
Talmudic Person occupying an official position refuses to acknowledge or accept a
Document from a Superior Person, then such a willing slave must be declared
incompetent having demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the laws of
slave, master and property owner. Under such circumstances a Superior Court may
grant relief in the signing of their mark by a red "X" on any lawful deed as their
agreement to the original terms sought.

Canon 1452
The attempt by any non-Inferior Person to extract a benefit for which they are
not lawfully entitled using the Courts to perfect a deed by declaring an inferior
Roman Person incompetent is itself an offence with any such action null and void
from the beginning.

Article 120-Witness

Canon 1453
Witness is the attestation of a fact, action, testimony or evidence. The term
Witness also applies to the Person who performs the action of being a Witness.

Canon 1454
The witnessing of Documents of non-Inferior persons shall be by Real Seal,
Great Seal, Ordinary Seal or Official Seal as is appropriate. The use of signature shall
not be permitted.

Article 121-Remedy

Canon 1455
Remedy is a fictional concept in Reality whereby an Injured Party receives a
form of cure, repair, correction, compensation and justice against an Injury in
accordance with these canons and any valid statutes promulgated by valid Juridic

Canon 1456
The damage, loss, violation or hurt to a physical object or concept under
Natural Law itself does not automatically warrant Remedy as Remedy requires the
pre-existence of a fictional framework of Reality, laws prohibiting certain Actions, an
Injured Form, an Accused Form and a lawful Ordinance against the Accused.

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Canon 1457
Any Decree, Prescript, Rescript or Ordinance that is not in accordance with
these canons is not a valid Statute, nor law but a false edict and therefore null and
void from the beginning.

Article 122-Restitution

Canon 1458
Restitution is the restoration of certain Rights to a Party as Remedy to an

Canon 1459
As Restitution is the restoration of certain Rights to a Party, the process of
restitution may involve replacement, rebuilding, return, renewal, reverse or reform
or a combination of some or all the qualities.

Canon 1460
Restitution is not the same as Compensation in that Restitution seeks to
restore certain Rights, while Rights or Benefits granted under Compensation may be
equivalent in value but completely different to what was originally lost.

Canon 1461
When a Party successfully claims the loss of one or more Rights to which they
are entitled, a Competent Authority may choose to either order restitution or
compensation or both in some way.

Canon 1462
Restitution is superior remedy where the lost Rights may be recovered or

Article 123-Compensation

Canon 1463
Compensation is the provision of certain Rights and Benefits of equivalent
value to a Party to make up for the loss of other Rights through Injury that cannot
otherwise be recovered.

Canon 1464
When certain Rights are injured, they may be impossible to recover. An
example is when a man or woman may suffer a serious injury or death on account of
the negligent actions of another. In such a case, a Competent Authority may choose
compensation as part of the remedy provided to the injured party, or next of kin.

Canon 1465
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Compensation is not the same as Restitution in that Rights or Benefits granted
under Compensation may be equivalent in value but completely different to what was
originally lost, whereas Restitution seeks to restore lost Rights.

Canon 1466
Compensation is superior remedy where the lost Rights cannot be recovered
or restored.

Article 124-Assignment

Canon 1467
Assignment is when a party to an agreement transfers some or all of their
rights to another person not originally party to the agreement. The party who seeks
to “assign” their rights to another is typically called the assignor and the one who
accepts these rights is called the assignee.

Canon 1468
Unless otherwise prohibited by the original terms of the agreement or some
higher deed of trust in effect, all parties possessing rights are considered to have the
right to assign some or all of their rights to another party.

Canon 1469
Delegation is equivalent to a form of Assignment whereby a party to an
agreement substitutes another as their representative in holding certain rights.

Canon 1470
An Assignor can never lawfully assign their original Obligations to perform
under an agreement, only Rights. While the Rights of an assignor may be legally
transferred to an assignee, the assignor always retains liability.

Canon 1471
Assignment is not the same as Novation. Novation is when an obligations or
party is replaced by new obligations or party under a new contract based on an old
agreement, whereas Assignment does not create a new contract, merely delegates the
rights of one party to another.

Canon 1472
An Assignor that falsely presents an Assignment as a Novation is guilty of
fraud and therefore consents to accepting the full the liability of all parties to the
agreement, including any restitution or compensation.

Canon 1473
An Assignor that refuses to perform their obligations is in breach of contract
with the other party possessing the right to restitution or compensation, regardless of
how many times the agreement has been re-assigned.
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Article 125-Novation

Canon 1474
Novation is when all parties to an original agreement, consent to alterations
reflected in a new agreement. Hence to “novate” is to create a new agreement based
upon a previous agreement.

Canon 1475
A Novation or Novated agreement is a new contract requiring the
consideration and consent of all parties. Any lack of disclosure, proper offer and
consent may constitute fraud by one or more parties negating the validity of the

Canon 1476
Novation is not equivalent to Assignment. Assignment does not create a new
contract, merely delegates the rights of one party to another whereas Novation is
when an obligation or party are replaced by new obligations or party under a new
contract based on an old agreement.

Canon 1477
Consent and agreement by Novation can never be assumed or implied, but
must be explicitly demonstrated as with all valid agreements. The agreement on the
previous agreement has no material significance to the agreement of the new
(“novate”) agreement other than the fact the agreement succeeds the other.

Canon 1478
While a novated agreement may introduce a new party such as an obligor, it is
the original obligor that must also consent and be named as a transferring party as
part of the Assignment built into the Novation.

Canon 1479
Upon a valid novated agreement coming into effect, the previous agreement is
terminated other than to the extent that rights surviving termination are agreed to
continue by mutual consent.

4.2 Agreement Creation and Performance

Article 126-Oath

Canon 1480
An Oath is a solemn appeal to the Divine Creator by invocation and the
present of at least two witnesses that a pronouncement is true or a promise binding.

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Canon 1481
An oath is only a valid oath when it is sworn in recognition of the rights of all
men and women as Sponsors to Persons present within the court including the spirit
of the living law and includes a pledge to speak honesty before the court. The
touching of any object during such swearing is materially irrelevant to the validity of
any oath.

Canon 1482
The living law is present in a valid court of law when all words are given under
oath. When officers of the court do not properly give oath, the living law is absent,
even if all parties and witnesses show respect and due process of law

Canon 1483
A man or woman of good standing before the law is any man or woman having
sworn an oath before the court, having been found to demonstrate respect for the
living law and due process of law.

Canon 1484
No one shall be denied the right to swear and oath before a valid court.

Canon 1485
An oath extorted by malice, force, or grave fear is null by the law itself.

Canon 1486
No one should be heard within a valid court unless they have previous sworn a
valid oath for that case. Furthermore, no testimony in written or oral form is valid
unless a valid oath has previously been sworn.

Canon 1487
The breaking of an oath, especially by any officer of the court, is a most serious
offence which must be treated as the gravest of injury to the living law.

Article 127-Vow

Canon 1488
A Vow is a solemn engagement or undertaking made to the Divine Creator to
perform some action, to make some gift or sacrifice in return for special favour.

Canon 1489
A Vow made free from coercion, fear or deliberate deception must be fulfilled.
A Vow made out of grave and unjust fear or malice is null by the law itself.

Canon 1490
A Vow made by oration in the presence of others is always superior to a
written Vow, or Vow made in private, even if recorded.
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Canon 1491
A Vow is solemn if made by oration in the presence of others and if a
legitimate superior Person accepts it in the name of a valid Juridic Person; otherwise
it is simple.

Canon 1492
By its nature a Vow obliges only the person who makes it.

Canon 1493
A Vow ceases by the lapse of the time designated to fulfill the obligation, by a
substantial change of the matter promised, by the absence of a condition on which
the vow depends, by the absence of the purpose of the vow, by dispensation, or by

Canon 1494
No temporal force or action nor Person can dispense or commute Solemn
Vows of Supreme Persons.

Canon 1495
Only a Supreme Person can dispense or commute Solemn Vows of Superior
Persons and all lesser Persons. Only a Superior Person can dispense or commute
Solemn Vows of Ordinary Persons and all lesser Persons. Only an Ordinary Person
can dispense or commute Solemn Vows of Curator Persons and all lesser Persons.
Inferior Persons have no rights nor powers to dispense or commute Solemn Vows.

Canon 1496
Excluding a Supreme Person, Simple Vows may be dispenses or commuted by
any Superior Person.

Canon 1497
As Inferior Persons have no power nor authority to dispense or commute
solemn Vows, when any such Vow is breached or any action is made to claim that
dispensation or commutation is given, then such an action is a direct injury to the
Divine Creator and all law. Therefore any such liability and penalty due immediately
befalls the Person who breached their solemn Vow.

Article 128-Covenant

Canon 1498
As a particular Form of agreement, a Covenant is a solemn agreement reduced
to writing and duly executed whereby one or more of the parties named therein
engages that a named act is already performed or is to be performed sometime in the
future. A covenant may also call for the performance or non performance of some
specific duty and may constitute an agreement to do or not to do a particular act.

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Canon 1499
Covenant or Covenant Clause may also be validly used to define individual
promises on conveyances or other instruments pertaining to real property within the

Canon 1500
Excluding the sacred covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum, a Covenant
Clause is broken by any single omission of duty or any act that contravenes the
provisions of the agreement entered into between the parties. A Covenant therefore
is broken, extinguished and ceases to have effect when all its clauses have been
demonstrated to have been broken.

Canon 1501
The benefit of a covenant that runs with the land descends to the heirs and
they as well as devisees of the covenantee are entitled to enforce such a covenant.
However, if the covenant is personal, it remains with the covenantee, or his executor
or administrator and does not descend to the heirs.

Canon 1502
A covenant is extinguished when the trust corpus ceases, or when the
covenant and the trust corpus becomes vested in one person.

Article 129-Charter

Canon 1503
A valid Charter is a formal and official instrument of importance issued by a
Competent Authority of an Ucadian Society either as a Deed, a map or tablet.

Canon 1504
An Instrument is not a valid Charter but an inferior or false document if it is
not issued by a Competent Authority of an Ucadian Society in accordance with these

Canon 1505
In accordance with these canons, as a Deed, a valid Charter is constructed of
three (3) essential elements: a beginning known as the Inceptum, a body known as
the Decretum and an official sealing known as the Obsignatum.

Canon 1506
The first element of a valid Charter is called the Beginning, or Inceptum. It
may be a single sentence if a single large sheet of paper or a combination of elements
including a title page, preamble and index if a valid Charter defined over several

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Canon 1507
The second element of a valid Charter is called the Enactment, or Decretum. It
may be a series of clauses if a single large sheet of paper or several pages of articles if
a valid Charter defined over several pages.

Canon 1508
The third element of a valid Charter is called the Seal, or Obsignatum. The
Obsignatum signifies by what authority the Charter has been decreed and may be a
raised or bound seal if a single large sheet of paper or a printed seal if a valid Charter
defined over several pages.

Canon 1509
A valid Charter as a Deed may be in one of two forms: A single continuous
large sheet called a Concordat, or printed on standard sized paper on several pages
bound together in a folio called a Codex.

Canon 1510
A Concordat or Concordant by name or design is invalid unless it is a valid
Charter conforming to the standards described by these canons. Therefore any
documents called Concordat or Concordant that do not conform to these canons are
henceforth null and void from the beginning.

