RMO No. 27-2016
RMO No. 27-2016
RMO No. 27-2016
l0:DO 4,i4,
JUN 2 3 20,$,
Quezon City
June 23,2016
SECTION 1. Background -
The Philippines, a jurisdiction with a total of 40 effective tax treaties, with 2 more
treaties waiting to enter into force and 2 pending ratification, qualifies as a jurisdiction
with substantial network of tax treaties. To achieve the intent of these treaties of
reducing double taxation and preventing fiscal evasion, administrative procedures in
applying the provisions of these tax treaties must be duly established and enforced.
The United Nations recognizes that the 'single most important factor bearing on
the compliance by nonresidents with domestic tax law is the use of source
withholding by the source State.'1 Moreover, the UN states that the 'use of final
withholding taxes to collect tax from nonresidents is widespread and recognized
internationally as a mechanism to collect tax.'2
Towards this end, Bureau of lnternal Revenue (BlR), in its efforts to improve the
efficient administration of Philippine tax treaties, adopts the automatic withholding of
taxes on income of nonresidents deriving Dividend, lnterest and Royalty from
sources within the Philippines at applicable tax treaty rates subject to regular audit.
SECTION 2. Objectives -
This Order seeks to provide for the new procedures in claiming preferential tax
treaty benefits on dividend, interest and royalty income of nonresidents pursuant to
effective tax treaties, thereby amending for this purpose, Revenue Memorandum
Order (RMO) No. 72-201 0.
t1.3 Connection between tax compliance and source withholding, Chapter lV, United Nations
Handbook on Selected lssues in Administration of Double Tax Treaties for Developing Countries.
SECTION 3. Coverage -
This Order covers dividend, interest and royalty income earned by
nonresidents, as defined below, from sources within the Philippines.
SECTION 4. Definition -
Nonresidents - are not residents of the Philippines and not citizens thereof.
2. Withholding agents shall file the appropriate BIR Form No. 1601-F and 1604-
CF in accordance with existing regulations. lncomplete information provided
on the form shall lead to penalties as provided under Section 8 of this Order.
3. Data collected from 1601-F and 1604-CF on the availment of treaty rates and
income payment made to nonresidents in general, shall be monitored by the
lnternational Tax Affairs Division (ITAD) and Revenue District Office (RDO)
No. 9. Such data shall be used for conducting risk analysis, formulating
policies, developing the country's treaty negotiating positions and generating
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(i;;,a 4. Compliance check on withholding tax obligations and confirmation of
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i.{ \-r appropriateness of availment of treaty benefits shall be part of BIR's regular
audit investigations conducted by the RDO where the domestic withholding
agent is registered.
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hHri 5. Applications for ruling under Section 28 B (5) (b) of the National lnternal
-t gs" Revenue Code (NIRC) for a preferential rate of 15 percent on intercorporate
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FJ\ \iiii, ' *;r ::j dividends paid to N RFC shall apply to NRFC which country of
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Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Guidance on Transparency and Beneficial Ownership
a. Has no effective tax treaty with the Philippines;
b. Has a worldwide system of taxation; and
c. Allows credit against the tax due from the NRFC dividend taxes
deemed to have been paid in the Philippines equivalent to fifteen
percent (15%).
3. ln the event of audit investigation, withholding agents shall keep the following
supporting documents in the records of the office pursuant to Revenue
Regulations (RR) No. 5-20144 for substantiation of the claim for preferential
treaty rates:
b. For Dividends -
1. Certification from Corporate Secretary.
original copy of a duly notarized certificate executed by
the corporate secretary of the domestic corporation
showing all the following information:
d. For Royalties -
1. original or certified copy of the duly notarized Royalty
Agreement, Technology Transfer Agreement, or Licensing
2. When applicable,
The BIR reserves the right to request other additional documents in the
course of audit.
a. Application letter;
b. Authenticated proof of residency;
c. A consularized copy of the law of the country of the NRFC
expressly stating that the country in which the NRFC is domiciled
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SLiriEAu allows a credit against the tax due from the NRFC taxeb deemed
RECCf;,i}S FdGT. LILITSICT'{ to have been paid in a foreign country (Philippines) equivalent to
16: D\f rt. /4, fifteen percent (15o/o);
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d. Cefiification frorn the Corporate Secretary of the domestic
corporation stating the important details of the dividend
declaration; and
6 Special Power of Attorney, if applicable.
SECTION 8. Penalties -
Any violation of the provisions of this Order shall be subject to penalties
provided in Section 250 and other pertinent provisions of the NIRC, as arnended.
Failure to supply accurate and complete information on BIR Forms 1601F and
1604-CF shall be a ground for the denial of availment of preferential treaty rates and
the disallowance of the pertinent expense/s of the withholding agent.
SECTION 11. Repealing Clause - The provisions of RMO 72-2010 and any revenue
issuance inconsistent with this Order are deemed revoked, repealed, or rnodified
Commission lnternal Revenue