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Develop the following documents.

(i). A professional job description

(ii). A recruitment plan, including a detailed list of the methods to be followed fr recruiting, plans for
interviewing and selection criteria

(iii). An orientation plan i.e., a dialed plan for orienting the new staff member

(iv). Staff development guidelines, i.e., list the policies for professional development, including
incentives, benefits, etc,. that will explained to the new staff member.

1. How can a vision of learning be shaped by the effective communication of a school leader?

Leaders are required to set direction. Successful leadership creates a compelling sense of
purpose in the institutions by developing and communicating a shared vision of the future,
helping build agreement about related short-term goals, and representing high expectations for
colleagues' work. Direction setting is closely linked with perquisites for responsibility and shared
visions emphasizing learning over the lifetime.

Leaders, in setting and negotiating direction for schools, have a great impact on the teachers,
the other followers, and students in one way or another. The types of influence and power differ
from one situation to another and from one context to another. Christensen and Jensen (1986)
recognized that schools employ a model of power that includes four forms: direct power,
indirect power, consciousness-controlling power, and institutionalized power. Direct power
means persuading other people to implement tasks they would not have done under other
conditions. This kind of power is usually linked with sanctions of some sort (Dahl, 1961). Indirect
power is exercised when the principal sets the agenda for the professional discussion in schools
(Barach & Barat, 1962). Consciousness controlling power is a broad range of influences that
include storytelling, narratives, sense-making and other ways one can use to try and get other
people to change their opinions or refine their understandings (Lukes, 1974; Weick, 1995 &
2001). 'Institutionalized power' captures the influences that are laid down in the structures,
measures, and social technologies that are working (Barach & Barat, 1962).

In sum, the vision of learning can be disseminated across the school environment using the
proper communication skills.

2. What role does the effective communication of the school leader play in developing school

Weldy (1979) identified the influential school principal to be the leading individual in any school.
Through his/her leadership the tone of the school is established, a healthy and safe environment
of learning is set up, and the standards of professionalism and the spirit of teachers are raised.
The principal is the key factor of any successful, innovative, child centered, and reputable school
environment. Effective principals seek out and create opportunities that actively engage the
community as reflected in the school culture (Beck & Murphy, 1996).

School leaders impact the school culture. The leadership provided by a principal directly affects
the climate and culture of a school, which in turn affects student achievement (Sergiovanni,
2001). Effective principals pay attention to the culture of the school and focus on creating a
collaborative work environment (Fullan, 1997). Studies by Marzano et al. (2005) found that
effective principals fostered shared beliefs and a collegial sense of community within the school
that ultimately impacts student achievement. In order to impact the school culture, school
principals must be able to envision a successful school, act with integrity, and communicate this
vision through relationships with the school community (McEwan, 2003). Principals, who are
effective, work to create a positive environment and believe it is their responsibility to do so
(Whitaker, 2003). They understand that local citizens want a school that reflects their values and
works to shape a positive culture (Sergiovanni, 2001).

Leithwood and Riehl (2005) built collaborative school culture by creating structures to
encourage participation. Schools became effective professional educational institution. They
recognized the school leader's role in creating a school culture with a sense of collaboration by
distributing leadership or developing broad based governance structures, and de-privatizing
teaching practices.

There are communication factors that may improve the school culture and climate. La Plant
(1979) indicates that the communication process would favor and inspire the principal to lead
by example. The school community would be empowered by decisions that are made in a timely
manner. To ensure that community and parents are informed about school strategies and
various programs, the school principal communicates encouragement to participate in school
life activities. In this direction, the leader of the school according to La Plant would promote
listening to the ideas and suggestions of parents in order to prevent the emergence of
dissenting groups of parents and community members.

La Plant (1979) also referred to the communication lines between the school principal and
governing bodies such as the district office. It is a fact that good and healthy relations between
the principal and the higher administrative bodies would reinforce and fortify the school culture
and climate.

According to La Plant (1979) the flow of communication in the school should reinforce the
relationships between staff members, students, and parents. For example, effective
communication would help members of different groups feel that their work is meaningful and
important. With clear lines of communication, the principal becomes more concerned with
giving credit and recognition for the diligent efforts of all. He also stated that through an
environment of openness, mutual confidence, and co-operation, principals become peer
reviewers of the professional development and school amelioration programs. In regard to
students' effective communication in the school, the school leader would support students'
involvement and participation in the school decision making and development programs.

Nurturing a social environment through social events and gatherings can help the principal to
know his staff members more closely and can deepen their sense of mutual cordiality and
belonging to the school. In summary, La Plant (1979) strongly believed that effective
communication skills of the school principal build up a school culture that is sensitive to and
supportive of those of different social, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.

