Cost Sharing Documentation

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Some of the key takeaways are that the current staff clearance process at Haramaya University is manual which leads to issues like time consumption, loss of forms, unauthorized access. Developing an automated system aims to address these problems and streamline the clearance process.

The purpose of developing an automated staff clearance system is to manage staff clearance data more effectively and provide faster and more efficient services by automating the current manual process.

Some of the issues with the current manual staff clearance system include staff having to visit multiple offices to get clearance forms signed, long wait times, absence of staff officers leading to delays, loss of forms causing further delays.

HU Staff Clearance System Documentation


Clearance is a status granted individuals, typically members of Military, University graduates
and Employees of Government and their contractors, allowing them access to classified
information, a clearance by itself is normally not sufficient to gain access. The organization must
determine that the clearance individual has a “need to know” the information.

Part of that process include

 Determining the owner(s) of the intellectual property.

 Contacting the owners and negotiating on agreement.
 Administering written contracts
 Handling other issue related to the use and licensing of intellectual property.


Haramaya University was established by ministry of education in 1952 E.C. Because of the
member of the university lends a lot of materials from the university and finally they must be
return the resource they lend to the university and also other services they need to be checked.
The lack of clearance system in the university is serious of problem to manage the resources in
the university.

One of the activities that are performed in Haramaya University is staff clearance activity.
Clearance is the process of approving staff is cleared from any doubt. Based on our observation
and Answers of different university’s societies now a day Haramaya University is in the process
of modernizing its operations by automating and improving existing manual processes but they
do not use an automated system for staff clearance activity it is still now performed manually. As
part of this, we would like to automate staff Clearance system in order to manage data more
effectively and provide faster and more efficient services.

The current Clearance process of the university requires the staffs to go around the university and
officers to sign clearance forms and to queue in line repeatedly to submit or get other forms. The
process can take an hour or so. Therefore, it is important to automate clearance system for the
members of the university.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The current Haramaya University staff Clarence process is performed manually. Due to

This the following problems are faced: -

HU Staff Clearance System Documentation

 There is no way to get clearance form in one office.

 Most of the activities are time consuming and stressful.

 Absence of some staff officers who sign Clearance form which leads to staffs
repeatedly visiting a particular office in order to sign his/her clearance form.
 Staffs travelling one office to the other and queuing in line to sign clearance
 When the Clearance form is lost it causes delaying of readmission date
 Unauthorized person may sign Clearance form.
Generally, the above problem led the overall Clearance process let and boring Due to this it
becomes necessary for an automated clearance system to eradicate the bottle neck of the manual
system in place.

1.3 Objectives of the Project

1.3.1 General Objective

The main objective of this project is developing automated staff Clearance system for HU when
they leave the university.

The general objective of the project is developing and implementing web application clearance
system for HU academic staff.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

Specific objective of the project is in order to: -

 To study the existing system

 To Know about the existing System work flow
 To analysis the existing systems problem
 Find the solution for the problem found in existing system
 Develop design model to use in clearance system
 Creating a user friendly environment for particular clients to react and use the system in
good manner.
 Preparing test plan and conduct acceptance test
 Allow the staff to check his or her status
 Allow staff to get cleared clearance form just from one office.
 Minimizing the work load of officer signing clearance.
 Manage properties of the university in well manner.

HU Staff Clearance System Documentation

1.4 Significant of the project

The project has a lot of significant to the university society.

For staff: -

 Avoids going around the school and staffs to sign clearance forms.

 Provide convenient away to use it right from office or anywhere in the


 Information processing is very fast and delays can be avoided.

 It saves a lot of time.

 It is inexpensive to staff, employee and school management.

For Officers (who work in the office in which the staff will clear their clearance): -
 It helps to easily controls the resources which are borrow to staff.
 It proved more security mechanism (unauthorized person cannot
approve the Clearance).
 Information processing is very fast and delays can be avoided.

1.5. Scope and Limitation of the project

1.5.1 Scope of the project

The introducing system, Clearance management system, which is going to be implemented for
Haramaya University will automate the operation of clearance system of the University for
academic staff. The material management system is to allow the officers to lend the material and
return the material. The clearance management system is to approve or reject the clearance
process both for the staff. There are three end users in clearance management system. These are
officers, staff and Registrar. The officers upload the material lends staff information to the central
database. Registrar upload the material lend staff information to the central database and control
the technical problem of the system and fix the problem if exist. And also in this clearance
system there will be other around 15 clearance place that the staff is expected to clear. When the
staff request for clearance signing their information checked in the central database and approved
or rejected by the system. When the staff request for approval, the system display the cleared
clearance form then the staff save the approved clearance form. The staffs go to registrar.
Registrar prints the approved clearance form and sign on it, and then the registrar officer put the
sill of the university to the clearance paper. The staffs take the approved clearance form.

HU Staff Clearance System Documentation

1.5. 2 Limitation of the project

This project is limited to automate Clearance system for Haramaya University academic staffs.
The system will work if the client computer is the same local area network with server computer.
The system will not include the digital signature of the officers when approve the Staffs

1.6. Methodologies

1.6.1. Data gathering methodology

During requirement analysis, data needed for the project will be gathered from various sources.
During gathering and collecting necessary data and information needed for system analysis, we
will use two major fact-finding techniques those are primary source and secondary source. In
primary source we will use empirical approach such as interview and observation. In secondary
source we obtain data from different document. DETERMINING BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF STAFF

The team structures its investigation by seeking answers to major questions.

 What is the basic business process?

 What data are used or produced during that process?
 What are the limits imposed by time and the volume of work?
 What performance controls are used? FACT-FINDING & ANALYSIS

The specific methods analysts use for collecting data about requirements are called fact-finding. These

 interviews
 observation
Usually these techniques used in combination during a study to ensure an accurate and comprehensive
study are undertaken. INTERVIEWS
The team use interviews to collect information from individuals or from groups. The respondents are
generally current users of the existing system or potential users of the proposed system. These are:

o Instructors of HU
o Sport master officer
o Department
o Faculty or college
o Library and information service directorate
o Transport and garage team

HU Staff Clearance System Documentation

o Property management support and program team

o Central finance
o Higher health center
o V.P for research affairs
o Registrar office
o V.P for academic affairs
o Legal service office
o HRM & development directorate
o President office
Beginning with the basics, the team ask questions which describe and provide a background of
fundamental details about the system.

For example:

 What is the purpose of this Clearance activity?

 What steps are performed?
 Where does it performed?
 When does it performing?
 Who performs that?
 Which information an officer need to give a clearance to staff?
 How long does it take?
 How often is performed?
 Who uses the resulting information?

Based on the above questions some respondents give their own answer. From this we get some
information about the system as the staff of the university sign clearance at the end of each year and when
they want to sing for ID card form and withdraw form. The clearance signing process takes place in the
university officers at work time and they can sign in any office randomly and they must submit to the PO,
VPAA and HRM at the end of clearance signing.

Interviewer question with respective answers

Question 1:-One of the offices which sign in to the clearance form is sport master so what kinds
of thing your cheek before sign in the clearance form?
Answer: -we have different sport materials like ball, sport close etc. that is borrowed to the staffs.
If one staff lend this material, he must return it so first we would check he/she return the materials
then if he returns the material we sign in to the clearance form otherwise until he/she return the
material or he pay the fee for that material we did not sign in to the clearance form.
Question 2: - How do you handle staff information during borrowing materials from this office?
Answer: -in order to control our resource which lends to the staff we use a form which used to
record staff information that borrow property from the office and borrowed property information.
Question 3:-Is there any problem during this clearance process?
1. In the earlier time we put only the signature and name of sport master so that some
staffs were put its own sign in to the clearance. But at this time we use titter.

