Sepam Upgrade 5 Project Launch File V1

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.Deliverable Id: Sepam

Launch File – Sepam Upgrade 5 upgrade 5
project project launch

Owner: JB. SAMUEL Stage Gate: Launch commitment

Version date: September 5th, 2012

Table of contents
1. Purpose of this project ........................................................................................................................... 2
2. Selected Product Evolution Requests .................................................................................................... 2
3. The Market ............................................................................................................................................ 3
3.1. Relay market segmentation .............................................................................................................. 3
3.2. Motor management market .............................................................................................................. 4
3.2.1. Segmentation .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.3. Targeting segmentation for Upgrade 5 ............................................................................................. 6
3.1. Size and growth of the potential market (projected quantity 2016) .................................................... 7
4. Offer definition ....................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1. IEC 61850 Edition 2 & FTP access................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1. IEC 61850 Worldwide developments ............................................................................................ 8
4. Settings in CID file – OTM for Spain (prototype) ................................................................................... 11
4.2. Data log functions .......................................................................................................................... 12
4.3. Motor Start Report and Trends ....................................................................................................... 16
4.3.1. Motor Start report ....................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.2. Motor Tends .............................................................................................................................. 18
4.4. Thermal protection improvement (49RMS) ..................................................................................... 21
4.5. Loss of synchronization (78PS) – Improvement .............................................................................. 21
4.6. New Distributed generation - Grid Code - Low voltage ride through (LVRT) .................................... 21
4.7. Extended memory cartridge (hardware creation) ............................................................................ 23
4.7.1. Reference creation and price list ................................................................................................ 23
4.8. Pc setting software ......................................................................................................................... 24
5. Competitive analysis on Motor application ........................................................................................... 25
5.1. Competitor overview ...................................................................................................................... 25
5.2. IED comparison ............................................................................................................................. 25
6. Sales Channel and Pricing Policy ........................................................................................................ 28
6.1. Sepam Sales channels (year 2009) ................................................................................................ 28
6.2. Cost breakdown definition .............................................................................................................. 28
6.3. Extended memory cartridge series 80 Price list, DVC, COGS (CCV) target and transfer price to IDC*
7. Transfer price to country policy ............................................................................................................ 31
8. Repair and exchange policy ................................................................................................................. 31
9. Customer value ................................................................................................................................... 32
9.1. Sepam range ................................................................................................................................. 32
9.2. Upgrade 5 Customer value............................................................................................................. 34
10. Communication and Launch ........................................................................................................... 36
10.1. Launch schedule ............................................................................................................................ 36
10.2. Tools.............................................................................................................................................. 36
10.3. Communication media ................................................................................................................... 36
11. Stock and distribution ..................................................................................................................... 37
11.1. Stock ............................................................................................................................................. 37
12. Training ......................................................................................................................................... 37
13. Technical support ........................................................................................................................... 38

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1. Purpose of this project

Since Sepam series 20, series 40 and series 80 commercialization, many Product Evolution
Requests (PERs) have been sent by our country correspondent (more than 200).
Referring to these PERs and in order to capitalize on Sepam series 20, series 40 and series 80
product lines, "Upgrade" projects allow us to enhance the Sepam range with new functions
and accessories.
The purpose of “Upgrade” projects is to implement new functionalities to grow Sepam sales.
Since May 2006, 5 upgrade projects have been launched (Upgrade 1; 1,5; 2, 3 and 4 projects).
The last Sepam "Upgrade 4" & Sepam Series 60 project were launched in April 2011 and the
following document is to prepare the next "Upgrade 5" project launch.

After a first evaluation, 18 PERs have been pre-selected. After a country survey, done in 2010, 8
PERs have been selected.
"Upgrade 5" project concerns Sepam series 60 & 80.
The commercial launch is planed end of December 2012.

