Go Kart Design Report
Go Kart Design Report
Go Kart Design Report
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The design objectives set out to be achieved were three
The objective of this report is to highlight the final simple goals applied to every component of the car:
durable, light-weight, and high performance, to
design report of team Phantom2.0 Go-Kart optimizing the design by avoiding over designing, which
vehicle to compete in Indian Superkarting Series-2 would also help in reducing the cost.
The Team’s primary objective is to design a safe and With this we had a view of our kart. This started our goal
functional vehicle based on a rigid and nearly torsion- and we set up some parameters for our work, distributed
free frame, well mounted power trained to understand ourselves in groups.
the finer aspects of vehicle design with the ulterior
motive of fabricating prototype vehicle that could be Sub-Teams for Design
manufactured for consumer sale, while strictly
adhering to the competition rule. The secondary
• Frame design
objective is to enhance driver’s comfort and safety,
• Body and Composites
and to increase the performance and maneuverability
of the vehicle. • Steering system design
• Brake and Wheels
To achieve our goal the team has been divided into • Drive train design
core groups responsible for the design and • Electrical design
optimization of major sub-systems which were later
integrated into the final blueprint. We proceeded by setting up the budget for the project.
Throughout the design process we distributed the budget
in such a way that if we assign more money to one
system, we reduce that amount from some other system.
We approached our design by considering all possible
alternatives for a system & modeling them in CAD DESIGN OF VEHICLE
software like CATIA, Pro-E etc. and subjected to
analysis using ANSYS FEA software. Based on The design section of this report is broken into four
analyses result, the model was modified and retested Major topics-
and a final design was frozen.
• The design objectives
The design process of the vehicle is iterative and is • The design calculations and analysis
based on various engineering and reverse engineering • Considerations
processes depending upon the availability, cost and • Testing
other such factors. So the design process focuses on
following objectives: Based on the overall design objectives of durability,
performance, and light- weight design, the component is
Safety, Serviceability, Strength, ruggedness, evaluated by the design team and must meet all of the
Standardization, Cost, Driving feel and ergonomics, criteria to become a part of the overall successful design
alternatives were also considered during each process and
testing commenced once the chosen design met the design
P = 150 × 17.8
P =2670 kgm/s
F = P × ∆T
F = 2670 × 1.10
F = 2937 N
The results from these different analysis modes are
accurate for the type and amount of loading that was
A five point racing harness attached to the most rigid determining defined goals for the chassis and employing
members of the roll cage was utilized to ensure the the correct material in the best places to accomplish those
maximum amount of driver safety restraint. Attaching goals. Once baseline safety design requirements were
the seat belts to the most rigid and structural chassis met, FEA aided the material decision making process.
components guarantees reliability of the seat belt under FEA specifically helped to determine whether a member
the extreme forces possible in a collision. Using a was under high or low stresses, in the scenarios discussed
quick release lever style seat belt clasp gives the driver previously, making the chassis design process efficient
the ability to get out of the vehicle in a safe amount of and effective .Chassis members were made out of 0.8 inch
time in. The safety restraints provided in the car will be (2mm) wall thinness and 1.25 inch outer diameter AISI -
sufficient for keeping a driver safe in the event of a 1018, this material was chosen because of its weight
collision, while still allowing the driver to escape in the reduction capability and beneficial material properties, as
required amount of time. was stated previously. Through accurately determining
stresses on the chassis in different scenarios, weight
STRUCTURAL RIGIDITY- reduction was able to be maximized through material
selection and placement also the simplicity of the frame
design that is use of less number of members tends to
Overall frame structural rigidity is important to enhance
reduction in the weight. The final weight of the chassis
the capabilities of a 4-wheeler vehicle. To measure the
was measured on software is 7.77kg and the gross (final)
overall frame rigidity, tensional rigidity analysis was
weight of the vehicle along with the driver is estimated to
conducted through FEA. The objective of the tensional
be 150kg.