HU Staff Clearance System Documentation

2. It is difficult to handle staffs and borrowed material’s information.

Question 4: In which ways you like to be the system?
Answer: We would like if it is networked computerized system because it enables us to
communicate with related office without the staff coming to our office and to easily manage each

Interviewee Staffs

Question1: What difficulties you faced during the clearance process?

 Absence of some staff officers who sign Clearance form that leads us to
repeatedly visiting particular offices.
 To sign a clearance form we goes around various office of the university
like: -
 Chief of library circulation,
 University book store keeper,
 Sport master,
 And other stated earlier.
Because of these the clearance process is time consuming and stressful.
Question2: In which ways you like to be the clearance process?
Answer: It is better for us to get only from one office or using online. OBSERVATION
Observation allows the team to gain information they cannot obtain by any other fact-finding method.
Through observation, the team can obtain firsthand information about how activities are carried out. This
method is most useful when the team need to actually observe how documents are handled, how
processes are carried out and whether specified steps are actually followed. While the team has observed
the existing system, there have been improper handling of files that are too difficult to access it, and these
make the decisions invalid. The teams know the way of signing clearance form during the end of each
year, at that time the team understands how much the process is tedious and require high human power to
accomplish the process.

What the team understands from the observation analysis and summarized in the following manners:

What should happen.....? What actually happens...?

Standard Operating procedures Delays in doing work

Properly completed documents Missed steps, an unauthorized body may sign

Efficient and timely completion of work  New controls needed

 telephone calls needed when the
officers absent
 The Process not completed as

HU Staff Clearance System Documentation

1.6.2 Analysis methodology

After gathering different information from stakeholders we will analyze requirements by using
Unified Modeling Language models like use case diagram, sequence diagram and class diagram.

1.6.3 Design methodology

We select object oriented approach to design the system because it has best feature than other

1.7 Project Life time

Table 1:-project life time table

Activity Novem December January Februar March Apri Ma Jun

ber y l y e

Preparation of
the proposal

and Analysis


HU Staff Clearance System Documentation

1.7.5 Project Cost Software development cost
For this particular project we will be using different software but the software’s are getting
from the university.
Table 2Software cost

Software costs

Software Description Price

Microsoft office Free

Microsoft SQL server Free

Avast !free antivirus Free

Xampp Free

Total 0 Birr Tangible cost
Table 3Tangible cost
No Name Quantity Unit price in birr Total

1 Purchase of flash disk 1 150.00 150.00 birr

2 Purchase of CD RW 2 20.00 40.00 birr

3 Purchase of stationary 1.5 packet 100.00 150.00birr

20 3.00 60.00birr
5 1.50 7.50birr
4 Purchase of CD_R 4 5.00 20.00birr

6 Total estimate cost - - 1027.50birr

HU Staff Clearance System Documentation Intangible cost

Table 4Intangablecost
No Professionals Participators Unit cost(birr) Total unit
1 Programmer, 4 persons 1 person *

designer, data 30birr/hr*

collector, and
coordinator 6hr/week*

27weeks 4860 birr

Total professional cost=4(4860) =24,300 birr

1.8. Feasibility study

To bring the successful completion of this project goals and objectives the feasibilities
issues listed below has determined the project viability or the discipline of planning,
organizing, and managing resources.

1.8.1 Technical Feasibility

This involves questions such as whether the most of the technology needed for the system
has exists in the Haramaya University HU compound. Because the system is too
customized according to HU information transferring system there will be no difficulty to
build the clearance system, and also the staff and other concerned bodies has or will have
enough experience using this system.
1.8.2 Operational feasibility
Currently there is no existing system in the case of clearance system so this system will be
implemented in HU as a pioneer of clearance system project. The system will provide
adequate through put at desired time to the user and also give the needed information in a
timely usefully formatted way. The system also has security to gives access privilege
providing account for an authorized person. This system provides help description to the
user about how to use the system. And other technical modification on the system is done
by the developers.
1.8.3 Economic feasibility

HU Staff Clearance System Documentation

As cost/benefit analysis, show the new system is developed using a very minimum coast
and it give a lot of benefits such as advancing the services of the system, decreasing the
work load of the users.
1.8.6. Management Issues: Team configuration and management, Communication plan,
change management

Team configuration and management

Team configuration

In our project, we have five (4) members where each of us has specified work and also the
project is supervised by one of our members. The following are the types of tasks and as well as
the responsibility each of us can have.

Task Group Name ID No

Project manager William Mitiku 2118/05

System Requirement And Temesgen Tesfaye 2091/05
specification (SRS)

Analysis and Design Meron Getahun 1971/05

Implementation And Testing Meklit Feleke 1963/05

1.1. Communication plan

While we are working on our project, we use the following techniques in order to meet one
another and then exchange our suggestions or ideas. Those techniques are we were using to
communicate in Mobile Phone, Email, Facebook, Viber and also some other social media
techniques to communicate each other.

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Requirements determination involves studying the current existing system to determine how it
works and where improvements should be made. The study results in an evaluation of how current
methods are working and whether adjustments are necessary or possible. These studies consider both
manual and computer methods and are not merely computer studies. A requirement is a feature which
must be included in a new system. It may include a way of capturing or processing data, producing
information, controlling a business activity or supporting management. The determination of
requirements therefore entails studying the existing system and collecting details about it to find out what
these requirements are.

2.2. HU Existing Clearance System Description

Based on our data gathering the current clearance system of the Haramaya University is a manual one.
When the staffs of the university leave the university the take clearance form from HRM of the university

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and go to different office to sign clearance form. This makes the system so tedious and time consuming.
Here, staffs have to visit all the clearance offices with a form for them to sign. Once these forms are
signed, it proves that the staff have been cleared and validate as they return the materials they borrowed.
This process takes a lot of time to be completed and possess a lot of stress for all staff and staffs involved.
Before sign in the clearance form each officer first check all the property borrowed by the staff whether
return or not. If that is return, he/she signs in to the clearance otherwise he/she didn’t sign in to the
clearance form. In order to control the list of staffs who borrow the property from the office they use
document paper which contain the information about borrower and borrowed material like name of
borrower, identification number of borrower, types of borrow material etc.
In the manual system, the clearance forms are documented in a file cabinet. Each time the clearance form
is needed, a search operation is conducted on the file cabinets to locate a particular staff’s clearance form.

2.2.1. Players of the existing system

Players represent external entities that interact with the system. Due to this we will deal only with
persons involved on those services or persons who have responsible for this work.
There are many players in the clearance system but the main bodies are as follows: -
 Staffs: -people who are getting service from the system.
 President office: - are persons who cleared the staffs at the end and where the staff submit one
copy of the cleared clearance form and then give other three copy to Vice president of
Academic affairs and Human resource management of the university.
 Officers: -are office workers who sign clearance form for the customers. These includes
employee at sport master office, book store office, CCDE, library, and different officers
where the staff of the university sign clearance form. They may also be any employee who
works in the university and who will sign clearance form.

2.2.2 The Existing System Clearance form preparation

Staff Clearance form is prepared for the staffs of the university. Each Clearance form consists of the
following thing.

 The purpose of clearances with three option

1. Resigning from job: -this purpose of the clearance system is initiated when one staff of the university
is leaving his or her job permanently.

2. Long Time permission: - and also this type of clearance system is initiate when one staff of the
university is taking longer permission for his or her personal reason.

3. Leaving university for additional education: - for example if one staff of HU is leaving university for
getting additional education like masters, PHD and other, he or she needs to fill the clearance form and
get the cleared clearance form.

 Information of staff include

1. Full name
2. School
3. Department
4. Signature

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5. College
6. Last day of work
7. Date
8. Reason for termination

After the staffs sign in each office and cleared, they go to HRM of the university, VP of academic affairs
and president office and give one piece of signed paper respectively and take the remaining one. Then
they are cleared from any responsibilities and can go to their home.