For information, all the PERs (more than 200) sent to IED activity (ex EM or PMC depatment) have
been transfered to a new database and will be considered as "seeds" for “Fusion project” (new relay

2. Selected Product Evolution Requests

The final Upgrade 5 project content is:

- IEC61850 EDITION 2 & FTP access
- Data Log on all applications
- Motor Start Report, Trend only on motor applications
- 49RMS and 66 motor protection improvement for new motor
- 78PS – Improvement
- Frequency protection low and high improvements (with an accuracy of 0.01Hz)
- Distributed generation - Grid Code - Low voltage ride through (LVRT)
- Extended memory cartridge (hardware creation) x2 memory capacity of storage (Disturbance
recording, data log, trends)

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3. The Market
3.1. Relay market segmentation

- Industry (in case of single or several substations) :

Channels and decision makers : Local contractors, panel builders
o Engineered substation for end-user sites :
 Business type : Large turnkey contracts
 Influencer / specifyer for relays : Engineering companies or system integrators
o Single substation for single customer :
 Business type : Medium to small size projects
 Influencer / specifyer for relays : Panel builders or design institutes

- Large sites (Oil and Gaz / Mining Minerals and Metals…) :

Channels : Panel builders
Decision makers : Engineering, end customers
o Engineered substation for end-user sites :

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 Business type : Large turnkey contracts

 Influencer / specifyer for relays : Engineering companies or system integrators

3.2. Motor management market

The estimation of the motor management * revenue for 2011 is 2,5 B$ with 15% of Compounded
Annual Growth rate (CAGR) from 2010 to 2015.

*Motor management is compound of drive, soft starter, autotransformer and protections to start the motor.

Break down through the different technologies:

Direct on line (DOL) 73,9%

SoftSart 16,8%
Autotransformer 5,6%
Others 3,7%

So it means that 79,5%. (DOL + Autotransformer) of the market uses IED protection or nothing.

3.2.1. Segmentation

Who is using motors?

Motor segmentation 2011


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MMM 35

Oil & Gas 25

Power Generation 17

Marine 12

Where motors are used?

Motor management geographic 2011

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3.3. Targeting segmentation for Upgrade 5

The targeted segments for the new functions of the Upgrade 5 are “Industry” and “Large sites”:
- Oil and Gas
- Mining Minerals and Metals,
- Marine,
- Power generation.

Segmentation Specific evolutions

Oil & Gas IEC 61850 Edition 2
Motor report
Motor protection improvements
Extended memory cartridge
MMM Data log
Motor report
Motor protection improvements
Extended memory cartridge
Marine Motor report
Motor protection improvements
Power generation Frequency protection low and high improvements
(with an accuracy of 0.01Hz)
Distributed generation - Grid Code - Low voltage
ride through (LVRT)
78PS – Improvement

The main drivers for the data log and motor reports are:
1. Energy efficiency & Environmental friendly
2. Suitable for weak grid and high power motors
3. High reliability & low maintenance cost

The customers who want to optimize the production process are the most involve in the following of
the motor and metering.

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3.1. Size and growth of the potential market (projected

quantity 2016)

According to the result of the survey done in 2010, the total additional sales should be 4 500 Sepam
per year in 1016 :

Rank Descriptions

1 IEC 61850 EDITION 2 + FTP 2200

2 Data log creation 1000

3 Motor Start Report, Trend 500

4 Extended memory cartridge 200

5 Frequency low and high evolutions 200

6 Distributed Generation - Grid code compliant 200

7 78PS – Improvement 200

8 49RMS and 66 motor protection improvement 200

TOTAL 4 500

Forecasted quantity 2013 2014 2015 2016

IEC61850 + FTP 100 500 1000 2200

Rest of the PER 700 1700 2000 2300

Total 800 2200 3000 4500

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4. Offer definition

4.1. IEC 61850 Edition 2 & FTP access

The increase of sales of IEC 61850 references is the strongest of the Sepam catalogue, so
Automation decided to continue the developments in this direction by passing the EDITION 2 on the
Sepam range.

