FM Calculation
FM Calculation
FM Calculation
Also Draw the grading Curves of the Samples. Make a brief discussion on the Results.
Wt. of Wt. of
Sieve Material Retained
Container Container+ % Retained
Opening (gm)
(gm) Sand (gm)
4.75mm 458 468 10 2.00
2.36mm 518 578 60 12.00
1.18mm 487 522 35 7.00
600µm 405 633 228 45.60
300µm 388 497 109 21.80
150µm 350 393 43 8.60
Pan 421 436 15 3.00
Total = 500
FM =
regare Samples.
on on the Results.
Cumulative %
14.00 Clay Content = 3.00%
88.40 Clay Content
97.00 3.00%
For stone Chips
Weight of Cylindre = 4.217 Kg
Weight of Cylindre + Stone= 6.559 Kg
Weigh of Stone = 2.342 Kg
Bulk unit weight 1444.43053686
Weight of Cylindre + Rotted Stone= 6.894
Weigh of rotted Stone = 2.677
Rotted Unit weight 1651.3954049613
For Sand
Weight of Cylindre = 4.217
Weight of Cylindre + Stone= 6.736
Weigh of Sand = 2.519
Weigh of Sand = 1553.5954407986
Cement 350
water Cement ration 0.52
water= 182
Stone 1105.5
Sand 704.2789553753
Mixing Ratio for 3500 Psi Concrete for Aman Economic Zone (Precast Pile )
Cement (CEM-I,52.5N) 350 Kg
Water Cement ratio 0.52 Kg
Water 180 Kg
Coarse aggregate Weight (50% Stone + 50 % Singel) 1100 Kg
Fine aggregate (FM=2.50) 730 Kg
Admixture .8% by Weight of Cement Kg
Slump Value 70-80 mm
Total Weight 2360.52 Kg
Weight of Cylindre 3.994 Kg
Weight of Cylindre + Stone 6.241 Kg
Weigh of Stone = 2.247 Kg
Bulk unit weight 1385.839204
Weight of Cylindre + Rotted Singel= 6.36
Weigh of rotted Singel = 2.366
Rodded Unit weight 1459.594471
With out Admixture With out Admixture
Water 180.00 153
W/C 0.50 0.38
Cement 360.00 402.63
Sp. Of Cement 3.14 3.14
FM Value of sand 2.50 2.50
Dry Rotted Unit wt of Coarse Aggregate 1642.00 1642.00
Weight of Coarse Aggregate 1067.30 1067.30
Specific gravity of Coarse Aggregte 2.67 2.67
Specific gravity of Fine Aggregte 2.70 2.70
Weight of fine Aggregate = 771.15 807.40
With out Admixture
Problem- 1:- Calculate FM (Finess Modulus) for the following Aggregare Samples.
Also Draw the grading Curves of the Samples. Make a brief discussion on the Results.
Material Retained Cumulative %
Sieve Size % Retained
(gm) Retained
4.75mm 4 0.81 0.81
2.36mm 10 2.03 2.85
1.18mm 6 1.22 4.07
600µm 215 43.70 47.76
300µm 210 42.68 90.45
150µm 46 9.35 99.80
Pan 1 0.20 100.00
Total = 492
FM = 2.46
Clay Content
Cement 370 Kg Cement
Water 185 litter 370
Water/ Cement 0.5 1
Air Entrened 2 %
Specific Gravity of Cement 3.12
Specific Gravity of Coarse aggregate 2.6
Specific Gravity of Sand 2.54
FM of Sand 2.89
Rodded Unit weight of Coarse Aggregate 1460 kg/m3
Weight Of Coarse aggregate 919.8 kg
Weight Of fine aggregate 819.5082 kg
Sand Stone
819.5082 919.8
2.214887 2.485946