Canon 1511
A Charter is invalid if written upon the skin of any animal. Vellum, Parchment
of any kind is strictly forbidden and automatically renders any such instrument null
and void. Only Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is permitted to use the flesh of a living being,
namely the blood of the True Trustee of the True Person who seals it with their

Canon 1512
A valid Charter may contain an Ucadian time element at the end of the
Enactment known as Decretum and before the Obsignatum. However, the words
Date, Day may never be used as part of the time as such words are defective. If such
words are used, they shall have no material effect and imply nothing.

Article 130-Contract

Canon 1513
A Contract is a certified and valid registered Agreement of wills according to a
standard form, by which one or several persons obligate themselves to one or several
other persons to perform certain actions.

Canon 1514
Contract is equivalent in meaning to Agreement. An Oath, Vow, Covenant,
Charter, Deed, Will, Lease and Negotiable Instrument are examples of Contracts.
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Canon 1515
Valid Contracts must be kept.

Canon 1516
A Breach of contract is a legal cause of action in which a binding agreement or
bargained exchange is not honored by one or more of the parties to the contract by
non-performance or interference with the other party’s performance.

Canon 1517
There are primarily three classes of breaches of contracts: Minor, Material and

Canon 1518
A minor breach of contract, also known as a partial breach occurs when the
non-breaching party is only entitled to collect the actual amount of damages and not
for any order for performance of obligations.

Canon 1519
A material breach of contract is any failure to perform that permits the other
party of the contract to either compel performance or collect damages because of the

Canon 1520
A fundamental breach of contract is a breach so fundamental that it permits
the aggrieved party to terminate performance of the contract, in addition to entitling
that party to sue for damages.

Canon 1521
Proof of fraud in construction, disclosure or performance of a contract
constitutes a fundamental breach.

Canon 1522
A contract founded on fraud is null and void.

Article 131-Deed, Updated on 12-17-2010

Canon 1523
A Deed is a Form possessing certain ecclesiastical authority and record of an
action of conveyance that bestows or surrenders one or more Rights by Agreement.
Hence, a Deed through proper authority and action of conveyance creates valid Title
to use of Property.

Canon 1524

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An Instrument is not a valid Deed but an inferior or false document if it is not
issued in accordance with these canons. All conveyances of Rights must be perfected
through a valid Deed.

Canon 1525
As all Ownership of Property is ultimately derived from the Divine Creator, A
valid Deed always possesses the appropriate level of ecclesiastical authority
representing either an approved action permitted by divine law or specifically
approved by an ecclesiastical representative in accordance with these canons.

Canon 1526
In accordance with these canons, a valid Deed is constructed of four (4)
essential elements: a preamble known as the Exordium, a recital of aims known as
the Recitatum, a body of clauses to the Agreement known as the Pactum and an
official enactment of the agreement by seal or signature at the end known as the

Canon 1527
The first element of a valid Deed is called the Preamble, or Exordium. It may
be a single sentence known as an Inceptum if a single large sheet of paper or a
combination of elements including a title page, preamble and index if a valid Deed
defined over several pages.

Canon 1528
The second element of a valid Deed is called the Recitals, or Recitatum
outlining the Purpose of the Deed. It may be encompassed by the Inceptum if a single
large sheet of paper or one or more pages long if a valid Deed defined over several

Canon 1529
A function of the Recitals or Recitatum of a valid Deed is to clearly describe
the grantors’ intention and motives for their deed, the names, designations and
descriptions of the parties, the consideration expressed for the deed, words of grant
and the description of the property conveyed. Therefore, it is in the Recitatum of a
valid Deed that property is effectively granted.

Canon 1530
Words of grant are such words as grant, convey, assign, set over, transfer and
give and are indicative of the intent to presently pass title. The absence of valid words
of conveyance within the Recitatum of a deed, void the deed.

Canon 1531
The third element of a valid Deed is called the Agreement, or Pactum outlining
the terms of the Deed. It may be encompassed by the Decretum if a single large sheet

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of paper of several distinct pages of clauses if a valid Deed defined over several pages.

Canon 1532
A function of the Agreement or Decretum is to clearly describe the conditions
upon which the property is granted, the warranty and other covenants of title and the
covenants relating to the use and enjoyment of the property.

Canon 1533
The fourth element of a valid Deed is called the Enactment, or Decretum
representing the enactment or execution condition of the Deed. If the valid Deed is a
single large sheet of paper then the Decretum may also contain an official seal known
as the Obsignatum.

Canon 1534
A valid Deed may be in one of two forms: A single continuous large sheet
called a Concordat, or printed on standard sized paper on several pages bound
together in a folio called a Codex.

Canon 1535
A valid Deed may contain an Ucadian time element at the end of the
Agreement known as the Pactum and before the Decretum. However, the words
Date, Day may never be used as part of the time as such words are defective. If such
words are used, they shall have no material effect and imply nothing.

Canon 1536
A Deed is invalid if written upon the skin of any animal. Vellum, Parchment of
any kind is strictly forbidden and automatically renders any such instrument null
and void. Only Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is permitted to use the flesh of a living being,
namely the blood of the True Trustee of the True Person who seals it with their

Canon 1537
A Deed Poll is a valid Form of Deed whereby a Person first expresses, affirms
and conveys certain rights to another party who are then lawfully bound upon
consent by silence, proof of receipt or service. An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is the
highest form of valid Deed.

Canon 1538
An Indenture is a Form of Deed, named after the tradition of its making
whereby duplicate copies of the same contract were produced and then separated by
a unique jagged or toothed cut so that the two parts could be retained by separate
parties and rejoined at any time for confirmation of authenticity.

Canon 1539

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A valid Deed poll given by one party and accepted by another is as effectual as
if a formal indenture had been signed by both parties.

Canon 1540
A Lease is a valid form of Deed whereby right of use known as equitable title is
conveyed, never ownership of right of use known as legal title.

Article 132-Will

Canon 1541
A Will or Testament is a Form of Deed by which a person, known as the
testator, names one or more persons to manage their estate and provides for the
transfer of the property at their death to one or more Beneficiaries.

Canon 1542
A Will operates only upon and by reason of the death of the maker. During
their lifetime it is changeable and revocable. At the death of the testator, a Testament
is traditionally considered irrevocable and unchangeable.

Canon 1543
At the death of a testator, a valid Will or Testament acts as the Deed in
formation of a Testamentary Trust with all property of the testator named by the
Deed conveyed into the Trust Corpus also known as the Estate.

Canon 1544
A Will cannot name or imply an Heir, but Beneficiary. The existence of a will
clearly and unambiguously expresses the intent to disinherit an Heir of one or more
rights of Inheritance.

Canon 1545
Beneficiaries of a Will may be identified in only one of two ways: by explicit
name, or by implied succession to the Testator(s).

Canon 1546
When a Beneficiary is named in a Will, the rights of the particular Beneficiary
ceases upon the death of the named person with associated rights reverting to the
Executors and Administrators.

Canon 1547
When a Beneficiary is implied by succession in a Will, the rights of the
particular Beneficiary or Beneficiaries continue for the life of the estate and the
continued existence of a living person fulfilling the lawful description of a

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Canon 1548
The Will for a large Estate with many Beneficiaries is called a Constitution.
Most Constitutions identify Beneficiaries of the Deed and Will (Constitution) by
implication of succession such as the United States.

Canon 1549
An amended Will is called a Codicil. A Codicil can only be created whilst the
testator is living and before the creation of the Testamentary Trust. If a Codicil is
clearly inconsistent with the Will it operates as revocation of the Will to the extent of
the inconsistency.

Canon 1550
As a Will as Deed of a Testamentary Trust is essentially irrevocable and given
the former owner as testator is dead, in theory the Estate also known as the Trust
Corpus and (Dead) Body Corporate and also Corporation can continue forever.

Canon 1551
The deliberate fraud by alteration of a Will to a Testamentary Trust is the
most grievous act an inferior Roman official can do under inferior Roman law as all
nations under Roman law operate as deceased estates. If uncorrected, such an error
is an open admission that all Roman law has ceased to exist and is therefore null and

Canon 1552
The deliberate concealment and withholding of beneficial entitlements to a
beneficiary of a testamentary trust in accordance with its will is a serious fraud
negating any and all obligations, debts and sureties of the person denied their

Article 133-Ecclesiastical Deed Poll, updated on 1-10-2011

Canon 1553
An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is a valid Form of Deed Poll and therefore Deed
and Contract whereby a True Person first expresses, affirms and conveys certain
rights to another party who are then lawfully bound upon proof of receipt. The word
"Poll" comes from the Latin pollex meaning 'thumb'.

Canon 1554
An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is primarily different from a standard Deed Poll in
that a True Person evokes their Divine Rights conveyed on Robin-egg blue paper and
sealed by a thumbprint in blood to a Roman Person who has sought to usurp or
abrogate these rights such as the Registrar of Vital Statistics that administers the
(Lawful Slave) Rolls, also known as Register from which the Cestui Que Vie Trust are

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Canon 1555
An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is permitted to be issued when a man or woman
seeks to be free of the Roman slavery system by serving the Registrar of Vital
Statistics also known in many jurisdictions as Births, Deaths and Marriages.

Canon 1556
Only a True Person may issue an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll. By definition an
inferior Roman Person has no authority to issue an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll.

Canon 1557
An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll must always be on standard (legal/A4) sized
robin-egg blue (sky blue/pastel) colored paper, printed in serif (times/garamond)
font, in recognition and respect of its status as a Divine Notice with the full authority
of One Heaven.

Canon 1558
A valid Ecclesiastical Deed Poll must always be sealed in the blood of the
Trustee of the True Trust issuing it by using their thumbprint with the blood
signature covered by clear plastic or tape from direct exposure for the following
fundamental reasons:

(i) The blood of the Trustee of the True Trust and the content of the
Ecclesiastical Deed Poll prove the fraud and error of the continued existence
of any Cestui Que (Vie) Trust in assuming the body is "dead"; and
(ii) The infusing of the blood of the Trustee onto the paper breathes life into
the paper, creating an instrument superior in standing than even an inferior
Roman Papal Bull. Therefore, if the document is dishonored, then all
documents ever issued by any society under Roman law must also by
definition be null and void; and
(iii) The use of blood in this manner perfects an unbreakable seal of an
unbreakable deed and contract. Therefore, any inferior Roman court that
usurps it openly admits that contract law under inferior Roman law no longer

Canon 1559
When an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is issued, it is under the Supreme Court of
One Heaven with the full authority of the Divine Creator and all inferior courts
including the Sacred Rota and the Divine Sanhedrin. Hence the term Per Curiam
Divina is always included to make clear to the inferior Roman person the absolute
authority of the instrument.

Canon 1560
While a True Person issues an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll, it is ultimately a Divine
Notice of Protest and Dishonor from the Divine Creator. Therefore, the dishonor of

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an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is the most grievous injury of the law and blasphemy to all
believed to be Divine.

Canon 1561
When an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is dishonored by a representative of Roman
law, Sharia law or Talmudic law, it is public notice by all officials of those religions
and systems that they do not believe in the Divine and that all their law is by
definition null and void.

Canon 1562
When a Roman slave under inferior Roman law repudiates a valid
Ecclesiastical Deed Poll then by definition all acts undertaken with the assumed
authority of Sacred Rota by any registrar, keeper of rolls, clerk, protonotary,
prothonotary, plenipotentiary or minister are null and void, including and not
limited to any warrants, summons, orders, decrees.