Evolution of the IEC61850 RSTP redundancy board on Series 40, 60 and 80

4.1.1. IEC 61850 Worldwide developments

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The main elements of the Edition 2.0 of the standard are :

- to correct or clarify some unsatisfactory points of edition 1.0 (reports for instance). This is mainly, but
not only, covered by the integration of the technical issues collected on a dedicated web site
- to extend the existing model by defining new objects covering new fields;
- to improve and extend the offered services.

For Sepam the most visible objects are

- Sequence of events (SOE) in a readable text file stored,
- Fault report in a readable text format,
- FTP remote access to the equipment.

Target: Sepam series 40, 60 and 80, all applications

The Sepam series 40, 60 and 80 are ready to pass the tests following the standard Edition 2

The certification campaign for Sepam will take place at the begin of 2013 (after the SELL decision),
because, at this time, the test procedures are not fully defined by the standard itself.
The development of the Sepam is already done and we are waiting the publication of the test cases
defined in the UCA international Users Group Device Test procedures to engage the certification
with the B level.
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Here below you can find the detail of the test procedures. Notice that you have to add the group LOG
CONTROL BLOCK to have the content of the IEC61850 next certification.

An example of function block accessibility through the information network

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4. Settings in CID file – OTM for Spain (prototype)

*WARNNING: This function is presently in field test with ENDESA (Spain Utilities),
for further deployment on others countries /customers please contact us.
For ENDESA we develop a capacity of storage of the settings of the protection into the CID files*.
Now is possible to configure the IED (series 80 only) through the IEC 61850 file.

Target: Sepam series 80, all applications

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4.2. Data log functions

This function is able to store a list of measurement during long period of time.

Target: Sepam series 60 and 80, all applications

For each Sepam applications you have the possibility to store metering values limited to a number of 20.
Customer can choose the value in a relevant metering value list of the Sepam.

Sepam logs following a specific duration (setting from 1s to 30 days) and a specific sampling frequency
(setting from on by 1s to once by 24 hours).

In function of the duration and the sampling frequency the memory allocated for the data log in the Sepam is
divided in a number of records.

With an option button, the customer can choose to have a circular buffer mode (by default) (It means that
at the end of the memory area, the first value recorded are overlapped with the latest value sampled) or a
limited mode, the data log stops at the end log area and a message is generated.

The customer can choose the duration and the frequency of launch (each minutes, hours, days, or always)
using the logical equation.

Each time a log is started a new record (bloc) is used.

If a data log record is in operation when a new one is launch, the priority is given to the new one.

The starting/stopping conditions are given by

- Digital input,
- Goose,
- TC
- Communication.

Characteristics resume:

1. Sample frequency from 1s to 24 hours,

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2. Record duration 2 modes : mode start/stop (maximum 30 days) mode circular buffer
3. Number of records max : 20 Start/stop
4. Number of measurements by record : 15
5. COMTRADE format record (on PC)

Examples of size of recording datalog blocks:

- 20 points each 1mn during 24H
- 20 points each 30 mn during 30 days.

Measurements available:

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4.3. Motor Start Report and Trends

The customer value for the Motor Start report is the capacity to adjust your motor protection at the closest
of your motor demand.

The customer value for the Motor Trends is to follow the motor during months and to detect deviation.

Target: Sepam series 60 and 80, MOTOR applications ONLY

4.3.1. Motor Start report

For the motor start report, the Sepam will able to record 5 reports (min) of 144 sec maximum.

The sample frequency is dynamic in function of the duration of the report. The point number is fixed to 144.

Examples of size of recording Motor Start blocks:

For a 144 sec duration report 144 pts) represents a sample frequency of 1 Hz.
For a 2 sec duration report (144 pts) represents a sample frequency of 72Hz.