rigidity analysis was to manipulate the chassis design
within the FEA software to increase the amount of
torque per degree of chassis deflection. By
theoretically increasing this value, the actual vehicle ASTHETIC
could have the ability to be more torsion-ally rigid,
making it able to withstand more intensive without Aesthetically, the roll cage design is improved by the use
failure. To achieve this analysis, a simulated torque of. of more rounded corners than the straight. The unique use
Which is equivalent to the gross weight is calculated i.e of rounded corners allows for a more pleasing look to the
Gross weight = 135kg And the equivalent force that is – vehicle’s body as well as a reduced number of welded
joints. The use of continuous bended pipes also reduced
F=M×g the no of joints the lack of sharp edges on the roll cage
F = 150× 9.81 allows for the design of more streamlined body panels
F = 1472 N which not only look smoother, but may also have a
positive effect on the overall aerodynamic drag forces.
The calculated force is placed on one of the corner of
the frame while other three corners were kept fixed by MANUFACTURABILITY-
constraining. The deformation and stress were as follow
for the generated stress of 84Mpa.The factor of safety All design work for the go kart championship has done In
obtained is greater than 2.The result is displayed as the Solid works. Using this program to produce three
dimensional model allowed easy revision of prebuilt
designs, and gave design team members a visual picture
Hence according to the result obtained the frame would be of what the frame would look like. After the design of the
torsion-ally rigid. frame was finalized, a list of required support members
was created and the frame modal was modified. The
design for manufacturability, ergonomics, and aesthetics
for the roll cage are favorable for its reproduction,
WEIGHT - serviceability, and comfort. The material selected AISI-
1018 has good manufacturability qualities.
Keeping the frame as light as possible was a top priority. To increase manufacturability, many bends were used as
When power is limited, vehicle weight is a large factor in frame members. These bends not only give the vehicle a
vehicle performance. The frame is one of the largest and sleek, attractive look but also reduce the total amount of
heaviest components of the car, and which is why special frame members and welds between these members
attention was placed on the vehicle’s frame weight. The resulting in a lighter, cheaper, and customized chassis.
strategy utilized to minimize weight consisted of
By implementing bends into the design of the frame, the made of a matrix reinforced with fibers the polymer is
number of cuts and welds were decreased. Decreasing usually epoxy, infester or polyester thermosetting plastic
the number of cuts and welds lowers the production cost are used in FRP. It is very light material that has desirable
and increases overall chassis strength. For example, by properties for a body panel.
using more bends, A bending die can perform the job of
bending behalf of the welding and joining hence The panels are designed such that they tends to reduce the
reducing man-hours and production costs. All bends aerodynamic moments like pitching from front, yawing
were designed to be made using a tube bender fitted from side and also helps to create the downward force to
with primary die of 10 cm, secondary die of 15cm, and which tends to make the good traction of vehicle with the
tertiary of 30 cm, diameter die, which would eliminate road & also provide the properties necessary to protect the
costly tooling changes from the manufacturing process. driver and vehicle components from rocks and other
debris. When the panels were integrated into the car, the
panels were recessed into the chassis to provide visibility
WELDING - to the chassis members, making the car aesthetically
The material which is used AISI-1018 has good weld
ability. All welds on the vehicle are made using a MIG
(metal inert gas) welding process. SEAT-
MIG welding uses an arc of electricity to create a short The seat in this kart is also designed to be very light it is
circuit between a continuously fed anode (+ the wire fed very simple made of plastic material and is attached to the
gun) and a cathode (- the metal being weld). MIG is chassis by four points only and can be adjusted in angle
selected because it provided the best Control of heat of back rest according to the requirement of the drivers
affected zones while also reducing internal stress in the comfort the back side angle of the seat is at 17 degrees
frame selected it order to allow the weld to flex slightly which is the good position of the drivers body rest
without Cracking. It provides strongest welds, faster according to the ergonomics point of view and is kept
welding speed and is clean and efficient makes welding almost parallel to the fire wall .the seat implemented in
easier. our go kart provides a good combination of weight
reduction and ergonomics.
The formulae’s used for steering calculation are: Inner and outer turning angle is calculated by the
R = d/2+Lcosec (A/2+B/2)
Outer angle-
tanA= L(R-d/2) Inside
% Ackerman = angle- tan B = L/
(R + d/2)
R is the turning radius, Caster angle is the most important factor governing how
L is the length of the car, the kart will handle. It will make the kart more stable in
A is the angle of the inside angle of the wheel Rough condition and the kart’s straight line stability will
Bis the angle of the outside wheel d is the width also be improved.
of the car.