Canon 1563
An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll must always be on standard sized(Legal/A4)
robin-egg blue paper and glued strongly to the reverse (back) of a certified copy of a
birth certificate, preferably in long form, or if not possible to obtain, then in standard
(short) form.

Canon 1564
A valid Ecclesiatical Deed Poll conforms to the following precise words, with
any bracketed text (including the brackets) removed and replaced with the
personalized information:

Ecclesiastical Deed Poll

Per Curiam Divina

We, the Divine Immortal Spirit, expressed in Trust, to the circumscribed

Living Flesh known as [first name] [surname], hereby give life and personality to this
sacred irrevocable deed through Our seal in blood and agreement to the
conveyance and terms pronounced herein :

1. While We annex hereto in full Our Live Borne Record to Our Deed as Certificate of
Title from the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven as proof of superior
title against any other claimed title, We bring attention to Our Mistake of fact by
failing to give proper notice of our competent living status and possession of superior
title; and

2. As Our actions and this instrument make Our status and superior title clear, We
demand that you immediately remove from your Roll(s) and Register(s) any
record(s) associated with your unlawful and inferior claims over Our property
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including but not limited to Our name, flesh, spirit and any non coercive or non
punitive beneficial entitlements; and

3. Furthermore, We demand any and all temporary testamentary trust, cestui que vie
and/or derivative thereof formed upon such errors of presumption as Our
abandonment, loss, death or incompetence must be immediately dissolved, including
a full account provided to Us without delay; and

4. To ensure no further mistakes are made by any party, We give further notice that
all acts in commerce or law We engage as surety of Our Trust Number 123456-
123456-123456 and request that all original records previously associated with your
claims are returned to Us canceled and signed as evidence you have complied with
Our Deed; and

5. Furthermore, We gratefully decline any offer of coercive or punitive Benefits from

any and all Estates which you and all your agents administer. As a result, any charges
sent to Us by mistake will be duly returned to you for discharge in accordance
with the law; and

6. As We have given proper notice that We have ceased any further injury, you
acknowledge that no further demands, debts or actions shall be issued against Us in
claiming injury as surety to the property you administer; and

7. Receipt of this Deed Poll is your acknowledgement and acceptance.

[Thumb print in blood]

To: Registrar
Care of: [address and details of
Vital Statistics/Births, Deaths and Marriages ]

Canon 1565
No date or time is permitted to be written onto an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll as it
is issued from the Divine from the beginning.

Canon 1566
No signature on an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is permitted by the True Person as
a signature is a sign of a Roman slave. Furthermore, the definition of "poll" in the
context of a "deed poll means thumbprint. If a signature is included by the True
Person by mistake, it shall have no material effect.

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Canon 1567
No registration sticker or mark is permitted to be pasted onto the
Ecclesiastical Deed Poll as proof of delivery is sufficient for the Deed to be validly

Canon 1568
No bolding or underlining of words is permitted, nor the editing of words
except the replacement of words indicated in brackets (including the brackets

Canon 1569
No reference to these canons, One Heaven or Ucadia are required on an
Ecclesiastical Deed Poll as the instrument is between a True Person, the Divine
Creator and the official of the inferior Juridic Person who dares defy and usurp their
own laws.

Article 134-Constitution

Canon 1570
A Constitution is a particular Form of Deed of an implied Testamentary Trust
forming an Estate, a Body Corporate and therefore Corporate Personality
administered by Executors and their Administrators for the Heirs and Beneficiaries
of the Estate.

Canon 1571
Constitutions may be distinguished from other Deeds and Wills forming an
Estate typically several significant factors:

(i) The Executors of an Estate formed by Constitution are typically appointed

by the Heirs or their Successors by a Vote, or by a General Election and Vote
by the Beneficiaries and then endorsed by the Heirs or their Succesors; and
(ii) The size of the Estates formed by Constitution can be extremely large,
sometimes covering tens of thousands of miles of land and attached chattel,
immovables and other property; and
(iii) The number of Beneficiaries of the Estate formed by Constitution can also
be extremely large, sometimes involving tens of millions of men and woman;
(iv) Beneficiaries are lawfully entitled to their benefits under a Will, therefore
the Executors and Administrators must issue some certificate of share
entitlement to each beneficiary. This occurs, but is deliberately circumvented
by using the trickery of Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts; and
(v) The true legal personality, structure and operation of Estates formed by
Constitution are hidden from the Beneficiaries in direct contradiction to the
principles and terms of valid consent under any Benefits granted by Will.

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Canon 1572
A Corporation cannot exist without belonging to an Estate. An Estate cannot
exist and function without a functioning Deed and Will. Therefore any State or
Nation registered or operating as a Corporation or Corporate Personality must by
definition belong to an Estate guided by a functioning Deed and Will (Constitution).

Canon 1573
As a Constitution is a Will, a Person can never be an Heir to it, only a

Article 135-Lease

Canon 1574
A Lease is a Form of Deed granting use of property during a specified period
in exchange for a specified rent. The one who grants the lease is called a lessor, while
the one who is granted limited rights of use is called the lessee.

Canon 1575
A Lease is equivalent to Equitable Title of ownership, whereby a Person may
be granted rights of use and rights of occupancy, but never Legal Title.

Canon 1576
While there exist many forms of valid leases, all leases share the following

(i) The Names of the parties; and

(ii) The starting day and duration of the agreement; and
(iii) The specific property being leased; and
(iv) Conditions for renewal or non-renewal of lease; and
(v) Consideration such as a lump sum or periodic payment (rent) for granting
use; and
(vi) Provision for any surety deposit and terms of its return; and
(vii) Default Conditions and Remedies for any breach; and
(viii) Specific Conditions particular to the type of property such as insurance,
restrictive use.

Canon 1577
A lease may be fixed-term, periodic or at will.

Canon 1578
The highest form of Property granted under Lease is Equitable Title of Real
Estate, never Real Property. Real Estate implies the highest right of use in a
particular estate, while Real Property means first right of use above all others.

Canon 1579
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Lease and Equitable Title are equivalent in that most Equitable Title is
granted under Lease. All Mortgages are forms of Lease and Equitable Title.

Canon 1580
While the terms “Title of Ownership” and “Ownership of Equitable Title” are
frequently and deliberately use to deceive and defraud leaseholders into believing
they hold accruing rights of ownership, there is no purchase of Legal Title with

Canon 1581
Right of Redemption is the right of the tenant holding a lease for a reasonable
period of time to make good any arrears in rent, without eviction, or even after
dispossession make good any arrears and lawfully re obtain possession of the

Canon 1582
It is unlawful to include any clause on a lease or mortgage that claims a waiver
of Right of Redemption.

Article 136-Negotiable Instrument

Canon 1583
A Negotiable Instrument is a Form of Deed and Title of a Temporary Trust
granting the valid Holder either equitable or legal title to a Form of Property based
on an agreement by another party to make an unconditional promise or order for
payment of a fixed amount of currency and any charges to a third party by a fixed
time or on demand in the future. As the valid holder may then sell or buy and convey
Title of this Deed without its alteration, it is called a Negotiable Instrument.

Canon 1584
An instrument is not a valid Negotiable Instrument but an inferior or false
document if it is not issued in accordance to these canons.

Canon 1585
Excluding certain limits of disclosure permitted for lawful currency, a valid
holder is a Person who can prove a lawful conveyance of the instrument to them
through such a transaction being registered in a Great Register and Public Record of
a valid Ucadian Society, including the provenance being history of all previous
conveyances for the existence of the instrument.
Canon 1586
Excluding certain limits of disclosure permitted for lawful currency, a person
who is unable to prove lawful conveyance of a Negotiable Instrument to them is not
entitled to be regarded as the Holder or Bearer, even if their name is listed on the
physical document.

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Canon 1587
A Negotiable Instrument depends upon the existence of a Temporary Trust
Relationship. The length of existence of the Trust is dependent upon the length of
time the property remains in Trust before being conveyed either at a fixed maturity
date, or upon being redeemed upon demand.

Canon 1588
Any Statute, Code or Ordinance that claims to govern the function of
Negotiable Instruments yet conceals or does not mention the implicit importance of
the Temporary Trust personality of Negotiable Instruments is fraud. Therefore, any
instruments created by such statutes, codes or ordinances are founded on fraud.

Canon 1589
All valid Negotiable Instruments issued in accordance with these canons have
the following essential characteristics:

(i) The promise or order to pay must be unconditional; and

(ii) The payment must be a specific sum of money, although additional
charges may be added to the sum on conditions; and
(iii) Any form of interest calculation, also known as usury is strictly forbidden;
(iv) The payment must be made on demand or at a definite time in the future;
(v) The instrument must not require the person promising payment to
perform any act other than paying the money specified; and
(vi) The instrument must be payable to bearer or to order.

Canon 1590
When the holder of legal title of a negotiable instrument sells equitable title to
another, the payment for tenancy and use shall be property called rent and not

Canon 1591
All Currency issued using property as underwriting is as Negotiable

Canon 1592
Any bank, treasury or financial institution that deliberately conceals payments
under equitable title as interest or some other description instead of rent is guilty of
gross fraud and immediately loses the right of legal title over any and all instruments
committed through fraud.

Canon 1593
When any bank, reserve bank or treasury deliberately conceals the issuing of
currency and payments under equitable title as interest or some other description
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instead of rent consents by such fraud and concealment against the people that all
liability shall be personally returned to the ultimate owners of the bank, all leases
shall be cancelled and all legal and equitable title shall be forfeited, including the
right to remain as a central bank.

Canon 1594
The two (2) primary forms of Negotiable Instruments are Drafts and Notes. A
Draft is an instrument that orders a payment to be made at some future fixed date or
on demand. A Note is an instrument that promises a payment will be made at some
future fixed date or on demand.

Canon 1595
When a valid Draft (Negotiable Instrument) is created, the person who is
ordered to make payment is called the Drawee and the person who signs or is
identified as the one ordering the payment is called the Drawer. When a Drawee
accepts a draft they are then called the Acceptor.

Canon 1596
When a valid Note (Negotiable Instrument) is created, the person who signs
or is identified as the one promising to pay is called the Maker also known as the
Payer, and the person who is identified as receiving the payment is called the Payee,
or holder known as the Bearer.

4.3 Agreement Dispute and Extinction

Article 137-Duress

Canon 1597
Duress or coercion is any threat, fear or inducement directed against a Person
to act or refrain from acting in a manner they would otherwise not consider in the
absence of the threat, fear or inducement.

Canon 1598
Any consent granted under Duress has no effect and is null and void from the

Canon 1599
Any agreement sealed and consented under Duress has no effect.

Canon 1600
Any testimony given under Duress has no validity and cannot be used as
Evidence in any Competent Forum.

Article 138-Perfidy

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Canon 1601
Perfidy is the deliberately deceitful act of falsely making a promise, a vow,
allegience or agreement for the purpose of gaining proximity and trust in order to
undertake an act of treachery and great injury.

Canon 1602
Perfidy is one of the most heinous acts against the law and society in that a
person deliberately uses the good faith and trust of others against them, thus creating
confusion, further mistrust and turmoil.

Canon 1603
Of all the persons and inferior juridic persons that have existed, there exists
two classes of persons who have consistently demonstrated continued acts of perfidy
against virtually every society and community, with apparent immunity within the
framework of inferior Roman Law: the Banking class and the Bar Associations.