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Measurements available:

Data Number Data Number Data Number

U12,U23, U31 3 I direct 1 Io 1
I1,I2, I3 3 I inv. 1 Vo 1
Temperature 16 V direct 1 Motor torque 1
Rotation speed 1 V inv. 1 Slip 1
Rotor 1 Stator 1 Frequency 1
resistance resistance
Rotor 1 Stator 1 Motor 1
heating heating heating

The customer chooses the data he wants to show in the report.

Depending of the number of data that the customer has chosen, the SFT2841 calculates the maximum
records number storable in the Sepam memory.

Characteristics resume:

- Sampling frequency max 72 Hz

- Duration from 2s to 144s
- Number of stored files 5 ( 20 with an extended cartridge )
- COMTRADE format record (on PC)

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Example of Motor start report on the Sepam front face (MIMIC):

1. Time Stamp
2. Name of the left measurement
3. Change the right measurement
4. Maximum value reached
5. Record duration

4.3.2. Motor Tends

The “Data trend” makes an envelope calculation and an average (min, max and average of each point) of the
30 previous days of record.

The trend functions have the same duration and the same sampling frequency than the day to day data
report. The day to day data aren’t stored.

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Measurements available:

Data Number Data Number Data Number

U12,U23, U31 3 I direct 1 Io 1
I1,I2, I3 3 I inv. 1 Vo 1
Temperature 16 V direct 1 Motor torque 1
Rotation speed 1 V inv. 1 Slip 1
Rotor 1 Stator 1 Frequency 1
resistance resistance
Rotor 1 Stator 1 Motor 1
heating heating heating

Characteristics resume:
- Monthly report of all motor start records
- Min, max and average value
- COMTRADE format record for download on PC

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Example of Motor Trends on the Sepam front face (MIMIC):

1. Time Stamp
2. Measurement selection
3. Measurement name
4. Duration

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4.4. Thermal protection improvement (49RMS)

Target: Sepam series 60 and 80, MOTOR and TRANSFORMER applications.

Thermal protection has been improved for the new type of motors coming on the market. Now with the new
thermal models is possible to follow closer the thermal evolution of a motor or transformer for a better
protection in a hot or cold state.

4.5. Loss of synchronization (78PS) – Improvement

Target: Sepam series 60 and 80, GENERATOR applications ONLY

A new method of calculation based on the angle and the was implemented on Sepam with the collaboration
of EDF.
Now the 78PS is fully operational and tested on a large type of real situations on many different contexts of
electrical networks.

4.6. New Distributed generation - Grid Code - Low voltage

ride through (LVRT)

Target: Sepam series 60 and 80, all applications

The constraints of connecting of the installations of production (Grid codes) in the distribution networks vary
according to countries, and distributors.

In a general way, the installations of production have to stay in functioning when the frequency and\or the
voltage on the distribution network reaches exceptional values during limited durations.

In summary, everything must be made for that the installations of production participate to support the
distribution network.

To illustrate the constraint of holding in the variation of the voltage of the distribution network, ERDF in
defined on April 25th, 2008 in the governmental publication, the following curve:

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Now, the ENTSOE 2012 has finished a draft to standardise the function by giving a name
Low voltage ride through (LVRT) and some rules of implementation.

Characteristics resume:

1. Customized profile to stay connected to the Grid ,

2. Compliant with ENTSOE 2012 ,
3. Define point to point curve,
4. Function (T) = % of U/Un ,
5. First relay ready on the market conform to ENTSOE 2012

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4.7. Extended memory cartridge (hardware creation)

Target: Sepam series 80, all applications

4.7.1. Reference creation and price list

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4.8. Pc setting software

- SFT2841 setting and operation software :

o New version V13.xx
o The SFT 2841 is the setting and operating tool for Sepam series 20, series 40, series 60 and
series 80. It is able to manage all the evolutions created by the present project.
o Settings file comparison tool ( able to show the differences between 2 Sepam files),
o Checksum on the setting files to prevent manual modifications,

- CET850 configuration software for IEC61850 protocol :

o The CET850 software is used to easily create, modify and consult the SCL (Substation
Configuration Language) configuration files for the IEC61850 communication protocols for
the Edition 1 or 2. In all cases, you have to choose in what Edition (1 or 2) you want to run at
the IED level.