During signing into the clearance form

The following condition must check before sign in to the clearance form

 Each officer checks whether all property borrows by the staff returns to the offices
or not. While staffs signing the clearance form, the clearance process is done by
the hierarchy. For example, they must sign in different libraries and book store
office before they go to sign in to the main libraries.
 Based on hierarchy. Upper office must check whether the lower office sign or not.

2.2.3 Business Rules of Existing System

A business rule is effectively an operating principle or polices that we try to specify for both the
existing system and the new system must satisfy. The business rule is a principle or a policy in
which the proposed system operates accordingly.

The main business rules or principles of the existing system are: -

BR1: - Anyone who sign clearance form must be the member of the university

BR2: -HRM officers give clearance form only for the staffs of the university

BR3: - Officers of the university are not expected to give service on Saturday, Sunday, and Holiday.

BR4: - when the staffs want to sign clearance form they take the clearance form from HRM officers.

BR5: - when the staffs want to sign clearance form they must fill the required field and they must have an
ID card of the university to check the validity of the University

BR6: - staffs must fulfill their responsibility before they go to sign clearance in officers

BR7: - the officers of the university must put their signature and the date when they sign

BR8: - the staff of the university must submit the copy of cleared clearance form to HRM, VP for
academic affairs and president office.

BR9: - staffs should take one piece of approved clearance form from President Office finally for their

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BR 10 – The PO should check whether the staffs are responsible or not on different officer before signing
his/her signature and sill of HU.

BR 11- Officers should first check whether the staff approved by the system or not before putting his/her
signature on the clearance form.

BR 12- The PO officer should sign and put the sill of HU on staff clearance form which is approved by
the system.

2.2.4 Problem of Existing System

Due to the manual means been used by the university, keeping information about staff clearance,
a lot problems are encountered which includes:

 There is no way to get cleared clearance form in one office.

 The processes of clearing require that the staffs be cleared in various office of the
University from all the office it is time wasting, stressful.
 Absence of some staff officers who sign Clearance form which leads to staffs repeatedly
visiting a particular office in order to sign his/her clearance form.
 Less security (unauthorized person may approve the Clearance)
 Difficult to easily manage staffs who don’t return the equipment that borrow from the
 Wastage of resource and consuming storage space and time.
 Difficult to search, retrieve, update and delete the data about the borrower of the
 The absence of electronic data storing mechanism it requires huge storage space.
 The current process requires high human-power.
2.2.5 Alternative Solutions
In order to overcome the current system problems that exist in the functioning of clearance
system, our project team members have put down alternative options. These are: -
 Changing the structure of manual system in to organized manner
 Completely change manual system in to computerized and automated system without
affecting the structure of clearance system
The new system is designed to solve problem affecting the manual system in use. It is design to
be used online thereby relieving staff from much stress as experienced from the manual system.
This will do the analysing and storing of information either automatically or interactively, it will
make use of online access to internet. The new system gives full system functionality that is
needed by system user to perform system functionality. Among that system functionality online
signing clearance form for the staffs and give complain to system.
The proposed system will also have some other features like.
 Accuracy in handling of data

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 Fast rate of operation and excellent response time

 Flexibility (i.e.) it can be accessed at any time
 Better storage and faster retrieval system.
 Accessibility from anywhere in the campus.
2.3 Over view of the proposed system
During our observation and interview of users we have observed certain problems from their
manual based system. Because of this we are proposed to solve the problem of the existing
clearance system by developing automated clearance system. That means our proposed system
will minimize the current problem and weakness of existing system by providing centralized
clearance system, the staff can get their clearance from only three place without moving office to
office up to 15. The proposed system will also provide easily resource controlling mechanism
and create communication between selected offices. As generally the proposed system will able
to minimize the existing problems and resource consumption because the university clearance
activities are based on manual system.

2.4. Supplementary Specification

2.4.1. Business Rule of new Proposed System

A business rule

Business rule of the system

Name: Valid Staff

Identifier: BR#01
Description: Staff needs to be a member of the HU academic staff and it need to have an
account in the system.

Name: See Clearance Status

Identifier: BR#02
Description: Staff can see their status in this system.

Name: Eligible Officer register material borrow to staff.

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Identifier: BR#03
Description: Officer register property lend to the staff in the provided database.

Name: Department head initiates clearance for staff firstly.

Identifier: BR#04
Description: Department head of the staff department initiates when the staff asks for the

Name: To get cleared clearance form, the staff needs to be checked in around 18
Identifier: BR#05
Description: There are 18 offices such as President office, Library, Sport, and other, staff
needs to be cleared from 18 offices.

Name: Finally, staffs get their cleared clearance form from president office finally.
Identifier: BR06
Description: Finally, when the staff finished their clearance, they will receive or awarded
cleared clearance form and also official signature of President.

Name: Sequence of Getting clearance

Identifier: BR07
Description: It means that to get cleared from Vice President office, he or she needs to get
cleared from the lower office.

Name: Generating Report

Identifier: BR08
Description: Finally, the system will generate the report for staff.

Name: Manage user account

Identifier: BR#09
Description: admin manage user account in CMS database.

Name: See Clearance Status

Identifier: BR#10
Description: Staff can see their status in this system.

2.3.1 Functional requirements

Functional requirements describe the interactions between the system and its environment. The
environment includes the user and any other external system with which the system interacts.

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Staffs registered by HRM when they are the member of the university. They get user name and password
to access the system, and then logged in to the system by using the username and password they given.
After the user logged in the user fill the clearance form and click the submit button and wait for approving
the clearance. After that the approved page is displayed to the staffs and then staffs save the approved
clearance form. Then the staffs take saved clearance form and go to President Office. HRM and V.P of
academic affairs to print and sign on the clearance form. The system will approve the clearance form by
typing as approve on the specified field and the date that they take the clearance. But reject the user if
there is an office which borrowed the material and do not return that material to the office by telling as
they have a responsibility that they must have to be complete. President office, HRM and VP of academic
president sign and put the seal of university. Staffs take the approved clearance and go.
The proposed system should include the following functionality: -
 Handle Material lend staff information.
 Handle property information
 Approve and reject clearance
 User Administration Module – this module will provide system wide administration
functionality including security setting and user account management.
 Disallowing unauthorized access

 Allow staff to save approved clearance form

 Allow staff to Print approved clearance form
 Help option for better understanding.
2.3.2. Nonfunctional requirements
Non-Functional requirements describe user visible aspects of the system that are not designated
to the functional behavior of the system. The requirement includes from user interface to
resource issues. Generally, Non-Functional requirements of the system can be viewed as follows.

 User interface and human factors

Since users of the system will interface with the software to be deployed on a personal computer.
When we consider the user interface on the personal computer since there is going to be different
type of users. Generally, it will include the necessary features for each user with a user friendly
and attractive interface.

 Documentation

The System has well defined document which helps to easily maintain the system and we will
also prepare short and precise help file on how to use the system for the system users. It will
have a helping page to guide the user of the system and to show the process how they will have
to use.

 Hardware consideration

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The Software product to be developed should run on existing standard computers. The system
will be portable that can be run on any type of computer and it supports any type of browsers.

 Performance characteristics

Since the system is going to be accessed by different users with different needs, it should be
capable of handling and processing their queries quickly. Besides the software, Hardware will
also be a great factor in the systems’ performance. Generally, the system should be able to handle
many users and it will be responsive.

 Quality issues

Since the system is used for clearance process it is more related with resource control of the
university so it should be accurate, robust and reliable.

 System modifications

The System modification can be achieving easily because the system is going to be designed
using an object oriented approach.

If there is change on the process of clearance the system can be modified based on change
criteria by the developers or any trained person that knows the code behind the system.

 Physical environment

The server must be put on a place that has high security room. And the client must put in the
local area it must connect with server.