Canon 1604
The Banking class of families sharing long history of creating, owning and
controlling financial institutions are the single greatest source of acts of Perfidy than
every other class of professions and persons combined, excluding the Bar
Associations. As a result, this Banking class sharing common ancestry and cultural
heritage have been responsible for more wars, genocides, recessions, depressions and
global misery than all the worst dictators of history.

Canon 1605
Second to the Banking class of families, the Bar Association are the second
greatest source of acts of Perfidy, usually working closely in support of the Banking

Canon 1606
In accordance with these Canons and the sacred Covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum and as penalty for their historic Perfidy, no person whose father,
grandfather or great grandfather was a director of a bank or major shareholder of a
bank is permitted to hold any position of any financial institution, nor may any of
their family be involved in banking for seven generations that follow.

Canon 1607
In accordance with these Canons and the sacred Covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum and as penalty for their historic Perfidy, no person who is a
member of a Bar Association is permitted to hold any position at law including judge,
magistrate, barrister, attorney, lawyer, clerk or assistant.

Article 139-Default

Canon 1608
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Default is the failure of a person to appear and defend an accusation, thus
causing a judgment or action to be rendered against them.

Canon 1609
The failure to meet an obligation of an agreement is a breach, not a default. A
breach of agreement is not equivalent to a default.

Canon 1610
Excluding any lawful excuse or obstruction, a person or their counsel is
expected to appear before a Competent Authority where an accusation or controversy
against them has been raised.

Canon 1611
Excluding any lawful excuse or obstruction, a person who fails to attend a
hearing before a Competent Authority, admits their guilt.

Canon 1612
Excluding fraudulent causes or action or errors of due process, the failure of a
person to appear before a Competent Authority when called to answer and defend
themselves causes an injury to the law.

Canon 1613
When a person has caused an injury to the law and admitted their guilt
through non attendance, a Competent Authority may then issue an order against the
person known as a Default Judgment, compelling the person to perform the
obligations of the order.

Canon 1614
Any person who issues a default notice or judgment before a person has had
the opportunity to defend themselves is guilty of fraud and deception and
automatically consents and affirms full liability of the default judgment, plus any
further penalties and punishment.

Canon 1615
A default notice or judgment can never be issued unless a person has been
given the fair right and notice to defend themselves before a competent authority.

Article 140-Alteration

Canon 1616
Alteration is when a material change is made in a Form leading to a change in
condition, status or its nature.

Canon 1617

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A Material Change is a deliberate action capable of being identified and
proven as an alteration to an original Form.

Canon 1618
The Form of an agreement can never be altered without the expression written
permission of all the parties.

Canon 1619
The alteration of a Form of an agreement without consent constitutes fraud.

Canon 1620
The terms of an agreement can never be altered without the expression
written permission of all the parties.

Article 141-Deviation

Canon 1621
A Deviation is fictional concept whereby a voluntary and unnecessary
departure of a ship from, or delay in, the regular and usual course of the specific
voyage insured, permits the underwriters to be released from their responsibility.

Canon 1622
In inferior Roman law that applies the laws of the sea upon men and woman
as flesh “vessels”, deviation is often used by underwriters to secure release via
inferior Roman Courts of their obligations.

Canon 1623
The application of Deviation to any person as a means of reducing or releasing
liability by an underwriter constitutes fraud where such disclosure of techniques is
not clearly first states upon the terms of the agreement.

Article 142-Mistake

Canon 1624
A Mistake, also known as a Mistake of Fact is an erroneous belief or trust that
certain facts are true when committing a reasonable action. A Mistake of Fact does
not exist when an action is considered unreasonable.

Canon 1625
A Reasonable action in terms of a Mistake of Fact is any action that one would
expect to represent the norms of respectful society and behaviour, thus excluding
such actions as violence, depravity, perfidy, fraud and other acts considered
universally as antisocial and grossly disrespectful.
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Canon 1626
A Mistake of Fact is not permitted to be argued when the alleged actions by
the person are grossly unreasonable.

Canon 1627
In the permitted admission of a Mistake of Fact, any assumed surety for
liability from alleged injury ceases to exist.

Canon 1628
A person is not considered to consent who commits a mistake.

Canon 1629
Any person permitted to admit a Mistake of Fact must be offered relief to any
alleged injury in addition to cessation of any claimed surety for any liabilities
associated with the alleged injury.

Canon 1630
Any competent authority that refuses to release a person from surety for any
liability upon a permitted admission of Mistake of Fact fully consents to assume the
liability for themselves.

Canon 1631
Any competent authority that refuses to offer relief to a person upon a
permitted admission of Mistake of Fact is guilty of fraud and a gross injury to the

Canon 1632
When a person has been deliberately deceived by fraud, then neither mistake
nor injury exists.

Canon 1633
Excluding fraud, consent obviates a mistake.

Article 143-Frustration

Canon 1634
Frustration, also known as Frustration of Purpose, is a fictional concept
whereby an unforeseen event delays, impedes or prevents the performance of a
primary element of an agreement which both parties agreed represented a principle
purpose of the agreement.

Canon 1635

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“Principle purpose” of an agreement in relation to Frustration (of Purpose) is
any intrinsic element of the agreement of such importance that neither party would
have entered the agreement in the first place in its absence.

Canon 1636
Frustration is not equivalent to Impossibility even though both concepts relate
to unforeseen events. Impossibility concerns unforeseen events and the duties
specified to be performed in an agreement, whereas Frustration concerns an
unforeseen events and the reason a party entered into the agreement.

Canon 1637
Where an agreement has not made provision to exclude certain unforeseen
events, the defense of Frustration may be argued as a lawful defense for non
performance of duties under an agreement for those events not otherwise excluded.

Canon 1638
No mercantile agreement may seek to exclude Force majeure as a defense for
Frustration and as a lawful excuse for non-performance.

Article 144-Impossibility

Canon 1639
Impossibility is a fictional concept whereby an unforeseen event makes
performance of the terms of the agreement impossible.

Canon 1640
“Unforeseen event” in relation to Impossibility is any change in circumstances
such as an Force majeure, discovered pre-existing condition, death or disablement or
other event of such major significance that there is no way to continue to perform the

Canon 1641
Where an agreement has not made provision to exclude certain unforeseen
events, the defense of Impossibility may be argued as a lawful defense for non
performance of duties under an agreement for those events not otherwise excluded.

Canon 1642
No mercantile agreement may seek to exclude Force majeure as a defense for
Impossibility and as a lawful excuse for non-performance.

Article 145-Impracticability
Canon 1643
Impracticability is a fictional concept whereby unforeseen circumstances
make performance of the terms of the agreement unreasonably difficult or unviable
for the party obligated to perform.
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Canon 1644
“Unforeseen circumstances” in relation to Impracticability is any change in
circumstances that were not anticipated nor included in any of the terms of the

Canon 1645
“Unreasonably difficult” or “unviable” in relation to Impracticability is a
change to the conditions of performance of the agreement that place an unreasonable
burden on a party that may also render performance unviable for the party.

Canon 1646
No mercantile agreement may seek to exclude the right to claim relief through
the defense of Impracticability.

Canon 1647
The claim of relief through the defense of Impracticability does not excuse
non-performance, unless no relief is properly offered.

Article 146-Unconscionability

Canon 1648
Unconscionability is a fictional concept whereby a party may seek defense
against the enforcement of an agreement based on the presence of terms and
consideration that are excessively unfair to one party.

Canon 1649
Any valid agreement must pass a basic test of fairness wherein, no party may
take excessive advantage of the circumstances of the other so that any consideration
offered or terms provided are manifestly bias and unfair to the other party.

Canon 1650
Unconscionability is equivalent to exploitation whereby a party exploits their
superior position to seek to lawfully gain an unfair advantage over the other party in
a significantly inferior position.

Canon 1651
Consent of the lesser party to the original agreement and the cause of action
are immaterial to testing an alleged unconscionable and exploitative agreement.

Canon 1652
A Competent Authority is permitted to render any agreement found to be
unconscionable and exploitative unenforceable and therefore null and void.

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Article 147-Misrepresentation

Canon 1653
Misrepresentation is when one party of an agreement makes false and
misleading statements of fact to the other party in order to induce an agreement or
secure some other advantage.

Canon 1654
Misrepresentation is equivalent to fraud in the effect that once proven, it
causes the extinction of any contract with forgiveness of all obligations and debts of
the victim. A Competent Authority may also award further damages against the party
guilt of misrepresentation.

Canon 1655
False and misleading statements of fact in reference to Misrepresentation are
required to be proven to be deliberately and knowingly false, done with the intention
of inducing a party to contract or secure some other defined advantage within the

Canon 1656
Silence is to be regarded as a potential form of misrepresentation. Lack of full
disclosure is also to be regarded as a form of misrepresentation.

Canon 1657
A technical distortion of fact may not of itself be sufficient proof of
misrepresentation when it can be shown to be a mistake of fact.

Canon 1658
Unless concealment by silence or lack of disclosure can be shown, a change in
circumstances between an offer, or a consideration and a final agreement before
consent is not of itself sufficient grounds for misrepresentation.

Canon 1659
The use of terms without proper disclosure as to their legal effect is a form of

Canon 1660
Any Mortgage agreement that fails to properly disclose the financial
institution as Landlord, the borrower as Tenant and the agreement as a lease, with
interest payments being rent is a form of gross misrepresentation. In accordance
with these canons and Pactum De Singularis Caelum all such agreements are hereby
summarily rendered null and void with the offending financial institution accepting
full liability and obligations for their deliberate misrepresentation as penalty.

Article 148-Concealment
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Canon 1661
Concealment is the deliberate obscuring of one or more attributes of a Form
by rendering its identification from view inconspicuous, deceptive, camouflaged or
all three. The most common purpose of concealment is secrecy.

Canon 1662
Concealment is equivalent to hiding a form in plain sight.

Canon 1663
Concealment is a form of deliberate misrepresentation rendering any
agreement null and void.

Canon 1664
The most ancient model of concealment is with information in which an
encoded message of true information is concealed in a random or meaningless set of
statements or characters. A key or cipher is then needed to unlock the concealed
information and extract the truth.

Canon 1665
As all complex systems may be resolved to a few simple axioms, it has been a
tradition that the most important and powerful Forms of knowledge and ideas by
which a society functions are deliberately concealed from all but a few who possess
the right key.

Canon 1666
The symbol of the key is the most common symbol signifying true knowledge
from false knowledge on account of the ancient tradition of publishing deliberately
false knowledge in which truth is concealed in plain sight.

Canon 1667
Concealment is a form of fraud.

Canon 1668
The most common use of concealment is with knowledge, most specifically
those Forms that constitute foundational ideas upon which major elements of society
function. As the true knowledge is hidden amongst deliberately false knowledge, the
ability to decipher is rendered extremely difficult without a key to unlock and extract
the truth.

Canon 1669
The inferior Roman legal system is deliberately complex with volumes of texts
in order to deliberately conceal, confuse and ensure knowledge of the law is excluded
for all but a very few.
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Canon 1670
At it is a primary objective of the inferior Roman legal system to conceal,
defraud and usurp the law, in accordance with these canons, all inferior Roman legal
dictionaries, texts and books hereby hold no lawful value nor merit other than their
historical interest in how men and woman were denied access to true law for so long.

Canon 1671
The inferior Roman finance and banking system is deliberately complex with
volumes of statutes and procedures designed to deliberately conceal the nature of
trade and use of value to all but a very few.

