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GAME END Abalone can also be played as

As soon as a player has had six a three and four player game. To
marbles pushed off the board into play these variations additional
the outer rim, the game is over colored marbles are required and
and the opponent wins. are available by contacting your

ABALONE VARIATIONS For more details, please visit

our site: www.FoxMind.com
The play rules above reflect the
Abalone classic rules.
Game rules for 2 players
Over the years Abalone players
have invented several game play
variations some of which have
gained worldwide popularity.
Game board To be the first player to push six
28 marbles (14 black and 14 white) of the opponent's marbles out of
Instruction booklet play, into the board's outer rim.

CHOKING HAZARD – Arrange the marbles as shown in
Toy contains a marble. Diagram 1. Black makes the first
Not for children under 3 yrs. move.
Diagram 1
© Abalone S.A.
Please keep these instructions
All rights reserved - patent no. DM/012362 for future reference.
Abalone is a registered trademark of Abalone S.A. - France
Chateau de Longue Plaine 37250, France

Distributor in North America

FoxMind USA
2710 Thomes Ave
Suite 1079
Cheyenne, WY 82001

FoxMind Canada Enterprises LTD

4710 St,. Ambroise unit 220-A
Montreal, Quebec, Canada www.FoxMind.com
[email protected]
GAME PLAY Diagram 3 Diagram 4 • Enemy marbles sandwiched
On their turn, each player may between friendly marbles may
move either a single marble or not be pushed. (Diagram 5)
Column of marbles of their own
color one space. • At any turn, no more than 3
friendly marbles can be moved,
A Column consists of two or three A “2-push-1 Sumito” thus an opponent’s Column of
marbles of the same color directly three can never be pushed. A
adjacent to one another in a position of 4-on-3 or greater is
straight line. not considered a Sumito.

A marble or a column can move in Diagram 5

A ‘Side step’ move: Marbles are
any direction in an in-line move or moved sideways into adjacent free
side-step move. spaces. A ‘Side step’ move can not A"3-push-1 Sumito”
See Diagrams 2 & 3 be used to push an opponents single
marble, or column. 1)
Diagram 2
All marbles in a Column must 2)
move in the same direction.
(Diagram 3). 3)
A”3-push-2 Sumito”
Unless in a Sumito position, as
described below, a marble or a It is important to note the In these examples the black
Column must move into a free following: cannot push the white for the
space. following reasons:
• When pushing, the opponent’s
SUMITO marbles must be pushed either 1) The white marble is
When a player’s Column faces a into an unoccupied space or sandwiched between the
An “In-line” Move:
lesser number of the opponent's off the board into the outer rim. black marbles. There is
Marbles are moved as a column
into a free space marbles, the player has a Sumito, therefore no free space for
or advantage. • Marbles pushed into the outer the white to be pushed onto.
rim are no longer in play.
In a Sumito position, a player’s 2) The black and the white
Column of three marbles may • A single marble can never push columns are separated by
push one or two of the oppo- an opposing marble, nor can a a free space.
nents’ marbles one space, or a Column push any marble if it
player’s Column of 2 marbles moves sideways. 3) A side stepping column
may push one of the opponent's cannot push any marble.
marbles one space. (Diagram 4).
GAME PLAY Diagram 3 Diagram 4 • Enemy marbles sandwiched
On their turn, each player may between friendly marbles may
move either a single marble or not be pushed. (Diagram 5)
Column of marbles of their own
color one space. • At any turn, no more than 3
friendly marbles can be moved,
A Column consists of two or three A “2-push-1 Sumito” thus an opponent’s Column of
marbles of the same color directly three can never be pushed. A
adjacent to one another in a position of 4-on-3 or greater is
straight line. not considered a Sumito.

A marble or a column can move in Diagram 5

A ‘Side step’ move: Marbles are
any direction in an in-line move or moved sideways into adjacent free
side-step move. spaces. A ‘Side step’ move can not A"3-push-1 Sumito”
See Diagrams 2 & 3 be used to push an opponents single
marble, or column. 1)
Diagram 2
All marbles in a Column must 2)
move in the same direction.
(Diagram 3). 3)
A”3-push-2 Sumito”
Unless in a Sumito position, as
described below, a marble or a It is important to note the In these examples the black
Column must move into a free following: cannot push the white for the
space. following reasons:
• When pushing, the opponent’s
SUMITO marbles must be pushed either 1) The white marble is
When a player’s Column faces a into an unoccupied space or sandwiched between the
An “In-line” Move:
lesser number of the opponent's off the board into the outer rim. black marbles. There is
Marbles are moved as a column
into a free space marbles, the player has a Sumito, therefore no free space for
or advantage. • Marbles pushed into the outer the white to be pushed onto.
rim are no longer in play.
In a Sumito position, a player’s 2) The black and the white
Column of three marbles may • A single marble can never push columns are separated by
push one or two of the oppo- an opposing marble, nor can a a free space.
nents’ marbles one space, or a Column push any marble if it
player’s Column of 2 marbles moves sideways. 3) A side stepping column
may push one of the opponent's cannot push any marble.
marbles one space. (Diagram 4).
GAME END Abalone can also be played as
As soon as a player has had six a three and four player game. To
marbles pushed off the board into play these variations additional
the outer rim, the game is over colored marbles are required and
and the opponent wins. are available by contacting your

ABALONE VARIATIONS For more details, please visit

our site: www.FoxMind.com
The play rules above reflect the
Abalone classic rules.
Game rules for 2 players
Over the years Abalone players
have invented several game play
variations some of which have
gained worldwide popularity.
Game board To be the first player to push six
28 marbles (14 black and 14 white) of the opponent's marbles out of
Instruction booklet play, into the board's outer rim.

CHOKING HAZARD – Arrange the marbles as shown in
Toy contains a marble. Diagram 1. Black makes the first
Not for children under 3 yrs. move.
Diagram 1
© Abalone S.A.
Please keep these instructions
All rights reserved - patent no. DM/012362 for future reference.
Abalone is a registered trademark of Abalone S.A. - France
Chateau de Longue Plaine 37250, France

Distributor in North America

FoxMind USA
2710 Thomes Ave
Suite 1079
Cheyenne, WY 82001

FoxMind Canada Enterprises LTD

4710 St,. Ambroise unit 220-A
Montreal, Quebec, Canada www.FoxMind.com
[email protected]

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