 Security issues

The system has login page it allows only the user who have privilege to access the system
therefore the system can’t be accessed by unauthorized user. When the user wants to access the
clearance form they sign up to the system and sign in to the system. Each system users can
access the system based on their access right.

Some of the constraints during the development of our project
 The time to build our project is not enough to include more functionality to the
 Lack electric power.
 Lack of internet connection.

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 Unrest in our campus.

Class Responsibility Collaborators [CRC] Identification

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A use case is a set of scenarios tied together by a common user goal. A scenario is a sequence of
steps describing an interaction between a user and a system. A use case describes a sequence of
actions that provide a measurable value to an actor. A use case is particular purpose that a user
actually uses a system to accomplish. A use case describes a function provided by the system that
yields a visible result for an actor.

Use case is a coherent unit of externally visible functionality provided by the system unit and
expressed by the sequence of message exchanged by the system unit and one or more actors of
the system unit.

The purpose of the use case is to identify pieces of the coherent unit behaviour without revealing
the internal structure of the system.

An actor is an idealization of the external person, process or the thing interacting with the system
and subsystem or a class. An actor characterizes the interaction that the outside user may have
with the system. From the analysis of the document and the interview we undergo and as well
with the group member’s discussion we have identified the current system’s actors as follows

 Staff
 Officer: - are office workers who sign clearance form for the customers. These
includes employee at sport master office, book store office, CCDE, library, café,
Registrar and different officers where the staff of the university sign clearance form.
They may also be any employee who works in the university and who will sign
clearance form.
 President Office: - are officers who cleared the staffs at the end and where the staff
submit one copy of the cleared clearance form and then give other three copy to Vice
president of Academic affairs and Human resource management of the university. Once
we identify the system user [Actors], the next thing will be to specify the various types of
functionality that the system will offer to this actor and the various functionality that they
initiate from the system.
1. Staff Actor
 Fill form
 Request a special need/ask for clearing
 Submit to immediate supervisor.
2. Officer
 Borrow prosperities for the staffs and check whether they are return or not
 After that they sign on the form and cleared the staffs
3. President Office

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 Check the cleared from whether it is cleared form other or not.

 After that they sign on the form and cleared the staffs.
4. HRM
 Validate whether the user is eligible or not.
 Get one copy of the clearance form from president office. CASE SELECTION
The following are the use cases that included in HU Clearance system

 Manage Property
 Prepare Staff Clearance Form
 Clear the Staffs
 Asking for Clearance Form
 Take Cleared Clearance Form


Figure 1Essential Use Case Diagram

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Table 5 Preparing staff clearance form use case Description

Use Case Name: Preparing Staff Clearance Form ID: 1

Participating Actor HRM

Description Human resource management of the university prepares clearance

form at the end and get one copy.

Entry condition HRM always should have printed Clearance form for the staff in
their office

Flow of event 1. The HRM have a soft copy of staff clearance form.
2. They print out and document in their Office
Exit condition The HRM document and Store a clearance Form

Table 6Asking for clearance form use case Description

Use Case Name: Asking for Clearance Form ID: 2

Participating Actor Staffs

Description The Staff ask clearance form from HRM when they want to sign

Entry condition Staffs must decide to signing clearance form

Flow of event 1. The HRM have a soft copy of staff clearance form in
their office.
2. They print out and document in their Office.
3. Staffs ask clearance form from HRM.
4. HRM give a clearance form paper to the staff.
Exit condition The HRM give clearance form to staffs

Table 7Clearing Staff use case Description

Use Case Name: Clearing Staffs ID: 3

Participating Actor Officers

Description The above Actors Clear the Staffs by Signing on the Clearance Form

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if the staff doesn’t have any Responsibility.

Entry condition The Staff Must be asking for signing clearance

Flow of event
1. They print out and document in their Office
2. The Staffs ask a clearance form from HRM when they
want to sign clearance
3. By taking the clearance form they Travel into different
office to sign clearance
4. The officers sign and clear the staff if they do not have
borrowed material that does not return.
5. The Staffs then cleared and submit to HRM, PO and
Exit condition The Staffs get Cleared at the PO.

Table 8Manage Property use case Description

Use Case Name: Manage Property ID: 6

Participating Actor Officers

Description The officers manage the property of the university by borrowing and
receiving the borrowed material

Entry condition Their staff should be borrowing the material from officers

Flow of event 1. The officers lend the property to the staff of the
University who want to borrow the material
2. The officer must record the material they borrow with the
full address of the borrower
3. The officer deletes the record when the borrower returns
the material they borrow
4. Sign and clear the staff
Exit condition Validate staffs as they do not have any property they borrow

Table 9Take Cleared Clearance Form use case Description

Use Case Name: Take Cleared Clearance Form ID:7

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Participating Actor Staff

Description Staff of HU take a cleared Clearance form after they approved at

HRM, PO and VPAA and submit to PO, VPAA and HRM.

Entry condition The Staffs must sign in different officers, submit at HRM, PO and
VPAA and must be cleared at HRM, PO and VPAA.

Flow of event 1. Staffs wish to sign Clearance form

2. Staff go to HRM and ask for clearance form
3. HRM give Clearance for to the Staff
4. Staffs travel to different officers and sign clearance
5. Staff go to HRM, PO and VPAA and submit cleared
clearance form to the HRM, PO and VPAA
6. HRM, PO and VPAA officers approved Staff’s clearance
form and give to the staff
Exit condition Staffs take approved/cleared clearance form

Table 10 Store Cleared Clearance Form

Use Case Name: Take Cleared Clearance Form ID: 8

Participating Actor HRM, PO and VPAA

Description HRM, PO and VPAA Officers approve the staff’s clearance and take a
piece of cleared clearance paper as a backup.

Entry condition The Staffs must sign in different officers, submit at HRM, PO and
VPAA and must be cleared at HRM, PO and VPAA.

Flow of event 1. Staffs wish to sign Clearance form

2. Staff go to HRM, PO and VPAA and ask for clearance form
3. HRM, PO and VPAA give Clearance for to the Staff
4. Staffs travel to different officers and sign clearance
5. Staff go to HRM, PO and VPAA and submit cleared
clearance form to the HRM, PO and VPAA
6. HRM, PO and VPAA officers approved Staff’s clearance
form and take a piece of cleared clearance form paper and
the give the other piece of cleared clearance form to the
Exit condition HRM, PO and VPAA officers store a backup of cleared clearance form
of the staff

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An Actor in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) "specifies a role played by a user or any other
system that interacts with the subject. The followings are a list of Actors in the Proposed System.

 President office: is an office who put the seal of the university physically.
 Officers: is someone who upload material lends staff e information to the central
 Staff: is someone who wishes to sign clearance form due to different reason and at the
end of each year.
The following are the use cases that will include in HU Clearance system

 Manage staff clearance

 Manage material lend staff information
 Manage User account
 Manage Property
 Fill Clearance Form
 Request for Approval
 Save the valid Clearance form
 Manage Staff Information
 Print approved clearance form
 Take Cleared Clearance form



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Figure 2System Use Case Diagram for Proposed System


In the beginning, the above actors will login in to the system based on the access privilege. The
officer’s login into their page and record detail information about the materials and the name of the
borrower when the staffs borrow material. They also upload the staff information and the type of material

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they borrow to the central database. Officers also login in to their page and manage Staff information on
their database. The HRM will have a database of staff information and the material they borrow from
different officers. The staff login into their page and will fill the clearance form. The staff will request to
the central for approval. The system checks their information on the central database and if their
information does not exist, the system clears the clearance but if there exist the system reject the request
with a message as they have responsibility on that officer. The staffs save and print the cleared clearance
form and sign out from the system. The staffs have a privilege to change their login password but they
cannot change their login user name, also they can recover forget password.