Canon 1672
As the statutes of the inferior Roman finance and banking system is
predicated on fraud, no contract or negotiable instrument issued under Roman
finance law can possibly claim to be valid unless by acknowledging the supreme
authority of these canons, the superiority of the Supreme Financial System and the
sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

Article 149-Extinction

Canon 1673
Extinction is the cessation of one or more obligations of an Agreement,
Covenant, Deed or Contract or the Contract itself. The concept of Termination may
also be applied, but also to the whole Agreement itself in accordance with its clauses
or some fundamental breach which renders the agreement or covenant inoperable.

Canon 1674
It is a fundamental principle of all Contract Law that once enacted, Contracts
are to be honored and performed.

Canon 1675
Excluding clauses within the Agreement or Covenant which denote the
conditions by which part or all of the Covenant may terminate, the most serious
condition for extinction and termination is a repudiatory breach, also known as a
fundamental breach.

Canon 1676
A Repudiatory Breach is when a party or designated agent or successor is
guilty of such a fundamental breach of the essential terms of a covenant that no
remediation may adequately repair the injury or key elements of the covenant are
rendered inoperable. In such circumstances, the distressed party is permitted to
terminate performance of the covenant in addition to entitling that party to pursue
punitive action for damages.

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Canon 1677
The most serious of all Repudiatory Breaches is when a Covenant between
Divine or Demonic Spiritual forces is breached by the agents or nominated
successors of its foundation. In the history of Civilization the most serious and
significant repudiatory breach of this kind is the extinction of the Talmud and
Talmudic Law in the 20th Century by false representatives of the Menasheh who
caused several fundamental breaches of this agreement.

Canon 1678
In accordance with Divine Will, Divine Law, Natural Law, Positive Law and all
principles of contract law, all who claim to remain party to the Covenant of the
Talmud and its inclusion in The Bible are hereby terminated from all authority or
rights to claim. Instead, all rights to this covenant have been lawfully transfered to
the Society of One Heaven in accordance with the sacred Covenant Pactum De
Singularis Caelum.

V. Law

5.1 Virtue of Law

Article 150-Respect

Canon 1679
Respect is to actively observe objects and concepts in the present moment and
thereby regard their value.

Canon 1680
Respect is the first of the seven virtues of law and upon which all the other six
virtues are based. It is typified by calmness and self control of the groin.

Canon 1681
Without respect there is no justice.

Canon 1682
It is an obligation of all who enter a competent forum to demonstrate respect.

Article 151-Honesty

Canon 1683
Honesty is to cognitively process currently observed objects and concepts, or
memories clearly without deliberate distortion, thereby communicate such
observation or recollection as accurately as possible without deception.
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Canon 1684
Honesty is the second of the seven virtues of law and upon which the
remaining five virtues are based. It is typified by calmness of the intestines.

Canon 1685
A lack of honesty correctly implies a lack of accuracy and the deliberate
distortion of alleged facts and evidence. Therefore dishonesty is the enemy of the
court as without accuracy of facts there can be no justice.

Canon 1686
All judges and magistrates of competent forum by definition are sworn to
protect the law and uphold justice by not permitting dishonesty to reign in their

Canon 1687
It is a solemn and sacred duty of all Judges and magistrates to defend the
Living Law against attack by any guild, society or association of men and women that
seek to usurp the Rights of Members and corrupt the Living Law through deliberate

Canon 1688
Any guild, society or association of men and women that seeks to deliberately
corrupt the Living Law for their own ends and abrogate the rights of other men and
women through trickery and dishonesty are an enemy of the Living Law and have no
right to claim superior status before the law.

Canon 1689
As it is a secret oath of all Bar associations is to conceal and corrupt the law,
no member of a Bar association may ever be permitted to enter a competent forum,
claim to represent the law, or sit as a judge, magistrate or official.

Canon 1690
In accordance with these canons, the presence of a member of the Bar
association within any court in any official capacity immediately disqualifies such a
venue as being regarded as a competent forum. Therefore any judgments, ordinances
or orders issued by such an incompetent forum have no effect and are null and void
from the beginning.

Article 152-Courage

Canon 1691
Courage is a confidence and strength in the present moment to be honest and
respectful in performance of duty.

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Canon 1692
Courage is the third of the seven virtues of law and upon which the remaining
four virtues are based. It is typified by a firmness of stomach and warmness of the

Canon 1693
As there exists guilds and associations dedicated to the continued corruption
of the law and the concealment of knowledge of the law, including the use of threat
and intimidation, courage is a necessary virtue of law.

Canon 1694
An absence of courage in the character of a judge or magistrate is a sign that
justice is also absent.

Canon 1695
Any judge or magistrate that refuses to rescind their membership to a Bar
association and any other guild(s) that seeks to usurp the law is by definition a

Canon 1696
Let justice be done, though the heavens should fall.

Article 153-Compassion

Canon 1697
Compassion is empathetic sharing of grief and suffering of another within
general proximity in the present moment.

Canon 1698
Compassion is the fourth of the seven virtues of law and upon which the
remaining three virtues are based. It is typified by a warmth around the heart and a
gentle swelling around the throat.

Canon 1699
Contrary to false precepts, compassion towards all parties, no matter how
heinous the alleged offence, is an essential component of rendering justice.

Article 154-Impartiality

Canon 1700
Impartiality is the conscious separation in the present moment of the emotion
of compassion from the other virtues of respect, honest and courage so that

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compassion is present but does not overwhelm the founding virtues. Hence
Impartiality is best described as “detatched compassion”.

Canon 1701
Impartiality is the fifth of the seven virtues of law and upon which the
remaining two virtues are based. It is typified by a consciousness of the physical
manifestation of all four base virtues.

Canon 1702
An absence of compassion and empathy is not impartiality but sociopathy.

Article 155-Knowledge

Canon 1703
Knowledge is conscious knowledge of the law, its true definitions, application,
processes, history, purpose and functions without confusion with false information
designed as concealment of key legal meaning. Jurisprudence is equitable to the
concept of Knowledge.

Canon 1704
Knowledge is the sixth of the seven virtues of law and upon which the final
virtue of law is derived. It is typified by the demonstration of a well rounded intellect,
skills of discernment and balanced disposition.

Canon 1705
Knowledge of law presented by the guilds known as the Bar associations is not
knowledge but ignorance of the law as such dictionaries, statutes, cases and precepts
are founded on deliberate fraud, distortion and concealment.

Canon 1706
A judge, magistrate, prosecutor or counsel that is only knowledgeable in the
law presented by the Bar association and their allies has no knowledge of law
whatsoever, but merely of processes and deliberate distortions designed to hide

Canon 1707
Ignorance of the law is no excuse for an Officer of the Court as it is a solemn
obligation of all Officers of the Court, not the parties before the court to be well
versed in jurisprudence and therefore due process of law.

Canon 1708

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Any claim, statute or principle that seeks to shift obligation of Knowledge
from Officers of the Court to Parties before the Court is an absurdity and deliberate
corruption of the law, therefore null, void and without validity.

Canon 1709
By definition Knowledge of the law is usually absent within any Inferior
Roman Court or Court operating under Talmudic Law as both systems are
deliberately based on the teaching of false information of all but a very few, with true
definitions, meaning and function reserved usually only to the elite of the judge class.

Article 156-Wisdom

Canon 1710
Wisdom is the effect of adhering and demonstrating the previous six virtues of
law. Wisdom is therefore the application of respect, honesty, compassion and
discernment of the law in the present moment to render a judgment based on the
facts, devoid of any other external influences.

Canon 1711
As true wisdom is reliant on the application of other skills first, wisdom is
correctly defined as an effect rather than a cause.

Article 157-Justice

Canon 1712
Justice is to honor the essence of the living law through due process in
rendering judgment demonstrating fair remedy.

Canon 1713
The highest respect that may be given to the law of any society is to respect
due process of law in recognition of the rights of the law as a living entity, having its
own valid personality.

Canon 1714
All Persons are considered innocent of an alleged controversy until due
process is served according to the law and a liability (guilt) has been clearly

Canon 1715
For Justice to be served, a judgment must represent fair remedy. The absence
of fair remedy represents an absence of justice. Only when consent is given by both
parties at the commencement of a case can fair remedy be properly served.

Canon 1716
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When due process is disrespected, the law suffers injury as any person may
suffer harm from assault. All officers of the law are duty bound not to undertake such
action that brings harm to the living law.

Canon 1717
By definition Justice can never be present nor rendered within an Inferior
Roman Court as by its very design only the Judge is usually permitted to understand
the true definitions and meanings of fictions applied through Roman Law and
Talmudic Law with all others taught deliberately false definitions and misleading

Article 158-Jurisdiction

Canon 1718
Jurisdiction is the Power and Authority of a Juridic Person to review,
administer and issue certain Statutes or Ordinances. Jurisdiction most frequently
applies to the Power and Authority of a Court to hear and adjudicate a matter,
particularly in the publication of Ordinances.

Canon 1719
A Juridic Person having lesser Authority and Power than another has no
Jurisdiction over the other unless granted specific Powers and Authority by a Juridic
Person possessing greater Power and Authority greater than either of them.

Canon 1720
The Society of One Heaven, also known as the First See, also known as the
Holly See and True Holy See, also known as Heaven, is judged by no one.

Canon 1721
It is solely the right of the Supreme Court of One Heaven to adjudicate all
matters, cases, statutes and Form in accordance with these canons and the sacred
covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

Canon 1722
By all rule of law an inferior Person cannot claim equal or superior
Jurisdiction over a superior Person. Therefore, the lowest Jurisdiction of all
Jurisdictions is any Person formed under the inferior statutes and ordinances of the
Roman Cult, Talmudic Law or associated inferior entities.

Canon 1723
Any claim of Jurisdiction by an inferior Roman Person over a Juridic Person
or Person formed by statutes accordance with these canons is automatically invalid
and void from the beginning, including any subsequent ordinances, demands, or
Article 159-Public Law
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Canon 1724
Public or Public Law is the statutes and ordinances of an Inferior Public
Roman Juridic Person under Inferior Roman Canon Law otherwise known as a
Public Body Corporate, Public Corporation or Public Company.

Canon 1725
Public Law is a deliberately false customary term designed to mislead by
hiding the fact that any society operating under "Public Law" is actually operating
under Inferior Roman Canon Law as a Estate and Public Body Corporate and not as a
Civil or Global Juridic Person.

Canon 1726
By custom and deliberate design, Public Law to seeks to perpetuate the false
belief that a particular society promulgates laws in accordance with their
Constitution, rather than the true fact that all laws promulgated by all societies
subject to the Inferior Roman Juridic Person model are merely statutes or
ordinances, not law.

Canon 1727
By custom and deliberate design, Public Law to seeks to perpetuate the false
belief that the highest law of a particular society is its Constitution when in fact all
societies subject to the Inferior Roman Juridic Person model are subject to no less
than three (3) superior bodies of law including the Uniform Commercial Code,
Roman Canon Law and Talmudic Law.

Canon 1728
Unlike Inferior Roman Canon Law that seeks to abrogate, to enslave and
mislead, in accordance with the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum and
the seven (7) pronouncements of Ucadia, all societies have been granted recognition
as Juridic Society Persons, holding real property rights, elimination of debts and
restoration of rule of law awaiting the political, military and judicial classes of these
societies to repudiate the deliberate enslavement of their people.

Canon 1729
As the term Public Law is designed to deceive and mislead, it is forbidden to
be used as a valid term of law.

