Anderson Chapter 4
Anderson Chapter 4
Anderson Chapter 4
Leading Trailing
edge edge
Other notations
* SC0195
* VR12
How to measure
a0 =
a, angle of attack : the angle between the freestream velocity and the chord
1. a0 is not usually a function of Re.
2. Cl,max is dependent on Re.
Profile drag
* AC (Aerodynamic Center)
[Def.] The point about which the moment is independent of AOA
Subsonic : AC=c/4
Supersonic : AC=c/2
L = rvG
* G : positive clockwise
Vortex filament of strength G
* Velocity potential at P
* If
The local strength of the vortex sheet is equal to the difference ( jump) in
tangential velocity across the vortex sheet
“Vortex sheet method” is more than just a mathematical device; it also has
a physical meaning
ex. : Replacing the boundary layer ( ) with a vortex sheet
Aerodynamics 2015 fall - 12 -
Incompressible Flow over Airfoils
* The circulation around the airfoil is the value to ensure that the flow
smoothly leaves the trailing edge.
* Purposes
i) Find g(s)
ii) Use Kutta-Joukowski theorem, L’=rVG
, ,
Indeterminant form
By L’Hospital’s rule
* Lift :
* Lift coefficient :
* Lift slope :
…… (a)
Transform …… (b)
x into q
…… (c)
By using ,
Lift slope,
Aerodynamics 2015 fall - 14 -
Incompressible Flow over Airfoils
* Lift slope is 2p for any shape airfoil
* Moment coefficient
* Panel method
- Vortex panel
- Source panel non-lifting cases
* Exactly same idea of thin airfoil theory, but no closed form g(s)
solve numerically
= : f (panel geometry)
* Now, we have (n+1) eq. with n unknowns ignore one of control points
* Total circulation :
* Lift :
< 4.12 The Flow over an Airfoil – the Real Case >
Leading-edge stall
< 4.12 The Flow over an Airfoil – the Real Case >
Trailing-edge stall
< 4.12 The Flow over an Airfoil – the Real Case >
Thin airfoil stall
Leading-edge stall
Flow separation takes place
over the entire surface of
the airfoil after occurring at
the leading edge
< 4.12 The Flow over an Airfoil – the Real Case >
Lift-coefficient curves
Leading-edge stall
Lift coefficient
10 20
α, degrees
< 4.12 The Flow over an Airfoil – the Real Case >
High-lift devices
< 4.12 The Flow over an Airfoil – the Real Case >
High-lift devices
Trailing-edge flap (plain type)
< 4.12 The Flow over an Airfoil – the Real Case >
High-lift devices
Effect of slats and flaps