Table 11Login use case description
Use case name Login ID: 1

Participating actor All system user

description Any user who wants to access the system’s

functionality must be Authenticated and
Authorized and login to the system.

According to BR#01 To use the system he or she

needs to have an account.

Entry condition The user must be already register (the user must
have user name, password and account type)

Flow of event 1. The user opens the system

2. The user clicks login link
3. The system displays the login page
4. The user enters his/her identification (user
type user name and password)
5. The user clicks on login button
6. The system authenticates the user.
7. The system takes the user to his/her page.

Alternative Flow of event 4.1. If the identification is not correct the system
display incorrect user type, user name and
password try again message and the system
display the login page. The system give chance to
try again.

Exit condition The system user logged in to the system

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Table 12Record property Information use case description

Use case name Record property Information. ID: 2

Participating actor Officer

description This use case helps for Officer, to record property.

According BR#09, Eligible officer record

property information to the database.

Entry condition Officer user login to the system.

Flow of event 1. Officer select on upload property borrow staff

information menu.

2. The system display record form.

3. Officer fills required information and click

upload button.

4. The system displays an acknowledgement

successfully record the information.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If Officer enters wrong information the

system display message in order to correct wrong

Step 4. If Officer enters duplicate property

information the system display “information
already exist” message.

Exit condition Property information record on the system

Use case name update property Information ID: 3

Participating actor Officer

description This use case helps for Officer to modify

previously recorded property.

According to BR#09, Eligible Officers update

material information to the CMS system.

Entry condition Officer login to the system, the property already


Flow of event 1. Officer select on update record Menu.

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2. The system display an acknowledgement

successfully Edit the information.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If the property is not found the system
display “information not found” message.

Step 3.If Officer enter wrong information the

system displays a message to correct.

Exit condition Modification is recorded.

Table 13Delete property Information use case description

Use case name Delete property Information ID: 4

Participating actor Officer

description If the property that borrowed by the staff are

returned the Officer want to remove that property

According to BR#09, Eligible Officers update

material information to the CMS system.

Entry condition Officer login to the system, the property must be

returned to Officers.

Flow of event 1. Officers click on Delete link

2. The system display an acknowledgement

successfully Delete the information.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If the Recorded information is not found

the system display “information not found”

Step 3. If the Officers, click on cancel button the

property do not remove.

Exit condition Recorded Information is deleted.

Table 14upload material lend staff information use case description

Use case name upload Property Borrow staff information ID: 5

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Participating actor Officer

description This use case helps for Officer to upload material

lend staff information to the central database

According to BR#09, Eligible Officers record

property borrow staff information to the CMS

Entry condition Officer login to the system

Flow of event 1. Officer select on upload staff information Menu.

2. The system display property material staff

information form.

3. Officer fills required information and click save


4. The system displays an acknowledgement

successfully record the information.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If Officer enters wrong information the

system display message in order to correct wrong

Step 4. If Officer enters duplicate property

information the system display “information already
exist” message.

Exit condition Property borrow staff information uploaded to the

central database.

 Use case description for account management use case this is general use case for
 Create user account
 Update user account
 Delete user account
 Recover forgotten password use cases
 Change Password

Table 15Create user account use case description

Use case name Create user account ID: 6

Participating actor Admin

description This use case helps the user when it is necessary

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to create new user account.

According to BR#10, Admin create account for

officer and staff.

Entry condition user login to the system

Flow of event 1.Admin Officer Page displayed

2.Officer Choose add account button.
3. Admin officer fill required information.
4. Click create account
5Account created.
6. Notification will be displayed.
Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If user enters wrong the system display
message in order to correct wrong information.

Step 4. If users enter duplicate account, the

system display “User already exist” message.

Exit condition A new user account is crated

Table 16 Update user account use case description

Use case name Update user account ID: 7

Participating actor Admin

description This use case helps the users when he/she wants to
update their account.

According to BR#10, Admin create account for

officer and staff.

Entry condition User login to the system

Flow of event 1. User selects Manage account link from menu


2. The system display user account form.

3. User search account that he/she want to update.

4. The system display information of that account.

5. User makes necessary modification and click

Update button.

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6. The system asks for conformation.

7. User click ok button.

8. The system saves the change to that account.

9. The system displays an acknowledgement

successfully updating the account.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3.If the user account does not exist the
system display “account not found” information.

Exit condition Save the change to the account

Table 17Change Password use case description

Use case name Change Password ID: 8

Participating actor All system user

description This use case helps the user when it is necessary

to change login password.

Entry condition user login to the system

Flow of event 1. user login to the system

2. User selects change password link.

3. The system display password change form.

4. User fills all information and click change


5. The system change the password and save the

new password

6. The system display an acknowledgement of

password change successfully

Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If user enters wrong the system display
message in order to correct wrong information.

Step 4. If users input does not exist in the database

the system display the password does not exist

Exit condition A new user account is crated

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Table 18 Delete user account use case description

Use case name Delete user account ID: 9

Participating actor Admin

description This use case helps the user to delete user account
if it is no more necessary.

According to BR#10, Admin create account for

officer and staff.

Entry condition The user login to the system, the account exists.

Flow of event 1.Users select Manage account from menu bar

2. the system select Delete account link

3. Users search account who wants to delete.

4. The system display information of that account.

5. User click delete button.

6. The system deletes the account.

7. The system display an acknowledgement

successfully deletes the account.

Alternative Flow of event Step 3.If the user account does not exist the
system display “account not found” information.

Exit condition the account is deleted

Table 19Recover forgotten password use case description

Use case name Recover forgotten password ID: 10

Participating actor Staff

Description The system users may forget their password

so this use case help to the system user to
recover the forget password.
Entry condition The user must be previously register

Flow of event 1. The user click on forgotten password button

2. The system display forget password recover


3. The user will enter all required information and

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click on display button.

4. The system retrieves the password and display

on their page and will display acknowledgment
successfully retrieve the password.

Alternative Flow of event Step 4.if the user miss required information the
system display the message to fill all required

Exit condition The user knows their password

Table 20Approving Staff Clearance use case description

Use Case Name: Approving Staff Clearance ID: 11

Participating Actor Officers

Description The system checks the name and ID of the staff on the HRM
database and approve if not exist, PO take the approved clearance
form from the staff and approve the clearance form for the last time
by putting the seal of the university and their signature.

According to BR#05

Entry condition The Staff Must Be Requesting for Approving clearance

Flow of event 1.Officer Page displayed.

2.The system creates department head homepage and the
system list the staff name who want to be cleared.
3. Click clear button or staff name link.
4. Checking for Eligibility of staff.
5.Return notification of cleared staff.
6. Staff list updated.
7. New staff list displayed.
8. The use case ends.
Exit condition The Staffs get Cleared and approved form the officer.

Table 21Rejecting Staff Clearance use case description

Use Case Name: Rejecting Staff Clearance ID: 12

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Participating Actor System, officer, staff

Description The system and officer checks the ID of the staff on the HRM
database and reject if exist.

Entry condition The Staff Must Be Requesting for Approving clearance and officer
login to the system.

Flow of event 1. The staff’s login in to the system

2. The system displays staff clearance Form
3. The staffs fill the required information in staff’s
clearance form
4. The staff click the submit button
5. The system checks the staff information on the HRM
6. If the staff information exists, the system rejects the
clearance request with a notification in which office the
staff have responsibility
7. The displays again on staff clearance form page
Exit condition The Staffs clearance request Rejected

Table 22Requesting for Clearance approval use case description

Use Case Name: Request for Clearance approval ID: 13

Participating Actor Staffs

Description Staffs click the submit button after they fill the required information
to request for clearance approval.