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5. Competitive analysis on Motor application

5.1. Competitor overview

5.2. IED comparison

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Compare to competitors series 60 and 80 on Motor function bring competitive advantages:

- Mimic display (able to display multiple curve at the same time),
- Motor start with a high sampling frequency: and with a large memory to store the record files,
- Thermal protection with double body models: 30% the motor failure come from overload so the
thermal protection is the key function for the motor protection. Only ABB uses this kind of new
algorithm to protection the new generation of motor.
- Harsh environments: 19% of the motor failure come from the environment contaminations, the
coated boards of the Sepam is a powerful advantage to increase the IED lifetime.

- Motor failure origin repartition, 2011

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Compare to competitors series 60 and 80 on Motor function have some weakness:

- Name plate facility settings: SEL offers this functionality on the SEL710. Just copy the information
listed into the name plate of the motor to protect it. It’s seems to be a very attractive idea. The
objection which can be raised it’s : all motor name plate do have exactly the same information
around the world, and the second are you sure that the information on the motor is the right one
( rewiring, ageing, etc).
- Self learning: directly at the opposite side, GE offers a self learning protection to fit exactly the
protection to the motor without any information. This function needs of a multiple starts of the motor
in some different starting contexts (loaded, empty, etc).God algorithm but seems to be difficult to use
it in the real life.

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6. Sales Channel and Pricing Policy

6.1. Sepam Sales channels (year 2009)

According to country or zone strategy, the sale channels remain the same as currently

Note : China excluded

6.2. Cost breakdown definition

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6.3. Extended memory cartridge series 80 Price list, DVC,

COGS (CCV) target and transfer price to IDC*

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COGS Transfer
DVC target (CCV) Price (TP) to
Offer Comments
(Euros) target IDC (Euros)

Extended memory
cartridge for
16,80 € 18,68 € 19,80 €
Sepam series 80
Only (ref : 59701)


7. Transfer price to country policy

The transfer pricing will be handled according to the standard procedures defined with the
“Schneider Electric Transfer Pricing Policy” effective in January 2011.
This range of products is only sold via the IDC* (International Distribution Center) or the Regional
Distribution Center.
The transfer prices applied to countries, REU (Regional Equipment Unit) and services that work on
projects and contracts, comply with the Corporate rules (markdown process, cost+ …).
Each country marketing team will need to work with their IED Business Development person and the
appropriate Finance people to establish the pricing and the markdown file.

8. Repair and exchange policy

Each country is responsible for warranty exchange and commercial consideration exchange as a
part of their commercial costs.
The extended cartridge should be exactly at the same level of warranty (life warranty) than the
standard one.
IED activity may request that units be returned for analysis if an issue is suspected or needs
additional investigation. In such a case each country is responsible for returning the units to the IED
activity (France). Therefore, please notify IED Global Tech Support of any issues regarding the
Sepam and the accessories.

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9. Customer value
9.1. Sepam range

With Sepam protection relay, save time at every step in project development
and installation to consistently meet your project dealines :

- Go for simplicity :
With muliti functional Sepam protectyion relays, you can measure, manage, analyze and produce
diagnostics for all applications in an installation.
Range modularity makes it easy to select the relay corresponding exactly to your needs.
The range is structured for typical applications (substation, transformers, generators,
capacitors, busbars and motors) and provides the necessary functions for each application :
protection, metering, control and monitoring
Starting with a Sepam base unit, complete solutions can be built up by adding optional common
modules (Input/Output, sensors, communication …)
- Make the configuration easily :
A single PC software tool for the entire Sepam range makes system start-up and operation
particularly easy. The user-friendly program guides you step by step from the initial programming
on through to final commissioning.
Sepam produces a detailed report on system configuration and all the activated protection functions.