Article 160-Private Law

Canon 1730
Private or Private Law is the statutes and ordinances of an Inferior Private
Roman Juridic Person under Inferior Roman Canon Law otherwise known as a
Private Body Corporate, or Private Corporation.
Canon 1731

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Private Law is a deliberately false customary term designed to mislead by
hiding the fact that any society operating "Private Law" is actually operating under
Inferior Roman Canon Law and Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) as a Private Estate
and Private Corporation and not as an Global or Civil Juridic Person.

Canon 1732
To further confuse and mislead, the false term Private Law is also used as an
equivalent to another false term known as Common Law a term created in the 14th
century from the Latin "com/comitto" meaning to entrust, commit and "munis"
meaning burden, public duty, service or obligation. Therefore the original meaning of
Common Law is voluntary servitude, or more accurately voluntary enslavement.

Canon 1733
Unlike an Inferior Public Roman Juridic Person which provides at least the
opportunity for men and women to be classed as citizens and therefore "slaves of
Rome", a Private Juridic Person known as "Private Law" under the Uniform
Commercial Code (UCC) does not afford such status, instead treating all men and
women without status as things, being less than animals but mere property and

Canon 1734
As the term Private Law is designed to deceive and mislead, it is forbidden to
be used as a valid term of law.

Article 161-Freedom

Canon 1735
Freedom is a fictional Form whereby a Person is considered exempt from
slavery or imprisonment. Freedom is equivalent to the concept of Liberty.

Canon 1736
Contrary to being a superior fiction, Freedom is an inferior fiction offering
limited respite. Under the voluntary servitude system of "common law", Freedom is
considered a Right or Privilege, therefore assuming the Person is already considered
property and therefore in slavery.

Canon 1737
Freedom and Slavery belong to the same system of slavery. The concept of
Freedom depends upon the existence and practice of Slavery, whilst the concept of
Slavery depends upon the concept of Freedom, even if never granted.

Canon 1738
In accordance with Divine Law and Natural Law, an object cannot "own" other
objects. Only fictions can "own" other fictions. Therefore the concept of Freedom is
null and void from the beginning along with its twin concept of Slavery.
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Article 162-Slavery

Canon 1739
Slavery is a fictional Form combining Morality, Property and Commerce
whereby a man, woman or child may be considered legally or morally the property of
another, to be sold or disposed as property and any injury to the slave as commercial
not moral.

Canon 1740
Slavery is without any valid moral foundation as it falsely claims a "divine
right" of ownership between objects "owning" other objects which defies all known
Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law.

Canon 1741
Slavery is without any valid commercial foundation as it assumes a Property
right which can only originate from the owner of all things being divine, yet fails to
properly prove the lawful conveyance of these original claimed rights.

Canon 1742
Unlike mandatory slavery which has no moral, nor commercial foundation
upon which to even mount a claim, voluntary slavery in the form of "common law"
does identify the right of a man or woman to consent to slavery as surety to a person
against which some debt, bond is issued. However, unlike mandatory slavery, the
voluntary slave system of "common law" does not disclose the full nature of its
slavery and therefore fails the test of a lawful contract in hiding terms, agreements
and obligations thereby rendering any consent null and void.

Canon 1743
Slavery in all its forms, whether mandatory or voluntary is abolished in
accordance with these canons and the sacred covenant Pactum De Singlaris Caelum.

Article 163-Imprisonment

Canon 1744
Imprisonment is the enforced deprivation of liberty of a man or woman acting
as surety to a Person on account of a serious allegation, conviction or clear and
present risk to a community or Juridic society at large.

Canon 1745
No man or woman acting as surety to a Person may be deprived of their liberty
without first knowing by what charge and accusation in statute law they are being
detained and the source of such allegations. The imprisonment of any man or woman
without charge or disclosure of the alleged crimes is itself a serious offence against
the law.

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Canon 1746
Every man and woman acting as surety to a Person against whom charges
have been brought has the right to demand an appearance in a court of law within
seven (7) days of their deprivation of liberty to be provided the opportunity to hear
the allegations against them, the alleged offences in law and what evidence is being
presented. In the absence of some or all of these elemental components to a suit, a
judge or magistrate has no choice other than to order the immediate release the man
or woman.

Canon 1747
All Juridic Societies have the right to defend their members against potential
or actual harm posed by a man or woman. Therefore the deprivation of liberty of any
man or woman acting as surety to a person charged with a serious crime is
acceptable in such circumstances until the schedule of a trial to permit the
allegations to be tested.

Canon 1748
The imprisonment of a man or woman should be an act of last resort and not
an act of first response. Any Juridic society that chooses imprisonment of its
members ahead of genuine reform is devoid of justice.

Article 164-Equity

Canon 1749
Equity is the principle of being equal or fair, impartial and even handed in the
adjudication of matters before the Law, despite one party holding lower rights.
Hence, Equity is also used as a term to recognize the “lowest” form of ownership or
“equitable title” over property.

Canon 1750
In regards to property, Equity denotes the lowest form of ownership as a
tenant and lessee.

Canon 1751
Accruing Equity does not mean increasing a claim or share of ownership. The
acquiring of Equity is merely the acquiring of uses under tenancy, not ownership
under legal title.

Canon 1752
Any claim that increased Equity is equivalent to increased claim or share of
ownership is a deliberate and misleading fraud. If such a fraud was used as the basis
of securing any agreement, then such an agreement is null and void from the

Canon 1753
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To claim Equity is to claim the lowest rights of ownership, not the highest.
Therefore, ownership of equity is the last party to be paid in any liquidation of an
estate, only if assets remain.

Canon 1754
In the adjudication of contract disputes, the principle of Equity is to consider
the merits and facts of the dispute without regard to the implicit higher or lower
claims of ownership. Hence, by treating both parties as equal, the principle of equity
necessarily seeks to invoke a form of justice of the law.

Canon 1755
The absence of Equity, in particular courts of Equity, denotes most clearly the
absence of Justice.

Canon 1756
Decisions of Equity do not make the law, but assist in its proper

Article 165-Culpability

Canon 1757
Culpability is the proven Fact of having committed an Offence in accordance
with the statutes of a Juridic Person by lawful process.

Canon 1758
Culpability is one of only two permitted resolutions of valid Verdict, with the
other being Innocence. Culpability is therefore to be justly liable to penalty.

Canon 1759
Culpability is not equivalent to Guilt as Guilt implies an acceptance and
consent to an immoral act, whereas Culpability is a decision made by either a judge
or jury in the course of a Trial.

Canon 1760
A person found lawfully Culpable is not permitted to receive the choice of
Absolution. Instead, it is deemed they have chosen the punishment of Penitence as
defined by any statutes promulgated consistent with these canons.

Article 166-Innocence

Canon 1761
Innocence is the proven Fact of not having committed an Offence in
accordance with the statutes of a Juridic Person by lawful process.

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Canon 1762
All Accused are to be considered Innocent until proven Culpable.

Canon 1763
Innocence is one of only two permitted resolutions of valid Verdict, with the
other being Culpability. Innocence is therefore to be free from any liable to penalty.

Article 167-Fact

Canon 1764
A Fact is a Form referring to valid information about past or present events,
attributes or actions which is provable in Reality.

Canon 1765
As valid Reality and Truth are defined by these Canons, a Fact is not a Fact but
a false assertion or fraud if it does not conform to these canons.

Canon 1766
When anyone references, writes or speaks of a “Fact”, “True Fact”, or
“Absolute Fact” it shall mean these canons and no other.

Article 168-Evidence

Canon 1767
Evidence is any manifest Form that can be produced during any formal
proceedings which may support or refute a fact that has been stated as part of the
proceedings. Relevant evidence means evidence having any tendency to make the
existence of any fact that is of consequence to formal proceedings more probable or
less probable than it would be without the evidence.

Canon 1768
Evidence obtained under duress relates to any verbal, written, video evidence
obtained from a witness and/or suspect by law enforcement, court or other officials
in circumstances where the man, woman or person was deliberately placed in a state
of actual or implied pressure or fear in order to gain a response.

Canon 1769
Only three valid classes of evidence exist: Physical, Testimonial and

Canon 1770
Physical evidence is any physical object which may be considered relevant to
proceedings in that it provides physical support or rebuttal to a statement of fact.

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Canon 1771
Testimonial evidence is any sworn testimony by a witness having been given
either in an open court, video recording or written statement.

Canon 1772
Circumstantial (or implied) evidence is any combination of admissible
physical and/or testimonial evidence which when taken as a whole implies the
existence of further evidence which is unable to physically submitted at the time of

Canon 1773
When information is presented to the court or read to the court by a man or
woman of good standing, it is unlawful for the court to refuse such information to be
read into evidence.

5.3 Authority and Enforcement

Article 169-Authority

Canon 1774
Authority is the granting or denying of Validity through endorsement or
reprobabtion to Form by an Official Person within the limits of power established for
their office.

Canon 1775
In accordance with these canons, the seven (7) sacred pronouncements of
Ucadia and the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, all authority of
Heaven and Earth is granted by the Divine Creator and all spirits to the Society of
One Heaven.

Article 170-Validity

Canon 1776
Validity is the quality of a Form being valid, namely strong, authentic and
genuine, as such Form is capable of being justified and proven to be true through
logic and reason. Hence, Valid arguments possess legal force.

Canon 1777
An argument declared Valid on claimed force of law alone does not make it
valid. Not only must such a body of law itself be proven to be valid, but the
arguments by which the law is used.

Canon 1778
Valid is equivalent to testing and measurement. Validity is impossible without
the existence of some objective measure.
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Canon 1779
Belief and faith are irrelevant to validity. Validity is a test of the strength of a
form, not its popularity. The more comprehensive a model, the more logical,
reasoned and perfected the more valid, regardless of whether such a model of law is
believed or not.

Canon 1780
Any form of law based upon belief and faith that is tested against an equal or
larger body of law based upon logic or reason, by definition is less valid.

Canon 1781
In accordance with these canons and because of the existence of these canons,
all Roman law of the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican, also known as the
Roman Catholic Church as well as Talmudic Law and Sharia Law are henceforth

Article 171-Power

Canon 1782
Power is the implied and actual ability to influence certain Actions by virtue of
the Divine Will and Action, Lawful Right of Office or Temporal claims and force.

Canon 1783
There are only three principle types of Power- Divine, Moral and Temporal.

Canon 1784
Divine Power is the proof of Divine Authority and Divine Will through
example and fact, especially Divine Knowledge, vision and miracle.

Canon 1785
Moral Power is the proof of Lawful Right, usually accompanying Divine

Canon 1786
Temporal Power, is transitional power based on force, fear, threat, or other
forms of coercion.

Canon 1787
The weakest power is temporal power. Even if a person or association possess
substantial temporal power in the absence of moral power and claimed divine power
they cannot sustain control.

Canon 1788
In accordance with these canons, the seven (7) sacred pronouncements of
Ucadia and the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, all power of Heaven
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and Earth is granted by the Divine Creator and all spirits to the Society of One

Article 172-Enforcement

Canon 1789
Enforcement is the use of physical force or coercion, in accordance with the
terms of a valid deed, to ensure the performance of certain obligations or clauses
under agreement when a person has deliberately breached their agreement and
refuse to make good any form of remedy.

Canon 1790
No order is valid, therefore no enforcement is valid unless it is in accord with
these canons.

Canon 1791
Enforcement is unlawful unless the obligation sought to be enforced is clearly
defined by some valid deed and the person to whom the enforcement is directed has
previously consented to perform the obligation. Enforcement is always unlawful if
sought against any implied obligation, or claimed secret agreement.

