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9-21-18 Sec 3 pg 12-15_Edition 9/19/18 2:40 PM Page 14

14 Friday, Sept. 21, 2018 YOUTH & EDUCATION Highland Community News n highlandnews.net

Arroyo Verde welcomes new principal


Arroyo Verde Elementary be-

gan the school year under the
leadership of a new principal,
Christina Boursaw.
Boursaw began as Arroyo
Verde’s principal after spring
break last year when Principal
Rachel Malatesta took a posi-
tion in district administration.
Boursaw says starting mid-
C ourtesy photo
school year allowed her to be-
gin her new year after getting
to know the students, parents, SOAR students rock their classrooms
staff and campus.
SOAR Charter Academy joined thousands of educators from
“The community here is
around the world in creating out-of-the-box educational experi-
amazing,” she said. “I have nev-
h ighland C ommunity n ews photo by h eCtor h ernandez J r . ences for students by participating the “Get your teach on to rock
er been at a school where the
arroyo Verde elementary principal Christina boursaw (center, you school” day on Thursday, Sept. 20.
kids are so happy. We also have
back row) visits with her students during their recess. Taking the movement literally, SOAR chose a schoolwide theme
good parent involvement and
of musical genres to rock their lessons. Teachers and support staff
excellent teachers.”
were the driving forces for the her son graduated from, her will take on the persona of musical decades and genres as they en-
Boursaw, a Redlands resi-
career change that led Boursaw two daughters attend high gage every student in every classroom.
dent, comes to the district after
to teaching then school admin- school and her husband teaches Students travel in groups not only on Sept. 20, but throughout
teaching and serving as vice
istration. middle school. the entire week as they experience lessons in an extraordinary
principal and principal at Beau-
When Boursaw took time off “The students are the best way through music. Each classroom presented a new muscial ex-
mont elementary and middle
from her human resources ca- part,” she said. “It’s nice to perience. Middle school students serve as student leaders working
reer to raise her three children know what you do affects the with the younger grades as they travel through the world of music.
Education is a second career
she began helping in their future. Being an educator is The philosophy of “Get your teach on” states, “Let’s show the
for Boursaw who started in hu-
classrooms and found she loved hard because it matters so world what education looks like in our schools. More importantly,
man resources. Her children
it. She adds that she’s happy to much and it’s good because it let’s show our students that school is a place they want to be each
and a lifelong love for learning
be part of the district where matters to much.” and every day!”