Gimbert and Fultz (2009) emphasized the importance of school leaders to nurture positive
relationships, set clear expectations, hold sensible views of beginning teachers' performance,
have in place significant mentoring program, and provide sincere enhancement to beginning
teachers to increase and maintain skills for successful classroom instruction all of which invited
the new teachers to become part of the school culture. Schools principals at this point play a
prime role in ensuring beginning teachers' development by offering the necessary training and
support as well as observing their sense of adaptation with the school culture during their early
Moreover, leadership is organizing and developing communities with and beyond the school
culture. Schools are institutions held together by structures, but if they are to be influential and
successful they need to be run as communities held together by a shared sense of identity and
by common norms and communication structures. Classrooms and schools are social fields
where education and learning occur. Loyalty and devotion to the organization are not by any
means an automatic starting position for any institution; building and enhancing loyalty and
commitment is therefore a leadership task and mission. If staff and students show complete
loyalty to their organization, leaders have to exert diligent efforts to transform the organization,
which is characterized only by a formal structure, into a community with welcoming culture,
which is characterized by all members being sufficiently committed to the ethos of the
community (Bourdieu, 1990; Wenger, 1999).

3. What tools of effective communication used by leaders promote instructional program

conducive to student’s learning?

The golden rule in any leadership position is to develop and nurture positive relationships.
Perhaps Ghandi said it best, "I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles, but today it
means getting along with people." People do not want to collaborate with someone who is
negative, confrontational, or critical, and successful ILs quickly learn that principle. First and
foremost, they work to establish positive relationships with colleagues so learning and growth
are possible.

Instructional Leaders also provide clarity, support, and resources for teachers to identify "the
point" in our instruction and in our students' learning, thereby increasing effective teaching.

These several habits have in common that cultivate an environment that is conducive to
learning, reflection, and growth for both students and teachers.

Habit #1—Instructional Leaders Understand Neuroscience

The young brain is very different from the mature brain and we see examples of it all the time in
the learning environment. When Jeremiah makes a bad choice and we ask him why he made
that choice, he almost always responds with a shoulder shrug and an, "I don't know."

The brain develops from the stem forward, with the last area of the brain to activate called the
Pre-Frontal Cortex (PFC). The PFC, otherwise known as the Executive Functioning Center, is in
charge of processing cause and effect, impulse control, attention span, organizational skills, and
emotional stability.

Experts believe the PFC fully activates in the female around 20 years old. The male PFC often
takes a little longer, fully activating in the mid-twenties. This has serious implications for
educators as we sometimes place the same expectations on the young brain that we have for
the mature brain, which sets our students up for failure.

The good news is that we can accelerate healthy brain development and help students develop
the skills they need for success. When we provide students explicit instruction in literacy,
communication and critical thinking strategies, reflection, social-emotional learning, and growth
mindset, the neural connections in the PFC increase.
Instructional Leaders are knowledgeable in neuroscience and they provide professional
development opportunities and resources to ensure routines, expectations, learning
experiences, and assignments are developmentally appropriate, while simultaneously fostering
healthy brain development.

Habit #2—Instructional Leaders Are Connected Lead Learners

As society changes, student and teacher needs change. From Standards Based Report Cards to
PBL to 1:1 deployment, education is an evolving entity. It is imperative that educators evolve as
well. To remain current, effective ILs model and demonstrate the importance of continued

Instructional Leaders are often involved in one or more professional education organizations,
such as AMLE, and are also connected to other educators via social media, such as Twitter. They
may also facilitate staff book studies, Tech Tuesdays, webinars, and collaborative analysis of
student work. These opportunities provide continued growth, collaboration, and networking
with others in and outside our districts and maximize our resources and learning capacity.

Habit #3—Instructional Leaders Support Content AND Comprehension Instruction

Instructional Leaders know that effective teaching is not rocket science … it is far more

Making school relevant to our students requires that we teach students both content AND
comprehension. Many educators have heard a teacher lament, "I don't have time to teach
comprehension because I'm too busy covering math standards." If a teacher believes his only
role is to cover content, the teacher is doing a disservice to his students because authentic
learning requires comprehension.

An IL's expertise and instructional resources are invaluable in helping others develop the
knowledge and skills needed to increase student achievement and independence.

