My Discussion
My Discussion
My Discussion
they are deteriorating. China lost the war battle against the 8. China was in a war debt because
they are stuck feudalism for 2050 years. Most of the population of commoners had little money and
opportunity, while nobles and emperors got to rule over everyone. In order to buy a land, the people
has to work for the emperor in order to own a land and could passed down their wealth to the next
generations. The next generation does not have to work because their wealth could cover them. The
Chinese became very dependent on their spending their ancestor’s wealth and not work. They were
known as the landlords. Most landlords would be gambling or on opium as a pass time, the rest of the
people would be the peasants who is stuck by their master for the whole live.
Feudalism needs to be changed immediately. Mao the leader of communism aims to erased all
the bad habits that the feudalism. Mao sees the problem of the country whereby the country is weak
because the people does not know how to progress. With his one goal one voice and one mindset, one
truth to improvised China. Mao skipped capitalism to communism because he thinks that capitalism
does not help the country it would be like the past as feudalism. Mao aim to determine the true self of
China. He needs to eliminate self-concept theory in the mind of the people theory because they were
stuck in the feudalism for 2050 years. Mao thinks that one idea one truth will improve the country. A
closed-door policy which is to end the contact with other country such as trading or visiting must be
"Mao explicit Violence to the people in China killing innocents eliminate Feudalism to
communism, with completion of land reforms and elimination of the gentry-landlord class in 1953”. Mao
needs to redistribute the wealth of the people, he needs to eliminate all the wealthy people such as the
landlords, and the emperors. Mao knows that the landlords will never be ready for the communist way.
The landlords and the wealthy are so used to the way of living, they were not used to follow orders. They
will never be and it is time consuming for them to changed, because they are used to be given orders to
people. Mao needs the people to adapt to his policy immediately, the only way is to kill them using
violence. The importance of the peasant that could overthrow the capitalism and create socialist society.
Mao successfully changed the politically and economically, he took control of the nation through
the “Campaign to suppress counter revolutionaries”, Mao had took away all the redistributed the land.
By imposing punishments and killings. He successfully discovers the people’s true self society whereby
all the people work together. People are following the orders that is implemented by Mao. He managed
to have 80% of people in the urban area and 20% in the rural area. Marx said “History repeats itself, first
as tragedy, second as farce.” Mao managed to eliminate all feudalism way of living. The past is the past
all will be forgotten, the one who does not abide will be eliminated because the way of living in
feudalism is deteriorating the country.
The mass amount of killing is morally wrong human has the right to live. Gandhi says “He would
risk violence a thousand times rather than risk the emasculation of a whole race”. The bloodbath of Mao
did is wrong because one can never use violence to solve a problem such as to kill landlord simple
because his ancestors happened passed down the wealth to them. It is not all landlords pass their time
gambling or on opium there are good landlords as well. In fact Gandhi stressed that violence can be
appear to be good, but the good is only temporary, the evil is it does permanent. Which is true as Mao
moves to the Cultural Revolution.
In my personal opinion killing the innocent people is it wrong, just because they
happened to be the landlords. The reason is because not all landlords were in opium and into
gambling in their life. In fact, the movie to live we saw that Long er happen to be a landlord
because Fu gui lost his wealth in the gambling. Long er will not be a landlord and to be killed
because Fu gui lost his wealth in the gambling. Long er was a peasant for his whole life, he
barely just became a landlord. Long er was sent to kill innocently, because the true landlord was
Fugui. In fact, there is many ways to solve the problem such as having the landlords to migrate to
another country because it prohibits the country to move forward.
Mao used propaganda to take control of the people’s mind to support his ideology. Mao
is a materialistic person he does not belief in god exist and there is no self in the eyes of the
people. Mao is the leader of China he will be the one in control of everything, even the people’s
self interest and their live. The reason is Mao thinks that the people does not know who they are,
they are being stuck in the feudalism for 2050 years. Mao had to decide the life of all the people
because the people does not know what they are their potential in life. He used propaganda used
to convince people that the Great Leap Forward would be a success for China. It was used to
trick the Chinese people into believing that Chairman Mao was the right choice for leader and
that he would help everyone. It was used to stop the temptations of capitalism, communism was
the answer for everyone’s problems. According to Descartes psychology of conviction theory, “I
think I am therefore I am” these properties are established by what is immediately apparent to
the mind. In short the metal conviction says that if you make yourself certainly believe how
things is it will be in mind. “The earth can be flat’ “capitalist is bad “in Mao’s theory.
The propaganda of Mao’s surrealism by celebrating the failure of steel is wrong. It
hinders the growth of the country. He needs to stop the furnaces immediately because it will
affect the country’s wellbeing all the people put down their attention of farming just to burn
metal. All the burnt metal will be a waste metal in the end. The people are running out of
cooking utensils because all of them were being used to his project. People lose their preferences
of their food choice and their preferences of meal time. The food canteen cannot accommodate
each and every person preferences of food. Mao needs those intellectuals to work on his mistake.