King pin inclination is used to making a steering tend to
To determine the Ackerman percentage, equation (2) return to the straight ahead or Centre position. If kingpin
was used. Given that, 100% Ackerman angle is desired, is incline at 12 degree, it gives self-centering effect and
A at 30-degrees and B at 22-degree was the best option. leads to less steering effort
Caster Angle 0deg The purpose of the brakes is to stop the car safely and
effectively. In order to achieve maximum performance
Camber Angle 0deg from the braking system, the brakes have been designed
to lock up rear wheels, while minimizing the cost and
King Pin Inclination 0deg
Tie Rod Length 10 inch
B.F = 635 N
F = ma
F = 180×0.6×9.81 = 635 N
Brake Pressure =
B.P = 4Mpa
The mount for the brakes was tested using the 3D stress
analysis in ANSYS. The base of the mount was fixed, and
a 110 lb force was applied to the two bolt holes. The
result is shown in figure. The maximum deformation that
occurred in the stress analysis was .002mm at the highest
point on the mount, which is negligible hence will not
affect the design of the brake mount.
Engine and power transmission-The selection The electronic system for the car was designed to fulfill
of engine was done by considering the rule two key purposes. First, the electronics system supports
the mandatory safety equipment, specifically the kill
book of the event, which came out to use the switch circuit. Second, the electronics provide useful
Honda CBF stunner engine having the capacity instrumentation, in particular a self-start system.
of 124.7cc and maximum power of 11bhp
having 5 linear shifting gears. The power of the
engine came out to maximum in the range with DESIGN
considering the economic factor. The
availability and serviceability of the engine and The car’s electrical system has been designed around two
main power buses, each with an independently fused
its components was also the cause to choose
circuit. These buses are for safety kill switch, and self-
the engine. The chain drive is used to transmit start system.
the power from the engine to the wheels by a
shaft coupled with the rear wheels and the
sprocket. No differential is used in the kart, the Self-start-
direct transmission shaft is only used. The
sprocket ratio used is 14:30 to achieve the -In self-start system, driver starts his engine without any
speed of 80km/hr with the acceleration of effort with the help of D.C motor. The self-start is directly
connected to the battery with the relay and switch. Battery
60km/hr in 4.5 seconds (approx). is 12v, 5 amp, which fulfill our need. Self-starter D.C.
motor has a alternator and a rectifier which charge our
battery. Circuit for self-start is –
Final canister
We are using charcoal canister in our vehicle to increase
the fuel economy.
After the completion of design we got the final design that
Carbon Canister is rectangular shaped box that sit apart is to be manufactured here is the various complete
from fuel tank next to the carburetor in vehicle. There is 3D views of our vehicle-
an input port and an output port, with the two ports side
by side. The interior of the canister is filled with
activated charcoal in granules or carbon pellets. The
input of the canister connects to the gas tank’s vent port,
while the output connects to the carburetor intake
manifold. Accordingly the requirement it has been
designed for our vehicle. Here is the image-
Sub parts-
effective, manufacturing processes were closely
monitored throughout the design process. For
example, the chassis was designed in Solid works and
tested on ANSYS making the chassis easy to
manufacture with computer aided designing, lowering
production cost. Utilizing similar processes
throughout the rest of the vehicle’s design and
manufacturing lowered the overall price of the vehicle.
Attractive features about the human ergonomics
and also the multi sensitive steering system introduction
of charcoal canister to increase the fuel economy are also
the binders of consumer interest.
40 inch 125 cc,
Wheel Engine &
Base Transmission
Wheel Front=39 Engine max. 11N-m @
Track Back=40 Torque 5000 rpm
The Transforming dexterous team used the finite element analysis system to evaluate, create, and modify the best vehicle
design to achieve its set goals. The main goal was to simplify the overall design to make it more light-weight without
sacrificing performance and durability. The result is a lighter, faster, and more agile vehicle that improves go kart design.