Entry condition Staff Must fill the required information on the clearance form and
click the submit button

Flow of event 1. Staff login into their own page

2. Staffs fill the required information on the clearance
3. Staffs click the submit button
Exit condition Staffs waiting until the system say some thing

Table 23Filing clearance form use case description use case description

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Use Case Name: Fill Clearance Form ID: 14

Participating Actor Staffs

Description Staffs fill the clearance form on their own page

Entry condition Staffs must be login in to the system

Flow of event 1. Staff login into their own page

2. Staffs click the clearance form link
3. The system displays the clearance form
4. Staffs fill the required information on the clearance
Exit condition The required information on Clearance Form Filled

Table 24Mange staff information use case description

Use Case Name: Manage Staff Information ID: 15

Participating Actor Admin

Description Admin upload the staff information and give user name, password
and privilege to the staff

Entry condition Admin users must be login to the system to their own page.

Flow of event 1. Click record staff information link

2. The system displays the record staff information form
3. The user fills the required field and click add button
4. The system validated the user input and save the data
into the database
Exit condition Staff information inserted to the staff information table

Table 25Check Clearance status use case description

Use Case Name: Check Clearance status ID: 16

Participating Actor Staff

Description Staffs of HU sign Clearance online and then they see their clearance

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Entry condition Staffs must be logged in.

Flow of event 1. Staff logins the system.

2. System creates staff clearance page.
3. Staffs click the check clearance status button or link.
4. The system checks the staff information from database.
5. The systems display staff page with his or her clearance.
6. The system displays clearance status of the staff.
Exit condition Staff check the staff clearance.

2.6.5. Essential User Interface Prototype Examples

Figure 3 : Essential Security Login

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Figure 4: Data Entry Screen on book store registry

2.7.2 Activity Diagram

Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe dynamic aspects of the system.
Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow from one activity to another activity. The
activity can be described as an operation of the system.

Activity diagram 1: - Login

The above diagram show the activities performed when the system user login into the system. The user
opens the systems home page and clicks the login link. The system displays the login form page. Then
they fill the user name and password to login and click the login button. The system validates the users
input and display their page if the user input is correct or notify the error and display the login form page.

Activity Diagram 2: - Request for clearance for staff

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Activity Diagram 3: - approval of clearance initiation

Activity Diagram 4: - Officer clearing staff

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Activity Diagram 5: -Officer recording staff information

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Activity Diagram 6: - HRM create user account

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Activity diagram 7: - Delete User account

Figure 5Activity diagram

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3.1 Introduction
System design is the process and focuses on decomposing the system into manageable parts.
During requirements analysis, we concentrated on the purpose and the functionality of the
system. During system design, we focus on the processes, data structures, and software and
hardware components necessary to implement it. The challenge of system design is that many
conflicting criteria and constraints need to be met when decomposing the system. The analysis
model describes the system completely from the actors’ point of view and serves as the basis of
communication between the client and the developers. The analysis model, however, does not
contain information about the internal structure of the system, its hardware configuration, or,
more generally, how the system should be realized. System design results in the following
 List of design goals, describing the qualities of the system that developers should
 Webpage architecture, describing the subsystem decomposition in terms of subsystem
responsibilities, dependencies among subsystems, subsystem mapping to hardware, and
major policy decisions such as control flow, access control, and data storage.
3.1.1 Purpose of system design
The Purpose of system design is in order to: -

 Define what methods or mechanisms we use to achieve requirements of the system.

 Fill the gap between the system specification produced during requirements elicitation
and analysis.
 Make the system easily manageable by individual team member.
3.1.2 Design Goals
Design goals describe the qualities of the system that developers should optimize. The following
are the qualities that our system should focus on.
 Performance: HU clearance system should respond fast with high throughput, i.e. it should
perform the task of HU Staff clearance system quickly.

 Error Handling and Extreme conditions: The system should be robust enough to handle error
conditions and continue with normal operations. If an error occurs, the system should
identify the error and notify to the user.

 Availability – HU Staff clearance system should be accessible from any computer if the
computer is connected with a server computer by local area network and will be accessible
anytime a user would want to use the program.

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 Security: HU Staff clearance system should be secured, i.e., not allow other users or
unauthorized users to access data that has no the right to access it.

 Cost: The system should be developed with minimum cost possible

 Modifiability: HU Staff clearance system should be modifiable for further modification and
enhancement of the application.

3.2. Class Modeling

3.2.1. Class Type layered approach

Interface This layer wraps access to the logic of our system. This layer consists of interface

Class – user interface (UI) classes that provide people access to our system.

Domain This layer implements the concepts pertinent to our business domain, focusing on the
data aspects of the business objects, plus behaviors specific to individual objects.

Process The process layer implements business logic that involves collaborating with several
domain classes or even other process classes.

Persistence layers encapsulate the capability to store, retrieve, and delete objects/data
permanently without revealing details of the underlying storage technology.

System classes provide operating-system-specific functionality for your applications, isolating

your software from the operating system (OS) by wrapping OS-specific features, increasing the
portability of your application. -7

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Figure 6 layered architecture of the system

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Class Diagram

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Sequence Diagram
Sequence 1: Login

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Sequence 2: Check Clearance Status

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Sequence 3: Officer approve clearance

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Sequence 4: Add user Account

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Sequence 5: Delete User Account

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Sequence Diagram 6: Request for Clearance

Sequence 7: Borrow Material

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Collaboration diagram is another form of interaction diagram. It represents the structural

organization of a system and the messages sent/received. Structural organization consists of
objects and links. The purpose of collaboration diagram is similar to sequence diagram. But the
specific purpose of collaboration diagram is to visualize the organization of objects and their
interaction. Collaboration diagrams aim at showing the communications that happen between
objects, by defining messages that flow between each other.

Figure 7Collaboration diagram for user login

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Figure 18: - Collaboration diagram for user Fill clearance form

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Figure 19: Collaboration diagram for Staff Clearance signing

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Figure 20: Manage Account

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Figure 21: Collaboration diagram for approving clearance of Staff who already borrowed property.

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State Chart Diagram

UML state machine diagrams depict the various states that an object may be in and the
transitions between those states. In fact, in other modeling languages, it is common for this type
of a diagram to be called a state-transition diagram or even simply a state diagram. A state
represents a stage in the behavior pattern of an object, and like UML activity diagrams it is
possible to have initial states and final states. An initial state, also called a creation state, is the
one that an object is in when it is first created, whereas a final state is one in which no transitions
lead out of. A transition is a progression from one state to another and will be triggered by an
event that is either internal or external to the object. States are depicted as rounded rectangles.
Transitions are arrows from one state to another. Events or conditions that trigger transitions are
written next to the arrows.

State chart diagram 1: Login

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State chart diagram 2: Staff state in Clearance system

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State chart diagram 2: Signing Clearance

State chart diagram 3: Officer record information

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3.2.3 Sample user Interface

In this system users will communicate with it through the following user interfaces.

1. Home Page: This form contains some links which lead it to the concerned page, and if the user
has an account he/she will directly go to concerned page by entering their username and
password. In case for the staffs the system requires ID Number as user name.

Figure 8 Home page of HU Staff clearance System

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2. Log in form: -this form found immediately following the home page. Home page
appears as the site on which the system is deployed is opened. The user gets the login
link when they open the system as the same as the home page. Every user of the system
uses their user name and their number as password for the first time.

Figure 9 HU Staff Clearance System Login Page

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3. Officer Registration: the registrar officer gets to their page and registers the new officer
to the central database by using this form.

Figure 10 Officer Information record form

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4. Staff Registration: the registrar officer gets to their page and registers the new staff to
the central database by using this form.

Figure 11 staff information record form

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5. Upload material lend staff information: the officer gets to their page and registers
property lend staff information and the property information to the central database
when the staff borrowed property from their office.

Figure 12 property lend staff information record form

6. Change password: every user of the system gets to their page and clicks the change
password link when they want to change the password, and the change their password
using the form bellow.