His surrealism will harm all the people’s mindset.
“Backyard Furnace” which is metal can be steel when it is burnt. In their mind all the
people think it is a huge success that Mao had improved the country. People did not realize they
are being manipulated by Mao, their method of transforming metals to steels fails due to their
lack of knowledge. The people are not aware all their efforts of the burnt metal are useless and
they destroy all usable the metals. In short Mao gets all the cooperation’s from the people in
china even though it is a failure. He achieved his one voice and one truth theory. Mao’s
assertiveness and his doctrinaire believes in something is the truth. These properties are
established by what is immediately apparent to the mind. Mao feels that burning the furnace is a
success, although the reality is a failure. Mao thinks rewarded all the people in china pork
dumplings for their hard work. The people were happy and proud of Mao’s they feel that it is a
success. They think that steel could be made by simply burning down metal, although failure of
the burning the furnace. They do not realize how much usable metal they had wasted. Mao had
successfully manipulated the people’s mind by the dumplings and the celebration. Mao do take
responsibility towards his fallacy which is he came up the canteens to the public to replace all the
people’s metal which is being donated. Whereby people do not require to cook at home, they can
eat from the canteen.
According to Freud Sigmund’s theory about self as a human being. “Self-concept, is the
totality of our beliefs, preferences, opinions and attitudes organized in a systematic manner,
towards our personal existence. Simply put, it is how we think of ourselves and how we should
think, behave and act out our various life roles. The country is in a dangerous situation, whereby
the people does not know how to think and differentiate the right and the wrong. The right
education is not given because education requires people to think and be skeptic at every
information that is given. People cannot be a real human being without knowledge, self-belief
and self-concept.
Mao did not use Marxist theory in orthodox. The Maoist notions of "people's war" and
"protracted warfare" envisioned that the expansion of the Red Army would permit the gradual
building revolutionary political power in the rural areas. Mao did not follow the Marxist theory
“Orthodox Marxist” he used the belief that the truly revolutionary class was the peasantry, but
also in its conception that the revolution would take the form of a military struggle. Instead, Mao
used voluntarist belief that human consciousness was the decisive factor in history. Maoist
political methods and values bring backward rural environment, became increasingly
anachronistic in a rapidly industrializing society. It was thus inevitable that Mao's successors
would remove Chinese Marxism of its more radical and utopian. They first returned to a more
orthodox Marxist emphasis on the determining role of economic forces in history. It was thus
inevitable that Mao's successors would purge Chinese Marxism of its more radical and utopian
elements. They first returned to a more orthodox Marxist emphasis on the determining role of
economic forces in history. However, this would lead to the dictatorship of the proletariat. There
should be collective ownership in production. Socialist states should promote worldwide
communist revolution. Mao envisioned that the forces of revolt in the countryside would
"surround and overwhelm" the conservative cities.
The Mao belief "men are more important than machines" betrayed a striking lack of
confidence in the "objective laws" of history proclaimed in Marxist theory, although the latter
were ritualistically repeated in official texts. But the actual belief was that socialism was not
dependent on any Marxian-defined level of economic development; rather, the historical
outcome would be determined by the spiritual qualities of the people and their leaders.
Mao’s bellies the wellbeing of the country by killing and torturing the intellectuals and
given much too authority to the peasants to take over the intellectual’s jobs. After the hundreds
flowers approach, Mao knows that his way communism is not the real approach the intellectual
will soon report Mao. The core reason is Mao knew that the intellectuals know he is not using
the maxim’s theory as mention above. Mao’s power will then lose his power, because Mao failed
in managing the country in terms of economically and politically. The example given was killing
the sparrows, and backyard furnaces. He had to seek help from the intellectual for temporal help
and eliminate them once the country is back on shape. It is okay according to Mao because one’s
need to replaced someone in order to take over the professions. The people he now had was only
the peasants, one has to take over the professions job. Since all the intellectuals had been
eliminated the peasant will take over their job. In Mao’s theory a peasant can be a professional
too without studying, he believed the peasant can replaced their work. It is okay that the peasants
if they make mistake, as long as one does not give up.
In Feng Xia’s case “delivering baby” in the hospital, all the nurses are peasants. It is
possibly the first time the nurses and doctors carry out the delivery. The nurses and doctors are
all peasants who does not undergo training or studies. The nurses and doctors managed to save
the baby however Feng Xia lost her life because of excessive blood loss in her body. At least the
doctors and nurse had the experiences. Feng Xia is just unlucky that these is the first time the
nurses and doctors. Under Darwinian’s theory, the strong survive, the weak will not survival and
lucky. Feng Xia’s contributed experiences to the nurses and doctors maybe next time they know
when they saw someone is having excessive blood lost they will know to give blood transfusion
to the patients.