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- Communicate the open way :

In addition to the DNP3, IEC69870-5-103 and Modbus standards, Sepam complies with Ethernet
TCP/IP ( Modbus and IEC61850), complies with network reconfiguration (RSTP IEC 62439) and
uses the communication protocol that is today’s market standard to interface with all brands of
electrical distribution devices.

With Sepam protection relay, make maximize energy availability and profits
generated by our installation while protecting life and property :

- Keep informed to managed better :

With Sepam, you get intuitive access to all information in your language so that you can manage
your electrical installation effectively. If a problem occurs, clear and complete information puts
you in a position to make the right decisions immediately.
The electrical supply is restored without delay.

- Maintain installation availability :

Sepam maintains high energy availability thanks to its diagnostics function that continuously
monitors network status.
In depth analysis capabilities and high reliability ensure that equipment is de-energized only
when absolutely necessary.
Risks are minimized and servicing time reduced by programming maintenance operations.

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- Enhance installation dependability :

Sepam series 80 is the first digital relay to deliver dependability and behaviour in the event of
failure meeting the requirement of standard IEC 61508.
Sepam series 80 complies with the requirements of ATEX 94/9/CE directive
Sepam manufacturing quality and environmental characteristics (Harsh Conformal Coating
certified IEC 60068-2-60 and EIA 364-65A Class IIIA on the basic model) are so high that the
units can be used in the most severe environments, including off-shore oil rigs and chemical

9.2. Upgrade 5 Customer value

Function Custom value
Edition 2 IEC61850 &  Ready for the future,
 Capacity to download log event,
 Capacity to manage the IED through the
network with the FTP,
Data Log  Record in continue the measurements
 Use information when needed.

Motor start report  Adjust your protection to your motor

Motor Trend  Follow the deviations during months or


Extended memory  More memory space to save

cartridge disturbance recording, event, data, trend
and to understand and diagnosis.

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49 RMS improvement  More than 30% of the motor failures are

made by the overloads,
 Motor innovation needs thermal
for MOTOR and protection improvement,
 Better protection than never to prevent
production outage.
Grid Code - Distributed  Ready to connect to the Grid,
 Produce longer and better,
 Frequency protection low and high
improvements (with an accuracy of
 78PS – Improvements.

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10. Communication and Launch

10.1. Launch schedule

- Launch Commitment : September 30th, 2012

- Produce Decision : Octobre 23th, 2012
- Sell Decision : December 30st, 2012

10.2. Tools
For more information (more details, N° of the docum ent…), please refer to the Sepam tools
presentation (.ppt presentation).

- Updated or new commercial documentation :

o Sepam series 60 & 80 datasheet (update)
o Sepam series 20, 40, 60 and 80 catalogue (update)

- Updated or new technical documentation :

o Sepam series 60 & 80 user’s manual (update)
o Sepam IEC 61850 user’s manual (update)
o Sepam IEC 60870-5-103 user’s manual (update)
o Sepam DNP3 user’s manual (update)

- Other tool :
o Sepam series 60 Order form (creation)

10.3. Communication media

All media and materials (launch package) is distributed through Pl@net, Shopping Kiosk/Repository
and through the IED FTP site :
o Username : ftpclient
o Password : ftpclient
- Directory : PMC_3_Marketing_PUBLIC / Sepam upgrade 5 project

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11. Stock and distribution

11.1. Stock

Stock quantity at “SELL” satge gate = 300 units which represent 2 months on sale (sales forecast).

The following table identifies the current build and stocking proposal :

Minimum quantity at
“SELL stage gate date” at
Extended Sepam series 80 memory
cartridge (ref : 59701) 300

Following the “SELL” stage gate, the “stock quantity” will be adapted and will follow the forecast and
the sales trend. The stock quantity will be reviewed every month.

12. Training

The training course of the series 60 & 80 will be updated.

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13. Technical support

IED Helpdesk provides support on Sepam / tool product

Contact :

Sepam IED helpdesk team can be contacted through Pl@net, Email or phone.

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