Bamboo and Salinity
Bamboo and Salinity
Bamboo and Salinity
Water quality and quantity has direct impact on growth parameters of plant .Tamil Nadu has water with EC ranging from 1.0 to 8.0 dsm-1 used for the
irrigation. Bambusa vulgaris is a commercially important bamboo, which has limited growth in nurseries when irrigated with saline water.To investigate the
safe limit of salinity in water and its impact at different levels in growth parameters of plant was undertaken.
1) To determine the impact of saline water on growth The root length increased by 36.68 per
parameters of the bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris var. cent under 0.20dSm -1 over the saline
vulgaris). water irrigation with EC of 2.0 dSm -1 and
was observed to be 13.68cm in normal
2) To determine the impact of saline water on the irrigation water.
nutrient status of the growth media in which the plants In root volume there was a difference of
are grown. about 94 per cent over the treatment with
3) To determine the impact of saline water on the EC of 2.0 dSm -1 .Similar observations of
microorganisms in rhizosphere soil in the containers in decrease in the shoot dry weight and
which Bambusa vulgaris is raised through culm cutting. chlorophyll content of the leaves was
Plate2. Effect of saline water on shoot observed with the increase in salinity.
length In soil chemical properties, the EC
of soil was not altered upto saline water
Materials and methods: level 1.0 dSm -1 and it changed
Planting material –Bambusa vulgaris culm cuttings from 1-2 significantly when irrigated with more
years old culm than 1.0 dSm -1 . pH of soil was not altered
significantly. The organic carbon and
Irrigation water – saline water was prepared by adding salts
available nitrogen content of soil
viz. CaCl2, MgSO4, NaHCO3 and NaCl in the ratio of decreased over the period of time upto the
4:2:1:1 respectively to attain different EC levels. EC of 1.0 dSm -1 and thereafter it is
No. of Treatments -10 (Different water with EC of 0.20 maintained.
dSm , 0.50 dSm ,0.75 dSm-1, 1.0 dSm-1, 1.25 dSm-1, 1.5
-1 -1
Fig 1. Effect of saline water treatments on
The phosphorus content
dSm-1, 1.75 dSm-1, 2.0 dSm-1, 3.0 dSm-1 and 4.0 dSm-1 decreased over the period of time. The
sprouting percentage (%)
potassium content decreased over the
namely as T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7,T8 and T9 were
Sprouting percentage (%)