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Figure 13 change password form

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7. Staff fill clearance form: This page will help the staff to fill clearance system whenever
want to be cleared.

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Persistent Modeling or Database Design

Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This logical data
model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed
to generate a design in a Data Definition Language, which can then be used to create a database. A fully
attributed data model contains detailed attributes for each entity.

The term database design can be used to describe many different parts of the design of an overall database
system. Principally, and most correctly, it can be thought of as the logical design of the base data
structures used to store the data. In the relational model these are the tables and views. In an object
database the entities and relationships map directly to object classes and named relationships.
The process of doing database design generally consists of a number of steps which will be carried out by
the database designer. Usually, the designer must:
 Determine the relationships between the different data elements.
 Superimpose (place one thing over another, typically so that both are evident) a logical structure
upon the data on the basis of these relationships
The following are list of entities along with their entity

First Normal Form

Attributes of entity Data types Primary Key Foreign Key

1. User account  User name  Varchar (30)  User
 Password  Varchar (20) name
 Role  Varchar (15)
2. Officer  Officer Name  Varchar (30)  Officer  User name
 Job Class  Varchar (15) ID
 Officer ID  Varchar (10)
 User Name  Varchar (30)
3. Staff  Staff Name  Varchar (30)  SIDNO  User name
 SIDNO  Varchar (10)
 Sex  Varchar (5)
 Age  Varchar (20)
 Dept. Name  Varchar (30)
 College  Varchar (20)
 User Name  Varchar (20)
 College  Varchar (20)
4. Property  Property Name  Varchar (30)  Property
Borrow staff  Property ID  Varchar (10) ID
information  Office Name  Varchar (5)

72 | P a g e
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 Property Cost  Date ()

 Entry Date  Varchar (30)
 Varchar (20)
5. Clearance  Clearance no  Varchar (20)  Clearanc  SIDNO
 Status  Varchar (15) e no
 Reason  Varchar (15)
 Date  Date ()
 SIDNO  Varchar (10)
6. Property  Case ID  Varchar (20)  Case ID  Property
Borrow  SIDNO  Date () ID
 Borrow Date  Varchar (20)  SIDNO
 Officer Name  Varchar (20)
 Office  Varchar (20)
 Property Name  Varchar (20)
 Property ID  Varchar (20)
 Return Date  Date (10)

Second Normal Form

User Account Table

User name Password User Type

Officer Table
Officer Name Officer Type Officer ID

New introduced Table 1

User name Officer ID

Staff Table
Staff Name SIDNO Sex Dept. name Faculty User name

New introduced Table 2

SIDNO User name

Manage Property information

Property Property ID Entry Date Office Cost

Clearance table
Clearance No Status Reason Date SIDNO

73 | P a g e
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New introduced table 4

Clearance no SIDNO

Property Borrow Information

Case ID SIDNO Borrow Officer Office Property Property
Date Name Name ID

New Introduced Table

Case ID SIDNO Property ID

Third Normal form

Updated tables

Staff table
Staff name SIDNO Sex

Manage Property borrow staff information

Case ID Property name Property ID Borrow date Office

Clearance staff
Clearance form Status Reason Date

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Component diagram
In this Diagram components of the system will be wired showing that there is relation among
components, management of the system, database and operations performed on databases such security
issue. This in some extent shows which component or objects will be accessed by whom and what type of
security infrastructures it is using. The diagram is simulated below.

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Deployment Diagram
Deployment Diagrams show the hardware for your system, the software that is installed on that hardware,
and the middleware used to connect the disparate machines to one another.

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The Implementation Process takes the design model and produces an equivalent executable
representation and the purpose of this part of the document is to provide short explanation how
we implement the system. In this phase we show the tools and environment to implement the

The implementation part of developing clearance system for staff was so hard because of the
happening things in our campus so as we know to develop the system we need equipment
especially in Computer related fields, we mainly use two terms called hardware & software, that
are the oxygen for developing system.

Tools and environment

We used different hard ware and software tools to develop the system those are

Front end
 Notepad++ 6.9.2 ----- to design users interface.
Notepad++ is a free (As in “free speech” and also as in “free beer”) source code editor
and notepad Replacement that support several languages like PHP, JavaScript, HTML
and etc. Running in the MS windows environment.
Back end
SQL Server is a Microsoft product used to manage and store information.
SQL Server is a “relational database management system” (RDMS). Broken
apart, this term means two things.
Pictures editing
 Adobe Photoshop CS4
Hard ware
 Four Laptop computer with 4GB RAM and 500 GB hard disk for server to design data
base and client to write the code.

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 CD/DVD and flash disk to take back up & store file

 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): in order to design front end of the system and to
design help file for the user.

HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages). HTML stands
for Hyper Text Markup Language. A markup language is a set of markup
tags. HTML documents are described by HTML tags. Each HTML tag describes
different document content.

 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): in order to make format the displayed HTML.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a markup language.

Sample Code
1. Home Sample Code

<title>HUSCMS | Home </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/style.css" title="style" />

<div id="main">
<div id="header">
<div id="logo">
<div id="logo_text">
<!-- class="logo_colour", allows you to change the colour of the text -->
<h1><a href="index.html">HU-<span class="logo_colour">Staff Clearance
<h2>Haramaya University Staff Clearance System</h2>

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<div id="menubar">
<ul id="menu">
<!-- put class="selected" in the li tag for the selected page - to highlight which page you're
on -->
<li class="selected"><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="aboutus.html">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="news.html">News & Event</a></li>
<li><a href="loginbest.php">LogIN</a></li>
<li><a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php">Help</a></li>
<div id="site_content">
<div class="sidebar">
<!-- insert your sidebar items here -->
<form method="post" action="#" id="search_form">
<input class="search" type="text" name="search_field" placeholder="Enter
keywords....." />
<input name="search" type="image" style="border: 0; margin: 0 0 -9px 5px;"
src="style/search.png" alt="Search" title="Search" />
<h3>Upcoming Event</h3>
<h4>New Website Launched</h4>
<h5>January 1st, 2010</h5>
<p>2010 sees the redesign of our website. Take a look around and let us know what you
think.<br /><a href="#">Read more</a></p>
<h4>New Website Launched</h4>
<h5>January 1st, 2010</h5>
<p>2010 sees the redesign of our website. Take a look around and let us know what you
think.<br /><a href="#">Read more</a></p>

<div id="content">
<!-- insert the page content here -->
<h1><center>Welcome to Haramaya university Staff Clearance system</center></h1>

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<div id="content_footer"></div>
<div id="footer">
Copyright &copy; 2015 haramaya university Staff Clearance system website </div>
2. Login Sample Code
if (isset($_POST['Login'])){
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$ecode = base64_encode($password);
$query = "SELECT * FROM userinformation WHERE username='$username' AND
password='$ecode' ";
$result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());
$num_row = mysql_num_rows($result);
usertype =$row["usertype"];
$clearancestatus =$row["clearancestatus"];
if( $num_row > 0 ) {

if($usertype=="Library Officer"){

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header('location:0Library/index.php ');
else if($usertype=="HR"){

else if($usertype=="CCDE Officer"){

else if($usertype=="health center"){

if($usertype=="Sport Master"){

else if($usertype=="staff"){

else if($clearancestatus=="requestsent"){


82 | P a g e
HU Staff Clearance System Documentation

else if($usertype=="department"){

else if($usertype=="Legal Service"){

else if($usertype=="finance"){

else if($usertype=="Regitrar"){

else if($usertype=="College"){


echo "<script>windows: location='login.php'</script>";

3. Add Clearance Record to database

$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];