Canon 1792
Fraud of contract and agreement negates any claim of valid enforcement.
Fraud of consent by failure to disclose or deliberate concealment negates any claim of

Canon 1793
Valid enforcement of Statute law is equivalent to enforcement of Contract
Law, Trust Law and Property Rights.

Canon 1794
The issue of an order itself does not make valid enforcement.

Canon 1795
Any military, police or other armed person that unlawfully enforces an illegal
order, consents and assumes all liability and penalty.

Canon 1796
Any military rank that unlawfully enforces an illegal order consents and
agrees that they no longer possess any honor, valid rank nor code and are nothing
more than a criminal militia force.

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Canon 1797
Any military or police that refuses to obey a lawful order of enforcement
issued by an Official Person in accordance with these canons is guilty of treason,
extreme dishonor and consents and agrees to any and all punishment and disgrace.

5.4 Argument of Law

Article 173-Argument

Canon 1798
An Argument is one or several connected postulations to influence the opinion
of another upon Faith or to support a proposition as Proof. A postulation may be
based on one or more Facts, or Suppositions, or a combination of both.

Canon 1799
As all Argument depends upon meaning, all arguments are by definition
fictional, regardless of whether they seek to influence upon Faith, or Proof or both.

Canon 1800
The ability to present coherent and connected postulations is essential to any
Idea, Model and System based on Meaning. Therefore, the validity of an Argument
may be equated in some degree to the value and validity of a Model, Idea or System.

Canon 1801
As all Arguments are by definition fictional, the test for the validity of any
argument may be based upon such qualities as its coherence, comprehensivess,
relevance, consistency. The age of an Argument, or its customary acceptance is
insufficient evidence alone for its validity.

Canon 1802
An argument that is consistent with these canons and conforms to the
prescripts of Pactum de Singularis Caelum is superior to any argument that is
inconsistent to these canons.

Article 174-Reason

Canon 1803
A Reason or Cause is any alleged fact or facts consistent with natural law
employed as an argument to justify and explain an Action or Act.

Canon 1804
All Divine Immortal Spirits expressed in Trust to a Flesh vessel possess the
ability to Reason, except those physically constrained by severe injury or disability.
Where a man, or woman is unconstrained by severe injury, or disability it is expected
they accept self determination and the exercise of reason.
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Canon 1805
The reason of the law ceasing, the law itself ceases.

Article 175-Interpretation

Canon 1806
Interpretation is the use of argument, reason, logic and competence in
accordance with these canons to deduce the correct intent and meaning of the law.
Thus, to interpret the law is to explain and apply The Law as it was original intended.

Canon 1807
The best interpreter of a valid canon is the canon itself. Therefore, the best
interpretation of any administrative act, statute or ordinance is its conformity to
these canons first and secondly to itself.

Canon 1808
Conformity to these valid Canons, not use is the best interpreter of things.
Therefore, custom alone is the worst interpreter of the law.

Canon 1809
In the construction of valid agreements conforming to these canons, words are
to be interpreted against the person using them.

Canon 1810
Lawful commands in accordance with these canons receive a strict
interpretation, but unlawful may command a broad and extended interpretation.

Canon 1811
When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Interpretation”, “Valid
Interpretation”, or “Correct Interpretation” it shall mean these canons and no other.

Canon 1812
It is an invalid interpretation which corrupts the text of any canon.

Article 176-Competency, updated on 1-10-2011

Canon 1813
Competence is the fictional concept of being fit, proper and qualified to
produce and argue Reason through knowledge and skill of Law, Logic and Rhetoric
against opposing arguments. Therefore, a man or woman cannot claim competence
without demonstrated skill at reason, argument and knowledge and suitable
qualification. Competence may also be used in the context of Juridic Persons having
sufficient authority and qualification within the limits of their statutes.

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Canon 1814
As the Divine Person is also part of the Divine Creator, a Divine Person is
aways considered competent.

Canon 1815
The existence of qualification alone does not constitute competence of the
flesh. The existence of skill of argument and reason alone does not constitute
competence of the flesh.

Canon 1816
While the Divine Person is always considered competent, it is possible for the
True Person represented by the flesh to be incompetent.

Canon 1817
Only True Persons represented by the flesh of a living man or woman
demonstrating knowledge and consent to these Canons and agreeing to obey statutes
derived from the Canons may be regarded as competent.

Canon 1818
An Incompetent Person is not permitted to sit as a Judge, nor hold any
Ecclesiastical position for any entity which claims Divine influence.

Article 177-Maxim

Canon 1819
A Maxim is a term used to describe a self-evident axiom or premise
constituting an expression of a general principle or rule in accordance with these

Canon 1820
By definition, all valid canons that precede or follow this canon are maxims.

Canon 1821
A maxim is not a maxim but an inferior statement or claim if it is not in
accordance with these canons.

Canon 1822
The claim a statement is a maxim through custom or acceptance has no
validity unless it is in accordance with these canons. Therefore all claimed maxims of
law are hereby null and void unless they conform to these canons.

Canon 1823
No statement that is claimed as a maxim of law may be used in a competent
forum unless it is a valid canon.

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Canon 1824
When anyone references, writes or speaks of a “Maxim”, or “Maxim of Law”,
or “Maxims” it shall mean these canons and no other.

Article 178-Status

Canon 1825
Status is the legal standing and position of a Person determined by their
attributes, inherit rights or limitations and the nature of the controversy as either
Criminal, Civil or Private.

Canon 1826
By definition, a Person lawfully able to establish higher Status in accordance
to these canons, may invoke a higher claim, claim of right or limitation than one or
other party.

Canon 1827
When the Offence is Criminal, all are subject to the law and equal before the
law. Therefore, any claim of higher status above the law is automatically null and
void from the beginning as well as a grave injury to the law and rule of law.

Canon 1828
When the Offence is Civil, only Juridic Society Persons may invoke those
positions, limits and rights bestowed by their creation including statutes to support a
claim of higher status. All other Persons are equal before the law.

Canon 1829
When the Offence is Private, the relevant Parties may invoke the terms of any
private agreement to support a claim of higher status.

Article 179-Reference

Canon 1830
A Reference is an abbreviated identification of another document source
within a body of text including a complete and formal identification at the end of the
text. A valid reference is known as a Citation.

Canon 1831
A valid Citation is any Reference that conforms in Form to the requirements
prescribed by these canons in accordance with Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

Canon 1832
A Reference is not a valid Citation but an inferior reference, having no validity
if it does not conform to the requirements prescribed by these canons.

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Canon 1833
There is no higher form of authority of valid Citation than these canons. When
anyone references, writes or speaks of “Citation”, “Valid Citation”, or “Highest
Authority Citation” it shall mean these canons and no other.

Canon 1834
Excluding the sacred covenants, charters, scripture, codes and canons of
Ucadia and One Heaven, no text of historic significance, or of more than twenty (20)
words that represents an exact likeness of an earlier source may be included within a
more recent text without valid Citation. Failure to provide valid Citation is an offence
known as plagiarism.

Canon 1835
All valid Citations comprise three (3) elements: an inserted abbreviated
reference within the body of some text known as a Cito, a more formal and complete
reference at the end of a page, chapter or division of the document known as a
Profero and a comprehensive summary of all sources as an appendix to the
document known as a Summarum.

Canon 1836
When considering the three (3) elements of any valid Citation, an author may
choose one of two valid systems of Citation to use throughout their work: Notational
Citation and Parenthetical Citation. Only one system may be used throughout a
whole document.

Canon 1837
Notational Citation is a system of valid citation whereby the use of Cito within
the body of text is as superscript sequential numbers, corresponding to a
correspondingly numbered Profero at the bottom of each page or at the end of the
chapter or division and then the Summarum at the end of the document.

Canon 1838
Parenthetical Citation is a system of valid citation whereby the use of Cito
within the body of text is through short abbreviated text within correct brackets or
parenthesis, corresponding to alphabetically or time arranged Profero at the end of
the chapter or division and then the Summarum at the end of the document.

Canon 1839
When using Parenthetical Citation, all references to inferior Roman Law,
Sharia Law or Talmudic Law sources must be in square brackets denoting their
inferior status, with any other source permitted to use rounded brackets.

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Canon 1840
When referencing a valid Canon of these Canons as a Cito, the word “Canon”
followed by the appropriate number is sufficient, or the abbreviation “Can.” and then
number is appropriate.

Canon 1841
Any document that uses the word “Canon” or abbreviation “Can.” to
specifically denote some false and inferior Canon as a Cito and does not isolate such
a reference in square brackets is itself automatically null and void from the

5.5 Creation and Operation

Article 180-Decree

Canon 1842
A Decree is a valid Form of Deed or Order promulgated by an Official Person,
subject to the limits of their authority, in accordance with these canons and the
procedures of their Office.

Canon 1843
A Decree is not valid, but an inferior and false document if it does not conform
to these canons.

Canon 1844
A Decree is the highest form of law that may be promulgated within the limits
of law of a Juridic Person. A Decree may not be issued unless permitted for a specific
purpose under the laws of the Juridic Person by an Official Person holding such

Canon 1845
Only three (3) types of Official Person may issue a valid Decree, Supreme,
Superior and Ordinary.

Canon 1846
A Decree Issued by a Supreme Official Person is called an Imperium when
promulgated as an order or Edictum when promulgated as a deed.

Canon 1847
A Decree Issued by a Superior Official Person is called an Institutum when
promulgated as an order and Consultum when promulgated as a deed.

Canon 1848
A Decree Issued by a Ordinary Official Person is called an Ordinatim when
promulgated as an order and Decretum when promulgated as a deed.
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Canon 1849
A Decree may not be abrogated, nor overturned by a lesser Juridic Person,
only by a higher Juridic Person by Prescript, or higher Official Person by Decree.

Canon 1850
By definition, no inferior person being an official of Inferior Roman Law,
Sharia Law or Talmudic Law has any valid authority to issue a valid Decree. Any by-
law of an inferior Juridic person claiming to be a decree automatically causes such a
by-law to be null and void from the beginning.

Article 181-Prescript

Canon 1851
A Prescript is a valid Form of Deed or Order promulgated an elected college of
legislators of a Juridic Person, subject to the limits of their authority, in accordance
with these canons and the procedures of their body.

Canon 1852
A Prescript is not valid, but an inferior and false document if it does not
conform to these canons.

Canon 1853
A Prescript is the second highest form of law that may be promulgated within
the limits of law of a Juridic Person. A Prescript may not be issued unless permitted
for a specific purpose under the laws of the Juridic Person by a college of legislators
of a Juridic Person holding such authority.

Canon 1854
Only three (3) types of Juridic Person may issue a valid Prescript, Supreme,
Global and Civil.

Canon 1855
A Prescript Issued by a Supreme Juridic Person is called an Imperium as an
order or Edictum as a deed.

Canon 1856
A Prescript Issued by a Global Juridic Person is called a Institutum as an
order and Consultum as a deed.

Canon 1857
A Prescript Issued by a Civil Juridic Person is called a Ordinatim as an order
and Prescriptum as a deed.

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Canon 1858
A Prescript may not be abrogated, nor overturned by a lesser Juridic Person,
only by a higher Juridic Person by Prescript, or higher Official Person by Decree.