For example, an IL may provide training and resources in how to teach note-taking, analysis, or
supporting a claim with evidence. A few strategies that I am often asked to share are PDP
Cornell Notes, Somebody Wanted But So, Close Reading, Episodic Notes and Exit Tickets. All of
these strategies work well across the content areas and with all skill levels. More importantly,
when students are explicitly taught how to use strategies, they develop competence and
confidence and retain the comprehension strategies, resulting in more self-reliance and less
teacher dependence.

Effective teaching and learning requires competence, confidence, and comprehension.

Instructional leaders provide the support in which to meet those goals.
Habit #4—Instructional Leaders STOP, Collaborate and Listen

Instructional leader develop instructional leadership capacity in others by investing the time and
effort to meet with novices and veterans to clarify what is needed for success to occur. They
also provide the resources and support in order to encourage continual growth.

Habit #5—Instructional Leaders Promote Peer Coaching & Observation Opportunities

An effective way to evaluate and develop our skill sets is to participate in peer coaching. Unlike
evaluative observations performed by administration, peer coaching focuses on colleagues
observing each other a few times per year and analyzing data to encourage reflection and

Peer coaches do not act as evaluators; they simply observe a lesson and collect data based on
what the observed teacher requests. For example, Mrs. Smith has an instructional goal of
incorporating more multi-leveled questions and 50-50 teacher/student talk time in class. She
asks her colleague to serve as a peer coach to observe her class and collect data on levels of
questioning used and the percentage of time both she and her students spend discussing the
content. The peer coach will observe and collect that data and then give it to the observed
teacher so she can reflect and make adjustments in order to meet her goals.

This peer coaching structure is not a formal observation that is evaluative or punitive; it is a
collegial way to collect classroom data to determine if an instructional goal is being met.
Instructional leaders provide the support to facilitate this learning opportunity.

Habit #6—Instructional Leaders Encourage Growth Mindset through Reflection

In her book Mindset, Carol Dweck shares the importance of developing a growth mindset in our
students by reflecting on mistakes and persevering to make adjustments to increase success.

Instructional Leaders foster a growth mindset in colleagues by modeling and practicing

reflection. Some valuable reflection questions include:

 What was the content objective of the lesson?

 What was the critical thinking objective for the lesson?
 Were the objectives met? If so, what did students do throughout the lesson to meet
 objectives?
 What changes would you make to the lesson? Why these changes?
 What are your teaching strengths and what would you like to improve?
 How do you differentiate to meet the needs of both struggling and advanced students?
 How do you promote positive relationships with students and colleagues?
 How do you encourage students to learn from mistakes?

Instructional Leaders encourage the development of a growth mindset by helping colleagues to

reflect on what works and what does not and then use that data to guide their thinking and
Habit #7—Instructional Leaders Adjust Support Based on Need

In her book, The Instructional Leader's Guide to Strategic Conversations with Teachers, author
Robyn Jackson categorizes the four types of teachers as:

 high will/high skill

 high will/low skill
 low will/high skill
 low will/low skill

Just as we wouldn't use the same approach for each student, based on a teacher's will/skill
level, an IL coaches a teacher to develop goals and provide the proper support based on the
educator's needs.

For example, a high will/low skill teacher is often a new(er) teacher who has the desire to
increase student proficiency yet may lack the knowledge or skills to do so at such an early stage
in his/her career.

4. How can effective communication of the school leader promote the professional growth of
the staff members?

In order to most effectively coordinate and deploy people and resources, communication is
essential to build a good relationship. Strong ability to gather feedback on the fly and express
clear, actionable directives is the heart of successful management.

Effective principals are talented at building relationships. As McEwan (2003) states,

"Relationships drive school improvement" (p. 54). School leaders understand that to have a
successful school, they need to focus on the people within the school, not the programs
(Whitaker, 2003). By maintaining the focus on people the successful principal indirectly
promotes the development, implementation, and growth of high quality instructional programs.
The ability to establish personal relationships with all members of a school community is central
to the work of a school principal. These relations convey a sense of caring and appreciation. This
constant attention to relationships allows school principals to build up emotional bank accounts.
They know how to bring out the best in those around them to foster relationships that empower
people and help them thrive (McEwan, 2003). Caring is a way of showing respect for teachers
and students involved in this process. Principals may express caring through challenging people
to grow personally and professionally. Marzano et al., (2005), McEwan (2003) and Whitaker
(2003) found that effective principals demonstrate and engage in a variety of relationship-
building behaviors with teachers, students, and parents on a daily basis in an effort to keep their
relationships positive and growing.