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$idno = $_POST['idno'];
$bookcode = $_POST['bookcode'];
$borroweddate = $_POST['borroweddate'];
$returndate = $_POST['returndate'];
$recordstatus= $_POST['recordstatus'];
$borrowername = $_POST['borrowername'];
tree=mysql_query("select * from userinformation where usertype='staff' AND
firstname='$firstname' AND lastname = '$lastname' AND accountstatus='active' AND
idno='$idno'")or die("Error occured".mysql_error());
if($rownum !=1)
echo"<script>alert('Please insert the valid information')</script>";
echo "<script>windows: location='beforeadd.php'</script>";
$tes=mysql_query("select quantity from bookrecord where bookcode='$bookcode'")or
die("Error occured".mysql_error());

$result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());
if( $result==1){
_query("update bookrecord set quantity='$will' where bookcode='$bookcode'")or die("
Unable to update book record".mysql_error());
echo '<script>alert("Record Succesfully Added ")</script>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="alert alert-dismissable alert-success">';
echo '<strong>'."Error in sending message.".'</strong>';
echo '</div>';

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4. Approve Clearance Record


$firstname = $_GET['firstname'];
$lastname = $_GET['lastname'];
$idno = $_GET['idno'];
bookcode = $_GET['bookcode'];
$borroweddate = $_GET['borroweddate'];
$returndate = $_GET['returndate'];
$recordstatus= $_GET['recordstatus'];
$borrowername = $_GET['borrowername'];
$approvedby = $_GET['approvedby'];

$tes=mysql_query("select quantity from bookrecord where bookcode='$bookcode'")or die("Error

$query = "update libraryrecord set firstname = '$firstname',lastname = '$lastname',idno =
'$idno',bookname = '$bookname',borroweddate = '$borroweddate' , returndate = '$returndate',
WHERE caseid='$caseid'";

$result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());

if( $result==1){
mysql_query("update bookrecord set quantity='$will' where bookcode='$bookcode'")or die("
Unable to update book record".mysql_error());
echo '<script>alert("Record Succesfully Approved ")</script>';
"<script>windows: location='approverecord.php'</script>";
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="alert alert-dismissable alert-success">';
echo '<strong>'."Error in sending message.".'</strong>';

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echo '</div>';

5. Check Clearance for Staff From Sport & CCDE


$image=mysql_query("select * from libraryrecord where firstname='$fn' AND
lastname = '$ln' AND recordstatus='$recordstatus' AND idno='$idno'")or die("Error
$sport=mysql_query("select * from sportrecord where firstname='$fn' AND
lastname = '$ln' AND recordstatus='$recordstatus' AND idno='$idno'")or die("Error
if($rownum >=1)
echo '<span style="color:red;text-align:center;">Not Cleared, FINISH OTHERS!!

echo '<button type="button" style="margin-left:20px"; class="btn btn-primary" data-

toggle="modal" data-target="#librarymodal">Detail</button>';
else if($sportrownum >=1){
echo '<span style="color:red;text-align:center;">Not Cleared, FINISH OTHERS!!</span>';
echo '<button type="button" style="margin-left:20px"; class="btn btn-primary" data-
toggle="modal" data-target="#sportmodal">Detail</button>';

$image=mysql_query("select * from ccderecord where firstname='$fn' AND lastname = '$ln'

AND recordstatus='$recordstatus' AND idno='$idno'")or die("Error occured".mysql_error());


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if($rownum >=1)
echo '<span style="color:red;text-align:center;">Not Cleared, You Have A case in CCDE
Please solve it first!!</span>';
echo '<button type="button" style="margin-left:20px;margin-top:-5px"; class="btn btn-primary"
data-toggle="modal" data-target="#ccdemodal">Detail</button>';
echo '<span style="color:#AFA;text-align:center;">Cleared From CCDE!</span>';
Testing methodology
We will use the following fault detection technique in order to identify the possible faults that
may occur during and after developing the system it help us to assure the quality of our product.

 Unit testing

Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of an
application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper operation.

Unit testing is often automated but it can also be done manually.

We will use this testing technique in order to test smallest individually executable code units, for
example checking the flow of clearance system with only one issue. Let take more brief
example, we can check when the LIBRARY officer add clearance record.

And Also we can test the system by taking one actor, means by checking all things that actor
does, example how one staff request a clearance.

 Integration Testing

Integration testing (sometimes called integration and testing, abbreviated I&T) is the phase in
software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. It
occurs after unit testing and before validation testing.

We will apply integration testing in order to test Interactions between two or more units or

The main Example about our test because to check all things work together, information flow
around officers and other things that must be done related to integrated test.

 System testing

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System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to

evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the
scope of black-box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the
code or logic.

We test all the components together to check whether the systems meet all requirements or not.

Test all things that’s is under the clearance system?

Checking that’s the system work with in expectation?

Scope Completed Successfully?

Clients Feedback
We can’t collect all the feedback from the clients because of unrest in our campus and also
difficulty to implement the system but as an option, we opt to use techniques related to our co-

Questions for The Clients

1. How do you rate this clearance system?

2. What do u expect from system?
3. After Perceiving the system, Is it Interactive?
4. Is it working Correctly?
5. Is there anything to add?
6. And Other……

The clients responded, the system is good but there is something to add to this system, according
to those comments we add so many things to the system and also we try our best to keep what
the client perceived as good from the system.

And also the clients give us to add a lot of things…like...

 How to get new things like news…

 Error Avoid Mechanism
 And others

User Manual

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Since the system is web based everything important for the user will be explained and
implemented while giving short training when the system is deployed.

For accessing the system, they must have a user account or if it

1. How One Staff Get Cleared from The System?

Step1: First staff Click login to fill required username and password

Step2: staff fill required username and password

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Step3: Staff Fill Clearance Form and click Request then wait a response from HR and

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Step4: The after staff get request accepted from the Department and HR, he can take
clearance now like this

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2. Officer Add Clearance Record and Approve

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Select one book to be borrowed

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Fill the form and click add record

Then to get approved Check this out

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Generate Report

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As project come up to the end. We pass all software development life cycles. Start from system
specification up to system testing and at each stage system development we understand clearly what to be
done and what need to be done each tasks. For example, in analysis, we tried to model the new and
proposed system using UML diagrams: - use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams and
Activity Diagram. And from this we understand how to model the system.
In general, the project (system) that the team developed will benefit the enterprise in by changing its
business range from manual to online level.

The overall benefits of the system to the University are:

 provide sufficient security

 Minimize the time required to perform task.
 Reducing human power and cost that are spent on the manual system.
As a system developing team the group member has acquired more knowledge and experience about the
different phases of the software development life-cycle. As software developers, the team has worked
together and assessed risks, and minimizes them.

As project come up to the end. We pass all software development life cycles. Start from system

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specification up to system testing and at each stage system development we understand clearly what to be
done and what need to be done each tasks. For example, in analysis, we tried to model the new and
proposed system using UML diagrams: - use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams and
Activity Diagram. And from this we understand how to model the system.

We recommend those: -

 To make students interesting in developing course, there should be additional courses to

be given to the students.
 Adjust things to test the developed the project in the right manner.
 Give students full information
 Advise students effectively
 Provide Resources to students
 Maximize interaction between students and teachers to do good projects.
 Give full time period
 Mainly for the university, keeping the peace of campus is the main because without peace
anything can’t be done.
 And other
If those points are accepted between students and teachers in our department and also in our
college it will be much change with developing projects.

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 Object preimir, 3 edition by Douglas Baldwin and Greg w. Scrag
 Object Oriented Software Engineering using UML, Patterns and Java Second Edition by
Bernd Burgge and Allen H.DutoitS
 Design and Implementation of Staff Clearance System (A Case Study of Caritas
 STAN MAGEE, CCP and LEONARD L. TRIPP Guide to software engineering standards
and specifications PART II
 Alain Abran, École de technologiesupérieureJames W. Moore, The MITRE Corp. (2004
Version) Guide to software engineering body of knowledge 2004 Version

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