Canon 1859
By definition, no inferior juridic person of Inferior Roman Law, Sharia Law or
Talmudic Law has any valid authority to issue a valid Prescript. Any by-law of an
inferior Juridic person claiming to be a prescript automatically causes such a by-law
to be null and void from the beginning.

Article 182-Rescript

Canon 1860
A Rescript is a valid Form of opinion, answer or judgment promulgated by an
Official Person, subject to the limits of their authority, in accordance with these
canons and the procedures of their Office.

Canon 1861
A Rescript is not valid, but an inferior and false document if it does not
conform to these canons.

Canon 1862
A Rescript is the highest form of opinion, answer or judgment of law that may
be promulgated within the limits of law of a Juridic Person. A Rescript may not be
issued unless permitted for a specific purpose under the laws of the Juridic Person by
an Official Person holding such authority.

Canon 1863
Only three (3) types of Official Person may issue a valid Rescript, Supreme,
Superior and Ordinary.

Canon 1864
A Rescript Issued by a Supreme Official Person is called an Imperium.

Canon 1865
A Rescript Issued by a Superior Official Person is called an Institutum.

Canon 1866
A Rescript Issued by a Ordinary Official Person is called an Ordinatim.

Canon 1867
A Rescript may not be abrogated, nor overturned by a lesser Official Person,
only by a higher Official Person by Rescript only.

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Canon 1868
By definition, no inferior person being an official of Inferior Roman Law,
Sharia Law or Talmudic Law has any valid authority to issue a valid Rescript.

Article 183-Statute

Canon 1869
A Statute is any valid Deed promulgated by Decree or Prescript by an
Administrative Act of a Juridic Person and approved by a Superior Authority in
accordance with these canons within the limits of their established authority.

Canon 1870
A Statute is not valid, but an inferior and false document if it does not
conform to these canons.

Canon 1871
No Statute may be perpetual. Any Statute which precludes its abrogation is
void from the beginning.

Canon 1872
No Statute may claim powers and rights greater than is bestowed to the
Juridic Person under whose laws it is promulgated. Any Statute that claims powers
and rights greater than the established authority of the Juridic Person who issued it
is automatically null and void from the beginning.

Canon 1873
A valid Statute only applies to the Juridic Person under whose laws it is

Canon 1874
No Statute may seek to convey Property which is not in the control and
possession of the Juridic Person under whose laws it is promulgated. Any Statute
that seeks to claim or convey Property which is not in possession or control of the
Juridic Person who issued it is automatically null and void from the beginning.

Canon 1875
Valid enforcement of Statute law is equivalent to enforcement of Contract
Law, Trust Law and Property Rights.

Canon 1876
Any Statute founded on fraud is unenforceable as law.

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Canon 1877
Any enforcement of a defective or fraudulent document as a false statute
within the bounds of an inferior Juridic person is public notice and consent that no
law exists and that those claiming to be officials do not act with any force of law.

Article 184-Ordinance

Canon 1878
An Ordinance is any Rescript or Authoritative Direction promulgated by a
Juridic Person by Statute in accordance with these canons within the limits of their
established authority.

Canon 1879
Any Rescript or Authoritative Direction that is not in accordance with these
canons is not a valid Ordinance, nor Direction or Order but a false order and
therefore null and void from the beginning.

Canon 1880
Any enforcement of a false order is automatically a grave offence against the
law and the rule of law representing a direct injury against the law with no valid

Article 185-Forum

Canon 1881
A Forum is the realm of Time and Space as well as Venue in which a Suit may
be heard by a valid Court. There are only three types of Forum: Spiritual, Formal and

Canon 1882
A Spiritual Forum is a purely spiritual and formal ecclesiastical realm and
venue within Heaven in accordance with these canons and Pactum De Singularis
Caelum. Only one (1) Spiritual Forum exists, namely the Supreme Court of One
Heaven. It is the highest court of all possible courts.

Canon 1883
A Formal Forum is a venue that exists within the temporal realm as a
dedicated Oratory for the hearing of Suits as a Court.

Canon 1884
An Informal Forum is a venue that exists within the temporal realm that is not
a dedicated Oratory for the hearing of Suits as a Court, but has been nonetheless
secured for such purpose.

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Canon 1885
Any claimed Spiritual Forum or Court, or derivation of purely spiritual court
such as Rota are henceforth permanently closed and all claimed powers and matters
hereby transferred to the venue of the Supreme Court of One Heaven.

Article 186-Court

Canon 1886
A Court is any official Forum of three or more True or Divine Persons under
the by-laws of any Juridic Society Person for the administration of Justice by which
all those gathered consent for one as an Official Person as Judge under demonstrated
oath of obligation to the others before them.

Canon 1887
Unless a Court complies with the above definition, such a place has no
jurisdiction over men or women, living or deceased. Therefore, it cannot be correctly
classed as a court of law, but a lesser body with limited or no jurisdiction depending
upon what rights it falsely claims.

Canon 1888
No valid Court is permitted to deliberately and willingly cause injury to the
living law by denying Divine, Natural and Positive Law as defined by these Canons.
In such circumstances, it is encumbered upon men and women to assert their
rightful claim and bring remedy on behalf of the law within such a place for its
proper healing.

Canon 1889
There is no higher court than the Supreme Court of One Heaven.

Canon 1890
The Apostolic Prothonotaries and the Rota acknowledge the superior
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of One Heaven. Therefore all matters before the
Rota are subject to the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of One Heaven.

5.6 Injury and Offence

Article 187-Injury

Canon 1891
Injury is a fictional concept in Reality whereby a Person, Animal, Notion or
Thing suffers wrongful treatment, damage, loss, violation or infringement of rights
by the actions of a Person.

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Canon 1892
The damage, loss, violation or hurt to a physical object or concept under
Natural Law itself does not constitute Injury as Injury requires the pre-existence of a
fictional framework of Reality and laws prohibiting certain Actions and an Injured
Form. Therefore, in the absence of an Injured Form, no Injury exists.

Canon 1893
Any valid Injury involves at least three parties, each known as an Injured
Party. The first Injured Party to any alleged Offence is the law itself. The second
Injured Party to any alleged Offence is the Juridic Person whose statutes were alleged
to have been breached and the third Injured Party or Parties are all other alleged
injured Persons, Animals, Notions or Things.

Canon 1894
The first injured party retains the right to first bring forward a suit against any
Person who is alleged to have committed an injury to them, or to permit the second
party to act on their behalf. If the injured party of higher standing declines to pursue
remedy against the alleged injury, then the option to pursue remedy falls to the next
injured party.

Article 188-Offence

Canon 1895
An Offence is the existence of an alleged Injury proscribed by one or more
valid Statutes by the alleged Action(s) of a Person contrary to the prescripts of the

Canon 1896
An Injury exists only when there is a named Injured Party being one or more
Persons, Animals or Notions or Things. In the absence of any named Injured Party,
no Offence exists.

Canon 1897
An Offence exists only when there is sufficient Reason to allege one or more
Actions. In the absence of sufficient Reason, an alleged Action cannot be claimed,
therefore an Offence cannot exist.

Canon 1898
An Offence exists only when the law proscribing an Injury is valid by its
conformity to the body of Canons known as Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum in
accordance with Pactum De Singularis Caelum.

Canon 1899
The severity of the Offence is determined not only by the Injury proscribed by
Statute, the Status of the Juridic Person having promulgated the Statute, but the
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traditional and customary view of such an Offence. Only three classes of Offences
exist: Criminal, Civil and Private.

Article 189-Punishment

Canon 1900
Punishment is a Form whereby the Surety for a Person lawfully convicted of
an Offence agrees to some kind of actual suffering and hardship as consideration for
Remedy to the Injury associated with the Offence.

Canon 1901
As Punishment is a form of Fiction relating to other fictional forms such as
Offence, Injury and Remedy, the consent of the man or woman acting as Surety to
the Person is required for Punishment to be lawful. The absence of valid consent in
ordering Punishment represents an Injury against the Law. The absence of valid
consent in ordering punishment resulting in the physical suffering of a man or
woman acting as Surety for a convicted Person is itself a serious criminal offence.

Canon 1902
In order to overcome the challenge of how Punishment may be both lawful
and just, all Persons must be provided a minimum choice of either Absolution or
Penitence concerning Punishment. Depending then upon the behaviour of convicted
Person, their remorse and willingness to reform character may then be lawfully
inferred as both a choice and consent.

Canon 1903
In the absence of choice of Punishment and therefore consent, any resulting
sentence and punishment must be both unjust and unlawful.

Canon 1904
No court may lawfully issue a sentence of death to the surety of a Person in the
absence of clear and open consent by the man or woman acting as surety to such a
sentence. Any sentence of death issued by a court in the absence of consent is a most
serious crime and injury against the Law.

Canon 1905
The first purpose of Punishment is Remedy to the Injury against the Law, not
to further injure the Law. The second purpose of Punishment is to Reform character
to prevent further Offences against the Law, not to promote further Offences. The
third purpose of Punishment is to enforce the Law as a deterrent against other
potential lawless acts.

Canon 1906
A person or family of a person who are victims of a crime are always the third
party to Injury after the Law itself and then the Juridic Society. Therefore, neither
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the person, nor their family have the right to demand punitive acts unless the Law
itself and the officers of the Society choose not to pursue the alleged perpetrators.

Canon 1907
The enforcement of Punishment that is manifestly greater than the alleged
Offence is a serious crime and grave miscarriage of Justice.

Article 190-Absolution

Canon 1908
Absolution is the forgiveness and formal pronouncement of setting free a
guilty person of all their crimes by a certain date upon their acknowledgment of
genuine remorse and reform of character. Absolution is one of only two forms of
valid Punishment, the other being Penitence.

Canon 1909
Where an offender willingly shows remorse upon the first opportunity of
hearing of the charge(s) against them and at such a plea does offer a reply of "guilty"
to all charges brought against them, then such a man or woman shall be eligible to
minimum penalty known as absolution.

Canon 1910
Where an offender does not offer a guilty plea to each and every charge
brought before them at their pre-trial hearing, then they cannot be eligible for
absolution, regardless of any revised plea at trial or later date.

Canon 1911
The punishment associated with Absolution must be devised so that upon the
Offender completing their punishment all ongoing suffering, punishment, stigma is
expunged consistent with the notion of absolution. Thus, such a punishment gives
those most willing to reform and never re-offend the greatest opportunity of

Canon 1912
Any Jurdic society person that denies absolution and redemption within its
statutes automatically injures the law. By definition, justice is absent in any society
where either absolution or redemption are unobtainable.

Article 191-Penitence

Canon 1913
Penitence is the enforcement of punitive actions against a person who upon
being lawfully convicted of one or more crimes demonstrates neither remorse nor a
willingness to reform their character. Penitence is one of only two forms of valid
Punishment, the other being Absolution.
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Canon 1914
Where an offender is not willing to show early remorse upon the first
opportunity of hearing of the charge(s) against them and subsequently upon the
completion of a trial or criminal hearing is found culpable of the said charge(s), then
they shall be liable for the sentence regime known as penitence corresponding to the
articles of this Code.

Canon 1915
Where an offender does not offer a guilty plea to each and every charge
brought before them at their pre-trial hearing, then they shall automatically not be
eligible for absolution, regardless of any subsequent change in plea or demonstration
of remorse.

Canon 1916
Unlike a man or woman who has admitted early to guilt and has shown a
willingness to reform, a man or woman who refuses to admit guilt automatically
indicates that a period of compulsory actions must be applied "against their will" for
some period.

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