Swampfox Rule Changes 1

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Swampfox Bassmasters Club Rules (Amended January 2019)

1. Club members will be expected to observe common sense rules of courtesy, safety,
sportsmanship, and conservation.
2. No alcoholic beverages or other depressants shall be allowed during the tournament or
at weigh in.
3. Club minimum is 12’’, follow all state regulations per body of water. Only black bass are
eligible for weigh in with a five fish limit per tournament. Fish will be measured on a flat
board with mouth closed. Anyone coming to the scales with a short fish will be penalized
by culling of the largest fish in his creel. Anyone bringing more than 5 fish to the scales
will have his catched culled beginning with the largest fish.
4. Tournament ties will be broken by the largest fish. A big fish tie will be decided by the flip
of a coin.
5. All bass caught during a tournament becomes property of the club and must be released
upon completion of weigh in. Exception; A trophy fish 6 pounds or more may be kept for
the purpose of mounting it.
6. No live or prepared baits are allowed. Only casting and spinning reels are allowed. There
is no restriction on the amount of gear in your boat. Only one rod is to be used at a time.
No rods over 8 feet will be allowed.
7. All tournament contestants must wear a Coast Guard approved floatation device anytime
the boat is on a plane.
8. All members must be at blast-off to fish a tournament. If late, find a club member have
him check your live well and kill switch, and pay him your entry fee.
9. All boats must meet the following requirements:
A. Accommodate two (2) fisherman safely.
B. Be able to maintain a live catch.
C. Have a working kill switch.
10. Following blast-off, all movement will be by boat only.
11. All fishing must be from a boat. Contestants are not allowed to depart the boat to land
any fish.
12. When a new member is presented to the club by an existing member,the potential
member has to ride in the boat with the existing member on the first ride. The next two
tournaments the potential member can use his own boat while on probation once his live
wells are checked the morning of the tournaments. . (The draw for riders have been
voted out except when a new member is coming in the club. There are no more draws
for non-boaters.)
13. Anyone desiring membership with the Swampfox Bassmasters must be at least 16 years
old or older and be introduced by a current club member. Membership will be temporary
until qualifications for full membership as listed below are met:
a. Must fish three (3) club tournaments within six (6) months from date of
b. Must be a member of B.A.S.S.
c. Must attend 3 meetings within six (6) months from the date of introduction.
d. Be voted in by members present at the next club meeting after the third (3rd)
tournament fished. Vote must be unanimous.
Swampfox Bassmasters Club Rules (Amended January 2019)

14. First, second, and third place tournament winners will be paid out of the tournament
fees. Payback will be 50%, 30% and 20% respectively.
15. End of the year point tie will be broken by the total fish weights for the year.
16. The tournament committee will select locations for tournaments with the option to cancel
or changes sites, providing all club members are informed. This is the responsibility of
the tournament committee. The tournament committee will select on away tournament
each year. Away is more than 75 miles from Loris.
17. Any rule change deemed necessary, must be approved by two-thirds (⅔) vote of the
18. Any tournament protest must be made to the president or next highest officer in
attendance within 30 minutes after weigh-in, and in writing to be presented to the club at
the next regular meeting.
19. All protests will be decided by members at the next regular meeting by a majority
vote.Decisions are final and uncontestable.
20. Any member disregarding any of the rules is subject to removal from the club by a
two-thirds (⅔) majority vote.
21. Big fish of the year must be beat by 2 ounces or 0.13 pounds depending on the type of
scaled used.
22. Beginning with the 1995 tournament trail, the point system will be modified as follows:
after the final tournaments of the calendar year, each member will drop two tournaments
of their choice. Point totals for bassmaster of the year will be compiled from remaining
tournaments fished that year. These same rules are also in effect for the six man team.
23. All contestants must blast off from the same location as all other club members and must
be at the same site by the appointed weigh-in time. Any member arriving at the weigh-in
site after set appointed weigh-in time will be disqualified. Members can give another
member his fish or transport by boat to weigh-in if he has mechanical issues and can not
make it there on his own, as long as the boater that he gives his fish to arrives there by
appointed weigh-in time.
24. If the six man team is fished internally, there shall be no pre-fishing by the top six team
members during that appointed tournament.
25. The club will have no more than 40 members.
26. Club dues must be paid by January’s regular club meeting.
27. Points for new members start in January and July.
28. The club dues are $85.00 and must be paid no matter what time of the year the member
joined the club.
29. Members are not allowed to be members of any other federation type club.
30. Members may acquire up to 50 points per year for attendance.
Swampfox Bassmasters Club Rules (Amended January 2019)

31.To maintain your membership you must fish at least 4 tournaments and attend 4 meetings in
a year. Unless there is some sort of hardship which the club will determine. If that doesn’t
happen you will lose your roster position.

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