According to Confucius quotes “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope
breeds peace.” Education is needed to be able to build confidence. If the nurses and doctors were to be
helping their love ones for the next time. Would they be afraid of the past whereby the life is being a life
is sacrifices under by them? Even with the blood transfusion they are not aware of the blood type of the
patient and given them the wrong blood type. The nurses and doctors will not be able to safe the
patients they failed to do their job as a medical profession killing more innocent people. Even they were
to sacrifices ten innocent lives they will not be able to learn because the treatment of everyone
situations is different
I feel that Mao should not and never give authority to the peasants to be a doctor without proper
education. The uniform of the doctors is not simply just putting on the uniform without knowledge and
responsible of one’s life is considered as a doctor or nurses. The uniform is given to the people who earns
the education and passed the test. A doctors and nurses respect are given the one who is able to earn from
it not simply by the peasants who is arrogant and not taking responsibility after they failed and claimed
that they have never done it before. I question the purpose of going to the hospital, if no one is able to
help but to jeopardize your life. Feng Xia could actually go home and give birth naturally whereby her
mom had experience last time giving birth at home. Or even go to the prison and get a doctor to help but
most of the real doctors were not able to help because they are traumatized and tortured. Killing all the
intellectuals are not the way to solve a situation. In fact, Mao is also an intellectual he should also
eliminated as well because Mao thinks that the peasant is the only one could save changed from feudalism
to communism.
The pervasive features of Maoism was its voluntarist belief that human consciousness
was the decisive factor in history. The Maoist maxim that "men are more important than
machines" betrayed a striking lack of confidence in the "objective laws" of history proclaimed in
Marxist theory, although the latter were ritualistically repeated in official texts. But the actual
belief was that socialism was not dependent on any Marxian-defined level of economic
development; rather, the historical outcome would be determined by the spiritual qualities of the
people and their leaders. Mao focus on harness patriotic sentiments of communist. Mao
departure from the logic of Marxism was a pervasive populist-type belief in the advantages of
backwardness. China's alleged condition of being "poor and blank," Mao believed, was a source
of great moral purity and revolutionary energy that foreshadowed China's imminent leap to a
socialist utopia. It was a totally different of Marxist insistence that socialism must be based on
the material and cultural accomplishments of capitalism. A human being cannot be a “tabula
rasa” blank slate according to John Locke, because they comes from different background,
rituals and ethnicity. The paper cannot be erased completely after it was scratch or torn. The
marks and torn still left in reality. Even Mao tries to kill and eliminates all the people the truth
still remains in the reality. Nothing can be eliminates the truth because it is a fact that cannot be
change or manipulated
The “One country one mind, one decision, does not work in the society” means you lose
yourself and identity. You lose yourself and purpose of living. The people in China live not for
themselves but for Mao. The people will not be a true human. The people cannot achieved their
true self because they were restricted by Mao’s policy. One can never achieved to their fullest
potential because of the rules made by Mao. The people does not know the purpose and values of
the policies that is being implemented. The truth in china is not the real truth of the situation
because of Mao’s fallacy and fabrication of self. The people had lost their reasoning and
questions of the value of the policy that is made in order to survive. The real fact will break the
rules, such fallacy needs to be eliminated. The people in China lost their self-identity they have
become a robot who does everything based on the government order. Freud Sigmund says about
a human must have. Self-interest are taken away you are not really a real human because they
are drawn into their self-interest not Mao's interest for their life.
The truth in china is not the real truth of the situation because of Mao’s fallacy and
fabrication of self. The people had lost their reasoning and questions of the value of the policy
that is made in order to survive. The real fact will break the rules, such fallacy needs to be
eliminated. The people in China lost their self-identity they have become a robot who does
everything based on the government order. Freud Sigmund says about a human must have Self-
interest are taken away you are not really a real human .people are drawn into their self-interest
not Mao's interest for their life. The people are basically leaving the people lose the meaning of
self and their live.
A country should be democratic, rules and policy needs to serve a purpose. Rules
cannot be enforced by force or killing people. A reasonable counter arguments and challenges
needs to be seen in the from people. The voices of the people needed to be heard by the
government in order to create human self. The policies needed to be integrated because every
human being have different situation. Human right must be seen in the country voting, marches
and demonstration in unfairness policies should be seen by the government. Therefore a cabinets
and senators to protect the human rights. A country cannot avoid challenges by the people it is in
fact a mandatory to provide the country’s growth because the world is changing so rapidly. To
reach equilibrium the policies had to be changing in a reasonable way. The country needs to hear
the people’s voice because these are human nature of self.
In order to achieve the fullest potential of the people the people had to learnt the
survival skills by their own instincts and by their luck. This theory was introduced by the
Darwin’s “the strong will survive the weak will be eliminated. The example given will be the
propaganda given by Mao’s fallacy had become the truth of the people. In the movie “Feng
Xia’s wedding