Additional factors in the relationship between principals and the school community involve
respect for staff members' relentless efforts, and high collegiality among staff aspiring for
innovation, creativity and co-operation, enhancement of integrity, responsibility, and
involvement with extracurricular community (La Plant, 1979). Principals work with or through
people to reach goals which frequently are directly related to instruction. They must create
relationships based on trust with their staff members. For example, relationships can be
reinforced through scheduling time for individual meetings, providing personal and professional
growth opportunities, encouraging dialogues, and modeling trust. Through communication,
professional development of staff members may be designed and developed. For instance,
involving staff in assessing current policies and practices of school and proposing changes to
move the school forward could empower school members. Staff members feel their individuality
and importance as factors of development since the principal confides in them, promotes their
professional growth, and has them as a source of instructional and emotional support. The
school staff members and the principal, then, can be depicted as a ship crew and the captain
who share responsibility for their survival and success.

A critical group which requires special professional consideration is the new teachers who are
added to the school each year; they affect the dissemination of the instructional program. The
school principals, school administrators, mentors as well as senior teachers provide a
multifaceted prospective on the performance of beginning teachers (Brock & Grady, 2007).

Their viewpoints on the novice teacher's efficiencies are essential to buttress the quality of
teaching and learning for both students and teachers. Principals and teachers are also loaded
with numerous expectations that society places on them. Ballantyne et al. (1998) argue in their
research on principals' perception of competent beginning teachers that there are many ways
that they perceive a beginning teacher's efficacy and that it is principals' own perception that
precedes their judgment of efficacy. Research by Cheng and Cheung (2004) has shown that the
school's perceptions may vary from the perceptions of others, and these may have positive or
negative impacts on beginning teachers' teaching and learning.

School leaders are responsible for facilitating the transformation of beginning teachers from a
pre-service teacher preparation program into the school educational setting (Gimbert & Fultz;
2009). Throughout this process, school leaders are required to figure out beginning teachers'
points of strengths and areas for improvement and to provide great support and training to
address identified needs (Melton, 2007; Peltier-Glaze, 2005; Protheroe, 2006). School leaders
are realistic about beginning teachers' attentiveness and provide enhancement and training
through positive communication that encourages these teachers to develop and maintain skills
for effective classroom instruction (Cheng & Chung, 2004). Novice teachers are required to fully
comprehend their tasks and duties, as well as their team position in the school context in order
to be influential. They are required to be aware of their tasks in terms of classroom
management and the execution of curriculum and instructional plans (Brock & Grady, 2007).

Care and attention to the induction of the beginning teacher into the profession is essential, so
it is widely recognized that support is essential for beginning teacher success (Kaufman,
Johnson, Kardos, Liu, & Peske, 2002). In the beginning years, the school leaders play an
important role of interaction with the beginning teachers that would have a positive impact on
the quality of the beginning teachers' know-how, self-assurance, efficacy, and efficiency. This
creates a two-step issue for school leaders: they are required to enhance beginning teachers as
they promote student success and accomplishment and to enhance the potential of those
teachers. Professional development must address both issues. Kaufman et al. (2002)
emphasized that beginning teachers need careful orientation and guidance concerning
curriculum, instruction, and essential appraisal measures as well as to bridge theory and
practice in the construction of high-level learning environments. Gimbert and Fultz (2009)
emphasized the importance of school leaders to nurture positive relationships, convey clear
expectations, hold sensible views of beginning teachers' performance, have in place significant
mentoring program, and provide sincere enhancement to beginning teachers to maintain and
increase skills for successful classroom instruction.

School leaders should recognize the importance of encouragement and empowerment as

positive tools to enhance beginning teachers (Melton, 2007). Cheng and Cheung (2004) found
that beginning teachers' sense of awareness and efficacy is better when their self perception
and that of their school principals are united. This must be communicated clearly. Research has
also stated that these are the prime concerns for many beginning teachers. A consistent and
unified amalgamation between theory and practice is perquisite for beginning teachers to
engender skill knowledge (Bromfield, 2006; Stansbury, 2001). The process of professional
developmental and growth from a novice teacher into a talented one can last for many years,
but the most crucial and challenging ones are the early phases of growth (Stansbury, 2001).

While the new teacher's need for quality professional development is great, the effective
principal recognizes the importance of continuing support and development for established
teacher as well. Leithwood and Riehl (2005) asserted that by providing support for individual
colleague's ideas and initiatives, promoting intellectual stimulation, reflecting on existing
practices, questioning granted assumptions, considering new practices, and modeling important
values and practices by promoting and sharing these practices and their outcomes, principals
contribute to the growth of all school staff. The explicit and implicit actions of the school
principal have direct impact on the construction of teachers' professional identities and growth.

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