Sports notes
SBVC women open fire on PCAC north rivals
By OBREY BROWN The Lady Coyotes have goal in racing to a 3-0 start. with 39 blocks. She gave an ear- four games, kicking off SCIAC
S PORTS E DITOR scored five goals over five An early season showdown is ly hint how well she’d play play.
matches. brewing against conference ri- when she came up with 18 kills The conference is loaded
Celebrating its Pacific Coast Ranked second in the nation, val Claremont, which is off to a and 14 digs in a season opening with two nationally ranked
Athletic Conference (PCAC) UC San Diego is favored to win 6-0 start, winning its three SCI- win at Syracuse last season. teams, including third-ranked
opener with a flurry of goals, this year’s conference title. AC matches. The Bulldogs host Kovensky came up with 10 Claremont-Mudd, the defending
San Bernardino Valley posted a Heading into this week’s play, the Stags in a Saturday night kills in 16 of the Lopes’ 25 NCAA Division 3 champion,
6-0 win over Palomar College- UC San Diego was 6-0-1 and duel (7 p.m.) at Farquhar Field. matches, hitting a season-high plus No. 15 California Lutheran
San Marcos last week. Sonoma State was 3-0-2. Matteo Defina saved three 19 on two occasions. Grand University.
The Lady Wolverines are not shots in a narrow 2-1 triumph Canyon was 8-18 overall last Redlands (6-4, 0-2) took on
expected to be challenged in MEN’S COLLEGE SOCCER over Occidental (4-1) last week. season, finishing 3-11 in confer- Pomona-Pitzer, but the visitors
the PCAC-South Division this Racking up four goals in Kayvon Parsa scored both goals ence play. took down the Lady Bulldogs in
season. back-to-back wins over Notre for Redlands. *** a 5-game showdown after win-
Against Palomar, Nayeli San- Dame de Namur and Concordia Now ranked eighth in the na- ning the first two games.
doval, Savannah Mendoza, Be- Irvine, Cal State San Bernardi- WOMEN’S COLLEGE VOL- tion, Cal State San Bernardino
linda Newsom, Caitlyn Saucedo, no (3-2) prepared to meet Cal LEYBALL won its fourth straight CCAA GIRLS PREP VOLLEYBALL
Karen Jacobs and Marina Cari- Poly Pomona (2-3) in a CCAA Claire Kovensky, the Citrus duel with 3-game sweeps in Aquinas High School seems
no found the net in posting the for both sides this week. Valley High School star outside preparation for a surprising like a challenger to this year’s
Lady Wolverines’ fourth win in In a 4-0 win over Concordia, hitter who led Grand Canyon San Marcos squad coming into Ambassador League champi-
five matches. Danny Ortiz scored and assist- (Ariz.) University in kills last Coussoulis Arena on Friday onship. The Lady Falcons’ duel
In goal, Vanessa Casillas and ed on three other goals. Goal- season, is not on this year’s night. against first place Ontario
Kersten Lecon (two saves) each keeper Jacob Huber saved two Lady Lopes’ roster. In an easy sweep over visit- Christian this week would be a
played a half. shots. It’s because she transferred ing Humboldt State last week- telling point for their 2018
** * * Ortiz scored once and assist- to Arizona State, where she’s end, the Lady Coyotes’ attack- hopes.
With just one win over a 5- ed on two other goals in the second on the Sun Devils in ing percentage (.523) dwarfed One win came against last
match start to the 2018 season, Coyotes’ 4-1 win over Notre kills. Arizona State finished 10- that of the visiting Lady Lum- place Bermuda Dunes Desert
Cal State San Bernardino Dame. Huber saved three 22 overall last season, going 0- berjacks’ .075. Christian last week, but
opened California Collegiate shots. 20 in Pac-12 Conference play. Setter Jayann DeHoog had a Aquinas beat a 17-2 Temecula
Athletic Association (CCAA) *** Heading into last weekend’s field day in setting up hitters, Linfield Christian side in a 4-
play against Cal Poly Pomona Three matches into its SCIAC play, Arizona State was 8-2. led by Alexix Cardoza’s 13 kills. game triumph.
(4-2) and San Francisco State season, the University of Red- Original plans included a re- Asia Clarke had six digs and ***
(2-3). lands has surrendered just one ported commitment to Air four blocks. Heading into showdown
Force Academy out of Citrus One night later, another 3- matches with Redlands East
Valley, but changed course and game sweep against Sonoma Valley and Yucaipa this week, a
headed for Grand Canyon, lo- State had the Lady Coyotes out- ranked Citrus Valley (13-3, 2-0)
cated in the Phoenix area, close slugging their visitors, .462-to- notched wins in its first two Cit-
to the Tempe campus of Ari- .100. With DeHoog (34 assists) rus Belt League matches last
zona State University. feeding Cardoza (12 kills), Hai- week, beating Rialto Carter and
She was Western Athletic ley Jackson (nine) and Clarke Redlands in 3-game sweeps.
Conference Player of the Year (eight), a trio of Clarke, De- No information was reported.
in a vote conference coaches. Hoog and Hannah Barrett com- ***
Kovensky, who was the chief bined on 21 digs. Dropping a 5-game San An-
attacker for the Lady Black- *** dreas League opener to Rialto
hawks through the 2016 season, Chapman University-Orange, Eisenhower followed by a
led Grand Canyon with 304 kills off to a 9-1 start, knocked off sweep against Rialto has left
last season, adding 266 digs the University of Redlands in San Gorgonio on a 0-2 start.

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